08 May 2023
From: Commander, Naval Education and Training Command
Ref: (a) NETCINST 1500.13D
(b) NAVAIR 00-80R-14-1
(c) Naval Ships Technical Manual, Chapter 555
(d) Navy Tactics Techniques and Procedures 3-20.31
(e) OPNAV M-5102.1 of 27 September 2021
(f) NAVMED P-5010-3
(g) National Fire Protection Association 1403
(h) Unified Facilities Criteria 4-179-01
(i) OPNAV M-5100.23 of 7 September 2022
(j) NAVMED P-117
(k) National Fire Protection Association 1582
(l) Naval Ships Technical Manual, Chapter 077
(m) National Fire Protection Association 58
(n) National Fire Protection Association 704
(o) National Fire Protection Association 72
Encl: (1) Surface and Shipboard Aviation Firefighting
(2) Submarine Firefighting
(3) Mobile Aircraft Firefighting Training Device
(4) Propane Storage and Distribution System
1. Purpose. To promulgate policy to minimize the probability
of mishaps and injuries to students and instructors while
conducting firefighting training. This instruction supplements
high-risk training safety program policy provided in reference
(a). References (b) through (o) are also applicable.
2. Cancellation. NETCINST 1500.16A.
3. Background. Reference (a) establishes Naval Education and
Training Command (NETC) policy for the High and Moderate-Risk
Training Safety program. Reference (b) establishes information
and procedures for use by aircraft rescue and firefighting
personnel. Reference (c) provides guidance for firefighting
equipment and procedures on surface ships and submarines.
Reference (d) provides doctrine and procedures dealing with
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surface ship survivability. Reference (e) establishes safety,
investigation and reporting policy for all Navy and Marine Corps
activities, commands, personnel, and contractors. Reference (f)
provides guidance for prevention and treatment of heat and cold
stress injuries. Reference (g) provides the process for
conducting live fire training evolutions. Reference (h)
establishes design criteria for Navy firefighting school
facilities. Reference (i) establishes policy guidance for the
management of the Department of the Navy (DON) Safety and
Occupational Health program. Reference (j) provides guidance
for performing, recording, and interpreting the results of
physical examinations. Reference (k) establishes standards and
requirements for a comprehensive occupational medical program
for fire departments. Reference (l) provides guidance for the
use and care of personnel protection equipment. Reference (m)
establishes standards for the storage, handling, transportation,
and use of liquefied petroleum gas. Reference (n) establishes
the standard system for the identification of the hazards of
materials for emergency response. Reference (o) establishes the
application, installation, location, performance, inspection,
testing, and maintenance of fire alarm systems.
4. Applicability. This instruction is applicable to:
a. Training activities within the NETC domain that conduct
formal Navy firefighting training, including mobile training
teams (MTT).
b. Contracted firefighting training facilities utilizing
NETC approved curriculum.
c. Fleet activities conducting live firefighting training
utilizing NETC approved curriculum.
5. Roles and Responsibilities. The roles and responsibilities
outlined in this instruction, as well as reference (a), provide
the policy and guidance to assist in conducting safe
firefighting training.
(1) Issue policy and provide technical guidance and
support to subordinate commands who conduct firefighting
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(2) Pursue a firefighting training program that
minimizes the probability of mishaps and related injuries to
students and staff during formal training.
(3) Schedule and lead on-site high risk training safety
evaluations (HRTSE) of all firefighting training per reference
(a), at least once every 36 months. A firefighting training
evaluation will also be conducted:
(a) When a learning center (LC) or learning site
(LS) desires to teach an additional firefighting course that
they are not currently approved to teach.
(b) When any structure or device used to conduct
live firefighting training has been substantially modified.
(c) When a LS wishes to use a firefighter trainer
that has not previously been evaluated.
(4) A firefighting training evaluation consists of the
(a) Observation of firefighting training,
procedures, and operations.
(b) Review and assessment of instructor screening
and qualification program, safety programs, training evolution
standard operating procedures (SOP), special evolution SOPs
(e.g., daily startup and securing, fuel delivery, etc.),
emergency shut-off procedures, emergency action plans,
preventive maintenance system, fuel records, and student
qualification and medical screening procedures.
(c) Inspection of personal protective equipment,
emergency equipment and systems, and communication systems (both
primary and secondary).
(d) Inspection of technical training platforms to
ensure a continued safe training environment for staff and
Note: Formal technical training platform condition
assessments are no longer required now that
structural evaluations of all Submarine Learning
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Center (SLC) and Surface Warfare Schools Command
(SWSC) live firefighting trainer complex structures
have been conducted.
(e) Observation of an emergency action plan drill.
Note: LSs are advised to allow a minimum of 4 weeks from
new device acceptance until the interim evaluation in
order to allow instructor completion of a new course
unique instructor training and familiarization with
trainer operations for all live firefighting
b. LCs (Includes Naval Service Training Command (NSTC))
(1) Where facility limitations prevent training per
approved scenarios, the LC will provide the affected LS with
written authority to deviate, with notification provided to NETC
(2) Ensure firefighting equipment and tactics are
consistent with Navy doctrine provided in references (b) through
(d), as applicable.
(3) Advise NETC N00X of all changes or modifications to
facilities or firefighter trainers prior to conduct of work.
(4) Ensure that any statement of work for contractor
operations and maintenance services (COMS) contract and any
contracted firefighting training sites includes the requirement
that COMS contractors or contracted training sites must use the
firefighter trainer startup and securing procedures and
preventive maintenance procedures provided by Naval Air Warfare
Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) or LC, as applicable.
c. LSs
(1) Ensure written procedures are developed for
processes associated with the firefighting trainer located at
the LS and per enclosures (1) through (3), as applicable.
(2) Firefighting equipment and tactics:
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(a) Ensure all firefighter training adheres to the
curriculum issued by the LC, unless there is written authority
to deviate.
(b) If a LS is unable to comply with the curriculum,
permission to deviate must be requested via the course
curriculum model manager (CCMM), as appropriate, and approved by
the applicable LC.
(3) Advise the applicable LC of all changes or
modifications to facilities or firefighter trainers prior to
conduct of work.
(4) Student qualifications:
(a) Prerequisites. Establish procedures to ensure
catalog of Navy training courses prerequisites are met by
students prior to commencement of firefighting training.
(b) Authorized Students. Students attending NETC
firefighting training courses must be a member of the Department
of Defense (DoD) (including U.S. Naval Academy Midshipman and
Federal firefighters), U. S. Coast Guard, National Oceanographic
and Atmospheric Administration, or an International Military
Student unless approved by NETC Safety. Naval Reserve Officer
Training Command (NROTC) students may attend only if under
official Navy orders.
(c) Unauthorized Students. Naval Sea Cadets and
Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Command (NJROTC) students
are not authorized to attend live firefighting training.
(d) Individuals who are not members of the
organizations listed above (e.g., non-DoD civilians, NROTC,
etc.) may, under certain circumstances, be allowed to attend
specific high-risk courses. However, prior written approval is
required by NSTC, Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training,
SLC, or SWSC for courses under their cognizance (courses for
which they are the CCMM), and NETC N00X for all other courses.
All such requests must be submitted via the applicable LC or
NSTC. All individuals approved must meet the same requirements
for attendance as outlined in this instruction. In no case, may
NJROTC students or Naval Sea Cadets attend a high-risk course.
Applicable LC or NSTC will provide NETC N00X a copy of all
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correspondence related to authorizations to attend their high-
risk courses. LCs or NSTC are not authorized to delegate this
authority to subordinate activities.
(e) Very important persons, media, historians, film
crews, and other interested parties often request to observe
portions of high-risk courses. These requests must be in
writing and routed to NETC Public Affairs (N00P) for staffing.
If approved, NETC N00X may provide additional controls beyond
those found in this instruction. A “Hold Harmless Agreement”
must be signed prior to attending NETC high-risk courses.
(5) Must comply with requirements contained in enclosure
(4) for those portions of the propane storage and distribution
system that are under their control.
6. Records Management
a. Records created as a result of this instruction,
regardless of format or media, must be maintained and
dispositioned per the records disposition schedules located on
the DON Assistant for Administration, Directives and Records
Management Division portal page at
b. For questions concerning the management of records
related to this instruction or the records disposition
schedules, please contact the local records manager.
7. Review and Effective Date. Per Office of the Chief of Naval
Operations (OPNAV) Instruction (OPNAVINST) 5215.17A, NETC will
review this instruction annually around the anniversary of its
issuance date to ensure applicability, currency, and consistency
with Federal, DoD, Secretary of the Navy, and Navy policy and
statutory authority using OPNAV 5215/40 (Review of Instruction).
This instruction will be in effect for 10 years, unless revised
or cancelled in the interim, and will be reissued by the 10-year
anniversary date if it is still required, unless it meets one of
the exceptions in OPNAVINST 5215.17A, paragraph 9. Otherwise,
if the instruction is no longer required, it will
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08 May 2023
Enclosure (1)
1. As identified in paragraph 5c(1) of the basic instruction,
written procedures will be developed for the following
processes. The LS does not need to develop duplicate written
procedures if the COMS contractor has written daily operational
readiness test and shut down procedures provided by NAWCTSD or
the LC.
a. Initial Equipment Setup, Startup, and Readiness Checks
(1) Water supply alignment.
(2) Emergency extinguishing system checks.
(3) Placement and check of emergency equipment.
(4) Electrical system check.
(5) Drainage alignment check.
(6) Emergency alarm check.
(7) Ventilation system alignment.
(8) Fuel supply alignment.
(9) Communications checks.
(a) A backup communications system will be in place
that is capable of notifying or directly communicating with the
base fire department (or other emergency response personnel) in
the event the primary communications system fails.
(b) Backup communication systems will be tested
prior to the start of the training day.
b. Each Fire Scenario. A separate written procedure is not
required if the following are contained within the curricula:
(1) Initial preparations.
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Enclosure (1)
(2) Protective equipment worn by instructors and
students is effective, donned properly, and is appropriate for
the scenario.
(3) Number of instructors and safety observers; their
positions and duties.
(4) Ventilation, if mechanical.
(5) Fueling system activation and securing.
(6) Ignition system activation and securing.
(7) Instructor rotation procedures.
(8) Securing procedures after final fire.
Note: Prior to conducting a “flashover” simulation, the
internal instructor will confirm that all personnel
are in a crouched position away from the flashover
c. Facility and Equipment Shutdown and Securing
(1) The following items are secured when the trainers
are returned to the "Instrument Power/24-Hour Mode":
(a) Ignition system alignment and securing.
(b) Fuel system alignment and securing.
(c) Ventilation system alignment and securing.
(d) Electrical power.
(2) Ensure the following are shutdown and secured:
(a) Water system alignment and securing.
(b) Storage of extinguishers, hoses, etc.
(c) Cooling of structures.
(d) Wash-down and drainage.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (1)
(e) Fuel systems.
d. Refueling Procedures
(1) Safety precautions.
(2) Procedures (including approval authority).
(3) Emergency procedures (including propane leaks).
(4) Notification of emergency services.
2. Startup Safety Requirements
a. Visually inspect trainers for damage prior to live fire
training evolutions. All damage will be documented per
reference (g), as applicable.
b. All doors, windows, roof scuttles, automatic
ventilators, mechanical equipment, lighting, and standpipes
necessary for the live fire training evolution will be checked
and operated prior to any live fire training evolution to ensure
they operate correctly per reference (g).
c. All safety devices, such as thermometers, oxygen and
toxic and combustible gas monitors, evacuation alarms, heat
stress monitoring equipment, and emergency shutdown switches
will be checked prior to any live fire training evolutions per
reference (g).
d. Propane firefighter trainers will be run each day prior
to exposing students to live flames in order to ensure the
correct operation of devices such as the gas valves, flame
safeguard units, agent sensors, combustion fans, and ventilation
fans per reference (g).
e. Ensure all doors used for emergency exits are adequately
marked and should have panic hardware, if applicable, per
reference (h).
3. Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
a. The following information will be included in the EAP,
in addition to that required by reference (a):
08 May 2023
Enclosure (1)
(1) Emergency communications and signals.
(a) The communications system between fire field
instructors and supervisors will ensure any emergency can be
signaled and understood. Emergency signals and procedures will
be specified in the EAP.
(b) Each fire school will have a means of
broadcasting an emergency signal (bell, horn, whistle, public
address system) over the entire fire field. These emergency
signals and procedures will be part of student indoctrination.
(2) Emergency field securing procedures.
(3) Notification of emergency services.
(4) Mustering procedures (students and instructors).
b. All firefighter trainers will have portable
extinguishers available for emergency use in the propane burn
areas associated with each trainer based on guidance provided by
the host activity fire inspectors.
c. Ensure a hospital corpsman, emergency medical
technician, or medical support personnel, as defined in
reference (a), as well as emergency oxygen, are available on
scene during all firefighting training. They cannot
simultaneously be assigned to instruct firefighting training
4. Preventive Maintenance System (PMS). PMS and spot check
program will be implemented for, but not be limited to,
technical training equipment, personal protective equipment
(PPE), and training platforms.
a. PMS will be performed using the current maintenance
requirement cards (MRC), PMS guidance provided to COMS
contractor by NAWCTSD, LC, or the equipment operations and
maintenance support manuals if no other guidance is available.
b. The requirement for conducting routine maintenance by
either staff or contract personnel will be clearly delineated
and will only be performed by qualified personnel. Maintenance
08 May 2023
Enclosure (1)
conducted by contract personnel will be delineated in the
statement of work.
c. PMS of firefighter ensemble will follow procedures and
periodicities provided by SWSC (and not National Fire Prevention
Association (NFPA) 1851). However, Navy firefighter’s
protective gear will be retired no later than 10 years from the
date of manufacture. In all cases, the radiant reflective outer
shell of the garment element will be replaced no more than 5
years from the date of manufacture.
d. Gauge Calibration. Contractor maintenance personnel and
firefighting LS personnel will establish a gauge calibration
program for all critical system gauges, except for systems
controlled by Naval Facilities Engineering Command (e.g., gauges
on propane and carbon dioxide storage tanks). These include,
but are not limited to, propane fuel lines, tanks, self-
contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) fill station compressors,
and carbon dioxide fire extinguisher refill compressors. The
operations and maintenance support manuals for these systems
should identify primary gauges and calibration periodicity.
Calibration will only be performed by qualified personnel.
a. SCBA air cylinders will be refilled only from systems
designed and approved for refilling. Written procedures for
filling will be clearly posted in the immediate vicinity of the
refilling system.
b. Air compressors used to fill SCBA air cylinders will be
tested on a quarterly basis and meet minimum grade "D"
requirements per reference (i). Records of these tests will be
maintained for 5 years per reference (i).
c. Documentation of the latest air quality test will be
clearly posted in the vicinity of the air compressor.
d. In addition to quarterly air quality monitoring to
ensure grade “D” breathing air, activities will equip compressor
systems with either high temperature or continuous carbon
monoxide monitors and alarm systems or both, to monitor carbon
monoxide levels. If only high temperature alarms are used, the
activity will monitor the air supply at intervals sufficient to
08 May 2023
Enclosure (1)
prevent carbon monoxide in the breathing air from exceeding 10
parts per million, per reference (i).
e. Activities will equip all new and upgraded air
compressor systems with continuous carbon monoxide monitors and
alarm systems. Calibrate monitor and alarm systems on
compressors used for supplying breathing air according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. Calibration will only be performed
by properly trained personnel.
f. SCBA air compressor air intakes must be located away
from vehicular and other engine exhaust in fresh outdoor
atmospheres, such as above roof level and away from ventilation
6. Student Screening. Student screening requirements are
listed in reference (a).
7. General Surface and Shipboard Aviation Firefighting
Instructor Qualifications
a. Potential surface and shipboard aviation firefighting
training instructors must comply with screening, training, and
qualification procedures outlined in reference (a) and
additional requirements per this instruction.
b. Instructors are not required to qualify more than once
on material common to two or more courses or qualification
programs. Except as determined to be necessary by the LC
commanding officer (CO) or designated representative, candidates
are not required to repeat any step in which they have
previously qualified and in which they are currently proficient.
c. Firefighting instructors required to wear an SCBA will
be medically cleared, trained, and fit-tested per references (i)
and (j). For those instructors with “no shave chits,” facial
hair that comes between the sealing surface of the facepiece and
the face, or any condition that interferes with the face-to-
facepiece seal is not allowed.
8. Positions Requiring Qualification
a. Personnel filling the below listed positions will
complete the following requirements, all applicable requirements
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Enclosure (1)
identified in reference (a), and be designated in writing by the
CO or designated representative.
(1) Instructor Operating Station Console Operator
(IOSCO). Authorized to operate computer console for 19F propane
firefighter trainers. This individual does not need to be a
qualified high-risk instructor.
(a) Describe and conduct the operating procedures
for fire selection, fire scenario data entry, fire control
monitoring, and communications.
(b) Describe and conduct the post operational
(c) Perform the duties of IOSCO under instruction
twice for all firefighter courses taught at the school.
(d) Pass a testing process established by the
appropriate LC, if required.
(2) Instructor. Authorized to instruct (and supervise)
students in firefighting and fire demonstrations for a
particular fire evolution or course. Instructors report to
their respective structure chief.
(a) Complete firefighting instructor medical and
psychological screening per reference (j), as well as instructor
requirements detailed in reference (a).
(b) Complete respirator physical, training, and fit
testing, as applicable.
(c) Demonstrate a working knowledge of Navy manuals
associated with aviation and shipboard firefighting as
(d) Demonstrate knowledge of all firefighting
equipment used at the fire school, including its proper use and
maintenance, as applicable.
(e) Observe fire field evolutions for a minimum of
one entire convening of the course.
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Enclosure (1)
(f) Act as an instructor for two different
laboratory evolutions under the supervision of a qualified
(g) Act as lead instructor for one class under the
supervision of a qualified instructor.
(h) Pass a testing process established by the
appropriate LC, if required.
Note: Paragraphs 8a(2)(a) through 8a(2)(h) are to be added
to the course unique instructor training.
(3) Structure Chief. Authorized to prepare, conduct,
and supervise training sessions in a specified structure or
mockup on the fire field and is responsible for securing the
structure at the end of the training day. The structure chief
reports to the field safety chief.
(a) Taught as an instructor at the structure or
mock-up a minimum of five classes. For MTTs, the NETC safety
representative may reduce this requirement to one class if the
activity owning the firefighter trainer will have a qualified
structure chief on scene during live fire training evolutions.
(b) Demonstrate knowledge of the structure's fuel
and ignition systems.
(c) Demonstrate knowledge of all safety procedures
for each fire scenario, and the general emergency procedures.
(d) Discuss the duties of a structure chief for each
fire scenario taught at the structure or mock-up with a
qualified structure chief.
(e) Perform the duties of a structure chief for one
course convening at the structure or mock-up under the
supervision of a qualified field safety chief.
(f) Pass a testing process established by the
applicable LC, if required.
(4) Field Safety Chief. Is authorized to exercise
overall control of all fire field operations. A field safety
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Enclosure (1)
chief must be on the field to conduct any live firefighting
training evolution. The field safety chief's duties can be
combined with the structure chief's duties if only one evolution
is occurring on the fire field.
(a) Qualified as an instructor for each fire field
evolution taught at the fire field.
(b) Supervised a minimum of two full classes as
structure chief at each structure and mock-up on the fire
school. For MTTs, the NETC safety representative may reduce
this requirement to one class if the activity owning the
firefighter trainer will have a qualified field safety chief on
scene during live fire training evolutions.
(c) Demonstrate detailed knowledge of fueling and
ignition systems and procedures, as well as all safety systems.
(d) Demonstrate detailed knowledge of daily startup,
shutdown, and fire field emergency procedures. At activities
where the trainer is maintained under a COMS contract, the
individual must demonstrate familiarity with startup and
shutdown procedures and detailed knowledge of field emergency
(e) Perform the duties twice of field safety chief
under the supervision of a qualified field safety chief.
(f) Pass a testing process established by the
applicable LC, if required.
b. Fire Field Support Personnel. Any fire field support
personnel will complete a locally developed written
qualifications (i.e., job qualification requirements) and
training requirements. Completion will be documented before an
individual performs these tasks unsupervised.
c. In the event that a course convenes with a frequency
that delays achieving qualification, the LC CO or designated
representative may authorize actual or simulated practice
scenarios to allow for proficiency, training, and
qualifications. As a last resort, the CO or designated
representative may reduce the required repetitions of attending,
instructing, or performing the duties of instructor, structure
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Enclosure (1)
chief, or field safety chief prior to qualification. Such
reduction must be done in writing, include a justification, and
be included in the instructor's training jacket.
9. General PPE
a. Students participating in firefighting training will be
instructed on how to don and properly wear required PPE.
b. Prior to participation in live firefighting training,
all students will be inspected to ensure the PPE is properly
donned and in suitable condition.
c. The minimum PPE for instructors and students
participating in surface ship firefighting courses is listed
(1) Instructor Firefighting Gear
(a) Navy damage control and firefighter helmet or
other commercial helmet meeting NFPA 1971 (interior fires only).
(b) Firefighter’s hood (MIL-H-81500A) or equivalent,
commercial grade Nomex meeting NFPA 1971.
(c) Navy fire protective gear or commercially
available turnout pants and coat meeting NFPA 1971 (interior
fires only).
Note: LC COs may authorize the use of Nomex, fire retardant
or fire resistant variant (FRV) coveralls based on
concerns for heat stress, but LSs must have a risk
assessment on file.
(d) Navy or commercially available firefighter’s
gloves meeting NFPA 1971.
(e) Steel-toed leather or Navy firefighter’s boots.
(f) SCBA meeting NFPA 1981 (interior fires only).
08 May 2023
Enclosure (1)
(2) Student Firefighting Gear
(a) Navy damage control and firefighter helmet
(interior fires only).
(b) Firefighter’s hood (MIL-H-81500A) or commercial
grade Nomex meeting NFPA 1971.
(c) Navy fire protective gear.
Note: LC COs may authorize the use of Nomex, fire retardant
or FRV coveralls based on concerns for heat stress,
but LSs must have a risk assessment on file.
(d) Navy or commercially available firefighter’s
(e) Steel-toed leather or Navy firefighter’s boots.
(f) SCBA (interior fires only).
Note: Recruits will be in battle dress (top button
fastened, long sleeve shirt buttoned, steel-toed
boots), flash hood (MIL-H-81500A), Navy issue
firefighter helmet (MIL-M-1987G), and cotton gloves.
d. The minimum PPE for instructors and students
participating in shipboard aviation firefighting courses is
listed below.
(1) Instructor Firefighting Gear
(a) Navy firefighter’s hood (MIL-H-81500A) or
equivalent commercial grade Nomex meeting NFPA 1971.
(b) Nomex, fire retardant, or FRV coveralls.
(c) Navy or commercially available firefighter’s
gloves meeting NFPA 1971.
(d) Steel-toed leather or Navy firefighter’s boots.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (1)
(2) Student Firefighting Gear
(a) Flight deck cranial helmet, to include goggles,
hearing protection, and reflective markings. The use of hearing
protection in conjunction with the cranial helmet may be waived
by the LS if training is not conducted in a high noise area.
The noise level must be determined by an industrial hygienist
noise level evaluation.
(b) Navy firefighter’s hood (MIL-H-81500A) or
equivalent commercial grade Nomex meeting NFPA 1971.
(c) Fire retardant or FRV coveralls.
Note: Navy working uniform will not be worn during
firefighting training.
(d) Navy firefighter’s gloves.
(e) Steel-toed leather or Navy firefighter’s boots.
e. The minimum PPE for instructors and students
participating in aircraft firefighting and rescue course (shore
based) is listed below:
(1) Instructor Firefighting Gear
(a) Navy firefighter’s hood (MIL-H-81500A) or
equivalent commercial grade Nomex meeting NFPA 1971.
(b) Aviator gloves (Nomex).
(c) Gloves, proximity firefighting.
(d) Trousers, proximity firefighting.
(e) Coat, proximity firefighting.
(f) Helmet, proximity firefighting with shroud and
(g) Navy firefighter’s boots.
(h) SCBA meeting NFPA 1981.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (1)
(2) Student Firefighting Gear
(a) Navy firefighter’s hood or equivalent commercial
grade Nomex meeting NFPA 1971.
(b) Aviator gloves (Nomex).
(c) Gloves, proximity firefighting.
(d) Trousers, proximity firefighting.
(e) Coat, proximity firefighting.
(f) Helmet, proximity firefighting with shroud and
(g) Navy firefighter’s boots.
(h) SCBA meeting NFPA 1981.
10. Additional requirements for fossil fuel trainers. Fossil
fuel firefighting trainers must comply with the requirements
listed below.
a. Fuel will be either JP5 or JP8. Unburned (reclaimed)
fuel recovered from the fire ground may be used, but off-site
reclaimed fuel may not be used without prior approval of NETC
b. Fuel pumping systems will have proper controls,
including explosion proof wiring for accelerant systems.
c. Fuel application systems, where feasible, will be
remotely controlled, pressurized spray with electric arc
ignition. Spray nozzles will be shielded to allow the fuel to
vaporize and burn and will be obstructed from the firefighter’s
d. Limited quantities (less than five gallons) of
accelerant may be used under strict controls. Accelerants are
to be transported and applied only from approved safety cans or
carts equipped with spring-loaded caps or valves and flame
arrestor in spouts.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (1)
e. No more than 60 gallons of fuel may be stored in a
flammable storage locker.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (2)
1. As identified in paragraph 5c(1) of the basic instruction,
written procedures will be developed for the following
processes. The LS does not need to develop duplicate written
procedures if the COMS contractor has written daily operational
readiness test and shut down procedures provided by NAWCTSD or
the LC.
a. Initial Equipment Setup and Startup and Readiness Checks
(1) Water supply alignment.
(2) Emergency extinguishing system checks.
(3) Placement and check of emergency equipment.
(4) Electrical system check.
(5) Drainage alignment check.
(6) Emergency alarm check.
(7) Ventilation system alignment.
(8) Fuel supply alignment.
(9) Communications checks.
(a) A backup communications system will be in place
that is capable of notifying or directly communicating with the
base fire department (or other emergency response personnel) in
the event the primary communications system fails.
(b) Backup communication systems will be tested
prior to the start of the training day.
b. Each Fire Scenario. A separate written procedure is not
required if the following are contained within the curricula:
(1) Initial preparations.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (2)
(2) Protective equipment worn by instructors and
students is effective, donned properly, and is appropriate for
the scenario.
(3) Number of instructors and safety observers; their
positions and duties.
(4) Ventilation, if mechanical.
(5) Fueling system activation and securing.
(6) Ignition system activation and securing.
(7) Instructor rotation procedures.
(8) Securing procedures after final fire.
Note: Prior to conducting a “flashover” simulation, the
internal instructor will confirm that all personnel
are in a crouched position away from the flashover
c. Facility and Equipment Shutdown and Securing
(1) The following items are secured when the trainers
are returned to the "Instrument Power/24-Hour Mode":
(a) Ignition system alignment and securing.
(b) Fuel system alignment and securing.
(c) Ventilation system alignment and securing.
(d) Electrical power.
(2) Ensure the following are shutdown and secured:
(a) Water system alignment and securing.
(b) Storage of extinguishers, hoses, etc.
(c) Cooling of structures.
(d) Wash-down and drainage.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (2)
d. Refueling Procedures
(1) Safety precautions.
(2) Procedures (including approval authority).
(3) Emergency procedures (including propane leaks).
(4) Notification of emergency services.
2. Startup Safety Requirements
a. Visually inspect trainers for damage prior to live fire
training evolutions. All damage will be documented per
reference (g), as applicable.
b. All doors, roof scuttles, automatic ventilators,
mechanical equipment, lighting, and standpipes necessary for the
live fire training evolution will be checked and operated prior
to any live fire training evolution to ensure they operate
correctly per reference (g).
c. All safety devices, such as thermometers, oxygen and
toxic and combustible gas monitors, evacuation alarms, heat
stress monitoring equipment and emergency shutdown switches,
will be checked prior to any live fire training evolutions per
reference (g).
d. Propane firefighter trainers will be run each day prior
to exposing students to live flames in order to ensure the
correct operation of devices such as the gas valves, flame
safeguard units, agent sensors, combustion fans, and ventilation
fans per reference (g).
e. Ensure that all doors used for emergency exits are
adequately marked and should have panic hardware, if applicable,
per reference (h).
3. EAP
a. The following information will be included in the EAP,
in addition to that required by reference (a):
(1) Emergency communications and signals.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (2)
(a) The communications system between fire field
instructors and supervisors will ensure any emergency can be
signaled and understood. Emergency signals and procedures will
be specified in EAP.
(b) Each fire school will have a means of
broadcasting an emergency signal (bell, horn, whistle, public
address system) over the entire fire field. These emergency
signals and procedures will be part of student indoctrination.
(2) Emergency field securing procedures.
(3) Notification of emergency services.
(4) Mustering procedures (students and instructors).
b. All firefighter trainers will have portable
extinguishers available for emergency use in the propane burn
areas associated with each trainer based on guidance provided by
the host activity fire inspectors.
c. Ensure a hospital corpsman, emergency medical
technician, or medical support personnel as defined in reference
(a), as well as emergency oxygen, are available on scene during
all firefighting training. They cannot simultaneously be
assigned to instruct firefighting training evolutions.
4. PMS. PMS and spot check program will be implemented for,
but not be limited to, technical training equipment, PPE, and
training platforms.
a. PMS will be performed using the current MRCs, PMS
guidance provided to COMS contractor by NAWCTSD, LC, or the
equipment operations and maintenance support manuals if no other
guidance is available.
b. The requirement for conducting routine maintenance by
either staff or contract personnel will be clearly delineated
and will only be performed by qualified personnel. Maintenance
conducted by contract personnel will be delineated in the
statement of work.
c. PMS of firefighter ensemble will follow procedures and
periodicities provided in Navy MRCs (and not National Fire
08 May 2023
Enclosure (2)
Prevention Association (NFPA) 1851). However, Navy
firefighter’s protective gear will be retired no later than 10
years from the date of manufacture. In all cases, the radiant
reflective outer shell of the garment element will be replaced
no more than 5 years from the date of manufacture.
d. Gauge Calibration. Contractor maintenance personnel and
firefighting LS personnel will establish a gauge calibration
program for all critical system gauges, except for systems
controlled by Naval Facilities Engineering Command (e.g., gauges
on propane and carbon dioxide storage tanks). These include,
but are not limited to, propane fuel lines, tanks, SCBA fill
station compressors, and carbon dioxide fire extinguisher refill
compressors. The operations and maintenance support manuals for
these systems should identify primary gauges and calibration
periodicity. Calibration will only be performed by qualified
5. SCBA and Air Supplied Respirators
a. SCBA air cylinders will be refilled only from systems
designed and approved for refilling. Written procedures for
filling will be clearly posted in the immediate vicinity of the
refilling system.
b. Air Compressors used to fill SCBA air cylinders and
provide breathing air for air supplied respirators will be
tested on a quarterly basis and meet minimum grade "D"
requirements per reference (i). Records of these tests will be
maintained for 5 years per reference (i).
c. Documentation of the latest air quality test will be
clearly posted in the vicinity of the breathing air compressor.
d. In addition to quarterly air quality monitoring to
ensure Grade “D” breathing air, activities will equip compressor
systems with either-high temperature or continuous carbon
monoxide monitors and alarm systems or both, to monitor carbon
monoxide levels. If only high temperature alarms are used, the
activity will monitor the air supply at intervals sufficient to
prevent carbon monoxide in the breathing air from exceeding 10
parts per million, per reference (i).
08 May 2023
Enclosure (2)
e. Activities will equip all new and upgraded air
compressor systems with continuous carbon monoxide monitors and
alarm systems. Calibrate monitor and alarm systems on
compressors used for supplying breathing air according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. Calibration will only be performed
by properly trained personnel.
f. SCBA air compressor air intakes must be located away
from vehicular and other engine exhaust in fresh outdoor
atmosphere, such as above roof level and away from ventilation
6. Student Screening. Student screening procedures are listed
in reference (a).
7. General Submarine Firefighting Instructor Qualifications
a. Potential firefighting training instructors must comply
with screening, training, and qualification procedures outlined
in reference (a), and additional requirements per this
b. Instructors are not required to qualify more than once
on material common to two or more courses or qualification
programs. Except as determined to be necessary by the LS CO or
designated representative, candidates are not required to repeat
any step in which they have previously qualified and in which
they are currently proficient.
c. Firefighting instructors required to wear a SCBA will be
medically cleared, trained, and fit-tested per references (i)
and (j). Facial hair that comes between the sealing surface of
the facepiece and the face or any condition that interfered with
the face-to-facepiece seal is not allowed.
8. Positions Requiring Qualification
a. Personnel filling the below listed positions will
complete the following requirements, all applicable requirements
identified in reference (a), and be designated in writing by
the CO.
(1) Instructor Operating Station (IOS). Authorized to
operate computer console for 21C12, T-2000, and Next Generation
08 May 2023
Enclosure (2)
series propane firefighter trainers. This individual does not
need to be a qualified high-risk instructor.
(a) Describe and conduct the operating procedures
for fire selection, fire scenario data entry, fire control
monitoring, and communications.
(b) Describe and conduct the post operational
(c) Perform the duties of IOS under instruction
twice for all firefighter courses taught at the school.
(d) Pass a testing process established by the
appropriate LC, if required.
(2) Staging Instructor. Authorized to instruct (and
supervise) students in firefighting and fire demonstrations for
a particular fire evolution or course. Staging instructors
report to their respective lead instructor. This individual
does not need to be a qualified high-risk instructor.
(a) Complete approved instructor training.
(b) Complete cardiopulmonary resuscitation and
automated external defibrillator training.
(c) Complete respirator physical, training, and fit
testing, as applicable.
(d) Complete course indoctrination.
(e) Review the instructor guide for each course
offered at the school.
(f) Complete submarine firefighting trainer systems
qualification card.
(g) Complete the team dimensional training
instructor qualification card.
(h) Demonstrate to a safety chief, a working
knowledge of Navy manuals associated with submarine firefighting
as applicable.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (2)
(i) Demonstrate to a safety chief, knowledge of all
firefighting equipment used at the fire school, including its
proper use and maintenance, as applicable.
(j) Observe trainer evolutions for a minimum of one
entire convening of the course.
(k) Demonstrate to a staging instructor, lead
instructor, and safety chief, knowledge of the duties of a
staging instructor during an oral interview.
(3) Lab Instructor. Authorized to instruct (and
supervise) students in firefighting and fire demonstrations for
a particular live fire evolution or course. Instructors report
to their respective lead instructor.
(a) Complete firefighting instructor medical
screening per reference (j), as well as instructor requirements
detailed in reference (a).
(b) Complete respirator physical, training, and fit
testing, as applicable.
(c) Review the instructor guide for each
firefighting course offered at the school.
(d) Demonstrate working knowledge of Navy manuals
associated with submarine firefighting as applicable.
(e) Demonstrate knowledge of all firefighting
equipment used at the LS’s firefighting trainer, including its
proper use and maintenance, as applicable.
(f) Personalize the instructor's guide of the course
for which qualification is sought.
(g) Observe trainer evolutions for a minimum of one
entire convening of the course.
(h) Demonstrate knowledge of the duties of a lab
instructor during an oral interview with a lead instructor.
Note: Paragraphs 8a(2)(a) through 8a(2)(h) are to be added
to the Course Unique Instructor Training.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (2)
(4) Lead Instructor. Authorized to prepare, conduct,
and supervise training sessions in a specified structure or
mockup on the trainer and is responsible to ensure the structure
is properly secured at the end of the training day. The lead
instructor reports to the safety chief.
(a) Taught as an instructor at the structure or
mock-up a minimum of five classes.
(b) Demonstrate knowledge of the structure's fuel
and ignition systems.
(c) Demonstrate knowledge of all safety procedures
for each fire scenario, and the general emergency procedures.
(d) Discuss the duties of a lead instructor for each
fire scenario taught with a qualified lead instructor.
(e) Perform the duties of a lead instructor for two
course convening’s under the supervision of a qualified lead
(f) For the T-2000 series trainers, demonstrate
knowledge of operating the pendant control that is used in
various scenarios.
(g) Pass a testing process established by the
appropriate LC.
(5) Safety Chief. Is authorized to exercise overall
control of all fire field operations. A safety chief must be in
the trainer to conduct any live firefighting training evolution.
(a) Qualified in all instructor positions for each
course evolution taught at the trainer.
(b) Performed the duties as lead instructor a
minimum of two full classes at the trainer.
(c) Demonstrate detailed knowledge of fueling and
ignition systems and procedures, as well as all safety systems.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (2)
(d) Demonstrate detailed knowledge of daily startup,
shutdown, and emergency procedures. At activities where the
trainer is maintained under a COMS contract, the individual must
demonstrate familiarity with startup and shutdown procedures and
detailed knowledge of emergency procedures.
(e) Perform the duties twice of safety chief under
the supervision of a qualified safety chief.
(f) Pass a testing process established by the
appropriate LC.
b. Review Boards. Each LC will determine the requirement
for establishing policy for review boards. Review boards can be
used to periodically evaluate an individual’s retention of
knowledge required of specific positions on the fire field if a
LC establishes this requirement
c. Fire Trainer Support Personnel. All fire trainer
support personnel will meet all locally developed written
qualifications (i.e., job qualification requirements) and
training requirements. Completion will be documented before an
individual performs these tasks unsupervised.
d. In the event that a course convenes with a frequency
that delays achieving qualification, the LS CO or designated
representative may authorize actual or simulated practice
scenarios to allow for proficiency, training, and
qualifications. As a last resort, the LS CO or designated
representative may reduce the required repetitions of attending,
instructing, or performing the duties of instructor, lead
instructor, or field safety chief prior to qualification. Such
reduction must be done in writing, provide justification for the
reduced requirement, and be included in the instructor's
training jacket.
9. General PPE
a. Students participating in submarine firefighting
training will be instructed on how to don and properly wear
required PPE.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (2)
b. Prior to participation in live firefighting training,
all students will be inspected to ensure the PPE is properly
donned and in suitable condition.
c. The minimum PPE for instructors and students
participating in submarine firefighting courses is listed below:
(1) Instructor Firefighting Gear
(a) Firefighter’s hood or equivalent commercial
grade Nomex meeting NFPA 1971.
(b) Navy fire protective gear or commercially
available turnout pants and coat meeting NFPA 1971.
Note: LS COs may authorize Nomex, fire retardant, or FRV
coveralls based on heat stress concerns, but LSs must
have a risk assessment on file.
(c) Navy or commercially available firefighter
gloves meeting NFPA 1971.
(d) Steel-toed leather or Navy firefighter’s boots.
(e) SCBA meeting NFPA 1981, as required.
(2) Student Firefighting Gear
(a) Firefighter’s hood or equivalent commercial
grade Nomex meeting NFPA 1971.
(b) Nomex, fire retardant, or FRV coveralls.
(c) Navy fire protective gear (as required by
training scenario).
(d) Navy or commercially available Firefighter’s
gloves appropriate to the training scenario.
(e) Steel-toed leather or Navy firefighter’s boots.
(f) Emergency air breathing apparatus mask, or SCBA
meeting NFPA 1981, as required by scenario.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (3)
1. As identified in paragraph 5c(1) of the basic instruction,
written procedures will be developed for the following
processes. The LS does not need to develop duplicate written
procedures if the COMS contractor has written daily operational
readiness test and shut down procedures provided by NAWCTSD or
the LC.
a. Initial Equipment Setup and Startup and Readiness Checks
(1) Water supply alignment.
(2) Emergency extinguishing system checks.
(3) Placement and check of emergency equipment.
(4) Electrical system check.
(5) Drainage alignment check.
(6) Emergency alarm check.
(7) Ventilation system alignment.
(8) Fuel supply alignment.
(9) Communications checks.
(a) A backup communications system will be in place
that is capable of notifying or directly communicating with the
base fire department (or other emergency response personnel) in
the event the primary communications system fails.
(b) Backup communication systems will be tested
prior to the start of the training day.
b. Each Fire Scenario. A separate written procedure is not
required if the following are contained within the curricula:
(1) Initial preparations.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (3)
(2) Protective equipment worn by instructors and
students is effective, donned properly, and is appropriate for
the scenario.
(3) Number of instructors and safety observers; their
positions and duties.
(4) Fueling system activation and securing.
(5) Ignition system activation and securing.
(6) Instructor rotation procedures.
(7) Securing procedures after final fire.
Note: Prior to conducting a “flashover” simulation, the
internal instructor will confirm that all personnel
are in a crouched position away from the flashover
c. Facility and Equipment Shutdown and Securing
(1) Ignition system alignment and securing.
(2) Fuel system alignment and securing.
(3) Ventilation system alignment and securing.
(4) Electrical power.
(5) Water system alignment and securing.
(6) Storage of extinguishers, hoses, etc.
(7) Cooling of structures.
(8) Wash-down and drainage.
d. Refueling Procedures
(1) Safety precautions.
(2) Procedures (including approval authority).
08 May 2023
Enclosure (3)
(3) Emergency procedures (including propane leaks).
(4) Notification of emergency services.
2. Startup Safety Requirements
a. Visually inspect trainers for damage prior to live fire
training evolutions. All damage will be documented per
reference (g), as applicable.
b. All doors, windows, roof scuttles, automatic
ventilators, mechanical equipment, lighting, and standpipes
necessary for the live fire training evolution will be checked
and operated prior to any live fire training evolution to ensure
they operate correctly per operation equipment manual (OEM).
c. All safety devices, such as thermometers, oxygen and
toxic and combustible gas monitors, evacuation alarms, heat
stress monitoring equipment and emergency shutdown switches,
will be checked prior to any live fire training evolutions per
d. Propane firefighter trainers will be run each day prior
to exposing students to live flames in order to ensure the
correct operation of devices such as the gas valves, flame
safeguard units, agent sensors, combustion fans, and ventilation
fans per OEM.
e. Ensure the Mobile Aircraft Firefighting Training Device
(MAFTD) is positioned a minimum distance of 100 feet away from
the nearest drain; unless the drain is engineered to capture,
clean, and recycle the run off. MAFTDs must be positioned a
minimum of 300 feet from overhead power lines.
f. Ensure the immediate area around the MAFTD is free of
all combustible materials, safety hazards, and environmental
concerns. Ensure water run-off travels for 100 feet over land
surface or remains standing for 20 minutes prior to being
diverted into a sewer or confined space.
g. Ensure the MAFTD has been properly set-up and
structurally supported. Ensure wind conditions are taken into
consideration for the safety of the students and prevention of
08 May 2023
Enclosure (3)
damage to the MAFTD (Acceptable winds are within 15 degrees of
the nose).
h. Ensure all walking and working surfaces are free from
hazards. Additionally, the field safety chief or the high-risk
training safety officer will verify all personnel are clear of
the area prior to starting up the trainer and emergency doors
and hatches on the MAFTD are unlocked and emergency exit paths
are clear of obstructions.
i. Prior to conducting pre-operational checks, ensure that
all fire suppression and emergency medical service requirements
are met in accordance with standard operating procedures.
Ensure portable fire extinguishers are placed around the
training area for rapid use in the event of an emergency.
j. Prior to conducting training, ensure a pre-operational
checklist is completed and documented. Additionally, ensure all
alarms and sensors have been tested for reliability and that
this test is documented.
k. The minimum required personnel for operation of the
MAFTD are one station control console operator and one dead man
switch operator.
l. Ensure all flexible hoses are marked with the working
pressure, the manufacturer’s name or trademark, and with “LP
GAS” or “PROPANE.” These markings come printed on the flexible
hose straight from the manufacturer and may be very small and
hard to detect. Hoses not properly tested and marked are
considered unsuitable for use.
m. Ensure hose teams are manned per curriculum requirements
for internal and external firefighting scenarios.
3. EAP
a. The following information will be included in the EAP,
in addition to that required by reference (a):
(1) Emergency communications and signals.
(a) The communications system between fire field
instructors and supervisors will ensure any emergency can be
08 May 2023
Enclosure (3)
signaled and understood. Emergency signals and procedures will
be specified in the EAP.
(b) Each fire school will have a means of
broadcasting an emergency signal (bell, horn, whistle, public
address system) over the entire fire field. These emergency
signals and procedures will be part of student indoctrination.
(2) Emergency field securing procedures.
(3) Notification of emergency services.
(4) Mustering procedures (students and instructors)
b. All firefighter trainers will have portable
extinguishers available for emergency use in the propane burn
areas associated with each trainer based on guidance provided by
the host activity fire inspectors.
4. PMS. PMS and spot check program will be implemented for,
but not be limited to, technical training equipment, PPE, and
training platforms.
a. PMS will be performed using the current MRCs, PMS
guidance provided to COMS contractor by NAWCTSD, LC, or the
equipment operations and maintenance manuals if no other
guidance is available.
b. The requirement for conducting routine maintenance by
either staff or contract personnel will be clearly delineated
and will only be performed by qualified personnel. Maintenance
conducted by contract personnel will be delineated in the
statement of work.
c. PMS of firefighter ensemble will follow procedures and
periodicities provided in Navy MRCs, and not National Fire
Prevention Association (NFPA) 1851. However, Navy firefighter’s
protective gear will be retired no later than 10 years from the
date of manufacture. In all cases, the radiant reflective outer
shell of the garment element will be replaced no more than 5
years from the date of manufacture.
d. Gauge Calibration. Contractor maintenance personnel and
firefighting LS personnel will establish a gauge calibration
08 May 2023
Enclosure (3)
program for all critical system gauges, except for systems
controlled by Naval Facilities Engineering Command (e.g., gauges
on propane and carbon dioxide storage tanks). These include,
but are not limited to, water pump gauges, propane fuel lines,
tanks, SCBA fill station compressors, and carbon dioxide fire
bottle refill compressors. The operations and maintenance
support manuals for these systems should identify primary gauges
and calibration periodicity. Calibration will only be performed
by qualified personnel.
a. SCBA air cylinders will be refilled only from systems
designed and approved for refilling. Written procedures for
filling will be clearly posted in the immediate vicinity of the
refilling system.
b. Air compressors used to fill SCBA air cylinders will be
tested on a quarterly basis and meet minimum grade "D"
requirements per reference (i). Records of these tests will be
maintained for 5 years per reference (i).
c. Documentation of the latest air quality test will be
clearly posted in the vicinity of the breathing air compressor.
d. In addition to quarterly air quality monitoring to
ensure grade “D” breathing air, activities will equip compressor
systems with either-high temperature or continuous carbon
monoxide monitors and alarm systems or both, to monitor carbon
monoxide levels. If only high temperature alarms are used, the
activity will monitor the air supply at intervals sufficient to
prevent carbon monoxide in the breathing air from exceeding ten
parts per million, per reference (i).
e. Activities will equip all new and upgraded air
compressor systems with continuous carbon monoxide monitors and
alarm systems. Calibrate monitor and alarm systems on
compressors used for supplying breathing air according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. Calibration will only be performed
by properly trained personnel.
f. SCBA air compressor air intakes must be located away
from vehicular and other engine exhaust in fresh outdoor
08 May 2023
Enclosure (3)
atmospheres, such as above roof level and away from ventilation
6. Student Screening. Student screening requirements are
listed in reference (a).
7. General MAFTD Firefighting Instructor Qualifications
a. Potential firefighting training instructors must comply
with screening, training, and qualification procedures outlined
in reference (a) and additional requirements per this
b. Instructors are not required to qualify more than once
on material common to two or more courses or qualification
programs. Except as determined to be necessary by the LS CO or
designated representative, candidates are not required to repeat
any step in which they have previously qualified and in which
they are currently proficient.
c. Firefighting instructors required to wear a SCBA will be
medically cleared, trained, and fit-tested per references (i)
and (j). Facial hair that comes between the sealing surface of
the facepiece and the face or any condition that interferes with
the face-to-facepiece seal is not allowed.
8. Positions Requiring Qualification
a. Personnel filling the below listed positions will
complete the following requirements, all applicable requirements
identified in reference (a), and be designated in writing by the
(1) IOSCO. Authorized to operate computer console for
MAFTD propane firefighter trainers. This individual does not
need to be a qualified high-risk instructor.
(a) Describe and conduct the operating procedures
for fire selection, fire scenario data entry, fire control
monitoring, and communications.
(b) Describe and conduct the post operational
08 May 2023
Enclosure (3)
(c) Perform the duties of IOSCO under instruction
twice for all firefighter courses taught at the school.
(d) Pass a testing process established by the
appropriate LC, if required.
(2) Instructor. Authorized to instruct (and supervise)
students in firefighting and fire demonstrations for a
particular fire evolution or course. Instructors report to
their respective structure chief.
(a) Complete firefighting instructor medical
screening per reference (j), as well as instructor requirements
detailed in reference (a).
(b) Complete respirator physical, training, and fit
testing, as applicable.
(c) Demonstrate knowledge of Navy manuals associated
with aviation and shipboard firefighting as applicable.
(d) Demonstrate knowledge of all firefighting
equipment used at the fire school, including its proper use and
maintenance, as applicable.
(e) Observe fire field evolutions for a minimum of
one entire convening of the course.
(f) Demonstrate knowledge of the duties of an
instructor during an oral interview with a structure chief.
(g) Act as an instructor for two classes while
serving at different positions for the course under the
observation of a qualified instructor. Candidates are required
to demonstrate their complete familiarity and proficiency with
the lesson plan for the course. This does not, however, require
that each candidate practice teach every word of every lesson
and class under supervision. At a minimum, two different
firefighting laboratory evolutions should be taught under
supervision to satisfy this requirement. It is recognized that
the performance and aptitude of instructor candidates will vary
and that some candidates may demonstrate to the CO their
readiness for qualification in less time than others.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (3)
(h) Act as lead instructor for one class under the
supervision of a qualified instructor.
(i) Pass a testing process established by the
appropriate LC, if required.
Note: Paragraphs 8a(2)(a) through 8a(2)(i) are to be added
to the course unique instructor training.
(3) Field Safety Chief. (For Naval Air Technical
Training Center (NATTC) when more than one MAFTD is being
operated simultaneously). Is authorized to exercise overall
control of all fire field operations. A field safety chief must
be on the field to conduct any live firefighting training
evolution. The field safety chief's duties can be combined with
the structure chief's duties if only one evolution is occurring
on the fire field.
(a) Qualified as an instructor for each fire field
evolution taught at the fire field.
(b) Supervised a minimum of two full classes as
structure chief at each structure and mock-up on the fire
(c) Demonstrate detailed knowledge of fueling and
ignition systems and procedures, as well as all safety systems.
(d) Demonstrate detailed knowledge of daily startup,
shutdown, and fire field emergency procedures. At activities
where the trainer is maintained under a COMS contract, the
individual must demonstrate familiarity with startup and
shutdown procedures and detailed knowledge of field emergency
(e) Perform the duties twice of field safety chief
under the supervision of a qualified field safety chief.
(f) Pass a testing process established by the
appropriate LC, if required.
(4) Structure Chief. Authorized to prepare, conduct,
and supervise training sessions in a specified structure or
mockup on the fire field and is responsible for securing the
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Enclosure (3)
structure at the end of the training day. The structure chief
reports to the field safety chief.
(a) Taught as an instructor at the structure or
mock-up a minimum of five classes.
(b) Demonstrate knowledge of the structure's fuel
and ignition systems.
(c) Demonstrate knowledge of all safety procedures
for each fire scenario, and the general emergency procedures.
(d) Discuss the duties of a structure chief for each
fire scenario taught at the structure or mock-up with a
certified structure chief.
(e) Perform the duties of a structure chief for one
course convening at the structure or mock-up under the
supervision of a certified field safety chief.
(f) Pass a testing process established by the
appropriate LC, if required.
(5) Control Tower Operator (For NATTC only). Reports
directly to the field safety chief and ensures all pre and post
operational checks are completed and documented. Maintains the
site and equipment status board, as well as all log books,
reporting the condition of readiness to the field safety chief.
Responsible for maintaining and operating the ready deck status
lights, video camera, and public address systems for the live
fire training sites. Interfaces with the Naval Air Station
Pensacola weather center regarding weather forecast and
warnings. In addition, is responsible for maintaining all heat
stress monitors per manufacturer’s instruction. Announces
emergency shut down procedures during any safety or emergency
related procedures on any training site. Ensures communications
are maintained with all applicable instructors involved in live
fire training evolutions. Monitors wind anemometer for wind
direction and speed to ensure favorable winds at all times
during live firefighting and other high risk evolutions.
(a) Describe and conduct a check of the system
components and component parts.
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Enclosure (3)
(b) Demonstrate a working knowledge of the tower’s
communications systems to include all correct fire channels,
point-of-contacts, and phone numbers.
(c) Demonstrate working knowledge of the flight deck
communications system.
(d) Demonstrate proper operation of the video
monitoring system.
(e) Demonstrate the proper setup and monitoring of
heat stress equipment.
(f) Pass a testing process established by the
appropriate LC, if required.
(6) Dead Man Switch Operator. Man and operate the
remote hand held “pickle switch” and flash-over button per MAFTD
operations manual throughout the live firefighting evolution.
Maintain direct communications with control panel operator via
the MAFTD headset system. Verbally verify with the control
panel operator each fire to be ignited during live firefighting
evolutions. Immediately releases “pickle switch” in the event
of an emergency. Commences emergency shut down procedures for
securing propane, if warranted. Notify field safety chief when
all fires are out and turns MAFTD over to civilian contractors
for post operational procedures. Will assist the field safety
chief during activation of the EAP, safeguarding the scene, to
include training aids and communication to the tower operator.
(a) Qualified as an instructor for each firefighting
evolution taught at the fire field.
(b) Demonstrate knowledge of operating the dead man
(c) Demonstrate a complete understanding of required
safety procedures and emergency shutdown criteria for MAFTD
(d) Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of all hand
signals, gestures, and verbal commands used during MAFTD
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Enclosure (3)
(e) Pass a testing process established by the
appropriate LC, if required.
b. Review Boards. Each LC will determine the requirement
for establishing policy for review boards. Review boards can be
used to periodically evaluate an individual’s retention of
knowledge required of specific positions on the fire field if a
LC establishes this requirement.
c. Fire Field Support Personnel. Any fire field support
personnel will meet all locally developed written qualifications
(i.e., job qualification requirements) and training
requirements. Completion will be documented before an
individual performs these tasks unsupervised.
d. In the event that a course convenes with a frequency
that delays achieving qualification, the LS CO may authorize
actual or simulated practice scenarios to allow for proficiency,
training, and qualifications. As a last resort, the LS CO may
reduce the required repetitions of attending, instructing, or
performing the duties of instructor, structure chief, or field
safety chief prior to qualification. Such reduction must be
done in writing, provide justification for the reduced
requirement, and be included in the instructor's training
9. General PPE
a. Students participating in firefighting training will
instructed on how to don and properly wear required PPE.
b. Prior to participation in live firefighting training,
all students will be inspected to ensure the PPE is properly
donned and in suitable condition.
c. The minimum PPE for instructors and students
participating in shipboard aviation firefighting courses is
listed below.
(1) Instructor Firefighting Gear
(a) Navy firefighter’s hood or equivalent commercial
grade Nomex meeting NFPA 1971.
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Enclosure (3)
(b) Nomex, fire retardant, or FRV coveralls.
(c) Navy or commercially available firefighter’s
gloves meeting NFPA 1971.
(d) Steel-toed leather boots or Navy firefighter’s
(2) Student Firefighting Gear
(a) Flight deck cranial helmet, to include goggles,
hearing protection, and reflective markings. The use of hearing
protection in conjunction with the cranial helmet may be waived
by the LS if training is not conducted in a high noise area.
The noise level must be determined by an industrial hygienist
noise level evaluation.
(b) Navy firefighter’s hood or equivalent commercial
grade Nomex meeting NFPA 1971.
(c) Nomex, fire retardant, or FRV coveralls.
Note: Navy working uniform will not be worn during
firefighting training.
(d) Navy firefighter’s gloves.
(e) Steel-toed leather boots or Navy firefighter’s
d. The minimum PPE for instructors and students
participating in aircraft firefighting and rescue course (shore
based) is listed below.
(1) Instructor Firefighting
(a) Navy firefighter’s hood or equivalent commercial
grade Nomex meeting NFPA 1971.
(b) Aviator gloves (Nomex).
(c) Gloves, proximity firefighting.
(d) Trousers, proximity firefighting.
08 May 2023
Enclosure (3)
(e) Coat, proximity firefighting.
(f) Helmet, proximity firefighting with shroud and
(g) Navy firefighter’s boots.
(h) SCBA meeting NFPA 1981.
(2) Student Firefighting Gear
(a) Navy firefighter’s hood or equivalent commercial
grade Nomex meeting NFPA 1971.
(b) Aviator gloves (Nomex).
(c) Gloves, proximity firefighting.
(d) Trousers, proximity firefighting.
(e) Coat, proximity firefighting.
(f) Helmet, proximity firefighting with shroud and
(g) Navy firefighter’s boots.
(h) SCBA meeting NFPA 1981.
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Enclosure (4)
1. Fuels. Firefighter trainers will be supplied with
commercial grade propane. No other fuels may be substituted,
except for Sasebo and Yokosuka, who use fossil fuel trainers.
2. Valves
a. Will be labeled to indicate what they control.
b. Emergency shut-off valves (ESV) must be tested annually
per reference (m).
c. The thermal link portion of the ESV must be free of
paint per reference (m).
d. All American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
containers will have at least one pressure relief valve designed
to relieve vapor.
e. Each pressure relief valve will be plainly and
permanently marked with the following:
(1) Pressure in pounds per square inch gauge (PSIG) at
which the valve is set to start to leak.
(2) Rated relieving capacity in standard cubic feet per
(3) Manufacturer’s name and catalog number.
3. All Piping Systems
a. Will be labeled to identify the content and direction of
b. Will be free from corrosion and not exhibit any signs of
deterioration or leaks.
c. Must be adequately supported.
d. Must be protected against physical damage by vehicles.
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Enclosure (4)
4. Propane Distribution Facility
a. Will be in compliance with reference (m).
b. Fire protection will be provided for propane storage
containers with an aggregate water capacity of more than 4,000
gallons subject to exposure from a single fire. The mode of
protection will be determined through an inspection by host
installation fire department fire inspector(s).
c. Activities must have documentation of unfired pressure
vessel certification(s).
d. The propane distribution facility will have protection
against tampering. This includes all propane storage
containers, distribution lines, and fueling points.
e. The area around the propane distribution facility and
inside the propane container enclosure will be free of
combustible material, including grass and weeds.
f. The portion of the propane container that comes in
contact with saddles or foundations (including masonry) must be
protected against corrosion by coating the affected area or by
some other means (e.g., felt, weather stripping).
g. Stationary ASME containers will have a stainless steel
nameplate attached to the container, and will contain the
following information:
(1) Service for which the container is designed.
(2) Name and address of container supplier or trade name
of container.
(3) Water capacity of container in pounds or U.S.
(4) Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) in PSI.
(5) Wording that reads: “This container will not
contain a product that has a vapor pressure in excess of ___
PSIG at 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
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Enclosure (4)
(6) Outside surface area in square feet.
(7) Year of manufacture.
(8) Shell thickness and head thickness.
(9) Overall length, outside diameter, and head design.
(10) Manufacturer’s unique serial number.
(11) ASME code symbol.
(12) Minimum design metal temperature in degrees
Fahrenheit at MAWP in PSI.
(13) Type of construction “W”.
(14) Degree of radiography “RT.”
h. Valves, regulators, gauges, and other container
appurtenances will be protected against physical damage.
5. Propane Leaks and Sensors. Activities will have a 24-hour
propane tank farm sensor system and will test those alarms at
least annually. The "Instrument Power/24-Hour Mode" propane
sensing alarms will also be tested at least annually and
maintained in accordance with reference (o). All test results
will be documented and available for review by inspection teams
when requested.
6. Signage
a. “NO SMOKING” signs are to be posted facing in all
directions around the fuel tank enclosure per reference (m).
b. Propane storage containers will be properly labeled per
reference (n) diamond labeling system.
7. LS will maintain copies of all inspections and testing
conducted on propane storage containers, valves, and gauges.