Public Offering Statement
Use the following sample cover page when preparing the Public
Oering Statement. The contents of your cover page should match the
contents in the box below. If you have questions, contact us.
Timeshare Section
Department of Licensing
PO Box 9021
Olympia, WA 98507-9021
(360) 664-6486
Public Oering Statement
for a
State of Washington
Timeshare Registration
Name of resort
Renewal date Expiration date
Purchaser Cancellation Rights
RCW 64.36.150
As a prospective purchaser, you may, for seven days following execution of an agreement to
purchase a timeshare, cancel the agreement and receive a refund of any consideration paid
by providing written notice of the cancellation to the promoter or the promoters agent. If you
did not receive the disclosure document, the agreement is voidable by the purchaser until the
purchaser receives the document and for seven days thereafter.
You may cancel your contract without any cancellation fee or other penalty, or stated reason
for doing so, by mailing or by hand delivery a notice of cancellation to: (Insert the name and
address of your timeshare company as stated in the timeshare contract.)
Each prospective purchaser shall be provided a
Public Oering Statement
prior to the execution of any agreement
for the purchase of a timeshare.
Purchasers who believe that conditions are not as stated in the Public Oering Statement, are
requested to contact the Department of Licensing, Business and Professions Division, Timeshare
Section, PO Box 9021, Olympia WA 98507-9021.
TS-624-002 (R/12/10)WA Page 1 of 2
In preparation of the state of Washington public oering statement, the following information is required to
satisfy the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and Washington Administrative Code (WAC) as stated in the
law relating to the Timeshare Act, RCW 64.36. Please follow the format as outlined using the RCW reference
titles as indicated.
State of Washington Public Offering Statement for
(Timeshare business name as licensed)
Timeshare or Fractional Interest Promoter
RCW 64.36.140(1)
Property Location
RCW 64.36.140(2)
General Description of Property and Units
RCW 64.36.140(3)
Timeshare Unit Lists and Specic Unit Descriptions
RCW 64.36.140(4) (a-e)
Promoter Financing
RCW 64.36.140(5)
Property Ownership, Liens and Encumbrances
RCW 64.36.140(6)
Sale and Conveyance Documents / Timeshare Instruments
RCW 64.36.140(7)
Managing Entity
RCW 64.36.140(8)
Selling Costs
RCW 64.36.140(9)
Promoters Timeshare Experience
RCW 64.36.140(10)
Description of All Charges and Assessments
RCW 64.36.140(11)(a-c)
Potential Future Expenses
RCW 64.36.140(12)
Purchasers Cancellation Rights
RCW 64.36.140(13)
Restrictions on Transfer
RCW 64.36.140(14)
Insurance Coverage
RCW 64.36.140(15)
Exchange Program
RCW 64.36.140(16)
Timeshare Interests to be Sold
WAC 308-127-130
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