Notice of Rescission
[today’s date]
[timeshare developer]
Dear [timeshare developer],
I am writing to notify you of my intention to rescind the agreement
between: [your legal name] and [timeshare developer], dated
[today’s date].
According to the terms of our agreement, I have the right to cancel
within [rescission period of the state the timeshare is located in]
days of its execution. I am exercising this right and hereby provide
notice of my intention to cancel the agreement.
Please confirm that you have received this notice and that the
agreement has been terminated. If I do not receive a full refund of
any payments made under the agreement within five to 10
business days upon receipt of this letter, I will follow up with
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any
questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
[Your name]