What is
BrandHub puts processes around how your brand is
communicated and distributed, giving you total control over your
brand governance.
What is BrandHub?
Through consistent repetition, your brand becomes a lasting memory etched in the minds of your target
audience, yet negative experiences tend to be more memorable than positive ones. Branding is the
front line in the battle that is marketing, it elevates purchase choice above price and commands a
financial value. It’s no wonder companies invest heavily in designers and creative teams to get it right.
However, without a system in place to share brand assets and govern their usage and application
across so many creative outputs, how do companies protect their brand which is a key asset for any
IntelligenceBank’s BrandHub is an online solution that puts systems and measures around how your
brand is communicated and distributed. Development of creative content is made easy by storing
approved assets within an enterprise-grade digital asset management system. Download requests give
you an element of control of what gets used and when, especially where usage rights or sensitive
information is involved.
Sharing your brand with the world has never been easier using online brand guidelines to communicate,
educate and direct users to the relevant brand assets. Or, where there is a risk that guidelines won’t be
followed and unapproved creative is being distributed, creative templates and order forms for brand
materials can be used to excel at local area marketing.
These systems ensure that all of your brand communication is approved and meets industry standards,
reducing the risk of that lasting negative impression. This range of features within a BrandHub are
especially effective for enterprise and geographically disparate businesses seeing to protect their
investment and reputation.
Read on to find out how you can safeguard your brand.
Use Cases
Take Your Brand Online
Brand guidelines are the single source of truth for all marketers involved in creative production. If
adhering to your style guide is so important why is it stuck on the internal drive in PDF form? Not only
is this document difficult to find, end users now need to look through 35 pages to see if they have used
the correct logo. Without a BrandHub in place, it’s probably easier to head to Google and download it
from the web (brand manager sighs in defeat) than find it internally.
For businesses with big marketing departments, multiple agencies or overseas teams, working in this
way and protecting your brand is like trying to get a square peg through a round hole. User adoption
has become a key consideration of modern business and adoption of your brand guidelines is no
exception. In gaining greater governance over your brand, the first step is getting your staff, third
parties and stakeholders to use it correctly. Simplifying processes and increasing accessibility are
pillars in achieving this.
By digitizing your brand guidelines and showcasing them on your website or internal system you
remove barriers to access. Yet, where strategic elements must be restricted, it’s important that
permissions can be granted to specific users. In extracting your brand guidelines from PDF you can
transform the way that people navigate and interact with them. Custom pages allow you to showcase
key areas, providing instruction for use and directing users to download the relevant and correct assets.
It also gives you visibility over who is visiting your BrandHub and using your assets.
Centralize Approved Creative & Assets
The world is thirsty for new content and marketers are eager to provide it. We spend a large portion of
our time elbows deep in creative production, but what happens to these approved assets and files
when the project is complete? It’s typical that they are archived, stored in the depths of your company
shared drive, or at your agency never to be seen again.
What many marketers don’t realize is that much of the content they are busy working on, they are in
fact re-creating. This creative ‘deja vu’ is costing your team time and a large chunk of your precious
budget. Imagine running your Christmas campaign without having to begin from scratch? The
approved brand and creative assets from last year’s project are stored in a central location, ready for
you to use as a foundation.
Digital Asset Management is a key module which powers your BrandHub. It is a system for storing,
searching and sharing your logos, fonts and other brand assets, including approved images, audio and
video and designed creative. It acts as a single source of truth for your brand so that you can achieve
consistency across all marketing.
Creative Approvals
Ensuring that all creative content is approved and brand compliant can be difficult to manage, often
done via email with no audit trail. While protecting the visual elements of your brand is important, it is
only half of the governance equation. Ensuring that your creative content meets industry standards and
complies with regulation has become an increasingly important part of advertising and communication.
The approval process has extended beyond marketing departments, and in regulated industries often
requires legal and compliance sign off before creative is distributed. The impact of being slapped with
a compliance breach is felt far beyond the resulting fine, with negative PR having a more significant
impact on your carefully crafted brand image.
With a robust creative approval process as part of your BrandHub, marketing departments can let their
teams ‘self-serve’ assets, while at the same time, stay in full control of what gets approved to be used
across media. With audit trails and alerts, creative approvals keep everyone on the same page for
brand compliance.
Marketing Templates and Documentation
One of the challenges marketing departments face is how to ensure sales teams and other areas of the
business use the right templates and documentation. Within you BrandHub, you can manage and
distribute documents as well such as stationery templates, sales collateral, presentations and other
files. This again ensures all client facing creative is easily accessible and your colleagues dont ‘go
rogue’ on creating their own templates.
Share Brand Updates Instantly
Within your BrandHub, you can update your team with Brand News an online forum and newsletter
capability that enables you to instantly share updates to your guidelines or new elements available to
users of your platform. It keeps people up to date, engaged and what’s great about this capability is
you can link back into the BrandHub platform for easy access to the new creative.
Local Area Marketing
Brand consistency and quality usually falls down the farther away it is from the centralized marketing
team. The cringe factor when the CEO walks into a retail location and sees clip art on signage or comic
sans on marketing collateral is never ideal.
With web-to-print templates, adjusting creative content for local markets has never been easier. With
easily-accessible locked InDesign templates your hotels, retailers, franchises, dealers or local markets
can fine-tune specific areas of creative like location and price point from within the platform.
When dealing with regulatory requirements such as disclaimers, users can drop in pre-selected items,
sending off an approval request before the design can be distributed. Templates link back to your
Digital Asset Management library so users can select logos, text boxes or images to include, if
permitted. With creative templates, you will cost effectively achieve creative consistency across diverse
markets without the need for the central marketing team to have to customize content for local markets.
Who are we?
We are the leading Online Brand Management, Digital Asset Management and Marketing
Operations Software provider, helping content marketers seamlessly manage brand governance,
digital assets, creative content approvals and compliance, and creative project management.
IntelligenceBank's beautifuly designed platform is used by leading brands, globally.
If you would like to know more about how BrandHub can be tailored to suit your brand
requirements, our friendly experts are just an email or phone call away.
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