Video Ad Serving Template (VAST)
Corrections and clarifications (Section 7) added April 2016
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 2 VAST_v4.0
This document has been developed by the IAB Digital Video Committee
The Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) specification was created by a working group of
volunteers from IAB member companies.
The following IAB member companies contributed to this document:
4A’s & Ad-ID
A&E Television Networks
ABC/Disney Interactive
Media Group
Adobe Systems Inc.
CBS Interactive
Demand Media
Engage BDR
Extreme Reach
Fox Networks Group
Google & YouTube
Innovid Inc
Integral Ad Science
JW Player
LiveRail Inc.
NBC Universal
Opera Media Works
PGA Tour
Rhythm New Media
Rovi Corp
SeaChange International
Sizmek Technologies
Time Warner Cable
Tremor Video
Turner Broadcasting
System, Inc./
Verizon Wireless
Visible Measures
White Ops
The IAB lead on this initiative is Amit Shetty.
Contact adtechnol[email protected] to comment on this document. Please be sure to include
the version number of this document (found on the bottom right corner on this page).
The Digital Video Committee of the IAB is comprised of over 180 member companies
actively engaged in the creation and execution of digital video advertising. One of the goals
of the committee is to implement a comprehensive set of guidelines, measurement, and
creative options for interactive video advertising. The Committee works to educate
marketers and agencies on the strength of digital video as a marketing vehicle. A full list of
Committee member companies can be found here.
This document is on the IAB website at:
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 3 VAST_v4.0
Table of Contents
Executive Summary .............................................................................................. 6
Intended Audience ................................................................................................ 7
Resources for Digital In-stream Video .................................................................. 8
1 General Overview ........................................................... 9
1.1 VAST Ad Serving and Tracking .................................................................... 9
1.1.1 Sending An Ad Request ................................................................... 9
1.1.2 Client-Side Ad Serving .................................................................... 10
1.1.3 Server-Side Ad Serving .................................................................. 10
1.1.4 Server-to-Server Ad Tracking ......................................................... 12
1.2 Viewability and Ad Verification ................................................................... 13
1.3 Programmatic Support ................................................................................ 13
1.4 Long-Form Video Support .......................................................................... 14
1.4.1 High-Quality Video .......................................................................... 14
1.4.2 Unique Creative Identification ......................................................... 14
2 VAST Compliance ......................................................... 15
2.1 Ad Server Expectations .............................................................................. 15
2.2 Video Player Expectations .......................................................................... 15
2.3 General Compliance ................................................................................... 15
2.3.1 VAST Ad Types .............................................................................. 16
2.3.2 XML Structure ................................................................................. 16
2.3.3 Encoding URIs for VAST ................................................................ 17
2.3.4 Tracking .......................................................................................... 19
2.3.5 VAST Wrapper Ads ........................................................................ 20
2.3.6 Error Reporting ............................................................................... 21
2.3.7 Macros ............................................................................................ 24
2.3.8 Industry Icon Support ...................................................................... 25
2.4 Viewability Verification and Interactive Linear Creative .............................. 27
2.4.1 Publisher Viewability ....................................................................... 27
2.4.2 Viewability with Ad Verification Services ........................................ 27
2.4.3 Interactive Linear Creative Files ..................................................... 28
3 VAST Implementation ................................................... 28
3.1 Declaring the VAST response .................................................................... 29
3.2 VAST .......................................................................................................... 30
3.2.1 Error (VAST) ................................................................................... 30
3.3 Ad ............................................................................................................... 30
3.3.1 Ad Pods and Stand-Alone Ads ....................................................... 31
3.3.2 The Ad Element .............................................................................. 32
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3.4 InLine .......................................................................................................... 33
3.4.1 AdSystem ....................................................................................... 33
3.4.2 AdTitle ............................................................................................. 34
3.4.3 Impression ...................................................................................... 34
3.4.4 Category ......................................................................................... 34
3.4.5 Description ...................................................................................... 35
3.4.6 Advertiser ........................................................................................ 35
3.4.7 Pricing ............................................................................................. 35
3.4.8 Survey ............................................................................................. 36
3.4.9 Error (InLine and Wrapper) ............................................................. 36
3.5 ViewableImpression ................................................................................... 37
3.5.1 Viewable ......................................................................................... 38
3.5.2 NotViewable .................................................................................... 38
3.5.3 ViewUndetermined ......................................................................... 38
3.6 Creatives .................................................................................................... 39
3.7 Creative ...................................................................................................... 39
3.7.1 UniversalAdId ................................................................................. 40
3.7.2 CreativeExtensions ......................................................................... 40
3.7.3 CreativeExtension ........................................................................... 41
3.8 Linear .......................................................................................................... 41
3.8.1 Duration .......................................................................................... 42
3.8.2 AdParameters ................................................................................. 42
3.9 MediaFiles .................................................................................................. 43
3.9.1 MediaFile ........................................................................................ 43
3.9.2 Mezzanine ...................................................................................... 44
3.9.3 InteractiveCreativeFile .................................................................... 45
3.10 VideoClicks ............................................................................................... 45
3.10.1 ClickThrough ................................................................................. 46
3.10.2 ClickTracking ................................................................................. 46
3.10.3 CustomClick .................................................................................. 47
3.11 Icons ......................................................................................................... 47
3.11.1 Icon ................................................................................................ 48
3.11.2 IconViewTracking .......................................................................... 49
3.11.3 IconClicks ...................................................................................... 49
3.11.4 IconClickThrough .......................................................................... 49
3.11.5 IconClickTracking .......................................................................... 49
3.12 NonLinearAds ........................................................................................... 50
3.12.1 NonLinear ...................................................................................... 50
3.12.2 NonLinearClickThrough ................................................................. 50
3.12.3 NonLinearClickTracking ................................................................ 51
3.13 CompanionAds ......................................................................................... 52
3.13.1 Companion .................................................................................... 52
3.13.2 AltText ........................................................................................... 53
3.13.3 CompanionClickThrough ............................................................... 54
3.13.4 CompanionClickTracking .............................................................. 54
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 5 VAST_v4.0
3.14 Tracking Event Elements .......................................................................... 55
3.14.1 Tracking Event Descriptions .......................................................... 55
3.14.2 TrackingEvents .............................................................................. 58
3.14.3 Tracking ......................................................................................... 58
3.15 Creative Resource Files for Non-Video Creative ...................................... 59
3.15.1 StaticResource .............................................................................. 59
3.15.2 IFrameResource ............................................................................ 60
3.15.3 HTMLResource ............................................................................. 60
3.16 AdVerifications .......................................................................................... 61
3.17 Verification ................................................................................................ 61
3.17.1 JavaScriptResource ...................................................................... 62
3.17.2 FlashResource .............................................................................. 62
3.17.3 ViewableImpression ...................................................................... 62
3.18 Extensions ................................................................................................ 63
3.18.1 Extension ....................................................................................... 63
3.19 Wrapper .................................................................................................... 64
3.19.1 VASTAdTagURI ............................................................................ 64
4 Migration to VAST 4.0 ................................................... 66
4.1 Advertisers and Ad Technology Vendors ................................................... 66
4.2 Ad Servers and Networks ........................................................................... 66
4.3 Video Players ............................................................................................. 66
5 Human Readable VAST XML Schema ......................... 67
6 VAST Terminology ........................................................ 71
7 Addendum: Corrections and Clarifications ............... 73
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 6 VAST_v4.0
Executive Summary
VAST is a Video Ad Serving Template for structuring ad tags that serve ads to video
players. Using an XML schema, VAST transfers important metadata about an ad from the
ad server to a video player. Initially launched in 2008 VAST has since played an important
role in the growth of the digital video marketplace.
The early days of video consisted mostly of shared videos and other user-generated
content. Success in monetizing this content with ads has produced the resources to
improve the digital video marketplace. However, digital video has met a number of
challenges along the way.
One challenge, and a key reason some video publishers avoid using VAST, is a lack of
quality control. Along with the IAB Video Player-Ad Interface Definition (VPAID), VAST can
deliver ads programmatically or include ads with complex interactions. If a player isn't
programmed to accept VPAID ads, the ad cannot be executed. Even when the player does
accept VPAID ads, performance may be slow and cause latency in load times. In the
meantime, the audience experiences a delay or a malfunction in their viewing experience.
Publishers and ad vendors need a way to separate the video file from its interactive
components to ensure that ads play in systems that cannot execute the interactive
components. These ads should also execute more efficiently in players that are equipped to
handle the interactions.
Another challenge, especially for broadcasters who are moving their content online, is the
lack of a consistent identifier for creative that is maintained across systems. VAST offers a
creative identifier, but it has been used inconsistently and one creative may use different
identifiers for every system it passes through. A system-wide identifier is a requirement for
broadcasters trying to maintain control over the ads they play.
VAST 4.0 has addressed these challenges along with a few others. As players begin to
adopt the updates in VAST 4.0, digital video can expect to see smoother operation and the
continued growth that results.
The updates made in VAST 4.0 and the challenges they address are summarized here:
Separate video file and interactive file: The complexity of digital video has given
rise to the need to separate the linear video file from any creative interactive API
files. While the VAST media file has accepted a variety of media files in the past,
interactive APIs cannot always be executed. A VAST tag that provides the video file
separate from APIs can display more successfully across platforms and devices.
Server-side support: While client-side ad execution and tracking has been the
recommended way to track ad impressions and other metrics, digital in-stream video
ads are often served to devices (clients) that cannot execute and track ads using
traditional display methods. VAST 4.0 supports the increasingly common “ad-
stitching” method for stitching linear video ads into a video content stream and
sending it to players with limited capabilities.
Mezzanine file: To support advertising across video platforms that include long-form
content and high-resolution screens, VAST 4.0 features include support for the raw,
high-quality mezzanine file. The mezzanine file is very large and cannot be used for
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 7 VAST_v4.0
ad display, but ad-stitching services and other ad vendor use it to generate files at
appropriate quality levels for the environment in which they play.
Ready-to-serve files: Along with support for including the mezzanine file, VAST 4.0
provides guidance on providing three ready-to-serve video files, each at different
quality levels, to ensure that a linear video ad can always play. The IAB Digital Video
Ad Format Guidelines offers guidance on video file specifications for linear ads.
Universal Ad ID: While VAST has offered a creative identifier in the past, it has
been used inconsistently. The new Universal Ad ID feature is used specifically for
including a creative identifier that is maintained across systems. The existing adId
attribute for creative can still be used to log creative IDs specific to the server.
Ad Verification and Viewability Execution: Verification vendors have been using
VPAID for measurement verification instead of using it for ad interaction as VPAID
was intended. VAST 4.0 offers a designated space for inserting ad verification APIs,
enabling a more streamlined process for executing files strictly intended for ad
verification. In addition, a secondary impression element, the <ViewableImpression>
element, has been added to allow publishers the option to track viewability on their
Support for categories: Ad categories help video publishers separate competing
ad creative and improve brand safety. VAST 4.0 ad categories support these efforts.
Conditional ad declaration: In programmatic environments, a VPAID unit is
sometimes used to decide whether or not to place an ad. If this “conditional ad”
never results in an ad to display, the publisher may have to forfeit any revenue from
the resulting lost inventory. A declaration in VAST for a conditional ad helps
publishers prevent and reclaim any potentially lost inventory revenue in
programmatic ad delivery.
New error codes: Along with support for the mezzanine file and other new features,
added error codes provide additional troubleshooting support.
Standardized timestamp: Trackers used in VAST often include timestamp macros,
but its use has not been consistent. In VAST 4.0, the [TIMESTAMP] macro and the
format for time has been standardized to enable more consistent time-sensitive
Intended Audience
This document was designed for digital video technologists who either develop players that
accept digital in-stream ads or for vendors who develop ads to be sent to digital in-stream
For engineers, section 3 defines all the VAST XML elements. Section 5 includes a “human-
readable” schema for quick reference with links to more details in the document if needed.
Section 2 defines VAST compliance and section 0 provides technical tips for migrating to
VAST 4.0.
For video executives, the executive summary and section 1 provide high-level explanation
of how VAST can be used to streamline digital video ad operations.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 8 VAST_v4.0
Resources for Digital In-stream Video
In order to improve the interconnectivity of the digital video marketplace, the IAB has
published technical specifications, metric definitions, and best practices developed by
members with industry experience. Descriptions for each of these publications are listed
VAST: (this document) the Video Ad Serving Template is an XML response
framework that enables a consistent delivery format for ad across streaming video
VPAID: the Video Player-Ad Interface Definition specifies the protocol between the
ad and the video player required to enable ad interactivity and other advance video
advertising functionality
VMAP: the Video Multi-Ad Playlist is an XML response framework that defines
where to place ads within the video content.
Digital Video Ad Metric Definitions: an industry-defined list of metrics used in
linear and nonlinear in-stream video ads.
Digital Video Ad Format Guidelines: an industry-defined list of streaming video
creative submission specifications.
DAA Interest-Based Advertising (IBA) notice for digital video: Guidelines for
implementing the AdChoices program within in-stream ads that are placed using
interest-based criteria.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 9 VAST_v4.0
1 General Overview
VAST is used to send in-stream ad details to a video player. Historically, the player (client)
has received, executed, and tracked streaming video ads. However, with the increase in
player devices, the player is often unable to execute anything more than a single stream of
content. Players might have compensated for this by using one player for content and
loading a secondary player for ad playback. After ad playback, the original player would be
reloaded for resuming content playback. This process caused a brief buffering period
between player loads.
The solution that has emerged for this challenge is a service that involves inserting ads into
a stream of content for the player. The result is a seamless experience for the viewer along
with the ability to select ads dynamically for insertion and more sophisticated tracking
VAST 4.0 includes support for high-quality video formats necessary for long-form video
content and server-side tracking for use when ad-stitching is leveraged to reach devices
that cannot use client-side tracking methods. Version 4.0 also allows embedding optional
scripts for viewability and ad verification. Further details for using VAST with VPAID can be
found in additional documents on the IAB website.
1.1 VAST Ad Serving and Tracking
Display advertising uses standardized browser technology to request and execute ads.
However, digital in-stream video advertising operates on players, sometimes built with
proprietary code. As a template for ads served to a video player, VAST offers a set of
instructions for developers on how to program their players to process VAST-formatted ads.
Using VAST, ad servers can serve ads to any VAST-compliant player regardless of what
code the player uses.
1.1.1 Sending An Ad Request
VAST provides a template for serving an ad to a video player. While VAST does not provide
ad request details, VAST does expect the player to declare what ad types it supports
(Section 2.3.1). This declaration can be made as part of its VAST compliance status, but as
automated processes are used more in video, the player needs a programmatic way to
identify what type of ad it needs.
The IAB Tech Lab is working on a solution for consistency in making ad requests. To find
out more or to get involved, email
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 10 VAST_v4.0
1.1.2 Client-Side Ad Serving
VAST is a unidirectional means of sending ad details to a video player. Built as a layer on
top of browser technology, the VAST process that uses client-side execution looks
something like this:
VAST Request: At some point during video content playback, either before (pre-roll), in the
middle of (mid-roll), or after (post-roll), the player reaches a cue to insert an ad and uses
HTTP to send the request for an ad. See section 1.1.1 on sending an ad request. The
request is sent to the primary ad server, which may be the video publisher’s ad server or a
supply-side platform (SSP).
1. * Wrapper Response: The primary server responds with VAST. This response is
either an InLine response or a Wrapper response. If the server can fill the ad
request, it sends an InLine response (step 4). In many cases, the ad server redirects
the player to a secondary server using a Wrapper response.
2. Secondary VAST Request: If a wrapper response is received, the player make a
secondary request to another server. The secondary response may be an InLine
response or another VAST Wrapper.
3. InLine Response: Eventually, after a series of requests and responses, an ad
server provides an InLine response.
4. InLine Execution: The video player executes the VAST response.
5. Tracking: At key points during ad playback, tracking information is sent for both the
InLine and Wrapper responses that the player received. In traditional client-side ad
serving, cookies are used to track ads and the computers on which they play.
1.1.3 Server-Side Ad Serving
The example just described the general process for serving an ad directly to a video player,
the client, and uses client-side tracking. With client-side tracking, the player sends tracking
information. However, in today’s wide array of streaming video players the player may not
be capable of executing dynamic ad responses or tracking impressions and interactions. In
these cases, an intermediary server is needed to insert ads dynamically into the video
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 11 VAST_v4.0
Called ad stitching among other terms (stream stitching, ad insertion, etc.), the process
looks something like this:
1. Publisher requests ad: The video publisher sends an ad request to the ad-stitching
2. Request VAST: The ad-stitching services makes a request to the ad server for a
VAST tag.
3. Send VAST: The ad server sends a VAST tag with a mezzanine file and ready-to-
serve files. If the ad stitching service has already received the creative for a previous
request and has transcoded the mezzanine file, then it moves on to step 5.
4. *Extract mezzanine and transcode: The ad-stitching service pulls the unique
creative identifier from the VAST tag. If the creative has never been used in the
system, the mezzanine file is extracted and transcoded. In this scenario, the ad is
skipped and the next available ad is played instead. VAST error code 407 is sent.
5. Select transcoded: If the creative in the VAST tag from step 3 matches the unique
creative identifier for an ad that has already been transcoded, the ad-stitching
service selects the pre-transcoded file already in the system.
6. Stitch ad into content stream: The ad-stitching service stiches the ad into the
content stream and serves the content and ad to the player in one continuous
Ad-stitching vendors rely on a unique creative identifier for managing the mezzanine source
file and its cache of transcoded files for stitching into a video stream. If the ad creative is
changed in any way, it should be served with a new creative identifier. In VAST 4.0, the
unique creative identifier is provided in the <UniversalAdId> element under <Creative>.
See section 3.7.1 for details.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 12 VAST_v4.0
1.1.4 Server-to-Server Ad Tracking
With client-side ad tracking described in section 1.1.2, the player (client) sends tracking
included in the VAST tag and uses cookies to determine which computers executed the ad.
However, in server-to-server and server-side ad-stitching, the player may not be able to
process ad tracking, and the ad-stitching service cannot access cookies used in traditional
client-side tracking. Instead, the ad-stitching service must identify devices where ads play
by a combination of other methods.
When an ad-stitching service is involved, the ad-stitching server may send tracking on the
player’s behalf. This server-to-server tracking process is problematic because all the
tracking is coming from one IP address. To an ad server that is receiving tracking
information, the reports look similar to faked traffic fraud.
Ad stitching service providers can avoid being mistaken for fraud by including headers that
identify the client IP address and user agent string as follows:
X-Forwarded-For: a header that identifies the client IP address. This value should
match the value, if included, in the IP field of the device object as part of the ad
X-Device-User-Agent: a header that identifies the client’s device user agent string.
This value should match the value, if included, in the UA field of the device object as
part of the ad request.
A secondary option for identifying the originating IP address and user agent is the
Forwarded HTTP Extension, which can disclose all proxy information in one field, making it
easier to correlate them. While this option may be more efficient, more systems are primed
to look for the X-Forwarded-For and X-Device-User-Agent fields. These more commonly
used header fields should be used first, and optionally, the Forwarded HTTP Extension may
also be included.
While these recommendations for tracking support server-side tracking, IAB Impression
Measurement Guidelines developed with the MRC favor client-side tracking. No guidelines
currently exist for server-side impression tracking. However, the key ideal behind IAB
impression counting is to count the impression as close as possible to the opportunity to be
viewed. In video, the ad is ideally counted after the linear video ad has buffered.
In general, an ad-stitching service may have little or no control over ad play once the ad is
stitched into the content and streamed to the client. Impression reporting may vary by
implementation. For the ad stitching service in situations where the client cannot count
impressions, an impression could be reported as the ad is sent on the stitched stream and
therefore be as close as possible to the opportunity to view. Alternately, a session-oriented
ad-stitching service may report impressions from a given session at session completion.
However, any impression measurement beyond the ad-stitched stream is out of the ad-
stitching services’ control and should be counted by the player whenever possible.
Auditing for compliance with IAB Impression Measurement Guidelines should focus on
disclosing the process by which impressions are counted and any limitations with reporting
impressions in certain situations and environments.
See section 2.3.4 for more information on tracking.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 13 VAST_v4.0
1.2 Viewability and Ad Verification
VPAID, the Video Player-Ad Interface Definition, is designed to offer bilateral (two-way)
communication between the ad and the video player. Some ad verification services have
adopted VPAID to validate ad playback duration, position within browser and other qualities
designed to verify that an ad had an opportunity to be viewed (viewability).
When using VPAID for these services, several data-collection wrappers may be applied.
These wrappers can delay page rendering and create a negative experience for the viewer.
To support viewability and verification efforts without sacrificing performance, VAST 4.0
offers an <AdVerification> element where vendors can place their code.
The <AdVerification> element supports a JavaScript resource and a Flash resource. This
script resource enables the player to provide requested details about ad interaction and
playback. Unidirectional scripting from the player to the ad is allowed, and the player may
choose whether it will execute the script.
Any VPAID-based code used for ad verification should be placed under the
<AdVerifications> element described in section 0. Alternately, any ad verification code
can be placed under this element. Regardless of code provided (VPAID or proprietary), the
player must be equipped to execute the code. For example, if VPAID is provided for the
purpose of ad verification, the player must be VPAID-enabled in order to respond to the
verification requests.
As part of the VAST 4.0 initiative, a proposal has been submitted to the IAB TechLab to
develop a solution for consistent ad verification data collection while minimizing the impact
on performance.
For information on the status of this project or to get involved, email
See section 0 for details.
1.3 Programmatic Support
While VPAID was never intended for any other purpose than to provide a channel for
player-ad interaction, VPAID is nevertheless being used to support video ad serving in an
increasingly complex marketplace. Some vendors have used VPAID as a placeholder while
the system decides which ad it want to serve. Served as a VAST InLine ad, the player
expects and ad. However, since the server is only looking for an ad to serve instead of
providing the ad as expected, the player experiences a timeout while it waits. In some cases
an ad is never served. When this happens, the publisher forfeits revenue reserved for that
Video publishers need a way to know ahead of time whether the VPAID unit provides a
direct link to an ad or used as a placeholder while a suitable ad is found (conditional ad).
This conditional ad notification needs to be included in the VAST response. If the
notification is included in the VPAID framework, it comes too late in the delivery process. As
part of the response framework, the early notification gives the player time to decide if it will
accept a conditional ad or move on.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 14 VAST_v4.0
In VAST 4.0, an attribute for conditionalAd has been included within the <Ad> element.
Using VAST to identify a VPAID unit that might not contain an ad helps video publishers fill
available inventory when buyers back out. The improved transparency also improves the
viewer experience.
1.4 Long-Form Video Support
Long-form video is the extension of traditional broadcast networks to digital mediums. To
enable video advertising across screens that include TV content, the response framework in
VAST needs to reduce the challenges faced in this digital video environment. Specifically,
VAST needs to support the following features:
Server-to-server ad stitching
Availability of the high-quality source (mezzanine) file for the ad
A unique identifier that follows creative and related data from system to system
1.4.1 High-Quality Video
Previous versions of VAST have allowed for multiple media files so that the video player
can poll for the file best suited to the environment where the ad will play. However, the high
standards for quality in long-form video need more than a few options.
VAST 4.0 includes a media container for the mezzanine file, which is the raw high-quality
video file that the publisher can use to produce the best quality file where needed. In
addition to the mezzanine file, VAST 4.0 requires either an adaptive stream ready-to-serve
file or a minimum of three media files at different levels of quality: high, medium, and low.
Identifying the quality levels of three media files enables the video player to more quickly
find the appropriate file needed for a given environment. A separate document, the IAB
Digital Video Ad Format Guidelines, is provided for ad developers and outlines encoding
recommendations for each of these files.
See section 0 for details.
1.4.2 Unique Creative Identification
As ad creative move from system to system, they become more difficult to track and
impressions involving those creative become difficult to reconcile in reports from different
systems. Historically, VAST has provided a placeholder for a creative id, but its purpose has
been unclear and its use varies under different vendors and use cases. In long-form video,
the need for unique creative identification that spans multiple systems has become vital to
extending digital video across platforms, especially where long-form content is viewed.
In VAST 4.0, the placeholder for a unique creative ID has been pulled out into a new
element to draw more attention it and provide attributes that more clearly define the id. The
new <UniversalAdId> element is required for linear ads in long-form video and offers two
attributes: one for defining the idRegistry and one for the idValue.
Using a unique creative identifier enables all data associated with the creative to follow
across systems. Unifying data under a unique ID, streamlines data collection operations,
reporting, and analysis.
See section 3.7.1 for details.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 15 VAST_v4.0
2 VAST Compliance
Compliance is a two-party effort that involves, at a minimum, the video player and the ad
server. Both must meet certain expectations so that VAST can be truly interoperable and
encourage growth in the marketplace.
IAB VPAID and VMAP specs are excluded from VAST compliance because these
specs are independent of each other and of VAST. Compliance with one spec does
not imply compliance with any of the other specs. Compliance for either spec must
be separately declared.
2.1 Ad Server Expectations
VAST-compliant ad servers must be able to serve ad responses that conform to the VAST
XML schema defined in this document. Ad servers must also be able to receive the
subsequent tracking and error requests that result from the video player’s execution of the
VAST ad response. Tables for each VAST XML element define which are required in a
VAST response.
2.2 Video Player Expectations
VAST-compliant video players must be able to display the ad in a VAST response
according to the instructions provided by the VAST ad response and according the video
player’s declared format support, which includes:
Rendering the ad asset(s) correctly
Respecting ad server instructions in a VAST response including those of any
subsequent ad servers called in a chain of VAST wrapper responses, providing the
responses are VAST-compliant
Responding to supported user-interactions
Sending appropriate tracking information back to the ad server
Supporting XML conventions such as standard comment syntax (i.e. acknowledge
VAST comments in the standard XML syntax: <!--comment-->)
Details for proper ad display and VAST support are defined throughout this document. In
VAST 4.01, player support requirement notes were added for each XML element.
2.3 General Compliance
VAST specifies both the format of the ad response and how the video player should handle
the response. In order for VAST to be effective, both ad servers and video players must
adopt the guidelines outlined in this document.
In general, the video player need only accept ads that it requests and ad server responses
should be displayed in the ad format intended.
For example, VAST allows for compliance while only supporting a subset of ad types
(described in section 2.3.1). If a video player requests a Nonlinear Ad but receives a Linear
Ad, the video player is not expected to display the Linear Ad. Similarly, if a standard Linear
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 16 VAST_v4.0
Ad is requested but a Skippable Linear Ad is received, the video player is not expected to
display the Skippable Linear Ad nor should the video player play the Skippable Ad as a
Linear Ad (without skip controls).
The following features must be supported for general functionality:
Declaration of ad types
XML structure
Error reporting
Industry icons
These features are described in the following sections.
2.3.1 VAST Ad Types
VAST covers several distinct video ad types, but ad serving and video publisher
organizations may not want to support all formats. For example, some vendors may choose
to serve only linear ads with companions. Likewise, some publishers may only want to
support nonlinear ads in their video players.
VAST 3.0 introduced five video ad types for compliance so that organizations may be
compliant with VAST while only supporting a selected subset of the ad types.
The VAST compliance ad types are as follows:
1. Linear Ads
2. Nonlinear Ads
3. Companion Ads
4. Skippable Linear Ads
5. Ad Pods
A company wishing to display IAB’s seal for VAST compliance must declare which of the
five ad types their technology supports.
2.3.2 XML Structure
A VAST-compliant ad response is a well-formed XML document, compliant with XML 1.0 so
that standard XML requirements such as character entities and <!--XML comments-->
should be honored. It must also pass a schema check against the VAST 4.0 XML Schema
Definition (XSD) that is distributed in conjunction with this document.
Ad Server
All URIs or any other free text fields containing potentially dangerous characters
contained in the VAST document should be wrapped in CDATA blocks. The VAST
response should be carefully tested for appropriate treatment of URI characters
that require special handling.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 17 VAST_v4.0
2.3.3 Encoding URIs for VAST
URIs provided in a VAST response must be CDATA-wrapped as in the following example:
<Impression id="myserver">
Wrapping the URI in a CDATA section enables most characters to be included as they are.
For example, without a CDATA section, the character & would need to be encoded as
&amp;. However, encoding this within a CDATA section double-encodes the URI.
Consider the CDATA wrapping needed for the following URI:
<Impression id="myserver">
The encoding of & into &amp; is not necessary in this example because the URI is enclosed
in a CDATA section. Characters in the URI that are also used to section out the URI with
CDATA may need extra encoding.
Consider the CDATA wrapping needed for the following URI:]]>x
<Impression id="myserver">
The ]]> characters are used to close the CDATA section; therefore, the > character must
be enclosed in a secondary CDATA section. Since the x is harmless character at the end, it
can be left outside the CDATA section and will be concatenated with the other two URI
components, each closed in their CDATA sections.
Since CDATA-wrapping URIs is a requirement in VAST, the author of the VAST response
should carefully edit and test all included URIs, especially when input values require special
handling. Incorrect treatment of these characters may cause ad playback to fail or enable
content injection attacks.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 18 VAST_v4.0
Some addition examples are offered in the following table.
Impression URL:
Not enclosed in a CDATA section
<Impression id="myserver">
Correct and backwards compatible
Impression URL:
<Impression id="myserver">;id=abc
The & is xml-encoded, but the URI needs to be wrapped in a CDATA block
<Impression id="myserver">
Not only is this URI not CDATA enclosed but the & is also not xml-encoded
<Impression id="myserver">
This URI is both CDATA-enclosed and the & is xml-encoded. The player will interpret the
URI as:;id=1234
<Impression id="myserver">
This URI is properly wrapped in a CDATA block. The & doesn't need to be encoded.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 19 VAST_v4.0
Impression URL:]]>x
<Impression id="myserver">]]&gt;x
Not enclosed in a CDATA section even though > is encoded
<Impression id="myserver">]]>x
Not enclosed in a CDATA section
<Impression id="myserver">
CDATA section used but appears to end early because of the ]]> characters before the x,
potentially allowing content injection attacks
<Impression id="myserver">
Correct and backwards compatible
Lastly, a VAST-compliant ad response must conform to certain additional dependencies
that cannot be expressed in the VAST 4.0 XSD. For example, one ad type of either
<InLine> or <Wrapper> is allowed but not both. Another example is the protocol for
providing 3 ready-to-serve media files, ideally separate from any interactive components
(see section 0). The XSD can only validate for whether you’ve provided a URI under
<MediaFile>; it cannot validate whether the appropriate files have been provided. Such
dependencies are further described throughout this document.
2.3.4 Tracking
Tracking an ad served in VAST format is done using a collection of VAST tracking elements
at different levels in the VAST response. These tracking elements each contain a URI to a
resource file or location on a server defined by the ad server that sent the VAST response.
The resource file is usually (but not always) a 1x1 transparent pixel image (i.e. tracking
pixel) that when called, records an event that is specific to that tracking pixel.
Video Player
The video player is responsible for requesting tracking pixels at appropriate times
during the execution of a VAST ad response.
Most tracking elements are optional for the ad server to include, but if included, the video
player is required to request the resource file from the URI provided at the appropriate
times, or “fire” the tracking element. Advertisers and publishers depend on accurate tracking
records for billing, campaign effectiveness, market analysis, and other important business
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 20 VAST_v4.0
intelligence and accounting. Good tracking practices throughout the industry are important
to the success and growth of digital video advertising.
The video player must send requests to the URIs provided in tracking elements;
however, the video player is not required to do anything with the response that is
returned. The response is only to acknowledge an event and to comply with the
HTTP protocol. This response is typically a 200 with a 1x1 pixel image in the
response body (although the response could be of any other type).
The use of multiple impression URIs enables the ad server to share impression-tracking
information with other ad serving systems, such as a vendor or partner ad server employed
by the advertiser. When multiple impression elements are included in a VAST response, the
video player is required to request all impressions at the same time or as close as possible
to the same time. Any significant delay between impression requests may result in count
discrepancies between ad serving systems.
Video Player
If multiple <Impression> elements are provided, they must be requested at the
same moment in time or as close in time as possible. In particular for a VAST
response containing a <Linear> element, compliancy with the IAB Digital Video
Measurement Guidelines. If any of the requests are delayed significantly,
discrepancies may result in the counts of participating ad serving system.
2.3.5 VAST Wrapper Ads
Wrapper ads provide a way for one ad server to redirect a video player to another,
secondary ad server to retrieve an ad, multiple ads, or yet another VAST Wrapper.
One ad server may redirect to another for a variety of reasons:
The first ad server has selected a specific advertiser campaign to fill the inventory. In
this case the redirect instructs the secondary ad server to return specific ads from a
particular ad campaign.
The first ad server is delegating a specific piece of inventory for either a single ad or
an entire Pod of ads to the secondary ad server to fill with any ads that are within an
established agreement between the two parties.
An ad server may have no Ad to return and may return a redirect to a backfill
provider. Infinite Loops and Dead Ends
When serving an ad involves a chain of wrappers, an infinite loop is possible where a chain
of Wrappers never results in a final inline VAST response. Another case involves a finite
number of wrappers in which the resulting inline response is used as a decisioning
mechanism to find an ad instead of delivering the ad as required. In these cases, the
decisioning mechanism may never return an ad or may take too long to return the ad.
In general, wrappers should be limited to five before resulting in an inline response. If the
player detects more than five wrappers, the player may reject any subsequent responses in
the chain, replace the [ERRORCODE] macro in the VAST/Ad/Wrapper/Error URI if provided
to indicate that the wrapper limit was reached, and move on to the next option for an ad.
Error codes should be sent for all wrappers in the chain where provided.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 21 VAST_v4.0
VPAID 4.0 offers timeout settings to prevent an ad from taking too long to load. When an
inline response fails to produce an ad within the timeframe identified in VPAID or other ad
framework, the player may reject the ad, send error code 304 to indicate that no ad was
produced in the given timeframe, and move on to the next option for an ad. Error codes
should also be sent to any wrappers preceding the inline response. Wrapper Conflict Management and Precedence
When Companion creative are included directly in the wrapper response, conflict may
occur. In a VAST ad, whether served with multiple wrappers or in one Inline response, all
creative offered is intended to be part of the same creative concept, and the video player
should attempt to display all creative presented in the response (or in a chain of responses).
However, when conflict occurs, the video player should favor creative offered closest to the
inline response.
For example, if a wrapper contains companion creative and the inline response also
contains companion creative, the companion creative in the Inline response should be
selected (unless both creative can be displayed without conflict).
In another example, if the inline response is absent of any companion creative but two or
more wrappers contain companion creative, then creative for the wrapper served closest to
the inline response should be favored. However, if multiple creative can be served without
conflict, the video player should attempt to display whatever creative it can.
2.3.6 Error Reporting
The <Error> element enables the video player to provide feedback to ad servers when an
Ad cannot be served. In VAST 3.0, detailed error codes and specifications for format are
provided to enable detailed error logging for better ad serving diagnostics.
Providing more detailed error codes enables stronger diagnostics and enables better
technology development over time. If ad servers can collect more detailed information about
why their ads or specific creative couldn’t be served, they can improve their systems to
produce fewer errors.
The <Error> element is an optional element nested within the <InLine> or <Wrapper>
element. It is used to track errors for an Ad. An error for an Inline Ad that is part of a chain
of wrapper ads will produce an error for each of the wrappers used to serve the Inline Ad.
An <Error> element is also provided at the root VAST level and is primarily used to report a
“No Ad” response. See section for more information. Ad Server Details: <Error> Element
An <Error> element includes a URI that provides a tracking resource for the error. This
error-tracking resource is called when the video player is unable to display the Ad.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 22 VAST_v4.0
The following example is a sample VAST response that includes the <Error> element for
an Inline Ad.
If the ad server wants to collect more specific details about the error from the video player
(as listed in section, an [ERRORCODE] macro can be included in the URI. Video Player Details
If an error occurs while trying to load an Ad and the <Error> element is provided, the video
player must:
Request the error source file using the URI provided.
Replace the [ERRORCODE] macro, if provided, with the appropriate error code listed in the
table in section At a minimum, error code 900 (Unidentified error) can be used,
but a more specific error code benefits all parties involved.
If the Ad was served after a chain of Wrapper Ad responses, the video player must also
return error details as listed above for each Wrapper response that also includes error
parameters. Macro responses must be correctly percent-encoded per RFC 3986.
The following table lists VAST error codes and their descriptions. VAST Error Codes Table
XML parsing error.
VAST schema validation error.
VAST version of response not supported.
Trafficking error. Video player received an Ad type that it was not expecting and/or
cannot display.
Video player expecting different linearity.
Video player expecting different duration.
Video player expecting different size.
Ad category was required but not provided.
General Wrapper error.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 23 VAST_v4.0
Timeout of VAST URI provided in Wrapper element, or of VAST URI provided in a
subsequent Wrapper element. (URI was either unavailable or reached a timeout as
defined by the video player.)
Wrapper limit reached, as defined by the video player. Too many Wrapper
responses have been received with no InLine response.
No VAST response after one or more Wrappers.
InLine response returned ad unit that failed to result in ad display within defined time
General Linear error. Video player is unable to display the Linear Ad.
File not found. Unable to find Linear/MediaFile from URI.
Timeout of MediaFile URI.
Couldn’t find MediaFile that is supported by this video player, based on the
attributes of the MediaFile element.
Problem displaying MediaFile. Video player found a MediaFile with supported type
but couldn’t display it. MediaFile may include: unsupported codecs, different MIME
type than MediaFile@type, unsupported delivery method, etc.
Mezzanine was required but not provided. Ad not served.
Mezzanine is in the process of being downloaded for the first time. Download may
take several hours. Ad will not be served until mezzanine is downloaded and
Conditional ad rejected.
Interactive unit in the InteractiveCreativeFile node was not executed.
Verification unit in the Verification node was not executed.
Mezzanine was provided as required, but file did not meet required specification. Ad
not served.
General NonLinearAds error.
Unable to display NonLinear Ad because creative dimensions do not align with
creative display area (i.e. creative dimension too large).
Unable to fetch NonLinearAds/NonLinear resource.
Couldn’t find NonLinear resource with supported type.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 24 VAST_v4.0
General CompanionAds error.
Unable to display Companion because creative dimensions do not fit within
Companion display area (i.e., no available space).
Unable to display required Companion.
Unable to fetch CompanionAds/Companion resource.
Couldn’t find Companion resource with supported type.
Undefined Error.
General VPAID error. No Ad Response
When the ad server does not or cannot return an Ad, the VAST response should contain
only the root <VAST> element with optional <Error> element, as shown below:
<VAST version="4.0">
The VAST <Error> element is optional but if included, the video player must send a request
to the URI provided when the VAST response returns an empty InLine response after a
chain of one or more wrapper ads. If an [ERRORCODE] macro is included, the video player
should substitute with error code 303.
Besides the VAST level <Error> resource file, no other tracking resource requests are
required of the video player in a no-ad response in either the Inline Ad or any Wrapper ads.
2.3.7 Macros
Sometimes ad servers would like to collect metadata from the video player when tracking
event URIs are accessed. For example, the position of the video player playhead at the time
a tracking event URI is accessed is useful to the ad server and is data that can only be
known at the time of the prescribed tracking event. This data cannot be built into the URI at
the time the VAST response is built and served.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 25 VAST_v4.0
The following macros enable the video player to provide certain details to the ad server at
the time tracking URIs are accessed.
[ERRORCODE]: replaced with one of the error codes listed in section when the
associated error occurs; reserved for error tracking URIs.
[CONTENTPLAYHEAD]: replaced with the current time offset “HH:MM:SS.mmm” of the
video content.
[CACHEBUSTING]: replaced with a random 8-digit number.
[ASSETURI]: replaced with the URI of the ad asset being played.
[TIMESTAMP]: the date and time at which the URI using this macro is accessed.
Used where ever a time stamp is needed, the macro is replaced with the date and
time using the formatting conventions of ISO 8601. However, ISO 8601 does not
provide a convention for adding milliseconds. To add milliseconds, use the
convention .mmm at the end of the time provided and before any time zone
indicator. For example, January 17, 2016 at 8:15:07 and 127 milleseconds, Eastern
Time would be formatted as follows: 2016-01-17T8:15:07.127-05
When replacing macros, the video player must correctly percent-encode any characters as
defined by RFC 3986.
VAST doesn’t provide any guidance on URI format, but using the [CACHEBUSTING] macro
simplifies trafficking, enabling ad servers to easily search and replace the appropriate
macro for cache busting.
2.3.8 Industry Icon Support
Several initiatives in the advertising industry involve using an icon that overlays on top of an
Ad creative to provide some extended functionality such as to communicate with consumers
or otherwise fulfill requirements of a specific initiative. Often this icon and its functionality
may be provided by a vendor, and is not necessarily served by the ad server or included in
the creative itself.
One example of icon use is for compliance to certain Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) self-
regulatory principles for interest-based advertising (IBA). This section provides an overview
of how video players can support the use of icons in a general manner while using the
DAA’s AdChoices program, as a specific example. Icon Use Case: AdChoices for Interest-Based Advertising (IBA)
The DAA sets forth principles that endeavor to give consumers a better understanding of
and greater control over ads that are customized based on the consumer’s online behavior.
This control is made available to the consumer in the form of the AdChoices icon, which is
displayed in a prominent location in or around the Ad creative. When a consumer clicks the
icon, they may be offered: information about the ad server and data providers used to select
the Ad, options to learn more about OBA, and the ability for consumers to opt out from
receiving OBA ads in the future. The <Icons> Element
VAST 3.0 introduced the <Icons> element, which is offered under the <Linear> creative
element for both Inline and Wrapper ads.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 26 VAST_v4.0
The following diagram illustrates the general process for how the <Icons> element is
represented in a VAST response.
The Icon Provider Server represented in this diagram may be the same server that serves
the VAST response but more commonly, is a vendor that serves the icon from its own
When the <Icons> element is included in the VAST response, the video player must display
the object as an overlay on top of the Linear Ad with which the icon is served and after the
ad video has started (i.e. first frame of video is displayed in the player).
Video Player
Since a vendor often serves icons and may charge advertising parties for
each icon served, the video player should not pre-fetch the icon resource
until the resource can be displayed. Pre-fetching the icon resource may
cause the icon provider to falsely record an icon view when the icon may
not have been displayed. Precedence and Conflict Management:
As an Ad goes through a delivery chain, companies may include their own Icon element in
their wrapper responses. Sometimes these multiple icon elements are all for the same
program and the video player must decide on only one icon to display. When icon elements
represent more than one program, one icon from each program should be displayed.
The video player can use its own business rules to decide which icon to display, along with
any specific program recommendations. For example, when multiple AdChoices icons are
offered, the DAA program recommendation is to select the icon that is closest to the
creative. To comply with the AdChoices program when multiple AdChoices icons are
served, the video player must choose the icon closest to the creative.
If no other rules govern the selection of which icon to display, the video player should
choose the one closest to the creative. That is, if the <Icon> element is included within the
Inline Ad, then that icon is the closest to the creative. However, if the Inline Ad contains no
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 27 VAST_v4.0
<Icon> element, but the last Wrapper Ad in a chain of Wrappers did contain the <Icon>
element, then the icon from that last Wrapper Ad is the one closest to the creative.
When multiple icons from more than one icon program are included in a chain of Wrapper
ads, the video player must decide which icon from each program should be displayed.
Again, the video player can use its own business rules; however, the icons must not overlap
each other. If all program icons use the same xPosition and yPosition values, the video
player can use width and height attribute values to offset coordinates relative to the
display area of the Ad creative.
Video Player
A video player may not be able to display an Icon but should make every attempt
to do so.
2.4 Viewability Verification and Interactive Linear Creative
VAST 4.0 adds new sections in the Linear file for viewability, ad verification, and interactive
creative files. These new sections offer performance and measurement benefits but also
add a level of complexity.
Player compliance with VAST 4.0 requires appropriate execution of these files. In general,
any verification code should be executed before the ad is loaded and any interactive
creative files should be executed next and before the ad is loaded.
Player expectations on these added features are summarized here and further defined in
their corresponding sections.
2.4.1 Publisher Viewability
Publishers have the option to offer viewable impression tracking on the ad using the
<ViewableImpression> feature added in VAST 4.0. Three URIs may be provided to track
whether the ad was <Viewable>, <NotViewable>, or <ViewUndetermined>. Requirements
for viewability are details the buyer and seller should negotiate per transaction; however, at
a minimum, or in the absence of such agreement, the publisher should follow the MRC
guidelines for viewable video ad impressions. At the release of this document, the general
requirements for viewable video ad impressions could be found on page 8 of the MRC
Viewable Ad Impression Guidelines, Version 2.0 (Final with 2015 additions).
2.4.2 Viewability with Ad Verification Services
Ad Verification services can use the <AdVerifications> feature in VAST 4.0 to place their
ad verification code. More than one vendor may use this feature. Each vendor uses a
different <Verification> node to place code that is either a <JavaScriptResource> or a
A VAST 4.0 player must check for code in these sections of the VAST file and attempt to
execute any verification files before the linear ad creative is executed. If the verification
code cannot be executed, an <Error> URI may be sent.
The <ViewableImpression> feature under <Verification> is for the ad verification vendor
to use as needed. The player need not use this feature unless prior arrangements have
been made to do so.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 28 VAST_v4.0
2.4.3 Interactive Linear Creative Files
In VAST 4.0, the <MediaFile> should only be used to include video files. For linear files that
require an API framework to be executed, the new <InteractiveCreativeFile> should be
used to include these files. Once the <AdVerifications> element has been checked for
verification code, the <InteractiveCreativeFile> element should be checked for code in
order to execute the ad. When the <InteractiveCreativeFile> cannot be executed, the
<Error> should be sent and the player may check the <MediaFiles> element for any videos
that are available to be played.
3 VAST Implementation
VAST is an XML schema for providing metadata about an ad for in-stream video that is
parsed by a player or by a server on the player's behalf. This section provides the details for
forming the VAST.
Beginning with section 3.1, each element available in VAST is described and a table
summarizes information about hierarchy, requirements, and attributes. Each VAST element
that includes nested elements is defined under a second-level heading in this document.
Third-level headings represent nested elements that have no additional nested elements
under them.
Links to the table of contents (TOC) and the schema are provided under each heading to
aid in navigation. The human-readable schema in section summarizes VAST elements and
provides a link to the chapter that describes the element in more detail.
Before forming a VAST document, considerations for the XML namespace and browser
security for Flash and JavaScript should be established as follows.
XML Namespace
Whenever VAST is used in conjunction with any other XML template, such as with VMAP or
VAST extensions, a namespace should be declared for each so that the elements of one
are not confused with the elements of another.
For more information, visit:
Browser Security for Flash™ and JavaScript™
Modern browsers restrict Adobe Flash and JavaScript runtime environments from retrieving
data from other servers. Since typical VAST responses come from other servers, measures
must be taken for each:
crossdomain.xml for Flash
To enable Flash video players to accept a VAST response, ad servers must provide a
crossdomain.xml file at their root HTTP domain. For example, should provide
the file as follows:
Flash video players know to check the root domain of any server that sends it data.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 29 VAST_v4.0
The xml is a simple file that includes the following:
<allow-access-from domain="*">
The asterisks (*) value for the domain attribute enables any Flash video player to accept
data from the server providing the crossdomain.xml file.
For more information, visit
Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for JavaScript
In order for JavaScript video players to accept a VAST response, ad servers must include a
CORS header in the http file that wraps the VAST response. The CORS header must be
formatted as follows:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: <origin header value>
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
These HTTP headers allow an ads player on any origin to read the VAST response from the
ad server origin. The value of Access-Control-Allow-Origin should be the value of the
Origin header sent with the ad request.
Setting the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header to true will ensure that cookies
will be sent and received properly.
For more information, visit
3.1 Declaring the VAST response
All VAST responses share the same general structure. Each VAST response is declared
with <VAST> as its topmost element along with the version attribute indicating the official
version with which the response is compliant. For example, a VAST 4.0 response is
declared as follows:
<VAST version="4.0">
As with all XML documents, each element must be closed after details nested within the
element are provided. The following example is a VAST response with one nested <Ad>
<VAST version="4.0">
<!--ad details go here-->
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 30 VAST_v4.0
3.2 VAST
TOC Schema
VAST is the root node for a VAST-compliant ad response and is used to declare the VAST
response as described in section 3.1.
Player Support
Required in
None (root)
A float number (number with decimal) to indicate the VAST version being used.
*either <Error> or <Ad> may be provided but not both
3.2.1 Error (VAST)
TOC Schema
Used to report a no-ad response. When the ad server does not or cannot return an Ad, the
VAST response should contain only the root <VAST> element with one or more <Error>
elements, as shown below:
<VAST version="4.0">
The VAST <Error> element is optional but if included, the video player must use the URI
provided to notify the server that no ad was returned. Multiple <Error> elements may be
provided to notify multiple parties of the no-ad response.
Player Support
Required in Response
No, but if supplied no other elements are allowed
VAST in InLine format only
A URI supplied by the ad server and used to report the no ad response
3.3 Ad
TOC Schema
The <Ad> element may contain an <InLine> ad or a <Wrapper>. The wrapper points to a
secondary server for another VAST response, which may be another wrapper or an inline
response. An inline response contains the ad creative necessary to execute ad playback.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 31 VAST_v4.0
3.3.1 Ad Pods and Stand-Alone Ads
TOC Schema
While a single <Ad> element represents the most common VAST response, multiple ads
may be included as either stand-alone ads or a pod of ads, or a mix of both. Ads in a pod
are distinguished by using the sequence attribute for an <Ad>, denoting which ad plays first,
second, and so on. If the player supports ad pods, sequenced ads are played in numerical
order and all ads in the pod should be played to the best of the player's ability. All sequence
values in a VAST response must be unique.
Non-sequenced ads, are stand-alone ads and considered part of an "ad buffet" from which
the player may select one or more ad to play in any order. Stand-alone ads may be included
in a VAST response with an ad pod and may be used to substitute an ad in the pod when
an ad cannot be played.
The following diagram illustrates some options for how the <Ad> element may be
represented in a VAST response.
If the video player cannot display an entire ad pod or any stand-alone ads, it can decline
from loading the ad resources and use the error URI, if provided, to notify the server.
Playing a Pod of Ads
When electing to play a pod of ads returned by the ad server, the video player must play the
ads in the Pod in the prescribed sequence and should play as many of the ads as possible.
The player may elect to truncate any ads at the end of an ad pod if either: the ads cannot be
played because they cannot physically fit into the ad break in the stream (such as when
time is limited in a live stream) or if the pod violated any limits specified by the video player
request (for example: number of ads to return, or maximum pod duration).
When an ad pod is the result of following a VAST <Wrapper> the same impression and
tracking URIs in the VAST <Wrapper> are called as each ad in the pod is played.
Should an ad in the pod fail to play, the video player should substitute an un-played stand-
alone ad from the response. If stand-alone ads are unavailable, the player should move on
to the next ad in the ad pod.
Because each ad in an ad pod uses a URI to provide the ad creative, one or more of the
ads in the pod may include a URI to a VAST wrapper. Wrappers should not be used in an
ad pod. Not only could a wrapper trigger a chain of wrappers for the ad and slow
performance, but also a wrapper could call a secondary ad pod to fill the slot for one ad in
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 32 VAST_v4.0
the original ad pod. This ad-pod-within-an-ad-pod situation can cause a "tree" of ads that
becomes difficult or impossible to execute.
If a wrapper is used to provide an ad in the ad pod, the wrapper should use attributes,
allowMultipleAds=false and followAdditionalWrappers=false to prevent performance
issues that result from an unmanaged string of wrappers and multiple ads in an ad pod.
Video Player
If multiple <Ad> elements are provided with sequence attributes and the player
supports ad pods, all ads in the pod must be played to the best of the player's
ability. If not supported or the pod cannot be played, the video player should use
the error-tracking URI, if provided, to notify the server.
A special exemption exists when using VMAP. Please visit for
information on VMAP.
3.3.2 The Ad Element
TOC Schema
Properties for the <Ad> element are listed in the following table.
Player Support
Required (Ad pod support is optional)
Required in
Yes (unless there is no ad to return; in which case <Error> should be used to
provide an error URI)
0+ (In a no ad response, <Ad> is not allowed, but in all other cases at least one
<Ad> is required.)
an ad server-defined identifier string for the ad
a number greater than zero (0) that identifies the sequence in which an ad should
play; all <Ad> elements with sequence values are part of a pod and are intended to
be played in sequence
A Boolean value that identifies a conditional ad. In the case of programmatic video
ad serving, a VPAID ad unit or other mechanism might be used to decide whether
there is an ad that matches the placement. When there is no match, an ad may not
be served. Use of the conditionalAd attribute enables publishers to avoid
accepting these ads in placements where an ad must be served. A value of true
indicates that the ad is conditional and should be used in all cases where the inline
executable unit (such as VPAID) is not an ad but is instead a framework for finding
an ad; a value of false is the default value and indicates that an ad is available.
*one <InLine> or <Wrapper> element is required but both are not allowed
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 33 VAST_v4.0
3.4 InLine
TOC Schema
Within the nested elements of an <InLine> ad are all the files and URIs necessary to play
and track the ad. In a chain of <Wrapper> VAST responses, an <InLine> response ends the
Player Support
Required in
One of <InLine> or <Wrapper> is required, but both are not allowed
3.4.1 AdSystem
TOC Schema
The ad serving party must provide a descriptive name for the system that serves the ad.
Optionally, a version number for the ad system may also be provided using the version
Player Support
Required in
InLine or Wrapper
A string that provides the name of the ad server that returned the ad
A string that provides the version number of the ad system that returned the ad
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 34 VAST_v4.0
3.4.2 AdTitle
TOC Schema
The ad serving party must provide a title for the ad using the <AdTitle> element. If a longer
description is needed, the <Description> element can be used.
Player Support
Required in
A string that provides a common name for the ad
3.4.3 Impression
TOC Schema
The ad server provides an impression-tracking URI for either the InLine ad or the Wrapper
using the <Impression> element. All <Impression> URIs in the InLine response and any
Wrapper responses preceding it should be triggered at the same time when the impression
for the ad occurs, or as close in time as possible to when the impression occurs, to prevent
impression-counting discrepancies.
Player Support
Required in
InLine or Wrapper
A URI that directs the video player to a tracking resource file that the video player
must use to notify the ad server when the impression occurs.
An ad server id for the impression. Impression URIs of the same id for an ad should
be requested at the same time or as close in time as possible to help prevent
3.4.4 Category
TOC Schema
Used in creative separation and for compliance in certain programs, a category field is
needed to categorize the ad’s content. Several category lists exist, some for describing site
content and some for describing ad content. Some lists are used interchangeably for both
site content and ad content. For example, the category list used to comply with the IAB
Quality Assurance Guidelines (QAG) describes site content, but is sometimes used to
describe ad content.
The VAST category field should only use AD CONTENT description categories.
The authority attribute is used to identify the organizational authority that developed the
list being used. In some cases, the publisher may require that an ad category be identified.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 35 VAST_v4.0
If required by the publisher and not provided, the publisher may skip the ad, notify the ad
server using the <Error> URI, if provide (error code 203), and move on to the next option.
If category is used, the authority= attribute must be provided.
Player Support
Required in Response
A string that provides a category code or label that identifies the ad content.
authority *
A URL for the organizational authority that produced the list being used to
identify ad content.
*Optional unless the publisher requires ad categories. The authority attribute is required if categories
are provided.
3.4.5 Description
TOC Schema
When a longer description of the ad is needed, the <Description> element can be used.
Player Support
Required in Response
A string value that describes a longer description of the ad
3.4.6 Advertiser
TOC Schema
Providing an advertiser name can help publishers prevent display of the ad with its
competitors. Ad serving parties and publishers should identify how to interpret values
provided within this element.
Player Support
Required in Response
A string that provides the name of the advertiser as defined by the ad serving
3.4.7 Pricing
TOC Schema
Used to provide a value that represents a price that can be used by real-time bidding (RTB)
systems. VAST is not designed to handle RTB since other methods exist, but this element
is offered for custom solutions if needed. If the value provided is to be obfuscated or
encoded, publishers and advertisers must negotiate the appropriate mechanism to do so.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 36 VAST_v4.0
When included as part of a VAST Wrapper in a chain of Wrappers, only the value offered in
the first Wrapper need be considered.
Player Support
Required in Response
InLine or Wrapper
A numerical value that represents a price that can be used in real-time bidding
Identifies the pricing model as one of: CPM, CPC, CPE, or CPV
The three-letter ISO-4217 currency symbol that identifies the currency of the
value provided (e.g. USD, GBP, etc.)
3.4.8 Survey
TOC Schema
Ad tech vendors may want to use the ad to collect data for resource purposes. The
<Survey> element can be used to provide a URI to any resource file having to do with
collecting survey data. Publishers and any parties using the <Survey> element should
determine how surveys are implemented and executed. Multiple survey elements may be
A type attribute is available to specify the MIME type being served. For example, the
attribute might be set to type="text/javascript". Surveys can be dynamically inserted
into the VAST response as long as cross-domain issues are avoided.
Player Support
Required in Response
A URI to any resource relating to an integrated survey.
The MIME type of the resource being served.
3.4.9 Error (InLine and Wrapper)
TOC Schema
The <Error> element contains a URI that the player uses to notify the ad server when
errors occur with ad playback. If the URI contains an [ERRORCODE] macro, the video player
must populate the macro with an error code as defined in section 2.3.7.
If no specific error can be found, error 900 may be used to indicate an undefined error;
however, every attempt should be made to provide an error code that maps to the error that
occurred. The <Error> element is available for both the InLine or Wrapper elements.
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Player Support
Required in Response
InLine or Wrapper
A URI to a tracking resource to be used when an error in ad playback occurs.
3.5 ViewableImpression
TOC Schema
The ad server may provide impression-tracking URIs for both the InLine ad and any
Wrappers using the <ViewableImpression> element. Tracking URIs may be provided in
three containers: <Viewable>, <NotViewable>, and <ViewUndetermined>.
The point at which these tracking resource files are pinged depends on the viewability
standards against which the publisher is certified or any alternate standards document for
the transaction between the publisher and advertiser. At the time of this document’s
release, the Media Ratings Council (MRC) had published video viewability
recommendations for counting a video ad view after 50% of the ad's pixels are in view for at
least two seconds. Publishers should disclose their process for tracking viewable video
The <ViewableImpression> element available for InLine and Wrapper ads is
available for the publisher to support any viewable-tracked inventory. A secondary
<ViewableImpression> element is available for verification vendors under the
<Verification> element as described in section 3.17.3.
Player support for the <ViewableImpression> element is optional. When used, URIs for the
inline ad as well as any wrappers used to serve the ad should all be triggered at the same
time, or as close in time as possible to when the criteria for a viewable video impression is
Player Support
Required in Response
Inline or Wrapper
An ad server id for the impression. Viewable impression resources of the same
id should be requested at the same time, or as close in time as possible, to help
prevent discrepancies.
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3.5.1 Viewable
TOC Schema
The <Viewable> element is used to place a URI that the player triggers if and when the ad
meets criteria for a viewable video ad impression.
Player Support
Required in
A URI that directs the video player to a tracking resource file that the video player
should request at the time that criteria is met for a viewable impression.
3.5.2 NotViewable
TOC Schema
The <NotViewable> element is a container for placing a URI that the player triggers if the ad
is executed but never meets criteria for a viewable video ad impression.
Player Support
Required in
A URI that directs the video player to a tracking resource file that the video player
should request if the ad is executed but never meets criteria for a viewable
3.5.3 ViewUndetermined
TOC Schema
The <ViewUndetermined> element is a container for placing a URI that the player triggers if
it cannot determine whether the ad has met criteria for a viewable video ad impression.
Player Support
Required in
A URI that directs the video player to a tracking resource file that the video player
should request if the player cannot determine whether criteria is met for a viewable
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 39 VAST_v4.0
3.6 Creatives
TOC Schema
The <Creatives> (plural) element is a container for one or more <Creative> (singular)
element used to provide creative files for the ad. For an InLine ad, the <Creatives> element
nests all the files necessary for executing and tracking the ad.
In a Wrapper, elements nested under <Creatives> are used mostly for tracking.
Companion and Icon creative may be included in a wrapper, but files for Linear and
NonLinear ads can only be provided in the InLine version of the ad.
Player Support
Required in
InLine or Wrapper
1 for InLine
0-1 for Wrapper
3.7 Creative
TOC Schema
Each <Creative> element contains nested elements that describe the type of ad being
served using nested sub-elements for Linear, NonLinearAds, and/or CompanionAds.
Multiple creative may be used to define different components of the ad. At least one
<Linear> or <NonLinearAds> element is required under the Creative element.
Player Support
Required in
Creatives for both InLine and Wrapper formats
A string used to identify the ad server that provides the creative.
Used to provide the ad server’s unique identifier for the creative. In VAST 4.0, the
UniversalAdId element was introduced to provide a unique identifier for the creative
that is maintained across systems. Please see section 3.7.1 for details on the
A number representing the numerical order in which each sequenced creative within
in ad should play.
A string that identifies an API that is needed to execute the creative.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 40 VAST_v4.0
The Creative sequence attribute should not be confused with the Ad sequence
attribute. Creative sequence identifies the sequence of multiple creative within a
single ad and does NOT define a pod. Conversely, the Ad sequence identifies the
sequence of multiple ads and defines an ad pod. See section 3.3.1 for details
about ad pods.
3.7.1 UniversalAdId
TOC Schema
A required element for the purpose of tracking ad creative, the <UniversalAdId> is used to
provide a unique creative identifier that is maintained across systems. This creative ID may
be generated with an authoritative program, such as the AD-ID® program in the United
States, or by any company’s creative ID registration system. Some countries may have
specific requirements for ad-tracking programs.
The UniversalAdId element is required in 4.0, but the attribute values for idRegistry and
idValue are to be used to support a company’s need for tracking ad creative. If no common
registry is used, a value of "unknown" may be used. Ad servers and publishers should
discuss what is required for this field to support a successful ad campaign.
NOTE: a creative id can also be included in the adId attribute used in the <Creative>
element, but that creative id should be used to specify the ad server’s unique identifier. The
UniversalAdId is used for maintaining a creative id for the ad across multiple systems.
Player Support
Required in Response
Creative only in the InLine format
A string identifying the unique creative identifier.
A string used to identify the URL for the registry website where the unique
creative ID is cataloged. Default value is “unknown.”
A string for the unique creative ID. Default value is “unknown.
3.7.2 CreativeExtensions
TOC Schema
When an executable file is needed as part of the creative delivery or execution, a
<CreativeExtensions> element can be added under the <Creative>. This extension can
be used to load an executable creative with or without using the <MediaFile>.
A <CreativeExtension> (singular) element is nested under the <CreativeExtensions>
(plural) element so that any XML extensions are separated from VAST xml. Additionally,
any XML used in this extension should identify an XML name space (xmlns) to avoid
confusing any of the extension element names with those of VAST.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 41 VAST_v4.0
The nested <CreativeExtension> includes an attribute for type, which specifies the MIME
type needed to execute the extension.
Player Support
Required in Response
Creative only in the InLine format
3.7.3 CreativeExtension
TOC Schema
Used as a container under the CreativeExtentions element, this node is used to delineate
any custom XML object that might be needed for ad execution.
Player Support
Required in Response
CreativeExtensions only in the InLine format
Custom XML object
The MIME type of any code that might be included in the extension.
3.8 Linear
TOC Schema
Linear ads are the video-formatted ads that play linearly within the streaming content,
meaning before the streaming content, during a break, or after the streaming content. A
Linear creative contains a <Duration> element to communicate the intended runtime and a
<MediaFiles> element used to provide the needed video files for ad execution.
Player Support
Optional (either <Linear> or <NonLinearAds> must be supported)
Required in Response
At least one of Linear or NonLinearAds is required.
Creative for both InLine and Wrapper formats
Time value that identifies when skip controls are made available to the end
user; publisher may define a minimum skipoffset value in its policies and
disregard Skippable creative when skipoffset values are lower than
publisher's minimum.
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3.8.1 Duration
TOC Schema
The ad server uses the <Duration> element to denote the intended playback duration for
the Linear component of the ad. Time value may be in the format HH:MM:SS.mmm where
.mmm indicates milliseconds. Providing milliseconds is optional.
Player Support
Required if <Linear> is supported
Required in Response
Yes (when Linear is used)
Linear only in the InLine format
1 (when Linear is used)
A time value for the duration of the Linear ad in the format HH:MM:SS.mmm
(.mmm is optional and indicates milliseconds).
3.8.2 AdParameters
TOC Schema
Some ad serving systems may want to send data to the media file when first initialized. For
example, the media file may use ad server data to identify the context used to display the
creative, what server to talk to, or even which creative to display. The optional
<AdParameters> element for the Linear creative enables this data exchange.
The optional attribute xmlEncoded is available for the <AdParameters> element to identify
whether the ad parameters are xml-encoded. If true, the video player can only decode the
data using xml. Video players operating on earlier versions of VAST may not be able to xml-
decode data, so data should only be xml-encoded when being served to video players
capable of xml-decoding the data.
When a VAST response is used to serve a VPAID ad unit, the <AdParameters> element is
currently the only way to pass information from the VAST response into the VPAID object;
no other mechanism is provided.
Player Support
Required if <Linear> is supported
Required in Response
Linear only in the InLine format
NonLinear only in InLine format
Companion for both InLine and Wrapper formats
Metadata for the ad.
Identifies whether the ad parameters are xml-encoded.
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3.9 MediaFiles
TOC Schema
Since the first version of VAST, the MediaFiles element was designated for linear video
files. Over the years as digital video technology advances, the media files placed in a VAST
tag have come to include complex files that require interactive API integration. Players not
equipped with the technology to execute such files may be unable to play the ad or execute
interactive components. In version 4.0, the linear video files should be separate from the
interactive components that require API integration. Separating these files enable the ad to
play in more players and improves ad play performance.
Linear media files should be submitted as follows:
Video file only: Include three <MediaFile> elements (section 3.9.1), each with a URI
to a ready-to-serve video file at quality levels for high, medium, and low. Please
review the IAB Digital Video Ad Format Guidelines for guidance on ready-to-serve
file quality specifications.
Video file for use in ad-stitching: In addition to the three ready-to-serve files, use
the <Mezzanine> element (section 3.9.2) to include a URI to the raw video file. Please
review the IAB Digital Video Ad Format Guidelines for guidance on mezzanine file
Interactive linear video file: In addition to at least one ready-to-serve video file
included in the <MediaFile> element, use the <InteractiveCreativeFile> element
(section 3.9.3) to include a URI to the interactive media file, specifying the API
framework required to execute the file. When interactive files are included in the
VAST response, they should be executed before any video files are executed.
The components of the <MediaFiles> elements:
Player Support
Required if <Linear> is supported
Required in Response
Yes (Linear ads)
Linear only for InLine format
1 (When <Linear> is used)
*required **required in ad-stitched video executions
3.9.1 MediaFile
TOC Schema
In VAST 4.0 <MediaFile> should only be used to contain the video file for a linear ad. In
particular, three ready-to-serve files should be included, each of a quality level for high,
medium, or low. A ready-to-serve video file is a video that is transcoded to a level of quality
that can be transferred over an internet connection within a reasonable time for viewing.
Each ready-to-serve file must be of the same MIME type and, if different MIME types files
are made available for the ad, three ready-to-serve files should represent each MIME type
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 44 VAST_v4.0
When VPAID or another interactive API is needed to deliver and execute the linear ad, the
URI to the VPAID or interactive file should be included in the <InteractiveCreativeFile>.
In addition, at least one non-VPAID ready-to-serve video ad should be available in
<MediaFile>. A VPAID or interactive video ad may also be included in a separate
<MediaFile> element for execution in players that only support previous versions of VAST.
Guidelines for ad files that fulfill quality levels of high, medium, or low can be found in the
IAB Digital Video Ad Format Guidelines. An adaptive bitrate streaming file featuring files at
the three quality levels may also be provided.
Player Support
Required if <Linear> is supported
Required in Response
MediaFiles only for InLine format
A CDATA-wrapped URI to a media file.
Either “progressive” for progressive download protocols (such as HTTP) or
“streaming” for streaming protocols.
MIME type for the file container. Popular MIME types include, but are not
limited to “video/x-flv” for Flash Video and “video/mp4” for MP4.
The native width of the video file, in pixels.
The native height of the video file, in pixels.
The codec used to encode the file which can take values as specified by
RFC 4281:
An identifier for the media file.
bitrate or minBitrate
and maxBitrate
For progressive load video, the bitrate value specifies the average bitrate
for the media file; otherwise the minBitrate and maxBitrate can be
used together to specify the minimum and maximum bitrates for streaming
a Boolean value that indicates whether the media file is meant to scale to
larger dimensions.
a Boolean value that indicates whether aspect ratio for media file dimensions
should be maintained when scaled to new dimensions.
identifies the API needed to execute an interactive media file, but current
support is for backward compatibility. Please use the
<InteractiveCreativeFile> element to include files that require an API
for execution.
**if an API framework is needed to execute the ad, please use
<InteractiveCreativeFile> to provide API files.
3.9.2 Mezzanine
TOC Schema
The video player may use the raw mezzanine file to transcode video files at quality levels
specific to the needs of certain environments. An XSD will validate this element as optional,
but a mezzanine file is required in ad-stitched executions and whenever a publisher
requires it. If no mezzanine file is available, this element may be excluded; however,
publishers that require it may ignore the VAST response when not provided. If an ad is
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 45 VAST_v4.0
rejected for this reason, error code 406 is available to communicate the error when an
<Error> URI and macro are provided.
The mezzanine file is used to transcode a file that can play in the systems they
support and should never be used for direct ad playback.
The mezzanine file specifications are defined in the Digital Video Ad Format Guidelines.
Player Support
Required in Response
MediaFiles only in InLine format
A CDATA-wrapped URI to a raw, high-quality media file.
* VAST tags served to ad-stitching servers require a mezzanine file and may reject the
VAST response if no mezzanine file is provided.
3.9.3 InteractiveCreativeFile
TOC Schema
For any media file that uses interactive APIs for advanced creative functionality, the
<InteractiveCreativeFile> element is used to identify the file and the framework needed
for execution. For example, when VAST uses VPAID to deliver and execute the ad, the
VPAID unit should be contained in the <InteractiveCreativeFile> element.
Providing the interactive portion for a media file in a section of VAST separate from the
video file enables players to more easily play the video file when no support is available to
execute the API, especially for players that work with an ad-stitching service or make ad
calls from a server on behalf of the player.
The player should attempt to execute the interactive file before attempting to load any
<MediaFile> videos, but if the file cannot be executed, the player should trigger any
included error URIs and use error code 409 when macros are provided.
Player Support
Required if <Linear> is supported
Required in Response
MediaFiles only in InLine format
A CDATA-wrapped URI to a file providing creative functions for the media file.
Identifies the MIME type of the file provided.
Identifies the API needed to execute the Icon resource file if applicable.
3.10 VideoClicks
TOC Schema
The <VideoClicks> element provides URIs for clickthroughs, clicktracking, and custom
clicks and is available for Linear ads in both the InLine and Wrapper formats. Both InLine
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 46 VAST_v4.0
and Wrapper formats offer the ClickTracking and CustomClick elements, but only the InLine
Linear ad offers the Clickthrough element. These elements are defined in the following
Player Support
Required if <Linear> is supported
Required in
Linear in both the InLine and Wrapper format
Clickthrough (only available for InLine Linear ads)
3.10.1 ClickThrough
TOC Schema
The <ClickThrough> is a URI to the advertiser’s site that the video player opens when a
viewer clicks the ad. The clickthrough is only available in the InLine format and is used
when the linear ad unit cannot handle a clickthrough.
Player Support
Required if <Linear> is supported
Required in
One ClickThrough element is required if <VideoClicks> in the InLine format is
VideoClicks only in the InLine format
0-1 (if <VideoClicks> is used)
a URI to the advertiser’s site that the video player opens when a viewer clicks the ad.
A unique ID for the clickthrough.
3.10.2 ClickTracking
TOC Schema
Multiple <ClickTracking> elements can be used in the case where multiple parties would
like to track the linear ad clickthrough.
Player Support
Required if <Linear> is supported
Required in
Linear in both InLine and Wrapper formats.
A URI for tracking when the ClickThrough is triggered.
A unique ID for the click to be tracked.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 47 VAST_v4.0
3.10.3 CustomClick
TOC Schema
The <CustomClick> is used to track any interactions with the linear ad that do not include
the clickthrough click and do not take the viewer away from the video player. For example, if
an ad vendor wants to track that a viewer clicked a button to change the ad's background
color, the <CustomClick> element holds the URI to notify the ad vendor that this click
happened. An API may be needed to inform the player that a click occurred and that the
corresponding URI should be activated.
Player Support
Required if <Linear> is supported
Required in
Linear in both Wrapper and InLine formats.
A URI for tracking custom interactions.
A unique ID for the custom click to be tracked.
3.11 Icons
TOC Schema
The industry icon feature was defined in VAST 3.0 to support initiatives such as privacy
programs. An example of such a program is the AdChoices program for interest-based
advertising (IBA). Though the VAST icon feature was initially created to support privacy
programs, it was designed to support other programs that require posting an icon with the
linear ad.
This feature is only offered for linear ads because icons can be easily inserted in nonlinear
ads and companion creative using existing features. Icon source files may also be included
in a wrapper if necessary.
The structure for linear icons uses the <Icons> element (plural) as a container for one or
more <Icon> elements (singular). Each <Icon> element provides containers for the creative
resource file in section 3.15. Icon tracking is described in sections 0 to 3.11.5.
See section 2.3.8 for details about industry icon support in VAST.
Player Support
Required in
Linear in both InLine and Wrapper formats
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 48 VAST_v4.0
3.11.1 Icon
TOC Schema
Nested under the <Icons> element, the Icon is used to provide one or more creative files for
the icon that represents the program being implemented along with any icon tracking
elements. Multiple <Icon> elements may be used to represent multiple programs.
Player Support
Required in Response
At least one is required if <Icons> is used
Icons for both InLine and Wrapper formats
1+ (if <Icons> is used)
The program represented in the icon (e.g. "AdChoices").
Pixel width of the icon asset.
Pixel height of the icon asset.
The x-cooridinate of the top, left corner of the icon asset relative to the ad
display area. Values of "left" or "right" also accepted and indicate the leftmost or
rightmost available position for the icon asset.
The y-cooridinate of the top left corner of the icon asset relative to the ad
display area; values of "top" or "bottom" also accepted and indicate the topmost
or bottommost available position for the icon asset.
The duration the icon should be displayed unless clicked or ad is finished
playing; provided in the format HH:MM:SS.mmm or HH:MM:SS where .mmm is
milleseconds and optional.
The time of delay from when the associated linear creative begins playing to
when the icon should be displayed; provided in the format HH:MM:SS.mmm or
Identifies the API needed to execute the icon resource file if applicable.
The pixel ratio for which the icon creative is intended. The pixel ratio is the ratio
of physical pixels on the device to the device-independent pixels. An ad
intended for display on a device with a pixel ratio that is twice that of a standard
1:1 pixel ratio would use the value "2." Default value is "1."
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 49 VAST_v4.0
3.11.2 IconViewTracking
TOC Schema
The view tracking for icons is used to track when the icon creative is displayed. The player
uses the included URI to notify the icon server when the icon has been displayed.
Player Support
Required in Response
Icon for both InLine and Wrapper formats
A URI for the tracking resource file to be called when the icon creative is
3.11.3 IconClicks
TOC Schema
The <IconClicks> element is a container for <IconClickThrough> and <ClickTracking>.
Player Support
Required in Response
Icon for both InLine and Wrapper formats
3.11.4 IconClickThrough
TOC Schema
The <IconClickThrough> is used to provide a URI to the industry program page that the
video player opens when the icon is clicked.
Player Support
Required in Response
IconClicks for both InLine and Wrapper formats
A URI to the industry program page opened when a viewer clicks the icon.
3.11.5 IconClickTracking
TOC Schema
<IconClickTracking> is used to track click activity within the icon.
Player Support
Required in Response
IconClicks for both InLine and Wrapper formats
A URI to the tracking resource file to be called when a click corresponding to
the id attribute (if provided) occurs.
An id for the click to be measured.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 50 VAST_v4.0
3.12 NonLinearAds
TOC Schema
Nonlinear ads are the overlay ads that display as an image or rich media on top of video
content during playback. Within an InLine ad, at least one of <Linear> or <NonLinearAds>
needs to be provided within the <Creative> element.
The <NonLinearAds> element is a container for the <NonLinear> creative files and tracking
resources. If used in a wrapper, only the tracking elements are available. Nonlinear creative
cannot be provided in a wrapper ad. Nonlinear ad creative use non-video creative files that
are describe in section 3.15. Tracking event elements are described in section 0. Ad
parameters are used to provide contextual information to the ad and are described in
section 3.8.2.
Player Support
Optional (either <Linear> or <NonLinearAds> must be supported)
Required in Response
At least one of Linear or NonLinearAds is required.
Creative for both InLine and Wrapper formats
3.12.1 NonLinear
TOC Schema
Each <NonLinear> element may provide different versions of the same creative using the
<StaticResource>, <IFrameResource>, and <HTMLResource> elements in the InLine VAST
response. In a Wrapper response, only tracking elements may be provided.
Player Support
Required if <NonLinearAds> is supported
Required in Response
Yes if <NonLinearAds> is used
NonLinearAds for both InLine and Wrapper formats
1+ (if <NonLinearAds> is used)
StaticResource (InLine only)
IFrameResource (InLine only)
HTMLResource (InLine only)
AdParameters (InLine only)
NonLinearClickThrough (InLine only)
NonLinearclickTracking (InLine and Wrapper)
3.12.2 NonLinearClickThrough
TOC Schema
Most nonlinear creative can provide a clickthrough of their own, but in the case where the
creative cannot provide a clickthrough, such as with a simple static image, the
<NonLinearClickThrough> element can be used to provide the clickthrough.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 51 VAST_v4.0
A clickthrough may need to be provided for an InLine ad in the following situations:
Static image file
Flash file with no API framework
Flash file in which apiFramework=clickTAG
Any static resource file where the video player handles the click, such as when
“playerHandlesClick=true” in VPAID
NonLinearClickThrough is only available for InLine ads.
Player Support
Required if <NonLinearAds> is supported
Required in Response
NonLinear only in InLine format
A URI to the advertiser’s page that the video player opens when the viewer
clicks the nonlinear ad.
3.12.3 NonLinearClickTracking
TOC Schema
When the nonlinear ad creative handles the clickthrough in an InLine ad, the
<NonLinearClickTracking> element is used to track the click, provided the ad has a way to
notify the player that that ad was clicked, such as when using a VPAID ad unit. The
NonLinearClickTracking element is also used to track clicks in wrappers.
NonLinearClickTracking might be used for an inline ad when:
Any static resource file where the video player handles the click, such as when
“playerHandlesClick=true” in VPAID
NonLinearClickTracking is used in a wrapper ad in the following situations:
Static image file
Flash file with no API framework
Flash file in which apiFramework=clickTAG
Any static resource file where the video player handles the click, such as when
“playerHandlesClick=true” in VPAID
Player Support
Required if <NonLinearAds> is supported
Required in Response
NonLinear for both InLine and Wrapper formats
A URI to a tracking resource file used to track a nonlinear clickthrough
An id provided by the ad server to track the click in reports.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 52 VAST_v4.0
3.13 CompanionAds
TOC Schema
Companion ads are display ads that are displayed in the webpage beside the video player
or as a skin for the player. The <CompanionAds> element is a container for one or more
<Companion> elements, where each Companion element provides the creative files and
tracking details. Companion ads, including any creative, may be included in both InLine and
Wrapper formatted VAST ads.
The required attribute for the <CompanionAds> element provides information about which
Companion creative to display when multiple Companions are supplied and whether the Ad
can be displayed without its Companion creative. The value for required can be one of
three values: all, any, or none.
The expected behavior for displaying Companion ads depends on the following values:
all: the video player must attempt to display the contents for all <Companion>
elements provided. If all companion creative cannot be displayed, the ad should be
disregarded and the ad server should be notified using the <Error> element.
any: the video player must attempt to display content from at least one of the
<Companion> elements provided (i.e. display the one with dimensions that best fit the
page). If none of the companion creative can be displayed, the ad should be
disregarded and the ad server should be notified using the <Error> element.
none: the video player may choose to not display any of the companion creative, but
is not restricted from doing so. The ad server may use this option when the
advertiser prefers that the master linear or nonlinear ad be displayed even if the
companion cannot be displayed.
If not provided, the video player can choose to display content from any or none of the
<Companion> elements. In all cases the video player should display Companion creative at
the same time as the linear or nonlinear master creative.
Player Support
Required in Response
Creative for both InLine and Wrapper formats
Accepts one of the following values: “all” “any” or “none.” See descriptions listed
in this section.
3.13.1 Companion
TOC Schema
Both InLine and Wrapper VAST responses may contain multiple companion items where
each one may contain one or more creative resource files using the elements:
StaticResource, IFrameResource, and HTMLResource. Each <Companion> element may
provide different versions of the same creative.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 53 VAST_v4.0
The resource elements for providing creative resources are defined in section 3.15. Tracking
elements are also available for each companion element. Ad parameters are used to
provide contextual information to the ad and are described in section 3.8.2.
Player Support
Required if <CompanionAds> is supported
Required in
At least one Companion is required if CompanionAds is used
CompanionAds for both InLine and Wrapper formats
1+ if <CompanionAds> is used
The pixel width of the placement slot for which the creative is intended.
The pixel height of the placement slot for which the creative is intended.
An optional identifier for the creative.
The pixel width of the creative.
The pixel height of the creative.
The maximum pixel width of the creative in its expanded state.
The maximum pixel height of the creative in its expanded state.
The API necessary to communicate with the creative if available.
Used to identify desired placement on a publisher’s page. Values to be used
should be discussed between publishers and advertisers.
The pixel ratio for which the companion creative is intended. The pixel ratio is the
ratio of physical pixels on the device to the device-independent pixels. An ad
intended for display on a device with a pixel ratio that is twice that of a standard
1:1 pixel ratio would use the value "2." Default value is "1."
3.13.2 AltText
TOC Schema
The AltText element is used to provide a description of the companion creative when an ad
viewer mouses over the ad.
Player Support
Required if <CompanionAds> is supported
Required in
Companion for both InLine and Wrapper formats
A string to describe the creative when an ad viewer mouses over the ad.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 54 VAST_v4.0
3.13.3 CompanionClickThrough
TOC Schema
Most companion creative can provide a clickthrough of their own, but in the case where the
creative cannot provide a clickthrough, such as with a simple static image, the
CompanionClickThrough element can be used to provide the clickthrough.
A clickthrough may need to be provided for an InLine ad in the following situations:
Static image file
Flash file with no API framework
Flash file in which apiFramework=clickTAG
Any static resource file where the video player handles the click, such as when
“playerHandlesClick=true” in VPAID
Player Support
Required if <CompanionAds> is supported
Required in Response
Companion for both InLine and Wrapper formats
A URI to the advertiser’s page that the video player opens when the viewer
clicks the companion ad.
3.13.4 CompanionClickTracking
TOC Schema
When the companion ad creative handles the clickthrough in an InLine ad, the
CompanionClickTracking element is used to track the click, provided the ad has a way to
notify the player that that ad was clicked, such as when using a VPAID ad unit. The
CompanionClickTracking element is also used in wrappers to track clicks that occur for the
Companion creative in the InLine ad that is returned after one or more wrappers.
CompanionClickTracking might be used for an InLine ad when:
Any static resource file where the video player handles the click, such as when
“playerHandlesClick=true” in VPAID
CompanionClickTracking is used in a wrapper ad in the following situations:
Static image file
Flash file with no API framework
Flash file in which apiFramework=clickTAG
Any static resource file where the video player handles the click, such as when
“playerHandlesClick=true” in VPAID
Any static resource file where the video player handles the click, such as when
“playerHandlesClick=true” in VPAID
Player Support
Required if <CompanionAds> is supported
Required in Response
Companion for both InLine and Wrapper formats
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 55 VAST_v4.0
A URI to a tracking resource file used to track a companion clickthrough
An id provided by the ad server to track the click in reports.
3.14 Tracking Event Elements
TOC Schema
The <TrackingEvents> element is a container for <Tracking> elements used to define
specific tracking events described in section 3.14.1. Multiple tracking events can be used to
help all the relevant parties track the ad’s performance. Each tracking event URI should be
included one <Tracking> element, using the event attribute to identify which event is to be
The following example shows the section of a VAST response that represents 3 tracking
events: two start events, each for a different server, and a complete event.
<Tracking event="start">
<Tracking event="start">
<Tracking event="complete">
3.14.1 Tracking Event Descriptions
TOC Schema
VAST is used to track a number of ad events using the <TrackingEvents> and <Tracking>
elements. Tracking for impressions is covered in section 3.4.3 and clickthroughs are covered
in their relevant sections. Review the schema in section 5 to find more details about tracking
the different ad types in VAST. Each <Tracking> element contains a URI for the tracking
resource of one event. The video player uses these URIs to notify the ad server when the
identified event occurs.
In some cases the video player cannot detect that an event has occurred unless the ad
communicates the event using a framework such a VPAID. For example, tracking the
NonLinear event for adExpand requires the ad to notify the video player that it has
expanded. This can be done using VPAID or some other framework, but without a means of
communication between the ad and the video player, the video player has no way of
detecting when the ad has expanded.
The following list of metrics is derived from the IAB Digital Video In-Stream Ad Metric
Definitions where more detailed metric definitions can be found.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 56 VAST_v4.0
The values accepted for tracking events are described in the following list:
Player Operation Metrics (for use in Linear and NonLinear ads)
mute: the user activated the mute control and muted the creative.
unmute: the user activated the mute control and unmuted the creative.
pause: the user clicked the pause control and stopped the creative.
resume: the user activated the resume control after the creative had been stopped
or paused.
rewind: the user activated the rewind control to access a previous point in the
creative timeline.
skip: the user activated a skip control to skip the creative.
playerExpand: the user activated a control to extend the player to a larger size. This
event replaces the fullscreen event per the 2014 Digital Video In-Stream Ad Metric
playerCollapse: the user activated a control to reduce player to a smaller size. This
event replaces the exitFullscreen event per the 2014 Digital Video In-Stream Ad
Metric Definitions.
Linear Ad Metrics
start: this event is used to indicate that an individual creative within the ad was
loaded and playback began. As with creativeView, this event is another way of
tracking creative playback.
firstQuartile: the creative played continuously for at least 25% of the total duration
at normal speed.
midpoint: the creative played continuously for at least 50% of the total duration at
normal speed.
thirdQuartile: the creative played continuously for at least 75% of the duration at
normal speed.
complete: the creative was played to the end at normal speed so that 100% of the
creative was played.
acceptInvitationLinear: the user activated a control that launched an additional
portion of the linear creative.
timeSpentViewing: amount of video viewed at normal speed in seconds or other
appropriate time-based units. If a rewind event occurs during play, time spent
viewing may be calculated on total amount of video viewed at normal speed, which
may include additional amounts of video viewed after rewinding. The offset
attribute for the <Tracking> element under Linear ads may be used to track when
time spent viewing meets the threshold. Otherwise, a macro may be provided so that
the player may return a time value. VAST does not provide a standard macro for this
value, so the involved parties must establish these parameters if this metric is to be
otherAdInteraction: an optional metric that can capture all other user interactions
under one metric such a s hover-overs, or custom clicks. It should NOT replace
clickthrough events or other existing events like mute, unmute, pause, etc.
progress: the creative played for a duration at normal speed that is equal to or
greater than the value provided in an additional offset attribute for the <Tracking>
element under Linear ads. Values can be time in the format HH:MM:SS or
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 57 VAST_v4.0
HH:MM:SS.mmm or a percentage value in the format n%. Multiple progress events with
different values can be used to track multiple progress points in the linear creative
timeline. This event can be used in addition to, or instead of, the “quartile” events
(firstQuartile, midpoint, thridQuartile, complete). The additional <Tracking>
offset value can be used to help track a view when an agreed upon duration or
percentage of the ad has played, especially in the case of skipped ads. For example,
if a skippable ad is played for at least as long as the indicated offset value (such as
10 seconds) then a view is counted even if the ad is later skipped.
NonLinear Ad Metrics
creativeView: not to be confused with an impression, this event indicates that an
individual creative portion of the ad was viewed. An impression indicates that at least
a portion of the ad was displayed; however an ad may be composed of multiple
creative, or creative that only play on some platforms and not others. This event
enables ad servers to track which ad creative are viewed, and therefore, which
platforms are more common.
acceptInvitation: the user clicked or otherwise activated a control used to pause
streaming content, which either expands the ad within the player’s viewable area or
“takes-over” the streaming content area by launching an additional portion of the ad.
An ad in video format ad is usually played upon acceptance, but other forms of
media such as games, animation, tutorials, social media, or other engaging media
are also used.
adExpand: the user activated a control to expand the creative.
adCollapse: the user activated a control to reduce the creative to its original
minimize: the user clicked or otherwise activated a control used to minimize the ad
to a size smaller than a collapsed ad but without fully dispatching the ad from the
player environment. Unlike a collapsed ad that is big enough to display it’s message,
the minimized ad is only big enough to offer a control that enables the user to
redisplay the ad if desired.
close: the user clicked or otherwise activated a control for removing the ad, which
fully dispatches the ad from the player environment in a manner that does not allow
the user to re-display the ad.
overlayViewDuration: the time that the initial ad is displayed. This time is based on
the time between the impression and either the completed length of display based
on the agreement between transactional parties or a close, minimize, or accept
invitation event.
otherAdInteraction: an optional metric that can capture all other user interactions
under one metric such a s hover-overs, or custom clicks. It should NOT replace
clickthrough events or other existing events like mute, unmute, pause, etc.
Companion Ad Metric
creativeView: since companion ads use browser technology for display, tracking
metrics can be built into the creative. The only VAST event available for tracking
companion creative is the creativeView event. This event enables ad servers to track
when companion creative are viewed.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 58 VAST_v4.0
3.14.2 TrackingEvents
TOC Schema
The <TrackingEvents> element is available for Linear, NonLinear, and Companion,
elements in both InLine and Wrapper formats. When the video player detects that a
specified event occurs, the video player is required to trigger the tracking resource URI
provided in the nested <Tracking> element. When the server receives this request, it
records the event and the time it occurred.
Player Support
Required under supported ad types
Required in Response
3.14.3 Tracking
TOC Schema
Each <Tracking> element is used to define a single event to be tracked. Multiple tracking
elements may be used to define multiple events to be tracked, but may also be used to
track events of the same type for multiple parties.
When using the progress event, an offset attribute for linear ads can be used to notify the
ad server when the ad's progress has reached the identified percentage or time value
indicated. When percentages are used, the progress event can offer tracking that represent
the quartile events (firstQuartile, midpoint, thirdQuartile, and complete).
When skippable ads are supported, the progress event is used to identify when the ad
counts as a view even if the ad is skipped. For example, if the tracking offset is set to
00:00:15 (15 seconds) but the ad is skipped after 20 seconds, then a creativeView event
may be recorded for the linear creative.
The offset attribute is only available for the <Tracking> element under <Linear>.
Player Support
Required under supported ad types
Required in Response
TrackingEvents for both InLine and Wrapper formats
A URI to the tracking resource for the event specified using the event attribute.
A string that defines the event being track. Accepted values are listed in
section 3.14.1 and differ for <Linear>, <NonLinear>, and <Companion>.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 59 VAST_v4.0
Only available when <Linear> is the parent. Accepts values of time in the
format HH:MM:SS or as a percentage in the format n%. When the progress of
the linear creative has matched the value specified, the included URI is
triggered. If the duration is not known when the offset is set to a percentage
value, the progress event may be ignored.
3.15 Creative Resource Files for Non-Video Creative
TOC Schema
Nonlinear ads, companions, and industry icons are non-video creative, so creative files are
nested using elements that define the type of creative resource file provided:
StaticResource, IFrameResource, and HTMLResource.
These resource nodes are available under the elements: <NonLinear>, <Companion>, and
<Icon> in the inline format; however, in wrapper format, resource files may only be provided
under the <Companion> and <Icon> elements. Nonlinear elements in wrapper format are
only used for tracking, and resource files are not allowed.
Multiple creative files may be included using these components, but each element should
contain one or more files to represent different versions of the creative for use in different
environments. The video player can choose which file to use when more than one resource
file is provided within a single container.
For example, if an ad server wants to submit both a static image and an HTML creative for
a nonlinear ad, then the nonlinear portion of the VAST response would be formatted as
The three resource file elements are described in the following sections.
3.15.1 StaticResource
TOC Schema
The URI to a static creative file to be used for the ad component identified in the parent
element, which is either: <NonLinear>, <Companion>, or <Icon>.
Player Support
Required for <Icon> and for <NonLinear> or <Companion> when supported
Required in Response
One of <StaticResource>, <IFrameResource>, or <HTMLResource> is
required if <NonLinear>, <Companion>, or <Icon> is used
NonLinear, Companion, or Icon in the InLine format
Companion or Icon in the Wrapper format
(Resource files are not provided for nonlinear ads in a wrapper)
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 60 VAST_v4.0
A URI to the static creative file to be used for the ad component identified in the
parent element.
Identifies the MIME type of the creative provided.
3.15.2 IFrameResource
TOC Schema
The URI to a static creative file to be used for the ad component identified in the parent
element, which is either: <NonLinear>, <Companion>, or <Icon>.
Player Support
Required for <Icon> and for <NonLinear> or <Companion> when supported
Required in
One of <StaticResource>, <IFrameResource>, or <HTMLResource> is
required if <NonLinear>, <Companion>, or <Icon> is used
NonLinear, Companion, or Icon in the InLine format
Companion or Icon in the Wrapper format
(Resource files are not provided for nonlinear ads in a wrapper)
A URI to the iframe creative file to be used for the ad component identified in the
parent element.
3.15.3 HTMLResource
TOC Schema
The URI to a static creative file to be used for the ad component identified in the parent
element, which is either: <NonLinear>, <Companion>, or <Icon>.
Player Support
Required for <Icon> and for <NonLinear> or <Companion> when supported
Required in
One of <StaticResource>, <IFrameResource>, or <HTMLResource> is
required if <NonLinear>, <Companion>, or <Icon> is used in the Inline format
NonLinear, Companion, or Icon in the InLine format
Companion or Icon in the Wrapper format
(Resource files are not provided for nonlinear ads in a wrapper)
A URI to the static creative file to be used for the ad component identified in the
parent element.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 61 VAST_v4.0
3.16 AdVerifications
TOC Schema
The <AdVerifications> element is used to contain one or more <Verification> elements,
which are used to initiate a controlled container where code can be executed for collecting
data to verify ad playback details.
If VPAID is being used for ad verification, the ad verification VPAID unit should be included
under the <Verification> element as either a <JavaScriptResource> or
Player Support
Required in
3.17 Verification
TOC Schema
Nested under AdVerifications, the Verification element is used to contain the
JavaScript or Flash code used to collect data. Multiple Verification elements may be used in
cases where more than one verification vendor needs to collect data or when different API
frameworks are used. Each <Verification> element should contain one of either the
<JavaScriptResource> or the <FlashResource>. If one verification vendor is providing code
in both Flash and JavaScript as an option for the player, more than one of the resource
elements may be included.
When included, verification contents must be executed (if possible) BEFORE the
media file or interactive creative file is executed, to ensure verification can track ad
play as intended. Players should attempt to execute the provided file or use the <Error>
URI, if provided, to notify the ad server. Error code 410 can substitute the URI macro, if one
was provided.
Player Support
Required in Response
The home page URL for the verification service provider that supplies the
resource file.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 62 VAST_v4.0
3.17.1 JavaScriptResource
TOC Schema
A container for the URI to the JavaScript file used to collect verification data.
Player Support
Required in Response
A CDATA-wrapped URI to the JavaScript used to collect data
The name of the API framework used to execute the AdVerification code
3.17.2 FlashResource
TOC Schema
A container for the URI to the Flash file used to collect verification data.
Player Support
Required in
A CDATA-wrapped URI to the Flash used to collect data
The name of the API framework used to execute the AdVerification code
3.17.3 ViewableImpression
TOC Schema
The verification vendor may provide URIs for tracking viewable impressions under both the
InLine ad and any Wrappers using the <ViewableImpression> element. The player is not
required to do anything with the viewable impression element for verification.
A publisher may choose to use the <ViewableImpression> element for the <Ad> described
in section 3.5.
Player Support
Required in
A URI to the tracking resource file for the verification viewable impression
An ad server id for the viewable impression.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 63 VAST_v4.0
3.18 Extensions
TOC Schema
Ad servers can use this XML node for custom extensions of VAST. When used, custom
XML should fall under the nested <Extension> (singular) element so that custom XML can
be separated from VAST elements. An XML namespace (xmlns) should also be used for
the custom extension to separate it from VAST components.
The following example includes a custom xml element within the <Extensions> element.
The publisher must be aware of and be capable of executing any VAST extensions in order
to process the content.
Player Support
Required in
InLine or Wrapper
3.18.1 Extension
TOC Schema
One instance of <Extension> should be used for each custom extension. The type attribute
identifies the MIME type of any code provided in the extension.
Player Support
Required in
Custom XML object
The MIME type of any code that might be included in the extension.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 64 VAST_v4.0
3.19 Wrapper
TOC Schema
VAST wrappers are used to redirect the video player to another server for either an
additional <Wrapper> or the VAST <InLine> ad. In addition to the URI that points to another
file, the wrapper may contain tracking elements that provide tracking for the inline ad that is
served following one or more wrappers. A wrapper may also contain <Companion> creative
and <Icon> creative. And while <Linear> and <NonLinear> elements are available in the
wrapper, they are only used for tracking. No media files are provided for Linear elements,
nor are resource files provided for NonLinear elements. Other elements offered for InLine
ads may not be offered for wrappers.
To find out if an element is offered for wrappers, check the human-readable schema in
section 5.
Player Support
Required in Response
One of either InLine or Wrapper required but both are not allowed
a Boolean value that identifies whether subsequent wrappers after a
requested VAST response is allowed. If false, any Wrappers received (i.e.
not an Inline VAST response) should be ignored. Otherwise, VAST
Wrappers received should be accepted (default value is “true.”)
a Boolean value that identifies whether multiple ads are allowed in the
requested VAST response. If true, both Pods and stand-alone ads are
allowed. If false, only the first stand-alone Ad (with no sequence values)
in the requested VAST response is allowed. Default value is “false.”
a Boolean value that provides instruction for using an available Ad when
the requested VAST response returns no ads. If true, the video player
should select from any stand-alone ads available. If false and the Wrapper
represents an Ad in a Pod, the video player should move on to the next Ad
in a Pod; otherwise, the video player can follow through at its own
discretion where no-ad responses are concerned.
3.19.1 VASTAdTagURI
TOC Schema
While VAST wrappers don’t provide all the same elements offered for an inline ad, the
<VASTAdTagURI> is the only element that is unique to wrappers. The VASTAdTagURI is used
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 65 VAST_v4.0
to provide a URI to a secondary VAST response. This secondary response may be another
wrapper, but eventually a VAST wrapper must return an <InLine> ad. In VAST 4.0 the
player is only required to accept five wrappers ads. If no inline ads are returned after 5
wrappers, the player may move on to the next option.
Player Support
Required in Response
Yes (if <Wrapper> is used)
1 (if <Wrapper> is used)
A URI to a VAST response that may be another VAST Wrapper or a VAST
InLine ad. The number of VAST wrappers should not exceed 5 before an inline
ad is served. After 5 VAST wrapper responses, acceptance of additional VAST
responses is at the publisher’s discretion.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 66 VAST_v4.0
4 Migration to VAST 4.0
VAST 4.0 offers features to support long-form video, server-side tracking, industry-wide
creative tracking, and viewability and verification tracking. While the advance in features is
alluring, video players will need time to upgrade their systems. During the transition period
from VAST 3.0 to 4.0 (or 2.0 to 4.0), prepare to manage varying feature support in the
market. VAST 4.0 was designed to be backwards compatible with version 3.0 and VAST 3.0
was designed to be backwards compatible with version 2.0. However, features introduced in
the newer versions will not be supported in older-versioned players. The following sections
outline a few notes to consider as VAST 4.0 is introduced into the market.
4.1 Advertisers and Ad Technology Vendors
Design ads that can be successfully delivered to lower versioned VAST players while still
optimizing the response with new 4.0 capabilities. For example:
VAST 4.0 ads discourage the use of VPAID or other interactive ad units that require
an API to execute. The new <InteractiveCreativeFile> was provided to
accommodate such ads. However, in older versions, an interactive unit may be
provided in addition to the video <MediaFile> in order to ensure interactive files are
executed where possible in older VAST version players.
In a 4.0 response, use both the Creative adId attribute as well as the new
<UniversalAdId> element to provide a creative ad ID.
4.2 Ad Servers and Networks
Be prepared to manage the variability with VAST versions. For example, if a player
specifically requests a VAST 3.0 response, then the ad server should limit responses to
VAST 3.0.
If one or more verification vendors are involved, use VAST 4.0 to provide verification code
in the new <AdVerification> node, but expect that older versioned players will not
recognize the verification node. If VPAID is being used for verification, consider alternate
methods of supplying the VPAID unit to the player in older versions in order to prevent
4.3 Video Players
VAST 4.0 players should continue to accept VAST 3.0 and VAST 2.0 ads. If there are no
plans to upgrade to 4.0, test whether 4.0 ads can play in your player at the 2.0 or 3.0
version that is supported.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 67 VAST_v4.0
5 Human Readable VAST XML Schema
The following schema models the structure for VAST along with available attributes. Click
the section number for more detail.
id, sequence,
model, currency
id, sequence, adId,
idRegistry, idValue
Yes (ad-
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 68 VAST_v4.0
id, delivery, type,
bitrate, minBitrate,
maxBitrate, width,
height, scalable,
codec, apiFramework
event, offset
program, width, height,
xPosition, yPosition
duration, offset,
apiFramework, pxratio
(StaticResource only)
id, width, height,
adSlotID, pxratio
(StaticResource only)
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 69 VAST_v4.0
s, allowMultipleAds,
model, currency
id, sequence, adId
event, offset
program, width, height,
xPosition, yPosition
duration, offset,
apiFramework, pxratio
(StaticResource only)
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 70 VAST_v4.0
*Either the InLine element or the Wrapper element is required and only one is allowed.
id, width, height,
adSlotID, logoTile,
logoTitle, logoArtist,
logoURL, pxratio
(StaticResource only)
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 71 VAST_v4.0
6 VAST Terminology
As the video advertising industry has evolved, certain terminology has gained widespread
adoption. The following definitions represent some of that terminology as it relates to video
ad serving discussed in this document.
Ad Pod: An ad Pod is sequence of Linear ads played back-to-back, like a commercial
break with multiple ad spots on TV.
Companion Ad: Commonly a display banner or rich media ad that appears on the page
outside of the video player. Companion ads may remain on the page after the related in-
stream ad ends. A Companion ad can also be a skin that wraps the video experience.
Clickthrough: A URL for page that opens when a user clicks the ad creative.
InLine Ad: A VAST ad response that contains all the information needed to display the
video ad. No additional calls to other ad servers are needed after a VAST InLine ad
response is received.
In-Stream Ad: Any ad that appears inside a streaming video player, whether it’s an image
overlay or a Linear video ad, such as an ad that plays in a 30 second ad spot.
Linear Ad: Linear ads are like TV commercials and can appear before the content video
plays (pre-roll), during a break in the content video (mid-roll), or after the content video
ends(post-roll). Linear ads may be video, rich media or still image ads. Using an API or
other technology, Linear ads can be interactive and ad duration can be extended when a
user interacts.
Master Ad: For video ad campaigns that include an in-stream ad plus one or more
Companion ads, the in-stream portion of the ad unit is referred to as the master ad. In this
master-companion relationship, the master ad must always be shown.
Nonlinear Ad: An in-stream ad that appears concurrently with the video content playback.
Nonlinear ads usually cover the bottom or top fifth of the video player and can be text,
image or interactive ads. Using an API or other technology, the video player may allow
user-initiated interaction in a nonlinear ad to stop content video playback. Nonlinear ads can
only appear at some point between content video start and end (mid-roll positions) and
generally disappear after 10-20 seconds if there is no interaction.
Overlay Ad: A nonlinear ad format in which an image or text displays on top of video
content. Overlay ads are commonly referred to as simply “nonlinear ads;” however
nonlinear ads may also include non-overlay formats that are served within the video player
but without covering any video content.
Primary Ad Server: The first ad server that the video player calls to for ad content. The
primary ad server is usually the ad server used by the publisher.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 72 VAST_v4.0
Secondary Ad Server: The ad server that the video player calls after receiving a VAST
redirect (wrapper ad) from the primary ad server. Secondary ad servers may include agency
or ad network ad servers. Also, secondary ad servers may redirect the video player to a
third ad server and the third ad server may redirect to a fourth, and so on. Eventually, an ad
server must provide a VAST response that includes all the creative elements needed to
display the ad.
VAMG: Video Ad Measurement Guidelines is an IAB guideline that defines the set of events
that should be tracked when a video ad is played.
VAST: The Video Ad Serving Template is an IAB guideline and XML schema that describes
the XML structure for a video ad response. VAST enables ad responses to come from any
ad server.
VAST Redirect: A VAST ad response that points to another VAST response (sometimes
referred to as the downstream VAST response).
VAST Tag: A URI that returns a VAST response when called.
Video Ad: Any ad displayed in the context of a video experience. A video experience may
include in-banner video, in-text video, in-stream video and other formats. VAST applies only
to in-stream video where a video player is used to manage the video experience
independent of any other content. For example, video served within an ad banner is
considered rich media and is NOT addressed in the VAST guideline.
Video Player: A video playback environment used to manage a video experience. Video
players are provided by an Online Video Platform (OVP) vendor or can be custom-built by
the publisher.
VMAP: Video Multi Ads Playlist is an IAB guideline that describes the XML structure for a
playlist of video ads sent from an ad server to a video player.
VPAID: Video Player Ad Interface Definition is an IAB guideline that defines the
communication protocols between an interactive ad and the video player that is rendering it.
Wrapper: in the context of VAST, a Wrapper is a response that provides a URI that the
video player uses to call a secondary VAST response. The secondary response may be
either another Wrapper or a VAST InLine response.
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 73 VAST_v4.0
7 Addendum: Corrections and Clarifications
Some clarifications and corrections were added to this document after it was released
January 21, 2016. These clarifications and corrections are described below.
General Corrections and Clarifications
(Throughout): Added player support detail for each element
3.2.1: VAST Error element note clarifying that when using the VAST <Error>
element to report a no-ad response, no other elements should be included in the
response. (Either <Error> or <Ad> may be provided but not both)
3.2.1: Multiple <Error> elements allowed for reporting a no-ad response to multiple
parties. This was unclear in previous version.
3.14.1: Tracking event description for progress moved from Player Operation
Metrics to Linear Ad Metrics and offset attribute explanation clarified (offset
attribute only available for the <Tracking> element under Linear ads, not in the
<Linear> element as previous text may have suggested). Also noted that
playerExpand and playerCollapse replace previously known fullscreen and
exitFullscreen. The metrics were redefined in a 2013 initiative.
3.14.1: Reference to the IAB Digital Video In-Stream Ad Metric Definitions.
3.17.1 and 3.17.2: Verification JavaScriptResource and FlashResource: changed
camel-case spelling of APIFramework attribute to apiFramework.
3.19: Wrapper: added Pricing to list of sub-elements
3.3.2: Ad element: bounding changed from 1+ to 0+. <Ad> not required in a no-ad
response, but at least one <Ad> is required in all other responses
3.4: InLine: bounding changed from 1 to 0-1.
3.4.3: Impression: bounding changed from 1 to 1+
3.6: Creatives: bounding changed from 1 to 1 for InLine, 0-1 for Wrapper
3.7.2: CreativeExtensions: bounding changed from 0+ to 0-1
3.8.1: Duration: bounding changed from 0-1 to "1 (when Linear is used)". Duration
element is required for Linear ads.
3.9: MediaFiles: bounding changed from 0-1 to "1(when Linear is used)". MediaFiles
element is required for Linear ads.
3.9.3: InteractiveCreativeFile: bounding changed from 1 to 0+
3.10.1: ClickThrough: bounding changed from 0+ to 0-1.
3.19.1: VASTAdTagURI: bounding changed from 0-1 to "1 (if <Wrapper> is used)"
Attribute Corrections
© 2016 IAB Technology Laboratory 74 VAST_v4.0
3.8: skipoffset attribute for Linear: updated to all lowercase
3.14.3: Tracking: offset attribute explained and added to the table.
3.10.1: ClickThrough: missing id attribute added
Structure Corrections
3.8: Linear: InteractiveCreative removed from sub-elements list.
<InteractiveCreative> is nested under <MediaFiles>
3.9.2: Mezzanine: Parent changed from MediaFile to MediaFiles
3.9.3: InteractiveCreativeFile: parent changed from MediaFile to "MediaFiles only in
InLine format." (InteractiveCreativeFile is not allowed in wrapper)
3.13.1: Companion: missing sub-elements AltText and TrackingEvents added
Human-Readable Schema Corrections
VAST/Ad: added conditionalAd attribute
/Survey: added type attribute
/CreativeExtensions: added type attribute
/Linear: corrected skipoffset camel-case spelling
/NonLinearAds: inserted rows for missing /TrackingEvents and /Tracking elements
/Companion: removed attributes logoTitle, logoTile, logoArtist, logoURL
(accidentally carried over from DAAST table)
/Companion: inserted rows for missing /TrackingEvents and /Tracking elements
/Creative (under Wrapper): inserted rows for missing /NonLinearAds, /NonLinear,
/NonLinearClickThrough, /NonLinearClickTracking, /TrackingEvents, and /Tracking