United States Department of State
Treaties in Force
A List of Treaties and
Other International
Agreements of the
United States in Force
on January 1, 2020
This publication lists treaties and other international agreements of the United States on record in the
Department of State on January 1, 2020, which had not expired by their own terms or which had not been
denounced by the parties, replaced, superseded by other agreements, or otherwise definitely terminated.
Compiled by the Treaty Affairs Staff,
Office of the Legal Adviser,
U.S. Department of State
Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaties in Force is prepared by the Department of State for the purpose of providing information on treaties and
other international agreements to which the United States has become a party and which are carried on the records of the
Department of State as being in force as of its stated publication date, January 1, 2020.
The electronic edition of Treaties in Force may be updated periodically throughout the year on the Treaty Affairs
webpage. It is presented in PDF format, which allows text searches and printing of the entire document or selections from
it. A number of format changes were introduced in the 2016 version of Treaties in Force. A description of those changes
may be found in the Foreword to the 2016 edition.
Special note: Due to complications arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, the Office of Treaty Affairs will not be
issuing a print edition in 2020.
Treaties in Force is arranged in two sections. Section 1 includes bilateral treaties and other international agreements
listed by country or other international entity with subject headings under each entry. Arrangements with territorial
possessions of a country appear at the end of the entry for that country. In some cases, treaties and international agreements
applicable to a territory prior to its independence are included in the entry for that country on the basis of its assumption of
treaty obligations upon becoming independent, as noted at the beginning of the entry for that country. For convenience,
some treaties and agreements concluded with countries whose name or statehood status has changed continue to be listed
under the name in use at the time the agreement was concluded, if the title of the treaty or agreement has not been formally
Section 2 lists multilateral treaties and other international agreements to which the United States is a party, arranged
by subject. The depositary is the authoritative source for a current list of parties and information on other matters
concerning the status of the agreement, and status information often changes. Information is provided on the depositary for
the agreement in question, and contact information, including an Internet site is provided for the depositary where available.
Treaties in Force uses the term “treaty” in the generic sense as defined in the Vienna Convention on the Law of
Treaties, that is, an international agreement “governed by international law, whether embodied in a single instrument or in
two or more related instruments and whatever its particular designation.” The term “treaty” as a matter of U.S.
constitutional law denotes international agreements made by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate in
accordance with Article II, section 2 of the Constitution of the United States. In addition to such “treaties”, this publication
covers international agreements in force that have been concluded by the Executive (a) pursuant to or in accordance with
existing legislation or a prior treaty; (b) subject to congressional approval or implementation, and/or (c) under and in
accordance with the President’s constitutional powers.
Treaties in Force includes those treaties and other international agreements entered into by the United States which,
as of the specified date, had not expired by their own terms, been denounced by the parties, replaced or superseded by other
agreements, or otherwise definitely terminated. Certain agreements, particularly those concerned with World War II and
the immediate postwar period, which contain continuing provisions or which have not been clearly terminated in their
entirety are included even though operations under the agreements may have ceased. Additionally, certain foreign
assistance and grant agreements under which principle operations have concluded but which have not been terminated,
have been omitted. While all efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, the presence or absence of a
particular agreement, as well as the details cited regarding a listed agreement, should not be regarded as determinative of
the status of the agreement. Some categories of agreements, such as those implementing certain other agreements, are
deliberately omitted from this publication even though they constitute binding international agreements. If there is a
question about the status or details of a particular agreement, the text of the agreement itself always should be consulted in
the first instance. Please bring any suspected errors or omissions to the attention of the Office of Treaty Affairs at the U.S.
Department of State.
Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Bevans Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States of America
1776-1949, compiled under the direction of Charles I. Bevans.
EAS Executive Agreement Series, issued singly in pamphlets by the Department of
State (until replaced in 1945 by the TIAS).
Foreign Relations
Foreign Relations of the United States.
Federal Register.
House Document.
International Legal Materials.
League of Nations Treaty Series.
Miller Treaties and other International Acts of the United States of America,
edited by Hunter Miller.
Not Printed in Treaties and Other International Acts Series.
United States Statutes at Large.
T. Doc.
Senate Treaty Document.
TIAS Treaties and Other International Acts Series,
issued singly in pamphlets by the Department of State.
TS Treaty Series, issued singly in pamphlets by the Department of State
(replaced in 1945 by Treaties and Other International Acts Series).
United Nations Treaty Series.
UST United States Treaties and Other International Agreements
(volumes published on a calendar-year basis beginning as of January 1, 1950).
Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Foreword .......................................................................................... i
References ...................................................................................... ii
Contents ......................................................................................... iii
A 1
AFGHANISTAN ............................................................................. 1
AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK.............................................. 3
AFRICAN UNION .......................................................................... 3
ALBANIA ....................................................................................... 3
ALGERIA ........................................................................................ 5
ANDEAN COMMUNITY ............................................................... 6
ANDORRA ..................................................................................... 6
ANGOLA ........................................................................................ 6
ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA ......................................................... 7
ARGENTINA .................................................................................. 9
ARMENIA..................................................................................... 13
ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK ................................................. 14
....................................................................................................... 14
AUSTRALIA ................................................................................. 15
AUSTRIA ...................................................................................... 20
AZERBAIJAN ............................................................................... 22
B 24
THE BAHAMAS ........................................................................... 24
BAHRAIN ..................................................................................... 26
BANGLADESH ............................................................................ 27
BARBADOS ................................................................................. 29
BELARUS ..................................................................................... 31
BELGIUM ..................................................................................... 31
BELIZE ......................................................................................... 36
BENIN ........................................................................................... 38
BHUTAN ...................................................................................... 39
BOLIVIA ....................................................................................... 39
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA .................................................. 42
BOTSWANA ................................................................................. 43
BRAZIL ......................................................................................... 45
BRUNEI ........................................................................................ 50
BULGARIA ................................................................................... 51
BURKINA FASO .......................................................................... 53
BURMA ........................................................................................ 54
BURUNDI ..................................................................................... 55
C 57
CABO VERDE .............................................................................. 57
CAMBODIA ................................................................................. 58
CAMEROON ................................................................................ 59
CANADA ...................................................................................... 60
CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY ....................................................... 74
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC ............................................... 74
NAVIGATION SERVICES (COCESNA) ..................................... 75
CHAD ............................................................................................ 75
CHILE ........................................................................................... 76
CHINA .......................................................................................... 81
CHINA (HONG KONG) ............................................................... 85
CHINA (MACAO) ........................................................................ 86
COLOMBIA .................................................................................. 87
(ANDEAN GROUP) ..................................................................... 92
COMOROS ................................................................................... 92
CONGO ......................................................................................... 92
CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE .......................... 94
COOK ISLANDS .......................................................................... 96
COSTA RICA ................................................................................ 96
COTE D’IVOIRE .......................................................................... 99
CROATIA ................................................................................... 101
CUBA ......................................................................................... 102
CYPRUS ..................................................................................... 104
CZECH REPUBLIC ................................................................... 106
CZECHOSLOVAKIA................................................................. 108
D 111
DENMARK ................................................................................ 111
DENMARK (GREENLAND) ..................................................... 115
DJIBOUTI ................................................................................... 115
DOMINICA ................................................................................ 116
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ......................................................... 118
E 122
EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY ............................................... 122
.................................................................................................... 122
(ECOWAS) ................................................................................. 122
ECUADOR ................................................................................. 122
EGYPT ........................................................................................ 125
EL SALVADOR ......................................................................... 129
EQUATORIAL GUINEA ........................................................... 132
ERITREA .................................................................................... 133
ESTONIA ................................................................................... 133
ESWATINI ................................................................................. 135
ETHIOPIA .................................................................................. 136
.................................................................................................... 138
EUROPEAN COMMUNITY ...................................................... 138
(CERN) ....................................................................................... 139
EUROPEAN POLICE OFFICE .................................................. 139
EUROPEAN SOUTHERN OBSERVATORY ........................... 139
EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY ................................................. 140
EUROPEAN UNION .................................................................. 140
(EUROJUST) .............................................................................. 142
F 143
FIJI .............................................................................................. 143
FINLAND ................................................................................... 144
FRANCE ..................................................................................... 148
FRANCE (FRENCH GUIANA) ................................................. 155
FRANCE (FRENCH POLYNESIA) ........................................... 155
FRANCE (GUADELOUPE) ....................................................... 155
FRANCE (MARTINIQUE) ........................................................ 155
FRANCE (NEW CALEDONIA) ................................................ 155
FRANCE (SOCIETY ISLANDS) ............................................... 156
G 157
GABON ...................................................................................... 157
THE GAMBIA ............................................................................ 158
GEORGIA ................................................................................... 160
GERMANY ................................................................................ 161
GHANA ...................................................................................... 171
GREECE ..................................................................................... 173
GRENADA ................................................................................. 178
GUATEMALA ........................................................................... 180
GUINEA ..................................................................................... 183
GUINEA-BISSAU ...................................................................... 185
GUYANA ................................................................................... 186
H 189
.................................................................................................... 189
HAITI .......................................................................................... 189
HOLY SEE ................................................................................. 191
HONDURAS .............................................................................. 191
HUNGARY ................................................................................. 195
I 199
ICELAND ................................................................................... 199
Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
INDIA ..........................................................................................202
INDONESIA ................................................................................206
INTERAMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK ........................209
AGRICULTURE .........................................................................209
PROPERTY (ICCROM) ..............................................................210
PRIVATE LAW ..........................................................................210
INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION ........................210
INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND ..................................211
METROLOGY ............................................................................211
ORGANIZATION .......................................................................211
ORGANIZATION .......................................................................212
OF RWANDA .............................................................................212
IRAN ...........................................................................................212
IRAQ ...........................................................................................214
IRELAND ....................................................................................215
ISRAEL .......................................................................................218
ITALY .........................................................................................222
J 230
JAPAN .........................................................................................233
JORDAN .....................................................................................243
K 247
KAZAKHSTAN ..........................................................................247
KENYA .......................................................................................249
KIRIBATI ....................................................................................251
KOREA .......................................................................................252
KOSOVO .....................................................................................258
KUWAIT .....................................................................................259
KYRGYZ REPUBLIC .................................................................260
L 262
LAOS ...........................................................................................262
LATVIA ......................................................................................262
LEBANON ..................................................................................264
LESOTHO ...................................................................................266
LIBERIA .....................................................................................267
LIBYA .........................................................................................271
LIECHTENSTEIN .......................................................................271
LITHUANIA ...............................................................................272
LUXEMBOURG .........................................................................274
M 278
MADAGASCAR .........................................................................278
MALAWI ....................................................................................279
MALAYSIA ................................................................................281
MALDIVES .................................................................................283
MALI ...........................................................................................284
MALTA .......................................................................................285
MARSHALL ISLANDS ..............................................................287
MAURITANIA ............................................................................288
MAURITIUS ............................................................................... 290
MEXICO ..................................................................................... 291
MICRONESIA ............................................................................ 303
MOLDOVA ................................................................................ 305
MONACO ................................................................................... 306
MONGOLIA ............................................................................... 306
MONTENEGRO ......................................................................... 308
MOROCCO................................................................................. 309
MOZAMBIQUE ......................................................................... 311
N 314
NAMIBIA ................................................................................... 314
NAURU ...................................................................................... 314
NEPAL ........................................................................................ 315
NETHERLANDS ........................................................................ 316
NEW ZEALAND ........................................................................ 323
NICARAGUA ............................................................................. 326
NIGER ........................................................................................ 329
NIGERIA .................................................................................... 330
NIUE ........................................................................................... 333
ORGANIZATION (NAPMO) ..................................................... 334
ORGANIZATION....................................................................... 334
ORGANIZATION (NC3O) ......................................................... 334
(NAMSO) .................................................................................... 334
NORTH MACEDONIA .............................................................. 334
NORWAY ................................................................................... 335
O 341
OMAN ........................................................................................ 341
DEVELOPMENT (OECD) ......................................................... 342
WEAPONS ................................................................................. 342
ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES ........................... 342
P 343
PAKISTAN ................................................................................. 343
PALAU ....................................................................................... 347
PALESTINE AUTHORITY ........................................................ 348
PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANIZATION ........................ 348
PANAMA ................................................................................... 348
PAN AMERICAN UNION ......................................................... 354
PAPUA NEW GUINEA .............................................................. 354
PARAGUAY ............................................................................... 355
PERMANENT COURT OF ARBITRATION ............................. 358
PERU .......................................................................................... 358
PHILIPPINES ............................................................................. 363
POLAND .................................................................................... 368
PORTUGAL ............................................................................... 372
Q 377
QATAR ....................................................................................... 377
R 378
REGIONAL SECURITY SYSTEM ............................................ 378
ROMANIA .................................................................................. 378
RUSSIAN FEDERATION .......................................................... 381
RWANDA ................................................................................... 386
S 388
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS ....................................................... 388
SAINT LUCIA ............................................................................ 390
SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES........................... 392
SAMOA ...................................................................................... 394
SAN MARINO ............................................................................ 394
SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE..................................................... 394
SAUDI ARABIA ........................................................................ 395
SENEGAL .................................................................................. 397
SERBIA ...................................................................................... 399
SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO ................................................ 399
SEYCHELLES ............................................................................ 400
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
SIERRA LEONE ......................................................................... 401
SINGAPORE ............................................................................... 403
SLOVAK REPUBLIC ................................................................. 406
SLOVENIA ................................................................................. 407
SOLOMON ISLANDS ................................................................ 409
SOMALIA ................................................................................... 409
SOUTH AFRICA ........................................................................ 410
SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION .............................................. 413
SOUTH SUDAN ......................................................................... 413
SPAIN ......................................................................................... 413
SRI LANKA ................................................................................ 419
SUDAN ....................................................................................... 421
(SACT) ........................................................................................ 422
(SHAPE) ...................................................................................... 422
SURINAME ................................................................................ 422
SWEDEN .................................................................................... 424
SWITZERLAND ......................................................................... 428
SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC ...................................................... 430
T 432
TAJIKISTAN .............................................................................. 432
TANZANIA ................................................................................. 433
THAILAND ................................................................................. 434
TIMOR-LESTE ........................................................................... 437
TOGO .......................................................................................... 438
TONGA ....................................................................................... 439
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO ....................................................... 440
TUNISIA ..................................................................................... 443
TURKEY ..................................................................................... 445
TURKMENISTAN ...................................................................... 449
TUVALU ..................................................................................... 450
U 452
UGANDA .................................................................................... 452
UKRAINE ................................................................................... 453
UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS ........................ 458
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ...................................................... 462
UNITED KINGDOM .................................................................. 463
UNITED KINGDOM (ANGUILLA) .......................................... 473
UNITED KINGDOM (BERMUDA) ........................................... 474
UNITED KINGDOM (CAYMAN ISLANDS) ............................ 474
UNITED KINGDOM (GIBRALTAR) ........................................ 475
UNITED KINGDOM (GUERNSEY) .......................................... 475
UNITED KINGDOM (ISLE OF MAN) ...................................... 475
UNITED KINGDOM (JERSEY) ................................................. 475
UNITED KINGDOM (LEEWARD ISLANDS) .......................... 475
UNITED KINGDOM (MONTSERRAT) .................................... 476
UNITED NATIONS .................................................................... 476
CULTURAL ORGANIZATION ................................................. 477
..................................................................................................... 477
KOSOVO .................................................................................... 477
UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION ................................................. 477
URUGUAY ................................................................................. 478
UZBEKISTAN ............................................................................ 480
V 482
VANUATU ................................................................................. 482
VENEZUELA ............................................................................. 482
VIETNAM, REPUBLIC OF ....................................................... 485
VIETNAM, SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF .................................. 486
W 488
WORLD CUSTOMS ORGANIZATION.................................... 488
WORLD FOOD PROGRAM ...................................................... 488
WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION ......................................... 488
Y 489
YEMEN ...................................................................................... 489
YUGOSLAVIA........................................................................... 490
Z 493
ZAMBIA ..................................................................................... 493
ZIMBABWE ............................................................................... 495
TAIWAN .................................................................................... 497
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
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Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Kabul February 29, 1944.
Entered into force February 29, 1944.
58 Stat. 1393; EAS 418; 5 Bevans 3; 106 UNTS 247
Agreement concerning cultural relations.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 26, 1958.
Entered into force June 26, 1958.
9 UST 997; TIAS 4069; 321 UNTS 67
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Afghanistan.
Exchange of notes at Kabul September 6 and 11, 1962.
Entered into force September 11, 1962.
13 UST 2100; TIAS 5169; 461 UNTS 169
Agreement relating to the deposit by Afghanistan of ten
percent of the value of grant military assistance furnished by
the United States.
Exchange of notes at Kabul May 24 and June 29, 1972.
Entered into force June 29, 1972; effective May 24, 1972.
23 UST 1219; TIAS 7389; 853 UNTS 153
Enduring strategic partnership agreement.
Signed at Kabul May 2, 2012.
Entered into force July 4, 2012.
TIAS 12-704.
Acquisition agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Kabul December 30, 2012.
Entered into force December 30, 2012.
TIAS 12-1230
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Kabul and Tampa February 22 and March 20, 2014.
Entered into force March 20, 2014.
Security and defense cooperation agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Kabul September 30, 2014.
Entered into force January 1, 2015.
TIAS 15-101
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or
successor legislation, including International Military
Education and Training (IMET); peacekeeping operations; the
Afghanistan Security Forces Fund; the Arms Export Control
Act; 10 U.S.C. Section 333, and other Department of Defense
authorities; and the furnishing on a grant basis of defense
articles, related training, and other defense services from the
United States of America to the Government of the Islamic
Republic of Afghanistan under such authorities.
Exchange of notes at Kabul June 13, 2017 and June 25, 2018.
Entered into force June 25, 2018.
TIAS 18-625
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Pentagon and Kabul November 12 and December 8,
Entered into force December 8, 2015.
Provisional agreement in regard to friendship and diplomatic
and consular representation.
Signed at Paris March 26, 1936.
Entered into force March 26, 1936.
49 Stat. 3873; EAS 88; 5 Bevans 1; 168 LNTS 143
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Kabul August 20, 1963.
Entered into force August 20, 1963.
14 UST 1218; TIAS 5421; 488 UNTS 41
Investment incentive agreement, with appendix.
Signed at Kabul April 17, 2004.
Entered into force April 17, 2004.
TIAS 04-417
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United States
government or its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 26, 2006.
Entered into force March 16, 2007.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States or its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Kabul March 10, 2008.
Entered into force July 14, 2008.
July 27 and August 8, 2009 (NP)
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to
the United States by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
Signed at Kabul July 22, 2010.
Entered into force September 20, 2010.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
General agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at Kabul February 7, 1951.
Entered into force February 7, 1951.
2 UST 592; TIAS 2210; 132 UNTS 265
January 2 and 24, 1952 (3 UST 4683; TIAS 2624; 177 UNTS 341)
Agreement relating to a loan for the purchase of wheat and
flour for famine relief in Afghanistan.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 8, 1953.
Entered into force January 8, 1953.
4 UST 2941; TIAS 2896
Agreement relating to duty-free entry and defrayment of
inland transportation charges on relief supplies and packages
to Afghanistan.
Exchange of notes at Kabul April 29 and May 29, 1954.
Entered into force May 29, 1954.
5 UST 1533; TIAS 3030; 234 UNTS 3
December 27, 1960, and January 12, 1961 (12 UST 52; TIAS 4673;
402 UNTS 319)
Agreement providing development assistance to Afghanistan.
Exchange of notes at Kabul June 23, 1956.
Entered into force June 23, 1956.
7 UST 2047; TIAS 3606; 271 UNTS 295
Agreement providing for an informational media guaranty
Exchange of notes at Kabul January 26 and February 15, 1961.
Entered into force February 15, 1961.
12 UST 378; TIAS 4726; 406 UNTS 235
Agreement regarding the provision of tax exemptions for
Signed at Kabul July 27 and 28, 2018.
Entered into force July 28, 2018.
TIAS 18-728
Strategic objective grant agreement for a thriving economy led
by the private sector, with attachments.
Signed September 19, 2005.
Entered into force September 19, 2005.
September 30, 2009 (NP)
December 15, 2009 (NP)
July 26, 2010 (NP)
July 22, 2011 (NP)
February 18, 2012 (NP)
July 21, 2012 (NP)
August 6, 2012 (NP)
August 28, 2012 (NP)
Strategic objective grant agreement for a better educated and
healthier population, with attachments.
Signed September 19, 2005.
Entered into force September 19, 2005.
July 21, 2009 (NP)
September 30, 2009 (NP)
December 15, 2009 (NP)
July 26, 2010 (NP)
July 22, 2011 (NP)
February 18, 2012 (NP)
Strategic objective grant agreement for a democratic
government with broad citizen participation, with attachments.
Signed September 19, 2005.
Entered into force September 19, 2005.
April 19, 2009 (NP)
September 30, 2009 (NP)
December 15, 2009 (NP)
July 22, 2011 (NP)
July 21, 2012 (NP)
Strategic objective grant agreement to provide support for
programs to achieve strategic development objectives, with
Signed September 19, 2005.
Entered into force September 19, 2005.
July 30, 2009 (NP)
September 30, 2009 (NP)
December 15, 2009 (NP)
February 26, 2010 (NP)
July 26, 2010 (NP)
July 22, 2011 (NP)
February 18, 2012 (NP)
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington September 20, 2002.
Entered into force August 23, 2003.
TIAS 03-823
Agreement concerning the prohibition of opium poppy
cultivation in the project area of the Central Helmand drainage
project (phase II).
Signed at Kabul August 29, 1977.
Entered into force August 29, 1977.
29 UST 2481; TIAS 8951
Agreement concerning the prohibition of opium poppy
cultivation in the project area of the integrated wheat
development project.
Signed at Kabul September 29, 1977.
Entered into force September 29, 1977.
29 UST 2479; TIAS 8950
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Letter of agreement on police, justice and counter-narcotics
Signed at Kabul February 19, 2003.
Entered into force February 19, 2003.
Letter of agreement on police, criminal justice, and counter-
narcotics support programs.
Signed at Kabul March 9, 2006.
Entered into force March 9, 2006.
September 23, 2010
Agreement for the establishment and operation of United
States radio transmitting facilities in Afghanistan, with
Signed at Washington October 3, 2002.
Entered into force October 3, 2002.
TIAS 02-1003.1
May 4, 2006 (TIAS 02-1003.1)
Agreement concerning the development of trade and
investment relations.
Signed at Kabul September 21, 2004.
Entered into force September 21, 2004.
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of assistance in
developing and modernizing the civil aviation infrastructure in
Signed August 20 and 27, 2003.
Entered into force August 27, 2003.
October 21 and December 1, 2010
Cooperation agreement.
Signed at New York May 29, 1986.
Entered into force May 29, 1986.
TIAS 11363
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training and other
defense services from the United States of America to the
African Union.
Exchange of notes at Addis Ababa August 27 and
September 6, 2004.
Entered into force September 6, 2004.
TIAS 04-906
Arbitration treaty.
Signed at Washington October 22, 1928.
Entered into force February 12, 1929.
45 Stat. 2728; TS 770; 5 Bevans 14; 92 LNTS 217
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Washington October 22, 1928.
Entered into force February 12, 1929.
45 Stat. 2732; TS 771; 5 Bevans 17; 92 LNTS 223
Agreement on the settlement of certain outstanding claims,
with agreed minute.
Signed at Tirana March 10, 1995.
Entered into force April 18, 1995.
TIAS 12611
November 18, 2005, and April 27, 2006 (TIAS 06-427)
Agreement relating to waiver of passport visa fees for
Exchange of notes at Tirana May 7, 1926.
Operative June 1, 1926.
5 Bevans 12
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in the
Republic of Albania.
Signed at Tirana July 22, 2003.
Entered into force October 9, 2003.
TIAS 03-1009
Agreement on the protection and preservation of certain
cultural properties.
Signed at Washington July 12, 2004.
Entered into force November 2, 2009.
TIAS 09-1102.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for topographic
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting and information,
geodesy and geophysics, digital data and related mapping,
charting and geodesy materials.
Signed at Tirana March 25, 1994.
Entered into force March 25, 1994.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Albania.
Exchange of notes at Tirana April 27 and May 6, 1994.
Entered into force May 6, 1994.
TIAS 12272
Agreement concerning the status of U.S. military personnel
and civilian employees of the Department of Defense who
may be present in Albania in connection with the Search and
Rescue (SAREX) joint military exercise.
Exchange of notes at Tirana January 17 and 24, 1995.
Entered into force January 24, 1995.
Security agreement.
Signed at Washington October 16, 1995.
Entered into force October 16, 1995.
TIAS 12244
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Albania (SEEBRIG).
Exchange of notes at Tirana October 15 and December 4, 2002.
Entered into force December 4, 2002.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Tirana and Patch Barracks August 26 and September
23, 2015.
Entered into force September 23, 2015.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the re-
establishment of diplomatic relations.
Signed at Washington March 15, 1991.
Entered into force March 15, 1991.
TIAS 12428
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 30 and
September 30, 1993.
Entered into force September 30, 1993.
TIAS 11-208
December 10, 2010 and February 8, 2011 (TIAS 11-208)
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington November 19, 1991.
Entered into force March 18, 1993.
TIAS 12441
Agreement concerning economic, technical and related
Signed at Tirana June 10, 1992.
Entered into force June 10, 1992.
TIAS 12456
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Tirana May 2, 2003.
Entered into force July 7, 2003.
TIAS 03-707.2
Treaty of extradition.
Signed at Tirana March 1, 1933.
Entered into force November 14, 1935.
49 Stat. 3313; TS 902; 5 Bevans 22; 166 LNTS 195
Agreement for the exchange of terrorism screening
Signed at Tirana April 14, 2016.
Entered into force September 14, 2016.
TIAS 16-914.1
Convention for the exchange of money orders.
Signed at Washington June 18, 1932.
Entered into force October 1, 1932.
Express mail agreement, with detailed regulations.
Signed at Tirana and Washington June 26 and July 15, 1996.
Entered into force September 15, 1996.
Agreement concerning most-favored-nation treatment and
Exchange of notes at Tirana June 23 and 25, 1922.
Entered into force June 25, 1922.
Foreign Relations, 1925, Vol. I, p. 511; 5 Bevans 9
Agreement on trade relations, with exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington May 14, 1992.
Entered into force November 2, 1992.
TIAS 12454
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty concerning the reciprocal protection of investment,
with annex and protocol.
Signed at Washington January 11, 1995.
Entered into force January 4, 1998.
TIAS 98-104
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 24, 2003.
Entered into force April 5, 2004.
TIAS 04-405
NOTE: For the “Declarations of the Government of the Democratic and
Popular Republic of Algeria …” initialed at Algiers January 19, 1981, see
Agreement on cultural cooperation.
Signed at Algiers June 2, 1987.
Entered into force October 3, 1988.
TIAS 12016; 2244 UNTS 33
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of
import restrictions on categories of cultural property of
Signed at Washington August 15, 2019.
Entered into force August 15, 2019.
TIAS 19-815
Agreement with respect to articles and services provided from
the Government of the United States of America to the
Government of Algeria pursuant to the Trans Sahara
Counterterrorism Initiative.
Exchange of notes at Algiers March 20, May 31, and
June 20, 2006.
Entered into force May 31, 2006.
Consular convention.
Signed at Washington January 12, 1989.
Entered into force July 30, 1997.
TIAS 97-730
Agreement regarding the opening of an American
International School in Algiers.
Signed at Washington December 29, 2015.
Entered into force April 14, 2016.
TIAS 16-414
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington June 22, 1990.
Entered into force December 4, 1990.
TIAS 12075
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Algiers December 15, 1994.
Entered into force February 8, 1995.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Algiers March 27, 1996.
Entered into force June 24, 1996.
Agreement establishing the United States-Algerian Joint
Commission for economic, technical and technological
Signed at Washington April 17, 1985.
Entered into force April 17, 1985.
TIAS 11998
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Exchange of notes at Algiers April 6 and 13, 2004.
Entered into force April 13, 2004.
TIAS 04-413
Agreement for mutual assistance in connection with the
investigation of activities of International Systems and
Controls Corporation and International Telephone and
Telegraph Company, their affiliates and subsidiaries.
Exchange of letters at Washington May 22, 1980.
Entered into force May 22, 1980.
32 UST 1411; TIAS 9780; 1234 UNTS 339
Related Agreement:
December 18, 1980 (32 UST 4491; TIAS 9960; 1266 UNTS 378)
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Algiers April 7, 2010.
Entered into force April 20, 2017.
TIAS 17-420
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed Algiers December 2, 2010.
Entered into force December 1, 2018.
TIAS 18-1201
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Algiers and Washington June 25 and July 26, 1994.
Entered into force September 1, 1994.
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Algiers February 21, 2000.
Entered into force February 21, 2000.
TIAS 13081
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Algiers January 18, 2006.
Entered into force August 14, 2007.
TIAS 07-814
Agreement concerning the establishment of a trade and
investment council.
Signed at Washington October 30, 1998.
Entered into force October 30, 1998.
Memorandum of understanding on the Fulbright Exchange
Signed at Ordino February 2, 2015.
Entered into force December 1, 2015.
TIAS 15-1201
Agreement regarding the sharing of confiscated proceeds and
instrumentalities of crimes.
Signed at Washington, February 14, 2013.
Entered into force October 16, 2013.
TIAS 13-1016
Agreement concerning the provision of training to military
and related civilian personnel of foreign countries under the
United States International Military Education and Training
(IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Luanda September 21, 1995, and
January 24, 1996.
Entered into force January 24, 1996.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Luanda July 27, 1994.
Entered into force August 18, 1994.
TIAS 12189
Economic, technical and related assistance agreement.
Signed at Luanda April 9, 1996.
Entered into force April 9, 1996.
TIAS 12741
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Signed at Washington May 2, 2005.
Entered into force October 6, 2005.
TIAS 05-1006
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Luanda and Washington December 29, 1993, and
October 17, 1994.
Entered into force December 1, 1994.
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Luanda November 9, 2015.
Entered into force October 2, 2017.
TIAS 17-1002
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On November 1, 1981, Antigua and Barbuda became an independent state
from the United Kingdom, and an independent state in the British
Commonwealth of Nations. In a note dated November 4, 1981, to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister of Foreign Affairs made a statement reading in part as follows:
I have the honour to inform you that Antigua and Barbuda became an
independent nation on 1st November, 1981, and is now ready to participate
with other nations in fulfilling obligations under international law with
respect to treaties to which this Government succeeded upon
independence. However, it is necessary to examine in depth such treaties
to ascertain whether or not under customary international law any may
have lapsed. Until this has been done the Government of Antigua and
Barbuda wish:
(a) that it be presumed that each Treaty has been legally succeeded to by
Antigua and Barbuda; and
(b) that future action be based on the presumption in (a) above.
You will be notified in due course of those treaties this Government
regards as having lapsed and those treaties which this Government wishes
to terminate. Notice of lapse or termination in an appropriate form will
also be given to the country or countries that is or are party to those
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Antigua.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Antigua December 19
and 28, 1966.
Entered into force December 28, 1966.
18 UST 25; TIAS 6195; 681 UNTS 137
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at St. John’s December 7 and 10, 1981.
Entered into force December 10, 1981.
33 UST 4411; TIAS 10311
Agreement regarding articles, services, and associated training
transferred to the Government of Antigua and Barbuda for
antinarcotics purposes.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and St. John’s
November 13 and 25, 1998.
Entered into force November 25, 1998.
Agreement regarding the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative
and the provision of technical support for maritime security
forces (Technical Assistance Field Team).
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and St. John’s June 29 and
December 19, 2012.
Entered into force December 19, 2012.
TIAS 12-1219
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and St. John’s
December 23, 1997, and January 27, 1998.
Entered into force January 27, 1998.
TIAS 12926
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at St. John’s October 9, 1968.
Entered into force October 9, 1968.
19 UST 6060; TIAS 6567; 702 UNTS 253
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government or its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at St. John’s February 28, 2011.
Entered into force April 28, 2011.
May 18 and July 26, 2011
General agreement for economic, technical, and related
Signed at St. John’s June 17, 1983.
Entered into force June 17, 1983.
35 UST 1523; TIAS 10742; 2006 UNTS 335
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 29, 2003.
Entered into force September 29, 2003.
TIAS 03-929
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Extradition treaty.
Done at St. John’s June 3, 1996.
Entered into force July 1, 1999.
TIAS 99-701.1
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
exchange of notes.
Signed at St. John’s October 31, 1996.
Entered into force July 1, 1999.
TIAS 99-701
Arial intercept assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and St. John October 7, 2011
and April 18, 2012.
Entered into force April 18, 2012.
TIAS 12-418
Agreement concerning maritime counter-drug operations.
Signed at St. John’s April 19, 1995.
Entered into force April 19, 1995.
TIAS 12763
June 3, 1996 (TIAS 12763)
September 30, 2003 (TIAS 03-930)
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery
systems, and related materials by sea.
Signed at St. John's April 26, 2010.
Entered into force September 27, 2010.
TIAS 10-927
Agreement for the furnishing of commodities and services in
connection with the peacekeeping force for Grenada.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and St. John’s
November 30, 1983, and January 27, 1984.
Entered into force January 27, 1984.
35 UST 4334; TIAS 10934; 2015 UNTS 127
Related Agreement:
December 16, 1985, and January 28, 1986 (TIAS 11172; 2126
UNTS 155)
Convention for the exchange of postal money orders with
Signed at Antigua and Washington December 5, 1956,
and March 22, 1957.
Entered into force December 1, 1957.
11 UST 1425; TIAS 4482
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Antigua June 17, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property of March 2, 1899.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom concerning the establishment and operation of a
space vehicle tracking and communications station on
Exchange of notes at Washington January 17 and 23, 1967.
Entered into force January 23, 1967.
18 UST 112; TIAS 6207
Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to
Signed at Washington December 6, 2001.
Entered into force February 10, 2003.
TIAS 13178
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Bridgetown and St. John's October 12 and 19, 2016.
Entered into force June 7, 2017.
TIAS 17-607
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at London November 26, 1965.
Applicable to Antigua December 11, 1969.
16 UST 2047; TIAS 5941; 561 UNTS 193
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom extending to certain territories the application of the
agreement of November 26, 1965, relating to the reciprocal
granting of authorizations to permit licensed amateur radio
operators of either country to operate their stations in the other
Exchange of notes at London December 11, 1969.
Entered into force December 11, 1969.
20 UST 4089; TIAS 6800; 732 UNTS 334
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement relating to radio communications between
amateur stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at St. John’s April 30 and May 24, 1982.
Entered into force June 23, 1982.
34 UST 1103; TIAS 10395; 1566 UNTS 117
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom concerning air services, with annexes and exchange
of letters.
Signed at Bermuda July 23, 1977.
Entered into force July 23, 1977.
28 UST 5367; TIAS 8641
April 25, 1978 (29 UST 2680; TIAS 8965)
December 4, 1980 (33 UST 655; TIAS 10059)
August 19 and October 7, 1991 (TIAS 11794)
Agreement relating to the reciprocal waiver of nonimmigrant
passport visa fees.*
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires April 15, 1942.
Operative June 1, 1942.
56 Stat. 1578; EAS 266; 5 Bevans 117; 103 UNTS 307
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement for the sharing of visa information, with
Signed at Buenos Aires April 18, 2018.
Entered into force March 14, 2019.
TIAS 19-314
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires September 30 and
October 17, 1939.
Entered into force October 17, 1939.
54 Stat. 1855; EAS 162; 5 Bevans 83; 201 LNTS 273
Agreement on the development and facilitation of tourism.
Signed at Buenos Aires September 25, 1990.
Entered into force September 25, 1990.
TIAS 12420
Agreement establishing a Peace Corps program in Argentina.
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires July 18 and August 30,
Entered into force August 30, 1991.
TIAS 12102
Agreement relating to the transfer to Argentina of certain
United States naval vessels, with memorandum of
Exchange of notes at Washington January 4 and 8, 1951.
Entered into force January 8, 1951.
3 UST 2735; TIAS 2442; 165 UNTS 89
Agreement for a United States Air Force Mission to the
Argentine Republic.
Signed at Buenos Aires October 3, 1956.
Entered into force October 3, 1956.*
7 UST 2571; TIAS 3652; 279 UNTS 13
October 16, 1959 (10 UST 1978; TIAS 4363; 361 UNTS 358)
* Article 17 suspended by agreement of November 27, 1972 (24
UST 279; TIAS 7550).
Agreement relating to the appointment of officers to constitute
a United States Army Mission to Argentina.
Signed at Buenos Aires August 2, 1960.
Entered into force August 2, 1960.
11 UST 1964; TIAS 4546; 384 UNTS 105
January 8 and June 7, 1962 (13 UST 1376; TIAS 5098; 458 UNTS
Agreement relating to a military assistance program, with
memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires May 10, 1964.
Entered into force May 10, 1964.
15 UST 719; TIAS 5594; 527 UNTS 77
Armed forces cooperative projects agreement.
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires May 5, 1970.
Entered into force May 5, 1970.
21 UST 1297; TIAS 6881; 752 UNTS 25
Agreement relating to the deposit by Argentina of ten percent
of the value of grant military assistance furnished by the
United States.
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires April 4 and June 8, 1972.
Entered into force June 8, 1972.
23 UST 1324; TIAS 7414
Agreement relating to cooperation and mutual assistance in
cartography and geodesy, with annex.
Signed at Buenos Aires July 11, 1983.
Entered into force July 11, 1983.
35 UST 1310; TIAS 10730; 1578 UNTS 91
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of officers
between the U.S. Marine Corps and the Argentine Marine
Signed at Washington October 7 and December 3, 1987.
Entered into force December 3, 1987.
TIAS 11559
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning nautical cartography and geodesy, with
Signed at Buenos Aires and Fairfax November 28, 1990, and
June 18, 1991.
Entered into force June 18, 1991.
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of service
personnel between the United States Navy and Argentine
Navy and on the general conditions which will apply to the
exchange of such personnel.
Signed at Washington July 13, 1992.
Entered into force July 13, 1992.
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified information.
Signed at Washington January 12, 1999.
Entered into force January 12, 1999.
TIAS 13017
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning
geospatial information and services cooperation, with annex.
Signed at Buenos Aires March 5, 2001.
Entered into force March 5, 2001.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the inter-American
Naval telecommunications network.
Signed October 9 and November 8, 2006.
Entered into force November 8, 2006.
TIAS 06-1108
Agreement regarding the assignment of liaison officers, with
Signed at Washington February 7 and April 17, 2007.
Entered into force April 17, 2007.
Amendment and Extension:
February 2 and 28, 2017 (NP)
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Buenos Aires March 27, 2009.
Entered into force March 27, 2009.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed November 12 and December 29, 2015.
Entered into force December 29, 2015.
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed at Washington February 17 and March 7, 2016.
Entered into force March 7, 2016, with effect from February 1,
January 9 and 17, 2019 (NP)
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Buenos Aires and Miami June 28, 2016.
Entered into force June 28, 2016.
Agreement on end-use, retransfer, and security assurances.
Signed at Buenos Aires August 17 and 18, 2017.
Entered into force August 18, 2017.
TIAS 17-818
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Buenos Aires August 21, 1963.
Entered into force August 21, 1963.
14 UST 1236; TIAS 5423; 488 UNTS 61
January 18 and March 20, 2000 (TIAS 13086)
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires May 28 and
December 15, 1986.
Entered into force December 15, 1986.
TIAS 11414
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment Program, with
Signed at Buenos Aires June 28, 1995.
Entered into force June 28, 1995.
TIAS 12671
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section
413(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.
Signed at Buenos Aires December 22, 1959.
Entered into force provisionally December 22, 1959;
definitively May 5, 1961.
12 UST 955; TIAS 4799; 411 UNTS 41
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Buenos Aires April 8, 1986.
Entered into force May 19, 1986.
Swap agreement between the United States Treasury and the
Central Bank of the Argentine Republic/Government of the
Argentine Republic, with related letter and amendment.
Signed at Washington and Buenos Aires February 23, 1988.
Entered into force February 23, 1988.
Swap agreement between the United States Treasury, the
Central Bank of the Argentine Republic/Government of the
Argentine Republic, with memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Washington and Buenos Aires October 19, 1988.
Entered into force October 19, 1988.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Buenos Aires December 14, 1989.
Entered into force January 22, 1990.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Buenos Aires December 5, 1990.
Entered into force January 16, 1991.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Washington December 6, 1991.
Entered into force February 10, 1992.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts related to
foreign assistance owed to the Government of the United
States and its agencies, with appendices.
Signed at Washington and Buenos Aires January 13 and 15,
Entered into force February 14, 1993.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington January 13, 1993.
Entered into force March 8, 1993.
Agreement regarding the clearance of arrears owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States government
including its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Buenos Aires February 26, 2015.
Entered into force April 13, 2015.
TIAS 15-413
General agreement for a program of technical cooperation.
Signed at Buenos Aires June 3, 1957.
Entered into force June 3, 1957.
8 UST 811; TIAS 3840; 291 UNTS 61
Agreement concerning the establishment of an Americas Fund
and Administering Commission.
Signed at Buenos Aires September 27, 1993.
Entered into force September 27, 1993.
TIAS 12507
Copyright arrangement.
Exchanges of notes at Buenos Aires April 28, July 28, August
28, and September 3, 1934.
Entered into force August 23, 1934.
5 Bevans 72; 160 LNTS 57
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the
narcotics field.
Signed at Buenos Aires September 15, 1972.
Entered into force September 15, 1972.
23 UST 2620; TIAS 7450; 852 UNTS 97
Cooperation agreement for reducing demand, preventing
abuse, and combatting illicit production and traffic of drugs
and psychotropic substances.
Signed at Buenos Aires May 24, 1989.
Entered into force March 5, 1992.
TIAS 92-305
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Buenos Aires December 4, 1990.
Entered into force February 9, 1993.
TIAS 93-209
Treaty on extradition.
Signed at Buenos Aires June 10, 1997.
Entered into force June 15, 2000.
TIAS 12866; 2159 UNTS 129
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Buenos Aires City March 23, 2016.
Entered into force March 23, 2016.
TIAS 16-323
Memorandum of understanding regarding certain maritime
Signed at Buenos Aires March 31, 1978.
Entered into force January 30, 1979.
30 UST 1054; TIAS 9239; 1152 UNTS 227
Memorandum of understanding on the transfer and protection
of strategic technology.
Signed at Buenos Aires February 12, 1993.
Entered into force February 12, 1993.
TIAS 12487
Agreement concerning cooperation to prevent the illicit
trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive material, with
agreed minute.
Signed at Washington April 13, 2010.
Entered into force April 13, 2010.
TIAS 10-413
Agreement providing for a grant to assist in the acquisition of
certain nuclear research and training equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires September 9, 1959, and
May 23, 1960.
Entered into force May 23, 1960.
11 UST 1628; TIAS 4508; 377 UNTS 3
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement providing for equipment to be used in nuclear
research and training programs at La Plata University,
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires November 8, 1962, and
November 30, 1963.
Entered into force November 30, 1963.
14 UST 1907; TIAS 5504; 505 UNTS 131
Agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of
nuclear energy, with annex and agreed minute.
Signed at Buenos Aires February 29, 1996.
Entered into force October 16, 1997.
TIAS 12730
Implementing arrangement for technical exchange and
cooperation in the area of peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
Signed at Buenos Aires October 16, 1997.
Entered into force October 16, 1997.
TIAS 12892
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safely matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 20, 2018.
Entered into force September 20, 2018.
TIAS 18-920
Agreement for the exchange of insured parcel post packages.
Signed at Buenos Aires February 28 and at Washington
April 8, 1939.
Entered into force October 1, 1938.
53 Stat. 2223; Post Office Department print; 198 LNTS 55
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Buenos Aires and Washington September 4 and 26,
Entered into force January 1, 1981.
33 UST 2509; TIAS 10193; 1529 UNTS 269
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST field trial, with details of implementation.
Signed at Washington and Buenos Aires August 24, September
16, and October 12, 1982.
Entered into force November 1, 1982.
TIAS 10526; 1777 UNTS 355
Agreement for scientific and technical cooperation.
Signed at Buenos Aires April 7, 1972.
Entered into force August 11, 1972.
23 UST 2534; TIAS 7442; 852 UNTS 77
Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation for a global
telemetered seismograph network.
Signed at Reston and San Juan December 28 and 29, 1987.
Entered into force December 29, 1987.
TIAS 12054
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Buenos Aires and Reston December 26, 1996 and July
15, 1997.
Entered into force July 15, 1997.
TIAS 97-715
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the use of
U.S. land remote sensing satellite data, with annexes.
Signed at Buenos Aires and Reston November 30, 2012 and
February 15, 2013.
Entered into force February 15, 2013.
TIAS 13-215
Agreement relating to the payment of old-age, survivors, and
disability benefits to beneficiaries residing abroad.
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires September 15, 1972.
Entered into force September 15, 1972.
23 UST 2660; TIAS 7458; 852 UNTS 91
Agreement relating to a cooperative program for the optical
satellite tracking station at Villa Dolores, Argentina.
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires March 16, 1962.
Entered into force March 16, 1962.
13 UST 1385; TIAS 5100; 454 UNTS 3
Memorandum of understanding concerning the Scientific
Applications Satellite C Earth Observation Mission.
Signed at Washington October 28, 1996.
Entered into force October 28, 1996.
Framework agreement on cooperation in the peaceful uses of
outer space, with annex.
Signed at Buenos Aires October 25, 2011.
Entered into force July 30, 2013.
TIAS 13-730
Agreement for relief from double taxation on earnings derived
from operation of ships and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 20, 1950.
Entered into force July 20, 1950.
1 UST 473; TIAS 2088; 89 UNTS 63
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires March 31, 1967.
Entered into force April 30, 1967.
18 UST 361; TIAS 6243; 636 UNTS 95
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires March 31, 1967.
Entered into force April 30, 1967.
18 UST 365; TIAS 6244; 636 UNTS 103
Agreement concerning the provision of satellite facilities and
the transmission and reception of signals to and from satellites
for the provision of satellite services to users in the United
States of America and the Argentine Republic, with protocol.
Signed at Washington June 5, 1998.
Entered into force June 5, 1998.
TIAS 12960
Treaty for the free navigation of the rivers Parana and
Signed at San Jose de Flores July 10, 1853.
Entered into force December 20, 1854.
10 Stat. 1001; TS 3; 5 Bevans 58
Treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation.
Signed at San Jose July 27, 1853.
Entered into force December 20, 1854.
10 Stat. 1005; TS 4; 5 Bevans 61
Trade agreement with exchanges of notes.
Signed at Buenos Aires October 14, 1941.
Entered into force provisionally November 15, 1941; definitively
January 8, 1943.
56 Stat. 1685; EAS 277; 5 Bevans 102; 119 UNTS 193.
Agreement relating to the effectiveness of United States
schedules to the trade agreement of October 14, 1941.
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires July 24, 1963.
Entered into force July 24, 1963.
14 UST 1046; TIAS 5402; 487 UNTS 183.
December 18 and 27, 1967 (18 UST 3102; TIAS 6402; 693 UNTS
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investment, with protocol.
Signed at Washington November 14, 1991.
Entered into force October 20, 1994.
TIAS 94-1020
August 24 and November 6, 1992 (TIAS 92-1020)
Trade and investment framework agreement, with annex.
Signed at Buenos Aires March 23, 2016.
Entered into force March 23, 2016.
TIAS 16-323.1
Air transport services agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Buenos Aires October 22, 1985.
Entered into force provisionally October 22, 1985; definitively
December 29, 1986.
TIAS 11262
October 26 and November 24, 2000 (TIAS 00-1124).
July 3, 2007 (TIAS 00-1124)
June 26, 2019 (TIAS 19-626)
Memorandum of agreement to provide technical assistance in
developing and modernizing Argentina’s civil aviation.
Signed June 4 and November 5, 1986.
Entered into force November 5, 1986.
Agreement relating to the reciprocal acceptance of
airworthiness certifications.
Exchange of notes at Buenos Aires June 22, 1989.
Entered into force June 22, 1989.
TIAS 11669; 2190 UNTS 383
Agreement for the promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Buenos Aires November 30, 2018.
Entered into force November 30, 2018.
TIAS 18-1130
For agreements prior to December 31, 1991, see UNION OF SOVIET
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Washington September 24, 1992.
Entered into force September 24, 1992.
TIAS 12082
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Yerevan May 10 and July 31, 2002.
Entered into force July 31, 2002.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annex.
Signed at Stuttgart and Yerevan February 5 and March 11,
Entered into force November 3, 2015.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on employment of dependents of members of
diplomatic missions and consular posts, with a related note.
Exchange of notes at Yerevan September 20, December 30,
2005, and January 26, 2006.
Entered into force October 16, 2006.
TIAS 06-1016
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington April 2, 1992.
Entered into force April 2, 1992.
TIAS 12451
Agreement regarding cooperation to facilitate the provision of
humanitarian and technical economic assistance.
Signed at Yerevan December 15, 1992.
Entered into force December 15, 1992.
TIAS 12483
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Tribunals.
Signed at Yerevan October 16, 2004.
Entered into force March 17, 2005.
TIAS 05-317
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna March 29, 2017.
Entered into force June 27, 2017.
TIAS 17-627
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Washington November 3, 2009.
Entered into force March 11, 2010.
TIAS 10-311.1
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Reston and Yerevan June 4, 2010 and July 29, 2011.
Entered into force July 29, 2011.
TIAS 11-729
Agreement for cooperation to facilitate implementation of the
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with annexes and
related exchange of notes.
Signed at Yerevan February 12, 2018.
Entered into force July 17, 2019.
TIAS 19-717
Agreement on trade relations, with related exchanges of
Signed at Washington April 2, 1992.
Entered into force April 7, 1992.
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington September 23, 1992.
Entered into force March 29, 1996.
TIAS 96-329
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington November 21, 2008.
Entered into force June 16, 2009.
TIAS 09-616
Agreement relating to the United States contribution to the
Multi-Purpose Special Fund of the Asian Development Bank.
Signed at Manila April 19, 1974.
Entered into force April 19, 1974.
25 UST 1672; TIAS 7903
December 23, 1974 and April 1, 1975 (26 UST 897; TIAS 8074)
Agreement regarding the establishment of an ASEAN
Agricultural Development and Planning Center.
Exchange of notes at Kuala Lumpur June 28, 1980.
Entered into force June 28, 1980.
32 UST 1371; TIAS 9778; 1234 UNTS 399
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning cooperation in economic development,
education, culture, and narcotics.
Signed at Denpasar and Kuala Lumpur July 2 and
October 24, 1979.
Entered into force October 24, 1979.
Treaty amending in their application to Australia certain
provisions of the treaty for the advancement of peace between
the United States and the United Kingdom signed at
Washington September 15, 1914.
Signed at Washington September 6, 1940.
Entered into force August 13, 1941.
55 Stat. 1211; TS 974; 5 Bevans 143
Agreement relating to the reciprocal waiver of visa fees for
Exchange of notes at Canberra February 10, 1950.
Entered into force February 10, 1950; operative March 1, 1950.
1 UST 457; TIAS 2082; 51 UNTS 167
Agreement concerning reciprocal changes in immigration
regulations relating to nonimmigrant visas.*
Exchanges of notes at Canberra July 29 and
August 9, 17 and 20, 1955.
Entered into force August 20, 1955; operative September 1,
6 UST 6225; TIAS 3472; 268 UNTS 133
* The status of these agreements is under review.
Agreement relating to the relaxation of nonimmigrant visa
Exchange of notes at Canberra March 13, June 1 and
August 19, 1959.
Entered into force August 19, 1959.
11 UST 2049; TIAS 4561; 388 UNTS 183
Agreement for the sharing of visa and immigration
Signed at Canberra August 27, 2014.
Entered into force December 12, 2014.
TIAS 14-1212
Cooperative mapping agreement.
Approved by Australia March 6, 1947, and by the United States
April 4, 1947.
Entered into force April 4, 1947.
5 Bevans 183
Mutual defense assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Washington February 1 and 20, 1951.
Entered into force February 20, 1951.
2 UST 644; TIAS 2217; 132 UNTS 297
Agreement relating to the furnishing of certain supplies and
services to naval vessels.
Exchange of notes at Canberra December 19 and 31, 1956.
Entered into force January 26, 1957.
8 UST 9; TIAS 3729; 266 UNTS 89
March 28, 1963 (14 UST 347; TIAS 5319; 474 UNTS 338)
Agreement for cooperation regarding atomic information for
mutual defense purposes.
Signed at Washington July 12, 1957.
Entered into force August 14, 1957.
8 UST 1339; TIAS 3881; 290 UNTS 139
Mutual weapons development program agreement.
Signed at Washington August 23, 1960.
Entered into force August 23, 1960.
11 UST 2089; TIAS 4565; 388 UNTS 232
Agreement regarding mutual weapons development data
exchange concerning weapons of mass destruction threat
reduction technologies.
Signed January 25, 1962.
Entered into force January 25, 1962.
August 14, 2006
Agreement concerning the status of United States forces in
Australia with protocol.
Signed at Canberra May 9, 1963.
Entered into force May 9, 1963.
14 UST 506; TIAS 5349; 469 UNTS 55
Agreement relating to the establishment of a joint defense
space research facility.
Signed at Canberra December 9, 1966.
Entered into force December 9, 1966.
17 UST 2235; TIAS 6162; 607 UNTS 83
Amendments and Extensions:
October 19, 1977 (29 UST 2759; TIAS 8969)
November 16, 1988 (TIAS 12266)
June 4, 1998 (2171 UNTS 89) (TIAS 12959)
Agreement relating to the establishment of a joint defense
space communications station in Australia.
Signed at Canberra November 10, 1969.
Entered into force November 10, 1969.
20 UST 3097; TIAS 6788; 729 UNTS 17
Amendments and Extensions:
November 16, 1988 (TIAS 12267)
Memorandum of understanding regarding the exchange
training program of units from both forces.
Signed at Washington November 4, 1976.
Entered into force November 4, 1976.
28 UST 8237; TIAS 8757; 1095 UNTS 91
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to operation of United States military
flights through RAAF Base Darwin.
Exchange of notes at Canberra March 11, 1981.
Entered into force March 11, 1981.
33 UST 1300; TIAS 10112
Memorandum of understanding concerning the exchange of
service personnel between the U.S. Marine Corps and the
Royal Australian Air Force.
Signed at Washington April 13, 1984.
Entered into force April 13, 1984.
TIAS 11131
Memorandum of arrangement relating to the provision of
NOMAD aircraft and related services, with attachment.
Signed at Washington April 2, 1987.
Entered into force April 2, 1987.
TIAS 11317
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of
professional military education (PME).
Signed at Washington July 23 and August 5, 1987.
Entered into force August 5, 1987.
Memorandum of understanding concerning exchange of
service personnel between the U.S. Marine Corps and the
Australian Army.
Signed at Canberra and Washington August 31 and
September 16, 1987.
Entered into force September 16, 1987.
TIAS 11550
Agreement concerning cooperation in defense logistic support.
Signed at Sydney November 4, 1989.
Entered into force November 4, 1989.
TIAS 13-1001; 1571 UNTS 167
Amendments and Extensions:
August 7, 2000 and July 30, 2001 (TIAS 13-1001)
October 13 and December 9, 2011 (TIAS 13-1001)
Agreement concerning cooperation in radar activities, with
project arrangements.
Signed at Salisbury March 3, 1992.
Entered into force March 3, 1992.
TIAS 12270; 1679 UNTS 251
Arrangement for the exchange of military personnel between
the Royal Australian Navy and the U.S. Coast Guard.
Signed at Washington July 27, 1992.
Entered into force July 27, 1992.
Agreement concerning cooperative and collaborative research,
development and engineering, with appendix.
Signed at Washington October 21, 1994.
Entered into force October 21, 1994.
TIAS 12271; 1856 UNTS 291
Agreement concerning reciprocal defense procurement.
Signed at Washington April 19, 1995.
Entered into force April 19, 1995.
Agreement concerning the establishment of certain mutual
defense commitments.
Exchange of notes at Sydney and Canberra December 1, 1995.
Entered into force December 1, 1995.
TIAS 12704; 1945 UNTS 263
December 4, 2008 (TIAS 09-1201.1)
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified information, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Canberra June 25, 2002.
Entered into force November 7, 2002.
TIAS 02-1107; 2208 UNTS 481
Agreement concerning the cooperative framework for system
development and demonstration of the joint strike fighter, with
Signed at Washington October 31, 2002.
Entered into force November 14, 2002.
TIAS 02-1114
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Canberra April 27, 2010.
Entered into force August 9, 2010.
Agreement relating to the operation of and access to an
Australian Naval Communication Station at North West Cape
in Western Australia.
Signed at Washington July 16, 2008.
Entered into force November 24, 2011.
TIAS 11-1124
Treaty concerning defense trade cooperation.
Signed at Sydney September 5, 2007.
Entered into force May 16, 2013.
The force posture agreement.
Signed at Sidney August 12, 2014.
Entered into force March 31, 2015.
Convention to regulate commerce (article IV) between the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 3, 1815.
Entered into force July 3, 1815.
8 Stat. 228; TS 110; 12 Bevans 49
Agreement for financing certain educational and cultural
exchange programs.
Signed at Canberra August 28, 1964.
Entered into force August 28, 1964.
15 UST 1689; TIAS 5643; 510 UNTS 201
May 12, 1967 (18 UST 493; TIAS 6255; 638 UNTS 300)
February 20 and 21, 1992 (TIAS 12449; 1680 UNTS 502)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to employment of dependents of official
government employees, with related notes.
Exchange of notes at Canberra November 5 and 9, 1984.
Entered into force November 9, 1984.
TIAS 11138
Memorandum of understanding relating to coal information
exchange in the areas of health, safety and environment.
Signed at Canberra October 24 and 25, 1978.
Entered into force November 23, 1978.
30 UST 2208; TIAS 9328
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the Global
Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment
(GLOBE) Program, with appendices.
Signed at Canberra April 21, 1995.
Entered into force April 21, 1995.
TIAS 12634
Agreement concerning fishing by United States vessels in
waters surrounding Christmas Island and Cocos/Keeling
Islands pursuant to the treaty on fisheries between the United
States and certain Pacific Island states.
Exchange of notes at Port Moresby April 2, 1987.
Entered into force April 2, 1987.
TIAS 11295
Agreement relating to training and other technical services to
be furnished by the Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the
Interior, in connection with proposed projects of the
Australian Snowy Mountains Hydroelectric Authority.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 16, 1951.
Entered into force November 16, 1951.
3 UST 2836; TIAS 2456; 168 UNTS 75
Agreement to facilitate the interchange of patent rights and
technical information for defense purposes, with exchange of
Signed at Washington January 24, 1958.
Entered into force January 24, 1958.
9 UST 5; TIAS 3974; 307 UNTS 105
Agreement approving the procedures for reciprocal filing of
classified patent applications.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 13 and
October 2, 1961.
Entered into force October 2, 1961.
12 UST 1359; TIAS 4857; 421 UNTS 318
Treaty on extradition.
Signed at Washington May 14, 1974.
Entered into force May 8, 1976.
27 UST 957; TIAS 8234
Procedures for mutual assistance in administration of justice in
connection with the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation matter.
Signed at Washington September 13, 1976.
Entered into force September 13, 1976.
27 UST 3424; TIAS 8372
Protocol amending the treaty on extradition of May 14, 1974.
Signed at Seoul September 4, 1990.
Entered into force December 21, 1992.
1736 UNTS 344; TIAS 92-1221
Treaty on mutual assistance in criminal matters, with related
exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington April 30, 1997.
Entered into force September 30, 1999.
TIAS 99-930; 2117 UNTS 157
Agreement for cooperation concerning technology for the
separation of isotopes of uranium by laser excitation, with
annexes, agreed minute and related exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington October 28, 1999.
Entered into force May 24, 2000.
TIAS 00-524; 2117 UNTS 243
Agreement concerning the application of non-proliferation
assurances to Australian uranium to be transferred to the
United States of America for enrichment and retransfer to
Taiwan, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 31, 2001.
Entered into force May 17, 2002.
TIAS; 2208 UNTS 497
Agreement concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy, with
agreed minute.
Signed at New York May 4, 2010.
Entered into force December 22, 2010.
TIAS 10-1222
Parcel post agreement and detailed regulations of execution.
Signed at Melbourne May 16 and at Washington May 27, 1952.
Entered into force August 1, 1952.
3 UST 4305; TIAS 2580; 178 UNTS 113
Memorandum of understanding for the exchange of
international express mail, with details of implementation.
Signed at Washington and Victoria June 5 and 16, 1981.
Entered into force July 1, 1981.
33 UST 3872; TIAS 10266; 1543 UNTS 89
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for the enforcement of maintenance (support)
Signed at Canberra December 12, 2002.
Entered into force December 12, 2002.
TIAS 02-1212; 2208 UNTS 469
Convention between the United States and Great Britain
relating to tenure and disposition of real and personal
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Entered into force for Australia April 3, 1902.
TS 146; 31 Stat. 1939; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention extending the time within which
notifications may be given of the accession of British colonies
or foreign possessions to the convention of March 2, 1899.
Signed at Washington January 13, 1902.
Entered into force April 2, 1902.
TS 402; 32 Stat. 1914; 12 Bevans 261
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936, by the United States, the
United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement relating to the principles applying to the provision
of aid in the prosecution of the war.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 3, 1942.
Entered into force September 3, 1942.
56 Stat. 1608; EAS 271; 5 Bevans 146; 24 UNTS 195
Agreement on settlement for lend-lease, reciprocal aid, surplus
war property, and claims.
Signed at Washington June 7, 1946.
Entered into force June 7, 1946.
60 Stat. 1707; TIAS 1528; 5 Bevans 164; 4 UNTS 237
Agreement relating to the investment of a portion of the trust
account established under the lend-lease settlement agreement
of June 7, 1946, and the Fulbright agreement of November 26,
Exchange of notes at Canberra July 9 and August 25, 1952.
Entered into force August 25, 1952.
5 UST 650; TIAS 2954; 229 UNTS 262
* November 26, 1949, agreement (TIAS 1994) superseded by
agreement of August 28, 1964 (TIAS 5643). See under
Agreement providing for the construction and operation of a
weather station on Nauru Island.
Exchange of notes at Canberra February 19 and 25, 1958.
Entered into force February 25, 1958.
9 UST 266; TIAS 4001; 317 UNTS 153
Agreement concerning the transfer to the Australian National
University of the facility for research on aerospace
disturbances at Amberley, Queensland.
Exchange of notes at Canberra January 31 and February 26,
Entered into force February 26, 1975.
26 UST 446; TIAS 8043; 992 UNTS 139
Agreement regarding the management and operation of the
joint geological and geophysical research station at Alice
Springs, Australia.
Exchange of notes at Canberra February 28, 1978.
Entered into force March 2, 1978.
29 UST 3040; TIAS 8995; 1120 UNTS 67.
February 17, 1984 (35 UST 4421; TIAS 10946)
Agreement concerning the use of Australian facilities by the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the
conduct of scientific balloon flights for civil research
Exchange of notes at Canberra February 16, 2006.
Entered into force February 16, 2006.
TIAS 06-216
August 26, 2011 and April 24, 2012 (TIAS 12-424)
Agreement on cooperation in science and technology for
homeland domestic security matters, with annex.
Signed at Washington December 21, 2005.
Entered into force February 16, 2007.
TIAS 07-216
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Reston and Sydney February 2 and 25, 2009.
Entered into force February 25, 2009.
TIAS 09-225
Agreement relating to scientific and technical cooperation.
Signed at Washington November 29, 2016.
Entered into force December 6, 2017.
TIAS 17-1206.1
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Canberra September 27, 2001.
Entered into force October 1, 2002.
TIAS 13169; 2208 UNTS 435
Agreement providing for the establishment and operation in
Australia of a tracking station in connection with the transit
navigational satellite program.
Exchange of notes at Canberra June 5, 1961.
Entered into force June 5, 1961.
12 UST 789; TIAS 4779; 409 UNTS 279
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the establishment, maintenance and
operation of a solar observatory at Learmonth, Western
Exchange of notes at Canberra October 14 and 27, 1977.
Entered into force October 27, 1977.
29 UST 2747; TIAS 8968
Agreement for space vehicle tracking and communication
Signed at Washington October 17, 2017.
Entered into force February 21, 2018.
TIAS 18-221
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on gifts.*
Signed at Washington May 14, 1953.
Entered into force December 14, 1953.
4 UST 2264; TIAS 2879; 205 UNTS 237
* Applicable to Norfolk Island.
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on the estates
of deceased persons.*
Signed at Washington May 14, 1953.
Entered into force January 7, 1954.
5 UST 92; TIAS 2903; 205 UNTS 277
* Applicable to Norfolk Island.
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income.
Signed at Sydney August 6, 1982.
Entered into force October 31, 1983.
35 UST 1999; TIAS 10773
September 27, 2001 (TIAS 13164)
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Canberra April 28, 2014.
Entered into force June 30, 2014.
TIAS 14-630
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Canberra June 25, 1965.
Entered into force June 25, 1965.
16 UST 973; TIAS 5836; 541 UNTS 155
Arrangement relating to radio communications between
amateur stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Canberra May 21 and 26, 1982.
Entered into force June 25, 1982.
34 UST 1109; TIAS 10396; 1566 UNTS 133
Agreement concerning the agreement of December 16, 1988,
and January 20, 1989, and the transfer to the Government of
Australia of the high frequency diplomatic radio
communications facility in Uriarra.
Exchange of notes at Canberra December 19, 1994, and
March 22, 1995.
Entered into force March 22, 1995.
TIAS 12201
Agreement relating to cooperation on antitrust matters.
Signed at Washington June 29, 1982.
Entered into force June 29, 1982.
34 UST 388; TIAS 10365; 1369 UNTS 43
Agreement on mutual antitrust enforcement assistance, with
Signed at Washington April 27, 1999.
Entered into force November 5, 1999.
TIAS 13033; 2117 UNTS 203
United StatesAustralia free trade agreement, with annexes
and related exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington May 18, 2004.
Entered into force January 1, 2005.
Air service agreement relating to facilities at Eagle Farm and
Amberley, Queensland.
Signed at Canberra March 10, 1947.
Entered into force March 10, 1947.
61 Stat. 3843; TIAS 1732; 5 Bevans 181; 10 UNTS 89
Agreement relating to the reciprocal acceptance of
airworthiness certifications.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 24, 1974, and
June 11, 1975.
Entered into force June 11, 1975.
26 UST 1665; TIAS 8126; 1006 UNTS 241
Agreement on the promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Canberra June 21, 2005.
Entered into force November 28, 2006.
TIAS 06-1128
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington March 31, 2008.
Entered into force June 18, 2013.
TIAS 13-618
May 30 and June 18, 2013 (TIAS 13-618)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arbitration treaty.
Signed at Washington August 16, 1928.
Entered into force February 28, 1929.
45 Stat. 2752; TS 776; 5 Bevans 353; 88 LNTS 95
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Washington August 16, 1928.
Entered into force February 28, 1929.
45 Stat. 2756; TS 777; 5 Bevans 356; 88 LNTS 101
Agreement regarding settlement for war accounts and claims
incident to the operations of United States forces in Austria
from April 9, 1945 to June 30, 1947, inclusive.
Signed at Vienna June 21, 1947.
Entered into force June 21, 1947.
61 Stat. 4168; TIAS 1920; 5 Bevans 380; 67 UNTS 89
Agreement providing for settlement of certain claims under
Article 26 of the Austrian State Treaty of May 15, 1955.
Exchange of notes at Vienna May 8, 15 and 22, 1959.
Entered into force May 22, 1959.
10 UST 1158; TIAS 4253; 347 UNTS 3
Agreement concerning the Austrian Fund “Reconciliation,
Peace and Cooperation” (Reconciliation Fund), with annexes.
Signed at Vienna October 24, 2000.
Entered into force December 1, 2000.
TIAS 13122; 2162 UNTS 3
Related agreement:
January 21, 2001 (TIAS 13143; 2170 UNTS 279)
Agreement relating to the waiver of passport visas and
passport visa fees.*
Exchange of notes at Vienna June 10, June 28, and July 12,
Entered into force July 12, 1949; operative July 15, 1949.
63 Stat. 2740; TIAS 1988; 5 Bevans 426; 84 UNTS 291
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement for the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 11 and 23, 1949.
Entered into force March 23, 1949.
63 Stat. 2434; TIAS 1927; 5 Bevans 422; 43 UNTS 127
Agreement relating to the assurances required under the
Mutual Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Vienna December 14, 1951, and
January 5, 1952.
Entered into force January 5, 1952.
3 UST 4525; TIAS 2600; 179 UNTS 73
Agreement relating to the purchase by Austria of certain
military equipment, materials and services.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 9, 1957.
Entered into force August 9, 1957.
8 UST 1241; TIAS 3875; 288 UNTS 299
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Patch Barracks and Vienna March 15, 2000.
Entered into force March 15, 2000.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Austrian MOD Liaison Officers to the Joint Staff, with
Signed at Vienna and Washington February 5 and 28, 2019.
Entered into force May 29, 2019.
Treaty establishing friendly relations.
Signed at Vienna August 24, 1921.
Entered into force November 8, 1921.
42 Stat. 1946; TS 659; 5 Bevans 215; 7 LNTS 156
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Vienna June 25, 1963.
Entered into force June 25, 1963.
14 UST 957; TIAS 5386; 479 UNTS 223
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Vienna April 20, 1995.
Entered into force April 20, 1995.
TIAS 12631
Agreement relating to the funding of the indebtedness of
Austria to the United States.
Signed at Washington May 8, 1930.
Operative January 1, 1928.
Treasury Department print; 5 Bevans 365
Agreement modifying the debt funding agreement of
May 8, 1930.
Signed at Washington September 14, 1932.
Entered into force July 1, 1931.
Treasury Department print; 5 Bevans 376
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to guaranties authorized by Section
111(b)(3) of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, as
Exchange of notes at Washington February 14 and 16, 1952.
Entered into force February 20, 1952.
3 UST 3874; TIAS 2516; 177 UNTS 299
October 23, 1958 (9 UST 1345; TIAS 4127; 336 UNTS 336)
Agreement regarding certain bonds of Austrian issue
denominated in dollars, with annex and protocol.
Signed at Washington November 21, 1956.
Entered into force September 11, 1957.
8 UST 1457; TIAS 3903; 290 UNTS 181
ERP Counterpart Settlement Agreement, with related
exchange of notes of March 10 and 28, 1961.
Signed at Vienna March 29, 1961.
Entered into force July 12, 1962.
13 UST 1838; TIAS 5133; 459 UNTS 45
Agreement to supplement the ERP Counterpart Settlement
Agreement of March 29, 1961.
Signed at Vienna April 30, 2004.
Entered into force August 1, 2004.
TIAS 04-801
Economic cooperation agreement and supplementary note.
Signed at Vienna July 2, 1948.
Entered into force July 2, 1948.
62 Stat. 2137; TIAS 1780; 5 Bevans 404; 21 UNTS 29
October 21, November 30, 1949, and February 20, 1950 (1 UST 145;
TIAS 2020; 79 UNTS 288)
January 16 and March 7, 1951 (2 UST 1315; TIAS 2283; 141 UNTS
May 11 and 15, 1951 (2 UST 2569; TIAS 2380; 139 UNTS 79)
July 1 and 31, 1952 (3 UST 5042; TIAS 2685; 181 UNTS 326)
October 15 and December 6, 1952 (3 UST 5300; TIAS 2731; 185
UNTS 322)
Agreement relating to duty-free entry of relief goods and
packages and standard packs and for defrayment of
transportation charges.
Exchange of notes at Vienna February 3 and 11, 1949.
Entered into force February 11, 1949.
63 Stat. 2420; TIAS 1922; 5 Bevans 419; 79 UNTS 113
Arrangement for the direct exchange of information regarding
the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Vienna April 10 and July 24, 1931.
Entered into force July 24, 1931.
5 Bevans 373
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between the customs
services of the United States and Austria.
Signed at Vienna September 15, 1976.
Entered into force July 3, 1978.
29 UST 1011; TIAS 8863
April 2, 1986
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Vienna February 23, 1995.
Entered into force August 1, 1998.
TIAS 98-801; 2029 UNTS 153
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Washington January 8, 1998.
Entered into force January 1, 2000.
TIAS 12916
Protocol to the extradition treaty of January 8, 1998, as
contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement on extradition
between the United States of America and the European Union
signed June 25, 2003.
Signed at Vienna July 20, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.2
Protocol to the treaty of February 23, 1995, as contemplated
by Article 3(2) of the Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance
between the United States of America and the European Union
signed June 25, 2003.
Signed at Vienna July 20, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.24
Agreement concerning the sharing of confiscated proceeds of
Signed at Vienna June 29, 2010.
Entered into force March 15, 2011.
TIAS 11-315
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime, with annex.*
Signed at Vienna November 15, 2010.
Entered into force May 4, 2012.
TIAS 12-504.1
* Agreement entered into force May 4, 2012, with the exception of
Articles 7 through 9. In accordance with Article 27, Articles 7
through 9 may enter into force in the future under conditions
specified in Article 27.
Agreement relating to occupation costs of United States forces
in Austria subsequent to June 30, 1947.
Signed at Vienna June 21, 1947.
Entered into force July 1, 1947.
61 Stat. 4171; TIAS 1921; 5 Bevans 383; 67 UNTS 99
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Vienna February 16 and at Washington March 1,
Entered into force March 1, 1928.
45 Stat. 2468; Post Office Department print
Agreement for collection-delivery service.
Signed at Vienna November 8 and at Washington
December 11, 1929.
Entered into force December 1, 1929.
46 Stat. 2427; Post Office Department print
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to international express mail with
memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of letters at Washington and Vienna August 6 and
September 4, 1986.
Entered into force February 2, 1987.
TIAS 11391
Agreement concerning the disposition of certain United States
property in Austria.
Signed at Vienna September 26, 1955.
Entered into force September 26, 1955.
7 UST 223; TIAS 3499; 272 UNTS 31.
Agreement regarding the return of Austrian property, rights
and interests, with schedule and annex.
Signed at Washington January 30, 1959.
Entered into force May 19, 1964.
15 UST 439; TIAS 5577; 511 UNTS 145
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Vienna July 13, 1990.
Entered into force November 1, 1991.
TIAS 12037
October 5, 1995 (TIAS 12696; 1974 UNTS 470)
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on estates,
inheritances, gifts and generation-skipping transfers.
Signed at Vienna June 21, 1982.
Entered into force July 1, 1983.
TIAS 10570
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Vienna May 31, 1996.
Entered into force February 1, 1998.
TIAS 98-201; 2009 UNTS 309
Agreement for cooperation to facilitate the implementation of
the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with annexes.
Signed at Vienna April 29, 2014.
Entered into force December 9, 2014.
TIAS 14-1209.3.
Agreement relating to the operation of amateur radio stations.
Signed at Vienna November 21, 1967.
Entered into force December 21, 1967.
18 UST 2878; TIAS 6378; 634 UNTS 43
Treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights.
Signed at Vienna June 19, 1928.
Entered into force May 27, 1931.
47 Stat. 1876; TS 838; 5 Bevans 341; 118 LNTS 241
Supplementary agreement to the treaty of friendship,
commerce and consular rights of June 19, 1928.
Signed at Vienna January 20, 1931.
Entered into force May 27, 1931.
47 Stat. 1899; TS 839; 5 Bevans 372; 118 LNTS 259
Agreement for reciprocal acceptance of certificates of
airworthiness for imported aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 30, 1959.
Entered into force April 30, 1959.
10 UST 796; TIAS 4219; 343 UNTS 41
Memorandum of agreement relating to the provision of flight
inspection services.
Signed at Washington and Vienna March 10 and June 22, 1978.
Entered into force June 22, 1978; effective April 1, 1978.
30 UST 288; TIAS 9200
Air services agreement, with annexes.*
Signed at Vienna March 16, 1989.
Entered into force June 2, 1989.
TIAS 11265
June 14, 1995 (TIAS 11503)*
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
For agreements prior to December 31, 1991, see UNION OF SOVIET
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in the
Republic of Azerbaijan.
Signed at Baku October 8, 2003.
Entered into force February 3, 2004.
TIAS 04-203.
Agreement concerning the provision of training relating to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Baku May 8 and June 14, 2002.
Entered into force June 14, 2002.
TIAS 02-614
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Baku and Stuttgart October 14 and October 30, 2013.
Entered into force January 23, 2014.
Agreement on educational cooperation.
Signed at Baku June 19, 2008.
Entered into force June 22, 2010.
TIAS 10-622
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington February 10 and March 8,
Entered into force March 8, 1995.
TIAS 12608
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington September 28, 1992.
Entered into force January 17, 1995.
TIAS 95-117
Agreement regarding cooperation to facilitate the provision of
Signed at Baku May 11, 2000.
Entered into force August 21, 2000.
TIAS 13093
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington February 26, 2003.
Entered into force August 28, 2003.
TIAS 03-828
Agreement on mutual assistance and cooperation in customs
Signed at Baku February 7, 2007.
Entered into force June 25, 2007.
TIAS 07-625
Implementing arrangement for cooperation in the prevention
of illicit trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive material.
Signed at Baku December 8, 2005.
Entered into force December 8, 2005.
TIAS 05-1208
Postal money order agreement.
Signed at Baku and Washington April 3 and May 17, 1996.
Entered into force May 17, 1996.
Agreement concerning the acquisition and retention of
diplomatic and consular properties in the United States of
America and the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Signed at Baku March 5 and April 21, 1999.
Entered into force June 8, 1999.
TIAS 99-608
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Baku September 9, 2015.
Entered into force November 5, 2015.
TIAS 15-1105.
Agreement on trade relations, with exchanges of letters.
Signed at Washington April 12, 1993.
Entered into force April 21, 1995.
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington August 1, 1997.
Entered into force August 2, 2001.
TIAS 01-802
August 8 and 25, 2000 (TIAS 01-802)
Agreement for the provision of technical assistance in
developing, modernizing, operating and maintaining the civil
aviation infrastructure in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Signed at Washington and Baku September 10 and 18, 2013.
Entered into force September 18, 2013.
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Baku April 6, 2016.
Entered into force June 14, 2016.
TIAS 16-614
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On July 10, 1973, The Bahamas became an independent state. In a note
dated July 10, 1973, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the
Prime Minister made a statement reading in part as follows:
I have the honour, further to inform you that the Government of the
Commonwealth of The Bahamas, conscious of the desirability of
maintaining existing legal relationships, and conscious of its obligations
under international law to honour its treaty commitments, acknowledges
that many treaty rights and obligations of the Government of the United
Kingdom in respect of The Bahamas were succeeded to by the
Commonwealth of The Bahamas upon Independence by virtue of
customary international law.
Since, however, it is likely that in virtue of customary international law
certain treaties may have lapsed at the date of Independence of the
Commonwealth of The Bahamas, it seems essential that each treaty should
be subjected to legal examination. It is proposed, after this examination has
been completed, to indicate which, if any, of the treaties which may have
lapsed by customary international law the Government of the
Commonwealth of The Bahamas wishes to treat as having lapsed.
It is desired that it be presumed that each treaty has been legally succeeded
to by the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and that action be based on this
presumption until a decision is reached that the treaty should be regarded
as having lapsed. Should the Government of the Commonwealth of The
Bahamas be of the opinion that it has legally succeeded to a treaty, and
wishes to terminate the operation of the treaty, it will in due course give
notice of termination in the terms thereof.
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to naval and air bases.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 2, 1940.
Entered into force September 2, 1940.
54 Stat. 2405; EAS 181; 12 Bevans 551; 203 LNTS 201
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom regarding leased naval and air bases, and exchanges
of notes.
Signed at London March 27, 1941.
Entered into force March 27, 1941.
55 Stat. 1560; EAS 235; 12 Bevans 560; 204 LNTS 15
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom amending articles IV and VI of the leased bases
agreement of March 27, 1941.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 19 and August 1, 1950.
Entered into force August 1, 1950.
1 UST 585; TIAS 2105; 88 UNTS 273
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom for the establishment of oceanographic research
stations in the Bahama Islands.
Signed at Washington November 1, 1957.
Entered into force November 1, 1957.
8 UST 1741; TIAS 3927; 299 UNTS 167
May 12, 1960 (11 UST 1405; TIAS 4479; 372 UNTS 364)
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom concerning the establishment in the Bahama Islands
of a long range aid to navigation station.
Signed at Washington June 24, 1960.
Entered into force June 24, 1960.
11 UST 1587; TIAS 4502; 377 UNTS 63
Understanding between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the use by Bahamian organizations of
certain land at the United States Navy Base, Georgetown,
Great Exuma Island, with map and schedule.
Exchange of notes at Nassau June 19, September 12, and
November 2, 1972.
Entered into force November 2, 1972.
23 UST 3688; TIAS 7514
Agreement concerning United States defense facilities in The
Bahamas, with annex, agreed minute, exchanges of notes and
implementing arrangement, with maps.
Signed at Washington April 5, 1984.
Entered into force April 5, 1984; effective January 26, 1983.
TIAS 11058; 2034 UNTS 189
September 22 and October 7, 1992
See also agreement of April 5, 1984, under UNITED KINGDOM
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military and Education Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Nassau July 11 and September 13, 2006.
Entered into force September 13, 2006.
Agreement regarding the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative
and the provisions of technical support for maritime security
forces (Technical Assistance Field Team).
Exchange of notes at Nassau October 15, 2012 and
June 11, 2013.
Entered into force June 11, 2013.
TIAS 13-611
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at HMBS Coral Harbour July 3, 2018.
Entered into force July 3, 2018.
Agreement regarding U.S. military and civilian personnel and
U.S. contractors who may be temporarily present in the
Bahamas in connection with humanitarian assistance and
disaster relief and recovery efforts.
Exchange of notes at Nassau September 6, 11 and 17, 2019.
Entered into force September 11, 2019.
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Nassau April 7 and 8, 2005.
Entered into force April 8, 2005.
TIAS 05-408
Agreement on investment insurance and guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Nassau April 5, 1983, and
September 27, 1984.
Entered into force September 27, 1984.
TIAS 10997; 2021 UNTS 333
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trademarks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the prevention of abuses of customs
privileges at certain leased naval and air bases.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 18 and
February 21, 1946.
Entered into force February 21, 1946.
61 Stat. 2637; TIAS 1592; 12 Bevans 739; 6 UNTS 137
Agreement for the interdiction of narcotics trafficking.
Signed at Nassau March 6, 1985.
Entered into force March 6, 1985.
TIAS 11123; 2120 UNTS 75
Agreement on the control of narcotic drugs and psychotropic
substances, with appendix.
Signed at Nassau February 17, 1989.
Entered into force February 17, 1989.
TIAS 11602; 2190 UNTS 363
Treaty on mutual assistance in criminal matters, with
exchange of correcting notes.
Signed at Nassau June 12 and August 18, 1987.
Entered into force July 18, 1990.
TIAS 90-718
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Nassau March 9, 1990.
Entered into force September 22, 1994.
TIAS 94-922
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Nassau September 23 and October 5,
Entered into force October 5, 1982.
35 UST 3842; TIAS 10888; 2014 UNTS 451
Agreement concerning cooperation in maritime law
Signed at Nassau June 29, 2004.
Entered into force June 29, 2004.
TIAS 04-629
Money order agreement.
Signed at Washington June 22, 1921, and at Nassau July 7,
Operative August 1, 1921.
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post, with
regulations of execution.
Signed at Nassau October 29, 1936, and at Washington
December 21, 1936.
Operative November 1, 1936.
50 Stat. 1472; Post Office Department print; 176 LNTS 411
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Nassau and Washington June 24 and July 17, 1985.
Entered into force September 9, 1985.
TIAS 11153; 2126 UNTS 177.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the INTELPOST
service, with details of implementation.
Signed at Nassau and Washington September 15 and
October 7, 1987.
Entered into force November 1, 1987.
TIAS 11544
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to the Bahamas February 9, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the continuation of a cooperative
meteorological program in the Bahama Islands with
memoranda of arrangement.
Exchange of notes at Nassau October 14, 1982, and
August 25, 1983.
Entered into force August 25, 1983; effective July 2, 1982.
35 UST 3570; TIAS 10868; 2014 UNTS 457
Agreement relating to United States participation in the
national insurance scheme of The Bahamas, with related note.
Exchange of notes at Nassau October 27, 1976, May 6 and
September 23, 1977.
Entered into force September 23, 1977; effective October 7,
29 UST 2423; TIAS 8946
Agreement concerning the reciprocal exemption from income
tax of income derived from the international operation of ships
and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 26 and July 16, 1987.
Entered into force July 16, 1987.
TIAS 11276; 2174 UNTS 371
Agreement to implement the Foreign Account Tax
Compliance Act, with annexes and exchange of correcting
Signed at Nassau November 3, 2014.
Entered into force September 17, 2015.
TIAS 15-917.1
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at London November 26, 1965.
Applicable to the Bahamas December 11, 1969.
16 UST 2047; TIAS 5941; 561 UNTS 193
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom extending to certain territories the application of the
agreement of November 26, 1965, relating to the reciprocal
granting of authorizations to permit licensed amateur radio
operators of either country to operate their stations in the other
Exchange of notes at London December 11, 1969.
Entered into force December 11, 1969.
20 UST 4089; TIAS 6800; 732 UNTS 334
Agreement relating to pre-sunrise operations of certain
standard broadcasting stations.
Exchange of notes at Nassau January 30 and September 4,
Entered into force September 4, 1974.
25 UST 2478; TIAS 7929
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to air services.
Signed at Bermuda February 11, 1946.
Entered into force February 11, 1946.
60 Stat. 1499; TIAS 1507; 12 Bevans 726; 3 UNTS 253
Agreement on preclearance for entry into the United States,
with annex.
Signed at Nassau April 23, 1974.
Entered into force April 23, 1974.
25 UST 646; TIAS 7816
Related Agreement:
December 28, 1977 and January 10, 1978 (29 UST 4645; TIAS 9072)
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of assistance in
developing and modernizing the civil aviation infrastructure of
The Bahamas.
Signed at Washington and Nassau December 14, 1998, and
January 8, 1999.
Entered into force January 8, 1999.
Memorandum of agreement concerning the deployment of air
marshals, with attachment.
Signed at Nassau and Washington October 5 and 20, 2011.
Entered into force October 20, 2011.
TIAS 11-1020
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Bahrain.
Exchange of notes at Manama April 24 and June 12, 1973.
Entered into force June 12, 1973.
24 UST 1762; TIAS 7684
General security of military information agreement.
Signed at Manama January 17, 1988.
Entered into force January 17, 1988.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Bahrain.
Exchange of notes at Manama July 18, August 8, August 19,
and August 29, 1992.
Entered into force August 29, 1992.
Cross servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington January 20, 1994.
Entered into force January 20, 1994.
TIAS 12259
November 21, 2003 and January 6, 2004 (NP)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning bilateral work agreement for
dependents of officials serving in Bahrain.
Exchange of notes at Manama February 26 and 27, 2007.
Entered into force February 27, 2007.
TIAS 07-227
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Manama June 16, 2001.
Entered into force June 16, 2001.
TIAS 13154
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Manama April 25, 1987.
Entered into force April 25, 1987.
TIAS 12091
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
Signed at Washington November 5, 2010.
Entered into force July 2, 2013.
TIAS 13-702
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Bahrain and Washington April 22 and July 28, 1982.
Entered into force August 1, 1982.
34 UST 1883; TIAS 10469; 1750 UNTS 477
Agreement to exempt from income tax certain income derived
from the international operation of a ship or ships and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Manama September 1 and 12, 1999.
Entered into force September 12, 1999.
TIAS 13059
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Manama January 18, 2017.
Entered into force March 5, 2018.
TIAS 18-305
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington September 29, 1999.
Entered into force May 30, 2001.
TIAS 13065
Agreement on the establishment of a free trade area, with
annexes and related exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington September 14, 2004.
Entered into force August 1, 2006.
Civil aviation security agreement.
Signed at Manama November 15, 1992.
Entered into force November 15, 1992.
TIAS 11912
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington May 24, 1999.
Entered into force July 6, 2001.
TIAS 13035
Agreement concerning the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Bangladesh.
Signed at Washington July 13, 1978.
Entered into force July 13, 1978.
30 UST 1734; TIAS 9283; 1153 UNTS 95
Memorandum of understanding concerning an exchange of
Signed at Dhaka May 18, 1989.
Entered into force May 18, 1989.
TIAS 11680
Memorandum of understanding to specify the legal status of
the United States Pacific Command Disaster Relief Task
Signed at Dhaka May 20, 1991.
Entered into force May 20, 1991.
Agreement regarding military assistance under the Foreign
Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of
defense articles, related training and other defense services
from the United States to Bangladesh.
Exchange of notes at Dhaka September 18 and October 3, 1994.
Entered into force October 3, 1994.
TIAS 12273
Memorandum of understanding international concerning
exercise Cope South.
Signed at Dhaka August 5 and September 14, 1998.
Entered into force September 14, 1998.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Dhaka October 4, 2000.
Entered into force October 4, 2000.
TIAS 00-1004
Agreement relating to establishment of a trust account for
payment by Bangladesh of certain development assistance
program expenses, with related letter.
Signed at Dhaka July 1, 1974.
Entered into force July 1, 1974.
TIAS 7918; 25 UST 2403
Agreement relating to consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to the United States, with annexes.
Signed at Washington March 3, 1976.
Entered into force May 11, 1976.
27 UST 4020; TIAS 8423; 1059 UNTS 21
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington May 19, 1998.
Entered into force May 19, 1998.
TIAS 12954
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debt related to
agricultural trade owed to the Government of the United States
and its agencies, with appendix.
Signed at Washington September 12, 2000.
Entered into force September 12, 2000.
Agreement concerning the establishment of a Tropical Forest
Fund and a Tropical Forest Conservation Board.
Signed at Washington September 12, 2000.
Entered into force September 12, 2000.
August 15, 2002 and January 13, 2003
Economic, technical and related assistance agreement, with
related letter.
Signed at Dhaka May 21, 1974.
Entered into force May 21, 1974.
25 UST 1454; TIAS 7877
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington August 18, 2003.
Entered into force March 29, 2004.
TIAS 04-329
International express mail memorandum of understanding,
with detailed regulations.
Signed at Dhaka and Washington April 9 and 17, 1987.
Entered into force June 1, 1987.
TIAS 11303
Memorandum of understanding concerning operation of the
INTELPOST service, with details of implementation.
Signed at Dhaka and Washington May 16 and 24, 1989.
Entered into force June 15, 1989.
TIAS 11682
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with exchange of notes.
Done at Dhaka September 26, 2004.
Entered into force August 7, 2006.
TIAS 06-807
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investment, with annex, protocol and exchange
of letters.
Signed at Washington March 12, 1986.
Entered into force July 25, 1989.
TIAS 89-725
Agreement on a trade and investment cooperation forum.
Signed at Washington November 25, 2013.
Entered into force January 30, 2014.
TIAS 14-130
Agreement on aviation security.
Exchange of notes at Dhaka November 23, 1992, and
August 23, 1993.
Entered into force August 23, 1993.
TIAS 12160
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of technical
assistance in further developing, modernizing, operating, or
maintaining the civil aviation infrastructure in Bangladesh.
Signed August 25 and November 4, 2010.
Entered into force November 4, 2010.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On November 30, 1966, Barbados became an independent state. In a note
dated February 10, 1967, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations,
the Prime Minister and Minister of External Affairs made a statement
reading in part as follows:
I have the honour to inform you that the Government of Barbados,
conscious of the desirability of maintaining existing legal relationships,
and conscious of its obligation under international law to honour its treaty
commitments, acknowledges that many treaty rights and obligations of the
Government of the United Kingdom in respect of Barbados were
succeeded to by Barbados upon independence by virtue of customary
international law.
2. Since, however, it is likely that by virtue of customary international law
certain treaties may have lapsed at the date of independence of Barbados, it
seems essential that each treaty should be subjected to legal examination.
It is proposed after this examination has been completed, to indicate
which, if any, of the treaties which may have lapsed by customary
international law the Government of Barbados wishes to treat as having
3. It is desired that it be presumed that each treaty has been legally
succeeded to by Barbados and that action be based on this presumption
until a decision is reached that it should be regarded as having lapsed.
Should the Government of Barbados be of the opinion that it has legally
succeeded to a treaty and wishes to terminate the operation of the treaty, it
will in due course give notice of termination in the terms thereof.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Barbados.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown May 10 and June 8, 1982.
Entered into force June 8, 1982.
34 UST 1257; TIAS 10413
Agreement regarding articles, services and associated training
transferred to the Government of Barbados for anti-narcotics
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown November 13, 1998, and
June 30, 1999.
Entered into force June 30, 1999.
Agreement regarding the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative
and the provision of technical support for maritime security
forces (Technical Assistance Field Team).
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown June 29, 2012 and
June 27,
Entered into force June 27, 2013.
TIAS 13-627.1
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or
successor legislation, including the International Military
Education and Training (IMET) program, the Arms Export
Control Act; 10 U.S.C. Section 333, and other Department of
Defense authorities; and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States of America to the Government of Barbados under such
Exchange of notes June 1, 2017 and April 16, 2018, with
confirming notes dated April 25 and 26, 2018.
Entered into force April 16, 2018.
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement continuing in force between the United States and
Barbados the consular convention of June 6, 1951, between
the United States and the United Kingdom.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown September 14, 1972, and
May 10, 1973.
Entered into force May 10, 1973.
24 UST 1803; TIAS 7693
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at Bridgetown March 11, 1968.
Entered into force March 11, 1968.
19 UST 4692; TIAS 6463; 698 UNTS 87
General agreement for economic, technical and related
Signed at Bridgetown September 14, 1983.
Entered into force September 14, 1983.
35 UST 2943; TIAS 10829; 1590 UNTS 153
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trademarks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Bridgetown February 28, 1996.
Entered into force March 3, 2000.
TIAS 00-303
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Bridgetown February 28, 1996.
Entered into force March 3, 2000.
TIAS 00-303.1
Aerial intercept assistance agreement, with related note.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown October 7, 2011 and
November 25, 2016.
Entered into force November 25, 2016.
TIAS 16-1125
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning cooperation in suppressing illicit
maritime drug trafficking.
Signed at Bridgetown June 25, 1997.
Entered into force October 11, 1998.
TIAS 12872
Agreement for the furnishing of commodities and services in
connection with the peacekeeping force for Grenada.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown November 25, 1983, and
January 12, 1984.
Entered into force January 12, 1984.
35 UST 4245; TIAS 10922; 2015 UNTS 115
Convention for the exchange of postal money orders.
Signed at Washington and Bridgetown September 27 and
November 30, 1933.
Operative October 1, 1933.
Agreement for the exchange of parcels by parcel post, and
detailed regulations.
Signed at Washington and Bridgetown August 14 and
September 13, 1939.
Entered into force November 1, 1939.
54 Stat. 1838; Post Office Department print; 199 LNTS 375
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Hamburg June 27, 1984.
Entered into force October 1, 1984.
TIAS 11006; 2021 UNTS 343
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST service, with details of implementation.
Signed at Bridgetown and Washington October 18 and 26,
Entered into force February 15, 1990.
TIAS 11704
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Barbados February 9, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom providing for a tropical meteorological research
program (including Project Harp) in Barbados.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown January 7 and 15, 1963.
Entered into force January 15, 1963.
14 UST 109; TIAS 5276; 466 UNTS 181
Agreement relating to a cooperative program for operation and
maintenance of a rawinsonde station at Seawell Airport,
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown October 13, 1975.
Entered into force October 13, 1975;effective July 1, 1970.
26 UST 2557; TIAS 8174; 1028 UNTS 37
Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to
Signed at Washington November 3, 1984.
Entered into force November 3, 1984.
TIAS 11203; 2143 UNTS 277
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with exchange of notes.*
Signed at Bridgetown December 31, 1984.
Entered into force February 28, 1986.
TIAS 11090; 2120 UNTS 197
Protocol amending the convention for the avoidance of double
taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to
taxes on income signed December 31, 1984, with exchange of
notes and understandings.*
Signed at Washington December 18, 1991.
Entered into force December 29, 1993.
TIAS 93-1229
* With reservation.
Second protocol amending the convention of December 31,
1984, as amended, for the avoidance of double taxation and
the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on
Signed at Washington July 14, 2004.
Entered into force December 20, 2004.
TIAS 04-1220
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Bridgetown November 17, 2014.
Entered into force September 25, 2015.
TIAS 15-925
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown September 10 and 12, 1968.
Entered into force September 12, 1968.
19 UST 5994; TIAS 6553; 702 UNTS 175
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Bridgetown May 5, 2015.
Entered into force May 5, 2015.
TIAS 15-505
For agreements prior to December 31, 1991, see UNION OF SOVIET
Agreement on the protection and preservation of certain
cultural properties.
Signed at New York September 21, 2016.
Entered into force September 21, 2016.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 14 and July 26, 1996.
Entered into force July 26, 1996.
TIAS 12786
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Minsk June 24, 1992.
Entered into force June 24, 1992.
TIAS 12460
Agreement regarding cooperation to facilitate the provision of
Signed at Minsk July 18, 1996.
Entered into force provisionally July 18, 1996; definitively
December 21, 2001.
TIAS 01-1221
Agreement regarding cooperation and mutual assistance
between their customs services.
Exchange of notes at Minsk January 14, 1994.
Entered into force January 14, 1994.
TIAS 12531
Agreement regarding assurances concerning the provision of
technical assistance that may be provided by the Government
of the United States, through the Department of Energy, to
support the transfer of fresh and spent nuclear fuel from the
Joint Institute for Physics and Nuclear Research at Minsk,
Republic of Belarus to the Russian Federation, and security
enhancement of the reactor site and nuclear materials stored at
the site.
Exchange of notes at Minsk July 5 and October 1, 2010.
Entered into force October 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-1001.1
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Minsk and Washington September 21 and
November 8, 1993.
Entered into force January 1, 1994.
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Minsk March 18, 2015.
Entered into force July 29, 2015.
TIAS 15-729
Agreement on trade relations.
Exchange of notes at Minsk January 6 and February 16, 1993.
Entered into force February 16, 1993.
TIAS 12488
Agreement concerning control, accounting and physical
protection of nuclear material to promote the prevention of
nuclear weapons proliferation.
Signed at Minsk June 23, 1995.
Entered into force June 23, 1995.
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington March 20, 1929.
Entered into force August 25, 1930.
46 Stat. 2790; TS 823; 5 Bevans 547; 109 LNTS 267
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Washington March 20, 1929.
Entered into force August 25, 1930.
46 Stat. 2794; TS 824; 5 Bevans 549; 109 LNTS 261
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to reciprocity on indemnification for war
damages to private property.
Exchanges of notes at Brussels December 5, 1949, March 17
and December 1, 1950, and March 12, 1951.
Entered into force March 12, 1951.
2 UST 943; TIAS 2248; 93 UNTS 109
Arrangement on the settlement of claims for indexing
pensions, with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 15, 2015.
Entered into force September 15, 2015.
TIAS 15-915
Agreement relating to the reciprocal waiver of visas and visa
Exchange of notes at Brussels May 3 and 23, 1962.
Entered into force May 23, 1962; operative June 22, 1962.
13 UST 1246; TIAS 5071; 434 UNTS 133
March 9 and April 20, 1971 (22 UST 678; TIAS 7124; 778 UNTS
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement concerning American military cemeteries, and
related note of December 24, 1959.
Signed at Brussels November 27, 1959.
Entered into force November 27, 1959.
10 UST 2124; TIAS 4383; 366 UNTS 331
January 8, 1962 and October 24, 1963 (14 UST 1542; TIAS 5455; 489
UNTS 393)
Mutual defense assistance agreement.
Signed at Washington January 27, 1950.
Entered into force March 30, 1950.
1 UST 1; TIAS 2010; 51 UNTS 213
Agreement relating to the assurances required under the
Mutual Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Brussels January 7, 1952.
Entered into force January 7, 1952.
3 UST 4529; TIAS 2601; 179 UNTS 81
Agreement concerning export licenses for goods bought in the
Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union for common defense
effort under the offshore procurement program.
Exchange of notes at Brussels June 18, 1953.
Entered into force June 18, 1953.
4 UST 1; TIAS 2760; 222 UNTS 3
Agreement relating to offshore procurement with exchange of
Signed at Brussels September 2, 1953.
Entered into force July 22, 1954.
5 UST 1311; TIAS 3000; 200 UNTS 127
Agreement approving the standard offshore procurement
contract with Belgium.
Signed at Brussels November 19, 1953.
Entered into force July 22, 1954.
5 UST 1334; TIAS 3001; 233 UNTS 310
May 13 and July 19, 1954 (5 UST 2254; TIAS 3085; 237 UNTS 342)
Agreement relating to the disposal of redistributable and
excess property furnished in connection with the mutual
defense assistance program.
Signed at Brussels November 17, 1953.
Entered into force March 10, 1955.
6 UST 495; TIAS 3182; 251 UNTS 105
Agreement concerning the participation of the Belgian forces
in United Nations operations in Korea.
Signed at Washington July 15, 1955.
Entered into force July 15, 1955.
6 UST 2829; TIAS 3325; 223 UNTS 3
Agreement relating to a weapons production program.
Exchange of notes at Brussels April 6 and 22, 1960.
Entered into force April 22, 1960.
11 UST 1368; TIAS 4472; 372 UNTS 277
Arrangement pursuant to the mutual defense assistance
agreement of January 27, 1950, relating to the disposition of
equipment and materials furnished under the mutual defense
assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Brussels July 7, 1961.
Entered into force July 7, 1961.
12 UST 1174; TIAS 4830; 416 UNTS 301
Agreement for cooperation on the use of atomic energy for
mutual defense purposes.
Signed at Brussels May 17, 1962.
Entered into force September 5, 1962.
13 UST 1995; TIAS 5157; 461 UNTS 3
Agreement concerning certain communications facilities.
Signed at Brussels April 19, 1963.
Entered into force April 19, 1963.
14 UST 414; TIAS 5334; 476 UNTS 29
Memorandum of understanding concerning the principles
governing mutual cooperation in the research, development,
production, procurement and logistic support of defense
Signed at Brussels December 12, 1979.
Entered into force December 12, 1979.
Agreement concerning provision of mutual logistic support,
with annexes.
Signed at Brussels and Stuttgart May 6 and 11, 1982.
Entered into force May 11, 1982.
TIAS 12275
July 1 and 10, 1991 (TIAS 12275)
May 1 and 22, 1992 (TIAS 12275)
October 27 and 30, 1997 (NP)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of officers
between the United States and Belgian air forces.
Signed at Brussels and Washington September 22 and
November 2, 1983.
Entered into force November 2, 1983.
35 UST 2417; TIAS 10804
Agreement concerning the status of a U.S. ground launched
cruise missile (GLCM) unit to be located in Belgium.
Exchange of notes at Brussels February 13, 1984.
Entered into force February 13, 1984.
35 UST 4407; TIAS 10943
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning
mapping, charting and geodesy cooperation.
Signed at Fairfax March 1, 1994.
Entered into force March 1, 1994.
Agreement regarding the status of a category of United States
Signed at Brussels July 13, 2012.
Entered into force March 26, 2015.
TIAS 15-326
Agreement regarding the exchange of military personnel, with
Signed at Washington and Evere January 25 and February 2,
Entered into force February 2, 2017.
Agreement regarding the exchange of military personnel, with
Signed August 3 and September 14, 2017.
Entered into force September 14, 2017.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers to U.S. Special Operations Command, with
Signed at Evere and Tampa December 22, 2017 and February
6, 2018.
Entered into force February 6, 2018.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Washington February 5 and 19, 2018.
Entered into force February 19, 2018.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed March 2, 2018.
Entered into force March 2, 2018.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the exchange of
professional military exchange students, with annex.
Signed May 21 and August 8, 2019.
Entered into force August 8, 2019, with effect from March 10,
Arrangement relating to the granting to diplomatic and
consular personnel, on a reciprocal basis, of exemption from
duties and import taxes on merchandise imported for their
personal use.
Exchange of notes at Brussels February 26 and May 28, 1948.
Entered into force May 28, 1948.
5 Bevans 670
Consular convention with exchanges of notes.
Signed at Washington September 2, 1969.
Entered into force January 5, 1974.
25 UST 41; TIAS 7775
Agreement for the financing of certain academic and cultural
exchanges and programs in the field of education.
Signed at Brussels December 12, 1968.
Entered into force May 13, 1971.
22 UST 1538; TIAS 7175; 806 UNTS 231
Agreement on the gainful occupation of certain dependents of
diplomatic and consular personnel.
Exchange of notes at Brussels February 19 and March 18,
Entered into force June 1, 2006.
TIAS 06-601
Debt funding agreement.
Signed at Washington August 18, 1925.
Operative June 15, 1925.
Treasury Department print; 5 Bevans 531
Agreement modifying the debt funding agreement of
August 18, 1925.
Signed at Washington June 10, 1932.
Operative July 1, 1931.
Treasury Department print; 5 Bevans 561
Agreement relating to guaranties authorized by Section
111(b)(3) of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, as
Exchange of notes at Washington May 7 and 12, 1952.
Entered into force May 12, 1952.
3 UST 4285; TIAS 2575; 179 UNTS 15
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Economic cooperation agreement.
Signed at Brussels July 2, 1948.
Entered into force July 29, 1948.
62 Stat. 2173; TIAS 1781; 5 Bevans 678; 19 UNTS 127
November 22 and 29, 1948 (62 Stat. 3776; TIAS 1906; 5 Bevans 703;
31 UNTS 485)
June 29, 1950 (1 UST 510; TIAS 2093; 76 UNTS 250)
September 10, 1951 (2 UST 2057; TIAS 2334; 140 UNTS 428)
December 11, 1952 and March 5, 1953 (4 UST 435; TIAS 2790; 207
UNTS 316)
Agreement to facilitate the interchange of patent rights and
technical information for defense purposes.
Signed at Brussels October 12, 1954.
Entered into force October 12, 1954.
5 UST 2318; TIAS 3093; 202 UNTS 289
Agreement approving the procedures for reciprocal filing of
classified patent applications.
Exchange of notes at Brussels May 6 and 18, 1960.
Entered into force May 18, 1960.
11 UST 1464; TIAS 4488
Convention for the prevention of smuggling of alcoholic
beverages into the United States.
Signed at Washington December 9, 1925.
Entered into force January 11, 1928.
45 Stat. 2456; TS 759; 5 Bevans 539; 72 LNTS 171
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Brussels February 6 and June 13, 1928.
Entered into force June 13, 1928.
5 Bevans 545
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
Signed at Brussels June 26, 1991.
Entered into force May 1, 1993.
TIAS 12111
Procedures for mutual assistance in the administration of
justice in connection with the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
Signed at Washington May 21, 1976.
Entered into force May 21, 1976.
27 UST 1966; TIAS 8292
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Brussels April 27, 1987.
Entered into force September 1, 1997.
TIAS 97-901; 2093 UNTS 263
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Washington January 28, 1988.
Entered into force January 1, 2000.
TIAS 00-101; 2096 UNTS 3
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on extradition between the United States of America and the
European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to the application of
the extradition treaty of April 27, 1987, with annex.
Signed at Brussels December 16, 2004.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.3.
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on mutual legal assistance between the United States of
America and the European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to
the application of the treaty on mutual legal assistance in
criminal matters signed January 28, 1988, with annex.
Signed at Brussels December 16, 2004.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.25
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime, with annex.
Signed at Brussels September 20, 2011.
Entered into force May 22, 2014, with the exception of Articles
7 through 9, *
TIAS 14-522
* In accordance with Article 25, Articles 7 through 9 may enter into
force in the future under conditions specified in Article 25.
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 1 and 9, 1983.
Entered into force December 9, 1983.
35 UST 3244; TIAS 10853; 2015 UNTS 19
Agreement relating to the agreement of August 14, 1987, on
the resolution of practical problems with respect to deep
seabed mining areas.*
Exchange of notes at Brussels August 14, 1987.
Entered into force August 14, 1987.
TIAS 11438
* Parties to the multilateral agreement of August 14, 1987, are
Belgium, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics.
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with annex.
Signed at Vienna September 16, 2019.
Entered into force September 16, 2019.
TIAS 19-916.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post, and
regulations of execution.
Signed at Washington January 5, 1939.
Entered into force May 1, 1939.
53 Stat. 2100; Post Office Department print; 199 LNTS 321
Memorandum of understanding relating to the initiation of
express mail/datapost service.
Signed at Washington and Brussels March 6 and 28, 1975.
Entered into force March 28, 1975; effective April 1, 1975.
29 UST 95; TIAS 8796
Preliminary agreement regarding principles applying to
mutual aid in the prosecution of the war against aggression.
Signed at Washington June 16, 1942.
Entered into force June 16, 1942.
56 Stat. 1504; EAS 254; 5 Bevans 571; 105 UNTS 159
Agreement relating to principles applying to the provision of
aid to the armed forces of the United States.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 17 and 19, 1945.
Operative June 16, 1942.
59 Stat. 1642; EAS 481; 5 Bevans 606; 139 UNTS 279
Agreement relating to supplies and services, with
memorandum of interpretation and exchanges of notes.
Signed at Washington April 17, April 19, and May 19, 1945.
Entered into force April 17, 1945.
59 Stat. 1642; EAS 481; 5 Bevans 594; 139 UNTS 279
Memorandum of understanding regarding settlement for lend-
lease, reciprocal aid, Plan A, surplus property and claims.
Agreement relating to the transfer of United States surplus
property in Belgium.
Signed at Washington September 24, 1946.
Entered into force September 24, 1946.
62 Stat. 3984; TIAS 2064; 5 Bevans 631; 132 UNTS 80
May 12, 1949 (63 Stat. 2837; TIAS 2070; 5 Bevans 708; 132 UNTS
January 20 and April 2, 1954 (5 UST 647; TIAS 2953; 229 UNTS
Memorandum of agreement regarding the purchase of Belgian
francs for use by United States armed forces.
Signed at Washington September 24, 1946.
Entered into force September 24, 1946.
62 Stat. 3984; TIAS 2064; 5 Bevans 631; 132 UNTS 80
Memorandum of understanding concerning the furnishing of
balloon launching and associated services.
Signed at Washington June 8 and 15, 1983.
Entered into force June 15, 1983.
35 UST 1653; TIAS 10754; 2011 UNTS 87
Agreement on social security, with final protocol.
Signed at Washington February 19, 1982.
Entered into force July 1, 1984.
TIAS 11175; 2129 UNTS 495
Additional protocol and administrative agreement for the
implementation of the agreement on social security of
February 19, 1982.
Signed at Brussels November 23, 1982.
Entered into force July 1, 1984.
TIAS 11175; 2131 UNTS 238
Agreement relating to relief from taxation of United States
expenditures in Belgium for common defense.
Exchange of notes at Brussels March 18 and April 7, 1952.
Entered into force April 7, 1952.
3 UST 5245; TIAS 2719; 205 UNTS 3
Agreement concerning relief from double taxation on income
derived from the operation of ships and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 14, 1987, and
March 21, 1988.
Entered into force March 21, 1988.
TIAS 11571; 2185 UNTS 267
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with protocol.
Signed at Brussels November 27, 2006.
Entered into force December 28, 2007.
TIAS 07-1228.2
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Brussels April 23, 2014.
Entered into force December 23, 2016.
TIAS 16-1223
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Brussels June 15 and 18, 1965.
Entered into force June 18, 1965.
16 UST 869; TIAS 5824; 549 UNTS 95
Convention in addition to the treaty of July 17, 1858, with
annexed declaration.*
Signed at Brussels May 20, 1863.
Entered into force June 27, 1864.
13 Stat. 647; TS 22; 5 Bevans 468
* Articles I and IV remain in force perpetually; remaining articles
terminated July 1, 1875, with termination of the 1858 treaty (12
Stat. 1043; TS 20; 5 Bevans 454).
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty providing for the extinguishment of the Scheldt dues.
Signed at Brussels July 20, 1863.
Entered into force June 27, 1864.
13 Stat. 655; TS 23; 5 Bevans 471
Treaty of friendship, establishment and navigation, with
Signed at Brussels February 21, 1961.
Entered into force October 3, 1963.
14 UST 1284; TIAS 5432; 480 UNTS 149
Agreement regarding the facilitation of road travel in the
United States for holders of Belgian driving permits and in
Belgium for holders of United States driving permits.
Exchange of notes at Brussels February 4 and 12, 1971.
Entered into force February 12, 1971.
22 UST 1525; TIAS 7172; 806 UNTS 281
Agreement relating to the reciprocal acceptance of
airworthiness certifications.
Exchange of notes at Brussels February 12 and May 14, 1973.
Entered into force May 14, 1973.
24 UST 1720; TIAS 7675
Air transport agreement.*
Exchange of notes at Washington October 23, 1980.
Entered into force October 23, 1980.
32 UST 3515; TIAS 9903; 1275 UNTS 103
September 22 and November 12, 1986
November 5, 1993 and January 12, 1994
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing Belgium’s civil aviation
Signed at Washington and Brussels June 19 and July 30, 1998.
Entered into force July 30, 1998.
On September 21, 1981, Belize became an independent state. In a letter
dated September 29, 1982, to the Secretary General of the United Nations,
the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belize made a
statement reading in part as follows:
I have the honour to inform you that the Government of Belize has decided
to continue to apply provisionally and on the basis of reciprocity, all
treaties to which the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland was a party, the application of which was extended
either expressly or by necessary implication to the then dependent territory
of Belize.
Such provisional application would subsist until Belize otherwise notifies
Your Excellency, the depository (in the case of a multilateral treaty), or the
state party (in the case of a bilateral treaty.)
On October 14, 2009, the U.S. Department of State sent a diplomatic note
to the Government of Belize which included a “list of multilateral treaties
that continued to apply provisionally and on the basis of reciprocity
between the United States and Belize upon Belize’s independence and
thereafter…” as well as “a list of bilateral treaties and other international
agreements that are carried on the records of the Department of State as
being in force between the United States and Belize as of January 1,
Agreement confirming the cooperative agreement for the
prevention of foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest in British
Signed at Belize September 6 and 12, 1972.
Entered into force September 12, 1972.
23 UST 2592; TIAS 7447
Memorandum of understanding relating to cooperative efforts
to protect crops from plant pest damage and plant diseases.
Signed at Washington December 8, 1976.
Entered into force December 8, 1976.
28 UST 8703; TIAS 8767
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in British Honduras.
Exchange of notes at Belize July 26 and August 15, 1962.
Entered into force August 15, 1962.
13 UST 1868; TIAS 5137; 580 UNTS 189
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of
import restrictions on categories of archaeological material of
Signed at Belmopan February 23, 2018.
Entered into force February 23, 2018, with effect from
February 27, 2018.
TIAS 18-223.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Belmopan May 22 and August 8, 2007.
Entered into force August 8, 2007.
Agreement regarding the status of members of the armed
forces of the United States and civilian personnel of the
United States Department of Defense temporarily present in
Belize in connection with military training, exercises,
humanitarian activities and other agreed purposes.
Exchange of notes at Belmopan July 2 and October 29, 2007.
Entered into force October 29, 2007.
TIAS 07-1029
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement with annexes.
Signed at Belmopan and Miami February 28, 2013 and
May 13, 2013.
Entered into force May 13, 2013.
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at Belize February 8, 1966.
Entered into force February 8, 1966.
17 UST 347; TIAS 5983; 685 UNTS 47
Agreement regarding a debt-for-nature swap to prepay and
cancel certain debt owed by the Government of Belize to the
Government of the United States of America and its agencies,
with attachments.
Signed at Washington August 2, 2001.
Entered into force August 22, 2001.
Agreement relating to economic and technical cooperation.
Signed at Belmopan March 8, 1983.
Entered into force March 8, 1983.
TIAS 10670; 2001 UNTS 39
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 8, 2003.
Entered into force December 8, 2003.
TIAS 03-1208
Mutual cooperation for reducing demand, preventing illicit use
and combatting illicit production and traffic of drugs.
Signed at Belmopan February 9, 1989.
Entered into force February 9, 1989.
TIAS 11600; 2190 UNTS 355
Extradition treaty, with schedule.
Signed at Belize March 30, 2000.
Entered into force March 27, 2001.
TIAS 13089
Treaty for the return of stolen vehicles, with annexes and
Signed at Belmopan October 3, 1996.
Entered into force August 16, 2002.
TIAS 02-816
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
exchange of notes.
Signed at Belize September 19, 2000.
Entered into force July 2, 2003.
TIAS 13116
Agreement regarding the Cooperating Nation Information
Exchange System.
Exchange of notes at Belize City June 20 and 21, 2005.
Entered into force June 21, 2005.
TIAS 05-621.2
Agreement concerning maritime counter-drug operations.
Signed at Belmopan December 23, 1992.
Entered into force December 23, 1992.
TIAS 11914
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery
systems, and related materials by sea.
Signed at Washington August 4, 2005.
Entered into force October 19, 2005.
TIAS 05-1019
Money order agreement.
Signed at Washington August 1 and at Belize August 17, 1906.
Operative October 1, 1906.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Parcel post agreement, with details of implementation.
Signed at Belize City and Washington September 14 and 28,
Entered into force January 1, 1983.
TIAS 10512; 1777 UNTS 373
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Belize and Washington October 28 and
November 13, 1992.
Entered into force December 14, 1992.
TIAS 11906
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Belize February 9, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property of March 2, 1899.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement relating to the establishment, operation and
maintenance of an upper air (rawinsonde) observation station
at Belize International Airport, with memorandum of
Exchange of letters at Belize and Belmopan August 26, 1981.
Entered into force August 26, 1981.
33 UST 3709; TIAS 10253; 1541 UNTS 71
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at London November 26, 1965.
Applicable to Belize December 11, 1969.
16 UST 2047; TIAS 5941; 561 UNTS 193
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom extending to certain territories the application of the
agreement of November 26, 1965, relating to the reciprocal
granting of authorizations to permit licensed amateur radio
operators of either country to operate their stations in the other
Exchange of notes at London December 11, 1969.
Entered into force December 11, 1969.
20 UST 4089; TIAS 6800; 732 UNTS 334
Arrangement relating to radio communications between
amateur stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Belmopan and Belize May 3 and 23, 1984.
Entered into force June 22, 1984.
TIAS 11198
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Belmopan October 16, 2018.
Entered into force October 16, 2018.
TIAS 18-1016
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Cotonou October 30, 2013.
Entered into force October 30, 2013.
TIAS 13-1030
Agreement relating to the furnishing of military equipment,
materials and services to Dahomey (Benin) to help assure its
security and independence.
Exchange of notes at Cotonou June 5 and 13, 1962.
Entered into force June 13, 1962.
13 UST 1285; TIAS 5078; 458 UNTS 219
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Cotonou May 15 and October 15, 1984.
Entered into force October 15, 1984.
TIAS 10988; 2021 UNTS 345
Agreement regarding military assistance under the Foreign
Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of
defense articles, related training and other defense services
from the United States to Benin.
Exchange of notes at Cotonou September 26 and October 3,
Entered into force October 3, 1994.
TIAS 12276
Agreement on the establishment of a joint commission for
military cooperation.
Signed at Cotonou January 19, 1996.
Entered into force January 19, 1996.
TIAS 12720
Agreement regarding the provision of commodities, services
and related training to assist the Republic of Benin’s forces
participating in the African Crisis Response Initiative.
Exchange of notes at Cotonou June 24 and July 23, 1998.
Entered into force July 23, 1998.
TIAS 98-723
Agreement regarding the status of U.S. military personnel and
civilian employees of the U.S. Department of Defense
temporarily present in Benin in connection with the African
Crisis Response Initiative and other activities.
Exchange of notes at Cotonou June 24 and July 29, 1998.
Entered into force July 29, 1998.
TIAS 98-729
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 22 and
December 3, 1998.
Entered into force December 3, 1998.
TIAS 13007
Agreement regarding the Global Learning and Observations to
Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program, with appendices.
Signed at Cotonou April 28, 1995.
Entered into force April 28, 1995.
TIAS 12639
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agency, with annexes.
Signed at Cotonou November 20, 1989.
Entered into force December 28, 1989.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington November 30, 1998.
Entered into force November 30, 1998.
TIAS 13002
Agreement relating to economic, technical and related
Exchange of notes at Cotonou May 27, 1961.
Entered into force May 27, 1961.
13 UST 347; TIAS 4989; 455 UNTS 23
Millennium Challenge Compact, with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 9, 2015.
Entered into force June 22, 2017.
TIAS 17-622
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Signed at Cotonou July 25, 2005.
Entered into force August 25, 2005.
TIAS 05-825
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Cotonou and Washington July 6 and 26, 1988.
Entered into force September 15, 1988.
TIAS 11590
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington November 28, 2000.
Entered into force August 7, 2017.
TIAS 17-807
May 26, 2017 (TIAS 17-807)
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at New York September 22, 2004.
Entered into force September 22, 2004.
TIAS 04-922
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington May 2, 2003.
Entered into force August 16, 2004.
TIAS 04-816
International express mail agreement.
Signed at Thimphu and Washington June 3 and July 6, 1993.
Entered into force August 1, 1993.
Treaty looking to the advancement of the cause of general
Signed at Washington January 22, 1914.
Entered into force January 8, 1915.
38 Stat. 1868; TS 606; 5 Bevans 740
Agreement relating to the revision, on a reciprocal basis, the
issuance of and fees for nonimmigrant visas.*
Exchange of notes at La Paz July 21, September 9 and 22, 1955.
Entered into force September 22, 1955.
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at La Paz January 26 and 31, 1942.
Entered into force January 31, 1942.
56 Stat. 1436; EAS 242; 5 Bevans 753; 101 UNTS 138
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of
import restrictions on archaeological material from the Pre-
Columbian cultures and certain ethnological material from the
Colonial and Republican periods of Bolivia.
Signed at Washington December 4, 2001.
Entered into force December 4, 2001.
TIAS 01-1204
November 27 and 29, 2006 (TIAS 01-1204)
October 31 and November 10, 2011 (TIAS 01-1204)
November 8 and 30, 2016 and January 24, 2017 (TIAS 17-124)
Agreement for establishment of an Air Force Mission to
Signed at La Paz June 30, 1956.
Entered into force June 30, 1956.
7 UST 2017; TIAS 3604; 271 UNTS 243
April 2 and 3, 1959 (10 UST 742; TIAS 4209; 342 UNTS 356)
Agreement for the establishment of an Army Mission to
Signed at La Paz June 30, 1956.
Entered into force June 30, 1956.
7 UST 2033; TIAS 3605; 271 UNTS 269
April 2 and 3, 1959 (10 UST 742; TIAS 4209; 342 UNTS 356)
Military assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at La Paz March 21 and April 22, 1958.
Entered into force April 22, 1958.
9 UST 953; TIAS 4061; 317 UNTS 209
Agreement relating to the furnishing of defense articles and
services to Bolivia.
Exchange of notes at La Paz April 26, 1962.
Entered into force April 26, 1962.
13 UST 2294; TIAS 5197; 461 UNTS 105
Agreement relating to the deposit by Bolivia of ten percent of
the value of grant military assistance and excess defense
articles furnished by the United States.
Exchange of notes at La Paz March 27 and May 2, 1972.
Entered into force May 2, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 892; TIAS 7352
Cooperative arrangement for the production of topographic
maps of Bolivia, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and La Paz April 21 and 30, 1986.
Entered into force April 30, 1986.
TIAS 11375.
Agreement concerning the activities of United States civilian
and military personnel in Bolivia.
Exchange of notes at La Paz July 27 and August 1, 2007.
Entered into force August 1, 2007.
TIAS 07-801
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at La Paz September 12 and 16, 2008.
Entered into force September 16, 2008.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at La Paz May 9 and 30, 2005.
Entered into force May 30, 2005.
TIAS 05-530
Agreement concerning cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at La Paz April 22, 1995.
Entered into force April 22, 1995.
TIAS 12636
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section 413
(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.
Exchange of notes at La Paz September 23, 1955.
Entered into force September 23, 1955.
6 UST 3948; TIAS 3404; 256 UNTS 275
Related Agreements:
March 4, 1964 (15 UST 260; TIAS 5548; 524 UNTS 312)
December 19, 1985 (TIAS 12042)
May 20, 1992 (TIAS 12042)
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at La Paz March 27, 1987.
Entered into force May 6, 1987.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at La Paz May 15, 1989.
Entered into force June 23, 1989.
Swap agreement between the United States Treasury and the
Central Bank of Bolivia/Government of Bolivia, with related
Signed at Washington and La Paz December 27, 1989.
Entered into force December 27, 1989.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at La Paz November 27, 1990.
Entered into force February 6, 1991.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at La Paz October 13, 1992.
Entered into force December 3, 1992.
March 2 and April 13, 1994 (NP)
August 9 and October 21, 1994 (NP)
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at La Paz January 23, 1996.
Entered into force March 7, 1996.
Agreement regarding the reduction and reorganization of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies.
Signed at La Paz November 27, 1996.
Entered into force April 7, 1997.
Agreement regarding the reduction and reorganization of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Santa Cruz December 2, 1999.
Entered into force February 23, 2000.
Agreement regarding the consolidation of debt owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at La Paz November 27, 2002.
Entered into force January 6, 2003.
General agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at La Paz March 14, 1951.
Entered into force March 14, 1951.
2 UST 671; TIAS 2221; 132 UNTS 319
December 14, 1951, and January 2, 7 and 8, 1952 (3 UST 4686; TIAS
2625; 180 UNTS 346)
August 27, 1953 and January 15, 1954 (5 UST 518; TIAS 2944; 229
UNTS 213)
Agreement providing economic assistance to Bolivia.
Signed at La Paz November 6, 1953.
Entered into force November 6, 1953.
4 UST 2297; TIAS 2883; 222 UNTS 41
August 24 and November 11, 1959 (10 UST 3023; TIAS 4395; 367
UNTS 319)
Agreement providing for payment by the United States of
ocean freight costs on relief shipments to Bolivia, and duty
and tax-free entry and payment of inland transportation to
point of distribution by Bolivia.
Exchange of notes at La Paz June 3 and 16, 1954.
Entered into force June 16, 1954.
5 UST 1547; TIAS 3033; 234 UNTS 35
December 14 and 30, 1970 (22 UST 211; TIAS 7051; 781 UNTS 312)
Agreement providing for an informational media guaranty
Exchange of notes at La Paz February 27 and March 10, 1956.
Entered into force March 10, 1956.
7 UST 440; TIAS 3528; 270 UNTS 199
Treaty on the execution of penal sentences.
Signed at La Paz February 10, 1978.
Entered into force August 17, 1978.
30 UST 796; TIAS 9219; 1150 UNTS 11
Agreement concerning cooperation to combat narcotics
trafficking, with annexes and related letter.
Exchange of notes at La Paz February 24, 1987.
Entered into force August 13, 1987.
TIAS 12053
May 9, 1990
Treaty on extradition.
Signed at La Paz June 27, 1995.
Entered into force November 21, 1996.
TIAS 96-1121
Agreement concerning security assistance matters and the
provision of articles, services and associated military
education and training by the United States Government for
anti-narcotics purposes.
Exchange of notes at La Paz October 27 and November 5, 1998.
Entered into force November 5, 1998.
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Brussels July 6, 2017.
Entered into force July 6, 2017.
TIAS 17-706
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at La Paz and Washington August 10 and
November 21, 1988.
Entered into force December 15, 1988.
TIAS 11635
Postal money order agreement.
Signed at La Paz and Washington February 26 and March 11,
Entered into force June 1, 1993.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the installation
and operation of a real-time seismic station.
Signed at La Paz and Reston September 7, 1983, and June 14,
Entered into force June 14, 1984.
TIAS 11250
Memorandum of understanding for scientific and technical
cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at La Paz and Reston April 24 and May 29, 1985.
Entered into force May 29, 1985.
TIAS 11214
Amendment and Extension:
November 20, 1991 (TIAS 11828)
Agreement concerning reciprocal exemption from income tax
of income derived from the international operation of ships
and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 21 and November 23,
Entered into force November 23, 1987.
TIAS 11542; 2191 UNTS 217
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at La Paz October 23, 1961.
Entered into force November 22, 1961.
12 UST 1695; TIAS 4888; 424 UNTS 93
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorization
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at La Paz March 16, 1965.
Entered into force April 15, 1965.
16 UST 165; TIAS 5777; 542 UNTS 209
Treaty of peace, friendship, commerce and navigation.*
Signed at La Paz May 13, 1858.
Entered into force November 9, 1862.
12 Stat. 1003; TS 32; 5 Bevans 721
* Article 34 terminated by the United States, effective July 1, 1916,
in accordance with the Seamen’s Act (38 Stat. 1164).
Agreement concerning a United States-Bolivia Council on
Trade and Investment.
Signed at Washington May 8, 1990.
Entered into force May 8, 1990.
Agreement relating to the sending of a technical mission to
Bolivia to assist in the development of Bolivian civil aviation.
Exchange of notes at La Paz August 26 and November 3, 1947.
Entered into force November 3, 1947.
61 Stat. 3863; TIAS 1739; 5 Bevans 778; 51 UNTS 33
Air transport agreement.
Signed at La Paz September 29, 1948.
Entered into force November 4, 1948.
14 UST 2209; TIAS 5507; 505 UNTS 139
May 4 and 17, 1967 (18 UST 2362; TIAS 6340)
June 28 and August 23, 1988 (TIAS 11642; 2204 UNTS 252)
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing Bolivia’s civil aviation system,
with annex.
Signed at Washington and La Paz March 1 and June 8, 1988.
Entered into force June 8, 1988.
TIAS 11587; 2192 UNTS 35
On April 5, 1992, Bosnia and Herzegovina became an independent state.
For agreements prior to the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, see
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Signed at Sarajevo February 26, 2001.
Entered into force February 26, 2001.
TIAS 01-226
Agreement on the protection and preservation of certain
cultural properties.
Signed at Sarajevo July 2, 2002.
Entered into force September 30, 2010.
TIAS 10-930
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement related to the provision of defense articles, related
training or other defense services from the United States to
Bosnia, with related exchange of notes.
Exchange of notes at Sarajevo January 6 and 7, 1996.
Entered into force January 7, 1996.
TIAS 12716
March 15 and November 28, 2006 (TIAS 06-1128.2)
Agreement on status protections and access to and use of
facilities and areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Signed at Washington November 22, 2005.
Entered into force November 28, 2006.
TIAS 06-1128.1
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Stuttgart and Sarajevo June 1 and 9, 2015.
Entered into force June 9, 2015.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 7 and 15, 1995.
Entered into force March 15, 1995.
TIAS 12614
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Sarajevo July 12, 1996.
Entered into force December 10, 1996.
TIAS 12780
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Sarajevo August 19, 1999.
Entered into force October 21, 1999.
Agreement concerning economic, technical and related
assistance for Bosnia and Herzegovina, with related letters.
Signed at Sarajevo May 3, 1996.
Entered into force May 3, 1996.
TIAS 12749
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Sarajevo May 16, 2003.
Entered into force July 7, 2003.
TIAS 03-707.3
Express mail service agreement, with detailed regulations.
Signed at Sarajevo and Washington March 29, 2000 and
January 4, 2001.
Entered into force February 1, 2001.
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at New York September 24 and
October 14, 1993.
Entered into force October 14, 1993.
TIAS 12511
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington November 22, 2005.
Entered into force November 22, 2005.
TIAS 05-1122.1
On September 30, 1966, Bechuanaland Protectorate became the
independent state of Botswana.
In a note dated October 6, 1966, to the Secretary-General of the United
Nations the President of Botswana made a statement reading in part as
As regards bilateral treaties validly concluded by the Government of the
United Kingdom on behalf of the former Bechuanaland Protectorate, or
validly applied or extended by the said Government to the territory of the
former Bechuanaland Protectorate, the Government of Botswana is willing
to continue to apply within its territory, on a basis of reciprocity, the terms
of all such treaties for a period of twenty-four months from the date of
independence (i.e., until October 1, 1968) unless abrogated or modified
earlier by mutual consent. At the expiry of that period, the Government of
Botswana will regard such of these treaties which could not by the
application of the rules of customary international law be regarded as
otherwise surviving, as having terminated.
It is the earnest hope of the Government of Botswana that during the
aforementioned period of twenty-four months, the normal processes of
diplomatic negotiations will enable it to reach satisfactory accord with the
States concerned upon the possibility of the continuance or modification of
such treaties.
The Government of Botswana is conscious that the above declaration
applicable to bilateral treaties cannot with equal facility be applied to
multilateral treaties. As regards these, therefore, the Government of
Botswana proposes to review each of them individually and to indicate to
the depositary in each case what steps it wishes to take in relation to each
such instrument whether by way of confirmation of termination,
confirmation of succession or accession. During such interim period of
review any party to a multilateral treaty which has, prior to independence,
been applied or extended to the former Bechuanaland Protectorate, may,
on a basis of reciprocity, rely as against Botswana on the terms of such
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the operation of a seismic monitoring
station in Botswana.
Signed at Washington and Lobatse October 14, 1999 and
February 16, 2000.
Entered into force February 16, 2000.
TIAS 00-216
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
Program in Botswana.
Exchange of notes at Gaborone May 14, 1971.
Entered into force May 14, 1971.
22 UST 1025; TIAS 7145; 797 UNTS 13
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Gaborone February 26 and March 21,
Entered into force March 21, 1980.
32 UST 957; TIAS 9742; 1221 UNTS 217
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Botswana.
Exchange of notes at Gaborone May 21 and June 17, 1992.
Entered into force June 17, 1992.
TIAS 12277.
Agreement regarding matters related to U.S. military and
civilian personnel of the U.S. Department of Defense
temporarily present in Botswana for the purpose of carrying
out exercises, training, humanitarian assistance, or other
Exchange of notes at Gaborone January 22 and February 13,
Entered into force February 13, 2001.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Gaborone and Stuttgart June 20 and July 6, 2016.
Entered into force July 6, 2016.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Gaborone November 26, 2018 and
January 17, 2019.
Entered into force January 17, 2019.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Signed at Gaborone June 15, 1984.
Entered into force June 15, 1984.
TIAS 11134
August 16, 1999 and December 1, 2000 (TIAS 13130)
Agreement concerning interpretation of the agreement of
June 15, 1984, relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at New York March 14 and April 27, 1989.
Entered into force April 27, 1989.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Gaborone December 12, 1997.
Entered into force March 12, 1998.
TIAS 12911
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to
the Government of the United States and its agencies, with
Signed at Gaborone October 5, 2006.
Entered into force November 19, 2006.
Agreement concerning the establishment of a Tropical Forest
Conservation Fund and a Tropical Forest Conservation Board,
with annex.
Signed at Gaborone October 5, 2006.
Entered into force November 19, 2006.
TIAS 06-1119
Regional assistance program framework agreement.
Signed at Gaborone September 27, 1995.
Entered into force September 27, 1995.
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Signed at Gaborone June 30, 2003.
Entered into force September 28, 2003.
TIAS 03-928
Agreement concerning an International Law Enforcement
Signed at Gaborone July 24, 2000.
Entered into force July 24, 2000.
TIAS 13106
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Gaborone and Washington October 24 and
December 29, 1988.
Entered into force January 16, 1989.
TIAS 11624
Memorandum of understanding concerning the development,
installation and operation of a seismic data acquisition system.
Signed at Reston and Gaborone June 16 and August 13, 1986.
Entered into force August 13, 1986.
TIAS 11361
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Gaborone November 7, 1978 and
September 26, 1979.
Entered into force September 26, 1979.
32 UST 1357; TIAS 9776; 1221 UNTS 211
Agreement concerning the construction, operation and
maintenance of a Voice of America radio relay facility in
Botswana, with appendix.
Signed at Gaborone September 5, 1985.
Entered into force September 5, 1985.
TIAS 11126
Amendment and Extension:
November 30, 2016
Air transport agreement, with annex
Signed at Gaborone May 23, 2014.
Entered into force May 23, 2014.
TIAS 14-523
Arbitration convention.
Signed at Washington January 23, 1909.
Entered into force July 26, 1911.
37 Stat. 1535; TS 562; 5 Bevans 818
Treaty looking to the advancement of the cause of general
Signed at Washington July 24, 1914.
Entered into force October 28, 1916.
39 Stat. 1698; TS 627; 5 Bevans 820
Agreement relating to the waiver of nonimmigrant passport
visa fees.*
Exchange of notes at Rio de Janeiro December 16 and 17,
Operative January 1, 1938.
5 Bevans 874; 186 LNTS 413
Agreement relating to the reciprocal issuance of nonimmigrant
visas free of charge to diplomatic, consular, and administrative
officers and employees serving in diplomatic missions, and
career consular officers, as well as officers and employees of
governmental agencies of both countries.*
Exchange of notes at Rio de Janeiro May 26, 1965.
Entered into force July 25, 1965.
16 UST 1006; TIAS 5843; 549 UNTS 125
* The status of these agreements are under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 15 and 24, 1940.
Entered into force June 24, 1940.
54 Stat. 2329; EAS 176; 5 Bevans 883; 203 LNTS 227
May 16 and 23, 1950 (3 UST 387; TIAS 2402; 151 UNTS 141)
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Brazil.
Exchange of notes at Brasilia June 18, 1973.
Entered into force June 18, 1973.
24 UST 1650; TIAS 7669
Agreement relating to the presence of military personnel of the
United States in Brazil and the presence of military personnel
of Brazil in the United States.
Exchange of notes at Rio de Janeiro December 15, 1947 and
February 2, 1948.
Entered into force February 2, 1948.
62 Stat. 1957; TIAS 1759; 5 Bevans 1045; 67 UNTS 109
Agreement relating to the transfer to Brazil of certain United
States naval vessels.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 4, 1951, with
memorandum of understanding dated January 9, 1951.
Entered into force January 4, 1951.
3 UST 2738; TIAS 2443; 165 UNTS 97
Military assistance agreement.*
Signed at Rio de Janeiro March 15, 1952.
Entered into force May 19, 1953.
4 UST 170; TIAS 2776; 199 UNTS 221
* Terminated March 11, 1977, except that the safeguard clauses to
which articles I and III refer remain in force.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Understanding relating to military assistance.
Exchange of notes at Rio de Janeiro January 30, 1964.
Entered into force January 30, 1964.
15 UST 163; TIAS 5534; 511 UNTS 77
Agreement relating to the deposit by Brazil of ten percent of
the value of grant military assistance furnished by the United
Exchange of notes at Brasilia February 28 and June 27, 1972.
Entered into force June 27, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 1222; TIAS 7390
Memorandum of understanding relating to the acquisition of
military aircraft with annexes.
Signed September 24, 1973.
Entered into force September 24, 1973.
27 UST 2810; TIAS 8350; 1066 UNTS 119
Master data exchange arrangement for the mutual
development of military equipment.
Signed at Washington November 14, 1984.
Entered into force November 14, 1984.
TIAS 11164; 2126 UNTS 285
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Brasilia April 19, 1988 and March 27,
Entered into force March 27, 1989.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles
from the United States of America to the Government of the
Federative Republic of Brazil.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 2, 2000.
Entered into force October 19, 2000.
TIAS 13097
Understanding regarding the exchange of military personnel,
with annexes.
Signed at Brasilia April 25, 2007.
Entered into force April 25, 2007.
Amendment and extension:
February 24 and March 3, 2017
Agreement regarding the assignment of foreign liaison
officers, with annex.
Signed at Rio de Janeiro and Washington April 12 and 28,
Entered into force April 28, 2010.
Memorandum of understanding regarding the assignment of
foreign liaison officers, with annex.
Signed at Rio de Janeiro January 16, 2013.
Entered into force January 16, 2013.
Memorandum of understanding regarding the exchange of
military personnel, with annex.
Signed at Rio de Janeiro January 16, 2013.
Entered into force January 16, 2013.
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified military information.
Signed at Santa Cruz November 21, 2010.
Entered into force June 26, 2015.
TIAS 15-626.1
June 8 and 9, 2015 (TIAS 15-626.1)
Defense cooperation agreement.
Signed at Washington April 12, 2010.
Entered into force June 26, 2015.
TIAS 15-626
Arrangement regarding the exchange of military personnel,
with annexes.
Signed July 10 and 13, 2015.
Entered into force July 13, 2015.
Basic exchange and cooperation agreement concerning
geospatial information, with annexes.
Signed at Springfield March 9, 2016.
Entered into force March 9, 2016.
Agreement concerning exchange of research and development
information, with appendix.
Signed at Washington and Brasilia February 21 and March 22,
Entered into force March 22, 2017.
TIAS 17-322
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Brazilian Army personnel to the U.S. Army, with annexes.
Signed at Washington April 24 and May 21, 2018.
Entered into force May 21, 2018.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed May 15 and June 5, 2018.
Entered into force June 5, 2018.
Arrangement regarding the assignment of Brazilian Defense
personnel to U.S. Special Operations Command.
Signed at Brasilia and Tampa July 18 and September 25, 2018.
Entered into force September 25, 2018.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Brazil Defense Personnel to U.S. Southern Command, with
Signed at Brasilia and Doral November 27 and December 12,
Entered into force December 12, 2019.
Agreement granting reciprocal customs privileges for Foreign
Service personnel.
Exchange of notes at Rio de Janeiro October 11, 1940.
Entered into force October 11, 1940.
54 Stat. 2419; EAS 185; 5 Bevans 897; 203 LNTS 261
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning consultations on
matters of mutual interest.
Signed at Brasilia February 21, 1976.
Entered into force February 21, 1976.
27 UST 1034; TIAS 8240
Agreement for educational and cultural exchange programs.
Signed at Brasilia May 27, 2008.
Entered into force November 17, 2009.
TIAS 09-1117
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees, with exchange of letters.
Exchange of notes at Brasilia July 8, 1987.
Entered into force July 8, 1987.
TIAS 11529
Amendments and Extensions:
July 6 and 8, 2005 (TIAS 05-708)
March 18 and 19, 2011 (TIAS 05-708)
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at Washington February 6, 1965.
Entered into force September 17, 1965.
18 UST 1807; TIAS 6327; 719 UNTS 3
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Brasilia April 15, 1985.
Entered into force May 28, 1985.
Swap agreement between the United States Treasury and the
Central Bank of Brazil/Government of Brazil, with
memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Washington and Rio de Janeiro July 15, 1988.
Entered into force July 15, 1988.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Brasilia March 14, 1990.
Entered into force April 19, 1990.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Brasilia December 20, 1991.
Entered into force March 9, 1992.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Washington September 23, 1992.
Entered into force November 9, 1992.
Agreement regarding the reduction of debt in support of
conservation and sustainable management of tropical forests,
with attachments.
Signed at Brasilia August 12, 2010.
Entered into force September 27, 2010.
TIAS 10-927.1
Agreement relating to the mobilization of productive resources
of Brazil.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 3, 1942.
Entered into force March 3, 1942.
57 Stat. 1314; EAS 370; 5 Bevans 913; 105 UNTS 99
Agreement relating to technical cooperation.
Exchange of notes at Rio de Janeiro December 19, 1950.
Entered into force December 19, 1950.
2 UST 845; TIAS 2239; 141 UNTS 3
January 8, 1952 (3 UST 4693; TIAS 2626; 200 UNTS 306)
Special services program agreement.
Signed at Rio de Janeiro May 30, 1953.
Entered into force provisionally May 30, 1953; definitively
November 3, 1959.
13 UST 1061; TIAS 5049; 460 UNTS 89
December 27 and 30, 1963 (15 UST 99; TIAS 5520; 511 UNTS 308)
Agreement on the cooperation for the promotion of economic
and social development in the Brazilian Northeast, with
exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington April 13, 1962.
Entered into force April 13, 1962.
13 UST 356; TIAS 4990; 445 UNTS 227
Agreement for the protection of the marks of manufacture and
Signed at Rio de Janeiro September 24, 1878.
21 Stat. 659; TS 36; 5 Bevans 807
Agreement providing for reciprocal copyright protection of
literary, artistic and scientific works.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 2, 1957.
Entered into force April 2, 1957.
8 UST 418; TIAS 3793; 290 UNTS 119
Treaty of extradition.
Signed at Rio de Janeiro January 13, 1961.
Entered into force December 17, 1964.
15 UST 2093; TIAS 5691; 532 UNTS 177
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Additional protocol to the treaty of extradition.
Signed at Rio de Janeiro June 18, 1962.
Entered into force December 17, 1964.
15 UST 2112; TIAS 5691; 532 UNTS 198
Mutual cooperation agreement for reducing demand,
preventing illicit use and combatting illicit production and
trafficking of drugs.
Signed at Brasilia April 12, 1995.
Entered into force April 24, 1997.
TIAS; 1990 UNTS 27
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Brasilia October 14, 1997.
Entered into force February 21, 2001.
TIAS 12889
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Brasilia June 20, 2002.
Entered into force February 1, 2005.
TIAS 05-201
Agreement relating to establishment of a mechanism for
consultation on maritime transportation problems.
Exchange of notes at Rio de Janeiro September 18 and 20,
Entered into force September 20, 1968.
19 UST 6017; TIAS 6559; 702 UNTS 227
Agreement on maritime transport.
Signed at Washington September 30, 2005.
Entered into force April 27, 2011.
TIAS 11-427
Agreement on technology safeguards associated with U.S.
participation in launches from the Alcantara Space Center.
Signed at Washington March 18 and 26, 2019.
Entered into force December 16, 2019.
Agreement providing for a grant to assist in the acquisition of
a subcritical assembly for the Aeronautical Institute of
Exchange of notes at Rio de Janeiro October 20, 1959 and
February 27, 1960.
Entered into force February 27, 1960.
11 UST 1977; TIAS 4547; 384 UNTS 131
Agreement providing for a grant to assist in the acquisition of
certain nuclear research and training equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Rio de Janeiro October 10, 1960 and
March 17, 1961.
Entered into force March 17, 1961.
12 UST 381; TIAS 4727; 406 UNTS 241
Agreement providing for a grant for assistance in obtaining
materials and equipment for use in developing the Instituto de
Biofisica da Universidade de Brasil radio-biological and
research program.
Exchange of notes at Rio de Janeiro October 10, 1962 and
March 29, 1963.
Entered into force March 29, 1963.
14 UST 424; TIAS 5337; 476 UNTS 67
Agreement concerning research and development in nuclear
material, control, accountancy, verification, physical
protection, and advanced containment and surveillance
technologies for international safeguards applications.
Signed at Vienna September 19, 1995.
Entered into force September 19, 1995.
TIAS 01-917
September 17, 2001 (TIAS 01-917)
Agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of
nuclear energy, with annex and agreed minute.
Signed at Brasilia October 14, 1997.
Entered into force September 15, 1999.
TIAS 12888
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with annex.
Signed at September 16, 2019.
Entered into force September 16, 2019.
TIAS 19-916
Treaty of peace, friendship, commerce and navigation.*
Signed at Rio de Janeiro December 12, 1828.
Entered into force March 18, 1829; operative December 12,
8 Stat. 390; TS 34; 5 Bevans 792
* All articles terminated December 12, 1841, except those relating to
peace and friendship.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST field trial, with attachment and details of
Signed at Brasilia and Washington December 18 and 28, 1984.
Entered into force January 7, 1985.
TIAS 11004; 2022 UNTS 209
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Brasilia and Washington April 7 and May 11, 1988.
Entered into force May 11, 1988.
TIAS 11654
Agreement on the disposition of lend-lease supplies in
inventory or procurement in the United States.
Signed at Washington June 28, 1946.
Entered into force June 28, 1946.
60 Stat. 1797; TIAS 1537; 5 Bevans 1019; 6 UNTS 327
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the acquisition and retention of
diplomatic and consular properties in the United States and
Exchange of notes at Brasilia June 1, 2007.
Entered into force January 18, 2008.
TIAS 08-118
Agreement relating to cooperation in science and technology.
Signed at Brasilia February 6, 1984.
Entered into force May 15, 1986.
TIAS 10990
Amendment and Extension:
March 21, 1994 (TIAS 12537)
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Reston January 17 and 31, 1997.
Entered into force January 31, 1997.
TIAS 12829
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Brasilia and Natal June 22, 2007.
Entered into force June 22, 2007.
TIAS 07-622
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Washington June 30, 2015.
Entered into force October 1, 2018.
TIAS 18-1001
Memorandum of understanding for flight of the Humidity
Sounder for Brazil (HSB) instrument on NASA’s Earth
Observing System PM1 spacecraft.
Signed at Washington December 5, 1996.
Entered into force December 5, 1996.
TIAS 12820
Implementing arrangement for the design, development,
operation and use of flight equipment and payloads for the
International Space Station Program.
Signed at Brasilia October 14, 1997.
Entered into force October 14, 1997.
TIAS 12890
Framework agreement on cooperation in the peaceful uses of
outer space.
Signed at Brasilia March 19, 2011.
Entered into force April 3, 2018.
TIAS 18-403
Agreement for the exchange of information relating to taxes.
Signed at Brasilia March 20, 2007.
into force March 19, 2013.
TIAS 13-319.1
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Brasilia September 23, 2014.
Entered into force June 26, 2015.
TIAS 15-626.2
Agreement relating to a program of joint participation in
intercontinental testing in connection with experimental
communications satellites.
Exchange of notes at Rio de Janeiro October 27, 1961.
Entered into force October 27, 1961.
12 UST 3145; TIAS 4917; 433 UNTS 113
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 1, 1965.
Entered into force June 1, 1965.
16 UST 821; TIAS 5816; 546 UNTS 195
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia
January 26 and June 19, 1970.
Entered into force June 19, 1970.
21 UST 1960; TIAS 6936; 756 UNTS 109
Joint communique relating to trade, investment and financial
Issued at Brasilia May 11, 1976.
Entered into force May 11, 1976.
27 UST 4121; TIAS 8435; 1066 UNTS 131
Agreement relating to the establishment of a United States
Trade Center in Sao Paulo, with note of guarantee.
Exchange of notes at Brasilia June 22 and October 20, 1976.
Entered into force October 20, 1976.
28 UST 8146; TIAS 8748
Agreement regarding cooperation between their competition
authorities in the enforcement of their competition laws.
Signed at Washington October 26, 1999.
Entered into force March 25, 2003.
TIAS 13068
Agreement regarding certain distinctive products.
Exchange of letters April 9, 2012.
Entered into force April 9, 2012.
TIAS 12-409
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to reciprocal acceptance of airworthiness
Exchange of notes at Brasilia June 16, 1976.
Entered into force June 16, 1976.
27 UST 3700; TIAS 8384; 1054 UNTS 181
Memorandum of cooperation for mutual cooperation in the
promotion and development of civil aviation, with letter of
Signed at Washington and Brasilia January 18 and
February 9, 2000.
Entered into force February 9, 2000.
Agreement for promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Brasilia March 22, 2004.
Entered into force February 27, 2006.
TIAS 06-227
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Brasilia March 19, 2011.
Entered into force May 21, 2018.
TIAS 18-521
On January 1, 1984, the former British protected state of Brunei gained
full independence. In a letter dated January 1, 1984, to the Secretary
General of the United Nations, the Sultan made a statement reading in part
as follows:
“The Government of Brunei Darussalam recognises that it is desirable to
maintain to the fullest extent compatible with the resumption by Brunei
Darussalam of its status and emergence on 1st January 1984 as a fully
independent and sovereign nation, legal continuity in treaty relations
between Brunei Darussalam and other states. Accordingly, the
Government of Brunei Darussalam makes the following declaration:
“1] As regards bilateral treaties validly concluded by the United Kingdom
on behalf of Brunei Darussalam or validly applied or extended by the
former to the latter, the Government of Brunei Darussalam is willing to
accept, on a basis of reciprocity, the rights and obligations under the terms
of all such treaties for a period of five years from 1st January 1984 until
31st December 1988 unless abrogated or modified earlier by mutual
consent. At the expiry of that period, the Government of Brunei
Darussalam will regard such of those treaties which could not by the
application of the rules of customary international law be regarded as
otherwise surviving, as having terminated.
“2] The Government of Brunei Darussalam acknowledges that the above
declaration applicable to bilateral treaties cannot with equal facility be
applied to multilateral treaties. As regards these, therefore, the
Government of Brunei Darussalam proposes to examine each of them
individually and to indicate to the depositary in each case what steps it
wishes to take in relation to each such instrument whether by
confirmation of termination, confirmation of succession or accession.
During the period of examination the Government of Brunei Darussalam
will on a basis of reciprocity accept all treaty rights and obligations
accruing and arising under all multilateral treaties which were prior to
independence validly applied or extended to Brunei Darussalam.”
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Brunei July 30, 2010.
Entered into force July 30, 2010.
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified military information, with appendix.
Signed at Bandar Seri Begawan July 18, 2018.
Entered into force July 18, 2018.
TIAS 18-718
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Applicable to Brunei October 26, 1949.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 12 Bevans 874; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 86 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 25, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trademarks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Exchange of notes at Bandar Seri Begawan February 3 and
March 3, 2004.
Entered into force March 3, 2004.
TIAS 04-303
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Bandar Seri Begawan and Washington
December 15, 1990 and January 8, 1991.
Entered into force February 18, 1991.
TIAS 11785
Treaty of peace, friendship, commerce and navigation.
Signed at Brunei June 23, 1850.
Entered into force July 11, 1853.
10 Stat. 909; TS 33; 5 Bevans 1080
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Trade and investment framework agreement, with annex.
Signed at Washington December 16, 2002.
Entered into force December 16, 2002.
TIAS 02-1216
Air transport agreement, with annexes.*
Signed at Washington June 20, 1997.
Entered into force June 20, 1997.
TIAS 12870
*This agreement is suspended so long as the Multilateral Agreement
on the Liberalization of International Air Transportation, signed
May 1, 2001, remains in force between the United States and
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington January 21, 1929.
Entered into force July 22, 1929.
46 Stat. 2332; TS 792; 5 Bevans 1094; 93 LNTS 337
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Washington January 21, 1929.
Entered into force July 22, 1929.
46 Stat. 2334; TS 793; 5 Bevans 1097; 93 LNTS 331
Agreement concerning the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Bulgaria.
Signed at Washington September 27, 1990.
Entered into force September 27, 1990.
TIAS 11498
Agreement on the protection and preservation of certain
cultural properties.
Signed at Washington December 5, 2002.
Entered into force November 30, 2009.
TIAS 09-1130
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of
import restrictions on categories of archaeological material
and ethnological material of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Signed at Sofia January 8, 2019.
Entered into force January 14, 2019.
TIAS 19-114
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Sofia February 11 and April 7, 1992.
Entered into force April 7, 1992.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Bulgaria.
Exchange of notes at Sofia May 4 and December 5, 1994.
Entered into force December 5, 1994.
TIAS 12279
Agreement concerning the protection of classified military
Signed at Sofia February 1, 1995.
Entered into force February 1, 1995.
TIAS 12280
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for topographic
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting, safety to flight
and sea navigation information, geodesy and gravimetrics,
digital data, and related global geospatial information and
Signed at Washington May 13, 1998.
Entered into force May 13, 1998.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Sofia February 21, 2001.
Entered into force February 21, 2001.
Agreement concerning overflight, and transit through, and
presence in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria of U.S.
forces, personnel and contractors in support of Operation
Enduring Freedom.
Exchange of notes at Sofia November 12, 2001.
Entered into force November 16, 2001.
Agreement on defense cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Sofia April 28, 2006.
Entered into force June 12, 2006.
TIAS 06-612
Memorandum of agreement regarding the exchange of
military personnel (MPEP).
Signed at Washington and Varna August 30 and October 25,
Entered into force October 25, 2010.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Sofia October 25 and December 12,
Entered into force December 12, 2011.
Consular convention, with agreed memorandum and exchange
of letters.
Signed at Sofia April 15, 1974.
Entered into force May 29, 1975.
26 UST 687; TIAS 8067
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the Bulgarian-American Commission
for Educational Exchange.
Signed at Sofia December 3, 2003.
Entered into force July 1, 2004.
TIAS 04-701
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Sofia October 8 and 29, 1991.
Entered into force October 29, 1991.
TIAS 11983
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Sofia September 8, 1998.
Entered into force September 8, 1998.
TIAS 12984
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Sofia June 7, 1991.
Entered into force September 30, 1991.
TIAS 11500
Agreement concerning economic, technical and related
Signed at Sofia July 27, 1998.
Entered into force February 1, 1999.
TIAS 12979
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
Signed at Sofia November 6, 2000.
Entered into force April 1, 2004.
TIAS 13126
Extradition treaty, with exchange of rectifying notes.
Signed at Sophia September 19, 2007.
Entered into force May 21, 2009.
TIAS 09-521
Agreement on certain aspects of mutual legal assistance in
criminal matters, with annex.
Signed at Sofia September 19, 2007.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.26
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Sofia October 10, 2012.
Entered into force March 26, 2013, with the exception of
Articles 7 through 9.
TIAS 13-326
Agreement for the exchange of terrorism screening
Signed at Washington March 19, 2014.
Entered into force March 19, 2014.
TIAS 14-319
Agreement on maritime transport, with exchange of letters.
Signed at Sofia February 19, 1981.
Entered into force February 19, 1981.
TIAS 10098
Amendment and Extension:
February 7 and 13, 1984 (TIAS 10942)
Agreement to facilitate the provision of assistance for nuclear
nonproliferation purposes.
Signed at Sofia March 25, 2008.
Entered into force March 25, 2008.
TIAS 08-325
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Rockville and Sofia May 1 and 9, 2018.
Entered into force May 9, 2018.
TIAS 18-509
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Sofia August 2, 1922 and at Washington August 26,
Operative November 11, 1919.
42 Stat. 2205; Post Office Department print
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST service, with details of implementation.
Signed at Sofia and Washington April 20 and June 13, 1990.
Entered into force June 25, 1990.
TIAS 11763
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Sofia and Washington April 5 and May 20, 1991.
Entered into force June 17, 1991.
TIAS 11811
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Washington February 9, 1978.
Entered into force February 9, 1978.
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with protocol.
Signed at Washington February 23, 2007.
Entered into force December 15, 2008; effective January 1,
TIAS 08-1215.1
February 26, 2008 (TIAS 08-1215.1)
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Sofia December 5, 2014.
Entered into force June 30, 2015.
TIAS 15-630
Agreement for the reciprocal waiving of legalization on
certificates of origin accompanying merchandise.
Exchange of notes at Sofia January 5, 1938.
Entered into force January 5, 1938.
52 Stat. 1509; EAS 124; 5 Bevans 1105; 191 LNTS 207
Agreement on trade relations, with exchanges of letters.
Signed at Washington April 22, 1991.
Entered into force November 22, 1991.
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annex, protocol and exchange
of letters.
Signed at Washington September 23, 1992.
Entered into force June 2, 1994.
TIAS 94-602
Additional protocol amending the treaty concerning the
encouragement and reciprocal protection of investment of
September 23, 1992.
Signed at Brussels September 22, 2003.
Entered into force January 16, 2007.
TIAS 07-116
Civil aviation security agreement.*
Signed at Sofia April 24, 1991.
Entered into force April 24, 1991.
TIAS 11984
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Agreement concerning cooperation in the area of the
prevention of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Signed at Washington June 17, 2008.
Entered into force January 29, 2009.
TIAS 09-129
Agreement on general conditions for the employment of Peace
Corps volunteers.
Signed at Ouagadougou February 6, 1975.
Entered into force February 6, 1975.
26 UST 2681; TIAS 8183; 1052 UNTS 221
Arrangement relating to a geodetic survey along the 12th
parallel arc.
Exchange of notes at Ouagadougou June 28 and August 21,
Entered into force August 21, 1967.
18 UST 2848; TIAS 6374; 700 UNTS 297
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Ouagadougou June 23 and August 29,
Entered into force August 29, 2006.
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel
who may be temporarily present in Burkina Faso.
Exchange of notes at Ouagadougou February 20, 2006 and
August 16, 2007.
Entered into force August 16, 2007.
TIAS 07-816
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Ouagadougou and Stuttgart July 16 and August 6,
Entered into force August 6, 2008.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington March 3, 2010.
Entered into force March 3, 2010.
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Ouagadougou June 18, 1965.
Entered into force June 18, 1965.
16 UST 1068; TIAS 5847; 549 UNTS 133
Agreement providing for the furnishing of economic, technical
and related assistance.
Exchange of notes at Ouagadougou June 1, 1961.
Entered into force June 1, 1961.
12 UST 867; TIAS 4787; 410 UNTS 223
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Ouagadougou October 2 and 5, 2003.
Entered into force October 14, 2003.
TIAS 03-1014
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Ouagadougou and Washington October 12 and
November 5, 1987.
Entered into force December 5, 1987.
TIAS 11567
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington July 27, 2000.
Entered into force July 27, 2000.
TIAS 13109
On January 4, 1948, Burma became a fully independent sovereign state.
The treaty between the Government of the United Kingdom and the
Provisional Government of Burma, signed at London October 17, 1947,
provides in article 2 that “All obligations and responsibilities heretofore
devolving on the Government of the United Kingdom which arise from
any valid international instrument shall henceforth, insofar as such
instrument may be held to have application to Burma, devolve upon the
Provisional Government of Burma. The rights and benefits heretofore
enjoyed by the Government of the United Kingdom in virtue of the
application of any such international instrument to Burma shall henceforth
be enjoyed by the Provisional Government of Burma.”
Agreement for the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Rangoon January 26 and April 5, 1948.
Entered into force April 5, 1948.
62 Stat. 1892; TIAS 1744; 5 Bevans 1116; 73 UNTS 73
Agreement concerning the program of the peace corps in the
Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
Signed at Nay Pyi Taw November 11, 2014.
Entered into force November 11, 2014.
TIAS 14-1111
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Rangoon April 8 and May 27, 1980.
Entered into force May 27, 1980.
32 UST 968; TIAS 9745; 1222 UNTS 337
Convention to regulate commerce (article IV) between the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 3, 1815.
Entered into force July 3, 1815.
8 Stat. 228; TS 110; 12 Bevans 49
Agreement providing for the United States Educational
Signed at Rangoon December 22, 1947.
Entered into force December 22, 1947.
62 Stat. 1814; TIAS 1685; 5 Bevans 1108; 25 UNTS 27
December 18, 1948 and May 12, 1949 (63 Stat. 2704; TIAS 1976; 5
Bevans 1119; 80 UNTS 312)
August 29, 1961 (12 UST 1195; TIAS 4834; 418 UNTS 326)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on the use of kyats accrued under Title I of the
Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954,
as amended.
Signed at Rangoon June 1, 1966.
Entered into force June 1, 1966.
17 UST 788; TIAS 6034; 580 UNTS 253
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington May 21, 2013.
Entered into force May 21, 2013.
TIAS 13-521
Agreement relating to an informational media guaranty
program in Burma.
Exchange of notes at Rangoon October 8 and 23, 1956.
Entered into force October 23, 1956.
7 UST 3165; TIAS 3695; 282 UNTS 37
Agreement providing special assistance to Burma on a grant
basis to finance preliminary engineering and architectural
surveys for two proposed construction projects.
Exchange of notes at Rangoon June 24, 1959.
Entered into force June 24, 1959.
10 UST 1730; TIAS 4325; 358 UNTS 91
Agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at Nay Pyi Taw June 27, 2013.
Entered into force June 27, 2013.
TIAS 13-627
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trademarks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Applicable to Burma from November 1, 1941.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Agreement relating to the provision of helicopters and related
assistance by the United States to help Burma in suppressing
illegal narcotic drug production and traffic.
Exchange of notes at Rangoon June 29, 1974.
Entered into force June 29, 1974.
25 UST 1518; TIAS 7887
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.*
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention between the United States and the
United Kingdom extending the time within which notifications
may be given of the accession of British colonies or foreign
possessions to the convention of March 2, 1899.
Signed at Washington January 13, 1902.*
32 Stat. 1914; TS 402; 12 Bevans 261
* Applicable to Burma after separation from India on April 1, 1937.
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Rangoon September 28, 1949.
Entered into force September 28, 1949.
63 Stat. 2716; TIAS 1983; 5 Bevans 1121; 55 UNTS 3
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Burundi.
Exchange of notes at Bujumbura August 31, 1982.
Entered into force August 31, 1982.
34 UST 1845; TIAS 10465; 1751 UNTS 105
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Bujumbura June 13, 2006 and August 8,
Entered into force August 8, 2007.
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Bujumbura May 6, 1969.
Entered into force May 6, 1969.
21 UST 829; TIAS 6852; 753 UNTS 35
General agreement for special development assistance.
Exchange of notes at Bujumbura February 13 and 18, 1970.
Entered into force February 18, 1970.
21 UST 589; TIAS 6843; 740 UNTS 233
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on economic and technical cooperation.
Signed at Bujumbura December 12, 2007.
Entered into force December 12, 2007.
TIAS 07-1212
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Signed at Bujumbura July 5, 2003.
Entered into force July 24, 2003.
TIAS 03-724
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Bujumbura and Washington November 10 and
December 13, 1989.
Entered into force January 15, 1990.
TIAS 11895
Memorandum of agreement relating to assistance in
developing and modernizing Burundi’s civil aviation
Signed March 19 and 26, 2010.
Entered into force March 26, 2010.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Praia December 9 and 16, 1987.
Entered into force December 16, 1987.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training and other
defense services.
Exchange of notes at Praia July 24 and 31, 2007.
Entered into force July 31, 2007.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Praia March 24, 2014.
Entered into force March 24, 2014.
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel in
the Republic of Cabo Verde.
Signed at Cabo Verde September 25, 2017.
Entered into force November 5, 2018.
TIAS 18-1105
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Praia February 15 and 18, 2005.
Entered into force June 14, 2005.
TIAS 05-614
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Praia August 9, 2000.
Entered into force August 9, 2000.
TIAS 13110
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Signed at Washington April 16, 2004.
Entered into force November 19, 2004.
TIAS 04-1119
Postal money order agreement.
Signed at Washington and Praia April 17 and June 17, 1991.
Entered into force August 26, 1991.
TIAS 11818
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Praia and Washington December 27, 1991 and
February 25, 1992.
Entered into force March 7, 1992.
TIAS 11855
Agreement for reciprocal exemption of taxes on income from
the international operation of a ship or ships or aircraft.
Signed at Praia March 16, 2005.
Entered into force June 21, 2005.
TIAS 05-621
Agreement relating to the provision of site test,
commissioning and/or periodic flight checks of air navigation
aids by the Federal Aviation Administration.
Signed at Washington and Praia October 13 and
November 19, 1976.
Entered into force November 19, 1976.
28 UST 8086; TIAS 8742; 1087 UNTS 111
Extensions and Amendments:
August 17 and October 18, 1977 (29 UST 5893; TIAS 9158)
March 10 and April 4, 1978 (29 UST 5895; TIAS 9158)
Civil aviation security agreement.
Signed at Washington October 11, 1989.
Entered into force October 11, 1989.
TIAS 11705; 2208 UNTS 213
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of technical
assistance in developing and modernizing the civil aviation
infrastructure of Cape Verde.
Signed at Washington and Praia November 20 and
December 18, 2001.
Entered into force December 18, 2001.
December 9, 2002 and June 14, 2004
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Praia January 14, 2003.
Entered into force January 14, 2003.
TIAS 03-114
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the settlement of certain property
Signed at Washington October 6, 1994.
Entered into force October 6, 1994.
TIAS 12193
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Phnom Penh July 15, 1960.
Entered into force July 15, 1960.
11 UST 1923; TIAS 4540; 380 UNTS 129
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Washington October 3, 1994.
Entered into force October 3, 1994.
TIAS 12569
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of
import restrictions on categories of archaeological material of
Signed at Phnom Penh September 12, 2018.
Entered into force September 19, 2018.
TIAS 18-919
Agreement relating to mutual mapping assistance between the
Khmer Geographic Service and the American Mapping
Signed at Phnom Penh October 17, 1957.
Entered into force October 17, 1957.
8 UST 1761; TIAS 3929; 299 UNTS 203
Agreement relating to the provision of defense articles to
Exchange of notes at Phnom Penh August 20, 1970.
Entered into force August 20, 1970.
21 UST 2178; TIAS 6965; 764 UNTS 233
Memorandum of understanding for airfield upgrading at
Ream, Pochentong and Battambang.
Signed at Phnom Penh August 12, 1972.
Entered into force August 12, 1972.
23 UST 3144; TIAS 7491; 898 UNTS 161
Agreement concerning payment to the United States of net
proceeds from the sale of defense articles furnished under the
military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Phnom Penh May 14 and June 19, 1974.
Entered into force July 1, 1974.
25 UST 1668; TIAS 7902
Agreement regarding the status of United States military
personnel and civilian employees of the Department of
Defense who may be temporarily present in Cambodia in
connection with military assistance activities and other official
Exchange of notes at Phnom Penh October 12, 1995 and
January 22, 1996.
Entered into force January 22, 1996.
TIAS 96-122
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training Program (IMET), from the
United States of America to the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Exchange of notes at Phnom Penh May 18 and July 14, 2006.
Entered into force July 14, 2006.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Phnom Penh August 4, 1995.
Entered into force March 25, 1996.
Economic, technical and related assistance agreement.
Signed at Phnom Penh October 25, 1994.
Entered into force October 25, 1994.
TIAS 12573
Agreement for improved health services in HIV/AIDS and
infectious diseases as well as in maternal, child and
reproductive health, with annex.
Signed September 11, 2003.
Entered into force September 11, 2003.
September 18, 2006 (NP)
September 21, 2012 (NP)
February 5, 2014 (NP)
Development objective grant agreement for public health and
Signed at Phnom Penh March 30, 2016 and June 26, 2017.
Entered into force June 26, 2017.
Agreement regarding the non-surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Phnom Penh June 27, 2003.
Entered into force June 29, 2005.
TIAS 05-629
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Phnom Penh and Washington April 27 and
October 28, 1994.
Entered into force January 1, 1995.
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.
Signed at Phnom Penh September 14, 2015.
Entered into force December 23, 2016.
TIAS 16-1223.1
Agreement on trade relations and intellectual property rights
protection, with exchanges of notes.
Signed at Washington October 4, 1996.
Entered into force October 25, 1996.
Trade and investment framework agreement, with annex.
Signed at Washington July 14, 2006.
Entered into force July 14, 2006.
TIAS 06-714
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Cameroon.
Exchange of notes at Yaoundé July 23 and September 10, 1962.
Entered into force September 10, 1962.
13 UST 2114; TIAS 5171; 461 UNTS 177
Agreement regarding the status of U.S. military personnel in
connection with their duties.
Exchange of notes at Yaoundé December 28, 1999 and
February 24, 2000.
Entered into force September 22, 2015, with effect from
February 24, 2000.
TIAS 15-922.2
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Yaoundé March 8 and August 3, 2007.
Entered into force August 3, 2007.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Stuttgart and Yaoundé April 6 and August 31, 2015.
Entered into force August 31, 2015.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed October 17, 2016 and February 7, 2017.
Entered into force February 7, 2017.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 7, 1992l and
January 15, 1993.
Entered into force January 15, 1993.
TIAS 11916
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Yaoundé November 6, 1998.
Entered into force November 6, 1998.
TIAS 12993
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 7, 1967.
Entered into force March 7, 1967.
18 UST 292; TIAS 6231; 688 UNTS 315
Agreement regarding the phased discharge of certain debts
owed to the Government of the United States, with annexes.
Signed at Yaoundé January 3, 1990.
Entered into force January 3, 1990.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Yaoundé January 3, 1990.
Entered into force February 12, 1990.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Yaoundé August 19, 1992.
Entered into force October 12, 1992.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Yaoundé September 12, 1994.
Entered into force December 5, 1994.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Yaoundé May 6, 1996.
Entered into force July 31, 1996.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Yaoundé July 29, 1998.
Entered into force September 10, 1998.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction, and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Yaoundé February 5, 2002.
Entered into force March 21, 2002.
February 22 and March 31, 2006
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Yaoundé January 17, 2007.
Entered into force April 26, 2007.
Agreement providing for the furnishing of economic, technical
and related assistance.
Exchange of notes at Yaoundé May 26, 1961.
Entered into force May 26, 1961.
12 UST 967; TIAS 4801; 413 UNTS 195
December 8, 1961 (13 UST 282; TIAS 4973; 445 UNTS 367)
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Signed at Yaoundé December 1, 2003.
Entered into force December 1, 2003.
TIAS 03-1201
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Yaoundé and Washington April 25 and June 22, 1990.
Entered into force August 1, 1990.
TIAS 11762
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Yaoundé July 11 and September 10, 2001.
Entered into force September 10, 2001.
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investment.
Signed at Washington February 26, 1986.
Entered into force April 6, 1989.
TIAS 89-406
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of technical
assistance in developing, modernizing, operating, or
maintaining the civil aviation infrastructure in Cameroon, with
Signed at Washington and Yaoundé December 20 and 28, 2012.
Entered into force December 28, 2012.
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Yaoundé February 16, 2006.
Entered into force January 15, 2019.
TIAS 19-115
Agreement relating to the participation of the provinces of
New Brunswick and Quebec in the northeastern interstate
forest fire protection compact.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 29, 1970.
Entered into force January 29, 1970.
21 UST 415; TIAS 6825; 753 UNTS 43
Agreement concerning cooperation in the detection and
suppression of forest fires along the boundary between the
Yukon Territory and Alaska, with memorandum of agreement.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 1, 1971.
Entered into force June 1, 1971.
22 UST 721; TIAS 7132; 793 UNTS 77
Arrangement on mutual assistance in fighting forest fires.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa May 4 and 7, 1982.
Entered into force May 7, 1982.
34 UST 1557; TIAS 10436
Agreement on Arctic cooperation.
Signed at Ottawa January 11, 1988.
Entered into force January 11, 1988.
TIAS 11565; 1852 UNTS 59
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom respecting fisheries, boundary and the restoration of
Signed at London October 20, 1818.
Entered into force January 30, 1819.
8 Stat. 248; TS 112; 12 Bevans 57
Treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom to
settle and define the boundaries between the territories of the
United States and the possessions of Her Britannic Majesty in
North America; for the final suppression of the African slave
trade, and for the giving up of criminals, fugitive from justice,
in certain cases (Webster-Ashburton Treaty).*
Washington August 9, 1842.
Entered into force October 13, 1842.
8 Stat. 572; TS 119; 12 Bevans 82
* Article 10 supplemented by convention of July 12, 1889 (See
Treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom
establishing the boundary in the territory on the northwest
coast of America lying westward of the Rocky Mountains
(Oregon Treaty).
Signed at Washington June 15, 1846.
Entered into force July 17, 1846.
9 Stat. 869; TS 120; 12 Bevans 95
Declaration adopting maps of boundary prepared by the Joint
Commission of the Northwest Boundary for surveying and
marking the boundaries between the United States and British
possessions on the forty-ninth parallel of north latitude, under
the first article of the treaty of June 15, 1846 between the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Signed at Washington February 24, 1870.
Entered into force February 24, 1870.
TS 129; 12 Bevans 157
Protocol between the United States and the United Kingdom
of a conference respecting the northwest water boundary.
Signed at Washington March 10, 1873.
Entered into force March 10, 1873.
18 Stat. 369; TS 135; 12 Bevans 190
Convention providing for the settlement of questions between
the United States and the United Kingdom with respect to the
boundary line between the territory of Alaska and the British
possessions in North America.*
Signed at Washington January 24, 1903.
Entered into force March 3, 1903.
32 Stat. 1961; TS 419; 12 Bevans 263
* Obsolete except for first paragraph of article VI.
Acceptance of the report of the commissioners to complete the
award under the convention of January 24, 1903, respecting
the boundary line between Alaska and the British North
American possessions.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 25, 1905.
Entered into force March 25, 1905.
TS 476; 12 Bevans 269
Convention providing for the surveying and marking out upon
the ground of the 141st degree of west longitude where said
meridian forms the boundary line between Alaska and the
British possessions in North America.*
Signed at Washington April 21, 1906.
Entered into force August 16, 1906.
34 Stat. 2948; TS 452; 12 Bevans 276
* Obsolete except for article II.
Treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom
concerning the Canadian international boundary.
Signed at Washington April 11, 1908.
Entered into force June 4, 1908.
35 Stat. 2003; TS 497; 12 Bevans 297
Treaty relating to the boundary waters and questions arising
along the boundary between the United States and Canada.*
Signed at Washington January 11, 1909.
Entered into force May 5, 1910.
36 Stat. 2448; TS 548; 12 Bevans 319
* Paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 of article V terminated October 10, 1950,
upon the entry into force of the treaty relating to uses of waters of
the Niagara River, signed February 27, 1950 (1 UST 694; TIAS
2130; 132 UNTS 223).
Treaty concerning the boundary line in Passamaquoddy Bay.
Signed at Washington May 21, 1910.
Entered into force August 20, 1910.
36 Stat. 2477; TS 551; 12 Bevans 341
Treaty in regard to the boundary between the United States
and Canada.
Signed at Washington February 24, 1925.
Entered into force July 17, 1925.
44 Stat. 2102; TS 720; 6 Bevans 7; 43 LNTS 239
Convention to regulate the level of the Lake of the Woods,
with an accompanying protocol and an agreement.
Signed at Washington February 24, 1925.
Entered into force July 17, 1925.
44 Stat. 2108; TS 721; 6 Bevans 14; 43 LNTS 251
February 21 and June 19, 1979 (30 UST 5998; TIAS 9534; 1180
UNTS 77)
Arrangement relating to the level of Lake Memphremagog.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa September 20 and November 6,
Entered into force November 6, 1935.
Foreign Relations, 1935, Vol. II, p. 53; 6 Bevans 71
Convention providing for emergency regulation of the level of
Rainy Lake and of certain other boundary waters.
Signed at Ottawa September 15, 1938.
Entered into force October 3, 1940.
54 Stat. 1800; TS 961; 6 Bevans 115; 203 LNTS 207
Arrangement relating to the early development of certain
portions of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Basin project (Long
Lac-Ogoki Works).
Exchange of notes at Washington October 14 and 31 and
November 7, 1940.
Entered into force November 7, 1940.
54 Stat. 2426; EAS 187; 6 Bevans 199; 203 LNTS 267
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the temporary raising of level of Lake
St. Francis during low-water periods.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 10, 1941.
Entered into force November 10, 1941.
56 Stat. 1832; EAS 291; 6 Bevans 236; 23 UNTS 280
August 31 and September 7, 1944 (58 Stat. 1437; EAS 424; 105
UNTS 310)
Agreement relating to the Upper Columbia River Basin.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa February 25 and March 3, 1944.
Entered into force March 3, 1944.
58 Stat. 1236; EAS 399; 6 Bevans 342; 109 UNTS 191
Treaty relating to uses of waters of the Niagara River.
Signed at Washington February 27, 1950.
Entered into force October 10, 1950.
1 UST 694; TIAS 2130; 132 UNTS 223
Related Agreements:
September 13, 1954 (5 UST 1979; TIAS 3064; 236 UNTS 382)
April 17, 1973 (24 UST 895; TIAS 7599)
Agreement relating to the St. Lawrence seaway project for the
construction of certain navigation facilities.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 30, 1952.
Entered into force June 30, 1952.
5 UST 1788; TIAS 3053; 234 UNTS 199
Agreement establishing the St. Lawrence River Joint Board of
Exchange of notes at Washington November 12, 1953.
Entered into force November 12, 1953.
5 UST 2538; TIAS 3116; 234 UNTS 97
Agreement relating to the St. Lawrence seaway project for the
construction of certain navigation facilities.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa August 17, 1954.
Entered into force August 17, 1954.
5 UST 1784; TIAS 3053; 234 UNTS 210
Related Agreements:
February 21 and 22, 1955 (NP)
October 24, 1956 (7 UST 2865; TIAS 3668; 281 UNTS 281)
November 7 and December 4, 1956 (7 UST 3271; TIAS 3708)
July 23 and October 26, 1956 and February 26, 1957 (8 UST 279;
TIAS 3772; 279 UNTS 179)
November 30, 1956 and April 8 and 9, 1957 (8 UST 637; TIAS 3814;
283 UNTS 217)
May 19, 1955 and February 27, 1959 (10 UST 383; TIAS 4199; 341
October 17, 1961 (12 UST 1284; TIAS 4851; 426 UNTS 201)
June 8, 1959 and October 17, 1961 (12 UST 1669; TIAS 4883; 424
UNTS 101)
Agreement governing tolls on the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa March 9, 1959.
Entered into force March 9, 1959.
10 UST 323; TIAS 4192; 340 UNTS 295
July 3 and 13, 1962 (13 UST 1763; 5117 TIAS)
March 31, 1964 (15 UST 271; 5551 TIAS; 527 UNTS 318)
June 30, 1964 (15 UST 1390; TIAS 5608; 530 UNTS 364)
March 31, 1967 (18 UST 321; TIAS 6236; 688 UNTS 380)
July 5, 1968 (NP)
July 27, 1972 (23 UST 1304; TIAS 7408; 851 UNTS 279)
March 20, 1978 (29 UST 3165; TIAS 9003)
October 7, 1980 (32 UST 2893; TIAS 9883)
March 18, 1982 (34 UST 364; TIAS 10363)
November 13 and 16, 1984 (TIAS 11061; 1884 UNTS 457)
May 3, 1985 (TIAS 11309; 1466 UNTS 436)
April 9 and 11, 1986 (TIAS 11309)
May 7 and December 22, 1987 (TIAS 11884)
April 21 and August 10, 1988 (TIAS 11776)
March 30 and August 1, 1989 (TIAS 11966)
April 26 and May 1, 1991 (TIAS 11885)
December 12 and 20, 1991 (TIAS 11866)
June 15 and 30, 1992 (TIAS 11866)
June 10 and July 12, 1994 (TIAS 12697; 2030 UNTS 41)
August 9 and October 18, 1995 (TIAS 12697; 2030 UNTS 30)
Treaty relating to cooperative development of the water
resources of the Columbia River Basin.
Signed at Washington January 17, 1961.
Entered into force September 16, 1964.
15 UST 1555; TIAS 5638; 542 UNTS 244
Related Agreements:
September 16, 1964 (15 UST 1555; TIAS 5638; 542 UNTS 312)
October 4, 1965 (16 UST 1263; TIAS 5877; 592 UNTS 272)
Agreement relating to the construction of a sewage line from
Dunseith, North Dakota to Boissevain, Manitoba.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa January 13, April 22 and June 9,
Entered into force June 9, 1966.
17 UST 810; TIAS 6037; 580 UNTS 263
Treaty relating to the Skagit River and Ross Lake, and the
Seven Mile Reservoir on the Pend d’Oreille River, with annex.
Signed at Washington April 2, 1984.
Entered into force December 14, 1984.
TIAS 11088; 1469 UNTS 309
Agreement concerning cooperation in flood control, with
construction plan.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa and Washington
August 29 and 30, 1988.
Entered into force August 30, 1988.
TIAS 11641
Agreement for water supply and flood control in the Souris
River Basin, with annexes.
Signed at Washington October 26, 1989.
Entered into force October 26, 1989.
TIAS 11731
December 20 and 22, 2000 (TIAS 00-1222)
January 14 and June 9, 2005(TIAS 00-1222)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for the sale of Canada’s entitlement to downstream
power benefits within the United States, with attachment.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 31, 1999.
Entered into force March 31, 1999.
TIAS 13027
Agreement on emergency management cooperation, with
Signed at Washington December 12, 2008.
Entered into force July 7, 2009.
TIAS 09-707
Convention for the establishment of a tribunal to decide
questions of indemnity arising from the operation of the
smelter at Trail, British Columbia.
Signed at Ottawa April 15, 1935.
Entered into force August 3, 1935.
49 Stat. 3245; TS 893; 6 Bevans 60; 162 LNTS 73
Treaty amending in their application to Canada certain
provisions of the treaty for the advancement of peace between
the United States and the United Kingdom signed at
September 15, 1914.
Signed at Washington September 6, 1940.
Entered into force August 13, 1941.
55 Stat. 1214; TS 975; 6 Bevans 190
Agreement relating to claims arising out of traffic accidents
involving vehicles of the armed forces of the United States
and Canada.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa March 1 and 23, 1944.
Entered into force March 23, 1944.
60 Stat. 1948; TIAS 1581; 6 Bevans 345; 125 UNTS 345
Agreement relating to reciprocal waiver of maritime claims
involving government vessels.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 28 and
November 13 and 15, 1946.
Entered into force November 15, 1946.
61 Stat. 2520; TIAS 1582; 6 Bevans 422; 7 UNTS 141
Agreement relating to the settlement of certain war accounts
and claims.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 14, 1949.
Entered into force March 14, 1949.
63 Stat. 2432; TIAS 1925; 6 Bevans 482; 82 UNTS 3
Agreement supplementary to the convention signed April 15,
1935, for the establishment of a tribunal to decide questions of
indemnity and future regime arising from the operation of the
smelter at Trail, British Columbia.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 17, 1949 and
January 24, 1950.
Entered into force January 24, 1950.
3 UST 539; TIAS 2412; 151 UNTS 171
Treaty to submit to binding dispute settlement the delimitation
of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area, with
annexed agreements, as amended.
Signed at Washington March 29, 1979.
Entered into force November 20, 1981.*
33 UST 2797; TIAS 10204; 1288 UNTS 27
Related Agreement:
March 29, 1979 (33 UST 2797; 1288 UNTS 33)
* For the subsequent judgment of the International Court of Justice
of October 12, 1984, see Case concerning Delimitation of the
Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area. 1984 I.C.J.
Reports 246.
With the implementation of the special agreement to submit the
dispute to a chamber of the I.C.J., the agreement for possible
submission to a court of arbitration never entered into force.
Agreement for the sharing of visa and immigration
Signed at Ottawa December 13, 2012.
Entered into force November 21, 2013.
TIAS 13-1121
Agreement relating to the establishment of the Roosevelt
Campobello International Park.
Signed at Washington January 22, 1964.
Entered into force August 14, 1964.
15 UST 1504; TIAS 563l; 530 UNTS 89
Agreement relating to naval forces on the American Lakes
(Rush-Bagot Agreement).
Exchange of notes at Washington April 28 and 29, 1817.
Entered into force April 29, 1817.
8 Stat. 231; TS 110 1/2; 12 Bevans 54
Agreement relating to the construction of naval vessels on the
Great Lakes (interpretation of the Rush-Bagot Agreement).
Exchange of notes at Ottawa June 9 and 10, 1939.
Entered into force June 10, 1939.
61 Stat. 4069; TIAS 1836; 6 Bevans 149; 149 UNTS 332
Declaration by the Prime Minister of Canada and the President
of the United States of America regarding the establishing of a
Permanent Joint Board on Defense.
Made at Ogdensburg, New York, August 18, 1940.
Department of State Bulletin, Vol. III, No. 61, August 24, 1940, p.
154; 6 Bevans 189; Canada Treaty Series, 1940, No. 14
Arrangement relating to naval and air bases.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 2, 1940.
Entered into force September 2, 1940.
54 Stat. 2405; EAS 181; 12 Bevans 551; 203 LNTS 201
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the armament of naval vessels to be
incapable of immediate use (interpretation of the Rush-Bagot
Exchange of notes at Ottawa October 30 and November 2,
Entered into force November 2, 1940.
61 Stat. 4077; TIAS 1836; 6 Bevans 196; 149 UNTS 350
Agreement regarding leased naval and air bases, and
exchanges of notes.
Signed at London March 27, 1941.
Entered into force March 27, 1941.
55 Stat. 1560; EAS 235; 12 Bevans 560; 204 LNTS 15
May 22, 1985
Protocol concerning the defense of Newfoundland.
Signed at London March 27, 1941.
Entered into force March 27, 1941.
55 Stat. 1599; EAS 235; 12 Bevans 560; 204 LNTS 70
Arrangement relating to visits in uniform by members of
defense forces, with exchange of notes.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa August 28 and September 4, 1941.
Entered into force September 11, 1941.
55 Stat. 1551; EAS 233; 6 Bevans 231; 119 UNTS 285
Agreement relating to naval vessels for training naval reserve
personnel (interpretation of the Rush-Bagot Agreement).
Exchange of notes at Washington November 18 and
December 6, 1946.
Entered into force December 6, 1946.
61 Stat. 4082; TIAS 1836; 6 Bevans 426; 149 UNTS 3
United States-Canadian Permanent Joint Board on Defense to
continue collaboration for security purposes.
Announced in Ottawa and in Washington February 12, 1947.
Department of State Bulletin, Vol. XVI, No. 399, February 23,
1947, p. 361; 6 Bevans 430; Canada Treaty Series, 1947, No. 43
Agreement relating to the leased naval base at Argentia,
Exchange of notes at London August 13 and October 23, 1947.
Entered into force October 23, 1947.
61 Stat. 4065; TIAS 1809; 12 Bevans 827; 66 UNTS 277
May 22, 1985
Agreement relating to cooperation between the United States
and Canada in air search and rescue operations along the
common boundary.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 24 and 31, 1949.
Entered into force January 31, 1949.
63 Stat. 2328; TIAS 1882; 6 Bevans 478; 43 UNTS 119
Agreement establishing a Joint Industrial Mobilization
Exchange of notes at Ottawa April 12, 1949.
Entered into force April 12, 1949.
63 Stat. 2331; TIAS 1889; 6 Bevans 486; 206 UNTS 241
Agreement relating to a final settlement for all war surplus
property disposed of pursuant to the agreements effected by
exchanges of notes of November 22 and December 20, 1944;
March 30, 1946; and July 11 and 15, 1946.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa June 17 and 18, 1949.
Entered into force June 18, 1949.
2 UST 2272; TIAS 2352; 200 UNTS 258
Agreement relating to economic cooperation for defense.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 26, 1950.
Entered into force October 26, 1950.
1 UST 716; TIAS 2136; 132 UNTS 247
Agreement relating to the extension and coordination of the
continental radar defense system.*
Exchange of notes at Washington August 1, 1951.
Entered into force August 1, 1951.
5 UST 1721; TIAS 3049; 233 UNTS 109
Related Agreements:
May 25, 1964 (15 UST 665; TIAS 5587; 526 UNTS 251)
September 30, 1966 (17 UST 1416; TIAS 6102; 616 UNTS 193)
June 30, 1971 (22 UST 1449; TIAS 7154; 797 UNTS 303)
March 22, 1974 (25 UST 283; TIAS 7799; 944 UNTS 173)
* Provisions are terminated to the extent that they are inconsistent
with the agreement of August 16, 1971 (TIAS 7173). See also
agreements of June 13, 1955 (TIAS 3452), June 15, 1955 (TIAS
3453), and September 27, 1961 (TIAS 4859).
Agreement modifying the leased bases agreement of March
27, 1941, with the United Kingdom concerning bases in
Exchange of notes at Washington February 13 and March 19,
Entered into force March 19, 1952.
3 UST 4271; TIAS 2572; 174 UNTS 267
Agreement relating to the application of the NATO status of
forces agreement to U.S. forces in Canada, including those at
the leased bases in Newfoundland and Goose Bay, Labrador
except for certain arrangements under the leased bases
Exchange of notes at Washington April 28 and 30, 1952.
Entered into force September 27, 1953.
5 UST 2139; TIAS 3074; 235 UNTS 269
Agreement on the establishment and operation of a distant
early warning system between the United States and Canada,
with annex*.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 5, 1955.
Entered into force May 5, 1955.
6 UST 763; TIAS 3218; 241 UNTS 179
* See also agreements of April 13, 1959 (TIAS 4208), and July 13,
1959 (TIAS 4264).
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the establishment and operation of
certain radar stations in the Newfoundland-Labrador area.*
Exchange of notes at Ottawa June 13, 1955.
Entered into force June 13, 1955.
6 UST 6045; TIAS 3452; 268 UNTS 87
* See also agreements of August 1, 1951 (TIAS 3049), June 15,
1955 (TIAS 3453), September 27, 1961 (TIAS 4859), and August
16, 1971 (TIAS 7173).
Agreement for cooperation regarding atomic information for
mutual defense purposes.
Signed at Washington June 15, 1955.
Entered into force July 22, 1955.
6 UST 2607; TIAS 3305; 235 UNTS 201
Agreement relating to the construction and operation of
certain radar stations in British Columbia, Ontario, and Nova
Exchange of notes at Ottawa June 15, 1955.
Entered into force June 15, 1955.
6 UST 6051; TIAS 3453; 268 UNTS 101
* See also agreements of August 1, 1951 (TIAS 3049), June 13,
1955 (TIAS 3452), September 27, 1961 (TIAS 4859), and August
16, 1971 (TIAS 7173).
Agreement relating to the construction of a petroleum
products pipeline between the United States Air Force dock at
St. John’s, Newfoundland, and Pepperrell Air Force Base,
Newfoundland, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa September 22, 1955.
Entered into force September 22, 1955.
6 UST 3899; TIAS 3392; 256 UNTS 227
Agreement providing for the establishment of a Canada-
United States Committee on Joint Defense.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa August 29 and September 2, 1958.
Entered into force September 2, 1958.
9 UST 1159; TIAS 4098; 335 UNTS 249
Agreement relating to communications facilities at Cape Dyer,
Baffin Island to support the Greenland extension of the distant
early warning system.*
Exchange of notes at Ottawa April 13, 1959.
Entered into force April 13, 1959; operative January 15, 1959.
10 UST 739; TIAS 4208; 342 UNTS 43
* See also agreements of May 5, 1955 (TIAS 3218), and July 13,
1959 (TIAS 4264).
Agreement relating to the establishment, maintenance and
operation of short range tactical air navigation (TACAN)
facilities in Canada, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa May 1, 1959.
Entered into force May 1, 1959.
10 UST 790; TIAS 4218; 343 UNTS 27
September 19 and 23, 1961 (12 UST 1357; TIAS 4856; 421 UNTS
Agreement for cooperation on uses of atomic energy for
mutual defense purposes.
Signed at Washington May 22, 1959.
Entered into force July 27, 1959.
10 UST 1293; TIAS 4271; 354 UNTS 63
Agreement relating to the establishment of a ballistic missile
early warning system.*
Exchange of notes at Ottawa July 13, 1959.
Entered into force July 13, 1959.
10 UST 1260; TIAS 4264; 353 UNTS 237
* See also agreements of May 5, 1955 (TIAS 3218), and April 13,
1959 (TIAS 4208).
Agreement relating to the disposal of surplus United States
property in Canada.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa August 28 and September 1, 1961.
Entered into force September 1, 1961.
12 UST 1228; TIAS 4841; 421 UNTS 199.
December 21, 1983, and March 14, 1984 (TIAS 11063; 1466 UNTS
Agreement relating to the extension and strengthening of the
continental air defense system (CADIN).*
Exchange of notes at Ottawa September 27, 1961.
Entered into force September 27, 1961.
12 UST 1375; TIAS 4859; 421 UNTS 85
May 6, 1964 (15 UST 427; TIAS 5574; 524 UNTS 324)
November 24, 1965 (16 UST 1768; TIAS 5907; 573 UNTS 330)
* See also agreements of August 1, 1951 (TIAS 3049), June 13,
1955 (TIAS 3452), June 15, 1955 (TIAS 3453), and August 16,
1971 (TIAS 7173).
Agreement relating to the safeguarding of classified
Exchange of notes at Washington January 30, 1962.
Entered into force January 30, 1962.
Agreement concerning the establishment, operation and
maintenance of the torpedo test range in the Strait of Georgia
and the installation and utilization of an advanced underwater
acoustic measurement system at Jervis Inlet, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa May 12, 1965.
Entered into force May 12, 1965.
16 UST 753; TIAS 5805
Amendments and extension:
January 13, and April 14, 1976 (27 UST 3723; TIAS 8386)
June 3 and 17, 1986 (TIAS 11368; 2194 UNTS 298)
Agreement concerning the establishment, operation and
maintenance of certain ground-to-air communications
facilities in northern Canada, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa December 1, 1965.
Entered into force December 1, 1965.
16 UST 1789; TIAS 5911; 574 UNTS 37
Agreement relating to the establishment of a ferry service
between North Sydney, Nova Scotia and Argentia,
Newfoundland, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 6 and 10, 1966.
Entered into force June 10, 1966.
17 UST 792; TIAS 6035; 639 UNTS 13
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the winter maintenance of the Haines
Exchange of notes at Ottawa May 10 and June 23, 1967.
Entered into force June 23, 1967.
18 UST 1244; TIAS 6274; 685 UNTS 410
Agreement relating to the use of certain facilities at the United
States Air Force Pinetree radar site at Hopedale, Labrador.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa June 11, September 19, 1969 and
February 24, 1970.
Entered into force February 24, 1970.
21 UST 596; TIAS 6844; 740 UNTS 241
Agreement relating to the transfer of the Redcliff site to
Exchange of notes at Ottawa May 10, 1971.
Entered into force May 10, 1971.
22 UST 1778; TIAS 7217
Agreement relating to new financial arrangements to govern
the operation and maintenance of Pinetree radar stations in
Canada, with annex.*
Exchange of notes at Ottawa August 16, 1971.
Entered into force August 16, 1971; operative August 1, 1971.
22 UST 1529; TIAS 7173; 807 UNTS 19
* See also agreements of August 1, 1951 (TIAS 3049), June 13,
1955 (TIAS 3452), and June 15, 1955 (TIAS 3453).
Agreement relating to the purchase by Canada of eighteen
Lockheed P-3 long-range patrol aircraft, with related notes.
Exchange of letters at Washington July 6 and 7, 1976.
Entered into force July 7, 1976.
27 UST 3732; TIAS 8388
Agreement relating to the use of facilities at Goose Bay airport
by the United States, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa November 10 and 24, 1976.
Entered into force November 24, 1976; effective October 1,
27 UST 4322; TIAS 8454
Memorandum of understanding concerning region operations
control center.
Signed at Ottawa and Washington March 5 and April 11, 1977.
Entered into force April 11, 1977.
29 UST 1075; TIAS 8869
Agreement relating to performance evaluation of a variable
depth sonar system in conjunction with a high speed surface
vessel, with annexes (Project Hytow).
Signed at Washington and Ottawa September 12 and
October 12, 1977.
Entered into force October 12, 1977.
29 UST 5561; TIAS 9129
Agreement concerning the test and evaluation of United States
defense weapons systems in Canada.
Exchange of notes at Washington February 10, 1983.
Entered into force February 10, 1983.
TIAS 10659; 1469 UNTS 275
Mutual logistical support agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart February 11, 1983.
Entered into force February 11, 1983.
TIAS 10658; 2001 UNTS 17
Master data exchange arrangement.
Signed at Brussels April 10, 1984.
Entered into force April 10, 1984.
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of service
personnel between the United States Marine Corps and
Canadian Forces.
Signed at Washington September 19, 1984.
Entered into force September 19, 1984.
TIAS 11135; 2126 UNTS 143
Agreement regarding modernization of the North American
Air Defense System, with memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Quebec March 18, 1985.
Entered into force March 18, 1985.
TIAS 12260
Memorandum of understanding on aviation cooperation.
Signed at Washington and Ottawa March 20 and April 9, 1987.
Entered into force April 9, 1987.
TIAS 11294
Agreement concerning cooperative testing and evaluation of
defense systems.
Exchange of notes at Washington February 10, 1993.
Entered into force February 10, 1993.
TIAS 12262; 1914 UNTS 193
Agreement concerning the establishment of certain mutual
defense commitments.
Exchange of notes at Washington and Ottawa March 4 and
August 19, 1994.
Entered into force August 19, 1994.
TIAS 12526; 2028 UNTS 97
Memorandum of understanding concerning the measures to be
taken for the transfer, security and safeguarding of technical
information and equipment to the Department of National
Defence for use in the Canadian arctic subsurface surveillance
Signed at Washington and Ottawa May 31 and September 23,
Entered into force September 23, 1994.
TIAS 12264
Agreement on a full and final settlement of all claims for costs
of environmental clean-up at former U.S. military installations
in Canada.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 7 and 9, 1996.
Entered into force October 9, 1996.
TIAS 12806; 2025 UNTS 341
Agreement on the North American Aerospace Defense
Signed at Ottawa April 28, 2006.
Entered into force May 12, 2006.
TIAS 06-512
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the establishment of integrated lines of
communications to ensure logistic support for the Canadian
Armed Forces and the Armed Forces of the United States of
Signed at Washington April 23, 2008.
Entered into force September 5, 2008.
TIAS 08-905
Convention to regulate commerce (article IV) between the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 3, 1815.
Effective July 3, 1815.
8 Stat. 228; TS 110; 12 Bevans 49
Arrangement relating to visits of consular officers to citizens
of their own country serving sentences in penal institutions.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa July 29 and September 19, 1935.
Entered into force September 19, 1935.
Foreign Relations, 1935, Vol. II, p. 57; 6 Bevans 65
Agreement concerning the privileges and immunities of
members of the administrative and technical staffs of the
Embassy of Canada in the United States and the Embassy of
the United States in Canada.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa August 26 and September 2, 1993.
Entered into force September 21, 1993.
TIAS 12506
Agreement for the establishment of a binational educational
exchange foundation.
Signed at Washington November 15, 1999.
Entered into force November 15, 1999.
TIAS 13070
July 29, 2003 (TIAS 13070)
May 8 and 22, 2009 (TIAS 09-1023)
Arrangement relating to the employment of dependents of
government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 4 and 12, 1980.
Entered into force June 12, 1980.
TIAS 10693; 2005 UNTS 95
October 3 and November 13, 1997 (TIAS 12898)
Agreement concerning transit pipelines.
Signed at Washington January 28, 1977.
Entered into force October 1, 1977.
28 UST 7449; TIAS 8720
Agreement on principles applicable to a northern natural gas
pipeline, with annexes.
Signed at Ottawa September 20, 1977.
Entered into force September 20, 1977, with respect to certain
provisions; entered into force July 24, 1978, with respect to
remaining provisions.
29 UST 3581; TIAS 9030; 1230 UNTS 311
June 6, 1978 (29 UST 3621; TIAS 9030; 1230 UNTS 340)
Convention for the protection of migratory birds in the United
States and Canada.
Signed at Washington August 16, 1916.
Entered into force December 7, 1916.
39 Stat. 1702; TS 628; 12 Bevans 375
December 14, 1995 (TIAS 12721)
Arrangement prohibiting the importation of raccoon dogs.
Exchange of letters at Ottawa and Washington
September 1 and 4, 1981.
Entered into force September 4, 1981.
33 UST 3764; TIAS 10259; 1541 UNTS 129
Agreement on the conservation of the Porcupine Caribou
Herd, with annex.
Signed at Ottawa July 17, 1987.
Entered into force July 17, 1987.
TIAS 11259; 2174 UNTS 267
Agreement relating to exemptions from exchange control
Exchange of notes at Ottawa June 18, 1940.
Entered into force June 18, 1940.
54 Stat. 2317; EAS 174; 6 Bevans 182; 203 LNTS 41
Agreement adopting, with certain modifications, the rules
and method of procedure recommended in the award of
September 7, 1910, of the North Atlantic Coast Fisheries
Signed at Washington July 20, 1912.
Entered into force November 15, 1912.
37 Stat. 1634; TS 572; 12 Bevans 357
Agreement providing for cooperative efforts to be directed
toward sanitary control of the shellfish industry.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 4 and April 30, 1948.
Entered into force April 30, 1948.
62 Stat. 1898; TIAS 1747; 6 Bevans 472; 77 UNTS 191
Convention for the extension to halibut fishing vessels of port
privileges on the Pacific Coasts of the United States of
America and Canada.
Signed at Ottawa March 24, 1950.
Entered into force July 13, 1950.
1 UST 536; TIAS 2096; 200 UNTS 211
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention for the preservation of the halibut fishery of the
Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea.
Signed at Ottawa March 2, 1953.
Entered into force October 28, 1953.
5 UST 5; TIAS 2900; 222 UNTS 77
March 29, 1979 (32 UST 2483; TIAS 9855)
Convention on Great Lakes fisheries.
Signed at Washington September 10, 1954.
Entered into force October 11, 1955.
6 UST 2836; TIAS 3326; 238 UNTS 97
April 5, 1966 and May 19, 1967 (18 UST 1402; TIAS 6297)
Treaty on Pacific Coast albacore tuna vessels and port
privileges, with annexes.
Signed at Washington May 26, 1981.
Entered into force July 29, 1981.
33 UST 615; TIAS 10057; 1274 UNTS 247
October 3 and 9, 1997 (TIAS 12887)
July 17 and August 13, 2002 (TIAS 04-528)
August 21 and September 10, 2002 (TIAS 04-528)
June 12, 2009 (TIAS 10-308)
June 17 and 18, 2013 (TIAS 14-225)
May 22 and 24, 2018 (TIAS 18-529.1)
Treaty concerning Pacific salmon, with annexes and
memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Ottawa January 28, 1985.
Entered into force March 18, 1985.
TIAS 11091; 1469 UNTS 357
Amendments and Related Agreements:
July 9, 1998
June 30, 1999 (TIAS 99-630)
December 4, 2002 (TIAS 02-1204)
April 26 and June 17, 2005 (TIAS 05-617)
June 16, 2006 (TIAS 06-616.1)
November 27 and December 19, 2018 (TIAS 19-503)
Agreement on fisheries enforcement.
Signed at Ottawa September 26, 1990.
Entered into force December 16, 1991.
TIAS 11753
Agreement on the establishment of a mediation procedure
regarding the Pacific Salmon Treaty.
Signed at Montreal September 11, 1995.
Entered into force September 11, 1995.
TIAS 12689; 2029 UNTS 307
Agreement on Pacific Hake/Whiting.
Signed at Seattle November 21, 2003.
Entered into force June 25, 2008.
TIAS 08-625
Agreement relating to post-war economic settlements.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 30, 1942.
Entered into force November 30, 1942.
56 Stat. 1815; EAS 287; 6 Bevans 292; 119 UNTS 305
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of
housing and urban affairs.
Signed at Ottawa June 28, 1977.
Entered into force June 28, 1977.
29 UST 2363; TIAS 8942
Arrangement concerning quarantine inspection of vessels
entering Puget Sound and waters adjacent thereto or the Great
Lakes via the St. Lawrence River.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa October 10 and 23, 1929.
Entered into force October 23, 1929.
47 Stat. 2573; EAS 1; 6 Bevans 35; 96 LNTS 167
Memorandum of understanding on the monitoring of food,
beverage and sanitary services provided on common carriers
operating between the United States and Canada.
Signed at Ottawa and at Washington August 20 and
September 8, 1975.
Entered into force September 8, 1975.
28 UST 884; TIAS 8485
Arrangement relating to the admission to practice before
patent offices.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 3 and 28, 1937,
and January 24, 1938.
Operative January 1, 1938.
52 Stat. 1475; EAS 118; 6 Bevans 97; 187 LNTS 27
Agreement relating to the mutual interchange of patent rights
in connection with RDX and other explosives.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 3 and 27, 1946.
Entered into force September 27, 1946.
61 Stat. 2949; TIAS 1628; 6 Bevans 419; 21 UNTS 3
Agreement relating to unemployment insurance benefits.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa March 6 and 12, 1942.
Entered into force April 12, 1942.
56 Stat. 1451; EAS 244; 6 Bevans 257; 119 UNTS 295
July 31 and September 11, 1951 (3 UST 2812; TIAS 2452; 206
UNTS 311)
October 29, 1984 and June 21, 1985 (TIAS 11334)
Agreement relating to workmen’s compensation and
unemployment insurance in connection with construction
projects in Canada.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa November 2 and 4, 1942.
Entered into force November 4, 1942.
56 Stat. 1770; EAS 279; 6 Bevans 284; 24 UNTS 217
Agreement relating to the extension of the Canadian
Unemployment Insurance Act to Canadian employees of the
United States Armed Services in Canada.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 20, 1955 and
April 23, 1956.
Entered into force April 23, 1956.
8 UST 1879; TIAS 3933; 300 UNTS 29
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention to suppress smuggling.
Signed at Washington June 6, 1924.
Entered into force July 27, 1925.
44 Stat. 2097; TS 718; 6 Bevans 1; 43 LNTS 225
Treaty on extradition, as amended by exchange of notes of
June 28 and July 9, 1974.*
Signed at Washington December 3, 1971.
Entered into force March 22, 1976.
27 UST 983; TIAS 8237
January 11, 1988 (1853 UNTS 407; TIAS 91-1126)
January 12, 2001 (TIAS 03-430)
* Applicable to all territories.
Procedures for mutual assistance in the administration of
justice in connection with the Boeing Company matter.
Signed at Washington March 15, 1977.
Entered into force March 15, 1977.
28 UST 2463; TIAS 8567
Treaty on the execution of penal sentences.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1977.
Entered into force July 19, 1978.
30 UST 6263; TIAS 9552
Agreement regarding mutual assistance and cooperation
between customs administrations.
Signed at Quebec June 20, 1984.
Entered into force January 8, 1985.
TIAS 11253; 1469 UNTS 319
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Quebec March 18, 1985.
Entered into force January 24, 1990.
TIAS 90-124
Agreement regarding the sharing of forfeited assets and
equivalent funds.
Signed at Ottawa March 22, 1995.
Entered into force March 22, 1995.
TIAS 12618; 2028 UNTS 335
Treaty providing for reciprocal rights for United States and
Canada in matters of conveyance of prisoners and wrecking
and salvage.
Signed at Washington May 18, 1908.
Entered into force June 30, 1908.
35 Stat. 2035; TS 502; 12 Bevans 314
Load line convention.
Signed at Washington December 9, 1933.
Entered into force July 26, 1934.
49 Stat. 2685; TS 869; 6 Bevans 54; 152 LNTS 39
Agreement relating to reciprocal recognition of load-line
regulations for vessels engaged in international voyages on the
Great Lakes.
Exchanges of notes at Ottawa April 29, August 24, and
October 22, 1938, September 2 and October 18, 1939, and
January 10 and March 4, 1940.
Entered into force March 4, 1940.
54 Stat. 2300; EAS 172; 6 Bevans 171; 202 LNTS 429
Search and rescue agreement, with attachment.
Signed at Ottawa and Washington September 12 and
October 25, 1974.
Entered into force October 25, 1974.
TIAS 11963
Memorandum of understanding concerning reciprocal
recognition of Great Lakes load lines.
Signed at Ottawa November 21, 1977.
Entered into force November 21, 1977.
29 UST 4948; TIAS 9088; 1230 UNTS 345
Agreement for a cooperative vessel traffic management
system for the Juan de Fuca region, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa December 19, 1979.
Entered into force December 19, 1979.
32 UST 377; TIAS 9706; 1221 UNTS 67
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in
marine transportation technology and systems research and
Signed at Ottawa June 18, 1981.
Entered into force June 18, 1981.
33 UST 2082; TIAS 10172; 1529 UNTS 483
Agreement relating to the agreement of August 14, 1987, on
the resolution of practical problems with respect to deep
seabed mining areas.*
Exchange of notes at Ottawa August 14, 1987.
Entered into force August 14, 1987.
TIAS 11438
* Parties to the multilateral agreement of August 14, 1987, are
Belgium, Canada, Italy, Netherlands and Union of Soviet Socialist
Framework agreement on integrated cross-border maritime
law enforcement operations.
Signed at Detroit May 26, 2009.
Entered into force October 11, 2012.
TIAS 12-1011
Agreement for cooperation in the examination of refugee
status claims from nationals of third countries.
Signed at Washington December 5, 2002.
Entered into force December 29, 2004.
TIAS 04-1229
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for cooperation concerning civil uses of atomic
Signed at Washington June 15, 1955.
Entered into force July 21, 1955.
6 UST 2595; TIAS 3304; 235 UNTS 175
Amendments and Extension*:
June 26, 1956 (8 UST 275; TIAS 3771; 279 UNTS 318)
June 11, 1960 (11 UST 1780; TIAS 4518; 377 UNTS 412)
May 25, 1962 (13 UST 1400; TIAS 5102; 453 UNTS 362)
April 23, 1980 (32 UST 1079; TIAS 9759; 1228 UNTS 425)
June 23, 1999 (TIAS 13049)
* See also agreement of May 22, 1959, for cooperation on uses of
atomic energy for mutual defense purposes (10 UST 1293; TIAS
Agreement regarding participation in the USNRC
international piping integrity research group.
Signed at Ottawa and Bethesda April 28 and May 20, 1987.
Entered into force May 20, 1987.
TIAS 12227
Agreement concerning cooperation on the application of non-
proliferation assurances to Canadian uranium to be transferred
from Canada to the U.S. for enrichment and fabrication into
fuel and retransferred to Taiwan for use in nuclear reactors,
with annex.
Exchange of letters at Washington February 24 and March 5,
Entered into force March 5, 1993.
TIAS 12490; 1914 UNTS 209
Treaty of amity, commerce and navigation between the United
States and Great Britain (Jay Treaty).*
Signed at London November 19, 1794.
Entered into force October 28, 1795.
8 Stat. 116; TS 105; 12 Bevans 13
* Only article 3 so far as it relates to the right of Indians to pass
across the border, and articles 9 and 10 appear to remain in force.
But see Akins v. U.S., 551 F.2d 1222 (1977).
Explanatory article to article 3 of the November 19, 1794,
treaty of amity, commerce and navigation between the United
States and Great Britain.
Signed at Philadelphia May 4, 1796.
Entered into force October 6, 1796.
8 Stat. 130; TS 106; 12 Bevans 34
Treaty of peace and amity between the United States and
Great Britain.
Signed at Ghent December 24, 1814.
Entered into force February 17, 1815.
8 Stat. 218; TS 109; 12 Bevans 41
Treaty for an amicable settlement of all causes of differences
between the United States and Great Britain (Treaty of
Washington May 8, 1871.
Entered into force June 17, 1871.
17 Stat. 863; TS 133; 12 Bevans 170
* Articles I-XVII and XXXIV-XLII have been executed; articles
XVIII-XXV, XXX, and XXXII terminated July 1, 1885; articles
XXVIII and XXIX not considered in force.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Canada-United
States committee on water quality in the St. John River and its
tributary rivers and streams which cross the Canada-United
States boundary, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa September 21, 1972.
Entered into force September 21, 1972.
23 UST 2813; TIAS 7470
February 22, 1984 (35 UST 4426; TIAS 10947)
Agreement relating to the establishment of joint pollution
contingency plans for spills of oil and other noxious
Exchange of notes at Ottawa June 19, 1974.
Entered into force June 19, 1974.
25 UST 1280; TIAS 7861
Agreement on Great Lakes water quality, 1978, with annexes
and terms of reference.
Signed at Ottawa November 22, 1978.
Entered into force November 22, 1978.
30 UST 1383; TIAS 9257; 1153 UNTS 187
October 16, 1983 (35 UST 2370; TIAS 10798)
November 18, 1987 (TIAS 11551; 2185 UNTS 504)
September 7, 2012 (TIAS 13-212)
Memorandum of intent concerning transboundary air
pollution, with annex.
Signed at Washington August 5, 1980.
Entered into force August 5, 1980.
32 UST 2521; TIAS 9856; 1274 UNTS 235
Memorandum of understanding regarding accidental and
unauthorized discharges of pollutants along the inland
boundary, with appendix.
Signed at Ottawa October 17, 1985.
Entered into force October 17, 1985.
TIAS 11170; 2126 UNTS 161
Agreement concerning the transboundary movement of
hazardous waste.
Signed at Ottawa October 28, 1986.
Entered into force November 8, 1986.
TIAS 11099; 2120 UNTS 97
November 4 and 25, 1992
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on air quality, with annexes.
Signed at Ottawa March 13, 1991.
Entered into force March 13, 1991.
TIAS 91-313
December 7, 2000 (TIAS 00-1207)
Money order agreement.
Signed at Washington September 30 and at Ottawa October 3,
Operative July 1, 1901.
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Ottawa and Washington July 18, 23 and August 14,
Entered into force August 14, 1979; effective August 1, 1979.
31 UST 5745; TIAS 9684; 1221 UNTS 43
Postal convention, with detailed regulations.
Signed at Ottawa and Washington September 10 and 14, 1981.
Entered into force January 1, 1982.
33 UST 3810; TIAS 10263; 1541 UNTS 135
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Canada June 17, 1922.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention providing for the accession of the
Dominion of Canada to the real and personal property
convention of March 2, 1899.
Signed at Washington October 21, 1921.
Entered into force June 17, 1922.
42 Stat. 2147; TS 663; 12 Bevans 390; 12 LNTS 425
Agreement concerning construction of new chanceries in
Washington and Ottawa.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 13 and October 2, 1985.
Entered into force October 2, 1985.
TIAS 11328
Agreement relating to the establishment of a cooperative
meteorological rocket project at Cold Lake, Alberta.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa September 29 and October 6,
Entered into force October 6, 1966.
17 UST 1832; TIAS 6128; 675 UNTS 63
February 13 and April 24, 1969 (20 UST 720; TIAS 6682; 714 UNTS
Agreement relating to the exchange of information on weather
modification activities.
Signed at Washington March 26, 1975.
Entered into force March 26, 1975.
26 UST 540; TIAS 8056
Memorandum of understanding concerning the furnishing of
balloon launching and associated services.
Signed at Washington and Ottawa August 26 and
September 12, 1983.
Entered into force September 12, 1983.
35 UST 2392; TIAS 10800
Agreement regarding allocation of intellectual property rights,
interests and royalties for intellectual property created or
furnished under certain scientific and technological
cooperative research activities, with attachment.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa February 4, 1997.
Entered into force February 4, 1997.
TIAS 12830
Agreement concerning the operation of commercial remote
sensing satellite systems, with annex.
Signed at Washington June 16, 2000.
Entered into force June 16, 2000.
TIAS 00-616
Agreement for cooperation in science and technology for
critical infrastructure protection and border security.
Signed at Washington June 1, 2004.
Entered into force June 1, 2004.
TIAS 04-601
Agreement relating to Canada Pension Plan.
Signed at Ottawa May 5, 1967.
Entered into force May 5, 1967; effective January 1, 1967.
18 UST 486; TIAS 6254; 685 UNTS 245
October 12 and December 19, 1983 (35 UST 3521; TIAS 10864)
Agreement with respect to social security, with administrative
Signed at Ottawa March 11, 1981.
Entered into force August 1, 1984.
35 UST 3403; TIAS 10863; 1469 UNTS 249
* See also understanding and administrative arrangement of
March 30, 1983, with the Government of Quebec (TIAS 10863).
Supplementary agreement amending the agreement of
March 11, 1981, and the administrative arrangement of
May 22, 1981 with respect to social security.
Signed at Ottawa May 10, 1983.
Entered into force August 1, 1984.
35 UST 3403; TIAS 10863; 1469 UNTS 271
Second supplementary agreement amending the agreement of
March 11, 1981, as amended, with respect to social security.
Signed at Ottawa May 28, 1996.
Entered into force October 1, 1997.
TIAS 12759; 2030 UNTS 283
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in the
flight of the Canadian measurements of pollution in the
troposphere (MOPITT) instrument on the NASA polar
orbiting platform and related support for an international earth
observing system, with appendix.
Signed at Washington November 15, 1994.
Entered into force November 15, 1994.
TIAS 94-1115
Agreement concerning cooperation on the Canadian
Microgravity Isolation Mount, with attachment.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa July 31, 1997.
Entered into force July 31, 1997.
TIAS 97-731
Framework agreement for cooperation in the exploration and
use of outer space for peaceful purposes.
Signed at Washington September 9, 2009.
Entered into force May 11, 2010.
TIAS 10-511.2
Agreement relating to provincial and municipal taxation of
United States defense projects in Canada.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa August 6 and 9, 1943.
Entered into force August 9, 1943.
57 Stat. 1065; EAS 339; 6 Bevans 326; 29 UNTS 295
Agreement concerning the administration of income tax in
Canada affecting employees within Canada of the United
States Government who are subject to such tax.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa August 1 and September 17, 1973.
Entered into force September 17, 1973.
28 UST 1134; TIAS 8499
Convention with respect to taxes on income and capital, with
exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington September 26, 1980.
Entered into force August 16, 1984.*
TIAS 11087; 1469 UNTS 189
June 14, 1983 (TIAS 11087; 2121 UNTS 364)
March 28, 1984 (TIAS 11087; 2121 UNTS 387)
March 17, 1995 (TIAS 97-1216; 2030 UNTS 236)
July 29, 1997 (TIAS 97-1216; 2030 UNTS 276)
September 21, 2007 (TIAS 08-1215.2)
February 5, 2014 (TIAS 14-627)
* With respect to estates of persons deceased prior to January 1,
1985, the convention of February 17, 1961, for the avoidance of
double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to
taxes on estates of deceased persons (13 UST 382; TIAS 4995;
445 UNTS 143) shall continue to have effect.
See also Article XXX of the 1980 Convention for the continued
effect of the convention and protocol of March 4, 1942, for the
avoidance of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion in
the case of income taxes (56 Stat. 1399; TS 983; 6 Bevans 244;
124 UNTS 271).
Agreement to improve international tax compliance through
enhanced exchange of information under the convention with
respect to taxes on income and on capital, with annexes.
Signed at Ottawa February 5, 2014.
Entered into force June 27, 2014.
TIAS 14-627
Arrangement governing radio communications between
private experimental stations.
Exchanges of notes at Washington October 2 and
December 29, 1928, and January 12, 1929.
Operative January 1, 1929.
TS 767-A; 6 Bevans 26; 102 LNTS 143
April 23 and May 2 and 4, 1934 (48 Stat. 1876; EAS 62; 147 LNTS
Convention relating to the operation by citizens of either
country of certain radio equipment or stations in the other
Signed at Ottawa February 8, 1951.
Entered into force May 15, 1952.
3 UST 3787; TIAS 2508; 207 UNTS 17
Agreement concerning the coordination and use of radio
frequencies above thirty megacycles per second, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa October 24, 1962.
Entered into force October 24, 1962.
13 UST 2418; TIAS 5205; 462 UNTS 68
June 16 and 24, 1965 (16 UST 923; TIAS 5833; 549 UNTS 300)
February 26 and April 7, 1982 (TIAS 10646)
November 2, 1993 and January 4, 1994 (TIAS 12529)
June 15 and 20, 2005 (TIAS 05-620)
Agreement on cooperation in intercontinental testing in
connection with experimental communications satellites.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 13 and 23, 1963.
Entered into force August 23, 1963.
14 UST 1701; TIAS 5474; 494 UNTS 13
Agreement regarding an experimental communications
technology satellite project with memorandum of
Exchange of notes at Washington April 21 and 27, 1971.
Entered into force April 27, 1971.
22 UST 713; TIAS 7131
Agreement for promotion of safety on the Great Lakes by
means of radio, with technical regulations and exchange of
notes of
May 6, 1974.
Signed at Ottawa February 26, 1973.
Entered into force May 6, 1975.
25 UST 935; TIAS 7837
December 29, 1978 (30 UST 2523; TIAS 9352; 1170 UNTS 339)
December 22, 1987, August 10 and October 24, 1988
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the AM broadcasting service in the
medium frequency band, with annexes.
Signed at Ottawa January 17, 1984.
Entered into force January 17, 1984.
TIAS 11263
Agreement concerning the use of the 88 to 108 megahertz
frequency band for frequency modulation broadcasting (FM),
with attachment.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 26, 1990 and
February 25, 1991.
Entered into force February 25, 1991.
Agreement concerning the allotment and assignment of
television broadcasting channels in areas adjacent to the
border of the United States and Canada, with working
Exchange of notes at Washington November 3, 1993 and
January 5, 1994.
Entered into force January 5, 1994.
TIAS 12530
Agreement relating to importation privileges for government
officials and employees.
Exchanges of notes at Ottawa July 21, October 29 and
November 9, 1942.
Entered into force November 9, 1942.
57 Stat. 1379; EAS 383; 6 Bevans 289; 101 UNTS 233
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Joint United
States-Canadian Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 12, 1953.
Entered into force November 12, 1953.
5 UST 314; TIAS 2922; 223 UNTS 139
October 2, 1961 (14 UST 1496; TIAS 5448; 470 UNTS 394)
September 17, 1963 (14 UST 1496; TIAS 5448)
Agreement concerning automotive products, with annexes and
exchange of notes.
Signed at Johnson City, Texas January 16, 1965.
Entered into force provisionally January 16, 1965; definitively
September 16, 1966.
17 UST 1372; TIAS 6093
Arrangement regarding levels of Canadian oil exports and the
proposed looping of the Interprovincial Pipeline via Chicago.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 25, 1967.
Entered into force September 25, 1967.
20 UST 4108; TIAS 6806; 730 UNTS 317
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of import
data, with annexes.
Signed at Montreal July 29, 1987.
Entered into force July 29, 1987.
Free-trade agreement, with exchanges of letters.*
Signed at Ottawa, Washington and Palm Springs December 22
and 23, 1987, and January 2, 1988.
Entered into force January 1, 1989.
* This agreement is suspended, subject to certain transition
arrangements with respect to dispute settlement proceedings under
Chapters 18 and 19, for such time as the United States and Canada
are parties to the North American Free Trade Agreement signed at
Washington, Ottawa, and Mexico City December 8, 11, 14, and
17, 1992.
Agreement regarding the application of their competition and
deceptive marketing practices laws.
Signed at Washington and Ottawa August 1 and 3, 1995.
Entered into force August 3, 1995.
TIAS 95-803; 2028 UNTS 135
Agreement on the application of positive comity principles to
the enforcement of their competition laws.
Signed at Washington October 5, 2004.
Entered into force October 5, 2004.
TIAS 04-1005.1
Agreement on government procurement, with appendices.
Signed at Mississauga and Washington February 11 and 12,
Entered into force February 16, 2010.
TIAS 10-216
Arrangement relating to the issuance of certificates of
competency or licenses for the piloting of civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 28, 1938.
Entered into force August 1, 1938.
53 Stat. 1937; EAS 130; 6 Bevans 108; 192 LNTS 115
Agreement providing for the construction of a military
highway to Alaska.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa March 17 and 18, 1942.
Entered into force March 18, 1942.
56 Stat. 1458; EAS 246; 6 Bevans 261; 101 UNTS 205
Agreement relating to access to the Alaska Highway.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa April 10, 1943.
Entered into force April 10, 1943.
57 Stat. 1274; EAS 362; 6 Bevans 319; 21 UNTS 237
Agreement relating to the designation of the highway from
Dawson Creek, British Columbia, to Fairbanks, Alaska, as the
“Alaska Highway”.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 19, 1943.
Entered into force July 19, 1943.
57 Stat. 1023; EAS 331; 6 Bevans 324; 29 UNTS 289
Agreement relating to the use by civil aircraft of Stephenville
and Argentia military air bases in Newfoundland.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa June 4, 1949.
Entered into force June 4, 1949.
63 Stat. 2486; TIAS 1933; 6 Bevans 488; 200 UNTS 201
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning air traffic control.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa December 20 and 27, 1963.
Entered into force December 27, 1963.
14 UST 1737; TIAS 5480; 494 UNTS 21
Memorandum of understanding concerning research and
development in transportation.
Signed June 18, 1970.
Entered into force June 18, 1970.
Agreement relating to cooperation in reconstruction of
Canadian portions of the Alaska Highway.
Exchange of notes at Ottawa January 11 and February 11,
Entered into force February 11, 1977.
28 UST 5303; TIAS 8631; 1087 UNTS 3
Memorandum of agreement relating to the provision of flight
inspection services.
Signed at Washington and Koblenz March 10 and April 1, 1978.
Entered into force April 1, 1978.
30 UST 278; TIAS 9198
February 4 and 24, 1982 (TIAS 10565; 1871 UNTS 516)
Agreement concerning the airworthiness and environmental
certification of imported civil aeronautical products.
Exchange of letters at Ottawa August 31, 1984.
Entered into force August 31, 1984.
TIAS 11023; 1469 UNTS 339
Memorandum of cooperation for mutual cooperation in the
area of civil aviation research, engineering and development,
with annex.
Signed at Washington and Ottawa May 6 and July 9, 1996.
Entered into force July 9, 1996.
Agreement for promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Toronto June 12, 2000.
Entered into force June 12, 2000.
TIAS 13118
Agreement on air transport preclearance, with annexes and
agreed minute.
Signed at Toronto January 18, 2001.
Entered into force May 2, 2003.
TIAS 13136
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington March 12, 2007.
Entered into force March 12, 2007.
TIAS 07-312
Agreement on land, rail, marine, and air transport
Signed at Washington March 16, 2015.
Entered into force August 15, 2019.
TIAS 19.815.1
Agreement concerning a CARICOM-United States Council on
Trade and Investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington July 22, 1991.
Entered into force July 22, 1991.
Trade and investment framework agreement, with annex.
Signed at Port of Spain May 28, 2013.
Entered into force May 28, 2013.
TIAS 13-528.1
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in the Central African Republic.
Exchange of notes at Bangui September 9 and November 24,
Entered into force November 24, 1966.
17 UST 2205; TIAS 6157; 681 UNTS 21
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Bangui December 12, 2008 and
December 4, 2009.
Entered into force December 4, 2009.
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel
who may be temporarily present in Central African Republic.
Exchange of notes at Bangui December 10, 2009 and June 3,
Entered into force June 3, 2010.
TIAS 10-603
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Bangui December 31, 1964.
Entered into force January 1, 1965.
15 UST 2556; TIAS 5747; 542 UNTS 29
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, or guaranteed by the United States
Government through the Export-Import Bank, with annexes.
Signed at Washington April 29, 1983.
Entered into force June 13, 1983.
TIAS 10721; 1578 UNTS 55
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, or guaranteed by the United States
Government through the Export-Import Bank, with annexes.
Signed at Bangui February 16, 1984.
Entered into force April 16, 1984.
35 UST 4813; TIAS 10967
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to or guaranteed by the United States
Government through the Export-Import Bank of the United
Signed at Washington May 23, 1986.
Entered into force August 1, 1986.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Bangui March 22, 1990.
Entered into force May 3, 1990.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Bangui September 6, 1994.
Entered into force October 11, 1994.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its Agency, with
Signed at Bangui September 1, 1999.
Entered into force December 15, 1999.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction, and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its Agency, with
Signed at Bangui February 20, 2008.
Entered into force April 1, 2008.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its Agency, with annexes.
Signed at Bangui August 22, 2008.
Entered into force October 7, 2008.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its Agency, with annexes.
Signed at Bangui March 18, 2010.
Entered into force May 13, 2010.
Agreement relating to economic, technical and related
Exchange of notes at Bangui February 10, 1963.
Entered into force February 10, 1963.
14 UST 185; TIAS 5294; 473 UNTS 83
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington and Bangui January 13 and 19, 2004.
Entered into force January 19, 2004.
TIAS 04-119
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Bangui and Washington June 22 and September 21,
Entered into force November 1, 1988.
TIAS 11636
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of assistance in
developing and modernizing their civil aviation security
infrastructure in the managerial, operational and technical
Signed at Arlington April 23, 2015.
Entered April 23, 2015.
Agreement for the establishment of a Peace Corps program in
Exchange of notes at Fort Lamy August 31, 1966.
Entered into force August 31, 1966.
17 UST 1384; TIAS 6094
Agreement regarding the status of personnel of the United
States in Chad.
Signed at N’Djamena July 5, 2005.
Entered into force July 5, 2005.
TIAS 05-705
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at N’Djamena July 19, 2006 and May 9,
Entered into force May 9, 2007.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Stuttgart September 19, 2014.
Entered into force September 19, 2014.
Aviation leadership program agreement.
Signed November 12 and December 15, 2015.
Entered into force December 15, 2015.
Agreement concerning the creation of the American
International School of N’Djamena.
Signed at N’Djamena March 5, 2007.
Entered into force April 6, 2007.
TIAS 07-406
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at N’Djamena April 19, 1991 and June 23,
Entered into force June 23, 1992.
TIAS 92-623.1
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at N’Djamena and Washington September 27 and
November 28, 1995.
Entered into force November 28, 1995.
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Fort Lamy May 12, 1965.
Entered into force May 12, 1965.
16 UST 789; TIAS 5812; 546 UNTS 183.
Agreement on economic, technical and related assistance.
Signed at N’Djamena September 22, 1986.
Entered into force September 22, 1986.
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Exchange of notes at N’Djamena March 26 and June 30, 2003.
Entered into force June 30, 2003.
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at N’Djamena and Washington July 19 and 23 and
August 6, 1987.
Entered into force August 17, 1987.
TIAS 11553
Memorandum of understanding for scientific and technical
cooperation in agricultural research and development.
Signed at Santiago August 28, 1981.
Entered into force August 28, 1981.
33 UST 3742; TIAS 10256; 1541 UNTS 113
Treaty for the advancement of peace and the settlement of
disputes that may occur between the United States of America
and Chile.
Signed at Washington July 24, 1914.
Entered into force January 19, 1916.
39 Stat. 1645; TS 621; 6 Bevans 550
Agreement relating to passport visas for nonimmigrants.*
Exchange of notes at Santiago August 29, 1950.
Effective September 1, 1950.
1 UST 719; TIAS 2137; 122 UNTS 43
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Santiago October 22 and 27, 1937.
Entered into force October 27, 1937.
51 Stat. 331; EAS 112; 6 Bevans 566
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the transfer to Chile of certain United
States naval vessels.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 4, 1951, with
memorandum of understanding dated January 9, 1951.
Entered into force January 4, 1951.
3 UST 2741; TIAS 2444; 165 UNTS 105
Military assistance agreement.
Signed at Santiago April 9, 1952.
Entered into force July 11, 1952.
3 UST 5123; TIAS 2703; 186 UNTS 53
Agreement for disposition of equipment and materials
furnished by the United States under the military assistance
agreement of April 9, 1952, and no longer required by Chile.
Exchange of notes at Santiago November 30 and
December 28, 1956.
Entered into force December 28, 1956.
8 UST 13; TIAS 3730; 266 UNTS 421
Agreement relating to the deposit by Chile of ten percent of
the value of grant military assistance and excess defense
Exchange of notes at Santiago March 28 and April 11, 1972.
Entered into force April 11, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 930; TIAS 7361
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of officers
between the U.S. Marine Corps and the Chilean Navy’s
Marine Corps.
Signed at Washington October 30, 1989.
Entered into force October 30, 1989.
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of staff
noncommissioned officers between the U.S. Marine Corps and
the Chilean Navy’s Marine Corps.
Signed at Washington and Santiago February 7 and 26, 1992.
Entered into force February 26, 1992.
Agreement governing the protection of classified military
information or material.
Exchange of notes at Santiago August 13 and September 1,
Entered into force September 1, 1992.
TIAS 12281.
Agreement concerning the exchange and reimbursement of
marine aviation and propulsion fuels, with annexes.
Signed at Fort Belvoir and Valparaiso June 28 and July 13,
Entered into force July 13, 2005.
TIAS 05-713
Agreement regarding the exchange of military personnel, with
Signed at Santiago December 2, 2005.
Entered into force December 2, 2005.
Amendment and Extension:
November 9 and December 9 and 30, 2015
Agreement regarding the exchange of administrative and
professional personnel in financial management headquarters
organizations, with annexes and appendices.
Signed at Valparaiso December 31, 2005.
Entered into force December 31, 2005.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
defense services, and related training, including pursuant to
the United States International Military Education and
Training Program (IMET), from the United States to the
Government of Chile.
Exchange of notes at Santiago December 6, 2005 and July 5,
Entered into force July 5, 2006.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the Inter-
American Naval Telecommunications Network.
Signed October 18 and November 14, 2006.
Entered into force November 14, 2006.
TIAS 06-1114
Memorandum of agreement establishing a midshipmen/cadet
exchange program (MCEP), with appendix.
Signed at Annapolis and Valparaiso May 11, 2007.
Entered into force May 11, 2007.
April 3, 2012 (NP)
September 8, 2016 (NP)
Agreement regarding the exchange of engineers and scientists,
with annexes and appendices.
Signed at Washington June 13, 2007.
Entered into force June 13, 2007.
Memorandum of understanding regarding the assignment of
foreign liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 19 and 26, 2007.
Entered into force September 26, 2007.
Amendment and Extension:
July 10 and 18, 2017 (NP)
Agreement concerning exchange of research and development
information, with appendix.
Signed at Washington April 8, 2008.
Entered into force April 8, 2008.
TIAS 08-408
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Santiago September 2, 2011.
Entered into force September 2, 2011.
Agreement regarding the assignment of Chilean Defense
personnel to the U.S. Army, with annexes.
Signed August 15 and 17, 2017.
Entered into force November 14, 2017.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Chilean Army personnel to U.S. Special Operations
Command, with annexes.
Signed November 2 and December 26, 2017.
Entered into force December 26, 2017.
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed April 4 and March 7, 2018.
Entered into force March 7, 2018, with effect from November 4,
Amendment and Extension:
August 19 and November 4, 2019 (NP)
Agreement for educational cooperation.
Signed at Washington February 26, 1997.
Entered into force November 9, 1998.
TIAS 12837
Agreement on the equal opportunities scholarship program.
Signed at Washington August 8, 2007.
Entered into force August 8, 2007.
TIAS 07-808.1
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Santiago April 16, 1998.
Entered into force April 16, 1998.
TIAS 12942
Agreement on environmental cooperation.
Signed at Santiago June 17, 2003.
Entered into force April 30, 2004.
TIAS 04-430
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington February 6, 1974.
Entered into force February 6, 1974.
25 UST 1712; TIAS 7908
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to the Agency for International
Development pursuant to certain loan agreements, with
Signed at Washington February 6, 1974.
Entered into force February 6, 1974.
25 UST 1714; TIAS 7908
Memorandum of understanding regarding the consolidation
and rescheduling of certain Chilean debts owed to, guaranteed
or insured by the United States Government and its agencies.
Signed at Washington June 17, 1974.
Entered into force June 17, 1974; effective May 15, 1974.
25 UST 2683; TIAS 7940
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to the Agency for International
Development pursuant to certain loan agreements, with
Signed at Washington July 1, 1974.
Entered into force July 1, 1974.
25 UST 2691; TIAS 7940
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
payments under PL 480 Title I agricultural commodity
agreements, with annexes.
Signed at Washington October 22, 1974.
Entered into force October 22, 1974.
25 UST 2704; TIAS 7940
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes and
Signed at Washington July 3, 1975.
Entered into force September 8, 1975.
28 UST 5587; TIAS 8649
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
payments under PL 480 Title I agricultural commodity
Signed at Washington April 5, 1976.
Entered into force April 5, 1976.
28 UST 5587; TIAS 8649
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to the Agency for International
Development pursuant to certain loan agreements, with
Signed at Washington May 26, 1976.
Entered into force May 26, 1976.
28 UST 5609; TIAS 8649
Investment incentive agreement.
Exchange of notes at Santiago September 22, 1983.
Entered into force February 14, 1984.
35 UST 2958; TIAS 10832; 2014 UNTS 537
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington February 6, 1986.
Entered into force March 17, 1986.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Washington August 13, 1987.
Entered into force September 21, 1987.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to
the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Washington June 27, 1991.
Entered into force August 8, 1991.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts related to
foreign assistance owed to the Government of the United
States and its agencies, with appendices.
Signed at Washington and Santiago December 11 and 15, 1992.
Entered into force January 14, 1993.
Basic agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at Santiago January 16, 1951.
Entered into force July 27, 1951.
3 UST 390; TIAS 2403; 151 UNTS 147
January 8, 1952 (3 UST 4697; TIAS 2627; 179 UNTS 265)
October 17, 1952 (3 UST 5136; TIAS 2704; 184 UNTS 376)
Agreement relating to an informational media guaranty
program in Chile.
Exchange of notes at Santiago January 14, 1955.
Entered into force January 14, 1955.
6 UST 41; TIAS 3166; 238 UNTS 191
Agreement granting duty-free entry, exemption from internal
taxation, and free transportation within Chile to ultimate
beneficiary for certain relief supplies and equipment for U.S.
rehabilitation and relief agencies.
Exchange of notes at Santiago April 5, 1955.
Entered into force April 5, 1955.
6 UST 717; TIAS 3210; 250 UNTS 253
Agreement providing for a loan to Chile for reconstruction and
rehabilitation as a consequence of the May 1960 earthquakes.
Exchange of notes at Santiago August 3, 1961.
Entered into force August 3, 1961.
12 UST 1390; TIAS 4862; 433 UNTS 21
Agreement concerning the establishment of an Americas Fund
and Administering Board.
Signed at Santiago June 30, 1993.
Entered into force June 30, 1993.
TIAS 12504
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress the processing,
trafficking, consumption and export of narcotic drugs.
Signed at Santiago August 5, 1994.
Entered into force August 5, 1994.
TIAS 12561; 2379 UNTS 83
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Washington June 30, 2014.
Entered into force August 14, 2014.
TIAS 14-814
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Washington June 5, 2013.
Entered into force December 14, 2016.
TIAS 16-1214
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Washington May 30, 2013.
Entered into force September 20, 2017.
TIAS 17-920.4
Agreement regarding the marine scientific research activities
of the research vessel Hero.
Signed at Santiago June 1, 1983.
Entered into force June 1, 1983.
35 UST 2892; TIAS 10825; 2014 UNTS 535
Agreement providing for a grant for the acquisition of certain
nuclear research and training equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Santiago July 23, 1959 and
February 19, 1960.
Entered into force February 19, 1960.
11 UST 395; TIAS 4457; 371 UNTS 255
Treaty of peace, amity, commerce, and navigation, with
additional and explanatory convention signed at Santiago
September 1, 1833.*
Signed at Santiago May 16, 1832.
Entered into force April 29, 1834.
8 Stat. 434; TS 40; 6 Bevans 518
* Articles relating to commerce and navigation terminated
January 20, 1850.
International express mail agreement with detailed regulations.
Signed at Montevideo September 8, 1986.
Entered into force September 26, 1986.
TIAS 11392
Agreement relating to a cooperative meteorological
observation program in Chile.
Exchange of notes at Santiago February 23, June 2 and
September 7, 1977.
Entered into force February 15, 1978; effective January 1,
29 UST 1969; TIAS 8912
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding for scientific cooperation in
the earth sciences.
Signed at Reston and Santiago August 2 and 26, 1982.
Entered into force August 26, 1982.
34 UST 1791; TIAS 10457; 1751 UNTS 47
Amendment and Extension:
April 30 and August 27, 1993 (TIAS 12161)
Basic agreement relating to scientific and technological
cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Washington May 14, 1992.
Entered into force January 19, 1994.
TIAS 12453; 1792 UNTS 321
May 5 and June 22, 1999 (TIAS 99-622)
January 4 and 28, 2005 (TIAS 99-622)
June 27 and 28, 2006 (TIAS 99-622)
June 15 and 29, 2011 (TIAS 99-622)
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Santiago September 30 and
November 17, 1994.
Entered into force November 17, 1994.
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Washington January 16 and 20, 2004.
Entered into force January 20, 2004.
TIAS 04-120
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Santiago February 16, 2000.
Entered into force December 1, 2001.
TIAS 01-1201
Agreement concerning a cooperative program for tracking and
receiving radio signals from earth satellites and space vehicles.
Exchange of notes at Santiago February 16 and 19, 1959.
Entered into force February 19, 1959; operative
December 31, 1958.
10 UST 783; TIAS 4216; 343 UNTS 17
Agreement concerning the use of Mataveri Airport, Isla de
Pascua, as a space shuttle emergency landing and rescue site.
Signed at Santiago August 2, 1985.
Entered into force November 6, 1985.
TIAS 11248
Agreement concerning the reciprocal exemption from income
tax of income derived from the international operation of
Exchange of notes at Washington and Santiago August 6 and
December 4, 1990.
Entered into force December 4, 1990.
TIAS 11764; 2202 UNTS 297
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Santiago August 2 and 17, 1934.
Entered into force August 17, 1934.
49 Stat. 3667; EAS 72; 6 Bevans 564; 157 LNTS 15
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 30, 1967.
Entered into force December 30, 1967.
18 UST 2882; TIAS 6380; 701 UNTS 175
Provisional commercial agreement.
Exchange of notes at Santiago January 6 and February 1, 1938.
Entered into force January 5, 1940.
52 Stat. 1479; EAS 119; 6 Bevans 584; 190 LNTS 9
Reciprocal agreement relating to free importation privileges
for consular officers.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 12, April 16, and
May 12, 1952.
Entered into force May 12, 1952.
3 UST 4293; TIAS 2577; 177 UNTS 103
Agreement concerning a United States-Chile Council on Trade
and Investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington October 1, 1990.
Entered into force October 1, 1990.
Agreement on the United States-Chile Joint Commission on
Trade and Investment.
Signed at Geneva May 19, 1998.
Entered into force May 19, 1998.
United StatesChile free trade agreement, with annexes and
related exchanges of letters.
Signed at Miami June 6, 2003.
Entered into force January 1, 2004.
Agreement regarding certification of U.S. beef grading.
Exchange of letters at Washington and Santiago March 26,
Entered into force March 26, 2009.
TIAS 09-326
Antitrust cooperation agreement.
Signed at Washington March 31, 2011.
Entered into force March 31, 2011.
TIAS 11-331
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Air transport agreement with exchanges of notes.*
Signed at Santiago May 10, 1947.
Entered into force December 30, 1948.
62 Stat. 3755; TIAS 1905; 6 Bevans 626; 55 UNTS 21
*This agreement is suspended so long as the Multilateral Agreement
the Liberalization of International Air Transportation, signed May
1, 2001, remains in force between the United States and Chile.
Memorandum of cooperation in the promotion and
development of civil aviation, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Santiago July 11, 1997.
Entered into force July 11, 1997.
TIAS 12875
Agreement concerning the deployment of in-flight security
Signed at Santiago August 11, 2017.
Entered into force June 28, 2018.
TIAS 18-628
NOTE: See also note under TAIWAN at the end of Section 1.
Agreement on agricultural cooperation, with addenda.
Signed at Washington April 10, 1999.
Entered into force April 10, 1999.
Agreement concerning the settlement of claims.
Signed at Beijing May 11, 1979.
Entered into force May 11, 1979.
30 UST 1957; TIAS 9306; 1153 UNTS 289
September 28, 1979 (31 UST 5596; TIAS 9675)
Memorandum of understanding concerning settlement of
claims relating to deaths, injuries or losses suffered by
Chinese personnel as a result of the U.S. bombing of the
Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, with
Signed at Beijing July 30, 1999.
Entered into force July 30, 1999.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the settlement of
U.S. claims for property loss and damage after the U.S.
bombing of the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of
Signed at Beijing December 16, 1999.
Entered into force December 16, 1999.
Agreement concerning the settlement of Chinese claims for
property loss and damage as a result of the U.S. bombing of
the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Signed at Beijing December 16, 1999.
Entered into force December 16, 1999.
Agreement relating to the reciprocal issuance of visas to crew
members of aircraft and vessels.
Exchange of notes at Beijing January 7, 1981.
Entered into force January 7, 1981.
32 UST 4533; TIAS 9965; 1267 UNTS 335
Agreement relating to reciprocal facilitation of visa issuance.
Exchange of notes at Beijing December 2, 1985.
Entered into force January 2, 1986.
Agreement relating to the reciprocal facilitation of visa
Exchange of notes at Beijing April 14, 1993.
Entered into force May 14, 1993.
TIAS 12495
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Cultural agreement.
Signed at Washington January 31, 1979.
Entered into force January 31, 1979.
TIAS 9178
Memorandum of understanding on the development of
bilateral tourism relations.
Signed at Beijing August 5, 1982.
Entered into force August 5, 1982.
34 UST 1418; TIAS 10426
Agreement concerning the United States volunteer program in
Signed at Beijing June 29, 1998.
Entered into force June 29, 1998.
TIAS 12969
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of
import restrictions on categories of archaeological material
from the Paleolithic period through the Tang Dynasty and
monumental sculptures and wall art at least 250 years old.
Signed at Beijing January 10, 2019.
Entered into force January 14, 2019.
TIAS 19-114.1
Agreement on the mutual establishment of consular relations
and the opening of consulates general, with annex.
Signed at Washington January 31, 1979.
Entered into force January 31, 1979.
30 UST 17; TIAS 9177
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the establishment of consulates
Exchange of notes at Beijing August 24, 1979.
Entered into force August 24, 1979.
Consular convention, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington September 17, 1980.
Entered into force February 19, 1982.
33 UST 2973; TIAS 10209; 1529 UNTS 199
Agreement concerning the establishment of additional
consulates general.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 17, 1980.
Entered into force September 17, 1980.
TIAS 12007
Agreement relating to privileges and immunities for the
respective diplomatic missions in Washington and Beijing.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 5, 1981.
Entered into force January 5, 1981.
TIAS 13079
Agreement modifying the consular convention of
September 17, 1980.
Exchange of notes at Beijing January 17, 1981.
Entered into force February 19, 1982.
33 UST 3048; TIAS 10209
Agreement concerning the establishment of additional
consulates general, with annex and related letter.
Exchange of notes at Beijing June 16, 1981.
Entered into force June 16, 1981.
TIAS 12007
Agreement concerning the enlargement of existing consular
Exchange of notes at June 16, 1981.
Entered into force June 16, 1981.
Agreement regarding the maintenance of the U.S. consulate
general in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Signed at Beijing March 25, 1997.
Entered into force July 1, 1997.
TIAS 12845
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Beijing October 18, 1995.
Entered into force October 18, 1995.
TIAS 12698
Agreement relating to investment guaranties, with related
notes and statement.
Exchange of notes at Beijing October 30, 1980.
Entered into force October 30, 1980.
32 UST 4010; TIAS 9924; 1267 UNTS 315
Memorandum of understanding on effective cooperation and
implementation of United Nations General Assembly
Resolution 46/215 of December 20, 1991.
Signed at Washington December 3, 1993.
Entered into force December 3, 1993.
November 14 and December 20, 1994
October 22 and December 27, 1996
August 24 and December 2, 1998
August 30 and December 31, 2001
July 2 and October 22, 2004
December 16 and December 31, 2009
Agreement on the safety of drugs and medical devices.
Signed at Beijing December 11, 2007.
Entered into force December 11, 2007.
TIAS 07-1211
Agreement of the safety of food and feed, with annex.
Signed at Beijing December 11, 2007.
Entered into force December 11, 2007.
TIAS 07-1211.1
Memorandum of understanding on the protection of
intellectual property.
Signed at Washington January 17, 1992.
Entered into force January 17, 1992.
TIAS 12036
Memorandum of understanding on prohibiting import and
export trade in prison labor products.
Signed at Washington August 7, 1992.
Entered into force August 7, 1992.
Statement of cooperation on the implementation of the
memorandum of understanding on prohibiting import and
export trade in prison labor products.
Signed at Beijing March 14, 1994.
Entered into force March 14, 1994.
Agreement regarding mutual assistance in customs matters.
Signed at Washington April 9, 1999.
Entered into force April 10, 2003.
TIAS 13029
Agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Beijing June 19, 2000.
Entered into force March 8, 2001.
TIAS 13102
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning maritime search and rescue
Signed at Washington January 20, 1987.
Entered into force January 20, 1987.
TIAS 12013; 2244 UNTS 71
Agreement on establishing a consultation mechanism to
strengthen military maritime safety.
Signed at Beijing January 19, 1998.
Entered into force January 19, 1998.
TIAS 12924
Agreement on maritime transport, with annex.
Signed at Washington December 8, 2003.
Entered into force April 24, 2004.
Memorandum of agreement on satellite technology
Signed at Beijing February 11, 1993.
Entered into force February 11, 1993.
TIAS 12486
Agreement on cooperation concerning peaceful uses of
nuclear technologies, with annex.
Signed at Beijing June 29, 1998.
Entered into force June 29, 1998.
TIAS 12968
Agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of
nuclear energy, with agreed minute.
Signed at Beijing April 13, 2015.
Entered into force October 29, 2015.
TIAS 15-1029
Protocol on cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with
Signed at Rockville and Beijing August 15 and September 5,
Entered into force September 5, 2018.
TIAS 18-905
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST field trial, with details of implementation.
Signed at Beijing and Washington January 17 and
February 5, 1987.
Entered into force March 1, 1987.
Agreement concerning the mutual provision of properties for
use of the two countries, with appendices.
Signed at Beijing March 23, 1991.
Entered into force April 22, 1991.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the provision of
properties in Washington, D.C., Beijing, and Guangzhou.
Signed at Beijing November 1, 2000.
Entered into force November 1, 2000.
TIAS 00-1101
Agreement on the conditions of construction of new embassy
complexes in Washington and Beijing, with appendices.
Signed at Washington November 17, 2003.
Entered into force November 17, 2003.
TIAS 03-1117
Agreement on the conditions of construction of diplomatic and
consular complexes in the People’s Republic of China and the
United States of America, with annex.
Signed at Washington August 20, 2009.
Entered into force August 20, 2009.
TIAS 09-820
Agreement on cooperation in science and technology, with
exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington January 31, 1979.
Entered into force January 31, 1979.
30 UST 35; TIAS 9179; 1150 UNTS 349
Amendments and Extensions:
January 12, 1984 (TIAS 10921)
January 25 and 27, 1989
May 22, 1991
April 24 and 25, 2001
April 18, 2006
January 19, 2011
November 20, 2013 (TIAS 13-1120)
April 18 and 21, 2016 (TIAS 16-421)
June 5, 6 and August 30, 2017 (TIAS 17-830)
September 17 and 22, 2018 (TIAS 18-922)
January 31 and 31, 218 (TIAS 18-131)
June 22 and 27, 2018 (TIAS 18-627)
Protocol on science and technology of transportation.
Signed at Beijing May 11, 1983.
Entered into force May 11, 1983.
October 25, 1996
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the basic
biomedical sciences.
Signed at Beijing May 11, 1983.
Entered into force May 11, 1983.
December 20, 2005
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Protocol on cooperation in the basic sciences.
Signed at Beijing January 16, 1995.
Entered into force January 16, 1995.
Amendment and Extension:
March 27, 2006
Protocol for cooperation on a clean energy research center,
with annex.
Signed at Beijing November 17, 2009.
Entered into force November 17, 2009.
TIAS 09-1117.1
July 1, 2016 (TIAS 16-701)
Protocol concerning earth observation and related data
Signed at Beijing November 2, 2010.
Entered into force November 2, 2010.
TIAS 10-1102.2
Protocol on cooperation in energy sciences.
Signed at Washington January 18, 2011.
Entered into force January 18, 2011.
TIAS 11-118
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the use of
U.S. land remote sensing satellite data, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Beijing October 10 and 20, 2012.
Entered into force October 20, 2012.
TIAS 12-1020
Protocol to extend and amend the Agreement for cooperation
in the science and technology of medicine and public health.*
Signed at Washington November 20, 2013.
Entered into force November 20, 2013.
TIAS 13-1120
* This agreement, despite its title, replaces the agreement of
December 4, 2008 (TIAS 08-1204).
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in agriculture
and related fields, with annex.
Signed at Washington September 24, 2015.
Entered into force September 24, 2015.
TIAS 15-924
Memorandum of understanding on environmental cooperation,
with annexes.
Signed at Washington November 19, 2015.
Entered into force November 19, 2015.
TIAS 15-1119
Memorandum of agreement on liability for satellite launches.
Signed at Washington December 17, 1988.
Entered into force March 16, 1989.
Agreement with respect to mutual exemption from taxation of
transportation income of shipping and air transport enterprises.
Signed at Beijing March 5, 1982.
Entered into force September 23, 1983; effective January 1,
35 UST 3819; TIAS 10884; 2014 UNTS 419
Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of tax evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with protocol and exchange of notes.
Signed at Beijing April 30, 1984.
Entered into force November 21, 1986.
TIAS 12065
Protocol concerning the interpretation of paragraph 7 of the
protocol to the agreement for the avoidance of double taxation
and the prevention of tax evasion with respect to taxes on
income of April 30, 1984.
Signed at Beijing May 10, 1986.
Entered into force November 21, 1986.
TIAS 12065
Agreement on the establishment of the direct secure telephone
Signed at Beijing April 29, 1998.
Entered into force April 29, 1998.
Agreement on the establishment of a secure defense telephone
Signed at Shanghai February 29, 2008.
Entered into force February 29, 2008.
TIAS 08-229
Agreement on trade exhibitions.
Signed at Beijing May 10, 1979.
Entered into force May 10, 1979.
30 UST 4472; TIAS 9470; 1171 UNTS 305
Agreement on trade relations.
Signed at Beijing July 7, 1979.
Entered into force February 1, 1980.
31 UST 4651; TIAS 9630; 1202 UNTS 179
Accord on industrial and technological cooperation.
Signed at Washington January 12, 1984.
Entered into force January 12, 1984.
35 UST 4233; TIAS 10920
Agreement for orderly trade in ammonium paratungstate and
tungstic acid, with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 28, 1987.
Entered into force September 28, 1987;effective October 1,
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding regarding certain measures
granting refunds, reductions or exemptions from taxes or other
Signed at Geneva November 29, 2007.
Entered into force November 29, 2007.
TIAS 07-1129
Memorandum of understanding regarding films for theatrical
release, with annex.
Signed at Geneva April 25, 2012.
Entered into force April 25, 2012.
TIAS 12-425
Agreement relating to civil air transport, with annexes and
exchanges of letters.
Signed at Washington September 17, 1980.
Entered into force September 17, 1980.
33 UST 4559; TIAS 10326
February 10, 1992 (TIAS 12448)
February 16 and March 27, 1996 (TIAS 96-327)
April 8, 1999 (TIAS 96-327)
July 24, 2004 (TIAS 96-327)
July 9, 2007 (TIAS 96-327)
Memorandum of cooperation in the field of civil aviation, with
Signed at Washington March 14, 1986.
Entered into force March 14, 1986.
Amendments and Extensions:
November 23, 1990 and January 26, 1991
November 16, 1994
Agreement concerning the airworthiness certification of
imported civil aeronautical products.
Exchange of notes at Beijing October 8 and 14, 1991.
Entered into force October 14, 1991.
TIAS 12437
Agreement for promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Washington October 20, 2005.
Entered into force October 20, 2005.
In connection with Hong Kong, the People’s Republic of China submitted
to the Secretary General of the United Nations a note, dated June 20, 1997,
which reads in pertinent part as follows:
In accordance with the Joint Declaration of the Government of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland and the Government of the
People’s Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong signed on 19
December 1984 (hereinafter referred to as the Joint Declaration), the
People’s Republic of China will resume the exercise of sovereignty over
Hong Kong with effect from 1 July 1997. Hong Kong will, with effect
from that date, become a Special Administrative Region of the People’s
Republic of China.
It is provided in Section I of Annex I to the Joint Declaration, “Elaboration
by the Government of the People’s Republic of China of its Basic Policies
Regarding Hong Kong”, and in Articles 12, 13 and 14 of the Basic Law of
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of
China, which was adopted on 4 April 1990 by the National People’s
Congress of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the
Basic law), that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will enjoy
a high degree of autonomy, except in foreign and defence affairs which are
the responsibility
of the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China.
Furthermore, it is provided both in Section XI of Annex I to the Joint
Declaration and Article 153 of the Basic Law that international agreements
to which the People’s Republic of China is not a party but which are
implemented in Hong Kong may continue to be implemented in the Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region.
In this connection, on behalf of the Government of the People’s Republic
of China, I would like to inform Your Excellency as follows:
I. The treaties listed in Annex I [not printed herein] to this Note, to which
the People’s Republic of China is a party, will be applied to the Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region with effect from 1 July 1997 as they:
(i) are applied to Hong Kong before 1 July 1997; or
(ii) fall within the category of foreign affairs or defence or, owing to their
nature and provisions, must apply to the entire territory of a State; or
(iii) are not applied to Hong Kong before 1 July 1997 but with respect to
which it has been decided to apply them to the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region with effect from that date (denoted by an asterisk in
Annex I.)
II. The treaties listed in Annex II [not printed herein] to this Note, to which
the People’s Republic of China is not yet a party and which apply to Hong
Kong before 1 July 1997, will continue to apply to the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region with effect from 1 July 1997.
The provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as
applied to Hong Kong shall remain in force beginning from 1 July 1997....
III. The Government of the People’s Republic of China has already carried
out separately the formalities required for the application of the treaties
listed in the aforesaid Annexes, including all the related amendments,
protocols, reservations and declarations, to the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region with effect from 1 July 1997.
IV. With respect to any other treaty not listed in the Annexes to this Note,
to which the People’s Republic of China is or will become a party, in the
event that it is decided to apply such treaty to the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region, the Government of the Peoples Republic of China
will carry out separately the formalities for such application. For the
avoidance of doubt, no separate formalities will need to be carried out by
the Government of the People’s Republic of China with respect to treaties
which fall within the category of foreign affairs or defence or which,
owing to their nature and provisions, must apply to the entire territory of a
Agreement for the surrender of fugitive offenders.
Signed at Hong Kong December 20, 1996.
Entered into force January 21, 1998.
TIAS 98-121
Agreement for the transfer of sentenced persons.
Signed at Hong Kong April 15, 1997.
Entered into force April 18, 1999.
TIAS 99-418
Agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters,
with annex.
Signed at Hong Kong April 15, 1997.
Entered into force January 21, 2000.
TIAS 00-121
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Parcel post agreement and regulations of execution.
Signed at Hong Kong January 18 and at Washington
February 2, 1961.
Entered into force July 1, 1961.
12 UST 328; TIAS 4721
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Hong Kong and Washington January 2 and
February 6, 1979.
Entered into force March 15, 1979; effective February 1, 1979.
30 UST 3427; TIAS 9398; 1180 UNTS 25
Protocol concerning scientific and technical cooperation in
earth sciences.
Signed at Hong Kong November 9, 2009.
Entered into force November 9, 2009.
TIAS 09-1109
Agreement for the reciprocal exemption with respect to taxes
on income from the international operation of ships.
Exchange of notes at Hong Kong August 1, 1989.
Entered into force August 1, 1989.
TIAS 11892; 1549 UNTS 91
Agreement for the exchange of information relating to taxes,
with protocol.
Signed at Hong Kong March 25, 2014.
Entered into force June 20, 2014.
Agreement for cooperation to facilitate the implementation of
the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.
Signed at Hong Kong November 13, 2014.
Entered into force July 6, 2016.
Agreement concerning air services, with annex.
Signed at Hong Kong April 7, 1997.
Entered into force April 7, 1997.
TIAS 12849; 1981 UNTS 231
In connection with Macao, the People’s Republic of China submitted to
the Secretary General of the United Nations a note, dated December 13,
1999, which reads in pertinent part as follows:
In accordance with the Joint Declaration of the Government of the
People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of
Portugal on the Question of Macao signed on 13 April 1987 (hereinafter
referred to as the Joint Declaration), the Government of the People’s
Republic of China will resume the exercise of sovereignty over Macao
with effect from 20 December 1999. Macao will, from that date, become a
Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.
It is provided in Section I of Elaboration by the Government of the
People’s Republic of China of its Basic Policies Regarding Macao, which
is Annex I to the Joint Declaration, and in Article 12, 13 and 14 of the
Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s
Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Basic Law),which was
adopted by the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of
China on 31 March 1993, that the Macao Special Administrative Region
will enjoy a high degree of autonomy, except in foreign and defence affairs
which are the responsibilities of the Central People’s Government of the
People’s Republic of China. Furthermore, it is provided both in Section
VIII of Annex I to the Joint Declaration and Article 138 of the Basic Law
that international agreements to which the People’s Republic of China is
not yet a party but which are implemented in Macao may continue to be
implemented in the Macao Special Administrative Region.
In this connection, on behalf of the Government of the People’s Republic
of China, I have the honour to inform your Excellency that:
I. The Treaties listed in Annex I [not printed herein] to this Note, to which
the People’s Republic of China is a Party, will be applied to the Macao
Special Administrative Region with effect from 20 December 1999 so long
as they are one of the following categories:
(i) Treaties that apply to Macao before 20 December 1999;
(ii) Treaties that must apply to the entire territory of a state as they concern
foreign affairs or defence or their nature or provisions so require.
II. The Treaties listed in Annex II [not printed herein] to this Note, to
which the People’s Republic of China is not yet a Party and which apply to
Macao before 20 December 1999, will continue to apply to the Macao
Special Administrative Region with effect from 20 December 1999.
III. The Government of the People’s Republic of China has notified the
treaty depositories concerned of the application of the treaties including
their amendments and protocols as listed in the aforesaid Annexes as well
as reservations and declarations made thereto by the Chinese Government
to the Macao Special Administrative Region with effect from 20
December 1999.
IV. With respect to other treaties that are not listed in the Annexes to this
Note, to which the People’s Republic of China is or will become a Party,
the Government of the People’s Republic of China will go through
separately the necessary formalities for their application to the Macao
Special Administrative Region if it is so decided.
Parcel post agreement with detailed regulations for execution.
Signed at Macao February 23 and at Washington June 8, 1973.
Entered into force August 1, 1974.
25 UST 2982; TIAS 7961
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Macao and Washington May 3 and June 14, 1983.
Entered into force October 1, 1983.
35 UST 1403; TIAS 10736; 2006 UNTS 333
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST field trial, with details of implementation.
Signed at Macao and Washington April 29 and May 21, 1985.
Entered into force May 21, 1985.
TIAS 11246
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Macao July 3, 1996.
Entered into force July 3, 1996.
TIAS 12777
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for the eradication of foot-and-mouth disease in
the areas adjacent to the Colombian-Panamanian border, with
Signed at Bogota August 8, 1979.
Entered into force October 10, 1979.
33 UST 1643; TIAS 10138
Agreement relating to the extension of the validity of
nonimmigrant visas.*
Exchange of notes at Bogota June 13 and 26, 1956, and
May 22, 1957.
Entered into force June 21, 1957.
10 UST 1250; TIAS 4263; 354 UNTS 21
June 5 and 11, 1957 (10 UST 1250; TIAS 4263; 354 UNTS 29)
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 15 and 26, 1949.
Entered into force July 26, 1949.
63 Stat. 2799; TIAS 2048; 6 Bevans 998; 73 UNTS 105
Agreement for using volunteers to carry out social and
economic development projects in Colombia.
Signed at Bogota April 2, 1963.
Entered into force July 12, 1963.
26 UST 1764; TIAS 8134; 1006 UNTS 7
Related Agreement:
May 11, 2010 (TIAS 10-511)
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition
restrictions on archaeological material from the Pre-
Columbian cultures and certain ecclesiastical ethnological
material from the colonial period in Colombia.
Signed at Bogota March 15, 2006.
Entered into force March 15, 2006.
TIAS 06-315
Amendment and Extension:
February 25 and March 11, 2011 (TIAS 06-315)
March 9 and 10, 2016 (TIAS 16-310.1)
Agreement relating to the procurement of strategic materials.
Exchange of notes at Bogota March 29, 1943.
Entered into force March 29, 1943.
58 Stat. 1546; EAS 442; 6 Bevans 954; 124 UNTS 139
Military assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Bogota April 17, 1952.
Entered into force April 17, 1952.
3 UST 3690; TIAS 2496; 174 UNTS 15
Agreement for performance by members of Army, Navy, and
Air Force missions of duties of military assistance advisory
group specified in article V of the military assistance
agreement of
April 17, 1952.
Exchange of notes at Bogota July 13 and September 16, 1955.
Entered into force September 20, 1955.
6 UST 3904; TIAS 3393; 256 UNTS 221
Agreement providing for disposition of equipment and
materials furnished by the United States under the military
assistance agreement of April 17, 1952.
Exchange of notes at Bogota February 22 and March 14, 1956.
Entered into force March 14, 1956.
7 UST 475; TIAS 3531; 270 UNTS 392
Agreement relating to the furnishing of military equipment,
materials, and services.
Exchange of notes at Bogota April 3, 1961.
Entered into force April 3, 1961.
12 UST 492; TIAS 4740; 407 UNTS 3
Agreement relating to the deposit of ten percent of the grants
of military assistance and excess defense articles given by the
United States with related aide memoire.
Exchange of notes at Bogota August 25, 1972.
Entered into force August 25, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 3149; TIAS 7492; 898 UNTS 171
Agreement concerning an army mission, a naval mission, and
an air force mission of the United States armed forces in
Signed at Bogota October 7, 1974.
Entered into force April 16, 1975.
TIAS 8986; 29 UST 2901; 1148 UNTS 75
Agreement concerning general security of military
Exchange of notes at Bogota December 16, 1981.
Entered into force December 16, 1981.
33 UST 4444; TIAS 10315
Memorandum of agreement on the exchange of naval
Signed at Bogota and Washington March 8 and April 30, 1985.
Entered into force April 30, 1985.
TIAS 11255
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning
geospatial information and services cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Bogota and Washington April 11 and 23, 2002.
Entered into force April 23, 2002.
Agreement regarding the exchange of military personnel
(MPEP), with annex.
Signed at Washington and Bogota August 2 and September 10,
Entered into force September 10, 2002.
December 21, 2012 and January 10, 2013
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the assignment of liaison officers, with
Signed at Washington and Bogota July 15 and October 22,
Entered into force October 22, 2005.
Amendment and Extension:
December 11 and March 9, 2016
Agreement concerning exchange of research and development
information, with appendix.
Signed at Bogota and Washington May 22 and July 21, 2009.
Entered into force July 21, 2009.
TIAS 09-721
Agreement for cooperation and technical assistance in defense
and security.
Signed at Bogota October 30, 2009.
Entered into force October 30, 2009.
TIAS 09-1030
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training, and other
defense services, including pursuant to the Global Peace
Operations Initiative (GPOI) Program, from the United States
of America to the Government of Colombia.
Exchange of notes at Bogota December 27, 2010.
Entered into force December 27, 2010.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Bogota and Miami June 27 and 30, 2012.
Entered into force June 30, 2012.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed December 17, 2015 and March 17, 2016.
Entered into force March 17, 2016.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Columbian Defense personnel to U. S. Southern Command,
with annexes.
Signed at Miami and Bogota April 25 and June 9, 2017.
Entered into force June 9, 2017.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Bogota and Miami July 4 and September 24, 2018.
Entered into force September 24, 2018.
Consular convention.*
Signed at Washington May 4, 1850.
Entered into force October 30, 1851.
10 Stat. 900; TS 55; 6 Bevans 882
* Article III, paragraphs 8 and 11, terminated by the United States as
of July 1, 1916, in accordance with the Seamen’s Act (38 Stat.
Agreement relating to reciprocal customs privileges for
consular officers.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 9 and 10, 1968.
Entered into force May 10, 1968.
19 UST 4864; TIAS 6491; 698 UNTS 237
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Exchange of notes at Bogota June 12, 1967 and March 8, 1971.
Entered into force March 11, 1971.
22 UST 1705; TIAS 7198; 808 UNTS 368
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Bogota March 30 and May 25, 1982.
Entered into force May 25, 1982.
35 UST 1301; TIAS 10729; 1607 UNTS 95
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Washington October 28, 1998.
Entered into force October 28, 1998.
TIAS 12989
Agreement on environmental cooperation.
Signed at Washington April 19, 2013.
Entered into force June 28, 2013.
TIAS 13-628
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of letters at Bogota October 5, 1962.
Entered into force October 5, 1962.
13 UST 2465; TIAS 5210; 459 UNTS 191
Investment incentive agreement.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 3, 1985.
Entered into force April 3, 1985.
TIAS 12043
July 18 and August 19, 1985 (TIAS 12043)
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts related to
foreign assistance owed to the Government of the United
States and its agencies, with appendices.
Signed at Washington December 15, 1992.
Entered into force January 14, 1993.
June 1 and 30, 1993 (NP)
July 2 and 19, 1993 (NP)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding a debt-for-nature swap to prepay and
cancel certain debt owed by the Government of the Republic
of Colombia to the Government of the United States of
America, with attachments.
Signed at Bogota March 30, 2004.
Entered into force April 29, 2004.
TIAS 04-429
Agreement on certain fishing rights in implementation of the
treaty and exchange of notes of September 8, 1972 (TIAS
Exchange of notes at Bogota October 24 and December 6,
Entered into force December 6, 1983; effective March 1, 1984.
35 UST 3105; TIAS 10842; 2015 UNTS 3
Agreement for a cooperative program of agriculture and
natural resources in Colombia.
Exchange of notes at Bogota May 25 and June 9, 1953.
Entered into force June 9, 1953.
4 UST 1601; TIAS 2827; 213 UNTS 3
General agreement for economic, technical and related
Signed at Bogota July 23, 1962.
Entered into force July 23, 1962.
13 UST 1778; TIAS 5123; 458 UNTS 123
Related Agreements:
August 30, 2004
June 19, 2008
Agreement concerning the establishment of an Americas
Account and Administering Council.
Signed at Bogota June 18, 1993.
Entered into force June 18, 1993.
TIAS 12502
March 27, 2000
Country assistance agreement, with annexes.
Signed April 8, 2009.
Entered into force April 8, 2009.
September 30, 2009 (NP)
May 20, 2010 (NP)
September 29, 2011 (NP)
September 6, 2012 (NP)
Cooperative agreement, with attachments.
Signed July 31, 2012.
Entered into force July 31, 2012.
Development objectives grant agreement for expanded state
presence, reconciliation, rural economic growth and
environmental resiliency.
Signed at Bogota June 12, 2015.
Entered into force June 12, 2015.
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons of the United
States of America to the International Criminal Court.
Signed at Bogota September 17, 2003.
Entered into force September 17, 2003.
TIAS 03-917
Procedures for mutual assistance in the administration of
justice in connection with the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
Signed at Washington April 22, 1976.
Entered into force April 22, 1976.
27 UST 1059; TIAS 8244
Related Agreements:
July 7 and 15, 1980 (32 UST 1921; TIAS 9809; 1234 UNTS 423)
August 28 and September 10, 1980 (32 UST 2599; TIAS 9860; 1274
UNTS 261)
Extradition treaty, with annex.
Signed at Washington September 14, 1979.
Entered into force March 4, 1982.
Agreement relating to cooperation to curb the illegal traffic in
Exchange of notes at Bogota July 21 and August 6, 1980.
Entered into force August 6, 1980.
32 UST 2301; TIAS 9838; 1274 UNTS 255
Mutual cooperation agreement to combat, prevent and control
money laundering arising from illicit activities.
Signed at San Antonio February 27, 1992.
Entered into force February 27, 1992.
TIAS 12450
Agreement regarding mutual assistance.
Signed at Miami September 21, 1999.
Entered into force September 21, 1999.
TIAS 13062
Agreement regarding the provision of articles, services and
associated training by the Government of the United States for
counter-narcotics purposes.
Exchange of notes at Bogota February 28 and 29, 2000.
Entered into force February 29, 2000.
Agreement regarding the Cooperating Nation Information
Exchange System.
Exchange of notes at Bogota July 18, 2006, January 10, 2007,
and January 17, 2007.
Entered into force January 17, 2007.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding property title transfer.
Signed at Bogota December 7, 2007.
Entered into force December 7, 2007.
Property title transfer agreement for Grand Caravan aircraft.
Signed at Bogota March 25, 2008.
Entered into force April 14, 2008.
Property title transfer agreement for Schweizer aircraft.
Signed at Bogota April 4, 2008.
Entered into force April 14, 2008.
TIAS 08-414
Agreement concerning the program for the suppression of
illicit aerial traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic
substances (Air Bridge Denial), with annexes.
Signed at Bogota December 30, 2009.
Entered into force December 30, 2009.
August 25, 2012
Title transfer agreement for five UH-60 helicopters.
Signed at Bogota December 29, 2010.
Entered into force December 30, 2010.
Agreement concerning the sharing of forfeited proceeds and
instrumentalities of crime.
Signed at Cartagena November 21, 2016.
Entered into force November 21, 2016.
TIAS 16-1121
Agreement to suppress illicit traffic by sea.
Signed at Bogota February 20, 1997.
Entered into force February 20, 1997.
TIAS 12835
Agreement providing for a grant for the acquisition of nuclear
training and research equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Bogota July 31, 1959 and January 11,
Entered into force January 11, 1960.
11 UST 138; TIAS 4421; 371 UNTS 37
Treaty for the settlement of differences arising out of the
events which took place on the Isthmus of Panama in
November 1903.
Signed at Bogota April 6, 1914.
Entered into force March 1, 1922.
42 Stat. 2122; TS 661; 6 Bevans 900; 9 LNTS 301
Parcel post agreement.
Signed at Bogota and Washington January 31 and February 7,
Operative April 1, 1939.
53 Stat. 2136; Post Office Department print; 196 LNTS 53
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Washington and Bogota June 13 and July 7, 1983.
Entered into force September 3, 1983.
35 UST 1459; TIAS 10738; 2006 UNTS 361
Agreement relating to the reestablishment, operation, and
maintenance of the rawinsonde observation stations at Bogota
and on San Andres Island, with memorandum of arrangement.
Exchange of letters at Bogota April 28 and September 8, 1981.
Entered into force September 8, 1981.
TIAS 12377
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes, and
exchange of rectifying notes.
Signed at Reston and Bogota April 24 and May 9, 2008.
Entered into force May 9, 2008.
TIAS 08-509
Supplemental agreement regarding the strengthening of
technical and related assistance for scientific, technical, and
technological cooperation and innovation, with annexes.
Signed at Bogota June 9, 2010.
Entered into force September 15, 2010.
TIAS 10-915
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Reston and Bogota January 10 and February 20,
Entered into force February 20, 2013.
TIAS 13-220.1
Agreement for relief from double taxation on earnings from
operations of ships and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 1, 1961.
Entered into force December 11, 1961.
12 UST 3141; TIAS 4916; 433 UNTS 123
October 16, 1987 (TIAS 11563; 2185 UNTS 464)
Agreement for the exchange of tax information.
Signed at Bogota March 30, 2001.
Entered into force April 30, 2014.
TIAS 14-430
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Bogota November 16 and 29, 1963.
Entered into force December 29, 1963.
14 UST 1754; TIAS 5483; 494 UNTS 49
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Bogota October 19 and 28, 1965.
Entered into force November 28, 1965.
16 UST 1742; TIAS 5899; 574 UNTS 109
Treaty concerning the status of Quita Sueno, Roncador and
Serrana, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Bogota September 8, 1972.
Entered into force September 17, 1981.*
33 UST 1405; TIAS 10120; 1307 UNTS 379
* With understanding.
Treaty of peace, amity, navigation, and commerce, with
additional article.*
Signed at Bogota December 12, 1846.
Entered into force June 10, 1848.
9 Stat. 881; TS 54; 6 Bevans 868
* Article 33 terminated by the United States effective July 1, 1916,
in accordance with the Seamen’s Act (38 Stat. 1164).
Agreement concerning a United States-Colombia Joint
Commission on Trade and Investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington July 17, 1990.
Entered into force July 17, 1990.
Agreement regarding sanitary and phytosanitary measures and
technical barriers to trade.
Exchange of letters at Bogota and Washington February 26,
Entered into force February 26, 2006.
TIAS 06-226
Agreement regarding trade in beef and beef products of the
United States, with annex.
Exchange of letters at Bogota and Washington August 21, 2006.
Entered into force August 21, 2006.
TIAS 06-821
Agreement on control measures on salmonella in poultry and
poultry products.
Exchange of letters April 15, 2012.
Entered into force April 15, 2012.
TIAS 12-415
Agreement on control measures on avian influenza.
Exchange of letters April 15, 2012.
Entered into force April 15, 2012.
TIAS 12-415.1
Agreement on phytosanitary measures for importation of U.S.
paddy rice.
Exchange of letters April 15, 2012.
Entered into force April 15, 2012.
TIAS 12-415.2
Trade promotion agreement.
Signed at Washington November 22, 2006.
Entered into force May 15, 2012.
Agreement on antitrust cooperation.
Signed at Washington and Montevideo September 5 and 16,
Entered into force September 16, 2014.
TIAS 14-916
Agreement for cooperation in the construction of the
Colombia segment of the Darien Gap Highway.
Signed at Washington May 6, 1971.
Entered into force May 6, 1971.
22 UST 617; TIAS 7112; 793 UNTS 3
Agreement relating to the sale of six C-47 aircraft to Colombia
for civilian cargo and passenger service.
Signed at Bogota April 21, 1976.
Entered into force April 21, 1976.
27 UST 4317; TIAS 8453; 1071 UNTS 73
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of assistance in
developing and modernizing Colombia’s civil aviation
Signed August 2 and 4, 1994.
Entered into force August 4, 1994.
March 1, 2005 (NP)
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Bogota May 10, 2011.
Entered into force May 6, 2014.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
NOTE: Representatives of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and
Venezuela signed for the Commission.
Memorandum of understanding concerning trade, financing,
science and technology, development of industry, agriculture
and infrastructure.
Signed at Washington November 21, 1979.
Entered into force November 21, 1979.
32 UST 4399; TIAS 9953; 1266 UNTS 293
Memorandum of understanding on science and technology
Signed at Washington November 21, 1979.
Entered into force November 21, 1979.
32 UST 4327; TIAS 9949; 1266 UNTS 285
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Comoros.
Signed at Moroni September 5, 2014.
Entered into force September 5, 2014.
TIAS 14-905
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Moroni August 5, 1986 and
September 22, 1987.
Entered into force September 22, 1987.
TIAS 11403
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Kadani July 6, 2014.
Entered into force July 6, 2014.
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel in
the Union of the Comoros.
Signed at Moroni June 7, 2013.
Entered into force September 24, 2014.
TIAS 14-924.4
Agreement concerning employment on a reciprocal basis of
dependents of members of diplomatic missions and consular
posts assigned to official duty in the United States of America
or the Union of the Comoros.
Exchange of notes at Washington and New York City April 14
and June 6, 2016.
Entered into force June 6, 2016.
TIAS 16-606
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Moroni December 8, 2008.
Entered into force December 8, 2008.
TIAS 08-1208
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Moroni June 30, 2004.
Entered into force June 30, 2004.
TIAS 04-630
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Moroni March 8 and September 8, 1989.
Entered into force October 8, 1989.
TIAS 11699
Reciprocal agreement between the United States and France
relating to visa fees for nonimmigrants.*
Exchanges of notes at Washington August 19 and
September 4, 5, and 16, 1947.
Entered into force September 16, 1947; operative October 1,
61 Stat. 3776; TIAS 1721; 7 Bevans 1210; 84 UNTS 19
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement concerning the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in the Congo.
Exchange of notes at Brazzaville April 21, 1990.
Entered into force April 21, 1990.
TIAS 90-421
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the end use of defense articles, relating
training, including training material or other defense services.
Signed at Brazzaville March 18 2014.
Entered into force March 18, 2014.
TIAS 14-318.2
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Brazzaville September 25, 2014 and
March 12, 2015.
Entered into force March 12, 2015.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 11 and May 23, 1997.
Entered into force May 23, 1997.
TIAS 12859
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program.
Signed at Brazzaville June 28, 2005.
Entered into force June 28, 2005.
TIAS 05-628
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Brazzaville June 26, 1987.
Entered into force August 7, 1987.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agency, with
Signed at Brazzaville May 6, 1994.
Entered into force June 30, 1994.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agency, with
Signed at Brazzaville November 21, 1994.
Entered into force January 19, 1995.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington September 12, 2002.
Entered into force September 12, 2002.
TIAS 02-912
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies.
Signed at Brazzaville May 6, 2005.
Entered into force June 13, 2005.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Brazzaville July 8, 2005.
Entered into force August 22, 2005.
Agreement regarding the reduction of debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Brazzaville January 31, 2007.
Entered into force June 30, 2007.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Brazzaville June 12, 2009.
Entered into force August 24, 2009.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Brazzaville July 15, 2010.
Entered into force September 6, 2010.
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Brazzaville June 2, 2004.
Entered into force June 2, 2004.
TIAS 04-602
Extradition convention between the United States and France.
Signed at Paris January 6, 1909.
Entered into force July 27, 1911.
37 Stat. 1526; TS 561; 7 Bevans 872
Supplementary extradition convention between the United
States and France.
Signed at Paris January 15, 1929.
Entered into force May 19, 1929.
46 Stat. 2276; TS 787; 7 Bevans 972; 92 LNTS 259
Supplementary extradition convention between the United
States and France.
Signed at Paris April 23, 1936.
Entered into force September 24, 1936.
50 Stat. 1117; TS 909; 7 Bevans 995; 172 LNTS 197
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Brazzaville and Washington July 15 and August 12,
Entered into force September 15, 1988.
TIAS 11659
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST service, with details of implementation.
Signed at Brazzaville and Washington March 20, 1990, and
May 13, 1991.
Entered into force May 28, 1991.
TIAS 11835
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington February 12, 1990.
Entered into force August 13, 1994.
TIAS 94-813
Air transport services agreement between the United States
and France.
Signed at Paris March 27, 1946.
Entered into force March 27, 1946.
61 Stat. 3445; TIAS 1679; 7 Bevans 1109; 139 UNTS 114
Extensions and Amendments:
June 23 and July 11, 1950 (1 UST 593; TIAS 2106; 139 UNTS 142)
March 19, 1951 (2 UST 1033; TIAS 2257; 139 UNTS 151)
March 19, 1951 (2 UST 1037; TIAS 2258; 139 UNTS 146)
August 27, 1959 (10 UST 1791; TIAS 4336; 358 UNTS 277)
Treaty obligations assumed by the Congo upon its
Exchange of notes at Brazzaville May 12 and August 5, 1961.
Entered into force August 5, 1961.
13 UST 2065; TIAS 5161; 603 UNTS 19
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Exchange of notes at Kinshasa May 8 and October 12, 1970.
Entered into force October 12, 1970.
23 UST 268; TIAS 7304
Agreement relating to military assistance and provision for a
military mission to Congo (Leopoldville).
Exchange of notes at Leopoldville June 24 and July 19, 1963.
Entered into force July 19, 1963.
15 UST 142; TIAS 5530; 511 UNTS 47
Agreement relating to the deposit by Zaire of ten percent of
the value of grant military assistance and excess defense
articles furnished by the United States.
Exchange of notes at Kinshasa April 18 and May 16, 1972.
Entered into force May 16, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 1442; TIAS 7422
Agreement regarding the status of U.S. military personnel and
civilian employees of the Department of Defense who may be
present in Zaire in connection with humanitarian efforts.
Exchange of notes at Kinshasa July 21 and 22, 1994.
Entered into force July 22, 1994.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart and Kinshasa July 14 and September 29,
Entered into force September 29, 2006.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program and the
Peacekeeping Operation (PKO) Program.
Exchange of notes at Kinshasa June 5, 2006 and August 9,
Entered into force August 9, 2007.
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel
who may be temporarily present in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo.
Exchange of notes at Kinshasa August 28 and 30, 2008.
Entered into force August 30, 2008.
TIAS 08-830
Agreement concerning the status of the American School of
Signed at Kinshasa April 24, 2013.
Entered into force September 14, 2016.
TIAS 16-914
Agreement concerning the employment of dependents of
official government employees, with attachment.
Exchange of notes at Kinshasa January 12, 2002 and
October 8, 2003.
Entered into force October 8, 2003.
TIAS 03-1008
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States government and its agencies.
Signed at Washington June 17, 1977.
Entered into force August 30, 1977.
28 UST 7593; TIAS 8731
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
payments due under PL 480 Title I agricultural commodity
agreements, with annexes.
Signed at Washington July 19, 1978.
Entered into force July 19, 1978.
30 UST 3511; TIAS 9405; 1179 UNTS 37
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington February 7, 1979.
Entered into force April 4, 1979.
30 UST 3601; TIAS 9416; 1171 UNTS 135
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
payments due under PL 480 Title I agricultural commodities
agreements, with annexes.
Signed at Washington August 1, 1979.
Entered into force August 1, 1979.
30 UST 6279; TIAS 9553; 1179 UNTS 49
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kinshasa July 28, 1980.
Entered into force October 20, 1980.
32 UST 3631; TIAS 9907
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
payments due under PL 480 Title I agricultural commodity
agreements, with annexes.
Signed at Kinshasa March 10, 1981.
Entered into force March 10, 1981.
33 UST 1249; TIAS 10108; 1285 UNTS 3
Implementation agreement regarding the consolidation and
rescheduling of repayments due under Agency for
International Development loans.
Signed at Kinshasa April 8, 1981.
Entered into force April 8, 1981.
33 UST 1725; TIAS 10141
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kinshasa July 23, 1982.
Entered into force August 30, 1982.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kinshasa May 3, 1984.
Entered into force June 11, 1984.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kinshasa December 3, 1985.
Entered into force January 9, 1986.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kinshasa April 9, 1987.
Entered into force May 18, 1987.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kinshasa February 20, 1988.
Entered into force April 18, 1988.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kinshasa December 23, 1989.
Entered into force February 5, 1990.
Agreement regarding the reduction and consolidation of debts
owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United States
Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kinshasa April 10, 2003.
Entered into force June 5, 2003.
Agreement regarding the reduction and consolidation of debts
owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United States
Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kinshasa September 14, 2005.
Entered into force October 20, 2005.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Kinshasa December 23, 2005.
Entered into force December 23, 2005.
TIAS 05-1223
Agreement regarding the reduction of debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kinshasa April 26, 2011.
Entered into force June 10, 2011.
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and Belgium.*
Signed at Brussels July 2, 1948.
Entered into force July 29, 1948.
62 Stat. 2173; TIAS 1781; 5 Bevans 678; 19 UNTS 127
* Only article III is applicable to Congo (Leopoldville).
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for economic and technical cooperation.
Signed at Kinshasa September 11, 2008.
Entered into force September 11, 2008.
TIAS 08-911
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington March 19, 2003.
Entered into force July 22, 2003.
TIAS 03-722.2
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Kinshasa and Washington June 29 and July 20, 1990.
Entered into force August 30, 1990.
TIAS 11736
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investment, with protocol and exchange of
correcting notes.
Signed at Washington August 3, 1984.
Entered into force July 28, 1989.
TIAS 89-728
Air transport agreement.
Signed at New York August 14, 1970.
Entered into force August 14, 1970.
21 UST 1932; TIAS 6935; 763 UNTS 71
Treaty on friendship and delimitation of the maritime
boundary between the United States and the Cook Islands.
Signed at Rarotonga June 11, 1980.
Entered into force September 8, 1983.
35 UST 2061; TIAS 10774; 1676 UNTS 223
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in the Cook Islands.
Exchange of notes at Wellington and Rarotonga April 28, 1981.
Entered into force April 28, 1981.
33 UST 1080; TIAS 10093; 1285 UNTS 113
Investment incentive agreement.
Exchange of notes at Wellington and Rarotonga September 2
and October 10, 1983.
Entered into force April 16, 1984.
35 UST 3116; TIAS 10843; 1676 UNTS 235
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress illicit traffic in
narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances by sea.
Signed at Rarotonga November 8, 2007.
Entered into force November 8, 2007.
TIAS 07-1108
Agreement concerning cooperation in joint maritime
surveillance operations.
Signed at Apia July 25, 2008.
Entered into force July 25, 2008.
TIAS 08-725
Agreement relating to cooperative rubber investigations in
Costa Rica.
Exchange of notes at San Jose April 19 and June 16, 1941.
Entered into force June 16, 1941.
55 Stat. 1368; EAS 222; 6 Bevans 1056; 103 LNTS 173
Extensions and Amendments:
April 3, 1943 (57 Stat. 944; EAS 318; 6 Bevans 1074; 13 UNTS 463)
June 21 and July 1, 1943 (57 Stat. 1048; EAS 335)
Agreement confirming the cooperative agreement for the
prevention of foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest in Costa
Exchange of notes at San Jose April 5 and June 6, 1972.
Entered into force June 6, 1972.
23 UST 1122; TIAS 7372
Agreement for the waiver of passport visa fees for
Exchange of notes at San Jose June 29, 1925.
Operative July 25, 1925.
6 Bevans 1046
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at San Jose November 30 and December 2,
Entered into force December 2, 1950.
2 UST 405; TIAS 2180; 133 UNTS 61
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Costa Rica.
Exchange of notes at San Jose November 21 and 23, 1962.
Entered into force August 11, 1964.
15 UST 2317; TIAS 5719; 541 UNTS 67
Agreement relating to photomapping project.
Exchange of notes at San Jose August 6 and October 2, 1946.
Entered into force October 2, 1946.
December 3 and 7, 1953 (NP)
Agreement relating to the free movement of the military
aircraft of each country into and through the airspace of the
Exchange of notes at San Jose February 19 and 25, 1952.
Entered into force February 25, 1952.
3 UST 3882; TIAS 2518; 174 UNTS 233
Agreement relating to privileges and immunities for United
States personnel providing assistance to the drought stricken
provinces in northern Costa Rica.
Exchange of notes at San Jose March 30, 1983.
Entered into force March 30, 1983.
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for topographic
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting and information,
geodesy and geophysics, digital data and related mapping,
charting and geodesy materials, with glossary.
Signed at San Jose and Fairfax June 14 and July 2, 1996.
Entered into force July 2, 1996.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training, and other
defense services, including pursuant to the United States
International Military Education and Training (IMET)
Program, from the Government of the United States of
America to the Government of Costa Rica
Exchange of notes at San Jose March 4 and 18, 2016.
Entered into force March 18, 2016.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Miami April 1, 2016.
Entered into force April 1, 2016.
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or
successor legislation, the Arms Export Control Act, and other
Department of Defense authorities, and the furnishing of
defense articles, related training, and other defense services,
from the United States of America to Costa Rica under such
Exchange of notes at San Jose August 22 and November 16,
Entered into force November 16, 2016.
TIAS 16-1116
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed March 7 and April 19, 2018.
Entered into force April 19, 2018.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and San Jose November 26, 2018 and
January 10, 2019.
Entered into force January 10, 2019.
Consular convention.*
Signed at San Jose January 12, 1948.
Entered into force March 19, 1950.
1 UST 247; TIAS 2045; 70 UNTS 27
* Applicable to all areas of land and water subject to the sovereignty
or authority of either state.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at San Jose June 8, 1992.
Entered into force June 8, 1992.
TIAS 12455
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at San Jose April 22, 1996.
Entered into force April 22, 1996.
TIAS 12743
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at San Jose November 22, 1968.
Entered into force October 24, 1969.
20 UST 3001; TIAS 6776; 726 UNTS 157
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington May 18, 1984.
Entered into force June 22, 1984.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies.
Signed at San Jose February 22, 1990.
Entered into force April 9, 1990.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Swap agreement among the United States Treasury and the
Central Bank of Costa Rica/Government of Costa Rica.
Signed at Washington and San Jose May 18, 1990.
Entered into force May 18, 1990.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at San Jose February 19, 1992.
Entered into force April 20, 1992.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at San Jose November 22, 1993.
Entered into force August 10, 1994.
Agreement regarding a debt-for-nature swap program under
the U.S. Tropical Forest Conservation Act.
Signed at San Jose September 13, 2007.
Entered into force September 13, 2007.
TIAS 07-913
September 25 and 26, 2007 (TIAS 07-913)
Agreement regarding a debt-for-nature swap with respect to
certain debt owed by the Central Bank of Costa Rica to the
Government of the United States, with schedules.
Signed at San Jose September 13, 2007.
Entered into force September 13, 2007.
TIAS 07-913.1.
September 25 and 27, 2007 (TIAS 07-913.1).
Agreement regarding a debt-for-nature swap program under
the U.S. Tropical Forest Conservation Act, with schedules.
Signed at San Jose September 24, 2010.
Entered into force September 24, 2010.
TIAS 10-924
Agreement regarding a debt-for-nature swap with respect to
certain debt owed by the Central Bank of Costa Rica to the
Government of the United States of America, with schedule.
Signed at San Jose September 24, 2010.
Entered into force September 24, 2010.
TIAS 10-924.1
General agreement for economic, technical and related
Signed at San Jose December 22, 1961.
Entered into force September 7, 1962.
13 UST 1978; TIAS 5155; 460 UNTS 277
Agreement relating to the provision of assistance to curb the
production and traffic in illegal narcotics.
Exchange of notes at San Jose May 29 and June 2, 1975.
Entered into force June 2, 1975.
26 UST 3868; TIAS 8220; 1045 UNTS 17
Agreement relating to the provision of additional assistance to
support cooperative efforts to curb illegal narcotics production
and traffic.
Exchange of notes at San Jose June 21 and 24, 1976.
Entered into force June 24, 1976.
28 UST 2924; TIAS 8574; 1068 UNTS 189
Extradition treaty, with exchange of notes.
Signed at San Jose December 4, 1982.
Entered into force October 11, 1991.
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at San Jose May 28, 2015.
Entered into force May 9, 2017.
TIAS 17-509
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress illicit traffic.
Signed at San Jose December 1, 1998.
Entered into force November 19, 1999.
TIAS 13005
July 2, 1999 (TIAS 13005)
Agreement concerning the transboundary movement of
hazardous wastes from Costa Rica to the United States.
Exchange of notes at San Jose September 30 and November 17,
Entered into force November 17, 1997.
TIAS 97-1117
July 12 and September 13, 2002 (TIAS 97-1117)
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at San Jose and Washington August 19 and
September 14, 1989.
Entered into force September 15, 1989.
TIAS 11690
Postal money order agreement.
Signed at Mexico August 16, 1991.
Entered into force October 1, 1991.
TIAS 11799
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the operation and maintenance of a
rawinsonde observation station at San Jose, with
memorandum of arrangement.
Exchange of notes at San Jose April 29 and June 8, 1976.
Entered into force June 8, 1976; effective January 1, 1976.
28 UST 6075; TIAS 8669
Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to
taxes, with exchange of notes.
Signed at San Jose March 15, 1989.
Entered into force February 12, 1991.
TIAS 12059
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
annexes and supplemental agreement.
Signed at San Jose November 26, 2013.
Entered into force July 8, 2019.
TIAS 19-708
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 13 and October 19,
Entered into force October 19, 1956.
7 UST 2839; TIAS 3665; 278 UNTS 65
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at San Jose August 17 and 24, 1964.
Entered into force August 24, 1964.
15 UST 1787; TIAS 5649; 531 UNTS 107
Treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation.
Signed at Washington July 10, 1851.
Entered into force May 26, 1852.
10 Stat. 916; TS 62; 6 Bevans 1013
Convention concerning commercial travelers and protocol.
Signed at San Jose March 31, 1924.
Entered into force June 24, 1924.
43 Stat. 1765; TS 688; 6 Bevans 1041
Agreement relating to the Dominican Republic-Central
America-United States free trade agreement of August 5,
Exchange of letters at San Jose and Washington December 1,
Entered into force December 1, 2006.
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at San Jose May 8, 1997.
Entered into force October 15, 1999.
TIAS 12854
Memorandum of agreement relating to technical assistance in
developing and modernizing Costa Rica’s civil aviation
Signed December 10, 1999 and January 14, 2000.
Entered into force January 14, 2000.
November 9, 2006 and January 12, 2007 (NP)
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Ivory Coast.
Exchange of notes at Abidjan April 5 and 21, 1962.
Entered into force April 21, 1962.
15 UST 345; TIAS 5561; 526 UNTS 39
Agreement relating to United States military personnel and
civilian employees of the United States Department of
Defense who may be temporarily present in Cote d’Ivoire in
connection with the African Crisis Response Initiative and
other activities as may be agreed upon by the two
Exchange of notes at Abidjan July 20 and November 2, 1998.
Entered into force November 2, 1998.
TIAS 15-430
March 16 and April 30, 2015
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or
successor legislation; the Arms Export Control Act; 10U.S.C.
Section 333, and other Department of Defense authorities;
and the furnishing on a grant basis of defense articles, related
training, and other defense services from the United States of
America to Cote d'Ivoire under such authorities.
Exchange of notes at Abidjan June 7, 2017 and February 23,
Entered into force February 23, 2018.
TIAS 18-223.2
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Abidjan December 1, 1961.
Entered into force December 1, 1961.
13 UST 2711; TIAS 5242; 462 UNTS 221
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Abidjan February 27, 1985.
Entered into force April 10, 1985.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Abidjan January 31, 1986.
Entered into force March 10, 1986.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Abidjan March 31, 1987.
Entered into force May 21, 1987.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Abidjan July 14, 1988.
Entered into force August 26, 1988.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Abidjan September 29, 1990.
Entered into force November 16, 1990.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Abidjan May 29, 1992.
Entered into force July 20, 1992.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Abidjan August 26, 1994.
Entered into force October 7, 1994.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its Agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Washington July 29, 1998.
Entered into force September 10, 1998.
Agreement regarding the reduction, consolidation and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Washington July 29, 2002.
Entered into force October 8, 2002.
Agreement regarding the partial reduction and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Abidjan September 24, 2009.
Entered into force November 17, 2009.
Agreement regarding the partial reduction and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies. With annexes.
Signed at Abidjan February 1, 2013.
Entered into force March 25, 2013.
Agreement providing for economic, technical and related
Exchange of notes at Abidjan May 17, 1961.
Entered into force May 17, 1961.
12 UST 652; TIAS 4765; 409 UNTS 241
Millennium Challenge Compact, with annexes.
Signed at Washington November 7, 2017.
Entered into force August 5, 2019.
TIAS 19-805
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Abidjan June 30, 2003.
Entered into force October 16, 2003.
TIAS 03-1016
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Abidjan and Washington May 5 and 27, 1987.
Entered into force June 15, 1987.
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Abidjan August 16, 2016.
Entered into force August 16, 2016.
TIAS 16-816
Adherence agreement with respect to the regional housing
programme fund, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Paris September 24 and 26, 2012.
Entered into force September 26, 2012.
TIAS 12-926
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On June 25, 1991, Croatia became an independent state. For agreements
prior to the independence of Croatia, see YUGOSLAVIA.
Agreement on the protection and preservation of certain
cultural properties.
Signed at Washington February 9, 2005.
Entered into force January 8, 2007.
TIAS 07-108
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning
geospatial information and services cooperation, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Zagreb May 31 and June 15, 2001.
Entered into force June 15, 2001.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the use of
airspace, ranges, airports, seaports, and training facilities by
the United States forces in Europe.
Signed at Ramstein AB July 15, 2004.
Entered into force January 11, 2006.
TIAS 06-111
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
Exchange of notes at Zagreb July 24 and August 2, 2007.
Entered into force August 2, 2007.
Agreement on the status of United States forces in the
Republic of Croatia.
Signed at Washington April 3, 2008.
Entered into force August 20, 2008.
TIAS 08-820
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Zagreb January 16 and August 22,
Entered into force August 22, 2011.
Agreement on acquisition and cross-servicing. With annexes.
Signed at Zagreb and Stuttgart July 31 and August 1, 2012.
Entered into force January 30, 2013.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Tampa February 1, 2017.
Entered into force February 1, 2017.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Croatian Defense personnel to U.S. Central Command, with
Signed at Tampa February 1, 2017.
Entered into force February 1, 2017.
Agreement concerning cooperative unmanned vehicles in the
maritime environment.
Signed at Washington and Zagreb June 29 and July 24, 2017.
Entered into force July 24, 2017.
TIAS 17-724
Agreement on the status of the American International School
of Zagreb.
Signed at Zagreb June 27, 2001.
Entered into force November 14, 2002.
TIAS 13156
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 24 and June 20, 1995.
Entered into force June 20, 1995.
TIAS 12669
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Zagreb April 12, 1995.
Entered into force April 12, 1995.
TIAS 12628
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington January 15, 1993.
Entered into force January 15, 1993.
TIAS 12141
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Zagreb February 1, 1996.
Entered into force July 23, 1996.
Agreement concerning economic, technical and related
Signed at Zagreb May 6, 1994.
Entered into force May 1, 1995.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Washington February 16, 2011.
Entered into force August 19, 2011, with the exception of
Articles 8 through 10.
TIAS 11-819
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery
systems, and related materials by sea.
Signed at Washington June 1, 2005.
Entered into force March 6, 2007.
TIAS 07-306
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 19, 2018.
Entered into force September 19, 2018.
TIAS 18-919.1
International express mail agreement.
Signed at Zagreb and Washington September 14 and 30, 1992.
Entered into force December 14, 1992.
TIAS 11908
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
annexes and related exchange of notes.
Signed at Zagreb March 20, 2015.
Entered into force December 27, 2016.
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annex and protocol.
Signed at Zagreb July 13, 1996.
Entered into force June 20, 2001.
TIAS 01-620
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington February 3, 2011.
Entered into force September 7, 2011.
TIAS 11-907
Maritime boundary agreement.
Signed at Washington December 16, 1977.
Entered into force provisionally January 1, 1978.
Agreement extending provisional application of the maritime
boundary agreement of December 16, 1977.
Exchange of notes at Havana and Washington December 19
and 26, 2017.
Entered into force December 26, 2017, with effect from January
1, 2018.
TIAS 17-1226
Agreement for the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Habana May 4 and 12, 1938.
Entered into force May 12, 1938.
52 Stat. 1497; EAS 123; 6 Bevans 1173; 191 LNTS 19
Agreement for the lease to the United States of lands in Cuba
for coaling and naval stations.
Signed at Habana and Washington February 16, 1903 and
February 23, 1903.
Entered into force February 23, 1903.
TS 418; 6 Bevans 1113
Agreement providing conditions for the lease of coaling or
naval stations.
Signed at Habana July 2, 1903.
Entered into force October 6, 1903.
TS 426; 6 Bevans 1120
Agreement providing for the informal visits of warships.
Exchange of notes at Habana February 11 and 21, 1949.
Entered into force March 4, 1949.
5 UST 762; TIAS 2965; 231 UNTS 108
Extension and Amendments:
February 13 and 28 and March 3, 1950 (5 UST 762; TIAS 2965; 231
UNTS 113)
February 21 and 26, 1951 (5 UST 762; TIAS 2965; 231 UNTS 118)
February 8 and 21, 1952 (5 UST 773; TIAS 2965)
February 18 and 25, 1953 (5 UST 776; TIAS 2965)
November 23, 1953 and January 20, 1954 (5 UST 778; TIAS 2965;
231 UNTS 127)
Agreement providing for the services of a United States Air
Force mission to Cuba.
Signed at Washington December 22, 1950.
Entered into force December 22, 1950.
1 UST 887; TIAS 2166; 122 UNTS 97
May 3 and 17, 1955 (6 UST 2266; TIAS 3295; 264 UNTS 351)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement providing for the services of a United States Army
mission to Cuba.
Signed at Washington August 28, 1951.
Entered into force August 28, 1951.
2 UST 1677; TIAS 2309; 134 UNTS 225
May 3 and 17, 1955 (6 UST 2263; TIAS 3294; 264 UNTS 355)
Agreement providing for the services of a United States Naval
mission to Cuba.
Signed at Washington August 28, 1951.
Entered into force August 28, 1951.
2 UST 1689; TIAS 2310; 140 UNTS 239
May 3 and 17, 1955 (6 UST 784; TIAS 3222; 253 UNTS 360)
Agreement relating to the control of electro-magnetic
radiations in the event of attack.
Exchange of notes at Habana December 10 and 18, 1951.
Entered into force December 18, 1951.
3 UST 2860; TIAS 2459; 165 UNTS 3
Military assistance agreement.
Signed at Habana March 7, 1952.
Entered into force March 7, 1952.
3 UST 2901; TIAS 2467; 165 UNTS 11
Agreement providing for disposition of equipment and
materials furnished by the United States under the agreement
March 7, 1952.
Exchange of notes at Habana March 18 and May 3, 1955.
Entered into force May 3, 1955.
6 UST 2059; TIAS 3272; 258 UNTS 408
Agreement providing for performance by members of Army,
Navy, and Air Force missions of duties of military assistance
advisory group specified in article V of the military assistance
agreement of March 7, 1952.
Exchange of notes at Habana June 24 and August 3, 1955.
Entered into force August 10, 1955.
6 UST 2955; TIAS 3343; 265 UNTS 41
Agreement concerning financial arrangements for the
furnishing of certain supplies and services to naval vessels of
both countries.
Signed at Habana January 10, 1956.
Entered into force April 9, 1956.
7 UST 63; TIAS 3479; 240 UNTS 101
Consular convention.
Signed at Habana April 22, 1926.
Entered into force December 1, 1926.
44 Stat. 2471; TS 75; 6 Bevans 1149; 60 LNTS 371
Agreement relating to free-entry privileges for
noncommissioned personnel.
Exchange of notes at Habana March 23 and May 16, 1932.
Entered into force May 16, 1932.
5 UST 1638; TIAS 3040; 234 UNTS 283
Treaty of relations.
Signed at Washington May 29, 1934.
Entered into force June 9, 1934.
48 Stat. 1682; TS 866; 6 Bevans 1161
Agreement concerning the termination of the agreement of
May 30, 1977, relating to the establishment of interests
sections of the United States and Cuba.
Exchange of notes at Havana July 20, 2015.
Entered into force July 20, 2015.
TIAS 15-720
Cooperation agreement on preparedness for and response to
pollution caused by spills of hydrocarbons and other noxious
and potentially hazardous substances in the Gulf of Mexico
and the Straits of Florida.
Signed at Havana on January 9, 2017.
Entered into force June 30, 2017.
TIAS 17-630.1
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section
413 (b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Habana February 4, 1957.
Entered into force November 29, 1957.
8 UST 2375; TIAS 3953; 302 UNTS 273
Treaty providing for the mutual extradition of fugitives from
Signed at Washington April 6, 1904.
Entered into force March 2, 1905.*
33 Stat. 2265; TS 440; 6 Bevans 1128
* For amendment to the Spanish text, see 33 Stat. 2273; TS 441; 6
Bevans 1134.
Additional extradition treaty.
Signed at Habana January 14, 1926.
Entered into force June 18, 1926.
44 Stat. 2392; TS 737; 6 Bevans 1136; 61 LNTS 363
Convention between the United States of America and the
Republic of Cuba for the suppression of smuggling operations
between their respective territories.
Signed at Habana March 11, 1926.
Entered into force June 28, 1926.
44 Stat. 2402; TS 739; 6 Bevans 1144; 61 LNTS 383
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Habana February 12 and March 7, 1930.
Entered into force March 7, 1930.
6 Bevans 1157
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement relating to the reciprocal exemption of the
pleasure yachts of the two countries from navigation dues and
from usual requirements of entry and clearance.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 12 and 17, 1951.
Entered into force December 17, 1951.
3 UST 52; TIAS 2391; 152 UNTS 87
Agreement on maritime and aeronautical search and rescue,
with annex.
Signed at Havana January 18, 2017.
Entered into force June 5, 2017.
TIAS 17-605
Memorandum of understanding between the Embassy of
Switzerland in Habana representing the interests of the United
States in Cuba and the Foreign Ministry of the Government of
Cuba concerning the movement to the United States of Cubans
wishing to live in the United States, with related notes.
Exchange of notes at Habana November 6, 1965.
Entered into force November 6, 1965.
17 UST 1045; TIAS 6063; 601 UNTS 81
Joint communique on immigration matters, with minute on
Signed at New York December 14, 1984.
Entered into force December 14, 1984.
TIAS 11057; 2034 UNTS 193
Joint communique concerning normalizing migration
Signed at New York September 9, 1994.
Entered into force September 9, 1994.
Joint statement further normalizing migration procedures.
Signed at Washington May 2, 1995.
Entered into force May 2, 1995.
Joint statement concerning normalizing migration procedures.
Signed at Havana January 12, 2017.
Entered into force January 12, 2017.
TIAS 17-112
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Washington July 24, 1930.
Entered into force September 1, 1930.
46 Stat. 2844; Post Office Department print
Agreement relating to the exchange of third-party messages
between radio amateurs.
Exchange of notes at Habana September 17, 1951 and
February 27, 1952.
Entered into force February 27, 1952.
3 UST 3892; TIAS 2520; 168 UNTS 3
Treaty for the adjustment of title to the ownership of the Isle
of Pines.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1904.
Entered into force March 23, 1925.
44 Stat. 1997; TS 709; 6 Bevans 1124; 127 LNTS 143
Agreement to facilitate notification of private flights between
Cuba and the United States.
Exchange of notes at Habana January 19 and February 26,
Entered into force February 26, 1953.
4 UST 210; TIAS 2779; 205 UNTS 213
Air transport agreement, with annex.
Signed at Habana May 26, 1953.
Entered into force June 30, 1953.
4 UST 2837; TIAS 2892; 224 UNTS 75
May 21 and July 30, 1957 (8 UST 1407; TIAS 3891; 289 UNTS 322)
A treaty concerning the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus was
signed August 16, 1960, by the Governments of the United Kingdom,
Greece, Turkey and Cyprus (British Treaty Series No. 4 (1691)). Article 8
of the treaty provides that the Republic of Cyprus assumes, from August
16, 1960, all international obligations and responsibilities of the United
Kingdom in so far as they may be held to have application to the Republic
of Cyprus. Also, the international rights and benefits enjoyed by the
Government of the United Kingdom by virtue of their application to the
territory of the Republic of Cyprus are from August 16, 1960, enjoyed by
the Government of the Republic of Cyprus.
Agreement relating to the reciprocal waiver of fingerprinting
requirements for nonimmigrants.
Exchange of notes at Nicosia July 11, 1962 and January 11,
Entered into force January 11, 1963.
14 UST 6; TIAS 5271; 471 UNTS 127
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Cyprus.
Exchange of notes at Nicosia August 23, 1962.
Entered into force August 23, 1962.
13 UST 2089; TIAS 5166; 461 UNTS 147
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of
import restrictions on Pre-Classical and Classical
archaeological objects and Byzantine and Post-Byzantine
period ecclesiastical and ritual ethnological materials.
Signed at Washington July 16, 2002.
Entered into force July 16, 2002.
TIAS 02-716.1
Extension and Amendments:
August 17, 2006 (TIAS 02-716.1)
July 3 and 6, 2007 (TIAS 02-716.1)
July 10, 2012 (TIAS 12-710)
July 6 and 8, 2017 (TIAS 17-708)
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the assurances required under the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at London January 8, 1952.
Applicable to Cyprus January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4665; TIAS 2622; 126 UNTS 307
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel
who may be present in Cyprus.
Exchange of notes at Nicosia October 21 and December 5,
Entered into force December 5, 2002.
TIAS 02-1205
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Nicosia July 2 and August 2, 2007.
Entered into force August 2, 2007.
TIAS 07-802
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Nicosia November 24, 1998.
Entered into force November 24, 1998.
TIAS 13000
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Nicosia May 29, 1963.
Entered into force May 29, 1963.
14 UST 843; TIAS 5364; 487 UNTS 283
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Applicable to Cyprus July 6, 1948.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 12 Bevans 874; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 86 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 25, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
General agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at Nicosia June 29, 1961.
Entered into force June 29, 1961.
12 UST 890; TIAS 4792; 411 UNTS 55
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
relating to reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
Signed at Washington June 2, 1987.
Entered into force August 21, 1987.
TIAS 12113
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Washington June 17, 1996.
Entered into force September 14, 1999.
TIAS 99-914
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Nicosia December 20, 1999.
Entered into force September 18, 2002.
TIAS 13078
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on extradition between the United States of America and the
European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to the application of
the extradition treaty of June 17, 1996, with annex.
Signed at Nicosia January 20, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.4
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on mutual legal assistance between the United States of
America and the European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to
the application of the treaty of December 20, 1999, with
Signed at Nicosia January 20, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.27
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Nicosia December 1, 2015.
Entered into force March 31, 2017.
TIAS 17-331.1
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Nicosia August 3 and September 7, 1983.
Entered into force September 7, 1983.
35 UST 2170; TIAS 10782; 2011 UNTS 121
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery
systems, and related materials by sea, with appendix.
Signed at Washington July 25, 2005.
Entered into force January 12, 2006.
TIAS 06-112
Parcel post agreement with detailed regulations for execution.
Signed at Nicosia May 7 and at Washington June 8, 1973.
Entered into force September 1, 1974.
25 UST 3015; TIAS 7962
International express mail/datapost special express
memorandum of understanding, with detailed regulations.
Signed at Nicosia and Washington September 13 and
October 18, 1985.
Entered into force November 1, 1985.
TIAS 11159; 2126 UNTS 281
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST service, with details of implementation.
Signed at Nicosia and Washington March 12 and April 3, 1987.
Entered into force May 6, 1987.
TIAS 11298
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Cyprus February 9, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Nicosia February 5, 2009.
Entered into force October 29, 2009.
TIAS 09-1029
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with related notes.
Signed at Nicosia March 19, 1984.
Entered into force December 31, 1985.
35 UST 4737; TIAS 10965; 2019 UNTS 79
Agreement concerning reciprocal exemption from income tax
of income derived from the international operation of ships
and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Nicosia June 21 and July 8, 1988.
Entered into force July 8, 1988.
TIAS 11595; 2192 UNTS 167
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Nicosia March 4 and 10, 1987.
Entered into force March 10, 1987.
TIAS 11521
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 5, 1935.
Entered into force May 5, 1935.
49 Stat. 3731; EAS 77; 12 Bevans 501; 162 LNTS 59
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to air services.
Signed at Bermuda February 11, 1946.
Entered into force February 11, 1946.
60 Stat. 1499; TIAS 1507; 12 Bevans 726; 3 UNTS 253
For agreements prior to the independence of the Czech Republic on
January 1, 1993, see CZECHOSLOVAKIA.
Security agreement concerning security measures for the
protection of classified military information.
Signed at Prague September 19, 1995.
Entered into force September 19, 1995.
TIAS 12245
March 8 and August 30, 2007 (TIAS 07-831)
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annex and
implementing arrangement.
Signed at Prague November 19, 1996.
Entered into force November 19, 1996.
TIAS 12815
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning exchange and cooperation in the field
of geospatial information and services.
Signed at Dobruska September 16, 2002.
Entered into force September 16, 2002.
Agreement concerning the provision of assistance for
counterterrorism, military and stability operations.
Signed at Prague August 8, 2007.
Entered into force August 8, 2007.
TIAS 07-808.2
Agreement concerning exchange of research and development
information, with appendix.
Signed at Prague February 22, 2008.
Entered into force February 22, 2008.
TIAS 08-222
Agreement concerning the exchange of engineers and
scientists, with annexes.
Signed at Prague November 6, 2009.
Entered into force November 6, 2009.
Memorandum of agreement regarding assignment of liaison
Signed at Norfolk March 22, 2010.
Entered into force March 22, 2010.
Amendments and Extensions:
March 20, 2015
December 21, 2015
Agreement for research, development, testing, and evaluation
activities, with annexes.
Signed at Brussels June 10, 2010.
Entered into force June 10, 2010.
TIAS 10-610
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Prague and Stuttgart January 1 and February 2,
Entered into force February 2, 2016.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Czech Republic defense personnel to U.S. Special Operations
Signed at Tampa January 5, 2018.
Entered into force January 5, 2018.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at MacDill Air Force Base July 19, 2019.
Entered into force July 19, 2019.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Prague February 18 and October 1, 1993.
Entered into force October 1, 1993.
TIAS 93-1001
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Prague April 20, 1995.
Entered into force April 20, 1995.
TIAS 12632
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Washington February 4, 1998.
Entered into force May 7, 2000.
TIAS 12928
Second supplementary treaty on extradition.
Signed at Prague May 16, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.5
Supplementary treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal
Signed at Prague May 16, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.28
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Prague November 12, 2008.
Entered into force May 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-501
Agreement concerning cooperation in the area of countering
the proliferation of nuclear materials and technologies.
Signed at Prague September 17, 2007.
Entered into force September 17, 2007.
TIAS 07-917
Agreement regarding the transfer of fresh and spent nuclear
fuel in the Nuclear Research Institute at Rez to the Russian
Federation for management and storage.
Exchange of notes at Prague April 26 and May 3, 2007
Entered into force May 3, 2007.
TIAS 07-503
Agreement for cooperation in civilian nuclear energy research
and development.
Signed at Prague March 26, 2014.
Entered into force March 26, 2014.
TIAS 14-326
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with annex.
Signed at Vienna September 18, 2019.
Entered into force September 18, 2019.
TIAS 19-918.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Prague and Washington June 29 and September 1,
Entered into force September 1, 1993.
Memorandum of understanding on science and engineering
cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Prague July 13, 1994.
Entered into force July 13, 1994.
TIAS 12556
Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Prague September 6, 2007.
Entered into force May 2, 2008.
TIAS 08-502
Amendment and Extension:
April 27, 2018 (TIAS 18-427)
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Prague September 7, 2007.
Entered into force January 1, 2009.
TIAS 09-101.2
September 23, 2013 ( TIAS 16-501)
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and capital.
Signed at Prague September 16, 1993.
Entered into force December 23, 1993.
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and with
respect to the United States information and reporting
provisions commonly known as the Foreign Account Tax
Compliance Act, with annexes.
Signed at Prague August 4, 2014.
Entered into force December 18, 2014.
TIAS 14-1218.1
Additional protocol to the treaty between the United States of
America and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic
concerning the reciprocal encouragement and protection of
investment of October 22, 1991.
Signed at Brussels December 10, 2003.
Entered into force August 10, 2004.
Air transport agreement, with annexes.*
Signed at Prague September 10, 1996.
Entered into force September 10, 1996.
TIAS 12799
June 4, 2001, and February 14, 2002 (TIAS 02-214)
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Agreement concerning ballistic missile defense cooperation.
Signed at Prague October 31, 2008.
Entered into force November 29, 2009.
TIAS 09-1129
On December 31, 1992, at midnight, Czechoslovakia ceased to exist and
was succeeded by two separate and independent states, the Czech Republic
and the Slovak Republic.
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington August 16, 1928.
Entered into force April 11, 1929.
46 Stat. 2254; TS 781; 6 Bevans 1268; 89 LNTS 225
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Washington August 16, 1928.
Entered into force April 11, 1929.
46 Stat. 2257; TS 782; 6 Bevans 1271; 89 LNTS 219
Agreement regarding settlement for certain war accounts and
claims incident to the operations of the United States Army in
Europe, and accompanying notes.
Signed at Praha July 25, 1947.
Entered into force July 25, 1947.
61 Stat. 3410; TIAS 1675; 6 Bevans 1320; 90 UNTS 19
Agreement on the settlement of certain outstanding claims and
financial issues, with annexes and related exchange of letters.
Signed at Prague January 29, 1982.
Entered into force February 2, 1982.
TIAS 11264
February 2, 1982 (TIAS 11264; 2177 UNTS 417)
February 12, 1982 (TIAS 11264; 2177 UNTS 433)
Agreement relating to multiple entry visas for diplomatic
Exchange of notes at Prague December 18 and 21, 1962.
Entered into force December 21, 1962.
13 UST 3842; TIAS 5258; 469 UNTS 115
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to issuance of nonimmigrant visas on a
facilitated basis to certain holders of diplomatic or official
Exchange of notes at Prague June 20, 1978.
Entered into force June 20, 1978; effective July 1, 1978.
30 UST 1593; TIAS 9266; 1150 UNTS 107
Agreement on cooperation in culture, education, science,
technology and other fields, with annex.
Signed at Prague April 15, 1986.
Entered into force April 15, 1986.
Agreement on the program of the United States Peace Corps
in Czechoslovakia.
Signed at Prague June 25, 1990.
Entered into force June 25, 1990.
TIAS 12076
Agreement for the protection and preservation of cultural
properties, with annex.
Signed at Washington March 17, 1992.
Entered into force March 17, 1992.
TIAS 11399; 2190 UNTS 209
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for topographic
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting, geodesy and
geophysics, digital data and related MC & G materials.
Signed at Prague December 10, 1991.
Entered into force December 10, 1991.
This agreement was superseded as pertains to the Czech Republic by
the agreement of September 16, 2002.
Consular convention, with agreed memorandum and related
Signed at Prague July 9, 1973.
Entered into force November 6, 1987.
TIAS 11083
Agreement relating to the funding of the indebtedness of
Czechoslovakia to the United States.
Signed at Washington October 13, 1925.
Operative June 15, 1925.
Treasury Department print; 6 Bevans 1253
Agreement modifying the debt funding agreement of
October 13, 1925.
Signed at Washington June 10, 1932.
Operative July 1, 1931.
Treasury Department print; 6 Bevans 1277
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Prague October 18, 1990.
Entered into force October 18, 1990.
Treaty concerning the mutual extradition of fugitive criminals.
Signed at Prague July 2, 1925.
Entered into force March 29, 1926.
44 Stat. 2367; TS 734; 6 Bevans 1247; 50 LNTS 143
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Prague February 9 and June 15, 1928.
Entered into force June 15, 1928.
6 Bevans 1263
Supplementary extradition treaty.
Signed at Washington April 29, 1935.
Entered into force August 28, 1935.
49 Stat. 3253; TS 895; 6 Bevans 1283; 162 LNTS 83
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
Signed at Prague May 7, 1991.
Entered into force February 21, 1997.
Agreement concerning exchange of parcel post, and
regulations of execution.
Signed at Washington and Praha September 15 and
September 29, 1950.
Entered into force October 1, 1950.
8 UST 997; TIAS 3865; 290 UNTS 3
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Prague and Washington July 25 and August 17, 1988.
Entered into force September 30, 1988.
TIAS 11645
Preliminary agreement regarding principles applying to
mutual aid in the prosecution of the war against aggression.
Signed at Washington July 11, 1942.
Entered into force July 11, 1942.
56 Stat. 1562; EAS 261; 6 Bevans 1300; 90 UNTS 257
Agreement on settlement for lend-lease and certain claims.
Signed at Praha September 16, 1948.
Entered into force September 16, 1948.
62 Stat. 2850; TIAS 1818; 6 Bevans 1326; 90 UNTS 35
Agreement relating to commercial policy.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 14, 1946.
Entered into force November 14, 1946.
61 Stat. 2431; TIAS 1569; 6 Bevans 1314; 7 UNTS 119
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the establishment of a New York branch
of the commercial section of the Czechoslovak Embassy.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 8 and 28, 1967.
Entered into force August 28, 1967.
20 UST 2979; TIAS 6771; 726 UNTS 139
Agreement providing for consultations should textile or
apparel exports from Czechoslovakia cause market disruptions
in the United States.
Exchange of notes at Prague March 22 and 28, 1977.
Entered into force March 28, 1977.
28 UST 5463; TIAS 8645; 1087 UNTS 283
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investment, with annex, protocol and exchanges
of letters.
Signed at Washington October 22, 1991.
Entered into force December 19, 1992.
Agreement for the reciprocal acceptance of certificates of
airworthiness for imported aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Prague October 1 and 21, 1970.
Entered into force October 21, 1970.
21 UST 2468; TIAS 6987; 776 UNTS 67
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty for the advancement of peace.
Signed at Washington April 17, 1914.
Entered into force January 19, 1915.
38 Stat. 1883; TS 608; 7 Bevans 53
Arbitration treaty.
Signed at Washington June 14, 1928.
Entered into force April 17, 1929.
46 Stat. 2265; TS 784; 7 Bevans 80; 88 LNTS 173
Arrangement relating to the waiver of passport visa fees for
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen July 2 and September 29,
Operative August 6, 1925.
7 Bevans 76
Agreement for the waiver of visa requirements for American
citizens entering Denmark for a temporary period, and the
granting of gratis visas valid for twenty-four months to Danish
subjects coming to the United States for temporary visits.*
Exchanges of notes at Copenhagen June 9 and 21 and
July 7 and 8, 1947.
Entered into force July 8, 1947.
62 Stat. 4068; TIAS 2110; 7 Bevans 128; 132 UNTS 145
April 30 and May 1, 1958
* The status of these agreements is under review.
Agreement for the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen July 27 and August 1, 1949.
Entered into force August 1, 1949.
63 Stat. 2680; TIAS 1971; 7 Bevans 159; 79 UNTS 147
Mutual defense assistance agreement.
Signed at Washington January 27, 1950.
Entered into force January 27, 1950.
1 UST 19; TIAS 2011; 48 UNTS 115
Agreement concerning the defense of Greenland.
Signed at Copenhagen April 27, 1951.
Entered into force June 8, 1951.
2 UST 1485; TIAS 2292; 94 UNTS 35
August 6, 2004 (TIAS 04-806)
Related Agreements:
December 2, 1960 (11 UST 2642; TIAS 4657; 402 UNTS 245)
September 30, 1986 (TIAS 12284)
Agreement relating to the assurances required by the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen January 8, 1952.
Entered into force January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4554; TIAS 2605; 179 UNTS 65
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
material no longer required by Denmark in the furtherance of
its mutual defense assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen November 16, 1951 and
April 28, 1952.
Entered into force April 28, 1952.
3 UST 5278; TIAS 2726; 180 UNTS 275
September 12, 1960 (11 UST 2116; TIAS 4570; 388 UNTS 356)
Agreement relating to the offshore procurement program in
Denmark with model contract attached.
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen June 8, 1954.
Entered into force June 8, 1954.
9 UST 141; TIAS 3987; 307 UNTS 133
Agreement relating to the status of the personnel of the U.S.
Military Assistance Advisory Group and of the personnel of
the offshore procurement program.
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen December 12, 1956.
Entered into force December 12, 1956.
9 UST 271; TIAS 4002; 304 UNTS 311
Agreement relating to a weapons production program.*
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen April 12, 1960.
Entered into force April 12, 1960.
11 UST 1440; TIAS 4484
* For amendment of paragraph 4.a.(4) of the agreement, see
exchange of letters of May 11 and 18, 1960 (11 UST 1447; TIAS
Memorandum of understanding concerning the principles
governing mutual cooperation in the research, development,
production, procurement and logistic support of defense
Signed at Copenhagen and Washington January 2 and 30,
Entered into force January 30, 1980.
33 UST 3128; TIAS 10216
Agreement on general security of military information.
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen January 23 and
February 27, 1981.
Entered into force February 27, 1981.
33 UST 1264; TIAS 10109; 1264 UNTS 475
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Mutual logistical support agreement, with annex.
Signed at Vedbaek and Stuttgart-Vaihingen June 1 and 14,
Entered into force June 14, 1982.
34 UST 1235; TIAS 10411
Memorandum of understanding concerning use of
Sondrestrom Aviation Facility, Kulusuk Airfield and other
matters related to U.S. military activities in Greenland.
Signed at Copenhagen March 13, 1991.
Entered into force March 13, 1991.
TIAS 12285; 1653 UNTS 389
July 16, 2008 and January 27, 2009
Agreement concerning the closure of the long-range radio aid
to navigation transmitting station at Angissoq, Greenland, with
Signed at Copenhagen December 12, 1994.
Entered into force December 12, 1994.
Agreement for the transfer of ownership of long-range radio
aid to navigation transmitting station at Ejde, Faroe Islands,
Denmark, with annex.
Signed at Copenhagen December 12, 1994.
Entered into force December 12, 1994.
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning
mapping, charting and geodesy cooperation, with glossary.
Signed at Fairfax and Vedbaek December 20, 1995, and
February 7, 1996.
Entered into force February 7, 1996.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Vedbaek and Patch Barracks January 5 and 8, 1998.
Entered into force January 8, 1998.
TIAS 12915
Memorandum of understanding concerning the Dundas area,
with related exchange of notes.
Signed at Nuuk February 20, 2003.
Entered into force February 20, 2003.
TIAS 03-220
Agreement concerning ballistic missile defense technology.
Signed at Washington October 25, 2005.
Entered into force October 25, 2005.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the military reserve
exchange program.
Signed at Copenhagen December 11, 2012.
Entered into force December 11, 2012.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Danish Defense personnel to the U.S. Special Operations
Command, with annexes.
Signed April 24 and May 15, 2014.
Entered into force May 15, 2014.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers to U.S. European Command, with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart June 2, 2016.
Entered into force June 2, 2016.
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen May 28, 1962.
Entered into force May 28, 1962.
13 UST 1154; TIAS 5060; 450 UNTS 215
February 18 and 25, 1965 (16 UST 154; TIAS 5775; 542 UNTS 386)
November 2, 1971, and April 27, 1972 (23 UST 2683; TIAS 7462)
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees, with addendum.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 16 and 20, 1983.
Entered into force May 20, 1983.
TIAS 10694; 2005 UNTS 187
Agreement relating to guaranties authorized under Section
111(b)(3) of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, as
Exchange of notes at Washington July 30 and August 8, 1952.
Entered into force August 9, 1952.
3 UST 5056; TIAS 2689; 181 UNTS 249
Economic cooperation agreement.*
Signed at Copenhagen June 29, 1948.
Entered into force July 2, 1948.
62 Stat. 2199; TIAS 1782; 7 Bevans 141; 22 UNTS 217
November 4 and 18, 1948 (62 Stat. 3753; TIAS 1904; 7 Bevans 157;
55 UNTS 322)
February 7, 1950 (1 UST 148; TIAS 2022; 79 UNTS 294)
February 2 and 9, 1951 (2 UST 647; TIAS 2218; 132 UNTS 380)
November 24, 1952 (3 UST 5181; TIAS 2713; 184 UNTS 327)
* Applicable to Greenland.
Agreement concerning a Danish-American Fund for the
exchange of technology, with appendix.
Signed at Copenhagen March 25, 1985.
Entered into force March 25, 1985.
TIAS 11179
May 2, 1988 (TIAS 11580)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention for the reciprocal protection of trademarks and
trade labels.
Signed at Copenhagen June 15, 1892.
Entered into force September 28, 1892.
27 Stat. 963; TS 72; 7 Bevans 30
Agreement with respect to the protection of industrial designs
or models.
Exchange of notes at Washington and Bar Harbor
June 22 and 26, 1906.
Entered into force June 26, 1906.
TS 483; 7 Bevans 45
Understanding granting persons domiciled in the United States
engaged in gainful occupation the access by registration to the
exclusive right of utilization of trademarks in Denmark.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 26 and October 15,
Entered into force October 15, 1953.
4 UST 2040; TIAS 2860; 215 UNTS 111
Agreement to facilitate the interchange of patent rights and
technical information for defense purposes.
Signed at Copenhagen February 19, 1960.
Entered into force February 19, 1960.
11 UST 148; TIAS 4423; 354 UNTS 151
Agreement approving the procedures for the reciprocal filing
of classified patent applications in the United States and
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen June 13 and 20, 1960.
Entered into force June 20, 1960.
11 UST 1788; TIAS 4521; 378 UNTS 400
Convention for prevention of smuggling of intoxicating
Signed at Washington May 29, 1924.
Entered into force July 25, 1924.
43 Stat. 1809; TS 693; 7 Bevans 72; 27 LNTS 361
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen February 3 and April 23,
Entered into force April 23, 1928.
7 Bevans 78
Treaty on extradition.
Signed at Copenhagen June 22, 1972.
Entered into force July 31, 1974.
25 UST 1293; TIAS 7864
Agreement on mutual assistance in customs matters.
Signed at Nyborg Castle June 20, 1991.
Entered into force July 16, 1991.
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on extradition between the United States of America and the
European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to the application of
the extradition treaty of June 22, 1972, with annex.
Signed at Copenhagen June 23, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.6
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(3) of the agreement
on mutual legal assistance between the United States of
America and the European Union signed June 25, 2003, with
Signed at Copenhagen June 23, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.29
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Copenhagen October 14, 2010.
Entered into force May 5, 2011.
TIAS 11-505
Agreement for mutual exemption of vessels from
readmeasurement in the ports of their respective countries.
Signed at Washington February 26, 1886.
Entered into force April 1, 1886.
TS 70; 7 Bevans 27
October 2 and 28, 1895 (7 Bevans 32)
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 17 and 22, 1978.
Entered into force August 22, 1978.
30 UST 1702; TIAS 9278; 1153 UNTS 139
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post, and
detailed regulations of execution.*
Signed at Copenhagen December 9 and at Washington
December 28, 1932.
Entered into force provisionally July 1, 1932; definitively
August 18, 1933.
47 Stat. 2402; Post Office Department print; 140 LNTS 453
Agreement for collect-on-delivery service.*
Signed at Copenhagen and Washington October 13 and
November 11, 1933.
Operative November 1, 1933.
48 Stat. 1671; Post Office Department print; 145 LNTS 113
* Applicable to Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, Samoa,
Faroe Islands and Greenland.
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Copenhagen and Washington October 19 and
November 19, 1984.
Entered into force January 2, 1985.
TIAS 11011; 2021 UNTS 353
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning the furnishing of
balloon launching and associated services.
Signed at Copenhagen and Washington September 14 and 20,
Entered into force September 20, 1983.
35 UST 2399; TIAS 10801
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences as related to
Greenland, with annexes.
Signed at Copenhagen May 31, 2006.
Entered into force May 31, 2006.
TIAS 06-531
Scientific and technological cooperation agreement, with
Signed at Copenhagen September 15, 2009.
Entered into force September 15, 2009.
TIAS 09-915
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Copenhagen June 13, 2007.
Entered into force October 1, 2008.
TIAS 08-1001.1
Agreement relating to relief from double income tax on
shipping profits.
Exchanges of notes at Washington May 22, August 9 and 18,
October 24, 25, and 28, and December 5 and 6, 1922.
Entered into force December 6, 1922; operative January 1,
47 Stat. 2612; EAS 14; 7 Bevans 65; 113 LNTS 381
July 6, 1987 (TIAS 11278)
Agreement relating to relief from taxation of United States
expenditures in Denmark for common defense.
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen April 7 and 9, 1952.
Entered into force April 9, 1952; operative April 7, 1952.
3 UST 4041; TIAS 2546; 177 UNTS 257
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on estates.
Signed at Washington April 27, 1983.
Entered into force November 7, 1984.
TIAS 11089; 2120 UNTS 247
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with protocol.
Signed at Washington August 19, 1999.
Entered into force March 31, 2000.
TIAS 13056
Protocol amending the convention of August 19, 1999 for the
avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal
evasion with respect to taxes on income, with a related
exchange of notes.
Signed at Copenhagen May 2, 2006.
Entered into force December 28, 2007.
TIAS 07-1228
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Exchange of notes at Washington September 25 and 30, 2015.
Entered into force September 30, 2015.
TIAS 15-930
Agreement relating to the registration with the International
Telecommunication Union of frequencies used by United
States authorities in Greenland.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 25 and April 4, 1952.
Entered into force April 4, 1952.
3 UST 4047; TIAS 2548; 177 UNTS 13
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen October 11, 1973.
Entered into force October 11, 1973.
24 UST 2156; TIAS 7730; 938 UNTS 327
Convention for the cession to the United States of the Danish
West Indies, and declaration by the United States.
Signed at New York August 4, 1916.
Entered into force January 17, l917.
39 Stat. 1706; TS 629; 7 Bevans 56
General convention of friendship, commerce, and navigation.*
Signed at Washington April 26, 1826.
Entered into force August 10, 1826; operative April 26, 1826.
8 Stat. 340; TS 65; 7 Bevans 1
* Does not apply to Greenland and Iceland (article 6). This
convention was abrogated April 15, 1856, and renewed, with the
exception of article 5, by the convention of April 11, 1857 (TS
67), and terminated, with the exception of articles 8, 9 and 10
relating to consular matters, by the treaty of October 1, 1951
(TIAS 4797).
Convention for discontinuance of the sound dues.
Signed at Washington April 11, 1857.
Entered into force January 12, 1858.
11 Stat. 719; TS 67; 7 Bevans 11
Treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation, with protocol
and minutes of interpretation.
Signed at Copenhagen October 1, 1951.
Entered into force July 30, 1961.
12 UST 908; TIAS 4797; 421 UNTS 105
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Protocol to the treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation
of October 1, 1951.
Signed at Copenhagen May 2, 2001.
Entered into force December 10, 2008.
TIAS 13149
Agreement relating to reciprocal treatment of passenger motor
Exchange of notes at Bar Harbor and Washington September 4
and October 27, 1928 and February 2, 1929.
Entered into force February 2, 1929; operative February 1,
48 Stat. 1871; EAS 61; 7 Bevans 83
Arrangement relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen March 14 and 24, 1934.
Entered into force April 16, 1934.
48 Stat. 1865; EAS 59; 7 Bevans 99; 149 LNTS 485
Agreement relating to air transport services.*
Exchange of notes at Washington December 16, 1944.
Entered into force provisionally January 1, 1945;
definitively September 29, 1945.
58 Stat. 1458; EAS 430; 7 Bevans 114; 10 UNTS 213
August 6, 1954 (5 UST 1422; TIAS 3014; 222 UNTS 366)
June 16, 1995 (TIAS 12663)
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007 (“Air Transport Agreement”) except in
respect of the application of this agreement to those areas that are
not encompassed within the definition of “territory” in Article 1 of
the Air Transport Agreement.
Air service agreement relating to facilities at Kastrup Airport
in Denmark.
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen September 26 and
October 1, 1946.
Entered into force October 1, 1946.
61 Stat. 3851; TIAS 1734; 7 Bevans 125; 42 UNTS 219
Agreement relating to the reciprocal acceptance of
airworthiness certifications.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 6, 1982.
Entered into force January 6, 1982.
34 UST 27; TIAS 10335
Agreement for promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Copenhagen November 6, 1998.
Entered into force November 6, 1998.
TIAS 12992
Agreement for reciprocal exemption from taxes on income
from the international operation of a ship or ships or aircraft.
Signed at Copenhagen December 9, 2008.
Entered into force June 26, 2010.
TIAS 10-626
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Djibouti October 9, 1983 and June 3,
Entered into force June 3, 1984.
TIAS 10983
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Djibouti.
Exchange of notes at Djibouti June 3 and 13, 1992.
Entered into force June 13, 1992.
TIAS 12286
Agreement on access to and use of facilities in the Republic of
Djibouti, with annex.
Signed at Djibouti February 19, 2003.
Entered into force February 19, 2003.
TIAS 03-219
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Djibouti February 1, 2012.
Entered into force February 1, 2012.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Djibouti November 21 and
December 24, 1991.
Entered into force December 24, 1991.
TIAS 11843
Investment incentive agreement.
Exchange of notes at Djibouti May 11, 1983.
Entered into force May 11, 1983.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington January 24, 2003.
Entered into force July 2, 2003.
TIAS 03-702
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Djibouti and Washington June 25, July 28 and
August 11, 1987.
Entered into force August 17, 1987.
TIAS 11554
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth and mapping sciences, with
Signed at Reston and Djibouti March 9 and 21, 2001.
Entered into force March 21, 2001.
TIAS 13146
Agreement for the establishment of U.S. radio transmitting
facilities in Djibouti, with annexes.
Signed at Djibouti June 18, 2002.
Entered into force June 18, 2002.
TIAS 02-618.1
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of assistance in
developing and modernizing the civil aviation infrastructure in
Signed February 3 and 14, 2005.
Entered into force February 14, 2005.
On November 8, 1978, Dominica became an independent state. In a note
dated December 23, 1982, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations,
the Prime Minister made a statement reading in part as follows:
The Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica hereby declares that,
with regard to multilateral treaties applied or extended to the former
British associated state of Dominica, it will continue to apply the terms of
each such treaty provisionally and on the basis of reciprocity until such
time as it notifies the depository authority of its decision in respect thereof.
As regards bilateral treaties applied or extended to, or entered into on
behalf of the former British associated state of Dominica, the Government
of the Commonwealth of Dominica declares that it will examine each such
treaty and communicate its views to the other state party concerned. In the
mean-time, the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica will
continue to observe the terms of each such treaty, which validly so applies
and is not inconsistent with its independent sovereign status, provisionally
and on the basis of reciprocity.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Dominica.
Exchange of letters at Bridgetown and Roseau
May 15 and 22, 1980.
Entered into force May 22, 1980.
32 UST 5811; TIAS 10016; 1267 UNTS 87
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Roseau December 11,
1980 and February 4, 1981.
Entered into force February 4, 1981.
33 UST 856; TIAS 10069; 1267 UNTS 95
Agreement regarding the provision of articles, services and
associated training by the Government of the United States for
anti-narcotics purposes.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Roseau
November 13 and 30, 1998.
Entered into force November 30, 1998.
Agreement regarding the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative
(Technical Assistance Field Team).
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and St. Michael June 29, 2012
and February 7, 2013.
Entered into force February 7, 2013.
TIAS 13-207
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at Roseau October 11, 1968.
Entered into force October 11, 1968.
19 UST 6063; TIAS 6568; 702 UNTS 263
General agreement for economic, technical, and related
Signed at Dominica September 16, 1983.
Entered into force September 16, 1983.
35 UST 2948; TIAS 10830; 2014 UNTS 587
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trademarks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Exchange of notes at Washington and Roseau May 10, 2004.
Entered into force May 10, 2004.
TIAS 04-510
Treaty on extradition.
Signed at Roseau October 10, 1996.
Entered into force May 25, 2000.
TIAS 00-525
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Roseau October 10, 1996.
Entered into force May 25, 2000.
TIAS 00-525.1
Arial intercept assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Washington and Roseau October 7, 2011
and April 19, 2012.
Entered into force April 19, 2012.
TIAS 12-419.1
Agreement concerning maritime counter-drug operations.
Signed at Roseau April 19, 1995.
Entered into force April 19, 1995.
TIAS 12630
Memorandum of understanding for the establishment within
the territory of Dominica of facilities to provide temporary
protection under the auspices of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees for nationals of Haiti fleeing their
country, with related letter.
Signed at Dominica July 10, 1994.
Entered into force July 10, 1994.
Agreement for the furnishing of commodities and services in
connection with the peacekeeping force for Grenada.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Roseau November 25,
1983 and January 13, 1984.
Entered into force January 13, 1984.
35 UST 4249; TIAS 10923; 2014 UNTS 595
International express mail agreement.
Signed at Roseau and Washington September 24, 1997 and
December 30, 1999.
Entered into force February 15, 2000.
Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to
Signed at Washington October 1, 1987.
Entered into force May 9, 1988.
TIAS 11543; 2191 UNTS 203
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Bridgetown and Roseau June 7 and 15, 2018.
Entered into force August 12, 2019.
TIAS 19-812
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at London November 26, 1965.
Applicable to Dominica December 11, 1969.
16 UST 2047; TIAS 5941; 561 UNTS 193
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom extending to certain territories the application of the
agreement of November 26, 1965, relating to the reciprocal
granting of authorizations to permit licensed amateur radio
operators of either country to operate their stations in the other
Exchange of notes at London December 11, 1969.
Entered into force December 11, 1969.
20 UST 4089; TIAS 6800; 732 UNTS 334
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of telexes at Bridgetown and Roseau December 8,
1983, and February 9, 1984.
Entered into force March 10, 1984.
TIAS 11145; 2126 UNTS 183
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom concerning air services, with annexes and exchange
of letters.
Signed at Bermuda July 23, 1977.
Entered into force July 23, 1977.
28 UST 5367; TIAS 8641
April 25, 1978 (29 UST 2680; TIAS 8965)
Agreement concerning period of validity of and fees for
nonimmigrant visas.*
Exchange of notes at Ciudad Trujillo December 14 and 16,
Entered into force February 1, 1956.
7 UST 135; TIAS 3484; 241 UNTS 101
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Ciudad Trujillo December 9 and 10, 1942.
Entered into force December 10, 1942.
56 Stat. 1851; EAS 297; 7 Bevans 248; 24 UNTS 257
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in the Dominican Republic.
Signed at Washington May 2, 1962.
Entered into force May 2, 1962.
13 UST 447; TIAS 5007; 442 UNTS 107
Convention entered into in accordance with the “modus
operandi” of evacuation, signed June 30, 1922, for the purpose
of rectifying certain orders, resolutions, and contracts.
Signed at Santo Domingo June 12, 1924.
Entered into force December 4, 1925.
44 Stat. 2193; TS 729; 7 Bevans 206; 48 LNTS 91
Agreement relating to the transit of military aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Ciudad Trujillo August 11, 1950.
Entered into force August 11, 1950.
1 UST 747; TIAS 2143; 92 UNTS 329
Military assistance agreement.*
Signed at Washington March 6, 1953.
Entered into force June 10, 1953.
4 UST 184; TIAS 2777; 199 UNTS 267
* Terminated June 20, 1961, except that the provisions of
paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of article 1 continue in force.
Agreement providing for disposition of equipment and
materials furnished by the United States under the military
assistance agreement of March 6, 1953.
Exchange of notes at Ciudad Trujillo March 23 and April 22,
Entered into force April 22, 1955.
6 UST 1185; TIAS 3263; 239 UNTS 325
Military assistance agreement.
Signed at Santo Domingo March 8, 1962.
Entered into force June 10, 1964.
15 UST 699; TIAS 5590; 527 UNTS 29
Agreement relating to the deposit by the Dominican Republic
of ten percent of the value of military grant assistance and
excess defense articles furnished by the United States.
Exchange of notes at Santo Domingo March 23 and April 17,
Entered into force April 17, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 1094; TIAS 7366; 852 UNTS 235
Agreement concerning the status of United States Government
personnel temporarily present in the Dominican Republic in
connection with their official duties.
Exchange of notes at Santo Domingo July 20 and August 4,
Entered into force August 4, 1988.
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for topographic
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting and information,
geodesy and geophysics, digital data and related mapping,
charting and geodesy materials, with glossary.
Signed at Santo Domingo and Fairfax September 18 and 25,
Entered into force September 25, 1995.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the Inter-
American Naval Telecommunications Network.
Signed August 7, 2006.
Entered into force August 7, 2006.
TIAS 06-807.1
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training Program.
Exchange of notes at Santo Domingo May 17 and June 28,
Entered into force June 28, 2007.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Santo Domingo and Miami November 27, 2012 and
March 5, 2013.
Entered into force March 5, 2013.
Agreement regarding the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative
(Technical Assistance Field Team).
Exchange of notes at Santo Domingo April 4 and 8, 2013.
Entered into force April 8, 2013.
TIAS 13-408
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed June 11 and 29, 2015.
Entered into force June 29, 2015.
September 6 and 11, 2018 (NP)
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and San Isidro October 4, 2017.
Entered into force October 4, 2017.
Agreement providing free entry upon arrival for Embassy
employees, and certain duty-free importations, including new
and used automobiles, for six months thereafter.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 12 and 23, 1950.
Entered into force January 23, 1950.
5 UST 1064; TIAS 2989; 236 UNTS 3
Agreement concerning cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Santo Domingo June 20, 1997.
Entered into force June 20, 1997.
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at Washington May 2, 1962.
Entered into force May 2, 1962.
13 UST 440; TIAS 5005; 442 UNTS 99
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Santo Domingo March 6, 1986.
Entered into force September 9, 1986.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Santo Domingo October 30, 1992.
Entered into force November 9, 1993.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Santo Domingo September 9, 2005.
Entered into force April 28, 2006.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government or its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Santo Domingo August 29, 2006.
Entered into force November 22, 2006.
General agreement for economic, technical and related
Signed at Santo Domingo January 11, 1962.
Entered into force January 11, 1962.
13 UST 60; TIAS 4936; 433 UNTS 133
Foreign assistance agreement.
Signed September 4, 2007.
Entered into force September 4, 2007.
September 11, 2008 (NP)
September 16 and 18, 2009 (NP)
March 4, 2010 (NP)
September 17 and 21, 2010 (NP)
May 10, 2011 (NP)
September 27 and 29, 2011 (NP)
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Santo Domingo September 13, 2002.
Entered into force August 12, 2004.
TIAS 04-812
Agreement relating to workmen’s’ compensation in
connection with certain projects under construction or
operation in the Dominican Republic.
Exchange of notes at Ciudad Trujillo October 14 and 19, 1943.
Entered into force October 19, 1943.
57 Stat. 1180; EAS 353; 7 Bevans 268; 21 UNTS 295
Agreement on international narcotics control cooperation.
Signed at Santo Domingo November 18, 1985.
Entered into force November 18, 1985.
TIAS 11350; 2192 UNTS 329
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty for the return of stolen or embezzled vehicles, with
Signed at Santo Domingo April 30, 1996.
Entered into force August 3, 2001.
TIAS 01-803
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Santo Domingo October 31, 2005.
Entered into force October 31, 2005.
TIAS 05-1031
Agreement regarding the Cooperating Nation Information
Exchange System.
Exchange of notes at Kingston November 9, 2005 and
August 25, 2006.
Entered into force August 25, 2006.
TIAS 06-825
Letter of agreement on sovereign skies aviation support, with
Signed at Santo Domingo February 26, 2010.
Entered into force February 26, 2010.
Agreement concerning the sharing of confiscated proceeds and
instrumentalities of crimes.
Signed at Washington April 19, 2012.
Entered into force April 19, 2012.
TIAS 12-419
Extradition treaty.*
Signed at Santo Domingo January 12, 2015.
Entered into force December 15, 2016.
TIAS 16-1215
* Upon entry into force of this Treaty, the 1909 Treaty shall cease to
have any effect as between the Parties, except that the requests
pending upon entry into force shall continue under the procedures
of the 1909 Treaty supplemented by Article 6 of this Treaty
(Article 21, paragraph 3).
Agreement concerning maritime counter-drug operations.
Signed at Santo Domingo March 23, 1995.
Entered into force March 23, 1995.
TIAS 12620
Protocol to the agreement of March 23, 1995 concerning
maritime counter-drug operations.
Signed at Washington May 20, 2003.
Entered into force May 20, 2003.
TIAS 03-520.1
Search and rescue agreement.
Signed at Washington May 21, 2003.
Entered into force May 21, 2003.
TIAS 03-521
Agreement concerning cooperation in maritime migration law
Signed at Washington May 20, 2003.
Entered into force May 20, 2003.
TIAS 03-520
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Santo Domingo and Washington December 3, 1990
and January 8, 1991.
Entered into force February 18, 1991.
TIAS 11782
Postal money order agreement.
Signed at Washington and Santo Domingo August 6 and 14,
Entered into force September 1, 1995.
Agreement for the continuation of a cooperative program for
meteorological observations.
Exchange of notes at Santo Domingo April 7 and 11, 1969.
Entered into force April 11, 1969; effective July 1, 1968.
20 UST 647; TIAS 6670; 707 UNTS 243
Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to
Signed at Santo Domingo August 7, 1989.
Entered into force October 12, 1989.
TIAS 11694; 2190 UNTS 247
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Santo Domingo April 18 and 22, 1963.
Entered into force May 22, 1963.
14 UST 817; TIAS 5360; 487 UNTS 169
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Santo Domingo January 28 and
February 2, 1965.
Entered into force February 2, 1965.
16 UST 93; TIAS 5766; 542 UNTS 117
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on trade in textile and apparel goods.
Exchange of letters at Santo Domingo and Washington
October 19 and 24, 2006.
Entered into force October 24, 2006.
Air transport agreement and exchange of notes.
Signed at Ciudad Trujillo July 19, 1949.
Entered into force July 19, 1949.
63 Stat. 2615; TIAS 1955; 7 Bevans 289; 51 UNTS 145
October 19, 1971 (22 UST 1732; TIAS 7202)
Memorandum of agreement relating to the provision of flight
inspection services.
Signed at Washington and Santo Domingo August 16, 1978 and
June 22, 1979.
Entered into force June 22, 1979; effective October 1, 1978.
May 19 and July 13, 1998
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing the Dominican Republic’s civil
aviation system, with annex.
Signed at Santo Domingo March 11 and 17, 1988.
Entered into force March 17, 1988.
TIAS 11777; 2202 UNTS 335
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Trade and investment framework agreement.
Signed at Washington July 16, 2008.
Entered into force July 16, 2008.
TIAS 08-716.1
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training and other
defense services.
Exchange of notes at Libreville October 18, 2012 and January
15, 2013.
Entered into force January 15, 2013.
TIAS 13-115
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States of America to ECOWAS in support of the ECOFORCE
peacekeeping operation in Côte d’Ivoire.
Exchange of notes at Abuja January 24 and February 14, 2003.
Entered into force February 14, 2003.
Agreement for promoting regional stability.
Signed September 13, 2006.
Entered into force September 13, 2006.
Amendments and Extensions:
September 29, 2009 (NP)
September 30, 2010 (NP)
August 16, 2011 (NP)
September 20, 2011 (NP)
Arbitration convention.
Signed at Washington January 7, 1909.
Entered into force June 22, 1910.
36 Stat. 2456; TS 549; 7 Bevans 328
Treaty for the advancement of peace.
Signed at Washington October 13, 1914.
Entered into force January 22, 1916.
39 Stat. 1650; TS 622; 7 Bevans 330
Agreement relating to the reciprocal issuance of nonimmigrant
Exchange of notes at Quito December 11, 1962, and
January 7, 1963.
Entered into force January 7, 1963; operative February 7,
14 UST 757; TIAS 5354; 477 UNTS 101
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Quito October 21 and 29, 1947.
Entered into force October 29, 1947.
61 Stat. 3322; TIAS 1668; 7 Bevans 427; 21 UNTS 21
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Ecuador.
Exchange of notes at Quito August 3, 1962.
Entered into force August 3, 1962.
13 UST 1903; TIAS 5145; 460 UNTS 133
Agreement for the recovery and return of stolen
archaeological, historical and cultural properties.
Signed at Washington November 17, 1983.
Entered into force January 14, 1987.
TIAS 11075; 2039 UNTS 253
Agreement relating to transit and technical stop rights for U.S.
military planes in Ecuador.
Exchange of notes at Quito June 7 and 11, 1946.
Entered into force June 11, 1946.
3 UST 536; TIAS 2411; 167 UNTS 135
Agreement concerning financial arrangements for the
furnishing of certain supplies and services to naval vessels of
both countries.
Signed at Quito July 8, 1955.
Entered into force October 6, 1955.
6 UST 2959; TIAS 3344; 265 UNTS 49
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for the return of equipment and materials furnished
Ecuador under the military assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Quito June 20 and July 19, 1956.
Entered into force July 19, 1956.
11 UST 246; TIAS 4439; 372 UNTS 149
Agreement on mapping, charting and geodesy.
Signed at Quito February 19, 1976.
Entered into force February 19, 1976.
27 UST 1943; TIAS 8290
Agreement relating to eligibility for United States military
assistance and training pursuant to the International Security
Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976.
Exchange of notes at Quito August 17 and September 3, 1976.
Entered into force September 3, 1976.
27 UST 4009; TIAS 8420; 1059 UNTS 143
General security of military information agreement.
Exchange of notes at Quito July 12, 1985.
Entered into force July 12, 1985.
TIAS 11257; 2174 UNTS 281
Cooperative arrangement for the production of topographic
maps of Ecuador, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Quito April 21 and June 12, 1986.
Entered into force June 12, 1986.
TIAS 11374
Agreement regarding the furnishing of defense articles and
services on a grant basis to Ecuador from the United States.
Exchange of notes at Quito January 30 and March 4, 1992.
Entered into force March 4, 1992.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the Inter-
American Naval Telecommunications Network.
Signed September 25 and November 8, 2006.
Entered into force November 8, 2006.
TIAS 06-1108.1.
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed at Washington and Quito September 27 and October 5,
Entered into force October 5, 2012.
August 24 and October 2, 2015 (NP)
March 5 and 27, 2019 (NP)
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers.
Signed at Quito and Miami March 28 and May 29, 2018.
Entered into force May 29, 2018.
Agreement providing for certain customs courtesies and free
entry privileges for consular officers and administrative
personnel on a reciprocal basis.
Exchange of notes at Quito October 22 and November 6, 1957,
and related note of November 11, 1957.
Entered into force November 6, 1957.
8 UST 2469; TIAS 3967; 307 UNTS 49
Agreement on immunities and privileges for the United States
Inter-American Geodetic Survey mission.
Signed at Quito November 23, 1973.
Entered into force November 23, 1973.
24 UST 2304; TIAS 7755; 938 UNTS 403
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Quito September 20, 1963.
Entered into force September 20, 1963.
14 UST 1418; TIAS 5439; 488 UNTS 147
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Quito April 22, 1996.
Entered into force April 22, 1996.
TIAS 12744
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section
413(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and 29, 1955.
Entered into force March 29, 1955.
6 UST 843; TIAS 3230; 261 UNTS 343
September 4, 1963 (14 UST 1251; TIAS 5426; 488 UNTS 262)
July 9, 1993 (TIAS 12156)
Related Agreement:
November 28, 1984 (TIAS 11001; 2024 UNTS 11)
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United States
Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Quito March 19, 1984.
Entered into force May 4, 1984.
35 UST 4793; TIAS 10966
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington January 14, 1986.
Entered into force March 10, 1986.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Swap agreement between the United States Treasury and the
Central Bank of Ecuador/Republic of Ecuador, with related
Signed at Washington and Quito December 3, 1987.
Entered into force December 3, 1987.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Quito July 8, 1988.
Entered into force August 22, 1988.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Washington July 30, 1990.
Entered into force September 12, 1990.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Quito July 30, 1992.
Entered into force September 11, 1992.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Washington January 19, 1995.
Entered into force March 1, 1995.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington February 7, 2002.
Entered into force March 28, 2002.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government,
with annexes.
Signed at Quito April 7, 2005.
Entered into force May 31, 2005.
Agreement granting duty-free entry, exemption from internal
taxation, and free transportation within Ecuador to ultimate
beneficiary for certain relief supplies and equipment for
American voluntary relief and rehabilitation agencies.
Exchange of notes at Quito September 6, 1955.
Entered into force September 6, 1955.
6 UST 3871; TIAS 3388; 256 UNTS 185
August 3, 1970 (21 UST 2502; TIAS 6992; 772 UNTS 450)
General agreement for economic, technical and related
Signed at Quito April 17, 1962.
Entered into force April 17, 1962.
13 UST 425; TIAS 5003; 442 UNTS 69
Agreement concerning the protection and enforcement of
intellectual property rights.
Signed at Washington October 15, 1993.
Entered into force October 15, 1993.
TIAS 12679
July 28, 1995 (TIAS 12679)
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Quito June 28, 1872.
Entered into force November 12, 1873.
18 Stat. 199; TS 79; 7 Bevans 321
Supplementary extradition treaty.
Signed at Quito September 22, 1939.
Entered into force May 29, 1941.
55 Stat. 1196; TS 972; 7 Bevans 346
Agreement concerning cooperation in the control of the illicit
traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Quito November 5 and 20, 1971.
Entered into force November 10, 1971.
22 UST 2109; TIAS 7255
Memorandum of understanding on measures to prevent the
diversion of chemical substances.
Signed at Quito June 17, 1991.
Entered into force June 17, 1991.
TIAS 12129
Agreement for the prevention and control of narcotic related
money laundering.
Signed at Quito August 7, 1992.
Entered into force February 4, 1993.
TIAS 12471
Agreement to implement the United Nations convention
against illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic
substances of December 20, 1988, as it relates to the transfer
of confiscated property, securities and instrumentalities.
Signed at Quito June 27, 1994.
Entered into force July 15, 1994.
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
Signed at Quito November 6, 2002.
Entered into force November 6, 2002.
TIAS 02-1106
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty of peace, friendship, navigation and commerce.*
Signed at Quito June 13, 1839.
Entered into force April 9, 1842.
8 Stat. 534; TS 76; 7 Bevans 296
* Articles with respect to commerce and navigation terminated
August 25, 1892.
Agreement for the exchange of registered and insured parcel
post packages.
Signed at Quito and Washington July 11 and August 6, 1929.
Operative July 1, 1929.
46 Stat. 2378; Post Office Department print
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Quito and Washington March 20 and April 11, 1990.
Entered into force March 30, 1990.
TIAS 11900
Postal money order agreement.
Signed at Quito and Washington August 1 and 8, 1990.
Entered into force October 15, 1990.
TIAS 11741
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Quito March 16 and 17, 1950.
Entered into force March 17, 1950.
3 UST 2672; TIAS 2433; 177 UNTS 115
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Quito March 26, 1965.
Entered into force March 26, 1965.
16 UST 181; TIAS 5779; 542 UNTS 237
Agreement concerning a United States-Ecuador Council on
Trade and Investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington July 23, 1990.
Entered into force July 23, 1990.
Commercial air transport services agreement.
Signed at Quito January 8, 1947.
Entered into force April 24, 1947.
61 Stat. 2773; TIAS 1606; 7 Bevans 409; 22 UNTS 119
January 3 and 10, 1951 (2 UST 482; TIAS 2196; 133 UNTS 312)
Agreement relating to a civil aviation mission to Ecuador.
Exchange of notes at Quito October 24 and 27, 1947.
Entered into force October 27, 1947.
61 Stat. 4013; TIAS 1774; 7 Bevans 422; 44 UNTS 45
June 30 and October 13, 1949 (7 Bevans 460)
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing Ecuador’s civil aviation system.
Signed at Washington and Quito October 9 and November 6,
Entered into force November 6, 1985.
TIAS 11313; 2174 UNTS 357
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing Ecuador’s civil aviation
Signed at Washington and Quito March 5 and 23, 1998.
Entered into force March 23, 1998.
November 21, 2005 and November 16, 2006
Protocol to modify the annexes of the air transport agreement
of September 26, 1986.*
Signed at Quito July 21, 2010.
Entered into force January 24, 2011.
TIAS 11-124
Extension to Annex I of the air transport agreement of
September 26, 1986.*
Exchange of notes at Quito November 6 and 13, 2015.
Entered into force November 13, 2015.
TIAS 11-124
June 21 and 27, 2016 (TIAS 16-627)
August 29 and September 12, 2017
* Not yet in force.
Arrangement relating to assistance by the United States in the
salvage and/or removal from the Suez Canal of sunken vessels
and certain other hazards to navigation, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Cairo June 11, 1974.
Entered into force June 11, 1974.
25 UST 1273; TIAS 7859
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington August 27, 1929.
Entered into force August 24, 1932.
47 Stat. 2130; TS 850; 11 Bevans 1325; 142 LNTS 323
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Washington August 27, 1929.
Entered into force August 24, 1932.
47 Stat. 2132; TS 851; 11 Bevans 1327; 142 LNTS 317
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning claims of nationals of the United
States, with agreed minute and related notes.
Signed at Cairo May 1, 1976.
Entered into force October 27, 1976.
27 UST 4214; TIAS 8446
Agreement concerning United States Government and other
claims, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Cairo May 19, 1979.
Entered into force November 5, 1979.
30 UST 7303; TIAS 9589; 1182 UNTS 51
Agreement providing for the abolition of nonimmigrant visa
Exchange of notes at Cairo June 3 and August 1, 1963.
Entered into force August 1, 1963; operative September 1,
14 UST 1191; TIAS 5416; 488 UNTS 189
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Cultural agreement.
Signed at Cairo May 21, 1962.
Entered into force May 21, 1962.
13 UST 1253; TIAS 5072; 458 UNTS 197
Agreement on the development and facilitation of tourism.
Signed at Cairo February 21, 1983.
Entered into force August 16, 1983.
TIAS 10680; 2005 UNTS 119
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of
import restrictions on categories of archaeological material of
the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Signed at Washington November 30, 2016.
Entered into force November 30, 2016.
TIAS 16-1130
Agreement relating to mutual defense assistance.
Exchange of notes at Cairo April 29, 1952.
Entered into force April 29, 1952.
7 UST 841; TIAS 3564; 241 UNTS 3
December 9 and 10, 1952 (7 UST 844; TIAS 3565; 241 UNTS 8)
Mapping, charting and geodesy cooperative and exchange
agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington June 25, 1981.
Entered into force June 25, 1981.
Agreement concerning privileges and immunities of United
States military and related personnel in Egypt, with related
letter and agreed minute.
Exchange of notes at Cairo July 26, 1981.
Entered into force December 5, 1981.
33 UST 3353; TIAS 10238
General security of military information agreement.
Signed at Cairo February 10, 1982.
Entered into force February 10, 1982.
34 UST 203; TIAS 10349
Acquisition-only agreement.
Signed April 13 and 26, 2017.
Entered into force April 26, 2017.
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or
successor legislation, the Arms Export Control Act, as
amended, 10 U.S.C. Section 333 and other Department of
Defense authorities, and the furnishing on a grant basis of
defense articles, related training, and other defense services
from the United States of America to the Arab Republic of
Egypt under such authorities.
Signed at Cairo January 8, 2019.
Entered into force January 8, 2019.
TIAS 19-108
Arrangement providing for reciprocal privileges for consular
officers to import articles for their personal use free of duty.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 16 and April 7, 1932.
Entered into force April 7, 1932.
11 Bevans 1337
Agreement concerning principles of relations and cooperation.
Signed at Cairo June 14, 1974.
Entered into force June 14, 1974.
25 UST 2359; TIAS 7913
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Exchange of notes at Cairo January 5 and February 21, 1967.
Entered into force February 21, 1967.
TIAS 6234; 18 UST 307; 688 UNTS 229
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Cairo March 20, 1995.
Entered into force March 20, 1995.
TIAS 12616
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
past due debts owed to United States Government agencies
with annexes.
Signed at Cairo December 6, 1971.
Entered into force August 28, 1972.
23 UST 1457; TIAS 7424; 852 UNTS 3
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes and related
Signed at Cairo November 14, 1987.
Entered into force February 22, 1988.
Agreement regarding the reorganization of certain debts owed
to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington July 18, 1991.
Entered into force September 3, 1991.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington July 1, 1999.
Entered into force July 1, 1999.
TIAS 13051
Agreement relating to duty-free entry and defrayment of
inland transportation charges on relief supplies and packages.
Exchange of notes at Cairo October 30, 1954.
Entered into force October 30, 1954.
5 UST 2551; TIAS 3119; 234 UNTS 139
Agreement relating to an informational media guaranty
Exchange of notes at Washington March 3 and 7, 1955.
Entered into force March 7, 1955.
6 UST 691; TIAS 3206; 252 UNTS 159
Economic, technical, and related assistance agreement, with
exchanges of notes.
Signed at Cairo August 16, 1978.
Entered into force October 15, 1978.
30 UST 4609; TIAS 9481; 1169 UNTS 271
Statement relating to greater support to economic progress in
Released at Washington February 4, 1982.
Entered into force February 4, 1982.
34 UST 165; TIAS 10346; 1556 UNTS 327.
Assistance agreement for development support program II,
with annex.
Signed September 30, 2001.
Entered into force September 30, 2001.
March 20, 2005 (NP)
October 23, 2008 (NP)
September 29, 2009 (NP)
June 22, 2010 (NP)
Assistance agreement for basic education, with annexes.
Signed September 30, 2002.
Entered into force September 30 2002.
September 30, 2007 (NP)
September 30, 2008 (NP)
September 30, 2009 (NP)
June 27, 2010 (NP)
September 2, 2010 (NP)
Assistance agreement for the North Sinai Initiative, with
Signed September 16, 2010.
Entered into force September 16, 2010.
Agreement for cash transfer program assistance in support of
the homegrown economic and fiscal stabilization, recovery
and reform program for the economy of Egypt.
Signed March 7, 2013.
Entered into force March 7, 2013.
Assistance grant agreement for the U. S.-Egypt Higher
Education Initiative, with annexes.
Signed September 30, 2014.
Entered into force September 30, 2014.
Assistance grant agreement for basic education II, with
Signed September 30, 2014.
Entered into force September 30, 2014.
Assistance grant agreement for trade and investment
promotion in Egypt, with annexes.
Signed September 30, 2014.
Entered into force September 30, 2014.
Convention between the United States and the Ottoman
Empire relating to extradition.
Signed at Constantinople August 11, 1874.
Entered into force April 22, 1875.
19 Stat. 572; TS 270; 10 Bevans 642
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Alexandria and Cairo June 20 and
August 26, 1930.
Entered into force August 26, 1930.
11 Bevans 1331
Agreement on procedures for mutual assistance in connection
with matters relating to the Westinghouse Electric
Signed at Washington November 29, 1978.
Entered into force November 29, 1978.
30 UST 3996; TIAS 9441; 1169 UNTS 328
Related Agreements:
December 21, 1978 and January 3, 1979 (30 UST 4005; TIAS 9442;
1169 UNTS 335)
March 19 and April 17, 1979 (30 UST 4007; TIAS 9443; 1169 UNTS
Agreement regarding the transfer of forfeited assets.
Signed at Cairo May 20, 1993.
Entered into force May 20, 1993.
TIAS 12499
Agreement on procedures for mutual assistance in connection
with matters relating to the General Electric Company.
Signed at Washington September 17, 1993.
Entered into force September 17, 1993.
November 18, 1994 (NP)
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Cairo May 3, 1998.
Entered into force November 29, 2001.
TIAS 12948
Agreement for the establishment and operation of an OMEGA
navigation system monitoring station.
Signed at Alexandria June 14, 1980.
Entered into force June 14, 1980.
TIAS 12375
Agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of
nuclear energy, with annex and agreed minute.
Signed at Washington June 29, 1981.
Entered into force December 29, 1981.
33 UST 2915; TIAS 10208; 1529 UNTS 143
Agreement relating to implementation of the Egyptian-Israeli
peace treaty of March 26, 1979.*
Letter signed at Washington March 26, 1979.
Entered into force March 26, 1979.
32 UST 2148; TIAS 9827
bilateral section and OCCUPATION & PEACEKEEPING in
multilateral section.
Agreement to transfer title of the United States Field Mission
base camp at Umm Khusheib from the United States Sinai
Support Mission to the Government of the Arab Republic of
Signed at Umm Khusheib April 22, 1982.
Entered into force April 22, 1982.
34 UST 1229; TIAS 10410
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post and
regulations of execution.
Signed at Cairo and Washington December 30, 1958 and
January 13, 1959.
Entered into force October 1, 1959.
10 UST 1664; TIAS 4315; 358 UNTS 3
International express mail agreement with detailed regulations.
Signed at Cairo and Washington December 3 and 22, 1983.
Entered into force February 1, 1984.
35 UST 3249; TIAS 10854; 2015 UNTS 69
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST field trial, with details of implementation.
Signed at Cairo and Washington August 18 and
September 13, 1985.
Entered into force September 13, 1985.
TIAS 11157
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Cairo January 29, 2001.
Entered into force December 31, 2001.
May 5 and August 27, 2006
March 7 and September 18, 2011
August 31, 2015
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income.*
Signed at Cairo August 24, 1980.
Entered into force December 31, 1981.
33 UST 1809; TIAS 10149; 1529 UNTS 41
* With an understanding and a reservation.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Provisional commercial agreement relating to most-favored-
nation treatment in customs matters.
Exchange of notes at Cairo May 24, 1930.
Entered into force May 24, 1930.
47 Stat. 2582; EAS 5; 11 Bevans 1329; 117 LNTS 419
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investments, with annex and protocol.
Signed at Washington September 29, 1982.
Entered into force June 27, 1992.
TIAS 92-627
Related Agreements:
March 11, 1985 (TIAS 92-627)
March 11, 1986 (TIAS 92-627)
Agreement concerning the development of trade and
investment relations.
Signed at Washington July 1, 1999.
Entered into force July 1, 1999.
Agreement relating to the use of Payne Field for international
civil air traffic.
Exchange of notes at Cairo June 15, 1946.
Entered into force June 15, 1946.
3 UST 363; TIAS 2397; 151 UNTS 135
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Cairo May 5, 1964.
Entered into force provisionally May 5, 1964; definitively
April 7, 1965.
15 UST 2202; TIAS 5706; 531 UNTS 229
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
evaluating Egypt’s civil aviation infrastructure.
Signed at Cairo July 24, 1995.
Entered into force July 24, 1995.
Memorandum of agreement concerning the provision of civil
aviation assistance.
Signed at Washington and Cairo September 12 and 14, 1997.
Entered into force September 14, 1997.
TIAS 12881
Agreement confirming the cooperative agreement for the
prevention of foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest in El
Exchange of notes at San Salvador February 28 and March 2,
Entered into force March 2, 1973.
24 UST 1931; TIAS 7701
Agreement providing for the reciprocal abolishment of certain
visa fees and tourist and immigration charges.*
Exchange of notes at San Salvador December 7 and 15, 1953.
Entered into force January 14, 1954.
5 UST 859; TIAS 2977; 236 UNTS 25
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador November 21 and 27, 1941.
Entered into force November 27, 1941.
55 Stat. 1478; EAS 230; 7 Bevans 551; 120 UNTS 161
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in El Salvador.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador August 11, November 13
and 20, 1961.
Entered into force November 13, 1961.
12 UST 2983; TIAS 4899; 433 UNTS 221
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of
import restrictions on certain categories of archaeological
material from the pre-Hispanic cultures of the Republic of El
Salvador, with appendix.
Signed at Washington March 8, 1995.
Entered into force March 8, 1995.
TIAS 12609
Amendments and Extensions:
March 7, 2000 (TIAS 00-307)
March 3 and 4, 2005 (TIAS 00-307)
February 24 and 25, 2010 (TIAS 00-307)
March 6, 2015 (TIAS 15-306)
Agreement providing for a United States Army mission to El
Signed at San Salvador September 23, 1954.
Entered into force November 17, 1954.
5 UST 2870; TIAS 3144; 237 UNTS 91
Extensions and Amendments:
March 16 and 31, 1959 (10 UST 730; TIAS 4206; 342 UNTS 351)
March 27 and May 3, 1963 (14 UST 484; TIAS 5345; 476 UNTS
Air Force mission agreement.
Signed at San Salvador November 21, 1957.
Entered into force November 21, 1957.
8 UST 2356; TIAS 3951; 303 UNTS 19
Extension and Amendments:
March 16 and 31, 1959 (10 UST 730; TIAS 4206; 342 UNTS 361)
January 15 and 22, 1960 (11 UST 76; TIAS 4410; 371 UNTS 324)
Agreement relating to the furnishing of defense articles and
services to El Salvador for the purpose of contributing to its
internal security.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador April 10 and 13, 1962.
Entered into force April 13, 1962.
13 UST 985; TIAS 5040; 451 UNTS 307
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the deposit by El Salvador of ten
percent of the value of grant military assistance and excess
defense articles furnished by the United States.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador April 25 and June 15, 1972.
Entered into force June 15, 1972; effective February 1, 1972.
23 UST 1331; TIAS 7416
Agreement concerning payment to the United States of net
proceeds from the sale of defense articles furnished under the
military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador October 24 and
December 6, 1974.
Entered into force December 6, 1974; effective July 1, 1974.
25 UST 3155; TIAS 7979
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for topographic
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting and information,
geodesy and geophysics, digital data and related mapping,
charting and geodesy materials, with glossary.
Signed at Delgado (San Salvador) and Fairfax
May 10 and 22, 1996.
Entered into force May 22, 1996.
Agreement regarding the loan of U. S. Government equipment
(vehicles, radios, generators, and any other equipment) and
provisions of logistic support services to Polish-led
Multinational Division and its members in support of
Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) in Iraq.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador August 21 and October 3,
Entered into force October 3, 2003.
TIAS 03-1003
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified military information.
Signed at Antiguo Cuscatlan February 1, 2007.
Entered into force February 1, 2007.
TIAS 07-201
Agreement concerning the status of military and civilian
personnel of the United States Department of Defense and
United States contractors who may be temporarily present in
El Salvador in connection with ship visits, training, exercises,
humanitarian activities and other activities as mutually agreed.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador February 15, 2007.
Entered into force May 22, 2007.
TIAS 07-522
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at San Salvador and Miami May 22 and June 8, 2012.
Entered into force June 8, 2012.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed September 25, 2014.
Entered into force September 25, 2014.
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or
successor legislation, the Arms Export and Control Act, the
Global Peace Operations Initiative, and other Department of
Defense Authorities, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training, and other defense services, from the United
States of America to El Salvador under such authorities.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador February 6 and 28, 2017.
Entered into force September 28, 2017.
TIAS 17-928
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed March 15 and April 24, 2018.
Entered into force April 24, 2018, with effect from May 17,
Agreement granting reciprocal customs privileges for Foreign
Service personnel.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 18 and May 9, 1958.
Entered into force May 9, 1958.
9 UST 617; TIAS 4043; 316 UNTS 29
Agreement relating to employment of dependents of official
government employees.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador January 19 and March 11,
Entered into force March 11, 1983.
TIAS 12380
Agreement relating to the guaranty of private investments.
Signed at San Salvador January 29, 1960.
Entered into force April 8, 1960.
11 UST 405; TIAS 4459; 372 UNTS 3
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Washington November 13, 1990.
Entered into force January 4, 1991.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts related to
agriculture owed to the Government of the United States and
its agencies, with appendices.
Signed at San Salvador December 15, 1992.
Entered into force January 14, 1993.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts related to
foreign assistance owed to the Government of the United
States and its agencies, with appendices.
Signed at San Salvador December 15, 1992.
Entered into force January 14, 1993.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the reduction of a certain debt related to
agricultural trade owed to the Government of the United States
and its agencies, with appendix.
Signed at San Salvador July 12, 2001.
Entered into force July 12, 2001.
General agreement for economic, technical and related
Signed at San Salvador December 19, 1961.
Entered into force January 16, 1962.
13 UST 266; TIAS 4971; 445 UNTS 175
Agreement concerning the establishment of an Americas Fund
and Administering Commission.
Signed at Washington June 18, 1993.
Entered into force July 5, 1994.
April 2, 2009
Millennium Challenge Compact, with annexes.
Signed at El Salvador September 30, 2014.
Entered into force September 9, 2015.
TIAS 15-909
Grant Agreement for the mitigating the effects of the Global
Financial Crisis Project, with annexes.
Signed March 16, 2010
Entered into force March 16, 2010.
Agreement for the tropical storm Ida reconstruction project,
with annexes.
Signed March 17, 2011
Entered into force March 17, 2011.
Agreement regarding the transfer of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at San Salvador October 25, 2002.
Entered into force June 21, 2004.
TIAS 04-621
Arrangement relating to workmen’s compensation and
unemployment insurance for American citizens employed on
projects in El Salvador.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador September 24, 28, and 29,
Entered into force September 29, 1943.
7 Bevans 586
Treaty of extradition.
Signed at San Salvador April 18, 1911.
Entered into force July 10, 1911.
37 Stat. 1516; TS 560; 7 Bevans 507
Agreement of cooperation concerning United States access to
and use of facilities at the International Airport of El Salvador
for aerial counter-narcotics activities.
Signed at San Salvador March 31, 2000.
Entered into force August 23, 2000.
TIAS 00-823
July 2, 2008 and April 2, 2009 (TIAS 00-823)
August 20 and 21, 2014 (TIAS 14-821)
Agreement regarding the cooperating nation information
exchange system.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador November 29 and
December 17, 2004.
Entered into force December 17, 2004.
Agreement concerning the establishment of an International
Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA).
Signed at San Salvador September 20, 2005.
Entered into force March 1, 2006.
TIAS 06-301
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at San Salvador and Washington August 29 and
October 6, 1989.
Entered into force October 30, 1989.
TIAS 11689
Postal money order agreement.
Signed at Mexico August 16, 1991.
Entered into force October 1, 1991.
TIAS 11800
Agreement for the enforcement of maintenance support
Signed at San Salvador May 30, 2006.
Entered into force June 21, 2007.
TIAS 07-621
Agreement concerning relief from double taxation on income
derived from operation of aircraft.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador December 17, 1987.
Entered into force December 17, 1987.
TIAS 11557; 2185 UNTS 343
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement relating to radio communications between
amateur stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador April 5, 1962.
Entered into force May 5, 1962.
13 UST 411; TIAS 5001; 442 UNTS 41
Agreement relating to the granting of authorizations to permit
licensed amateur radio operators of either country to operate
their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador May 24 and June 5, 1967.
Entered into force June 5, 1967.
18 UST 1661; TIAS 6309; 692 UNTS 221
Convention facilitating the work of traveling salesmen.
Signed at Washington January 28, 1919.
Entered into force January 18, 1921.
41 Stat. 1725; TS 651; 7 Bevans 514
Trade agreement.
Signed at San Salvador February 19, 1937.
Entered into force May 31, 1937.
50 Stat. 1564; EAS 101; 7 Bevans 536; 179 LNTS 219
Agreement terminating certain provisions of the reciprocal
trade agreement of February 19, 1937.
Exchange of notes at San Salvador June 29, 1962.
Entered into force June 29, 1962.
13 UST 1358; TIAS 5095
Agreement regarding the treatment of certain textile and
apparel goods under the Dominican Republic-Central
America-United States free trade agreement.
Exchange of letters at Washington and San Salvador
January 27, 2006.
Entered into force January 27, 2006.
Agreement relating to the construction of the Inter-American
Exchange of notes at Washington January 30 and
February 13, 1942.
Entered into force February 13, 1942.
56 Stat. 1842; EAS 294; 7 Bevans 558; 23 UNTS 293
February 19 and March 19, 1951 (2 UST 1840; TIAS 2318; 134
UNTS 245)
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at San Jose May 8, 1997.
Entered into force January 3, 2000.
TIAS 12861
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Equatorial Guinea.
Exchange of notes at Malabo November 18, 1987.
Entered into force November 18, 1987.
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Malabo March 9 and 30, 1983.
Entered into force March 30, 1983.
35 UST 3889; TIAS 10891
Agreement on employment of dependents of official
Signed at Malabo January 26, 2017.
Entered into force January 26, 2017.
TIAS 17-126
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington June 11, 1998.
Entered into force June 11, 1998.
TIAS 12963
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at New York September 25, 2003.
Entered into force May 6, 2004.
TIAS 04-506
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Malabo and Washington April 9 and May 21, 1991.
Entered into force July 1, 1991.
TIAS 11810
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Washington August 7, 2014.
Entered into force August 7, 2014.
TIAS 14-807
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On April 27, 1993, Eritrea declared independence from Ethiopia. For
agreements prior to the independence of Eritrea, see ETHIOPIA.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
Program in Eritrea.
Exchange of notes at Asmara May 20, 1994.
Entered into force May 20, 1994.
TIAS 12103
Agreement concerning the provision of training under the
United States International Military Education and Training
(IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Asmara December 28 and 31, 1993.
Entered into force December 31, 1993.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other services from the United States to
Exchange of notes at Asmara August 31 and September 30,
Entered into force September 30, 1995.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington May 4, 1994.
Entered into force July 7, 1994.
TIAS 12179
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington July 8, 2004.
Entered into force July 8, 2004.
TIAS 04-708
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Asmara and Washington July 4 and 18, 1994.
Entered into force November 1, 1994.
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Tallinn August 27, 1929.
Entered into force June 18, 1930.
46 Stat. 2757; TS 816; 7 Bevans 637; 102 LNTS 233
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Tallinn August 27, 1929.
Entered into force June 18, 1930.
46 Stat. 2760; TS 817; 7 Bevans 639; 102 LNTS 239
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Tallinn December 6, 1938.
Entered into force July 15, 1939.
53 Stat. 2059; EAS 138; 7 Bevans 647
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps of the
United States in Estonia.
Signed at Tallinn February 6, 1992.
Entered into force February 6, 1992.
TIAS; 1939 UNTS 113
Agreement on the protection and preservation of certain
cultural properties.
Signed at Tallinn January 16, 2003.
Entered into force July 22, 2003.
TIAS 03-722
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military,
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Tallinn May 18 and 25, 1992.
Entered into force May 25, 1992.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training or other defense services from the United
States to the Republic of Estonia.
Exchange of notes at Tallinn February 11 and 12, 1993.
Entered into force February 12, 1993.
TIAS 12288
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for topographic
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting, geodesy and
geophysics, digital data and related mapping, charting and
geodesy materials.
Signed at Tallinn December 7, 1993.
Entered into force December 7, 1993.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified military information.
Signed at Tallinn February 23, 2000.
Entered into force February 23, 2000.
TIAS 13082; 2109 UNTS 3
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Tallinn July 1, 2008.
Entered into force July 1, 2008.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Estonian defense personnel to the United States army, with
Signed at Washington and Tallinn July 3 and 9, 2012.
Entered into force July 9, 2012.
Agreement for research, development, test, and evaluation
projects, with annexes.
Signed at Washington June 22, 2016.
Entered into force June 22, 2016.
TIAS 16-622
Reciprocal defense procurement agreement.
Signed at Washington September 23, 2016.
Entered into force September 23, 2016.
TIAS 16-923
Agreement on defense cooperation, with annex.
Signed at Tallinn January 17, 2017.
Entered into force July 6, 2017.
TIAS 17-706.1
Agreement regarding the exchange of military personnel, with
Signed at Washington August 3 and 4, 2017.
Entered into force August 4, 2017.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Estonian Defense personnel to the U. S. Army, with annexes.
Signed at Washington August 3 and 4, 2017.
Entered into force August 4, 2017.
Memorandum of understanding concerning diplomatic
Signed at Tallinn September 4, 1991.
Entered into force September 4, 1991.
TIAS 12131; 1939 UNTS 93
Agreement relating to the employment on a reciprocal basis of
dependents of official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Tallinn May 28 and June 19, 2012.
Entered into force June 19, 2012.
Debt funding agreement.
Signed at Washington October 28, 1925; operative
December 15, 1922.
Treasury Department print; 7 Bevans 613
Agreement modifying the debt funding agreement of
October 28, 1925.
Signed at Washington June 11, 1932; operative July 1, 1931.
Treasury Department print; 7 Bevans 642
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Indianapolis October 28, 1991.
Entered into force October 28, 1991.
TIAS 12099; 1939 UNTS 101
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Washington April 2, 1998.
Entered into force October 20, 2000.
TIAS 12940
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Washington September 29, 2008.
Entered into force November 5, 2008.
TIAS 08-1105
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Tallinn February 8, 2006.
Entered into force April 7, 2009.
TIAS 09-407
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on mutual legal assistance between the United States of
America and the European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to
the application of the treaty on mutual legal assistance in
criminal matters of April 2, 1998, with annex.
Signed at Tallinn February 8, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.30
Agreement relating to mutual recognition of ship measurement
Exchange of notes at Washington and New York August 21,
1926 and New York November 30, 1926.
Entered into force November 30, 1926.
47 Stat. 2597; EAS 9; 7 Bevans 635; 62 LNTS 313
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Tallinn and Washington December 31, 1991 and
February 10, 1992.
Entered into force March 7, 1992.
TIAS 11852
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Tallinn December 11, 2008.
Entered into force October 26, 2009.
TIAS 09-1026
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income.
Signed at Washington January 15, 1998.
Entered into force December 30, 1999.
TIAS 12919
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Tallinn April 11, 2014.
Entered into force July 9, 2014.
TIAS 14-709
Agreement according mutual unconditional most-favored-
nation treatment in customs matters.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 2, 1925.
Entered into force August 1, 1925.
TS 722; 7 Bevans 608; 43 LNTS 289
Treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular rights, and
Signed at Washington December 23, 1925.
Entered into force May 22, 1926.
44 Stat. 2379; TS 736; 7 Bevans 620; 50 LNTS 13
Agreement concerning the development of trade and
investment relations.
Signed at Washington September 17, 1992.
Entered into force September 17, 1992.
Treaty for the encouragement and reciprocal protection of
investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington April 19, 1994.
Entered into force February 16, 1997.
TIAS 97-216; 1987 UNTS 131
Protocol to the treaty for the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment.
Signed at Brussels October 24, 2003.
Entered into force August 10, 2004.
TIAS 04-810
In a note dated October 22, 1968, to the Secretary General of the United
Nations, the Minister of State of Eswatini (Swaziland) made a statement
reading in part as follows:
[F]or a period of two years with effect from September 6, 1968, the
Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland accepts all treaty rights and
obligations entered into prior to independence by the British Government
on behalf of the Kingdom of Swaziland, during which period the treaties
and international agreements in which such rights and obligations are
embodied will receive examination with a view to determining, at the
expiration of that period of two years, which of those rights and
obligations will be adopted, which will be terminated, and which of these
will be adopted with reservations in respect of particular matters.
In a further note dated October 30, 1970, it was stated that the Government
of the Kingdom of Swaziland shall continue to apply the terms of these
treaties within Swaziland, on a basis of reciprocity, for an indefinite period
of time. This provisional arrangement should be deemed to continue in
each case until the depositary is notified of the decision of the Government
of the Kingdom of Swaziland either to accede definitively or to terminate
its further adherence to the treaty.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Swaziland.
Exchange of notes at Mbabane November 11, 1970.
Entered into force November 11, 1970.
21 UST 2487; TIAS 6989; 772 UNTS 173
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Mbabane January 10 and February 28,
Entered into force February 28, 1984.
35 UST 4505; TIAS 10952
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel
who may be temporarily present in Swaziland in connection
with mutually agreed activities.
Exchange of notes at Mbabane June 25 and July 24, 2009.
Entered into force July 24, 2009.
TIAS 09-724.1
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at Mbabane September 29, 1967.
Entered into force September 29, 1967.
18 UST 2510; TIAS 6350; 693 UNTS 167
Agreement continuing in force the agreement of
September 29, 1967 (TIAS 6350), relating to investment
Exchange of notes at Mbabane April 3 and July 28, 1970.
Entered into force July 28, 1970.
21 UST 2006; TIAS 6944; 763 UNTS 53
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
General agreement on special development assistance.
Signed at Mbabane June 3, 1970.
Entered into force June 3, 1970.
21 UST 1412; TIAS 6898; 756 UNTS 95
Agreement for economic, technical and related assistance.
Signed at Mbabane December 5, 1989.
Entered into force December 5, 1989.
TIAS 11733; 2202 UNTS 3
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Mbabane May 10, 2006.
Entered into force September 20, 2006.
TIAS 06-920
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Entered into force June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Agreement continuing in force between the United States and
Swaziland the extradition treaty of December 22, 1931 (47
Stat. 2122), between the United States and the United
Exchange of notes at Mbabane May 13 and July 28, 1970.
Entered into force July 28, 1970.
21 UST 1930; TIAS 6934; 756 UNTS 103
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Mbabane and Washington March 3 and April 6, 1988.
Entered into force May 1, 1988.
TIAS 11583
Agreement relating to establishment of a Bureau of Foreign
Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) in Swaziland.
Signed at Mbabane August 3, 1981.
Entered into force August 3, 1981.
33 UST 3344; TIAS 10235
Arrangement relating to radio communications between
amateur stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Mbabane April 12 and May 27, 1983.
Entered into force June 26, 1983.
TIAS 10718; 1607 UNTS 131
On April 27, 1993, Eritrea announced its independence from Ethiopia.
The status of the agreements listed below is under review.
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Addis Ababa January 26, 1929.
Entered into force August 5, 1929.
46 Stat. 2357; TS 799; 7 Bevans 662; 101 LNTS 517
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Addis Ababa January 26, 1929.
Entered into force August 5, 1929.
46 Stat. 2368; TS 800; 7 Bevans 665; 101 LNTS 529
Compensation agreement, with agreed minutes.
Signed at Addis Ababa December 19, 1985.
Entered into force December 19, 1985.
TIAS 11193
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Addis Ababa November 25, 1964.
Entered into force November 25, 1964.
15 UST 2150; TIAS 5698; 532 UNTS 125
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Addis Ababa October 2, 2007.
Entered into force October 2, 2007.
TIAS 07-1002
Agreement relating to mutual defense assistance.
Exchange of notes at Addis Ababa June 12 and 13, 1952.
Entered into force June 13, 1952.
3 UST 5498; TIAS 2751; 205 UNTS 17
Agreement relating to a special program of facilities
Exchange of notes at Addis Ababa December 26, 1957.
Entered into force December 26, 1957.
8 UST 2483; TIAS 3969; 307 UNTS 71.
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
materials no longer needed in the furtherance of the mutual
defense assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Addis Ababa January 2 and 6, 1958.
Entered into force January 6, 1958.
9 UST 339; TIAS 4013; 303 UNTS 342
Agreement concerning payment to the United States of net
proceeds from the sale of defense articles furnished under the
military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Addis Ababa May 13 and June 26, 1974.
Entered into force July 1, 1974.
25 UST 1437; TIAS 7872
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the furnishing of commodities, services
and related training to assist Ethiopia’s forces participating in
the African Crisis Response Initiative, with attachment.
Exchange of notes at Addis Ababa February 2 and 6, 1998.
Entered into force February 6, 1998.
Agreement relating to United States military and civilian
personnel of the United States Department of Defense who
may be temporarily present in Ethiopia in connection with
humanitarian relief, joint exercises and training, and other
agreed activities.
Exchange of notes at Addis Ababa February 21 and 27, 2002.
Entered into force February 27, 2002.
TIAS 02-227
Basic exchange and cooperation agreement concerning
geospatial information, with annexes.
Signed at Springfield May 13, 2015.
Entered into force May 13, 2015.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart and Addis Ababa March 24 and 29, 2016.
Entered into force March 29, 2016.
Agreement for financing certain educational programs, with
exchange of notes.
Signed at Addis Ababa December 6, 1961.
Entered into force December 6, 1961.
TIAS 4905; 12 UST 3057; 433 UNTS 231
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Addis Ababa August 31 and
September 2, 1999.
Entered into force September 2, 1999.
TIAS 13058
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program.
Signed at Addis Ababa August 24, 2005.
Entered into force August 24, 2005.
TIAS 05-824
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Addis Ababa August 3, 1962.
Entered into force August 3, 1962.
13 UST 1856; TIAS 5134; 459 UNTS 79
March 17, 1967 and March 8, 1968 (19 UST 4725; TIAS 6469; 697
UNTS 280)
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Washington May 3, 1993.
Entered into force June 18, 1993.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to the United States Government and its
agency, with annexes.
Signed at Addis Ababa October 9, 1997.
Entered into force December 3, 1997.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and reduction of
certain debts owed to the United States Government, with
Signed at Addis Ababa January 28, 2003.
Entered into force March 12, 2003.
Agreement regarding the cancellation of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government,
with annexes.
Signed at Addis Ababa December 30, 2004.
Entered into force March 4, 2005.
Agreement for economic and technical cooperation.
Signed at Addis Ababa November 15, 1993.
Entered into force November 15, 1993.
TIAS 12167
Parcel post agreement, with regulations of execution.
Signed at Addis Ababa and Washington June 3 and 15, 1967.
Entered into force September 1, 1967.
18 UST 1622; TIAS 6305; 692 UNTS 263
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Addis Ababa and Washington August 3 and
September 1, 1989.
Entered into force September 15, 1989.
TIAS 11954
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST service, with details of implementation.
Signed at Addis Ababa and Washington March 26 and
July 16, 1990.
Entered into force August 15, 1990.
TIAS 11955
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on the principles applying to mutual aid in the
prosecution of the war against aggression, and exchange of
Signed at Washington August 9, 1943.
Entered into force August 9, 1943.
57 Stat. 1043; EAS 334; 7 Bevans 668; 29 UNTS 303
Agreement on lend-lease settlement.
Signed at Addis Ababa May 20, 1949.
Entered into force May 20, 1949.
63 Stat. 2446; TIAS 1931; 7 Bevans 678; 89 UNTS 99
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Addis Ababa December 9, 2002, and
August 28, 2003.
Entered into force August 28, 2003.
TIAS 03-828.1
Agreement to exempt from income tax, on a reciprocal basis,
income derived from the international operation of aircraft and
Exchange of notes at Addis Ababa October 30 and
November 12, 1998.
Entered into force November 12, 1998; effective January 1,
TIAS 12996
Treaty of amity and economic relations, and related notes.
Signed at Addis Ababa September 7, 1951.
Entered into force October 8, 1953.
4 UST 2134; TIAS 2864; 206 UNTS 41
Agreement amending the treaty of amity and economic
relations of September 7, 1951, to terminate notes concerning
administration of justice.
Exchange of notes at Addis Ababa September 16, 1965, and
October 20, 1972.
Entered into force May 3, 1973.
24 UST 2136; TIAS 7726
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of assistance in
developing and modernizing the civil aviation infrastructure of
Signed September 21 and November 24, 2005.
Entered into force November 24, 2005.
February 3 and 10, 2011 (NP)
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington May 17, 2005.
Entered into force July 21, 2006.
TIAS 06-721.1
Agreement for cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear
energy, with annexes, agreed minute and declaration.
Signed at Brussels November 7, 1995 and March 29, 1996.
Entered into force April 12, 1996.
Technical exchange and cooperation arrangement in the field
of nuclear-related technology research and development, with
Signed at Brussels March 6, 2003.
Entered into force March 6, 2003.
TIAS 03-306
Agreement in the field of nuclear material safeguards and
security research and development, with annexes.
Signed at Vienna November 2, 2010.
Entered into force November 2, 2010.
TIAS 10-1102
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in the field of nuclear safety matters, with
addenda and annex.
Signed at Vienna September 15, 2015.
Entered into force September 15, 2015.
TIAS 15-915.4
Agreement on an initial joint polar-orbiting operational
satellite system, with annex.
Signed at Washington November 19, 1998.
Entered into force November 19, 1998.
TIAS 12998
Agreement on access to images and meteorological data
distribution material from the EUMETSAT geostationary
meteorological satellites.
Signed at Darmstadt July 19, 2000.
Entered into force July 19, 2000.
TIAS 13105
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on joint transition activities regarding polar-
orbiting operational environmental satellite systems, with
Signed at Darmstadt June 24, 2003.
Entered into force June 24, 2003.
TIAS 03-624
January 7 and 20, 2005 (TIAS 03-624)
Agreement on access to images and meteorological data
distribution material from the EUMETSAT METEOSAT
Signed at Darmstadt July 1, 2008.
Entered into force July 1, 2008.
TIAS 08-701
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation on the Global
Precipitation Measurement Mission.
Signed at Darmstadt and Washington June 28 and July 26,
Entered into force July 26, 2013.
TIAS 13-726
Agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation on
Large Hadron Collider activities.
Signed at Washington December 8, 1997.
Entered into force December 8, 1997.
Experiments Protocol relating to the agreement of
December 8, 1997, concerning scientific and technical
cooperation on Large Hadron Collider activities.
Signed at Geneva December 19, 1997.
Entered into force December 19, 1997.
Accelerator Protocol relating to the agreement of December 8,
1997, concerning scientific and technical cooperation on
Large Hadron Collider activities.
Signed at Geneva December 19, 1997.
Entered into force December 19, 1997.
Agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation in
nuclear and particle physics.
Signed at Washington May 7, 2015.
Entered into force May 7, 2015.
TIAS 15-507
Neutrino Protocol I to agreement of May 7, 2015 concerning
scientific and technical cooperation in nuclear and particle
Signed at Geneva December 18, 2015.
Entered into force December 18, 2015.
TIAS 15-1218
April 28 and May 2, 2017 (TIAS 17-502)
Nuclear Physics Experiments Protocol I to agreement of May
7, 2015 concerning scientific and technical cooperation in
nuclear and particle physics.
Signed at Geneva December 18, 2015.
Entered into force December 18, 2015.
TIAS 15-1218.1
Experiments Protocol II to agreement of May 7, 2015
concerning scientific and technical cooperation in nuclear and
particle physics.
Signed at Geneva December 18, 2015.
Entered into force December 18, 2015.
TIAS 15-1218.2
April 28 and May 2, 2017 (TIAS 17-502.1)
Accelerator Protocol III to agreement of May 7, 2015
concerning scientific and technical cooperation in nuclear and
particle physics.
Signed at Geneva December 18, 2015.
Entered into force December 18, 2015.
TIAS 15-1218.3
April 28 and May 2, 2017 (TIAS 17-502.2)
Agreement to enhance cooperation in preventing, detecting,
suppressing, and investigating serious forms of international
crime, with annex.
Signed at Brussels December 6, 2001.
Entered into force December 7, 2001.
TIAS 01-1207
Supplemental agreement on the exchange of personal data and
related information, with exchange of letters.
Signed at Copenhagen December 20, 2002.
Entered into force December 21, 2002.
TIAS 01-1207
Agreement concerning the joint construction and operation of
the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), with annexes.
Signed at Arlington February 7 and 25, 2003.
Entered into force February 25, 2003.
TIAS 03-225
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the use of
U.S. Landsat data, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Paris June 18 and July 17, 2012.
Entered into force July 17, 2012.
TIAS 12-717
Memorandum of understanding for a cooperative program
concerning design (Phase B) of a permanently manned space
Signed at Paris June 3, 1985.
Entered into force June 3, 1985.
TIAS 11351
Memorandum of understanding concerning the Solar
Terrestrial Science Program, with related exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington November 30, 1989.
Entered into force November 30, 1989.
TIAS 12216
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation on the
civil international space station.
Signed at Washington January 29, 1998.
Entered into force November 27, 2007.
Agreement concerning network and operations cross-support.
Signed at Washington March 21, 2007.
Entered into force March 21, 2007.
TIAS 07-321
Memorandum of understanding concerning the James Webb
space telescope.
Signed at Paris June 18, 2007.
Entered into force June 18, 2007.
TIAS 07-618.1
Agreement concerning cooperation on the robotic exploration
of Mars.
Exchange of letters at Paris and Washington
June 22 and 28, 2010.
Entered into force June 28, 2010.
TIAS 10-628
Memorandum of understanding concerning the solar orbiter
Signed at Paris and Washington February 23 and March 6,
Entered into force March 6, 2012.
TIAS 12-306
Memorandum of understanding concerning the 2016 Exomars
Signed at Paris and Washington April 14 and 29, 2014.
Entered into force April 29, 2014.
TIAS 14-429
In a Verbal Note dated November 27, 2009, that was transmitted to the
Government of the United States of America, the Council of the European
Union and the Commission of the European Communities stated in part:
The Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the
Treaty establishing the European Community will enter into force on
1 December 2009. [A]s from that date all agreements between your
country and the European Community/European Union, and all
commitments made by the European Community/European Union to your
country and made by your country to the European Community/European
Union, will be assumed by the European Union.
Agreement on the participation of the United States of
America in the European Union rule of law mission in
Kosovo, EULEX Kosovo, with annex.
Signed at Brussels October 22, 2008.
Entered into force October 22, 2008.
TIAS 08-1022
Agreement on the participation of the United States of
America in the European Union crisis management operations.
Signed at Washington May 17, 2011.
Entered into force June 1, 2011.
TIAS 11-601
Agreement on the security of classified information.
Signed at Washington April 30, 2007.
Entered into force April 30, 2007.
TIAS 07-430.1
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Brussels December 6, 2016.
Entered into force December 6, 2016.
Agreement on precursors and chemical substances frequently
used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs or
psychotropic substances, with annexes and exchange of letters.
Signed at The Hague May 28, 1997.
Entered into force July 1, 1997.
Agreement on customs cooperation and mutual assistance in
customs matters.
Signed at The Hague May 28, 1997.
Entered into force August 1, 1997.
TIAS 12862
Agreement on mutual legal assistance, with explanatory note.
Signed at Washington June 25, 2003.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on extradition, with explanatory note.
Signed at Washington June 25, 2003.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201
Agreement on intensifying and broadening the agreement on
customs cooperation and mutual assistance in customs matters
to include cooperation on container security and related
matters, with annex.
Signed at Washington April 22, 2004.
Entered into force April 22, 2004.
TIAS 04-422
Agreement on the processing and transfer of financial
messaging data from the European Union to the United States
for the purposes of the terrorist finance tracking program.
Signed at Brussels June 28, 2010.
Entered into force August 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-801
Agreement on the processing and transfer of passenger name
record (PNR) to the United States Department of Homeland
Security, with annex.
Signed at Brussels December 14, 2011.
Entered into force July 1, 2012.
TIAS 12-701
Agreement on the protection of personal information relating
to the prevention, investigation, detection, and prosecution of
criminal offenses.
Signed at Amsterdam June 2, 2016.
Entered into force February 1, 2017.
TIAS 17-201
Agreement on the promotion, provision and use of Galileo and
GPS satellite-based navigation systems and related
Signed at Newmarket-on-Fergus June 26, 2004.
Entered into force December 12, 2011.
Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Washington December 5, 1997.
Entered into force October 14, 1998.
TIAS 12910
Amendments and Extensions:
October 8, 2004 (TIAS 04-1008)
May 15 and July 6, 2009 (TIAS 04-1008)
April 28, 2014 and June 12, 2014 (TIAS 14-613)
October 2 and 15, 2018 (18-1015)
Joint declaration on commercial relations.
Signed at Geneva March 7, 1962.
Entered into force March 7, 1962.
13 UST 958; TIAS 5033; 445 UNTS 195
Agreement regulating certain trade in cheese.
Exchange of letters at Brussels December 20, 1974, and
January 14, 1975.
Entered into force January 14, 1975.
26 UST 1773; TIAS 8135; 1006 UNTS 85
Agreement concerning exports of pasta, with settlement,
annex and related letter.
Exchange of letters at Brussels and Washington August 12 and
September 15, 1987.
Entered into force September 15, 1987.
Agreement regarding the application of competition laws.
Signed at Washington September 23, 1991.
Entered into force September 23, 1991.
Agreement on the mutual recognition of certain distilled
spirits/spirit drinks, with related exchange of letters.
Exchange of letters at Brussels and Washington
March 15 and 25, 1994.
Entered into force March 25, 1994.
Agreement for the conclusion of negotiations between the
European Community and the United States under Article
XXIV.6, with annexes and exchanges of letters.
Signed at Geneva July 22, 1996.
Entered into force July 22, 1996; effective December 30, 1995.
Agreement on mutual recognition, with annexes.
Signed at London May 18, 1998.
Entered into force December 1, 1998.
TIAS 17-301
January 19 and March 1, 2017 (TIAS 17-301)
Agreement on the application of positive comity principles in
the enforcement of their competition laws.
Signed at Brussels and Washington June 3 and 4, 1998.
Entered into force June 4, 1998.
TIAS 12958
Agreement on sanitary measures to protect public and animal
health in trade in live animals and animal products.
Signed at Brussels July 20, 1999.
Entered into force August 1, 1999.
Proces-verbal amending the proces-verbal of July 15, 1997, on
rules of origin for certain textile products.
Signed at Geneva August 16, 1999.
Entered into force August 16, 1999.
Agreement on the mutual recognition of certificates of
conformity for marine equipment.
Signed at Washington February 27, 2004.
Entered into force July 1, 2004.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on matters related to trade in wine.
Exchange of letters at Brussels November 23, 2005.
Entered into force November 23, 2005.
Agreement on trade in wine, with annexes.
Signed at London March 10, 2006.
Entered into force March 10, 2006.
TIAS 06-310
Agreement pursuant to Article XXIV.6 and Article XXVIII of
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 1994
relating to the modification of concessions in the schedules of
the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania,
Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia in the course
of their accession to the European Union, with annex.
Exchange of letters at Geneva March 22, 2006.
Entered into force March 22, 2006.
Revised memorandum of understanding regarding the
importation of beef from animals not treated with certain
growth-promoting hormones and increased duties applied by
the United States to certain products of the European Union.
Signed at Geneva October 21, 2013.
Entered into force October 21, 2013.
August 2, 2019
Agreement on prudential measures regarding insurance and
reinsurance, with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 22, 2017.
Entered into force April 4, 2018.
TIAS 18-404
Decision No 1/2017 of the Joint Committee Established Under
Article 14 of the Agreement on Mutual Recognition
Amending the Sectoral Annex for Pharmaceutical Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).
Signed at Washington and Brussels January 19 and March 1,
Entered into force March 1, 2017.
TIAS 17-301
Agreement on cooperation in the regulation of civil aviation
safety, with annexes.
Signed at Brussels June 30, 2008.
Entered into force May 1, 2011.
TIAS 11-501
Memorandum of cooperation relating to technical assistance in
developing and modernizing civil aviation security
infrastructure, with annex.
Signed at Budapest March 3, 2011.
Entered into force October 21, 2011.
Agreement regarding terrorism and transnational crime.
Signed at Washington November 6, 2006.
Entered into force December 19, 2006.
TIAS 06-1219
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On October 10, 1970, Fiji became an independent state. In a note dated
October 10, 1970, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the
Prime Minister of Fiji made a statement reading in part as follows:
[M]any treaty rights and obligations of the Government of the United
Kingdom in respect to Fiji were succeeded to by Fiji upon independence
by virtue of customary international law…. It is desired that it be presumed
that each treaty has been legally succeeded to by Fiji and that action be
based on this presumption until a decision is reached that it should be
regarded as having lapsed. Should the Government of Fiji be of the
opinion that it has legally succeeded to a treaty, and wishes to terminate
the operation of the treaty, it will in due course give notice of termination
in the terms thereof.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Fiji.
Exchange of notes at Suva June 25, 1968.
Entered into force June 25, 1968.
19 UST 5208; TIAS 6515; 648 UNTS 65
Agreement continuing in force the agreement of June 25,
1968, relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps program
in Fiji.
Exchange of notes at Suva and Washington April 25 and
June 27, 1972.
Entered into force June 27, 1972.
23 UST 1156; TIAS 7377
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Suva November 18, 1985 and
February 14, 1986.
Entered into force February 14, 1986.
TIAS 11105
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement continuing in force between the United States and
Fiji the consular convention of June 6, 1951 (3 UST 3426)
between the United States and the United Kingdom.
Exchange of notes at Suva and Washington October 16 and
December 12, 1972.
Entered into force December 12, 1972.
23 UST 3770; TIAS 7525
Agreement concerning the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Suva June 20 and November 25, 2003.
Entered into force November 25, 2003.
TIAS 03-1125
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Suva January 28, 1997.
Entered into force January 28, 1997.
TIAS 12827
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Suva December 30, 1975 and
January 9, 1976.
Entered into force January 9, 1976.
27 UST 1826; TIAS 8281
Declaration affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement continuing in force between the United States and
Fiji the declaration affording reciprocal protection to trade-
marks of October 24, 1877 (20 Stat. 703) by the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Exchange of notes at Suva and at Washington August 30 and
November 4, 1971.
Entered into force November 4, 1971.
22 UST 1891; TIAS 7232
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Suva December 17, 2003.
Entered into force December 17, 2003.
TIAS 03-1217
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Entered into force June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement continuing in force between the United States and
Fiji the extradition treaty of December 22, 1931 (47 Stat.
2122) between the United States and the United Kingdom.
Exchange of notes at Suva and Washington July 14, 1972 and
August 17, 1973.
Entered into force August 17, 1973.
24 UST 1965; TIAS 7707
Agreement concerning counter illicit transnational maritime
activity operations.
Signed at Suva November 12, 2018.
Entered into force November 12, 2018.
TIAS 18-1112
Parcel post agreement, with detailed regulations of execution.
Signed at Washington and Suva November 15, 1938 and
January 10, 1939.
Operative January 2, 1939.
53 Stat. 2031; Post Office Department print; 196 LNTS 185
Agreement providing for parcel post insurance.
Signed at Suva and Washington April 12 and April 22, 1965.
Entered into force July 1, 1965.
16 UST 850; TIAS 5822; 685 UNTS 23
Express mail service agreement, with detailed regulations.
Signed at Suva and Arlington August 3 and December 21, 2001.
Entered into force March 1, 2002.
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Entered into force August 7, 1900; applicable to Fiji
February 9, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property of March 2, 1899.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement continuing in force between the United States and
Fiji the conventions of March 2, 1899, and May 27, 1936,
between the United States and the United Kingdom relating to
tenure and disposition of real and personal property.
Exchange of notes at Suva and at Washington November 2 and
December 9, 1971.
Entered into force December 9, 1971.
22 UST 1806; TIAS 7222
Agreement for the reciprocal exemption with respect to taxes
on income from the international operation of ships and
Exchange of notes at Suva June 19 and August 12, 1996.
Entered into force August 12, 1996; effective January 1, 1996.
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at London November 26, 1965.
Entered into force November 26, 1965; applicable to Fiji
December 11, 1969.
16 UST 2047; TIAS 5941; 561 UNTS 193
Agreement extending to certain territories the application of
the agreement of November 26, 1965, relating to the
reciprocal granting of authorizations to permit licensed
amateur radio operators of either country to operate their
stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at London December 11, 1969.
Entered into force December 11, 1969.
20 UST 4089; TIAS 6800; 732 UNTS 334
Agreement continuing in force between the United States and
Fiji the agreement of November 25, 1965, between the United
States and the United Kingdom relating to the reciprocal
granting of authorizations to permit licensed amateur radio
operators of either country to operate their stations in the other
Exchange of notes at Suva and Washington July 10 and
August 14, 1972.
Entered into force August 14, 1972.
23 UST 1334; TIAS 7417
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Suva October 1, 1979.
Entered into force provisionally October 1, 1979; definitively
October 11, 1979.
32 UST 3747; TIAS 9917
October 25, 1985 (TIAS 11143)
July 10 and August 19, 1996 (TIAS 12792)
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington June 7, 1928.
Entered into force January 14, 1929.
45 Stat. 2724; TS 768; 7 Bevans 711; 87 LNTS 9
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Washington June 7, 1928.
Entered into force January 14, 1929.
45 Stat. 2726; TS 769; 7 Bevans 713; 87 LNTS 15
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the maximum validity of visas for four
years and the abolition of visa fees for certain classes of
nonimmigrant visas.*
Exchange of notes at Helsinki July 7, August 26, and
December 14, 1955.
Entered into force December 14, 1955; operative January 1,
9 UST 1175; TIAS 4102; 335 UNTS 263
February 15 and 20, 1956 (9 UST 1179; TIAS 4102; 335 UNTS 272)
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the waiver of visa requirements for
Exchange of notes at Washington August 15, 1958.
Entered into force August 15, 1958; operative September 15,
9 UST 1183; TIAS 4103; 314 UNTS 43
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 28 and 30, 1938.
Entered into force December 30, 1938; operative January 1,
53 Stat. 2071; EAS 139; 7 Bevans 744; 195 LNTS 419
Convention regulating military obligations of persons having
dual nationality.
Signed at Helsinki January 27, 1939.
Entered into force October 3, 1939.
54 Stat. 1712; TS 953; 7 Bevans 747; 201 LNTS 197
Agreement concerning exchange of research and development
information, with appendix.
Signed at Washington and Helsinki September 11 and
October 5, 1995.
Entered into force October 5, 1995.
TIAS 12289
May 7 and 25, 2010 (TIAS 10-1004)
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning
geospatial information and services cooperation.
Signed at Helsinki August 30, 2000.
Entered into force August 30, 2000.
Memorandum of agreement regarding foreign liaison officers.
Signed at Helsinki and Norfolk February 8 and 13, 2004.
Entered into force February 13, 2004.
February 12, 2009
January 15 and 23, 2014
Memorandum of understanding concerning air force exercises
and activities in Finland.
Signed March 31 and April 21, 2005.
Entered into force April 21, 2005.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Helsinki and Stuttgart June 18 and July 9, 2008.
Entered into force October 16, 2008.
Agreement for research, development, testing, and evaluation
projects, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Helsinki May 2 and August 26, 2011.
Entered into force May 27, 2012.
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified information, with appendix.
Signed at Helsinki June 27, 2012.
Entered into force May 1, 2013.
TIAS 13-501
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Finnish Defense personnel to U.S. Special Operations
Command, with annexes.
Signed November 17 and 25, 2015.
Entered into force November 25, 2015.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Finnish Defense Forces liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Mons and Stuttgart January 11 and 22, 2016.
Entered into force January 22, 2016.
Agreement concerning reciprocal defense procurement.
Signed at Helsinki and Washington October 19 and November
26, 2018.
Entered into force October 3, 2019.
TIAS 19-1003
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Helsinki July 2, 1952.
Entered into force July 2, 1952.
3 UST 4126; TIAS 2555; 165 UNTS 203
November 30, 1956 (7 UST 3255; TIAS 3704; 263 UNTS 418)
May 30, 1959 (10 UST 1043; TIAS 4241; 346 UNTS 334)
November 14, 1960 (11 UST 2351; TIAS 4614; 400 UNTS 382)
October 29, 1975 (26 UST 2898; TIAS 8196)
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Helsinki March 1 and 12, 1996.
Entered into force April 11, 1996.
TIAS 12734; 1927 UNTS 77
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Helsinki March 23, 1995.
Entered into force March 23, 1995.
TIAS 12621
Debt funding agreement.
Signed at Washington May 1, 1923.
Operative December 15, 1922.
Treasury Department print; 7 Bevans 688
Agreement modifying the debt funding agreement of May 1,
Signed at Washington May 23, 1932.
Operative July 1, 1931.
Treasury Department print; 7 Bevans 716
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section
413(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Helsinki July 22, 1959.
Entered into force July 22, 1959.
10 UST 1317; TIAS 4275; 354 UNTS 39
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Helsinki June 11, 1976.
Entered into force May 11, 1980.
31 UST 944; TIAS 9626; 1203 UNTS 165
Agreement regarding mutual assistance in customs matters.
Signed at Washington January 5, 1988.
Entered into force July 13, 1989.
TIAS 12116; 1557 UNTS 155
Protocol to the extradition treaty of June 11, 1976, with annex.
Signed at Brussels December 16, 2004.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.7
Treaty on certain aspects of mutual legal assistance in criminal
matters, with annex.
Signed at Brussels December 16, 2004.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.31
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating crime.
Signed at Washington March 17, 2010.
Entered into force August 1, 2012, with the exception of
Articles 7 through 9, that may enter into force in the future
under conditions specified in Article 24.
TIAS 12-801
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 1, 1982.
Entered into force December 1, 1982.
TIAS 10615; 2000 UNTS 451
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters.
Signed at Vienna September 28, 2016.
Entered into force September 28, 2016.
TIAS 16-928
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Helsingfors and Washington September 1 and 23,
Operative August 1, 1932.
47 Stat. 2169; Post Office Department print
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Washington November 19, 1984.
Entered into force February 7, 1985.
TIAS 11010; 2022 UNTS 9
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST field trial, with details of implementation.
Signed at Helsinki and Washington August 23 and
September 23, 1985.
Entered into force September 23, 1985.
TIAS 11158
Agreement for the enforcement of maintenance support
Signed at Helsinki April 3, 2006.
Entered into force September 29, 2007.
TIAS 07-929
Agreement relating to scientific and technological
cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Washington May 16, 1995.
Entered into force August 27, 1995.
TIAS 12647
October 16, 2012 (TIAS 14-421)
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Reston and Espoo March 30 and May 3, 2000.
Entered into force May 3, 2000.
TIAS 00-503
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Helsinki June 3, 1991.
Entered into force November 1, 1992.
TIAS 12105; 1705 UNTS 153
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on estates
and inheritances.
Signed at Washington March 3, 1952.
Entered into force December 18, 1952.
3 UST 4464; TIAS 2595; 177 UNTS 141
Agreement for relief from double taxation on earnings from
operation of ships and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Helsinki April 8 and 22, 1988.
Entered into force April 22, 1988.
TIAS 11576
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and on capital.*
Signed at Helsinki September 21, 1989.
Entered into force December 30, 1990.
TIAS 12101
May 31, 2006 (TIAS 07-1228.1)
* With an understanding.
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Helsinki March 5, 2014.
Entered into force February 20, 2015.
TIAS 15-220
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Helsinki December 15 and 27, 1967.
Entered into force December 27, 1967.
18 UST 3153; TIAS 6406; 697 UNTS 55
Treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular rights, and
Signed at Washington February 13, 1934.
Entered into force August 10, 1934.
49 Stat. 2659; TS 868; 7 Bevans 718; 152 LNTS 45
Protocol modifying article IV of the treaty of friendship,
commerce, and consular rights of February 13, 1934.
Signed at Washington December 4, 1952.
Entered into force September 24, 1953.
4 UST 2047; TIAS 2861; 205 UNTS 149
Protocol to the treaty of friendship, commerce and consular
rights of February 13, 1934, as modified.
Signed at Washington July 1, 1991.
Entered into force December 1, 1992.
Air transport agreement.*
Signed at Helsinki March 29, 1949.
Entered into force April 28, 1949.
63 Stat. 2550; TIAS 1945; 7 Bevans 752; 55 UNTS 59
June 9, 1995 (TIAS 12657; 2142 UNTS 23)
Related Agreement:
May 12, 1980 (32 UST 2368; TIAS 9845)
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Agreement relating to the reciprocal acceptance of certificates
of airworthiness for imported civil glider aircraft and civil
aircraft appliances.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 7, 1974.
Entered into force March 7, 1974.
25 UST 262; TIAS 7795; 944 UNTS 165
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in the
field of transportation.
Signed at Washington July 23, 1981.
Entered into force July 23, 1981.
33 UST 3258; TIAS 10222
Project agreement for cooperation in the field of icebreaking
Signed at Washington July 23, 1981.
Entered into force July 23, 1981.
33 UST 3261; TIAS 10223
May 9 and June 13, 1983 (35 UST 1320; TIAS 10731; 1607 UNTS
Memorandum of understanding on highway transportation
technology exchange.
Signed at Madrid May 19, 1993.
Entered into force May 19, 1993.
TIAS 12498
Agreement for promotion of air safety.
Signed at Helsinki November 2, 2000.
Entered into force July 8, 2001.
TIAS 13124; 2160 UNTS 195
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Framework agreement regarding the development of a viable
and sustainable global agricultural system.
Signed at Washington March 14, 2007.
Entered into force March 14, 2007.
TIAS 07-314
Agreement concerning the Peace Corps.
Exchange of notes at Rome March 23 and 29, 1962.
Entered into force March 29, 1962.
13 UST 1391; TIAS 5101; 454 UNTS 13
Agreement relating to a Fund-in-Trust grant to the FAO to
supplement activities under the Off-Shore Fishery
Development Project for Viet Nam.
Exchange of notes at Washington and Rome May 26, 1967.
Entered into force May 26, 1967.
18 UST 1618; TIAS 6304
Treaty to facilitate the settlement of disputes.
Signed at Washington September 15, 1914.
Entered into force January 22, 1915.
38 Stat. 1887; TS 609; 7 Bevans 883
Treaty of arbitration and exchange of notes dated
March 1 and 5, 1928.
Signed at Washington February 6, 1928.
Entered into force April 22, 1929.
46 Stat. 2269; TS 785; 7 Bevans 968; 91 LNTS 323
Agreement respecting maritime claims and litigation.
Signed at Washington March 14, 1949.
Entered into force March 14, 1949.
63 Stat. 2499; TIAS 1935; 7 Bevans 1300; 84 UNTS 225
Agreement relating to the procedure for the settlement of
claims of French nationals who were prisoners of war of
United States forces during World War II.
Exchange of notes at Paris June 4, October 15 and
December 6, 1951; and January 17 and February 2, 1952.
Entered into force February 2, 1952.
5 UST 622; TIAS 2951; 247 UNTS 223
Agreement concerning payments for certain losses suffered
during World War II, with annexes.
Signed at Washington January 18, 2001.
Entered into force February 5, 2001.
TIAS 01-205; 2156 UNTS 281
May 30 and 31, 2002 (TIAS 01-205)
February 21, 2006 (TIAS 01-205)
Agreement on compensation for certain victims of Holocaust-
related deportation from France who are not covered by
French programs, with annex and exchange of rectifying
Signed at Washington December 8, 2014.
Entered into force November 1, 2015.
TIAS 15-1101
Reciprocal agreement relating to visa fees for
Exchanges of notes at Washington August 19 and September 4,
5, and 16, 1947.
Entered into force September 16, 1947; operative October 1,
61 Stat. 3776; TIAS 1721; 7 Bevans 1210; 84 UNTS 19
* The status of this agreement is under review. Applicable to all
Arrangement for the waiver by France of visa requirements for
United States citizens visiting Metropolitan France and certain
French territories, and for the granting by the United States of
gratis passport visas to French citizens as nonimmigrants.*
Exchange of notes at Paris March 16 and 31, 1949.
Entered into force March 31, 1949.
63 Stat. 2737; TIAS 1987; 7 Bevans 1311; 84 UNTS 283
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the reciprocal issuance of nonimmigrant
visas for treaty traders and treaty investors.
Exchange of notes at Paris September 1 and 21, 1961.
Entered into force September 21, 1961; operative October 21,
12 UST 3197; TIAS 4924; 433 UNTS 243
Agreement relating to the erection of war memorials in
national cemeteries by American citizens.
Exchange of notes at Paris May 24, July 11 and July 12, 1924.
Entered into force July 12, 1924.
7 Bevans 942
August 7 and October 19, 1946
Agreement relating to exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Paris August 14, 1945.
Entered into force January 1, 1946.
60 Stat. 1944; TIAS 1579; 7 Bevans 1095; 73 UNTS 237
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the interment in France and in
territories of the French Union, or removal to the United
States, of the bodies of American soldiers killed in the war of
Signed at Paris October 1, 1947.
Entered into force October 1, 1947.
61 Stat. 3767; TIAS 1720; 7 Bevans 1215; 148 UNTS 303
Agreement relating to the grant of plots of land located in
France for the creation of permanent military cemeteries or the
construction of war memorials, with annexes.
Signed at Paris March 19, 1956.
Entered into force March 19, 1956.
7 UST 561; TIAS 3537; 275 UNTS 37
Agreement relating to the fulfillment of military obligations
during the wars of 19141918 and 19391945 by persons with
dual nationality.
Exchange of notes at Paris December 22, 1948.
Entered into force December 22, 1948.
62 Stat. 3621; TIAS 1876; 7 Bevans 1294; 67 UNTS 38
November 18 and December 31, 1952 (3 UST 5345; TIAS 2741; 185
UNTS 396)
Mutual defense assistance agreement.
Signed at Washington January 27, 1950.
Entered into force January 27, 1950.
1 UST 34; TIAS 2012; 80 UNTS 171
Agreement regarding the establishment of an air depot at
Deols-La Martinerie.
Signed at Paris February 27, 1951.
Entered into force February 27, 1951.
17 UST 1865; TIAS 6130; 674 UNTS 55
Agreement relating to the assurances required by the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Paris January 5, 1952.
Entered into force January 5, 1952.
3 UST 4559; TIAS 2606; 181 UNTS 177
Agreement regarding certain air bases and facilities in
Metropolitan France placed at the disposition of the United
States Air Force.
Signed at Paris October 4, 1952.
Entered into force October 4, 1952.
17 UST 1873; TIAS 6131; 674 UNTS 65
Agreement relating to the transfer to Paris of the headquarters
of the Deputy Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe.
Exchange of notes at Paris June 17, 1953.
Entered into force June 17, 1953.
17 UST 1906; TIAS 6134; 674 UNTS 83
Agreement regarding the transport, burial, and embalming of
bodies of members of United States forces dying in France.
Signed at Paris July 1, 1955.
Entered into force July 1, 1955.
6 UST 3787; TIAS 3380; 270 UNTS 19
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
material no longer required in the furtherance of the mutual
defense assistance program, and related notes.
Exchange of notes at Paris September 23, 1955.
Entered into force September 23, 1955.
6 UST 5971; TIAS 3440; 270 UNTS 341
Memorandum of understanding relating to sales to France of
military equipment, materials, and services under the mutual
defense assistance agreement of January 27, 1950, and
exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington January 30, 1958.
Entered into force January 30, 1958.
9 UST 71; TIAS 3980; 304 UNTS 349
Agreement for the transfer of special tools to France under the
mutual defense assistance agreement of January 27, 1950.
Exchange of notes at Paris October 28, 1958.
Entered into force October 28, 1958.
9 UST 1450; TIAS 4140; 337 UNTS 397
Agreement concerning system of communications and depots.
Signed at Paris December 8, 1958.
Entered into force December 8, 1958.
17 UST 1890; TIAS 6132; 674 UNTS 99
Agreement for cooperation on uses of atomic energy for
mutual defense purposes.
Signed at Washington May 7, 1959.
Entered into force July 20, 1959.
10 UST 1279; TIAS 4268; 354 UNTS 83
Agreement relating to a weapons production program.
Exchange of notes at Paris September 19, 1960.
Entered into force September 19, 1960.
11 UST 2333; TIAS 4611; 400 UNTS 21
Memorandum of understanding relating to military
procurement, with an exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington December 20, 1961.
Entered into force December 20, 1961.
12 UST 3132; TIAS 4914; 433 UNTS 340
Agreement regarding the operation, maintenance and security
of the Donges-Metz pipeline system, with protocol and
exchange of letters.
Signed at Paris March 24, 1967.
Entered into force April 1, 1967.
18 UST 352; TIAS 6242; 688 UNTS 357
Memorandum of understanding relating to a cooperative
research project in titanium alloys, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Paris June 23 and August 26, 1977.
Entered into force August 26, 1977.
TIAS 12290
General security of information agreement.
Signed at Paris September 7, 1977.
Entered into force September 7, 1977.
29 UST 1985; TIAS 8914
Memorandum of agreement concerning the use of Diane
Range, Solenzara, Corsica.
Signed at Paris March 27, 1986.
Entered into force March 27, 1986.
TIAS 11402; 2190 UNTS 279
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding for a cooperative deep
submergence rescue system program, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Paris January 27 and February 21,
Entered into force February 21, 1989.
TIAS 12291
Agreement regarding the exchange of scientists and engineers,
with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Paris January 14 and 28, 1994.
Entered into force January 28, 1994.
March 18 and 28, 2004 (NP)
July 12 and August 22, 2005 (NP)
January 15 and 29, 2008 (NP)
January 25 and 29, 2010 (NP)
January 27 and 28, 2011 (NP)
September 13 and October 11, 2013 (NP)
Agreement concerning the application of Article VIII of the
agreement between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty
regarding the status of their forces of June 19, 1951.
Exchange of notes at Paris April 15 and May 2, 2002.
Entered into force May 2, 2002.
TIAS 02-502; 2212 UNTS 383
Agreement for test and evaluation program (TEP) cooperation,
with annexes.
Signed at Paris January 22 and 23, 2003.
Entered into force January 23, 2003.
TIAS 03-123
Agreement concerning the exchange and reimbursement of
marine aviation and propulsion fuels, with annexes.
Signed at Paris and Ft. Belvoir March 6 and May 2, 2006.
Entered into force May 2, 2006.
TIAS 06-502
Agreement concerning geospatial-intelligence exchange and
cooperation, with annexes and appendices.
Signed at Bethesda December 18 and 19, 2006.
Entered into force December 19, 2006.
Agreement for research, development, testing, and evaluation
projects, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Paris March 19 and 30, 2007.
Entered into force March 30, 2007.
TIAS 07-330
Arrangement regarding the exchange of military personnel,
with annex.
Signed at Arlington November 30, 2009.
Entered into force November 30, 2009.
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed June 21, 2011.
Entered into force June 21, 2011.
June 17 and 20, 2014
July 30 and August 28, 2018
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Paris and Stuttgart September 9 and 13, 2013.
Entered into force December 3, 2013.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Paris and Washington January 12 and 27, 2015.
Entered into force January 27, 2015.
Technical arrangement regarding the assignment of liaison
officers, with annexes.
Signed at Washington February 27, 2015.
Entered into force February 27, 2015.
Technical agreement regarding the assignment of French
Defense personnel to U. S. Special Operations Command,
with annex.
Signed at Paris and Tampa July 21 and October 14, 2016.
Entered into force October 14, 2016.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
French Navy Personnel to the U.S. Navy, with annexes.
Signed March 29, 2018.
Entered into force March 29, 2018.
Technical arrangement regarding the assignment of liaison
officers, with annexes.
Signed at Paris and Offut Air Force Base June 11 and 29, 2018.
Entered into force June 29, 2018.
Agreement regarding the exchanges of military personnel,
with annexes.
Signed at Paris September 20, 2018.
Entered into force September 20, 2018.
Technical arrangement regarding the assignment of liaison
officers, with annexes.
Signed at Paris and MacDill Air Force Base January 15, and
February 11, 2019.
Entered into force February 11, 2019.
Agreement regarding grant assistance from the United States
of America to the Government of the French Republic under
applicable authorities.
Exchange of notes at Paris September 30, 2019.
Entered into force September 30, 2019.
TIAS 19-930
Consular convention, with protocol and exchange of notes.
Signed at Paris July 18, 1966.
Entered into force January 7, 1968.
18 UST 2939; TIAS 6389; 700 UNTS 257
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to certain academic and cultural exchanges
and programs in the field of education.
Signed at Paris May 7, 1965.
Entered into force May 28, 1965.
16 UST 1659; TIAS 5889; 573 UNTS 183
Implementing arrangement for cooperation in the Global
Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment
(GLOBE) program.
Signed at Washington September 16, 2010.
Entered into force September 16, 2010.
TIAS 10-916
Debt funding agreement.
Signed at Washington April 29, 1926.
Operative June 15, 1925.
100 LNTS 27; Treasury Department print; 7 Bevans 949
Agreement modifying the debt funding agreement of
April 29, 1926.
Signed at Washington June 10, 1932.
Operative July 1, 1931.
Treasury Department print; 7 Bevans 987
Agreement relating to guaranties authorized by Section
111(b)(3) of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, as
Exchange of notes at Washington July 9 and 22, 1952.
Entered into force July 24, 1952.
3 UST 5048; TIAS 2687; 181 UNTS 319
Agreement on matters relating to fishing in the economic
zones of the French overseas territories of New Caledonia and
Wallis and Futuna Islands.
Signed at Washington March 1, 1991.
Entered into force November 1, 1991.
TIAS 11781; 2202 UNTS 277
Economic cooperation agreement.*
Signed at Paris June 28, 1948.
Entered into force July 10, 1948.
62 Stat. 2223; TIAS 1783; 7 Bevans 1257; 19 UNTS 9
September 21 and October 8, 1948 (62 Stat. 3720; TIAS 1897; 7
Bevans 1278; 34 UNTS 418)
November 17 and 20, 1948 (62 Stat. 3720; TIAS 1897; 7 Bevans
1288; 34 UNTS 421)
January 9, 1950 (1 UST 151; TIAS 2023; 79 UNTS 270)
May 22, 1951 (2 UST 1173; TIAS 2264; 141 UNTS 358)
September 25 and 27, 1951 (2 UST 2376; TIAS 2359; 174 UNTS
September 11, 1953 (4 UST 2036; TIAS 2859; 214 UNTS 350)
* Applicable to Reunion, New Caledonia, Tuamotu Archipelago,
including Society Islands, Austral Islands, Marquesas
Archipelago, St. Pierre and Miquelon, Martinique, Guadeloupe,
French Guiana.
Agreement for free entry and free inland transportation of
relief supplies and packages.
Signed at Paris December 23, 1948.
Entered into force December 23, 1948.
62 Stat. 3587; TIAS 1873; 7 Bevans 1296; 67 UNTS 171
January 31, 1950 (1 UST 224; TIAS 2043; 67 UNTS 171)
August 3, 1950 (1 UST 597; TIAS 2107; 93 UNTS 367)
July 2 and August 5, 1952 (3 UST 5039; TIAS 2684; 181 UNTS 345)
Agreement relating to industrial property rights affected by
World War II.
Signed at Washington April 4, 1947.
Entered into force November 10, 1947.
61 Stat. 3316; TIAS 1667; 7 Bevans 1202; 24 UNTS 133
October 28, 1947 (62 Stat. 1876; TIAS 1725; 7 Bevans 1222; 77
UNTS 348)
Agreement to facilitate interchange of patent rights and
technical information for defense purposes.
Signed at Paris March 12, 1957.
Entered into force March 12, 1957.
8 UST 353; TIAS 3782; 279 UNTS 275
Agreement approving the procedures for reciprocal filing of
classified patent application in the United States and France.
Exchange of notes at Paris May 28 and July 10, 1959.
Entered into force July 10, 1959.
10 UST 2151; TIAS 4386; 367 UNTS 336
Convention for prevention of smuggling of intoxicating
Signed at Washington June 30, 1924.
Entered into force March 12, 1927.
45 Stat. 2403; TS 755; 7 Bevans 938; 61 LNTS 415
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Paris December 27, 1927 and
January 30, 1928.
Entered into force January 30, 1928.
7 Bevans 966
Convention on the transfer of sentenced persons.
Signed at Washington January 25, 1983.
Entered into force February 1, 1985.
35 UST 2847; TIAS 10823
Agreement for cooperation with respect to the operation of
distribution license systems.
Exchange of notes at Paris September 5, 1986.
Entered into force September 5, 1986.
TIAS 12389
Convention regarding mutual administration assistance in
customs matters.
Signed at Paris December 3, 1993.
Entered into force July 1, 1994.
TIAS; 2084 UNTS 13
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Paris December 10, 1998.
Entered into force December 1, 2001.
TIAS 13010 ; 2172 UNTS 69
Extradition treaty, with agreed minute.
Signed at Paris April 23, 1996.
Entered into force February 1, 2002.
TIAS 02-201; 2179 UNTS 341
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3, paragraph 2, of the
agreement on extradition between the United States of
America and the European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to
the application of the extradition treaty of April 23, 1996.
Signed at The Hague September 30, 2004.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.8
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3, paragraph 2, of the
agreement on mutual legal assistance between the United
States of America and the European Union signed June 25,
2003, as to the application of the treaty on mutual legal
assistance in criminal matters of December 10, 1998.
Signed at The Hague September 30, 2004.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.32
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in criminal
investigations with a view to preventing and combating
terrorism and serious crime, with annex.
Exchange of letters at Paris and Washington May 3 and 11,
2012. Entered into force April 1, 2016.
TIAS 16-401.1
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation and
maintenance of OMEGA station Le Reunion, with appendices.
Signed at Washington June 24, 1981.
Entered into force June 24, 1981.
33 UST 2109; TIAS 10176; 1530 UNTS 13
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 24 and April 6, 1983.
Entered into force April 6, 1983.
TIAS 10682
Agreement concerning the wreck of the CSS Alabama.
Signed at Paris October 3, 1989.
Entered into force October 3, 1989.
TIAS 11687
Agreement regarding the wreck of La Belle.
Signed at Washington March 31, 2003.
Entered into force March 31, 2003.
TIAS 03-331
Agreement for cooperation in the operation of atomic weapons
systems for mutual defense purposes.
Signed at Paris July 27, 1961.
Entered into force October 9, 1961.
12 UST 1423; TIAS 4867; 433 UNTS 29
July 22, 1985 (TIAS 11208; 2145 UNTS 20)
Agreement concerning the retransfer of nuclear power light
water reactor technology, with annexes and exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington January 22, 1981.
Entered into force March 13, 1981.
33 UST 968; TIAS 10080
Agreement concerning cooperation on the application of non-
proliferation assurances to material, nuclear material,
equipment and facilities transferred from France to Taiwan for
use in Taiwan’s nuclear research and light water nuclear
power reactor programs, with annex and related exchanges of
Exchange of notes at Washington January 19, 1993.
Entered into force January 19, 1993.
Agreement for cooperation in advanced nuclear reactor
science and technology, with annex.
Signed at Vienna September 18, 2000.
Entered into force September 18, 2000.
TIAS 00-918
January 24, 2006 (TIAS 00-918)
Agreement for cooperation in research and development in the
physical protection of nuclear material and facilities and in
nuclear material safeguards technologies.
Signed at Washington and Clamart June 6 and July 7, 2006.
Entered into force July 7, 2006.
TIAS 06-707
Agreement for the exchange of classified information relating
to civil nuclear facilities and materials.
Signed at Washington and Paris September 17 and
October 16, 2008.
Entered into force October 16, 2008.
TIAS 08-1016
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in the field of nuclear safety research.
Signed at Fontenay-aux-Roses and Rockville May 23 and June
20, 2017.
Entered into force June 20, 2017.
TIAS 17-620
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 18, 2018.
Entered into force September 18, 2018.
TIAS 18-918
Agreement relating to the allocation of the proceeds of
German assets to be received from Sweden as a result of
Swedish-Allied negotiations of July 18, 1946.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 18, 1946.
Entered into force July 18, 1946.
61 Stat. 3840; TIAS 1731; 7 Bevans 1176; 125 UNTS 165
Convention relative to the exchange of parcel post.
Signed at Paris and Washington December 7 and 30, 1935.
Operative August 1, 1935.
49 Stat. 3322; Post Office Department print; 171 LNTS 117
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Washington and Paris March 17 and April 13, 1981.
Entered into force May 18, 1981.
33 UST 1305; TIAS 10113; 1285 UNTS 75
Agreement relating to principles applying to mutual aid in the
prosecution of the war against aggression.
Signed at Washington February 28, 1945.
Entered into force February 28, 1945.
59 Stat. 1304; EAS 455; 7 Bevans 1075; 76 UNTS 193
Agreement relating to supplies and services.
Signed at Washington February 28, 1945.
Entered into force February 28, 1945.
59 Stat. 1307; EAS 455; 7 Bevans 1081; 76 UNTS 223
Agreement, with accompanying memorandum and exchanges
of letters, relating to principles applying to the provision of aid
to the armed forces of the United States.
Exchange of notes at Washington February 28, 1945.
Entered into force February 28, 1945; operative June 6, 1944.
59 Stat. 1313; EAS 455; 7 Bevans 1078; 76 UNTS 213
Understanding relating to article VII of the lend-lease
agreement signed February 28, 1945.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 8, 1945.
Entered into force November 8, 1945.
7 Bevans 1098; 76 UNTS 151
Agreement relating to the transfer of surplus United States
property and installations in France and certain French
overseas territories, with related documents.
Signed at Washington May 28, 1946.
Entered into force May 28, 1946.
61 Stat. 4179; TIAS 1928; 7 Bevans 1130; 84 UNTS 80
Memorandum of understanding regarding settlement for lend-
lease, reciprocal aid, surplus war property, and claims, with
related documents.
Signed at Washington May 28, 1946.
Entered into force May 28, 1946.
61 Stat. 4175; TIAS 1928; 7 Bevans 1126; 84 UNTS 59
Memorandum of agreement regarding expenditures of the
United States armed forces in France and French overseas
territories, with related documents.
Signed at Washington May 28, 1946.
Entered into force May 28, 1946.
61 Stat. 4206; TIAS 1928; 7 Bevans 1155; 84 UNTS 141
Agreement relating to expenditures of the United States armed
forces in France and French overseas territories, implementing
the agreement of May 28, 1946.
Exchange of notes at Washington February 27, 1948.
Entered into force February 27, 1948.
62 Stat. 3826; TIAS 1930; 7 Bevans 1245; 84 UNTS 207
Agreement regarding settlement of certain residual financial
claims and accounts.
Signed at Washington March 14, 1949.
Entered into force March 14, 1949.
63 Stat. 2507; TIAS 1936; 7 Bevans 1304; 84 UNTS 237
Agreement on postponement of installations pursuant to
paragraph 3 of the lend-lease agreement of May 28, 1946, and
paragraph 2 of the surplus property agreement of December 6,
Signed at Washington January 30, 1958.
Entered into force January 30, 1958.
9 UST 67; TIAS 3979; 304 UNTS 9
Agreement concerning development of satellite and balloon
techniques and instrumentation for the study of meteorological
phenomena (Project EOLE).
Exchange of notes at Washington June 16 and 17, 1966.
Entered into force June 17, 1966.
17 UST 1123; TIAS 6069; 601 UNTS 113
Memorandum of understanding concerning the furnishing of
balloon launching and associated services.
Signed at Washington and Paris August 26 and November 11,
Entered into force November 11, 1983.
35 UST 2410; TIAS 10803
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for cooperation in research, development and
applications of high energy laser-matter interaction physics.
Signed August 9, 1994.
Entered into force August 9, 1994.
TIAS 16-909
Amendments and Extensions:
April 24 and May 5, 2006 (TIAS 16-909)
August 31 and September 9, 2016 (TIAS 16-909)
Agreement incorporating an intellectual property article into
cooperative agreements between scientific and technical
agencies of the United States and France.
Exchange of notes at Paris July 27, 1994 and June 6, 1997.
Entered into force June 6, 1997.
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Antony February 13, 2008.
Entered into force February 13, 2008.
TIAS 08-213
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Paris October 22 , 2008.
Entered into force November 13, 2010.
TIAS 10-1113
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Paris March 2, 1987.
Entered into force July 1, 1988.
TIAS 12106
Framework agreement for cooperation in the exploration and
use of outer space for peaceful purposes.
Signed at Paris January 23, 2007.
Entered into force April 2, 2008.
TIAS 08-402
Agreement relating to relief from taxation of United States
Government expenditures in France in the interests of
common defense.
Exchange of notes at Paris June 13, 1952.
Entered into force June 13, 1952.
3 UST 4828; TIAS 2655; 181 UNTS 3
November 27, 1956 (7 UST 3405; TIAS 3712; 265 UNTS 356)
Agreement relating to the payment by the United States of
taxes on electricity provided the surplus commodity housing
units in France.
Exchange of notes at Paris August 1, 1963.
Entered into force August 1, 1963.
15 UST 727; TIAS 5595; 527 UNTS 89
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on estates,
inheritances and gifts.
Signed at Washington November 24, 1978.
Entered into force October 1, 1980.
32 UST 1935; TIAS 9812; 1234 UNTS 187
December 8, 2004 (TIAS 06-1221)
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and capital, with exchanges of notes.
Signed at Paris August 31, 1994.
Entered into force December 30, 1995.
TIAS; 1963 UNTS 67
December 8, 2004 (TIAS 06-1221.1)
January 13, 2009 (TIAS 09-1223)
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Paris November 14, 2013.
Entered into force October 14, 2014.
TIAS 14-1014
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.*
Exchange of notes at Paris May 5, 1966.
Entered into force July 1, 1966.
17 UST 719; TIAS 6022; 593 UNTS 279
October 3, 1969 (20 UST 2398; TIAS 6711)
* Applicable to all territories.
Agreement on cooperation in intercontinental testing in
connection with experimental communications satellites.
Exchange of notes at Paris March 31, 1961.
Entered into force March 31, 1961.
12 UST 483; TIAS 4738; 409 UNTS 135
Treaty for the cession of Louisiana.
Signed at Paris April 30, 1803.
Entered into force October 21, 1803.
8 Stat. 200; TS 86; 7 Bevans 812
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention of navigation and commerce, with separate
Signed at Washington June 24, 1822.
Entered into force February 12, 1823; operative October 1,
8 Stat. 278; TS 87; 7 Bevans 822
* Article VI terminated by the United States July 1, 1916, in
accordance with the Seamen’s Act (38 Stat. 1164).
Agreement modifying the provisions of article VII of the
convention of navigation and commerce of June 24, 1822.
Signed at Washington July 17, 1919.
Entered into force January 10, 1921.
41 Stat. 1723; TS 650; 7 Bevans 899
Convention of establishment, protocol, and declaration.*
Signed at Paris November 25, 1959.
Entered into force December 21, 1960.
11 UST 2398; TIAS 4625; 401 UNTS 75
* Applicable to Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana and
Agreement providing for the recognition and protection by
France of the appellation of origin of Bourbon Whiskey and
continued protection by the United States of appellations of
origin of the French brandies, Cognac, Armagnac and
Exchange of notes at Paris December 2, 1970, and
January 18, 1971.
Entered into force March 20, 1971.
22 UST 36; TIAS 7041; 777 UNTS 77
Agreement relating to cooperation with respect to research and
development activities in the field of civil aviation.
Signed at Washington and Paris July 10, 1980.
Entered into force July 10, 1980.
32 UST 2873; TIAS 9881; 1274 UNTS 201
Agreement for promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Paris May 14, 1996.
Entered into force May 14, 1996.
TIAS 12754
Air transport agreement, with annexes.*
Signed at Washington June 18, 1998.
Entered into force June 18, 1998.
TIAS 12965; 2088 UNTS 489
October 10, 2000 (TIAS 12965; 2155 UNTS 233)
January 22, 2002 (TIAS 12965)
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007 (“Air Transport Agreement”) except in
respect of the application of this agreement to those areas that are
not encompassed within the definition of “territory” in Article 1 of
the Air Transport Agreement.
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Washington August 21, 1914.
Operative November 1, 1914.
38 Stat. 1829; Post Office Department print
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Papeete and Washington November 30, 1995 and
April 5, 1996.
Entered into force June 15, 1996.
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Washington February 20, 1913.
Operative April 1, 1913.
38 Stat. 1633; Post Office Department print
Money order agreement.
Signed at Washington November 16, 1911.
Operative January 1, 1912.
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Washington February 20, 1913.
Operative April 1, 1913.
38 Stat. 1623; Post Office Department print
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Noumea and Washington April 9 and May 28, 1991.
Entered into force July 1, 1991.
TIAS 11809
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Washington April 30, 1918.
Operative June 1, 1918.
41 Stat. 1645; Post Office Department print
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the status of United States military and
civilian personnel of the U.S. Department of Defense
temporarily present in Gabon in connection with “Gabon
2000” and other activities.
Exchange of notes at Libreville November 26 and
December 1, 1999.
Entered into force December 1, 1999.
TIAS 99-1201
Acquisition and cross service agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Libreville July 19, 2006.
Entered into force July 19, 2006.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Libreville September 25 and
December 8, 2014.
Entered into force December 8, 2014.
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or
successor legislation; the Arms Export Control Act; 10 U.S.C.
Section 333, and other Department of Defense authorities; and
the furnishing on a grant basis of defense articles, related
training, and other defense services from the United States of
America to the Government of the Gabonese Republic under
such authorities.
Exchange of notes at Libreville April 6 and September 7, 2018.
Entered into force September 7, 2018.
TIAS 18-907
Agreement concerning the American International School of
Libreville (AISL).
Signed at Libreville June 21, 2011.
Entered into force January 30, 2012.
TIAS 12-130
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Libreville November 26, 2007 and
March 7, 2008.
Entered into force March 7, 2008.
TIAS 08-307
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program.
Signed at Libreville August 11, 2003.
Entered into force August 11, 2003.
TIAS 03-811
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Libreville April 10, 1963.
Entered into force April 10, 1963.
14 UST 380; TIAS 5328; 474 UNTS 113
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Libreville February 11, 1988.
Entered into force March 21, 1988.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Libreville February 16, 1989.
Entered into force March 30, 1989.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Libreville March 5, 1990.
Entered into force April 9, 1990.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Libreville September 2, 1994.
Entered into force November 28, 1994.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Libreville June 17, 1996.
Entered into force August 12, 1996.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Libreville November 9, 2001.
Entered into force December 26, 2001.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Libreville May 13, 2005.
Entered into force June 20, 2005.
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Exchange of notes at Libreville February 26 and April 15, 2003.
Entered into force April 15, 2003.
TIAS 03-415
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Libreville August 27, 2015.
Entered into force August 27, 2015.
TIAS 15-827
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Libreville July 25 and August 2, 1984.
Entered into force August 2, 1984.
TIAS 11215
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Libreville and Washington January 23 and
March 8, 1989.
Entered into force April 17, 1989.
TIAS 11616
Agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation in
the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Libreville September 26, 2001, and
April 22 and 23, 2003.
Entered into force April 23, 2003.
TIAS 03-423.1
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the use of
U.S. land remote sensing satellite data, with annexes.
Signed at Buellton February 11, 2013.
Entered into force February 11, 2013.
TIAS 13-211
Agreement to provide certain social security benefits for
certain employees of the United States in Gabon.
Signed at Libreville August 25, 1970.
Entered into force August 25, 1970; effective January 1, 1968.
21 UST 2570; TIAS 6999; 175 UNTS 205
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington May 26, 2004.
Entered into force May 26, 2004.
TIAS 04-526
On February 18, 1965, The Gambia became an independent state. By an
exchange of letters on June 20, 1966, between the High Commissioner for
the United Kingdom in The Gambia and the Prime Minister of The
Gambia, the Government of The Gambia agreed “that all obligations and
responsibilities of the Government of the United Kingdom which arose
from any valid international instrument applying to The Gambia
immediately before the 18th of February, 1965 continued to apply to The
Gambia and were assumed by the Government of The Gambia as from that
date; and (ii) that the rights and benefits enjoyed by the Government of the
United Kingdom by virtue of the application of any such international
instrument to The Gambia continued to be enjoyed by the Government of
The Gambia.”
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in The Gambia.
Exchange of notes at Bathurst November 26 and December 5,
Entered into force December 5, 1966.
17 UST 2346; TIAS 6181; 681 UNTS 49
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the assurances required under the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at London January 8, 1952.
Entered into force January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4665; TIAS 2622; 126 UNTS 307
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Banjul December 27, 1983 and
January 5, 1984.
Entered into force January 5, 1984.
35 UST 4183; TIAS 10916; 2015 UNTS 81
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to The Gambia.
Exchange of notes at Banjul August 14 and 18, 2003.
Entered into force August 18, 2003.
TIAS 03-818
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Banjul June 7 and August 13, 2002.
Entered into force August 13, 2002.
TIAS 02-813
Agreement concerning cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program.
Signed at Banjul July 12, 1996.
Entered into force July 12, 1996.
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Bathurst July 24 and November 4, 1967.
Entered into force November 4, 1967.
18 UST 2997; TIAS 6392; 701 UNTS 139
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Applicable to The Gambia July 6, 1948.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 12 Bevans 874; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 86 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 25, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
June 26 and August 20, 1959 (11 UST 2680; TIAS 4664; 405 UNTS
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trademarks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Banjul October 5, 2002.
Entered into force June 27, 2003.
TIAS 03-627
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Entered into force June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress illicit
transnational maritime activity.
Signed at Banjul October 10, 2011.
Entered into force October 10, 2011.
TIAS 11-1010
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to The Gambia February 9, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
of real and personal property.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Banjul March 17, 1981.
Entered into force April 16, 1981.
33 UST 1401; TIAS 10119
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 5, 1935.
Entered into force May 5, 1935.
49 Stat. 3731; EAS 77; 12 Bevans 513; 162 UNTS 59
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to air services.
Signed at Bermuda February 11, 1946.
Entered into force February 11, 1946.
60 Stat. 1499; TIAS 1507; 12 Bevans 726; 3 UNTS 253
May 27, 1966 (17 UST 683; TIAS 6019; 573 UNTS 274)
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington May 2, 2000.
Entered into force January 18, 2001.
TIAS 13099
Agreement concerning the provision of assistance in
developing and modernizing the civil aviation infrastructure of
The Gambia
Signed May 20 and 30, 2004.
Entered into force May 30, 2004.
January 31 and February 2, 2005
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
For agreements prior to December 31, 1991, see UNION OF SOVIET
Agreement on the Peace Corps program.
Signed at Tbilisi April 24, 2001.
Entered into force August 14, 2003.
TIAS 13147
Agreement concerning the provision of training under the
United States International Military Education and Training
(IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Tbilisi December 30, 1993.
Entered into force December 30, 1993.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training, and other defense services from the United
States of America to the Government of Georgia.
Exchange of notes at Tbilisi June 4 and July 15, 1999.
Entered into force July 15, 1999.
TIAS 13052
Agreement on defense cooperation, with annex.
Signed at Tbilisi November 10, 2002.
Entered into force March 25, 2003.
TIAS 03-325
Agreement concerning geospatial-intelligence exchange and
cooperation, with annex.
Signed at Bethesda and Tbilisi July 5 and 17, 2006.
Entered into force July 17, 2006.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Tbilisi December 17, 2009 and April
23, 2010.
Entered into force April 23, 2010.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Tbilisi and Stuttgart April 26, 2013 and June 6, 2013.
Entered into force August 2, 2013.
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed January 7 and February 19, 2014.
Entered into force February 19, 2014.
May 12 and 15, 2017 (NP)
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified information, with appendix.
Signed at Washington May 9, 2017.
Entered into force December 18, 2017.
TIAS 17-1218
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 5, 1994 and
June 20, 1995.
Entered into force June 20, 1995.
TIAS 12667
Agreement concerning the Regional Environmental Centre for
the Caucasus
Signed November 8, 2000.
Entered into force November 8, 2000.
TIAS 00-1108
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Tbilisi June 27, 1992.
Entered into force June 27, 1992.
TIAS 12463
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to the United States Government, with
Signed at Tbilisi March 6, 2002.
Entered into force January 28, 2003.
Agreement regarding the rescheduling of certain debts owed
to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United States
Government, with annexes.
Signed at Tbilisi November 18, 2005.
Entered into force June 2, 2006.
Agreement regarding cooperation to facilitate humanitarian
and technical economic assistance.
Signed at Tbilisi July 31, 1992.
Entered into force July 31, 1992.
TIAS 12468
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Tbilisi February 10, 2003.
Entered into force June 26, 2003.
TIAS 03-626
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on cooperation in the field of law enforcement,
with annex.
Signed at Tbilisi June 18, 2001.
Entered into force June 18, 2001.
TIAS 01-618
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Brussels July 6, 2017.
Entered into force August 10, 2017.
TIAS 17-810
Agreement for the exchange of terrorist screening information.
Signed at Tbilisi June 27, 2017.
Entered into force June 1, 2018.
TIAS 18-601
Express mail agreement, with detailed regulations.
Signed at Tbilisi and Washington August 16 and September 3,
Entered into force November 1, 1996.
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston July 21 and August 9, 2006.
Entered into force August 9, 2006.
TIAS 06-809
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Tbilisi August 6, 2009.
Entered into force November 5, 2009.
Agreement on trade relations, with exchanges of letters.
Signed at Tbilisi March 1, 1993.
Entered into force August 13, 1993.
TIAS 12489
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
of investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington March 7, 1994.
Entered into force August 17, 1997.
TIAS 97-817
Trade and investment framework agreement.
Signed at Washington June 20, 2007.
Entered into force June 20, 2007.
TIAS 07-620
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington June 21, 2007.
Entered into force December 6, 2007.
TIAS 07-1206
Agreement concerning cooperation in the area of the
of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the
promotion of defense and military relations.
Signed at Washington July 17, 1997.
Entered into force November 10, 1997.
TIAS 97-1110
Amendment and Extensions:
May 16 and 17, 2002 (TIAS 97-1110)
March 20 and October 13, 2009 (TIAS 97-1110)
Agreement concerning cooperation in the area of prevention
of proliferation of technology, pathogens and expertise related
to the development of biological weapons.
Signed at Washington December 30, 2002.
Entered into force June 3, 2003.
March 19 and 23, 2004
August 30, 2004
October 25 and November 3, 2005
June 21 and 23, 2006
February 26 and March 6, 2007
February 22 and March 5, 2008
July 19 and August 8, 2011
The Federal Republic of Germany provided a note to the Department dated
October 15, 1990, which reads in pertinent part as follows:
The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany presents its
compliments to the Department of State and has the honor to inform the
Department that, with regard to the continued application of treaties of the
Federal Republic of Germany and the treatment of treaties of the German
Democratic Republic following its accession to the Federal Republic of
Germany with effect from 3 October 1990, the Treaty of 31 August 1990
between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic
Republic on the Establishment of German Unity (Unification Treaty)
contains the following relevant provisions.
1. Article 11
Treaties of the Federal Republic of Germany
The Contracting Parties proceed on the understanding that international
treaties and agreements to which the Federal Republic of Germany is a
Contracting Party, including treaties establishing its membership of
international organizations or institutions, shall retain their validity and
that the rights and obligations arising therefrom, with the exception of the
treaties named in Article I (not included herein), shall also relate to the
territory specified in Article 3. Where adjustments become necessary in
individual cases, the all-German Government shall consult with the
respective Contracting Parties.
2. Article 12
Treaties of the German Democratic Republic
(1) The Contracting Parties are agreed that, in connection with the
establishment of German unity, international treaties of the German
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Democratic Republic shall be discussed with the Contracting Parties
concerned with a view to regulating or confirming their continued
application, adjustment or expiry, taking into account protection of
confidence, the interests of the states concerned, the treaty obligations of
the Federal Republic of Germany as well as the principles of a free,
democratic basic order governed by the rule of law, and respecting the
competence of the European Communities.
(2) The United Germany shall determine its position with regard to the
adoption of international treaties of the German Democratic Republic
following consultations with the respective Contracting Parties and with
the European Communities where the latter’s competence is affected.
The Federal Republic of Germany will proceed in accordance with these
Agreement on cooperation in the field of agricultural science
and technology.
Signed at Bonn June 1, 1981.
Entered into force June 1, 1981.
34 UST 958; TIAS 10381; 1560 UNTS 423
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington May 5, 1928.
Entered into force February 25, 1929.
45 Stat. 2744; TS 774; 8 Bevans 192; 90 LNTS 177
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Washington May 5, 1928.
Entered into force February 25, 1929.
45 Stat. 2748; TS 775; 8 Bevans 194; 90 LNTS 171
Agreement concerning the settlement of claims against United
States forces and authorities which arose during the period of
August 1, 1945 to June 30, 1947.
Exchange of letters at Bonn March 24 and 30, 1953.
Entered into force March 30, 1953.
5 UST 2149; TIAS 3076; 235 UNTS 285
Agreement regarding the settlement of the claim of the United
States for postwar economic assistance (other than surplus
property) to Germany.
Signed at London February 27, 1953.
Entered into force September 16, 1953.
4 UST 893; TIAS 2795; 224 UNTS 13
Agreement relating to the indebtedness of Germany for
awards made by the Mixed Claims Commission, United States
and Germany.
Signed at London February 27, 1953.
Entered into force September 16, 1953.
4 UST 908; TIAS 2796; 224 UNTS 31
Agreement relating to an advance payment by Germany on its
indebtedness to the United States for postwar economic
Exchange of notes at Bonn March 20, 1959.
Entered into force March 20, 1959.
10 UST 401; TIAS 4200; 341 UNTS 15
Agreement relating to partial settlement of German postwar
debt to the United States resulting from postwar economic
assistance (other than surplus property).
Exchange of notes at Bonn April 25, 1961.
Entered into force April 25, 1961.
12 UST 477; TIAS 4737; 410 UNTS 340
Agreement concerning the settlement of claims which have
arisen through the non-duty use of private motor vehicles of
members of the United States Forces insured by the Brandaris
insurance company.*
Exchange of letters at Bonn February 28 and March 14, 1963.
Entered into force March 14, 1963.
14 UST 342; TIAS 5318; 474 UNTS 71
* Applicable also in respect of incidents which occurred in West
Agreement relating to prepayment of the remaining German
debt to the United States resulting from postwar economic
assistance (excluding surplus property).
Exchange of notes at Bonn December 29, 1966.
Entered into force December 29, 1966.
18 UST 101; TIAS 6204; 688 UNTS 63
Agreement concerning the settlement of certain property
claims, with annex.
Signed at Bonn May 13, 1992.
Entered into force December 28, 1992.
TIAS 11959; 1911 UNTS 27
Agreement concerning final benefits to certain United States
nationals who were victims of National Socialist measures of
persecution, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Bonn September 19, 1995.
Entered into force September 19, 1995.
Supplementary agreement to the agreement of
September 19, 1995, concerning final benefits to certain
United States nationals who were victims of National Socialist
measures of persecution.
Exchange of notes at Bonn January 25, 1999.
Entered into force January 25, 1999.
TIAS 13019
Agreement concerning the Foundation “Remembrance,
Responsibility and the Future”, with annexes.
Signed at Berlin July 17, 2000.
Entered into force October 19, 2000.
TIAS 13104; 2130 UNTS 249
Agreement concerning cultural relations.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 9, 1953.
Entered into force April 9, 1953.
4 UST 939; TIAS 2798; 204 UNTS 79
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 27, 1954.
Entered into force October 27, 1954.
5 UST 2563; TIAS 3121; 234 UNTS 131
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement with respect to the transfer of certain works of art
seized in Germany by the United States Army at the end of
World War II, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 28, 1986.
Entered into force January 28, 1986.
TIAS 11977; 2244 UNTS 101
Agreement relating to the assurances required under the
Mutual Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of letters at Bonn December 19 and 28, 1951.
Entered into force December 28, 1951.
3 UST 4564; TIAS 2607; 181 UNTS 45
Agreement relating to the return to the Federal Republic of
Germany of Tripartite Naval Commission vessels.
Signed at Bonn August 20, 1953.
Entered into force August 20, 1953.
4 UST 2815; TIAS 2891; 224 UNTS 49
Agreement relating to the purchase by the Federal Republic of
Germany from the United States of certain equipment for
police use.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 23, 1953.
Entered into force November 23, 1953.
5 UST 170; TIAS 2911; 224 UNTS 107
Mutual defense assistance agreement.
Signed at Bonn June 30, 1955.
Entered into force December 27, 1955.
6 UST 5999; TIAS 3443; 240 UNTS 47
Agreement for the return of equipment pursuant to the mutual
defense assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Bonn June 30, 1955.
Entered into force December 27, 1955.
6 UST 6005; TIAS 3444; 240 UNTS 69
March 9, 1961 (12 UST 243; TIAS 4703; 405 UNTS 323)
Agreement relating to the sale to the Federal Republic of
certain military equipment, materials, and services pursuant to
sec. 106 of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 8, 1956.
Entered into force October 8, 1956.
7 UST 2787; TIAS 3660; 278 UNTS 9
Extensions and Amendments:
June 15 and October 24, 1960 (11 UST 2242; TIAS 4599; 393 UNTS
November 24, 1961 (12 UST 3045; TIAS 4903; 434 UNTS 328)
Agreement relating to the training of German army personnel
pursuant to the mutual defense assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Bonn December 12, 1956.
Entered into force December 12, 1956.
8 UST 149; TIAS 3753; 280 UNTS 63
Agreement relating to the training of German navy personnel
pursuant to the mutual defense assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Bonn December 12, 1956.
Entered into force December 12, 1956.
8 UST 153; TIAS 3754; 280 UNTS 71
Agreement relating to offshore procurement.
Signed at Bonn April 4, 1955.
Entered into force February 7, 1957.
8 UST 157; TIAS 3755; 279 UNTS 73
Agreement on the model contract containing standard contract
clauses referred to in article 16 of the agreement of April 4,
1955, relating to offshore procurement.
Exchange of notes at Bonn April 4, 1955.
Entered into force February 7, 1957.
8 UST 497; TIAS 3804; 289 UNTS 326
Agreement relating to the training of German air force and the
transfer to the Federal Republic of the air bases at Landsberg,
Kaufbeuren and Fuerstenfeldbruck and the air depot at Erding.
Exchange of notes at Bonn December 10, 1957.
Entered into force December 10, 1957.
8 UST 2475; TIAS 3968; 307 UNTS 59
Agreement for cooperation on uses of atomic energy for
mutual defense purposes.
Signed at Bonn May 5, 1959.
Entered into force July 27, 1959.
10 UST 1322; TIAS 4276; 355 UNTS 307
Agreement relating to the use of the International Airport
Frankfurt/Main and related papers.
Exchange of letters at Bonn November 10 and 18, 1959.
Entered into force November 18, 1959; effective April 1, 1959.
Agreement relating to a weapons production program.
Exchange of notes at Bonn May 27, 1960.
Entered into force May 27, 1960.
11 UST 1606; TIAS 4504; 377 UNTS 45
Agreement relating to the safeguarding of classified
Exchange of notes at Washington December 23, 1960.
Entered into force December 23, 1960.
July 23, 1982
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
materials furnished to the Federal Republic on a grant basis
under the mutual defense assistance agreement of June 30,
Exchange of notes at Bonn May 25, 1962.
Entered into force May 25, 1962.
13 UST 1341; TIAS 5092; 458 UNTS 259
Agreements implementing the NATO status of forces
agreement of August 3, 1959 (TIAS 5351).
Signed at Bonn August 3, 1959.
Entered into force July 1, 1963.
14 UST 689; TIAS 5352; 490 UNTS 30
Agreement to support personnel from the Federal Republic of
Germany stationed in the United States during emergencies.
Signed at Bonn and Washington October 21 and December 18,
Entered into force December 18, 1965.
16 UST 1912; TIAS 5922; 579 UNTS 193
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the AIM 9L Sidewinder air-to-air
Signed at Washington February 14, 1975.
Entered into force February 14, 1975.
29 UST 2924; TIAS 8987; 1120 UNTS 23
Memorandum of understanding relating to cooperative tests
for the ROLAND 2 all-weather short range air defense system,
with annexes.
Signed at Bonn and Washington February 18 and 28, 1975.
Entered into force February 28, 1975.
31 UST 4754; TIAS 9636
Agreement concerning the transfer of the U.S. bridge and ferry
equipment to the Federal Republic of Germany, with annex.
Signed at Heidelberg and Bonn May 26 and June 1, 1976.
Entered into force June 1, 1976.
29 UST 1497; TIAS 8893; 1115 UNTS 45
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperative
development of an advanced surface-to-air missile system.
Signed at Washington and Bonn July 16 and 22, 1976.
Entered into force July 22, 1976.
28 UST 5771; TIAS 8658
Agreement on the release and testing of strebo submunitions
and on the exchange of information.
Signed at Washington and Bonn August 4 and November 4,
Entered into force November 4, 1976.
TIAS 12298
Agreement relating to the security of information on the JT-
10D aircraft engine.
Exchange of notes at Washington February 24 and March 18,
Entered into force March 18, 1977.
28 UST 7146; TIAS 8708
Agreement on the provision of United States Army training to
the German Air Force in the United States, with annexes.
Signed at Bonn and Washington May 24 and July 6, 1977.
Entered into force July 6, 1977.
29 UST 4859; TIAS 9081; 1148 UNTS 107
Agreement on the stationing of training components of the
Federal Minister of Defense in the United States, with
Signed at Bonn and Washington May 24 and July 6, 1977.
Entered into force July 6, 1977.
30 UST 2671; TIAS 9358
Memorandum of understanding for coproduction and sale of
the sidewinder AIM-9L missile system.
Signed at Washington October 7, 1977.
Entered into force October 14, 1977.
30 UST 298; TIAS 9202; 1148 UNTS 117
March 17 and April 21, 1978 (30 UST 315; TIAS 9202; 1148 UNTS
Memorandum of understanding for coproduction and sale of
modular thermal imaging systems (MOD FLIR) and their
components, with annexes.*
Signed at Washington and Bonn February 27 and March 3,
Entered into force April 20, 1978.
35 UST 3651; TIAS 10876; 2014 UNTS 359
Related Agreement and Amendment:
March 26, 1979 (35 UST 3651; TIAS 10876; 2016 UNTS 311)
May 9 and June 24, 1997
* Articles IE, VIIIA, and XII superseded by agreement of February
12, May 21, and December 22, 1981; see NORTH ATLANTIC
AGREEMENTS in multilateral section.
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation within the
area of army tactical data systems for the purpose of
standardization and interoperability.
Signed at Washington and Bonn January 6 and April 14, 1980.
Entered into force April 14, 1980.
32 UST 1003; TIAS 9751; 1221 UNTS 3
Administrative agreement relating to addition of an
educational program under paragraph 4, article 71 of the
supplementary agreement of August 3, 1959 (TIAS 5351).
Exchange of notes at Bonn November 23 and December 28,
Entered into force January 1, 1980.
32 UST 783; TIAS 9729; 1220 UNTS 307
Agreement concerning the support of USAFE A-10 aircraft at
Forward Operating Locations (FOLS) in the territory of the
Federal Republic of Germany, with related letter.
Signed at Bonn and Ramstein November 5 and 9, 1981.
Entered into force November 9, 1981; effective October 1, 1979.
33 UST 4170; TIAS 10293
Agreement concerning host nation support during crisis or
war, with annexes.
Signed at Bonn April 15, 1982.
Entered into force April 15, 1982.
34 UST 557; TIAS 10376
Agreement concerning mutual support in Europe and adjacent
waters, with annex.
Signed at Bonn January 21, 1983.
Entered into force January 21, 1983.
TIAS 12299
December 21, 1987 (TIAS 12299)
January 21 and 26, 1994 (TIAS 12299)
December 7, 2001
August 29, 2012
Memorandum of understanding for the dual production and
sale of the stinger weapon system, with agreed minute and
Signed at Washington April 27, 1983.
Entered into force April 27, 1983.
TIAS 12795
March 20 and 26, 1986 (TIAS 12795)
March 23 and April 24, 1995 (TIAS 12795)
April 24 and May 14, 1996 (TIAS 12795)
July 10 and August 22, 1996 (TIAS 12795)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning a cooperative
project of research in the field of powder metallurgy of
titanium alloys.
Signed at Washington January 8, 1985.
Entered into force January 8, 1985.
TIAS 11140; 2126 UNTS 283
Memorandum of understanding concerning the exchange of
Air Force officers.
Signed at Bonn and Washington January 15 and February 20,
Entered into force February 20, 1986.
Memorandum of understanding on the mutual exchange of
Signed at Bonn and Washington January 18, 1989 and
February 9, 1990.
Entered into force February 9, 1990.
TIAS 12305
Memorandum of understanding for cooperative projects of
research and development in the field of modular avionics,
with supplement.
Signed at Bonn and Washington June 26 and July 3, 1990.
Entered into force July 3, 1990.
TIAS 12307
Memorandum of understanding concerning a cooperative
program on biological effects of ionizing radiation.
Signed at Bonn and Washington August 2 and 23, 1993.
Entered into force August 23, 1993.
TIAS 12310
Memorandum of understanding for cooperative research in the
field of helicopter aeromechanics, with annex.
Signed at Alexandria and Bonn September 2 and 16, 1994.
Entered into force September 16, 1994.
Amendment and Extension:
August 13 and September 15, 2003 (TIAS)
Memorandum of agreement concerning German participation
in the George C. Marshall European Center for Security
Studies at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart December 2, 1994.
Entered into force December 2, 1994.
TIAS 12312
Agreement concerning collaborative logistics support
measures for the Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
Reconnaissance System (NBCRS).
Signed at Alexandria and Bonn March 30 and April 18, 1995.
Entered into force April 18, 1995.
TIAS 12629
Amendment and Extension:
October 12 and 26, 2005 (TIAS 05-1026)
Arrangement relating to the status of troop care enterprises
and their employees under Article 72, paragraph 4 of the
Supplementary Agreement of August 3, 1959, to the NATO
Status of Forces Agreement.
Exchange of notes at Bonn March 27, 1998.
Entered into force March 27, 1998.
TIAS 12937
Arrangement regarding the application of Article 73 of the
Supplementary Agreement of August 3, 1959, to the NATO
Status of Forces Agreement.
Exchange of notes at Bonn March 27, 1998.
Entered into force March 27, 1998.
TIAS 12938; 2574 UNTS 17
Agreement regarding the exchange of engineers and scientists,
with annexes.
Signed on November 6, 1998.
Entered into force November 6, 1998.
Amendment and Extension:
October 24 and November 12, 2008 (NP)
September 27 and October 5, 2017 (NP)
Agreement regarding the exchange of administrative and
professional personnel, with annexes.
Signed February 17 and March 20, 2000.
Entered into force March 20, 2000.
Amendment and Extension:
March 19, 2010
January 24 and February 27, 2012
Agreement concerning in-service support of the rolling
airframe missile MK-31 guided missile weapon system.
Signed January 16 and February 9, 2001.
Entered into force February 9, 2001.
TIAS 01-209
Amendment and Extension:
April 22 and May 18, 2010 (TIAS 01-209)
July 23 and 30, 2014 (TIAS 14-730)
Agreement regarding liaison personnel.
Signed at Bonn and Washington October 20 and December 6,
Entered into force December 6, 2001.
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning global
geospatial information and services cooperation.
Signed at Euskirchen January 25, 2002.
Entered into force January 25, 2002.
Agreement on the reception and use of meteorological data
and products which are distributed via the satellite broadcast
system DWDSAT in cooperation with
Signed at Offenbach and Ramstein May 11, 2005, and
June 12, 2006.
Entered into force June 12, 2006.
Memorandum of understanding for the cooperative system
development and demonstration of the Rolling Airframe
Missile Block 2 upgrade to the MK-31 Guided Missile
Weapon System.
Signed at Koblenz and Washington April 16 and May 11, 2007.
Entered into force May 11, 2007.
TIAS 07-511
June 16 and July 11, 2011 (TIAS 07-511)
November 18 and 26, 2014 (TIAS 07-511)
February 10 and May 8, 2017 (TIAS 07-511)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation on
information assurance (IA) and computer network defense
Signed at Washington and Berlin May 16 and 26, 2008.
Entered into force May 26, 2008.
TIAS 08-526
Memorandum of agreement concerning logistics and
administrative support at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, with
Signed at Ramstein May 5 and June 1, 2011.
Entered into force June 1, 2011.
Agreement regarding the exchange of military personnel, with
Signed at Washington July 12, 2011.
Entered into force July 12, 2011.
May 2, 2013
August 26 and 30, 2013
Memorandum of agreement on the exchange of students, with
Signed at Hamburg and Annapolis April 27 and May 22, 2012.
Entered into force May 22, 2012.
October 16, 2017 (NP)
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed March 5 and April 7, 2014.
Entered into force April 7, 2014.
April 30, 2019
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
German Defense Personnel to the Army of the United States
of America, with annexes.
Signed at Washington July 30, 2014.
Entered into force July 30, 2014.
January 24, 2017 (NP)
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
German Defense Personnel to U. S. Special Operations
Command, with annexes.
Signed at Tampa July 17, 2017.
Entered into force July 17, 2017.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
German Defense Personnel to U.S. Central Command, with
Signed at MacDill Air Force Base, May 1, 2019.
Entered into force May 1, 2019.
Treaty establishing friendly relations.
Signed at Berlin August 25, 1921.
Entered into force November 11, 1921.
42 Stat. 1939; TS 658; 8 Bevans 145; 12 LNTS 192
Agreement for conducting certain educational exchange
Signed at Bonn November 20, 1962.
Entered into force January 24, 1964.
15 UST 78; TIAS 5518; 505 UNTS 263
January 11, 1974 (25 UST 169; TIAS 7778)
Agreement concerning the pursuit of gainful employment by
dependents of employees of diplomatic missions, consular
posts or missions to international organizations.
Signed at Washington November 30, 2011.
Entered into force November 30, 2011.
TIAS 11-1130
Agreement on cooperation in energy research, science and
technology, and development.
Signed at Washington February 20, 1998.
Entered into force February 20, 1998.
Agreement on cooperation in environmental affairs.
Signed at Bonn May 9, 1974.
Entered into force March 26, 1975.
26 UST 840; TIAS 8069
Amendment and Extension:
March 22, 1985 (TIAS 11251; 2177 UNTS 184)
Agreement regarding the validation of dollar bonds of German
Signed at Bonn February 27, 1953.
Entered into force February 27, 1953.
4 UST 797; TIAS 2793; 223 UNTS 167
Agreement regarding certain matters arising from the
validation of German dollar bonds.
Signed at Bonn April 1, 1953.
Entered into force September 16, 1953.
4 UST 885; TIAS 2794; 224 UNTS 3
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Confirmation of effectiveness in Berlin of agreements relating
to the validation of certain German dollar bonds (TIAS 2793
and 2794).
Exchange of notes at Washington
February 25 and April 9, 1954.
5 UST 1; 223 UNTS 167
Second agreement regarding certain matters arising from the
validation of German dollar bonds.
Signed at Bonn August 16, 1960.
Entered into force June 30, 1961.
12 UST 943; TIAS 4798; 418 UNTS 235
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Berlin September 14, 1990.
Entered into force August 9, 1991.
TIAS 12130; 2049 UNTS 291
Agreement relating to and bringing into force the investment
incentive agreement of September 14, 1990.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 9, 1991.
Entered into force August 9, 1991.
TIAS 12130; 2052 UNTS 195
Economic cooperation agreement.
Signed at Bonn December 15, 1949.
Entered into force provisionally December 29, 1949;
definitively February 6, 1950.
64 Stat. B81; TIAS 2024; 8 Bevans 286; 92 UNTS 269
February 27 and March 28, 1951 (2 UST 1295; TIAS 2278; 141
UNTS 390)
November 14 and December 30, 1952 (3 UST 5323; TIAS 2736; 212
UNTS 329)
Agreement relating to duty-free entry into the Federal
Republic of Germany of relief shipments and the defrayment
of transportation costs of such shipments, with memorandum
Exchange of notes at Bonn April 10, May 25, and June 7, 1951.
Entered into force May 29, 1951; operative December 29, 1949.
5 UST 2820; TIAS 3135; 238 UNTS 161
Extension and Amendment:
July 8 and September 6, 1952 (5 UST 2835; TIAS 3137; 238 UNTS
Copyright agreement.
Signed at Washington January 15, 1892.
Entered into force May 6, 1892.
TS 100; 8 Bevans 129
Patent agreement.
Signed at Washington February 23, 1909.
Entered into force August 1, 1909.
36 Stat. 2178; TS 531; 8 Bevans 143
Agreement to facilitate interchange of patent rights and
technical information for defense purposes, and exchange of
Signed at Bonn January 4, 1956.
Entered into force January 4, 1956.
7 UST 45; TIAS 3478; 268 UNTS 143
Agreement approving the procedures for reciprocal filing of
classified patent applications in the United States and the
Federal Republic of Germany.
Exchange of notes at Bonn March 9 and May 23, 1959, and
related note of July 31, 1959.
Entered into force May 26, 1959.
10 UST 2001; TIAS 4369; 361 UNTS 337
January 14 and May 28, 1964 (15 UST 765; TIAS 5601; 529 UNTS
Agreement relating to the extension of time for fulfilling the
conditions and formalities of the copyright laws of the United
Exchange of notes at Washington November 20, 1964, and
July 12, 1967.
Entered into force July 12, 1967.
18 UST 2366; TIAS 6341; 692 UNTS 331
Arrangement concerning the exchange of information relating
to the illicit traffic in narcotics.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 17 and August 24,
1955, and March 7, 1956.
Entered into force March 7, 1956.
7 UST 371; TIAS 3514; 271 UNTS 361
Agreement relating to the taking of evidence.
Exchange of notes at Bad Godesberg and Bonn February 11,
1955, January 13 and October 8, 1956.
Entered into force October 8, 1956.
32 UST 4181; TIAS 9938; 1265 UNTS 41
Agreement relating to reciprocal legal assistance in penal
matters and information from penal register.
Exchange of notes at Bonn November 7 and December 28,
1960, and January 3, 1961.
Entered into force January 3, 1961.
12 UST 1156; TIAS 4826; 416 UNTS 93
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between the customs
services of the United States and the Federal Republic of
Signed at Washington August 23, 1973.
Entered into force June 13, 1975.
26 UST 1092; TIAS 8098
Agreement concerning mutual assistance in the administration
of justice in connection with the Lockheed Aircraft
Corporation matter, with agreed minutes.
Signed at Washington September 24, 1976.
Entered into force September 24, 1976.
27 UST 3429; TIAS 8373
Related Agreement:
January 10 and February 1, 1979 (30 UST 3533; TIAS 9407; 1169
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning cooperation in the field of control of
drug and narcotics abuse.
Exchange of notes at Bonn and Bonn-Bad Godesberg June 9,
Entered into force June 9, 1978.
30 UST 4434; TIAS 9467; 1177 UNTS 317
Agreement relating to the taking of evidence.
Exchange of notes at Bonn October 17, 1979 and February 1,
Entered into force February 1, 1980.
32 UST 4189; TIAS 9938; 1265 UNTS 46
Extradition treaty, with protocol.
Signed at Bonn June 20, 1978.
Entered into force August 29, 1980.
32 UST 1485; TIAS 9785; 1220 UNTS 269
Supplementary treaty to the treaty concerning extradition of
June 20, 1978.
Signed at Washington October 21, 1986.
Entered into force March 11, 1993.
TIAS 93-311; 1909 UNTS 441
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
related exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington October 14, 2003.
Entered into force October 18, 2009.
TIAS 09-1018
Supplementary treaty to the treaty of October 14, 2003 on
mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Washington April 18, 2006.
Entered into force October 18, 2009.
TIAS 09-1018.1
Second supplementary treaty to the treaty concerning
extradition of June 20, 1978.
Signed at Washington April 18, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.9
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Washington October 1, 2008.
Entered into force April 19, 2011.
TIAS 11-419.1
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 2, September 4 and 15,
Entered into force September 15, 1981.
33 UST 3278; TIAS 10225
Agreement relating to the continuation of the operations of the
International Tracing Service by transferring the Service to the
International Committee of the Red Cross.
Exchange of notes at Bonn and Bonn-Bad Godesberg June 6,
Entered into force June 6, 1966.
6 UST 6169; 315 UNTS 155; TIAS 3471
Amendment and Extensions:
April 28 and May 5, 1960 (TIAS 4736)
May 24, 1968 (NP)
Agreement for cooperation in the field of nuclear materials
safeguards and physical security research and development,
with annex.
Exchange of notes at Bonn and Washington September 29,
Entered into force September 29, 1977.
29 UST 4709; TIAS 9076
April 23 and July 22, 1985 (TIAS 12386)
Agreement for the exchange of classified information, with
related exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington July 6, 1981.
Entered into force July 6, 1981.
35 UST 3615; TIAS 10872
Agreement concerning the listing of reactors supplied from the
Federal Republic of Germany to the Taiwan Power Company
on the inventory of the IAEA safeguards agreement of
December 6, 1971 (TIAS 7228).
Exchange of letters at Washington November 5, 1981.
Entered into force November 5, 1981.
33 UST 4505; TIAS 10321
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters in the field of reactor
safety research and development.
Signed at Vienna September 27, 2016.
Entered into force September 27, 2016.
TIAS 16-927
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post together
with regulations of execution.
Signed at Berlin February 6 and at Washington March 16,
Entered into force March 16, 1939; operative January 2, 1939.
53 Stat. 2183; Post Office Department print; 198 LNTS 237
International express mail/datapost agreement, with detailed
Signed at Bonn and Washington December 15, 1978 and
January 22, 1979.
Entered into force August 8, 1979; effective February 1, 1979.
30 UST 3789; TIAS 9426
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the transfer of the Berlin Document
Center to the Federal Republic of Germany, with exchanges of
Signed at Berlin October 18, 1993.
Entered into force October 18, 1993.
TIAS 93-1018; 2033 UNTS 387
Agreement concerning real property exchange, with
Signed at Bonn September 23, 1994.
Entered into force September 23, 1994.
TIAS 94-923
Agreement incorporating an intellectual property article into
cooperative agreements between US-FRG scientific and
technical agencies.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 4 and 7, 1994.
Entered into force March 7, 1994.
TIAS 12176
Agreement on cooperation in research in the geosciences, with
Signed at Bonn March 7, 1994.
Entered into force March 7, 1994.
TIAS 12535
Agreement on cooperation in science and technology
concerning homeland/civil security matters, with annex.
Signed at Berlin March 16, 2009.
Entered into force March 16, 2009.
TIAS 09-316.2
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Washington February 18, 2010.
Entered into force February 18, 2010.
TIAS 10-218
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in
earth observation.
Signed at Washington November 30, 2012.
Entered into force November 30, 2012.
TIAS 12-1130
Agreement on the pension insurance of certain employees of
the United States Army.
Signed at Bonn September 11, 1970.
Entered into force June 1, 1972; retroactive to November 1,
23 UST 638; TIAS 7326
Agreement on social security, with final protocol and
administrative agreement.
Signed at Washington January 7, 1976.
Entered into force December 1, 1979.
30 UST 6099; TIAS 9542; 1177 UNTS 257
October 2, 1986 (TIAS 12115)
March 6, 1995 (TIAS 96-501)
Memorandum of understanding on the project of active
magnetospheric particle tracer explorers.
Signed at Washington October 15, 1981.
Entered into force October 15, 1981.
33 UST 4088; TIAS 10286; 1549 UNTS 339
Memorandum of understanding on the Roentgensatellit
Signed at Vienna August 8, 1982.
Entered into force August 8, 1982.
TIAS 10669; 2000 UNTS 445
Framework agreement on cooperation in aeronautics and the
exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes.
Signed at Washington and Bonn December 8 and 13, 2010.
Entered into force December 13, 2010.
TIAS 10-1213
Agreement concerning tax relief to be accorded by the Federal
Republic of Germany to United States expenditures in interest
of the common defense, with annex and exchange of letters.
Signed at Bonn October 15, 1954.
Entered into force November 8, 1955.
6 UST 3081; TIAS 3360; 239 UNTS 135
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation with respect
to taxes on estates, inheritances and gifts.
Signed at Bonn December 3, 1980.
Entered into force June 27, 1986.
TIAS 11082; 2120 UNTS 283
December 14, 1998 (TIAS 13012)
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and capital and to certain other taxes, with a related protocol,
exchanges of notes and memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Bonn August 29, 1989.
Entered into force August 21, 1991.
TIAS 91-821; 1708 UNTS 3
June 1, 2006 (TIAS 07-1228.4)
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and with
respect to the United States information and reporting
provisions commonly known as the Foreign Account Tax
Compliance Act, with Annexes.
Signed at Berlin May 31, 2013.
Entered into force December 11, 2013.
TIAS 13-1211
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the operation of certain radio
installations from within the Federal Republic.
Signed at Bonn June 11, 1952.
Entered into force May 5, 1955.
7 UST 789; TIAS 3559; 273 UNTS 105
Agreement relating to the return of the Emden-Cherbourg-
Horta submarine telegraph cable to German ownership.*
Exchange of notes at Washington November 4, 1959 and
March 16, 1960.
Entered into force March 16, 1960.
11 UST 254; TIAS 4441; 371 UNTS 101
* The U.S. signed in its own behalf and in behalf of the
United Kingdom and France.
Agreement on cooperation in intercontinental testing in
connection with experimental communications satellites.
Exchange of notes at Bonn September 5 and 29, 1961.
Entered into force September 29, 1961.
12 UST 1682; TIAS 4885; 424 UNTS 113
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their station in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Bonn June 23 and 30, 1966.
Entered into force June 30, 1966.
17 UST 1120; TIAS 6068; 601 UNTS 107
Agreement regarding operation of the radio installation at
Signed at Bonn January 22 and 26, 1979.
Entered into force January 26, 1979.
30 UST 3540; TIAS 9408
Treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular rights.*
Signed at Washington December 8, 1923.
Entered into force October 14, 1925.
44 Stat. 2132; TS 725; 8 Bevans 153; 52 LNTS 133
Agreement concerning the treaty of friendship, commerce, and
consular rights of December 8, 1923, as amended.*
Signed at Bonn June 3, 1953.
Entered into force October 22, 1954.
5 UST 1939; TIAS 3062; 253 UNTS 89
* Articles I-V, VII-XVI, and XXIX-XXXII of the 1923 treaty as
amended and as applied by the agreement of June 3, 1953
(TIAS 3062), were replaced and terminated by the treaty of
29, 1954 (TIAS 3593). Article VI of the 1923 treaty terminated
2, 1954 (see 5 UST 827; TIAS 2972).
Treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation with protocol
and exchanges of notes.
Signed at Washington October 29, 1954.
Entered into force July 14, 1956.
7 UST 1839; TIAS 3593; 273 UNTS 3
Agreement relating to mutual cooperation regarding restrictive
business practices.
Signed at Bonn June 23, 1976.
Entered into force September 11, 1976.
27 UST 1956; TIAS 8291
Air transport agreement and exchanges of notes.*
Signed at Washington July 7, 1955.
Entered into force April 16, 1956.
7 UST 527; TIAS 3536; 275 UNTS 3
November 1, 1978 (30 UST 7323; TIAS 9591; 1203 UNTS 280)
April 25, 1989 (TIAS 11942)
May 23, 1996
October 10, 2000
Related Agreements:
November 1, 1978
May 24, 1994
* This agreement, its amendment and protocols, and related
agreements are suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Memorandum of understanding regarding cooperation on the
development of advanced ground transportation.
Signed at Bonn June 12, 1973.
Entered into force June 12, 1973.
27 UST 3831; TIAS 8402; 1059 UNTS 3
Extension and Amendments:
March 23 and June 9 and 15, 1976 (27 UST 3836; TIAS 8402; 1059
July 12 and August 30, 1978 (30 UST 4100; TIAS 9449; 1228 UNTS
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in the
field of transportation.
Signed at Washington September 3, 1975.
Entered into force September 3, 1975.
28 UST 8024; TIAS 8736
Memorandum of understanding relating to cooperation in the
development of national airspace systems, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Bonn October 3 and November 6,
Entered into force November 6, 1984.
TIAS 11025; 2022 UNTS 97
Memorandum of understanding concerning air navigation
services in Berlin, with related exchange of letters.
Signed at Bonn October 23, 1990.
Entered into force October 23, 1990.
TIAS 11746; 2202 UNTS 73
Agreement for promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Milwaukee May 23, 1996.
Entered into force July 18, 1997.
TIAS 12758
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On March 6, 1957, Ghana became an independent state. In an exchange of
letters dated November 25, 1957, between the Government of the United
Kingdom and the Government of Ghana it was agreed that all obligations
and responsibilities of the Government of the United Kingdom which arise
from any valid international instrument shall henceforth in so far as such
instrument may be held to have application to Ghana be assumed by the
Government of Ghana. The rights and benefits heretofore enjoyed by the
Government of the United Kingdom by virtue of the application of any
such international instrument to the Gold Coast shall as from March 6,
1957, be enjoyed by the Government of Ghana.
Agreement relating to the establishment and operation of a
Peace Corps program in Ghana.
Exchange of notes at Accra July 19, 1961.
Entered into force July 19, 1961.
12 UST 1066; TIAS 4811; 416 UNTS 167
Mutual defense assistance agreement between the United
States and the United Kingdom.
Signed at Washington January 27, 1950; made applicable to the
Gold Coast July 19, 1952.*
1 UST 126; TIAS 2017; 80 UNTS 261
* Only article IV is applicable to Ghana.
Agreement relating to the deposit by Ghana of ten percent of
the value of grant military assistance furnished by the United
Exchange of notes at Accra April 13 and May 29, 1972.
Entered into force May 29, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 1310; TIAS 7410
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Accra December 4, 1985 and
February 28, 1986.
Entered into force February 28, 1986.
TIAS 11102
Agreement concerning assistance under the Foreign
Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of
defense articles, related training and other defense services
from the United States to Ghana.
Exchange of notes at Accra March 2 and 7, 1995.
Entered into force March 7, 1995.
Agreement regarding the provision of commodities, services
and associated military education and training to Ghanaian
forces participating in ECOMOG peacekeeping operations.
Exchange of notes at Accra October 28 and November 19,
Entered into force November 19, 1996.
TIAS 12817
Agreement regarding the provision of commodities, services
and related training to assist the Republic of Ghana’s forces
participating in the African Crisis Response Initiative.
Exchange of notes at Accra November 24, 1997 and
January 8, 1998.
Entered into force January 8, 1998.
TIAS 98-108
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Stuttgart and Accra April 13 and 28, 2015.
Entered into force April 28, 2015.
Agreement on defense cooperation, the status of United States
forces, and access to and use of agreed facilities and areas in
the Republic of Ghana, with annex and appendix.
Signed at Accra May 9, 2018.
Entered into force May 31, 2018.
TIAS 18-531
Aviation Leader Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Accra November 26, 2018 and
March 19, 2019.
Entered into force March 19, 2019.
Consular convention and protocol of signature between the
United States and the United Kingdom.*
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
* Paragraph 1 of article 7 not in force for Ghana.
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Accra January 24, 1962.
Entered into force January 24, 1962.
TIAS 4942; 13 UST 87; 435 UNTS 23
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Accra July 28, 1989 and April 17, 1991.
Entered into force April 17, 1991.
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Accra March 20, 1998.
Entered into force March 20, 1998.
TIAS 12935
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section
413(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Accra September 30, 1958.
Entered into force September 30, 1958.
9 UST 1321; TIAS 4121; 336 UNTS 169
March 3, 1967 (18 UST 231; TIAS 6222; 688 UNTS 376)
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government, with annexes.
Signed at Accra March 28, 2002.
Entered into force May 10, 2002.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington February 26, 1999.
Entered into force November 24, 2004.
TIAS 13023
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government,
with annexes.
Signed at Accra March 31, 2005.
Entered into force May 16, 2005.
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Applicable to the Gold Coast July 6, 1948.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 12 Bevans 874; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 86 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 25, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
General agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at Accra June 3, 1957.
Entered into force June 3, 1957.
8 UST 793; TIAS 3838; 284 UNTS 63
Agreement providing for duty-free entry into Ghana and
exemption from internal taxation of relief supplies and
Exchange of notes at Accra April 9, 1959.
Entered into force April 9, 1959.
10 UST 720; TIAS 4203; 342 UNTS 21
April 8 and May 3, 1971 (22 UST 575; TIAS 7104; 791 UNTS 376)
Millennium Challenge Compact, with annexes.
Signed at Washington August 5, 2014.
Entered into force September 6, 2016.
TIAS 16-906
Agreement for investing in people: health.
Signed September 28, 2010.
Entered into force September 30, 2010.
March 30, 2011 (NP)
September 30, 2011 (NP)
Assistance agreement for economic growth.
Signed September 28, 2010.
Entered into force September 30, 2010
Agreement for competitiveness of Ghanaian private sector in
world markets increased.
Signed September 28, 2010.
Entered into force September 30, 2010.
March 30, 2011 (NP)
September 30, 2011 (NP)
Development agreement for improved reading performance in
primary school.
Signed December 26, 2012.
Entered into force December 26, 2012.
Development agreement for equitable improvements in health
Signed December 26, 2012.
Entered into force December 26, 2012.
Development agreement for sustainable and broadly shared
economic growth.
Signed December 26, 2012.
Entered into force December 26, 2012.
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
relating to reciprocal protection to trademarks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Accra April 17, 2003.
Entered into force October 31, 2003.
TIAS 03-1031
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Applicable to the Gold Coast June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addendum and
Signed at Vienna September 18, 2017.
Entered into force September 18, 2017.
TIAS 17-918
Parcel post agreement and detailed regulations.
Signed at Accra and Washington June 3 and June 14, 1951.
Entered into force August 1, 1951.
2 UST 1859; TIAS 2322; 137 UNTS 81
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Accra and Washington February 9 and March 1,
Entered into force April 16, 1990.
TIAS 11714
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to the Gold Coast July 6, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Agreement concerning United States participation on a
voluntary, limited basis in the Ghanaian social security
Exchange of notes at Accra May 16, September 10 and
October 30, 1973.
Entered into force October 30, 1973.
24 UST 2202; TIAS 7734; 938 UNTS 353
Agreement to exempt from income tax, on a reciprocal basis,
certain income derived from the international operation of a
ship or ships and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Accra April 24 and November 12, 2001.
Entered into force November 12, 2001.
TIAS 13171
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Accra October 13 and 27, 1977.
Entered into force November 26, 1977.
29 UST 2787; TIAS 8975
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 5, 1935.
Entered into force May 5, 1935.
49 Stat. 3731; EAS 77; 12 Bevans 513; 162 LNTS 59
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington October 11, 2000.
Entered into force August 17, 2001.
TIAS 13119
Agreement relating to treaty rights and obligations assumed by
Ghana upon its independence.
Exchange of notes at Accra September 4 and December 21,
1957, and February 12, 1958.
Entered into force February 12, 1958.
13 UST 240; TIAS 4966; 442 UNTS 175
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington June 19, 1930.
Entered into force September 23, 1932.
47 Stat. 2161; TS 853; 8 Bevans 349; 136 LNTS 393
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Washington June 19, 1930.
Entered into force September 23, 1932.
47 Stat. 2165; TS 854; 8 Bevans 351; 136 LNTS 399
Arrangement for the reciprocal reduction of nonimmigrant
passport visa fees.*
Exchange of notes at Athens January 7 and 29, 1949.
Entered into force January 29, 1949.
63 Stat. 2905; TIAS 2144; 8 Bevans 447; 88 UNTS 35
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement concerning the reciprocal waiver of visas for non-
Exchange of notes at Athens December 28, 1999 and
January 24, 2000.
Entered into force January 24, 2000.
TIAS 13080
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Athens September 26 and October 24,
Entered into force October 24, 1950.
2 UST 473; TIAS 2193; 133 UNTS 41
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of
import restrictions on categories of archaeological and
Byzantine ecclesiastical ethnological material through the 15th
century A.D. of the Hellenic Republic.
Signed at Athens July 17, 2011.
Entered into force November 21, 2011.
TIAS 11-1121
November 18, 2016 (TIAS 19-1105)
Agreement relating to the use of certain Greek Islands for
training exercises by Marine units of the United States fleet in
the Mediterranean.
Exchange of notes at Athens February 11 and 21, 1949.
Entered into force February 21, 1949.
63 Stat. 2683; TIAS 1972; 8 Bevans 455; 88 UNTS 29
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
material furnished by the United States under the Act to
Provide Assistance to Greece and Turkey, as amended, found
surplus to the needs of the armed forces of Greece.
Exchange of notes at Athens December 21, 1951 and
January 7, 1952.
Entered into force January 7, 1952.
3 UST 3997; TIAS 2537; 177 UNTS 249
April 17 and 18, 1961 (12 UST 496; TIAS 4741; 407 UNTS 238)
Agreement relating to the assurances required under the
Mutual Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Athens December 21, 1951 and
January 7, 1952.
Entered into force January 7, 1952.
3 UST 4569; TIAS 2608; 180 UNTS 171
Agreement concerning the inspection and acceptance testing,
security, and storage of military items produced by Greek
industries under the offshore procurement program, with
memoranda of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Athens December 17 and 24, 1952.
Entered into force December 24, 1952.
3 UST 5330; TIAS 2738; 185 UNTS 193
Agreement concerning military facilities.*
Signed at Athens October 12, 1953.
Entered into force October 12, 1953.
4 UST 2189; TIAS 2868; 191 UNTS 319
* Article III, Paragraph 1, abrogated by agreement of September 7,
1956 (TIAS 3649), except for reference to memorandum of
understanding of Feb. 4, 1953 (TIAS 2775), which continues in
Agreement concerning the status of United States forces in
Signed at Athens September 7, 1956.
Entered into force September 7, 1956.
7 UST 2555; TIAS 3649; 278 UNTS 141
Agreement for cooperation on the uses of atomic energy for
mutual defense purposes.
Exchange of notes at Athens May 6, 1959.
Entered into force August 11, 1959.
10 UST 1429; TIAS 4292; 357 UNTS 163
Agreement relating to the deposit by Greece of ten percent of
the value of grant military assistance and excess defense
articles furnished by the United States.
Exchange of notes at Athens January 11 and 12, 1973.
Entered into force January 12, 1973; effective February 7,
24 UST 225; TIAS 7543; 938 UNTS 155
Agreement relating to payment to the United States of net
proceeds from the sale of defense articles and eligibility for
United States military assistance and training under the
military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Athens August 31, 1976.
Entered into force August 31, 1976.
27 UST 3999; TIAS 8418; 1059 UNTS 137
December 27, 2004 and April 13, 2006
Agreement concerning the grant of defense articles and
services under the military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Athens August 30, 1979.
Entered into force August 30, 1979.
30 UST 7267; TIAS 9583; 1182 UNTS 147
August 13 and 26, 1982 (34 UST 1841; TIAS 10464; 1751 UNTS
General security of military information agreement, with
annex on industrial security procedures.
Exchange of notes at Athens January 7, 1986.
Entered into force January 7, 1986.
TIAS 11980
Defense industrial cooperation agreement, with annexes and
exchange of letters.
Signed at Athens November 10, 1986.
Entered into force November 10, 1986.
TIAS 12320
March 17 and April 4, 1997 (TIAS 12848)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Mutual defense cooperation agreement, with annex.
Signed at Athens July 8, 1990.
Entered into force November 6, 1990.
TIAS 12321
January 19 and February 19, 1998 (TIAS 98-219)
May 4 and 5, 1999 (TIAS 98-219)
April 20 and May 5, 2000 (TIAS 98-219)
March 13 and April 27, 2001 (TIAS 98-219)
April 11 and 29, 2002 (TIAS 98-219)
April 11 and May 5, 2003 (TIAS 98-219)
April 16 and May 6, 2004 (TIAS 04-506.2)
March 16 and May 5, 2005 (TIAS 04-506.2)
April 25 and May 5, 2006 (TIAS 04-506.2)
May 5 and 6, 2007 (TIAS 04-506.2)
April 16 and May 6, 2008 (TIAS 04-506.2)
August 6 and September 11, 2009 (TIAS 04-506.2)
April 14 and May 21, 2010 (TIAS 10-521)
August 1 and October 11, 2011 (TIAS 10-521)
May 19 and June 25, 2014 (TIAS 14-625.1)
June 12 and September 9, 2015 (TIAS 14-625.1)
May 31 and July 29, 2016 (TIAS 16-729)
May 19 and July 7, 2017 (TIAS 17-707.1)
April 30 and June 7, 2018 (TIAS 18-607)
June 21 and August 7, 2019
Memorandum of understanding concerning the joint use of
Hellenic Air Force bases by United States Air Force
operational units, with annex.
Signed at Athens and Ramstein AB May 6 and June 8, 1992.
Entered into force June 8, 1992.
TIAS 12322
Agreement concerning the transfer of U.S. Government-origin
defense articles or related training or other defense services to
the Government of the Hellenic Republic.
Exchange of notes at Athens January 22 and 27, 1993.
Entered into force January 27, 1993.
TIAS 12323
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for topographic
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting, digital data,
geodesy and geophysics and related materials.
Signed at Athens May 25, 1993.
Entered into force May 25, 1993.
Agreement concerning mutual logistic support, with annexes.
Signed at Papagos Camp, Greece, and Patch Barracks,
Germany, June 28 and August 5, 1996.
Entered into force August 5, 1996.
Amendment and Extension:
December 10, 1999, and January 31, 2000 (NP)
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Greece.
Exchange of notes at Athens August 9 and September 11, 2002.
Entered into force September 11, 2002.
TIAS 02-911
Comprehensive technical agreement.
Signed at Brussels June 13, 2001.
Entered into force April 8, 2003.
Agreement concerning the exchange and reimbursement of
aviation and ground fuel, with annexes.
Signed at Athens and Ft. Belvoir May 25 and July 26, 2007.
Entered into force July 26, 2007.
TIAS 07-726
February 23 and July 5, 2011 (TIAS 07-726)
Memorandum of agreement regarding the exchange of
military personnel, with annexes.
Signed at Arlington March 11, 2015.
Entered into force March 11, 2015.
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or
successor legislation; the Arms Export Control Act; 10 U.S.C.
section 333, and other Department of Defense authorities; and
the furnishing on a grant basis of defense articles, related
training, and other defense services from the United States of
America to the Government of the Hellenic Republic under
such authorities.
Exchange of notes at Athens October 4 and 16, 2017.
Entered into force October 16, 2017.
TIAS 17-1016
Convention concerning the rights and privileges of consuls,*
and protocol of amendment signed March 5 and 18, 1903.
Signed at Athens November 19 and December 2, 1902.
Entered into force July 9, 1903.
33 Stat. 2122; TS 424; 8 Bevans 313
* Notice of termination was given by the United States of articles
XII and XIII, effective July 1, 1916, in accordance with the
Seamen’s Act (38 Stat. 1164). The notice was accepted by the
Greek Government with the understanding that only such
provisions of these articles as were in conflict with the Act should
be abrogated, and all other provisions, especially those concerning
the arrest, detention, and imprisonment of deserters from war
vessels, should continue in force.
Agreement regarding reciprocal free entry privileges of
consular officers and clerks.
Exchange of notes at Athens October 10, 1940.
Entered into force October 10, 1940.
8 Bevans 373
Agreement relating to the importation of goods by American
personnel in Greece under the military facilities agreement.
Exchange of notes at Athens June 27, 1955.
Entered into force June 27, 1955.
6 UST 3711; TIAS 3368
Agreement for financing educational exchange programs.
Signed at Athens December 13, 1963.
Entered into force December 13, 1963.
14 UST 1770; TIAS 5486; 494 UNTS 55
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to employment of dependents of official
government employees.
Exchange of notes at Athens January 30 and February 17,
Entered into force July 7, 1995.
TIAS 12605
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Athens December 12, 1995.
Entered into force December 12, 1995.
TIAS 12709
Debt funding agreement.
Signed at Washington May 10, 1929.
Operative January 1, 1928.
Treasury Department print; 8 Bevans 333
Agreement modifying the debt funding agreement of
May 10, 1929.
Signed at Washington May 24, 1932.
Operative July 1, 1931.
Treasury Department print; 8 Bevans 361
Agreement relating to guaranties authorized by Section
111(b)(3) of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, as
Exchange of notes at Washington April 21 and 23, 1952.
Entered into force April 29, 1952.
3 UST 4250; TIAS 2568; 177 UNTS 283
April 19, 1963 (14 UST 397; TIAS 5331; 476 UNTS 250)
Agreement providing for the refunding of certain indebtedness
due from Greece to the United States and amortization
Signed at Athens May 28, 1964.
Entered into force November 5, 1966.
17 UST 2331; TIAS 6178; 680 UNTS 143
Agreement on aid to Greece, and exchanges of notes of May
26 and June 15 and 18, 1947.
Signed at Athens June 20, 1947.
Entered into force June 20, 1947.
61 Stat. 2907; TIAS 1625; 8 Bevans 403; 7 UNTS 267
Economic cooperation agreement.
Signed at Athens July 2, 1948.
Entered into force July 3, 1948.
62 Stat. 2293; TIAS 1786; 8 Bevans 431; 23 UNTS 43
December 15 and 24, 1949 (64 Stat. B104; TIAS 2025; 8 Bevans 459;
79 UNTS 298)
March 6 and 30, 1951 (2 UST 843; TIAS 2238; 132 UNTS 384)
October 14, 1952 and December 2, 1953 (5 UST 2844; TIAS 3139;
225 UNTS 250)
April 19, 1963 (14 UST 397; TIAS 5331; 476 UNTS 250)
Agreement relating to duty-free entry and free inland
transportation of relief supplies and packages.
Signed at Athens February 9, 1949.
Entered into force February 9, 1949.
63 Stat. 2359; TIAS 1898; 8 Bevans 450; 79 UNTS 95
December 19, 1951 and May 7, 1952 (3 UST 4282; TIAS 2574; 179
UNTS 216)
July 18 and December 22, 1952 (3 UST 5327; TIAS 2737; 185 UNTS
Agreement for cooperation in the economic, scientific,
technological, and educational and cultural fields.
Signed at Athens April 22, 1980.
Entered into force April 22, 1980.
32 UST 1034; TIAS 9754; 1234 UNTS 327
Agreement to facilitate interchange of patent rights and
technical information for defense purposes.
Signed at Athens June 16, 1955.
Entered into force June 16, 1955.
6 UST 2173; TIAS 3286; 262 UNTS 137
Agreement approving the procedures for the reciprocal filing
of classified patent applications.
Exchange of notes at Athens April 26, 1960.
Entered into force April 26, 1960.
11 UST 1389; TIAS 4476; 372 UNTS 299.
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Athens February 7 and October 15, 1928.
Entered into force October 15, 1928.
8 Bevans 331
Convention for prevention of smuggling of alcoholic
Signed at Washington April 25, 1928.
Entered into force February 18, 1929.
45 Stat. 2736; TS 772; 8 Bevans 327; 91 LNTS 231
Treaty of extradition, and exchange of notes.
Signed at Athens May 6, 1931.
Entered into force November 1, 1932.
47 Stat. 2185; TS 855; 8 Bevans 353; 138 LNTS 293
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Protocol interpreting article I of the treaty of extradition
signed at Athens May 6, 1931.
Signed at Athens September 2, 1937.
Entered into force September 2, 1937.
51 Stat. 357; EAS 114; 8 Bevans 366; 185 LNTS 408
Procedures for mutual assistance in the administration of
justice in connection with the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
Signed at Washington May 20, 1976.
Entered into force May 20, 1976.
27 UST 2006; TIAS 8300; 1052 UNTS 349
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
Signed at Athens July 31, 1991.
Entered into force January 17, 1993.
TIAS 12078
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Washington May 26, 1999.
Entered into force November 20, 2001.
TIAS 13036
Protocol to the treaty on extradition of May 6, 1931, and the
protocol of September 2, 1937, as contemplated by Article
3(2) of the agreement on extradition between the United States
of America and the European Union, signed June 25, 2003.
Signed at Washington January 18, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.10
Protocol to the treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal
matters of May 26, 1999, as contemplated by Article 3(2) of
the agreement on mutual legal assistance between the United
States of America and the European Union, signed June 25,
Signed at Washington January 18, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.33
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime .
Signed at Corfu June 28, 2009.
Entered into force September 17, 2010.
TIAS 10-917
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Athens May 7 and 12, 1982.
Entered into force May 12, 1982.
34 UST 1747; TIAS 10453; 1750 UNTS 417
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 19, 2018.
Entered into force September 19, 2018.
TIAS 18-919.10
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post, and
regulations of execution.
Signed at Athens and Washington July 14 and August 1, 1933.
Operative June 1, 1933.
48 Stat. 1594; Post Office Department print
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Athens and Washington June 5 and 21, 1985.
Entered into force July 1, 1985.
TIAS 11152
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST field trial, with details of implementation.
Signed at Athens and Washington July 25 and August 15, 1985.
Entered into force August 19, 1985.
TIAS 11247
Preliminary agreement regarding principles applying to
mutual aid in the prosecution of the war against aggression.
Signed at Washington July 10, 1942.
Entered into force July 10, 1942.
56 Stat. 1559; EAS 260; 8 Bevans 381; 103 UNTS 289
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Athens June 22, 1993.
Entered into force September 1, 1994.
TIAS 94-901
Agreement regarding privileges, immunities, and exemptions
from taxes or other levies and charges accorded by Greece in
implementation of the common defense program and any and
all foreign aid programs of the United States.
Exchange of notes at Athens February 4, 1953.
Entered into force February 4, 1953.
4 UST 166; TIAS 2775; 189 UNTS 3
Convention and protocol for the avoidance of double taxation
and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on
the estates of deceased persons.*
Signed at Athens February 20, 1950;
Protocol of amendment signed at Athens July 18, 1953.
Entered into force December 30, 1953.
5 UST 12; TIAS 2901; 196 UNTS 269
* For understanding regarding certain errors in the English text, see
exchange of notes of August 3 and 19, 1954 (5 UST 1543; TIAS
3032; 222 UNTS 423).
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention and protocol for the avoidance of double taxation
and prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on
Signed at Athens February 20, 1950;
Protocol of amendment signed at Athens April 20, 1953.
Entered into force December 30, 1953.
5 UST 47; TIAS 2902; 196 UNTS 291
* For understanding regarding certain errors in the Greek text, see
exchange of notes of November 29 and December 19, 1961 (13
UST 151; TIAS 4951; 435 UNTS 334).
Protocol modifying and supplementing the convention of
February 20, 1950, for the avoidance of double taxation and
the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on the
estates of deceased persons.
Signed at Athens February 12, 1964.
Entered into force October 27, 1967.
18 UST 2853; TIAS 6375; 632 UNTS 315
Agreement concerning relief from double taxation on earnings
derived from the operation of ships and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 10, 1988.
Entered into force June 10, 1988.
TIAS 11585; 2191 UNTS 249
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Athens January 19, 2017.
Entered into force December 13, 2017.
TIAS 17-1213
Agreement concerning the transfer of community radios to the
Government of Greece, with three schedules attached.
Signed at Athens August 18, 1954.
Entered into force August 18, 1954.
5 UST 1725; TIAS 3050; 234 UNTS 161
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchanges of notes at Athens June 20 and July 5, 1978.
Entered into force July 5, 1978.
30 UST 1648; TIAS 9272; 1153 UNTS 81
Agreement regarding commercial relations.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 2 and 11, 1946.
Entered into force January 11, 1946.
60 Stat. 1483; TIAS 1505; 8 Bevans 396; 3 UNTS 203
Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation.
Signed at Athens August 3, 1951.
Entered into force October 13, 1954.
5 UST 1829; TIAS 3057; 224 UNTS 279
Agreement providing for consultations should cotton textile or
cotton textile product exports from Greece cause market
disruption in the United States.
Exchange of notes at Athens December 29, 1975, and
January 5, 1976.
Entered into force January 5, 1976.
27 UST 1632; TIAS 8273
Air service agreement.
Exchange of notes at Athens March 11 and June 16 and 25,
Entered into force June 25, 1952.
3 UST 4856; TIAS 2658; 181 UNTS 53
On February 7, 1974, Grenada became an independent state. In a note
dated August 19, 1974, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the
Prime Minister made a statement reading in part as follows:
I have the honour to inform you that the Government of Grenada, having
attained Independence on the 7th February, 1974, and being conscious of
the desirability of continuing and maintaining existing International
Agreements which applied before Independence and being willing to
accept its obligations under International Law to honour its treaty
commitments, acknowledges that the many treaty rights and obligations
entered into by the Government of the United Kingdom in respect of the
Government of Grenada, were succeeded to by the Government of
Grenada upon the attainment of Independence and in accordance with
customary International Law and Practice.
2. It is desirous, therefore, that it be accepted that each treaty has been
legally succeeded to by the Government of Grenada and that actions
relating to all treaties be based on this succession until a decision is
otherwise taken and due notification communicated to the United Nations
and to the states signatories thereto in respect of any such particular treaty.
3. The Government of Grenada reserves the right to terminate the
operation of any such treaty succeeded to if it is desirable to do so. In such
circumstances due notice will be given of any such termination and in the
terms thereof.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Grenada.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Grenada December 19,
1966, and December 16, 1967.
Entered into force December 16, 1967.
18 UST 3073; TIAS 6398; 701 UNTS 277
Agreement concerning the status of United States forces in
Exchange of notes at St. George’s March 12 and 13, 1984.
Entered into force March 13, 1984.
TIAS 10963
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at St. George’s May 18 and 24, 1984.
Entered into force May 24, 1984.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the status of United States Armed
Forces personnel in Grenada.
Exchange of notes at St. George’s December 7, 1992 and
October 11, 1993.
Entered into force October 11, 1993.
TIAS 93-1011
Agreement regarding the provision of articles, services and
associated training by the Government of the United States for
anti-narcotics purposes.
Exchange of notes at St. George’s November 18 and
December 3, 1998.
Entered into force December 3, 1998.
Agreement regarding the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative
and the provision of technical support for maritime security
Exchange of notes at St. George’s March 18 and April 26, 2013.
Entered into force April 26, 2013.
TIAS 13-426
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1972.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to employment of dependents of official
government employees, with addendum.
Exchange of notes at St. George’s September 14 and 15, 1987.
Entered into force September 15, 1987.
TIAS 11539.
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at St. Georges June 27, 1968.
Entered into force June 27, 1968.
19 UST 5211; TIAS 6516; 730 UNTS 217
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government or its agency, with annexes.
Signed at St. Georges July 11, 2007.
Entered into force September 18, 2007.
August 13 and October 2, 2009 (NP)
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government or its agency, with Annexes.
Signed at St George's May 21, 2016.
Entered into force July 18, 2016.
General agreement for economic, technical and related
Signed at Grenada May 7, 1984.
Entered into force May 7, 1984.
TIAS 11132; 2120 UNTS 123
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trademarks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Exchange of notes at Washington and New York March 11,
Entered into force March 11, 2004.
TIAS 04-311
Agreement regarding the provision of articles, services and
associated military education and training by the United States
Government for anti-narcotics purposes.
Exchange of notes at St. George’s December 23, 1996 and
March 14, 1997.
Entered into force March 14, 1997.
TIAS 12843
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at St. George’s May 30, 1996.
Entered into force September 14, 1999.
TIAS 99-914.2
Extradition treaty.
Signed at St. George’s May 30, 1996.
Entered into force September 14, 1999.
TIAS 99-914.1
Agreement concerning maritime counter-drug operations.
Signed at St. George’s May 16, 1995.
Entered into force May 16, 1995.
TIAS 12648
Money order agreement.
Signed at Washington and Grenada July 29 and August 29,
Operative October 1, 1904.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for the direct exchange of parcels by parcel post.
Signed at Grenada and Washington May 20 and June 21, 1935.
Operative July 1, 1935.
49 Stat. 3229; Post Office Department print; 162 LNTS 157
International express mail agreement.
Signed at St. George’s and Washington January 4 and
April 4, 1995.
Entered into force May 1, 1995.
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Grenada February 9, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 203 LNTS 367
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and St. George’s December 9, 2005.
Entered into force December 9, 2005.
TIAS 05-1209
Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to
Signed at Washington December 18, 1986.
Entered into force July 13, 1987.
TIAS 11410; 2191 UNTS 43
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement FATCA, with annexes.
Signed at St. George's November 29, 2016.
Entered into force April 6, 2018.
TIAS 18-406
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at London November 26, 1965.
Applicable to Grenada December 11, 1979.
16 UST 2047; TIAS 5941; 561 UNTS 193
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom extending to certain territories the application of the
agreement of November 26, 1965, relating to the reciprocal
granting of authorizations to permit licensed amateur radio
operators of either country to operate their stations in the other
Exchange of notes at London December 11, 1969.
Entered into force December 11, 1969.
20 UST 4089; TIAS 6800; 732 UNTS 334
Arrangement relating to radio communications between
amateur stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at St. George’s December 5 and 8, 1983.
Entered into force December 8, 1983.
35 UST 3275; TIAS 10855; 2015 UNTS 17
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investment.
Signed at Washington May 2, 1986.
Entered into force March 3, 1989.
TIAS 89-303
Air transport agreement.
Signed at St. George's April 10, 2018.
Entered into force April 10, 2018.
TIAS 18-410
Memorandum of understanding relating to cooperative efforts
to protect crops from pest damage and diseases.
Signed at Guatemala February 21, 1977.
Entered into force February 21, 1977.
29 UST 228; TIAS 8807
Agreement relating to a cooperative program for the
prevention of foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, and other
exotic diseases in Guatemala.
Signed at Guatemala March 3, 1977.
Entered into force March 3, 1977.
29 UST 242; TIAS 8808
Agreement providing reciprocally for gratis nonimmigrant
visas valid for multiple entries.*
Exchange of notes at Guatemala May 30, 1956.
Entered into force May 30, 1956.
7 UST 1075; TIAS 3589; 275 UNTS 271
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Guatemala March 23 and April 13, 1944.
Entered into force March 23, 1944.
58 Stat. 1362; EAS 412; 8 Bevans 555; 106 UNTS 213
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Guatemala.
Exchange of notes at Guatemala City December 28 and 29,
Entered into force December 29, 1962.
14 UST 280; TIAS 5307; 474 UNTS 31
Agreement for the recovery and return of stolen
archaeological, historical and cultural properties.
Signed at Washington May 21, 1984.
Entered into force August 22, 1984.
TIAS 11077; 2039 UNTS 241
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of
import restrictions on archaeological materials from the pre-
Columbian cultures and ecclesiastical ethnological material
from the conquest and colonial periods of Guatemala, with
Signed at Washington September 29, 1997.
Entered into force September 29, 1997.
TIAS 97-929
Amendments and Extensions:
September 20 and 23, 2002 (TIAS 97-929)
August 23 and 24, 2007 (TIAS 97-929)
September 13 and 25, 2012 (TIAS 12-925)
September 12 and 14, 2017 (TIAS 17-927)
Military air transit agreement.
Exchange of notes at Guatemala December 20, 1949.
Entered into force December 20, 1949.
64 Stat. B122; TIAS 2042; 8 Bevans 610; 70 UNTS 71
Agreement providing for the transfer of equipment and
material to the Government of Guatemala subject to certain
Exchange of notes at Guatemala July 27 and 30, 1954.
Entered into force July 30, 1954.
5 UST 1926; TIAS 3059; 234 UNTS 235
Military assistance agreement.
Signed at Guatemala June 18, 1955.
Entered into force June 18, 1955.
6 UST 2107; TIAS 3283; 262 UNTS 105
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
materials no longer required in furtherance of the mutual
defense assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Guatemala December 16, 1957.
Entered into force December 16, 1957.
8 UST 2463; TIAS 3966; 307 UNTS 306
Agreement relating to the furnishing of defense articles and
services to Guatemala for the purpose of contributing to its
internal security.
Exchange of notes at Guatemala May 25 and August 2, 1962.
Entered into force August 2, 1962.
13 UST 2128; TIAS 5173; 461 UNTS 199
Agreement relating to the status of the Army and Air Force
missions to Guatemala.
Exchange of notes at Guatemala April 29 and May 4, 1965.
Entered into force May 4, 1965.
16 UST 742; TIAS 5802; 545 UNTS 163
Agreement concerning payment to the United States of net
proceeds from the sale of defense articles furnished under the
military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Guatemala September 20 and 27, 1974.
Entered into force September 27, 1974; effective July 1, 1974.
25 UST 2489; TIAS 7932
January 20 and April 20, 2005 (TIAS 05-420.1)
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for topographic
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting and information,
geodesy and geophysics, digital data and related mapping,
charting and geodesy materials, with glossary.
Signed at Guatemala and Fairfax June 7 and July 2, 1996.
Entered into force July 2, 1996.
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed at Washington April 17, 2013.
Entered into force April 17, 2013.
February 17 and March 28, 2016 (NP)
April 25, 2019 (NP)
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Guatemala and Doral September 30 and December
13, 2016.
Entered into force December 13, 2016.
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or
successor legislation, the Arms Export Control Act, the Global
Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI), and other Department of
Defense Authorities, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related to training, and other defense services, from the United
States of America to the Republic of Guatemala under such
Exchange of notes at Guatemala City August 22, 2016 and
January 2, 2017.
Entered into force January 2, 2017.
TIAS 17-102
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Guatemala City April 4 and July 15,
Entered into force July 15, 2019.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees, with agreement and
Exchange of notes at Washington March 22 and 23, 1990.
Entered into force March 23, 1990.
TIAS 90-323.1
Agreement on reciprocity in the free exercise of remunerated
activities for dependent family members of diplomatic,
consular and administrative and technical staff and members
of the support staff assigned to diplomatic missions, consular
offices and permanent missions to international organizations.
Signed at Guatemala City April 25, 2007.
Entered into force June 14, 2007.
TIAS 07-614
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Guatemala December 5, 1997.
Entered into force December 5, 1997.
TIAS 12909
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.*
Exchange of notes at Guatemala August 9, 1960.
Entered into force August 29, 1962.
13 UST 2008; TIAS 5158; 461 UNTS 15
* For corrections in the Spanish text, see exchange of notes of
August 23 and 27, 1962 (13 UST 2008; TIAS 5158; 461 UNTS
Agreement regarding a debt-for-nature swap to prepay and
cancel certain debt owed.
Signed at Guatemala September 8, 2006.
Entered into force September 8, 2006.
General agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at Guatemala September 1, 1954.
Entered into force September 1, 1954.
5 UST 2010; TIAS 3068; 199 UNTS 51
Development assistance agreement.
Signed at Washington December 13, 1954.
Entered into force December 13, 1954.
5 UST 2972; TIAS 3155; 237 UNTS 169
Convention for the reciprocal protection of trademarks and
trade labels.
Signed at Guatemala April 15, 1901.
Entered into force April 7, 1902.
32 Stat. 1866; TS 404; 8 Bevans 478
Convention for the reciprocal protection of patents.
Signed at Guatemala November 10, 1906.
Entered into force July 9, 1907.
35 Stat. 1878; TS 463; 8 Bevans 489
Treaty for the mutual extradition of fugitives from justice.
Signed at Washington February 27, 1903.
Entered into force August 15, 1903.
33 Stat. 2147; TS 425; 8 Bevans 482
Supplementary extradition convention.
Signed at Guatemala City February 20, 1940.
Entered into force March 13, 1941.
55 Stat. 1097; TS 963; 8 Bevans 528
Treaty for the return of stolen, robbed, embezzled or
appropriated vehicles and aircraft, with annexes and a related
exchange of notes.
Signed at Guatemala City on October 6, 1997.
Entered into force April 25, 2007.
TIAS 07-425
Agreement concerning security assistance matters and the
provision of articles, services and associated military
education and training by the United States Government for
anti-narcotics purposes.
Exchange of notes at Guatemala January 12 and February 1,
Entered into force February 1, 1999.
Agreement regarding the Cooperating Nation Information
Exchange System.
Exchange of notes at Guatemala November 30, 2004.
Entered into force November 30, 2004.
TIAS 04-1130
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress illicit traffic in
narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances by sea and air.
Signed at Guatemala June 19, 2003.
Entered into force October 10, 2003.
Agreement on cooperating regarding the examination of
protection claims.
Signed at Washington July 26, 2019.
Entered into force November 15, 2019.
TIAS 19-1115
Agreement providing for a grant to assist in the acquisition of
certain nuclear research and training equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Guatemala April 7 and 23, 1960.
Entered into force April 23, 1960.
11 UST 1449; TIAS 4485
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty of peace, amity, commerce, and navigation.*
Signed at Guatemala March 3, 1849.
Entered into force May 13, 1852.
10 Stat. 875; TS 149; 8 Bevans 461
* Articles relating to commerce and navigation terminated
November 4, 1874.
Parcel post agreement.
Signed at Guatemala and Washington October 25 and
November 30, 1945.
Operative August 1, 1945.
59 Stat. 1827; EAS 499; 139 UNTS 45
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Guatemala and Washington November 7 and
December 19, 1989.
Entered into force February 15, 1990.
TIAS 11717
Convention relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Guatemala August 27, 1901.
Entered into force September 26, 1902.
32 Stat. 1944; TS 412; 8 Bevans 480
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Guatemala November 30 and
December 11, 1967.
Entered into force October 2, 1969.
20 UST 2883; TIAS 6766; 726 UNTS 147
Arrangement relating to radio communications between
amateur stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Guatemala October 21 and
November 19, 1971.
Entered into force May 26, 1973.
24 UST 1120; TIAS 7636
Convention for the development of commerce and to increase
the exchange of commodities by facilitating the work of
traveling salesmen.
Signed at Washington December 3, 1918.
Entered into force August 25, 1919.
41 Stat. 1669; TS 642; 8 Bevans 498
Agreement concerning a United States-Guatemala Council on
Trade and Investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington October 2, 1991.
Entered into force October 2, 1991.
Agreement on trade in textile and apparel goods.
Exchange of letters at Guatemala and Washington June 23,
Entered into force June 23, 2006.
Agreement relating to the construction of the inter-American
Exchange of notes at Guatemala May 19, 1943.
Entered into force May 19, 1943.
57 Stat. 1111; EAS 345; 8 Bevans 545; 28 UNTS 377
May 18, 1948 (62 Stat. 3923; TIAS 2001; 8 Bevans 596; 67 UNTS
July 28 and August 28, 1954 (5 UST 2244; TIAS 3084; 237 UNTS
Agreement providing for cooperation in the construction of
the inter-American Highway in Guatemala.
Exchange of notes at Guatemala September 25 and
October 3, 1963.
Entered into force October 3, 1963.
14 UST 1591; TIAS 5463; 493 UNTS 45
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at San Jose May 8, 1997.
Entered into force September 3, 2001.
TIAS 01-903
Memorandum of cooperation for mutual cooperation in the
promotion and development of civil aviation.
Signed at Washington and Guatemala May 26 and June 11,
Entered into force June 11, 1999.
TIAS 13041
Cultural relations agreement.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 28, 1959.
Entered into force October 28, 1959.
10 UST 1829; TIAS 4342; 358 UNTS 169
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Guinea.
Exchange of notes at Conakry December 11 and 14, 1962.
Entered into force December 14, 1962.
13 UST 2729; TIAS 5246; 462 UNTS 247
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to military assistance.
Exchange of notes at Conakry June 29, 1965.
Entered into force June 29, 1965.
16 UST 1073; TIAS 5848; 549 UNTS 139
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Conakry March 29, 1983 and
February 13, 1984.
Entered into force February 13, 1984.
35 UST 4412; TIAS 10944
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training, and other defense services from the United
States of America to the Government of the Republic of
Exchange of notes at Conakry July 13 and December 22, 2000.
Entered into force December 22, 2000.
TIAS 13132
Agreement on the status of United States forces in Guinea.
Signed at Washington December 19, 2014.
Entered into force December 19, 2014.
TIAS 14-1219
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with Appendices.
Signed at Conakry May 14, 1998.
Entered into force May 14, 1998.
TIAS 12952
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 9, 1962.
Entered into force May 9, 1962.
13 UST 1091; TIAS 5052; 451 UNTS 197
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to or guaranteed by the United States
Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Conakry February 27, 1987.
Entered into force April 8, 1987.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Conakry November 22, 1989.
Entered into force January 22, 1990.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Conakry June 24, 1993.
Entered into force September 13, 1993.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies.
Signed at Conakry November 18, 1996.
Entered into force April 9, 1997.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Conakry October 29, 1997.
Entered into force December 17, 1997.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and reduction of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Conakry April 8, 2002.
Entered into force May 22, 2002.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Conakry May 9, 2008.
Entered into force June 16, 2008.
Agreement regarding the partial reduction and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Conakry January 18, 2013.
Entered into force March 8, 2013.
Agreement providing for the furnishing of economic, technical
and related assistance.
Exchange of notes at Conakry September 30, 1960.
Entered into force September 30, 1960.
11 UST 2258; TIAS 4603; 394 UNTS 103
Agreement relating to an informational media guaranty
program in Guinea.
Exchange of notes at Conakry October 31 and November 3,
Entered into force November 3, 1962.
13 UST 2508; TIAS 5217; 459 UNTS 259
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Conakry August 23, 2003.
Entered into force March 25, 2004.
TIAS 04-325
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Conakry and Washington December 31, 1987 and
February 2, 1988.
Entered into force March 15, 1988.
TIAS 11562
Postal money order agreement.
Signed at Washington February 23, 1999.
Entered into force February 23, 1999.
Agreement relating to radio communication facilities at or
near Embassy sites for transmission of official messages.
Exchange of notes at Conakry February 19 and April 23, 1963.
Entered into force April 23, 1963.
14 UST 847; TIAS 5365; 487 UNTS 291
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Washington September 13, 2019.
Entered into force September 13, 2019.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Guinea-Bissau.
Exchange of notes at Bissau January 12 and 15, 1988.
Entered into force January 15, 1988.
TIAS 12104
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Bissau September 10 and October 16,
Entered into force October 16, 1986.
TIAS 11378
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Bissau July 23, 1997 and February 16,
Entered into force February 16, 1998.
TIAS 12932
Investment incentive agreement.
Exchange of notes at Bissau August 14 and 15, 1985.
Entered into force August 20, 1986.
TIAS 12088
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Exchange of notes at Dakar and Bissau January 28, February
2, and March 14, 2005.
Entered into force February 8, 2005.
TIAS 05-208
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Bissau and Washington July 17 and August 28, 1991.
Entered into force September 30, 1991.
TIAS 11797
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On May 26, 1966, Guyana (former British Guiana) became an independent
state. In a letter dated June 30, 1966, to the Secretary General of the United
Nations, the Prime Minister of Guyana made a statement reading in part as
I have the honour to inform you that the Government of Guyana, conscious
of the desirability of maintaining existing legal relationships, and
conscious of its obligations under international law to honour its treaty
commitments, acknowledges that many treaty rights and obligations of the
Government of the United Kingdom in respect to British Guiana were
succeeded to by Guyana upon independence by virtue of customary
international law.
2. Since, however, it is likely that by virtue of customary international law
certain treaties may have lapsed at the date of independence of Guyana, it
seems essential that each treaty should be subjected to legal examination.
It is proposed after this examination has been completed, to indicate
which, if any, of the treaties which may have lapsed by customary
international law the Government of Guyana wishes to treat as having
3. As a result, the manner in which British Guiana was acquired by the
British Crown, and its history previous to that date, consideration will have
to be given to the question which, if any, treaties contracted previous to
1804 remain in force by virtue of customary international law.
4. It is desired that it be presumed that each treaty has been legally
succeeded to by Guyana and that action be based on this presumption until
a decision is reached that it should be regarded as having lapsed. Should
the Government of Guyana be of the opinion that it has legally succeeded
to a treaty and wishes to terminate the operation of the treaty, it will in due
course give notice of termination in the terms thereof.
Agreement relating to extended validity of passports issued by
Exchange of notes at Georgetown May 20 and July 18, 1970.
Entered into force January 18, 1971.
22 UST 233; TIAS 7056; 781 UNTS 159
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Guyana.
Exchange of notes at Georgetown May 31 and June 7, 1967.
Entered into force June 7, 1967.
18 UST 1259; TIAS 6277; 686 UNTS 25
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Georgetown January 13 and 22, 1981.
Entered into force January 22, 1981.
33 UST 850; TIAS 10068
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Guyana.
Exchange of notes at Georgetown March 31 and June 8, 1994.
Entered into force June 8, 1994.
TIAS 12253
Agreement regarding the status of military and civilian
personnel of the United States Department of Defense
temporarily present in Guyana in connection with military
exercises and training, counter-drug related activities, United
States security assistance programs, or other agreed purposes.
Exchange of notes at Georgetown December 28 and 29, 2000.
Entered into force December 29, 2000.
April 4 and May 10, 2006
Agreement regarding the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative
(Technical Assistance Field Team).
Exchange of notes at Georgetown June 28, 2012 and January
30, 2013.
Entered into force January 30, 2013.
TIAS 13-130
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement concerning the employment on a reciprocal basis
of dependents of official employees.
Exchange of notes at Georgetown August 16 and 21, 2001.
Entered into force August 21, 2001.
TIAS 13162
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at Georgetown May 29, 1965.
Entered into force August 18, 1965.
16 UST 2050; TIAS 5942; 605 UNTS 87
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Georgetown September 8, 1989.
Entered into force October 13, 1989.
Swap agreement among the United States Treasury and the
Bank of Guyana/Republic of Guyana, with memorandum of
Signed at Georgetown and Washington June 20, 1990.
Entered into force June 20, 1990.
TIAS 90-620
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Georgetown March 28, 1991.
Entered into force May 13, 1991.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the discharge of certain debts owed to
the Government of the United States, with annex.
Signed at Georgetown September 30, 1991.
Entered into force September 30, 1991.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Washington April 5, 1994.
Entered into force May 23, 1994.
Agreement regarding the reduction and reorganization of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Georgetown March 27, 1997.
Entered into force June 6, 1997.
Agreement regarding the reduction and reorganization of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes and side
Signed at Georgetown December 20, 2000.
Entered into force March 1, 2001.
Agreement regarding the cancellation of debt owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government.
Signed at Georgetown June 24, 2004.
Entered into force September 2, 2004.
General agreement for economic, technical and related
Signed at Georgetown November 8, 1979.
Entered into force November 8, 1979.
31 UST 4826; TIAS 9644
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Georgetown December 11, 2003.
Entered into force May 18, 2004.
TIAS 04-518
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Entered into force June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Aerial interception assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Georgetown December 30, 2011 and
December 31, 2012.
Entered into force December 31, 2012.
TIAS 12-1231
Parcel post agreement with detailed regulations of execution.
Signed at Georgetown and Washington August 13 and
September 6, 1938.
Entered into force October 1, 1938.
53 Stat. 1989; Post Office Department print; 193 LNTS 117
International express mail agreement with detailed regulations.
Signed at Georgetown and Washington February 25 and
March 31, 1986.
Entered into force July 1, 1986.
TIAS 11406
Postal money order agreement.
Signed at Georgetown and Washington September 23 and
October 10, 1991.
Entered into force November 15, 1991.
TIAS 11792
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Georgetown and Washington June 22 and July 16,
Entered into force November 1, 1994.
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to British Guiana June 17, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property of March 2, 1899.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 UNTS 367
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth and mapping sciences, with
Signed at Georgetown July 21, 1993.
Entered into force July 21, 1993.
TIAS 12158
Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to
Signed at Georgetown July 22, 1992.
Entered into force August 27, 1992.
TIAS 12137
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Georgetown October 17, 2016.
Entered into force September 29, 2017.
TIAS 17-929
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Georgetown May 6 and 13, 1968.
Entered into force May 13, 1968.
19 UST 4892; TIAS 6494; 698 UNTS 243
Arrangement relating to radio communications between the
amateur stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Georgetown May 30 and June 6, 1972.
Entered into force July 6, 1972.
23 UST 906; TIAS 7355
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 5, 1935.
Entered into force May 5, 1935.
49 Stat. 3731; EAS 77; 12 Bevans 513; 162 LNTS 59
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Georgetown March 25, 2013.
Entered into force March 25, 2013.
TIAS 13-325
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at The Hague January 27, 1993.
Entered into force January 27, 1993.
TIAS 12142
Arbitration convention.
Signed at Washington January 7, 1909.
Entered into force November 15, 1909.
36 Stat. 2193; TS 535; 8 Bevans 658
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Port au Prince May 29 and June 5, 1941.
Entered into force May 29, 1941.
55 Stat. 1278; EAS 210; 8 Bevans 734; 101 LNTS 125
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Haiti.
Exchange of notes at Port au Prince August 12 and 13, 1982.
Entered into force August 13, 1982.
34 UST 1694; TIAS 10445
Agreement for disposition of equipment and materials
furnished by the United States under the military assistance
agreement of January 28, 1955, and no longer required by
Exchange of notes at Port au Prince March 21 and April 5,
Entered into force April 5, 1955.
6 UST 3867; TIAS 3387; 270 UNTS 97
Military assistance agreement.
Signed at Washington January 28, 1955.
Entered into force September 12, 1955.
6 UST 3847; TIAS 3386; 270 UNTS 83
Agreement relating to the transfer of military equipment,
materials and services to Haiti.
Exchange of notes at Port au Prince September 1, 1960.
Entered into force September 1, 1960.
11 UST 2097; TIAS 4567; 388 UNTS 249
Agreement regarding the status of U.S. military personnel and
civilian employees of the Department of Defense temporarily
in Haiti in connection with their official duties.
Exchange of notes at Port au Prince May 10 and 11, 1995.
Entered into force May 11, 1995.
TIAS 95-511
Agreement relating to reciprocal customs privileges for
consular officers and clerks.
Exchange of notes at Port au Prince August 14 and 24, 1945.
Entered into force August 24, 1945.
59 Stat. 1868; EAS 503; 8 Bevans 791; 139 UNTS 311
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Port au Prince August 7, 1995.
Entered into force September 7, 1995.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Port au Prince June 29, 1998.
Entered into force June 29, 1998.
TIAS 12970
Agreement regarding the reduction of debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Port au Prince April 16, 2007.
Entered into force May 29, 2007.
Agreement regarding the reduction of debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Port-au-Prince September 18, 2009.
Entered into force November 17, 2009.
General agreement for technical cooperation.
Exchange of notes at Port au Prince May 2, 1951.
Entered into force May 2, 1951.
3 UST 545; TIAS 2414; 151 UNTS 191
December 15, 1951 and January 8, 1952 (3 UST 4731; TIAS 2635;
180 UNTS 372)
Agreement providing for emergency assistance to Haiti in
connection with hurricane disaster.
Exchange of notes at Port au Prince March 22 and April 1,
Entered into force April 1, 1955; operative October 15, 1954.
6 UST 855; TIAS 3232; 261 UNTS 361
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement providing for duty-free entry into Haiti and
exemption from internal taxation of relief supplies and
Exchange of notes at Port au Prince September 8 and 9, 1958.
Entered into force September 9, 1958.
9 UST 1170; TIAS 4101; 335 UNTS 257
Haiti reconstruction grant agreement.
Signed May 13, 2011.
Entered into force May 13, 2011.
September 16, 2011 (NP)
September 27, 2011 (NP)
September 30, 2011 (NP)
March 27, 2012 (NP)
September 26, 2012 (NP)
September 28, 2012 (NP)
April 7, 2017 (NP)
Agreement for cooperation in health programs, and preventing
and controlling diseases, including through provision of surge
emergency epidemiology and related services.
Signed at Port-au-Prince January 15, 2010.
Entered into force January 15, 2010.
TIAS 10-115
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Monterrey January 12, 2004.
Entered into force January 12, 2004.
TIAS 04-112
Treaty for the mutual extradition of fugitives from justice.
Signed at Washington August 9, 1904.
Entered into force June 28, 1905.
TS 447; 34 Stat. 2858; 8 Bevans 653
Agreement on procedures for mutual assistance in law
enforcement matters.
Signed at Port au Prince August 15, 1986.
Entered into force August 15, 1986.
TIAS 11389; 2191 UNTS 265
Memorandum of understanding for the interdiction of
narcotics trafficking.
Signed at Port au Prince August 31, 1988.
Entered into force August 31, 1988.
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress illicit maritime
drug traffic.
Signed at Port au Prince October 17, 1997.
Entered into force September 5, 2002.
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Port au Prince and Washington January 22 and
March 13, 1997.
Entered into force July 1, 1997.
Agreement relating to exchange of lands in Haiti.
Signed at Port au Prince October 19, 1942.
Entered into force October 19, 1942.
56 Stat. 1784; EAS 283; 8 Bevans 764; 120 LNTS 171
Agreement for the exchange of third party messages between
radio amateurs of the United States and Haiti.
Exchange of notes at Port au Prince January 4 and 6, 1960.
Entered into force February 5, 1960.
11 UST 1; TIAS 4399; 367 UNTS 75
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Port au Prince April 17 and May 17,
Entered into force May 17, 1979.
30 UST 4245; TIAS 9456
Agreement regarding terms of reference for the operation of
the Radio Democracy project.
Exchange of letters at Washington July 1 and 7, 1994.
Entered into force July 7, 1994.
TIAS 12555
Memorandum of agreement concerning the provision of civil
aviation assistance.
Signed at Washington and Port au Prince August 27 and
September 3, 1997.
Entered into force September 3, 1997.
TIAS 12880
Memorandum of agreement relating to assistance in
developing and modernizing Haiti’s civil aviation
infrastructure .
Signed July 2 and 4, 2002.
Entered into force July 4, 2002.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Vatican City June 10, 2015.
Entered into force June 10, 2015.
TIAS 15-610
Agreement confirming the cooperative agreement for the
prevention of foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest in
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa November 17 and
December 20, 1972.
Entered into force December 20, 1972.
24 UST 942; TIAS 7604; 938 UNTS 139
Memorandum of understanding relating to cooperative efforts
to protect crops from plant pest damage and plant diseases.
Signed at Washington and Tegucigalpa March 4 and April 18,
Entered into force April 18, 1977.
29 UST 319; TIAS 8816
Exchange of notes for the waiver of passport visa fees for
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa May 20 and 27, 1925.
Entered into force June 1, 1925.
8 Bevans 900
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa March 1 and 24, 1950.
Entered into force March 24, 1950.
1 UST 391; TIAS 2057; 93 UNTS 11
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Honduras.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa July 16 and 20, 1962.
Entered into force July 20, 1962.
13 UST 1892; TIAS 5142; 460 UNTS 125
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of
import restrictions on archaeological material from the pre-
Columbian cultures of Honduras and ecclesiastical
ethnological material from the Colonial period of Honduras.
Signed at Tegucigalpa March 5, 2019.
Entered into force March 12, 2019.
TIAS 19-312
Agreement establishing a United States Army mission to the
Republic of Honduras.
Signed at Washington March 6, 1950.
Entered into force March 6, 1950.
1 UST 212; TIAS 2041; 80 UNTS 71
Extension and Amendment
October 5 and November 23, 1953 (4 UST 2215; TIAS 2873)
April 22 and May 20, 1960 (11 UST 1507; TIAS 4494; 376 UNTS
Agreement establishing a United States Air Force mission to
the Republic of Honduras.
Signed at Washington March 6, 1950.
Entered into force March 6, 1950.
1 UST 199; TIAS 2040; 80 UNTS 51
Extension and Amendment
October 5 and November 23, 1953 (4 UST 2212; TIAS 2872)
April 22 and May 20, 1960 (11 UST 1507; TIAS 4494; 376 UNTS
Military air transit agreement.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa January 22, March 20, and
April 23, 1952.
Entered into force April 23, 1952.
3 UST 3734; TIAS 2502; 198 UNTS 251
Military assistance agreement.
Signed at Tegucigalpa May 20, 1954.
Entered into force May 20, 1954.*
5 UST 843; TIAS 2975; 222 UNTS 87
* See also agreements of May 6 and 7, 1982 and May 20, 1985
(TIAS 11202).
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
materials furnished by the United States under the military
assistance agreement of May 20, 1954.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa May 20 and 24, 1954.
Entered into force May 24, 1954.
13 UST 78; TIAS 4940; 433 UNTS 155
Agreement for performance by members of Army and Air
Force missions of duties of military assistance advisory group
specified in article V of military assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa April 17 and 25, 1956.
Entered into force April 26, 1956.
7 UST 929; TIAS 3576; 269 UNTS 25
Agreement relating to military assistance.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa October 24, 1962.
Entered into force October 24, 1962.
13 UST 2474; TIAS 5213; 459 UNTS 211
Agreement relating to the deposit by Honduras of ten percent
of the value of grant military assistance and excess defense
articles furnished by the United States.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa April 4 and June 26, 1972.
Entered into force June 26, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 1235; TIAS 7393
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement for hydrographic and nautical cartography.
Signed at Tegucigalpa August 30, 1976.
Entered into force August 30, 1976.
30 UST 3453; TIAS 9399; 1178 UNTS 5
Agreement relating to the military assistance agreement of
May 20, 1954, concerning the use of certain facilities in
Honduras by the United States, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa May 6 and 7, 1982.
Entered into force May 7, 1982.
TIAS 10578; 1871 UNTS 456
September 13, 2017 and May 16, 2018 (TIAS 18-516)
Agreement relating to privileges and immunities for U.S.
armed forces personnel participating in combined military
exercises in Honduras.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa December 8, 1982.
Entered into force December 8, 1982.
35 UST 3884; TIAS 10890; 2014 UNTS 459
Protocol I to the military assistance agreement of May 20,
1954 concerning the exercise of criminal jurisdiction over
United States personnel present in Honduras, with annex.
Signed at Washington May 20, 1985.
Entered into force April 9, 1987.
TIAS 11256; 2177 UNTS 50
Protocol II to the military assistance agreement of May 20,
1954, concerning the conduct of combined military exercises
and maneuvers, with annex.
Signed at Tegucigalpa November 14, 1988.
Entered into force May 10, 1989.
TIAS 12254
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for topographic
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting and information,
geodesy and geophysics, digital data and related mapping,
charting and geodesy materials, with glossary.
Signed at Comayaguela and Fairfax August 24 and
September 5, 1995.
Entered into force September 5, 1995.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
defense services, and related training, including pursuant to
the United States International Military and Education
Training Program (IMET), from the United States to the
Government of the Republic of Honduras.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa January 13 and March 28,
Entered into force March 28, 2006.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the Inter-
American Naval Telecommunications Network.
Signed July 28, 2006.
Entered into force July 28, 2006.
TIAS 06-728
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel
who may be temporarily present in Honduras.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa January 25, 2008.
Entered into force January 25, 2008.
TIAS 08-125
October 17 and November 19, 2012 (TIAS 08-125)
December 5, 2017, January 10 and February 14, 2018 (TIAS 18-110)
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Tegucigalpa and Miami December 14, 2012 and
March 5, 2013.
Entered into force March 5, 2013.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at U. S. Southern Command, Doral November 14, 2014.
Entered into force November 14, 2014.
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed May 8 and June 14, 2018.
Entered into force June 14, 2018, with effect from February 2,
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa June 11 and November 27,
Entered into force November 27, 1985.
TIAS 11340
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Tegucigalpa November 13, 1997.
Entered into force November 13, 1997.
TIAS 12896
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section
413(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa April 22 and June 10, 1955.
Entered into force June 10, 1955.
6 UST 2049; TIAS 3270; 258 UNTS 51
Swap agreement among the United States Treasury and the
Central Bank of Honduras/ Government of Honduras, with
memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Tegucigalpa and Washington June 27 and 28, 1990.
Entered into force June 28, 1990.
TIAS 90-628
Amendment and Extension:
November 30 and December 13, 1990 (TIAS 90-628)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Tegucigalpa December 20, 1990.
Entered into force February 1, 1991.
February 25 and 28, 1992 (NP)
Agreement regarding the discharge of certain debts owed to
the Government of the United States, with annex.
Signed at Washington September 26, 1991.
Entered into force September 26, 1991.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Tegucigalpa February 2, 1993.
Entered into force March 29, 1993.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies.
Signed at Tegucigalpa December 4, 1996.
Entered into force April 10, 1997.
Agreement regarding the reduction, consolidation, and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Tegucigalpa August 23, 1999.
Entered into force September 27, 1999.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government,
with annexes.
Signed at Tegucigalpa June 1, 2004.
Entered into force July 8, 2004.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Tegucigalpa July 21, 2004.
Entered into force July 21, 2004.
TIAS 04-721.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Tegucigalpa October 7, 2005.
Entered into force November 28, 2005.
Agreement providing duty-free entry into Honduras,
exemption from internal taxation and transportation within
Honduras to ultimate beneficiary, for certain relief supplies
and equipment.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa March 21, 1955.
Entered into force March 21, 1955.
6 UST 795; TIAS 3225; 253 UNTS 3
General agreement for economic and technical cooperation.
Signed at Tegucigalpa April 12, 1961.
Entered into force May 27, 1961.
12 UST 959; TIAS 4800; 413 UNTS 181
Millennium challenge account threshold program grant
agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Tegucigalpa August 28, 2013.
Entered into force August 28, 2013.
TIAS 13-828
Development objective grant agreement for citizen security
increased for vulnerable populations in urban, high-crime
Signed at Tegucigalpa March 10, 2016.
Entered into force March 10, 2016.
February 1, 2017 (NP)
Development objective grant agreement for extreme poverty
sustainably reduced for vulnerable populations in Western
Signed at Tegucigalpa March 10, 2016.
Entered into force March 10, 2016.
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at New York September 19, 2002.
Entered into force June 30, 2003.
TIAS 03-630
Treaty for the extradition of fugitives from justice.
Signed at Washington January 15, 1909.
Entered into force July 10, 1912.
37 Stat. 1616; TS 569; 8 Bevans 892
Supplementary extradition convention.
Signed at Tegucigalpa February 21, 1927.
Entered into force June 5, 1928.
45 Stat. 2489; TS 761; 8 Bevans 903; 85 LNTS 491
Agreement on mutual cooperation to combat the production of
and illicit trafficking in drugs.
Signed at Tegucigalpa November 14, 1988.
Entered into force May 15, 1989.
TIAS 11632; 2191 UNTS 133
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning security assistance matters and the
provision of articles, services and associated military
education and training by the United States Government for
anti-narcotics purposes.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa October 16 and 22, 1998.
Entered into force October 22, 1998.
Treaty for return of stolen, robbed, and embezzled vehicles
and aircraft, with annexes and exchange of notes.
Signed at Tegucigalpa November 23, 2001.
Entered into force September 30, 2004.
Agreement regarding the Cooperating Nation Information
Exchange System.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa October 19 and
November 30, 2004.
Entered into force November 30, 2004.
Agreement concerning cooperation for the suppression of
illicit maritime traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic
substances, with implementing agreement.
Signed at Tegucigalpa March 29, 2000.
Entered into force January 30, 2001.
TIAS 13088
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Buenos Aires September 11, 1990.
Entered into force November 15, 1990.
TIAS 11748
Postal money order agreement.
Signed at Montevideo March 14, 1991.
Entered into force May 1, 1991.
TIAS 11926
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific,
technical and policy cooperation in the earth and mapping
sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Tegucigalpa June 10, 1991.
Entered into force June 10, 1991.
TIAS 12432
Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to
Signed at Washington September 27, 1990.
Entered into force October 11, 1991.
TIAS 11745; 2202 UNTS 47
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Tegucigalpa March 31, 2014.
Entered into force February 19, 2015.
TIAS 15-219
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
radio stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa October 26, 1959 and
February 17, 1960, and related note of February 19, 1960.
Entered into force March 17, 1960.
11 UST 257; TIAS 4442; 371 UNTS 109
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Tegucigalpa December 29, 1966,
January 24 and April 17, 1967.
Entered into force April 17, 1967.
18 UST 525; TIAS 6259; 685 UNTS 165
Treaty on the Swan Islands with related notes.
Signed at San Pedro Sula November 22, 1971.
Entered into force September 1, 1972.
23 UST 2630; TIAS 7453
Treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights.*
Signed at Tegucigalpa December 7, 1927.
Entered into force July 19, 1928.
45 Stat. 2618; TS 764; 8 Bevans 905; 87 LNTS 421
* Provisions which are inconsistent with the trade agreement of
December 18, 1935 (49 Stat. 3851; EAS 86), are replaced by that
Trade agreement.*
Signed at Tegucigalpa December 18, 1935.
Entered into force March 2, 1936.
49 Stat. 3851; EAS 86; 8 Bevans 919; 167 LNTS 313
* The schedules, articles I, II, IV and V, together with references to
article V contained in article XVI, terminated February 28, 1961
(12 UST 84; TIAS 4677; 402 UNTS 169).
Agreement concerning a United States-Honduras Council on
Trade and Investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington November 1, 1990.
Entered into force November 1, 1990.
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annex and protocol.
Signed at Denver July 1, 1995.
Entered into force July 11, 2001.
TIAS 01-711
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on trade in textile and apparel goods under the
Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free
Trade Agreement.
Exchange of letters at Tegucigalpa and Washington March 7,
Entered into force March 7, 2006.
Agreement relating to the inter-American highway.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 9 and
October 26, 1942.
Entered into force October 26, 1942.
56 Stat. 1848; EAS 296; 8 Bevans 945; 24 UNTS 209
May 10 and 12, 1955 (6 UST 3763; TIAS 3376; 270 UNTS 3)
Civil aviation security agreement.
Signed at Tegucigalpa August 5, 1991.
Entered into force August 5, 1991.
TIAS 11804; 2207 UNTS 381
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing Honduras’ civil aviation
Signed at Washington and Tegucigalpa July 24 and
August 23, 1996.
Entered into force August 23, 1996.
TIAS 12796
Memorandum of agreement concerning the deployment of air
marshals on board aircraft.
Signed at Tegucigalpa July 18 and 28, 2013.
Entered into force July 28, 2013.
TIAS 13-728
Arbitration treaty.
Signed at Washington January 26, 1929.
Entered into force July 24, 1929.
46 Stat. 2349; TS 797; 8 Bevans 1134; 96 LNTS 173
Conciliation treaty.
Signed at Washington January 26, 1929.
Entered into force July 24, 1929.
46 Stat. 2353; TS 798; 8 Bevans 1137; 96 LNTS 207
Agreement regarding the settlement of claims, with exchanges
of letters and negotiating records.
Signed at Washington March 6, 1973.
Entered into force March 6, 1973.
24 UST 522; TIAS 7569; 938 UNTS 167
Agreement relating to issuance of nonimmigrant visas on a
facilitated basis to certain holders of diplomatic or official
Exchange of notes at Budapest March 29 and April 7, 1976.
Entered into force April 7, 1976.
28 UST 1311; TIAS 8513
Agreement relating to reciprocal facilitation of visas for
diplomatic and official passport holders.
Exchange of notes at Budapest February 10, 1978.
Entered into force February 10, 1978.
30 UST 248; TIAS 9193
Agreement relating to reciprocal facilitation of transit or
temporary duty visas for diplomatic and official passport
Exchange of notes at Budapest February 10, 1978.
Entered into force April 11, 1978.
30 UST 255; TIAS 9194
Agreement relating to interment of American military
personnel in Hungary.
Exchange of notes at Budapest June 18, July 15 and
August 9, 1946.
Entered into force August 9, 1946.
61 Stat. 3898; TIAS 1748; 8 Bevans 1145; 148 UNTS 313
Agreement on cooperation in culture, education, science and
Signed at Budapest April 6, 1977.
Entered into force May 21, 1979.
30 UST 1502; TIAS 9259
Agreement concerning the operation of the United States
Peace Corps in Hungary.
Signed at Budapest February 14, 1990.
Entered into force July 12, 1990.
TIAS 12072
Agreement on the protection and preservation of certain
cultural properties.
Signed at Budapest April 15, 2004.
Entered into force June 30, 2004.
TIAS 04-630.1
Exchange and cooperative agreement for military, topographic
mapping, aeronautical charting, digital data and related MC &
G materials.
Signed at Budapest December 9, 1991.
Entered into force December 9, 1991.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training, or other defense
services from the United States to Hungary.
Exchange of notes at Budapest February 12 and August 31,
Entered into force August 31, 1993.
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified military information.
Signed at Washington May 16, 1995.
Entered into force June 4, 1996.
TIAS 12649; 2044 UNTS 67
Agreement concerning the activities of United States Forces in
the territory of the Republic of Hungary.
Signed at Budapest May 14, 1997.
Entered into force June 23, 1997.
TIAS 12857
Memorandum of understanding regarding assignment of
liaison officers, with annex.
Signed at Budapest and Norfolk September 22 and
October 23, 2006.
Entered into force October 23, 2006.
August 23 and October 20, 2011
August 1 and September 5, 2016
Agreement concerning exchange of research and development
information, with appendix.
Signed at Washington and Budapest August 9 and
September 6, 2012.
Entered into force September 6, 2012.
TIAS 12-906
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Budapest and Stuttgart November 26 and
December 10, 2014.
Entered into force December 10, 2014.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Hungarian Defence personnel to U. S. Special Operations
Signed at Budapest and Tampa December 27, 2016 and
February 15, 2017.
Entered into force February 15, 2017.
Agreement on defense cooperation.
Signed at Washington April 4, 2019.
Entered into force August 21, 2019.
TIAS 19-821
Treaty establishing friendly relations.
Signed at Budapest August 29, 1921.
Entered into force December 17, 1921.
42 Stat. 1951; TS 660; 8 Bevans 982; 48 LNTS 191
Consular convention.
Signed at Budapest July 7, 1972.
Entered into force July 6, 1973.
24 UST 1141; TIAS 7641
Agreement regarding the status of the American International
School of Budapest.
Exchange of notes at Budapest November 30, 1998.
Entered into force November 30, 1998.
TIAS 13003
Agreement concerning the Hungarian-American Commission
for educational exchange.
Signed at Washington March 8, 2007.
Entered into force March 16, 2009.
TIAS 09-316
Agreement relating to employment of dependents of official
government employees.
Exchange of notes at Budapest November 18, 1991 and
January 16, 1992.
Entered into force January 16, 1992.
TIAS 11841
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Washington March 10, 1999.
Entered into force March 10, 1999.
TIAS 13024
Debt funding agreement.
Signed at Washington April 25, 1924.
Operative December 15, 1923.
Treasury Department print; 8 Bevans 1108
Agreement modifying the debt funding agreement of
April 25, 1924.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1932.
Operative July 1, 1931.
Treasury Department print; 8 Bevans 1140
Investment guaranty agreement.
Signed at Budapest October 9, 1989.
Entered into force December 27, 1989.
TIAS 12040
Swap agreement among the United States Treasury and the
National Bank of Hungary/Government of Hungary, with
memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Washington and Budapest June 19, 1990.
Entered into force June 19, 1990.
TIAS 90-619
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning economic, technical and related
assistance, with related letter.
Signed at Budapest December 22, 1995.
Entered into force December 22, 1995.
TIAS 12715; 2044 UNTS 31
Agreement on intellectual property, with protocol and
exchanges of letters.
Signed at Washington September 24, 1993.
Entered into force November 9, 1994.
TIAS 12138
Agreement regarding cooperation and mutual assistance
between customs services.
Signed at Budapest May 8, 1991.
Entered into force October 7, 1993.
TIAS 93-1007
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Budapest December 1, 1994.
Entered into force March 18, 1997.
TIAS 97-318.1; 2181 UNTS 271
Treaty on extradition.
Signed at Budapest December 1, 1994.
Entered into force March 18, 1997.
TIAS 97-318
Agreement on establishing an International Law Enforcement
Academy, with implementing agreement.
Signed at Budapest April 24, 1995.
Entered into force November 3, 1995.
TIAS 12637
Agreement for the exchange of screening information
concerning known or suspected terrorists.
Signed at Budapest May 20, 2008.
Entered into force July 2, 2008.
TIAS 08-702
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Budapest October 1, 2008.
Entered into force December 11, 2008.
TIAS 08-1211
Protocol to the treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal
matters of December 1, 1994, as contemplated by Article 3(2)
of the agreement on mutual legal assistance between the
United States of America and the European Union signed June
25, 2003.
Signed at Budapest November 15, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.34
Protocol to the treaty on extradition of December 1, 1994, as
contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement on extradition
between the United States of America and the European Union
signed June 25, 2003.
Signed at Budapest November 15, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201-11
Agreement concerning cooperation in the area of countering
the proliferation of nuclear materials and technologies.
Signed at Budapest July 8, 2008.
Entered into force July 8, 2008.
TIAS 08-708
Agreement concerning the transfer of Russian-origin spent
nuclear fuel from the research reactor at the KFKI Atomic
Energy Research Institute in Budapest to the Russian
Exchange of notes at Budapest July 3, 2008.
Entered into force July 7, 2008.
TIAS 08-707
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna March 31, 2017.
Entered into force March 31, 2017.
TIAS 17-331
Agreement for collect-on-delivery service.
Signed at Budapest and Washington December 15, 1930 and
January 15, 1931.
Operative February 1, 1931.
46 Stat. 2894; Post Office Department print
Parcel post agreement, with detailed regulations.
Signed at Washington May 11, 1979.
Entered into force provisionally May 11, 1979; definitively
August 8, 1979.
32 UST 1695; TIAS 9797; 1734 UNTS 165
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Budapest and Washington June 24 and July 10, 1987.
Entered into force September 1, 1987.
TIAS 11306
Agreement regarding new chancery facilities in Budapest,
with associated agreement on purchase of lots.
Signed at Budapest September 29, 1989.
Entered into force September 29, 1989.
TIAS 89-929
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Budapest and Reston November 22, 2000.
Entered into force November 22, 2000.
TIAS 13129
Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Budapest February 4, 2010.
Entered into force April 7, 2010.
TIAS 10-407
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Budapest February 3, 2015.
Entered into force September 1, 2016.
TIAS 16-901
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington February 12, 1979.
Entered into force September 18, 1979.
30 UST 6357; TIAS 9560; 1180 UNTS 205
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Budapest February 4, 2014.
Entered into force July 16, 2014.
TIAS 14-716
Agreement relating to the establishment in New York of a
branch office of the commercial section of the Hungarian
Exchange of notes at Washington September 19, 1969.
Entered into force September 19, 1969.
20 UST 2982; TIAS 6772; 726 UNTS 177
Agreement providing for consultations should exports of
cotton, wool, and man-made fiber textiles and apparel
products from Hungary cause market disruption in the United
Exchange of notes at Budapest February 12 and 18, 1976.
Entered into force February 18, 1976.
27 UST 1619; TIAS 8270
Agreed minutes on a comprehensive trade package, with
annex and related letters.
Signed at Budapest January 30, 2002.
Entered into force March 26, 2002.
Understanding concerning research cooperation in the field of
Signed at Budapest October 11, 1978.
Entered into force October 11, 1978.
30 UST 743; TIAS 9216
Air transport agreement, with annex and memorandum of
Signed at Budapest July 12, 1989.
Entered into force definitively February 8, 1990.
TIAS 11260; 2174 UNTS 297
June 25, August 1 and September 5, 2007 (TIAS 07-905)
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S.E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty between the United States and Denmark looking to the
advancement of the cause of general peace.
Signed at Washington April 17, 1914.
Entered into force January 19, 1915.
38 Stat. 1883; TS 608; 7 Bevans 53
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington May 15, 1930.
Entered into force October 2, 1930.
46 Stat. 2841; TS 828; 8 Bevans 1154; 108 LNTS 109
Arrangement relating to the waiver of passport visa fees for
Exchange of notes at Copenhagen November 3 and
December 21, 1925; and June 11, 19, and 21, 1926.
Entered into force June 21, 1926; operative August 6, 1925.
8 Bevans 1150
Agreement relating to the reciprocal extension of the validity
period of visas for certain nonimmigrants.*
Exchange of notes at Reykjavik June 4, 1956.
Entered into force June 4, 1956; operative August 1, 1956.
7 UST 1017; TIAS 3584; 275 UNTS 189
* The status of these agreements is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Reykjavik August 17, 1942.
Entered into force August 17, 1942.
56 Stat. 1600; EAS 269; 8 Bevans 1166; 24 UNTS 163
Defense agreement pursuant to the North Atlantic Treaty.
Signed at Reykjavik May 5, 1951.
Entered into force May 5, 1951.
2 UST 1195; TIAS 2266; 205 UNTS 173
Annex on the status of United States personnel and property.
Signed at Reykjavik May 8, 1951.
Entered into force May 8, 1951.
2 UST 1533; TIAS 2295; 205 UNTS 180
Agreement relating to the assurances required under the
Mutual Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Reykjavik January 7 and 8, 1952.
Entered into force January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4577; TIAS 2609; 180 UNTS 183
Agreement concerning the sale to Iceland of certain military
equipment, materials, and services.
Exchange of notes at Reykjavik October 4 and December 10,
Entered into force December 10, 1954.
5 UST 2991; TIAS 3157; 237 UNTS 191
Agreement relating to the presence of defense forces in
Iceland, discontinuing the discussions for revision of the 1951
defense agreement and setting up an Iceland Defense Standing
Exchanges of notes at Reykjavik December 6, 1956.
Entered into force December 6, 1956.
7 UST 3437; TIAS 3716; 265 UNTS 261
Agreement relating to the continuation of the defense
agreement of May 5, 1951, with memorandum of
understanding and agreed minute.
Exchange of notes at Reykjavik October 22, 1974.
Entered into force October 22, 1974.
25 UST 3079; TIAS 7969
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Reykjavik January 7 and February 12,
Entered into force February 12, 1986.
TIAS 11107
Treaty to facilitate defense relationship, with related
memorandum of understandings.
Signed at New York September 24, 1986.
Entered into force October 31, 1986.
TIAS 11098; 2120 UNTS 109
Memorandum of understanding regarding the resolution of
certain groundwater contamination.
Signed at Reykjavik July 17, 1989.
Entered into force August 30, 1989.
TIAS 12315
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning global
geospatial information and services cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Bethesda and Reykjavik June 7 and July 1, 1999.
Entered into force July 1, 1999.
Agreement regarding the withdrawal of United States forces
from and the return to Iceland of certain agreed areas and
facilities in Iceland, with attachments.
Signed at Washington and Reykjavik September 27 and 29,
Entered into force September 29, 2006.
TIAS 06-929
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Reykjavik January 24 and
February 1, 2013.
Entered into force February 1, 2013.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishings of defense articles, defense services and related
Exchange of notes at Reykjavik September 4, 2013 and
September 13, 2013.
Entered into force September 13, 2013.
Agreement concerning access and use of operating locations
within Iceland, with attachments and minutes.
Exchange of notes at Reykjavik October 13 and 17, 2017.
Entered into force October 17, 2017.
TIAS 17-1017
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Reykjavik February 13, 1964.
Entered into force February 13, 1964.
15 UST 226; TIAS 5542; 524 UNTS 235
Agreement on employment of dependents of official
Signed at Reykjavik March 22, 2019.
Entered into force March 22, 2019.
TIAS 19-322
Economic cooperation agreement.
Signed at Reykjavik July 3, 1948.
Entered into force July 3, 1948.
62 Stat. 2363; TIAS 1787; 8 Bevans 1193; 20 UNTS 141
February 7, 1950 (1 UST 154; TIAS 2026; 79 UNTS 280)
February 23, 1951 (2 UST 1317; TIAS 2284; 148 UNTS 398)
October 9, 1952 and October 1, 1953 (5 UST 166; TIAS 2910; 223
UNTS 316)
Agreement concerning special economic assistance to Iceland
on a loan basis.
Exchange of notes at Reykjavik June 23, 1959.
Entered into force June 23, 1959.
10 UST 1237; TIAS 4260; 354 UNTS 3
Agreement providing for an assistance grant in support of
Iceland’s economic stabilization program.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 30, 1960.
Entered into force December 30, 1960.
11 UST 2574; TIAS 4647; 401 UNTS 43
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation to
assure the sanitary quality of bivalve mollusca exported to the
United States.
Signed at Reykjavik and Washington October 25 and
December 28, 1978.
Entered into force December 28, 1978.
30 UST 2873; TIAS 9368; 1180 UNTS 89
Conventions between the United States and Denmark
applicable to Iceland treaty for the extradition of fugitives
from justice.
Signed at Washington January 6, 1902.
Effective May 16, 1902.
TS 405; 32 Stat. 1096; 7 Bevans 38
Supplementary treaty between the United States and Denmark
for the extradition of criminals.
Signed at Washington November 6, 1905.
Entered into force for Iceland February 19, 1906.
TS 449; 34 Stat. 2887; 7 Bevans 43
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Reykjavik May 14, 2012.
Entered into force February 24, 2014, with the exception of
Articles 8 through 10.
TIAS 14-224
Agreement concerning Icelandic whaling for scientific
purposes, with summary of discussions.
Exchange of letters at Washington September 14 and 15, 1987.
Entered into force September 15, 1987.
TIAS 11541; 2192 UNTS 19
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post and
detailed regulations of execution.
Signed at Reykjavik and Washington October 11 and
October 31, 1938.
Operative September 1, 1938.
53 Stat. 2006; Post Office Department print
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Reykjavik and Washington July 10 and August 8,
Entered into force November 7, 1985.
TIAS 11155; 2126 UNTS 265
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST service, with details of implementation.
Signed at Reykjavik and Washington March 5 and April 3,
Entered into force May 6, 1987.
TIAS 11299
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to aid for defense, with note.
Signed at Washington November 21, 1941.
Entered into force November 21, 1941.
58 Stat. 1455; EAS 429; 8 Bevans 1163; 124 UNTS 179
Memorandum of understanding for scientific and technical
cooperation in earth sciences.
Signed at Reykjavik and Reston January 28 and April 9, 1982.
Entered into force April 9, 1982.
34 UST 1223; TIAS 10409
Amendments and Extensions:
March 5 and August 9, 1991 (TIAS 11801)
June 9 and July 8, 1999 (TIAS 99-708)
March 25 and April 12, 2007 (TIAS 99-708)
March 18, 2014 (TIAS 14-318.1)
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in science and
engineering research, with annexes.
Signed at Reykjavik September 30, 2000.
Entered into force September 30, 2000.
TIAS 13117
Agreement for scientific and technology cooperation on
geothermal research and development, with annex.
Signed at Reykjavik October 6, 2010.
Entered into force October 6, 2010.
TIAS 10-1006
Social security totalization agreement, with administrative
Signed at Reykjavik September 27, 2016.
Entered into force March 1, 2019.
TIAS 19-301
Agreement relating to relief from taxation of United States
expenditures in Iceland for common defense.
Exchange of notes at Reykjavik March 5 and 18, 1952.
Entered into force March 18, 1952.
3 UST 4150; TIAS 2557; 177 UNTS 263
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with protocol.
Signed at Washington October 23, 2007.
Entered into force December 15, 2008.
TIAS 08-1215
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Reykjavik May 26, 2015.
Entered into force September 22, 2015.
TIAS 15-922
Agreement relating to the registration with the International
Frequency Registration Board of radio frequencies for the use
of the Iceland defense force.
Exchange of notes at Reykjavik July 11 and 20, 1955.
Entered into force July 20, 1955.
6 UST 3910; TIAS 3395; 256 UNTS 245
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Reykjavik April 26, 1978.
Entered into force April 26, 1978.
30 UST 1516; TIAS 9260; 1150 UNTS 41
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington June 14, 1995.
Entered into force October 12, 1995.
TIAS 12661
March 1, 2002 (TIAS 02-301.1)
August 14, 2006 and March 9, 2007 (TIAS 02-301.1)
Memorandum of agreement relating to the loan of aviation-
related equipment to the Civil Aviation Administration of
Signed at Washington December 8, 1997.
Entered into force December 8, 1997.
Agreement for the promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Montreal September 27, 2004.
Entered into force February 11, 2009.
TIAS 09-211
Memorandum of agreement on the purchase of aviation-
related equipment on behalf of Keflavik Airport.
Signed April 27 and 28, 2010.
Entered into force April 28, 2010.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the sharing of U.S.
sensitive security information and Iceland restricted
Signed August 9 and September 3, 2010.
Entered into force September 3, 2010.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
The Schedule to the Indian Independence (International Arrangements)
Order, 1947, provides that (1) membership of all international
organizations together with the rights and obligations attached to such
membership devolves solely upon India; (2) rights and obligations under
all international agreements to which India is a party immediately before
the appointed day [August 15, 1947] devolve upon India and Pakistan and
will, if necessary, be apportioned between them, except that rights and
obligations under international agreements having an exclusive application
to an area comprised in the Dominion of India devolve upon it.
The Dominion of India, which came into being August 15, 1947, became
the Republic of India on January 26, 1950, but remains a member of the
British Commonwealth of Nations. This change is understood not to have
affected any agreements listed below in their application between the
United States and India.
Arrangement for the continuance, on a reciprocal basis, of the
existing practice of levying a fee of $2.00 for a nonimmigrant
Exchange of notes at New Delhi July 19 and August 11, 1948.
Entered into force August 11, 1948.
5 UST 193; TIAS 2913; 224 UNTS 115
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement for the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at New Delhi November 8, 1950 and
January 11, 1951.
Entered into force January 11, 1951.
2 UST 1563; TIAS 2297; 148 UNTS 49
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in India.
Exchange of notes at New Delhi November 13 and 21, 1962.
Entered into force November 21, 1962; operative
December 20, 1961.
13 UST 2735; TIAS 5247; 462 UNTS 255
Agreement relating to transit privileges for military aircraft.
Exchange of notes at New Delhi July 2 and 4, 1949.
Entered into force July 5, 1949.
3 UST 575; TIAS 2417; 200 UNTS 181
June 9 and 15, 1955 (14 UST 1449; TIAS 5442; 488 UNTS 242)
March 5 and July 22, 1963 (14 UST 1449; TIAS 5442; 488 UNTS
March 5 and August 29, 1963 (14 UST 1449; TIAS 5442; 488 UNTS
Agreement relating to the transfer by the Government of the
United States to the Government of India of certain military
supplies and equipment (military sales agreement).
Exchange of notes at Washington March 7 and 16, 1951.
Entered into force March 16, 1951.
2 UST 872; TIAS 2241; 14 UNTS 47
Understanding that the assurances contained in the agreement
of March 7 and 16, 1951, are applicable to equipment,
materials, information, and services furnished under the
Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended, and such other
applicable U.S. laws as may come into effect.
Exchange of notes at New Delhi April 16 and December 17,
Entered into force December 17, 1958.
10 UST 1713; TIAS 4322; 358 UNTS 77
Agreement supplementing the 1951 military sales agreement.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 14, 1962.
Entered into force November 14, 1962.
13 UST 2449; TIAS 5206; 461 UNTS 224
Agreement relating to military assistance.
Exchange of notes at New Delhi January 13, 1965.
Entered into force January 13, 1965.
16 UST 33; TIAS 5753; 541 UNTS 107
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified military information.
Signed at Washington January 17, 2002.
Entered into force January 17, 2002.
TIAS 02-117
Memorandum of agreement for research, development, testing
and evaluation projects, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and New Delhi December 6, 2005 and
January 9, 2006.
Entered into force January 9, 2006.
TIAS 06-109
January 22, 2015 (TIAS 15-122)
Logistics exchange memorandum of agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington August 23 and 29, 2016.
Entered into force June 20, 2017.
Agreement regarding consular privileges and immunities.
Signed at New Delhi January 19, 2017.
Entered into force January 19, 2017.
TIAS 17-119
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at New Delhi July 4, 2008.
Entered into force July 4, 2008.
TIAS 08-704
Arrangement on employment for family members of a
diplomatic mission or consular post.
Signed at New Delhi April 10, 2000.
Entered into force April 10, 2000.
TIAS 13090
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at New Delhi August 25, 2000.
Entered into force August 25, 2000.
TIAS 13113
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to the United States Government and its
agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington March 30, 1973.
Entered into force March 30, 1973.
24 UST 907; TIAS 7601
Agreement on Public Law 480 and other funds, with annexes.
Signed at New Delhi February 18, 1974.
Entered into force February 18, 1974.
25 UST 866; TIAS 7831
Agreements regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to the United States Government and its
agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington June 7, 1974.
Entered into force June 7, 1974.
25 UST 1547; TIAS 7890
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to the United States Government and its
agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington May 2, 1975.
Entered into force June 13, 1975.
26 UST 951; TIAS 8082
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at New Delhi November 19, 1997.
Entered into force April 16, 1998.
TIAS 12904
General agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at New Delhi December 28, 1950.
Entered into force December 28, 1950.
2 UST 425; TIAS 2185; 99 UNTS 39
Agreement relating to the technical cooperation program.
Signed at New Delhi January 5, 1952.
Entered into force January 5, 1952.
3 UST 2921; TIAS 2470; 157 UNTS 39
June 29, 1957 (8 UST 732; TIAS 3828; 288 UNTS 368)
Agreement for duty-free entry and defrayment of inland
transportation charges of voluntary agency supplies and
Signed at New Delhi December 5, 1968.
Entered into force December 5, 1968.
19 UST 7836; TIAS 6617; 713 UNTS 351
Agreement to establish a Joint Commission on Economic,
Commercial, Scientific, Technological, Educational and
Cultural Cooperation.
Signed at New Delhi October 28, 1974.
Entered into force October 28, 1974.
25 UST 2807; TIAS 7947
Agreed minutes of the second session of the United States-
India Joint Commission on Economic, Commercial, Scientific,
Technological, Educational and Cultural Cooperation.
Signed at Washington October 7, 1975.
Entered into force October 7, 1975.
26 UST 2590; TIAS 8176; 1028 UNTS 23
Agreement for health, with addendum and attachment.
Signed September 30, 2010.
Entered into force September 30, 2010.
September 28 and October 1, 2012 (NP)
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement relating to copyright relations.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 21, 1954.
Entered into force October 21, 1954; operative August 15,
5 UST 2525; TIAS 3114; 234 UNTS 119
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Signed at New Delhi December 26, 2002.
Entered into force December 3, 2003.
TIAS 03-1203
Joint statement on enhanced Indo-U.S. cooperation on
eliminating child labor, with annex.
Signed April 25, 2000.
Entered into force August 31, 2000.
TIAS 00-831
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on procedures for mutual assistance in connection
with matters relating to the Boeing Company.
Signed at Washington August 19, 1977.
Entered into force August 19, 1977.
28 UST 7497; TIAS 8726; 1087 UNTS 209
Related Agreements:
March 28 and April 17, 1979 (35 UST 3721; TIAS 10878; 2016
UNTS 58)
November 18 and December 10, 1981 (35 UST 3721; TIAS 10878;
2016 UNTS 62)
Mutual cooperation agreement for reducing demand,
preventing illicit use of and traffic in drugs, and for matters
relating to licit trade in opiates.
Signed at New Delhi March 29, 1990.
Entered into force March 29, 1990.
TIAS 12412; 2357 UNTS 35
Extradition treaty, with exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington June 25, 1997.
Entered into force July 21, 1999.
TIAS 12873
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at New Delhi December 15, 2004.
Entered into force July 11, 2005.
TIAS 05-711
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at New Delhi October 17, 2001.
Entered into force October 3, 2005.
TIAS 05-1003
Agreement providing for a grant of nuclear research
equipment in the field of agriculture.
Exchange of notes at New Delhi April 22 and June 13, 1960.
Entered into force June 13, 1960.
11 UST 1619; TIAS 4505; 377 UNTS 37
Agreement providing for a grant for assistance in obtaining
materials and equipment for establishing a Radiation Medicine
Centre at Tata Memorial Hospital, Bombay.
Exchange of notes at New Delhi January 4 and February 1,
Entered into force February 1, 1963.
14 UST 156; TIAS 5288; 473 UNTS 37
Agreement for cooperation concerning the peaceful uses of
nuclear energy, with agreed minute.
Signed at Washington October 10, 2008.
Entered into force December 6, 2008.
TIAS 08-1206
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 20, 2018.
Entered into force September 20, 2018.
TIAS 18-920.1
Parcel post agreement with detailed regulations.
Signed at New Delhi and Washington July 29 and
September 17, 1954.
Entered into force January 1, 1955.
6 UST 819; TIAS 3229; 239 UNTS 69
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at New Delhi and Washington November 20 and
December 11, 1986.
Entered into force January 17, 1987.
TIAS 11415
Convention relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Applicable to India from June 30, 1902.
Supplementary convention extending the time within which
notifications may be given of the accession of British colonies
or foreign possessions to the convention of March 2, 1899.
Signed at Washington January 13, 1902.
32 Stat. 1914; TS 402; 12 Bevans 261
Applicable to India from June 30, 1902.
Agreement on settlement for lend-lease, reciprocal aid, surplus
war property, and claims.
Signed at Washington May 16, 1946.
Entered into force May 16, 1946.
60 Stat. 1753; TIAS 1532; 8 Bevans 1226; 4 UNTS 183
June 24 and 26, 1946 (8 Bevans 1233)
Related Agreement:
January 24, 1975 (26 UST 305; TIAS 8035; 992 UNTS 111)
Agreement on cooperation in the conduct of the monsoon
experiment (MONEX-79), with annexes.
Signed at New Delhi May 24, 1979.
Entered into force May 24, 1979.
30 UST 5877; TIAS 9524; 1180 UNTS 355
Agreement on the Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum.
Signed at New Delhi March 21, 2000.
Entered into force March 21, 2000.
TIAS 13087
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the field of gas hydrates research.
Signed at Washington December 16, 2008.
Entered into force December 16, 2008.
TIAS 08-1216
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement to establish a board and an endowment for joint
research and development, innovation, entrepreneurial and
commercialization activities in science and technology.
Signed at New Delhi July 20, 2009.
Entered into force July 20, 2009.
TIAS 09-720.1
Memorandum of understanding for technical cooperation in
earth observations and earth sciences.
Signed at Washington and New Delhi April 16, 2008.
Entered into force November 4, 2010.
TIAS 10-1104
Agreement for cooperation on a joint clean energy research
and development center.
Signed at New Delhi November 4, 2010.
Entered into force November 4, 2010.
TIAS 10-1104.1
Implementing agreement for cooperation in the area of
accelerator and particle detector research and development for
discovery science.
Signed at New Delhi July 19, 2011.
Entered into force July 19, 2011.
TIAS 11-719
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the
exchange and use of United States land remote sensing
satellite data, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Bangalore June 4 and July 9, 2016.
Entered into force July 9, 2016.
TIAS 16-709
Agreement on science and technological cooperation.
Signed at New Delhi September 20 and 23, 2019.
Entered into force December 16, 2019, with effect from
September 14, 2019.
TIAS 19-1216
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the field of water resources.
Signed at Washington December 17, 2019.
Entered into force December 17, 2019.
TIAS 19-1217
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation concerning
NASA’s moon mineralogy mapper (M3) instrument on
ISRO’s Chandrayaan 1 Mission.
Signed at Bangalore May 9, 2006.
Entered into force May 9, 2006.
TIAS 06-509.1
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation concerning
NASA’s miniature synthetic aperture radar instrument on
ISRO’s Chandrayaan 1 Mission.
Signed at Bangalore May 9, 2006.
Entered into force May 9, 2006.
TIAS 06-509
Agreement for cooperation in the exploration and use of outer
space for peaceful purposes.
Signed at Cape Canaveral February 1, 2008.
Entered into force February 1, 2008.
TIAS 08-201
Implementing arrangement for collaboration on Oceansat-2
Signed at Ahmedabad and Washington March 20 and 26, 2012.
Entered into force March 26, 2012.
TIAS 12-326
Agreement concerning the reciprocal exemption from income
tax of income derived from the international operation of ships
and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at New Delhi April 12, 1989.
Entered into force April 12, 1989.
TIAS 11771; 2204 UNTS 529
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
together with a related protocol.
Signed at New Delhi September 12, 1989.
Entered into force December 18, 1990.
TIAS 90-1218
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at New Delhi July 9, 2015.
Entered into force August 31, 2015.
TIAS 15-831
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at New Delhi May 16 and 25, 1966.
Entered into force May 25, 1966.
17 UST 813; TIAS 6038; 593 UNTS 157
Convention to regulate commerce (article III) between the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 3, 1815.
Entered into force July 3, 1815.
8 Stat. 228; TS 110; 12 Bevans 49
Convention to regulate commerce (article IV) between the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 3, 1815.
Effective July 3, 1815.
8 Stat. 228; TS 110; 12 Bevans 49
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of cooperation for the promotion and
development of technical cooperation in civil aviation
Signed December 7, 1993 and January 3, 1994.
Entered into force January 3, 1994.
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at New Delhi April 14, 2005.
Entered into force June 21, 2005.
TIAS 05-621.1
Memorandum of agreement for assistance in developing and
modernizing the civil aviation infrastructure of India.
Signed November 13, 2006.
Entered into force November 13, 2006.
Agreement for the promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at New Delhi July 18, 2011.
Entered into force July 18, 2011.
TIAS 11-718.1
Memorandum of agreement regarding the sharing of United
States’ sensitive security information and protected aviation
security information of India.
Signed at New Delhi December 16, 2013.
Entered into force December 16, 2013.
TIAS 13-1216.1
Sovereignty over Indonesia was transferred on December 27, 1949, by the
Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic of Indonesia in accordance
with the Charter of the Transfer of Sovereignty signed on that date.
The Agreement on Transitional Measures adopted by the Round Table
Conference at The Hague on November 2, 1949, provides that the treaty
obligations of the Republic of Indonesia arising out of treaties and other
international agreements concluded by the Netherlands are considered “as
the rights and obligations of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia
only where and inasmuch as such treaties and agreements are applicable to
the jurisdiction of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia and with
the exception of rights and duties arising out of treaties and agreements to
which the Republic of the United States of Indonesia cannot become a
party on the ground of the provisions of such treaties and agreements.”
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Djakarta May 17 and June 7, 1950.
Entered into force June 7, 1950.
1 UST 649; TIAS 2122; 98 UNTS 167
Memorandum of understanding concerning the program of the
Peace Corps in Indonesia.
Signed at Jakarta December 11, 2009.
Entered into force December 11, 2009.
TIAS 09-1211
Agreement for a program of military assistance in the form of
constabulary equipment to be supplied by the United States to
the Republic of Indonesia.
Exchange of notes at Djakarta August 15, 1950.
Entered into force August 15, 1950.
2 UST 1619; TIAS 2306; 134 UNTS 255
Agreement for the transfer from a grant to an aid on a
reimbursable basis of the undelivered balance of constabulary
equipment authorized under the agreement of August 15,
Exchange of notes at Washington and Djakarta January 5 and
January 12, 1953.
Entered into force January 12, 1953.
4 UST 113; TIAS 2768; 198 UNTS 400
Agreement relating to the sale to Indonesia of military
equipment, materials, and services.
Exchange of notes at Djakarta August 13, 1958.
Entered into force August 13, 1958.
9 UST 1149; TIAS 4095; 335 UNTS 187
Agreement relating to the furnishing of military equipment,
materials, and services for a program of civic action.
Exchange of notes at Djakarta April 14, 1967.
Entered into force April 14, 1967.
18 UST 384; TIAS 6247; 689 UNTS 3
Agreement relating to the provision by the United States of
basic pilot training aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Djakarta April 9 and 17, 1969.
Entered into force April 17, 1969.
20 UST 702; TIAS 6678; 719 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to the furnishing of combat equipment to
Indonesia as additional military assistance.
Exchange of notes at Djakarta August 18 and 19, 1970.
Entered into force August 19, 1970.
21 UST 2140; TIAS 6959; 764 UNTS 219
Agreement relating to eligibility for United States military
assistance and training pursuant to the International Security
Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976.
Exchange of notes at Jakarta August 3 and 24, 1976.
Entered into force August 24, 1976.
27 UST 4006; TIAS 8419; 1059 UNTS 131
Memorandum of understanding concerning mapping, charting,
and geodesy cooperation.
Signed at Jakarta October 21, 1977.
Entered into force October 21, 1977.
29 UST 4810; TIAS 9079; 1134 UNTS 339
Agreement relating to payment to the United States of the net
proceeds from the sale of defense articles by Indonesia.
Exchange of notes at Jakarta June 29 and September 6, 2006.
Entered into force September 6, 2006.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Jakarta December 9, 2009.
Entered into force May 14, 2010.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Jakarta November 12 and December
17, 2015.
Entered into force December 17, 2015.
Agreement granting reciprocal customs privileges to
diplomatic and consular officers and personnel.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 23 and 31, 1961.
Entered into force March 31, 1961.
12 UST 251; TIAS 4706; 405 UNTS 119
Memorandum of agreement regarding the rescheduling of
payments under the agricultural commodities agreements of
April 18, 1966, as amended, and June 28, 1966, as amended;
the surplus property agreement of May 28, 1947, as amended
and certain loan and credit agreements.
Signed at Djakarta March 16, 1971.
Entered into force March 16, 1971.
22 UST 514; TIAS 7092; 792 UNTS 170
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 1, 1999.
Entered into force October 22, 1999.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Jakarta December 8, 2000.
Entered into force January 16, 2001.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Jakarta October 1, 2002.
Entered into force November 12, 2002.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government or its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Jakarta June 14, 2005.
Entered into force July 19, 2005.
Agreement regarding debt-for-nature swap with respect to
certain debt owed by the Government of the Republic of
Indonesia to the Government of the United States of America,
with schedules.
Signed at Jakarta June 30, 2009.
Entered into force July 1, 2009.
TIAS 09-701.1
August 27, 2009 (TIAS 09-701.1)
Investment support agreement.
Signed at Washington April 13, 2010.
Entered into force August 5, 2010.
TIAS 10-805
Agreement regarding debt-for-nature swap with respect to
certain debt owed by the Government of the Republic of
Indonesia to the Government of the United States of America,
with schedules.
Signed at Jakarta September 29, 2011.
Entered into force September 29, 2011.
TIAS 11-929
Third agreement regarding a debt-for-nature swap with respect
to certain debt owed by the Government of the Republic of
Indonesia to the Government of the United States of America.
Signed at Jakarta September 29, 2014.
Entered into force September 29, 2014.
TIAS 14-929
December 12, 2014 (TIAS 14-1212.1)
Economic cooperation agreement.
Signed at Djakarta October 16, 1950.
Entered into force provisionally October 16, 1950 (recognized
by the Republic of Indonesia as a binding obligation pending
Parliamentary action).
7 UST 2241; TIAS 3624; 281 UNTS 105
Agreement relating to continuation of economic and technical
cooperation under the agreement of October 16, 1950.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 5 and at Djakarta
January 12, 1953.
Entered into force January 12, 1953.
4 UST 18, TIAS 2762; 215 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to an informational media guaranty
program pursuant to Section 1011 of the U.S. Information and
Educational Exchange Act of 1948, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Djakarta September 15, 1955.
Entered into force September 15, 1955.
6 UST 3957; TIAS 3406; 256 UNTS 293
Assistance agreement for the achievement of a stronger
Indonesia advancing national and global development, with
Signed September 29, 2014.
Entered into force September 29, 2014.
Agreement on copyright protection.
Signed at Washington March 22, 1989.
Entered into force August 1, 1989.
TIAS 11608; 2192 UNTS 101
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Understandings concerning the assignment of a Drug
Enforcement Administration representative to the American
Embassy in Jakarta to advance the U.S.-Indonesian common
interest in preventing illegal traffic in narcotic drugs, with
Exchange of letters at Jakarta April 1, 1975.
Entered into force April 1, 1975.
27 UST 2001; TIAS 8299; 1052 UNTS 227
Memorandum of understanding regarding mutual assistance
between customs administrations.
Signed at Jakarta November 17, 2006.
Entered into force November 17, 2006.
TIAS 06-1117
Agreement on maritime search and rescue.
Signed at Jakarta July 5, 1988.
Entered into force July 5, 1988.
TIAS 11655; 2202 UNTS 23
Agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of atomic
energy, with annex and agreed minute.
Signed at Washington June 30, 1980.
Entered into force December 30, 1981.
33 UST 3194; TIAS 10219
Amendment and Extension:
August 23, 1991 (TIAS 93-625)
February 20, 2004 (TIAS 04-1014)
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 16, 2015.
Entered into force September 16, 2015.
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post, and
detailed regulations of execution.
Signed at Bandoeng and Washington June 14 and October 4,
Operative October 4, 1933.
49 Stat. 2967; Post Office Department print; 158 LNTS 395
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Jakarta and Washington January 23 and
February 26, 1987.
Entered into force April 1, 1987.
TIAS 11300
Agreement scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Jakarta March 29, 2010.
Entered into force February 16, 2011.
TIAS 11-216
Implementing arrangement for cooperation in the use of U.S.
land remote sensing satellite data, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Jakarta October 10 and November 2,
Entered into force November 2, 2012.
TIAS 12-1102
Implementing arrangement on infectious disease research.
Signed at Bethesda and Jakarta December 14 and 23, 2016.
Entered into force December 23, 2016.
TIAS 16-1223.2
Agreement concerning the furnishing of launching and
associated services by the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration for Indonesian satellites, with annexes.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 26, 1975.
Entered into force March 26, 1975.
26 UST 524; TIAS 8054; 992 UNTS 308
Agreement for cooperation on the southeast Asia composition,
cloud, climate coupling regional study.
Signed at Washington and Jakarta May 31 and June 19, 2012.
Entered into force June 19, 2012.
TIAS 12-619.1
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with protocol and exchange of notes.
Signed at Jakarta July 11, 1988.
Entered into force December 30, 1990.
TIAS 11593; 2190 UNTS 287
July 24, 1996 (TIAS 96-1223)
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Djakarta December 10, 1968.
Entered into force December 10, 1968.
20 UST 490; TIAS 6654; 707 UNTS 149
Memorandum of understanding concerning the establishment
of the Council on Trade and Investment, with annex.
Signed at Christchurch July 16, 1996.
Entered into force July 16, 1996.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding on combating illegal logging
and associated trade.
Signed at Hanoi November 17, 2006.
Entered into force November 17, 2006.
TIAS 06-1117.1
Air transport agreement with schedule.
Signed at Djakarta January 15, 1968.
Entered into force January 15, 1968.
19 UST 4496; TIAS 6441; 697 UNTS 209
May 2, 1986 (TIAS 11371; 2194 UNTS 181)
April 12 and June 19, 1990 (TIAS 11760)
Agreement concerning the airworthiness and environmental
certification of imported civil aeronautical products.
Exchange of notes at Jakarta January 23, 1987.
Entered into force January 23, 1987.
TIAS 11320
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing the Indonesian civil aviation
infrastructure, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Jakarta August 23 and October 19,
Entered into force October 19, 1990.
TIAS 11749; 2202 UNTS 149
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in the
development of Indonesia’s civil aeronautics and air
commerce, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Jakarta April 3 and May 3, 1996.
Entered into force May 3, 1996.
TIAS 12748
Social progress trust fund agreement with exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington June 19, 1961.
Entered into force June 19, 1961.
12 UST 632; TIAS 4763; 410 UNTS 33
Related Agreements:
February 17, 1964 (15 UST 104; TIAS 5522; 511 UNTS 296)
September 7, 1966 (17 UST 1200; TIAS 6081)
April 28, 1972 (23 UST 1497; TIAS 7430)
October 3, 1975 (27 UST 2627; TIAS 8333; 1054 UNTS 338)
Tax reimbursement agreement.
Signed at Washington December 30, 1994.
Entered into force December 30, 1994.
TIAS 12594
NOTE: For agreements between the IAEA, the United States, and other
countries, see under NUCLEAR ENERGY in multilateral section.
Agreement for cooperation in the civil uses of atomic energy.
Signed at Vienna May 11, 1959.
Entered into force August 7, 1959.
10 UST 1424; TIAS 4291; 339 UNTS 359
Extension and Amendments:
February 12, 1974 (25 UST 1199; TIAS 7852)
January 14, 1980 (32 UST 1143; TIAS 9762; 1220 UNTS 316)
January 21, 2014 (TIAS 14-606)
Agreement for the application of safeguards in the United
States, with protocol.
Signed at Vienna November 18, 1977.
Entered into force December 9, 1980.
32 UST 3059; TIAS 9889
June 12, 1998 (TIAS 09-106)
Agreement relating to provision by the United States Nuclear
Regulatory Commission to the International Atomic Energy
Agency of experts in the various fields of the peaceful
applications of atomic energy.
Signed at Vienna and Bethesda May 29 and September 16,
Entered into force September 16, 1981.
33 UST 3849; TIAS 10264; 1543 UNTS 111
Agreement for the application of safeguards in connection
with the treaty of February 14, 1967*, for the prohibition of
nuclear weapons in Latin America, with protocol.
Signed at Vienna February 17, 1989.
Entered into force April 6, 1989.
TIAS 12398
Amendment to protocol:
December 12, 2016 and January 30, 2017 (TIAS 18-703)
* The United States is not a party to the Treaty for the prohibition
for Nuclear Weapons in Latin America, done February 17, 1967.
The United States is a party to both additional protocols to that
Treaty. For further information, see the Nonproliferation category
in the Multilaterals section.
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Vienna April 5, 1989.
Entered into force April 5, 1989.
TIAS 11774
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to a procedure for United States income
tax reimbursement.
Exchange of letters at Rome April 1 and May 4, 1981.
Entered into force May 4, 1981; effective January 1981.
33 UST 1922; TIAS 10155
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Rome March 3, 2014.
Entered into force March 3, 2014.
TIAS 14-303.1
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Montreal July 14, 1992.
Entered into force July 14, 1992.
TIAS 12465
Memorandum of cooperation for the provision of technical
expertise in the field of civil aviation security.
Signed at Washington and Montreal September 7 and 18, 1989.
Entered into force September 18, 1989.
Amendments and Extensions:
January 31 and February 14, 1992 (NP)
October 7 and November 18, 1994 (NP)
September 3 and 12, 1997 (NP)
August 8 and 29, 2000 (NP)
October 6, 2003 (NP)
October 2 and 6, 2003 (NP)
Memorandum of agreement regarding the detail of Federal
Aviation Administration personnel to the International Civil
Aviation Organization.
Signed February 19, 1999.
Entered into force February 19, 1999.
Memorandum of understanding concerning technical
Signed September 23, 2003.
Entered into force September 23, 2003.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the provision of
civil aviation technical assistance.
Signed September 29, 2004.
Entered into force September 29, 2004.
Agreement relating to a procedure for United States income
tax reimbursement.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 17 and 19, 1981.
Entered into force January 1, 1982.
33 UST 4242; TIAS 10299
Agreement relating to a procedure for United States income
tax reimbursement.
Exchange of letters at Marseilles December 7 and 13, 1982.
Entered into force January 1, 1983.
TIAS 12058
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Rome September 17, 2013.
Entered into force September 17, 2013.
TIAS 13-917
Agreement concerning the Peace Corps program.
Exchange of notes at Geneva February 21 and 22, 1963.
Entered into force February 22, 1963.
14 UST 1554; TIAS 5458; 489 UNTS 347
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to a procedure for United States income
tax reimbursement, with annex.
Signed at Washington May 18, 1984.
Entered into force May 18, 1984; effective January 1, 1984.
TIAS 11076; 2039 UNTS 267
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at London January 12, 1995.
Entered into force January 12, 1995.
TIAS 12597
Agreement relating to provision of financing by the United
States in connection with the establishment of the
Supplementary Financing Facility.
Exchange of letters at Washington January 5 and 12, 1979.
Entered into force January 16, 1979.
30 UST 3526; TIAS 9406; 1180 UNTS 131
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Kuala Lumpur October 5, 1988.
Entered into force October 5, 1988.
TIAS 11627; 2191 UNTS 169
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Paris December 9, 2011.
Entered into force December 9, 2011.
TIAS 11-1209
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Washington September 17, 1997.
Entered into force September 17, 1997.
TIAS 12883
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Abu Dhabi December 3, 2013.
Entered into force December 3, 2013.
TIAS 13-1203
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Geneva January 19, 1990.
Entered into force January 19, 1990.
TIAS 11710; 2207 UNTS 371
Special arrangement permitting third party exchanges between
the International Telecommunications Union amateur radio
station and amateur radio stations under United States
Exchange of letters at Geneva and Washington April 28 and
June 7, 1976.
Entered into force June 7, 1976.
28 UST 5019; TIAS 8608
Headquarters agreement.
Signed at Washington November 22 and 24, 1976.
Entered into force November 24, 1976.
28 UST 2248; TIAS 8542
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of agreement with respect to the Pan American
Satellite Corporation consultation, with related letter.
Signed at Washington November 10, 1986.
Entered into force November 10, 1986.
TIAS 12390
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Cadarache November 29, 2010.
Entered into force November 29, 2010.
TIAS 10-1129
Agreement on surrender of persons, with statement of
Signed at The Hague January 24, 1995.
Entered into force February 14, 1996.
TIAS 12601
Agreement on surrender of persons.
Signed at The Hague October 5, 1994.
Entered into force February 14, 1996.
TIAS 12570; 1911 UNTS 223
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Tokyo December 27, 1988.
Entered into force December 27, 1988.
TIAS 11629; 2191 UNTS 189
Memorandum of understanding relating to the provision of
advisory technical assistance to Iran in organizing its civil
emergency preparedness capability
Signed January 26, 1977.
Entered into force January 26, 1977.
30 UST 4354; TIAS 9461
Declarations of the Government of the Democratic and
Popular Republic of Algeria concerning commitments and
settlement of claims by the United States and Iran with respect
to resolution of the crisis arising out of the detention of 52
United States nationals in Iran, with Undertakings and Escrow
Initialed at Algiers January 19, 1981.
Entered into force January 19, 1981.
* For technical agreements concerning the security account, see
Settlement agreement regarding certain claims before the Iran-
U.S. Claims Tribunal, with annex.
Signed at The Hague February 9, 1996.
Entered into force February 9, 1996.
Settlement agreement on the case concerning the aerial
incident of July 3, 1988 before the International Court of
Justice, with annexes.
Signed at The Hague February 9, 1996.
Entered into force February 9, 1996.
General agreement on the settlement of certain I.C.J. and
Tribunal cases, with related statement.
Signed at The Hague February 9, 1996.
Entered into force February 9, 1996.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the reciprocal waiver of passport visa
fees for nonimmigrants.*
Exchange of notes at Tehran March 27 and April 20 and 21,
Entered into force April 21, 1926; operative May 15, 1926.
8 Bevans 1260
Agreement relating to the reciprocal issuance of multiple-entry
nonimmigrant visas.*
Exchange of letters at Tehran December 13 and 16, 1976.
Entered into force December 16, 1976; effective January 1,
28 UST 8161; TIAS 8751
* The status of these agreements is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Tehran August 21, 1943.
Entered into force August 21, 1943.
57 Stat. 1133; EAS 349; 8 Bevans 1280; 101 UNTS 189
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Iran.
Exchange of notes at Tehran September 5 and 16, 1962.
Entered into force September 16, 1962.
22 UST 434; TIAS 7078; 791 UNTS 19
Mutual defense assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 23, 1950.
Entered into force May 23, 1950.
1 UST 420; TIAS 2071; 81 UNTS 3
Agreement relating to the continuation of military assistance
to Iran.
Exchange of notes at Tehran April 24, 1952.
Entered into force April 24, 1952.
5 UST 788; TIAS 2967
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
materials no longer required in the furtherance of the mutual
defense assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Tehran July 12 and October 31, 1957.
Entered into force October 31, 1957.
8 UST 2369; TIAS 3952; 303 UNTS 320
Agreement relating to the privileges and immunities granted
American military and non-military technicians assisting in
the modernization program of the Imperial Iranian Armed
Exchange of notes at Tehran May 24 and 30, 1973.
Entered into force May 30, 1973.
25 UST 3048; TIAS 7963
Agreement relating to the safeguarding of classified
information, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Tehran May 28 and June 6, 1974.
Entered into force June 6, 1974.
25 UST 1266; TIAS 7857
Agreement relating to the furnishing of certain federal catalog
data and cataloging services to Iran.
Signed at Washington December 5, 1974, and at Tehran
January 25, 1975.
Entered into force January 25, 1975.
26 UST 302; TIAS 8034; 991 UNTS 401
Agreement concerning management, disposal, and utilization
of funds derived from the sale of military assistance program
Signed at Tehran October 6, 1975.
Entered into force October 6, 1975.
Agreement concerning management, disposal, and utilization
of funds derived from sale of military assistance program
Signed at Tehran October 19, 1976.
Entered into force October 19, 1976.
Memorandum of understanding concerning revisions of
Foreign Military Sales letters of offer and acceptance in force
between the United States and Iran.
Signed at Tehran February 3, 1979.
Entered into force February 3, 1979.
30 UST 3597; TIAS 9415
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Tehran October 24, 1963.
Entered into force October 24, 1963.
14 UST 1510; TIAS 5451; 489 UNTS 303
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section
413(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Tehran September 17 and 21, 1957.
Entered into force September 24, 1957.
8 UST 1599; TIAS 3913; 293 UNTS 287
Agreement supplementing the agreement of September 17 and
21, 1957, relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Tehran March 12, 1970.
Entered into force March 12, 1970.
22 UST 1030; TIAS 7146; 797 UNTS 396
Agreement relating to duty-free entry and defrayment of
inland transportation charges for relief supplies to Iran.
Exchange of notes at Tehran September 22 and
October 5 and 13, 1953.
Entered into force October 13, 1953.
4 UST 2809; TIAS 2890; 222 UNTS 67
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
General agreement for economic cooperation.
Signed at Tehran December 21, 1961.
Entered into force December 21, 1961.
12 UST 3229; TIAS 4930; 433 UNTS 269
Joint communique concerning United States-Iran relations and
establishment of a Joint Commission for cooperation in
various fields.
Issued at Tehran November 2, 1974.
Entered into force November 2, 1974.
25 UST 3073; TIAS 7967
Agreed minutes of the Joint Commission:
March 4, 1975 (26 UST 420; TIAS 8042)
August 7, 1976 (27 UST 4329; TIAS 8455)
February 28, 1978 (30 UST 1027; TIAS 9238; 1152 UNTS 103)
Agreement on procedures for mutual assistance in connection
with matters relating to the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation,
Grumman Corporation and Northrop Corporation.
Signed at Washington June 14, 1977.
Entered into force June 14, 1977.
28 UST 5205; TIAS 8621
Parcel post agreement with detailed regulations for execution.
Signed at Tehran and Washington July 15 and August 28,
Entered into force January 1, 1971.
21 UST 2605; TIAS 7002; 775 UNTS 17
Agreement relating to a cooperative program to improve and
modernize the Iranian meteorological services, with annexes.
Signed at Tehran November 26, 1977.
Entered into force November 26, 1977.
29 UST 5546; TIAS 9127; 1134 UNTS 359
Air transport agreement, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Tehran February 1, 1973.
Entered into force January 9, 1974.
26 UST 1929; TIAS 8149; 1027 UNTS 129
Memorandum of agreement relating to the provision of
technical assistance to the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization,
with annex.
Signed at Washington and Tehran May 12 and June 9, 1977.
Entered into force June 9, 1977.
29 UST 5319; TIAS 9111
Agreement concerning claims resulting from attack on the
U.S.S. Stark.
Exchange of notes at Baghdad March 27 and 28, 1989.
Entered into force March 28, 1989.
TIAS 12030
Claims settlement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Baghdad September 2, 2010.
Entered into force May 22, 2011.
TIAS 11-522
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Baghdad February 16, 1944.
Entered into force February 16, 1944.
58 Stat. 1253; EAS 403; 9 Bevans 14; 109 UNTS 223
Cultural agreement.
Signed at Baghdad January 23, 1961.
Entered into force August 13, 1963.
14 UST 1168; TIAS 5411; 488 UNTS 163
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the provision of defense articles,
defense services, and related training, including under the
United States International Military Education and Training
Exchange of notes at Baghdad July 24 and August 14, 2004.
Entered into force August 14, 2004.
Strategic framework agreement for a relationship of friendship
and cooperation.
Signed at Baghdad November 17, 2008.
Entered into force January 1, 2009.
TIAS 09-101.1
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Baghdad September 25 and October
14, 2014.
Entered into force October 14, 2014.
Agreement relating to the privilege, on a reciprocal basis, of
free entry to all articles imported for the personal use of
consular officers.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 14, May 15, June 19,
and August 8, 1951.
Entered into force August 8, 1951.
5 UST 657; TIAS 2956; 229 UNTS 185.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement providing for the United States education
foundation in Iraq.
Signed at Baghdad August 16, 1951.
Entered into force August 16, 1951.
2 UST 1908; TIAS 2327; 147 UNTS 65
Agreement regarding the cancellation of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government,
with annex.
Signed at Washington December 17, 2004.
Entered into force March 7, 2005.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Amman July 11, 2005.
Entered into force June 24, 2013.
TIAS 13-624
General agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at Baghdad April 10, 1951.
Entered into force June 2, 1951.
3 UST 541; TIAS 2413; 151 UNTS 179
December 18, 1951 and February 21, 1952 (3 UST 4748; TIAS 2638;
198 UNTS 225)
Commercial, economic and technical cooperation agreement.
Signed at Washington August 26, 1987.
Entered into force October 27, 1987.
TIAS 12020
Agreement for economic and technical cooperation.
Signed at Amman July 11, 2005.
Entered into force December 18, 2013.
TIAS 13-1218
Loan guarantee agreement, with annex.
Signed at Baghdad January 5, 2017.
Entered into force January 18, 2017.
TIAS 17-118
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Baghdad June 7, 1934.
Entered into force April 23, 1936.
49 Stat. 3380; TS 907; 9 Bevans 1; 170 LNTS 267
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Baghdad and Washington April 6 and May 5, 1989.
Entered into force June 15, 1989.
TIAS 11609.
Agreement on the principles applying to aid for defense, and
exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington July 31, 1945.
Entered into force July 31, 1945.
59 Stat. 1535; EAS 470; 9 Bevans 22; 121 UNTS 239
Agreement on diplomatic and consular property.
Signed at Baghdad October 31, 2004.
Entered into force October 31, 2004.
TIAS 04-1031
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Baghdad and Reston November 14 and
December 23, 2010.
Entered into force December 23, 2010.
TIAS 10-1223
Treaty of commerce and navigation.
Signed at Baghdad December 3, 1938.
Entered into force June 19, 1940.
54 Stat. 1790; TS 960; 9 Bevans 7; 203 LNTS 107
Trade and investment framework agreement.
Signed at Amman July 11, 2005.
Entered into force May 31, 2013.
Agreement relating to the relaxation of visa requirements for
American citizens entering Ireland and the granting of gratis
nonimmigrant passport visas to Irish citizens entering the
United States.*
Exchange of notes at Dublin August 1, 1949.
Entered into force August 1, 1949.
63 Stat. 2807; TIAS 2050; 9 Bevans 66; 82 UNTS 37.
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified military information.
Signed at Dublin January 31, 2003.
Entered into force January 31, 2003.
TIAS 03-131
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart and Newbridge June 17, 2014.
Entered into force June 17, 2014.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the exchange of
Professional Military Education Students, with annex.
Signed at Dublin and Arlington November 13, 2018 and March
27, 2019.
Entered into force March 27, 2019, with effect from November
26, 2018.
Consular convention.*
Signed at Dublin May 1, 1950.
Entered into force June 12, 1954.
5 UST 949; TIAS 2984; 222 UNTS 107
June 16, 1998 (TIAS 12964)
* Applicable to all territories.
Supplementary protocol to the consular convention of
May 1, 1950*.
Signed at Dublin March 3, 1952.
Entered into force June 12, 1954.
5 UST 949; TIAS 2984; 222 UNTS 107
* Applicable to all territories.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 17, 1996 and
August 1, 1997.
Entered into force August 1, 1997.
TIAS 12877; 2080 UNTS 83
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Dublin June 12, 1995.
Entered into force June 12, 1995.
TIAS 12659
NOTE: For International Fund for Ireland, see under FINANCE in
multilateral section.
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section
413(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Dublin October 5, 1955.
Entered into force October 5, 1955.
6 UST 3953; TIAS 3405; 256 UNTS 285
Treaty on extradition.
Signed at Washington July 13, 1983.
Entered into force December 15, 1984.
TIAS 10813
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Dublin September 16, 1996.
Entered into force May 21, 1998.
TIAS 12800; 2141 UNTS 51
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Washington January 18, 2001.
Entered into force August 11, 2009.
TIAS 13137
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on mutual legal assistance between the United States of
America and the European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to
the application of the treaty on mutual legal assistance in
criminal matters of
January 18, 2001, with annex.
Signed at Dublin July 14, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.35
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on extradition between the United States of America and the
European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to the application of
the treaty on extradition of July 13, 1983, with annex.
Signed at Dublin July 14, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.12
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Dublin July 21, 2011.
Entered into force October 19, 2012, with the exception of
Articles 8 through 10.
TIAS 12-1019.1
Agreement providing for a grant to assist in the acquisition of
certain nuclear research and training equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Dublin March 24, 1960.
Entered into force April 7, 1960.
11 UST 376; TIAS 4453; 371 UNTS 237
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Dublin and Washington April 23 and May 6, 1926.
Operative May 1, 1926.
44 Stat. 2412; Post Office Department print; 56 LNTS 433
International express mail agreement with detailed regulations.
Signed at Dublin and Washington February 29 and March 20,
Entered into force May 19, 1984.
35 UST 4856; TIAS 10971; 1566 UNTS 169
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.*
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Entered into force August 7, 1900.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
* Only Article III is in force for Ireland.
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Washington April 14, 1992.
Entered into force September 1, 1993.
TIAS 12117
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on the estates
of deceased persons.
Signed at Dublin September 13, 1949.
Entered into force December 20, 1951.
2 UST 2294; TIAS 2355; 127 UNTS 119
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and capital gains, with protocol and related agreement.*
Signed at Dublin July 28, 1997.
Entered into force December 17, 1997.
TIAS; 2141 UNTS 167
* With understanding.
Convention amending the convention of July 28, 1997 for the
avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal
evasion with respect to taxes on income and capital gains.
Signed at Washington September 24, 1999.
Entered into force July 13, 2000.
TIAS; 2142 UNTS 330
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Dublin December 21, 2012.
Entered into force April 2, 2014.
TIAS 14-402
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Dublin October 10, 1968.
Entered into force October 10, 1968.
19 UST 6057; TIAS 6566; 694 UNTS 103
Treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation, with protocol.
Signed at Dublin January 21, 1950.
Entered into force September 14, 1950.
1 UST 785; TIAS 2155; 206 UNTS 269
Protocol to the treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation
of January 21, 1950.
Signed at Washington June 24, 1992.
Entered into force November 18, 1992.
TIAS 92-1118
Arrangement relating to air navigation.
Exchange of notes at Dublin September 29 and November 4,
Entered into force November 4, 1937; operative December 4,
51 Stat. 319; EAS 110; 9 Bevans 36; 185 LNTS 71
Agreement relating to air transport services.*
Exchange of notes at Washington February 3, 1945.
Entered into force February 3, 1945; operative February 15,
59 Stat. 1402; EAS 460; 9 Bevans 43; 122 UNTS 305
January 25, 1988 and September 29, 1989 (TIAS 11692)
July 25 and September 6, 1990 (TIAS 11739)
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Memorandum of agreement relating to flight inspection
Signed at Washington and Dublin March 10 and August 4,
Entered into force August 4, 1978; effective September 1, 1978.
30 UST 230; TIAS 9190; 1150 UNTS 141
Agreement for promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Dublin February 5, 1997.
Entered into force February 5, 1997.
TIAS 12831; 2141 UNTS 293
Agreement on technical cooperation in civil aviation matters.
Signed at Dublin June 11, 1999.
Entered into force June 11, 1999.
TIAS 13042
Agreement on air transport preclearance, with annex.
Signed at Washington November 17, 2008.
Entered into force August 4, 2009.
TIAS 09-804
March 12, 2019 (TIAS 19-905)
Agreement on the implementation of Article 83 bis of the
Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Signed at Paris June 13, 2013.
Entered into force June 13, 2013.
TIAS 13-613.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning claims arising from damage to the
United States ship “Liberty”.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 15 and 17, 1980.
Entered into force December 17, 1980.
32 UST 4434; TIAS 9957; 1268 UNTS 33
Agreement relating to the issue of visas to authorized crew
members of aircraft operated by air carriers designated by
Israel and the United States.*
Exchange of notes at Tel Aviv March 27 and June 1, 1951.
Entered into force June 1, 1951.
3 UST 4796; TIAS 2650; 212 UNTS 129
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement providing for the reciprocal waiver of
nonimmigrant passport visa fees.*
Exchanges of notes at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv February 14 and
28 and March 2, 1955.
Entered into force March 2, 1955.
7 UST 2125; TIAS 3614; 220 UNTS 113
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Tel Aviv February 13 and 19, 1950.
Entered into force February 19, 1950.
1 UST 912; TIAS 2169; 122 UNTS 117
Agreement relating to assurances and economic assistance as
authorized in the Mutual Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 7, 1951.
Entered into force December 7, 1951.
3 UST 2874; TIAS 2462; 157 UNTS 53
Agreement relating to mutual defense assistance.
Exchange of notes at Tel Aviv July 1 and 23, 1952.
Entered into force July 23, 1952.
3 UST 4985; TIAS 2675; 179 UNTS 139
Agreement relating to general procurement arrangements for
goods and services.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 15 and 20, 1965.
Entered into force July 20, 1965.
16 UST 983; TIAS 5839; 549 UNTS 55
Agreement relating to the purchase of various goods from
Israel for sale in United States Navy ships stores overseas.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 20 and 26, 1965.
Entered into force July 26, 1965.
16 UST 981; TIAS 5838; 549 UNTS 49
General security of information agreement.
Exchange of notes at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem July 30 and
December 10, 1982.
Entered into force December 10, 1982.
TIAS 10617; 2001 UNTS 3
Memorandum of understanding concerning the principles
governing mutual cooperation in research and development,
scientist and engineer exchange, and procurement and logistic
support of defense equipment, with annexes and attachment.
Signed at Washington December 14, 1987.
Entered into force December 14, 1987.
December 19, 1997 and January 8, 1998
Mutual logistics support agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart-Vaihingen and Tel Aviv May 10 and 24,
Entered into force May 24, 1988.
TIAS 12325
June 22, 1990 and October 9, 1991 (TIAS 12325)
Agreement on the status of United States personnel, with
annexes and related letter.
Signed at Jerusalem January 22, 1991.
Entered into force January 12, 1994.
Agreement on the status of Israeli personnel.
Signed at Jerusalem January 22, 1991.
Entered into force January 12, 1994.
Memorandum of agreement concerning combating terrorism
research and development, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Tel Aviv February 7 and March 24,
Entered into force March 24, 2005.
TIAS 05-324
September 16 and 17, 2014 (TIAS 14-917)
Agreement for research, development, test and evaluation
projects, with annex.
Signed at Washington July 16 and September 13, 2006.
Entered into force September 13, 2006.
Memorandum of agreement regarding joint political, security
and economic cooperation.
Signed at Washington and Jerusalem April 21 and 28, 1988.
Entered into force April 21, 1988.
TIAS 11578
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
programs, with memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem June 18 and 22,
Entered into force June 22, 1962.
TIAS 5097; 13 UST 1364; 448 UNTS 273
March 21 and 23, 1967 (TIAS 6240; 18 UST 346; 630 UNTS 404)
January 10 and 30, 1985 (TIAS 11223)
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem September 23 and
October 3, 1985.
Entered into force October 3, 1985.
TIAS 11171; 2126 UNTS 227
July 1 and 21, 2011 (TIAS 11-721)
Memorandum of agreement concerning an oil supply
arrangement, with related understanding.
Signed at Washington June 22, 1979.
Entered into force November 25, 1979.
30 UST 5994; TIAS 9533; 1234 UNTS 224
Amendment and Extensions:
October 19 and November 13, 1994 (TIAS 12580)
November 23, 2004
Contingency implementing arrangements for the
memorandum of agreement of June 22, 1979, concerning an
oil supply arrangement, with related letter.
Signed at Washington October 17, 1980.
Entered into force October 17, 1980.
32 UST 3667; TIAS 9908; 1266 UNTS 370
June 21 and 27, 1995 (TIAS 12670)
Agreement concerning energy cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Jerusalem February 22, 2000.
Entered into force May 1, 2001.
TIAS 01-501.1
April 28, 2011 (TIAS 01-501.1)
Related Agreement:
August 10, 2011
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in the
field of environmental protection, with annexes.
Signed at Jerusalem February 20, 1991.
Entered into force February 20, 1991.
TIAS 11832
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Jerusalem March 24, 1995.
Entered into force March 24, 1995.
TIAS 12622
Agreement relating to the industrial investment guaranty
program pursuant to Section 111(b)(3) of the Economic
Cooperation Act of 1948, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Tel Aviv August 7 and 8, 1952.
Entered into force August 8, 1952.
3 UST 5045; TIAS 2686; 181 UNTS 37
July 31 and August 11, 1957 (8 UST 1410; TIAS 3892; 289 UNTS
February 5 and 20, 1963 (14 UST 337; TIAS 5316; 474 UNTS 332)
Agreement on encouragement of investment.
Signed at Washington September 12, 1994.
Entered into force September 12, 1994.
TIAS 12190
General agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at Tel Aviv February 26, 1951.
Entered into force February 26, 1951.
3 UST 379; TIAS 2401; 137 UNTS 57
June 21, 1954 (5 UST 1401; TIAS 3010; 219 UNTS 348)
Agreement relating to emergency economic assistance.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 1, 1952.
Entered into force May 1, 1952.
3 UST 4266; TIAS 2571; 177 UNTS 89
Agreement relating to the informational media guaranty
program pursuant to Section 111(b)(3) of the Economic
Cooperation Act of 1948, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Tel Aviv June 9, 1952.
Entered into force June 9, 1952.
3 UST 4398; TIAS 2588; 178 UNTS 297
Agreement relating to special economic assistance.
Exchange of notes at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem November 25,
Entered into force November 25, 1953.
4 UST 2308; TIAS 2884; 219 UNTS 205
January 31, 1955 (6 UST 561; TIAS 3189; 241 UNTS 520)
Joint statement of the U.S.-Israel Joint Committee for
Investment and Trade relating to expansion of economic
Signed at Washington May 13, 1975.
Entered into force May 13, 1975.
26 UST 1674; TIAS 8127; 1006 UNTS 153
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement establishing the Israel-United States Binational
Industrial Research and Development Foundation, with
Signed at Jerusalem March 3, 1976.
Entered into force May 18, 1977.
28 UST 5129; TIAS 8615
Agreement relating to reciprocal copyright relations.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 4, 1950.
Entered into force May 4, 1950; operative May 15, 1948.
1 UST 645; TIAS 2121; 132 UNTS 189
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Jerusalem August 4, 2002.
Entered into force November 27, 2003.
TIAS 03-1127
Convention relating to extradition.
Signed at Washington December 10, 1962.
Entered into force December 5, 1963.*
14 UST 1707; TIAS 5476; 484 UNTS 283
* For understanding regarding certain errors in the translation of the
Hebrew text, see exchange of notes of April 4 and 11, 1967 (18
UST 382; TIAS 6246).
Counterterrorism cooperation accord.
Signed at Washington April 30, 1996.
Entered into force July 29, 1996.
TIAS 12747; 1966 UNTS 3
Agreement regarding mutual assistance in customs matters.
Signed at Washington May 16, 1996.
Entered into force September 24, 1997.
TIAS 12755; 2017 UNTS 213
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
related exchange of notes.
Signed at Jerusalem January 26, 1998.
Entered into force May 25, 1999.
TIAS 12925; 2094 UNTS 17
Protocol amending the convention of December 10, 1962 on
Signed at Jerusalem July 6, 2005.
Entered into force January 10, 2007.
TIAS 07-110
* For understanding regarding certain errors in the translation of the
Hebrew text, see exchange of notes of April 4 and 11, 1967 (18
UST 382; TIAS 6246).
Agreement providing for a grant to assist in the acquisition of
certain nuclear research and training equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem October 19, 1960
and December 19, 1960.
Entered into force December 19, 1960.
11 UST 2631; TIAS 4655; 401 UNTS 195
Agreement continuing in effect safeguards and guarantee
provisions of the agreement of July 12, 1955 (6 UST 2641;
TIAS 3311), as amended, for cooperation concerning civil
uses of atomic energy.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 7 and 8, 1977.
Entered into force April 8, 1977.
28 UST 2407; TIAS 8557
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety and research matters, with
Signed at Rockville and Tel Aviv August 18 and October 13,
Entered into force October 13, 2016.
TIAS 16-1013
Memorandum of agreement concerning assurances,
consultations, and United States policy on matters related to
Middle East peace.*
Initialed at Jerusalem September 1, 1975; signed at Washington
and Jerusalem February 27, 1976.
Entered into force February 27, 1976.
32 UST 2150; TIAS 9828
Memorandum of agreement concerning the United States role
at any future Geneva peace conference.*
Initialed at Jerusalem September 1, 1975; signed at Washington
and Jerusalem February 27, 1976.
Entered into force February 27, 1976.
32 UST 2160; TIAS 9829
Agreement relating to implementation of the Egyptian-Israeli
peace treaty of March 26, 1979.†
Letter signed at Washington March 26, 1979.
Entered into force March 26, 1979.
32 UST 2146; TIAS 9826
Memorandum of agreement relating to assurances concerning
Middle East peace.
Signed at Washington March 26, 1979.
Entered into force March 26, 1979.
32 UST 2141; TIAS 9825; 1252 UNTS 77
Agreement relating to privileges and immunities for United
States military members and civilian observers of the
Multinational Force and Observers on leave in Israel.
Exchange of notes at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv September 28 and
October 1, 1982.
Entered into force October 1, 1982.
TIAS 10558; 1871 UNTS 323
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of agreement concerning ballistic missile
Signed at Jerusalem and Washington October 31 and
November 12, 1998.
Entered into force November 12, 1998.
TIAS 12997
* Some provisions are no longer in force.
bilateral section and PEACEKEEPING in multilateral section.
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Washington and Jerusalem September 8 and
October 24, 1982.
Entered into force January 24, 1983.
TIAS 10548; 1777 UNTS 397
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST service, with details of implementation.
Signed at Jerusalem and Washington July 20 and
November 5, 1987.
Entered into force November 5, 1987; effective September 1,
TIAS 11568
Land lease and purchase agreement for construction of
diplomatic facilities, with annexes.
Signed at Jerusalem January 18, 1989.
Entered into force January 18, 1989.
March 21 and April 10, 1989
July 14 and 23, 1989
January 22 and 30, 1990
January 21 and March 8, 1992 (TIAS 11858)
February 9 and December 13, 2000
December 3, 2001 and January 15, 2002
January 2 and 14, 2003
Agreement relating to a cooperative meteorological program
in support of the rawinsonde observation station at Bet Dagan.
Exchange of notes at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem April 29 and
May 22, 1968.
Entered into force May 22, 1968; effective January 1, 1968.
19 UST 5180; TIAS 6510; 653 UNTS 143
Agreement on the United States-Israel binational science
foundation with exchange of letters.
Signed at New York September 27, 1972.
Entered into force September 27, 1972.
23 UST 2669; TIAS 7460
Memorandum of understanding concerning the installation,
operation and maintenance of a seismic station.
Signed at Tel Aviv May 1, 1985.
Entered into force May 1, 1985.
TIAS 11176; 2130 UNTS 3
Agreement on cooperation in science and technology for
homeland security matters, with annex.
Signed at Jerusalem May 29, 2008.
Entered into force November 30, 2010.
TIAS 10-1130
Agreement for cooperation in aeronautics and the exploration
and use of airspace and outer space for peaceful purposes.
Signed at Jerusalem October 13, 2015.
Entered into force October 13, 2015.
TIAS 15-1013
Convention with respect to taxes on income.
Signed at Washington November 20, 1975.
Entered into force December 30, 1994.
Protocols to Amend:
May 30, 1980
January 26, 1993
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
related exchange of notes.
Signed at Jerusalem June 30, 2014.
Entered into force August 29, 2016.
TIAS 16-829
Agreement relating to radio communication facilities at or
near Embassy sites for transmission of official messages.
Exchange of notes at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem May 10 and 21,
Entered into force May 21, 1963.
14 UST 866; TIAS 5367; 487 UNTS 319
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 7, 1965.
Entered into force August 6, 1965.
16 UST 883; TIAS 5827; 549 UNTS 281
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 15, 1966.
Entered into force June 15, 1966.
17 UST 760; TIAS 6028; 578 UNTS 159
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, with protocol
and exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington August 23, 1951.
Entered into force April 3, 1954.
5 UST 550; TIAS 2948; 219 UNTS 237
Agreement on the establishment of a free trade area, with
annexes, exchange of letters and related letter.
Signed at Washington April 22, 1985.
Entered into force August 19, 1985.
Agreement regarding the application of their competition
Signed at Washington March 15, 1999.
Entered into force November 7, 2000.
TIAS 13025
Agreement concerning certain aspects of trade in agricultural
products, with attachment and annexes.
Exchange of letters at Washington and Jerusalem July 27, 2004.
Entered into force September 10, 2004; effective January 1,
TIAS 04-910
Amendment and Extensions:
December 10, 2008 (TIAS 04-910)
December 6, 2009 (TIAS 04-910)
November 19, 2012 (TIAS 04-910)
December 4, 2016 (TIAS 18-1108)
December 5, 2017 (TIAS 18-1108)
November 8, 2018 (TIAS 18-1108)
December 4, 2019 (TIAS 18-1108)
Agreement relating to the reciprocal acceptance of certificates
of airworthiness for imported aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 23, 1968.
Entered into force July 23, 1968.
19 UST 5459; TIAS 6530; 653 UNTS 159
September 4, 1974 (25 UST 2445; TIAS 7926)
Memorandum of cooperation concerning technical
cooperation in civil aviation security with annex.
Signed at Washington and Tel Aviv July 6 and September 30,
Entered into force September 30, 1990.
TIAS 11970; 2244 UNTS 283
Memorandum of cooperation concerning civil aviation.
Signed November 14 and December 27, 1990.
Entered into force December 27, 1990.
Agreement for promotion of aviation safety.
Signed December 19, 2000.
Entered into force December 19, 2000.
TIAS 13131
Memorandum of cooperation relating to developing and
modernizing the civil aviation security infrastructure in Israel.
Signed at Washington November 24, 2010.
Entered into force November 24, 2010.
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Jerusalem December 1, 2010.
Entered into force March 29, 2011.
TIAS 11-329
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of technical
assistance to the Civil Aviation Authority of Israel in
developing, modernizing, operating or maintaining civil
aviation infrastructure.
Signed at Washington and Tel Aviv July 7 and 23, 2014.
Entered into force July 23, 2014.
April 12 and 20, 2017 (NP)
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of technical
assistance to the Israel Airports Authority in developing,
modernizing, operating, or maintaining civil aviation
Signed April 25 and June 8, 2017.
Entered into force June 8, 2017.
Treaty for the advancement of peace.
Signed at Washington May 5, 1914.
Entered into force March 19, 1915.
39 Stat. 1618; TS 615; 9 Bevans 126
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington April 19, 1928.
Entered into force January 20, 1931.
46 Stat. 2890; TS 831; 9 Bevans 153; 113 LNTS 183
Treaty modifying the terms of article II of the treaty for the
advancement of peace.
Signed at Washington September 23, 1931.
Entered into force July 30, 1932.
47 Stat. 2102; TS 848; 9 Bevans 164; 134 LNTS 191
Memorandum of understanding regarding settlement of certain
wartime claims and related matters; memorandum of
understanding regarding Italian assets in the United States and
certain claims of United States nationals, and supplementary
exchanges of notes.*
Signed at Washington August 14, 1947.
Entered into force August 14, 1947.
61 Stat. 3962; TIAS 1757; 9 Bevans 215; 36 UNTS 53
* For agreed interpretation of the agreement signed August 14,
1947, see exchange of notes verbales of February 24, 1949 (63
Stat. 2415; TIAS 1919; 9 Bevans 342; 80 UNTS 319).
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to procedure for final settlement of claims
of Italian prisoners of war.
Exchange of letters at Rome February 14, 1948.
Entered into force February 14, 1948.
62 Stat. 3853; TIAS 1948; 9 Bevans 299; 67 UNTS 115
January 14, 1949 (63 Stat. 2602; TIAS 1950; 9 Bevans 338; 67 UNTS
Agreement relating to the disposal of currencies, securities and
articles of value taken in Italy from the German forces.
Exchange of notes at Rome May 16, 1951.
Entered into force May 16, 1951.
3 UST 2950; TIAS 2476; 206 UNTS 325
Memorandum of understanding regarding war damage claims.
Signed at Rome March 29, 1957.
Entered into force October 22, 1957.
8 UST 1725; TIAS 3924; 299 UNTS 157
Agreement supplementing the memorandum of understanding
of March 29, 1957, regarding war damage claims.
Exchange of notes at Rome July 12, 1960.
Entered into force June 15, 1961.
12 UST 904; TIAS 4796; 411 UNTS 312
Agreement relating to the waiver of passport visa fees for
Exchange of notes at Rome February 11, 21, and 26, 1929.
Operative March 1, 1929.
9 Bevans 158
Arrangement relating to the waiver of passport visas and
passport visa fees.*
Exchange of notes verbales dated at Rome
September 28 and 29, 1948.
Entered into force September 29, 1948; operative
November 1, 1948.
62 Stat. 3480; TIAS 1867; 9 Bevans 323; 84 UNTS 43
* The status of these agreements is under review.
Agreement relating to interment of American military
personnel in Italy.
Exchange of notes verbales at Rome September 13 and 24,
Entered into force September 24, 1946.
61 Stat. 3750; TIAS 1713; 9 Bevans 194; 148 UNTS 323.
December 18, 1947 and January 21(62 Stat. 1889; TIAS 1743; 9
Bevans 258; 148 UNTS 332)
March 24, and April 19, 1948 (62 Stat. 1889; TIAS 1743; 9 Bevans
304; 148 UNTS 332)
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of
import restrictions on categories of archaeological material
representing the pre-Classical, Classical and Imperial Roman
periods of Italy.
Signed at Washington January 19, 2001.
Entered into force January 19, 2001.
TIAS 13141
Amendments and Extensions:
January 13, 2006 (TIAS 13141)
January 11, 2011 (TIAS 11-119)
January 12, 2016 (TIAS 16-112)
Agreement concerning the protection and preservation of
places of commemoration.
Signed at Rome December 18, 2008.
Entered into force August 21, 2009.
TIAS 09-821
Mutual defense assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 27, 1950.
Entered into force January 27, 1950.
1 UST 50; TIAS 2013; 80 UNTS 145
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
material furnished Italy and no longer required in the
furtherance of its mutual defense assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Rome November 20 and December 14,
Entered into force December 14, 1951.
5 UST 2829; TIAS 3136; 238 UNTS 310
September 7, 1960 (11 UST 2129; TIAS 4573; 389 UNTS 307)
Agreement relating to the assurances required by the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Rome January 7, 1952.
Entered into force January 7, 1952.
3 UST 4613; TIAS 2611; 179 UNTS 165
Agreement relating to offshore procurement program with
memorandum of understanding and model contract attached.
Exchange of notes at Rome March 31, 1954.
Entered into force March 31, 1954.
5 UST 2185; TIAS 3083; 235 UNTS 293
Agreement concerning facilities for overhaul and repair of jet
engines in Torino, Italy.
Signed at Rome July 8, 1955.
Entered into force July 8, 1955.
6 UST 3797; TIAS 3381; 270 UNTS 29
Agreement relating to a weapons production program.
Exchange of notes at Rome July 7, 1960.
Entered into force July 7, 1960.
11 UST 1912; TIAS 4538; 380 UNTS 143
Agreement for cooperation on uses of atomic energy for
mutual defense purposes.
Signed at Rome December 3, 1960.
Entered into force May 24, 1961.
12 UST 641; TIAS 4764; 410 UNTS 3
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the safeguarding of classified
information with annex.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 4, 1964.
Entered into force August 4, 1964.
15 UST 1494; TIAS 5629; 529 UNTS 205
April 15 and September 2, 1982 (TIAS 10632; 1935 UNTS 420)
Memorandum of understanding concerning the principles
governing mutual cooperation in the research, development,
production and procurement of defense equipment.
Signed at Washington September 11, 1978.
Entered into force September 11, 1978.
Amendments and Extensions:
February 10 and April 8, 1988
May 30 and June 27, 1989
November 19, 1990
Mutual logistical support agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart February 23, 1983.
Entered into force February 23, 1983.
TIAS 11165; 2126 UNTS 201
Technical arrangement concerning the installation and
maintenance of a U.S. interface with the Italian MRCS 403
radar at Capo Frasca, Sardinia.
Signed at Rome and Ramstein Air Base August 1 and 23, 1988.
Entered into force August 23, 1988.
TIAS 12343
Memorandum of agreement on the exchange of officers
between the United States Marine Corps and the Italian Navy.
Signed at Rome and Washington June 7 and July 26, 1993.
Entered into force July 26, 1993.
Memorandum of understanding concerning use of
installations/infrastructure by U.S. forces in Italy, with
Signed at Rome February 2, 1995.
Entered into force February 2, 1995.
TIAS 12317
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Rome and Stuttgart April 4 and 15, 2001.
Entered into force April 15, 2001.
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning global
geospatial information and services cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Rome October 28, 2002.
Entered into force October 28, 2002.
Agreement concerning loan of U.S. Government equipment
and the provision of logistic support services for use in South
Eastern European Brigade (SEEBRIG).
Exchange of notes at Rome October 11 and December 18, 2002.
Entered into force December 18, 2002.
TIAS 02-1218
Technical arrangement regarding the
installations/infrastructure in use by the U.S. forces in
Sigonella, Italy, with annexes.
Signed at Rome April 6, 2006.
Entered into force April 6, 2006.
Agreement regarding the participation of Italy and other
member nations of the South Eastern European Brigade in
peacekeeping operations and the furnishing of articles and
services from the United States of America to the Government
of Italy pursuant to the Global Peace Operations Initiative.
Exchange of notes at Rome April 6 and 12, 2006.
Entered into force April 12, 2006.
TIAS 06-412
Agreement concerning the exchange and reimbursement of
aviation and ground fuels, with annexes and attachment.
Signed at Ft. Belvoir and Rome June 2 and July 10, 2006.
Entered into force July 10, 2006.
TIAS 06-710
October 2 and 9, 2014 (TIAS 14-1009)
Memorandum of understanding regarding exchange of
engineers and scientists, with annexes.
Signed July 21 and August 1, 2006.
Entered into force August 1, 2006.
Memorandum of agreement for research, development, test
and evaluation projects, with annex and appendix.
Signed at Washington and Rome September 15 and 26, 2006.
Entered into force September 26, 2006.
TIAS 06-926
Memorandum of agreement regarding the reciprocal exchange
of military personnel (MPEP), with annexes.
Signed at Fort Myer April 19, 2007.
Entered into force April 19, 2007.
March 6 and 10, 2017 (NP)
Technical arrangement regarding the
installations/infrastructure in use by U.S. forces in San Vito
Dei Normanni, Italy, with annexes.
Signed at La Maddalena September 12, 2007.
Entered into force September 12, 2007.
Technical arrangement regarding the
installations/infrastructure in use by the U.S. forces in
Vicenza, Italy, with annexes and attachments.
Signed at Pisa April 16, 2008.
Entered into force April 16, 2008.
Agreement regarding the exchange of military personnel, with
Signed at Washington and Rome January 17 and June 11, 2009.
Entered into force June 11, 2009.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning cooperative production, sustainment,
and follow-on development of the AGM-88E Advanced Anti-
Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM), with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Rome November 19 and 23, 2009.
Entered into force November 23, 2009.
Memorandum of understanding regarding the assignment of a
coordination officer to Commander, Submarine Force
Atlantic, with annex.
Signed at Norfolk and Rome February 16 and March 8, 2012.
Entered into force March 8, 2012.
Memorandum of understanding regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Tampa February 27, 2015.
Entered into force February 27, 2015.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Italian Navy personnel to the U. S. Navy, with annexes.
Signed at Rome and Washington October 12 and November 2,
Entered into force November 2, 2015.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Rome and Washington October 12 and November 2,
Entered into force November 2, 2015.
Memorandum of agreement establishing a midshipman/cadet
exchange program, with appendix and annex.
Signed at Annapolis and Livorno August 8, 2017.
Entered into force August 8, 2017.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers.
Signed at Washington July 13 and August 14, 2017.
Entered into force August 14, 2017.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the exchange of
professional military education students.
Signed at Rome and Washington July 20 and August 8, 2018.
Entered into force August 8, 2018.
Consular convention.*
Signed at Washington May 8, 1878.
Entered into force September 18, 1878.
20 Stat. 725; TS 178; 9 Bevans 91
* Article XI replaced by convention of February 24, 1881 (22 Stat.
831; TS 179); articles XI and XIII abrogated by the United States,
effective July 1, 1916, in accordance with the Seamen’s Act (38
Stat. 1164).
Agreement for exchanges in the fields of education and
Signed at Rome December 15, 1975.
Entered into force July 28, 1980.
32 UST 1981; TIAS 9813; 1228 UNTS 145
Memorandum of understanding relating to exchanges and
cooperation in the field of education, with annex.
Signed at Rome May 4, 1978.
Entered into force May 4, 1978.
30 UST 116; TIAS 9182; 1150 UNTS 67
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
diplomatic agents, consular personnel and administrative and
technical staff.
Exchange of notes at Rome June 9, 1997.
Entered into force April 30, 1999.
TIAS 12863
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in the
field of environmental protection.
Signed at Rome March 3, 1987.
Entered into force March 3, 1987.
TIAS 11283
Agreement relating to the funding of the indebtedness of Italy
to the United States.
Signed at Washington November 14, 1925.
Operative June 15, 1925.
Treasury Department print; 9 Bevans 145
Agreement modifying the agreement of November 14, 1925.
Signed at Washington June 3, 1932.
Operative July 1, 1931.
Treasury Department print; 9 Bevans 176
Agreement relating to guaranties authorized by Section
111(b)(3) of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, as
Exchange of notes at Rome December 28, 1951.
Entered into force December 28, 1951.
3 UST 2877; TIAS 2463; 157 UNTS 63
October 18, 1957 (8 UST 1881; TIAS 3934; 291 UNTS 309)
Agreement relating to the establishment of a revolving
industrial loan fund for Southern Italy.
Exchange of notes at Rome June 16, 1954.
Entered into force June 16, 1954.
5 UST 2116; TIAS 3073; 236 UNTS 149
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning large-scale driftnet fishing on the high
Exchange of notes at Washington July 22 and 26, 1996.
Entered into force July 26, 1996.
TIAS 12787
Economic cooperation agreement.
Signed at Rome June 28, 1948.
Entered into force June 28, 1948.
62 Stat. 2421; TIAS 1789; 9 Bevans 306; 20 UNTS 43
September 28 and October 2, 1948 (62 Stat. 3815; TIAS 1917; 9
Bevans 326; 55 UNTS 318)
February 7, 1950 (1 UST 160; TIAS 2028; 79 UNTS 274)
May 21, 1951 (2 UST 1169; TIAS 2263; 141 UNTS 362)
January 13, 1953 (4 UST 116; TIAS 2769; 200 UNTS 264)
Agreement providing for duty-free entry of relief supplies and
packages and for the payment of transportation charges.
Exchange of notes at Rome November 26, 1948.
Entered into force November 26, 1948.
62 Stat. 3809; TIAS 1914; 9 Bevans 328; 79 UNTS 71
November 26, 1948 (62 Stat. 3809; TIAS 1914; 9 Bevans 331; 79
UNTS 71)
July 19, 1952 (3 UST 5078; TIAS 2694; 181 UNTS 353)
Agreement relating to the use of counterpart funds derived
from United States economic aid to Trieste.
Exchange of notes at Rome February 11, 1955.
Entered into force February 11, 1955.
6 UST 593; TIAS 3195; 241 UNTS 91
Agreement relating to the provision of assistance to
earthquake victims of Italy.
Exchange of notes at Rome June 9, 1976.
Entered into force June 9, 1976.
27 UST 3988; TIAS 8416; 1059 UNTS 73
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of
health and medicine, with annex.
Signed at Rome November 21, 1977.
Entered into force November 21, 1977.
29 UST 5897; TIAS 9159
Declaration for the reciprocal protection of marks of
manufacture and trade.
Signed at Washington June 1, 1882.
Entered into force June 1, 1882.
23 Stat. 726; TS 180; 9 Bevans 101
Reciprocal copyright arrangement.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 28, 1892.
Entered into force October 28, 1892.
9 Bevans 104
Reciprocal copyright arrangement.
Exchanges of notes at Manchester, Massachusetts and
Washington September 2, 1914, February 12, March 4 and
11, 1915.
Entered into force March 11, 1915; operative May 1, 1915.
9 Bevans 129
Agreement on arrangements respecting patents and technical
information in defense programs.
Signed at Rome October 3, 1952.
Entered into force provisionally October 3, 1952; definitively
December 16, 1960.
12 UST 189; TIAS 4693
Agreement approving the procedures for reciprocal filing of
classified patent applications in the United States and Italy.
Exchange of notes at Rome March 9 and October 27, 1959.
Entered into force provisionally October 27, 1959; definitively
December 16, 1960.
12 UST 189; TIAS 4693
April 29 and August 2, 1960 (12 UST 208; TIAS 4693)
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Rome January 5 and April 27, 1928.
Entered into force April 27, 1928.
9 Bevans 156
Procedures for mutual assistance in the administration of
justice in connection with the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
Signed at Washington March 29, 1976.
Entered into force April 12, 1976.
27 UST 3437; TIAS 8374
Treaty on mutual assistance in criminal matters, with
memorandum of understanding.*
Signed at Rome November 9, 1982.
Entered into force November 13, 1985.
TIAS 85-1113
* Except for the application of Article 18, paragraph 2.
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Rome October 13, 1983.
Entered into force September 24, 1984.
35 UST 3023; TIAS 10837; 1590 UNTS 161
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on mutual legal assistance between the United States of
America and the European Union, as to the application of the
treaty on mutual assistance in criminal matters of November 9,
1982, with annex.
Signed at Rome May 3, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.36
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on extradition between the United States of America and the
European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to the application of
the extradition treaty of October 13, 1983, with annex.
Signed at Rome May 3, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.13
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Rome May 28, 2009.
Entered into force, with the exception of Articles 7 and 9, on
October 3, 2014.
TIAS 14-1003.1
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 12 and 19, 1982.
Entered into force January 19, 1982.
TIAS 10598; 1871 UNTS 195
Memorandum of understanding concerning the installation
and management of U.S. navigational aids.
Signed at Rome and Ramstein October 8 and 11, 1985.
Entered into force October 11, 1985.
TIAS 11191; 2129 UNTS 431
Agreement relating to the agreement of August 14, 1987, on
the resolution of practical problems with respect to deep
seabed mining areas.*
Exchange of notes at Rome August 14, 1987.
Entered into force August 14, 1987.
TIAS 11438
* Parties to the multilateral agreement of August 14, 1987, are
Belgium, Canada, Italy, Netherlands and Union of Soviet Socialist
Agreement for cooperation in civilian nuclear energy research
and development.
Signed at Washington September 29, 2009.
Entered into force September 29, 2009.
TIAS 09-929
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 17, 2015.
Entered into force September 17, 2015.
TIAS 15-917.2
Agreement concerning the designation of a permanent third
member of the United States-Italian Conciliation Commission
established pursuant to article 83 of the treaty of peace with
Italy (TIAS 1648; 4 Bevans 311; 49 and 50 UNTS).
Exchange of notes at Rome February 12 and 13, 1951.
Entered into force February 13, 1951.
2 UST 807; TIAS 2232; 148 UNTS 57
Agreement regarding the release of Italy from certain of its
obligations to the United States under the treaty of peace with
Italy (TIAS 1648; 4 Bevans 311; 49 and 50 UNTS).
Exchange of notes at Washington December 8 and 21, 1951.
Entered into force December 21, 1951.
3 UST 2869; TIAS 2461; 167 UNTS 163
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Washington October 11, 1929.
Entered into force December 1, 1929.
46 Stat. 2397; Post Office Department print
International express mail agreement with detailed regulations.
Signed at Rome and Washington November 21 and
December 9, 1983.
Entered into force February 18, 1984.
35 UST 3167; TIAS 10848; 2014 UNTS 603
Agreement relating to documentary requirements for marriage
of American citizens in Italy.
Exchange of notes at Rome July 29 and August 18, 1964.
Entered into force March 26, 1966.
18 UST 342; TIAS 6239; 688 UNTS 37
Memorandum of understanding concerning the furnishing of
balloon launching and associated services.
Signed at Washington and Rome September 2 and 30, 1983.
Entered into force September 30, 1983.
35 UST 2335; TIAS 10794; 2011 UNTS 179
Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation.
Signed at Rome April 1, 1988.
Entered into force April 1, 1988.
TIAS 11574; 2185 UNTS 305
Amendment and Extension:
October 4, 1993 (TIAS 12165)
Memorandum of understanding for scientific and technical
cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Rome April 14, 2000.
Entered into force April 14, 2000.
TIAS 00-414
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Reston and Rome February 7 and July 11, 2002.
Entered into force July 11, 2002.
TIAS 02-711
Arrangement for cooperation in high energy, astroparticle, and
nuclear physics research and related fields and technologies.
Signed at Washington July 17, 2015.
Entered into force July 17, 2015.
TIAS 15-717
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on social security, with administrative protocol.
Signed at Washington May 23, 1973.
Entered into force November 1, 1978.
29 UST 4263; TIAS 9058; 1228 UNTS 81
Supplemental agreement to the agreement of May 23, 1973 on
the matter of social security.
Signed at Rome April 17, 1984.
Entered into force January 1, 1986.
TIAS 11173
Agreement confirming a memorandum of understanding
concerning the furnishing of certain services by NASA for
Italian satellites.
Exchange of notes at Rome June 15 and 20, 1970.
Entered into force June 20, 1970.
21 UST 1465; TIAS 6903; 753 UNTS 259
Agreement for the design, development, operation and
utilization of three mini pressurized logistics modules for the
International Space Station, with memorandum of
Exchange of notes at Rome April 18, 2001 and January 11,
Entered into force January 11, 2005.
TIAS 05-111
Agreement concerning the Juno Mission, with memorandum
of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 29 and August 3, 2011.
Entered into force August 3, 2011.
TIAS 11-803
Agreement for cooperation on the European Space Agency-led
Bepi Colombo Mission, with memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 20 and September 27,
Entered into force September 27, 2013.
TIAS 13-927
Framework agreement for cooperation in the exploration and
use of outer space for peaceful purposes.
Signed at Washington March 19, 2013.
Entered into force February 11, 2016.
TIAS 16-211
Agreement relating to relief from taxation of United States
expenditures in Italy for the common defense.
Exchange of notes at Rome March 5, 1952.
Entered into force March 5, 1952.
3 UST 4234; TIAS 2566; 179 UNTS 3
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on estates
and inheritances.
Signed at Washington March 30, 1955.
Entered into force October 26, 1956.
7 UST 2977; TIAS 3678; 257 UNTS 199
Agreement concerning taxation of income of some U.S. Navy
employees in Italy.
Exchange of notes at Rome July 24, 1982.
Entered into force September 28, 1984; effective January 1,
TIAS 11499
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation with respect
to taxes on income and the prevention of fraud or fiscal
evasion, with protocol and related exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington August 25, 1999.
Entered into force December 16, 2009.
TIAS 09-1216
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Rome January 10, 2014.
Entered into force August 17, 2015.
TIAS 15-817
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Rome July 28 and August 28, 1981.
Entered into force August 28, 1981.
33 UST 4393; TIAS 10308; 1549 UNTS 309
Agreement relating to the resumption of normal commercial
Exchange of notes at Washington December 6, 1945.
Entered into force December 6, 1945.
59 Stat. 1731; EAS 492; 9 Bevans 190; 3 UNTS 131
Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, protocol,
additional protocol, and exchange of notes.
Signed at Rome February 2, 1948.
Entered into force July 26, 1949.
63 Stat. 2255; TIAS 1965; 9 Bevans 261; 79 UNTS 171
Agreement supplementing the treaty of friendship, commerce
and navigation of February 2, 1948.
Signed at Washington September 26, 1951.
Entered into force March 2, 1961.
12 UST 131; TIAS 4685; 404 UNTS 326
Air navigation arrangement.*
Exchange of notes at Washington October 13 and 14, 1931.
Entered into force October 31, 1931.
47 Stat. 2668; EAS 24; 9 Bevans 167; 137 LNTS 209
* Article 9 terminated January 26, 1955 (see 6 UST 25; TIAS 3164).
Agreement relating to air service facilities in Italy, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Rome June 9, 1947.
Entered into force June 9, 1947.
62 Stat. 4074; TIAS 2127; 9 Bevans 200; 104 UNTS 157
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Air transport agreement with memorandum and exchange of
Signed at Rome June 22, 1970.
Entered into force provisionally June 22, 1970; definitively
August 9, 1973.
21 UST 2096; TIAS 6957; 764 UNTS 161
October 25, 1988 (TIAS 11634; 2204 UNTS 508)
December 30, 1998, and February 2, 1999
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Agreement relating to reciprocal acceptance of airworthiness
Exchange of notes at Rome June 30 and August 3, 1973.
Entered into force August 3, 1973.
25 UST 1565; TIAS 7895
Memorandum of understanding relating to the air transport
services agreement of June 22, 1970, as amended, with related
exchange of letters.*
Signed at Rome September 27, 1990.
Entered into force September 27, 1990.
TIAS 11767
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. – E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Amendment to Article 10 not yet in force.
Agreement amending and supplementing the air transport
services agreement of June 22, 1970, as amended, and
amending the memorandum of understanding of September
27, 1990, with memorandum of understanding.*
Exchange of notes at Rome November 22 and December 23,
Entered into force December 23, 1991.
TIAS 11845
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Agreement amending and supplementing the air transport
agreement of June 22, 1970, as amended, and amending the
memorandum of understanding of September 27, 1990, as
Exchange of notes at Rome May 30 and October 21, 1997.
Entered into force October 21, 1997.
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Agreement for promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Rome October 27, 1999.
Entered into force October 27, 1999.
TIAS 13069
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On August 6, 1962, Jamaica attained fully responsible status within the
British Commonwealth. By an exchange of notes on August 7, 1962,
between the High Commissioner for the United Kingdom in Jamaica and
the Prime Minister and Minister of External Affairs and Defense of
Jamaica, the Government of Jamaica agreed to assume, from August 6,
1962, all obligations and responsibilities of the United Kingdom which
arise from any valid instrument (including any instrument made by the
Government of the Federation of The West Indies by virtue of the
authority entrusted by the Government of the United Kingdom). The rights
and benefits heretofore enjoyed by the Government of the United
Kingdom by virtue of application of any such international instrument to
Jamaica are from August 6, 1962, enjoyed by the Government of Jamaica.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Jamaica.
Exchange of notes at Kingston February 15 and 22, 1962.
Entered into force February 22, 1962.
13 UST 166; TIAS 4954; 435 UNTS 127
Agreement for the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Kingston December 20, 1966.
Entered into force December 20, 1966.
17 UST 2409; TIAS 6187; 681 UNTS 115
Agreement relating to the furnishing of defense articles and
services to Jamaica.
Exchange of notes at Kingston June 6, 1963.
Entered into force June 6, 1963.
14 UST 821; TIAS 5361; 477 UNTS 29
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Kingston February 5 and July 30, 2007.
Entered into force July 30, 2007.
Agreement regarding the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative
and the provision of technical support for maritime security
Exchange of notes at Kingston September 24 and
November 6, 2012.
Entered into force November 6, 2012.
TIAS 12-1106
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Kingston and Miami January 27 and March 6, 2014.
Entered into force March 6, 2014.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Kingston and Miami January 16 and February 12,
Entered into force February 12, 2018.
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Kingston May 3 and October 11, 1982.
Entered into force October 11, 1982.
TIAS 10886; 35 UST 3834; 1577 UNTS 417
Agreement concerning the establishment of an Enterprise for
the Americas Environmental Foundation.
Signed at Kingston June 29, 2015.
Entered into force June 29, 2015.
TIAS 15-629
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Kingston December 11, 1962 and
January 4, 1963.
Entered into force January 4, 1963.
14 UST 1; TIAS 5270; 471 UNTS 119
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington November 8, 1984.
Entered into force December 13, 1984.
TIAS 10999; 2022 UNTS 83
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 26, 1985.
Entered into force November 18, 1985.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kingston November 12, 1987.
Entered into force January 7, 1988.
February 2 and March 15, 1989 (NP)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kingston July 6, 1989.
Entered into force August 24, 1989.
November 27, 1989 and January 18, 1990 (NP)
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Kingston December 20, 1990.
Entered into force February 8, 1991.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to
the United States Government and its agencies.
Signed at Washington August 23, 1991.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Kingston January 14, 1992.
Entered into force March 2, 1992.
August 28 and September 11, 1992 (NP)
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts related to
foreign assistance owed to the Government of the United
States and its agencies, with appendices.
Signed at Washington and Kingston January 13 and 15, 1993.
Entered into force February 14, 1993.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Kingston October 22, 1993.
Entered into force January 3, 1994.
Agreement regarding a debt-for-nature swap to prepay and
cancel certain debt owed by the Government of Jamaica to the
Government of the United States of America, with
Signed at Kingston September 21, 2004.
Entered into force September 21, 2004.
TIAS 04-921
General agreement for economic, technical and related
Signed at Kingston October 24, 1963.
Entered into force October 24, 1963.
14 UST 1550; TIAS 5457; 489 UNTS 337
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Procedures for mutual assistance in connection with matters
relating to the Jamaica Nutrition Holdings Ltd., its holding
company, State Trading Corporation and its associated
Signed at Washington March 30, 1979.
Entered into force March 30, 1979.
30 UST 3868; TIAS 9430; 1170 UNTS 59
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Kingston June 14, 1983.
Entered into force July 7, 1991.
TIAS 91-707
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Kingston July 7, 1989.
Entered into force July 25, 1995.
TIAS 95-725
Agreement regarding the sharing of forfeited assets or the
proceeds of disposition of such assets, with exchange of
Signed at Kingston August 22, 2001.
Entered into force August 22, 2001.
TIAS 01-822
Agreement regarding the Cooperating Nation Information
Exchange System.
Exchange of notes at Kingston August 26 and September 23,
Entered into force September 23, 2005.
TIAS 05-923
Agreement concerning cooperation in suppressing illicit
maritime drug trafficking.
Signed at Kingston May 6, 1997.
Entered into force March 10, 1998.
TIAS 98-310
Protocol to the agreement of May 6, 1997 concerning
cooperation in suppressing illicit maritime drug trafficking.
Signed at Kingston February 6, 2004.
Entered into force February 6, 2004.
TIAS 98-310
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for the furnishing of commodities and services in
connection with the peacekeeping force for Grenada.
Exchange of notes at Kingston November 29 and December 6,
Entered into force December 6, 1983.
35 UST 3192; TIAS 10849; 2015 UNTS 15
Agreement concerning the disposition of commodities and
services furnished in connection with peacekeeping operations
for Grenada.
Exchange of notes at Kingston February 2 and April 21, 1987.
Entered into force April 21, 1987.
TIAS 11270
Postal convention.
Signed at Washington and Kingston July 22 and September 3,
Operative October 1, 1887.
25 Stat. 1393
Money order agreement.
Signed at Washington and Kingston September 20 and
October 6, 1922.
Operative November 1, 1922.
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Kingston and Washington January 9 and
February 11, 1991.
Entered into force March 18, 1991.
TIAS 11812
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Jamaica February 9, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Applicable to Jamaica March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement for a cooperative meteorological program in
Jamaica, with memorandum of arrangement.
Exchange of notes at Kingston August 27 and 29, 1985.
Entered into force August 29, 1985.
TIAS 11324
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with exchange of notes.*
Signed at Kingston May 21, 1980.
Entered into force December 29, 1981.
33 UST 2865; TIAS 10206
* With reservation and understanding.
Protocol amending the convention for the avoidance of double
taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to
taxes on income, with exchange of notes.*
Signed at Kingston July 17, 1981.
Entered into force December 29, 1981.
33 UST 2903; TIAS 10207
* With reservation and understanding.
Agreement concerning administration of income tax affecting
Jamaican citizens employed by the U.S. Government.
Exchange of notes at Kingston April 3 and May 1, 1986.
Entered into force May 1, 1986.
TIAS 11362
Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to
Signed at Washington December 18, 1986.
Entered into force December 18, 1986.
TIAS 11411; 2191 UNTS 79
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Kingston March 4 and April 28, 1971.
Entered into force April 28, 1971.
22 UST 694; TIAS 7127; 792 UNTS 337
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Kingston February 24 and May 12, 1977.
Entered into force June 11, 1977.
29 UST 1888; TIAS 8908
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investment, with annex and protocol.
Signed at Washington February 4, 1994.
Entered into force March 7, 1997.
TIAS 97-307
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 5, 1935.
Entered into force May 5, 1935.
49 Stat. 3731; EAS 77; 12 Bevans 513; 162 UNTS 59
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning conversion and remittance of Jamaica
dollar earnings by U.S. airlines.
Exchange of notes at Kingston March 22 and 30, 1984.
Entered into force March 30, 1984.
35 UST 4896; TIAS 10975; 1658 UNTS 309
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Kingston October 30, 2008.
Entered into force October 30, 2008.
TIAS 08-1030.1
May 10, 2018 (TIAS 18-510)
Agreement for settlement for the AWA MARU claim.
Signed at Tokyo April 14, 1949.
Entered into force April 14, 1949.
63 Stat. 2397; TIAS 1911; 9 Bevans 467; 89 UNTS 141
Agreement relating to compensation for personal and property
damage as a result of nuclear tests in the Marshall (Bikini)
Exchange of notes at Tokyo January 4, 1955.
Entered into force January 4, 1955.
6 UST 1; TIAS 3160; 237 UNTS 197
Agreement relating to settlement of claims of Japanese
nationals formerly resident in certain Japanese Islands arising
from measures taken by the United States in connection with
the exercise of its rights under article 3 of the peace treaty.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo June 8, 1961.
Entered into force June 8, 1961.
12 UST 830; TIAS 4781; 410 UNTS 183
Agreement concerning the trust territory of the Pacific Islands
with exchanges of notes.
Signed at Tokyo April 18, 1969.
Entered into force July 7, 1969.
20 UST 2654; TIAS 6724; 719 UNTS 127
Agreement implementing the agreement of April 18, 1969,
concerning the trust territory of the Pacific Islands.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 13, 1973.
Entered into force March 13, 1973.
24 UST 767; TIAS 7581
Agreement relating to the use of interest accrued in connection
with payments made under the agreement of April 18, 1969,
concerning the trust territory of the Pacific Islands.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo April 18, 1975.
Entered into force April 18, 1975.
26 UST 671; TIAS 8064; 992 UNTS 340
Agreement extending the period for provision of products and
services by Japan under the agreement of April 18, 1969,
concerning the trust territory of the Pacific Islands.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo April 18, 1975.
Entered into force April 18, 1975.
26 UST 666; TIAS 8063; 992 UNTS 336
Agreement relating to the reciprocal waiver of nonimmigrant
visa fees.*
Exchange of notes at Tokyo May 21, August 12, August 26, and
September 18, 1952.
Entered into force September 18, 1952; operative October 1,
5 UST 363; TIAS 2930; 227 UNTS 85
Agreement relating to the reciprocal issuance of nonimmigrant
Exchange of notes at Tokyo August 9 and 23, 1966.
Entered into force September 22, 1966.
17 UST 1228; TIAS 6087
* The status of these agreements is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo September 5, 1956.
Entered into force September 5, 1956.
7 UST 2497; TIAS 3638; 277 UNTS 267
Agreement establishing the Joint Committee on United States-
Japan Cultural and Educational Cooperation.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo November 8, 1968.
Entered into force November 8, 1968.
19 UST 7549; TIAS 6597; 702 UNTS 277
February 25, 1977 (28 UST 5326; TIAS 8635)
Agreement relating to the sending of technical missions by
Japan to the United States to study the production of defense
equipment and supplies.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 21, 1954.
Entered into force January 21, 1954.
5 UST 317; TIAS 2923; 223 UNTS 145
Agreement for return of equipment under article I of the
mutual defense assistance agreement.
Signed at Tokyo March 8, 1954.
Entered into force May 1, 1954.
5 UST 708; TIAS 2958; 232 UNTS 215
Mutual defense assistance agreement, with annexes.*
Signed at Tokyo March 8, 1954.
Entered into force May 1, 1954.
5 UST 661; TIAS 2957; 232 UNTS 169
* For the revision of references in the agreement consequent to the
mutual security treaty (TIAS 4509), see exchange of notes of
January 19, 1960 (11 UST 1758; TIAS 4511). See also agreement
of July 4, 1969 (TIAS 6715).
Agreement relating to the transfer of military equipment and
supplies to Japan.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo November 19, 1954.
Entered into force November 19, 1954.
5 UST 2404; TIAS 3101; 238 UNTS 207
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement relating to the furnishing of military equipment
pursuant to article I of the mutual defense assistance
Exchange of notes at Tokyo January 7, 1955.
Entered into force January 7, 1955.
6 UST 9; TIAS 3161; 251 UNTS 404
* For agreement on the clarification of terms, see exchange of notes
of November 25, 1957 (8 UST 2413; TIAS 3958; 303 UNTS 348).
Agreement relating to a program of aircraft assembly or
manufacture in Japan.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo June 3, 1955.
Entered into force June 3, 1955.
6 UST 3817; TIAS 3383; 270 UNTS 51
Agreement setting forth understandings with respect to the
program of aircraft assembly or manufacture in Japan pursuant
to the agreement of June 3, 1955.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo April 13, 1956.
Entered into force April 13, 1956.
7 UST 649; TIAS 3547; 273 UNTS 223
Treaty of mutual cooperation and security, with agreed minute
and exchanges of notes.
Signed at Washington January 19, 1960.
Entered into force June 23, 1960.
11 UST 1632; TIAS 4509; 373 UNTS 186
December 26, 1990 (TIAS 12335)
Agreement under article VI of the treaty of mutual cooperation
and security regarding facilities and areas and the status of
United States armed forces in Japan, with agreed minutes and
exchange of notes.*
Signed at Washington January 19, 1960.
Entered into force June 23, 1960.
11 UST 1652; TIAS 4510; 373 UNTS 248
* For the understanding concerning the application of the agreement
to small maritime claims, see exchange of notes of August 22,
(11 UST 2160; TIAS 4580; 394 UNTS 310). For special measures
under Article XXIV, see agreement of January 30, 1987.
Understanding revising references to the mutual security treaty
(TIAS 4509) and the administrative agreement in the mutual
defense assistance agreement of March 8, 1954 (TIAS 2957).
Exchange of notes at Washington January 19, 1960.
Entered into force June 23, 1960.
11 UST 1758; TIAS 4511
Agreement relating to a program for the acquisition and
production in Japan of the F 4EJ aircraft and related
equipment and material.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo April 4, 1969.
Entered into force April 4, 1969.
20 UST 545; TIAS 6664; 707 UNTS 207
Related Agreements:
November 21, 1972 (23 UST 3794; TIAS 7529)
July 12, 1977 (29 UST 1901; TIAS 8910)
Agreement relating to the change in designation of
organization of its personnel from Military Assistance
Advisory Group to the Mutual Defense Assistance Office
pursuant to the mutual defense assistance agreement of March
8, 1954 (TIAS 2957).
Exchange of notes at Tokyo July 4, 1969.
Entered into force July 4, 1969.
20 UST 2525; TIAS 6715; 719 UNTS 294
Agreement relating to the production and acquisition in Japan
of the Sparrow missile for ship-to-air application.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo July 12, 1977.
Entered into force October 7, 1977.
29 UST 1513; TIAS 8896
Agreement relating to acquisition and production in Japan of
F-15 aircraft and related equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo June 20, 1978.
Entered into force June 20, 1978.
30 UST 1599; TIAS 9267
Related Agreements:
December 28, 1984 (TIAS 11978)
February 14, 1989 (TIAS 12331)
March 31, 1992 (TIAS 12331)
Agreement relating to acquisition and production in Japan of
P-3C aircraft and related equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo June 20, 1978.
Entered into force June 20, 1978.
30 UST 1608; TIAS 9268; 1150 UNTS 123
Related Agreements:
September 10, 1985 (TIAS 12017)
March 24, 1989 (TIAS 12017)
March 24, 1995 (TIAS 12341)
Agreement for the transfer of defense-related technologies,
with annex.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo November 8, 1983.
Entered into force November 8, 1983.
35 UST 2981; TIAS 10835; 2014 UNTS 563
January 8, 1988 (TIAS 12329)
December 22, 1994 (TIAS 12329)
February 6, 1998
Agreement relating to the acquisition and production in Japan
of the Patriot weapon system.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo October 4, 1985.
Entered into force October 4, 1985.
TIAS 11979
Agreement relating to the furnishing of assistance in the field
of training for defense services personnel and defense-related
civilian personnel.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo January 21, 1986.
Entered into force January 21, 1986.
TIAS 12005
Agreement relating to a program for the development of the
XSH-60J weapon system.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo January 20, 1987.
Entered into force January 20, 1987.
TIAS 12014; 2244 UNTS 91
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the acquisition and production of the
EP-3 aircraft in Japan.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 29, 1988.
Entered into force March 29, 1988.
March 31, 1992
March 26, 1993
March 29, 1994
March 31, 1995
March 29, 1996
March 28, 1997
March 27, 1998
Memorandum of understanding concerning joint use of
facilities and areas at Kasuga Air Base.
Signed at Kasuga-shi July 19, 1988.
Entered into force July 19, 1988.
Agreement concerning the acquisition and production in Japan
of the SH-60J and UH-60J aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 31, 1989.
Entered into force March 31, 1989.
March 30, 1990
March 29, 1991
March 31, 1992
January 8, 1993
March 22, 1994
March 10, 1995
March 29, 1996
March 28, 1997
March 27, 1998
March 23, 1999
Agreement concerning the acquisition and production in Japan
of the HYDRA 70 Rocket System.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 31, 1989.
Entered into force March 31, 1989.
TIAS 12332
Agreement concerning the acquisition and production in Japan
of the Sparrow Missile System (AIM 7M).
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 27, 1990.
Entered into force March 27, 1990.
TIAS 12333
March 29, 1991 (TIAS 12333)
Agreement for the assembly and repair in Japan of the
AN/ALQ 131 System (Electronic Countermeasures Pod) and
related equipment and materials, with exchange of letters.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 12, 1993.
Entered into force March 12, 1993.
TIAS 12338
Agreement concerning cooperative research of fighting
vehicle propulsion technology using ceramic materials.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo October 31, 1995.
Entered into force October 31, 1995.
TIAS 12701
Agreement concerning cooperative research of advanced steel
Exchange of notes at Tokyo October 31, 1995.
Entered into force October 31, 1995.
TIAS 12344
Agreement relating to the production of the Support Fighter
(F-2) Weapon system.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo July 30, 1996.
Entered into force July 30, 1996.
TIAS 12788
Agreement concerning a program for the cooperative research
of eyesafe laser radar.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 20, 1996.
Entered into force September 20, 1996.
TIAS 12802
Agreement concerning a cooperative modification program for
the ACES II Ejection Seat.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 27, 1998.
Entered into force March 27, 1998.
Agreement concerning a program for the cooperative research
of Advanced Hybrid Propulsion Technologies.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo May 26, 1998.
Entered into force May 26, 1998.
Agreement concerning a program for the cooperative research
of Shallow Water Acoustic Technology (SWAT).
Exchange of notes at Tokyo June 18, 1999.
Entered into force June 18, 1999.
TIAS 13047
Agreement concerning a program for the cooperative research
on ballistic missile defense technologies.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo August 16, 1999.
Entered into force August 16, 1999.
TIAS 13055
Agreement concerning the acquisition and production in Japan
of the UH-60J and UH-60JA aircraft and related equipment
and material.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 10, 2000.
Entered into force March 10, 2000.
Agreement concerning a program for the cooperative research
of Low Vulnerability Gun Propellant for Artillery.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 24, 2000.
Entered into force March 24, 2000.
Agreement concerning the acquisition and production in Japan
of the UH-60J and UH-60JA aircraft and related equipment
and materials.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 23, 2001.
Entered into force March 23, 2001.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the acquisition and production in Japan
of the UP-3C aircraft and related equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 23, 2001.
Entered into force March 23, 2001.
Agreement concerning logistic support, supplies and services
contributed by Japan to the armed forces or other similar
entities of the United States of America.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo November 16, 2001.
Entered into force November 16, 2001.
TIAS 13173
Agreement concerning the acquisition and production in Japan
of the OP-3C Aircraft and related equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 26, 2002.
Entered into force March 26, 2002.
Agreement concerning the acquisition and production in Japan
of the SH 60J/UH 60J/ UH 60JA Aircraft and related
equipment and materials and the SH 60JMOD Aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 26, 2002.
Entered into force March 26, 2002.
Agreement concerning a program for the cooperative research
of Software Radio.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 26, 2002.
Entered into force March 26, 2002.
Agreement concerning a program for the Cooperative
Avionics and Missions Systems Study for Maritime Patrol
Aircraft of Japan and Multi-Mission Maritime Aircraft of the
United States of America.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 26, 2002.
Entered into force March 26, 2002.
Agreement concerning the acquisition and production in Japan
of the Multiple Launch Rocket Systems and related equipment
and materials.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 26, 2002.
Entered into force March 26, 2002.
Agreement concerning the program for the acquisition and
production in Japan of the SH 60J/UH 60J/UH 60JA/SH
60JMOD Aircraft, and related equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 18, 2003.
Entered into force March 18, 2003.
Agreement concerning the program for the acquisition and
production in Japan of the AH-64 Helicopter System and
related equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 18, 2003.
Entered into force March 18, 2003.
August 21, 2018
Agreement concerning an engineers and scientists exchange
program arising from implementation of the mutual defense
assistance agreement of March 8, 1954.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo May 9, 2003.
Entered into force May 9, 2003.
May 1 and 9, 2013 (NP)
February 3, 2016 (NP)
Agreement concerning the acquisition and production in Japan
of the EP-3, UP-3C, UP-3D and OP-3C aircraft and related
equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 30, 2004.
Entered into force March 30, 2004.
Agreement concerning the Advance Hull Materials &
Structures Technology (AHM&ST) cooperative research
Exchange of notes at Tokyo April 14, 2005.
Entered into force April 14, 2005.
Memorandum of understanding international defining
responsibilities for the Government of Japan’s use of the
Kadena munitions storage area, with enclosures.
Signed at Okinawa February 8 and 10, 2006.
Entered into force February 10, 2006.
Agreement concerning the cooperation in information
assurance and computer network defense.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo April 18, 2006.
Entered into force April 18, 2006.
Agreement for cooperation on ballistic missile defense.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo June 23, 2006.
Entered into force June 23, 2006.
Agreement concerning cooperation in the field of geospatial
Exchange of notes at Tokyo December 22, 2006.
Entered into force December 22, 2006.
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified military information.
Signed at Tokyo August 10, 2007.
Entered into force August 10, 2007.
TIAS 07-810
Memorandum of understanding concerning airborne
intercept/electronic warfare (A/EW) exercises, with
addendums and attachment.
Signed September 20 and 26, 2008
Entered into force September 26, 2008.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the implementation of the relocation of
III Marine Expeditionary Force personnel and their
dependents from Okinawa to Guam.
Signed at Tokyo February 17, 2009.
Entered into force May 9, 2009.
TIAS 09-519
October 3, 2013 (TIAS 09-519)
Agreement for the cooperative research on Image Gyro for
airborne applications.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo February 17, 2010.
Entered into force February 17, 2010.
TIAS 10-217
Memorandum of agreement regarding the exchange of
military personnel, with annexes.
Signed at Arlington February 23, 2010.
Entered into force February 23, 2010.
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified military information relating to the Joint Strike
Fighter (JSF) F-35 air system and associated ancillary mission
Exchange of notes at Tokyo January 18, 2011.
Entered into force January 18, 2011.
TIAS 11-118.1
Agreement for the cooperative research on hybrid electric
propulsion program.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo November 2, 2012.
Entered into force November 2, 2012.
TIAS 12-1102.1
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed August 7 and 15, 2013.
Entered into force August 15, 2013.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of Japan
maritime self-defense force personnel to the U.S. Navy, with
Signed at Washington and Tokyo August 7 and 15, 2013.
Entered into force August 15, 2013.
Agreement regarding the assignment of Japan ground self-
defense force personnel to the U.S. Army, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Tokyo July 18 and August 22, 2013.
Entered into force August 22, 2013.
Agreement for the cooperative research on high-speed multi-
hull vessel optimization.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 4, 2014.
Entered into force March 4, 2014.
TIAS 14-304
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers to Headquarters, PACAF, with annexes.
Signed at Pearl Harbor-Hickam and Tokyo July 3 and 22, 2014.
Entered into force July 22, 2014.
Agreement on cooperation in the field of environmental
stewardship relating to the United States Forces in Japan.
Signed at Washington September 28, 2015.
Entered into force September 28, 2015.
TIAS 15-928
Agreement concerning new special measures relating to
Article XXIV of the Agreement under Article VI of the Treaty
of mutual cooperation and security regarding facilities and
areas and the status of United States armed forces in Japan,
with agreed minutes.
Signed at Tokyo January 22, 2016.
Entered into force April 1, 2016.
TIAS 16-401.3
Agreement concerning reciprocal defense procurement.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo June 3, 2016.
Entered into force June 3, 2016.
TIAS 16-603
Agreement concerning reciprocal provision of logistic support,
supplies, and services, with annexes.
Signed at Tokyo September 26, 2016.
Entered into force April 25, 2017.
Agreement on cooperation with regard to implementation
practices relating to the civilian component of the United
States Armed Forces in Japan, supplementary to the agreement
under Article VI of the Treaty of mutual cooperation and
security regarding facilities and areas and the status of United
States Armed Forces in Japan.
Signed at Tokyo September 26, 2016.
Entered into force April 25, 2017.
TIAS 17-116
Agreement concerning a program for the cooperative research
on high temperature case technologies.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo, July 27, 2018.
Entered into force July 27, 2018.
TIAS 18-727
Agreement concerning security measures for the Japan E-767
Airborne, Warning and Control System (AWACS).
Exchange of notes at Tokyo November 20, 2018.
Entered into force November 20, 2018.
TIAS 18-1120
Agreement concerning a program for the cooperative research
on amphibious operational technologies.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo April 16, 2019.
Entered into force April 16, 2019.
TIAS 19-416
Consular convention and protocol.
Signed at Tokyo March 22, 1963.
Entered into force August 1, 1964.
15 UST 768; TIAS 5602; 518 UNTS 179
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on educational exchange programs.
Signed at Tokyo February 15, 1979.
Entered into force December 24, 1979.
31 UST 381; TIAS 9615; 1202 UNTS 149
Agreement concerning the Mike Mansfield Fellowship
Exchange of notes at Tokyo August 21, 1996.
Entered into force August 21, 1996.
TIAS 12794
Convention for the protection of migratory birds and birds in
danger of extinction, and their environment, with annex.
Signed at Tokyo March 4, 1972.
Entered into force September 19, 1974.
25 UST 3329; TIAS 7990
September 19, 1974 (25 UST 3329; TIAS 7990)
Agreement on cooperation in the field of environmental
protection, with agreed minutes.
Signed at Washington August 5, 1975.
Entered into force August 5, 1975.
26 UST 2534; TIAS 8172; 1027 UNTS 371
Amendment and Extensions:
August 5, 1980 (32 UST 2468; TIAS 9853; 1274 UNTS 336)
July 31, 1985 (TIAS 12387)
Agreement concerning cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 29, 1995.
Entered into force August 29, 1995.
TIAS 12686
Agreement regarding guaranty of investments in Japan, with a
related exchange of notes.
Signed at Tokyo March 8, 1954.
Entered into force May 1, 1954.
5 UST 791; TIAS 2968; 232 UNTS 251
Agreement concerning payments from Japanese utility
companies for uranium enrichment services.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 1, 1978.
Entered into force September 1, 1978.
30 UST 1850; TIAS 9295; 1153 UNTS 151
Productivity agreement.
Signed at Tokyo April 7, 1955.
Entered into force April 7, 1955.
6 UST 1007; TIAS 3241; 263 UNTS 285
Agreement providing for a third-country technical assistance
training program in Japan.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 23, 1960.
Entered into force March 23, 1960.
11 UST 1382; TIAS 4475; 372 UNTS 289
Agreement providing for cooperative efforts to be directed
toward sanitary control of the shellfish industry.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 24, 1962.
Entered into force October 24, 1962.
13 UST 2452; TIAS 5207; 462 UNTS 119
Agreement relating to the establishment of the Radiation
Effects Research Foundation.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo December 27, 1974.
Entered into force December 27, 1974.
26 UST 7; TIAS 8001
Agreement to facilitate the interchange of patent rights and
technical information for purposes of defense, and protocol.
Signed at Tokyo March 22, 1956.
Entered into force June 6, 1956.
7 UST 1021; TIAS 3585; 275 UNTS 195
Agreement implementing the agreement of March 22, 1956, to
facilitate interchange of patent rights and technical
information for purposes of defense, with memorandum of
understanding, procedures, related notes and letters.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo April 12, 1988.
Entered into force April 12, 1988.
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo February 16 and July 6, 1928.
Entered into force July 6, 1928.
9 Bevans 452
Arrangement for the exchange of information relating to the
seizure of illicit narcotic drugs and to persons engaged in the
illicit traffic.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo April 23 and September 6, 1929.
Entered into force September 6, 1929.
9 Bevans 455
Convention for prevention of smuggling of intoxicating
Signed at Washington May 31, 1928.
Entered into force January 16, 1930.
46 Stat. 2446; TS 807; 9 Bevans 446; 101 LNTS 63
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Procedures for mutual assistance in the administration of
justice in connection with the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
Signed at Washington March 23, 1976.
Entered into force March 23, 1976.
27 UST 946; TIAS 8233
Related Agreement:
January 20 and 22, 1979 (30 UST 3473; TIAS 9400; 1180 UNTS 157)
Treaty on extradition, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Tokyo March 3, 1978.
Entered into force March 26, 1980.
31 UST 892; TIAS 9625; 1203 UNTS 225
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
administrations, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington June 17, 1997.
Entered into force June 17, 1997.
TIAS 12869
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
attachment and related exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington on August 5, 2003.
Entered into force July 21, 2006.
TIAS 06-721.3
Agreement enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Tokyo February 7, 2014.
Entered into force January 5, 2019.
TIAS 19-105
Agreement relating to the establishment, operation, and
maintenance of an OMEGA navigational aid station in Japan.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo August 15, 1972.
Entered into force August 15, 1972.
23 UST 1480; TIAS 7428; 898 UNTS 55
Agreement on maritime search and rescue.
Signed at Tokyo December 12, 1986.
Entered into force December 12, 1986.
TIAS 11413; 2191 UNTS 57
September 30, 1998 (TIAS 12986)
Agreement for cooperation in research and development
concerning nuclear material control and accounting measures
for safeguards and non-proliferation, with annex.
Signed at Washington July 21, 2006.
Entered into force July 21, 2006.
TIAS 06-721.2
Agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of
nuclear energy, with annexes, agreed minutes, implementing
agreement and exchanges of notes.
Signed at Tokyo November 4, 1987.
Entered into force July 17, 1988.
TIAS; 1574 UNTS 287
Agreement regarding cooperation in the field of nuclear
energy-related research and development.
Exchange of notes March 9, 2012.
Entered into force March 9, 2012.
TIAS 12-309
June 25, 2019 (TIAS 19-625)
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with annex.
Signed at Tokyo and Vienna September 10 and 14, 2015.
Entered into force September 14, 2015.
TIAS 15-914
Agreement concerning the Amami Islands, and exchange of
Signed at Tokyo December 24, 1953.
Entered into force December 25, 1953.
4 UST 2912; TIAS 2895; 222 UNTS 193
Agreement concerning Nanpo Shoto and other islands with
exchange of notes.
Signed at Tokyo April 5, 1968.
Entered into force June 26, 1968.
19 UST 4895; TIAS 6495; 683 UNTS 285
Agreement concerning the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito
Islands with related arrangements.
Signed at Washington and Tokyo June 17, 1971.
Entered into force May 15, 1972.
23 UST 446; TIAS 7314
Memorandum of understanding relating to the initiation of
accelerated mail service.
Signed at Tokyo and Washington May 8 and 27, 1975.
Entered into force May 27, 1975; effective June 16, 1975.
29 UST 90; TIAS 8794
Memorandum of understanding relating to the exchange of
postal money orders.
Signed at Tokyo and Washington August 31 and
December 24, 1984.
Effective January 1, 1985.
June 21 and July 12, 1985
Arrangement relating to perpetual leaseholds.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo March 25, 1937.
Entered into force March 25, 1937.
50 Stat. 1611; EAS 104; 9 Bevans 464; 181 LNTS 217
Agreement relating to the payment of damages caused by
United States aircraft to property of Japanese nationals.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo August 24, 1955.
Entered into force August 24, 1955.
6 UST 4064; TIAS 3418; 257 UNTS 297
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on cooperation in research and development in
science and technology, with annexes and exchanges of
Signed at Toronto June 20, 1988.
Entered into force June 20, 1988.
TIAS 12025; 2250 UNTS 117
Amendment and Extensions:
June 16, 1998 (TIAS 98-620)
March 19, 1999 (TIAS 98-620)
May 19, 1999 (TIAS 98-620)
July 16, 1999 (TIAS 98-620)
July 19, 2004 (TIAS 98-620)
April 23, 2014 (TIAS 14-720)
Agreement concerning cooperation in joint scientific balloon
launchings, with memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 2, 1993.
Entered into force June 2, 1993.
Agreement concerning the acquisition by the Government of
Japan of remote sensing parts and components and related
information for the indigenous development of an Information
Gathering Satellite System.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo September 29, 1999.
Entered into force September 29, 1999.
Agreement on cooperation to maintain meteorological satellite
observation over the Pacific region through the mutual back-
up of geostationary meteorological satellites, with
implementing arrangement.
Exchange of notes at Washington February 18, 2005.
Entered into force February 18, 2005.
TIAS 05-218
Agreement for cooperation on the formulation activity of the
global precipitation measurement program, with memorandum
of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 10, 2005.
Entered into force June 10, 2005.
TIAS 05-610.2
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the use of
U.S. land remote sensing satellite data, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Tsukuba November 13 and 21, 2013.
Entered into force November 21, 2013.
TIAS 13-1121.1
Agreement concerning enrollment of Japanese employees of
the Okinawa office of the Voice of America in the
employment insurance scheme of Japan.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo September 30 and October 15,
Entered into force October 15, 1976; effective April 1, 1976.
27 UST 4312; TIAS 8452; 1066 UNTS 291
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Washington February 19, 2004.
Entered into force October 1, 2005.
TIAS 05-1001
Agreement relating to the establishment by Japan of a satellite
tracking station in Okinawa.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo September 2, 1968.
Entered into force September 2, 1968.
19 UST 6011; TIAS 6558; 702 UNTS 151
September 25, 1969 (20 UST 3017; TIAS 6778; 727 UNTS 429)
Agreement concerning cooperation in space activities for
peaceful purposes.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo July 31, 1969.
Entered into force July 31, 1969.
20 UST 2720; TIAS 6735; 720 UNTS 79
Agreement concerning the furnishing of launching and
associated services by NASA for Japanese satellites, with
memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 23, 1975.
Entered into force May 23, 1975.
26 UST 1029; TIAS 8090
Agreement relating to space launch assistance, with exchange
of letters.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 3, 1980.
Entered into force December 3, 1980.
32 UST 4197; TIAS 9940; 1266 UNTS 143
Memorandum of understanding for a cooperative program
concerning design (Phase B) of a permanently manned space
Signed at Tokyo May 9, 1985.
Entered into force May 9, 1985.
TIAS 11327
Agreement concerning cooperation regarding the Geotail
Scientific Satellite Program.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo September 25, 1989.
Entered into force September 25, 1989.
TIAS 12203
Agreement concerning cross-waiver of liability for
cooperation in the exploration and use of space for peaceful
purposes, with annex and exchanges of notes.
Signed at Washington April 24, 1995.
Entered into force July 20, 1995.
TIAS 12638
December 1, 2008 (TIAS 08-1201.1)
Agreement concerning cooperation on the Advanced
Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer
Program, with memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 24, 1996.
Entered into force October 24, 1996.
TIAS 12809
October 19, 2012 (TIAS 12-1019)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning cooperation on the Tropical Rainfall
Measuring Mission Program, with memorandum of
understanding of October 20, 1995, and its amendment.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 30, 1997.
Entered into force May 30, 1997.
TIAS 97-530
June 2, 1997 (TIAS 97-530)
May 28, 2002 (TIAS 97-530)
May 22, 2008 (TIAS 97-530)
Agreement concerning cooperation on the Advanced
Microwave Scanning Radiometer E (AMSR E) Program.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 30, 1998.
Entered into force November 30, 1998.
TIAS 13004
May 22, 2008 (TIAS 08-522)
Agreement for cooperation on the MU Space Engineering
Spacecraft-C (MUSES-C) Program, with memorandum of
Exchange of notes at Washington April 25, 2003.
Entered into force April 25, 2003.
TIAS 03-425
April 22, 2011 (TIAS 03-425)
Agreement for the x ray astronomy satellite (ASTRO EII)
project, with memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 10, 2005.
Entered into force June 10, 2005.
TIAS 05-610
June 6, 2012 (TIAS 05-610)
Agreement concerning activities related to the solar physics
satellite (Solar B) project, with memorandum of
Exchange of notes at Washington June 10, 2005.
Entered into force June 10, 2005.
TIAS 05-610.1
June 5, 2013 (TIAS 13-605)
June 8, 2018 (TIAS 18-608)
Agreement for cooperation on the development and operations
activity of a Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM)
mission, with memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 19, 2008.
Entered into force December 19, 2008.
TIAS 08-1219 and 08-1219A
Agreement concerning the space situational awareness
services and information sharing for the safety of space, with
memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo May 28, 2013.
Entered into force May 28, 2013.
TIAS 13-528
Agreement for cooperation on the X-ray Astronomy Satellite
(Astro-H) Project, with memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 8, 2013.
Entered into force October 8, 2013.
TIAS 13-1008
Agreement for cooperation on the Greenhouse Gases
Observing Satellite (GOSAT), the Orbiting Carbon
Observatory-2 (OCO-2), and the Greenhouse Gases Observing
Satellite-2 (GOSAT-2) missions, with memorandum of
Exchange of notes at Washington November 21, 2014.
Entered into force November 21, 2014.
TIAS 14-1121.1
Agreement relating to tax relief for expenditures made by the
United States in Japan under mutual security programs.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo July 14 and 25, 1952.
Entered into force July 25, 1952.
3 UST 2955; TIAS 2477; 198 UNTS 281
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on estates,
inheritances, and gifts.
Signed at Washington April 16, 1954.
Entered into force April 1, 1955.
6 UST 113; TIAS 3175; 238 UNTS 3
Agreement concerning reciprocal exemption from taxation of
income accruing from the business of shipping.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 29, 1989.
Entered into force August 29, 1989.
TIAS 11697; 2207 UNTS 401
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with protocol and related exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington November 6, 2003.
Entered into force March 30, 2004.
TIAS 04-330
January 24, 2013 (TIAS 19-830)
Agreement providing for a program of cooperation in the
testing of experimental communications satellites.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo November 6, 1962.
Entered into force November 6, 1962.
13 UST 2470; TIAS 5212; 459 UNTS 203
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Tokyo August 8, 1985.
Entered into force September 7, 1985.
TIAS 12004
Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, protocol, and
exchange of notes of August 29, 1953.*
Signed at Tokyo April 2, 1953.
Entered into force October 30, 1953.
4 UST 2063; TIAS 2863; 206 UNTS 143
* Applicable to Bonin Islands and Ryukyu Islands.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for the establishment of a Joint United States-
Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 22, 1961.
Entered into force June 22, 1961.
12 UST 731; TIAS 4776; 410 UNTS 53
Agreement to accelerate tariff reductions.
Exchange of letters at Washington September 30, 1981.
Entered into force September 30, 1981.
33 UST 4490; TIAS 10318
Agreement concerning market access for beef, fresh oranges,
orange juice and other products, with annex.
Exchange of letters at Washington July 5, 1988.
Entered into force July 5, 1988.
Agreement concerning market access for various agricultural
products, with annexes.
Exchange of letters at Washington August 2, 1988.
Entered into force August 2, 1988.
Agreement concerning trade in certain machine tools, with
arrangement, agreed minutes, exchanges of notes and related
Exchange of letters at Washington June 30, 1992.
Entered into force June 30, 1992.
Agreement concerning cooperation on anticompetitive
Signed at Washington October 7, 1999.
Entered into force October 7, 1999.
Agreement on mutual recognition of results of conformity
assessment procedures, with annex.
Signed at Washington February 16, 2007.
Entered into force January 1, 2008.
Trade agreement.
Signed at Washington October 7, 2019.
Entered into force January 1, 2020.
Agreement concerning digital trade, with related exchange of
Signed at Washington October 7, 2019.
Entered into force January 1, 2020.
Civil air transport agreement and exchange of notes relating to
provisional application.
Signed at Tokyo August 11, 1952.
Entered into force provisionally August 11, 1952; definitively
September 15, 1953.
4 UST 1948; TIAS 2854; 212 UNTS 27
May 9, 1972 (23 UST 677; TIAS 7333)
July 26, 1977 (29 UST 1375; TIAS 8882)
August 21, 1996 (TIAS 12793)
April 20, 1998 (TIAS 12945)
November 13, 2010 (TIAS 10-1113.1)
April 26, 2016 (TIAS 16-1030)
Interim agreement relating to the civil air transport agreement
of August 11, 1952, as amended (TIAS 2854, 7333, 8882),
with record of consultations, memorandum of understanding
and exchange of letters.*
Exchange of letters at Washington September 7, 1982.
Entered into force September 7, 1982.
34 UST 1541; TIAS 10434; 1736 UNTS 284
* Provisions relating to Guam, Saipan and Micronesia have been
superseded by the 1985 memorandum of understanding.
Interim agreement relating to the civil air transport agreement
of August 11, 1952, as amended, with memorandum of
understanding, exchange of letters and related letter.
Exchange of notes at Bonn May 1, 1985.
Entered into force May 1, 1985.
TIAS 11999; 2246 UNTS 88
Interim agreement relating to the civil air transport agreement
of August 11, 1952, as amended, with memorandum of
Exchange of notes at Washington December 27, 1989.
Entered into force December 27, 1989.
TIAS 12406; 2361 UNTS 3
Interim arrangement relating to the civil air transport
agreement of August 11, 1952, as amended, with attachment.
Exchange of notes at Washington February 26, 1996.
Entered into force February 26, 1996.
TIAS 12728; 2478 UNTS 52
Agreement for the provision of technical assistance in
developing and modernizing the civil aviation infrastructure of
Japan, with letter of understanding.
Signed July 5 and 17, 2002.
Entered into force July 17, 2002.
January 22 and 26, 2010 (NP)
July 16 and 30, 2010 (NP)
Agreement for the promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Tokyo April 27, 2009.
Entered into force April 27, 2009.
TIAS 09-427.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Amman October 28, 1996.
Entered into force October 28, 1996.
TIAS 12810
Agreement concerning payment to the United States of net
proceeds from the sale of defense articles furnished under the
military assistance program.
Exchange of letters at Amman May 20 and August 24, 1974.
Entered into force August 24, 1974; effective July 1, 1974.
25 UST 2422; TIAS 7921
November 10, 2004 and February 7, 2005 (TIAS 05-207)
Agreement relating to the furnishing of defense articles and
services to Jordan.
Exchange of notes at Amman October 20, 1976 and
February 23, 1977.
Entered into force February 23, 1977.
28 UST 4494; TIAS 8602
Agreement concerning the grant of defense articles and
services under the military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Amman August 27, 1979.
Entered into force August 28, 1979.
30 UST 7537; TIAS 9597; 1205 UNTS 9
August 18 and September 20, 1982 (TIAS 10501)
Agreement concerning the grant of defense articles and
services under the military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Amman August 14 and 30, 1980.
Entered into force August 30, 1980; effective August 28, 1980.
32 UST 2412; TIAS 9850
August 18 and September 20, 1982 (TIAS 10501)
Agreement regarding the status of United States military
personnel and civilian employees of the Department of
Defense who may be in Jordan temporarily in connection with
their official duties.
Exchange of notes at Amman April 4 and 10, 1996.
Entered into force April 10, 1996.
Agreement concerning the transfer of United States
Government granted or sold defense articles or related training
or other defense services to the Government of Jordan.
Exchange of notes at Amman August 13 and 27, 2000.
Entered into force August 27, 2000.
TIAS 13114
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Tampa and Amman March 21 and 29, 2006.
Entered into force March 29, 2006.
TIAS 06-329
Memorandum of arrangement regarding assignment of liaison
Signed at Norfolk and Washington July 12, 2006.
Entered into force July 12, 2006.
April 4, 2011 (NP)
April 19 and July 12, 2016 (NP)
Agreement concerning geospatial intelligence exchange and
cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Springfield September 7, 2011.
Entered into force September 7, 2011.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Marka September 21, 2012 and
January 22, 2013.
Entered into force January 22, 2013.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Amman and Tampa June 16 and July 10, 2014.
Entered into force July 10, 2014.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training, and other
defense services, including pursuant to the U.S.C. Title 10,
Section 2282, by the United States of America to the
Government of the Kingdom of Jordan.
Exchange of notes at Amman July 28 and August 16, 2015.
Entered into force August 16, 2015.
TIAS 15-816
Joint statement on United States-Jordan relations.
Issued at Amman June 18, 1974.
Entered into force June 18, 1974.
25 UST 1510; TIAS 7885
Agreement concerning cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Amman October 31, 1996.
Entered into force October 31, 1996.
TIAS 12812
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Amman October 31, 1989.
Entered into force December 6, 1989.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Amman May 10, 1992.
Entered into force June 22, 1992.
October 7 and November 1, 1993 (NP)
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Amman August 18, 1994.
Entered into force September 19, 1994.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts related to
foreign assistance owed to the Government of the United
States, with annexes.
Signed at Amman September 29, 1994.
Entered into force September 29, 1994.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by or insured by the Government of the United
States and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Amman September 25, 1995.
Entered into force September 30, 1995.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Amman August 25, 1997.
Entered into force September 25, 1997.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to
the Government of the United States, with annex.
Signed at Amman September 25, 1997.
Entered into force September 25, 1997.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Amman October 17, 1999.
Entered into force December 13, 1999.
Agreement regarding the consolidation of certain debts owed
to, guaranteed or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Amman March 23, 2003.
Entered into force April 28, 2003.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Amman February 7, 2007.
Entered into force March 26, 2007.
TIAS 07-326
Agreement regarding the early repayment of certain debts
owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United States
Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Amman March 30, 2008.
Entered into force March 30, 2008.
Agreement relating to duty-free entry and defrayment of
inland transportation charges for relief supplies of United
States voluntary agencies.
Exchange of notes at Amman May 1 and June 29, 1954.
Entered into force June 29, 1954.
5 UST 2896; TIAS 3145; 237 UNTS 111
July 6, September 28, and October 15, 1955
(8 UST 369; TIAS 3784; 279 UNTS 324)
General agreement providing for economic, technical, and
related assistance to Jordan.
Exchange of notes at Amman June 25 and 27, 1957.
Entered into force July 1, 1957.
8 UST 1073; TIAS 3870; 288 UNTS 269
Agreement relating to economic assistance.
Exchange of notes at Amman June 29, 1957.
Entered into force June 29, 1957.
8 UST 1069; TIAS 3869; 288 UNTS 263
Loan guarantee agreement, with declaration, with annexes.
Signed at Amman August 14, 2013.
into force October 26, 2013.
TIAS 13-1026
Loan guarantee agreement, with declaration, with annexes.
Signed at Amman May 5, 2014.
into force June 21, 2014.
TIAS 14-621
Loan guarantee agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Amman May 31, 2015.
into force June 24, 2015.
TIAS 15-624
Agreement for investing in people/economic growth, with
Signed September 17, 2007.
Entered into force September 17, 2007.
September 28, 2011 (NP)
October 4, 2011 (NP)
September 30, 2012 (NP)
Agreement for governing justly and democratically, with
Signed September 19, 2007.
Entered into force September 19, 2007.
September 28, 2011 (NP)
September 30, 2012 (NP)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for investing in people, with annex.
Signed September 24, 2007.
Entered into force September 24, 2007.
September 28, 2011 (NP)
October 20, 2011 (NP)
September 30, 2012 (NP)
Agreement for economic growth, with annex.
Signed September 24, 2007.
Entered into force September 24, 2007.
September 28, 2011 (NP)
October 20, 2011 (NP)
September 4, 2012 (NP)
September 30, 2012 (NP)
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington December 16, 2004.
Entered into force February 28, 2006.
TIAS 06-228
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Washington March 28, 1995.
Entered into force July 29, 1995.
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Amman December 8, 2004.
Entered into force December 8, 2004.
TIAS 04-1208.2
Agreement concerning the training of Iraqi police in Jordan.
Signed at Amman and Washington September 24, 2004.
Entered into force September 6, 2005.
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Amman and Washington
December 31, 1986 and January 30, 1987.
Entered into force March 27, 1987.
TIAS 11308
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Amman April 5, 2007.
Entered into force June 12, 2007.
TIAS 07-612
October 2 and 7, 2017 (TIAS 17-1007)
November 10, 2017 (TIAS 17-1110.1)
Agreement concerning the reciprocal exemption from income
tax of income derived from the international operation of ships
and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Amman April 7, 1988.
Entered into force April 7, 1988.
TIAS 11888
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 13 and 30, 1972.
Entered into force December 30, 1972.
23 UST 3492; TIAS 7508
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of letters at Amman February 6 and March 11, 1979.
Entered into force March 11, 1979.
30 UST 3783; TIAS 9425; 1170 UNTS 9
Agreement concerning the development of trade and
investment relations.
Signed at Washington March 15, 1999.
Entered into force March 15, 1999.
Agreement on the establishment of a free trade area, with
annexes, schedules, memoranda of understanding, joint
statements and exchanges of letters.
Signed at Washington October 24, 2000.
Entered into force December 17, 2001.
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annex and protocol.
Signed at Amman July 2, 1997.
Entered into force June 12, 2003.
TIAS 03-612
Agreement relating to the provision of technical assistance and
services to the Civil Aviation Department of Jordan.
Signed at Amman and Washington April 1 and May 3, 1980.
Entered into force June 1, 1980.
32 UST 1360; TIAS 9777; 1267 UNTS 77
May 31 and June 25, 1990 (TIAS 11738; 2204 UNTS 565)
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Amman November 10, 1996.
Entered into force November 10, 1996.
TIAS 12813
August 21 and November 7, 2006 (TIAS 06-1107)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of technical
assistance in developing, modernizing, operating or
maintaining the civil aviation infrastructure in Jordan
Signed May 24 and June 20, 2005.
Entered into force June 20, 2005.
May 12 and 27, 2010
Agreement regarding cooperation to detect the presence of and
deter the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Exchange of notes at Amman May 12 and June 15, 2014.
Entered into force September 29, 2014.
TIAS 14-929.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
NOTE: For agreements prior to December 31, 1991, see UNION OF
Agreement concerning the establishment and operation of
nuclear test seismic monitoring stations in Kazakhstan.
Signed at Washington November 18, 1997.
Entered into force November 18, 1997.
TIAS 12901
Agreement concerning the activity of the Peace Corps of the
United States in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Signed at Washington December 22, 1992.
Entered into force December 22, 1992.
TIAS 12084
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Astana July 5 and August 2, 2007.
Entered into force August 2, 2007.
Agreement on support for commercial rail transit of special
cargo through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in
connection with the participation of the United States of
America in efforts for the stabilization and reconstruction of
the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
Signed at Astana June 20, 2010.
Entered into force July 14, 2010.
TIAS 10-714
July 8, 2011 (TIAS 11-1122)
September 21, 2017 (18-521)
Agreement on the air transit of cargo and personnel through
the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in connection with
the participation of the United States of America in efforts for
ensuring the security, stabilization, and reconstruction of the
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, with annex.
Signed at Washington November 12, 2010.
Entered into force May 12, 2011.
Agreement on assessing air navigation service fees for state
Signed at Washington January 12, 2018.
Entered into force May 21, 2018.
TIAS 18-521.1
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified information.
Signed at Nur-Sultan August 20, 2019.
Entered into force October 23, 2019.
TIAS 19-1023
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 23 and June 3, 1996.
Entered into force June 3, 1996.
TIAS 11496
Agreement on cooperation in the fields of protection of the
environment and natural resources, with annex.
Signed at Washington March 27, 1995.
Entered into force March 27, 1995.
TIAS 12623
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Washington March 27, 1995.
Entered into force March 27, 1995.
TIAS 12624
Memorandum of understanding concerning the Regional
Environmental Center for Central Asia.
Signed at Almaty March 1, 2002.
Entered into force March 1, 2002.
TIAS 02-301
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington May 19, 1992.
Entered into force May 19, 1992.
Agreement regarding cooperation to facilitate the provision of
Signed at Washington May 20, 1992.
Entered into force May 20, 1992.
TIAS 11474
Agreement on the Kazakhstan-U.S. program for economic
Signed May 5, 2006.
Entered into force May 6, 2006.
February 22, 2010 (NP)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding regarding gender equity in
Signed November 23, 2010.
Entered into force November 23, 2010.
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at New York September 22, 2003.
Entered into force October 7, 2004.
TIAS 04-1007
Agreement regarding cooperation and mutual assistance
between their customs services.
Signed at Washington November 18, 1997.
Entered into force August 21, 2000.
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Washington February 20, 2015.
Entered into force December 6, 2016.
TIAS 16-1206
Agreement concerning control, accounting and physical
protection of nuclear material to promote the prevention of
nuclear weapons proliferation.
Signed at Almaty December 13, 1993.
Entered into force December 13, 1993.
June 30, 1995
November 17, 1997
November 17 and 26, 2003
Implementing arrangements concerning long-term disposition
of BN350 nuclear material.
Signed at Washington November 18, 1997.
Entered into force November 18, 1997.
Implementing arrangement for cooperation in the prevention
of illicit trafficking in nuclear material.
Signed at Astana May 5, 2006.
Entered into force May 5, 2006.
Implementing arrangement for cooperation in the field of
nuclear material safeguards and security, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Astana November 10 and 23, 2011.
Entered into force September 23, 2011.
TIAS 11-1123
Agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of
nuclear energy, with annex and agreed minute.
Signed at Washington November 18, 1997.
Entered into force November 5, 1999.
TIAS 12900
Implementing arrangement concerning the decommissioning
of the BN-350 Reactor.
Signed at Washington December 19, 1999.
Entered into force December 19, 1999.
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with annex.
Signed at Vienna September 24, 2014.
Entered into force September 24, 2014.
TIAS 14-924.2
Memorandum of understanding on providing a land plot to the
Government of the United States of America for the
construction of new diplomatic mission facilities of the United
States of America, with exhibits.
Signed at Almaty October 3, 2002.
Entered into force June 26, 2003.
TIAS 03-626.3
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Washington April 11, 2010.
Entered into force July 13, 2011.
TIAS 11-713
Agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation in
the earth sciences.
Signed at Reston and Astana June 6 and 16, 2014.
Entered into force June 16, 2014.
TIAS 14-616
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and capital, with protocol.
Signed at Almaty October 24, 1993.
Entered into force December 30, 1996.
TIAS 96-1230
Agreement concerning the relationship between the taxation
convention of October 24, 1993, and the General Agreement
on Trade in Services with regard to the consultation, most-
favored-nation and national treatment provisions.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 10, 1995.
Entered into force December 30, 1996.
TIAS 96-1230
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on trade relations, with related exchanges of
Signed at Washington May 19, 1992.
Entered into force February 18, 1993.
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington May 19, 1992.
Entered into force January 12, 1994.
Agreement concerning the destruction of silo launchers of
intercontinental ballistic missiles, emergency response and the
prevention of proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Signed at Almaty December 13, 1993.
Entered into force December 13, 1993.
TIAS 09-616.1
Amendment and Extension:
December 1 and 5, 2000 (TIAS 09-616.1)
December 13, 2007 (TIAS 09-616.1)
Agreement concerning the elimination of nuclear weapons
Signed at Almaty September 22 and October 3, 1995.
Entered into force October 3, 1995.
Amendments and Extensions:
June 10, 1996
September 9, 1998
December 17, 1999
July 29, 2000
May 13 and 31, 2002
March 11 and April 2, 2003
June 25 and 28, 2004
November 29 and December 7, 2004
August 15 and 23, 2005
April 28 and May 2, 2006
July 7 and August 13, 2009
April 7, 2015
Agreement relating to the establishment of a peace corps
program in Kenya.
Exchange of notes at Nairobi August 26, 1964.
Entered into force August 26, 1964.
15 UST 1906; TIAS 5666; 531 UNTS 51
Agreement relating to eligibility for United States military
assistance and training pursuant to the International Security
Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976.
Exchange of notes at Nairobi August 10 and 24, 1976.
Entered into force August 24, 1976.
28 UST 2468; TIAS 8568
Agreement regarding Kenya’s participation in the African
Crisis Response Initiative and the furnishing of commodities,
services, and related training by the Government of the United
States of America for peacekeeping and humanitarian
response purposes.
Exchange of notes at Nairobi March 10 and August 23, 2000.
Entered into force August 23, 2000.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training, and other defense services from the United
States of America to the Government of Kenya.
Exchange of notes at Nairobi July 28 and August 23, 2000.
Entered into force August 23, 2000.
TIAS 13112
Agreement concerning geospatial-intelligence exchange and
cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Bethesda and Nairobi March 6 and 18, 2008.
Entered into force March 18, 2008.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Nairobi January 26 and September
14, 2011.
Entered into force September 14, 2011.
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program.
Signed at Nairobi June 9, 1997.
Entered into force June 9, 1997.
TIAS 12864
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agency, with annexes.
Signed at Nairobi July 1, 1994.
Entered into force August 26, 1994.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Nairobi December 3, 1998.
Entered into force December 3, 1998.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Nairobi February 24, 2001.
Entered into force March 30, 2001.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Nairobi May 11, 2004.
Entered into force June 21, 2004.
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Applicable to Kenya July 6, 1948.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 86 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 25, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom for technical cooperation in respect of the territories
for the international relations of which the Government of the
United Kingdom are responsible.
Signed at London July 13, 1951.
Applicable to Kenya July 14, 1961.
2 UST 1307; TIAS 2281; 105 UNTS 71
Agreement regarding the non-taxation of the United States
Trade and Development Agency’s development assistance
activities in Kenya.
Signed at Nairobi July 20, 2015.
Entered into force July 20, 2015.
TIAS 15-720.1
Amendments to the Agreement of August 19, 2002, as
amended, for increased rural household income.
September 17, 2010 (NP)
September 20, 2011 (NP)
September 28, 2012 (NP)
December 27, 2012 (NP)
Amendments to the development assistance grant agreement
of August 19, 2003, as amended, for reduced fertility and the
risk of HIV/AIDS transmission through sustainable, integrated
family planning and health services, with attachment.
June 25, 2007 (NP)
September 27, 2007 (NP)
September 26, 2008 (NP)
September 12, 2009 (NP)
September 17, 2010 (NP)
September 20, 2011 (NP)
September 28, 2012 (NP)
December 27, 2012 (NP)
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Applicable to Kenya June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Agreement to continue in force between the United States and
Kenya the extradition treaty of December 22, 1931, between
the United States and the United Kingdom.
Exchange of notes at Nairobi May 14 and August 19, 1965.
Entered into force August 19, 1965.
16 UST 1866; TIAS 5916; 574 UNTS 153
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Washington August 6, 2014.
Entered into force October 6, 2017.
TIAS 17-1006
International express mail agreement.
Signed at Washington December 11, 1989.
Entered into force January 30, 1990.
Agreement concerning United States participation on a limited
voluntary basis in the National Social Security Fund of Kenya.
Exchange of notes at Nairobi January 31 and March 21, 1977.
Entered into force March 25, 1977.
29 UST 678; TIAS 8847
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of technical
assistance in developing and modernizing the civil aviation
infrastructure of Kenya.
Signed at Washington and Nairobi November 2, 2001.
Entered into force November 2, 2001.
March 15 and 19, 2004
August 18 and 26, 2009
Air transport agreement, with annex.
Signed at Washington June 18, 2008.
Entered into force June 18, 2008.
TIAS 08-618
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of technical
assistance in developing, modernizing, operating or
maintaining civil aviation infrastructure in the Republic of
Signed at Washington and Nairobi November 10, 2016.
Entered into force November 10, 2016.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On July 12, 1979, the Gilbert Islands became the independent state of
Kiribati. Referring to the status of conventions, treaties and other
international instruments applied to, or entered into on behalf of the
Gilbert Islands by the United Kingdom prior to independence, the
Beretitenti (President) of Kiribati, in a note dated September 11, 1979, to
the Secretary-General of the United Nations, made a statement reading in
part as follows:
The Government of the Republic of Kiribati desires that questions of
succession to such conventions, treaties and other international instruments
be governed by accepted rules of international law and by the relevant
principles contained in the Convention on Succession of States in respect
of Treaties, done at Vienna on 23 August 1978. Accordingly, the
Government of the Republic of Kiribati declares that, with regard to multi-
lateral treaties applied or extended to the former Gilbert Islands it will
continue to apply the terms of each such treaty provisionally and on the
basis of reciprocity until such time as it notifies the depositary authority of
its decision with respect thereto. With regard to bilateral treaties applied or
extended to, or entered into on behalf of, the former Gilbert Islands, the
Government of the Republic of Kiribati declares that it will examine each
such treaty and communicate its views to the other State Party concerned.
In the meantime the Government of the Republic of Kiribati will continue
to observe the terms of each such treaty, which validly so applies and is
not inconsistent with its advent to independence, provisionally and on a
basis of reciprocity.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands.
Exchange of notes at Suva and Tarawa November 12 and 20,
Entered into force November 20, 1974.
25 UST 3383; TIAS 7991
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Treaty of friendship, with agreed minute.
Signed at Tarawa September 20, 1979.
Entered into force September 23, 1983.
35 UST 2095; TIAS 10777
Investment incentive agreement.
Exchange of notes at Suva and Tarawa January 22, 1990.
Entered into force January 22, 1990.
TIAS 12095
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Tarawa March 4, 2004.
Entered into force March 4, 2004.
TIAS 04-304
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Kingdom with protocol of signature and exchange of notes.
Signed at London June 8, 1972.
Entered into force January 21, 1977.
28 UST 227; TIAS 8468
Agreement concerning cooperation in joint maritime
surveillance operations.
Signed at Tarawa November 24, 2008.
Entered into force November 24, 2008.
TIAS 08-1124
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences on global seismic
data acquisition, with annexes.
Signed at Suva February 23, 2006.
Entered into force February 23, 2006.
TIAS 06-223
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at London November 26, 1965.
Applicable to Kiribati December 11, 1969.
16 UST 2047; TIAS 5941; 561 UNTS 193
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom extending to certain territories the application of the
agreement of November 26, 1965, relating to the reciprocal
granting of authorizations to permit licensed amateur radio
operators of either country to operate their stations in the other
Exchange of notes at London December 11, 1969.
Entered into force December 11, 1969.
20 UST 4089; TIAS 6800; 732 UNTS 334
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom concerning air services, with annexes and exchange
of letters.
Signed at Bermuda July 23, 1977.
Entered into force July 23, 1977.
28 UST 5367; TIAS 8641
April 25, 1978 (29 UST 2680; TIAS 8965)
Utilities claims settlement agreement between the Unified
Command and Korea.
Signed at Seoul December 18, 1958.
Entered into force December 18, 1958.
10 UST 41; TIAS 4168; 325 UNTS 233
Agreement relating to the issuance of nonimmigrant visas and
the reciprocal waiver of fees.*
Exchange of notes at Seoul March 28, 1968.
Entered into force April 27, 1968.
19 UST 4789; TIAS 6479; 693 UNTS 199
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement for the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Seoul April 18 and September 24, 1966.
Entered into force September 24, 1966.
17 UST 1552; TIAS 6110; 607 UNTS 157
Agreement establishing the Korean-American Cultural
Exchange Committee.
Exchange of notes at Seoul April 17, 1981.
Entered into force April 17, 1981.
33 UST 1773; TIAS 10145; 1529 UNTS 359
Mutual defense assistance agreement.
Signed at Seoul January 26, 1950.
Entered into force January 26, 1950.
1 UST 137; TIAS 2019; 80 UNTS 205
Agreement relating to the assurances required by the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Pusan January 4 and 7, 1952.
Entered into force January 7, 1952.
3 UST 4619; TIAS 2612; 179 UNTS 105
Mutual defense treaty.
Signed at Washington October 1, 1953.
Entered into force November 17, 1954.
5 UST 2368; TIAS 3097; 238 UNTS 199
Agreed minute relating to continued cooperation in economic
and military matters.
Initialed at Seoul November 17, 1954.
Entered into force November 17, 1954.
6 UST 3913; TIAS 3396; 256 UNTS 251
January 30, 1962 (13 UST 244; TIAS 4967; 442 UNTS 323)
Agreement relating to the establishment of minimum facilities
for an arsenal and the reworking of ammunition.
Exchange of notes at Seoul May 29, 1955.
Entered into force May 29, 1955.
6 UST 3919; TIAS 3397; 256 UNTS 263
Agreement providing for the disposition of equipment and
materials furnished to Korea under the mutual defense
assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Seoul May 28 and July 2, 1956.
Entered into force July 2, 1956.
7 UST 2174; TIAS 3616; 281 UNTS 41
Agreement under Article IV of the mutual defense treaty of
October 1, 1953, regarding facilities and areas and the status
of United States armed forces in Korea, with agreed minutes
and exchange of notes.
Signed at Seoul July 9, 1966.
Entered into force February 9, 1967.
17 UST 1677; TIAS 6127; 674 UNTS 163
January 18, 2001 (TIAS 13138)
January 18, 2001 (TIAS 13138)
Agreement regarding the status of the Korean Service Corps
with agreed understandings.
Signed at Seoul February 23, 1967.
Entered into force March 10, 1967.
18 UST 249; TIAS 6226; 688 UNTS 245
Memorandum of understanding relating to the establishment
of an M16 rifle production program in Korea, with annexes.
Signed at Seoul and Washington March 31 and April 22, 1971.
Entered into force April 22, 1971.
29 UST 3537; TIAS 9026
July 30, 1976 (29 UST 3547; TIAS 9026)
October 14, 1977 (29 UST 3550; TIAS 9026)
Agreement concerning payment to the United States of net
proceeds from the sale of defense articles furnished under the
military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Seoul June 25 and 27, 1974.
Entered into force July 1, 1974.
25 UST 1434; TIAS 7871
Memorandum of agreement concerning conventional
ammunition logistics, with protocol.
Signed at Seoul November 25, 1974.
Entered into force November 25, 1974.
27 UST 2817; TIAS 8351
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to eligibility for United States military
assistance and training pursuant to the International Security
Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976.
Exchange of notes at Seoul February 14 and 25, 1977.
Entered into force February 25, 1977.
TIAS 10559; 1577 UNTS 289
Memorandum of agreement regarding the construction of
facilities at 2nd ID USA to improve combined defense
Signed at Seoul February 2, 1982.
Entered into force February 2, 1982.
34 UST 125; TIAS 10343
Memorandum of understanding for fuel exchange between the
United States Navy and the Korean Air Force, with appendix.
Signed at Seoul October 31, 1986.
Entered into force October 31, 1986.
Mutual logistics support agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Seoul June 8, 1988.
Entered into force June 8, 1988.
TIAS 12024
February 5, 1991 (NP)
February 23, 2004 (NP)
June 30, 2010 (NP)
Memorandum of understanding on defense technological and
industrial cooperation.
Signed at Seoul June 8, 1988.
Entered into force June 8, 1988.
Memorandum of understanding on royalty fees for U.S. origin
defense articles.
Signed at Washington July 18, 1989.
Entered into force July 18, 1989.
TIAS 12032
August 2, 1993 (TIAS 12505)
Agreement for the establishment of the Joint United States
Military Affairs Group to the Republic of Korea.
Signed at Seoul January 25, 1991.
Entered into force February 27, 1991.
TIAS 12035
Agreement terminating the agreed understandings and
exchange of letters related to the agreement of July 9, 1966,
under Article IV of the mutual defense treaty regarding
facilities and areas and the status of United States Armed
Forces in Korea.
Exchange of letters at Seoul February 1, 1991.
Entered into force February 1, 1991.
Agreement concerning wartime host nation support, with
annexes and agreed minute.
Signed at Seoul November 21, 1991.
Entered into force December 23, 1992.
TIAS; 1738 UNTS 265
Memorandum of understanding concerning technology
research and development projects, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Seoul May 29, 1996.
Entered into force May 29, 1996.
TIAS 12761
Memorandum of agreement concerning construction,
operation and maintenance of a munitions demilitarization
facility (DEFAC) in the Republic of Korea.
Signed at Seoul April 21, 1999.
Entered into force April 21, 1999.
TIAS 13032
Agreement regarding the exchange of engineers and scientists,
with annexes.
Signed at Washington June 30, 2000.
Entered into force June 30, 2000.
Amendments and Extension:
May 17 and 27, 2010
February 3 and April 5, 2012
April 10, 2014
Understandings to the agreement under Article IV of the
mutual defense treaty regarding facilities and areas and the
status of United States armed forces in the Republic of Korea
and related agreed minutes, as amended.
Signed at Seoul January 18, 2001.
Entered into force April 2, 2001.
TIAS 13139
Memorandum of understanding on preferential hiring of
Korean employees and employment of family members.
Signed at Seoul January 18, 2001.
Entered into force April 2, 2001.
TIAS 13140
Agreement for the land partnership plan, with appendices,
annexes, and agreed recommendation.
Signed at Seoul March 29, 2002.
Entered into force March 29, 2002.
October 26, 2004
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning
geospatial information and services cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Seoul September 26, 2002.
Entered into force September 26, 2002.
Agreement concerning mutual airlift support utilizing aircraft
operated by/for the military forces of the parties in case of
military hostilities in the Republic of Korea, with annexes.
Signed at Daejeon and Belleville June 25 and July 6, 2004.
Entered into force August 18, 2004.
TIAS 04-818
August 18, 2009 (TIAS 04-818)
August 18, 2010 (TIAS 04-818)
July 10 and 11, 2019 (TIAS 19-711)
Memorandum of agreement for mutual aid in fire protection.
Signed at Daegu City September 21 and October 5, 2004.
Entered into force October 5, 2004.
TIAS 04-1005
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning liquid oxygen
Signed at Seoul November 12 and December 6, 2004.
Entered into force December 6, 2004.
TIAS 04-1206
Agreement on the relocation of United States forces from the
Seoul metropolitan area.
Signed at Seoul October 26, 2004.
Entered into force December 13, 2004.
TIAS 04-1213
Memorandum of agreement regarding the agreed
recommendation for implementation of the agreement on the
relocation of United States forces from the Seoul metropolitan
area, with annex.
Signed at Seoul October 26, 2004.
Entered into force December 13, 2004.
TIAS 04-1213
Memorandum of understanding international concerning the
reduced vertical separation minimum in the Republic of
Signed at Osan September 29, 2005.
Entered into force September 29, 2005.
TIAS 05-929
Memorandum of understanding regarding assignment of
liaison officers.
Signed at Seoul and Norfolk August 29 and November 21, 2005.
Entered into force November 21, 2005.
Amendments and Extensions:
October 27 and November 16, 2010 (NP)
August 30 and September 12, 2013 (NP)
Memorandum of understanding international concerning
combined disaster management, with annexes.
Signed June 7, 2006.
Entered into force June 7, 2006.
TIAS 06-607
Agreement regarding the exchange of naval personnel, with
Signed March 12 and 30, 2007.
Entered into force March 30, 2007.
April 5 and June 1, 2017 (NP)
Memorandum of agreement concerning the transfer of
munitions, equipment, and materiel from United States War
Reserve Stockpile for Allies, Korea, with appendices.
Signed at Washington October 17, 2008.
Entered into force November 26, 2008.
TIAS 08.1126.1
Memorandum of agreement concerning communications
interoperability and security, with annexes.
Signed October 27, 2008.
Entered into force October 27, 2008.
TIAS 08-1027
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation on
information assurance (IA) and computer network defense
Signed at Washington and Seoul April 30, 2009.
Entered into force April 30, 2009.
TIAS 09-430
Agreement regarding the exchange of military personnel.
Signed at Washington July 16 and August 24, 2009.
Entered into force August 24, 2009.
Agreement concerning exchange of research and development
information, with appendix.
Signed at Seoul and Washington September 3 and October 13,
Entered into force October 13, 2009.
TIAS 09-1013
Agreement for research, development, test, and evaluation
(RDT&E) projects, with annex.
Signed at Washington November 5, 2009.
Entered into force November 5, 2009.
TIAS 09-1105
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annex.
Signed at Seoul and Scott AFB March 5 and April 6, 2010.
Entered into force April 6, 2010.
Basic exchange and cooperation agreement concerning
geospatial intelligence.
Signed at Bethesda and Washington November 19, 2010.
Entered into force November 19, 2010.
Agreement regarding the exchange of military personnel for
professional military education (PME).
Signed November 3, 2010 and at Seoul December 7, 2010.
Entered into force December 7, 2010.
Agreement on end-use, retransfer, and security assurances
regarding U.S. sold or granted defense articles, related
training, or other defense services (including all associated
components and technical data) retransferred from third party
countries to the Government of the Republic of Korea.
Exchange of notes at Seoul February 10 and April 2, 2012.
Entered into force April 2, 2012.
TIAS 12-402
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of the
Republic of Korea Navy personnel to the U. S. Navy, with
Signed at Washington September 8 and 11, 2015.
Entered into force September 11, 2015.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Seoul and Stuttgart October 5 and December 3, 2015.
Entered into force December 3, 2015.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Republic of Korea defense personnel to U.S. Special
Operations Command.
Signed at Icheon and Tampa October 25 and November 22,
Entered into force November 22, 2016.
Agreement concerning special measures relating to Article V
of the Agreement under Article IV of the Mutual defense
treaty regarding facilities and areas and the status of United
States armed forces in the Republic of Korea, with
implementation arrangement.
Signed at Seoul March 8, 2019.
Entered into force April 5, 2019, with effect from January 1,
TIAS 19-405
Consular convention.
Signed at Seoul January 8, 1963.
Entered into force December 19, 1963.
14 UST 1637; TIAS 5469; 493 UNTS 105
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Seoul June 18, 1963.
Entered into force June 18, 1963.
14 UST 850; TIAS 5366; 487 UNTS 297
June 10 and November 2, 1965 (17 UST 71; TIAS 5960; 586 UNTS
September 24 and November 26, 1971 (22 UST 2056; TIAS 7240)
June 1 and July 10, 1972 (23 UST 1328; TIAS 7415; 852 UNTS 282)
Petroleum agreement of 1964, with agreed minutes.
Signed at Seoul May 12, 1964.
Entered into force September 3, 1964.
15 UST 1412; TIAS 5614; 529 UNTS 299
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Seoul April 21, 1995.
Entered into force April 21, 1995.
TIAS 12635
Agreement on environmental cooperation.
Signed at Washington January 23, 2012.
Entered into force March 15, 2012.
TIAS 12- 315
Initial financial and property settlement.*
Signed at Seoul September 11, 1948.
Entered into force September 20, 1948.
62 Stat. 3422; TIAS 1851; 9 Bevans 481; 89 UNTS 155
September 11, 1948 (62 Stat. 3443; TIAS 1851; 9 Bevans 489; 89
UNTS 186)
* Article VII superseded by electric power agreement of June 13,
(9 UST 509; TIAS 4026; 316 UNTS 278). Agreement superseded
in part by article II of agreement on facilities and areas and the
status of United States armed forces in Korea of July 9, 1966 (17
UST 1677; TIAS 6127).
Electric power agreement.
Signed at Seoul June 13, 1949.
Entered into force December 28, 1949.
9 UST 509; TIAS 4026; 316 UNTS 278
Agreement regarding expenditures by forces under command
of the Commanding General of the Armed Forces of Member
States of the United Nations, and exchange of notes of
September 5 and 6, 1950.
Signed at Taegu July 28, 1950.
Entered into force July 28, 1950.
1 UST 705; TIAS 2135; 140 UNTS 57
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section
413(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Seoul February 19, 1960.
Entered into force February 19, 1960.
11 UST 202; TIAS 4431; 372 UNTS 109
April 16, 1965 (16 UST 655; TIAS 5790; 546 UNTS 372)
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington July 30, 1998.
Entered into force July 30, 1998.
TIAS 12980
Agreement concerning the improvement and standardization
of shellfish sanitation practices and exchanges of information
on sanitary controls applied to the production and handling of
fresh or frozen oysters, clams and mussels, with related notes.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 24, 1972.
Entered into force November 24, 1972.
23 UST 3696; TIAS 7516; 898 UNTS 91
Agreement regarding the collection and exchange of data on
fisheries harvests in the international waters of the Bering Sea.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 25 and July 14, 1988.
Entered into force July 14, 1988.
TIAS 11596; 2190 UNTS 239
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on economic coordination between the Republic of
Korea and the United States acting as the Unified Command,
with exchange of notes and minutes.*
Signed at Pusan May 24, 1952.
Entered into force May 24, 1952.
3 UST 4420; TIAS 2593; 179 UNTS 23
* Superseded February 28, 1961, with exception of paragraph 13,
article III, by agreement of February 8, 1961 (TIAS 4710).
Agreement relating to duty-free entry and defrayment of
inland transportation charges on relief supplies and packages,
with memorandum of interpretation.
Exchange of notes at Seoul April 22 and May 2, 1955.
Entered into force May 2, 1955.
6 UST 1189; TIAS 3264; 258 UNTS 3
November 9 and December 28, 1962 (13 UST 3838; TIAS 5257; 469
UNTS 428)
May 19, 1971 (22 UST 698; TIAS 7128; 791 UNTS 360)
Agreement for an informational media guaranty program.
Exchange of notes at Seoul April 4, 1958 and September 25,
Entered into force September 25, 1959.
10 UST 1826; TIAS 4341; 358 UNTS 163
Agreements relating to exemptions from Korean income and
social security taxes in connection with economic and
technical programs in Korea.
Exchanges of notes at Seoul February 8, 1961.
Entered into force February 8, 1961.
12 UST 976; TIAS 4802; 413 UNTS 392
Agreement providing for economic, technical and related
assistance, with agreed minute and related exchange of notes.
Exchange of notes at Seoul February 8, 1961.
Entered into force February 28, 1961.
12 UST 268; TIAS 4710; 405 UNTS 37
Agreement concerning supplemental economic assistance.
Letter of October 16, 1971.
Entered into force October 16, 1971.
28 UST 7591; TIAS 8730
Agreement relating to the provision of medical treatment to
Korean veterans of the Korean and Vietnam conflicts in
Veterans Administration hospitals in the United States.
Exchange of notes at Seoul February 3, 1978.
Entered into force February 3, 1978.
30 UST 4479; TIAS 9471; 1170 UNTS 17
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting and protection of
the right of priority on patents.
Exchange of notes at Seoul October 30, 1978.
Entered into force October 30, 1978.
30 UST 2183; TIAS 9324; 1170 UNTS 23
Record of understanding on intellectual property rights, with
related letter.
Signed at Washington August 28, 1986.
Entered into force August 28, 1986.
TIAS 11948
Agreement for the safeguarding of secrecy of inventions
relating to defense and for which applications for patents have
been made.
Signed at Seoul January 6, 1992.
Entered into force July 29, 1993.
TIAS 12445; 1751 UNTS 153
Agreement on mutual customs service assistance.
Signed at Washington November 3, 1986.
Entered into force March 10, 1987.
TIAS 12010
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
annex and exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington November 23, 1993.
Entered into force May 23, 1997.
TIAS 97-523
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Washington June 9, 1998.
Entered into force December 20, 1999.
TIAS 12962
Agreement on enhancing cooperation to prevent and combat
crime, with annex.
Signed at Washington November 7, 2008.
Entered into force December 29, 2008.
TIAS 08-1229
Agreement with respect to the transfer of technologies
regarding nuclear safety on technical, economic, and
nonproliferation aspects of spent fuel management
Exchange of notes at Washington July 19 and 22, 2013.
Entered into force July 25, 2013.
TIAS 13-725
Agreement providing for a grant to the Government of Korea
to assist in the acquisition of certain nuclear research and
training equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Seoul October 14 and November 18, 1960.
Entered into force November 18, 1960.
11 UST 2364; TIAS 4617; 400 UNTS 49
Memorandum of understanding for a cooperative laboratory
Signed at Washington June 14, 1996.
Entered into force June 14, 1996.
Amendment and Extension:
April 1, 2002
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement with respect to the transfer of certain nuclear
technologies in the course of the joint fuel cycle study.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 19 and 22, 2013
Entered into force July 25, 2013.
Agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of
nuclear energy, with agreed minute.
Signed at Washington June 15, 2015.
Entered into force November 25, 2015.
TIAS 15-1125
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Daejeon and Rockville February 7 and 14, 2017.
Entered into force February 14, 2017.
TIAS 17-214
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with annex.
Signed at Vienna September 20, 2017.
Entered into force September 20, 2017.
TIAS 17-920.1
Arrangement relating to the transfer of authority to the
Government of the Republic of Korea and the withdrawal of
United States occupation forces.
Exchange of letters at Seoul August 9 and 11, 1948.
Entered into force August 11, 1948.
Agreement concerning interim military and security matters
during the transitional period.
Signed at Seoul August 24, 1948.
Entered into force August 24, 1948.
62 Stat. 3817; TIAS 1918; 9 Bevans 477; 79 UNTS 57
Parcel post agreement and detailed regulations.
Signed at Seoul and Washington February 17 and April 13,
Entered into force December 1, 1949.
64 Stat. (3) B46; TIAS 2002; 9 Bevans 500; 74 UNTS 167
Insured parcel post agreement.
Signed at Seoul and Washington July 15 and August 17, 1960.
Entered into force January 1, 1961.
11 UST 2456; TIAS 4630; 400 UNTS 339
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Seoul and Washington December 27, 1979 and
January 14, 1980.
Entered into force March 1, 1980.
32 UST 4343; TIAS 9951; 1274 UNTS 3
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST field trial, with details of implementation.
Signed at Seoul and Washington February 19 and March 4,
Entered into force March 4, 1985.
TIAS 11244
Memorandum of agreement on the transfer of prisoners of
war/civilian internees.
Signed at Seoul February 12, 1982.
Entered into force February 12, 1982.
34 UST 1173; TIAS 10406; 1734 UNTS 295
Agreement relating to scientific and technical cooperation,
with annexes.
Signed at Washington July 2, 1999.
Entered into force July 2, 1999; effective April 29, 1999.
TIAS 99-702
June 24 and 25, 2004 (TIAS 99-702)
July 1 and 7, 2009 (TIAS 99-702)
February 1 and 22, 2016 (TIAS 16-222)
December 5 and 26, 2019 (TIAS 19-1226)
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Seoul and Reston February 14 and March 5, 2002.
Entered into force March 5, 2002.
TIAS 02-305
Amendments and Extension:
May 15 and 19, 2006 (TIAS 02-305)
October 4, 2011 (TIAS 11-1004)
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth and marine sciences.
Signed at Ansan and Reston November 4, 2005 and
January 5, 2006.
Entered into force January 5, 2006.
TIAS 06-105
Agreement concerning the Korean seismic research station
Wonju, Republic of Korea, with appendices.
Signed at Seoul December 22, 2006.
Entered into force December 27, 2006.
TIAS 06-1227
Arrangement for cooperation in the area of high-energy and
nuclear physics research and related fields.
Signed at Washington May 12, 2011.
Entered into force May 12, 2011.
TIAS 11-512
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Washington March 13, 2000.
Entered into force April 1, 2001.
TIAS 01-401
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for cooperation in aeronautics and the exploration
and use of airspace and outer space for civil and peaceful
Signed at Seoul April 27, 2016.
Entered into force November 3, 2016.
TIAS 16-1103
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and the encouragement of international trade and investment,
with related notes.
Signed at Seoul June 4, 1976.
Entered into force October 20, 1979.
30 UST 5253; TIAS 9506; 1178 UNTS 3
Agreement to improve international tax compliance, with
Signed at Seoul June 10, 2015.
Entered into force September 8, 2016.
TIAS 16-908
Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, with protocol.
Signed at Seoul November 28, 1956.
Entered into force November 7, 1957.
8 UST 2217; TIAS 3947; 302 UNTS 281
Agreement on access of United States firms to Korea’s
insurance markets.
Exchange of letters at Washington August 28, 1986.
Entered into force August 28, 1986.
Related Agreement:
September 10, 1987
Record of understanding concerning market access for
Signed at Washington May 27, 1988.
Entered into force May 27, 1988.
Free trade agreement, as amended.
Signed at Washington June 30, 2007.
Entered into force March 15, 2012.
Protocol amending the free trade agreement signed June 30,
Signed at New York September 24, 2018.
Entered into force January 1, 2019.
Protocol amending the February 10, 2011 exchange of letters
on understandings related to the free trade agreement of June
30, 2007.
Signed at New York September 24, 2018.
Entered into force January 1, 2019.
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington June 9, 1998.
Entered into force June 9, 1998.
TIAS 12961
February 27 and March 13, 2007 (TIAS 07-313)
Memorandum of agreement for assistance in developing the
civil aviation infrastructure of the Republic of Korea.
Signed May 7, 2002.
Entered into force May 7, 2002.
May 14, 2010
Agreement for the promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Singapore February 19, 2008.
Entered into force February 19, 2008.
TIAS 08-219
On February 17, 2008, the Republic of Kosovo declared its independence.
For agreements prior to February 17, 2008, see YUGOSLAVIA.
Agreement on the protection and preservation of certain
cultural properties.
Signed at Washington December 14, 2011.
Entered into force December 14, 2011.
TIAS 11-1214
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Pristina September 9, 2013.
Entered into force September 9, 2013.
TIAS 13-909
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Pristina June 16 and 17, 2008.
Entered into force June 17, 2008.
Agreement on the status of armed forces of the United States
of America in the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.
Exchange of notes at Pristina February 18, 2012.
Entered into force June 27, 2012.
TIAS 12-627
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Pristina and Stuttgart January 10 and 27, 2014.
Entered into force January 27, 2014.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 3 and 17, 2009.
Entered into force April 17, 2009.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington June 30, 2009.
Entered into force October 5, 2009.
TIAS 09-1005
Agreement for economic and technical cooperation.
Signed at Pristina March 29, 2012.
Entered into force March 29, 2012.
TIAS 12-329
Millennium Challenge Threshold Program grant agreement,
with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 12, 2017.
Entered into force September 12, 2017.
TIAS 17-912
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.
Signed at Pristina February 26, 2015.
Entered into force November 4, 2015.
TIAS 15-1104
Agreement concerning cooperation in the area of the
prevention of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Signed at Pristina May 23, 2012.
Entered into force June 28, 2012.
TIAS 12-628
Adherence by the United States to the “Guidelines for the
work of bilateral committees to be formed to resolve certain
issues involving the State of Kuwait and other states relating
to overlapping claims and stand-alone claims at the United
Nations Compensation Commission”, with attachment.
Signed at Geneva November 19, 2002.
Entered into force November 19, 2002.
TIAS 02-1119
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of nonimmigrant
passport visas.*
Exchange of notes at Kuwait December 11 and 27, 1960.
Entered into force December 27, 1960; operative January 26,
11 UST 2650; TIAS 4659; 401 UNTS 185
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement concerning the procurement of defense articles and
defense services by Kuwait and the establishment of a U.S.
Liaison Office in Kuwait.
Exchange of notes at Kuwait February 24 and April 15, 1975.
Entered into force April 15, 1975.
26 UST 682; TIAS 8066; 992 UNTS 199
Technical security arrangement.
Signed at Kuwait January 18, 1976.
Entered into force January 18, 1976.
27 UST 4177; TIAS 8444; 1071 UNTS 377
June 26, 1977 (29 UST 1874; TIAS 8905)
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for geospatial
information and services.
Signed at Washington and Kuwait August 7, 1998.
Entered into force August 7, 1998.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Camp Arifjan November 1, 2013.
Entered into force November 1, 2013.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed April 30 and May 30, 2017.
Entered into force May 30 , 2017.
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement on investment guaranties.
Signed at Kuwait April 24, 1989.
Entered into force October 24, 1989.
TIAS 12071
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on procedures for mutual assistance in connection
with matters relating to the Boeing Company.
Signed at Washington October 6, 1978.
Entered into force October 6, 1978.
Related Agreement:
December 21, 1978 and January 2, 1979 (NP)
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Washington September 7, 2017.
Entered into force February 10, 2019.
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post and
regulations of execution.
Signed at Kuwait and Washington October 9, 1963 and
October 21, 1963.
Entered into force September 16, 1964.
15 UST 1841; TIAS 5658; 530 UNTS 281
International express mail agreement with detailed regulations.
Signed at Kuwait and Washington February 28 and
March 11, 1981.
Entered into force April 1, 1981.
33 UST 1353; TIAS 10114; 1285 UNTS 29
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston February 17, 2011.
Entered into force February 17, 2011.
TIAS 11-217
Memorandum of understanding for the reciprocal tax
exemption on income derived from the operation of aircraft.
Signed at Kuwait March 28, 2011.
Entered into force March 12, 2014.
TIAS 14-312
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Kuwait April 29, 2015.
Entered into force January 28, 2016.
TIAS 16-128
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Kuwait July 19 and 24, 1966.
Entered into force July 19, 1966.
17 UST 1039; TIAS 6061; 593 UNTS 289
Agreement for the establishment and operation of a United
States radio relay station in the State of Kuwait.
Signed at Kuwait August 2, 1992.
Entered into force August 29, 1992.
TIAS 12469
Agreement concerning the development of trade and
investment relations.
Signed at Washington February 6, 2004.
Entered into force August 7, 2004.
Agreement on aviation security.
Exchange of notes at Kuwait November 22, 1987 and
January 11, 1988.
Entered into force July 5, 1988.
TIAS 12023
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Kuwait August 30, 2006.
Entered into force May 27, 2007.
TIAS 07-527
NOTE: For agreements prior to December 31, 1991, see UNION OF
Agreement concerning the activity of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Washington November 5, 1992.
Entered into force November 5, 1992.
TIAS 11502
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Bishkek April 11 and November 13, 2008.
Entered into force November 13, 2008.
Agreement regarding acquisition of fuel for operations at the
transit center.
Signed at Bishkek February 8, 2011.
Entered into force April 22, 2011.
TIAS 11-422
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 6 and 22, 1993.
Entered into force December 22, 1993.
TIAS 12170
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Washington June 9, 1995.
Entered into force June 9, 1995.
TIAS 12658
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington May 8, 1992.
Entered into force May 8, 1992.
TIAS 12452
Memorandum of understanding concerning prevention of
illicit trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive material.
Signed at Bishkek August 15, 2008.
Entered into force August 15, 2008.
TIAS 08-815.1
Agreement on trade relations, with related exchanges of
Signed at Washington May 8, 1992.
Entered into force August 21, 1992.
TIAS 92-821
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington January 19, 1993.
Entered into force January 12, 1994.
TIAS 94-112
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in
trade and development.
Signed at Washington July 15, 1997.
Entered into force July 15, 1997.
TIAS 97-715.1
Memorandum of understanding concerning trade and
Signed at Bishkek June 20, 2002.
Entered into force June 20, 2002.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the assurances required by the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Vientiane December 18 and 31, 1951.
Entered into force December 31, 1951.
3 UST 4622; TIAS 2613; 198 UNTS 243
Memorandum of understanding concerning payment to the
United States of the net proceeds from the sale of defense
articles furnished under the military assistance program.
Signed at Vientiane May 31, 1974.
Entered into force May 31, 1974; effective July 1, 1974.
27 UST 2989; TIAS 8357; 1066 UNTS 115
Agreement regarding the furnishing of defense articles, related
training and other defense services from the United States to
Exchange of notes at Vientiane December 7, 1992 and
September 29, 1993.
Entered into force September 29, 1993.
TIAS 12346
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington March 8, 1996.
Entered into force March 26, 1996.
TIAS 12733; 2473 UNTS 273
Economic cooperation agreement, with annex and exchange of
Signed at Vientiane September 9, 1951.
Entered into force September 9, 1951.
2 UST 2177; TIAS 2344; 174 UNTS 141
Agreement providing for additional direct economic
Exchange of notes at Vientiane July 6 and 8, 1955.
Entered into force July 8, 1955; operative January 1, 1955.
7 UST 2833; TIAS 3664; 278 UNTS 59
Memorandum of understanding concerning prosthetics and
rehabilitation assistance.
Signed at Vientiane May 15, 1990.
Entered into force May 15, 1990.
TIAS 11721; 2207 UNTS 291
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Signed at Vientiane December 24, 2003.
Entered into force December 24, 2003.
TIAS 03-1224
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation on
narcotics issues.
Signed at Vientiane January 9, 1990.
Entered into force January 9, 1990.
TIAS 12407
International express mail agreement.
Signed at Vientiane and Washington September 10 and
October 16, 1991.
Entered into force November 16, 1991.
Air transport agreement, with annex.
Signed at Washington July 13, 2010.
Entered into force July 13, 2010.
TIAS 10-713
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Riga January 14, 1930.
Entered into force July 10, 1930.
46 Stat. 2766; TS 819; 9 Bevans 548; 105 LNTS 301
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Riga January 14, 1930.
Entered into force July 10, 1930.
46 Stat. 2763; TS 818; 9 Bevans 546; 105 LNTS 307
Agreement for the reciprocal waiver of passport visa fees for
Exchange of notes at Riga February 18 and March 27, 1935.
Entered into force March 27, 1935; operative April 1, 1935.
9 Bevans 556
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps of the
United States in Latvia.
Signed at Riga February 6, 1992.
Entered into force February 6, 1992.
TIAS 12081
Agreement on the protection and preservation of certain
cultural properties.
Signed at Riga October 7, 2002.
Entered into force November 12, 2004.
TIAS 04-1112
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Riga February 21 and March 4, 1992.
Entered into force March 4, 1992.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training, or other defense
services from the United States to Latvia.
Exchange of notes at Riga February19 and April 12, 1993.
Entered into force April 12, 1993.
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for topographic
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting, geodesy and
geophysics, digital data and related mapping, charting and
geodesy materials, with attachment.
Signed at Riga August 24, 1993.
Entered into force August 24, 1993.
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified military information.
Signed at Washington January 15, 1998.
Entered into force January 15, 1998.
TIAS 12922
Agreement regarding U.S. government equipment and
provision of logistic support services to Polish-led
multinational division and its members in support of
Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) in Iraq.
Exchange of notes at Riga August 22 and September 18, 2003.
Entered into force September 18, 2003.
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning global
geospatial information and services cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Riga May 18, 2004.
Entered into force May 18, 2004.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Riga and Stuttgart October 1 and 15, 2008.
Entered into force October 15, 2008.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed September 21, 2012 and July 4, 2013.
Entered into force July 4, 2013.
Reciprocal defense procurement agreement.
Signed at Washington April 10, 2017.
Entered into force April 10, 2017.
TIAS 17-410
Agreement on defense cooperation, with annex.
Signed at Riga January 12, 2017.
Entered into force April 5, 2017.
TIAS 17-405
Memorandum of understanding concerning diplomatic
Signed at Riga September 5, 1991.
Entered into force September 5, 1991.
TIAS 12132
Agreement concerning the status of private educational
institution “The International School of Latvia”.
Signed at Riga March 12, 2003.
Entered into force August 29, 2006.
TIAS 06-829
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Riga April 24 and July 16, 1996.
Entered into force July 16, 1996.
TIAS 12781
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Riga January 27, 1999.
Entered into force January 27, 1999.
TIAS 13021
Agreement relating to the funding of the indebtedness of
Latvia to the United States.
Signed at Washington September 24, 1925.
Operative December 15, 1922.
Treasury Department print; 9 Bevans 521
Debt funding agreement of
September 24, 1925.
Signed at Washington June 11, 1932.
Operative July 1, 1931.
Treasury Department print; 9 Bevans 551
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Indianapolis October 28, 1991.
Entered into force October 28, 1991.
TIAS 12440
Agreement concerning economic, technical and related
Signed at Riga December 20, 1995.
Entered into force February 7, 1996.
TIAS 12713; 2060 UNTS 103
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding on assistance through USAID,
in the field of justice sector reform.
Signed June 28, 2012.
Entered into force June 28, 2012.
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in the
pursuit of Nazi war criminals.
Signed at Riga September 11, 1992.
Entered into force September 11, 1992.
TIAS 12477
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington June 13, 1997.
Entered into force September 17, 1999.
TIAS 12867
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Washington April 17, 1998.
Entered into force July 23, 1999.
TIAS 12944
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Riga December 7, 2005.
Entered into force April 15, 2009.
TIAS 09-415
Protocol to the treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal
matters of June 13, 1997.
Signed at Riga December 7, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.37
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime .
Signed at Riga September 29, 2008.
Entered into force July 20, 2010.
TIAS 10-720.1
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Washington April 17, 1992.
Entered into force April 17, 1992.
TIAS 11860
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Riga July 6, 1994.
Entered into force July 6, 1994.
TIAS 12187
May 24 and September 7, 2000
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income.
Signed at Washington January 15, 1998.
Entered into force December 30, 1999.
TIAS 12920
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Riga June 27, 2014.
Entered into force December 15, 2014.
TIAS 14-1215
Provisional commercial agreement according mutual
unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs
Signed at Riga February 1, 1926.
Entered into force April 30, 1926.
TS 740; 9 Bevans 528; 55 LNTS 33
Treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular rights.
Signed at Riga April 20, 1928.
Entered into force July 25, 1928.
45 Stat. 2641; TS 765; 9 Bevans 531; 80 LNTS 35
Agreement on trade relations and intellectual property rights
Signed at Riga July 6, 1994.
Entered into force January 20, 1995.
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annex and protocol.
Signed at Washington January 13, 1995.
Entered into force December 26, 1996.
TIAS 96-1226
Additional Protocol:
September 23, 2003 (TIAS 04-714.1)
Agreement concerning technical assistance related to the
elimination of conventional weapons systems and facilities
formerly controlled by the Russian Federation Armed Forces
stationed in the territory of the Republic of Latvia.
Signed at Riga August 12, 1994.
Entered into force August 12, 1994.
Agreement relating to reimbursable military aid.
Exchange of notes at Beirut March 6 and 23, 1953.
Entered into force March 23, 1953.
5 UST 2908; TIAS 3147; 239 UNTS 45
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Military assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Beirut June 3 and 6, 1957.
Entered into force June 6, 1957.
8 UST 943; TIAS 3855; 284 UNTS 155
June 9 and 12, 1958 (9 UST 927; TIAS 4055; 317 UNTS 350)
Agreement relating to the deposit by Lebanon of ten percent
of the value of grant military assistance furnished by the
United States.
Exchange of notes at Beirut April 12 and May 8, 1972.
Entered into force May 8, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 687; TIAS 7334
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Lebanon.
Exchange of notes at Beirut June 21 and July 18, 1994.
Entered into force July 18, 1994.
TIAS 12347
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Beirut May 3 and 20, 2006.
Entered into force September 30, 2006.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Yarze December 12, 2013 and March
31, 2014.
Entered into force March 31, 2014.
Convention between the United States and France relating
to rights in Syria and Lebanon.
Signed at Paris April 4, 1924.
Entered into force July 13, 1924.
43 Stat. 1821; TS 695; 7 Bevans 925
Agreement between the United States and France relating to
customs privileges for educational, religious, and
philanthropic institutions in Syria and Lebanon.
Exchange of notes at Paris February 18, 1937.
Entered into force February 18, 1937.
51 Stat. 279; EAS 107; 7 Bevans 1017; 184 LNTS 479
Agreement relating to rights of American nationals.
Exchange of notes at Beirut September 7 and 8, 1944.
Entered into force September 8, 1944.
58 Stat. 1493; EAS 435; 9 Bevans 562; 124 UNTS 187
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Antelias December 23, 1998.
Entered into force December 23, 1998.
Investment incentive agreement.
Exchange of notes at Beirut September 17, 1980 and
February 10, 1981.
Entered into force April 30, 1981.
33 UST 861; TIAS 10070; 1280 UNTS 471
General agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at Beirut May 29, 1951.
Entered into force December 13, 1951.
3 UST 2843; TIAS 2457; 160 UNTS 49
Agreement relating to the assurances required under section
511(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Beirut December 26, 1951 and
January 5, 1952.
Entered into force January 5, 1952.
3 UST 4751; TIAS 2639; 180 UNTS 199
Technical cooperation program agreement.
Signed at Beirut June 26, 1952.
Entered into force June 26, 1952.
3 UST 4860; TIAS 2659; 181 UNTS 187
April 14, 1953 (4 UST 1563; TIAS 2821; 212 UNTS 360)
April 30, 1954 (5 UST 1078; TIAS 2991; 247 UNTS 442)
Agreement relating to special economic assistance.
Exchange of notes at Beirut June 11 and 18, 1954.
Entered into force June 18, 1954.
5 UST 1392; TIAS 3009; 233 UNTS 177
Agreement granting special assistance to Lebanon for
budgetary support.
Exchange of notes at Beirut September 2 and 3, 1958.
Entered into force September 3, 1958.
9 UST 1260; TIAS 4113; 336 UNTS 91
Grant agreement for a cooperative program to curtail illicit
traffic in narcotics and dangerous drugs.
Signed at Beirut June 29, 1973.
Entered into force June 29, 1973.
24 UST 1672; TIAS 7673
Letter of agreement on law enforcement, with annex.
Signed at Beirut October 5, 2007.
Entered into force October 5, 2007.
Agreement providing for a grant to the Government of
Lebanon to assist in the acquisition of nuclear research and
training equipment and supplies.
Exchange of notes at Beirut September 16, 1959.
Entered into force September 16, 1959.
10 UST 1834; TIAS 4343; 358 UNTS 175
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on United States participation in a multinational
force in Beirut.
Exchange of notes at Beirut August 18 and 20, 1982.
Entered into force August 20, 1982.
34 UST 1833; TIAS 10463; 1751 UNTS 3
Agreement on United States participation in a multinational
force in Beirut.
Exchange of notes at Beirut September 25, 1982.
Entered into force September 25, 1982.
TIAS 10509; 1777 UNTS 363
Air transport agreement, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Beirut September 1, 1972.
Entered into force provisionally September 1, 1972;
definitively June 5, 1974.
24 UST 245; TIAS 7546
Agreement relating to air transport route rights.
Exchange of notes at Beirut September 24 and October 13,
Entered into force October 13, 1977.
28 UST 7479; TIAS 8722; 1087 UNTS 313
Agreement relating to air transport route rights.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 22, 1982.
Entered into force December 22, 1982.
34 UST 2358; TIAS 10489; 1751 UNTS 17
April 29, 1983 (TIAS 10701; 2005 UNTS 536)
In a note dated September 7, 1971, to the Secretary General of the United
Nations, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lesotho made a Declaration
reading in part as follows:
Reference is made to the Declarations of the Government of the Kingdom
of Lesotho in relation to its treaty relationships dated 22 March 1967 and 5
March 1969.
As regards bilateral treaties validly concluded by the Government of the
United Kingdom on behalf of the country formerly known as Basutoland,
or validly applied or extended by the said Government to the country
known as Basutoland, the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho, it will
be recalled, willingly undertook to apply within its territory, on a basis of
reciprocity, the terms of all such treaties from the date of Independence
until October 4, 1970, unless abrogated or modified earlier by mutual
consent. That time has now expired before it has been possible to evaluate
all the treaties.
The Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho, mindful of the desirability of
the continuity of treaty relationships consistent with its independent status,
and desirous of continuing negotiations with the various States concerned
in relation to the possible continuation, modification or termination of such
treaties, has decided that the period during which it will apply, on a basis
of reciprocity, the terms of such bilateral treaties shall be extended without
limit of time, pending the reaching of a satisfactory accord with each State
Nothing in this Declaration shall, however, be held to constitute a
succession to treaties which are not consistent with the accession to full
sovereign status by the Kingdom of Lesotho, nor shall it be held to
constitute an extension or renewal of treaties which, by virtue of their
termination clauses, have already expired or have been terminated before
the date of this Declaration.
Under the terms of the Declaration of the Government of the Kingdom of
Lesotho of 22 March 1967 it is not necessary to extend the period in
relation to multilateral treaties. As represented in that Declaration, the
Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho will review each of the
multilateral treaties which has been applied or extended to the country
formerly known as Basutoland and indicate to the depositary concerned
what steps it desires to take in relation to such instrument.
During this period of review, as stated in the Declaration of 22 March
1967, any party to a multilateral treaty which has, prior to independence,
been applied or extended to the country known as Basutoland, may, on a
basis of reciprocity, rely as against Lesotho on the terms of such treaty, the
Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho wishes it to be understood, as
stated in its Declaration of 5 March 1969, that this is merely a transitional
arrangement. Under no circumstances should it be implied that by these
Declarations of Lesotho has either acceded to any particular treaty or
indicated continuity of any particular treaty by way of succession.
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in the
Kingdom of Lesotho.
Signed at Maseru on April 13, 2016.
Entered into force April 13, 2016.
TIAS 16-413
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at Maseru February 24, 1967.
Entered into force March 7, 1967.
18 UST 273; TIAS 6227; 688 UNTS 275
Agreement for economic, technical and related assistance.
Signed at Maseru October 17, 1984.
Entered into force October 17, 1984.
TIAS 11167; 2126 UNTS 145
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
international criminal court.
Signed at Maseru June 21, 2006.
Entered into force June 21, 2006.
TIAS 06-621
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Entered into force June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Maseru and Washington June 19 and July 20, 1990.
Entered into force August 30, 1990.
TIAS 11737
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Basutoland July 24, 1902.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property of March 2, 1899.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Arbitration convention with exchange of notes.
Signed at Monrovia February 10, 1926.
Entered into force September 27, 1926.
44 Stat. 2438; TS 747; 9 Bevans 585; 88 LNTS 346
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Monrovia August 21, 1939.
Entered into force March 13, 1941.
55 Stat. 1137; TS 968; 9 Bevans 618; 204 LNTS 165
Agreement relating to the waiver of passport visa fees for
Signed at Monrovia August 31, 1925.
Entered into force August 31, 1925; operative September 1,
9 Bevans 584
Arrangement relating to the period of validity of temporary
visitors’ visas.*
Exchange of notes at Monrovia October 27 and 28, 1947.
Entered into force October 28, 1947; operative December 1,
62 Stat. 3930; TIAS 2021; 9 Bevans 641; 82 UNTS 23
* The status of these agreements is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Monrovia January 15, 1942.
Entered into force January 15, 1942.
56 Stat. 1419; EAS 239; 9 Bevans 621; 117 UNTS 227
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Monrovia August 15, 2008.
Entered into force August 15, 2008.
TIAS 08-815
Agreement relating to mutual defense assistance.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 16 and 19, 1951.
Entered into force November 19, 1951.
3 UST 2805; TIAS 2450; 167 UNTS 141
Agreement relating to the use of Roberts Field by the United
States Government during an national emergency.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 10, June 29, July 6 and
July 13, 1954.
Entered into force July 13, 1954.
Agreement relating to the transfer to Liberia of certain
property located at Roberts Field, Liberia.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 19, 1955, and August 21
and September 22, 1956.
Entered into force January 4, 1957.
8 UST 141; TIAS 3751; 278 UNTS 109
Understanding that the assurances contained in the agreement
of November 16 and 19, 1951, are applicable to equipment,
materials, information, and services furnished under the
Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended, and such other
applicable U.S. laws as may come into effect.
Exchange of notes at Monrovia April 10 and July 19, 1958.
Entered into force July 19, 1958.
10 UST 1995; TIAS 4367; 361 UNTS 316
Agreement of cooperation.
Signed at Washington July 8, 1959.
Entered into force July 8, 1959.
10 UST 1598; TIAS 4303; 357 UNTS 93
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the furnishing of military equipment
and materials to Liberia.
Exchange of notes at Monrovia May 23 and June 17, 1961.
Entered into force June 17, 1961.
12 UST 876; TIAS 4788; 410 UNTS 233
January 18 and 23, 1962 (13 UST 58; TIAS 4935; 433 UNTS 390)
Agreement relating to the transfer of the Port of Monrovia to
Exchange of notes at Monrovia April 13 and 14, 1964.
Entered into force April 14, 1964.
15 UST 641; TIAS 5583; 526 UNTS 221
Agreement relating to the deposit by Liberia of ten percent of
the value of grant military assistance and excess defense
articles furnished by the United States.
Exchange of notes at Monrovia April 27 and May 10, 1972.
Entered into force May 10, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 886; TIAS 7350
Agreement on construction of additional facilities at Roberts
International Airport.
Signed at Monrovia February 3, 1983.
Entered into force February 3, 1983.
TIAS 10677
March 25 and April 4, 1983 (TIAS 10677)
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel
who may be temporarily present in Liberia.
Exchange of notes at Monrovia April 15 and 20, 2005.
Entered into force April 20, 2005.
TIAS 05-420.2
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Monrovia April 18, 2007.
Entered into force April 18, 2007.
TIAS 07-418
Agreement regarding the provision of articles and services
pursuant to Section 1206 of the National Defense
Authorization Act for fiscal year 2007, as modified and
extended, or successor legislation.
Exchange of notes at Monrovia July 30 and August 1, 2007.
Entered into force August 1, 2007.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Monrovia June 2 and September 22, 2010.
Entered into force September 22, 2010.
Consular convention.
Signed at Monrovia October 7, 1938.
Entered into force December 21, 1939.
54 Stat. 1751; TS 957; 9 Bevans 607; 201 LNTS 183
Agreement relating to privileges, on a reciprocal basis, of free
entry to all articles imported for the personal use of diplomatic
and consular personnel.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 2 and July 22, 1949.
Entered into force July 22, 1949.
5 UST 734; TIAS 2961; 232 UNTS 283
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Monrovia May 8, 1964.
Entered into force May 8, 1964.
15 UST 660; TIAS 5586; 526 UNTS 239
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 2 and 16, 1984.
Entered into force October 16, 1984.
TIAS 84-1016
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section
413(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.*
Exchange of notes at Monrovia September 6 and 12, 1960.
Entered into force September 12, 1960.
11 UST 2119; TIAS 4571; 389 UNTS 245
September 26 and 29, 1964 (15 UST 2064; TIAS 5686; 533 UNTS
December 15, 2006
* Subparagraphs (d) and (e) of paragraph 3 terminated
September 29, 1964.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, or guaranteed by the United States
Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Monrovia May 7, 1981.
Entered into force June 29, 1981.
33 UST 1929; TIAS 10156
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
payments due under P.L. 480 Title I agricultural commodity
agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Monrovia October 15, 1981.
Entered into force October 15, 1981.
33 UST 1945; TIAS 10157
Agreements regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, or guaranteed by the United States
Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Monrovia October 19, 1982.
Entered into force December 22, 1982.
TIAS 10528; 1777 UNTS 393
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to or guaranteed by the United States
Government and its agencies, with annexes and implementing
agreement regarding payments due under P.L. 480 agricultural
commodity agreements, with annexes.
Signed at Monrovia June 22, 1984.
Entered into force July 27, 1984.
TIAS 10995; 2022 UNTS 85
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes and
implementing agreement regarding payments due under P.L.
480 agricultural commodity agreements.
Signed at Monrovia May 3, 1985.
Entered into force June 24, 1985.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Monrovia June 12, 2008.
Entered into force August 12, 2008.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Monrovia November 30, 2010.
Entered into force February 22, 2011.
Memorandum of understanding on the Joint Liberian-United
States Commission for Economic Development.
Signed at Monrovia October 6, 1955.
Entered into force October 6, 1955; operative February 3,
7 UST 600; TIAS 3541; 275 UNTS 87
General agreement for technical assistance and cooperation.
Signed at Monrovia October 6, 1955.
Entered into force February 3, 1956.
7 UST 603; TIAS 3542; 275 UNTS 93
Millennium Challenge Compact.
Signed at Washington October 2, 2015.
Entered into force January 20, 2016.
Agreement for economic growth, with attachments.
Signed September 28, 2007.
Entered into force September 28, 2007.
September 12, 2008 (NP)
January 12 and 26, 2009 (NP)
August 21, 2009 (NP)
September 30, 2009 (NP)
December 3, 2009 (NP)
July 17 and September 17, 2010 (NP)
September 30, 2011 (NP)
Agreement for investing in people: health, with attachments.
Signed September 28, 2007.
Entered into force September 28, 2007.
September 12, 2008 (NP)
September 25 and 26, 2008 (NP)
August 21, 2009 (NP)
September 30, 2009 (NP)
December 3, 2009 (NP)
September 17, 2010 (NP)
September 30, 2011 (NP)
Agreement for investing in people: education.
Signed September 28, 2007.
Entered into force September 28, 2007.
September 12, 2008 (NP)
August 21, 2009 (NP)
December 3, 2009 (NP)
September 17, 2010 (NP)
September 30, 2011 (NP)
Agreement for governing justly and democratically.
Signed September 28, 2007.
Entered into force September 28, 2007.
September 12, 2008 (NP)
August 21, 2009 (NP)
December 3, 2009 (NP)
September 17, 2010 (NP)
December 29, 2010 and January 3, 2011 (NP)
September 30, 2011 (NP)
Development objective agreement for USAID Development
Objective 1: more effective, accountable and inclusive
governance, with annexes.
Signed September 29, 2012.
Entered into force September 29, 2012.
Development objective agreement for USAID Development
Objective 2: sustained, market-driven economic growth to
reduce poverty, with annexes.
Signed September 29, 2012.
Entered into force September 29, 2012.
Development objective agreement of September 29, 2012, as
amended, for improved health status of Liberians, with
Signed September 29, 2012.
Entered into force September 29, 2012.
September 27 and October 16, 2013 (NP)
Development objective agreement for USAID Development
Objective 4: better-educated Liberians, with annexes.
Signed September 29, 2012.
Entered into force September 29, 2012.
September 27 and October 16, 2013 (NP)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for cooperation and provision of assistance to
respond to Ebola.
Signed at Monrovia November 19, 2014.
Entered into force November 19, 2014.
TIAS 14-1119
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington October 8, 2003.
Entered into force November 3, 2003.
TIAS 03-1103
Treaty of extradition.
Signed at Monrovia November 1, 1937.
Entered into force November 21, 1939.
54 Stat. 1733; TS 955; 9 Bevans 589; 201 LNTS 151
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 27, 1978 and
January 15, 1979.
Entered into force January 15, 1979.
30 UST 1706; TIAS 9279; 1153 UNTS 283
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery
systems, and related materials by sea.
Signed at Washington February 11, 2004.
Entered into force December 8, 2004.
TIAS 04-1208
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post, and
regulations of execution.
Signed at Monrovia and Washington March 16, and May 9,
Entered into force August 1, 1957.
8 UST 1035; TIAS 3866; 290 UNTS 59
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Monrovia and Washington November 15, 1988 and
January 6, 1989.
Entered into force January 30, 1989.
TIAS 11620
Preliminary agreement regarding principles applying to
mutual aid for defense and exchange of notes.
Signed at New York June 8, 1943.
Entered into force June 8, 1943.
57 Stat. 978; EAS 324; 9 Bevans 630; 117 UNTS 241
Agreement for reciprocal relief from double taxation on
earnings from operation of ships and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Monrovia July 1 and August 11, 1982.
Entered into force August 11, 1982.
34 UST 1553; TIAS 10435
October 7 and 23, 1987 (TIAS 11921)
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Monrovia November 9, 1950 and January
8, 9, and 10, 1951.
Entered into force January 11, 1951.
2 UST 683; TIAS 2223; 132 UNTS 255
Agreement supplementing articles III and VII of the
agreement of August 13, 1959, relating to radio relay facilities
in Liberia.
Exchange of notes at Monrovia August 8 and 15, 1960.
Entered into force August 15, 1960.
12 UST 1367; TIAS 4858; 421 UNTS 332
July 11 and 24, 1961 (12 UST 1367; TIAS 4858; 421 UNTS 340)
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Monrovia March 20, 1974 and July 22,
Entered into force July 22, 1977.
29 UST 1494; TIAS 8892
Treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation.
Signed at Monrovia August 8, 1938.
Entered into force November 21, 1939.
54 Stat. 1739; TS 956; 9 Bevans 595; 201 LNTS 163
Trade and investment framework agreement.
Signed at Washington February 15, 2007.
Entered into force February 15, 2007.
TIAS 07-215.2
Air navigation agreement.
Exchange of notes at Monrovia June 14, 1939.
Entered into force June 15, 1939.
54 Stat. 2018; EAS 166; 9 Bevans 615; 202 LNTS 93
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington February 15, 2007.
Entered into force February 15, 2007.
TIAS 07-215.1
Claims settlement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Tripoli August 14, 2008.
Entered into force August 14, 2008.
TIAS 08-814
Memorandum of understanding on categories of
archaeological and ethnological material of Libya.
Signed at Washington February 23, 2018.
Entered into force February 23, 2018.
TIAS 18-223
Arrangement for return of equipment and material no longer
needed in the furtherance of the mutual defense assistance
Signed at Tripoli June 30, 1957.
Entered into force June 30, 1957.
8 UST 963; TIAS 3858; 284 UNTS 188
Military assistance agreement.*
Signed at Tripoli June 30, 1957.
Entered into force June 30, 1957.
8 UST 957; TIAS 3857; 284 UNTS 177
* Terminated February 5, 1972, except that Article I, paragraphs 2 and
4, arrangements under Article I, paragraphs 3, 5, and 7, and under
Article II remain in force.
Agreement relating to the termination of outstanding
agreements with Libya.
Exchange of notes at Tripoli February 5, 1972.
Entered into force February 5, 1972.
23 UST 82; TIAS 7275
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Tripoli May 2 and December 8, 2009.
Entered into force December 8, 2009.
Agreement to facilitate the provision of assistance for the
transfer of spent high-enriched uranium nuclear fuel to the
Russian Federation.
Signed at Tripoli October 28, 2009.
Entered into force October 28, 2009.
TIAS 09-1028
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Washington January 3, 2008.
Entered into force April 4, 2008.
TIAS 08-404
Amendment and Extension:
November 14, 2018 (TIAS 18-1114)
Memorandum of understanding regarding elimination of the
remaining stock of chemical weapons in Libya.
Signed at Tripoli September 8, 2013.
Entered into force September 8, 2013.
TIAS 13-908
Arrangement for the waiver of passport visa fees for
Exchange of notes at Bern April 22 and June 18 and 30, 1926.
Entered into force June 30, 1926; operative June 1, 1925.
9 Bevans 644
Arrangement relating to the waiver of passport visa fees for
Exchanges of notes at Washington October 22 and 31 and
November 4 and 13, 1947.
Entered into force November 13, 1947.
6 UST 93; TIAS 3172; 251 UNTS 79
* The status of these agreements is under review.
Agreement relating to employment of dependents of official
government employees.
Exchange of notes at Bern and Vaduz September 18 and
November 14, 1997.
Entered into force November 14, 1997.
TIAS 12899
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program.
Signed at Vaduz March 26, 2003.
Entered into force March 26, 2003.
TIAS 03-326
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Bern May 20, 1936.
Entered into force June 28, 1937.
50 Stat. 1337; TS 915; 9 Bevans 648; 183 LNTS 181
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
exchange of notes.
Signed at Vaduz July 8, 2002.
Entered into force August 1, 2003.
TIAS 03-801
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Washington June 27, 2012.
Entered into force March 9, 2018.
TIAS 18-309
Agreement concerning reciprocity of payment of certain social
security benefits.
Exchange of notes at Bern April 13, 1972.
Entered into force April 13, 1972; effective July 1, 1968.
23 UST 2896; TIAS 7476
Agreement on tax cooperation and the exchange of
information relating to taxes, with appendix.
Signed at Vaduz December 8, 2008.
Entered into force December 4, 2009.
TIAS 09-1204
May 16, 2014 (TIAS 15-122.1)
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Vaduz May 16, 2014.
Entered into force January 22, 2015.
TIAS 15-122.2
Arbitration treaty.
Signed at Washington November 14, 1928.
Entered into force January 20, 1930.
46 Stat. 2457; TS 809; 9 Bevans 671; 100 LNTS 111
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Washington November 14, 1928.
Entered into force January 20, 1930.
46 Stat. 2459; TS 810; 9 Bevans 673; 100 LNTS 117
Arrangement for the reciprocal waiver of passport visa fees for
Exchange of notes at Washington April 17, 1937.
Entered into force April 17, 1937; operative May 1, 1937.
9 Bevans 688
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps of the
United States in Lithuania.
Signed at Vilnius February 7, 1992.
Entered into force February 7, 1992.
TIAS 12447
Agreement on the protection and preservation of certain
cultural properties.
Signed at Vilnius October 15, 2002.
Entered into force August 3, 2006.
TIAS 06-803
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Vilnius March 31 and June 10, 1992.
Entered into force June 10, 1992.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training or other defense services from the United
States to Lithuania.
Exchange of notes at Vilnius February 11 and March 26, 1993.
Entered into force March 26, 1993.
TIAS 12348
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for topographic
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting, geodesy and
geophysics, digital data and related mapping, charting and
geodesy materials.
Signed at Vilnius January 21, 1994.
Entered into force February 15, 1994.
Security agreement concerning security measures for the
protection of classified military information.
Signed at Vilnius November 21, 1995.
Entered into force November 21, 1995.
TIAS 12243
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning global
geospatial information and services cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Vilnius June 11, 1999.
Entered into force June 11, 1999.
Agreement regarding logistic support, supplies and services,
with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart and Vilnius May 22 and 31, 2006.
Entered into force May 31, 2006.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Kaunas December 12, 2013 and
January 16, 2014.
Entered into force January 16, 2014.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Lithuanian Defense personnel to U.S. Special Operations
Command, with annexes.
Signed at Vilnius and Tampa February 10 and March 6, 2015.
Entered into force March 6, 2015.
Agreement on defense cooperation, with annex.
Signed at Vilnius January 17, 2017.
Entered into force February 27, 2017.
TIAS 17-227
Memorandum of understanding concerning diplomatic
Signed at Vilnius September 6, 1991.
Entered into force September 6, 1991.
TIAS 12133
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 21 and
December 8, 1994.
Entered into force December 8, 1994.
TIAS 12197
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Vilnius October 3, 2002.
Entered into force October 3, 2002.
TIAS 02-1003
Agreement for the funding of the debt of Lithuania to the
United States.
Signed at Washington September 22, 1924.
Operative June 15, 1924.
Treasury Department print; 9 Bevans 661
June 9, 1932 (Treasury Department print; 9 Bevans 681)
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Indianapolis October 28, 1991.
Entered into force February 7, 1992.
TIAS 12640; 1775 UNTS 291
Agreement relating to the registration of trademarks.
Exchange of notes at Riga and Kaunas September 14, 1929 and
October 11, 1929.
Entered into force October 11, 1929.
9 Bevans 675
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in the
pursuit of war criminals, with related note.
Signed at Vilnius August 3, 1992.
Entered into force August 3, 1992.
TIAS 12470
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Washington January 16, 1998.
Entered into force August 26, 1999.
TIAS 12923
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Vilnius October 23, 2001.
Entered into force March 31, 2003.
TIAS 13166
Protocol on the application of the agreement on extradition
between the United States of America and the European Union
to the extradition treaty of October 23, 2001, with annex.
Signed at Brussels June 15, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.14
Protocol on the application of the agreement on mutual legal
assistance between the United States of America and the
European Union to the treaty on mutual legal assistance in
criminal matters of January 16, 1998, with annex.
Signed at Brussels June 15, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.38
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating crime .
Signed at Vilnius October 29, 2008.
Entered into force July 20, 2010.
TIAS 10-720
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 14, 2015.
Entered into force September 22, 2015.
TIAS 15-922.1
Parcel post agreement.
Signed at Kaunas and Washington December 4 and
December 28, 1939.
Operative February 1, 1940.
54 Stat. 2021; Post Office Department print; 202 LNTS 381
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Vilnius and Washington September 21 and
October 29, 1992.
Entered into force December 14, 1992.
TIAS 11905
Agreement for cooperation in science, technology and
Signed at Vilnius June 25, 2018.
Entered into force February 26, 2019.
TIAS 19-226
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income.
Signed at Washington January 15, 1998.
Entered into force December 30, 1999.
TIAS 12921
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Vilnius August 26, 2014.
Entered into force October 7, 2014.
TIAS 14-1007.1
Agreement according mutual unconditional most-favored-
nation treatment in customs matters.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 23, 1925.
Entered into force July 10, 1926.
TS 742; 9 Bevans 668; 54 LNTS 377
Arrangement regarding reciprocal privileges for consular
officers to import articles free of duty for their personal use.
Exchanges of notes at Washington July 28, September 17 and
19 and October 4, 1934.
Entered into force October 4, 1934; operative October 15,
9 Bevans 685
Agreement concerning the development of trade and
investment relations.
Signed at Washington July 6, 1992.
Entered into force November 12, 1992.
TIAS 92-1112
Treaty for the encouragement and reciprocal protection of
investment, with annex and protocol.
Signed at Washington January 14, 1998.
Entered into force November 22, 2001.
TIAS 12918
Additional Protocol:
September 22, 2003 (TIAS 04-713)
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Luxembourg April 6, 1929.
Entered into force September 2, 1930.
46 Stat. 2813; TS 826; 9 Bevans 704; 106 LNTS 469
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Luxembourg April 6, 1929.
Entered into force September 2, 1930.
46 Stat. 2809; TS 825; 9 Bevans 701; 106 LNTS 475
Memorandum of understanding regarding claims between the
two Governments arising out of the conduct of the war.
Signed at Luxembourg September 12, 1946.
Entered into force September 12, 1946.
62 Stat. 4006; TIAS 2067; 9 Bevans 721; 149 UNTS 19
Agreement relating to war damage to private property.
Exchange of notes at Luxembourg June 15, 1955.
Entered into force June 15, 1955.
6 UST 2577; TIAS 3302; 264 UNTS 279
Agreement relating to the waiver of visas and visa fees for
Exchange of notes at Luxembourg April 25 and
May 22 and 26, 1936.
Entered into force May 26, 1936; operative June 15, 1936.
9 Bevans 710
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement concerning the establishment of a permanent
World War II cemetery in Luxembourg with exchange of
Signed at Luxembourg March 20, 1951.
Entered into force June 11, 1952.
3 UST 2745; TIAS 2445; 180 UNTS 283
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning concessions granted to United States in
establishing a permanent World War II cemetery in
Exchange of notes at Luxembourg March 20, 1951.
Entered into force March 20, 1951.
3 UST 2750; TIAS 2446; 180 UNTS 289
Mutual defense assistance agreement.
Signed at Washington January 27, 1950.
Entered into force March 28, 1950.
1 UST 69; TIAS 2014; 80 UNTS 187
Agreement relating to the assurances required under the
Mutual Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Luxembourg January 8, 1952.
Entered into force January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4627; TIAS 2614; 180 UNTS 191
Agreement relating to the offshore procurement program.
Signed at Luxembourg April 17, 1954.
Entered into force September 30, 1955.
6 UST 3989; TIAS 3415; 257 UNTS 255
Agreement approving the offshore procurement contract with
Exchange of notes at Luxembourg April 17, 1954.
Entered into force September 30, 1955.
6 UST 4009; TIAS 3416; 257 UNTS 270
May 10 and July 16, 1954 (6 UST 4009; TIAS 3416; 257 UNTS 292)
Memorandum of understanding relating to the disposal of
redistributable and excess property furnished in connection
with the mutual defense assistance program, with related
Signed at Luxembourg July 7, 1954.
Entered into force July 7, 1954.
5 UST 1524; TIAS 3029; 233 UNTS 23
March 4 and June 10, 1960 (11 UST 2169; TIAS 4583; 393 UNTS
Agreement concerning general security of military
Signed at Luxembourg September 17, 1981.
Entered into force September 17, 1981.
33 UST 3922; TIAS 10270; 1543 UNTS 117
Agreement concerning NATO civil air augmentation.
Signed at Scott AFB and Luxembourg March 11 and May 17,
Entered into force May 17, 1985.
TIAS 11108; 2120 UNTS 345
Memorandum of understanding concerning reciprocal defense
Signed at Brussels October 14, 2010.
Entered into force October 14, 2010.
TIAS 10-1014
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart and Luxembourg April 23 and May 15,
2015. Entered into force May 15, 2015.
Agreement for the financing of certain academic and cultural
exchanges and programs in the field of education.
Signed at Brussels December 12, 1968.
Entered into force May 13, 1971.
22 UST 1538; TIAS 7175; 806 UNTS 231
Agreement concerning cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Luxembourg October 10, 1996.
Entered into force October 10, 1996.
TIAS 12807
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section
413(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Luxembourg November 26 and
December 7, 1956.
Entered into force December 7, 1956.
7 UST 3432; TIAS 3715; 265 UNTS 255
Economic cooperation agreement.
Signed at Luxembourg July 3, 1948.
Entered into force July 3, 1948.
62 Stat. 2451; TIAS 1790; 9 Bevans 722; 24 UNTS 35
November 17 and December 22, 1948 (62 Stat. 3750; TIAS 1903;
9 Bevans 740; 55 UNTS 324)
January 17 and 19, 1950 (1 UST 163; TIAS 2030; 79 UNTS 306)
August 30 and October 17, 1951 (2 UST 2149; TIAS 2342; 137
UNTS 280)
December 31, 1952 and February 26, 1953 (4 UST 226; TIAS 2780;
212 UNTS 286)
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Washington October 1, 1996.
Entered into force February 1, 2002.
TIAS 12804
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
exchange of notes.
Signed at Luxembourg March 13, 1997.
Entered into force February 1, 2001.
TIAS 12842; 2147 UNTS 391
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3, paragraph 2(a), of
the agreement on mutual legal assistance between the United
States of America and the European Union signed June 25,
2003, as to the application of the treaty on mutual legal
assistance in criminal matters of March 13, 1997.
Signed at Washington February 1, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.39
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3, paragraph 2(a), of
the agreement on extradition between the United States of
America and the European Union signed June 25, 2003 as to
the application of the extradition treaty of October 1, 1996.
Signed at Washington February 1, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.15
Agreement concerning the sharing of 601,654.34 Euros
(equivalent to US$842,917.73) of confiscated property.
Signed at February 10 and 27, 2012.
Entered into force February 27, 2012.
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Luxembourg February 3, 2012.
Entered into force May 31, 2017.
TIAS 17-531
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Luxembourg and Washington April 21 and June 14,
Entered into force October 1, 1983.
35 UST 1431; TIAS 10737; 2006 UNTS 331
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST field trial, with details of implementation.
Signed at Luxembourg and Washington April 29 and May 28,
Entered into force June 3, 1985.
TIAS 11245
Mutual aid settlement.
Exchange of memorandums at Luxembourg August 29, 1946.
Entered into force August 29, 1946.
62 Stat. 4003; TIAS 2065; 9 Bevans 718; 140 UNTS 101
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Luxembourg February 12, 1992.
Entered into force November 1, 1993.
TIAS 12119
Agreement relating to relief from taxation of United States
expenditures in Luxembourg for common defense.
Exchange of notes at Luxembourg March 10 and 13, 1952.
Entered into force March 13, 1952.
3 UST 4001; TIAS 2538; 168 UNTS 57
Agreement concerning the reciprocal exemption from income
tax of income derived from the international operation of ships
and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Luxembourg April 11 and June 22, 1989.
Entered into force January 8, 1993.
TIAS 12056
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and capital, with related exchange of notes.
Signed at Luxembourg April 3, 1996.
Entered into force December 20, 2000.
TIAS; 2148 UNTS 81
May 20, 2009
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and with
respect to the United States information reporting provisions
commonly known as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance
Act, with annexes and exchange of modifying notes.
Signed at Luxembourg March 28, 2014.
Entered into force July 29, 2015.
TIAS 15-729.1
Agreement relating to the establishment of a radio range
station in Luxembourg.
Exchange of notes at Luxembourg July 22 and August 17, 1953.
Entered into force August 17, 1953.
5 UST 1823; TIAS 3056; 234 UNTS 219.
Agreement relating to reciprocal granting of authorizations to
permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Luxembourg July 7 and 29, 1965.
Entered into force July 29, 1965.
16 UST 1746; TIAS 5900; 573 UNTS 197
Treaty of friendship, establishment and navigation, and
Signed at Luxembourg February 23, 1962.
Entered into force March 28, 1963.
14 UST 251; TIAS 5306; 474 UNTS 3
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Air transport agreement, with annex.*
Signed at Luxembourg August 19, 1986.
Entered into force August 3, 1988.
TIAS 11249; 2174 UNTS 239
June 6, 1995 (TIAS 12656)
July 13 and 21, 1998 (TIAS 12977)
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
By a note dated December 4, 1962, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
Malagasy Republic informed the American Ambassador of the following
No official act specifies, in the agreements with the French Republic, the
juridical position of the Malagasy Republic with regard to the rights and
obligations contracted for Madagascar in the treaties, agreements, and
conventions signed by France prior to Madagascar’s accession to
international sovereignty. In accordance with usage, the Malagasy
Republic considers itself implicitly bound by such texts unless it explicitly
denounces them. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs the Embassy of
the United States of America that, in order to avoid any ambiguity, the
Malagasy Republic transmits, as soon as it is in a position to reach an
affirmative decision on each of the texts in question, a formal declaration
in which it declares itself bound by the Treaty, the Agreement or the
Convention under consideration.
Reciprocal agreement between the United States and France
relating to visa fees for nonimmigrants.*
Exchanges of notes at Washington August 19 and September 4,
5, and 16, 1947.
Entered into force September 16, 1947; operative October 1,
61 Stat. 3776; TIAS 1721; 7 Bevans 1210; 84 UNTS 19
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Madagascar.
Exchange of notes at Antananarivo June 11, 1992.
Entered into force June 11, 1992.
TIAS 12107
Agreement relating to the status of United States military and
civilian personnel of the United States Department of Defense
temporarily present in Madagascar in connection with
humanitarian relief operations.
Exchange of notes at Antananarivo March 11 and 13, 2000.
Entered into force March 13, 2000.
Agreement concerning the provision of defense articles,
related training and other defense services pursuant to the
International Military Education and Training (IMET)
Program, the Africa Military Education Program (AMEP), the
Africa Military Education Program (AMEP) and peacekeeping
operations under Section 551 of the Foreign Assistance Act.
Exchange of notes at Antananarivo June 21 and September 1,
Entered into force September 1, 2015.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Antananarivo April 12, 2001 and
September 3, 2004.
Entered into force September 3, 2004.
TIAS 04-903
Agreement concerning cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Antananarivo June 11, 1997.
Entered into force June 11, 1997
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government, with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 28, 1984.
Entered into force November 19, 1984.
TIAS 10998; 2022 UNTS 79
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annex.
Signed at Antananarivo October 8, 1985.
Entered into force November 12, 1985.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Antananarivo May 7, 1987.
Entered into force June 15, 1987.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Antananarivo August 9, 1989.
Entered into force September 14, 1989.
March 23 and May 2, 1990 (NP)
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Antananarivo June 19, 1991.
Entered into force August 9, 1991.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its Agency, with
Signed at Washington December 16, 1997.
Entered into force March 4, 1998.
February 14 and May 20, 2003
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington March 31, 1998.
Entered into force February 7, 2000.
TIAS 12939
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agency.
Signed at Antananarivo January 7, 2004.
Entered into force March 10, 2004.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government,
with annexes.
Signed at Antananarivo March 18, 2005.
Entered into force May 19, 2005.
Agreement providing for the furnishing of economic, technical
and related assistance.
Exchange of notes at Tananarive June 22, 1961.
Entered into force June 22, 1961.
12 UST 1049; TIAS 4808; 413 UNTS 219
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Antananarivo April 23, 2003.
Entered into force August 4, 2003.
TIAS 03-804
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Antananarivo and Washington April 28 and
May 26, 1988.
Entered into force July 15, 1988.
TIAS 11597
Convention of navigation and commerce between the United
States and France, with separate article.*
Signed at Washington June 24, 1822; extended to Madagascar
in 1896.
8 Stat. 278; TS 87; 7 Bevans 822
* Article VI abrogated by the United States July 1, 1916, in
accordance with the Seamen’s Act (38 Stat. 1164).
Agreement modifying the provisions of article VII of the
convention of navigation and commerce of June 24, 1822.
Signed at Washington July 17, 1919.
Entered into force January 10, 1921.
41 Stat. 1723; TS 650; 7 Bevans 899
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Antananarivo March 10, 2004.
Entered into force August 22, 2017.
TIAS 17-822
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Malawi.
Exchange of notes at Blantyre and Zomba September 14, 1971.
Entered into force September 14, 1971.
22 UST 1633; TIAS 7191
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Lilongwe March 20 and May 1, 1980.
Entered into force May 1, 1980.
32 UST 965; TIAS 9744; 1222 UNTS 331
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Malawi.
Exchange of notes at Lilongwe May 28 and July 24, 1992.
Entered into force July 24, 1992.
TIAS 12525
Agreement regarding the provision of commodities, services
and associated military education and training to assist the
Republic of Malawi’s forces participating in the African Crisis
Response Initiative.
Exchange of notes at Lilongwe July 28 and August 27, 1997.
Entered into force August 27, 1997.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart and Blantyre February 11 and March 7,
Entered into force March 7, 2013.
Agreement regarding military cooperation.
Signed at Lilongwe February 24, 2016.
Entered into force February 24, 2016.
TIAS 16-224
Agreement concerning the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 29, 1998 and
April 16, 1999.
Entered into force April 16, 1999.
TIAS 13030
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Blantyre May 1 and July 21, 1967.
Entered into force July 21, 1967.
18 UST 2335; TIAS 6334; 693 UNTS 3
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Lilongwe March 10, 1983.
Entered into force May 16, 1983.
TIAS 10684; 2005 UNTS 133
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies with annexes and
implementing agreement regarding repayments due under
A.I.D. loans, with annexes.
Signed at Lilongwe April 30, 1984.
Entered into force June 11, 1984.
TIAS 10993; 2022 UNTS 81
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Lilongwe February 21, 1989.
Entered into force April 6, 1989.
Economic, technical, and related assistance agreement.
Signed at Lilongwe January 8, 1987.
Entered into force January 8, 1987.
TIAS 87-108
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Lilongwe September 23, 2003.
Entered into force September 23, 2003.
TIAS 03-923
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Applicable to Nyasaland June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Lilongwe and Washington April 26 and June 21,
Entered into force July 15, 1988.
TIAS 11582
Agreement continuing in force between the United States and
Malawi the extradition treaty and the double taxation
convention* between the United States and the United
Exchange of notes at Zomba and Blantyre December 17, 1966,
January 6 and April 4, 1967.
Entered into force April 4, 1967.
18 UST 1822; TIAS 6328; 692 UNTS 191
* Notification of termination of the 1945 taxation convention as
applicable to Malawi given by the United States June 28, 1983,
effective January 1, 1984.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On August 31, 1957, the Federation of Malaya attained fully responsible
status within the British Commonwealth (Federation of Malaya
Independence Act, 1957). By an exchange of notes dated September 12,
1957, between the United Kingdom and the Federation of Malaya there
were formally transferred to the Federation, as of August 31, 1957, the
rights and obligations of treaties and agreements entered into between the
United Kingdom and any other government in so far as such instruments
may be held to have application to or in respect of the Federation of
Malaya. The British Colonies of North Borneo and Sarawak and the State
of Singapore were federated with the existing States of the Federation of
Malaya under the provisions of a general agreement between them and the
United Kingdom, signed at London July 9, 1963. On September 16, 1963,
the Federation of Malaya changed its name to Malaysia. The Constitution
of the Federation of Malaya was amended by the Malaysia Act of 1963 to
provide for the Government of Malaysia’s assumption of rights and
obligations of treaties and agreements entered into between the United
Kingdom and any other government on behalf of the Borneo States and
Singapore. On August 9, 1965, Singapore became an independent and
sovereign state.
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to visas.*
Exchange of notes at London October 15 and 22, 1954.
Agreement continuing in force the 1954 agreement with
respect to the Federation of Malaya.*
Exchange of letters at Kuala Lumpur March 5 and 12, 1958.
* The status of these agreements is under review.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in the Federation of Malaya.
Exchange of notes at Kuala Lumpur September 4, 1961.
Entered into force September 4, 1961.
12 UST 1236; TIAS 4843; 421 UNTS 215
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Sarawak.
Exchange of notes at London October 25, 1962.
Entered into force October 25, 1962.
13 UST 2394; TIAS 5202; 457 UNTS 129
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in North Borneo.
Exchange of notes at London October 25, 1962.
Entered into force October 25, 1962.
13 UST 2389; TIAS 5201; 457 UNTS 137
Agreement relating to the purchase by Malaya of military
equipment, materials, and services from the United States.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 30 and July 9, 1958.
Entered into force July 9, 1958.
9 UST 1235; TIAS 4108; 336 UNTS 79
Agreement relating to the deposit by Malaysia of ten percent
of the value of grant military assistance furnished by the
United States.
Exchange of notes at Kuala Lumpur March 8 and April 4, 1972.
Entered into force April 4, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 294; TIAS 7309
Agreement relating to eligibility for United States military
assistance and training pursuant to the International Security
Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976.
Exchange of notes at Kuala Lumpur February 11 and
March 14, 1977.
Entered into force March 14, 1977.
29 UST 663; TIAS 8845
Agreement concerning a military education exchange
Exchange of letters at Washington and Kuala Lumpur
May 16 and 29, 1991.
Entered into force May 29, 1991.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes
Signed May 9, 2005.
Entered into force May 9, 2005.
TIAS 05-509
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military and Education Training Program (IMET).
Exchange of notes at Kuala Lumpur March 3 and
September 18, 2006.
Entered into force September 18, 2006.
Consular convention and protocol of signature between the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement concerning the establishment of the Malaysian-
American Commission on Educational Exchange.
Signed at Kuala Lumpur September 20, 2010.
Entered into force September 20, 2010 with effect from
August 3, 2005.
TIAS 10-920.1
October 5, 2015 and September 6, 2018 (TIAS 18-906)
Memorandum of understanding on the Fulbright English
Teaching Assistant Program, with appendix.
Signed at Putrajaya November 27, 2017.
Entered into force November 27, 2017 with effect from May 3,
TIAS 17-1127
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning employment on a reciprocal basis of
dependents of official Government employees.
Exchange of notes at Kuala Lumpur April 23 and 24, 2014.
Entered into force April 24, 2014.
TIAS 14-424
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section
413(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Kuala Lumpur April 21, 1959.
Entered into force April 21, 1959.
10 UST 776; TIAS 4214; 343 UNTS 3
June 24, 1965 (16 UST 1086; TIAS 5850; 564 UNTS 230)
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Applicable to the Federation of Malaya July 20, 1948.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 12 Bevans 874; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 86 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 25, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
relating to reciprocal protection to trademarks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement relating to a cooperative program to combat the
spread of heroin addiction and other forms of drug abuse in
Exchange of notes at Kuala Lumpur November 16 and
December 8, 1978.
Entered into force December 8, 1978.
30 UST 7183; TIAS 9577; 1182 UNTS 101
April 9 and May 18, 1979 (30 UST 7192; TIAS 9577; 1182 UNTS
Memorandum of understanding for reducing demand,
preventing illicit use and combatting illicit production and
traffic of drugs, including precursor chemicals.
Signed at Kuala Lumpur April 20, 1989.
Entered into force April 20, 1989.
TIAS 12399
Extradition treaty, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Kuala Lumpur August 3, 1995.
Entered into force June 2, 1997.
TIAS 97-602
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Kuala Lumpur July 28, 2006.
Entered into force January 21, 2009.
TIAS 09-121
Memorandum of understanding regarding mutual assistance
on customs matters.
Signed at Sepang December 9, 2014.
Entered into force December 9, 2014.
TIAS 14-1209.1
Agreement on enhancing co-operation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Kuala Lumpur November 19, 2015.
Entered into force April 25, 2016.
TIAS 16-425
Agreement concerning the transboundary movement of
hazardous wastes from Malaysia to the United States.
Signed at Kuala Lumpur March 10, 1995.
Entered into force March 10, 1995.
TIAS 12612
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Kuala Lumpur and Washington January 21 and
March 22, 1935.
Entered into force April 1, 1935.
49 Stat. 3133; Post Office Department print; 161 LNTS 41
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Washington and Kuala Lumpur February 14 and
March 14, 1983.
Entered into force June 1, 1983.
TIAS 10671; 2001 UNTS 47
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.*
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Entered into force August 7, 1900.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
* Notification given on February 9, 1901, of application to the
Straits Settlements.
Memorandum of understanding on science and technology
cooperation, with annex.
Signed at Putrajaya November 2, 2010.
Entered into force November 2, 2010.
TIAS 10-1102.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning reciprocal exemption with respect to
taxes on income of shipping and air transport enterprises.
Signed at Kuala Lumpur April 18, 1989.
Entered into force March 12, 1990.
TIAS 11618; 2191 UNTS 143
Trade and investment framework agreement, with annex.
Signed at Washington May 10, 2004.
Entered into force May 10, 2004.
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 5, 1935.
Entered into force May 5, 1935.
49 Stat. 3731; EAS 77; 12 Bevans 513; 162 LNTS 59
Agreement concerning assistance in developing and
modernizing Malaysia’s civil aviation infrastructure.
Signed at Washington and Kuala Lumpur July 22 and
August 6, 1994.
Entered into force August 6, 1994
Agreement for promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Kuala Lumpur May 28, 1996.
Entered into force May 28, 1996.
TIAS 12760
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at San Francisco June 21, 1997.
Entered into force June 21, 1997.
TIAS 12871
August 7 and October 20, 2006 (TIAS 06-1020)
Agreement regarding military and Department of Defense
civilian personnel.
Exchange of notes at Colombo December 31, 2004.
Entered into force December 31, 2004.
TIAS 04-1231
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Colombo June 10 and September 9, 2010.
Entered into force September 9, 2010.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes
Signed at Kurumba September 22, 2010.
Entered into force September 22, 2010.
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program.
Signed at Male December 8, 2003.
Entered into force December 8, 2003.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Male March 15, 2010.
Entered into force March 15, 2010.
TIAS 10-315
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Signed at Male and Colombo April 8 and 10, 2003.
Entered into force July 8, 2003.
TIAS 03-708
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Brussels June 25, 2005.
Entered into force June 25, 2005.
TIAS 05-625
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Male and Washington October 20 and November 8,
Entered into force December 5, 1990.
TIAS 11766
Trade and investment framework agreement.
Signed at Male October 17, 2009.
Entered into force October 17, 2009.
TIAS 09-1017
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing Maldives’s civil aviation
infrastructure, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Male February 12 and 17, 1997.
Entered into force February 17, 1997.
TIAS 12833
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington May 5, 2005.
Entered into force May 5, 2005.
TIAS 05-505
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Mali.
Exchange of notes at Bamako December 23, 1969 and
April 17, 1971.
Entered into force April 17, 1971.
26 UST 2611; TIAS 8178; 1027 UNTS 121
Agreement concerning the imposition of import restrictions on
archaeological material from the Paleolithic Era (Stone Age)
to approximately the Colonial Era of Mali, with appendix.
Signed at Washington September 19, 1997.
Entered into force September 19, 1997.
TIAS 97-919
Amendment and Extensions:
September 11 and 17, 2002 (TIAS 97-919)
September 11 and 17, 2007 (TIAS 97-919)
August 15 and September 5, 2012 (TIAS 12-905)
September 14, 2017 (TIAS 17-914)
Military assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Bamako May 20, 1961.
Entered into force May 20, 1961.
12 UST 1030; TIAS 4805; 413 UNTS 205
Understanding regarding delivery of two C-47 aircraft and
related articles and services.
Exchange of notes at Bamako January 5, 1967.
Entered into force January 5, 1967.
18 UST 338; TIAS 6238
Geodetic survey agreement.
Signed at Bamako January 17, 1968.
Entered into force January 17, 1968.
19 UST 4568; TIAS 6446; 697 UNTS 231
Agreement relating to the deposit by Mali of ten percent of the
value of grant military assistance and excess defense articles
furnished by the United States.
Exchange of notes at Bamako April 18 and June 6, 1972.
Entered into force June 6, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 1106; TIAS 7368
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Bamako November 4, 1983 and
March 23, 1984.
Entered into force March 23, 1984.
Agreement regarding the status of U.S. military personnel and
civilian employees of the Department of Defense who may be
temporarily present in Mali in connection with the African
Crisis Response Initiative.
Exchange of notes at Bamako July 30 and September 30, 1997.
Entered into force September 30, 1997.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training, and other defense services from the United
States of America to the Government of Mali for purposes of
participation in peacekeeping operations (PKO) in Liberia
under Economic Community of West African States
Exchange of notes at Bamako August 18 and 22, 2003.
Entered into force August 22, 2003.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Bamako September 20, 2006.
Entered into force September 20, 2006.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Bamako January 26 and February
22, 2011.
Entered into force February 22, 2011.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 6 and June 20, 1995.
Entered into force June 20, 1995.
TIAS 12668
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Washington November 19, 1997.
Entered into force November 19, 1997.
TIAS 12905
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Bamako June 4 and 9, 1964.
Entered into force June 9, 1964.
15 UST 1533; TIAS 5636; 530 UNTS 133
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Bamako June 3, 1989.
Entered into force July 21, 1989.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation of debt owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government,
with annexes.
Signed at Bamako September 10 and October 29, 2004.
Entered into force January 18, 2005.
Agreement providing for the furnishing of economic, technical
and related assistance.
Exchange of notes at Bamako January 4, 1961.
Entered into force January 4, 1961.
12 UST 1; TIAS 4668; 405 UNTS 165
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Bamako and Washington April 2 and 16, 1987.
Entered into force June 1, 1987.
TIAS 11304
Postal money order agreement.
Signed at Bamako and Washington February 10 and April 7,
Entered into force May 1, 1994.
Agreement for the continuation of cooperation on an
International Center of Excellence in Research in Bamako,
Mali, with annex.
Signed at Bamako December 1, 2015.
Entered into force December 1, 2015.
Agreement to provide social security benefits for certain
employees of the United States in Mali.
Signed at Bamako December 2, 1969.
Entered into force January 1, 1970.
21 UST 2145; TIAS 6961; 764 UNTS 151
Civil aviation security agreement.
Signed at Bamako June 25, 1993.
Entered into force June 25, 1993.
TIAS 12155
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington October 17, 2005.
Entered into force October 17, 2005.
TIAS 05-1017
On September 21, 1964, Malta attained fully responsible status within the
British Commonwealth (Malta Independence Act, 1964). By an exchange
of letters dated December 31, 1964, between the Government of the United
Kingdom and the Government of Malta, it was agreed that all obligations
and responsibilities of the Government of the United Kingdom which arise
from any valid international instrument shall, as from September 21, 1964,
be assumed by the Government of Malta insofar as such instruments may
be held to have application to Malta. Also, rights and benefits heretofore
enjoyed by the Government of the United Kingdom in virtue of the
application of any such international instrument to Malta shall, as from
September 21, 1964, be enjoyed by the Government of Malta.
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom providing for waiver of the visa requirement for
United States citizens visiting Malta and for waiver of visa
fees for British subjects residents of Malta visiting the United
Exchange of notes at Washington October 31 and
December 12, 1949.
Entered into force December 12, 1949; operative
December 1, 1949.
64 Stat. B137; TIAS 2069; 12 Bevans 950; 92 UNTS 191
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Malta.
Exchange of notes at Valletta April 29 and June 24, 1970.
Entered into force June 24, 1970.
21 UST 1486; TIAS 6907; 753 UNTS 281
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training and other
defense services, including pursuant to the United States
International Military Education and Training (IMET)
Exchange of notes at Valletta November 30 and December 15,
Entered into force December 15, 2011.
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to employment of dependents of official
government employees.
Exchange of notes at Floriana September 25 and October 3,
Entered into force October 3, 1991.
TIAS 11795
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at Washington November 16, 1966.
Entered into force January 26, 1967.
18 UST 106; TIAS 6205; 688 UNTS 45
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Applicable to Malta July 6, 1948.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 12 Bevans 874; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 86 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 25, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
Signed at Valletta March 6, 2001.
Entered into force March 6, 2001.
TIAS 13144
Extradition treaty, with exchange of letters.
Signed at Valletta May 18, 2006.
Entered into force July 1, 2009.
TIAS 09-701
Treaty on certain aspects of mutual legal assistance in criminal
matters, with annex.
Signed at Valletta May 18, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.40
Agreement enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Washington October 3, 2008.
Entered into force October 11, 2011.
TIAS 11-1011
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress illicit traffic in
narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances by sea.
Signed at Valletta June 16, 2004.
Entered into force January 10, 2008.
TIAS 08-110
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery
systems, and related materials by sea, with appendix.
Signed at Washington March 15, 2007.
Entered into force December 19, 2007.
TIAS 07-1219
International express mail agreement.
Signed at Valletta August 20 and October 29, 1991.
Entered into force December 2, 1991.
TIAS 11789
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Malta May 29, 1947.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention between the United States and the
United Kingdom relating to the tenure and disposition of real
and personal property.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Applicable to Malta May 29, 1947.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement on reciprocal exemption from taxes on earnings
derived from the operation of ships and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 26, 1996 and
March 11, 1997.
Entered into force March 11, 1997.
TIAS 12841
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with exchange of notes.
Signed at Valletta August 8, 2008.
Entered into force November 23, 2010.
TIAS 10-1123
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Valletta December 16, 2013.
Entered into force June 26, 2014.
TIAS 14-626
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention to regulate the commerce between the United
States and the United Kingdom.*
Signed at London July 3, 1815.
Entered into force July 3, 1815.
8 Stat. 228; TS 110; 12 Bevans 49
Convention continuing in force indefinitely the convention of
July 3, 1815 between the United States and the United
Signed at London August 6, 1827.
Entered into force April 2, 1828.
8 Stat. 361; TS 117; 12 Bevans 76
* Article IV superseded from September 7, 1952, by consular
convention of June 6, 1951 (3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494).
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 5, 1935.
Applicable to Malta May 5, 1935.
49 Stat. 3731; EAS 77; 12 Bevans 513; 162 LNTS 59
Air transport agreement, with annexes.*
Signed at Washington October 12, 2000.
Entered into force October 12, 2000.
TIAS 13120.
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Agreement regarding the provision of services of a military
civic action team to the Marshall Islands.
Signed at Honolulu July 26, 1988.
Entered into force October 24, 1988.
TIAS 11657
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or
successor legislation, including the International Military
Education and Training Program; the Arms Export Control
Act; 10 U.S.C. Section 333; and other Department of Defense
authorities; and the furnishings of defense articles, related to
training and other defense services from the United States of
America to the Government of the Republic of the Marshall
Islands under such Authorities.
Exchange of notes at Majuro April 11 and 26, 2017.
Entered into force April 26, 2017.
Agreement relating to diplomatic relations, with related notes.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 23 and September 6,
Entered into force September 6, 1989.
TIAS 11890
Agreement regarding augmentation of educational assistance.
Signed at Washington September 7, 1988.
Entered into force September 7, 1988.
TIAS 11639
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Majuro October 17, 1996.
Entered into force October 17, 1996.
TIAS 12808
Investment incentive agreement.
Exchange of notes at Majuro January 20, 1988 and
January 25, 1989.
Entered into force January 25, 1989.
TIAS 12092
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Majuro September 10, 2002.
Entered into force June 26, 2003.
TIAS 03-626.1
Agreement regarding customs laws and regulations governing
the arrival and departure of yachts.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 9, 2002.
Entered into force July 9, 2002.
TIAS 02-709
Agreement concerning cooperation in maritime surveillance
and interdiction activities.
Signed at Majuro August 5, 2008.
Entered into force August 5, 2008.
TIAS 08-805
Protocol to the agreement of August 5, 2008 concerning
cooperation in maritime surveillance and interdiction
Signed at Majuro March 19, 2013.
Entered into force March 19, 2013.
TIAS 13-319
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery
systems, and related materials by sea.
Signed at Honolulu August 13, 2004.
Entered into force November 24, 2004.
TIAS 04-1124
Compact of Free Association, as amended.
Signed at Majuro April 30, 2003.
Entered into force May 1, 2004.
TIAS 04-501
Federal programs and services agreement concluded pursuant
to Article III of Title One, Article II of Title Two (including
Section 222) and Section 231 of the Compact of Free
Association, as Amended, with annex and agreed minute.
Signed at Majuro March 23, 2004.
Entered into force May 1, 2004.
TIAS 04-501.6
Agreement on extradition, mutual assistance in law
enforcement matters and penal sanctions concluded pursuant
to Section 175 of the Amended Compact of Free Association,
with agreed minute.
Signed at Majuro April 30, 2003.
Entered into force May 1, 2004; effective October 21, 1986.
TIAS 04-501.2
Agreement regarding protections for citizens of the Republic
of the Marshall Islands seeking to engage in employment in
the United States pursuant to recruitment or other placement
Signed at Majuro April 30, 2003.
Entered into force May 1, 2004.
TIAS 04-501.1
Agreement implementing section 216 and section 217 of the
Compact, as amended, regarding a trust fund.
Signed at Majuro April 30, 2003.
Entered into force May 1, 2004.
TIAS 04-501.5
Agreement regarding the military use and operating rights of
the Government of the United States in the Republic of the
Marshall Islands concluded pursuant to Sections 321 and 323
of the Compact of Free Association, as Amended, with agreed
minutes and annexes.
Signed at Majuro April 30, 2003.
Entered into force May 1, 2004.
TIAS 04-501.3
Related Agreement:
March 23, 2004 (TIAS 04-501.3)
Status of forces agreement, with agreed minutes.
Signed at Majuro April 30, 2003.
Entered into force May 1, 2004.
TIAS 04-501.4
Agreement concerning procedures for the implementation of
United States economic assistance provided in the Compact of
Free Association, as amended.
Signed at Majuro March 23, 2004.
Entered into force May 1, 2004.
TIAS 04-501.7
Agreement concerning the reciprocal exemption from income
tax of income derived from the international operation of ships
and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Majuro December 5, 1989.
Entered into force December 5, 1989.
TIAS 11728
Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to
taxes, with attachment and exchange of notes.
Signed at Majuro March 14, 1991.
Entered into force March 14, 1991.
TIAS 11830; 2211 UNTS 401
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
radio stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Majuro October 8 and 15, 1991.
Entered into force November 14, 1991.
TIAS 12439
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Majuro October 15 and 18, 1993.
Entered into force October 18, 1993.
TIAS 12512
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of technical
assistance in developing, modernizing, operating, or
maintaining the civil aviation infrastructure in the Marshall
Signed at Washington and Majuro April 25 and May 9, 2014.
Entered into force May 9, 2014.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Mauritania.
Exchange of notes at Nouakchott September 19 and
October 17, 1966.
Entered into force October 17, 1966.
17 UST 2046; TIAS 6143; 676 UNTS 3
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Nouakchott May 21, 1982 and
August 26, 1984.
Entered into force August 26, 1984.
TIAS 10987; 2022 UNTS 117
Agreement of cooperation regarding the Pan-Sahel initiative
Signed at Nouakchott June 3, 2005.
Entered into force June 3, 2005.
TIAS 05-603
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Nouakchott June 22, 2005.
Entered into force June 22, 2005.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, amended, or successor legislation, and the furnishing
of defense articles, defense services and related training,
including pursuant to the United States International Military
and Education Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Nouakchott June 9, 2005 and July 31,
Entered into force July 31, 2007.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Nouakchott January 26 and March
19, 2011.
Entered into force March 19, 2011.
Agreement for cooperation in the GLOBE Program.
Signed at Nouakchott July 6, 2004.
Entered into force July 6, 2004.
TIAS 04-706
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Nouakchott May 4 and July 3, 1964.
Entered into force July 3, 1964.
15 UST 2385; TIAS 5727; 532 UNTS 307
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annex.
Signed at Washington August 14, 1985.
Entered into force September 23, 1985.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agency, with annexes.
Signed at Nouakchott February 4, 1990.
Entered into force March 12, 1990.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington July 29, 1993.
Entered into force September 13, 1993.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and reduction of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agency, with annexes.
Signed at Nouakchott November 9, 2000.
Entered into force February 15, 2001.
Agreement regarding the consolidation of debt owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government,
with annexes.
Signed at Nouakchott April 1, 2003.
Entered into force June 30, 2003.
General agreement for special development assistance.
Signed at Nouakchott March 23, 1971.
Entered into force March 23, 1971.
22 UST 667; TIAS 7121; 792 UNTS 205
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at New York September 17, 2002.
Entered into force July 6, 2003.
TIAS 03-706
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Nouakchott and Washington June 28 and July 17,
Entered into force September 21, 1992.
TIAS 11872
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On March 12, 1968, Mauritius became an independent state. In a note
dated March 12, 1968, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the
Prime Minister and Minister of External Affairs made a statement reading
in part as follows:
I have the honour to inform you that the Government of Mauritius,
conscious of the desirability of maintaining existing legal relationships,
and conscious of its obligation under international law to honour its treaty
commitments, acknowledges that many treaty rights and obligations of the
Government of the United Kingdom in respect of Mauritius were
succeeded to by Mauritius upon independence by virtue of customary
international law.
Since, however, it is likely that by virtue of customary international law
certain treaties may have lapsed at the date of independence of Mauritius,
it seems essential that each treaty should be subjected to legal examination.
It is proposed after this examination has been completed, to indicate
which, if any, of the treaties which may have lapsed by customary
international law the Government of Mauritius wish to treat as having
It is desired that it be presumed that each treaty has been legally succeeded
to by Mauritius and that action be based upon this presumption until a
decision is reached that it should be regarded as having lapsed. Should the
Government of Mauritius be of the opinion that they have legally
succeeded to a treaty but subsequently wish to terminate its operation, they
will in due course give notice of termination in the terms thereof.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Mauritius.
Exchange of notes at Port Louis March 18, 1971.
Entered into force March 18, 1971.
22 UST 453; TIAS 7080; 792 UNTS 197
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Port Louis June 8 and July 8, 2009.
Entered into force July 8, 2009.
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Port Louis March 17 and June 13, 1997.
Entered into force June 13, 1997.
TIAS 12868
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Port Louis December 15, 1997.
Entered into force May 26, 1998.
TIAS 12912
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Applicable to Mauritius July 6, 1948.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 12 Bevans 874; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 86 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 25, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
relating to reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington June 25, 2003.
Entered into force June 30, 2003.
TIAS 03-630.2
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Entered into force June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Washington October 25, 2007.
Entered into force October 25, 2007.
TIAS 07-1025
International express mail agreement.
Signed at Port Louis and Washington September 9 and
October 2, 1992.
Entered into force December 14, 1992.
TIAS 11909
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Mauritius June 10, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property of March 2, 1899.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Port Louis December 27, 2013.
Entered into force August 29, 2014.
TIAS 14-829
Agreement for the exchange of information relating to taxes.
Signed at Port Louis December 27, 2013.
Entered into force August 29, 2014.
TIAS 14-829.1
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to air services.
Signed at Bermuda February 11, 1946.
Entered into force February 11, 1946.
60 Stat. 1499; TIAS 1507; 12 Bevans 726; 3 UNTS 253
May 27, 1966 (17 UST 683; TIAS 6019)
Agreement relating to the installation, operation and use of
distance measuring equipment at Plaisance Airfield.
Exchange of notes at Port Louis November 4 and
December 29, 1969.
Entered into force December 29, 1969.
21 UST 434; TIAS 6829; 740 UNTS 135
Convention safeguarding livestock interests through the
prevention of infectious and contagious diseases.
Signed at Washington March 16, 1928.
Entered into force January 18, 1930.
46 Stat. 2451; TS 808; 9 Bevans 959; 106 LNTS 481
Agreement relating to the establishment of an agricultural
Exchange of notes at Mexico January 6 and 27, 1944.
Entered into force January 27, 1944.
58 Stat. 1425; EAS 421; 9 Bevans 1162; 106 UNTS 275
Agreement establishing the Mexican-United States
Commission for the Prevention of Foot-and-Mouth Disease.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 26, 1952.
Entered into force August 26, 1952.
6 UST 2543; TIAS 3300; 264 UNTS 269
December 12, 1953 and July 30, 1954 (7 UST 937; TIAS 3578)
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperative efforts
to protect crops from plant pest damage and diseases.
Signed at Mexico February 8, 1973.
Entered into force February 8, 1973.
28 UST 7004; TIAS 8701
September 10 and October 9, 1973 (28 UST 7013; TIAS 8701)
July 15 and 24, 1976 (28 UST 7015; TIAS 8701)
Agreement relating to the termination of the 1972 agreement
to eradicate screwworms.
Signed at Mexico City and Washington September 24 and 25,
Entered into force September 25, 2012.
TIAS 12-925.1
Wildfire protection agreement.
Signed at Washington and Boquillas April 8 and 10, 2015.
Entered into force April 10, 2015.
TIAS 15-410
Treaty relating to the boundary line, transit of persons, etc.,
across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (Gadsden Treaty).*
Signed at Mexico December 30, 1853.
Entered into force June 30, 1854.
10 Stat. 1031; TS 208; 9 Bevans 812
* Article VIII terminated December 21, 1937.
Convention to avoid the difficulties occasioned by reason of
the changes which take place in the beds of the Rio Grande
and Colorado River.*
Signed at Washington March 1, 1889.
Entered into force December 24, 1890.
26 Stat. 1512; TS 232; 9 Bevans 877
* Extended indefinitely by Article 2 of treaty signed February 3,
1944 (59 Stat. 1219; TS 994). This convention established the
International Boundary Commission, subsequently the
International Boundary and Water Commission.
Convention providing for the equitable distribution of the
waters of the Rio Grande for irrigation purposes.
Signed at Washington May 21, 1906.
Entered into force January 16, 1907.
34 Stat. 2953; TS 455; 9 Bevans 924
Convention for the rectification of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo
del Norte) in the El Paso-Juarez Valley, and exchanges of
notes of February 1 and September 8, 1933.
Signed at Mexico February 1, 1933.
Entered into force November 10, 1933.
48 Stat. 1621; TS 864; 9 Bevans 976
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty terminating article VIII of the boundary treaty of
December 30, 1853.
Signed at Washington April 13, 1937.
Entered into force December 21, 1937.
52 Stat. 1457; TS 932; 9 Bevans 1023
Treaty relating to the utilization of waters of the Colorado and
Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio Grande, and supplementary
protocol signed November 14, 1944.
Signed at Washington February 3, 1944.
Entered into force November 8, 1945.
59 Stat. 1219; TS 994; 9 Bevans 1166; 3 UNTS 313
Agreement to proceed with the construction of Amistad Dam
on the Rio Grande to form part of the system of international
storage dams provided for by the water treaty of February 3,
Signed at Ciudad Acuna October 24, 1960.
Entered into force October 24, 1960.
11 UST 2396; TIAS 4624; 401 UNTS 137
Convention for the solution of the problem of the Chamizal.
Signed at Mexico August 29, 1963.
Entered into force January 14, 1964.
15 UST 21; TIAS 5515; 505 UNTS 185
Act approving minute no. 228 of the International Boundary
and Water Commission concerning demarcation of new
international boundary between the United States and Mexico.
Signed at Washington October 27, 1967.
Entered into force October 28, 1967.
18 UST 2836; TIAS 6372; 724 UNTS 308
Minute 234 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Waters of the Rio Grande allotted to the United
States from the Conchos, San Diego, San Rodrigo, Escondido
and Salado Rivers and the Las Vacas Arroyo.
Signed at Ciudad Juarez December 2, 1969.
Entered into force December 19, 1969.
Treaty to resolve pending boundary differences and maintain
the Rio Grande and Colorado River as the international
boundary between the United States and Mexico, with maps.
Signed at Mexico November 23, 1970.
Entered into force April 18, 1972.
23 UST 371; TIAS 7313
Agreement approving Minute 242 of the International
Boundary and Water Commission setting forth a permanent
and definitive solution to the international problem of the
salinity of the Colorado River.
Exchange of notes at Mexico August 30, 1973.
Entered into force August 30, 1973.
24 UST 1968; TIAS 7708
Act approving Minute 257 of the International Boundary and
Water Commission confirming relocation of the channel of the
Rio Grande.
Signed at Washington May 26, 1977.
Entered into force May 26, 1977.
28 UST 5256; TIAS 8625
Minute 261 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission concerning recommendations for the solution to
the border sanitation problems.
Signed at El Paso September 24, 1979.
Entered into force October 2, 1979.
31 UST 5099; TIAS 9658; 1221 UNTS 189
Minute 264 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Recommendations for solution of the New River
border sanitation problem at Calexico, California Mexicali,
Baja California Norte.
Signed at Ciudad Juarez August 26, 1980.
Entered into force December 4, 1980.
32 UST 3764; TIAS 9918; 1267 UNTS 163
Minute 270 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Recommendations concerning border sanitation
problem at San Diego, California-Tijuana, Baja California.
Signed at Ciudad Juarez April 30, 1985.
Entered into force July 16, 1985.
TIAS 11267
Minute 273 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Recommendations for the solution of the border
sanitation problem at Naco, Arizona-Naco, Sonora.
Signed at El Paso March 19, 1987.
Entered into force April 15, 1987.
TIAS 11292
September 19, 1996
Minute 274 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Joint project for improvement of the quality of
waters of the New River at Calexico, California-Mexicali,
Baja California, with joint report.
Signed at Ciudad Juarez April 15, 1987.
Entered into force May 13, 1987.
TIAS 11316
Agreement concerning rediversion of Rio Grande waters
allocated to Mexico under the convention of 1906.
Exchange of notes at Mexico June 24 and November 10, 1987.
Entered into force November 10, 1987.
TIAS 11549
Minute 276 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Conveyance, treatment and disposal of sewage
from Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora exceeding the
capacities allocated to the United States and Mexico at the
Nogales international sewage treatment plant under Minute
227, with joint report.
Signed at Ciudad Juarez July 26, 1988.
Entered into force August 19, 1988.
TIAS 12396
Minute 279 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Joint measures to improve the quality of the
waters of the Rio Grande at Laredo, Texas/Nuevo Laredo,
Tamaulipas, with joint report.
Signed at Laredo and Nuevo Laredo August 28, 1989.
Entered into force August 28, 1989.
TIAS 11701
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Minute 283 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Conceptual plan for the international solution to
the border sanitation problem in San Diego,
California/Tijuana, Baja California.
Signed at El Paso July 2, 1990.
Entered into force August 8, 1990.
TIAS 11735
Minute 290 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Replacement of the International Cordova-
Bridge of the Americas over the Rio Grande at El Paso,
Texas-Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico.
Signed at Ciudad Juarez September 21, 1993.
Entered into force September 24, 1993.
TIAS 93-924
Minute 291 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Improvements to the conveying capacity of the
international boundary segment of the Colorado River.
Signed at San Diego July 16, 1994.
Entered into force August 16, 1994.
TIAS 94-816
Treaty on maritime boundaries.
Signed at Mexico City May 4, 1978.
Entered into force November 13, 1997.
TIAS 97-1113; 2143 UNTS 405
Minute 298 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Recommendations for construction of works
parallel to the city of Tijuana, B.C. wastewater pumping and
disposal system and rehabilitation of the San Antonio de los
Buenos treatment plant.
Signed at El Paso December 2, 1997.
Entered into force January 23, 1998.
TIAS 12907
Treaty on the delimitation of the continental shelf in the
western Gulf of Mexico beyond 200 nautical miles, with
Signed at Washington June 9, 2000.
Entered into force January 17, 2001.
TIAS 01-117; 2143 UNTS 417
June 22, 2010 (TIAS 10-622.1)
Minute 306 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Conceptual framework for United States-Mexico
studies for future recommendations concerning the riparian
and estuarine ecology of the limitrophe section of the
Colorado River and its associated delta.
Signed at El Paso December 12, 2000.
Entered into force December 13, 2000.
TIAS 13157
Minute 307 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Partial coverage of allocation of the Rio Grande
Treaty tributary water deficit from Fort Quitman to Falcon
Signed at Washington March 16, 2001.
Entered into force March 16, 2001.
TIAS 13158
Minute 308 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: United States allocation of Rio Grande waters
during the last year of the current cycle.
Signed at Ciudad Juarez June 28, 2002.
Entered into force June 28, 2002.
TIAS 02-628
Minute 309 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Volumes of water saved with the modernization
and improved technology projects for the irrigation districts in
the Rio Conchos Basin and measures for their conveyance to
the Rio Grande.
Signed at El Paso July 3, 2003.
Entered into force July 7, 2003.
TIAS 03-707
Minute 311 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Recommendations for secondary treatment in
Mexico of the sewage emanating from the Tijuana River area
in Baja California, Mexico, with related letter.
Signed at El Paso February 20, 2004.
Entered into force March 5, 2004.
TIAS 04-305.1
Minute 313 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Maintenance in the rectified channel of the Rio
Signed at El Paso February 5, 2008.
Entered into force March 6, 2008.
TIAS 08-306
Minute 316 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Utilization of the Wellton-Mohawk Bypass
drain and necessary infrastructure in the United States for the
conveyance of water by Mexico and non-governmental
organizations of both countries to the Santa Clara Wetland
during the Yuma Desalting Plant pilot run.
Signed at Yuma April 16, 2010.
Entered into force May 14, 2010.
TIAS 10-514
Minute 317 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Adoption of a conceptual framework for U.S.-
Mexico discussions on Colorado River cooperative actions.
Signed at Ciudad Juarez June 17, 2010.
Entered into force June 29, 2010.
TIAS 10-630
Minute 318 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Adjustment of delivery schedules for water
allotted to Mexico for the years 2010 through 2013 as a result
of infrastructure damage in Irrigation District 014, Rio
Colorado, caused by the April 2010 earthquake in the
Mexicali Valley, Baja California.
Signed at El Paso December 17, 2010.
Entered into force December 20, 2010.
TIAS 10-1220
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Minute 319 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Interim international cooperative measures in
the Colorado River Basin through 2017 and extension of
Minute 318 cooperative measures to address the continued
effects of the April 2010 earthquake in the Mexicali Valley,
Baja California.
Signed at Coronado, California November 20, 2012.
Entered into force November 27, 2012.
TIAS 12-1127
Agreement concerning transboundary hydrocarbon reservoirs
in the Gulf of Mexico.
Signed at Los Cabos February 20, 2012.
Entered into force July 18, 2014.
TIAS 14-718
Minute 323 of the International Boundary and Water
Commission: Extension of cooperative measures and adoption
of a binational water scarcity contingency plan in the Colorado
River Basin.
Signed at Ciudad Juarez September 21, 2017.
Entered into force September 27, 2017.
TIAS 17-927.1
Agreement on emergency management cooperation in cases of
natural disasters and accidents.
Signed at Puerto Vallarta October 23, 2008.
Entered into force March 20, 2011.
TIAS 11-320
Convention for the adjustment and settlement of certain
outstanding claims.
Signed at Washington November 19, 1941.
Entered into force April 2, 1942.
56 Stat. 1347; TS 980; 9 Bevans 1059; 125 UNTS 287
Agreement on documentation for nonimmigrants traveling
between the United States and Mexico.
Exchange of notes at Mexico October 28 and November 10 and
12, 1953.
Entered into force November 12, 1953.
5 UST 174; TIAS 2912; 224 UNTS 187
May 29, 1974 (25 UST 1172; TIAS 7847)
Agreement relating to the exchange of official journals and
parliamentary papers.
Exchange of notes at Mexico September 9 and 24, 1937.
Entered into force September 24, 1937.
51 Stat. 311; EAS 108; 9 Bevans 1025; 185 LNTS 23
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 3 and August 29, 1938.
Entered into force September 1, 1938.
53 Stat. 1977; EAS 134; 9 Bevans 1028; 195 LNTS 359
Agreement establishing a United States-Mexican Commission
on Cultural Cooperation.
Exchange of notes at Mexico December 28, 1948 and
August 30, 1949.
Entered into force August 30, 1949.
63 Stat. 2842; TIAS 2086; 9 Bevans 1264; 98 UNTS 183
June 15, 1972 (23 UST 925; TIAS 7360)
October 30, 1978 and January 23, 1979 (30 UST 2932; TIAS 9374;
1177 UNTS 338)
Treaty of cooperation providing for the recovery and return of
stolen archaeological, historical and cultural properties.
Signed at Mexico July 17, 1970.
Entered into force March 24, 1971.
22 UST 494; TIAS 7088; 791 UNTS 313
Agreement on the development and facilitation of tourism.
Signed at Washington October 3, 1989.
Entered into force August 22, 1990.
TIAS 12403
Agreement to establish a program of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Washington November 12, 2003.
Entered into force November 12, 2003.
TIAS 03-1112.1
Agreement to promote science and technology of the United
Mexican States in the areas of environment and natural
Signed at Mexico City June 13, 2006.
Entered into force June 13, 2006.
TIAS 06-613
Agreement to facilitate the reciprocal transit of military
Signed at Washington April 1, 1941.
Entered into force April 25, 1941.
55 Stat. 1191; TS 971; 9 Bevans 1049
Agreement relating to the deposit by Mexico of ten percent of
the value of military training scholarships provided by the
United States.
Exchange of notes at Mexico April 4 and July 12, 1972.
Entered into force July 12, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 2809; TIAS 7469
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Mexico August 21 and September 24,
Entered into force September 24, 1987.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding grants of defense articles, related
training, or other defense services to Mexico from the U.S.
With the related letter.
Exchange of notes at Mexico September 21, 1990.
Entered into force September 21,1990.
Agreement regarding the assignment of a liaison officer.
Signed at Mexico City and Peterson AFB October 20, 2006 and
January 25, 2007.
Entered into force January 25, 2007.
November 4 and 8, 2016
Agreement regarding the provision of defense articles, related
training, or other defense services pursuant to Section 1206 of
the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2007,
as modified and extended, or successor legislation, to Mexico.
Exchange of notes at Mexico City June 30, 2008.
Entered into force June 30, 2008.
Agreement concerning security measures with the Department
of the Navy of the United Mexican States for the protection of
classified information.
Signed September 15, 2008.
Entered into force September 15, 2008.
TIAS 08-915
Agreement concerning security measures with the National
Defense of the United Mexican States for the protection of
classified information.
Signed March 16, 2010.
Entered into force March 16, 2010.
TIAS 10-316
Agreement regarding the exchange of military personnel, with
Signed at Washington September 4 and 9, 2013.
Entered into force September 9, 2013.
Basic exchange and cooperation agreement concerning
geospatial information.
Signed at Springfield, Aguascalientes and Mexico City
February 3, March 18 and 19, 2015.
Entered into force March 19, 2015.
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed May 2, 2017.
Entered into force May 2, 2017.
Agreement on the assignment of Mexican Navy personnel to
the U. S. Navy, with annexes.
Signed at Mexico D. F. and Washington July 28, 2016 and June
7, 2017.
Entered into force June 7, 2017.
Memorandum of understanding for reciprocal logistic support,
supplies, and services, with annexes.
Signed at Mexico City September 15, 2017.
Entered into force September 15, 2017.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annex.
Signed May 23 and August 1, 2019.
Entered into force August 1, 2019.
Consular convention.
Signed at Mexico August 12, 1942.
Entered into force July 1, 1943. Exchanges of notes dated
August 12 and December 11 and 12, 1942.
57 Stat. 800; TS 985; 9 Bevans 1076; 125 UNTS 301
Agreement concerning privileges and immunities for
personnel participating in the cargo prescreening pilot
Exchange of notes at Mexico City November 9 and 14, 2012.
Entered into force November 14, 2012.
TIAS 12-1114
Agreement relating to creation of a joint commission to review
operation of the Abraham Lincoln and Benito Juarez
scholarship funds.
Exchange of notes at Mexico September 30 and October 25,
Entered into force October 25, 1966.
17 UST 2023; TIAS 6140; 676 UNTS 11
Agreement for the establishment of the U.S.-Mexico
commission for educational and cultural exchange, with
memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Monterrey November 27, 1990.
Entered into force November 27, 1990.
TIAS 11769; 2001 UNTS 143
Amendments and Extensions:
March 30 and May 10, 1995 (TIAS 10-1124)
May 5, 1997 (2001 UNTS 143)
May 18, 2000 (TIAS 10-1124)
November 17 and 24, 2010 (TIAS 10-1124)
Agreement on natural gas.
Announced September 21, 1979.
Entered into force September 21, 1979.
31 UST 5097; TIAS 9657; 1221 UNTS 185
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention for the protection of migratory birds and game
Signed at Mexico February 7, 1936.
Entered into force March 15, 1937.
50 Stat. 1311; TS 912; 9 Bevans 1017; 178 LNTS 309
May 5, 1997 (TIAS 99-1230)
Agreement supplementing the convention of February 7, 1936,
for the protection of migratory birds and game mammals.
Exchange of notes at Mexico and Tlatelolco March 10, 1972.
Entered into force March 10, 1972.
23 UST 260; TIAS 7302
Agreement on cooperation for the protection and improvement
of the environment in the border area.
Signed at La Paz August 14, 1983.
Entered into force February 16, 1984.
35 UST 2916; TIAS 10827; 1352 UNTS 67
Annex I to the agreement of August 14, 1983 concerning
cooperation for solution of the border sanitation problem at
San Diego, California-Tijuana, Baja California.
Signed at San Diego July 18, 1985.
Entered into force July 18, 1985.
TIAS 11269
Annex II to the agreement of August 14, 1983 concerning
cooperation regarding pollution of the environment along the
inland international boundary by discharges of hazardous
substances, with appendices.
Signed at San Diego July 18, 1985.
Entered into force November 29, 1985.
TIAS 11269
June 4, 1999
Annex III to the agreement of August 14, 1983 concerning
cooperation regarding the transboundary shipments of
hazardous wastes and hazardous substances.
Signed at Washington November 12, 1986.
Entered into force January 29, 1987.
TIAS 11269
September 6 and November 28, 2012 (TIAS 12-1128)
Annex IV to the agreement of August 14, 1983 concerning
cooperation regarding transboundary air pollution caused by
copper smelters along their common border.
Signed at Washington January 29, 1987.
Entered into force January 29, 1987.
TIAS 11269
Annex V to the agreement of August 14, 1983 concerning
cooperation regarding international transport of urban air
pollution, with appendix.
Signed at Washington October 3, 1989.
Entered into force August 22, 1990.
TIAS 11269
May 7, 1996
Agreement on cooperation for the protection and improvement
of the environment in the metropolitan area of Mexico City.
Signed at Washington October 3, 1989.
Entered into force August 22, 1990.
TIAS 11688; 2191 UNTS 269
Agreement concerning the establishment of a border
environment cooperation commission and a North American
development bank, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Mexico November 16 and 18, 1993.
Entered into force January 1, 1994.
TIAS 12516
November 25 and 26, 2002 (TIAS 04-806.1)
January 17 and April 18, 2017 ( TIAS 17-1110)
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Mexico November 15, 1996.
Entered into force November 15, 1996.
TIAS 12814
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation for the
protection, management, sustainable use and conservation of
the environment and natural resources.
Signed at Mexico City February 25, 2016.
Entered into force February 25, 2016.
TIAS 16-225
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States through the Export-Import Bank of the United States.
Signed at Mexico March 7, 1984.
Entered into force May 2, 1984.
35 UST 4609; TIAS 10961
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington April 9, 1987.
Entered into force May 21, 1987.
Swap agreement between the United States Treasury and the
Banco de Mexico/Government of Mexico, with memorandum
of understanding.
Signed at Washington and Mexico September 14, 1989.
Entered into force September 14, 1989.
TIAS 89-914
Swap agreement among the United States Treasury and the
Banco de Mexico/Government of Mexico, with memorandum
of understanding.
Signed at Washington and Mexico March 23, 1990.
Entered into force March 23, 1990.
TIAS 90-323
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Mexico March 14, 1990.
Entered into force April 23, 1990.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at San Francisco June 9, 2003.
Entered into force June 14, 2004.
TIAS 04-614
General agreement for technical cooperation.
Exchange of notes at Mexico June 27, 1951.
Entered into force June 27, 1951.
2 UST 1243; TIAS 2273; 141 UNTS 211
January 21 and 22, 1952 (3 UST 4781; TIAS 2646; 200 UNTS 312)
April 13, 1954 (5 UST 1373; TIAS 3006; 233 UNTS 306)
Agreement relating to a program of industrial productivity in
Exchange of notes at Mexico February 21 and November 15,
Entered into force November 15, 1961.
13 UST 1882; TIAS 5140; 460 UNTS 113
Agreement providing for the designation of officials to
maintain contact between Mexico and the United States in
matters relating to economic and social development of the
border area.
Exchange of notes at Mexico June 23, 1970.
Entered into force June 23, 1970.
21 UST 1475; TIAS 6905; 753 UNTS 275
Agreement for cooperation in the field of housing and urban
Signed at Mexico February 16, 1979.
Entered into force February 16, 1979.
30 UST 5865; TIAS 9523; 1180 UNTS 255
Agreement on cooperation in cases of natural disasters.
Signed at Mexico January 15, 1980.
Entered into force provisionally January 15, 1980;
definitively March 18, 1981.
32 UST 5714; TIAS 10013; 1241 UNTS 207
Agreement to establish a United States-Mexico Border Health
Signed at Washington and Mexico July 14 and 24, 2000.
Entered into force November 24, 2000.
TIAS 13107
Agreement relating to the opening of a border inspection
station for the international traffic of persons and goods
between the United States and Mexico.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 31 and August 5, 1959.
Entered into force August 5, 1959.
10 UST 1398; TIAS 4285; 356 UNTS 3
Agreement relating to the transfer of equipment for the use of
the national police force of Mexico.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 26, 1961.
Entered into force June 26, 1961.
12 UST 1063; TIAS 4810; 413 UNTS 229
Agreement concerning a grant to Mexico of reference books in
the field of narcotics abuse.
Exchange of letters at Mexico June 26 and 27, 1973.
Entered into force June 27, 1973.
24 UST 1805; TIAS 7694
Agreement relating to the provision by the United States of
communications equipment to combat contraband and
especially the illegal flow of narcotics across the border.
Exchange of notes at Mexico and Tlatelolco August 31, 1973.
Entered into force August 31, 1973.
24 UST 1978; TIAS 7709
Agreement concerning the provision of four helicopters and
related assistance by the United States to help Mexico in
curbing traffic in illegal narcotics.
Exchange of letters at Mexico December 3, 1973.
Entered into force December 3, 1973.
25 UST 1694; TIAS 7906
December 21, 1973 (25 UST 1698; TIAS 7906)
June 24, 1974 (25 UST 1700; TIAS 7906)
Agreement providing additional helicopters and related
assistance to Mexico in support of its efforts to curb
production and traffic in illegal narcotics.
Exchange of letters at Mexico February 1, 1974.
Entered into force February 1, 1974.
25 UST 1704; TIAS 7907
June 24, 1974 (25 UST 1708; TIAS 7907)
December 4, 1974 (25 UST 3172; TIAS 7983)
Agreement relating to a training program for Mexican
helicopter pilots and mechanics as part of U.S.-Mexican
cooperative efforts to reduce traffic in illegal narcotics.
Exchange of letters at Mexico September 30, 1974.
Entered into force September 30, 1974.
25 UST 3166; TIAS 7982; 991 UNTS 367
Agreement providing additional helicopters and related
assistance to Mexico in support of its efforts to curb illegal
production and traffic in narcotics.
Exchange of letters at Mexico November 1, 1974.
Entered into force November 1, 1974.
25 UST 2956; TIAS 7955
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to cooperative arrangements to support
Mexican efforts to curb the illegal traffic in narcotics.
Exchange of letters at Mexico December 11, 1974.
Entered into force December 11, 1974.
26 UST 1274; TIAS 8108
February 24, 1975 (26 UST 1285; TIAS 8108)
March 20, 1975 (26 UST 1289; TIAS 8108)
May 18, 1976 (27 UST 1977; TIAS 8295)
Agreement concerning the provision by the United States of
four mobile interdiction systems for use in curbing the illicit
flow of narcotic substances through Mexico.
Exchange of letters at Mexico February 24, 1975.
Entered into force February 24, 1975.
26 UST 414; TIAS 8041; 991 UNTS 379
Agreement relating to the provision of equipment and training
by the United States to support U.S.-Mexican efforts to curb
illegal narcotics traffic.
Exchange of letters at Mexico May 29, 1975.
Entered into force May 29, 1975.
26 UST 1633; TIAS 8123; 1006 UNTS 37
Agreement relating to the provision of equipment and training
by the United States to support U.S.-Mexican efforts to curb
illegal narcotics traffic.
Exchange of letters at Mexico June 25, 1975.
Entered into force June 25, 1975.
26 UST 1659; TIAS 8125; 1006 UNTS 43
Agreement to indemnify and safeguard the United States
Government, its personnel and contractors for liability arising
out of aircraft operations training in support of the cooperative
program to curb illegal narcotics traffic.
Exchange of letters at Mexico September 12, 1975.
Entered into force September 12, 1975.
27 UST 1985; TIAS 8296
August 13, 1976 (28 UST 8241; TIAS 8758)
Agreement relating to the provision of two helicopters by the
United States to support U.S.-Mexican efforts to curb the
production and traffic in illegal narcotics.
Exchange of letters at Mexico October 24 and 29, 1975.
Entered into force October 29, 1975.
27 UST 1996; TIAS 8298
Agreement relating to the provision of aircraft by the United
States to support U.S.-Mexican efforts to curb the illegal
production and traffic in narcotics.
Exchange of letters at Mexico January 29, 1976.
Entered into force January 29, 1976.
27 UST 4261; TIAS 8449
Procedures for mutual assistance in the administration of
justice in connection with the General Tire and Rubber
Company and the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company
Signed at Washington June 23, 1976.
Entered into force June 23, 1976.
28 UST 2083; TIAS 8533
Related Agreements:
February 23 and March 6, 1978 (29 UST 2153; TIAS 8930)
May 31 and June 1, 1978 (29 UST 3200; TIAS 9005; 1124 UNTS
November 17 and December 5, 1978 (30 UST 2177; TIAS 9322)
August 25 and November 9, 1981 (33 UST 4353; TIAS 10305)
November 1 and 25, 1981 (33 UST 4353; TIAS 10305)
Treaty on the execution of penal sentences.
Signed at Mexico November 25, 1976.
Entered into force November 30, 1977.
28 UST 7399; TIAS 8718
Extradition treaty, with appendix.
Signed at Mexico May 4, 1978.
Entered into force January 25, 1980.
31 UST 5059; TIAS 9656
Convention for the recovery and return of stolen or embezzled
vehicles and aircraft.
Signed at Washington January 15, 1981.
Entered into force June 28, 1983.
TIAS 10653
Agreement on cooperation in combatting narcotics trafficking
and drug dependency.
Signed at Mexico February 23, 1989.
Entered into force July 30, 1990.
TIAS 11604; 2192 UNTS 107
Treaty on cooperation for mutual legal assistance.
Signed at Mexico December 9, 1987.
Entered into force May 3, 1991.
TIAS 91-503
Mutual cooperation agreement for the exchange of
information in respect to transactions in currency through
financial institutions in order to combat illicit activities.
Signed at Washington October 28, 1994.
Entered into force February 3, 1995.
TIAS; 1901 UNTS 3
May 5, 1997
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Washington June 20, 2000.
Entered into force June 20, 2000.
TIAS 13103
Protocol to the extradition treaty of May 4, 1978.
Signed at Washington November 13, 1997.
Entered into force May 21, 2001.
TIAS 12897
Agreement regarding the sharing of forfeited assets.
Signed at Washington September 4, 2001.
Entered into force September 4, 2001.
TIAS 13163
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Aerial intercept assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 2 and 4, 2011.
Entered into force March 4, 2011.
TIAS 11-304
Treaty for the sending of vessels for purposes of assistance
and salvage.
Signed at Mexico June 13, 1935.
Entered into force March 7, 1936.
49 Stat. 3359; TS 905; 9 Bevans 1015; 168 LNTS 135
Agreement on maritime search and rescue.
Signed at Mexico August 7, 1989.
Entered into force June 25, 1990.
TIAS 11700; 1580 UNTS 385
Joint statement relating to the problem of illegal entry into the
United States by Mexican migratory workers, with annexes.
Signed at Washington July 18, 1973.
Entered into force July 18, 1973.
26 UST 1724; TIAS 8131; 1006 UNTS 25
Joint declaration and supplementary agreement regarding
irregular migration.
Signed at Washington June 7, 2019.
Entered into force June 7, 2019.
TIAS 19-607
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Rockville and Mexico City August 25 and September
1, 2017.
Entered into force September 1, 2017.
TIAS 17-901
Treaty of peace, friendship, limits, and settlement.*
Signed at Guadalupe Hidalgo February 2, 1848.
Entered into force May 30, 1848.
9 Stat. 922; TS 207; 9 Bevans 791
* Articles V, VI and VII were amended and article XI was abrogated
by the Gadsden treaty, signed December 30, 1853 (10 Stat. 1031;
TS 208). Articles II IV, XII XV, and XVII XX have been
Agreement of cooperation regarding pollution of the marine
environment by discharges of hydrocarbons and other
hazardous substances, with annexes.
Signed at Mexico July 24, 1980.
Entered into force provisionally July 24, 1980; definitively
March 30, 1981.
32 UST 5899; TIAS 10021; 1241 UNTS 225
International express mail agreement, with detailed
regulations, as amended.
Signed at Mexico February 13, 1981.
Entered into force September 1, 1987.
TIAS 11005; 2023 UNTS 321
July 28, 1987
Postal money order agreement.
Signed at Mexico and Washington May 31 and June 17, 1988.
Entered into force August 1, 1988.
TIAS 11584
Agreement for scientific and technical cooperation.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 15, 1972.
Entered into force June 15, 1972.
23 UST 934; TIAS 7362
August 10 and September 22, 1994 (TIAS 12566)
Memorandum of understanding on scientific and technical
cooperation in the mapping and earth sciences, with annex.
Signed at Washington August 12, 1992.
Entered into force August 12, 1992.
TIAS 11961
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth and mapping sciences, with
Signed at Mexico May 9, 1994.
Entered into force May 9, 1994.
TIAS 12180
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth and mapping sciences.
Signed at Mexico November 29, 1994.
Entered into force November 29, 1994.
TIAS 12583
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation on biological data and information, with
Signed at Washington May 16, 1995.
Entered into force May 16, 1995.
TIAS 12650
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth and mapping sciences, with
Signed at Mexico May 7, 1996.
Entered into force May 7, 1996.
TIAS 12751
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Reston and Mexico April 24 and May 2, 2007.
Entered into force May 2, 2007.
TIAS 07-502.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on cooperation in science and technology for
homeland security matters, with annexes.
Signed at New Orleans April 21, 2008.
Entered into force April 21, 2008.
TIAS 08-421
Agreement relating to the payment of social security benefits.
Exchange of notes at Mexico and Tlatelolco March 27, 1968.
Entered into force March 27, 1968.
24 UST 1045; TIAS 7620
Agreement for participation by Mexican scientists in certain
programs of space research by the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration.
Exchange of notes at Mexico February 27, 1965.
Entered into force February 27, 1965.
16 UST 620; TIAS 5783; 546 UNTS 135
Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to
Signed at Washington November 9, 1989.
Entered into force January 18, 1990.
TIAS 12404
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with protocol.*
Signed at Washington September 18, 1992.
Entered into force December 28, 1993.
TIAS 93-1228
* With understandings.
Additional protocol that modifies the convention of September
18, 1992, for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income.
Signed at Mexico September 8, 1994.
Entered into force October 26, 1995.
TIAS 95-1026
Protocol that modifies the agreement of November 9, 1989,
for the exchange of information with respect to taxes.
Signed at Mexico September 8, 1994.
Entered into force October 26, 1995.
TIAS 12404
Second additional protocol that modifies the convention of
September 18, 1992, as amended, for the avoidance of double
taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to
taxes on income.
Signed at Mexico City November 26, 2002.
Entered into force July 3, 2003.
TIAS 03-703
Agreement to improve international tax compliance including
with respect to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act,
with Annexes.
Signed at Mexico City April 9, 2014.
Entered into force April 10, 2014.
TIAS 14-410
Arrangement for radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Mexico July 31, 1959.
Entered into force August 30, 1959.
10 UST 1449; TIAS 4295; 357 UNTS 187
Agreement relating to the assignment and use of television
channels along the United States-Mexican border.
Exchange of notes at Mexico April 18, 1962.
Entered into force April 18, 1962.
13 UST 997; TIAS 5043; 452 UNTS 3
August 20, 1975 (26 UST 2700; TIAS 8185; 1052 UNTS 374)
August 23 and September 4, 1979 (31 UST 4810; TIAS 9641)
January 22 and April 7, 1980 (32 UST 975; TIAS 9746; 1220 UNTS
December 22, 1981 and August 17, 1982 (34 UST 1708; TIAS 10447;
1736 UNTS 316)
October 12, November 13, 1984, April 8 and 25, 1985
September 14 and 26, 1988 (1540 UNTS 404)
Agreement relating to assignments and usage of television
broadcasting channels in the frequency range 470806 MHz
(channels 1469) along the United States-Mexico border.
Signed at Mexico June 18, 1982.
Entered into force January 17, 1983.
TIAS 10535
October 31, 1984 and April 8, 1985 (TIAS 11237)
June 22 and October 19, 1988 (TIAS 12426)
September 12, 1988 (1540 UNTS 277)
Agreement relating to the AM broadcasting service in the
medium frequency band, with annexes.
Signed at Mexico August 28, 1986.
Entered into force April 27, 1987.
TIAS 87-427
Agreement regarding an earth station coordination procedure,
with annex.
Signed at Chestertown July 2, 1991.
Entered into force February 25, 1993.
TIAS 12434; 1733 UNTS 215
Administrative arrangement concerning frequencies used by
the International Boundary and Water Commission, with
Signed at Queretaro August 11, 1992.
Entered into force August 11, 1992.
TIAS 12472
Agreement relating to the FM broadcasting service in the band
88108 MHz, with annexes.
Signed at Queretaro August 11, 1992.
Entered into force June 2, 1995.
TIAS 12474
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for the use of the band 16051705 KHz in the AM
broadcasting service, with annexes.
Signed at Queretaro August 11, 1992.
Entered into force May 30, 1995.
TIAS 12473
Agreement on the use of the 17.717.8 GHz band.
Signed at Washington June 21, 1993.
Entered into force March 8, 1994.
TIAS 94-308; 1792 UNTS 303
Agreement concerning the allocation and use of frequency
bands by terrestrial non-broadcasting radio communication
services along the common border, with annexes.
Signed at Williamsburg June 16, 1994.
Entered into force June 2, 1995.
TIAS 12548
Protocol concerning the use of bands allocated to the
aeronautical radio navigation and aeronautical
communications services along the common border, with
Signed at Morelia, Michoacan April 26, 1996.
Entered into force April 26, 1996.
TIAS 12745
Agreement concerning the transmission and reception of
signals from satellites for the provision of satellite services to
users in the United States and Mexico.
Signed at Mexico April 28, 1996.
Entered into force November 6, 1996.
TIAS 96-1106
Protocol concerning the transmission and reception of signals
from satellites for the provision of direct-to-home satellite
services in the United States and Mexico, with exchange of
Signed at Washington November 8, 1996.
Entered into force November 11, 1996.
TIAS 96-1111
Protocol concerning use of the 929930 MHz and 931932
MHz bands for paging services along the common border,
with appendices and letter of understanding.
Signed at Washington February 27, 1997.
Entered into force February 27, 1997.
TIAS 12838
Memorandum of understanding for the use of radio
frequencies, coordination and cooperation for emergency
purposes, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Mexico City December 9, 1998.
Entered into force December 9, 1998.
TIAS 13009
Protocol concerning the transmission and reception of signals
from satellites for the provision of mobile-satellite services
and associated feeder links in the United States of America
and the United Mexican States, with appendix.
Signed at Mexico City December 21, 1998.
Entered into force December 21, 1998.
TIAS 13014
Agreement concerning the use of the 23102360 MHz band,
with appendices.
Signed at Mexico City July 24, 2000.
Entered into force January 25, 2001.
TIAS 01-125
Protocol concerning the allotment and use of the 406.1420
MHz band for fixed and mobile services along the common
border, with appendices.
Signed at Mexico City July 27, 2005.
Entered into force July 27, 2005.
TIAS 05-727
Protocol concerning the allotment and use of the 380399.9
MHz band for fixed and mobile terrestrial non-broadcasting
services along the common border, with appendices.
Signed at Mexico City July 27, 2005.
Entered into force July 27, 2005.
TIAS 05-727.2
July 17, 2006 (TIAS 05-727.2)
Protocol concerning the allotment and use of the 698806
MHz band for terrestrial non-broadcasting radio
communication services along the common border, with
Signed at Mexico City and Antalya November 1 and 8, 2006.
Entered into force November 8, 2006.
TIAS 06-1108.2
July 19 and 28, 2011(TIAS 11-728)
Protocol concerning the allotment and use of the 138144
MHz band for terrestrial non-broadcasting radio
communication services along the common border, with
Signed at Mexico City August 3, 2007.
Entered into force August 3, 2007.
TIAS 07-803
This agreement of August 3, 2007 supersedes agreement of December
9, 1998 to extent that the MOU’s provisions pertain to the two
frequencies 139.150 MHz and 142.725 MHz (Art. III.1.).
Protocol concerning the use of the 17101755 MHz and
21102155 MHz bands for terrestrial non-broadcasting radio
communication services along the common border, with
Signed at Washington and Mexico City December 16 and 19,
Entered into force December 19, 2008.
TIAS 08-1219.1
Protocol concerning the use of radio frequencies by certain
fixed terrestrial links constituting a cross border public
security communications network along the common border.
Signed at Washington and Mexico City August 31 and
September 1, 2009.
Entered into force September 1, 2009.
TIAS 09-901
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Protocol concerning the use of the 49404990 MHz band for
terrestrial non-broadcasting radio communication services
along the common border, with appendices.
Signed at Washington December 1, 2009.
Entered into force December 1, 2009.
TIAS 09-1201
Protocol concerning the use of the 806824/851869 MHz
and 896901/935940 MHz bands for terrestrial non-
broadcasting radio communication services along the common
border, with appendices.
Signed at Washington June 8, 2012.
Entered into force June 8, 2012.
TIAS 12-608
Protocol concerning the use of the 18501915 MHz and
19301995 MHz bands for personal communications services
along the common border.
Signed at Washington June 8, 2012.
Entered into force June 8, 2012.
TIAS 12-608.1
Protocol concerning the allotment and use of channels in the
220-222 MHz band for land mobile services along the
common border, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Mexico City November 4 and 22,
Entered into force November 22, 2016.
TIAS 16-1122
Understanding concerning a framework of principles and
procedures for consultations regarding trade and investment
relations, with agenda.
Signed at Mexico November 6, 1987.
Entered into force November 6, 1987.
TIAS 12395
Agreement on steel trade liberalization, with appendices.
Signed at Washington October 3, 1989.
Entered into force October 3, 1989.
TIAS 89-1003
Agreement regarding trade and investment facilitation talks,
with action plan.
Signed at Washington October 3, 1989.
Entered into force October 3, 1989.
Agreement regarding the application of their competition
Signed at Mexico July 11, 2000.
Entered into force July 11, 2000.
TIAS 00-711
Agreement on the application by Mexico of a North American
Free Trade Agreement safeguard measure on certain poultry
Exchange of letters at Mexico City and Washington July 24 and
25, 2003.
Entered into force July 25, 2003.
TIAS 03-725
Agreement on trade on tequila, with annex.
Signed at Washington January 17, 2006.
Entered into force January 17, 2006.
TIAS 06-117
Agreement on customs cooperation regarding claims of origin
under cumulation provisions of certain free trade agreements.
Signed at Davos January 26, 2007.
Entered into force August 15, 2008.
TIAS 08-815.2
Mutual recognition agreement for conformity assessment of
telecommunications equipment, with appendices and annexes.
Signed at Paris May 26, 2011.
Entered into force June 10, 2011.
TIAS 11-610
Agreement to facilitate flight notifications on non-scheduled,
private, commercial or industrial flights between Mexico and
the United States in both directions across the border.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 15, 1952.
Entered into force August 1, 1952.
3 UST 4943; TIAS 2667; 181 UNTS 263
Agreement for acceptance by the United States of certificates
of airworthiness for aircraft manufactured by Lockheed
Azcarate, S.A.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 26 and July 19, 1961.
Entered into force July 19, 1961.
12 UST 1384; TIAS 4861; 433 UNTS 43
January 19 and 30, 1962 (13 UST 199; TIAS 4961; 442 UNTS 343)
Memorandum of understanding concerning research
cooperation in the field of transportation.
Signed at Merida November 16, 1972.
Entered into force November 16, 1972.
30 UST 823; TIAS 9221
Memorandum of agreement relating to technical assistance in
reviewing air traffic operations in Mexico City terminal area.
Signed at Washington February 19, 1981.
Entered into force February 19, 1981.
35 UST 3599; TIAS 10870; 1577 UNTS 345
Memorandum of understanding on additional services (double
designation), with annex.
Signed at Mexico September 23, 1988.
Entered into force September 23, 1988.
Agreement on reduced air fares.
Exchange of letters at Mexico September 23, 1988.
Entered into force September 23, 1988.
Agreement concerning assistance in developing and
modernizing Mexico’s civil aviation infrastructure in the
managerial, operational and technical areas, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Mexico June 4 and July 4, 1991.
Entered into force July 4, 1991.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding relating to the recognition and
validity of commercial driver’s licenses and licencias federales
de conductor, with annex.
Signed at Washington November 21, 1991.
Entered into force November 21, 1991.
TIAS 12442
January 6 and 9, 2017 (TIAS 17-119.2)
Memorandum of cooperation for Research and Development
of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).
Signed at Mexico July 11, 15 and 26, 1996.
Entered into force July 26, 1996.
Memorandum of cooperation in the promotion and
development of civil aviation, with letter of understanding.
Signed at Washington and Mexico September 17, October 14
and 16, 1997.
Entered into force October 16, 1997.
TIAS 12891
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of assistance in
developing and modernizing Mexico’s civil aviation
Signed at Mexico City and Washington October 14 and 20,
Entered into force October 20, 1997.
May 17, 2010
Agreement for the promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Montreal September 18, 2007.
Entered into force February 24, 2010.
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Washington December 18, 2015.
Entered into force August 21, 2016.
TIAS 16-821
A letter of November 2, 1995, from the Government of the Federated
States of Micronesia to the Secretary-General of the United Nations refers
to a letter of May 22, 1992,
... containing a declaration setting out the position of the Government of
the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) with regard to international
agreements entered into by the United States of America and made
applicable to the FSM pursuant to the United Nations Trusteeship
Agreement for the former Japanese Mandated Islands.
The Declaration stated that as to bilateral treaties validly concluded by the
United States on behalf of the FSM, or validly applied or extended by the
former to the latter before 3 November 1986, the Government of the FSM
would examine each such treaty and communicate its views to the other
State Party concerned. The Declaration also stated that the Government of
the FSM would continue to observe the terms of each treaty which validly
so applied and was not inconsistent with the letter or the spirit of the
Constitution of the FSM, provisionally and on a basis of reciprocity. The
period of examination was to extend until 3 November 1995, except in the
case of any treaty in respect of which an earlier statement of views was or
had been made. At the expiration of this period, the Government of the
FSM would consider such of these treaties that could not by the
application of the rules of customary international law be regarded as
otherwise surviving, as having terminated.
The letter of November 2, 1995, extends
... the period of examination of the bilateral treaties indicated above for
two additional years, or until 3 November 1997.
With regard to multilateral treaties previously applied, the Declaration of
22 May 1992 stated that the Government of the FSM intends to review
each of them individually and to communicate to the depositary in each
case what steps it would take, whether by way of confirmation of
termination or confirmation of succession or accession. During such period
of review, any party to a multilateral treaty that had been validly applied or
extended to the Federated States of Micronesia prior to 3 November 1986,
and was not inconsistent with the letter or spirit of the Constitution of the
FSM, may, on the basis of reciprocity, rely as against the FSM on the
terms of such treaty.”
Agreement concerning technical assistance in soil and water
Signed at Palikir April 20, 1990.
Entered into force April 20, 1990.
TIAS 12221
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training, and other defense services from the United
States of America to the Government of the Federated States
of Micronesia.
Exchange of notes at Kolonia and Pohnpei November 6, 2001
and March 14, 2002.
Entered into force March 14, 2002.
Agreement concerning operational cooperation to suppress
illicit transnational maritime activity.
Signed at Palikir March 3, 2014.
Entered into force March 3, 2014.
TIAS 14-303
Agreement relating to diplomatic relations, with related notes.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 23 and 24, 1989.
Entered into force August 24, 1989.
TIAS 11891
Agreement regarding augmentation of educational assistance.
Signed at Washington August 19, 1987.
Entered into force August 19, 1987.
TIAS 11277
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Kolonia November 7, 1997.
Entered into force November 7, 1997.
TIAS 12895
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Kolonia February 13 and March 3, 1988.
Entered into force March 3, 1988.
TIAS 12047
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington September 24, 2002.
Entered into force June 30, 2003.
TIAS 03-630.1
Maritime search and rescue agreement.
Signed at Honolulu June 10, 1988.
Entered into force June 10, 1988.
TIAS 11586; 2192 UNTS 195.
Agreement concerning operational cooperation to suppress
illicit transnational maritime activity.
Signed at Palikir March 3, 2014.
Entered in to force March 3, 2014.
TIAS 14-303
Compact of Free Association, as amended.
Signed at Palikir May 14, 2003.
Entered into force June 25, 2004.
TIAS 04-625
Agreement on extradition, mutual assistance in law
enforcement matters and penal sanctions concluded pursuant
to Section 175 of the Amended Compact of Free Association,
with agreed minute.
Signed at Palikir May 14, 2003.
Entered into force June 25, 2004; effective November 3, 1986.
TIAS 04-625.4
Federal programs and services agreement concluded pursuant
to Article III of Title One, Article II (including Section 222),
and Section 231 of the Compact of Free Association, as
Amended, with annex.
Signed at Palikir May 14, 2003.
Entered into force June 25, 2004.
TIAS 04-625.1
Agreement regarding protections for citizens of the Republic
of the Federated States of Micronesia seeking to engage in
employment in the United States pursuant to recruitment or
other placement services.
Signed at Palikir May 14, 2003.
Entered into force June 25, 2004.
TIAS 04-625.3
Agreement concerning procedures for the implementation of
United States economic assistance provided in the Compact of
Free Association, as amended, with annex.
Signed at Palikir May 14, 2003.
Entered into force June 25, 2004.
TIAS 04-625.2
Agreement implementing section 215 and section 216 of the
Compact, as amended, regarding a trust fund.
Signed at Palikir May 14, 2003.
Entered into force June 25, 2004.
TIAS 04-625.7
Status of forces agreement concluded pursuant to Section 323
of the Compact of Free Association, as Amended, with agreed
Signed at Palikir May 14, 2003.
Entered into force June 25, 2004.
TIAS 04-625.6
Agreement regarding the military use and operating rights of
the Government of the United States in the Federated States of
Micronesia concluded pursuant to Sections 211(b), 321, and
323 of the Compact of Free Association, as Amended, with
Signed at Palikir May 14, 2003.
Entered into force June 25, 2004.
TIAS 04-625.5
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Kolonia April 4 and September 12, 1989.
Entered into force October 12, 1989.
TIAS 12401
Agreement terminating the agreement of June 25, 1983,
regarding the provision of telecommunication services.
Exchange of notes at Kolonia and Palikir May 28 and June 7,
Entered into force June 7, 1993.
TIAS 12501
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of technical
assistance in developing, modernizing, operating, or
maintaining the civil aviation infrastructure in Micronesia.
Signed at Washington and Kolonia August 3 and September 21,
Entered into force September 21, 2015.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
For agreements prior to December 31, 1991, see UNION OF SOVIET
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps of the
United States in the Republic of Moldova.
Signed at Chisinau February 2, 1993.
Entered into force February 2, 1993.
TIAS 12485
Agreement on the protection and preservation of certain
cultural properties.
Signed at Washington June 20, 2001.
Entered into force July 19, 2010.
TIAS 10-719
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Moldova.
Exchange of notes at Chisinau October 9 and 10, 1997.
Entered into force October 10, 1997.
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning global
geospatial information and services cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Brussels June 24, 2002.
Entered into force February 3, 2003.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Chisinau and Stuttgart November 8 and 25, 2013.
Entered into force June 24, 2014.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees, with attachment.
Exchange of notes at Chisinau September 8 and 13, 1994.
Entered into force September 13, 1994.
TIAS 12191
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Washington January 30, 1995.
Entered into force January 30, 1995.
TIAS 12603
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington June 19, 1992.
Entered into force December 2, 1992.
TIAS 12459
Agreement regarding the rescheduling of certain debts owed
to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agency, with annexes.
Signed at Chisinau October 31, 2006.
Entered into force February 14, 2007.
Agreement regarding cooperation to facilitate the provision of
Signed at Chisinau March 21, 1994.
Entered into force March 21, 1994.
TIAS 94-321
Agreement on trade relations, with exchanges of letters.
Signed at Washington June 19, 1992.
Entered into force July 2, 1992.
TIAS 92-702
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annex, protocol and exchange
of letters.
Signed at Washington April 21, 1993.
Entered into force November 25, 1994.
TIAS 94-1125
See also Foreign Assistance
Implementing agreement to the agreement of March 21, 1994
concerning cooperation in border security assistance and
preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
with the Border Police.
Signed at Chisinau December 21, 2012.
Entered into force December 21, 2012.
TIAS 12-1221
Implementing agreement to the agreement of March 21, 1994
concerning cooperation in border security assistance and
preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
with the Customs Service.
Signed at Chisinau December 21, 2012.
Entered into force December 21, 2012.
TIAS 12-1221.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the reciprocal waiver of passport visa
fees for nonimmigrants.*
Exchange of notes at Monaco and Nice March 31, 1952.
Entered into force March 31, 1952; operative May 1, 1952.
3 UST 3942; TIAS 2528; 177 UNTS 195
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement concerning the employment of dependents of
members of diplomatic missions and consular posts assigned
to official duty in the respective countries.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 9, 2015.
Entered into force July 9, 2015.
TIAS 15-709
Agreement relating to reciprocal copyright relations.
Exchange of notes at Monaco and Nice September 24, 1952.
Entered into force September 24, 1952; operative October 15,
3 UST 5112; TIAS 2702; 186 UNTS 43
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Monaco February 15, 1939.
Entered into force March 28, 1940.
54 Stat. 1780; TS 959; 9 Bevans 1272; 202 LNTS 61
Agreement regarding the sharing of confiscated proceeds of
crime or property.
Signed at Monaco March 24, 2007.
Entered into force July 1, 2007.
TIAS 07-701
Agreement for the exchange of information relating to tax
Signed at Washington September 8, 2009.
Entered into force March 11, 2010.
TIAS 10-311
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Monaco and Paris March 29 and
October 16, 1968.
Entered into force December 1, 1968.
19 UST 7852; TIAS 6622; 719 UNTS 115
Agreement concerning the reciprocal issuance of visas to
government officials.
Exchange of notes at Ulaanbaatar August 2, 1990.
Entered into force August 2, 1990.
TIAS 12418
Agreement on cooperation through the United States Peace
Corps in Mongolia.
Signed at Ulaanbaatar August 2, 1990.
Entered into force August 2, 1990.
TIAS 11505
Agreement on military exchanges and visits, with annex.
Signed at Ulaanbaatar June 26, 1996.
Entered into force April 3, 1998.
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning
geospatial information and services cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Bethesda March 22, 2004.
Entered into force March 22, 2004.
Agreement concerning the provision of equipment, training
and related services under the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Ulaanbaatar August 11, 2003 and
July 27, 2005.
Entered into force July 27, 2005.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
geophysical monitoring stations in Mongolia.
Signed at Ulaanbaatar January 12, 2012.
Entered into force January 12, 2012.
TIAS 12-112
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Ulaanbaatar August 2, 2013.
Entered into force August 2, 2013.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Ulaanbaatar October 17 and
December 15, 2016.
Entered into force December 15, 2016.
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed February 15 and 28, 2018.
Entered into force February 28, 2018.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning facilitation of the
work of diplomatic missions.
Signed at Washington January 27, 1987.
Entered into force January 27, 1987.
TIAS 11457
Consular convention.
Signed at Ulaanbaatar August 2, 1990.
Entered into force April 5, 2007.
TIAS 07-405
Agreement concerning the international school of Ulaanbaatar.
Signed at Ulaanbaatar May 26, 2004.
Entered into force November 19, 2005.
TIAS 05-1119
Agreement concerning the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Ulaanbaatar March 24 and April 5, 1999.
Entered into force April 5, 1999.
TIAS 13028
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Ulaanbaatar May 6, 1997.
Entered into force May 6, 1997.
TIAS 12853
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at New York September 29, 1990.
Entered into force January 4, 1991.
TIAS 11501
Agreement concerning economic, technical and related
assistance with protocol and memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Ulaanbaatar September 8, 1992.
Entered into force September 8, 1992.
TIAS 12476
Agreement regarding the surrender of U.S. persons to third
Exchange of notes at Washington June 6, 2003.
Entered into force June 27, 2003.
TIAS 03-627.2
Agreement regarding cooperation and mutual assistance in
customs matters.
Signed at Hong Kong June 19, 1996.
Entered into force June 19, 1996.
TIAS 12769
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery
systems, and related materials by sea.
Signed at Washington October 23, 2007.
Entered into force February 20, 2008.
TIAS 08-220
Express mail agreement, with detailed regulations.
Signed at Ulaanbaatar and Washington June 5 and July 1,
Entered into force September 1, 1996.
Memorandum of understanding concerning facilitation of the
work of diplomatic missions, with attachments.
Signed at Washington March 27, 1992.
Entered into force March 27, 1992.
TIAS 92-327
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Ulaanbaatar April 2 and June 26, 2003.
Entered into force June 26, 2003.
TIAS 03-626.2
Agreement on trade relations, with exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington January 23, 1991.
Entered into force November 27, 1991.
TIAS 91-1127
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annex and protocol.
Signed at Washington October 6, 1994.
Entered into force January 1, 1997.
TIAS 97-101
Agreement concerning the development of trade and
investment relations.
Signed at Washington July 15, 2004.
Entered into force Jul 15, 2004.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on transparency in matters related to international
trade and investment.
Signed at New York September 24, 2013.
Entered into force March 20, 2017.
Memorandum of agreement relating to technical assistance in
developing, modernizing, operating, or maintaining
Mongolia’s civil aviation infrastructure.
Signed at Washington June 16, 2011.
Entered into force June 16, 2011.
On June 3, 2006, Montenegro declared independence from the state of
Serbia and Montenegro. For agreements prior to June 3, 2006, see
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Podgorica May 6, 2019.
Entered into force May 6, 2019.
TIAS 19-506
Agreement on status protections and access to and use of
military infrastructure in Montenegro.
Signed at Washington May 1, 2007.
Entered into force May 1, 2007.
TIAS 07-501
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Podgorica May 4 and 18, 2007.
Entered into force May 18, 2007.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Podgorica September 25, 2007.
Entered into force September 25, 2007.
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified information.
Signed at Washington February 27, 2018.
Entered into force February 27, 2018.
TIAS 18-227
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington and Brussels March 23 and 29, 2000.
Entered into force March 29, 2000.
TIAS 00-329
Agreement regarding certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies.
Signed at Podgorica February 26, 2008.
Entered into force April 14, 2008.
Agreement between the United States and Yugoslavia
concerning economic, technical and related assistance.
Signed at Belgrade March 6, 2001.
Entered into force May 11, 2001.
TIAS 01-511
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Exchange of notes at Podgorica April 17 and 19, 2007.
Entered into force April 19, 2007.
TIAS 07-419
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement FATCA.
Signed at Podgorica June 1, 2017.
Entered into force March 28, 2018.
TIAS 18-328.1
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Podgorica March 2, 2012.
Entered into force March 2, 2012.
TIAS 12-302
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
The independence of Morocco was recognized in a joint declaration signed
March 2, 1956, on behalf of the Government of France and the Sultan of
A diplomatic agreement on general relations between France and Morocco
signed at Paris May 28, 1956, provided inter alia (1) that none of the
provisions of that agreement must be interpreted as affecting the
obligations which result either from the Charter of the United Nations or
from agreements, treaties, or conventions in force between one of the High
Contracting Parties and third powers (article 6), and (2) that Morocco
assumes the obligations resulting from international treaties passed by
France in the name of Morocco as well as those resulting from
international acts relating to Morocco which have not been subject to
observations on its part (article 11).
Arrangement between the United States and France for the
waiver by France of visa requirements for United States
citizens visiting Metropolitan France and certain French
territories, and for the granting by the United States of gratis
passport visas to French citizens resident in those territories
who enter the United States as nonimmigrants.*
Exchange of notes at Paris March 16 and 31, 1949.
Entered into force March 31, 1949.
63 Stat. 2737; TIAS 1987; 7 Bevans 1311; 84 UNTS 283
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Morocco.
Exchange of notes at Rabat February 8 and 9, 1963.
Entered into force February 9, 1963.
23 UST 209; TIAS 7297
March 10, 1972 (23 UST 209; TIAS 7297)
Cultural agreement.
Signed at Washington February 10, 1967.
Entered into force February 10, 1967.
18 UST 174; TIAS 6215; 688 UNTS 149
Agreement on the development and facilitation of tourism.
Signed at Washington July 22, 1985.
Entered into force July 22, 1985.
TIAS 12001
Agreement concerning mapping, charting and geodesy
Signed at Rabat April 29, 1982.
Entered into force April 29, 1982.
34 UST 987; TIAS 10386
Agreement concerning the use of certain facilities in Morocco
by the United States.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 27, 1982.
Entered into force May 27, 1982.
34 UST 1127; TIAS 10399; 1566 UNTS 139
Memorandum of agreement concerning hydrographic surveys
and nautical charting.
Signed at Rabat November 20, 1985.
Entered into force November 20, 1985.
TIAS 11210
Memorandum of arrangement regarding assignment of liaison
Signed at Norfolk March 10, 2006.
Entered into force March 10, 2006.
February 17 and March 3, 2011 (NP)
March 4 and 7, 2016 (NP)
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Rabat July 21 and November 24, 2006.
Entered into force November 24, 2006.
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed April 10 and July 4, 2013.
Entered into force July 4, 2013.
June 7 and July 4, 2016 (NP)
September 13 and October 22, 2019 (NP)
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart and Rabat April 27 and May 6, 2015.
Entered into force May 6, 2015.
Agreement establishing a Binational Commission for
Educational and Cultural Exchange.
Signed at Marrakech February 12, 1982.
Entered into force May 20, 1982.
TIAS 10407; 34 UST 1180
Agreement regarding the system of American schools in
Signed at Rabat February 22, 2013.
Entered into force May 15, 2019.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Rabat February 27 and April 2, 1992.
Entered into force April 2, 1992.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Rabat March 27, 1996.
Entered into force March 27, 1996.
TIAS 12739
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Rabat December 30, 1983.
Entered into force February 10, 1984.
TIAS 11015; 2022 UNTS 73
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Rabat December 23, 1985 and February 13, 1986.
Entered into force January 21, 1986.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Rabat March 1, 1988.
Entered into force April 11, 1988.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Rabat August 21, 1989.
Entered into force September 25, 1989.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Rabat February 14, 1991.
Entered into force March 29, 1991.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Rabat August 24, 1992.
Entered into force October 12, 1992.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington March 15, 1995.
Entered into force September 22, 1999.
TIAS 99-922
Agreement providing for economic, technical, and related
Exchange of notes at Rabat April 2, 1957.
Entered into force April 2, 1957.
8 UST 459; TIAS 3799; 288 UNTS 157.
May 19, 1958 (9 UST 923; TIAS 4054; 317 UNTS 354).
Millennium Challenge Compact.
Signed at Rabat November 30, 2015.
Entered into force June 30, 2017.
TIAS 17-630
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at New York September 24, 2003.
Entered into force November 19, 2003.
TIAS 03-1119
Convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Rabat October 17, 1983.
Entered into force June 23, 1993.
TIAS 93-623
Agreement regarding joint cooperation in fighting against
international terrorism, organized crime, and the illicit
production, trafficking and abuse of narcotics.
Signed at Rabat February 10, 1989.
Entered into force February 10, 1989.
TIAS 12029
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
Signed at Washington November 21, 2013.
Entered into force February 1, 2016.
TIAS 16-201
Agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of
nuclear energy, with annex and agreed minute.
Signed at Washington May 30, 1980.
Entered into force May 16, 1981.
32 UST 5823; TIAS 10018; 1267 UNTS 101
September 20, 2001 (TIAS 13168)
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 20, 2017.
Entered into force September 20, 2017.
TIAS 17-920.2
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty of peace.*
Signed at Meccanez September 16, 1836.
Entered into force January 28, 1837.
8 Stat. 484; TS 244-2; 9 Bevans 1286
* Extraterritorial jurisdiction in Morocco relinquished by the United
States October 6, 1956.
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Rabat and Washington March 18 and May 11, 1988.
Entered into force June 1, 1988.
TIAS 11588
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Rabat November 14, 2006.
Entered into force February 8, 2012.
TIAS 12-208
Agreement concerning the use of Ben Guerin Air Base as a
space shuttle emergency landing site.
Signed at Rabat and Washington January 21 and 28, 1987.
Entered into force January 28, 1987.
TIAS 12209
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with related notes.*
Signed at Rabat August 1, 1977.
Entered into force December 30, 1981.
33 UST 2545; TIAS 10194
* With reservation and understanding.
Agreement interpreting certain articles of the convention of
August 1, 1977 (TIAS 10194).*
Signed at Washington and Rabat October 25, 1979, and at
Rabat April 17, 1981.
Entered into force December 30, 1981.
33 UST 2672; TIAS 10195
* With reservation and understanding.
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investments, with protocol.
Signed at Washington July 22, 1985.
Entered into force May 29, 1991.
Agreement concerning the development of trade and
investment relations, with annex.
Signed at Washington March 16, 1995.
Entered into force March 16, 1995.
TIAS 95-316
The United States-Morocco free trade agreement, with
Signed at Washington June 15, 2004.
Entered into force January 1, 2006.
Memorandum of agreement on technical assistance with the
Federal Aviation Administration, with annex.
Signed at Rabat April 18, 1983.
Entered into force April 18, 1983.
TIAS 10702; 2005 UNTS 175
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Rabat October 10, 2001.
Entered into force August 19, 2002.
TIAS 13165
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Maputo December 27, 1991.
Entered into force December 27, 1991.
TIAS 91-1227
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Maputo November 7, 1984 and
April 12, 1985.
Entered into force April 12, 1985.
TIAS 11338
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Mozambique.
Exchange of notes at Maputo March 30 and May 13, 1994.
Entered into force May 13, 1994.
June 23 and August 23, 2004
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the status of United States military and
civilian personnel of the U.S. Department of Defense
temporarily present in Mozambique in connection with
humanitarian relief operations.
Exchange of notes at Maputo March 3 and 7, 2000.
Entered into force March 7, 2000.
TIAS 00-307.1
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Maputo May 2, 2007.
Entered into force May 2, 2007.
Agreement regarding the establishment and functioning of the
American International School of Mozambique.
Signed at Maputo October 20, 2014.
Entered into force March 29, 2016.
TIAS 16-329
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 29 and July 14, 1998.
Entered into force July 14, 1998.
TIAS 12972
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annex.
Signed at Maputo February 12, 1987.
Entered into force March 27, 1987.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Maputo March 6, 1990.
Entered into force April 23, 1990.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Maputo August 27, 1991.
Entered into force September 30, 1991.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agency, with annexes.
Signed at Maputo August 13, 1993.
Entered into force September 27, 1993.
July 13 and August 31, 1995 (NP)
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its Agency, with
Signed at Maputo August 13, 1997.
Entered into force September 29, 1997.
September 30 and October 27, 1998
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Maputo September 23, 1999.
Entered into force September 23, 1999.
TIAS 13063
Agreement regarding the consolidation and reduction of debt
owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United States
Government and its agency, with annexes.
Signed at Maputo May 28, 2002.
Entered into force July 11, 2002.
Agreement for economic and technical cooperation.
Signed at Maputo December 9, 2015.
Entered into force April 20, 2016.
TIAS 16-420
Assistance agreement for the health program, with attachment
and annexes.
Signed September 30, 2009.
Entered into force September 30, 2009.
September 28, 2010 (NP)
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Signed at Maputo June 24, 2003.
Entered into force March 2, 2004.
TIAS 04-302
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Maputo and Washington July 9 and 23, 1990.
Entered into force August 30, 1990.
TIAS 11758
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning reciprocal and property ownership
rights for the diplomatic and consular missions of the United
States and the Republic of Mozambique.
Exchange of notes at Maputo September 21 and October 7,
Entered into force October 7, 2005.
TIAS 05-1007
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annex, protocol and exchange
of letters.
Signed at Washington December 1, 1998.
Entered into force March 3, 2005.
TIAS 13006
Trade and investment framework agreement.
Signed at Washington June 21, 2005.
Entered into force June 21, 2005.
Agreement concerning the settlement of claims by the United
States against the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO).
Exchange of notes at Rome May 3, 1990.
Entered into force May 3, 1990.
TIAS 11899
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, or
successor legislation; the Arms Export Control Act; and
Department of Defense authorities; and the furnishing on a
grant basis of defense articles, defense related training, and
other defense services from the United States of America to
the MFO under such authorities.
Exchange of notes at Rome July 5 and 7, 2017.
Entered into force July 7, 2017.
TIAS 17-707.2
Agreement relating to participation of United States military
and civilian personnel in the Multinational Force and
Observers established by Egypt and Israel, with annexes and
agreed minute, and related exchange of letters.*
Exchange of letters at Washington March 26, 1982.
Entered into force March 26, 1982.
TIAS 10557
* See also PEACEKEEPING in multilateral section and in bilateral
section under EGYPT and ISRAEL.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Peace corps agreement.
Signed at Windhoek August 28 and September 19, 1990.
Entered into force September 19, 1990.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States Government to the Republic of Namibia.
Exchange of notes at Windhoek May 21, 1992 and
February 19, 1998.
Entered into force February 19, 1998.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Windhoek January 24 and June 8, 1994.
Entered into force June 8, 1994.
TIAS 12184
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Windhoek October 8, 1997.
Entered into force October 8, 1997.
TIAS 12886
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington June 20, 1990.
Entered into force June 5, 1991.
TIAS 12096
General agreement for special development assistance.
Signed at New York September 28, 1990.
Entered into force September 28, 1990.
TIAS 11901
Agreement for special development assistance.
Signed at Windhoek May 27, 1992.
Entered into force May 27, 1992.
TIAS 11863
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Windhoek and Washington September 30 and
October 24, 1994.
Entered into force December 1, 1994.
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Windhoek March 16, 2000.
Entered into force June 18, 2019.
TIAS 19-618
December 12, 2018 and February 19, 2019. (TIAS 19-618)
On January 31, 1968, Nauru became an independent state. In a note dated
May 28, 1968, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Chief
Secretary made a statement reading in part as follows:
Prior to Nauru attaining independence on 31st January, 1968, treaty
relationships were entered into, on its behalf, by the Government of the
Commonwealth of Australia. The Government of Nauru now wishes to
make clear its position in regard to obligations arising from those treaties
entered into prior to 31st January, 1968 by the Government of the
Commonwealth of Australia, and accordingly makes the following
In respect of all bilateral treaties validly concluded by Australia on behalf
of Nauru, or validly applied or extended by Australia to Nauru, before 31st
January, 1968, the Government of Nauru will continue, on a basis of
reciprocity, to apply the terms of such treaties for a period of twenty-four
months unless such treaties are abrogated or modified earlier by agreement
with the other contracting parties. At the expiration of this period the
Government of Nauru will regard each such treaty as having terminated
unless it has earlier agreed with the other contracting party to continue that
treaty in existence.
It is the earnest hope of the Government of Nauru that during the
aforementioned period of twenty-four months, the normal processes of
diplomatic negotiations will enable it to reach satisfactory accord with the
States concerned upon the possibility of the continuance or modification or
termination of such treaties. In respect of multilateral treaties, the
Government of Nauru intends to review each of them individually and to
indicate to the depositary in each case what steps it wishes to take, whether
by way of confirmation of succession, confirmation of termination or
accession, in relation to each such instrument. During such period of
review, any party to a multilateral treaty which was, prior to independence,
validly applied or extended to Nauru may, on a basis of reciprocity, rely as
against Nauru on the terms of the treaty.” In subsequent notes to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations this period of review has been
extended indefinitely.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington and New York August 22 and
September 11, 2007.
Entered into force September 11, 2007.
TIAS 07-911
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington February 26, 2003.
Entered into force December 4, 2003.
TIAS 03-1204
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931; applicable to Australia
(including Papua, Norfolk Island, and the mandated
territories of New Guinea and Nauru), in accordance with
article 14, from August 30, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Agreement concerning operational cooperation to suppress
illicit transnational maritime activity.
Signed at Auckland September 8, 2011.
Entered into force September 8, 2011.
TIAS 11-908
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Washington and Nauru October 8, 1993 and
January 17, 1994.
Entered into force April 4, 1994.
Agreement providing for the construction and operation of a
weather station on Nauru Island.
Exchange of notes at Canberra February 19 and 25, 1958.
Entered into force February 25, 1958.
9 UST 266; TIAS 4001; 317 UNTS 153
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Nepal.
Exchange of notes at Kathmandu August 24, 1962.
Entered into force August 24, 1962.
13 UST 1909; TIAS 5146; 460 UNTS 143
Agreement regarding military assistance under the Foreign
Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of
defense articles, related training and other defense services
from the United States to Nepal.
Exchange of notes at Kathmandu September 19, 1994 and
January 25, 1995.
Entered into force January 25, 1995.
TIAS 12350
Agreement concerning the status of United States military and
civilian personnel of the U.S. Department of Defense
temporarily present in the Kingdom of Nepal in connection
with the Multi-Platoon Training Event.
Exchange of notes at Kathmandu January 12 and 13, 2000.
Entered into force January 13, 2000.
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Kathmandu June 9, 1961.
Entered into force June 9, 1961.
TIAS 4845; 12 UST 1253; 421 UNTS 223
July 10, 1974, December 13, 1974 and May 18, 1975 (TIAS 8352; 27
UST 2831)
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 19, 1996 and
May 13, 1997.
Entered into force May 13, 1997.
TIAS 12856
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Kathmandu March 3, 2000.
Entered into force March 3, 2000.
TIAS 13084
Agreement relating to investment guaranties authorized by
section 413(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as
Exchange of notes at Washington May 17, 1960.
Entered into force May 17, 1960.
11 UST 1396; TIAS 4477; 372 UNTS 313
June 4, 1963 (14 UST 994; TIAS 5391; 487 UNTS 376)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Point four general agreement for technical cooperation
between the United States of America and Nepal.
Signed at New Delhi January 23, 1951.
Entered into force January 23, 1951.
2 UST 489; TIAS 2198; 184 UNTS 65
January 2 and 8, 1952 (3 UST 4760; TIAS 2642; 184 UNTS 74)
Agreement for USAID foreign assistance programs, with
Signed September 22, 2009.
Entered into force September 22, 2009.
September 21, 2010 (NP)
September 29, 2011 (NP)
September 21 and 24, 2012 (NP)
January 8 and February 2, 2014 (NP)
September 23, 2014 (NP)
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Kathmandu December 31, 2002.
Entered into force July 22, 2003.
TIAS 03-722.1
Procedures for mutual assistance in connection with matters
relating to the Boeing Company.
Signed at Washington January 5, 1979.
Entered into force January 5, 1979.
30 UST 2495; TIAS 9347; 1171 UNTS 111
Express mail agreement, with detailed regulations.
Signed at Nepal and Washington July 9 and October 25, 1996.
Entered into force January 1, 1997.
Agreement relating to friendship and commerce.
Exchange of notes at Kathmandu April 25, 1947.
Entered into force April 25, 1947.
61 Stat. 2566; TIAS 1585; 10 Bevans 1; 16 UNTS 97
Treaty for the advancement of peace.*
Signed at Washington December 18, 1913.
Entered into force March 10, 1928.
45 Stat. 2462; TS 760; 10 Bevans 64
* Declaration interpretative of article I signed at Washington
February 13, 1928. Entered into force February 27, 1928.
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington January 13, 1930.
Entered into force July 17, 1930.
46 Stat. 2769; TS 820; 10 Bevans 100; 107 LNTS 69
Memorandum of understanding regarding claims by the
Netherlands to looted securities, with annex and related note.
Signed at Washington January 19, 1951.
Entered into force January 19, 1951.
2 UST 1262; TIAS 2275; 141 UNTS 221
Agreement relating to selection of De Nederlandsche Bank of
Amsterdam by the United States, Iran, and Algeria as the
mutually agreeable central bank to manage the depositary of
funds in the security account established by the January 19,
1981, Declaration of the Government of the Democratic and
Popular Republic of Algeria, with related technical
agreements signed
August 17, 1981.*
Exchange of notes at The Hague July 10, 1981.
Entered into force July 10, 1981.
Agreement relating to the reciprocal waiver of passport visa
fees for nonimmigrants.*
Exchanges of notes at The Hague January 21, February 11, and
March 5 and 13, 1946.
Entered into force April 15, 1946.
61 Stat. 3834; TIAS 1728; 10 Bevans 178; 84 UNTS 3
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to visa requirements.*
Exchange of notes at The Hague July 30 and August 20, 1947.
Entered into force August 20, 1947.
61 Stat. 3838; TIAS 1729; 10 Bevans 220; 84 UNTS 11
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement concerning American military cemeteries, with
Signed at The Hague May 4, 1970.
Entered into force November 18, 1970.
21 UST 2416; TIAS 6978; 775 UNTS 77
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Mutual defense assistance agreement.
Signed at Washington January 27, 1950.
Entered into force January 27, 1950.
1 UST 88; TIAS 2015; 80 UNTS 219
Agreement relating to the assurances required by the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at The Hague January 8, 1952.
Entered into force January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4633; TIAS 2615; 173 UNTS 372
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
materials furnished by the United States under the mutual
defense assistance agreement and no longer required for the
purposes for which originally made available.
Exchange of notes at The Hague November 12 and 26, 1953.
Entered into force November 26, 1953.
11 UST 2017; TIAS 4556; 388 UNTS 303
August 10 and 13, 1960 (11 UST 2017; TIAS 4556; 388 UNTS 303)
Agreement relating to a memorandum of understanding and a
model contract for the offshore procurement program.
Exchange of notes at The Hague April 15 and May 7, 1954.
Entered into force July 30, 1954.
5 UST 2027; TIAS 3069; 213 UNTS 325
Agreement relating to the stationing of United States armed
forces in the Netherlands, with annex.
Exchange of notes at The Hague August 13, 1954.
Entered into force November 16, 1954.
6 UST 103; TIAS 3174; 251 UNTS 91
Agreement establishing an air defense technical center with
cost reimbursement contract attached.
Exchange of notes at The Hague December 14, 1954.
Entered into force December 14, 1954.
6 UST 915; TIAS 3236; 262 UNTS 35
Agreement for cooperation on uses of atomic energy for
mutual defense purposes.
Signed at The Hague May 6, 1959.
Entered into force July 27, 1959.
10 UST 1334; TIAS 4277; 355 UNTS 327
Agreement relating to a weapons production program.
Exchange of notes at The Hague March 24, 1960.
Entered into force provisionally March 24, 1960; definitively
January 2, 1962.
12 UST 180; TIAS 4692; 406 UNTS 165
Agreement relating to the safeguarding of classified
Exchange of notes at Washington August 18, 1960.
Entered into force August 18, 1960.
March 4 and April 6, 1981
General arrangement relating to the cooperative production of
the M109 vehicle and its components.
Signed at The Hague May 3, 1966.
Entered into force May 3, 1966.
29 UST 5713; TIAS 9144
March 17, 1969 (29 UST 5721; TIAS 9144)
December 30, 1974 and June 5, 1975 (29 UST 5722; TIAS 9144)
March 2 and April 14, 1979 (TIAS 10641)
January 31, 1983 (TIAS 10641)
Administrative arrangements pertaining to pre-financed
NATO common infrastructure projects.
Exchange of letters at The Hague and Heidelberg May 30 and
July 24, 1975.
Entered into force July 24, 1975.
30 UST 2885; TIAS 9369; 1177 UNTS 247
Memorandum of understanding concerning principles
governing mutual cooperation in research and development,
production and procurement of conventional defense
Signed at Washington and The Hague July 25 and August 24,
Entered into force August 24, 1978.
33 UST 3105; TIAS 10214
Agreement relating to storage of prepositioned war readiness
materials by United States forces.
Exchange of notes at The Hague January 15, 1981.
Entered into force August 20, 1981.
33 UST 891; TIAS 10073; 1268 UNTS 77
Arrangement concerning the installation and support of a
USAFE Loran C/D transmitter site, with annex.
Signed at Ramstein and The Hague May 17 and July 12, 1982.
Entered into force July 12, 1982.
TIAS 12379
Agreement establishing a television transmitter at Soesterberg
Exchange of notes at The Hague December 7, 1981 and
March 4, 1982.
Entered into force July 19, 1983.
35 UST 3814; TIAS 10883; 1359 UNTS 249
Mutual logistical support agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart February 22, 1983.
Entered into force February 22, 1983.
TIAS 10663; 1359 UNTS 257
February 27 and March 20, 1992 (TIAS 12353)
Memorandum of understanding regarding the exchange of Air
Force officers.
Signed at The Hague and Washington May 22, 1984 and
May 7, 1985.
Entered into force May 7, 1985.
TIAS 11233
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on termination of agreement of November 4, 1985,
concerning the stationing, support and operation of the Ground
Launched Cruise Missile (GLCM) system in the territory of
the Netherlands.
Exchange of notes at The Hague December 18, 1987.
Entered into force June 1, 1988.
Memorandum of understanding between the United States Air
Forces in Europe and the Royal Netherlands Air Force
concerning the logistical support/services for the Soviet
inspection(s) under the INF Treaty at Woensdrecht AB,
Netherlands, with annexes.
Signed at Royal Netherlands Air Force Headquarters and
Ramstein Air Base, Germany, July 13 and August 10, 1989.
Entered into force August 10, 1989.
TIAS 12351
Memorandum of understanding regarding the joint training of
Royal Netherlands Air Force and United States Air Force
aircrews on the F-16 weapons system in the United States.
Signed at The Hague October 30, 1989.
Entered into force October 30, 1989.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the residual value
of the U.S. funded facilities for the Ground Launched Cruise
Missile (GLCM) at Woensdrecht Air Base, the Netherlands,
with annexes.
Signed at The Hague December 6, 1989.
Entered into force December 6, 1989.
TIAS 12352
Memorandum of understanding for the dynamic behavior of
composite ship structures (DYCOSS) project, with annexes.
Signed at The Hague and Washington July 18 and August 11,
Entered into force August 11, 1994.
TIAS 12355
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning
mapping, charting and geodesy cooperation, with glossary.
Signed at Fairfax April 26, 1995.
Entered into force April 26, 1995.
Memorandum of understanding concerning technology
research and development projects, with annex.
Signed at Washington May 14, 1998.
Entered into force May 14, 1998.
TIAS 98-514
August 21 and September 26, 2007 (TIAS 98-514)
December 7, 2012 and February 5, 2013 (TIAS 13-205)
Memorandum of understanding for test and evaluation
program cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at The Hague and Washington January 26 and
February 12, 2004.
Entered into force February 12, 2004.
TIAS 04-212
June 28 and July 5, 2013 (NP)
Memorandum of understanding concerning operations and
support of the advanced extremely high frequency military
satellite communications system, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and The Hague August 21 and 26, 2010.
Entered into force August 26, 2010.
TIAS 10-826
Agreement on the status of United States personnel in the
Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Signed at Washington October 19, 2012.
Entered into force September 1, 2013.
TIAS 13-901
Memorandum of understanding regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at The Hague and Tampa March 26 and April 22, 2015.
Entered into force April 22, 2015.
Memorandum of understanding regarding the assignment of
liaison officer, with annexes.
Signed at Washington December 20, 2016 and January 10,
Entered into force January 10, 2017.
Arrangement regarding reciprocal free entry privileges for
consular officers.
Exchange of notes at The Hague and at Washington April 7,
June 17, August 20 and September 19, 1930.
Entered into force September 19, 1930.
Foreign Relations, 1931, Vol. II, p. 771; 10 Bevans 105
February 1, 1947 and August 20, 1948
Reciprocal arrangement providing that trade commissioners
may import, free of duty, articles for their personal use during
their official residence.
Exchange of notes at The Hague July 2 and November 10, 1936.
Entered into force November 10, 1936.
Agreement for the financing of certain education exchange
Signed at The Hague October 16, 1972.
Entered into force August 8, 1973.
24 UST 1924; TIAS 7700
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at The Hague June 23, 1986.
Entered into force May 13, 1987.
TIAS 11359
October 25, 2012, July 11, 2013 and January 27, 2017 (TIAS 17-127)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in the
field of environmental protection.
Signed at Paris June 17, 1985.
Entered into force June 17, 1985.
TIAS 11161; 2126 UNTS 267
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the GLOBE
Signed at Washington February 28, 1995.
Entered into force February 28, 1995.
TIAS 12607
Agreement relating to the guaranties authorized by
Section 111(b)(3) of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948,
as amended.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 24 and
October 7, 1952.
Entered into force October 8, 1952.
3 UST 5060; TIAS 2690; 173 UNTS 378
Economic cooperation agreement.
Signed at The Hague July 2, 1948.
Entered into force July 2, 1948.
62 Stat. 2477; TIAS 1791; 10 Bevans 240; 20 UNTS 91
January 16 and February 2, 1950 (1 UST 665; TIAS 2126; 93 UNTS
March 7 and April 3, 1951 (2 UST 1319; TIAS 2285; 141 UNTS 368)
November 28, 1952 (3 UST 5260; TIAS 2721; 173 UNTS 382)
Agreement relating to duty-free entry of relief goods, relief
packages, and standard packs and to the defrayment of
transportation charges thereon.
Exchange of notes at The Hague January 17, 1949.
Entered into force January 17, 1949.
63 Stat. 2322; TIAS 1881; 10 Bevans 259; 32 UNTS 241
Agreement relating to the assumption by Indonesia of all
responsibilities and obligations of the Netherlands incurred
under the economic cooperation agreements of July 2, 1948,
as amended, and April 26, 1949, as amended, and the loan
agreements of October 28, 1948, and December 22, 1949, and
memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Washington February 11, 1952, by the United States,
Indonesia, and the Netherlands.
Entered into force February 11, 1952.
3 UST 2989; TIAS 2484; 165 UNTS 77
General agreement for technical cooperation for Suriname and
Netherlands Antilles.*
Signed at The Hague January 22, 1954.
Entered into force April 21, 1954.
5 UST 919; TIAS 2982; 190 UNTS 207
* Also applicable to Aruba.
Agreement concerning access to and use of facilities in
Curacao for humanitarian supplies reserved for the people of
the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Signed at Willemstad March 15, 2019.
Entered into force March 15, 2019.
TIAS 19-315.1
Agreement to facilitate the interchange of patent rights and
technical information for defense purposes with exchange of
Signed at The Hague April 29, 1955.
Entered into force provisionally April 29, 1955; definitively
July 13, 1955.
6 UST 2187; TIAS 3287; 219 UNTS 105
Agreement approving the procedures for reciprocal filing of
classified patent applications in the United States and the
Exchange of notes at The Hague October 8, 1959.
Entered into force October 8, 1959.
10 UST 1774; TIAS 4332; 358 UNTS 286
Convention for the prevention of smuggling of alcoholic
Signed at Washington August 21, 1924.
Entered into force April 8, 1925.
44 Stat. 2013; TS 712; 10 Bevans 76; 33 LNTS 434
Procedures for mutual assistance in the administration of
justice in connection with the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
Signed at Washington March 29, 1976.
Entered into force March 29, 1976.
27 UST 1064; TIAS 8245
Related Agreement:
March 21, 1979 (30 UST 2500; TIAS 9348; 1171 UNTS 215)
Extradition treaty, with appendix.
Signed at The Hague June 24, 1980.
Entered into force September 15, 1983.
35 UST 1334; TIAS 10733
Treaty on mutual assistance in criminal matters, with
exchange of notes.
Signed at The Hague June 12, 1981.
Entered into force September 15, 1983.
35 UST 1361; TIAS 10734; 1359 UNTS 209
Agreement on mutual administrative assistance in the
exchange of information in securities matters.
Signed at The Hague December 11, 1989.
Entered into force July 1, 1992.
TIAS 12405; 1921 UNTS 163
Agreement regarding mutual cooperation in the tracing,
freezing, seizure and forfeiture of proceeds and
instrumentalities of crime and the sharing of forfeited assets.
Signed at Washington November 20, 1992.
Entered into force August 4, 1994.
TIAS 12482; 2029 UNTS 189
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on mutual administrative assistance in the
exchange of information in futures matters.
Signed at Washington April 29, 1993.
Entered into force February 1, 1994.
TIAS 12151
Agreement on mutual administrative assistance for the proper
application of customs law and for the prevention,
investigation and combating of customs offences, with annex.
Signed at Washington October 28, 1996.
Entered into force May 1, 1998.
TIAS 12811; 2015 UNTS 411
Agreement of cooperation concerning access to and use of the
facilities in the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba for aerial
counter-narcotics activities.
Signed at Oranjestad March 2, 2000.
Entered into force November 2, 2001.
TIAS 13083
May 28, 2010 and February 15, 2011 (TIAS 16-1102.1)
December 16, 2015 and November 2, 2016 (TIAS 16-1102.1)
Agreement extending to the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba
the application of the agreement of October 28, 1996, on
mutual administrative assistance for the proper application of
customs law and for the prevention, investigation and
combating of customs offenses.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 27 and November 28,
Entered into force December 13, 2002.
TIAS 13176
Agreement comprising the instrument as contemplated by
Article 3(2) of the agreement on extradition between the
United States of America and the European Union signed June
25, 2003, as to the application of the extradition treaty of June
24, 1980, with annex and exchange of notes.
Signed at The Hague September 29, 2004.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.16
Agreement comprising the instrument as contemplated by
Article 3(2) of the agreement on mutual legal assistance
between the United States of America and the European Union
signed June 25, 2003, as to the application of the treaty on
mutual legal assistance in criminal matters of June 12, 1981,
with annex and exchange of notes.
Signed at The Hague September 29, 2004.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.41
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 9 and 16, 1981.
Entered into force November 2, 1981.
33 UST 1555; TIAS 10132; 1307 UNTS 409
Agreement relating to the agreement of August 14, 1987, on
the resolution of practical problems with respect to deep
seabed mining areas.*
Exchange of notes at The Hague August 14, 1987.
Entered into force October 14, 1988.
TIAS 11438; 1649 UNTS 117
* Parties to the multilateral agreement of August 14, 1987, are
Belgium, Canada, Italy, Netherlands and Union of Soviet Socialist
Memorandum of understanding concerning measures to be
taken for the transfer, security and safeguarding of technical
information, software and equipment to the Ministry of
Defense to enable industry to establish North Sea ACMI range
display and debriefing system facilities in the Netherlands.
Signed at Washington July 6, 1992.
Entered into force July 6, 1992.
TIAS 12354
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 20, 2017.
Entered into force September 20, 2017.
TIAS 17-920.3
Agreement concerning the participation of the Netherlands
forces in the United Nations operations in Korea.
Signed at Washington May 15, 1952.
Entered into force May 15, 1952.
3 UST 3987; TIAS 2534; 177 UNTS 233
Parcel post agreement and detailed regulations.
Signed at Washington and at The Hague September 5 and
September 20, 1937.
Entered into force November 1, 1937.
51 Stat. 295; Post Office Department print; 184 LNTS 319
Parcel post agreement and detailed regulations for execution.
Signed at Willemstad and Washington May 10 and May 17,
Operative February 1, 1951.
TIAS 2294; 2 UST 1509
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at The Hague and Washington May 19 and June 10,
Entered into force September 1, 1980.
32 UST 2033; TIAS 9816; 1252 UNTS 153
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Willemstad and Washington June 10 and 22, 1987.
Entered into force August 3, 1987.
TIAS 11305
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Oranjestad and Washington August 15 and
September 14, 1989.
Entered into force October 16, 1989.
TIAS 11695
Agreement for the enforcement of maintenance (support)
Signed at Washington May 30, 2001.
Entered into force May 1, 2002.
TIAS 13152
Preliminary agreement regarding principles applying to
mutual aid in the prosecution of the war against aggression,
and exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington July 8, 1942.
Entered into force July 8, 1942.
56 Stat. 1554; EAS 259; 10 Bevans 142; 103 UNTS 277
Mutual aid agreement relating to supplies and services, with
accompanying memorandum and exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington April 30, 1945.
Entered into force April 30, 1945.
59 Stat. 1627; EAS 480; 10 Bevans 158; 139 UNTS 341
Agreement relating to principles applying to the provision of
aid to the armed forces of the United States, and exchange of
Exchange of notes at Washington April 30, 1945.
Operative from July 8, 1942.
59 Stat. 1635; EAS 480; 10 Bevans 167; 139 UNTS 319
Related agreement settlement for lend-lease, reciprocal aid,
surplus property, military relief, and claims, and exchanges of
notes with memorandum of arrangement between the United
States, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands.
Signed at Washington May 28, 1947.
Entered into force May 28, 1947.
61 Stat. 3924; TIAS 1750; 8 Bevans 1250; 10 Bevans 188 and 213;
17 UNTS 29
June 1 and 8, 1950 (1 UST 638; TIAS 2119; 81 UNTS 320)
Agreement providing for lending ultra-high frequency radio
equipment for installation on Netherlands ocean weather ships
stationed along the North Atlantic route.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 16 and 21, 1955.
Entered into force March 21, 1955.
9 UST 1302; TIAS 4119; 289 UNTS 129
Agreement relating to continuation of the cooperative
meteorological observation program in the Netherlands
Exchange of notes at The Hague June 15, 1970.
Entered into force provisionally June 15, 1970; definitively
December 11, 1970.
21 UST 2643; TIAS 7005; 772 UNTS 147
* Also applicable to Aruba.
Agreement on cooperation in science and technology
concerning homeland and civil security matters.
Signed at Washington November 29, 2012.
Entered into force April 1, 2016.
TIAS 16-401
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at The Hague December 8, 1987.
Entered into force November 1, 1990.
TIAS 03-501
Protocol to the agreement on social security and
administrative arrangement of December 8, 1987.
Signed at The Hague December 7, 1989.
Entered into force November 1, 1990.
TIAS 03-501
Second protocol to the agreement on social security of
December 8, 1987.
Signed at The Hague August 30, 2001.
Entered into force May 1, 2003.
TIAS 03-501
Convention with respect to taxes on income and certain other
Signed at Washington April 29, 1948.
Entered into force December 1, 1948.
62 Stat. 1757; TIAS 1855; 10 Bevans 225; 32 UNTS 167
* The convention was supplemented by a protocol, signed at
Washington June 15, 1955, for the purpose of facilitating the
extension of the convention to the Netherlands Antilles (TIAS
3366; 6 UST 3696; 239 UNTS 342). This was effectuated in
accordance with exchanges of notes at Washington June 24 and
August 7, 1952, and September 15 and November 4 and 10, 1955
(TIAS 3367; 6 UST 3703; 239
UNTS 346).
A further protocol modifying and supplementing the extension of
the convention to the Netherlands Antilles was signed at The
Hague October 23, 1963 (TIAS 5665; 15 UST 1900; 521 UNTS
377). The convention became applicable to Aruba as a separate
entity as of January 1, 1986.
In accordance with notifications given by the United States on
June 29 and July 10, 1987, the convention ceased to apply to
Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles as of January 1, 1988, with the
exception of Article VIII of the convention and such ancillary
provisions as apply to effectuate, modify, or limit that article.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to relief from taxation on United States
Government expenditures in the Netherlands for the common
defense, with memorandum.
Exchange of notes at The Hague March 7, 1952.
Entered into force March 7, 1952.
3 UST 4183; TIAS 2563; 135 UNTS 199
Agreement concerning the tax relief techniques and
procedures pursuant to the agreement of March 7, 1952.
Exchange of notes at The Hague May 29 and June 22, 1953.
Entered into force June 22, 1953.
5 UST 2556; TIAS 3120; 234 UNTS 320
Convention modifying and supplementing the convention of
April 29, 1948, as amended, for avoidance of double taxation
with respect to taxes on income and certain other taxes.
Signed at Washington December 30, 1965.
Entered into force July 8, 1966.
17 UST 896; TIAS 6051; 577 UNTS 295
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on estates
and inheritances, with protocol.
Signed at Washington July 15, 1969.
Entered into force February 3, 1971.
22 UST 247; TIAS 7061; 791 UNTS 201
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with understanding and exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington December 18, 1992.
Entered into force December 31, 1993.
TIAS; 2291 UNTS 3
Protocol amending the convention of December 18, 1992, for
the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal
evasion with respect to taxes on income, with exchange of
Signed at Washington October 13, 1993.
Entered into force December 30, 1993.
TIAS; 2339 UNTS 556
Protocol amending Article VIII of the convention of April 29,
1948, with respect to taxes on income and certain other taxes
as applicable to the Netherlands Antilles.
Signed at Washington October 10, 1995.
Entered into force December 30, 1996.
TIAS 96-1230.1
Agreement in respect of the Netherlands Antilles for the
exchange of information with respect to taxes.
Signed at Washington April 17, 2002.
Entered into force March 22, 2007.
TIAS 07-322
Agreement in respect of Aruba for the exchange of
information with respect to taxes.
Signed at Washington November 21, 2003.
Entered into force September 13, 2004.
TIAS 04-913
Protocol amending the convention of December 18, 1992, as
amended, for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington March 8, 2004.
Entered into force December 28, 2004.
TIAS 04-1228; 2339 UNTS 557
Agreement to improve tax compliance and to implement the
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with annexes.
Signed at The Hague December 18, 2013.
Entered into force April 9, 2015.
TIAS 15-409
Agreement in respect of Curaçao to improve international tax
compliance and to implement the Foreign Account Tax
Compliance Act, with annexes and related exchange of notes.
Signed at Willemstad December 16, 2014.
Entered into force August 3, 2016.
TIAS 16-803
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at The Hague June 22, 1966.
Entered into force December 21, 1966.
17 UST 2426; TIAS 6189; 590 UNTS 109
Treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation, with protocol
and exchange of notes.
Signed at The Hague March 27, 1956.
Entered into force December 5, 1957.
8 UST 2043; TIAS 3942; 285 UNTS 231
Agreement providing for non-assertion of sovereign immunity
from suit of air transport enterprises.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 19, 1953.
Entered into force June 19, 1953.
4 UST 1610; TIAS 2828; 212 UNTS 249
Air transport agreement.*
Signed at Washington April 3, 1957.
Entered into force provisionally April 3, 1957; definitively
May 31, 1957.
12 UST 837; TIAS 4782; 410 UNTS 193
March 31, 1978 (29 UST 3088; TIAS 8998; 1123 UNTS 345)*
June 11, 1986 (TIAS 11365; 2194 UNTS 122)
October 13 and December 22, 1987 (TIAS 11927)
January 29 and March 13, 1992 (TIAS 11929)
October 14, 1992 (TIAS 11976)
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
* Articles 3, 4, 6 and 9 have been superseded by subsequent
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in the
field of transportation.
Signed at Washington and The Hague September 28 and
October 6, 1977.
Entered into force October 6, 1977.
29 UST 3577; TIAS 9029; 1134 UNTS 327
Memorandum of agreement relating to the provision of flight
inspection services.
Signed at Washington and The Hague March 10 and June 15,
Entered into force June 15, 1978; effective April 1, 1978.
30 UST 283; TIAS 9199
February 19 and May 4, 1982 (TIAS 10546)
Agreement in respect of Aruba on preclearance. With annex
Signed at Washington December 2, 1994.
Entered into force March 4, 1996
TIAS 96-304
May 22, 2008
Agreement for the promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at The Hague September 13, 1995.
Entered into force December 1, 1996.
TIAS 12691; 1999 UNTS 31
Agreement relating to air transportation between the United
States and Aruba, with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 18, 1997.
Entered into force June 11, 1998.
TIAS 12885; 2032 UNTS 359
July 27 and November 27, 2007 (TIAS 08-428)
Agreement concerning cooperation in civil aviation safety.
Signed at Washington May 23, 2013
Entered into force February 1, 2014.
TIAS 14-201
Air transport agreement relating to air transport between
Curacao and the United States of America.
Signed at Willemstad September 26, 2016.
Entered into force April 1, 2017.
TIAS 17-401.1
Air transport agreement relating to air transport between Sint
Maarten and the United States of America.
Signed at Philipsburg July 14, 2017
Entered into force April 1, 2018.
TIAS 18-401
Air transport agreement relating to air transport between the
Caribbean part of the Netherlands and the United States of
Signed at Washington January 17, 2018.
Entered into force October 1, 2018.
TIAS 18-1001.1
Agreement relating to cooperation in scientific and logistical
operations in Antarctica, with memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Wellington December 24, 1958.
Entered into force December 24, 1958.
9 UST 1502; TIAS 4151; 324 UNTS 111
October 18, 1960 (11 UST 2205; TIAS 4591; 447 UNTS 356)
Treaty on the delimitation of the maritime boundary between
Tokelau and the United States of America.
Signed at Atafu December 2, 1980.
Entered into force September 3, 1983.
35 UST 2073; TIAS 10775
Treaty amending in their application to New Zealand certain
provisions of the treaty for the advancement of peace between
the United States and the United Kingdom signed at
Washington September 15, 1914.
Signed at Washington September 6, 1940.
Entered into force August 13, 1941.
55 Stat. 1217; TS 976; 10 Bevans 282
Agreement relating to the reciprocal reduction of
nonimmigrant passport visa fees and the extension of validity
of temporary visitors’ visas.*
Exchange of notes at Wellington March 14, 1949.
Entered into force March 14, 1949; operative April 1, 1949.
63 Stat. 2538; TIAS 1940; 10 Bevans 331; 32 UNTS 369
* Applicable to all territories.
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the abolition of visa fees and the
extension of the period of validity for certain types of
nonimmigrant visas.*
Exchange of notes at Wellington December 16, 1957, and
May 2 and 5, 1958.
Entered into force May 5, 1958; operative June 1, 1958.
9 UST 913; TIAS 4053; 317 UNTS 59
May 13, 1958 (9 UST 919; TIAS 4053; 317 UNTS 70)
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Visa and immigration information sharing agreement.
Signed at Wellington May 4 and 5, 2017.
Entered into force October 2, 2017.
TIAS 17-1002.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to mutual defense assistance.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 19, 1952.
Entered into force June 19, 1952.
3 UST 4408; TIAS 2590; 178 UNTS 315
Agreement relating to an aerial photographic survey of the
New Zealand coastline.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 30, 1959.
Entered into force October 30, 1959.
10 UST 1983; TIAS 4364; 361 UNTS 21
Understanding that the assurances contained in the mutual
defense assistance agreement of June 19, 1952, are applicable
to equipment, materials, information and services furnished
under the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended, and such
other applicable United States laws as may come into effect.
Exchange of notes at Wellington March 25, 1960.
Entered into force March 25, 1960.
11 UST 315; TIAS 4450; 380 UNTS 424
Agreement relating to a reciprocal arrangement under which,
in certain circumstances, either of the respective armed forces
would advance funds to units or personnel of the other for
their temporary support, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Wellington September 3, 1969.
Entered into force September 3, 1969.
20 UST 2839; TIAS 6755; 723 UNTS 233
Agreement concerning defense communications services, with
Signed at Wellington and Arlington August 12 and
November 18, 1992.
Entered into force November 18, 1992.
TIAS 12357; 1937 UNTS 283
Agreement concerning certain mutual defense commitments.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 16, 1996.
Entered into force July 16, 1996.
TIAS 12782; 1950 UNTS 15
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Sydney November 6, 2012.
Entered into force November 6, 2012.
Agreement for the financing of certain educational and
cultural exchange programs.
Signed at Wellington February 3, 1970.
Entered into force March 3, 1970.
21 UST 421; TIAS 6827; 240 UNTS 217
June 21, 1995
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 18 and 21, 1999.
Entered into force May 21, 1999.
TIAS 13034
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation to
assure the sanitary quality of bivalve molluscs exported to the
United States.
Signed at Washington and Wellington October 14 and 30, 1980.
Entered into force October 30, 1980.
32 UST 4545; TIAS 9968; 1266 UNTS 35
Memorandum of understanding relative to exporting dry milk
products to the United States.
Signed at Wellington and at Washington October 23 and
November 11, 1975.
Entered into force November 11, 1975.
28 UST 345; TIAS 8472
Treaty on extradition.*
Signed at Washington January 12, 1970.
Entered into force December 8, 1970.
22 UST 1; TIAS 7035; 791 UNTS 253
* Applicable to all territories.
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Hong Kong June 13, 1996.
Entered into force June 13, 1996.
TIAS 12767; 1950 UNTS 3
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating crime.
Signed at Washington March 20, 2013.
Entered into force December 12, 2017.
TIAS 17-1212
Agreement on technology safeguards associated with United
States participation in space launches from New Zealand.
Signed at Washington June 16, 2016.
Entered into force December 12, 2016.
TIAS 16-1212
Agreement providing for a grant to assist in the acquisition of
nuclear research and training equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Wellington March 23, 1960.
Entered into force March 23, 1960.
11 UST 277; TIAS 4445; 371 UNTS 147
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post.
Signed at Wellington and Washington March 3 and April 24,
Operative October 1, 1932.
48 Stat. 1491; Post Office Department print
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning international
express mail service, with detailed regulations.
Signed at Wellington and Washington August 1 and 20, 1984.
Entered into force October 28, 1984.
TIAS 11003; 2022 UNTS 51
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST service, with details of implementation.
Signed at Berne April 28, 1989.
Entered into force May 1, 1989.
TIAS 11610
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Entered into force for New Zealand June 10, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; I Malloy 774
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936, by the United States,
United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement relating to the principles applying to the provision
of aid in the prosecution of war.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 3, 1942.
Entered into force September 3, 1942.
56 Stat. 1611; EAS 272; 10 Bevans 285; 24 UNTS 185
Agreement on settlement for lend-lease and reciprocal aid,
surplus war property, and claims.
Signed at Washington July 10, 1946.
Entered into force July 10, 1946.
60 Stat. 1791; TIAS 1536; 10 Bevans 296; 6 UNTS 341
Agreement concerning a program of research on aerospace
disturbances, with memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Wellington May 15, 1963.
Entered into force May 15, 1963.
14 UST 524; TIAS 5350; 477 UNTS 55
Agreement concerning the establishment of an astronomical
observatory at Blackbirch Ridge, with memorandum of
understandings and agreed minute.
Exchange of notes at Wellington November 11, 1982.
Entered into force November 11, 1982.
TIAS 10604; 1675 UNTS 247
Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation, with
annex and exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington May 21, 1991.
Entered into force May 21, 1991.
TIAS 11829; 1937 UNTS 235
Agreement concerning the installation, operation and
maintenance in New Zealand of Global Sea Level Data
Collection (GSL) Stations, with arrangements.
Exchange of notes at Wellington November 18, 1992.
Entered into force November 18, 1992.
TIAS 11973; 1937 UNTS 271
Agreement on science and technology cooperation
contributing to domestic and external security capabilities,
with annex.
Signed at Washington January 8, 2010.
Entered into force September 9, 2010.
TIAS 10-909
Agreement for a space vehicle tracking program.
Exchange of notes at Wellington July 9, 1968.
Entered into force July 9, 1968.
19 UST 5836; TIAS 6539; 644 UNTS 99
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with protocol.*
Signed at Wellington July 23, 1982.
Entered into force November 2, 1983.
35 UST 1949; TIAS 10772
December 1, 2008 (TIAS 10-1112)
* Does not include Tokelau or the Associated Self Governing States
of the Cook Islands and Niue.
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.
Signed at Wellington June 12, 2014.
Entered into force July 3, 2014.
TIAS 14-703
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Wellington June 21, 1967.
Entered into force June 21, 1967.
18 UST 1272; TIAS 6281; 644 UNTS 77
Convention to regulate commerce (article IV) between the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 3, 1815.
Entered into force July 3, 1815.
8 Stat. 228; TS 110; 12 Bevans 49
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning a framework of principles and
procedures for consultations regarding trade and investment
relations, with annex.
Signed at Washington October 2, 1992.
Entered into force October 2, 1992.
TIAS 92-1002
Air transport agreement, with annexes.*
Signed at Washington June 18, 1997.
Entered into force June 18, 1997.
TIAS 12860; 2049 UNTS 379
*This agreement is suspended so long as the Multilateral Agreement
on the Liberalization of International Air Transportation, signed
May 1, 2001, remains in force between the United States and New
Agreement confirming the cooperative agreement for the
prevention of foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest in
Exchange of notes at Managua March 24 and April 13, 1972.
Entered into force April 13, 1972.
23 UST 1228; TIAS 7392; 852 UNTS 201
Cooperative agreement for the eradication of screwworms.
Signed at Washington November 26, 1991.
Entered into force January 11, 1993.
TIAS 12444
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of nonimmigrant
visas, without fee, for maximum validity for four years.*
Exchange of notes at Managua July 6, September 30 and
October 22, 1955.
Entered into force October 22, 1955.
10 UST 1696; TIAS 4319; 358 UNTS 51
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Managua February 14 and 19, 1940.
Entered into force February 14, 1940.
54 Stat. 2294; EAS 171; 10 Bevans 411; 203 LNTS 47
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Nicaragua.
Exchange of notes at Managua May 23 and 25, 1968.
Entered into force May 25, 1968.
19 UST 5073; TIAS 6507; 707 UNTS 61
Agreement concerning the imposition of import restrictions on
archaeological material from the pre-Hispanic cultures of the
Republic of Nicaragua.
Signed at Managua June 16, 1999.
Entered into force October 20, 2000.
TIAS 13044
Amendments and Extensions:
October 6 and 18, 2005 (TIAS 13044)
October 4 and 13, 2010 (TIAS 10-1020)
September 8 and 15, 2015 (TIAS 15-915.1)
NOTE: The Air Force and Army missions were consolidated
September 10, 1965.
Agreement relating to an air force mission to Nicaragua.
Signed at Managua November 19, 1952.
Entered into force November 19, 1952.
3 UST 5027; TIAS 2683; 186 UNTS 2
Extensions and Amendments:
August 21 and 27, 1956 (7 UST 2465; TIAS 3634; 277 UNTS 352)
March 25 and May 22, 1959 (10 UST 1446; TIAS 4294; 357 UNTS
Agreement providing for a United States Army mission to
Signed at Managua November 19, 1953.
Entered into force November 19, 1953.
4 UST 2238; TIAS 2876; 206 UNTS 117
March 25 and May 22, 1959 (10 UST 1446; TIAS 4294; 357 UNTS
Military assistance agreement.
Signed at Managua April 23, 1954.
Entered into force April 23, 1954.
5 UST 453; TIAS 2940; 229 UNTS 37
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
materials furnished by the United States under the military
assistance agreement of April 23, 1954.
Exchange of notes at Managua April 23, 1954.
Entered into force April 23, 1954.
13 UST 116; TIAS 4946; 435 UNTS 340
Agreement for performance by members of army and air force
missions of duties of military assistance advisory group
specified in article V of military assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Managua January 17 and February 9,
Entered into force February 9, 1957.
8 UST 285; TIAS 3773; 279 UNTS 191
Agreement relating to deposit by Nicaragua of ten percent of
the value of grant military assistance and excess defense
articles furnished by the United States.
Exchange of notes at Managua March 6 and April 10, 1972.
Entered into force April 10, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 671; TIAS 7332
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for topographic
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting and information,
geodesy and geophysics, digital data and related mapping,
charting and geodesy materials.
Signed at Managua and Fairfax November 28 and
December 1, 1994.
Entered into force December 1, 1994.
Agreement regarding the status of U.S. military and civilian
personnel of the Department of Defense present in Nicaragua
in connection with the disaster relief/assistance effort and
mutually agreed follow-on activities.
Exchange of notes at Managua November 7 and 25, 1998.
Entered into force November 25, 1998.
Agreement regarding loan of military equipment.
Exchange of notes at Managua August 26 and September 4,
Entered into force September 4, 2003.
TIAS 03-904
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
defense services, and related training, including pursuant to
the United States International Military and Education
Training Program (IMET), from the United States to the
Government of the Republic of Nicaragua.
Exchange of notes at Managua December 5, 2005 and
April 19, 2006.
Entered into force April 19, 2006.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Managua November 20, 2009.
Entered into force November 20, 2009.
Interim agreement relating to customs exemptions of
diplomatic and consular officials.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 3, 1951 and
October 9, 1952.
Entered into force October 9, 1952.
3 UST 5154; TIAS 2708; 184 UNTS 105
Agreement of friendship and cooperation.
Signed at Managua January 6, 1992.
Entered into force January 6, 1992.
TIAS 11844
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Managua January 26 and February 2,
Entered into force February 2, 1994.
TIAS 12173
Agreement regarding the discharge of certain debts owed to
the Government of the United States, with annex.
Signed at Managua September 25, 1991.
Entered into force September 25, 1991.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Managua May 13, 1992.
Entered into force July 10, 1992.
July 21 and September 26, 1997 (NP)
Agreement among the United States and the Government of
Nicaragua/Central American Business Administration Institute
regarding the assumption, payment and discharge of certain
Exchange of notes at Managua August 28, 1995.
Entered into force August 28, 1995.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Managua August 28, 1995.
Entered into force November 1, 1995.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Managua October 20, 1998.
Entered into force December 21, 1998.
April 9 and May 19, 1999 (NP)
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government,
with annexes.
Signed at Managua April 25, 2003.
Entered into force June 9, 2003.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Managua July 20, 2004.
Entered into force July 20, 2004.
Agreement regarding the cancellation of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government,
with annexes.
Signed at Managua August 17, 2004.
Entered into force December 27, 2004.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
General agreement for economic, technical and related
Exchange of notes at Managua March 30, 1962.
Entered into force May 14, 1962.
13 UST 1208; TIAS 5065; 456 UNTS 241
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Managua June 4, 2003.
Entered into force September 12, 2003.
TIAS 03-912
Treaty on extradition.
Signed at Washington March 1, 1905.
Entered into force July 14, 1907.
35 Stat. 1869; TS 462; 10 Bevans 356
Agreement concerning Cooperating Nation Information
Exchange System (CNIES).
Exchange of notes at Managua October 18 and November 23,
Entered into force November 23, 2004.
TIAS 04-1123
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress illicit traffic by
sea and air.
Signed at Managua June 1, 2001.
Entered into force November 15, 2001.
TIAS 13153
Agreement for parcel post service.
Signed at Managua and Washington March 19 and April 4,
Entered into force July 1, 1956.
7 UST 1051; TIAS 3586; 275 UNTS 231
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Managua and Washington July 24 and August 16,
Entered into force September 30, 1991.
TIAS 11798
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific
cooperation in the earth and mapping sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Managua March 4 and 10, 1999.
Entered into force March 10, 1999.
TIAS 99-310
Amendment and Extension:
May 24 and June 25, 2004 (TIAS 99-310)
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Managua October 8 and 16, 1956.
Entered into force October 16, 1956.
7 UST 3159; TIAS 3694; 282 UNTS 29
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Managua September 3 and 20, 1966.
Entered into force September 20, 1966.
17 UST 1560; TIAS 6112; 607 UNTS 167
Agreement terminating the agreement of September 5, 1972,
relating to trade in cotton textiles and providing for
consultations on problems of market disruption as defined in
the arrangement regarding international trade in textiles of
December 20, 1973.
Exchange of notes at Managua December 26, 1974 and
January 3, 1975.
Entered into force January 3, 1975.
26 UST 41; TIAS 8007
Agreement on trade in textile and apparel goods under the
Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free
Trade Agreement.
Exchange of letters at Managua and Washington
March 24 and 27, 2006.
Entered into force March 27, 2006.
Agreement relating to the construction of the inter-American
Exchange of notes at Washington April 8, 1942.
Entered into force April 8, 1942.
56 Stat. 1845; EAS 295; 10 Bevans 424; 24 UNTS 145
April 4 and 20, 1951 (2 UST 1848; TIAS 2320; 138 UNTS 57)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the construction of the Rama Road.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 8 and 18, 1942.
Entered into force April 18, 1942.
2 UST 722; TIAS 2229; 132 UNTS 343
September 2, 1953 (4 UST 1944; TIAS 2853; 215 UNTS 69)
March 13 and August 2, 1956 (7 UST 2237; TIAS 3623; 281 UNTS
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at San Jose May 8, 1997.
Entered into force December 5, 1997.
TIAS 12855
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of assistance in
developing and modernizing Nicaragua’s civil aviation
Signed at Washington and Managua April 29 and August 30,
Entered into force August 30, 1999.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Niger.
Exchange of notes at Niamey July 23, 1962.
Entered into force July 23, 1962.
14 UST 868; TIAS 5368; 487 UNTS 325
Agreement relating to the furnishing of military equipment,
materials and services to Niger to help assure its security and
Exchange of notes at Niamey May 22 and June 14, 1962.
Entered into force June 14, 1962.
13 UST 1301; TIAS 5083; 458 UNTS 233
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Niamey March 11 and June 9, 1980.
Entered into force June 9, 1980.
33 UST 576; TIAS 10049; 1267 UNTS 123
Agreement regarding the terms and conditions relating to the
furnishing of defense articles and services on a grant basis to
the Government of Niger by the United States.
Exchange of notes at Niamey July 18 and September 24, 1992.
Entered into force September 24, 1992.
TIAS 12359
January 13 and February 18, 2005 (TIAS 05-218.1)
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training to include training related to defense articles
under the United States International Military Education and
Training (IMET) Program, and other defense services from the
United States of America to the Government of Niger.
Exchange of notes at Niamey January 22 and March 12, 2004.
Entered into force March 12, 2004.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Niamey September 21 and December
6, 2012.
Entered into force December 6, 2012.
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel
who may be temporarily present in Niger.
Exchange of notes at Niamey July 6, 2012 and January 28,
Entered into force January 28, 2013.
TIAS 13-128
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart and Niamey June 17 and August 13, 2013.
Entered into force August 13, 2013.
Agreement concerning United States access to and use of
facilities in the Republic of Niger.
Exchange of notes at Niamey August 22, 2014.
Entered into force August 22, 2014.
Agreement for cooperation in the GLOBE program.
Signed at Niamey August 11, 2005.
Entered into force August 11, 2005.
TIAS 05-811
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Niamey February 28 and April 26, 1962.
Entered into force April 26, 1962.
13 UST 2203; TIAS 5187; 459 UNTS 129
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Niamey June 11, 1984.
Entered into force July 24, 1984.
TIAS 10994; 2022 UNTS 77
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Niamey April 9, 1985.
Entered into force May 28, 1985.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Niamey April 11, 1986.
Entered into force May 19, 1986.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Niamey February 10, 1988.
Entered into force March 17, 1988.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Niamey February 21, 1989.
Entered into force March 30, 1989.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington June 29, 1989.
Entered into force August 24, 1989.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington February 12, 1991.
Entered into force March 28, 1991.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Niamey July 29, 1994.
Entered into force August 29, 1994.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Niamey January 14, 1998.
Entered into force March 27, 1998.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction, and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Niamey August 1, 2001.
Entered into force September 4, 2001.
January 29 and 30, 2003
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government,
with annexes.
Signed at Niamey January 31, 2005.
Entered into force March 10, 2005.
Agreement providing for the furnishing of economic, technical
and related assistance.
Exchange of notes at Niamey May 26, 1961.
Entered into force May 26, 1961.
12 UST 858; TIAS 4786; 410 UNTS 213
Millennium Challenge Compact, with annexes.
Signed at Washington July 29, 2016.
Entered into force January 26, 2018.
TIAS 18-126
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Niamey and Washington May 6 and 29, 1987.
Entered into force June 15, 1987.
TIAS 11302
Agreement to provide certain social security benefits for
certain employees of the United States in Niger.
Signed at Niamey July 21, 1975.
Entered into force July 21, 1975; effective January 1, 1974.
26 UST 2758; TIAS 8194; 1045 UNTS 65
On October 1, 1960, the territories formerly comprising the British Colony
and Protectorate of Nigeria attained fully responsible status within the
British Commonwealth under the name of the Federation of Nigeria
(Federation of Nigeria Independence Act, 1960). By an exchange of notes,
dated October 1, 1960, between the High Commissioner for the United
Kingdom in the Federation of Nigeria and the Prime Minister of the
Federation of Nigeria, Nigeria agreed to assume, from October 1, 1960, all
obligations and responsibilities of the United Kingdom which arise from
any valid international instrument insofar as such instruments may be held
to have application to or in respect of Nigeria are from October 1, 1960,
enjoyed by the Federation of Nigeria.
Agreement establishing a Peace Corps program in Nigeria.
Exchange of notes at Lagos August 19 and 22, 1991.
Entered into force August 22, 1991.
TIAS 12108
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the assurances required under the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at London January 8, 1952.
Applicable to Nigeria January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4665; TIAS 2622; 126 UNTS 307
Agreement relating to the deposit by Nigeria of ten percent of
the value of grant military assistance furnished by the United
Exchange of notes at Lagos April 12 and 20, 1972.
Entered into force April 20, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 773; TIAS 7338
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Lagos November 19, 1985 and
February 26, 1986.
Entered into force February 26, 1986.
TIAS 11106
Agreement regarding the provision of commodities and
services to Nigerian forces participating in ECOMOG
peacekeeping operations.
Exchange of notes at Abuja November 9, 1996.
Entered into force November 9, 1996.
TIAS 12778
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training, and other defense services from the United
States of America to the Government of the Federal Republic
of Nigeria.
Exchange of notes at Abuja July 27 and August 17, 2000.
Entered into force August 17, 2000.
TIAS 13111
Agreement concerning the status of United States military and
civilian personnel of the U.S. Department of Defense
temporarily present in Nigeria in connection with military
training and other activities as may be agreed upon by the two
Exchange of notes at Abuja August 24 and September 7, 2000.
Entered into force September 7, 2000.
Agreement concerning end-use, retransfer and security
assurances regarding AKM rifles and related equipment
provided to the Government of Nigeria for use in connection
with regional efforts concerning Sierra Leone and Operation
Focus Relief and other purposes related to self-defense and
regional security, with attachment.
Exchange of notes at Abuja January 29 and March 6, 2002.
Entered into force March 6, 2002.
TIAS 02-306
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Abuja November 9, 2016.
Entered into force November 9, 2016.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Abuja October 4 and 16, 2017.
Entered into force October 16, 2017.
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement on the training of Nigerian technical educators,
with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 9, 1981.
Entered into force September 9, 1981.
TIAS 10261; 33 UST 3783; 1541 UNTS 181
Bilateral employment agreement.
Signed at Abuja May 12, 2005.
Entered into force May 12, 2005.
TIAS 05-512
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Lagos December 23, 1987.
Entered into force February 16, 1988.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies.
Signed at Lagos December 4, 1989.
Entered into force January 22, 1990.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Lagos August 2, 1991.
Entered into force September 18, 1991.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Abuja December 6, 1999.
Entered into force January 20, 2003.
TIAS 03-120
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agency, with annexes.
Signed at Abuja December 17, 2005.
Entered into force January 20, 2006.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Applicable to Nigeria July 6, 1948.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 12 Bevans 874; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 86 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 25, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
Development objectives assistance agreement for reduced
extreme poverty in a more stable, democratic Nigeria through
the development objectives: broadened and inclusive growth,
a healthier, more educated population in targeted states,
strengthened good governance.
Signed at Abuja September 29, 2015.
Entered into force September 29, 2015.
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
relating to reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Abuja June 30, 2003.
Entered into force October 6, 2003.
TIAS 03-1006
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Applicable to Nigeria June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Procedures for mutual assistance in the administration of
justice in connection with the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
Signed at Washington April 20, 1976.
Entered into force April 20, 1976.
27 UST 1054; TIAS 8243
Related Agreement:
March 8 and 26, 1979 (NP)
Mutual cooperation agreement for reducing demand,
preventing illicit use and combatting illicit production and
trafficking in drugs.
Exchange of notes at Lagos January 13 and 24, 1989.
Entered into force January 24, 1989.
TIAS 11598; 2190 UNTS 333
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Washington September 13, 1989.
Entered into force January 14, 2003.
TIAS 03-114.1
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Washington April 23, 2013.
Entered into force April 23, 2013.
TIAS 13-423
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 19, 2018.
Entered into force September 19, 2018.
TIAS 18-919.11
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Lagos and Washington March 7 and April 21, 1986.
Entered into force July 1, 1986.
TIAS 11407
Postal money order agreement, with attachments.
Signed at Lagos and Washington June 14 and 28, 1990.
Entered into force September 1, 1990.
TIAS 11759
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.*
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Entered into force August 7, 1900.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
* Notification given on July 22, 1901, of application to Northern
Nigeria, and on July 27, 1901, of application to Southern Nigeria.
Agreement relating to the installation and operation of a radio
transmitter by the Embassy of Nigeria.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 19, and 22, 1974,
and June 4, 1975.
Entered into force June 4, 1975.
27 UST 3297; TIAS 8364; 1068 UNTS 457
Agreement concerning the development of trade and
investment relations.
Signed at Washington February 16, 2000.
Entered into force February 16, 2000.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 5, 1935.
Entered into force May 5, 1935.
49 Stat. 3731; EAS 77; 12 Bevans 513; 162 LNTS 59
Air transport agreement, with memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Lagos April 27, 1978.
Entered into force provisionally April 27, 1978; definitively
June 16, 1978.
29 UST 3102; TIAS 8999; 1124 UNTS 255
Agreement, regarding the provision of technical assistance for
developing and modernizing civil aviation infrastructure in
Signed April 12 and May 31, 2002.
Entered into force May 31, 2002.
July 9 and August 9, 2002
March 13 and April 15, 2009
Treaty on the delimitation of a maritime boundary. With
Signed at Wellington May 13, 1997.
Entered into force October 7, 2014.
TIAS 14-1007
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Alofi September 23, 1994.
Entered into force September 23, 1994.
TIAS 12109
Agreement between the United States and the Headquarters of
the Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic regarding the
headquarters, with exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington October 22, 1954.
Entered into force October 22, 1954; operative April 10, 1954.
5 UST 2519; TIAS 3113; 249 UNTS 175
Agreement concerning the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
satellite communications earth terminal in the United States.
Signed at Washington and Mons, Belgium July 10 and
August 20, 1970.
Entered into force August 20, 1970.
21 UST 2089; TIAS 6955; 764 UNTS 225
Agreement regarding U.S. approval for retransfer of U.S.
defense articles and services to NATO for purposes of
supporting the NATOled Implementation Force (IFOR).
Exchange of letters at Brussels December 18, 1995.
Entered into force December 18, 1995.
Memorandum of agreement for the continuation of a national
expert office at NC3A, with annex.
Signed at Brussels November 5, 2007.
Entered into force November 5, 2007.
TIAS 07-1105
Memorandum of agreement concerning cooperation on
projects, with annexes.
Signed February 24 and March 20, 2015.
Entered into force March 20, 2015.
TIAS 15-320
Agreement concerning the application of part IV of the
agreement on the status of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, national representatives and international staff,
September 20, 1951
(TIAS 2992) to the officials of NATO civilian bodies located
on the territory of the United States of America.
Signed at Brussels March 3, 1981.
Entered into force March 3, 1981.
33 UST 1272; TIAS 10110; 1307 UNTS 423
Arrangement concerning the employment by the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization of United States nationals.
Signed at London September 29, 1951.
Entered into force September 29, 1951.
5 UST 1112; TIAS 2992
Agreement concerning the employment by the International
Military Headquarters of United States nationals.
Signed at Paris February 25, 1953.
Entered into force February 25, 1953.
5 UST 890; TIAS 2978
Supplemental arrangement concerning the employment by
NATO bodies of United States nationals.
Signed at Brussels June 3, 1983.
Entered into force June 3, 1983.
TIAS 10695; 2005 UNTS 189
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Brussels July 18, 1990.
Entered into force July 18, 1990.
TIAS 11947
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of agreement concerning the cooperative
production of radar system improvements for the E-3 aircraft.
Signed at Hanscom AFB and Washington August 3 and 11,
Entered into force August 11, 1995.
TIAS 12682
Memorandum of agreement concerning cooperative projects
for the E 3 aircraft, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Brunssum August 10 and 30, 1999.
Entered into force August 30, 1999.
TIAS 13057
Memorandum of agreement concerning cooperation on
projects, with annexes.
Signed February 24 and March 20, 2015.
Entered into force March 20, 2015.
TIAS 15-320
Memorandum of agreement concerning air command, control,
communications and intelligence capabilities.
Signed at Washington and Brussels April 23 and May 7, 2002.
Entered into force May 7, 2002.
TIAS 02-507
Amendment and Extension:
September 5 and October 19, 2007 (TIAS 02-507)
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed May 27, 2011.
Entered into force May 27, 2011.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement with the NATO
Support Organization (NSPO), with annexes.
Signed at Capellen and Stuttgart February 21 and 25, 2013.
Entered into force February 25, 2013.
Agreement for credit sales of military equipment, materials,
and services.
Signed at Paris June 22, 1959.
Entered into force June 22, 1959.
10 UST 1156; TIAS 4252
Agreement regarding consolidated procurement of munitions.
Signed at Washington and Capellen April 5 and 12, 1988.
Entered into force April 12, 1988.
Agreement regarding the transfer of USG-origin spare parts
and components maintained and serviced by NAMSO.
Exchange of notes at Brussels and Capellen November 16, 1992
and March 5, 1993.
Entered into force March 5, 1993.
On September 8, 1991, Macedonia became an independent state. For
agreements prior to the independence of Macedonia, see YUGOSLAVIA.
Agreement concerning the protection and preservation of
certain cultural properties, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 10, 2002.
Entered into force July 12, 2010.
TIAS 10-712
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training, and other
defense services from the United States of America to the
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Exchange of notes at Skopje June 5, 1997.
Entered into force June 5, 1997.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Skopje and Stuttgart September 16 and 22, 2008.
Entered into force September 22, 2008.
Agreement concerning cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefits the Environment (GLOBE) Program.
Exchange of notes at Skopje July 27 and August 24, 1998.
Entered into force August 24, 1998.
Agreement concerning the reciprocal employment of
dependents of official government employees, with
Exchange of notes at Washington December 10, 1998.
Entered into force December 10, 1998.
TIAS 13011
Investment incentive agreement, with attachment.
Exchange of notes at Skopje April 5, 1996.
Entered into force April 5, 1996.
Agreement on the consolidation of the debt of the borrower,
with attachment.
Exchange of letters at Skopje September 17, 1997.
Entered into force December 3, 1997.
Agreement regarding the reorganization of certain debts owed
to the United States Government and its agencies, with
Exchange of notes at Skopje January 15 and 30, 2003.
Entered into force March 17, 2003.
Agreement concerning economic, technical and related
assistance, with attachment.
Exchange of letters at Skopje September 9, 2001.
Entered into force September 9, 2001.
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Skopje June 30, 2003.
Entered into force November 12, 2003.
TIAS 03-1112
Agreement for scientific and technical cooperation, with
Signed at Skopje January 25, 2006.
Entered into force July 14, 2008.
TIAS 08-714
Amendment & Extension:
November 25, 2019 (TIAS 19-1125)
Bilateral textile agreement.
Signed at Skopje November 7, 1997.
Entered into force November 7, 1997.
September 17, 1999
June 2, 2000
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Skopje August 23, 2012.
Entered into force July 5, 2013.
TIAS 13-705
Treaty for the advancement of peace.
Signed at Washington June 24, 1914.
Entered into force October 21, 1914.
38 Stat. 1843; TS 599; 10 Bevans 456
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington February 20, 1929.
Entered into force June 7, 1929.
46 Stat. 2278; TS 788; 10 Bevans 498; 91 LNTS 413
Memorandum of understanding on conflicting claims to
enemy property.
Signed at Washington June 21, 1952.
Entered into force April 27, 1954.
5 UST 907; TIAS 2980; 236 UNTS 9
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for the waiver by Norway of visa requirements for
United States citizens entering continental Norway and of the
visa fee for United States citizens entering Norwegian territory
outside continental Norway, and for the waiver by the United
States of the visa fee for Norwegian citizens entering the
United States and possessions as nonimmigrants.*
Exchange of notes at Washington July 7 and 29, 1947.
Entered into force July 29, 1947; operative August 1, 1947.
61 Stat. 3101; TIAS 1644; 10 Bevans 563; 87 UNTS 343
April 25, 1958
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the waiver of visas for American
citizens proceeding to Svalbard (Spitzbergen) and the
temporary suspension of visa requirements for American
citizens proceeding to certain Norwegian possessions.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 10 and
October 19, 1948.
Entered into force October 19, 1948.
62 Stat. 3649; TIAS 1884; 10 Bevans 596; 87 UNTS 348
Agreement for the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Oslo June 20, 1947 and March 15, 1948.
Entered into force March 15, 1948.
62 Stat. 1954; TIAS 1758; 10 Bevans 577; 73 UNTS 81
August 10 and 11, 1964 (15 UST 1502; TIAS 5630; 530 UNTS 334)
Treaty relating to exemption from military service or other act
of allegiance of persons having dual nationality.
Signed at Oslo November 1, 1930.
Entered into force February 11, 1931.
46 Stat. 2904; TS 832; 10 Bevans 503; 112 LNTS 399
Mutual defense assistance agreement.
Signed at Washington January 27, 1950.
Entered into force February 24, 1950.
1 UST 106; TIAS 2016; 80 UNTS 241
Agreement relating to the disposition of excess equipment and
materials furnished by the United States under the mutual
defense assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Oslo December 12 and 28, 1950.
Entered into force December 28, 1950.
6 UST 6151; TIAS 3467; 240 UNTS 391
Agreement relating to the assurances required under the
Mutual Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Oslo January 8, 1952.
Entered into force January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4639; TIAS 2616; 179 UNTS 185
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
materials furnished by the United States under the mutual
defense assistance agreement and found surplus to the needs
of the armed forces of Norway.
Exchange of notes at Oslo May 15 and June 26, 1953.
Entered into force June 26, 1953.
6 UST 6153; TIAS 3468; 240 UNTS 396
September 1, 1960 and January 14, 1961 (12 UST 214; TIAS 4695;
406 UNTS 312)
Agreement concerning the status of military assistance
advisory group under article I, paragraph 1(a), of the NATO
status of forces agreement (TIAS 2846).
Exchange of notes at Oslo April 13, 1954.
Entered into force April 13, 1954.
5 UST 619; TIAS 2950; 229 UNTS 223
Agreement relating to a weapons production program.
Exchange of notes at Oslo February 13, 1960.
Entered into force February 13, 1960.
11 UST 2105; TIAS 4569; 388 UNTS 255
April 26 and September 16, 1960 (11 UST 2105; TIAS 4569; 388
UNTS 255)
Agreement relating to a shipbuilding program for the
Norwegian Navy.
Exchange of notes at Oslo July 6, 1960.
Entered into force July 6, 1960.
11 UST 1796; TIAS 4522; 378 UNTS 25
Agreement relating to a shipbuilding program of the
Norwegian Navy.
Exchange of notes at Oslo November 29, 1960.
Entered into force January 31, 1961.
12 UST 101; TIAS 4681; 404 UNTS 251
Agreement relating to the coproduction of the M109G
Signed at Oslo December 30, 1966.
Entered into force December 30, 1966.
TIAS 12360
February 6, 1976 (TIAS 12360)
Agreement relating to the safeguarding of classified
information with annex.
Exchange of notes at Oslo February 26, 1970.
Entered into force February 26, 1970.
21 UST 462; TIAS 6836; 240 UNTS 251
September 27, 1984 (TIAS 11136)
Mutual logistical support agreement, with annex.
Signed at Stuttgart-Vaihingen and Oslo January 29 and
August 20, 1982.
Entered into force August 20, 1982.
34 UST 1721; TIAS 10449
November 14, 1992 and January 15, 1993 (TIAS 12361)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of officers
between the United States and Royal Norwegian Air Forces.
Signed at Oslo and Washington November 14, 1983 and
January 5, 1984.
Entered into force January 5, 1984.
35 UST 4173; TIAS 10915; 2014 UNTS 529
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of officers
between the United States Marine Corps and the Norwegian
Signed at Oslo and Washington May 21 and July 3, 1986.
Entered into force July 3, 1986.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the provision of
United States hospital prepositioned storage to support Allied
Forces during operations in the Norwegian Sea and in
Signed at London and Oslo February 17 and April 10, 1987.
Entered into force April 10, 1987.
TIAS 11662
Agreement concerning the transfer of U.S. Government-origin
defense articles or related training or other defense services to
the Government of Norway.
Exchange of notes at Oslo September 18 and October 1, 1992.
Entered into force October 1, 1992.
TIAS 12362
Memorandum of understanding for the dynamic analysis
support system project, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Haakonsvern August 12 and
November 14, 1994.
Entered into force November 14, 1994.
TIAS 12364
Agreement for the transfer of ownership of the long-range
radio aid to navigation transmitting stations at Bo and Jan
Mayen Island, Norway, with annex.
Signed at Oslo December 15, 1994.
Entered into force December 15, 1994.
Agreement regarding the exchange of engineers and scientists,
with annexes.
Signed at Oslo and Washington January 11 and April 15, 1999.
Entered into force April 15, 1999.
May 27 and June 3, 2009
July 12 and August 6, 2018
Memorandum of agreement concerning an arrangement to
exchange operational information, with appendix and annex.
Signed at Washington and Oslo August 30 and September 21,
Entered into force September 21, 2006.
TIAS 06-921
Related Agreement:
July 9 and August 27, 2010
Memorandum of understanding on reciprocal exchange of
Signed at Washington and Oslo October 23 and 26, 2006.
Entered into force October 26, 2006.
May 2 and 16, 2016
Memorandum of understanding governing prestockage and
reinforcement of Norway.
Signed at Stavanger June 8, 2005.
Entered into force February 27, 2007.
TIAS 07-227.1
Basic exchange and cooperation agreement concerning
geospatial information .
Signed at Oslo October 6, 2008.
Entered into force October 6, 2008.
October 5, 2010
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Oslo and Stuttgart July 8 and August 5, 2009.
Entered into force August 5, 2009.
Agreement for research, development, testing, and evaluation
projects, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Oslo July 8 and 18, 2011.
Entered into force July 18, 2011.
TIAS 11-718
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of Royal
Norwegian Navy defense personnel to the United States Navy,
with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Oslo May 7 and June 27, 2013.
Entered into force June 27, 2013.
Memorandum of understanding concerning test and evaluation
program cooperation.
Signed at Washington and Oslo December 22, 2014 and
January 19, 2015.
Entered into force January 19, 2015.
TIAS 15-119
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Norwegian defense personnel to the U.S. Special Operations
Signed at Oslo and Tampa January 6 and 30, 2015.
Entered into force January 30, 2015
March 16 and 29, 2016
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers to U.S. European Command, with annexes.
Signed at Oslo and Mons January 19 and 22, 2016.
Entered into force January 22, 2016.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers.
Signed at Washington February 6 and 27, 2017.
Entered into force on February 27, 2017.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of Royal
Norwegian Air Force Defense personnel to the U.S. Navy,
with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Rygge May 8 and June 15, 2018.
Entered into force June 15, 2018.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers.
Signed at Oslo and Tampa March 2 and July 3, 2018.
Entered into force July 3, 2018.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the exchange of
professional military education students, with annex.
Signed at Washington October 25 and 30, 2018.
Entered into force October 30, 2018, with effect from October
18, 2018.
Arrangement relating to customs treatment of importations for
consular offices and officers.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 20, 1932.
Entered into force January 20, 1932; operative February 1,
47 Stat. 2698; EAS 32; 10 Bevans 505; 126 LNTS 393
Agreement relating to the United States Educational
Foundation in Norway, and exchange of notes.
Signed at Oslo May 25, 1949.
Entered into force May 25, 1949.
63 Stat. 2764; TIAS 2000; 10 Bevans 598; 32 UNTS 345
August 12 and October 30, 1954 (5 UST 2545; TIAS 3118; 234
UNTS 298)
June 15, 1955 (6 UST 2103; TIAS 3282; 261 UNTS 380)
June 21, 1960 (11 UST 1602; TIAS 4503; 377 UNTS 390)
March 16, 1964 (15 UST 241; TIAS 5545; 524 UNTS 294)
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Oslo April 15 and July 21, 1981.
Entered into force July 21, 1981.
35 UST 3810; TIAS 10882; 2015 UNTS 711
Agreement regarding cooperation on environmental protection
in defense matters.
Signed at Baltimore May 19, 1994.
Entered into force May 19, 1994.
TIAS 12363
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program.
Signed at Washington April 5, 1995.
Entered into force April 5, 1995.
TIAS 12627
Agreement relating to guaranties authorized by Section
111(b)(3) of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, as
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 1, 1952.
Entered into force April 3, 1952.
3 UST 4246; TIAS 2567; 177 UNTS 291
Economic cooperation agreement.
Signed at Oslo July 3, 1948.
Entered into force July 3, 1948.
62 Stat. 2514; TIAS 1792; 10 Bevans 580; 20 UNTS 185
January 17, 1950 (1 UST 166; TIAS 2032; 79 UNTS 284)
July 5, 1951 (2 UST 1289; TIAS 2276; 148 UNTS 402)
January 8, 1953 (4 UST 109; TIAS 2767; 198 UNTS 366)
Agreement for free entry and free inland transportation of
relief supplies and packages.
Exchange of notes at Oslo October 31, 1949.
Entered into force October 31, 1949.
64 Stat. (3) B71; TIAS 2006; 10 Bevans 607; 68 UNTS 3
Agreement to facilitate interchange of patent rights and
technical information for defense purposes, with agreed
Signed at Oslo April 6, 1955.
Entered into force April 6, 1955.
6 UST 799; TIAS 3226; 269 UNTS 65
Agreement approving procedures for reciprocal filing of
classified patent applications in the United States and Norway.
Exchange of notes at Oslo December 5, 1958 and January 6
and 17, 1959.
Entered into force January 17, 1959.
10 UST 302; TIAS 4187; 341 UNTS 410
April 25 and August 12, 1960 (11 UST 2002; TIAS 4552; 388 UNTS
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention for prevention of smuggling of intoxicating
Signed at Washington May 24, 1924.
Entered into force July 2, 1924.
43 Stat. 1772; TS 689; 10 Bevans 473; 26 LNTS 44
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Oslo June 9, 1977.
Entered into force March 7, 1980.
31 UST 5619; TIAS 9679; 1220 UNTS 221
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
Signed at Oslo May 17, 1989.
Entered into force August 30, 1989.
TIAS 12118
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 11, 1978.
Entered into force July 11, 1978.
30 UST 1671; TIAS 9275; 1153 UNTS 89
Memorandum of agreement to enhance communication and
Signed at Oslo December 3, 2005.
Entered into force December 3, 2005.
Agreement concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy, with
agreed minute.
Signed at Washington June 11, 2016.
Entered into force January 19, 2017.
TIAS 17-119.1
Agreement concerning participation of a Norwegian mobile
surgical hospital in the United Nations operations in Korea.
Signed at Washington September 17, 1951.
Entered into force September 17, 1951.
2 UST 1903; TIAS 2325; 140 UNTS 313
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Oslo and Washington October 6 and November 9,
Operative November 1, 1934.
49 Stat. 3042; Post Office Department print; 156 LNTS 33.
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Oslo and Washington July 5 and August 10, 1984.
Entered into force October 15, 1984.
TIAS 11007; 2022 UNTS 91.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST field trial, with details of implementation.
Signed at Oslo and Washington July 9 and 25, 1985.
Entered into force July 25, 1985.
TIAS 11154.
Agreement for the enforcement of maintenance obligations.
Signed at Washington June 10, 2002.
Entered into force June 10, 2002.
TIAS 02-610
Preliminary agreement regarding principles applying to
mutual aid in the prosecution of the war against aggression,
and exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington July 11, 1942.
Entered into force July 11, 1942.
56 Stat. 1565; EAS 262; 10 Bevans 531
Agreement regarding settlement for lend-lease, military relief,
and claims, and exchanges of notes.
Signed at Washington February 24, 1948.
Entered into force February 24, 1948.
62 Stat. 1848; TIAS 1716; 10 Bevans 566; 34 UNTS 155
Agreement relating to the installation, operation and
management of a seismic array facility in Norway.
Exchange of notes at Oslo June 15, 1968.
Entered into force June 15, 1968.
19 UST 5439; TIAS 6526; 707 UNTS 79
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston November 25, 2003.
Entered into force November 25, 2003.
TIAS 03-1125.1
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Washington December 9, 2005.
Entered into force March 26, 2006.
TIAS 06-326
Implementing Agreement for cooperation in the use of U.S.
land remote sensing satellite data.
Signed at Reston and Oslo March 12 and 22, 2013.
Entered into force March 22, 2013.
Agreement on social security, with administrative agreement.
Signed at Oslo November 30, 2001.
Entered into force September 1, 2003.
TIAS 13177
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for cooperation in the civil uses of outer space,
with annex
Signed October 20, 2000 and November 14, 2001.
Entered into force November 14, 2001.
TIAS 13172
October 23, 2006 (TIAS 13172)
September 30, 2016 (TIAS 16-930)
Implementing agreement on cooperation in satellite tracking
and environmental data acquisition and utilization.
Signed March 26 and April 2, 2002.
Entered into force April 2, 2002.
TIAS 02-402
Arrangement on the interface region imaging spectrograph
(IRIS) mission.
Signed at Washington and Oslo December 14, 2010 and
January 10, 2011.
Entered into force January 10, 2011.
TIAS 11-110
Implementing arrangement on the use of analogue sites within
the United States and Norway .
Signed at Washington and Oslo May 3 and 10, 2011.
Entered into force May 10, 2011.
TIAS 11-510
Agreement relating to relief from taxation of United States
Government expenditures in Norway for common defense.
Exchange of notes at Oslo June 27, 1952.
Entered into force June 27, 1952.
3 UST 5253; TIAS 2720; 184 UNTS 271
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and property, with related notes.
Signed at Oslo December 3, 1971.
Entered into force November 29, 1972.
23 UST 2832; TIAS 7474
September 19, 1980 (33 UST 2828; TIAS 10205)
Agreement concerning the reciprocal exemption from income
tax of income derived from the international operation of ships
and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 24, 1990.
Entered into force May 24, 1990.
TIAS 11715; 2207 UNTS 205
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Oslo April 15, 2013.
Entered into force January 27, 2014.
TIAS 14-127
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Oslo May 27 and June 1, 1967.
Entered into force June 1, 1967.
18 UST 1241; TIAS 6273; 631 UNTS 119
Treaty of commerce and navigation, with separate article.*
Signed at Stockholm July 4, 1827.
Entered into force January 18, 1828.
8 Stat. 346; TS 348; 11 Bevans 876
* Articles 13 and 14 were abrogated effective July 1, 1916; the
entire treaty, with the exception of that part of article 1 concerning
entry and residence of nationals of one country in territories of the
other for purposes of trade, was terminated September 13, 1932,
by the treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular rights signed
June 5, 1928, and the additional article thereto signed February 25,
1929 (TS 852).
Treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular right with
exchange of notes and additional article signed February 25,
Signed at Washington June 5, 1928.
Entered into force September 13, 1932.
47 Stat. 2135; TS 852; 10 Bevans 481; 134 LNTS 81
Arrangement relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 16, 1933.
Entered into force November 15, 1933.
48 Stat. 1818; EAS 51; 10 Bevans 514; 145 LNTS 31
Agreement relating to air transport services.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 6, 1945.
Entered into force October 6, 1945; operative October 15,
59 Stat. 1658; EAS 482; 10 Bevans 553; 122 UNTS 319
August 6, 1954 (5 UST 1433; TIAS 3015; 222 UNTS 269)
June 16, 1995 (TIAS 12664)
Agreement relating to air service facilities at Gardermoen
Signed at Oslo November 12, 1946.
Entered into force November 12, 1946.
61 Stat. 3861; TIAS 1737; 10 Bevans 560; 42 UNTS 227
Agreement relating to certificates of airworthiness for
imported aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Oslo February 5, 1957.
Entered into force February 5, 1957.
8 UST 265; TIAS 3769; 279 UNTS 169
January 24, 1978 (29 UST 5660; TIAS 9141)
Agreement for promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Oslo June 27, 2001.
Entered into force June 27, 2001.
TIAS 13159
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Oman.
Exchange of notes at Muscat November 15 and 28, 1972.
Entered into force November 28, 1972.
24 UST 1013; TIAS 7614
May 4 and August 25, 1977 (29 UST 5358; TIAS 9116; 1148 UNTS
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Muscat January 4 and April 28, 1986.
Entered into force April 28, 1986.
TIAS 11981
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Oman.
Exchange of notes at Muscat May 5 and June 1, 1992.
Entered into force June 1, 1992.
Memorandum of understanding regarding cooperation in
acquisition and cross-servicing, with annexes.
Signed February 6 and 20, 2014.
Entered into force February 20, 2014.
Basic exchange and cooperation agreement concerning
geospatial intelligence.
Signed at Springfield June 12, 2014.
Entered into force June 12, 2014.
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the Global
Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment
(GLOBE) program.
Signed at Muscat December 8, 2009.
Entered into force December 8, 2009.
TIAS 09-1208
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Muscat September 9, 1976.
Entered into force September 9, 1976.
28 UST 5670; TIAS 8651; 1087 UNTS 11
Agreement on economic and technical cooperation.
Signed at Muscat December 1, 1990.
Entered into force December 1, 1990.
TIAS 90-1201
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court, with understanding.
Exchange of letters at Muscat July 26 and August 1, 2004.
Entered into force August 1, 2004.
International express mail agreement.
Signed at Muscat and Washington February 12 and
March 27, 1986.
Entered into force May 1, 1986.
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Davos January 22, 2016.
Entered into force March 31, 2016.
TIAS 16-331
Treaty of amity, economic relations and consular rights and
Signed at Salalah December 20, 1958.
Entered into force June 11, 1960.
11 UST 1835; TIAS 4530; 380 UNTS 181
Agreement concerning the development of trade and
investment relations.
Signed at Washington July 7, 2004.
Entered into force July 7, 2004.
TIAS 04-707
Free trade agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington January 19, 2006.
Entered into force January 1, 2009.
Agreement on aviation security.
Exchange of notes at Muscat June 28 and 30, 1994.
Entered into force June 30, 1994.
TIAS 12554
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Muscat December 19, 2013.
Entered into force January 16, 2015.
TIAS 15-116
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement for cooperation in the field of nuclear data and
computer programs.
Signed at Washington April 10, 2006.
Entered into force April 10, 2006.
TIAS 06-410
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Paris October 15, 1987.
Entered into force October 15, 1987.
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at The Hague February 25, 1999.
Entered into force February 25, 1999.
TIAS 13022
Understanding relating to the establishment and operation of
training centers and other services under the program of
technical cooperation of the Organization of American States.
Exchange of notes at Washington February 12 and March 3,
Entered into force March 3, 1952.
3 UST 2995; TIAS 2485; 165 UNTS 67
Agreement relating to privileges and immunities.
Signed at Washington March 20, 1975.
Entered into force March 20, 1975.
26 UST 1025; TIAS 8089
Headquarters agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington May 14, 1992.
Entered into force November 17, 1994.
May 24 and 29, 1996
September 27, 2000 and March 19, 2001
Agreement relating to a procedure for United States income
tax reimbursement, with addenda.
Signed at Washington January 10, 1984.
Entered into force January 10, 1984; effective January 1, 1984.
35 UST 4224; TIAS 10919; 2015 UNTS 101
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
The Schedule to the Independence (International Arrangements) Order,
1947, provides that rights and obligations under all international
agreements to which India is a party immediately before the appointed day
[August 15, 1947] devolve upon India and Pakistan and will, if necessary,
be apportioned between them; except that (1) Pakistan will take such steps
as may be necessary to apply for membership of such international
organizations as it chooses to join, and (2) rights and obligations under
international agreements having an exclusive application to an area
comprised in the Dominion of Pakistan will devolve upon it.
Agreement relating to the reciprocal reduction of visa fees.*
Exchange of notes at Karachi October 10 and 18, 1949.
Entered into force October 18, 1949; operative November 15,
3 UST 365; TIAS 2398; 141 UNTS 333
August 16, October 11, November 19, and December 16 and 29,
1952, and March 19 and April 8, 1953 (4 UST 11; TIAS 2761; 204
UNTS 378)
August 4, October 20, and November 25 and 29, 1955 (6 UST 6107;
TIAS 3463; 240 UNTS 438)
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the reciprocal issuance of nonimmigrant
visas, and related notes of July 28, 1959, September 6 and 29,
Exchange of notes at Karachi March 16 and June 27, 1959.
Entered into force June 27, 1959; operative August 1, 1959.
12 UST 1685; TIAS 4886; 360 UNTS 327
Agreement for the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Karachi April 25 and May 23, 1951.
Entered into force May 23, 1951.
2 UST 1701; TIAS 2311; 134 UNTS 265
April 22 and December 29, 1953 (5 UST 2850; TIAS 3141; 237
UNTS 312)
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Pakistan.
Exchange of notes at Karachi May 31, 1962.
Entered into force May 31, 1962; operative from October 28,
13 UST 1563; TIAS 5113; 460 UNTS 75
Agreement relating to transfer of military supplies and
equipment to Pakistan.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 29 and
December 15, 1950.
Entered into force December 15, 1950.
1 UST 884; TIAS 2165; 122 UNTS 89
Mutual defense assistance agreement.
Signed at Karachi May 19, 1954.
Entered into force May 19, 1954.
5 UST 852; TIAS 2976; 202 UNTS 301
Defense support assistance agreement.
Signed at Karachi January 11, 1955.
Entered into force January 11, 1955.
6 UST 501; TIAS 3183; 251 UNTS 111
March 11, 1961 (12 UST 226; TIAS 4698; 406 UNTS 318)
Agreement providing for the disposition of equipment and
materials furnished to Pakistan under the mutual defense
assistance agreement of May 19, 1954.
Signed at Karachi March 15 and May 15, 1956.
Entered into force May 15, 1956.
7 UST 2389; TIAS 3627; 280 UNTS 368
Construction agreement pursuant to article I, paragraph 1, of
the mutual defense assistance agreement of May 19, 1954.
Signed at Karachi May 28, 1956.
Entered into force May 28, 1956.
7 UST 923; TIAS 3575
Agreement concerning financial arrangements for the
furnishing of certain supplies and services to naval vessels.
Signed at Karachi September 10, 1956.
Entered into force December 9, 1956.
7 UST 2493; TIAS 3637; 277 UNTS 259
Agreement of cooperation.
Signed at Ankara March 5, 1959.
Entered into force March 5, 1959.
10 UST 317; TIAS 4190; 327 UNTS 285
Agreement concerning general security of military
Exchange of notes at Islamabad April 6, June 21 and 24, 1982.
Entered into force June 24, 1982.
34 UST 1765; TIAS 10455; 1750 UNTS 443
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Islamabad December 10, 1985 and
July 30, 1986.
Entered into force July 30, 1986.
Memorandum of understanding on coassembly and
coproduction of AN/UAS 12A night sight equipment, with
Signed at Rawalpindi January 27, 1990.
Entered into force January 27, 1990.
TIAS 12365
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Pakistan.
Exchange of notes at Islamabad June 27, 2003.
Entered into force June 27, 2003.
TIAS 03-627.1
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Islamabad October 25, 2011 and
February 22, 2012.
Entered into force February 22, 2012.
Arrangement relating to reciprocal concessions and privileges
accorded to diplomatic and consular officers.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 27, 1948 and
February 4, 1949.
Entered into force February 4, 1949.
10 Bevans 646
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Islamabad October 18, 1972.
Entered into force October 18, 1972.
TIAS 7483; 23 UST 3115; 938 UNTS 11
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 21 and
February 13, 2004.
Entered into force February 13, 2004.
TIAS 04-213
Agreement for co-operation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Islamabad November 18, 1997.
Entered into force November 18, 1997.
TIAS 12902
Agreements regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to the United States Government and its
agencies with annexes and related letter.
Signed at Washington September 20, 1972.
Entered into force September 20, 1972.
23 UST 2601; TIAS 7449
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to the United States Government, with
Signed at Washington March 4, 1976.
Entered into force May 12, 1976.
27 UST 4231; TIAS 8447
April 13 and June 5, 1979 (30 UST 5985; TIAS 9532; 1177 UNTS
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to the United States Government and the
Agency for International Development, with annexes.
Signed at Islamabad May 10, 1981.
Entered into force July 13, 1981.
33 UST 3628; TIAS 10246; 1541 UNTS 3
Implementing agreement regarding the consolidation and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to the Agency for
International Development.
Signed at Islamabad August 18, 1981.
Entered into force September 7, 1981.
33 UST 3628; TIAS 10246; 1541 UNTS 21
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
payments due under P.L. 480 Title I agricultural commodity
agreements, with annexes.
Signed at Islamabad September 27, 1981.
Entered into force September 27, 1981.
33 UST 3628; TIAS 10246
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Islamabad November 18, 1997.
Entered into force January 28, 1998.
TIAS 12903
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Islamabad November 26, 1999.
Entered into force February 23, 2000.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Islamabad September 24, 2001.
Entered into force October 26, 2001.
Agreement regarding the consolidation of debt owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Islamabad August 23, 2002.
Entered into force October 21, 2002.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed or insured by the United States Government, with
Signed at Islamabad April 5, 2003.
Entered into force June 5, 2003.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed or insured by the United States Government.
Signed at Islamabad July 16, 2004.
Entered into force September 2, 2004.
Agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at Karachi February 9, 1951.
Entered into force February 9, 1951.
2 UST 1008; TIAS 2254; 100 UNTS 67
January 8, 1952 (3 UST 2616; TIAS 2427; 157 UNTS 370)
Supplementary agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at Karachi February 2, 1952.
Entered into force February 2, 1952.
3 UST 3767; TIAS 2506; 131 UNTS 346
March 27, 1953 (4 UST 1478; TIAS 2811; 172 UNTS 350)
December 28, 1953 (4 UST 2805; TIAS 2889; 222 UNTS 410)
June 24, 1954 (5 UST 1361; TIAS 3004; 233 UNTS 302)
January 18, 1955 (6 UST 511; TIAS 3185; 239 UNTS 358)
Agreement relating to an informational media guaranty
program pursuant to Section 111 (b)(3) of the Economic
Cooperation Act of 1948, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Karachi February 12 and May 1, 1954.
Entered into force May 1, 1954.
5 UST 2272; TIAS 3088; 237 UNTS 231
January 1 and 8, 1957 (8 UST 1757; TIAS 3928; 299 UNTS 420)
August 10, 1962 and April 15, 1963 (15 UST 167; TIAS 5535; 510
UNTS 318)
Agreement relating to emergency flood assistance for East
Exchange of notes at Washington August 23, 1954.
Entered into force August 23, 1954.
5 UST 1779; TIAS 3052; 234 UNTS 243
November 29 and December 16, 1954 (5 UST 2182; TIAS 3082; 234
UNTS 250)
Agreement relating to duty-free entry and defrayment of
inland transportation charges on relief supplies and packages
for Pakistan.
Exchange of notes at Karachi June 18, 1953 and October 2,
Entered into force October 2, 1954.
5 UST 1983; TIAS 3065; 236 UNTS 187
Joint commission on economic, commercial, scientific,
technological, educational, and cultural cooperation.
Signed at Washington December 6, 1982.
Entered into force December 6, 1982.
TIAS 10623; 2000 UNTS 457
Pakistan enhanced partnership agreement.
Signed September 30, 2010.
Entered into force September 30, 2010.
June 27, 2012 (NP)
July 19, 2012 (NP)
September 20 and 25, 2012 (NP)
September 4 and 5, 2013 (NP)
September 20 and 24, 2013 (NP)
Activity agreement for the Peshawar-Torkham road, with
Signed September 18, 2012.
Entered into force September 18, 2012.
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trademarks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; I Malloy 737
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Signed at Washington July 21, 2003.
Entered into force November 6, 2003.
TIAS 03-1106
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Kingdom, signed at London December 22, 1931, made
applicable to India, in accordance with the provisions of
article 14, from March 9, 1942.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Agreement on procedures for mutual assistance in connection
with matters relating to the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation and
the Boeing Company.
Signed at Washington September 9, 1977.
Entered into force September 9, 1977.
28 UST 7488; TIAS 8724
Related Agreement:
January 6 and 10, 1978 (29 UST 492; TIAS 8827; 1115 UNTS 177)
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Port Qasim April 30, 2007.
Entered into force April 30, 2007.
TIAS 07-430
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for assistance in the transport of relief
commodities to Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan.
Signed at Islamabad September 30, 1981.
Entered into force September 30, 1981.
33 UST 3932; TIAS 10272
Agreement for the exchange of parcels by parcel post, and
detailed regulations of execution.
Signed at Karachi and Washington July 20 and October 7,
Entered into force January 1, 1956.
7 UST 1; TIAS 3475; 241 UNTS 255
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Islamabad and Washington March 11 and 30, 1987.
Entered into force May 1, 1987.
TIAS 11315
INTELPOST memorandum of understanding, with detailed
Signed at Islamabad and Washington February 23 and
March 11, 1993.
Entered into force March 15, 1993.
TIAS 11917
Convention relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.*
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
TS 146; 31 Stat. 1939; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention extending the time within which
notifications may be given of the accession of British colonies
or foreign possessions to the convention of March 2, 1899.*
Signed at Washington January 13, 1902.
TS 402; 32 Stat. 1914; 12 Bevans 261
* Agreements signed between the United States and the United
Kingdom, applicable to Pakistan.
Agreement on settlement for lend-lease, reciprocal aid, surplus
war property, and claims.*
Signed at Washington May 16, 1946.
Entered into force May 16, 1946.
60 Stat. 1753; TIAS 1532
* In a note of June 12, 1948, to the American Ambassador at Karachi,
the Minister of Foreign Affairs gave assurance that: “the terms of
the United States Settlement Agreement with India of May 16,
1946 [60 Stat. 1753; TIAS 1532], would continue to devolve on
the Government of Pakistan to the extent to which they are
applicable and have to be fulfilled in Pakistan.”
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Washington June 25, 2003.
Entered into force October 16, 2003.
TIAS 03-1016.1
August 21 and September 8, 2008 (TIAS 03-1016.1)
October 23, 2013 (TIAS 1016.1)
October 23, 2018 and January 22, 2019 (TIAS 19-122)
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income.
Signed at Washington July 1, 1957.
Entered into force May 21, 1959.
10 UST 984; TIAS 4232; 344 UNTS 203
Agreement for the reciprocal exemption with respect to taxes
on income from the international operation of ships.
Exchange of notes at Islamabad July 26 and 27, 1989.
Entered into force July 27, 1989.
TIAS 11679; 2190 UNTS 411
Convention to regulate commerce (article IV) between the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 3, 1815.
Effective July 3, 1815.
8 Stat. 228; TS 110; 12 Bevans 49
Treaty of friendship and commerce, and protocol.
Signed at Washington November 12, 1959.
Entered into force February 12, 1961.
12 UST 110; TIAS 4683; 404 UNTS 259
Memorandum of understanding relating to concessions and
contributions to be made to the multilateral trade negotiations,
with related letters, and related letter of January 28, 1980.
Signed at Geneva April 2 and 11 and August 2 and 30, 1979.
Entered into force August 30, 1979.
32 UST 5471; TIAS 9999; 1265 UNTS 213
Trade and investment framework agreement.
Signed at Washington June 25, 2003.
Entered into force June 25, 2003.
TIAS 03-625
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Rawalpindi April 10, 1997.
Entered into force April 10, 1997.
TIAS 12851
April 12 and 29, 1999. (TIAS 12851)
February 23 and March 19, 2007 (TIAS 07-319)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Koror March 8, 1995.
Entered into force March 8, 1995.
TIAS 12610
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or
successor legislation, including the International Military
Education and Training Program; the Arms Export Control
Act; 10 U.S.C. Section 333 and other Department of Defense
authorities; and the furnishing of defense articles, related
training, and other defense services from the United States of
America to the Government of the Republic of Palau under
such authorities.
Exchange of notes at Koror and Ngerulmud April 14 and
August 15, 2017.
Entered into force August 15, 2017.
Agreement concerning relations under the Vienna convention
on diplomatic relations.
Signed at Washington December 14, 1994.
Entered into force March 2, 1995.
TIAS 12587
Agreement concerning cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Koror January 30, 1997.
Entered into force January 30, 1997.
TIAS 12828
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington March 15, 2002.
Entered into force March 15, 2002.
TIAS 02-315
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Koror September 13, 2002.
Entered into force July 7, 2003.
TIAS 03-707.1
Agreement concerning operational cooperation to suppress
illicit transnational maritime activity.
Signed at Koror August 15, 2013.
Entered into force August 15, 2013.
TIAS 13-815
Compact of Free Association.
Signed at Koror January 10, 1986.
Entered into force October 1, 1994.
Agreement regarding the provision of telecommunication
services by the government of the United States to Palau
concluded pursuant to Section 131 of the Compact of Free
Association, with agreed minutes.
Signed at Koror January 10, 1986.
Entered into force October 1, 1994.
September 3, 2010 (TIAS 18-919.8)
Agreement regarding the provision of telecommunication
services by the government of the United States to Palau
concluded pursuant to Section 132 of the Compact of Free
Association, with agreed minutes.
Signed at Koror January 10, 1986.
Entered into force October 1, 1994.
September 3, 2010 (TIAS 18-919.9)
Agreement on extradition, mutual assistance in law
enforcement matters and penal sanctions concluded pursuant
to Section 175 of the Compact of Free Association, with
appendix and agreed minute.
Signed at Koror January 10, 1986.
Entered into force October 1, 1994.
Agreement regarding economic assistance concluded pursuant
to Section 211(f) of the Compact of Free Association.
Signed at Koror January 10, 1986.
Entered into force October 1, 1994.
Agreement regarding construction projects in Palau concluded
pursuant to Section 212(a) of the Compact of Free
Association, with annexes.
Signed at Koror January 10, 1986.
Entered into force October 1, 1994.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Federal programs and services agreement concluded pursuant
to Article II of Title Two and Section 232 of the Compact of
Free Association, with agreed minutes.
Signed at Koror January 10, 1986.
Entered into force October 1, 1994.
September 3, 2010 (TIAS 18-919.3)
September 3, 2010 (TIAS 18-919.4)
September 3, 2010 (TIAS 18-919.5)
September 3, 2010 (TIAS 18-919.6)
September 3, 2010 (TIAS 18-919.7)
Agreement concluded pursuant to Section 234 of the Compact
of Free Association.
Signed at Koror January 10, 1986.
Entered into force October 1, 1994.
Agreement regarding the military use and operating rights of
the Government of the United States in Palau concluded
pursuant to Sections 321 and 322 of the Compact of Free
Association, with annex.
Signed at Koror January 10, 1986.
Entered into force October 1, 1994.
Status of forces agreement concluded pursuant to Section 323
of the Compact of Free Association, with agreed minutes.
Signed at Koror January 10, 1986.
Entered into force October 1, 1994.
Agreement regarding the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the
Republic of Palau over its territory and the living and non-
living resources of the sea.
Signed at Koror January 10, 1986.
Entered into force October 1, 1994.
Agreement concerning procedures for the implementation of
United States economic assistance, programs and services
provided in the Compact of Free Association.
Signed at Washington December 2, 1987.
Entered into force October 1, 1994.
Agreement concerning special programs related to the entry
into force of the Compact of Free Association.
Signed at Guam May 26, 1989.
Entered into force October 1, 1994.
Agreement following the Compact of Free Association
Section 432 review, with appendices.
Signed at Honolulu September 3, 2010.
Entered into force September 19, 2018.
September 19, 2018 (TIAS 18-919.2)
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing Palau’s civil aviation
Signed at Washington and Koror December 11, 1995 and
January 17 and February 8, 1996.
Entered into force February 8, 1996.
TIAS 12722
Cash transfer grant agreement.
Signed April 24, 2010.
Entered into force April 24, 2010.
Cash transfer grant agreement.
Signed October 25, 2010.
Entered into force October 25, 2010.
Cash transfer grant agreement.
Signed September 9, 2011.
Entered into force September 9, 2011.
Cash transfer grant agreement.
Signed August 13, 2013.
Entered into force August 13, 2013.
Agreement on encouragement of investment.
Signed at Gaza and Washington August 11 and September 12,
Entered into force September 12, 1994.
TIAS 12564
Agreement confirming the cooperative agreement for the
prevention of foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest in
Exchange of notes at Panama June 21 and October 5, 1972.
Entered into force October 5, 1972.
23 UST 3108; TIAS 7482
May 28 and June 12, 1974 (25 UST 1522; TIAS 7888)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on cooperation in agricultural products.
Signed at Washington and Panama City December 20, 2006.
Entered into force December 20, 2006.
Agreement for enlargement and use by Canal Zone of
sewerage facilities in Colon Free Zone Area.
Exchange of notes at Panama March 8 and 25, 1954.
Entered into force March 25, 1954.
5 UST 782; TIAS 2966; 232 UNTS 289
Treaty concerning the permanent neutrality and operation of
the Panama Canal, with annexes and protocol.
Signed at Washington September 7, 1977.
Entered into force October 1, 1979, subject to amendments,
conditions, reservations, and understandings.
33 UST 1; TIAS 10029; 1161 UNTS 177
Depositary for the Protocol :Organization of American States
Agreement relating to the status of the Cardenas (FAA
housing) area under the agreement in implementation of
Article III of the Panama Canal Treaty.
Signed at Panama August 29, 1980.
Entered into force August 29, 1980.
33 UST 570; TIAS 10048; 1280 UNTS 415
Agreement concerning disposition of the Mount Hope
warehouse and transportation areas.
Exchange of notes at Panama February 12 and May 7, 1982.
Entered into force May 7, 1982.
34 UST 1972; TIAS 10474; 1750 UNTS 287
Agreement concerning transfer of the Ancon District Court
(Building 310) from the United States to Panama.
Exchange of notes at Panama July 13, 1982.
Entered into force July 13, 1982.
TIAS 10544; 1777 UNTS 333
Agreement concerning transfer of Mindi and Coco Solo
housing units from the United States to Panama.
Exchange of notes at Panama August 9 and 11, 1982.
Entered into force August 11, 1982.
Agreement concerning creation of a preparatory committee to
study alternatives to the Panama Canal.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 30, 1982.
Entered into force September 30, 1982.
Agreement regarding housing civilian and military personnel
of U.S. Forces stationed in Panama.
Exchange of notes November 29, 1984.
Effective October 1, 1984.
Agreement concerning establishment of the commission for
the study of alternatives to the Panama Canal, with annex and
related notes.
Exchange of notes at New York September 26, 1985.
Entered into force September 26, 1985.*
TIAS 11935
September 25, 1990
* See also exchanges of notes of the same date concerning Japanese
Reciprocal agreement for gratis nonimmigrant visas.*
Exchange of notes at Panama March 27 and May 22 and 25,
Entered into force June 1, 1956.
7 UST 905; TIAS 3573; 268 UNTS 333
Agreement modifying the agreement of March 27 and May 22
and 25, 1956, for gratis nonimmigrant visas.*
Exchange of notes at Panama June 14 and 17, 1971.
Entered into force June 17, 1971.
22 UST 815; TIAS 7142; 796 UNTS 353
* The status of these agreements is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Panama November 27, 1941 and
March 7, 1942.
Entered into force November 27, 1941.
56 Stat. 1444; EAS 243; 10 Bevans 805; 101 UNTS 157
Agreement authorizing the United States to construct a
custodian’s house in the Corozal Cemetery.
Exchange of notes at Panama September 29 and 30, 1982.
Entered into force September 29, 1982.
TIAS 10518; 1777 UNTS 343
Agreement concerning the use of Corozal Cemetery.
Signed at Panama City June 11, 1999.
Entered into force June 27, 2000.
TIAS 13043
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Panama.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 1, 1990.
Entered into force November 23, 1990.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the detail of a military officer to serve
as adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama.
Signed at Washington July 7, 1942.
Entered into force July 7, 1942.
56 Stat. 1545; EAS 258; 10 Bevans 817; 9 UNTS 289
Extension and amendments:
February 17, March 23, September 22 and November 6, 1959 (12
UST 718; TIAS 4773; 409 UNTS 307)
March 26 and July 6, 1962 (13 UST 2598; TIAS 5226; 460 UNTS
September 20 and October 8, 1962 (13 UST 2600; TIAS 5226; 460
UNTS 362)
Agreement relating to the sale of military equipment,
materials, and services to Panama.
Exchange of notes at Panama May 20, 1959.
Entered into force May 20, 1959; operative from April 27,
10 UST 1000; TIAS 4234; 346 UNTS 235
Agreement relating to the furnishing of defense articles and
services to Panama for the purpose of contributing to its
internal security.
Exchange of notes at Panama March 26 and May 23, 1962.
Entered into force May 23, 1962.
13 UST 1294; TIAS 5081; 458 UNTS 225
Agreement relating to the deposit by Panama of ten percent of
the value of grant military assistance and excess defense
articles furnished by the United States.
Exchange of notes at Panama April 4 and May 9, 1972.
Entered into force May 9, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 897; TIAS 7353
Agreement concerning payment to the United States of net
proceeds from the sale of defense articles furnished under the
military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Panama May 20 and December 6, 1974.
Entered into force December 6, 1974; effective July 1, 1974.
25 UST 3135; TIAS 7977; 991 UNTS 317
Agreement concerning general security of military
Signed at Panama August 17, 1984.
Entered into force August 17, 1984.
TIAS 11196; 2129 UNTS 265
Cooperative arrangement for the production of topographic
maps of Panama, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Panama January 29, 1986.
Entered into force January 29, 1986.
TIAS 11212
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel
who may be temporarily present in Panama.
Exchange of notes at Panama July 3 and 10, 2001.
Entered into force July 10, 2001.
TIAS 13160
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or
successor legislation; the Arms export Control Act; 10 U.S.C.
Section 2282 (formerly Section 1206), and other Department
of Defense authorities; and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services, from the United
States of America to Panama under such authorities.
Exchange of notes at Panama September 20, 2016 and August
2, 2017.
Entered into force August 2, 2017.
TIAS 17-802
Agreement relating to customs privileges for consular officers.
Exchange of notes at Panama January 7 and 31, 1935.
Entered into force January 31, 1935.
5 UST 1520; TIAS 3028; 234 UNTS 277
Joint declaration re-establishing diplomatic relations, with
friendly declaration of the Presidents of both countries
annexed there to.
Signed at Washington April 3, 1964.
Entered into force April 3, 1964.
Department Bulletin April 27, 1964, p. 655.
Memorandum of understanding on the Fulbright Exchange
Signed at Panama City December 10, 2008.
Entered into force December 10, 2008.
TIAS 08-1210
Agreements relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Panama November 26, 1993.
Entered into force November 26, 1993.
TIAS 12517
Agreement relating to electric power.
Exchange of notes at Panama October 1, 1979.
Entered into force October 1, 1979.
TIAS 10600; 1581 UNTS 3
Agreement pursuant to article VI of the convention on nature
protection and wildlife preservation in the Western
Hemisphere of October 12, 1940 (56 Stat. 1354; TS 981), with
related notes.
Signed at Washington September 7, 1977.
Entered into force October 1, 1979.
33 UST 446; TIAS 10035; 1280 UNTS 311
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to custodianship of the Barro Colorado
Nature Monument by the Smithsonian Tropical Research
Exchange of notes at Washington September 7, 1977.
Entered into force October 1, 1979.
33 UST 457; TIAS 10036; 1280 UNTS 319
Agreement concerning cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program.
Signed at Panama City March 2, 2000.
Entered into force March 2, 2000.
Agreement regarding assistance with respect to certain
environmental pollution incidents in the Panama Canal area.
Signed at Panama City April 1, 2002.
Entered into force April 1, 2002.
TIAS 02-401
Agreement on environmental cooperation.
Signed at Panama City May 2, 2012.
Entered into force December 7, 2013.
TIAS 13-1207
Agreement establishing a secretariat for environmental
enforcement matters under the United States-Panama trade
promotion agreement.
Signed December 21, 2015.
Entered into force August 27, 2016.
TIAS 16-827
Agreement relating to legal tender and fractional silver
coinage by Panama.
Exchange of notes at Washington and New York June 20, 1904.
Entered into force June 20, 1904.
10 Bevans 681
March 26 and April 2, 1930 (10 Bevans 731)
May 28 and June 6, 1931 (10 Bevans 734)
March 2, 1936 (53 Stat. 1807; TS 945)
June 17, 1946 (10 Bevans 834)
May 9 and 24, 1950
September 11 and October 22, 1953
August 23 and October 25, 1961
September 26 and October 23, 1962
Agreement relating to payments to be made by the Panama
Canal Commission to Panama pursuant to articles III(5) and
XIII(4) of the Panama Canal Treaty, with agreed minute.
Exchange of notes at Panama March 25, 1980.
Entered into force March 25, 1980.
TIAS 10601; 1590 UNTS 17
Agreement relating to payment to be made by Panama to the
Panama Canal Company and the Canal Zone Government for
goods and services, with agreed minute.
Exchange of notes at Panama March 25, 1980.
Entered into force March 25, 1980.
TIAS 10601; 1590 UNTS 3
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington July 2, 1986.
Entered into force August 18, 1986.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Panama August 21, 1991.
Entered into force September 27, 1991.
Swap agreement among the United States Treasury and the
Government of Panama/Banco Nacional de Panama, with
letter of understandings.
Signed at Washington and Panama January 29 and 30, 1992.
Entered into force January 30, 1992.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Panama City April 19, 2000.
Entered into force July 12, 2000.
TIAS 13091
Agreement regarding a debt-for-nature swap, with
Signed at Panama City July 10, 2003.
Entered into force July 30, 2003.
TIAS 03-730
Agreement regarding a debt-for-nature swap, with
Signed at Panama City August 19, 2004.
Entered into force August 19, 2004.
TIAS 04-819.1
Agreement relating to the establishment of headquarters in
Panama for a civil aviation technical assistance group for the
Latin American area.
Exchange of notes at Panama August 8, 1952.
Entered into force August 8, 1952.
3 UST 5064; TIAS 2691; 181 UNTS 257
General agreement for technical and economic cooperation.
Signed at Panama December 11, 1961.
Entered into force March 5, 1962.
13 UST 274; TIAS 4972; 445 UNTS 161
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Panama City June 23, 2003.
Entered into force November 6, 2003.
TIAS 03-1106.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty providing for the extradition of criminals.
Signed at Panama May 25, 1904.
Entered into force May 8, 1905.
34 Stat. 2851; TS 445; 10 Bevans 673
Convention for prevention of smuggling of intoxicating
Signed at Washington June 6, 1924.
Entered into force January 19, 1925.
43 Stat. 1875; TS 707; 10 Bevans 717; 138 LNTS 397
Informal arrangement relating to cooperation between the
American Embassy, or Consulate, and Panamanian authorities
when American merchant seamen or tourists are brought
before a magistrate’s court.
Exchange of notes at Panama September 18 and October 15,
Effective October 15, 1947.
10 Bevans 841
Treaty on the execution of penal sentences.
Signed at Panama January 11, 1979.
Entered into force June 27, 1980.
32 UST 1565; TIAS 9787; 1280 UNTS 363
Mutual cooperation for reducing demand, preventing illicit use
and combating illicit production and traffic of drugs.
Signed at Panama January 10, 1990.
Entered into force January 10, 1990.
TIAS 12409
Arrangement concerning assistance in the development of
civilian law enforcement institutions.
Signed at Panama December 28, 1990.
Entered into force December 28, 1990.
TIAS 12425
Treaty on mutual assistance in criminal matters, with annex
and appendices.
Signed at Panama April 11, 1991.
Entered into force September 6, 1995.
TIAS 95-906
Treaty for the return of stolen, robbed, or converted vehicles
and aircraft, with annexes and related exchange of notes.
Signed at Panama June 6, 2000.
Entered into force September 13, 2001.
TIAS 13098
Agreement regarding the Cooperating Nation Information
Exchange System.
Exchange of notes at Panama City February 2 and 10, 2005.
Entered into force February 10, 2005.
TIAS 05-210
Agreement regarding the transfer of forfeited assets.
Signed October 11, 2011 and May 16, 2012.
Entered into force May 16, 2012.
Agreement relating to the mutual recognition of ship
measurement certificates.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 17, 1937.
Entered into force August 17, 1937.
50 Stat. 1626; EAS 106; 10 Bevans 781; 182 LNTS 159
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 15 and October 10,
Entered into force October 10, 1980.
32 UST 2906; TIAS 9885; 1275 UNTS 97
Arrangement for support and assistance from the United States
Coast Guard for the National Maritime Service of the Ministry
of Government and Justice.
Signed at Panama March 18, 1991.
Entered into force March 18, 1991.
TIAS 11833; 2212 UNTS 7
Supplementary arrangement to the arrangement of March 18,
1991 for support and assistance from the United States Coast
Guard for the National Maritime Service of the Ministry of
Government and Justice.
Signed at Panama February 5, 2002.
Entered into force February 5, 2002.
TIAS 02-205.1
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Panama and Washington March 29 and May 21,
Entered into force July 1, 1985.
TIAS 11151; 2126 UNTS 179
Agreement concerning enforcement of alimony and child
support obligations of Panama Canal Commission employees,
with annexes.
Exchange of notes at Panama February 22, 1988.
Entered into force February 22, 1988.
TIAS 88-222
Agreement relating to the operation in Panama of the
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 7, 1977.
Entered into force September 7, 1977; effective October 1,
33 UST 465; TIAS 10037; 1280 UNTS 327
Agreement relating to the Port Meteorological Office.
Exchange of notes at Panama October 1, 1979.
Entered into force October 1, 1979.
TIAS 10599; 1871 UNTS 33
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning participation by members of the
Panama Canal Commission and United States forces in the
Panamanian social security system.
Exchange of notes at Panama March 9, 1982.
Entered into force March 9, 1982.
TIAS 10492; 1750 UNTS 273
Arrangement providing for relief from double income tax on
shipping profits.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 15, February 8 and
March 28, 1941.
Entered into force March 28, 1941; operative January 1, 1936.
55 Stat. 1363; EAS 221; 10 Bevans 801; 103 UNTS 163
July 30 and December 30, 1987 (TIAS 11555; 2185 UNTS 333)
Agreement for withholding of Panamanian income tax from
compensation paid to Panamanians employed within Canal
Zone by the canal, railroad, or auxiliary works.
Exchange of notes at Panama August 12 and 30, 1963.
Entered into force August 30, 1963.
14 UST 1478; TIAS 5445; 488 UNTS 11
Agreement relating to the withholding of contributions for
educational insurance from salaries paid to certain Canal Zone
Exchange of notes at Panama September 8 and October 13,
Entered into force October 13, 1972.
23 UST 3495; TIAS 7509; 898 UNTS 189
Agreement relating to the agreements in implementation of
articles III and IV of the Panama Canal Treaty with respect to
tax on moveable property.
Exchange of notes at Panama October 1, 1979.
Entered into force October 1, 1979.
33 UST 565; TIAS 10047; 1280 UNTS 409
Agreement concerning taxation of income of United States
contractors and subcontractors of the Panama Canal
Commission or United States Forces, with attachments and
related note.
Exchange of notes at Panama September 11, 1986.
Entered into force September 11, 1986.
TIAS 86-911
Agreement for tax cooperation and the exchange of
information relating to taxes.
Signed at Washington November 30, 2010.
Entered into force April 18, 2011.
TIAS 11-418.1
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement FATCA.
Signed at Panama April 27, 2016.
Entered into force October 25, 2016.
TIAS 16-1025
Agreement for radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Panama July 19 and August 1, 1956.
Entered into force September 1, 1956.
7 UST 2179; TIAS 3617; 281 UNTS 49
Agreement relating to the granting of reciprocal authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Panama November 16, 1966.
Entered into force November 16, 1966.
17 UST 2215; TIAS 6159; 680 UNTS 303
Declaration permitting consuls to take note in person, or by
authorized representatives, of declarations of values of exports
made by shippers before customs officers.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 17, 1913.
Entered into force June 1, 1913.
TS 578; 10 Bevans 699
Convention facilitating the work of traveling salesmen.
Signed at Washington February 8, 1919.
Entered into force December 8, 1919.
41 Stat. 1696; TS 646; 10 Bevans 714
Treaty concerning the treatment and protection of investments,
with memoranda of understanding, annex and agreed minutes.
Signed at Washington October 27, 1982.
Entered into force May 30, 1991.
TIAS 91-530
June 1, 2000 (TIAS 01-510)
Understanding relating to Article X of the treaty concerning
the treatment and protection of investments of October 27,
Exchange of notes at Panama July 1 and 12, 1985.
Entered into force May 30, 1991.
TIAS 91-530
Agreement concerning a United States-Panama Council on
Trade and Investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington June 27, 1991.
Entered into force June 27, 1991.
Agreement on SPS issues for United States-Panama trade in
agricultural products, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Panama City December 20, 2006.
Entered into force December 20, 2006.
TIAS 06-1220.1
Agreement on cooperation in agricultural trade.
Signed at Washington and Panama City December 20, 2006.
Entered into force December 20, 2006.
TIAS 06-1220
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the regulation of commercial aviation
in the Republic of Panama.
Exchange of notes at Panama April 22, 1929.
Entered into force April 22, 1929.
Foreign Relations, 1929, Vol. III, p. 729; 10 Bevans 729
Agreement relating to the construction of the inter-American
Exchange of notes at Panama May 15 and June 7, 1943.
Entered into force June 7, 1943.
57 Stat. 1298; EAS 365; 10 Bevans 826; 21 UNTS 269
January 16 and 26, 1951 (2 UST 1852; TIAS 2321; 137 UNTS 69)
Agreement relating to the furnishing by the Federal Aviation
Agency of certain services and materials for air navigation
Exchange of notes at Panama December 5, 1967 and
February 22, 1968.
Entered into force February 22, 1968.
19 UST 4731; TIAS 6471; 698 UNTS 79
Agreement for cooperation in the construction of the Panama
segment of the Darien Gap highway.
Signed at Washington May 6, 1971.
Entered into force May 6, 1971.
22 UST 602; TIAS 7111; 793 UNTS 31
May 15, 1974 (33 UST 3622; TIAS 10245; 1540 UNTS 420)
September 13, 1979 (33 UST 3622; TIAS 10245; 1540 UNTS 421)
July 18, 1980 (33 UST 3622; TIAS 10245; 1540 UNTS 422)
Memorandum of agreement relating to the provision of flight
inspection services.
Signed at Washington and Panama August 16 and
September 1, 1978.
Entered into force September 1, 1978; effective October 1,
30 UST 268; TIAS 9196; 1150 UNTS 231
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing Panama’s civil aviation
infrastructure, with annexes.
Signed at Panama and Washington January 24 and
February 15, 1990.
Entered into force February 15, 1990.
TIAS 11707; 2208 UNTS 223
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Panama May 8, 1997.
Entered into force December 28, 1998.
TIAS 98-1228
May 27 and June 29, 1998 (TIAS 98-1228)
August 7 and September 27, 2006 (TIAS 98-1228)
Memorandum of cooperation for the promotion and
development of civil aviation.
Signed at Washington and Panama February 17 and
March 3, 1998.
Entered into force March 3, 1998.
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing Panama’s civil aviation
Signed June 22 and 24, 2009.
Entered into force June 24, 2009.
Agreement for the destruction of eight U.S.-origin munitions
that contain or contained chemical agents and that are located
on San Jose Island, Panama, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Panama, on January 5 and April 21, 2017.
Entered into force May 16, 2017.
TIAS 17-516
On September 16, 1975, Papua New Guinea became an independent state.
In a note dated September 16, 1975, to the Secretary-General of the United
Nations, the Governor-General made a statement reading in part as
1. The Government of Papua New Guinea will make an examination of all
treaties applying to its territory before independence, both bilateral and
multilateral, with a view to making a statement of intention in respect of
each of them. The statement will declare the Government’s view as to
whether the treaty continues or should be continued in force (on the basis
of either succession or mutual consent, and with or without modification),
or should be treated as having lapsed, or should be terminated. The
statement will be forwarded to the other party or parties or to the
depository, as may be appropriate.
2. During the period of examination, the Government will, on a basis of
reciprocity, accept all treaty rights and obligations accruing and arising
under treaties previously applicable. The period of examination will extend
for five years from the date of Independence, that is, until 15th September,
1980, except in the case of any treaty in respect of which an earlier
statement of intention is made.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Papua New Guinea, with related note.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 6, 1980.
Entered into force October 6, 1980.
32 UST 2984; TIAS 9882; 1275 UNTS 89
Status of forces agreement.
Signed at Port Moresby February 28, 1989.
Entered into force February 28, 1989.
TIAS 11612
Memorandum of understanding concerning an exchange of
Signed at Port Moresby and Honolulu May 17 and June 13,
Entered into force June 13, 1989.
TIAS 11667
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning joint and
combined military activities by Papua New Guinea defense
forces and United States military forces in independent Papua
New Guinea, with appendices.
Signed at Port Moresby March 26, 1990.
Entered into force March 26, 1990.
TIAS 12366
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Papua New Guinea April 15, 2014.
Entered into force March 11, 2016.
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Port Moresby and Waigani
November 28, 1977 and April 4, 1978.
Entered into force April 13, 1978.
29 UST 3190; TIAS 9004; 1124 UNTS 237
Agreement concerning fishing by United States vessels in
Papua New Guinea’s archipelagic waters pursuant to the treaty
on fisheries between the United States and certain Pacific
Island states.
Exchange of notes at Waigani and Port Moresby
March 4, 5 and 25, 1987.
Entered into force March 25, 1987.
TIAS 11290
Development cooperation agreement.
Signed at Port Moresby May 7, 1990.
Entered into force May 7, 1990.
TIAS 11722; 2207 UNTS 261
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington September 30, 2004.
Entered into force September 30, 2004.
TIAS 04-930
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931, applicable to Australia
(including Papua, Norfolk Island, and the mandated
of New Guinea and Nauru), in accordance with article 14,
from August 30, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Agreement continuing in force between the United States and
Papua New Guinea the extradition treaty of December 22,
1931, between the United States and the United Kingdom,
with enclosures.
Exchange of notes at Port Moresby and Waigani
February 2 and 23, 1988.
Entered into force February 23, 1988.
Agreement for exchange of postal parcels between the United
States and the Territory of Papua and the Trust Territory of
New Guinea, and detailed regulations of execution.
Signed at Canberra and Washington May 22 and June 20, 1958.
Entered into force October 1, 1958.
9 UST 1266; TIAS 4115; 336 UNTS 97
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST field trial, with details of implementation.
Signed at Boroko and Washington June 30 and November 23,
Entered into force January 1, 1988.
TIAS 11301
International express mail agreement with detailed regulations.
Signed at Boroko and Washington August 4 and 19, 1988.
Entered into force September 30, 1988.
TIAS 11644
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Port Moresby and Waigani August 17,
1989 and April 26, 1990.
Entered into force April 26, 1990.
Convention to regulate commerce (article IV) between the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 3, 1815.
Entered into force July 3, 1815.
8 Stat. 228; TS 110; 12 Bevans 49
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of a
seismic monitoring station in Paraguay.
Signed at Asuncion September 13, 1999.
Entered into force September 13, 1999.
TIAS 99-913
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty for the advancement of peace.
Signed at Asuncion August 29, 1914.
Entered into force March 9, 1915.
39 Stat. 1615; TS 614; 10 Bevans 902
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Asuncion November 26 and 28, 1942.
Entered into force November 28, 1942; operative August 5,
56 Stat. 1868; EAS 301; 10 Bevans 916; 101 UNTS 173
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Paraguay.
Exchange of notes at Asuncion November 4, 1966.
Entered into force November 4, 1966.
17 UST 2050; TIAS 6144; 676 UNTS 17
Cooperative mapping agreement.
Signed at Asuncion January 16, 1962.
Entered into force January 16, 1962.
13 UST 52; TIAS 4934; 433 UNTS 169
Agreement concerning the furnishing of assistance to
Paraguay for the purpose of increasing the air transport
capability of the Paraguayan Air Force.
Exchange of notes at Asuncion August 25, 1962.
Entered into force August 25, 1962.
13 UST 2132; TIAS 5174; 461 UNTS 207
Agreement providing for assistance to increase the road
construction and maintenance capability of the Paraguayan
Exchange of notes at Asuncion February 10, 1964.
Entered into force February 10, 1964.
15 UST 149; TIAS 5532; 511 UNTS 53
Agreement relating to the furnishing of additional military
assistance to Paraguay.
Exchange of notes at Asuncion April 11, 1966.
Entered into force April 11, 1966.
17 UST 661; TIAS 6014; 578 UNTS 99
Agreement concerning United States Armed Forces technical
personnel deployments to Paraguay.
Exchange of notes at Asuncion February 28, 1995.
Entered into force February 28, 1995.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military and Education Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Asuncion April 12, 2007.
Entered into force April 12, 2007.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Asuncion and Miami March 20 and April 14, 2015.
Entered into force April 14, 2015.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Asuncion November 12 and
December 23, 2015.
Entered into force December 23, 2015
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Asuncion and Miami April 25 and November 21,
Entered into force November 21, 2018.
Agreement for reciprocal import privileges for non-diplomatic
Exchange of notes at Asuncion May 9 and 11, 1956.
Entered into force May 11, 1956.
7 UST 933; TIAS 3577
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Asuncion August 20, 1963.
Entered into force October 1, 1964.
TIAS 5675; 15 UST 1982; 531 UNTS 197
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment Program, with
Signed at Asuncion October 27, 2000.
Entered into force October 27, 2000.
TIAS 13123
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Asuncion September 24, 1992.
Entered into force May 19, 1993.
TIAS 12478.
Agreement concerning the establishment of a Tropical Forest
Conservation Fund and a Tropical Forest Conservation Board.
Signed at Asuncion June 7, 2006.
Entered into force July 17, 2006.
TIAS 06-717
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to
the Government of the United States and its agencies, with
Signed at Asuncion June 7, 2006.
Entered into force July 17, 2006.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement providing for duty-free entry into Paraguay and
exemption from internal taxation of relief supplies and
Signed at Asuncion April 4, 1957.
Entered into force April 4, 1957.
8 UST 617; TIAS 3811; 283 UNTS 193
December 27, 1960 and March 7, 1961 (12 UST 240; TIAS 4702; 405
UNTS 328)
September 25 and October 26, 1970 (21 UST 2507; TIAS 6993; 772
UNTS 462)
General agreement for economic, technical and related
Signed at Asuncion September 26, 1961.
Entered into force September 26, 1961.
13 UST 2287; TIAS 5196; 461 UNTS 91
Agreement on the control of the unlawful use of and illicit
trafficking in narcotics and other dangerous drugs.
Signed at Asuncion October 26, 1972.
Entered into force provisionally October 26, 1972;
definitively January 11, 1973.
24 UST 1008; TIAS 7613
Mutual cooperation agreement for reducing demand, illicit
production and traffic of drugs.
Signed at Asuncion September 22, 1988.
Entered into force September 22, 1988.
TIAS 12397
Agreement to cooperate in the prevention and control of
money laundering arising from illegal trafficking in narcotics
and psychotropic substances.
Signed at Asuncion November 30, 1993.
Entered into force August 17, 1994.
TIAS 94-817
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Washington November 9, 1998.
Entered into force March 9, 2001.
TIAS 12995
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Asuncion December 19, 2002.
Entered into force December 19, 2002.
TIAS 02-1219
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Asuncion and Washington July 13 and August 22,
Entered into force September 30, 1988.
TIAS 11643
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Asuncion August 31 and October 6, 1960.
Entered into force November 5, 1960.
11 UST 2229; TIAS 4596; 393 UNTS 281
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Asuncion March 18, 1966.
Entered into force March 18, 1966.
17 UST 328; TIAS 5978; 586 UNTS 189
Agreement relating to establishing and maintaining
monitoring premises and installations of the Foreign Broadcast
Information Service (FBIS).
Exchange of notes at Asuncion May 24, 1973.
Entered into force May 24, 1973.
24 UST 1132; TIAS 7639
Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation.
Signed at Asuncion February 4, 1859.
Entered into force March 7, 1860.
12 Stat. 1091; TS 272; 10 Bevans 888
Convention facilitating the work of traveling salesmen.
Signed at Washington October 20, 1919.
Entered into force March 22, 1922.
42 Stat. 2128; TS 662; 10 Bevans 906
Reciprocal trade agreement and supplemental exchanges of
Signed at Asuncion September 12, 1946.
Entered into force April 9, 1947.
61 Stat. 2688; TIAS 1601; 10 Bevans 933; 125 UNTS 179
Related Agreement:
April 2, 1962 (13 UST 407; TIAS 5000; 442 UNTS 315)
Agreement terminating parts and amending and continuing
parts of the agreement of September 12, 1946.
Exchange of notes at Asuncion June 26, 1963.
Entered into force June 26, 1963.
14 UST 1021; TIAS 5396; 487 UNTS 334
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing the Paraguay civil aviation
infrastructure, with annex.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1992.
Entered into force May 27, 1992.
TIAS 11862
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Asuncion May 2, 2005.
Entered into force August 1, 2006.
TIAS 06-801; 2429 UNTS 301
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at The Hague June 26, 2007.
Entered into force June 26, 2007.
TIAS 07-626
Memorandum of understanding relating to cooperative efforts
to protect crops from plant pest damage and plant diseases.
Signed at Lima November 30, 1981.
Entered into force November 30, 1981.
33 UST 4360; TIAS 10306
Arbitration convention.
Signed at Washington December 5, 1908.
Entered into force June 29, 1909.
36 Stat. 2169; TS 528; 10 Bevans 1081
Treaty for the advancement of peace.
Signed at Lima July 14, 1914.
Entered into force March 4, 1915.
39 Stat. 1611; TS 613; 10 Bevans 1083
Agreement relating to the waiver of nonimmigrant passport
visas and visa fees, with related note.*
Exchange of notes at Lima April 6 and September 26, 1956.
Entered into force September 26, 1956; operative January 1,
8 UST 468; TIAS 3800; 288 UNTS 165
January 4 and 7, 1957 (8 UST 468; TIAS 3800; 288 UNTS 170)
Agreement relating to the reciprocal liberalization of
nonimmigrant visa regulations.*
Exchange of notes at Lima March 18 and April 23, 1970.
Entered into force April 23, 1970.
21 UST 1317; TIAS 6885; 751 UNTS 355
* The status of these agreements is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Lima October 16 and 20, 1936.
Entered into force October 20, 1936.
50 Stat. 1601; EAS 103; 10 Bevans 1106; 181 LNTS 161
Agreement for the recovery and return of stolen
archaeological, historical and cultural properties.
Signed at Lima September 15, 1981.
Entered into force September 15, 1981.
33 UST 1607; TIAS 10136
Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of
import restrictions on archaeological material from the pre-
Hispanic cultures and certain ethnological material from the
colonial period of Peru.
Signed at Washington June 9, 1997.
Entered into force June 9, 1997.
TIAS 97-609
Amendments and Extensions:
March 22, 2002 (TIAS 97-609)
May 23 and 28, 2007 (TIAS 97-609)
May 30 and June 6, 2012 (TIAS 97-609)
April 27 and May 22, 2017 (TIAS 17-522)
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in the
Republic of Peru.
Signed at Lima March 23, 2002.
Entered into force March 23, 2002.
TIAS 02-323
Agreement relating to the making of aeronautical charts for air
Exchange of notes at Lima March 7 and April 23, 1942.
Entered into force April 23, 1942.
10 Bevans 1138
Agreement relating to a program of aerial and topographic
cartography of Peru and exchanges of notes.
Signed at Lima February 5, 1948.
Entered into force February 5, 1948.
10 Bevans 1269
Military assistance agreement.
Signed at Lima February 22, 1952.
Entered into force April 26, 1952.
3 UST 2890; TIAS 2466; 165 UNTS 31
Agreement concerning financial arrangements for the
furnishing of certain supplies and services to naval vessels of
both countries.
Signed at Lima January 7, 1955.
Entered into force April 7, 1955.
6 UST 806; TIAS 3227; 261 UNTS 321
Agreement providing for disposition of equipment and
materials furnished by the United States under the military
assistance agreement of February 22, 1952.
Exchange of notes at Lima March 22 and April 30, 1955.
Entered into force April 30, 1955.
6 UST 2064; TIAS 3273; 258 UNTS 415
Agreement for performance by members of Army, Navy, and
military aviation missions of duties specified in article V of
the military assistance agreement of February 22, 1952.
Exchanges of notes at Lima June 28, July 18 and October 20
and 28, 1955.
Entered into force October 26, 1955.
6 UST 3771; TIAS 3377; 239 UNTS 181
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the furnishing of defense articles and
services to Peru.
Exchange of notes at Lima December 17 and 20, 1962.
Entered into force December 20, 1962.
13 UST 3896; TIAS 5265; 471 UNTS 75
Agreement relating to the deposit by Peru of ten percent of the
value of grant military assistance furnished by the United
Exchange of notes at Lima May 3, 1972.
Entered into force May 3, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 877; TIAS 7348
Cooperative arrangement for the production of topographic
maps of Peru.
Signed at Washington and Lima April 25 and May 22, 1986.
Entered into force May 22, 1986.
TIAS 11372
Memorandum of understanding on exchange of officers
between United States and Peruvian Marine Corps.
Signed at Lima and Washington August 20 and September 22,
Entered into force September 22, 1986.
TIAS 11383
Memorandum of understanding on maritime trade.
Signed at Washington May 1, 1987.
Entered into force May 1, 1987.
TIAS 11273
Agreement concerning the status of certain United States
military personnel who may serve for a period of less than
ninety days at the ground-based radar site at Yurimaguas, and
at other locations as agreed by the Peruvian Air Force.
Exchange of notes at Lima November 7, 1995.
Entered into force November 7, 1995.
Agreement concerning security assistance matters and the
provision of articles, services and associated military
educational training by the United States Government for
antinarcotics purposes.
Exchange of notes at Lima October 14, 1999 and January 14,
Entered into force January 14, 2000.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training and other
defense services.
Exchange of notes at Lima May 24 and July 13, 2007.
Entered into force July 13, 2007.
Agreement regarding the assignment of foreign liaison
officers, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Lima October 31 and
November 23, 2007.
Entered into force November 23, 2007.
October 27 and November 14, 2017 (NP)
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Lima and Miami January 17 and March 20, 2012.
Entered into force March 20, 2012.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
defense personnel of the Navy of Peru to the United States
Navy, with annexes.
Signed at Washington April 28 and 30, 2015.
Entered into force April 30, 2015.
April 20 and 27, 2018
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed November 12 and December 9, 2015.
Entered into force December 9, 2015.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the program of
exchange of military personnel of the United States Army and
the Army of Peru, with annexes (reciprocal).
Signed November 8 and 16, 2017.
Entered into force November 16, 2017.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
military personnel of the Army of Peru to the U.S. Army, with
annexes (non-reciprocal).
Signed November 8 and 16, 2017.
Entered into force November 16, 2017.
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed September 21 and 25, 2018.
Entered into force September 25, 2018, with effect from
September 1, 2018.
Agreement granting reciprocal customs privileges to
diplomatic and consular officers and personnel.
Exchange of notes at Lima November 7 and December 28, 1960
and February 4 and 13, 1961.
Entered into force February 13, 1961.
12 UST 217; TIAS 4696; 406 UNTS 177
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Lima January 28, 1965.
Entered into force August 25, 1965.
TIAS 5858; 16 UST 1149; 587 UNTS 273
November 23, 1981 and January 19, 1982 ( TIAS 10332; 34 UST 15)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to employment of dependents of official
government employees.
Exchange of notes at Lima August 27, 1987 and February 17,
Entered into force February 17, 1988.
TIAS 11650
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Lima July 10, 1997.
Entered into force July 10, 1997.
TIAS 12874
Environmental cooperation agreement.
Signed at Lima July 24, 2006.
Entered into force August 23, 2009.
TIAS 09-823
Understanding for implementing Article 18.8 of the United
States - Peru Trade Promotion Agreement.
Signed at Lima June 9, 2015.
Entered into force March 20, 2016.
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section 413
(b)(4)(B)(i) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954.
Exchange of notes at Lima March 14 and 16, 1955.
Entered into force March 16, 1955.
6 UST 678; TIAS 3203; 252 UNTS 151
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Lima July 5, 1979.
Entered into force August 22, 1979.
32 UST 1; TIAS 9698; 1221 UNTS 159
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with implementing
Signed at Lima November 29, 1983.
Entered into force March 9, 1984.
35 UST 4944; TIAS 10978
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Washington August 27, 1992.
Entered into force September 30, 1992.
Investment incentive and financial agreement.
Signed at Washington December 16, 1992.
Entered into force December 16, 1992.
TIAS 12542
SWAP agreement between the United States Treasury and the
Government of Peru/Central Bank of Peru, with memorandum
of understanding.
Signed at Washington March 9, 1993.
Entered into force March 9, 1993.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Washington August 30, 1993.
Entered into force September 30, 1993.
Agreement supplementing the investment incentive and
financial agreement of December 16, 1992, relating to the
Export-Import Bank.
Signed at Washington May 20, 1994.
Entered into force May 20, 1994.
TIAS 12542
Agreement regarding the rescheduling and reorganization of
certain debts owed to or guaranteed by the United States
Government and its agencies.
Signed at Lima December 31, 1996.
Entered into force February 18, 1997.
Agreement regarding a debt-for-nature swap, with
Signed at Washington June 26, 2002.
Entered into force July 16, 2002.
TIAS 02-716
Agreement regarding the prepayment of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its Agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Lima September 25, 2007.
Entered into force September 25, 2007.
Agreement concerning the establishment of a tropical forest
conservation fund and administering board, with annex.
Signed at Washington September 18, 2008.
Entered into force September 18, 2008.
TIAS 08-918
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to
the Government of the United States of America and its
agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 18, 2008.
Entered into force September 18, 2008.
General agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at Lima January 25, 1951.
Entered into force January 15, 1953.
4 UST 132; TIAS 2772
January 7, 1952 (4 UST 139; TIAS 2772)
February 21 and 28, 1952 (4 UST 143; TIAS 2772)
January 15, 1953 (4 UST 146; TIAS 2772)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement granting duty-free entry, exemption from internal
taxation, and free transportation within Peru for supplies for
U.S. rehabilitation and relief agencies distributing surplus
agricultural food products in Peru.
Exchange of notes at Lima October 21 and 25, 1954.
Entered into force October 29, 1954.
5 UST 2725; TIAS 3128; 238 UNTS 247
June 23 and August 3, 1955 (7 UST 781; TIAS 3557; 273 UNTS 295)
Agreement concerning the establishment of an Americas Fund
and Administering Board.
Signed at Lima December 24, 1997.
Entered into force December 24, 1997.
TIAS 12914
September 18, 2008 (TIAS 08-918.1)
Agreement concerning Millennium Challenge Account
Threshold Program to combat corruption and increase
immunization rates, with annexes.
Signed at Lima June 9, 2008.
Entered into force June 9, 2008.
Assistance agreement.
Signed September 20, 2012.
Entered into force September 20, 2012.
Amendments and Extensions:
January 21, 2015 (NP)
March 16, 2017 (NP)
Agreement for the establishment and operation of the Naval
Medical Research Institute (NAMRID) in Lima.
Signed at Lima October 21, 1983.
Entered into force October 21, 1983.
35 UST 3003; TIAS 10836; 2014 UNTS 617
Treaty on the execution of penal sentences.
Signed at Washington July 6, 1979.
Entered into force July 21, 1980.
32 UST 1471; TIAS 9784; 1233 UNTS 139
Procedures for mutual assistance in connection with matters
relating to the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation.
Signed at Washington August 8, 1979.
Entered into force August 8, 1979.
Agreement regarding cooperation in the prevention and
control of money laundering arising from illicit trafficking in
narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, with attachment.
Signed at Lima October 14, 1991.
Entered into force October 14, 1991.
TIAS 12438
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Lima July 26, 2001.
Entered into force August 25, 2003.
TIAS 03-825
Agreement regarding the Cooperating Nation Information
Exchange System, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Lima August 16, 2005.
Entered into force October 6, 2005.
TIAS 05-1006.1
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Washington March 1, 2006.
Entered into force March 1, 2006.
TIAS 06-301.1
Agreement providing for a grant to the Government of Peru to
assist in the acquisition of nuclear research and training
equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Lima July 12 and August 22, 1959.
Entered into force August 22, 1959.
10 UST 1600; TIAS 4304; 357 UNTS 99
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Rockville and Lima February 7 and 28, 2018.
Entered into force February 28, 2018.
TIAS 18-228
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Lima and Washington October 29 and
November 30, 1990.
Entered into force January 14, 1991.
TIAS 11787
Agreement for the transmission and payment of postal money
Signed at Washington and Lima August 21 and September 8,
Entered into force December 1, 1995.
Convention regarding the rights of neutrals at sea.
Signed at Lima July 22, 1856.
Entered into force October 31, 1857.
11 Stat. 695; TS 277; 10 Bevans 1019
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for the continuation of the cooperative
meteorological program in Peru.
Exchange of notes at Lima July 7, 1964.
Entered into force July 7, 1964; operative January 1, 1963.
15 UST 1523; TIAS 5634; 530 UNTS 113
Agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation in
the earth and mapping sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Lima July 19, 1990.
Entered into force July 19, 1990.
TIAS 12416
Agreement concerning the reciprocal exemption from income
tax of income derived from the international operation of
Exchange of notes at Lima December 15, 1988.
Entered into force December 15, 1988.
TIAS 11621
Agreement for the exchange of tax information.
Signed at Cartagena February 15, 1990.
Entered into force March 31, 1993.
TIAS 12060
Arrangement concerning radio communications between
amateur stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Lima February 16 and May 23, 1934.
Entered into force May 23, 1934.
49 Stat. 3555; EAS 66; 10 Bevans 1103
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Lima June 28 and August 11, 1965.
Entered into force August 11, 1965.
16 UST 1160; TIAS 5860; 564 UNTS 135
Convention concerning commercial travelers, and protocol.
Signed at Lima January 19, 1923.
Entered into force July 8, 1924.
43 Stat. 1802; TS 692; 10 Bevans 1091
Agreement terminating the agreement of November 23, 1971,
relating to trade in cotton textiles and providing for
consultation on problems of market disruption caused by
exports of textiles or textile products from Peru.
Exchange of notes at Lima June 13 and September 10, 1975.
Entered into force September 10, 1975.
26 UST 2125; TIAS 8153
Agreement regarding sanitary and phytosanitary measures and
technical barriers to trade, with annexes.
Exchange of letters January 5, 2006.
Entered into force January 5, 2006.
TIAS 06.105.1
Agreement additional to the agreement of January 5, 2006,
regarding sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical
barriers to trade, with annex.
Exchange of letters at Lima and Washington April 10, 2006.
Entered into force April 10, 2006.
TIAS 06-410.1
Agreement regarding trade in beef and beef products of the
United States, with annex.
Exchange of letters at Lima and Washington October 6 and 25,
Entered into force October 25, 2006.
TIAS 06-1025.1
United States-Peru trade promotion agreement, with annexes,
understandings, and related exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington April 12, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2009.
Protocol of amendment to the United States-Peru trade
promotion agreement.
Signed at Washington and Lima June 24 and 25, 2007.
Entered into force February 1, 2009.
Agreement on antitrust cooperation.
Signed at Washington May 26, 2016.
Entered into force May 26, 2016.
TIAS 16-526
Memorandum of agreement concerning the provision of
assistance in developing and modernizing Peru’s civil aviation
Signed at Washington and Lima August 17 and 23, 1995.
Entered into force August 23, 1995.
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Lima June 10, 1998.
Entered into force February 8, 1999.
Memorandum of cooperation concerning mutual cooperation
in the promotion and development of civil aviation.
Signed at Washington and Lima March 16 and 27, 2000.
Entered into force March 27, 2000.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to settlement of claims for damages
arising from maneuvers at Laur Training Area.
Exchange of aide memoire at Manila February 6, 1957.
Entered into force February 6, 1957.
9 UST 313; TIAS 4009; 303 UNTS 237
Agreement relating to settlement of claims for damages
arising from SEATO maneuvers and ground field training
Exchange of aide memoire at Manila November 1, 1957.
Entered into force November 1, 1957.
8 UST 2456; TIAS 3965; 307 UNTS 39
Agreement relating to settlement of claims for damages
arising from maneuvers in Laur-Dingalan Bay area.
Exchange of aide memoire at Manila February 20, 1958.
Entered into force February 20, 1958.
9 UST 327; TIAS 4011; 303 UNTS 261
Agreement relating to settlement of claims arising from
maneuvers at Laur Training Area during January and
February 1959.
Exchange of aide memoire at Manila January 21, 1959.
Entered into force January 21, 1959.
10 UST 204; TIAS 4184; 341 UNTS 255
Agreement on the settlement of claims for pay and allowances
of recognized Philippine guerillas not previously paid in full
and for erroneous deductions of advanced salary from the
backpay of eligible Philippine veterans.
Signed at Manila June 29, 1967.
Entered into force June 29, 1967.
18 UST 1392; TIAS 6295; 686 UNTS 71
Agreement for compensation for damage to the Tubbataha
Reef caused by the grounding of the USS Guardian.
Exchange of notes at Manila and Pasay City November 13 and
December 18, 2014.
Entered into force December 18, 2014.
TIAS 14-1218
Agreement relating to waiver of nonimmigrant passport visa
Exchange of notes at Manila November 24, 1952.
Entered into force November 24, 1952; operative
December 24, 1952.
3 UST 5196; TIAS 2715; 181 UNTS 155
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Manila April 12 and June 7, 1948.
Entered into force June 7, 1948.
62 Stat. 2024; TIAS 1767; 11 Bevans 134; 73 UNTS 89
December 2 and 20, 1965 (16 UST 1909; TIAS 5921; 578 UNTS 196)
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in the Republic of the Philippines.
Exchange of notes at Manila October 11 and 31, 1961.
Entered into force October 31, 1961.
12 UST 1699; TIAS 4889; 424 UNTS 129
Agreement relating to cooperation in consecrating Corregidor
Island as a World War II memorial site, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Manila December 22, 1965.
Entered into force December 22, 1965.
16 UST 1925; TIAS 5925; 579 UNTS 203
Agreement on the development and facilitation of reciprocal
Signed at Washington September 17, 1982.
Entered into force September 17, 1982.
TIAS 10498
Mutual defense treaty.
Signed at Washington August 30, 1951.
Entered into force August 27, 1952.
3 UST 3947; TIAS 2529; 177 UNTS 133
Agreement relating to the assurances required under the
Mutual Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Manila January 4 and 7, 1952.
Entered into force January 7, 1952.
3 UST 4644; TIAS 2617; 179 UNTS 193
Agreement relating to military assistance.
Exchange of notes at Manila June 26, 1953.
Entered into force July 5, 1953.
4 UST 1682; TIAS 2834; 213 UNTS 77
Agreement relating to military assistance.
Exchange of notes at Manila April 27, 1955.
Entered into force April 27, 1955.
6 UST 847; TIAS 3231; 261 UNTS 351
April 20, 1956 (7 UST 727; TIAS 3551; 273 UNTS 316)
June 14, 1957 (8 UST 859; TIAS 3845; 291 UNTS 342)
April 14, 1958 (9 UST 397; TIAS 4019; 308 UNTS 324)
Agreement providing for disposition of equipment and
material furnished by the United States.
Exchange of notes at Manila July 27, 1953 and March 3, 1956.
Entered into force March 3, 1956.
7 UST 425; TIAS 3523; 270 UNTS 400
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Interim arrangement to permit the exploitation of mineral
resources located on specific sites within the U.S. Military
Reservation, Fort Stotsenberg, Tarlac.
Exchange of notes at Manila April 8, 1957.
Entered into force April 8, 1957.
9 UST 309; TIAS 4008; 303 UNTS 227
Agreement for the establishment of a Mutual Defense Board
and the assignment of Philippine military liaison officers to
United States military bases in the Philippines.
Exchange of notes at Manila May 15, 1958.
Entered into force May 15, 1958.
9 UST 547; TIAS 4033; 316 UNTS 163
April 2 and May 10, 1993 (TIAS 12496)
Agreement relating to the installation of a submarine cable
with a terminal facility at San Miguel Communications
Exchange of notes at Manila August 12, 1965.
Entered into force August 12, 1965.
16 UST 1127; TIAS 5855; 579 UNTS 47
Agreement relating to the installation and operation of a
petroleum products pipeline from Subic Bay Naval
Reservation through Basa Air Base to Clark Air Base.
Exchange of notes at Manila August 26, 1966.
Entered into force August 26, 1966.
17 UST 1206; TIAS 6083
Agreement relating to the exploitation of natural resources
within United States bases in the Philippines.
Exchange of notes at Manila August 24, 1967.
Entered into force August 24, 1967.
18 UST 2340; TIAS 6335; 693 UNTS 53
Agreement relating to the employment of Philippine nationals
in the United States military bases in the Philippines.
Signed at Manila May 27, 1968.
Entered into force May 27, 1968.
19 UST 5892; TIAS 6542; 658 UNTS 347
September 5, 1985
July 19, 1989
Agreement relating to the recruitment and employment of
Filipino citizens by the United States military forces and
contractors of military and civilian agencies of the United
States in certain areas of the Pacific and Southeast Asia.
Signed at Manila December 28, 1968.
Entered into force December 28, 1968.
19 UST 7560; TIAS 6598; 658 UNTS 365.
Agreement concerning payment to the United States of net
proceeds from the sale of defense articles furnished under the
military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Manila May 16 and July 16, 1974.
Entered into force July 16, 1974; effective July 1, 1974.
25 UST 1447; TIAS 7875
March 8, 2005 and May 2, 2006 (TIAS 06-502.1)
Memorandum of understanding for the exchange of individual
personnel between the United States Army Western Command
and the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
Signed at Manila March 25, 1981.
Entered into force March 25, 1981.
35 UST 3606; TIAS 10871; 1577 UNTS 355
Agreement concerning mapping, charting and geodesy
cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Makati and Fairfax June 27 and September 9, 1991.
Entered into force September 9, 1991.
Agreement regarding the treatment of United States armed
forces visiting the Philippines.
Signed at Manila February 10, 1998.
Entered into force June 1, 1999.
TIAS 12931
Agreement regarding the treatment of Republic of Philippines
personnel visiting the United States of America.
Signed at Manila October 9, 1998.
Entered into force June 1, 1999.
TIAS 12931
Agreement to establish a Security Engagement Board.
Exchange of notes at Manila April 11 and 12, 2006.
Entered into force April 12, 2006.
TIAS 06-412.1
Agreement on enhanced defense cooperation.
Signed at Quezon City April 28, 2014.
Entered into force June 25, 2014.
TIAS 14-625
April 12 and 13, 2016 (TIAS 16-413.1)
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Pasay November 12, 2015 and
August 5, 2016.
Entered into force August 5, 2016.
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or
successor legislation, including the Global Peace Operations
Initiative; the Arms Export Control Act; the Global Security
Contingency Fund; 10 U.S.C. § 2282, 10 U.S.C. § 333, and
other Department of Defense authorities; and the furnishing of
defense articles, related training, and other defense services
from the United States of America to the Philippines under
such authorities.
Exchange of notes at Manila and Pasay City July 28 and
September 15, 2017.
Entered into force September 15, 2017.
TIAS 17-915
Mutual logistics support agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii, and Camp General
Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City, October 12 and 23, 2017.
Entered into force July 12, 2018.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Special security agreement concerning security measures for
the Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System II, with
Signed at Washington and Manila September 17, 2018 and
April 15, 2019.
Entered into force April 15, 2019.
TIAS 19-415
Provisional agreement concerning friendly relations and
diplomatic and consular representation.
Signed at Manila July 4, 1946.
Entered into force July 4, 1946.
60 Stat. 1800; TIAS 1539; 11 Bevans 1; 6 UNTS 335
Treaty of general relations, and protocol.
Signed at Manila July 4, 1946.
Entered into force October 22, 1946.
61 Stat. 1174; TIAS 1568; 11 Bevans 3; 7 UNTS 3
Consular convention.
Signed at Manila March 14, 1947.
Entered into force November 18, 1948.
62 Stat. 1593; TIAS 1741; 11 Bevans 74; 45 UNTS 23
Agreement relating to entry of nationals of either country into
the territories of the other for purposes of trade, investment,
and related activities.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 6, 1955.
Entered into force September 6, 1955.
6 UST 3030; TIAS 3349; 238 UNTS 109
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Manila March 23, 1963.
Entered into force March 23, 1963.
14 UST 352; TIAS 5321; 474 UNTS 81
December 11, 1968, January 31 and March 19, 1969 (20 UST 508;
TIAS 6657; 719 UNTS 354)
Agreement concerning the Special Fund for Education.
Exchange of notes at Manila April 26, 1966.
Entered into force April 26, 1966.*
19 UST 5079; TIAS 6508; 706 UNTS 110
* For implementing agreements, see 19 UST 5082; TIAS 6508; 706
UNTS 57 (May 18, 1967, June 26, 1967, August 11, 1967, and
June 11, 1968); 20 UST 2845; TIAS 6756; 723 UNTS 243
(September 5, 1969); 22 UST 501; TIAS 7089; 792 UNTS 261
(March 30, 1971); 23 UST 251; TIAS 7300 (March 21, 1972).
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 20 and
October 19, 1983.
Entered into force October 19, 1983.
35 UST 2428; TIAS 10805
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Manila January 14, 1999.
Entered into force January 14, 1999.
TIAS 13018
Agreement establishing a joint American-Philippine financial
Exchange of notes at Manila September 13 and 17, 1946.
Entered into force September 17, 1946.
61 Stat. 2840; TIAS 1612; 11 Bevans 34; 15 UNTS 249
Agreement relating to the repayment of funds advanced to the
National Defense Forces, Republic of the Philippines, by the
United States Philippines-Ryukyus Command.
Signed at Washington November 6, 1950.
Entered into force November 6, 1950.
1 UST 765; TIAS 2151; 122 UNTS 63
Agreement for adjustment of the amount and final settlement
of obligations under the agreement of November 6, 1950,
relating to the repayment of funds advanced to Philippine
National Defense Forces.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 27, 1961.
Entered into force March 27, 1961.
12 UST 297; TIAS 4715; 405 UNTS 304
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Manila July 29, 1985.
Entered into force August 30, 1985.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Manila May 16, 1988.
Entered into force June 17, 1988.
April 25, 1989 (NP)
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Manila November 3, 1989.
Entered into force December 13, 1989.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies with
Signed at Washington December 11, 1991.
Entered into force March 2, 1992.
March 4 and 9, 1993 (NP)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to investments supported by the Overseas
Private Investment Corporation.
Signed at Manila October 22, 1998.
Entered into force February 15, 2000.
TIAS 12988
Agreement concerning the establishment of a Tropical Forest
Conservation Fund and a Tropical Forest Conservation Board.
Signed at Manila September 19, 2002.
Entered into force November 1, 2002.
TIAS 02-1101
Agreement regarding the reduction of a certain debt owed to
the Government of the United States and its agencies, with
Signed at Manila September 19, 2002.
Entered into force November 1, 2002.
Agreement concerning the establishment of a second Tropical
Forest Conservation Fund.
Signed at Manila July 18, 2013.
Entered into force September 3, 2013.
TIAS 13-903
Second agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts
owed to the Government of the United States of America and
its agencies.
Signed at Manila July 18, 2013.
Entered into force September 3, 2013.
Economic and technical cooperation agreement.
Signed at Manila April 27, 1951.
Entered into force May 21, 1951.
3 UST 3707; TIAS 2498; 174 UNTS 251
Agreement providing for duty-free entry into the Philippines
and exemption from internal taxation of relief supplies and
Exchange of notes at Manila April 29, 1954 and October 18,
Entered into force October 18, 1956.
8 UST 144; TIAS 3752; 280 UNTS 55
August 6 and September 19, 1970 (21 UST 2510; TIAS 6994; 772
UNTS 458)
Agreement for strategic objective 3: improved family health
sustainable achieved, with attachment.
Signed September 27, 2006.
Entered into force September 27, 2006.
September 22, 2010 (NP)
September 14, 2011 (NP)
Agreement for Mindanao Peace and Development.
Signed September 19, 2007.
Entered into force September 19, 2007.
September 17, 2010 (NP)
Agreement for economic growth and democracy and
governance, with annex.
Signed September 30, 2011.
Entered into force September 30, 2011.
May 5, 2012 (NP)
September 30, 2013 (NP)
September 16, 2014 (NP)
Development objective agreement for "Family Health
Improved," with attachment.
Signed September 28, 2012.
Entered into force September 28, 2012.
September 24, 2013 (NP)
September 26, 2014 (NP)
Agreement permanently locating the United States Naval
Medical Research Unit-Two (NAMRU 2) in the Philippines.
Exchange of notes at Manila February 26, 1979, and June 5,
Entered into force June 5, 1981.
33 UST 2093; TIAS 10174; 1529 UNTS 469
Agreement on employees’ compensation and medical care
programs [for Philippine employees of U.S. Forces], with
Signed at Manila March 10, 1982.
Entered into force March 10, 1982.
34 UST 312; TIAS 10358; 1557 UNTS 21
July 19, 1989
Agreement relating to the reciprocal application of certain
rights of priority in the filing of patent applications.
Exchange of notes at Washington February 12 and
August 4 and 23, 1948.
Entered into force August 23, 1948.
62 Stat. 3461; TIAS 1861; 11 Bevans 149; 82 UNTS 11
Arrangement relating to reciprocal copyright relations
between the United States and the Philippines.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 21, 1948.
Entered into force October 21, 1948.
62 Stat. 2996; TIAS 1840; 11 Bevans 160; 77 UNTS 197
Agreement regarding the protection and enforcement of
intellectual property rights, with agreed minutes.
Exchange of letters at Manila and Washington April 6, 1993.
Entered into force April 6, 1993.
TIAS 46-903
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Exchange of notes at Manila May 9 and 13, 2003.
Entered into force May 13, 2003.
TIAS 03-513
Agreement concerning the provision of documents to
Government of the Republic of the Philippines.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 15, 1986.
Entered into force March 15, 1986.
Agreement on procedures for mutual legal assistance.
Signed at Manila March 31, 1987.
Entered into force March 31, 1987.
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Manila November 13, 1994.
Entered into force November 22, 1996.
TIAS 96-1122; 1994 UNTS 279
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Manila November 13, 1994.
Entered into force November 22, 1996.
TIAS 96-1122.1; 1994 UNTS 309
Agreement relating to naval charter for lease of vessels to the
Exchanges of notes at Manila September 26 and December 9,
1947, and May 6 and June 7, 1948.
Entered into force June 7, 1948.
62 Stat. 3870; TIAS 1954; 11 Bevans 137; 70 UNTS 280
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Manila and Washington September 21 and
November 12, 1964.
Entered into force November 1, 1965.
16 UST 1680; TIAS 5893; 574 UNTS 159
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Manila and Washington April 21 and May 22, 1992.
Entered into force September 21, 1992.
TIAS 11861
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Taguig March 7, 2007.
Entered into force March 7, 2007.
TIAS 07-307
Agreement providing for social security coverage for non-
United States citizen employees of the United States armed
forces in the Philippines.
Exchange of notes at Manila April 23, 1962 and August 30,
Entered into force August 30, 1963.
14 UST 1523; TIAS 5452; 489 UNTS 323
Agreement providing for social security coverage for non-
United States citizen employees of the United States
Employees Association, JUSMAG Officers Club, JUSMAG
NCO Club, and the AID Employees’ Recreation Association
in the Philippines.
Exchange of notes at Manila August 30 and October 8, 1963.
Entered into force October 8, 1963.
14 UST 1523; TIAS 5452; 489 UNTS 332
Agreement providing for social security coverage for
Philippine citizen civilian employees of the Agency for
International Development Mission to the Philippines, with
Exchange of notes at Manila November 12, 1964 and
March 10, 1965.
Entered into force March 10, 1965.
20 UST 536; TIAS 6663; 706 UNTS 41
Agreement providing for social security coverage for
Philippine citizen civilian employees of the Peace Corps and
United States Joint Military Advisory Group (JUSMAG), with
Exchange of notes at Manila April 5 and July 15, 1965.
Entered into force July 15, 1965.
20 UST 540; TIAS 6663; 706 UNTS 49
Convention with respect to taxes on income.*
Signed at Manila October 1, 1976.
Entered into force October 16, 1982.
34 UST 1277; TIAS 10417
* With reservations and understandings.
Agreement regarding radio broadcasting facilities with
protocol and exchange of notes.
Signed at Manila May 6, 1963.
Entered into force May 6, 1963.
14 UST 741; TIAS 5353; 477 UNTS 67
September 10, 1965 (16 UST 1186; TIAS 5865; 595 UNTS 368)
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Manila October 25, 1976.
Entered into force October 25, 1976.
27 UST 3985; TIAS 8415; 1059 UNTS 67
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties, with attachment.
Exchange of notes at Manila February 13 and June 4, 1991.
Entered into force June 4, 1991.
TIAS 12431
Agreement relating to extension of free-entry privileges to
dependents of United States Government employees newly
assigned to South Viet-Nam who elect to reside in the
Exchange of notes at Manila May 14 and 28, 1965.
Entered into force May 28, 1965.
19 UST 7807; TIAS 6612; 713 UNTS 235
Agreement relating to customs regulations governing cargo
consigned to United States military authorities or armed forces
personnel, with annexes.
Exchange of notes at Manila April 24, 1969.
Entered into force May 4, 1969.
20 UST 2816; TIAS 6752; 723 UNTS 185
Understanding concerning a framework of principles and
procedures and the establishment of a consultative mechanism
for the expansion of trade and investment flows between the
two countries.
Signed at Washington November 9, 1989.
Entered into force November 9, 1989.
TIAS 89-1109
November 13, 2011 (TIAS 11-1113)
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in
trade in textile and apparel goods.
Signed at Kuala Lumpur August 23, 2006.
Entered into force August 23, 2006.
Agreement, with memorandum of consultation, concerning air
transport services, with exchanges of letters.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 16, 1982.
Entered into force September 16, 1982.
34 UST 1623; TIAS 10443; 2126 UNTS 297
May 29, 1987 and January 13, 1988 (TIAS 11564; 2185 UNTS 597)
November 20, 1995 (TIAS 12702)
Agreement concerning cooperation in countering the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, strengthening
maritime security, and for other purposes.
Signed at Manila October 15 and 16, 2015.
Entered into force February 5, 2016.
TIAS 16-205
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington August 16, 1928.
Entered into force February 3, 1930.
46 Stat. 2438; TS 805; 11 Bevans 218; 99 LNTS 409
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Washington August 16, 1928.
Entered into force February 3, 1930.
46 Stat. 2442; TS 806; 11 Bevans 221; 99 LNTS 403
Agreement relating to settlement of claims of nationals of the
United States against Poland and exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington July 16, 1960.
Entered into force July 16, 1960.
11 UST 1953; TIAS 4545; 384 UNTS 169
Protocol to the claims settlement agreement of July 16, 1960.
Signed at Warsaw November 29, 1960.
Entered into force November 29, 1960.
11 UST 2450; TIAS 4629; 401 UNTS 338
Agreement relating to the reciprocal waiver of visa fees for
performing artists.*
Exchange of notes at Warsaw December 17, 1962 and
January 21, 1963.
Entered into force January 21, 1963; operative February 1,
14 UST 118; TIAS 5279; 471 UNTS 151.
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the distribution in Poland of a Polish-
language magazine on life in the United States.
Exchange of notes at Warsaw May 30, 1958.
Entered into force May 30, 1958.
9 UST 601; TIAS 4040; 315 UNTS 231
Agreement concerning the program of the United States Peace
Corps in Poland.
Signed at Warsaw February 23, 1990.
Entered into force February 23, 1990.
TIAS 12073
Cultural property agreement on the protection of certain
cultural properties.
Signed at Washington May 11, 2004.
Entered into force August 3, 2010.
TIAS 10-803
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning provision of training related to defense
articles under the United States International Military
Education Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Warsaw April 25 and June 6, 1991.
Entered into force June 6, 1991.
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for military
topographic mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting,
geodesy and geophysics, digital data and related MC&G
Signed at Washington November 10, 1992.
Entered into force November 10, 1992.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training, or other defense
services from the United States to Hungary.
Exchange of notes at Warsaw February 10 and October 13,
Entered into force October 13, 1993.
Memorandum of understanding on science and engineering
cooperation, with annex.
Signed at Washington October 26, 1994.
Entered into force October 26, 1994.
TIAS 12576
Agreement concerning exchange of research and development
information, with appendix (Master Information Exchange
Signed at Warsaw June 9, 1995.
Entered into force June 9, 1995.
TIAS 12367
October 16 and 27, 2009 (TIAS 09-1027.1)
Agreement regarding the exchange of engineers and scientists.
Signed at Washington and Warsaw July 21 and 31, 2006.
Entered into force July 31, 2006.
Memorandum of arrangement regarding assignment of liaison
officers, with annex.
Signed September 22, 2006.
Entered into force September 22, 2006.
June 28 and 29, 2011
August 17 and 22, 2016
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified information in the military sphere.
Signed at Warsaw March 8, 2007.
Entered into force October 9, 2007.
TIAS 07-1009
Memorandum of understanding regarding reciprocal
government quality assurance services.
Signed at Warsaw and Washington May 31 and June 22, 2007.
Entered into force June 22, 2007.
TIAS 07-622.1
Agreement on the status of armed forces of the United States
of America in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
Signed at Warsaw December 11, 2009.
Entered into force March 31, 2010.
TIAS 10-331
Agreement concerning cooperation on information assurance
(IA) and computer network defense (CND).
Signed at Warsaw June 21, 2010.
Entered into force June 21, 2010.
TIAS 10-621.1
Memorandum of understanding regarding the exchange of
military personnel, with annexes.
Signed at Warsaw May 30, 2012.
Entered into force May 30, 2012.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Warsaw and Stuttgart November 28 and
December 3, 2012.
Entered into force December 3, 2012.
TIAS 12-1203.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Polish Defense personnel to U.S. Special Operations
Command, with annexes.
Signed at Krakow and Tampa February 4 and 25, 2015.
Entered into force February 25, 2015.
Agreement concerning cooperation.
Exchange of notes at Warsaw June 22 and July 15, 2015.
Entered into force July 15, 2015.
TIAS 15-715
December 21, 2018 (TIAS 18-1221)
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Polish Defense personnel to U. S. Central Command, with
Signed at Warsaw and Tampa November 29, 2016 and January
20, 2017.
Entered into force January 20, 2017.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Warsaw and Tampa November 29, 2016 and January
20, 2017.
Entered into force January 20, 2017.
Agreement relating to reciprocal customs privileges for
foreign service personnel.
Exchange of notes at Warsaw October 5 and 30, 1945.
Entered into force October 30, 1945.
61 Stat. 2297; TIAS 1544; 11 Bevans 283; 15 UNTS 225
Consular convention, with protocols and exchanges of notes.
Signed at Warsaw May 31, 1972.
Entered into force July 6, 1973.
24 UST 1231; TIAS 7642
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for the establishment of the U.S.-Polish Fulbright
Signed at Warsaw October 20, 1995.
Entered into force May 31, 1996.
TIAS 96-531
October 28 and November 25, 2005 (TIAS 96-531)
Agreement on cooperation within the framework of the U.S.-
Polish Fulbright Commission.
Signed at Washington March 10, 2008.
Entered into force November 13, 2008.
TIAS 08-1113
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Warsaw April 30 and May 16, 1991.
Entered into force May 16, 1991.
TIAS 12430
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Warsaw April 22, 1997.
Entered into force April 22, 1997.
TIAS 97-422
Agreement relating to the funding of the indebtedness of
Poland to the United States.
Signed at Washington November 14, 1924.
Operative December 15, 1922.
Treasury Department print; 11 Bevans 195; 58 LNTS 97
Agreement modifying the debt funding agreement of
November 14, 1924.
Signed at Washington June 10, 1932.
Operative July 1, 1931.
Treasury Department print; 11 Bevans 260
Agreement establishing a procedure for funding international
travel and transportation and other travel-related expenses
from U.S.-owned zlotys in Poland.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 7, 1972.
Entered into force October 7, 1972; effective January 1, 1973.
24 UST 426; TIAS 7557
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or assured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Warsaw August 27, 1981.
Entered into force October 20, 1981.
33 UST 3727; TIAS 10255; 1541 UNTS 85
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies.
Signed at Warsaw July 29, 1986.
Entered into force September 8, 1986.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts for 1985, owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by
the United States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Warsaw July 10, 1989.
Entered into force September 6, 1989.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts for 1987, owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by
the United States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Warsaw July 10, 1989.
Entered into force September 6, 1989.
Investment guaranty agreement.
Signed at Warsaw October 13, 1989.
Entered into force February 21, 1990.
TIAS 12039
Swap agreement among the United States Treasury and the
Narodowy Bank Polski/Government of Poland, with
memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Washington and Poland December 22, 1989.
Entered into force December 22, 1989.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Warsaw August 24, 1990.
Entered into force October 22, 1990.
Agreement regarding the reduction and reorganization of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the
Government of the United States and its agencies, with
Signed at Warsaw July 17, 1991.
Entered into force September 3, 1991.
Agreement providing for an informational media guaranty
Exchange of notes at Warsaw February 12, 1958.
Entered into force February 12, 1958.
9 UST 253; TIAS 3999; 304 UNTS 287
Agreement on cooperation in the field of health.
Signed at Washington October 8, 1974.
Entered into force October 8, 1974.
25 UST 2750; TIAS 7943
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention to aid in the prevention of smuggling of alcoholic
beverages into the United States.
Signed at Washington June 19, 1930.
Entered into force August 2, 1930.
46 Stat. 2773; TS 821; 11 Bevans 233; 108 LNTS 323
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Warsaw August 17 and September 17,
Entered into force September 17, 1931.
11 Bevans 257
Agreement regarding cooperation and mutual assistance
between customs services.
Signed at Warsaw August 8, 1990.
Entered into force May 15, 1991.
TIAS 12077
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Washington July 10, 1996.
Entered into force September 17, 1999.
TIAS 99-917
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Washington July 10, 1996.
Entered into force September 17, 1999.
TIAS 99-917.1
Agreement on the application of the extradition treaty of
July 10, 1996, pursuant to Article 3(2) of the agreement on
extradition between the United States of America and the
European Union signed on June 25, 2003, with annex.
Signed at Warsaw June 9, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.17
Agreement on the application of the treaty on mutual legal
assistance in criminal matters of July 10, 1996, pursuant to
Article 3(2) of the agreement on mutual legal assistance
between the United States of America and the European Union
signed on June 25, 2003, with annex.
Signed at Warsaw June 9, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime, with annex.
Signed at Washington June 12, 2019.
Entered into force September 3, 2019.
TIAS 19-903
Agreement on cooperation on border security and
Signed at Washington August 16, 2019.
Entered into force November 14, 2019.
TIAS 19-1114
Agreement relating to the mutual recognition of ship
measurement certificates.
Exchanges of notes at Washington January 17, March 14 and
April 22, 1930, and October 5, 1934.
Operative April 22, 1930.
49 Stat. 3663; EAS 71; 11 Bevans 229; 156 LNTS 91
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 30 and April 10, 1984.
Entered into force April 10, 1984.
TIAS 11240; 2174 UNTS 199
Agreement concerning cooperation in the area of countering
the proliferation of nuclear materials and technologies.
Signed at Warsaw September 11, 2009.
Entered into force September 11, 2009.
TIAS 09-911
Agreement to facilitate the provision of assistance for nuclear
non-proliferation purposes.
Exchange of notes at Warsaw August 28 and September 8,
Entered into force September 8, 2009.
TIAS 09-908
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 28, 2016.
Entered into force September 28, 2016.
TIAS 16-928.1
Convention concerning the exchange of parcel post.
Signed at Warsaw and Washington February 19 and April 26,
Entered into force April 1, 1923.
43 Stat. 1640; Post Office Department print
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Washington December 11, 1989.
Entered into force February 1, 1990.
TIAS 11720
Preliminary agreement regarding principles applying to
mutual aid in the prosecution of the war against aggression.
Signed at Washington July 1, 1942.
Entered into force July 1, 1942.
56 Stat. 1542; EAS 257; 11 Bevans 274; 103 UNTS 267
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on the settlement for lend-lease and certain claims.
Signed at Washington June 28, 1956.
Entered into force June 28, 1956.
7 UST 1930; TIAS 3594; 273 UNTS 79
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Warsaw March 16, 2016.
Entered into force March 16, 2016.
TIAS 16-316
Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Washington April 23, 2018.
Entered into force November 28, 2018.
TIAS 18-1128
Agreement concerning the United States Government
participation in the Polish social insurance system for Polish
national employees of the United States Government in
Exchange of notes at Warsaw June 15 and September 30, 1971.
Entered into force September 30, 1971.
22 UST 1725; TIAS 7200
Social security agreement, with administrative arrangement.
Signed at Warsaw April 2, 2008.
Entered into force March 1, 2009.
TIAS 09-301
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with related notes.
Signed at Washington October 8, 1974.
Entered into force July 22, 1976.
28 UST 891; TIAS 8486
Agreement relating to economic and financial cooperation.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 24, 1946.
Entered into force April 24, 1946.
60 Stat. 1609; TIAS 1516; 11 Bevans 286; 4 UNTS 155
Joint statement on the development of agricultural trade.
Signed at Washington October 8, 1974.
Entered into force October 8, 1974.
25 UST 2763; TIAS 7944
Treaty concerning business and economic relations, with
annex, protocol and related exchanges of letters.
Signed at Washington March 21, 1990.
Entered into force August 6, 1994.
TIAS 94-806
Additional protocol to the treaty concerning business and
economic relations done at Washington on March 21, 1990.
Signed at Brussels January 12, 2004.
Entered into force August 20, 2004.
TIAS 04-820
Memorandum of understanding concerning research
cooperation in the field of transportation.
Signed at Warsaw November 3, 1971.
Entered into force November 3, 1971.
29 UST 5642; TIAS 9139; 1152 UNTS 19
Extension and Amendments:
October 16, 1978 (29 UST 5649; TIAS 9139; 1152 UNTS 22)
February 28 and June 22, 1979 (30 UST 7287; TIAS 9586; 1182
UNTS 401)
Agreement relating to the acceptance of airworthiness
certifications, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 8, 1976.
Entered into force November 8, 1976.
27 UST 3882; TIAS 8407; 1059 UNTS 179
January 28, 1980 (32 UST 529; TIAS 9723; 1221 UNTS 342)
September 5, 2003 and February 9, 2004 (TIAS 04-209)
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing Poland’s civil aviation
Signed at Washington and Warsaw January 5 and 14, 1998.
Entered into force January 14, 1998.
Air transport agreement, with annexes.*
Signed at Warsaw June 16, 2001.
Entered into force September 15, 2003.
TIAS 13155
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Agreement concerning the deployment of ground-based
ballistic missile defense interceptors in the territory of the
Republic of Poland, with annex.
Signed at Warsaw August 20, 2008.
Entered into force September 15, 2011.
TIAS 11-915
July 3, 2010 (TIAS 11-915)
Treaty for the advancement of peace.
Signed at Lisbon February 4, 1914.
Entered into force October 24, 1914.
38 Stat. 1847; TS 600; 11 Bevans 331
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arbitration treaty.
Signed at Washington March 1, 1929.
Entered into force October 31, 1929.
46 Stat. 2421; TS 803; 11 Bevans 344; 99 LNTS 375
Agreement relating to reciprocal facilitation of visa issuance.*
Exchange of notes at Lisbon June 7, 1983.
Entered into force July 7, 1983.
TIAS 10723; 1607 UNTS 139
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Protocol relating to exchanges in the field of physical
education and sports.
Signed at Lisbon December 22, 1976.
Entered into force December 22, 1976.
28 UST 5342; TIAS 8637
Mutual defense assistance agreement.
Signed at Lisbon January 5, 1951.
Entered into force January 5, 1951.
2 UST 438; TIAS 2187; 133 UNTS 75
Agreement relating to the assurances required by the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Lisbon January 8, 1952.
Entered into force January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4648; TIAS 2618; 207 UNTS 51
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
material furnished by the United States under the mutual
defense assistance agreement of January 5, 1951, found
surplus to the needs of the armed forces of Portugal.
Exchange of notes at Lisbon June 16 and July 9, 1952.
Entered into force July 9, 1952.
3 UST 4979; TIAS 2674; 180 UNTS 251
September 15, 1960 (11 UST 2202; TIAS 4590; 393 UNTS 315)
Agreement relating to a weapons production program.
Exchange of notes at Lisbon September 26, 1960.
Entered into force September 26, 1960.
11 UST 2218; TIAS 4594; 393 UNTS 257
Agreement relating to the deposit by Portugal of ten percent of
the value of grant military assistance and excess defense
articles furnished by the United States.
Exchange of notes at Lisbon March 16 and May 2, 1972.
Entered into force May 2, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 881; TIAS 7349
Agreement relating to payment to the United States of net
proceeds from the sale of defense articles furnished under the
military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Lisbon May 30, 1974 and June 30, 1975.
Entered into force June 30, 1975; effective July 1, 1974.
26 UST 1004; TIAS 8087
December 19, 2004 and January 19, 2005 (TIAS 05-119)
Memorandum of understanding concerning the principles
governing mutual cooperation in the research, development,
production, procurement and logistic support of defense
Signed at Lisbon and Washington December 18, 1978 and
March 28, 1979.
Entered into force March 28, 1979.
30 UST 3892; TIAS 9433; 1171 UNTS 221
Agreement concerning the grant of defense articles and
services under the military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Lisbon August 14 and 27, 1979.
Entered into force August 27, 1979.
30 UST 7555; TIAS 9599; 1205 UNTS 3
August 16 and September 29, 1982 (TIAS 10503)
Agreement concerning the grant of defense articles and
services under the military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Lisbon August 12 and 28, 1980.
Entered into force August 28, 1980.
32 UST 2388; TIAS 9846; 1275 UNTS 3
August 16 and September 29, 1982 (TIAS 10503)
Agreement concerning the grant of defense articles and
services under the military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Lisbon August 24 and 28, 1981.
Entered into force August 28, 1981.
33 UST 3702; TIAS 10252; 1541 UNTS 105
August 16 and September 29, 1982 (TIAS 10503)
Agreement concerning general security of military
Exchange of notes at Lisbon August 19 and September 10, 1982.
Entered into force September 10, 1982.
TIAS 11060; 2039 UNTS 199
Agreement concerning the installation in Portugal of a ground-
based electro-optical deep space surveillance (GEODSS)
Exchange of notes at Lisbon March 27, 1984.
Entered into force March 27, 1984.
35 UST 4885; TIAS 10973; 2019 UNTS 159
Agreement on cooperation and defense, with supplemental
technical and labor agreements and exchange of notes.
Signed at Lisbon June 1, 1995.
Entered into force November 21, 1995.
TIAS 95-1121
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning
mapping, charting and geodesy cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Fairfax and Lisbon July 30, 1997.
Entered into force July 30, 1997.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on end-use, retransfer, and security assurances,
with annexes.
Exchange of notes at Lisbon December 7, 2004 and March 31,
Entered into force March 31, 2005.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Lisbon and Stuttgart October 30 and December 8,
Entered into force December 8, 2009.
Technical arrangement regarding the assignment of liaison
officers, with annexes.
Signed September 21 and December 3, 2015.
Entered into force December 3, 2015.
Memorandum of agreement establishing a midshipmen/cadet
exchange program, with appendix and annex.
Signed at Lisbon and Annapolis February 16 and 24, 2016.
Entered into force February 24, 2016.
Agreement regarding consular privileges and immunities.
Signed at Lisbon December 14, 2017.
Entered into force October 4, 2018.
TIAS 18-1004
Agreement concerning the continuation of the Commission for
Educational Exchange.
Signed at Lisbon February 11, 2015.
Entered into force July 13, 2015.
TIAS 15-713
Agreement on gainful activities of the dependents of members
of diplomatic missions and consular posts assigned to official
Exchange of notes at Lisbon September 23 and
October 10, 2013.
Entered into force February 20, 2014.
TIAS 14-220
Agreement relating to guaranties authorized under Section 111
(b)(3) of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 22 and 25, 1953.
Entered into force May 26, 1953.
4 UST 1596; TIAS 2826; 212 UNTS 290
Agreement relating to resumption of the investment guaranty
program and interpretation of the agreement of May 22 and
25, 1953.
Exchange of notes at Lisbon October 31 and November 10,
Entered into force November 10, 1977.
29 UST 2792; TIAS 8977
Economic cooperation agreement.*
Signed at Lisbon September 28, 1948.
Entered into force September 28, 1948.
62 Stat. 2856; TIAS 1819; 11 Bevans 370; 29 UNTS 213
February 14, 1950 (1 UST 169; TIAS 2033; 79 UNTS 310)
May 17, 1951 (2 UST 1298; TIAS 2279; 134 UNTS 370)
March 9 and 18, 1953 (4 UST 1437; TIAS 2801; 207 UNTS 320)
* Applicable to all Portuguese territories.
Agreement relating to the provision of economic assistance to
Portugal, with related letter.
Exchange of letters at Brussels December 9, 1971.
Entered into force December 9, 1971.
23 UST 264; TIAS 7303
Agreement to facilitate interchange of patent rights and
technical information for defense purposes.
Signed at Lisbon October 31, 1960.
Entered into force October 31, 1960.
11 UST 2314; TIAS 4608; 394 UNTS 127
Extradition convention and exchange of notes concerning the
death penalty.*
Signed at Washington May 7, 1908.
Entered into force November 14, 1908.
35 Stat. 2071; TS 512; 11 Bevans 314
* Applicable to all territories.
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Lisbon February 11, 1928 and
February 22, 1929.
Entered into force February 22, 1929.
11 Bevans 341
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
Signed at Washington September 15, 1994.
Entered into force June 20, 1996.
TIAS 12565
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on extradition between the United States of America and the
European Union signed June 25, 2003, with annex.
Signed at Washington July 14, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.18
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(3) of the agreement
on mutual legal assistance between the United States of
America and the European Union signed June 25, 2003, with
Signed at Washington July 14, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.43.
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating crime.
Signed at Lisbon June 30, 2009.
Entered into force November 29, 2011.
TIAS 11-1129
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 22 and July 11, 1979.
Entered into force July 11, 1979.
30 UST 5931; TIAS 9526; 1179 UNTS 125
Agreement on aeronautical and maritime search and rescue.
Signed at Oeiras January 19, 2017.
Entered into force July 9, 2017.
TIAS 17-709
Parcel post agreement and regulations of execution.*
Signed at Lisbon and Washington January 12, 1959 and
February 27, 1959.
Entered into force May 1, 1959.
10 UST 801; TIAS 4220; 343 UNTS 49
* Applicable to Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, Samoa, the
Azores and Madeira Archipelagoes.
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Washington and Lisbon November 20 and
December 21, 1984.
Entered into force January 15, 1985.
TIAS 11013; 2022 UNTS 93
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST field trial, with details of implementation.
Signed at Lisbon and Washington April 15 and July 3, 1985.
Entered into force August 1, 1985.
TIAS 11243
Agreement for the recovery of maintenance.
Signed at Lisbon May 30, 2000.
Entered into force March 17, 2001.
TIAS 13096
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Lisbon March 30, 1988.
Entered into force August 1, 1989.
TIAS 12121
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with protocol and with exchange of correcting notes.
Signed at Washington September 6, 1994.
Entered into force December 18, 1995.
TIAS 95-1218
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Lisbon August 6, 2015.
Entered into force August 10, 2016.
TIAS 16-810
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Lisbon May 17 and 26, 1965.
Entered into force May 26, 1965.
16 UST 817; TIAS 5815; 546 UNTS 189
Agreement relating to the continuation of international
broadcast activities carried out in Portugal by RARET.
Exchange of notes at Lisbon February 15, 1977.
Entered into force February 15, 1977.
29 UST 660; TIAS 8844
Commercial arrangement.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 28, 1910.
Entered into force June 28, 1910.
TS 514 1/2; 11 Bevans 324
Agreement terminating the agreement of November 17, 1970
(TIAS 6980), relating to trade in cotton textiles and providing
for consultations on problems of market disruption from
exports of cotton, wool and man-made fiber textiles and
apparel products from Portugal.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 20, 1975.
Entered into force August 20, 1975.
26 UST 2713; TIAS 8187; 1052 UNTS 291
Memorandum of agreement concerning provision of site test
and commissioning and/or periodic flight checks of
Portuguese Civil Aviation Administration air navigation aids.
Signed at Washington and Lisbon March 10 and April 13, 1978.
Entered into force April 13, 1978; effective April 1, 1978.
30 UST 293; TIAS 9201
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of agreement concerning the provision of
assistance in developing and modernizing Portugal’s civil
aviation infrastructure.
Signed at Washington and Lisbon July 30, 1998.
Entered into force July 30, 1998.
Air transport agreement, with annexes.*
Signed at Lisbon May 30, 2000.
Entered into force May 9, 2002.
TIAS 13101
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Washington October 21, 1998.
Entered into force October 21, 1998.
TIAS 12987
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified military information, with appendix.
Signed July 17, 2012.
Entered into force August 15, 2012.
TIAS 12-815
Basic exchange and cooperation agreement concerning
geospatial intelligence, with implementing annexes.
Signed at Springfield and Doha April 3 and 10, 2013.
Entered into force April 10, 2013.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Doha and Tampa December 9 and 19, 2013.
Entered into force December 19, 2013.
Agreement regarding the furnishing of defense articles, related
to training, or other defense services from the United States of
America to the Government of the State of Qatar, under such
Exchange of notes at Doha March 13, 2017, February 14, 2018
and July 26, 2018.
Entered into force February 14, 2018.
TIAS 18-214
Agreement concerning cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Doha September 27, 2000.
Entered into force September 27, 2000.
TIAS 00-927
Investment incentive agreement.
Exchange of notes at Doha March 28, 1987.
Entered into force April 1, 1987.
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Doha and Washington January 19 and
February 14, 1983.
Entered into force June 1, 1983.
TIAS 10661; 2001 UNTS 33
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST field trial, with details of implementation.
Signed at Doha and Washington August 12 and September 13,
Entered into force September 13, 1985.
TIAS 11156
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Doha January 7, 2015.
Entered into force June 23, 2015.
TIAS 15-623
Agreement on the security of civil aviation.
Signed at Doha June 27, 1994.
Entered into force June 30, 1994.
Memorandum of agreement for assistance in developing and
modernizing the civil aviation infrastructure of Qatar.
Signed May 10 and August 5, 2004.
Entered into force August 5, 2004.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on end use, retransfer, and security assurances.
Signed at Bridgetown November 16, 2018.
Entered into force November 16, 2018.
TIAS 18-1116
Protocol on cooperation in agriculture.
Signed at Washington September 11, 1975.
Entered into force September 11, 1975.
26 UST 2486; TIAS 8166; 1028 UNTS 3
Agreement concerning the continued operation of a seismic
monitoring station in Romania.
Signed at Bucharest February 23, 2012.
Entered into force January 28, 2013.
TIAS 13-128.1
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington March 21, 1929.
Entered into force July 22, 1929.
46 Stat. 2336; TS 794; 11 Bevans 408; 105 LNTS 79
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Washington March 21, 1929.
Entered into force July 22, 1929.
46 Stat. 2339; TS 795; 11 Bevans 411; 105 LNTS 85
Agreement relating to the issuance of visas to diplomatic and
non-diplomatic personnel.
Exchange of notes at Bucharest April 20, May 14 and 26, 1962.
Entered into force May 26, 1962; operative June 1, 1962.
13 UST 1192; TIAS 5063; 456 UNTS 265
May 31 and June 17, 1967 (18 UST 1266; TIAS 6279; 685 UNTS
Agreement relating to reciprocal simplification of procedures
for issuance of diplomatic and official visas.
Exchange of notes at Bucharest September 12 and
October 10, 1977.
Entered into force October 10, 1977.
29 UST 2765; TIAS 8970
Agreement relating to reciprocal facilitation of visa issuance.
Exchange of notes at Bucharest September 1 and October 10,
Entered into force October 10, 1977.
29 UST 4705; TIAS 9075; 1134 UNTS 209
Agreement relating to war graves registration and associated
Exchange of notes at Bucharest June 19 and 28, 1946.
Entered into force June 28, 1946.
61 Stat. 4042; TIAS 1796; 11 Bevans 428; 148 UNTS 355
Understanding regarding the establishment and operation in
the United States and Romania of an American and a
Romanian library, respectively.
Signed at Bucharest August 3, 1969.
Entered into force August 3, 1969.
20 UST 2712; TIAS 6733; 720 UNTS 91
Agreement on cooperation and exchanges in the cultural,
educational, scientific and technological fields.
Signed at Bucharest December 13, 1974.
Entered into force January 1, 1975.
26 UST 31; TIAS 8006
Agreement concerning the program of the United States Peace
Corps in Romania.
Signed at Washington January 24, 1992.
Entered into force January 24, 1992.
TIAS 12080
Agreement for the protection and preservation of certain
cultural properties.
Signed at Bucharest July 8, 1992.
Entered into force provisionally, July 8, 1992; definitively,
July 29, 1993.
TIAS 12136
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) program.
Exchange of notes at Bucharest November 23 and
December 7, 1992.
Entered into force December 7, 1992.
Agreement concerning military assistance under the United
States Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training, and other
defense services from the United States to Romania.
Exchange of notes at Bucharest October 3, 1994 and
March 31, 1995.
Entered into force March 31, 1995.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the status of United States forces in
Signed at Washington October 30, 2001.
Entered into force June 10, 2002.
TIAS 13170
Memorandum of understanding concerning training conducted
in Romania by the United States Marine Corps.
Signed at Stuttgart June 12, 2002.
Entered into force June 12, 2002.
Agreement concerning measures for the protection of
classified military information.
Signed at Washington June 21, 1995.
Entered into force September 25, 2003.
TIAS 03-925
December 14, 2011 (TIAS 03-925)
Agreement regarding the activities of United States forces
located on the territory of Romania, with annexes.
Signed at Bucharest December 6, 2005.
Entered into force July 21, 2006.
TIAS 06-721
Memorandum of arrangement regarding assignment of liaison
Signed at Norfolk September May 30, 2006.
Entered into force May 30, 2006.
September 14 and 15, 2006
March 18 and 22, 2011
April 26 and May 10, 2016
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed September 6, 2012.
Entered into force February 22, 2013.
March 14 and 17, 2016 (NP)
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Bucharest and Stuttgart November 28 and December
5, 2012.
Entered into force January 23, 2014.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Bucharest September 25, 2014 and
July 8, 2015.
Entered into force July 8, 2015.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Romanian Defense personnel to U.S. Special Operations
Command, with annexes.
Signed at Bucharest and Tampa July 30 and September 2, 2015.
Entered into force September 2, 2015.
Consular convention with protocol.
Signed at Bucharest July 5, 1972.
Entered into force July 6, 1973.
24 UST 1317; TIAS 7643
Joint statement concerning relations between the United States
and Romania.
Signed at Washington December 5, 1973.
Entered into force December 5, 1973.
24 UST 2257; TIAS 7746; 938 UNTS 457
Agreement concerning educational and scholarly exchanges
administered by the Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission.
Signed at Bucharest October 26, 2000.
Entered into force March 14, 2002.
TIAS 02-314
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 1 and 28, 1993.
Entered into force July 28, 1993.
TIAS 12159
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Bucharest and Washington April 11 and May 22,
Entered into force May 22, 1995.
TIAS 12653
Agreement relating to the funding of the debt of Romania to
the United States.
Signed at Washington December 4, 1925.
Operative June 15, 1925.
Treasury Department print; 11 Bevans 398
Agreement modifying the debt funding agreement of
December 4, 1925.
Signed at Washington June 11, 1932.
Operative July 1, 1931.
Treasury Department print; 11 Bevans 420
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Bucharest April 28, 1973.
Entered into force April 28, 1973.
24 UST 1073; TIAS 7627
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Bucharest March 10, 1983.
Entered into force April 22, 1983.
TIAS 10683
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Bucharest February 15, 1984.
Entered into force April 16, 1984.
35 UST 4563; TIAS 10957
Swap agreement among the United States Treasury, the
National Bank of Romania/ Government of Romania, with
memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Washington and Bucharest March 6, 1991.
Entered into force March 6, 1991.
TIAS 91-306
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Bucharest June 30, 1992.
Entered into force December 4, 1992.
TIAS 12464
Joint statement on economic, industrial and technological
Issued at Washington December 5, 1973.
26 UST 2342; TIAS 8159
Long term agreement on economic, industrial and technical
cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Bucharest November 21, 1976.
Entered into force May 5, 1977.
28 UST 5228; TIAS 8624; 1087 UNTS 119
Convention for the reciprocal protection of trade-marks.
Signed at Bucharest March 18 and March 31, 1906.
Entered into force June 25, 1906.
34 Stat. 2901; TS 451; 11 Bevans 389
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Bucharest February 4, 1928 and
April 17, 1929.
Entered into force April 17, 1929.
11 Bevans 414
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Washington July 16, 1998.
Entered into force June 1, 1999.
TIAS 12976
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Washington May 26, 1999.
Entered into force October 17, 2001.
TIAS 13037
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Bucharest September 10, 2007.
Entered into force May 8, 2009.
TIAS 09-508
Protocol to the treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal
matters of May 26, 1999.
Signed at Bucharest September 10, 2007.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.44
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Washington October 5, 2015.
Entered into force November 8, 2017, with the exception of
Articles 7 through 9
TIAS 17-1108
Agreement clarifying certain understandings relating to the
supply of enriched uranium to Romania for the TRIGA
Exchange of notes at Washington February 13, 1978.
Entered into force February 13, 1978.
29 UST 2961; TIAS 8992; 1120 UNTS 97
Agreement for cooperation in the prevention of illicit
trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive material.
Signed at Bucharest September 15, 2008.
Entered into force September 15, 2008.
TIAS 08-915.1
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters.
Signed at Bucharest and Rockville March 2 and 16, 2017.
Entered into force August 28, 2017.
TIAS 17-828
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post, and
regulations of execution.
Signed at Washington and Bucharest August 10, 1937 and
March 12, 1937.
Entered into force September 1, 1937.
50 Stat. 1630; Post Office Department print; 183 LNTS 7
Parcel post agreement, with detailed regulations.
Signed at Washington June 19, 1981.
Entered into force July 19, 1981.
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Washington December 14, 1989.
Entered into force February 15, 1990.
TIAS 11718
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on cooperation in science and technology, with
Signed at Washington July 15, 1998.
Entered into force April 5, 2000.
TIAS 12975
Convention with respect to taxes on income.
Signed at Washington December 4, 1973.
Entered into force February 26, 1976; effective January 1,
27 UST 165; TIAS 8228
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Bucharest May 28, 2015.
Entered into force November 3, 2015.
TIAS 15-1103
Agreement on trade relations, with related exchanges of
Signed at Bucharest April 3, 1992.
Entered into force November 8, 1993.
TIAS 93-1108
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investment, with annex, protocol and related
Signed at Bucharest May 28, 1992.
Entered into force January 15, 1994.
TIAS 94-115.1
Additional protocol to the treaty between the United States of
America and Romania concerning the reciprocal
encouragement and protection of investment of May 28, 1992.
Signed at Brussels September 22, 2003.
Entered into force February 9, 2007.
TIAS 07-209
Air transport agreement, with annexes.*
Signed at Washington July 15, 1998.
Entered into force August 19, 1999.
TIAS 12974
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of pro-visional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Agreement for promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Bucharest September 10, 2002.
Entered into force October 18, 2004.
TIAS 04-1018
Agreement concerning cooperation in the area of
counterproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and the
promotion of defense and military relations.
Signed at Washington March 30, 1998.
Entered into force July 8, 2003.
TIAS 03-708.1
Amendments and Extensions:
January 16 and June 14, 2004 (TIAS 03-708.1)
July 7 and November 2, 2010 (TIAS 03-708.1)
July 5, 2012 (TIAS 03-708.1)
Agreement concerning cooperation in the area of countering
the proliferation of nuclear materials and technologies.
Signed at New York July 19, 2004.
Entered into force July 19, 2004.
TIAS 04-719
December 3, 2008 (TIAS 04-719)
Agreement on the deployment of the United States ballistic
missile defense system in Romania, with attachment.
Signed at Washington September 13, 2011.
Entered into force December 23, 2011.
TIAS 11-1223
For agreements prior to December 31, 1991, see UNION OF SOVIET
Treaty on measures for the further reduction and limitation of
strategic offensive arms.
Signed at Prague April 8, 2010.
Entered into force February 5, 2011.
TIAS 11-205
Visa agreement.
Exchange of notes at Moscow and Washington
November 1 and 19, 2011.
Entered into force September 9, 2012.
TIAS 12-909
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Moscow and Washington April 22 and
June 17, 1992.
Entered into force June 17, 1992.
Memorandum on cooperation in the field of defense
Signed at Moscow December 16, 1993.
Entered into force December 16, 1993.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on the establishment of a direct secure
communications system between the United States of America
and the Russian Federation.
Signed at Washington October 30, 2008.
Entered into force October 30, 2008.
TIAS 08-1030
Agreement on the transit of armaments, military equipment,
military property, and personnel through the territory of the
Russian Federation in connection with the participation of the
United States of America in efforts for ensuring the security,
stabilization and reconstruction of the Islamic Republic of
Afghanistan, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Moscow July 6, 2009.
Entered into force April 19, 2011.
TIAS 11-419
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of
forestry, with annex.
Signed at Washington May 13, 1994.
Entered into force May 13, 1994.
TIAS 12541
Agreement on cooperation in the field of protection of the
environment and natural resources, with annex.
Signed at Washington June 23, 1994.
Entered into force June 23, 1994.
TIAS 12550; 2379 UNTS 51
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Moscow December 16, 1994.
Entered into force December 16, 1994.
TIAS 12590
Agreement on cooperation in the prevention of pollution of the
environment in the Arctic.
Signed at Moscow December 16, 1994.
Entered into force December 16, 1994.
TIAS 12589
Agreement on the conservation and management of the
Alaska-Chukotka polar bear population.
Signed at Washington October 16, 2000.
Entered into force September 23, 2007.
TIAS 07-923
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington April 3, 1992.
Entered into force June 17, 1992.
TIAS 11471
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to or guaranteed by the United States
Government, with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 30, 1993.
Entered into force November 4, 1993.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to or guaranteed by the United States
Government, with annexes.
Signed at Moscow October 25, 1994.
Entered into force December 19, 1994.
Agreement regarding the rescheduling of certain debts owed
to or guaranteed by the United States Government, with
Signed at Washington October 9, 1995.
Entered into force November 29, 1995.
November 28 and December 1, 1995 (NP)
Agreement regarding the rescheduling of certain debts owed
to or guaranteed by the United States Government, with
Signed at Washington February 6, 1997.
Entered into force May 7, 1997.
Agreement regarding the rescheduling of certain debts owed
to or guaranteed by the United States Government, with
Signed at Moscow May 26, 2000.
Entered into force June 29, 2000.
Agreement concerning Pacific salmon fishing within the
respective 200 nautical mile zones of the United States and
Exchange of notes at Washington August 27 and September 3,
Entered into force September 3, 1992.
TIAS 11449
Agreement on the conservation of straddling fish stocks in the
central part of the Sea of Okhotsk.
Signed at Moscow June 13, 1996.
Entered into force June 13, 1996.
TIAS 12768
Agreement on cooperation for the purposes of preventing,
deterring and eliminating illegal, unreported, and unregulated
Signed at Portland, Oregon September 11, 2015.
Entered into force December 4, 2015.
TIAS 15-1204
Grant agreement for an energy efficiency and environment
commodity import program.
Signed at Moscow December 16, 1993.
Entered into force December 16, 1993.
TIAS 11483
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding for the establishment of the
Russian-American oil and gas technology center in Tyumen
City, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Tyumen City June 23 and July 26,
Entered into force July 26, 1994.
TIAS 12558
Agreement on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs
Signed at Washington September 28, 1994.
Entered into force December 15, 1994.
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
related note.
Signed at Moscow June 17, 1999.
Entered into force January 31, 2002.
TIAS 13046
Agreement amending the agreement of May 25, 1972, on the
prevention of incidents on and over the high seas.
Exchange of notes at Moscow October 12, 1997 and May 28,
Entered into force May 28, 1998.
TIAS 12957
Agreement on maritime transport.
Signed at St. Petersburg June 20, 2001.
Entered into force June 20, 2001.
TIAS 01-620.1
Agreement on the establishment of nuclear risk reduction
centers, with protocols.
Signed at Washington September 15, 1987.
Entered into force September 15, 1987.
TIAS 13-1007
October 7, 2013 (TIAS 13-1007)
Agreement concerning the future consultation procedure for
implementation of the agreement of September 30, 1971, on
measures to reduce the risk of outbreak of nuclear war
between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist
Exchange of notes at Moscow May 13 and June 25, 2004.
Entered into force June 25, 2004.
Agreement on technology safeguards associated with the
activities under the “Sea Launch” Program.
Signed at Washington March 21, 2006.
Entered into force July 30, 2007.
TIAS 07-730
Agreement concerning the management and disposition of
plutonium designated as no longer required for defense
purposes and related cooperation, with annexes and joint
Signed at Moscow and Washington August 29 and
September 1, 2000.
Entered into force July 13, 2011.
TIAS 11-713.1
September 15, 2006 (TIAS 11-713.1)
April 13, 2010 (TIAS 11-713.2)
Agreement concerning the disposition of highly enriched
uranium extracted from nuclear weapons.
Signed at Washington February 18, 1993.
Entered into force February 18, 1993.
Memorandum of understanding relating to transparency and
additional arrangements concerning the agreement of February
18, 1993 concerning the disposition of highly enriched
uranium extracted from nuclear weapons.
Signed at Washington September 1, 1993.
Entered into force September 1, 1993.
Agreement on cooperation in research on radiation effects for
the purpose of minimizing the consequences of radioactive
contamination on health and the environment, with annex.
Signed at Moscow January 14, 1994.
Entered into force January 14, 1994.
TIAS 11481
Amendments and Extensions:
March 10, 2000 (TIAS 00-310)
May 4, 2007 (TIAS 00-310)
July 13, 2011 (TIAS 00-310)
Protocol on highly enriched uranium (HEU) transparency
arrangements in furtherance of the memorandum of
understanding of September 1, 1993.
Signed at Washington March 18, 1994.
Entered into force March 18, 1994.
Agreement for cooperation on enhancing the safety of Russian
nuclear fuel cycle facilities and research reactors.
Signed at Moscow June 30, 1995.
Entered into force June 30, 1995.
TIAS 12672
January 31 and February 26, 2002 (TIAS 02-226)
Agreement concerning cooperation regarding plutonium
production reactors, with memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Moscow September 23, 1997.
Entered into force September 23, 1997.
TIAS 97-923
March 12, 2003 (TIAS 97-923)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the transfer of source material to the
Russian Federation, with annex and administrative
Signed at Washington March 24, 1999.
Entered into force March 24, 1999.
TIAS 13026
Agreement regarding assurances concerning the source
material transferred from the United States to the Russian
Federation, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 24, 1999.
Entered into force March 24, 1999.
TIAS 13026
Agreement concerning the cessation of plutonium production
at the operating ADE 4 and ADE 5 reactors in Seversk
(Tomsk Region) and the ADE 2 reactor in Zheleznogorsk
(Krasnoyarsk Region).
Signed at Vienna March 12, 2003.
Entered into force March 12, 2003.
TIAS 03-312
Agreement concerning cooperation for the transfer of Russian-
produced research reactor nuclear fuel to the Russian
Signed at Moscow May 27, 2004.
Entered into force May 27, 2004.
TIAS 04-527
Amendment and Extension:
December 17 and 27, 2013 (TIAS 13-1227)
Agreement for cooperation in the field of peaceful uses of
nuclear energy.
Signed at Moscow May 6, 2008.
Entered into force January 11, 2011.
TIAS 11-111
Agreement regarding cooperation under the framework
agreement on a multilateral nuclear environmental program in
the Russian Federation of May 21, 2003 and the June 14,
2013, protocol to the framework agreement on a multilateral
nuclear environmental program in the Russian Federation of
May 21, 2013.
Signed at Washington June 14, 2013.
Entered into force June 17, 2013.
Agreement on cooperation in nuclear and energy related
scientific research and development, with annexes.
Signed at Vienna September 16, 2013.
Entered into force January 24, 2014.
TIAS 14-124
Memorandum of mutual understanding on settlement of the
problem of the new embassy administrative buildings in
Washington and Moscow.
Signed at Washington June 17, 1992.
Entered into force June 17, 1992.
December 15, 1992
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Moscow December 16, 1993.
Entered into force December 16, 1993.
TIAS 12527
October 28 and December 15, 2003 (TIAS 03-1216)
November 23 and December 16, 2004 (TIAS 03-1216)
December 15 and 16, 2005 (TIAS 03-1216)
March 2 and June 24, 2016 (TIAS 16-624)
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in geoscience,
with annexes.
Signed at Washington June 23, 1994.
Entered into force June 23, 1994.
TIAS 12552
Memorandum of understanding on basic scientific research
cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Washington June 23, 1994.
Entered into force June 23, 1994.
TIAS 12551
Memorandum of understanding on basic scientific research
cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Washington February 7, 1997.
Entered into force February 7, 1997.
TIAS 12832
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston November 14, 2003.
Entered into force November 14, 2003.
TIAS 03-1114
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the areas of
meteorology, hydrology and oceanography, with annexes.
Signed at Geneva June 23, 2005.
Entered into force June 23, 2005.
TIAS 05-623
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of
research on high energy and nuclear physics.
Signed at Washington April 29, 2010.
Entered into force April 29, 2010.
TIAS 10-429
Agreement concerning cooperation in the exploration and use
of outer space for peaceful purposes, with annex.
Signed at Washington June 17, 1992.
Entered into force June 17, 1992.
TIAS 12457
Amendments and Extensions:
December 3 and 26, 2007 and January 25, 2008 (TIAS 07-1227.1)
August 25, 2011 and April 3, 2013 (TIAS 07-1227.1)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Interim agreement for the conduct of activities leading to
Russian partnership in the detailed design, development,
operation and utilization of the permanently manned civil
space station.
Signed at Washington June 23, 1994.
Entered into force June 30, 1995.
Agreement concerning the procedure for the customs
documentation and duty-free entry of goods transported within
the framework of US-Russian cooperation in the exploration
and use of space for peaceful purposes.
Signed at Moscow December 16, 1994.
Entered into force August 26, 1996.
TIAS 12457
August 24, 2001 and May 23, 2002 (TIAS 02-523)
December 14 and 26, 2007 and January 25, 2008 (TIAS 02-523)
August 25, 2011 and October 4, 2012 (TIAS 02-523)
August 16, 2016 and March 24, 2017 (TIAS 17-324)
Implementing agreement on the flight of a U.S. stratospheric
aerosol and gas experiment (SAGE) III and a total ozone
mapping spectrometer (TOMS) aboard Russian meteor 3M
spacecraft, with annexes.
Signed at Moscow December 16, 1994.
Entered into force February 22, 1995.
TIAS 12592
Protocol regarding the balance of their contributions and
obligations to the International Space Station, with
Signed at Moscow June 11, 1996.
Entered into force June 11. 1996.
TIAS 96-611
Agreement concerning the procedure for customs
documentation and duty-free entry of goods transported within
the framework of U.S.- Russian cooperation in the exploration
and use of space for peaceful purposes.
Signed at Moscow December 16, 1994.
Entered into force August 26, 1996.
TIAS 12588
August 24, 2001 and May 23, 2002 (TIAS 02-523)
August 25, 2011 and October 4, 2012 (TIAS 02-523)
August 16, 2016 and March 24, 2017 (TIAS 17-324)
Implementing agreement on the flight of the Russian High
Energy Neutron Detector (HEND) on the United States 2001
Mars Odyssey Orbiter Mission, with annex.
Signed April 6, 2001.
Entered into force April 6, 2001.
TIAS 01-406
Amendment and Extension:
September 12 and 18, 2006 (TIAS 01-406)
Addendum to the protocol of June 11, 1996 regarding the
balance of contributions to the International Space Station.
Signed at Moscow September 9, 2004.
Entered into force January 26, 2005.
TIAS 96-611
Second addendum to the protocol of June 11, 1996 regarding
the balance of contributions to the International Space Station.
Signed at Cape Canaveral July 1, 2006.
Entered into force July 1, 2006.
TIAS 96-611
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and capital, with protocol.
Signed at Washington June 17, 1992.
Entered into force December 16, 1993.
TIAS 93-1216
Agreement on trade relations, with related exchanges of
Signed at Washington June 1, 1990.
Entered into force June 17, 1992.
September 26 and October 31, 1990
Agreement on the exports of firearms and ammunition from
the Russian Federation to the United States, with annexes.
Signed at Washington April 3, 1996.
Entered into force April 3, 1996.
TIAS 96-403
June 25, 2003 and March 4, 2004 (TIAS 96-403)
Agreement on protection and enforcement of intellectual
property rights.
Exchange of letters at Hanoi and Washington November 19,
Entered into force November 19, 2006.
TIAS 06-1119.5
Agreement on tariff treatment of certain combine harvester-
threshers and self-propelled forage harvesters.
Exchange of letters at Hanoi and Washington November 19,
Entered into force November 19, 2006.
Agreement on tariff treatment of certain aircraft imported
under operational lease.
Exchange of letters at Hanoi and Washington November 19,
Entered into force November 19, 2006.
Agreement on agricultural biotechnology.
Exchange of letters at Hanoi and Washington November 19,
Entered into force November 19, 2006.
TIAS 06-1119.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on importation of pork and pork by products into
the Russian Federation.
Exchange of letters at Hanoi and Washington November 19,
Entered into force November 19, 2006.
TIAS 06-1119.3
Agreement on exporting pork and poultry to the Russian
Exchange of letters at Hanoi and Washington November 19,
Entered into force November 19, 2006.
TIAS 06-1119.4
Agreement on market access for beef and beef byproducts.
Exchange of letters at Hanoi and Washington November 19,
Entered into force November 19, 2006.
TIAS 06-1119.2
Agreement on establishment of import licensing procedures
for imports of goods containing encryption technology, with
Exchange of letters at Hanoi and Washington November 19,
Entered into force November 19, 2006.
TIAS 06-1119.6
Memorandum of understanding concerning certification of
seafood products from the United States of America to the
Russian Federation, with appendix.
Signed January 27 and February 25, 2010.
Entered into force February 25, 2010.
TIAS 10-225
Memorandum of understanding on air navigation, airspace use
and air traffic control.
Signed at Washington June 17, 1992.
Entered into force June 17, 1992.
TIAS 11477
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Moscow January 14, 1994.
Entered into force January 14, 1994.
TIAS 94-114
Memorandum of understanding on technical cooperation
towards a bilateral airworthiness agreement.
Signed at Moscow June 30, 1995.
Entered into force June 30, 1995.
TIAS 12673
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of
civil aircraft accident/incident investigation and prevention.
Signed at Moscow September 2, 1998.
Entered into force September 2, 1998.
TIAS 12983
Agreement for promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Moscow September 2, 1998.
Entered into force September 2, 1998.
TIAS 12982
Memorandum of cooperation concerning cooperation in the
promotion and development of civil aviation.
Signed at Washington and Moscow February 19 and
March 22, 1999.
Entered into force March 22, 1999.
Memorandum of agreement providing technical assistance in
developing, modernizing, operating or maintaining the civil
aviation infrastructure in the Russian Federation.
Signed June 20 and 29, 2007.
Entered into force June 29, 2007.
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Kigali July 18, 2008.
Entered into force July 18, 2008.
TIAS 08-718
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Kigali March 6 and 11, 1980.
Entered into force March 11, 1980.
33 UST 3064; TIAS 10211; 1529 UNTS 7
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Rwanda.
Exchange of notes at Kigali January 26 and February 6, 1998.
Entered into force February 6, 1998.
Agreement regarding the status of United States military and
civilian personnel of the United States Department of Defense
who may be temporarily present in Rwanda in connection with
the military airlift of Rwandan military forces in support of
operations in Darfur and future mutually agreed activities.
Exchange of notes at Kigali July 5 and 11, 2005.
Entered into force July 11, 2005.
TIAS 05-711.1
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement (ACSA).
Signed at Stuttgart and Kigali October 15 and December 15,
Entered into force December 15, 2014.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Kigali March 3 and 24, 2018.
Entered into force March 24, 2018.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees, with related note.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 15 and October 22, 1992.
Entered into force October 22, 1992.
TIAS 11904
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program.
Signed at Kigali August 21, 2003.
Entered into force August 21, 2003.
TIAS 03-821
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Kigali July 6 and August 9, 1965.
Entered into force April 27, 1967.
18 UST 2346; TIAS 6337; 692 UNTS 101
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction, and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to the United States
Government and its Agency, with annexes.
Signed at Kigali October 26, 1999.
Entered into force December 13, 1999.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government,
with annexes.
Signed at Kigali April 22, 2003.
Entered into force June 9, 2003.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government, or
its agency, with annexes.
Signed at Kigali October 13, 2005.
Entered into force November 30, 2005.
Economic and technical cooperation agreement.
Signed at Kigali June 7, 1989.
Entered into force January 17, 1992.
TIAS 12063
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Signed at Washington March 4, 2003.
Entered into force July 11, 2003.
TIAS 03-711
International express mail agreement with detailed regulations.
Signed at Kigali and Washington January 15 and February 8,
Entered into force March 15, 1988.
TIAS 11648
Trade and investment framework agreement.
Signed at Washington June 7, 2006.
Entered into force June 7, 2006.
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annexes.
Signed at Kigali February 19, 2008.
Entered into force January 1, 2012.
TIAS 12-101
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington October 11, 2000.
Entered into force July 14, 2010.
TIAS 10-714.1
Memorandum of agreement relating to assistance in
developing and modernizing Rwanda’s civil aviation
Signed November 28 and December 6, 2001.
Entered into force December 6, 2001.
August 20, 2009 and February 3, 2010
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On September 19, 1983, Saint Christopher and Nevis became an
independent state. In a note dated November 2, 1983, to the Secretary-
General of the United Nations, the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign
Affairs made a statement reading in part as follows:
I have the honor to refer to the attainment of in-dependence by the former
British Associated State of St. Christopher and Nevis on 19th September,
1983, as Saint Christopher and Nevis or Saint Kitts and Nevis, and to the
question of status of conventions, treaties and other international
instruments applied to, or entered into on behalf of Saint Christopher and
Nevis by the United Kingdom Government prior to independence.
The Government of Saint Christopher and Nevis considers that questions
of succession to such conventions, treaties and other international
instruments should be governed by the accepted rules of international law
and by the relevant principles contained in the Convention on Succession
of States in respect of Treaties done at Vienna on 23rd August, 1978.
The Government of Saint Christopher and Nevis hereby declares that, with
regard to multilateral treaties applied or extended to the former British
Associated State of Saint Christopher and Nevis, it will continue to apply
the terms of each treaty provisionally and on the basis of reciprocity until
such time as it notifies the depositary authority of its decision in respect
As regards bilateral treaties applied or extended to, or entered into on
behalf of the former British Associated State of Saint Christopher and
Nevis, the Government of Saint Christopher and Nevis declares that it will
examine each such treaty and communicate its views to the other State
Party concerned. In the mean-time, the Government of Saint Christopher
and Nevis will continue to observe the terms of each treaty, which validly
so applies and is not inconsistent with its independent sovereign status,
provisionally and on basis of reciprocity.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in St. Kitts/Nevis.
Exchange of letters at Bridgetown and Basseterre May 15,
and January 13, 1981.
Entered into force January 13, 1981.
33 UST 846; TIAS 10067; 1275 UNTS 131
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at St. John’s and Basseterre
March 19 and 20, 1984.
Entered into force March 20, 1984.
35 UST 4881; TIAS 10972
Agreement concerning the status of United States Armed
Forces personnel present in St. Christopher and Nevis.
Exchange of notes at St. John’s and Basseterre March 2 and
June 9, 1987.
Entered into force June 9, 1987.
TIAS 87-609
Agreement regarding the provision of articles, services and
associated training by the Government of the United States for
anti-narcotics purposes.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Basseterre
November 13, 1998 and March 11, 1999.
Entered into force March 11, 1999.
TIAS 99-311
Agreement regarding the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative
and the provision of technical support for maritime security
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Basseterre June 29 and
July 10, 2012.
Entered into force July 10, 2012.
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Basseterre February 26
and April 14, 2003.
Entered into force April 14, 2003.
TIAS 03-414
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at Basseterre November 21, 1968.
Entered into force November 21, 1968.
19 UST 7546; TIAS 6596; 702 UNTS 311
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government or its agencies.
Signed at Washington January 15, 2013.
into force March 6, 2013.
General agreement for economic, technical and related
Signed at Basseterre April 24, 1986.
Entered into force April 24, 1986.
TIAS 11514
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trademarks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 31, 2005.
Entered into force January 31, 2005.
TIAS 05-131
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Basseterre September 18, 1996.
Entered into force February 23, 2000.
TIAS 12805
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
related exchange of notes.
Signed at Basseterre September 18, 1997.
Entered into force February 23, 2000.
TIAS 12884.
Aerial intercept assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Basseterre October 7,
2011 and May 18, 2012.
Entered into force May 18, 2012.
TIAS 12-518
Agreement concerning maritime counter-drug operations.
Signed at Basseterre April 13, 1995.
Entered into force April 13, 1995.
TIAS 12775
June 27, 1996 (TIAS 12775)
Agreement for the furnishing of commodities and services in
connection with the peacekeeping force for Grenada.
Exchange of notes at St. John’s and Basseterre January 19 and
20, 1984.
Entered into force January 20, 1984.
35 UST 4276; TIAS 10929; 2015 UNTS 123
Convention for the exchange of postal money orders with the
British Colony of Saint Christopher, Nevis and Anguilla.
Signed at Basseterre, St. Kitts and Washington June 27 and
September 14, 1959.
Entered into force February 1, 1960.
11 UST 1433; TIAS 4483
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at St. Kitts and Washington June 16 and August 21,
Entered into force October 1, 1997.
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to St. Christopher-Nevis June 17, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Bridgetown August 31, 2015.
Entered into force April 28, 2016.
TIAS 16-428
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at St. John’s and St. Kitts July 6 and 9, 1984.
Entered into force August 8, 1984.
TIAS 11147; 2126 UNTS 185
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Basseterre December 13, 2011.
Entered into force December 13, 2011.
TIAS 11-1213.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On February 22, 1979, Saint Lucia became an independent state. In a note
dated March 14, 1979, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the
Prime Minister made a statement reading in part as follows:
Saint Lucia … is now ready to participate with other nations in fulfilling
obligations under international law with respect to treaties to which this
Government succeeded upon Independence. However, it is necessary to
examine in depth such treaties to ascertain whether or not under customary
international law any may have lapsed. Until this has been done the
Government of Saint Lucia wish:
(a) that it be presumed that each treaty has been legally succeeded to by
Saint Lucia; and
(b) that future action be based on the presumption in (a) above.
You will be notified in due course of those treaties this Government
regards as having lapsed and those treaties which this Government wishes
to terminate.”
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in St. Lucia.
Exchange of letters at Bridgetown and Castries May 15 and
July 8, 1980.
Entered into force July 8, 1980.
32 UST 4408; TIAS 9954; 1267 UNTS 137
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Castries December 11,
1980 and January 27, 1981.
Entered into force January 27, 1981.
33 UST 983; TIAS 10081; 1275 UNTS 185
Agreement regarding the provision of articles, services and
associated training by the Government of the United States for
anti-narcotics purposes.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Castries November 13,
1998 and April 8, 1999.
Entered into force April 8, 1999.
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel
who may be temporarily present in St. Lucia.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Saint Lucia April 23,
2013 and April 30, 2013.
Entered into force April 30, 2013.
TIAS 13-430
Agreement regarding the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative
and the provision of technical support for maritime security
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Saint Lucia June 29, 2012
and April 30, 2013.
Entered into force April 30, 2013.
TIAS 13-430.1
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at Castries August 9, 1968.
Entered into force August 9, 1968.
19 UST 5921; TIAS 6546; 730 UNTS 225
General agreement for economic, technical and related
Signed at Castries October 20, 1983.
Entered into force October 20, 1983.
35 UST 2953; TIAS 10831; 2014 UNTS 607
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Castries April 18, 1996.
Entered into force February 2, 2000.
TIAS 00-202.1
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Castries April 18, 1996.
Entered into force February 2, 2000.
TIAS 00-202
Aerial intercept assistance agreement, with related note.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Castries October 7, 2011
and June 28, 2012.
Entered into force June 28, 2012.
TIAS 12-628
Agreement concerning maritime counter-drug operations.
Signed at Castries April 20, 1995.
Entered into force April 20, 1995.
TIAS 12764
June 5, 1996 (TIAS 12764)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding for the establishment within
the territory of St. Lucia of facilities to provide temporary
protection under the auspices of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees for nationals of Haiti fleeing their
Signed at St. Lucia July 15, 1994.
Entered into force July 15, 1994.
TIAS 94-715
Agreement for the furnishing of commodities and services in
connection with the peacekeeping force for Grenada.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Castries November 25,
1983 and January 13, 1984.
Entered into force January 13, 1984.
35 UST 4253; TIAS 10924; 2014 UNTS 615
Money order agreement.
Signed at Washington and Grenada July 29 and August 29,
Operative October 1, 1904.
Agreement for the direct exchange of parcels by parcel post.
Signed at Grenada and Washington May 20 and June 21, 1935.
Operative July 1, 1935.
49 Stat. 3229; 162 LNTS 157
International express mail agreement with detailed regulations.
Signed at Castries and Washington August 11 and
September 14, 1989.
Entered into force September 15, 1989.
TIAS 11953
INTELPOST memorandum of understanding, with detailed
Signed at Castries and Washington September 22 and
October 29, 1992.
Entered into force November 23, 1992.
TIAS 11902
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to St. Lucia February 9, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to
taxes, with annex.
Signed at Washington January 30, 1987.
Entered into force April 22, 1991.
TIAS 12057
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Bridgetown November 19, 2015.
Entered into force September 1, 2016.
TIAS 16-901.1
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at London November 26, 1965.
Applicable to St. Lucia December 11, 1969.
16 UST 2047; TIAS 5941; 561 UNTS 193
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom extending to certain territories the application of the
agreement of November 26, 1965, relating to the reciprocal
granting of authorizations to permit licensed amateur radio
operators of either country to operate their stations in the other
Exchange of notes at London December 11, 1969.
Entered into force December 11, 1969.
20 UST 4089; TIAS 6800; 732 UNTS 334
Arrangement relating to radio communications between
amateur stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Castries August 10, 1981,
and February 17, 1982.
Entered into force March 19, 1982.
34 UST 287; TIAS 10354; 1557 UNTS 3
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the future status and use of Beane Field,
St. Lucia.
Exchange of notes at London August 20, 1964.
Entered into force August 20, 1964.
15 UST 1685; TIAS 5642; 531 UNTS 85
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom concerning air services, with annexes and exchange
of letters.
Signed at Bermuda July 23, 1977.
Entered into force July 23, 1977.
28 UST 5367; TIAS 8641
April 25, 1978 (29 UST 2680; TIAS 8965)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On October 27, 1979, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines became an
independent state. In a note dated September 30, 1983, to the Secretary-
General of the United Nations, the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
made a statement reading in part as follows:
I have the honour to refer to the attainment of independence by the former
British Associated State of St. Vincent on 27th October, 1979, as the State
of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and to the question of status of
convention, treaties and other international instruments applied to or
entered into on behalf of St. Vincent by the United Kingdom Government
prior to independence.
The Government of the State of St. Vincent and the Grenadines considers
that questions of succession to such conventions, treaties and other
international instruments should be governed by the accepted rules of
international law and by the relevant principles contained in the
Convention on Succession of States in respect of treaties done at Vienna
on 23rd August, 1978.
The Government of the State of St. Vincent and the Grenadines hereby
declares that, with regard to multilateral treaties applied or extended to the
former British Associated State of St. Vincent, it will continue to apply the
terms of each such treaty provisionally and on the basis of reciprocity until
such time as it notifies the depository authority of its decision in respect
As regards bilateral treaties applied or extended to, or entered into on
behalf of the former British Associated State of St. Vincent, the
Government of the State of St. Vincent and the Grenadines declares that it
will examine each such treaty and communicate its views to the other State
Party concerned. In the meantime, the Government of the State of St.
Vincent and the Grenadines will continue to observe the terms of each
such treaty, which validly so applies and is not inconsistent with its
independent sovereign status, provisionally and on basis of reciprocity.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in St. Vincent.
Exchange of letters at Bridgetown and St. Vincent May 15 and
June 26, 1980.
Entered into force June 26, 1980.
32 UST 5815; TIAS 10017; 1267 UNTS 129
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Kingstown
December 11, 1980 and January 20, 1981.
Entered into force January 20, 1981.
33 UST 912; TIAS 10076; 1275 UNTS 149
Agreement regarding articles, services and associated training
transferred to the Government of Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines for antinarcotics purposes.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Kingstown November 13
and 26, 1998.
Entered into force November 26, 1998.
TIAS 98-1126
Agreement regarding the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative
(Technical Assistance Field Team).
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Kingstown June 29 and
December 11, 2012.
Entered into force December 11, 2012.
TIAS 12-1211
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Kingstown February 26
and June 16, 2003.
Entered into force June 16, 2003.
TIAS 03-616
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and St. Vincent May 15 and
June 14, 1972.
Entered into force June 14, 1972.
23 UST 3802; TIAS 7530
General agreement for economic, technical and related
Signed at Kingstown September 30, 1983.
Entered into force September 30, 1983.
35 UST 2970; TIAS 10833; 2014 UNTS 441
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Kingstown August 15, 1996.
Entered into force September 8, 1999.
TIAS 99-908
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with a
related protocol.
Signed at Kingstown January 8, 1998.
Entered into force September 8, 1999.
TIAS 12917
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning maritime counter-drug operations.
Signed at Kingstown and Bridgetown June 29 and July 4, 1995.
Entered into force July 4, 1995.
TIAS 12676
Agreement concerning cooperation to suppress the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery
systems, and related materials by sea.
Signed at Kingstown May 11, 2010.
Entered into force May 11, 2010.
TIAS 10-511.1
Agreement for the furnishing of commodities and services in
connection with the peacekeeping force for Grenada.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and St. Vincent November 25,
1983 and January 13, 1984.
Entered into force January 13, 1984.
35 UST 4257; TIAS 10925; 2014 UNTS 449
Money order agreement.
Signed at Washington July 29 and at Grenada August 29, 1904.
Operative October 1, 1904.
Agreement for the direct exchange of parcels by parcel post.
Signed at Grenada May 20 and at Washington June 21, 1935.
Operative July 1, 1935.
49 Stat. 3229; Post Office Department print; 162 LNTS 157
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Kingston and Washington January 27 and
February 25, 1992.
Entered into force March 7, 1992.
TIAS 11854
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to St. Vincent February 9, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
of real and personal property.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement concerning reciprocal exemption from income tax
of income derived from the international operation of ships
and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and Kingston October 11,
1988, and February 15, 1989.
Entered into force February 15, 1989.
TIAS 11601; 2191 UNTS 241
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.
Signed at Kingstown August 18, 2015.
Entered into force May 13, 2016.
TIAS 16-513
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at London November 26, 1965.
Applicable to St. Vincent December 11, 1969.
16 UST 2047; TIAS 5941; 561 UNTS 193
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom extending to certain territories the application of the
agreement of November 26, 1965, relating to the reciprocal
granting of authorizations to permit licensed amateur radio
operators of either country to operate their stations in the other
Exchange of notes at London December 11, 1969.
Entered into force December 11, 1969.
20 UST 4089; TIAS 6800; 732 UNTS 334
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Bridgetown and St. Vincent April 22 and
September 27, 1982.
Entered into force September 27, 1982; effective October 27,
35 UST 3830; TIAS 10885; 2014 UNTS 439
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom concerning air services, with annexes and exchange
of letters.
Signed at Bermuda July 23, 1977.
Entered into force July 23, 1977.
28 UST 5367; TIAS 8641
April 25, 1978 (29 UST 2680; TIAS 8965)
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Kingstown April 7, 2017.
Entered into force April 7, 2017.
TIAS 17-407
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On January 1, 1962, Samoa (then called “Western Samoa”) became an
independent state. In an exchange of letters dated November 30, 1962,
between the Office of the High Commissioner for New Zealand and the
Prime Minister of Western Samoa, the Government of Western Samoa
agreed that “All obligations and responsibilities of the Government of New
Zealand which arise from any valid international instrument are, from
January 1, 1962, assumed by the Government of Western Samoa in so far
as such instrument may be held to have application to or in respect of
Western Samoa.”
In 1997, the name “Western Samoa” was changed to “Samoa.”
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Western Samoa.
Exchange of notes at Wellington October 1, 1970.
Entered into force October 1, 1970.
21 UST 2186; TIAS 6967; 764 UNTS 281
Status of forces agreement.
Signed at Apia June 25, 1990.
Entered into force June 25, 1990.
TIAS 90-625
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) program.
Exchange of notes at Apia December 1, 1992 and March 8,
Entered into force March 8, 1993.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at New York and Washington February 27
and March 15, 1995.
Entered into force March 15, 1995.
TIAS 12613
Investment guaranty agreement.
Signed at Wellington and Apia June 5 and July 22, 1969.
Entered into force July 22, 1969.
20 UST 2766; TIAS 6745; 720 UNTS 53
Agreement concerning operational cooperation to suppress
illicit transnational maritime activity.
Signed at Apia June 2, 2012.
Entered into force June 2, 2012.
TIAS 12-602
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Apia and Washington February 16 and March 18,
Entered into force May 1, 1993.
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Apia March 27 and June 4, 2009.
Entered into force June 4, 2009.
TIAS 09-604
Agreement concerning employment on a reciprocal basis of
dependents of official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Florence February 25 and
September 15, 2004.
Entered into force September 22, 2004.
TIAS 04-922.1
Treaty for the mutual extradition of fugitive criminals.
Signed at Rome January 10, 1906.
Entered into force July 8, 1908.
35 Stat. 1971; TS 495; 11 Bevans 440
Supplementary extradition convention.
Signed at Washington October 10, 1934.
Entered into force June 28, 1935.
49 Stat. 3198; TS 891; 11 Bevans 446; 161 LNTS 149
Agreement for cooperation to facilitate the implementation of
the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with annexes.
Signed at San Marino October 28, 2015.
Entered into force August 30, 2016.
TIAS 16-830
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Libreville and Sao Tome April 2, 1985 and
February 26, 1986.
Entered into force February 26, 1986.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to the Government of Sao Tome and Principe.
Exchange of notes at Libreville and Sao Tome March 14 and
August 19, 2005.
Entered into force August 19, 2005.
TIAS 05-819
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed July 25, 2007.
Entered into force July 25, 2007.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington September 10, 1998.
Entered into force September 10, 1998.
TIAS 12985
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Exchange of notes at Libreville and Sao Tome
November 10 and 12, 2003.
Entered into force November 12, 2003.
TIAS 03-1112.2
Agreement for the operation of radio transmission facilities,
with addendum.
Signed at Sao Tome May 22, 1992.
Entered into force June 21, 1992.
TIAS 97-214
Agreement for the provision of technical assistance in
developing, modernizing, operating, or maintaining the civil
aviation infrastructure in the Republic of San Marino.
Signed at Washington and Dogana October 17 and 18, 2019.
Entered into force October 28, 2019.
Technical cooperation agreement.
Signed at Riyadh May 16, 2008.
Entered into force May 16, 2008.
TIAS 08-516
January 16, 2013 (TIAS 08-516)
July 3 and September 12, 2019 (TIAS 19-912)
Agreement for cultural exchange.
Signed at Jidda July 25, 1968.
Entered into force July 25, 1968.
20 UST 2804; TIAS 6749; 723 UNTS 141
Agreement relating to the extending of procurement assistance
to Saudi Arabia for the transfer of military supplies and
Exchange of notes at Jidda June 18, 1951.
Entered into force June 18, 1951.
2 UST 1460; TIAS 2289; 141 UNTS 67
Agreement providing for a military assistance advisory
Exchange of notes at Jidda June 27, 1953.
Entered into force June 27, 1953.
4 UST 1482; TIAS 2812; 212 UNTS 335
* Terminated February 27, 1977, except that the provisions of
paragraph 7 remain in force in respect of activities under the
agreement of February 8 and 27, 1977 (28 UST 2409; TIAS 8558).
Agreement for the loan of F-86 aircraft to Saudi Arabia.*
Exchange of notes at Jidda November 10 and 13, 1962.
Entered into force November 13, 1962.
14 UST 1181; TIAS 5414; 488 UNTS 175
May 1 and 22, 1963 (14 UST 1184; TIAS 5414; 488 UNTS 180)
* Paragraph 1, first sentence of paragraph 5, and paragraphs 7 and 8
terminated by agreement of May 16 and November 11, 1965 (17
UST 1390; TIAS 6095).
Agreement relating to the transfer of F-86 aircraft to Saudi
Exchange of notes at Jidda May 16 and November 11, 1965.
Entered into force November 11, 1965.
17 UST 1390; TIAS 6095
Agreement on privileges and immunities for United States
personnel engaged in the training program for the maintenance
and operation of F-5 aircraft in Saudi Arabia.
Exchange of notes at Jidda April 4 and July 5, 1972.
Entered into force July 5, 1972.
23 UST 1469; TIAS 7425
Agreement relating to the deposit by Saudi Arabia of ten
percent of the value of grant military assistance provided by
the United States.
Exchange of notes at Jidda April 11, April 19 and May 15,
Entered into force May 15, 1972.
23 UST 2664; TIAS 7459
Memorandum of understanding concerning the Saudi Arabian
National Guard modernization program.
Signed at Jidda March 19, 1973.
Entered into force March 19, 1973.
24 UST 1106; TIAS 7634
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to a United States military training
mission in Saudi Arabia.
Exchange of notes at Jidda February 8 and 27, 1977.
Entered into force February 27, 1977.
28 UST 2409; TIAS 8558
Agreement concerning general security of military
Exchange of notes at Jidda February 24, 1981 and July 10,
Entered into force July 10, 1982.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of Royal
Saudi Naval Forces personnel to the U. S. Navy, with annexes.
Signed at Riyadh and Washington September 2, 2015 and
February 1, 2016.
Entered into force February 1, 2016.
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Washington September 30, 2002.
Entered into force September 30, 2002.
TIAS 02-930
Agreement on guaranteed private investment.
Signed at Washington February 27, 1975.
Entered into force April 26, 1975.
26 UST 459; TIAS 8045; 992 UNTS 231
Economic assistance agreement for the expansion of the Port
of Damman.
Exchange of notes at Jidda and Riyadh March 1 and May 1,
Entered into force May 1, 1958.
9 UST 589; TIAS 4038; 315 UNTS 221
Agreement on cooperation in the fields of economics,
technology, industry and defense.
Signed at Washington June 8, 1974.
Entered into force June 8, 1974.
25 UST 3115; TIAS 7974.
Joint communique on the first session of the U.S.-Saudi
Arabian Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation.
Signed at Washington February 27, 1975.
Entered into force February 27, 1975.
26 UST 1689; TIAS 8128; 1006 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Jidda March 1, 1981 and October 20,
Entered into force October 20, 1982.
TIAS 10552; 1871 UNTS 165
Memorandum of understanding for the exchange of
international express mail, with details of implementation.
Signed at Washington November 2, 1984.
Entered into force February 1, 1985.
TIAS 11009; 2022 UNTS 137
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Riyadh December 2, 2008.
Entered into force October 20, 2009.
TIAS 09-1020
October 31, 2019 (TIAS 19-1031)
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the use of
U.S. land remote sensing satellite data, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Riyadh February 19, 2013 and April 27,
Entered into force April 27, 2013.
TIAS 13-427
Agreement for reciprocal exemption of taxes on income from
the international operation of a ship or ships or aircraft.
Signed at Riyadh December 11, 1999.
Entered into force January 31, 2000.
TIAS 13077
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Riyadh November 15, 2016.
Entered into force February 28, 2017.
TIAS 17-228
Provisional agreement in regard to diplomatic and consular
representation, juridical protection, commerce, and navigation.
Signed at London November 7, 1933.
Entered into force November 7, 1933.
48 Stat. 1826; EAS 53; 11 Bevans 456; 142 LNTS 329
Agreement concerning the development of trade and
investment relations.
Signed at Washington July 31, 2003.
Entered into force July 31, 2003.
TIAS 03-731
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of arrangement relating to technical assistance
in developing and modernizing Saudi Arabia’s civil aviation
system, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Riyadh May 16 and August 3, 1985.
Entered into force August 3, 1985.
TIAS 11397
Memorandum of agreement relating to technical assistance in
developing, modernizing, operating, or maintaining Saudi
Arabia’s civil aviation infrastructure.
Signed at Washington and Oklahoma City March 14 and 17,
Entered into force March 17, 2011.
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Jeddah May 28, 2013.
Entered into force October 22, 2014.
TIAS 14-1022
Agreement on the implementation of Article 83 bis of the
Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Signed at Riyadh August 29, 2016.
Entered into force August 29, 2016.
TIAS 16-829.1
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Senegal.
Exchange of notes at Dakar January 10 and 17, 1963.
Entered into force January 17, 1963.
14 UST 1622; TIAS 5467
Agreement relating to the furnishing of military equipment,
materials and services to Senegal for the purpose of assuring
its security and supporting its development.
Exchange of notes at Dakar July 20, 1962.
Entered into force July 20, 1962.
13 UST 1803; TIAS 5127; 458 UNTS 137
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Dakar February 25 and July 15, 1983.
Entered into force July 15, 1983.
35 UST 3070; TIAS 10839; 2014 UNTS 555
Agreement regarding the provision of commodities, services
and associated military education and training to assist
Senegalese forces participating in the African Crisis Response
Exchange of notes at Dakar July 24 and August 29, 1997.
Entered into force August 29, 1997.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training, and other defense services from the United
States of America to the Government of Senegal.
Exchange of notes at Dakar November 22, 2000 and
February 2, 2001.
Entered into force February 2, 2001.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Dakar September 25, 2014 and June
22, 2015.
Entered into force June 22, 2015.
Agreement on defense cooperation, the status of United States
forces, and access to and use of agreed facilities and areas in
the Republic of Senegal, with annex and appendices.
Signed at Dakar May 2, 2016.
Entered into force August 12, 2016.
TIAS 16-812
Agreement relating to employment of dependents of staff
members of diplomatic and consular missions.
Signed at Dakar April 28, 1998.
Entered into force April 28, 1998.
TIAS 12947
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Dakar March 17, 1995.
Entered into force March 17, 1995.
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at Dakar June 12, 1963.
Entered into force provisionally June 12, 1963; definitively
March 27, 1970.
18 UST 3197; TIAS 6417
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to or guaranteed by the United States
Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Dakar August 26, 1982.
Entered into force October 25, 1982.
34 UST 1987; TIAS 10475; 1751 UNTS 55
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to or guaranteed by the United States
Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington August 11, 1983.
Entered into force September 13, 1983.
35 UST 2444; TIAS 10808; 2011 UNTS 105
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Dakar August 22, 1984.
Entered into force September 24, 1984.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Dakar June 5, 1985.
Entered into force July 15, 1985.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington April 10, 1987.
Entered into force May 18, 1987.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Dakar June 10, 1988.
Entered into force July 28, 1988.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Dakar July 14, 1989.
Entered into force August 24, 1989.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Dakar July 13, 1990.
Entered into force September 5, 1990.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Dakar November 26, 1991.
Entered into force February 10, 1992.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Dakar July 28, 1994.
Entered into force August 29, 1994.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Dakar August 28, 1995.
Entered into force November 1, 1995.
November 17, 1997 and May 28, 1998 (NP)
Agreement regarding the reduction and reorganization of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Dakar December 17, 1998.
Entered into force March 17, 1999.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and reduction of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Dakar July 17, 2001.
Entered into force September 6, 2001.
November 26, 2002 and February 24, 2003
March 18 and May 25, 2004
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government,
with annexes.
Signed at Dakar November 19, 2004.
Entered into force January 18, 2005.
Agreement providing for economic, financial, technical and
related assistance.
Signed at Washington May 13, 1961.
Entered into force May 13, 1961.
12 UST 566; TIAS 4754; 409 UNTS 231
Agreement concerning the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Dakar June 19, 2003.
Entered into force June 27, 2003.
TIAS 03-627.3
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Dakar April 27, 2015.
Entered into force April 27, 2015.
TIAS 15-427
Agreement concerning operational cooperation to suppress
illicit transnational maritime activity.
Signed at Dakar April 29, 2011.
Entered into force April 29, 2011.
TIAS 11-429
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Dakar and Washington June 5 and July 3, 1986.
Entered into force September 1, 1986.
TIAS 11519
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investment, with annex and protocol.
Signed at Washington December 6, 1983.
Entered into force October 25, 1990.
TIAS 90-1025
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of assistance in
developing and modernizing the civil aviation infrastructure of
Signed July 28, 2000.
Entered into force July 28, 2000.
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington January 11, 2001.
Entered into force August 11, 2003.
TIAS 13134
On June 3, 2006, Montenegro declared independence from the state of
Serbia and Montenegro. For agreements prior to June 3, 2006, see
Agreement on status protections and access to and use of
military infrastructure.
Signed at Washington September 7, 2006.
Entered into force June 15, 2009.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Belgrade November 8, 2006.
Entered into force June 15, 2009.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training and defense
services, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Belgrade December 2 and 15, 2011.
Entered into force December 15, 2011.
Agreement on the status of the international school in
Signed at Belgrade June 5, 2006.
Entered into force September 28, 2010.
TIAS 10-928
Agreement regarding certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Belgrade January 30, 2009.
Entered into force March 13, 2009.
Agreement between the United States and Yugoslavia
concerning economic, technical and related assistance.
Signed at Belgrade March 6, 2001.
Entered into force May 11, 2001.
TIAS 01-511
Treaty on extradition.
Signed at Belgrade August 15, 2016.
Entered into force April 23, 2019.
TIAS 19-423
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Washington April 23, 2010.
Entered into force January 21, 2011.
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Belgrade May 29, 2015.
Entered into force August 5, 2015.
TIAS 15-805
For agreements prior to April, 1992, see YUGOSLAVIA.
On June 3, 2006, the Republic of Montenegro declared its independence.
The United States is reviewing the continued applicability of the
agreements listed below.
Agreement on employment of dependents of members of
diplomatic missions and consular posts.
Exchange of notes at Belgrade May 18 and 19, 2006.
Entered into force June 10, 2010.
TIAS 10-610.1
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Belgrade July 21, 2001.
Entered into force December 12, 2001.
TIAS 01-1212
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its agencies,
with annexes.
Signed at Belgrade October 3, 2002.
Entered into force November 12, 2002.
On June 28, 1976, Seychelles became an independent state. By an
exchange of notes dated June 29, 1976, between the Government of the
United Kingdom and the Government of Seychelles, it was agreed that all
obligations and responsibilities of the Government of the United Kingdom
which arise from any valid international instrument shall, as from the 29th
of June 1976, be assumed by the Government of Seychelles insofar as such
instruments may be held to have application to Seychelles. Also, rights and
benefits heretofore enjoyed by the Government of the United Kingdom in
virtue of the application of any such international instrument to Seychelles
shall, as from the 29th of June 1976, be enjoyed by the Government of
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in the Seychelles.
Exchange of notes at Victoria May 31 and June 9, 1978.
Entered into force June 9, 1978.
30 UST 1916; TIAS 9300; 1153 UNTS 41
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the assurances required under the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at London January 8, 1952.
Entered into force January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4665; TIAS 2622; 126 UNTS 307
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel
who may be temporarily present in Seychelles.
Exchange of notes at Port Louis and Victoria October 27, 2008
and July 22, 2009.
Entered into force September 9, 2009.
TIAS 09-909
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, the furnishing
of defense articles, defense services and related training,
including pursuant to the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Port Louis and Victoria August 28 and
September 25, 2009.
Entered into force September 25, 2009.
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Victoria February 3, 2012.
Entered into force October 5, 2012.
TIAS 12-1005
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Applicable to Seychelles July 6, 1948.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 12 Bevans 874; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 86 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 25, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Victoria June 4, 2003.
Entered into force July 17, 2003.
TIAS 03-717
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Entered into force June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Victoria and Washington May 13 and June 15, 1992.
Entered into force September 21, 1992.
TIAS 11871
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at London November 26, 1965.
Applicable to Seychelles December 11, 1969.
16 UST 2047; TIAS 5941; 561 UNTS 193
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom extending to certain territories the application of the
agreement of November 26, 1965, relating to the reciprocal
granting of authorizations to permit licensed amateur radio
operators of either country to operate their stations in the other
Exchange of notes at London December 11, 1969.
Entered into force December 11, 1969.
20 UST 4089; TIAS 6800; 732 UNTS 334
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Victoria December 7, 2015.
Entered into force January 7, 2016.
TIAS 16-107
On April 27, 1961, Sierra Leone attained fully responsible status within the
British Commonwealth (Sierra Leone Independence Act, 1961). By an
exchange of letters, dated May 5, 1961, between the High Commissioner
for the United Kingdom in Sierra Leone and the Minister of External
Affairs of Sierra Leone, the Government of Sierra Leone agreed to assume,
from April 27, 1961, all obligations and responsibilities of the United
Kingdom which arise from any valid international instrument insofar as
such instrument may be held to have application to Sierra Leone. Also,
rights and benefits enjoyed by the Government of the United Kingdom by
virtue of the application of any such international instrument to Sierra
Leone are from April 27, 1961, enjoyed by the Government of Sierra
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Sierra Leone.
Signed at Freetown November 2, 2009.
Entered into force November 2, 2009.
TIAS 09-1102
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Freetown April 1 and May 26, 1982.
Entered into force May 26, 1982.
34 UST 1115; TIAS 10397; 1566 UNTS 125
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services to the Government
of Sierra Leone.
Exchange of notes at Freetown May 3 and 19, 1999.
Entered into force May 19, 1999.
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Freetown January 17 and February 24,
Entered into force February 24, 1997.
TIAS 12836
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section 413
(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Freetown May 16 and 19, 1961.
Entered into force May 19, 1961.
12 UST 619; TIAS 4759; 409 UNTS 251
December 28, 1962, and November 13, 1963 (14 UST 1667; TIAS
5470; 494 UNTS 324)
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annex.
Signed at Freetown August 28, 1985.
Entered into force October 23, 1985.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Freetown August 21, 1987.
Entered into force November 5, 1987.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Freetown April 19, 1993.
Entered into force June 18, 1993.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government, with annexes.
Signed at Freetown January 11, 1995.
Entered into force March 1, 1995.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government, with annexes.
Signed at Freetown August 7, 1996.
Entered into force October 16, 1996.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and reduction of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government, with annexes.
Signed at Freetown April 25, 2003.
Entered into force June 9, 2003.
November 2, 2005 and January 12, 2006
September 7, 2006
December 27, 2006 and March 27, 2007
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its Agency.
Signed at Freetown June 7, 2007.
Entered into force January 29, 2008.
General agreement for a program of economic, technical and
related assistance.
Signed at Freetown May 5, 1961.
Entered into force May 5, 1961.
12 UST 547; TIAS 4752; 409 UNTS 193
Millennium Challenge Account Threshold Program Grant
Signed at Freetown November 17, 2015.
Entered into force February 16, 2016.
TIAS 16-216
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
relating to reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Freetown March 31, 2003.
Entered into force May 20, 2003.
TIAS 03-520.2
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Entered into force June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Agreement to facilitate the conduct of litigation with
international aspects in either country.
Exchange of notes at Freetown March 31 and May 6, 1966.
Entered into force May 6, 1966.
17 UST 944; TIAS 6056; 594 UNTS 47
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Freetown February 27, 1930 and at Washington
April 16, 1930.
Operative May 1, 1930.
46 Stat. 2736; Post Office Department print; 109 LNTS 9
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Freetown and Washington May 31 and July 26, 1988.
Entered into force August 15, 1988.
TIAS 11591.
Postal money order agreement.
Signed at Freetown and Washington March 29 and July 18,
Entered into force September 18, 1989.
TIAS 11683
INTELPOST memorandum of understanding, with detailed
Signed at Freetown and Washington June 5 and 19, 1995.
Entered into force August 1, 1995.
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Sierra Leone February 9, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Freetown August 14 and 16, 1965.
Entered into force August 16, 1965.
16 UST 1131; TIAS 5856; 579 UNTS 55
Agreement relating to radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Freetown October 23, 1985 and
June 18, 1986.
Entered into force July 18, 1986.
TIAS 11358
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 5, 1935.
Entered into force May 5, 1935.
49 Stat. 3731; EAS 77; 12 Bevans 513; 162 LNTS 59
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Washington September 10, 2012.
Entered into force September 10, 2012.
TIAS 12-910
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On August 9, 1965, Singapore became an independent and sovereign state.
Article 13 of the Constitution and Malaysia (Singapore Amendment) Act,
1965, annexed to the Independence of Singapore agreement, 1965, reads in
part as follows:
Any treaty, agreement or convention entered into before Singapore Day
between the Yang di Pertuan Agong or the Government of Malaysia and
another country or countries, including those deemed to be so by Article
169 of the Constitution of Malaysia shall insofar as such instruments have
application to Singapore, be deemed to be a treaty, agreement or
convention between Singapore and that country or countries, and any
decision taken by an international organization and accepted before
Singapore Day by the Government of Malaysia shall insofar as that
decision has application to Singapore be deemed to be a decision of an
international organization of which Singapore is a member.
Agreement relating to visas.*
Exchange of notes at London October 15 and 22, 1954.
Agreement continuing in force the 1954 agreement with
respect to the Federation of Malaya.*
Exchange of letters at Kuala Lumpur March 5 and 12, 1958.
* The status of these agreements is under review.
Agreement relating to the purchase by Malaya of military
equipment, materials, and services from the United States.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 30 and July 9, 1958.
Entered into force July 9, 1958.
9 UST 1235; TIAS 4108; 336 UNTS 79
Agreement relating to the establishment of a United States Air
Force management training assistance team in Singapore, with
Exchange of letters at Singapore February 23 and 24, 1977.
Entered into force February 24, 1977.
29 UST 1474; TIAS 8889
Memorandum of understanding for the exchange of individual
personnel between the United States Army Western Command
and the Republic of Singapore Armed Forces.
Signed at Singapore March 25, 1981.
Entered into force March 25, 1981.
TIAS 10874
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Singapore May 12 and June 23, 1981.
Entered into force June 23, 1981.
33 UST 2034; TIAS 10166; 1529 UNTS 491
Memorandum of understanding concerning exchange of
service personnel between the United States Navy and
Republic of Singapore Air Force.
Signed at Singapore and Washington July 19 and September 1,
Entered into force September 1, 1982.
34 UST 2151; TIAS 10482; 1751 UNTS 115
Agreement concerning general security of military
Exchange of notes at Singapore June 25, 1982 and March 9,
Entered into force March 9, 1983.
35 UST 2796; TIAS 10819; 1590 UNTS 85
Memorandum of understanding concerning configuration
management of tactical command, control and
communications standards, with annexes.
Signed at Camp Smith, Hawaii February 22, 1991.
Entered into force February 22, 1991.
TIAS 12369
Agreement on the status of Singapore personnel in the United
States, with agreed minutes.
Signed at Singapore December 3, 1993.
Entered into force December 3, 1993.
TIAS 12519
Agreement concerning exchange of research and development
information, with appendix.
Signed at Washington December 4, 1995.
Entered into force December 4, 1995.
Only the annexes of this agreement remain in force. They are now
applicable to the agreement signed December 30, 2009 and
January 28, 2010.
Agreement regarding the exchange of engineers and scientists,
with annexes.
Signed at Singapore and Washington March 8 and 22, 2004.
Entered into force March 22, 2004.
March 12 and 21, 2019 (NP)
Strategic framework agreement for a closer cooperation
partnership in defense and security.
Signed at Washington July 12, 2005.
Entered into force July 12, 2005.
TIAS 05-712
Agreement concerning combating terrorism research and
development, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Singapore March 14 and 22, 2006.
Entered into force March 22, 2006.
TIAS 06-322
February 26 and March 21, 2016 (TIAS 06-322)
Agreement concerning the cooperation on information
assurance (IA) and computer network defense (CND).
Signed at Singapore February 18, 2008.
Entered into force February 18, 2008.
TIAS 08-218
Agreement regarding the exchange of military personnel, with
Signed at Washington and Singapore May 22 and October 22,
Entered into force October 22, 2009.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning exchange of research and development
Signed at Singapore and Washington December 30, 2009 and
January 28, 2010.
Entered into force January 28, 2010.
May 17 and June 5, 2013
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii and MINDEF, Singapore
March 28 and April 4, 2011.
Entered into force April 4, 2011.
Agreement for research, development, testing, and evaluation
projects, with annexes.
Signed at Washington April 22 and 28, 2011.
Entered into force April 28, 2011.
TIAS 11-428
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Singapore Armed Forces personnel to U.S. Special Operations
Command, with annexes.
Signed at Singapore and Tampa March 30 and April 22, 2015.
Entered into force April 22, 2015.
Memorandum of agreement on establishing a student
exchange program, with appendixes.
Signed August 26, 2015.
Entered into force August 26, 2015.
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Singapore March 25, 1966.
Entered into force March 25, 1966.
17 UST 534; TIAS 5999; 580 UNTS 221
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Applicable to Singapore July 6, 1948.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 12 Bevans 874; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 86 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 25, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
Agreement establishing the Regional Emergency Diseases
Intervention (REDI) Center.
Signed at Singapore November 22, 2005.
Entered into force April 7, 2006.
TIAS 06-407.1
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
relating to reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the establishment of copyright relations,
with enclosures.
Exchange of letters at Washington April 16 and 27, 1987.
Entered into force April 27, 1987; effective May 18, 1987.
TIAS 11928
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Exchange of notes at Singapore October 17, 2003.
Entered into force October 17, 2003.
TIAS 03-1017
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Entered into force June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Agreement confirming the continuance in force between the
United States and Singapore of the December 22, 1931,
extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Exchange of notes at Singapore April 23 and June 10, 1969.
Entered into force June 10, 1969.
20 UST 2764; TIAS 6744; 723 UNTS 201
Agreement concerning the investigation of drug trafficking
offences and the seizure and forfeiture of proceeds and
instrumentalities of drug trafficking, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Singapore November 3, 2000.
Entered into force February 12, 2001.
TIAS 13125
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Singapore December 1, 2014.
Entered into force February 1, 2015.
TIAS 15-201
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Singapore July 19, 2012.
Entered into force December 20, 2016.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Singapore September 1, 1983 and
January 16, 1984.
Entered into force January 17, 1984.
35 UST 4262; TIAS 10926; 2015 UNTS 117
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Rockville and Singapore June 20 and July 3, 2017.
Entered into force July 3, 2017.
TIAS 17-703
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Kuala Lumpur and Washington January 21 and
March 22, 1935.
Entered into force April 1, 1935.
49 Stat. 3133; Post Office Department print; 161 LNTS 41
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Singapore and Washington January 5 and 10, 1979.
Entered into force February 9, 1979; effective January 1, 1979.
30 UST 3383; TIAS 9396; 1180 UNTS 109.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST field trial, with details of implementation.
Signed at Singapore and Washington November 26, 1986 and
February 5, 1987.
Entered into force February 5, 1987; effective December 1,
TIAS 11307
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.*
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Entered into force August 7, 1900.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
* Notification given on February 9, 1901, of application to the
Straits Settlements.
Agreement on cooperation in science and technology for
homeland/domestic security matters.
Signed at Washington March 27, 2007.
Entered into force March 27, 2007.
TIAS 07-327
Agreement concerning United States participation on a limited
voluntary basis in the Central Provident Fund Act for certain
employees of the United States Government in Singapore.
Exchange of notes at Singapore September 8 and 9, 1975.
Entered into force September 9, 1975.
26 UST 2734; TIAS 8190; 1052 UNTS 297
Agreement concerning reciprocal exemption from income tax
of income derived from the international operation of ships
and aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Singapore July 5 and 28, 1988.
Entered into force July 28, 1988.
TIAS 11658; 2204 UNTS 699
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Singapore December 9, 2014.
Entered into force March 18, 2015.
TIAS 15-318
Agreement concerning a framework of principles and
procedures for consultations regarding trade and investment
Signed at Singapore October 11, 1991.
Entered into force October 11, 1991.
TIAS 91-1011
United States-Singapore free trade agreement, with annexes
and related exchanges of letters.
Signed at Washington May 6, 2003.
Entered into force January 1, 2004.
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 5, 1935.
Entered into force May 5, 1935.
49 Stat. 3731; EAS 77; 12 Bevans 513; 162 LNTS 59
Memorandum of agreement relating to the provision of flight
inspection services.
Signed at Washington and Singapore August 16 and
October 25, 1978.
Entered into force October 25, 1978; effective October 1, 1978.
30 UST 263; TIAS 9195; 1150 UNTS 263
Air transport agreement, with annexes.*
Signed at Singapore April 8, 1997.
Entered into force April 8, 1997.
TIAS 12850
*This agreement is suspended so long as the Multilateral Agreement
on the Liberalization of International Air Transportation, signed
May 1, 2001, remains in force between the United States and
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for the promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Singapore February 24, 2004.
Entered into force February 24, 2004.
TIAS 04-224
Memorandum of cooperation in civil aviation security.
Signed at Washington June 2, 2008.
Entered into force June 2, 2008.
TIAS 08-602
Agreement concerning cooperation on combating nuclear
terrorism, the non-proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction, and related items and technologies, with annexes.
Signed at Singapore January 18, 2010.
Entered into force January 18, 2010.
TIAS 10-118
For agreements prior to the independence of the Slovak Republic on
January 1, 1993, see CZECHOSLOVAKIA.
Agreement on protection and preservation of certain cultural
sites and monuments.
Signed at Washington March 9, 2001.
Entered into force March 9, 2001.
TIAS 13145
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961 and the furnishing of defense articles, related training,
and other defense services from the United States of America
to the Slovak Republic.
Exchange of notes at Bratislava December 12, 1994 and
January 3, 1995.
Entered into force January 3, 1995.
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified military information.
Signed at Washington April 11, 1995.
Entered into force April 11, 1995.
TIAS 12246
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annex.
Signed at Bratislava December 15, 1998.
Entered into force December 15, 1998.
Agreement concerning the J. William Fulbright Commission
for Educational Exchange in the Slovak Republic.
Signed at Bratislava March 22, 2005.
Entered into force April 21, 2005; effective September 23, 2004.
TIAS 05-421.2
Memorandum of understanding concerning the Fulbright
Exchange Program.
Signed at Ljubljana October 6, 2011.
Entered into force December 2, 2011.
TIAS 11-1202
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Bratislava April 8, 1994, February 17 and
July 12, 1995.
Entered into force July 12, 1995.
TIAS 12677
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating crime.
Signed at Washington October 8, 2008.
Entered into force April 17, 2009.
TIAS 09-417
Instrument on extradition as contemplated by Article 3(2) of
the agreement on extradition between the United States of
America and the European Union signed June 25, 2003, with
Signed at Bratislava February 6, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.19
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(3) of the agreement
on mutual legal assistance between the United States of
America and the European Union signed June 25, 2003, with
Signed at Bratislava February 6, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.45
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 16, 2015.
Entered into force September 16, 2015.
TIAS 15-916.1
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Bratislava and Washington June 24 and 27, 1994.
Entered into force August 1, 1994.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding on science and engineering
cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Bratislava July 14, 1994.
Entered into force July 14, 1994.
TIAS 12557
Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Washington November 8, 2007.
Entered into force June 12, 2008.
TIAS 08-612
Amendment and extension:
July 12, 2018 (TIAS 18-712)
Social security agreement, with administrative arrangement.
Signed at Bratislava December 10, 2012.
Entered into force May 1, 2014.
TIAS 14-501
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and capital.*
Signed at Bratislava October 8, 1993.
Entered into force December 30, 1993.
* With understanding.
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Bratislava July 31, 2015.
Entered into force November 9, 2015.
TIAS 15-1109
Additional protocol to the treaty between the United States
and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic concerning the
reciprocal encouragement and protection of investment of
October 22, 1991.
Signed at Brussels September 22, 2003.
Entered into force July 13, 2004.
Air transport agreement, with annexes.*
Signed at Bratislava January 22, 2001.
Entered into force February 7, 2001.
TIAS 13142
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
On June 25, 1991, Slovenia became an independent state. For agreements
prior to the independence of Slovenia, see YUGOSLAVIA.
Agreement on the protection and preservation of certain
cultural properties.
Signed at Washington May 8, 1996.
Entered into force June 23, 1997.
TIAS 12752
Security agreement concerning security measures for the
protection of classified military information.
Signed at Washington May 8, 1996.
Entered into force June 27, 1997.
TIAS 12753
Agreement concerning the overflight and transit through the
territory and airspace of Slovenia by U.S. aircraft, vehicles
and personnel for purposes of supporting security, transition
and reconstruction operations in Iraq.
Exchange of notes at Ljubljana June 9 and 11, 2003.
Entered into force September 2, 2003.
TIAS 03-902
Agreement concerning geospatial intelligence information
exchange and cooperation, with appendix.
Signed at Ljubljana and Bethesda February 25 and March 24,
Entered into force June 2, 2010.
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles pursuant to the Global Peace Operations
Initiative (GPOI) and the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Ljubljana November 16, 2012 and March
1, 2013.
Entered into force March 1, 2013.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Ljubljana and Patch Barracks November 27 and
December 10, 2014.
Entered into force November 11, 2015.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Reciprocal defense procurement agreement.
Signed at Washington April 8, 2016.
Entered into force June 21, 2016.
TIAS 16-621
Memorandum of understanding concerning the Fulbright
Exchange Program
Signed at Ljubljana October 6,2011.
Entered into force December 2,2011.
TIAS 11-1202
September 4, 2014 (TIAS 11-1202)
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Ljubljana April 30 and May 8, 1998.
Entered into force June 10, 1998.
TIAS 12951
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington April 26, 1994.
Entered into force September 8, 1994.
TIAS 12178
Agreement regarding the payment by the Republic of Slovenia
of the debt incurred by the former Socialist Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia and owed to the United States Government
including its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Ljubljana June 9, 2015.
Entered into force July 27, 2015.
TIAS 15-727
Agreement comprising the instrument as contemplated by
Article 3(2) of the agreement on extradition between the
United States of America and the European Union signed June
25, 2003, as to the application of the treaty on extradition
between the United States and the Kingdom of Serbia of
October 25, 1901, with annex.
Signed at Ljubljana October 17, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.20
Agreement comprising the instrument as contemplated by
Article 3(3) of the agreement on mutual legal assistance
between the United States of America and the European Union
signed June 25, 2003, with annex.
Signed at Ljubljana October 17, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.46
Agreement for the exchange of terrorism screening
Signed at Washington February 8, 2011.
Entered into force November 24, 2011.
TIAS 11-1124.1
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed Ljubljana September 13, 2012.
Entered into force May 12, 2013, with the exception of Articles
8 through 10.
TIAS 13-512
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna March 28, 2017.
Entered into force December 12, 2017
TIAS 17-1212.1
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Ljubljana and Washington January 27 and
March 22, 1993.
Entered into force May 1, 1993.
TIAS 11918
Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Ljubljana June 21, 1999.
Entered into force December 17, 1999.
TIAS 13048
Social security totalization agreement, with administrative
Signed at Ljubljana January 17, 2017.
Entered into force February 1, 2019.
TIAS 19-201
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and capital.
Signed at Ljubljana June 21, 1999.
Entered into force June 22, 2001.
TIAS 01-622
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Ljubljana June 2, 2014.
Entered into force July 1, 2014.
TIAS 14-701.2
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On July 7, 1978, Solomon Islands became an independent state. In a note
dated July 7, 1978, to the Secretary General of the United Nations, the
Prime Minister made a statement reading in part as follows:
I have the honour to inform you that Solomon Islands is now an
independent nation ready to participate with other nations in fulfilling
obligations under international law with respect to treaties to which this
Government succeeded upon Independence. However, it is necessary to
examine in depth such treaties to ascertain whether or not under customary
international law any may have lapsed. Until this has been done the
Government of Solomon Islands wish
(a) that it be presumed that each treaty has been legally succeeded to by
Solomon Islands; and
(b) that future action be based on the presumption in (a) above.
You will be notified in due course of those treaties this Government
regards as having lapsed and those treaties which this Government wishes
to terminate. Notice of lapse or termination in an appropriate form will
also be given to the country or countries that is or are party to those
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in the
Solomon Islands.
Signed at Honiara November 6, 1998.
Entered into force November 6, 1998.
TIAS 12994
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the assurances required under the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at London January 8, 1952.
Applicable to Solomon Islands January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4665; TIAS 2622; 126 UNTS 307.
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Port Moresby and Honiara June 7 and
August 18, 1983.
Entered into force August 18, 1983.
35 UST 1699; TIAS 10759; 2011 UNTS 107
Agreement concerning the status of members of the United
States Forces in Solomon Islands.
Signed at Honiara July 3, 1991.
Entered into force July 3, 1991.
TIAS 91-703
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Applicable to Solomon Islands July 6, 1948.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 12 Bevans 874; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 86 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 25, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington September 19, 2003.
Entered into force March 17, 2004.
TIAS 04-317
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Honiara and Washington April 19 and June 27, 1991.
Entered into force August 1, 1991.
TIAS 11808
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at London November 26, 1965.
Applicable to the Solomon Islands December 11, 1969.
16 UST 2047; TIAS 5941; 561 UNTS 193
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom extending to certain territories the application of the
agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at London December 11, 1969.
Entered into force December 11, 1969.
20 UST 4089; TIAS 6800; 732 UNTS 334
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in the Somali Republic.
Exchange of notes at Mogadishu March 29 and April 17, 1962.
Entered into force April 17, 1962.
13 UST 499; TIAS 5016; 436 UNTS 107
Agreement concerning mapping, charting and geodesy
cooperation, with annex.
Signed at Washington and Mogadishu December 31, 1984.
Entered into force December 31, 1984.
TIAS 11224
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services, and related
training, including, pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Nairobi February 26 and
May 30, 2013.
Entered into force May 30, 2013.
Agreement relating to employment of dependents of members
of diplomatic missions and consular posts assigned to official
Exchange of notes at Washington March 11 and April 8, 2015.
Entered into force April 8, 2015.
TIAS 15-408
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Mogadishu November 27, 1962 and
January 8, 1964.
Entered into force January 8, 1964.
15 UST 6; TIAS 5512; 505 UNTS 165
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington May 9, 1985.
Entered into force June 12, 1985.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Mogadishu January 25, 1988.
Entered into force February 26, 1988.
Agreement on economic and technical cooperation.
Exchange of notes at Mogadishu June 14, October 12 and 13,
Entered into force October 13, 1981.
33 UST 3975; TIAS 10276; 1549 UNTS 325
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Mogadishu and Washington June 28 and July 26,
Entered into force August 15, 1988.
TIAS 11592
Treaty to amend in their application to the Union of South
Africa certain provisions of the treaty for the advancement of
peace between the United States and the United Kingdom
signed September 15, 1914.
Signed at Washington April 2, 1940.
Entered into force March 11, 1941.
55 Stat. 1130; TS 966; 11 Bevans 476
Agreement relating to the reciprocal issuance of passport visas
to nonimmigrants.*
Exchange of notes at Cape Town March 28 and April 3, 1956.
Entered into force May 1, 1956.
7 UST 631; TIAS 3544; 249 UNTS 395
March 31, 1958 (9 UST 1023; TIAS 4076; 300 UNTS 382)
* Applied to Namibia.
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Pretoria November 16, 1949.
Entered into force November 16, 1949.
64 Stat. (3) B109; TIAS 2038; 11 Bevans 513; 73 UNTS 97
Agreement relating to mutual defense assistance.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 9, 1951.
Entered into force November 9, 1951.
3 UST 2565; TIAS 2424; 160 UNTS 41
Agreement concerning the provision of training under the
United States International Military Education and Training
(IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Pretoria June 14 and July 11, 1994.
Entered into force July 11, 1994.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to South Africa.
Exchange of notes at Pretoria November 8, 1994 and
October 24, 1995.
Entered into force October 24, 1995.
Agreement concerning cooperation on defense trade controls.
Signed at Pretoria January 24, 1997.
Entered into force January 24, 1997.
TIAS 12825
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning security measures for the protection of
classified military information.
Signed at Pretoria November 20, 1998.
Entered into force November 20, 1998.
TIAS 12999
Agreement regarding the status of military personnel and
civilian employees of the U.S. Department of Defense who
may be present in the Republic of South Africa in connection
with mutually agreed exercises and activities.
Exchange of notes at Pretoria April 9 and June 10, 1999.
Entered into force June 10, 1999.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Pretoria May 8, 2001.
Entered into force May 8, 2001.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Pretoria December 17, 2009 and
May 25, 2010.
Entered into force May 25, 2010.
Basic exchange and cooperation agreements.
Signed at Pretoria and Springfield June 17 and August 2, 2013.
Entered into force August 2, 2013.
Terms of reference of the Conservation, Environment and
Water Committee of the South Africa-United States Binational
Signed at Pretoria December 5, 1995.
Entered into force December 5, 1995.
TIAS 12706
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with annexes.
Signed at Cape Town February 17, 1997.
Entered into force February 17, 1997.
TIAS 12834
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Cape Town November 30, 1993.
Entered into force February 10, 1994.
TIAS 12169
Economic, technical and related assistance agreement.
Signed at Pretoria December 5, 1995.
Entered into force December 5, 1995.
TIAS 12707; 2462 UNTS 179
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Washington September 16, 1999.
Entered into force June 25, 2001.
TIAS 13060
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Washington September 16, 1999.
Entered into force June 25, 2001.
TIAS 13061
Agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of
nuclear energy, with annex and agreed minute.
Signed at Pretoria August 25, 1995.
Entered into force December 4, 1997.
TIAS 12685
Agreement on cooperation in research and development of
nuclear energy, with annex.
Signed at Vienna September 14, 2009.
Entered into force September 14, 2009.
TIAS 09-914.1
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with annex.
Signed at Vienna September 18, 2019.
Entered into force September 18, 2019.
TIAS 19-918
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Cape Town and Washington April 17 and June 20,
Entered into force April 12, 1919.
41 Stat. 1656; Post Office Department print
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Pretoria and Washington May 25 and June 29, 1981.
Entered into force July 1, 1981.
33 UST 2434; TIAS 10190; 1530 UNTS 31
Insured postal parcels agreement.
Signed at Pretoria and Washington June 19 and August 5, 1992.
Entered into force October 1, 1992.
TIAS 11869
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
TS 146; 31 Stat. 1939; 12 Bevans 246
The 1899 convention and the 1902 Supplementary Convention
between the United States and the United Kingdom may be
considered in force with respect to the Republic of South Africa by
virtue of the adherence by the United Kingdom for the Cape
Colony on February 9, 1901, and for the Orange River Colony and
the Transvaal on July 24, 1902, except for Natal and Namibia.
Supplementary convention extending the time within which
notifications may be given of the accession of British colonies
or foreign possessions to the convention of March 2, 1899.
Signed at Washington January 13, 1902.
TS 402; 32 Stat. 1914; 12 Bevans 261
Agreement placing all forms of mutual aid reciprocally on a
cash basis.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 17, 1945.
Entered into force April 17, 1945.
60 Stat. 1576; TIAS 1511; 11 Bevans 486; 90 UNTS 267
Agreement relating to settlement for lend-lease, reciprocal aid,
surplus war property and claims.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 21, 1947.
Entered into force March 21, 1947.
61 Stat. 2640; TIAS 1593; 11 Bevans 493; 16 UNTS 47
Agreement for cooperation regarding an integrated, real-time
global seismic data acquisition system.
Signed at Pretoria December 1, 1987.
Entered into force December 1, 1987.
TIAS 11560
Framework agreement concerning cooperation in the
scientific, technological and environmental fields, with annex.
Signed at Pretoria December 5, 1995.
Entered into force August 27, 2001.
TIAS 12772
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Reston and Pretoria March 7, 2005.
Entered into force March 7, 2005.
TIAS 05-307
Implementing agreement concerning scientific and technical
cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Reston and Pretoria March 14 and April 5, 2019.
Entered into force April 5, 2019.
Convention with respect to taxes on the estates of deceased
Signed at Cape Town April 10, 1947.
Entered into force July 15, 1952.
3 UST 3792; TIAS 2509; 167 UNTS 211
Protocol supplementing the estate tax convention of April 10,
Signed at Pretoria July 14, 1950.
Entered into force July 15, 1952.
3 UST 3792; TIAS 2509; 167 UNTS 228
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and capital gains.
Signed at Cape Town February 17, 1997.
Entered into force December 28, 1997.
TIAS 97-1228
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Pretoria June 9, 2014.
Entered into force October 28, 2014.
TIAS 14-1028
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Pretoria March 28 and May 1, 1985.
Entered into force May 1, 1985.
TIAS 11332
Arrangement relating to radio communications between
amateur stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Pretoria September 13 and October 4,
Entered into force October 4, 1993.
TIAS 12509
Agreement relating to postwar economic settlements.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 17, 1945.
Entered into force April 17, 1945.
60 Stat. 1579; TIAS 1512; 11 Bevans 489; 90 UNTS 275
Agreement concerning the development of trade and
Signed at Washington June 18, 2012.
Entered into force June 18, 2012.
Arrangement relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Pretoria March 17 and September 20,
Entered into force September 20, 1933.
48 Stat. 1837; EAS 55; 11 Bevans 469; 148 LNTS 203
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Air navigation arrangement.
Exchange of notes at Pretoria March 17 and September 20,
Entered into force September 20, 1933.
48 Stat. 1828; EAS 54; 11 Bevans 462; 148 LNTS 189
Arrangement relating to certificates of airworthiness for
imported aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Pretoria October 29, 1954 and
February 22, 1955.
Entered into force February 22, 1955.
6 UST 657; TIAS 3200; 247 UNTS 247
June 7 and October 8, 1984 (TIAS 11024; 2024 UNTS 2)
Agreement on aviation security.
Exchanges of notes at Pretoria August 19, October 3, October
11, and October 30, 1991.
Entered into force October 30, 1991.
TIAS 11788; 2202 UNTS 283
Air transport agreement, with annex.
Signed at Washington July 23, 1996.
Entered into force July 23, 1996.
TIAS 12785; 2547 UNTS 267
Memorandum of cooperation concerning mutual cooperation
in the area of air navigation and air traffic control.
Signed at Washington and Pretoria May 15 and 20, 1998.
Entered into force May 20, 1998.
TIAS 12955
Agreement relating to a procedure for United States income
tax reimbursement.
Exchange of notes at Suva and Noumea December 21, 1981 and
April 28, 1982.
Entered into force April 28, 1982; effective January 1, 1982.
34 UST 979; TIAS 10384
On July 9, 2011, South Sudan declared its independence from Sudan. For
agreements prior to the independence of the South Sudan , see SUDAN.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Juba August 17 and November 14, 2011.
Entered into force November 14, 2011.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington April 17, 2013.
Entered into force June 26, 2013.
TIAS 13-626
Agreement for economic and technical cooperation.
Signed at Juba September 11, 2012.
Entered into force September 11, 2012.
TIAS 12-911
Foreign assistance agreement.
Signed September 30, 2008.
Entered into force September 30, 2008.
January 14, 2009 (NP)
September 17, 2009 (NP)
May 7, 2010 (NP)
August 6, 2010 (NP)
September 17, 2010 (NP)
September 27 and 28, 2011 (NP)
September 27 and 30, 2011 (NP)
December 20, 2012 (NP)
Cooperation agreement.
Signed at Bucharest September 9, 2014.
Entered into force September 10, 2014.
TIAS 14-910
Treaty for the settlement of disputes between the two
Signed at Washington September 15, 1914.
Entered into force December 21, 1914.
38 Stat. 1862; TS 605; 11 Bevans 661; 89 LNTS 427
Related agreement:
December 20, 1915
Arrangement relating to claims.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 24, 1927, May 13,
1929, and June 20, 1929.
Entered into force June 20, 1929.
47 Stat. 2641; EAS 18; 11 Bevans 687; 120 LNTS 401
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the restitution of monetary gold looted
by Germany.
Exchange of notes at Madrid April 30 and May 3, 1948.
Entered into force May 3, 1948.
62 Stat. 4071; TIAS 2123; 11 Bevans 708; 132 UNTS 155
Agreement regarding claims arising from Exercise CRISEX.
Signed at Madrid November 13, 1979.
Entered into force November 13, 1979.
31 UST 5876; TIAS 9690
Agreement relating to the reciprocal waiver of visa fees for
Exchange of notes at Madrid January 21, 1952.
Entered into force January 21, 1952; operative February 21,
3 UST 2927; TIAS 2471; 160 UNTS 63
May 11 and July 5, 1963 (14 UST 1206; TIAS 5418; 488 UNTS 236)
* Applicable to all territories.
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Madrid May 8, 1950.
Entered into force May 8, 1950.
1 UST 466; TIAS 2085; 98 UNTS 175
Mutual defense assistance agreement with tax relief annex and
interpretative note in regard to tax relief annex.
Signed at Madrid September 26, 1953.
Entered into force September 26, 1953.
4 UST 1876; TIAS 2849; 207 UNTS 61
Agreement confirming the bilateral arrangements for a
facilities assistance program pursuant to the mutual defense
assistance agreement of September 26, 1953.
Exchange of notes at Madrid April 9 and May 11 and 19, 1954.
Entered into force May 19, 1954.
5 UST 2377; TIAS 3098; 235 UNTS 87
Supplementary Agreements:
May 25, 1955 (6 UST 1155; TIAS 3257; 251 UNTS 416)
September 17, 1956 (7 UST 2777; TIAS 3658; 278 UNTS 283)
Agreement relating to offshore procurement in Spain, with
memorandum of understanding and standard contract attached.
Exchange of notes at San Sebastian July 30, 1954.
Entered into force July 30, 1954.
5 UST 2328; TIAS 3094; 235 UNTS 45
October 26, 1954 (5 UST 2357; TIAS 3094; 235 UNTS 66)
October 29 and November 11, 1958 (10 UST 344; TIAS 4196; 341
UNTS 400)
Agreement relating to the disposition of military equipment
and materials furnished by the United States under the mutual
defense assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Madrid November 27, 1956.
Entered into force November 27, 1956.
7 UST 3392; TIAS 3710; 265 UNTS 374.
Master data exchange agreement for the mutual development
of weapons systems.
Signed at Washington June 19, 1980.
Entered into force June 19, 1980.
TIAS 12376
Cover agreement on the territorial command net, with
Signed at Madrid July 24, 1980.
Entered into force July 24, 1980.
35 UST 3745; TIAS 10880; 1577 UNTS 297
Agreement on friendship, defense and cooperation, with
complementary agreements* and exchanges of notes.
Signed at Madrid July 2, 1982.
Entered into force May 14, 1983.
TIAS 10589
* Complementary agreement one United States Spanish Council
* Complementary agreement two operational and support
installations (IDAs) and authorizations.
* Complementary agreement three cooperation in defense support.
* Complementary agreement four defense industrial cooperation.
* Complementary agreement five status of United States forces in
* Complementary agreement six status of Spanish forces in the
United States.
* Complementary agreement seven -- scientific, technological,
cultural, educational and economic cooperation.
Memorandum of understanding pertaining to installation of
satellite ground terminal at Rota, Spain.
Signed at Rota November 3, 1982.
Entered into force November 3, 1982.
TIAS 10566; 1871 UNTS 381
General security of military information agreement, with
protocol on security procedures for industrial operations with
Signed at Washington March 12, 1984.
Entered into force March 12, 1984.
35 UST 4639; TIAS 10962
Agreement concerning technical cooperation in cartography
and geodesy.
Signed at Madrid and Washington September 4 and
October 27, 1986.
Entered into force October 27, 1986.
TIAS 11408; 2192 UNTS 181
Agreement on defense cooperation, with annexes and related
Signed at Madrid December 1, 1988.
Entered into force May 4, 1989.
April 10, 2002
October 10, 2012
June 17, 2015
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of service
personnel between the United States Navy and the Spanish Air
Force and on the general conditions which will apply to the
exchange of such personnel.
Signed at Washington and Madrid July 20 and August 13, 1991.
Entered into force August 13, 1991.
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of service
personnel between the United States Navy and the Spanish
Navy and on the general conditions which will apply to the
exchange of such personnel.
Signed at Washington and Madrid August 5 and September 5,
Entered into force September 5, 1991.
Basic exchange and technical cooperation agreement for
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting, geodesy and
geophysics, digital data and related materials, with appendix
and annexes.
Signed at Madrid June 29, 1992.
Entered into force June 29, 1992.
Agreement for research, development, test, evaluation,
production and life cycle support activities for technologies
and systems for AEGIS-equipped ships, with annex.
Signed at Ferrol February 28, 2002.
Entered into force February 28, 2002.
TIAS 02-228
Amendments and Extension:
June 24 and 27, 2008 (TIAS 02-228)
June 26 and 29, 2009 (TIAS 02-228)
February 7 and 28, 2012 (TIAS 02-228)
Memorandum of understanding regarding the exchange of
engineers and scientists, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Madrid September 21, 2002 and
February 7, 2007.
Entered into force February 7, 2007.
Memorandum of agreement establishing a midshipmen/cadet
exchange program (MCEP), with appendix.
Signed at Marin and Annapolis October 24 and November 14,
Entered into force November 14, 2007.
November 14, 2012
March 23, 2018
Agreement regarding the exchange of professional military
education (PME).
Signed at Arlington and Madrid April 7 and June 25, 2008.
Entered into force June 25, 2008.
June 22, 2012
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at USEUCOM and Madrid April 30 and May 9, 2011.
Entered into force May 9, 2011.
Implementing arrangement concerning the exchange and
reimbursement of fuel, with annexes.
Signed at Madrid and Ft. Belvoir December 2, 2011 and
March 30, 2012.
Entered into force March 30, 2012.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Spanish Defense personnel to the U.S. Special Operations
Command, with annexes.
Signed at Madrid and Tampa January 8 and March 19, 2014.
Entered into force March 19, 2014.
Agreement for research, development, test, evaluation, and
prototyping projects, with Annexes.
Signed at Washington and Madrid August 21 and
September 25, 2015.
Entered into force September 25, 2015.
TIAS 15-925.1
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Spanish Army personnel to the United States Army, with
Signed at Washington and Madrid April 30, 2013 and
May 22, 2013.
Entered into force May 22, 2013.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Madrid and Stuttgart November 15, 2014 and
January 8, 2015.
Entered into force January 8, 2015.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Washington May 31 and June 23, 2018.
Entered into force June 23, 2018.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
Spanish Navy personnel to the U.S. Navy, with annexes.
Signed at Madrid and Washington April 8 and May 9, 2019.
Entered into force May 9, 2019.
See also complementary agreement seven to the agreement on
friendship, defense and cooperation of July 2, 1982 (TIAS
Agreement for educational, cultural and scientific cooperation.
Signed at Madrid October 27, 1994.
Entered into force April 26, 1995.
TIAS 12577; 1872 UNTS 287
January 20 and February 2, 2004 (TIAS 05-107)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the free pursuit of gainful employment
by dependents of employees of diplomatic missions, consular
posts or missions to international organizations, with exchange
of notes.
Signed at Madrid July 25, 1990.
Entered into force April 1, 1991.
TIAS 91-401
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Madrid May 5, 1998.
Entered into force May 5, 1998.
TIAS 12949
See also complementary agreement seven to the agreement on
friendship, defense and cooperation of July 2, 1982 (TIAS
Economic aid agreement.
Signed at Madrid September 26, 1953.
Entered into force September 26, 1953.
4 UST 1903; TIAS 2851; 207 UNTS 93
Agreement relating to the waiver of the counterpart deposit
requirement for certain categories of AID financed
Exchange of notes at Madrid May 22, 1962.
Entered into force May 22, 1962.
13 UST 1830; TIAS 5131; 458 UNTS 304
Copyright agreement.*
Exchange of notes at Washington July 6 and 15, 1895.
Entered into force July 10, 1895.
TS 342-A; 11 Bevans 597
* Applicable to all Spanish territories.
Agreement relating to the restoration of the copyright
agreement of July 6 and 15, 1895.
Exchange of notes at Madrid January 29, November 18 and 26,
Entered into force November 26, 1902.
TS 474; 11 Bevans 639
Agreement to facilitate interchange of patent rights and
technical information for defense purposes.
Exchange of notes at Madrid July 13 and 21, 1960.
Entered into force July 21, 1960.
11 UST 2187; TIAS 4588; 393 UNTS 289
Agreement exempting from authentication signatures attached
to letters rotatory exchanged between Puerto Rico, the
Philippine Islands, and Spain, with declaration.
Exchange of notes at Washington and Manchester,
Massachusetts, August 5, 1901 and August 7, 1901.
Declaration signed at Washington November 7, 1901.
Entered into force November 28, 1901.
TS 395; 11 Bevans 625
Convention for the prevention of smuggling of alcoholic
Signed at Washington February 10, 1926.
Entered into force November 17, 1926.
44 Stat. 2465; TS 749; 11 Bevans 676; 67 LNTS 131
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Madrid February 3, March 10, and
May 24, 1928.
Entered into force May 24, 1928.
11 Bevans 684
Treaty on extradition.
Signed at Madrid May 29, 1970.
Entered into force June 16, 1971.
22 UST 737; TIAS 7136; 796 UNTS 245
Agreement on procedures for mutual assistance in connection
with the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation matter, with annex.
Signed at Washington July 14, 1976.
Entered into force July 14, 1976.
27 UST 3409; TIAS 8370
Related Agreement:
June 7 and July 22, 1977 (28 UST 7494; TIAS 8725)
Supplementary treaty on extradition.
Signed at Madrid January 25, 1975.
Entered into force June 2, 1978.
29 UST 2283; TIAS 8938
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
Signed at Madrid July 3, 1990.
Entered into force February 28, 1993.
TIAS 12120; 1717 UNTS 223
Agreement on cooperation to reduce the demand for narcotic
Signed at Madrid November 25, 1991.
Entered into force May 7, 1993.
TIAS 12443
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Washington November 20, 1990.
Entered into force June 30, 1993.
TIAS; 1730 UNTS 113
Second supplementary treaty on extradition.
Signed at Madrid February 9, 1988.
Entered into force July 2, 1993.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Third supplementary extradition treaty.
Signed at Madrid March 12, 1996.
Entered into force July 25, 1999.
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on extradition between the United States of America and the
European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to the application of
the treaty on extradition of May 29, 1970, and the
supplementary treaties on extradition of January 25, 1975,
February 9, 1988, and March 12, 1996, with annex.
Signed at Madrid December 17, 2004.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.21
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on mutual legal assistance between the United States of
America and the European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to
the application of the treaty on mutual legal assistance in
criminal matters of November 20, 1990, with annex.
Signed at Madrid December 17, 2004.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.47
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating serious crime.
Signed at Washington June 23, 2009.
Entered into force July 20, 2010.
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Madrid November 5 and 22, 1983.
Entered into force October 19, 1984.
35 UST 3131; TIAS 10845
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Rockville October 19, 2015.
Entered into force October 19, 2015.
Treaty of peace.
Signed at Paris December 10, 1898.
Entered into force April 11, 1899.
30 Stat. 1754; TS 343; 11 Bevans 615
Parcel post agreement.*
Signed at Madrid and Washington July 16 and August 30, 1955.
Entered into force January 1, 1956.
7 UST 451; TIAS 3530; 270 UNTS 211
* Applicable to Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa, the Virgin Islands,
Andorra, and Spanish Territories of Africa.
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Madrid October 18, 1982.
Entered into force April 1, 1983.
TIAS 10555; 1871 UNTS 341
See also complementary agreement seven to the agreement on
friendship, defense and cooperation of July 2, 1982 (TIAS
Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Madrid June 10, 1994.
Entered into force provisionally, June 10, 1994; definitively,
January 18, 1996.
TIAS 12547; 1920 UNTS 309
Memorandum of understanding concerning the Senseco
Seismographic Station, with annexes.
Signed at Madrid January 18, 1996.
Entered into force January 18, 1996.
TIAS 12719; 1926 UNTS 409
Memorandum of understanding on scientific and technological
cooperation in the field of water resources development.
Signed at Madrid May 20, 1997.
Entered into force May 20, 1997.
TIAS 12858
Implementing arrangement on cooperation in research on
radiological evaluations.
Signed at Madrid September 15, 1997.
Entered into force September 15, 1997.
TIAS 12882
Scientific cooperation agreement for the NASA tracking
Signed at Madrid January 28, 2003.
Entered into force November 17, 2003.
TIAS 03-1117.1
Amendments and extensions:
June 4 and 5, 2014
August 31 and September 4, 2015
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Reston and Madrid February 20 and March 5, 2004.
Entered into force March 5, 2004.
TIAS 04-305
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Madrid September 30, 1986.
Entered into force April 1, 1988.
TIAS 12123
Agreement providing for a project in Spain to measure winds
and temperatures at high altitudes and for continuing other
cooperative space research projects.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 14, 1966.
Entered into force April 14, 1966.
17 UST 493; TIAS 5992; 586 UNTS 79
Agreement on space cooperation.
Exchange of memoranda at Madrid August 31 and
September 4, 1984.
Entered into force September 4, 1984.
TIAS 11067; 2039 UNTS 227
March 13 and 31, 1989 (TIAS 12208)
Agreement on space cooperation.
Signed at Madrid July 11, 1991.
Entered into force May 9, 1994.
TIAS; 1785 UNTS 393
Agreement concerning cooperation on the Mars Science
Laboratory Mission.
Signed at Madrid March 17, 2011.
Entered into force March 17, 2011.
TIAS 11-317
Amendment and Extension:
June 16, 2015 (TIAS 15-616)
Tax relief annex attached to the mutual defense assistance
agreement, and interpretative note.
Signed at Madrid September 26, 1953.
Entered into force September 26, 1953.
4 UST 1876; TIAS 2849; 207 UNTS 61
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with protocol.
Signed at Madrid February 22, 1990.
Entered into force November 21, 1990.
TIAS; 1591 UNTS 41
January 14, 2013
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement FATCA, with annexes.
Signed at Madrid May 14, 2013.
Entered into force December 9, 2013.
TIAS 13-1209
Agreement concerning a program of joint participation in
intercontinental testing in connection with experimental
communications satellites.
Exchange of notes at Madrid September 18, 1964 and
January 26, 1965.
Entered into force January 26, 1965.
16 UST 68; TIAS 5761; 542 UNTS 81
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Madrid December 11 and 20, 1979.
Entered into force December 20, 1979.
32 UST 517; TIAS 9721
Treaty of friendship and general relations.*
Signed at Madrid July 3, 1902.
Entered into force April 14, 1903.
33 Stat. 2105; TS 422; 11 Bevans 628
* Applicable to all territories.
Notice of termination was given by the United States of articles
XXIII and XXIV, effective July 1, 1916, in accordance with the
Seamen’s Act (38 Stat. 1164). The notice was accepted by the
Spanish Government with the understanding that only such
provisions of these articles as were in conflict with the act should
be terminated, and all other provisions, especially those
concerning the arrest, detention, and imprisonment of deserters
from war vessels, should continue in force; also on the
understanding that United States consuls in Spain should not
exercise the powers of which Spanish consuls in the United States
were deprived by the provisions of the Act.
Agreement providing for consultations should exports of
textiles or textile products from Spain cause market disruption
in the United States.
Exchange of notes at Madrid September 23, 1976.
Entered into force September 23, 1976.
28 UST 1308; TIAS 8512
Agreement relating to the subsidization of exports in the
context of the agreement on interpretation and application of
articles VI, XVI, and XXIII (subsidies code) of the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (TIAS 9619).
Exchange of letters at Washington April 13 and 14, 1982.
Entered into force April 14, 1982.
January 16 and 29, 1985
Arrangement relating to certificates of airworthiness for
imported aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Madrid September 23, 1957.
Entered into force September 23, 1957.
8 UST 1549; TIAS 3906; 290 UNTS 261
September 18 and October 13, 1978 (30 UST 750; TIAS 9217)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Air transport agreement.*
Signed at Madrid February 20, 1973.
Entered into force provisionally February 20, 1973; definitively
August 3, 1973.
24 UST 2102; TIAS 7725
May 31, 1989 (TIAS 11672; 1597 UNTS 466)
November 27, 1991 (TIAS 11946; 1722 UNTS 304)
Related Agreement:
February 20, March 31 and April 7, 1987 (TIAS 11297; 2177 UNTS
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Memorandum of agreement relating to technical assistance to
Spain in civil aviation activities.
Signed at Washington and Madrid June 30 and July 22, 1982.
Entered into force July 22, 1982.
TIAS 10547
Agreement for the promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Washington September 23, 1999.
Entered into force September 23, 1999.
TIAS 13064; 2084 UNTS 401
Article 6 of the External Affairs Agreement between the United Kingdom
and Ceylon, signed at Colombo November 11, 1947, which entered into
force on February 4, 1948, provides: “All obligations and responsibilities
heretofore devolving on the Government of the United Kingdom which
arise from any valid international instrument shall henceforth insofar as
such instrument may be held to have application to Ceylon devolve upon
the Government of Ceylon. The reciprocal rights and benefits heretofore
enjoyed by the Government of the United Kingdom in virtue of the
application of any such international instrument to Ceylon shall henceforth
be enjoyed by the Government of Ceylon.
Agreement concerning a full and final settlement of the
investment dispute between Enterprise Development
International, Inc., formerly Enterprise Development Inc., and
the Sri Lanka State Timber Corporation relating to Charlanka
Company Ltd.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 30, 1998.
Entered into force October 30, 1998.
Agreement concerning a full and final settlement of the
commercial dispute between Evans International Ltd. Co. and
Centrepoint Colombo Ltd. Urban Development Authority of
Sri Lanka, and the Government of the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka relating to reconstruction of the
Colombo financial district.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 7, 1999.
Entered into force June 7, 1999.
Agreement providing for the reciprocal reduction of
nonimmigrant visa fees and issuance of multiple-entry
nonimmigrant visas.*
Exchange of notes at Colombo August 25 and September 7,
Entered into force September 7, 1956; operative
September 15, 1956.
8 UST 83; TIAS 3743; 280 UNTS 35
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Colombo January 4 and 31, 1949.
Entered into force January 31, 1949.
63 Stat. 2356; TIAS 1894; 6 Bevans 515; 88 UNTS 21
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in the
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
Signed at Colombo February 26, 2018.
Entered into force February 26, 2018.
TIAS 18-226
Agreement relating to the purchase by Ceylon of certain
military equipment, materials, and services.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 25 and
November 2, 1956.
Entered into force November 2, 1956.
7 UST 3193; TIAS 3698; 282 UNTS 93
Agreement regarding the status of U.S. military personnel and
civilian employees of the Department of Defense who may be
present in Sri Lanka for exercises or official duties.
Exchange of notes at Colombo February 9 and May 16, 1995.
Entered into force May 16, 1995.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training, and other defense services from the United
States of America to the Government of Sri Lanka.
Exchange of notes at Colombo July 23 and August 4, 1998.
Entered into force August 4, 1998.
Agreement concerning acquisition and cross-servicing, with
Signed at Colombo August 4, 2017.
Entered into force August 4, 2017.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention to regulate commerce (article IV) between the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 3, 1815.
Entered into force July 3, 1815.
8 Stat. 228; TS 110; 12 Bevans 49
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Colombo August 29, 1964.
Entered into force August 29, 1964.
TIAS 5645; 15 UST 1699; 531 UNTS 93
June 23 and August 13, 1998 (TIAS 12981)
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Colombo December 12, 1995.
Entered into force December 12, 1995.
TIAS 12710
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Colombo December 20, 1999.
Entered into force December 20, 1999.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington October 19, 1993.
Entered into force August 8, 2003.
TIAS 03-808
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government or its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Colombo September 30, 2005.
Entered into force November 17, 2005.
General agreement for technical cooperation.
Signed at Colombo November 7, 1950.
Entered into force November 7, 1950.
1 UST 723; TIAS 2138; 92 UNTS 125
Agreement relating to a development assistance program in
Exchange of notes at Colombo April 28, 1956.
Entered into force April 28, 1956.
7 UST 751; TIAS 3554; 274 UNTS 35
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement on the protection and enforcement of intellectual
property rights.
Signed at Colombo September 20, 1991.
Entered into force October 20, 1991.
TIAS 12436
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Colombo November 22, 2002.
Entered into force July 4, 2003.
TIAS 03-704
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Washington September 30, 1999.
Entered into force January 12, 2001.
TIAS 13066
Parcel post agreement and detailed regulations.
Signed at Colombo and Washington July 18 and November 25,
Entered into force July 1, 1956.
7 UST 2871; TIAS 3670; 281 UNTS 295
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Colombo and Washington February 1 and 14, 1990.
Entered into force March 30, 1990.
TIAS 11716
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Ceylon February 9, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income.
Signed at Colombo March 14, 1985.
Entered into force July 12, 2004.
TIAS 04-712
September 20, 2002 (TIAS 04-712)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement to terminate a 1951 broadcast and 1991 lease
Exchange of notes at Colombo December 22 and 28, 2016.
Entered into force December 28, 2016.
TIAS 16-1228
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annex, protocol and exchange
of letters.
Signed at Colombo September 20, 1991.
Entered into force May 1, 1993.
TIAS 93-501
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 5, 1935.
49 Sat. 3731;EAS 77; 12 Bevans 513; 162 LNTS 59
Air service agreement relating to equipment located at
Ratmalana Aerodrome and St. Ives Estate, Ceylon.
Signed at Colombo April 1, 1946
Entered into force April 12, 1946.
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington June 11, 2002.
Entered into force November 18, 2002.
TIAS 02-1118
September 6 and 12, 2006 (TIAS 02-1118)
December 4, 2017 (TIAS 17-1204)
Agreement relating to the deposit by Sudan of ten percent of
the value of grant military assistance furnished by the United
Exchange of notes at Khartoum April 27 and May 24, 1973.
Entered into force May 24, 1973.
24 UST 1740; TIAS 7677
Mutual defense assistance agreement.
Exchange of notes at Khartoum April 8 and 22, 1981.
Entered into force April 22, 1981.
34 UST 1000; TIAS 10389; 1560 UNTS 415
Agreement concerning the grant of defense articles and
services under the military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Khartoum August 24 and 30, 1981.
Entered into force August 30, 1981.
TIAS 10500; 1750 UNTS 171
August 30 and September 25, 1982 (TIAS 10500; 1750 UNTS 178)
Agreement relating to the status of United States personnel
temporarily stationed in Sudan.
Exchange of letters at Khartoum November 12 and
December 27, 1981.
Entered into force December 27, 1981.
33 UST 4513; TIAS 10322
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section 413
(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Khartoum March 17, 1959.
Entered into force March 17, 1959.
10 UST 408; TIAS 4201; 342 UNTS 13
March 2, 1964 (15 UST 238; TIAS 5544; 524 UNTS 318)
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Khartoum May 17, 1980.
Entered into force June 19, 1980 and April 14, 1981 for
1979/1980 debt and 1980/1981 debt respectively.
32 UST 4373; TIAS 9952
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
payments due under P.L. 480 Title I agricultural commodity
Signed at Khartoum August 18, 1980.
Entered into force August 18, 1980 and April 14, 1981 for
1979/1980 debt and 1980/1981 debt respectively.
32 UST 4373; TIAS 9952
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Khartoum July 20, 1982.
Entered into force August 23, 1982.
34 UST 1567; TIAS 10437
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies.
Signed at Khartoum January 21, 1984.
Entered into force March 27, 1984.
TIAS 10981
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Khartoum December 22, 1984.
Entered into force January 25, 1985.
Agreement concerning the privileges and immunities of the
International Verification and Investigation Team.
Exchange of notes at Khartoum August 29 and September 23
and 30, 2002.
Entered into force September 30, 2002.
TIAS 02-930.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on procedures for mutual assistance in connection
with matters relating to the Boeing Company.
Signed at Washington September 23, 1977.
Entered into force September 23, 1977.
28 UST 7482; TIAS 8723
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Khartoum and Washington October 22 and
November 30, 1990.
Entered into force January 14, 1991.
TIAS 11768
Implementing arrangement concerning mutual logistics
support, with annexes.
Signed at Norfolk April 30 and May 12, 2005.
Entered into force May 12, 2005.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Norfolk April 18, 2008.
Entered into force April 18, 2008.
Mutual support agreement for telecommunications, with
Signed at Casteau and Vaihingen January 22 and
February 25, 1985.
Entered into force February 25, 1985.
TIAS 11187; 2130 UNTS 399
Agreement concerning support of the allied tactical operations
center at Sembach Air Base, Germany, with annexes.
Signed at Heidelberg and Sembach Air Base August 28 and
November 25, 1987.
Entered into force November 25, 1987; effective May 1, 1983.
Agreement concerning mutual logistic support, with annexes.
Signed at SHAPE Casteau and Stuttgart-Vaihingen January 18
and 31, 1995.
Entered into force January 31, 1995.
On November 25, 1975, Suriname became an independent state. In a note
dated November 29, 1975, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations,
the Prime Minister made a statement reading in part as follows:
The Government of the Republic of Surinam, conscious of the desirability
of maintaining existing legal relationship, and conscious of its obligation
under International Law to honour its treaty commitments, acknowledges
that treaty rights and obligations of the Government of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands in respect of Surinam were succeeded by the Republic of
Surinam upon Independence by virtue of customary International Law.
Since, however, it is likely that by virtue of customary International Law
certain treaties may have lapsed at the date of Independence of Surinam, it
seems essential that each treaty should be subjected to legal examination.
It is proposed after this examination has been completed, to indicate
which, if any, of the treaties which may have lapsed by customary
International Law the Government of the Republic of Surinam wish to
treat as having lapsed.
It is desired that it be presumed that each treaty has been legally succeeded
to by the Republic of Surinam and that action be based upon this
presumption until a decision is reached that it should be regarded as having
lapsed. Should the Government of the Republic of Surinam be of the
opinion it has legally succeeded to a treaty but subsequently wish to
terminate its operation, the Government will in due course give notice of
termination in the terms thereof.
Agreement between the United States and the Netherlands
relating to the reciprocal waiver of passport visa fees for
Exchanges of notes at The Hague January 21, February 11,
March 5 and March 13, 1946.
Entered into force April 15, 1946.
61 Stat. 3834; TIAS 1728; 10 Bevans 178; 84 UNTS 3
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement concerning the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Suriname.
Exchange of notes at Paramaribo October 12, 1994 and
January 5, 1995.
Entered into force January 5, 1995.
TIAS 12595
Agreement between the United States and The Netherlands
relating to the assurances required by the Mutual Security Act
of 1951.
Exchange of notes at The Hague January 8, 1952.
Entered into force January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4633; TIAS 2615; 173 UNTS 372
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Paramaribo August 22 and 25, 1980.
Entered into force August 25, 1980.
32 UST 3741; TIAS 9916; 1267 UNTS 155
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the status of U.S. Special Forces
Deployment for Training Exercise Mission.
Exchange of notes at Paramaribo January 17 and
February 2, 1996.
Entered into force February 2, 1996.
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel
who may be temporarily present in the Republic of Suriname.
Exchange of notes at Paramaribo April 11 and October 20,
Entered into force October 20, 2005.
TIAS 05-1020
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training, and other
defense services, including pursuant to the United States
International Military Education and Training Program.
Exchange of notes at Paramaribo August 12, 2008 and April 30,
Entered into force April 30, 2009.
Agreement regarding the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative
and the provision of technical support for maritime security
forces (Technical Assistance Field Team).
Exchange of notes at Paramaribo November 29, 2012 and
February 4, 2015.
Entered into force February 4, 2015.
TIAS 15-204.1
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Paramaribo December 23, 1997.
Entered into force December 23, 1997.
TIAS 12913
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Paramaribo May 28, 1993.
Entered into force February 20, 1996.
TIAS 12500
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and The Netherlands.
Signed at The Hague July 2, 1948.
Entered into force July 2, 1948.
62 Stat. 2477; TIAS 1791; 10 Bevans 240; 20 UNTS 91
January 16 and February 2, 1950 (1 UST 665; TIAS 2126; 93 UNTS
March 7 and April 3, 1951 (2 UST 1319; TIAS 2285; 141 UNTS 368)
November 28, 1952 (3 UST 5260; TIAS 2721; 173 UNTS 382)
General agreement between the United States and The
Netherlands for technical cooperation for Suriname and
Netherlands Antilles.
Signed at The Hague January 22, 1954.
Entered into force April 21, 1954.
5 UST 819; TIAS 2982; 190 UNTS 207
Convention between the United Stated and The Netherlands
for the extradition of criminals.
Signed at Washington June 2, 1887.
Entered into force July 11, 1889.
26 Stat. 1481; TS 256: 10 Bevans 47
Treaty extending the extradition convention of June 2, 1887
between the United States and The Netherlands to their
respective island possessions and colonies.
Signed at Washington January 18, 1904.
Entered into force August 28, 1904.
33 Sat. 2257: TS 436: 10 Bevans
Procedures for mutual assistance in connection with matters
relating to the Reynolds Metals Company.
Signed at Washington March 14, 1979.
Entered into force March 14, 1979.
30 UST 3864; TIAS 9429; 1171 UNTS 209
Agreement concerning cooperation in maritime law
Signed at Paramaribo December 31, 1998.
Entered into force August 26, 1999.
TIAS 13016
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Paramaribo and Washington July 9 and August 18,
Operative September 1, 1930.
46 Stat. 2798; Post Office Department print; 125 LNTS 123
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes and
related agreement.
Signed at Paramaribo March 22, 1995.
Entered into force March 22, 1995.
TIAS 12619
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Paramaribo October 3 and 12, 1978.
Entered into force October 12, 1978.
30 UST 2107; TIAS 9314
Treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation, with protocol
and exchange of notes between the United States and the
Signed at The Hague March 27, 1956.
Applicable to Suriname February 10, 1963.
8 UST 2043; TIAS 3942; 285 UNTS 231
Agreement concerning and United States-Suriname Council
on Trade and Investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington October 8, 1993.
Entered into force October 8, 1993.
Agreement between the United States and the Netherlands
providing for no assertion of sovereign immunity from suit of
air transport enterprises.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 19, 1953.
Entered into force June 19, 1953.
4 UST 1610; TIAS 2828; 212 UNTS 249
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing the Suriname civil aviation
infrastructure, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Paramaribo June 21 and
August 27, 1990.
Entered into force August 27, 1990.
TIAS 11754; 2202 UNTS 171
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Paramaribo July 8, 2013.
Entered into force December 9, 2014.
TIAS 14-1209
March 25, 2019 (19-325)
Treaty for the advancement of peace.
Signed at Washington October 13, 1914.
Entered into force January 11, 1915.
38 Stat. 1872; TS 607; 11 Bevans 741
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington October 27, 1928.
Entered into force April 15, 1929.
46 Stat. 2261; TS 783; 11 Bevans 760; 91 LNTS 225
Agreement concerning compensation for commissioners
designated under the treaty for advancement of peace signed
October 13, 1914.
Exchange of notes at Stockholm June 30, 1939.
Entered into force June 30, 1939.
53 Stat. 2428; EAS 154; 11 Bevans 821; 199 LNTS 203
Agreement relating to passport visa fees for nonimmigrants.*
Exchange of notes at Washington April 10 and 30, 1947.
Entered into force April 30, 1947;operative June 1, 1947.
61 Stat. 4050; TIAS 1798; 11 Bevans 834; 84 UNTS 33
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Stockholm December 16, 1947.
Entered into force December 16, 1947.
61 Stat. 3605; TIAS 1688; 11 Bevans 843; 73 UNTS 65
Convention relating to exemption from military service of
persons having dual nationality.
Signed at Stockholm January 31, 1933.
Entered into force May 20, 1935.
49 Stat. 3195; TS 890; 11 Bevans 778; 159 LNTS 261
Agreement relating to the procurement of reimbursable
military equipment, materials, or services.
Exchange of notes at Stockholm June 30 and July 1, 1952.
Entered into force July 1, 1952.
3 UST 2968; TIAS 2480; 187 UNTS 3
Memorandum of understanding relating to the furnishing by
Sweden to the United States of data resulting from the
activities carried out under authorized contracts from research,
development, modification, improvement or production of
weapons or weapons systems.
Signed at Washington and Stockholm July 26, 1961 and August
7, 1961. Entered into force August 7, 1961
Agreement concerning general security of military
Exchange of notes at Washington December 4 and 23, 1981.
Entered into force December 23, 1981.
33 UST 4400; TIAS 10309
Memorandum of understanding relating to the principles
governing mutual cooperation in the defense procurement
area, with related exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington and Stockholm June 11 and July 16,
Entered into force July 16, 1987.
TIAS; 1557 UNTS 313
June 12 and August 11, 2003
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for cooperative research and development efforts
in the fields of aircrew protection and performance, with
Signed at Stockholm April 23, 1993.
Entered into force April 23, 1993.
TIAS 12371
Agreement for the bilateral cooperative program in electro-
magnetic effects measurement and analysis (RF Effects
Signed at Washington June 2 and December 20, 1995.
Entered into force December 20, 1995.
TIAS 12373
Agreement concerning exchange of research and development
Signed at Washington and Stockholm May 16 and June 13,
Entered into force June 13, 1997.
TIAS 97-613
August 13 and September 17, 2008 (TIAS 97-613)
November 16 and December 13, 2012 (TIAS 97-613)
Agreement for cooperation in environmental protection and
defense matters.
Signed at Stockholm and Washington November 23 and
December 6, 2005.
Entered into force December 6, 2005.
TIAS 05-1206
Agreement concerning cooperation on Information Assurance
(IA) and Computer Network Defense (CND).
Signed at Washington and Stockholm April 30 and May 29,
Entered into force May 29, 2009.
Memorandum of agreement concerning research,
development, test, and evaluation projects, with annex.
Signed at Stockholm and Washington April 8 and 18, 2011.
Entered into force April 18, 2011.
TIAS 11-418
Related Agreement:
April 16 and June 1, 2012
Basic exchange and cooperation agreement concerning
geospatial information, with annexes.
Signed at Stockholm and Washington August 23 and
October 20, 2011.
Entered into force October 20, 2011.
Agreement concerning end-use, retransfer and security
assurances regarding U.S. sold or granted defense articles,
related training or other defense services (including all
associated components and technical data).
Exchange of notes at Stockholm February 16 and October 12,
Entered into force October 12, 2012.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Stockholm and Tampa February 20 and March 24,
Entered into force March 24, 2015.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers to U. S. European Command, with annexes.
Signed at Stockholm and Stuttgart September 15 and October
25, 2015.
Entered into force October 15, 2015.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
liaison officers, with annexes.
Signed at Washington November 30 and December 7, 2016.
Entered into force December 7, 2016.
Memorandum of agreement concerning test and evaluation
program cooperation, with annexes and appendices.
Signed at Stockholm June 28, 2017.
Entered into force June 28, 2017.
TIAS 17-628
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Stockholm and Stuttgart May 30 and June 2, 2017.
Entered into force June 2, 2017.
Consular convention.*
Signed at Washington June 1, 1910.
Entered into force March 18, 1911.
37 Stat. 1479; TS 557; 11 Bevans 730
* Articles XI and XII abrogated as of March 18, 1921.
Arrangement relating to free entry, on a reciprocal basis, for
goods imported by career consular representatives.
Exchange of notes at Stockholm June 23 and 29, 1931.
Entered into force July 1, 1931.
11 Bevans 771
Arrangement for the reciprocal exemption from duty of
articles imported by diplomatic officers and all other persons
belonging to missions, but not including personal servants.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 5 and 17, 1933.
Entered into force January 17, 1933.
11 Bevans 776
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Stockholm November 20, 1952.
Entered into force November 20, 1952.
3 UST 4812; TIAS 2653; 177 UNTS 203
November 20, 1959 (10 UST 1921; TIAS 4359; 360 UNTS 396)
June 28, 1963 (14 UST 985; TIAS 5389; 479 UNTS 358)
December 7, 1970 (21 UST 2732; TIAS 7018; 776 UNTS 330)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 27 and 30, 1981.
Entered into force October 30, 1981.
33 UST 4148; TIAS 10291
Agreement for cooperation on environmental protection in
defense matters.
Signed at Stockholm April 24, 1995.
Entered into force April 24, 1995.
TIAS 12372
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Stockholm August 23, 1995.
Entered into force August 23, 1995.
TIAS 12684
Economic cooperation agreement.
Signed at Stockholm July 3, 1948.
Entered into force July 21, 1948.
62 Stat. 2541; TIAS 1793; 11 Bevans 855; 23 UNTS 101
January 5 and 17, 1950 (1 UST 181; TIAS 2034; 76 UNTS 254)
February 8 and 23, 1951 (3 UST 2800; TIAS 2448; 185 UNTS 326)
Agreement facilitating the interchange of patent rights and
technical information for defense purposes.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 4, 1962.
Entered into force October 4, 1962.
13 UST 2161; TIAS 5178; 462 UNTS 31
Agreement approving the procedures for reciprocal filing of
classified patent applications in the United States and Sweden.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 20 and
November 17, 1964.
Entered into force November 17, 1964.
15 UST 2086; TIAS 5690; 532 UNTS 378
Convention for the prevention of smuggling of intoxicating
Signed at Washington May 22, 1924.
Entered into force August 18, 1924.
43 Stat. 1830; TS 698; 11 Bevans 750; 29 LNTS 421
Convention on extradition, with protocol.*
Signed at Washington October 24, 1961.
Entered into force December 3, 1963.
14 UST 1845; TIAS 5496; 494 UNTS 141
* Protocol terminated January 1, 1965.
Supplementary convention on extradition.
Signed at Stockholm March 14, 1983.
Entered into force September 24, 1984.
35 UST 2501; TIAS 10812
Agreement regarding mutual assistance in customs matters.
Signed at Washington July 8, 1987.
Entered into force May 8, 1988.
TIAS 12122
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Stockholm December 17, 2001.
Entered into force June 1, 2009.
TIAS 09-601
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on extradition between the United States of America and the
European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to the application of
the convention on extradition of October 24, 1961 and the
supplementary convention on extradition of March 14, 1983,
with annex.
Signed at Brussels December 16, 2004.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.22
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on mutual legal assistance between the United States of
America and the European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to
the application of the treaty on mutual legal assistance in
criminal matters of December 17, 2001, with annex.
Signed at Brussels December 16, 2004.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.48
Agreement on enhancing cooperation in preventing and
combating crime.
Signed at Washington December 16, 2011.
Entered into force November 2, 2016.
TIAS 16-1102
Arrangement relating to the reciprocal exemption of pleasure
yachts from all navigation dues.
Exchange of notes at Stockholm October 22 and 29, 1930.
Entered into force October 29, 1930.
47 Stat. 2655; EAS 21; 11 Bevans 763; 109 LNTS 181
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 17 and 22, 1978.
Entered into force August 22, 1978.
30 UST 1698; TIAS 9277; 1153 UNTS 145
Agreement regarding participation in the USNRC
international piping integrity research group, with appendices.
Signed at Stockholm and Bethesda February 2 and March 3,
Entered into force March 3, 1987.
TIAS 12218
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 27, 2016.
Entered into force September 27, 2016.
TIAS 16-927.1
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Stockholm and Washington June 28 and July 11,
Operative July 1, 1932.
47 Stat. 2106; Post Office Department print
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Stockholm and Washington August 26 and 30, 1983.
Entered into force October 1, 1983.
35 UST 2136; TIAS 10780; 2011 UNTS 115
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Stockholm June 29, 2006.
Entered into force June 29, 2006.
TIAS 06-629
Related Agreement:
June 28, 2007 (TIAS 06-629)
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Stockholm December 7 and 18, 2006.
Entered into force December 18, 2006.
TIAS 06-1218
Agreement on cooperation in science and technology for
homeland security matters, with annex.
Signed at Washington April 13, 2007.
Entered into force April 13, 2007.
TIAS 07-413
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Stockholm May 27, 1985.
Entered into force January 1, 1987.
TIAS 11266
Supplementary agreement on social security.
Signed at Stockholm June 22, 2004.
Entered into force November 1, 2007.
TIAS 07-1101
Framework agreement for cooperative activities in the
exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes.
Signed at Stockholm October 14, 2005.
Entered into force October 14, 2005.
TIAS 05-1014
October 6, 2015 (TIAS 15-1006)
Implementing arrangement for cooperation in aeronautic and
space research using nanosatellite technologies.
Signed at Washington and Solna May 10 and 19, 2011.
Entered into force May 19, 2011.
TIAS 11-519
Arrangement relating to relief from double income tax on
shipping profits.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 31, 1938.
Entered into force March 31, 1938.
52 Stat. 1490; EAS 121; 11 Bevans 806; 189 LNTS 327
June 26 and July 24, 1987 (TIAS 11286; 2174 UNTS 379)
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with exchange of letters.
Signed at Stockholm September 1, 1994.
Entered into force October 26, 1995.
TIAS 06-831
September 30, 2005 (TIAS 06-831)
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Stockholm August 8, 2014.
Entered into force March 11, 2015.
TIAS 15-311
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their station in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Stockholm May 27 and June 2, 1969.
Entered into force June 2, 1969.
20 UST 773; TIAS 6690; 715 UNTS 75
Arrangement relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 8 and 9, 1933.
Entered into force October 9, 1933.
48 Stat. 1799; EAS 48; 11 Bevans 788; 144 LNTS 171
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to air transport services.*
Exchange of notes at Washington December 16, 1944.
Entered into force January 1, 1945.
58 Stat. 1466; EAS 431; 11 Bevans 825; 6 UNTS 397
August 6, 1954 (5 UST 1411; TIAS 3013; 222 UNTS 376)
June 16, 1995; (TIAS 12665)
* This agreement is suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007.
Agreement relating to air service facilities in Sweden.
Signed at Stockholm September 30, 1946.
Entered into force September 30, 1946.
61 Stat. 3893; TIAS 1742; 11 Bevans 832; 42 UNTS 213
Agreement relating to airworthiness certifications.
Exchange of notes at Stockholm April 24 and 26, 1973.
Entered into force April 26, 1973.
24 UST 997; TIAS 7611
Memorandum of understanding on highway management and
Signed at Borlange June 15, 1992.
Entered into force June 15, 1992.
TIAS 11870
Agreement for the promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Stockholm February 9, 1998.
Entered into force February 9, 1998.
TIAS 12929
Treaty of arbitration and conciliation.
Signed at Washington February 16, 1931.
Entered into force May 23, 1932.
47 Stat. 1983; TS 844; 11 Bevans 920; 129 LNTS 465
Agreement relating to the waiver of passport visa fees for
Exchange of notes at Bern May 11, 1925.
Entered into force May 11, 1925; operative June 1, 1925.
11 Bevans 915
Agreement relating to the waiver of passport visa fees for
Exchanges of notes at Washington October 22, October 31,
November 4 and November 13, 1947.
Entered into force November 13, 1947.
6 UST 93; TIAS 3172; 251 UNTS 79
* The status of these agreements is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 5 and February 24,
Entered into force February 24, 1950.
1 UST 396; TIAS 2058; 93 UNTS 3
Convention relative to military obligations of certain persons
having dual nationality.
Signed at Bern November 11, 1937.
Entered into force December 7, 1938.
53 Stat. 1791; TS 943; 11 Bevans 936; 193 LNTS 181
Agreement on the exchange of military personnel between the
U.S. Navy and the Swiss Air Force and Anti-Aircraft
Signed at Bern and Washington July 5 and August 17, 1995.
Entered into force August 17, 1995.
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement concerning global
geospatial information and services cooperation, with annexes.
Signed at Brussels June 19, 2001.
Entered into force June 19, 2001.
Agreement concerning acquisition and cross-servicing, with
Signed at Stuttgart and Bern March 23 and December 6, 2001.
Entered into force December 6, 2001.
Memorandum of understanding concerning reciprocal defense
Signed at Bern and Washington November 29, 2006 and
February 15, 2007.
Entered into force February 15, 2007.
TIAS 07-215
Agreement for research, development, test and evaluation
projects, with annexes.
Signed at Washington April 17, 2019.
Entered into force April 17, 2019.
TIAS 19-417
Agreement concerning the status, privileges, and immunities
of the SALT (START) delegation in Switzerland with annex.
Exchange of notes at Bern November 21 and 22, 1972.
Entered into force November 22, 1972.
23 UST 3736; TIAS 7523
Related Agreement:
June 9, 1982 (34 UST 1263; TIAS 10414)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on rights, privileges and immunities of the United
States-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Standing
Consultative Commission.
Exchange of notes at Bern February 26 and March 5, 1973.
Entered into force March 5, 1973.
24 UST 772; TIAS 7582; 944 UNTS 95
Agreement establishing rights, privileges and immunities of
the delegation to the negotiations concerning theater
(intermediate range) nuclear forces.
Exchange of letters at Bern October 17, 1980.
Entered into force October 17, 1980.
33 UST 610; TIAS 10056; 1265 UNTS 177
Related Agreement:
November 11 and 20, 1981 (33 UST 4237; TIAS 10298)
Agreement establishing rights, privileges and immunities of
the United States delegation to the negotiations on nuclear and
space arms.
Exchange of notes at Bern March 1 and 5, 1985.
Entered into force March 5, 1985.
TIAS 11188; 2129 UNTS 425
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Berne April 22, 1998.
Entered into force April 22, 1998.
TIAS 12946
Agreement relating to the registration of trade-marks.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 27 and May 14, 1883.
Entered into force May 14, 1883.
TS 471; 11 Bevans 901
Arrangement relating to reciprocal benefits under the patent
laws of the two countries.
Exchange of notes at Bern January 17 and 28, 1908.
Entered into force January 28, 1908.
11 Bevans 909
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Bern November 15 and 16, 1929.
Entered into force November 16, 1929.
11 Bevans 917
Treaty on mutual assistance in criminal matters with related
Signed at Bern May 25, 1973.
Entered into force January 23, 1977.
27 UST 2019; TIAS 8302; 1052 UNTS 61
Related Agreement:
November 3, 1993 (TIAS 12514)
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Washington November 14, 1990.
Entered into force September 10, 1997.
TIAS 97-910
Agreement on the transfer of passenger name record (PNR).
Exchange of notes at Bern December 23, 2008.
Entered into force December 23, 2008.
TIAS 08-1223
Agreement regarding participation in the USNRC
international piping integrity research group, with appendices.
Signed at Bern and Bethesda February 3 and March 3, 1987.
Entered into force March 3, 1987.
TIAS 12219
Agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of atomic
energy, with agreed minute and annexes.
Signed at Bern October 31, 1997.
Entered into force June 23, 1998.
TIAS 12894
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 19, 2017.
Entered into force September 19, 2017.
TIAS 17-919
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post, and
regulations of execution.*
Signed at Washington and April 1 and May 18, 1932.
Operative April 1, 1932.
47 Stat. 1997; Post Office Department print
* Applicable to Liechtenstein.
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Bern and Washington December 7, 1978 and
January 22, 1979.
Entered into force February 1, 1979.
32 UST 5549; TIAS 10008; 1265 UNTS 131
Agreement for the enforcement of maintenance (support)
Signed at Washington August 31, 2004.
Entered into force September 30, 2004.
TIAS 04-930.1
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Washington April 1, 2009.
Entered into force July 24, 2009.
TIAS 09-724
Agreement on social security, with administrative
Signed at Bern December 3, 2012.
Entered into force August 1, 2014.
TIAS 14-801
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation with respect
to taxes on estates and inheritances.
Signed at Washington July 9, 1951.
Entered into force September 17, 1952.
3 UST 3972; TIAS 2533; 165 UNTS 51
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation with respect
to taxes on income, with protocol.
Signed at Washington October 2, 1996.
Entered into force December 19, 1997.
TIAS 97-1219
September 23, 2009
Agreement for cooperation to facilitate the implementation of
the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.
Signed at Bern February 14, 2013.
Entered into force June 2, 2014.
TIAS 14-602
September 6 and 13, 2013 (TIAS 14-602)
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Bern January 12 and May 16, 1967.
Entered into force May 16, 1967.
18 UST 554; TIAS 6264; 685 UNTS 319
Convention of friendship, commerce and extradition.*
Signed at Bern November 25, 1850.
Entered into force November 8, 1855.
11 Stat. 587; TS 353; 11 Bevans 894
* Articles 8-12 terminated March 23, 1900, as a result of notice
given by the United States on March 23, 1899; articles 13-17
relating to extradition were superseded and expressly repealed by
the extradition treaty signed May 14, 1900 (31 Stat. 1928; TS 354;
11 Bevans 904).
Air service agreement relating to equipment at Cointrin
Signed at Bern April 30, 1947.
Entered into force April 30, 1947.
61 Stat. 3859; TIAS 1736; 11 Bevans 957; 42 UNTS 235
Agreement concerning the reciprocal acceptance of
certificates of airworthiness for imported aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Bern October 13, 1961.
Entered into force provisionally October 13, 1961;
definitively November 21, 1962.
13 UST 2479; TIAS 5214; 459 UNTS 219
January 7, 1977 (28 UST 2446; TIAS 8563)
Agreement for promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at Washington September 26, 1996.
Entered into force September 26, 1996.
TIAS 12803
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Bern June 21, 2010.
Entered into force June 21, 2010.
TIAS 10-621
Cultural agreement.
Signed at Damascus May 12, 1977.
Entered into force May 12, 1977.
28 UST 5321; TIAS 8634
Convention between the United States and France relating to
rights in Syria and Lebanon.
Signed at Paris April 4, 1924.
Entered into force July 13, 1924.
43 Stat. 1821; TS 695; 7 Bevans 925
Agreement between the United States and France relating to
customs privileges for educational, religious, and
philanthropic institutions in Syria and Lebanon.
Exchange of notes at Paris February 18, 1937.
Entered into force February 18, 1937.
51 Stat. 279; EAS 107; 7 Bevans 1017; 184 LNTS 479
Agreement relating to rights of American nationals.
Exchange of notes at Damascus September 7 and 8, 1944.
Entered into force September 8, 1944.
58 Stat. 1491; EAS 434; 11 Bevans 970; 124 UNTS 251
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to investment guaranties, with related
Exchange of notes at Damascus August 9, 1976.
Entered into force August 13, 1977.
TIAS 8707; 28 UST 7122
Agreement with the United Arab Republic concerning the
exchange of parcel post and regulations of execution.
Signed at Cairo and Washington December 30, 1958 and
January 13, 1959.
Entered into force October 1, 1959.
10 UST 1664; TIAS 4315; 358 UNTS 3
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Damascus and Washington September 26 and
November 16, 1993.
Entered into force January 1, 1994.
Agreement relating to reciprocal authorization for each
Government to install and operate a low-power radio station in
the fixed service at or near its Embassy for transmission of
official messages.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 13, 1974 and
May 15, 1975.
Entered into force May 15, 1975.
27 UST 3292; TIAS 8363; 1068 UNTS 359
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
For agreements prior to December 31, 1991, see UNION OF SOVIET
Agreement regarding the status of United States military and
civilian personnel of the United States Department of Defense
present in Tajikistan in connection with cooperative efforts in
response to terrorism, humanitarian assistance and other
agreed activities.
Exchange of notes at Dushanbe November 20 and 23, 2001.
Entered into force November 23, 2001.
TIAS 01-1123
Agreement on construction of a bridge between the Republic
of Tajikistan and the Islamic State of Afghanistan.
Signed at Dushanbe December 31, 2003.
Entered into force December 31, 2003.
TIAS 03-1231
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, related training, and other
defense services, including pursuant to the United States
International Military Education and Training Program, from
the United States of America to the Government of the
Republic of Tajikistan.
Exchange of notes at Dushanbe July 2, 2007 and March 17,
Entered into force March 17, 2008.
Employment agreement concerning dependents of officials
serving in both countries.
Exchange of notes at Dushanbe March 11 and August 12, 2003.
Entered into force August 12, 2003.
TIAS 03-812
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Dushanbe June 25, 1992.
Entered into force June 25, 1992.
TIAS 12461
Agreement regarding cooperation to facilitate the provision
of humanitarian and technical economic assistance.
Signed at Dushanbe September 13, 1993.
Entered into force September 13, 1993
TIAS 12163
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Dushanbe August 26, 2002.
Entered into force June 23, 2003.
TIAS 03-623
September 27, 2004 (TIAS 03-623)
Agreement concerning the ownership of property for the
diplomatic and consular missions of the United States and
Exchange of notes at Dushanbe October 5, 2000 and
January 2, 2001.
Entered into force January 2, 2001.
TIAS 01-102
Agreement concerning the taxation of United States embassy
locally employed staff.
Signed at Dushanbe April 29, 2015.
Entered into force July 10, 2015.
TIAS 15-710
Agreement on trade relations, with exchanges of letters.
Signed at Dushanbe July 1, 1993.
Entered into force November 24, 1993.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On December 9, 1961, Tanganyika attained fully responsible status within
the British Commonwealth. In a note dated December 9, 1961, to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations from the Prime Minister, the
Government of Tanganyika stated that it is willing to continue to apply, on
a reciprocal basis, all such treaties validly applied or extended to it as a
territory for a period of two years from the date of independence, that is to
December 8, 1963, unless abrogated or modified earlier by mutual consent.
On April 26, 1964, the Republic of Tanganyika and the People’s Republic
of Zanzibar were united as one Sovereign State under the name of the
United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. In a note dated May 6, 1964,
the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar informed the Secretary-
General of the United Nations that “all international treaties and
agreements in force between the Republic of Tanganyika or the People’s
Republic of Zanzibar and other States or international organizations will,
to the extent that their implementation is consistent with the constitutional
position established by the Articles of Union, remain in force within the
regional limits prescribed on their conclusion and in accordance with the
principles of international law.” On October 29, 1964, the name of the
Republic was changed to the United Republic of Tanzania.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Dar es Salaam May 24 and June 29, 2006.
Entered into force June 29, 2006.
Consular convention and protocol of signature between the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.*
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
* Treaty continued in force between the United States and Tanzania
by the exchange of notes of November 30 and December 6, 1965
(16 UST 2066; TIAS 5946).
Paragraph 1 of article 7 is not applicable to Tanganyika.
Agreement for the employment of dependents of employees of
consular and diplomatic personnel.
Exchange of notes at Dar es Salaam May 9 and September 6,
Entered into force September 6, 2007.
TIAS 07-906
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Dar es Salaam April 1, 1997.
Entered into force April 1, 1997.
TIAS 12847
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Dar es Salaam November 14, 1963.
Entered into force November 14, 1963.
14 UST 1608; TIAS 5465; 493 UNTS 75
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government, and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Dar es Salaam March 18, 1987.
Entered into force April 27, 1987.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Dar es Salaam May 4, 1989.
Entered into force June 15, 1989.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Dar es Salaam October 31, 1990.
Entered into force January 9, 1991.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States Government and its agencies, with
Signed at Dar es Salaam September 11, 1992.
Entered into force December 3, 1992.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Dar es Salaam December 24, 1996.
Entered into force November 26, 1997.
TIAS 12824
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its Agency, with
Signed at Dar es Salaam January 16, 1998.
Entered into force March 27, 1998.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and reduction of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Dar es Salaam June 14, 2001.
Entered into force September 6, 2001.
Agreement regarding the consolidation of debt owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government,
with annexes.
Signed at Dar es Salaam July 4, 2002.
Entered into force August 26, 2002.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement providing for the furnishing of economic,
technical, and related assistance.
Exchange of notes at Dar es Salaam February 8, 1968.
Entered into force February 8, 1968.
19 UST 4614; TIAS 6448; 698 UNTS 67
Strategic objective grant agreement for Strategic Objective
No. 10: enhanced multisectoral response to HIV/AIDS, with
Signed June 7, 2005.
Entered into force June 7, 2005.
September 26, 2005 (NP)
June 5, 2006 (NP)
July 11, 2007 (NP)
August 28, 2008 (NP)
September 10, 2009 (NP)
September 28, 2009 (NP)
March 7, 2011 (NP)
September 24, 2010 (NP)
September 13, 2011 (NP)
September 28, 2011 (NP)
April 24, 2013 (NP)
Strategic objective grant agreement for incomes of small
farmers increased in selected agricultural commodity sub-
sectors, with annex.
Signed July 26, 2005.
Entered into force July 26, 2005.
September 16, 2010 (NP)
September 16 and 19, 2011 (NP)
September 22 and 26, 2012 (NP)
Strategic objective grant agreement for health status of
Tanzania families improved, with annex.
Signed August 23, 2005.
Entered into force August 23, 2005.
August 15, 2008 (NP)
September 8 and 10, 2009 (NP)
August 23, 2010 (NP)
September 27 and 28, 2011 (NP)
September 24 and 26, 2012 (NP)
Strategic assistance agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Dar Es Salaam August 1, 2016.
Entered into force August 1, 2016.
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Entered into force June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
* Treaty continued in force between the United States and Tanzania
by the exchange of notes of November 30 and December 6, 1965
(16 UST 2066; TIAS 5946).
Parcel post agreement and regulations of execution.
Signed at Zanzibar and Washington October 20 and
December 30, 1959.
Entered into force May 1, 1960.
11 UST 293; TIAS 4449
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Dar es Salaam and Washington December 30, 1987
and January 25, 1988.
Entered into force February 15, 1988.
TIAS 11886
Memorandum of agreement concerning civil aviation
assistance and services.
Signed August 24 and September 19, 2001.
Entered into force September 19, 2001.
Agreement continuing in force between the United States and
Tanzania the extradition treaty and the consular convention
between the United States and the United Kingdom.
Exchange of notes at Dar es Salaam November 30 and
December 6, 1965.
Entered into force December 6, 1965; effective December 9,
16 UST 2066; TIAS 5946; 592 UNTS 53
Arrangement relating to the waiver of passport visas and visa
fees for nonimmigrants.
Exchange of notes at Bangkok September 19, 1925.
Entered into force September 19, 1925.
11 Bevans 1014
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Bangkok September 5, 1947.
Entered into force September 5, 1947.
61 Stat. 3154; TIAS 1654; 11 Bevans 1040; 73 UNTS 57
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Thailand.
Exchange of notes at Bangkok November 20 and 28, 1961.
Entered into force November 28, 1961.
12 UST 3225; TIAS 4929; 434 UNTS 77
Agreement respecting military assistance.
Signed at Bangkok October 17, 1950.
Entered into force October 17, 1950.
3 UST 2675; TIAS 2434; 79 UNTS 41
Agreement relating to the assurances required by the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Bangkok December 27 and 29, 1951.
Entered into force December 29, 1951.
3 UST 4653; TIAS 2619; 179 UNTS 113
Agreement providing for an aerial photographic mapping
survey of Thailand.
Exchange of notes at Bangkok November 8 and December 3,
Entered into force December 3, 1952.
3 UST 5893; TIAS 2759; 213 UNTS 91
Agreement relating to the disposition of military equipment
and materials furnished under the military assistance
Exchange of notes at Bangkok July 6, 1955.
Entered into force July 6, 1955.
6 UST 2067; TIAS 3274; 258 UNTS 386
Memorandum of agreement on integrated communications
system, with appendix.
Signed at Bangkok January 10, 1977.
Entered into force January 10, 1977.
29 UST 591; TIAS 8837
Memorandum of agreement relating to the storage of
ammunition in Thailand.
Signed at Bangkok March 22, 1977.
Entered into force March 22, 1977.
29 UST 743; TIAS 8850
General security of military information agreement.
Exchange of notes at Bangkok March 30 and April 5, 1983.
Entered into force April 5, 1983.
TIAS 10678; 2005 UNTS 165
Agreement relating to a war reserve stockpile program in
Thailand, with annexes.*
Signed at Bangkok January 9, 1987.
Entered into force March 22, 1988.
TIAS 12604
Amendment and Extension:
February 15, 1995 (TIAS 12604)
* This agreement superseded by Memorandum of Agreement of
November 26, 2002, except for Annexes I and III to the 1987
Agreement which shall be incorporated and become an integral
part of that Memorandum of Agreement.
Memorandum of agreement concerning mapping, charting and
Signed at Bangkok and Fairfax February 27 and March 15,
Entered into force March 15, 1990.
Agreement concerning measures to be taken for the transfer,
security and safeguarding of technical information, software
and equipment to the Ministry of Defense to enable industry to
operate, maintain and expand Royal Thai Air Force air combat
maneuvering instrumentation range facilities.
Signed at Washington September 30, 1993.
Entered into force September 30, 1993.
TIAS 11509
Memorandum of agreement concerning the transfer of
equipment and munitions from United States war reserve
stocks to the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand, with
appendices and understanding.
Signed at Bangkok November 26, 2002.
Entered into force November 26, 2002.
TIAS 02-1126
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
defense services, and related training, including pursuant to
the United States International Military and Education
Training Program (IMET), from the United States to the
Government of the Kingdom of Thailand.
Exchange of notes at Bangkok December 27, 2005 and
March 14, 2006.
Entered into force March 14, 2006.
March 28 and April 17, 2006
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed September 21, 2012 and February 28, 2013.
Entered into force February 28, 2013.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Bangkok and Camp Smith January 6 and 30, 2014.
Entered into force January 30, 2014.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Bangkok May 24, 1963.
Entered into force May 24, 1963.
TIAS 5355; 14 UST 770; 477 UNTS 123
June 9 and July 9, 1970 (TIAS 6912; 21 UST 1512; 753 UNTS 392)
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section 413
(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 27 and September 1,
Entered into force September 1, 1954.
5 UST 2258; TIAS 3086; 237 UNTS 209
December 22, 1965 (16 UST 2041; TIAS 5940; 551 UNTS 292)
Agreement amending the Agreement of August 27, and
September 1, 1954; relating to investment guaranties and
terminating the agreement of August 27, 1957
Signed at Bangkok, December 22, 1965.
Entered into force December 22, 1965.
Agreement regarding the reduction of a certain debt owed to
the Government of the United States and its agencies.
Signed at Bangkok September 19, 2001.
Entered into force September 19, 2001.
Economic and technical cooperation agreement, with
exchange of notes.
Signed at Bangkok June 2, 1977.
Entered into force June 2, 1977.
28 UST 5210; TIAS 8622
Agreement relating to the conversion of the Southeast Asia
Treaty Organization cholera research project in Thailand to a
SEATO medical research laboratory.
Exchange of notes at Bangkok December 23, 1960.
Entered into force December 23, 1960.
11 UST 2683; TIAS 4665; 405 UNTS 135
Agreement relating to the establishment and operation of a
SEATO Clinical Research Center at the School of Graduate
Studies of the University of Medical Sciences, with
memorandum of understanding.
Exchange of notes at Bangkok April 1 and 25, 1963.
Entered into force April 25, 1963.
14 UST 459; TIAS 5340; 476 UNTS 115
Agreement modifying and continuing the agreements of
December 23, 1960, and April 1 and 25, 1963, relating to the
SEATO medical research project and the SEATO clinical
research centre.
Exchange of notes at Bangkok January 19 and 28, 1977.
Entered into force July 1, 1977.
29 UST 643; TIAS 8840
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Exchange of notes at Bangkok June 3, 2003.
Entered into force June 3, 2003.
TIAS 03-603
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the
narcotics field.
Signed at Washington September 28, 1971.
Entered into force September 28, 1971.
22 UST 1587; TIAS 7185; 807 UNTS 49
Treaty on cooperation in the execution of penal sentences.
Signed at Bangkok October 29, 1982.
Entered into force December 7, 1988.
Treaty relating to extradition.
Signed at Washington December 14, 1983.
Entered into force May 17, 1991.
TIAS 91-517
Treaty on mutual assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Bangkok March 19, 1986.
Entered into force June 10, 1993.
TIAS 93-610
Agreement concerning an International Law Enforcement
Signed at Bangkok September 30, 1998.
Entered into force September 30, 1998.
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Rockville March 15, 2017.
Entered into force March 15, 2017.
TIAS 17-315
Parcel post agreement.
Signed at Bangkok and Washington May 31 and June 7, 1962.
Entered into force October 1, 1962.
13 UST 2209; TIAS 5188; 459 UNTS 135
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Bangkok and Washington November 14 and
December 9, 1983.
Entered into force February 18, 1984.
35 UST 3142; TIAS 10847; 2015 UNTS 25
Memorandum of understanding relating to Chiang Mai
seismic research station.
Signed at Bangkok December 29, 1976.
Entered into force December 29, 1976.
28 UST 8866; TIAS 8774; 1095 UNTS 191
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston October 28, 2005.
Entered into force October 28, 2005.
TIAS 05-1028
Agreement for cooperation in the use of U.S. land remote
sensing satellite data, with annexes.
Signed at South Dakota and Bangkok April 12, 2013 and
April 29, 2013.
Entered into force April 29, 2013.
TIAS 13-429
Agreement relating to scientific and technical cooperation,
with annexes.
Signed at Bangkok August 6, 2013.
Entered into force August 6, 2013.
TIAS 13-806
July 5, 2018 (TIAS 18-705)
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Reston and Bangkok November 10, 2014 and
February 4, 2015.
Entered into force February 4, 2015.
TIAS 15-204
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with exchange of notes.
Signed at Bangkok November 26, 1996.
Entered into force December 15, 1997.
TIAS 97-1215
Agreement relating to the establishment of certain radio
transmitting and receiving facilities in Thailand.
Signed at Bangkok August 11, 1965.
Entered into force August 11, 1965.
TIAS 7378
Amendments and Extensions:
February 28, 1983 (TIAS 10751)
August 23 and September 30, 1993 (TIAS 17-323)
September 30, 2016 and March 2 and 23, 2017 (TIAS 17-323)
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their station in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Bangkok October 11 and 30, 1990.
Entered into force December 14, 1990.
TIAS 12421
Treaty of amity and economic relations with exchanges of
Signed at Bangkok May 29, 1966.
Entered into force June 8, 1968.
19 UST 5843; TIAS 6540; 652 UNTS 253
Trade and investment framework agreement, with annex.
Signed at Los Cabos October 23, 2002.
Entered into force October 23, 2002.
TIAS 02-1023
Agreement relating to air service facilities at Don Muang
Airport and Bangkapi.
Signed at Bangkok May 8, 1947.
Entered into force May 8, 1947.
61 Stat. 3855; TIAS 1735; 11 Bevans 1037; 42 UNTS 241
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington September 19, 2005.
Entered into force September 19, 2005.
TIAS 05-919
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in the
Democratic Republic of East Timor.
Signed at Dili May 24, 2002.
Entered into force May 24, 2002.
TIAS 02-524
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training to include training related to defense articles
under the International Military and Education Training
program, and other defense services from the United States of
America to the Government of the Democratic Republic of
East Timor.
Exchange of notes at Dili July 8 and 10, 2002.
Entered into force July 10, 2002.
TIAS 02-710
Status of forces agreement.
Signed at Washington October 1, 2002.
Entered into force October 1, 2002.
TIAS 02-1001
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Dili July 31 and August 8, 2002.
Entered into force August 8, 2002.
TIAS 02-808
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington July 25, 2002.
Entered into force July 25, 2002.
TIAS 02-725
Agreement for economic and technical cooperation.
Signed at Dili June 6, 2003.
Entered into force April 25, 2005; effective January 1, 2003.
TIAS 05-425
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Dili August 23, 2002.
Entered into force October 30, 2003.
TIAS 03-1030
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Togo.
Exchange of notes at Lomé August 1 and September 5, 1962.
Entered into force September 5, 1962.
13 UST 2251; TIAS 5191; 461 UNTS 47
Agreement concerning the loan of U.S. Government
equipment and provision of logistic support services to the
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
and its members in support of the ECOFORCE peacekeeping
operation in Cote d’Ivoire.
Exchange of notes at Lomé January 22 and February 5, 2003.
Entered into force February 5, 2003.
TIAS 03-205
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Lomé May 22 and October 8, 2008.
Entered into force October 8, 2008.
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Signed at Washington March 20, 1962.
Entered into force March 20, 1962.
13 UST 321; TIAS 4983; 445 UNTS 79
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and the Export-Import Bank of the United
States, with annexes.
Signed at Lomé March 28, 1980.
Entered into force May 2, 1980.
32 UST 933; TIAS 9740; 1222 UNTS 225
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, or guaranteed by the United States
Government through the Export-Import Bank of the United
States, with annexes and agreed minute.
Signed at Lomé September 18, 1981.
Entered into force December 7, 1981.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, or guaranteed by the United States
Government through the Export-Import Bank.
Signed at Lomé November 29, 1983.
Entered into force January 31, 1984.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agency, with annexes.
Signed at Lomé July 23, 2009.
Entered into force September 22, 2009.
Agreement providing for economic, technical and related
Exchange of notes at Lomé December 22, 1960.
Entered into force December 22, 1960.
11 UST 2566; TIAS 4646; 401 UNTS 33
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Lomé June 13, 2003.
Entered into force January 15, 2004.
TIAS 04-115
Procedures for mutual assistance in connection with matters
relating to the Gulfstream American Corporation, formerly
known as Grumman American Aviation Corporation.
Signed at Washington January 30, 1979.
Entered into force January 30, 1979.
30 UST 3477; TIAS 9401; 1180 UNTS 199
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Lomé and Washington November 28, 1988 and
January 6, 1989.
Entered into force January 30, 1989.
Agreement relating to United States participation with respect
to its eligible employees in the Togolese social security
Exchange of notes at Lomé March 17 and 26, 1971.
Entered into force March 26, 1971.
22 UST 526; TIAS 7094; 792 UNTS 223
Treaty of amity and economic relations.
Signed at Lomé February 8, 1966.
Entered into force February 5, 1967.
18 UST 1; TIAS 6193; 680 UNTS 159
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Lomé April 7, 2015.
Entered into force April 7, 2015.
TIAS 15-407
On June 4, 1970, Tonga became an independent state. In a note dated June
18, 1970, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Prime
Minister of Tonga stated that each treaty validly made on behalf of the
Kingdom of Tonga by the Government of the United Kingdom pursuant to
and within the powers of the United Kingdom derived from certain
instruments entered into between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of
Tonga, continues to bind the latter until validly terminated, that it is
desired that it be presumed that each treaty continues to create rights and
obligations, and that action be based on this presumption until a decision is
reached that the treaty should be regarded as not having been validly made
for the Kingdom of Tonga or as having lapsed. Should the Government of
the Kingdom of Tonga be of the opinion that it continues to be legally
bound by the treaty, and wishes to terminate the operation of the treaty, it
will in due course give notice of termination in the terms thereof. With
respect to duly ratified treaties which were entered into by the Kingdom of
Tonga before the United Kingdom undertook the responsibility for the
foreign relations thereof, the Government of the Kingdom of Tonga
acknowledges that they remain in force to the extent to which their
provisions were unaffected in virtue of international law by certain
instruments entered into between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of
Tonga or by other events.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Tonga with exchange of letters.
Exchange of notes at Suva and Nuku‘alofa May 17 and 27,
Entered into force May 27, 1968.
19 UST 5486; TIAS 6534; 707 UNTS 71
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Suva and Nuku‘alofa
November 18 and 25, 1985.
Entered into force November 25, 1985.
TIAS 11101
Agreement concerning the status of members of the United
States Armed Forces in the Kingdom of Tonga.
Signed at Suva July 20, 1992.
Entered into force July 20, 1992.
TIAS 12523
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program, from the
United States of America to the Kingdom of Tonga.
Exchange of notes at Suva and Nuku‘alofa March 16 and
August 24, 2006.
Entered into force August 24, 2006.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Camp Smith and Nuku‘alofa August 20 and
September 11, 2007.
Entered into force September 11, 2007.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Investment incentive agreement.
Exchange of notes at Suva and Nuku‘alofa August 22, 1983 and
November 26, 1984.
Entered into force November 26, 1984.
TIAS 11000; 2022 UNTS 125
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington March 21, 2003.
Entered into force March 24, 2004.
TIAS 04-324
Extradition treaty.
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Entered into force June 24, 1935; applicable to Tonga
August 1, 1966.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
Agreement continuing in force between the United States and
Tonga the extradition treaty of December 22, 1931, between
the United States and the United Kingdom.
Exchange of notes at Nuku’alofa and Wellington March 14 and
April 13, 1977.
Entered into force April 13, 1977.
28 UST 5290; TIAS 8628; 1087 UNTS 289
On August 31, 1962, Trinidad and Tobago became independent. By an
exchange of letters on August 31, 1962, between the High Commissioner
for the United Kingdom in Trinidad and Tobago and the Prime Minister of
Trinidad and Tobago, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago agreed to
assume all obligations and responsibilities of the United Kingdom which
arise from any valid inter-national instrument (including any such
instrument made by the Government of the Federation of the West Indies
by virtue of authority entrusted by the Government of the United
Kingdom). The rights and benefits heretofore enjoyed by the Government
of the United Kingdom by virtue of application of any such international
instrument to Trinidad and Tobago shall henceforth be enjoyed by the
Government of Trinidad and Tobago.
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to claims for damages resulting from acts of
armed forces or civilian personnel.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 23, 1946 and
January 23, 1947.
Entered into force January 23, 1947; operative from June 6,
61 Stat. 2876; TIAS 1622; 12 Bevans 805; 15 UNTS 281
Agreement relating to extended validity of passports issued by
Trinidad and Tobago.
Exchange of notes at Port-of-Spain October 28 and
November 12, 1969.
Entered into force November 12, 1969.
21 UST 1995; TIAS 6942; 763 UNTS 9
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the assurances required under the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at London January 8, 1952.
Entered into force January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4665; TIAS 2622; 126 UNTS 307
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program, with aide memoire.
Exchange of notes at Port of Spain December 29, 1983 and
November 16, 1984.
Entered into force November 16, 1984.
TIAS 10989; 2022 UNTS 123
Agreement concerning grants under the Foreign Assistance
Act of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense
articles, related training, and other defense services from the
United States to Trinidad and Tobago for counter-narcotics
Exchange of notes at Port of Spain February 4 and 13, 1998.
Entered into force February 13, 1998.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel
who may be temporarily present in Trinidad and Tobago in
connection with mutually agreed activities.
Exchange of notes at Port of Spain February 20 and May 22,
Entered into force May 22, 2013.
TIAS 13-522
April 22, 2015 and February 17, 2016 (TIAS 17-1229)
December 28 and 29, 2017 (TIAS 17-1229)
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Port of Spain May 15, 1990 and
July 23, 1992.
Entered into force July 23, 1992.
TIAS 11924
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Port of Spain July 16, 1996.
Entered into force July 16, 1996.
TIAS 12784
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Port-of-Spain January 8 and 15, 1963.
Entered into force January 15, 1963.
14 UST 113; TIAS 5278; 471 UNTS 141
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies.
Signed at Port-of-Spain July 28, 1989.
Entered into force September 13, 1989.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Port-of-Spain November 26, 1990.
Entered into force January 14, 1991.
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Applicable, with the exception of article IV, to Trinidad and
Tobago March 17, 1949.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 12 Bevans 874; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 84 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 23, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
June 26 and August 20, 1959 (11 UST 2680; TIAS 4664; 405 UNTS
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom for technical cooperation in respect of the territories
for the international relations of which the Government of the
United Kingdom are responsible.
Signed at London July 13, 1951.
Applicable to Trinidad and Tobago August 14, 1954.
2 UST 1307; TIAS 2281; 105 UNTS 71
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Procedures for mutual assistance in the administration of
justice in connection with matters relating to the investigation
designated as MA 106.
Signed at Washington June 7, 1982.
Entered into force June 7, 1982.
34 UST 1271; TIAS 10416
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Port of Spain March 4, 1996.
Entered into force November 29, 1999.
TIAS 99-1129
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Port of Spain March 4, 1996.
Entered into force November 29, 1999.
TIAS 99-1129.1
Agreement regarding the Cooperating Nation Information
Exchange System (CNIES).
Exchange of notes at Port of Spain October 6, 2004 and
February 23, 2005.
Entered into force February 23, 2005.
TIAS 05-223
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Port of Spain September 21, 2016.
Entered into force September 21, 2016.
TIAS 16-921
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning maritime counter-drug operations.
Signed at Port of Spain March 4, 1996.
Entered into force March 4, 1996.
TIAS 12732
Money order agreement.
Signed at Port-of-Spain and Washington September 18 and
October 23, 1891.
Operative January 1, 1891.
Parcel post agreement with regulations of execution.
Signed at Port-of-Spain and Washington March 9 and 18, 1968.
Entered into force May 1, 1968.
19 UST 4735; TIAS 6472; 698 UNTS 121
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Port of Spain and Washington November 3 and
December 7, 1987.
Entered into force July 1, 1988.
TIAS 11558
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Trinidad and Tobago February 9, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement for a cooperative meteorological observation
program in Trinidad.
Exchange of notes at Port-of-Spain October 7, 1970.
Entered into force October 7, 1970; effective January 1, 1968.
21 UST 2495; TIAS 6991; 772 UNTS 163
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation, the
of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income, and the
encouragement of international trade and investment, with
related notes.*
Signed at Port-of-Spain January 9, 1970.
Entered into force December 30, 1970.
22 UST 164; TIAS 7047; 781 UNTS 99
* With reservation.
Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to
Signed at Port of Spain January 11, 1989.
Entered into force February 9, 1990.
TIAS 11607; 2192 UNTS 89
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Port of Spain August 19, 2016.
Entered into force September 22, 2017.
TIAS 17-922
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Port-of-Spain January 14 and
March 16, 1967.
Entered into force March 16, 1967.
18 UST 543; TIAS 6261; 685 UNTS 93
Arrangement relating to radio communications between
amateur stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Port-of-Spain October 26 and
November 18, 1971.
Entered into force December 18, 1971.
22 UST 2053; TIAS 7239
Agreement on removal of trade distorting practices in steel
trade, with appendices and exchange of letters.
Exchange of letters at Washington and Port-of-Spain March 29
and April 12, 1990.
Entered into force April 12, 1990.
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annex and protocol.
Signed at Washington September 26, 1994.
Entered into force December 26, 1996.
TIAS 96-1226.1
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 5, 1935.
Entered into force May 5, 1935.
49 Stat. 3731; EAS 77; 12 Bevans 513; 162 LNTS 59
Air transport agreement.
Signed at Port of Spain May 22, 2010.
Entered into force November 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-1101
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
A general convention between France and Tunisia signed June 3, 1955,
provided inter alia (1) for recognition of the primacy of international
conventions and treaties over internal law (article 3) and (2) that Tunisia
would take, within the framework of its internal autonomy, measures
necessary for rendering applicable treaties concerning Tunisia and for
assuring their execution (article 8).
The independence of Tunisia was recognized in a protocol between France
and Tunisia signed March 20, 1956, recognizing Tunisia’s exercise of its
responsibilities in foreign affairs and providing for organization of
interdependent cooperation in external relations.
Arrangement between the United States and France for the
waiver by France of visa requirements for United States
citizens visiting Metropolitan France and certain French
territories, and for the granting by the United States of gratis
passport visas to French citizens resident in those territories
who enter the United States as nonimmigrants.*
Exchange of notes at Paris March 16 and 31, 1949.
Entered into force March 31, 1949.
63 Stat. 2737; TIAS 1987; 7 Bevans 1311; 84 UNTS 283
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Tunisia.
Exchange of notes at Tunis February 7 and 13, 1962.
Entered into force February 13, 1962.
13 UST 249; TIAS 4968; 442 UNTS 155
Agreement on cultural cooperation.
Signed at Tunis September 28,1979.
Entered into Force September 28,1979.
31 UST 5027; TIAS 9653
Agreement concerning payment to the United States of net
proceeds from the sale of defense articles furnished under the
military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Tunis May 21 and June 29, 1974.
Entered into force July 1, 1974.
25 UST 1554; TIAS 7892
Agreement relating to a program of grants of military
equipment and material to Tunisia.
Exchange of notes at Tunis September 12 and October 25, 1974.
Entered into force October 25, 1974; effective July 1, 1974.
25 UST 3051; TIAS 7964
Agreement concerning the security of military information.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 16 and 25, 1984
Entered into Force April 25,1984
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of
military medicine.
Signed at Tunis August 14, 1985.
Entered into force August 14, 1985.
TIAS 12008
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of officers.
Signed at Tunis and Washington February 14 and March 12,
Entered into force March 12, 1992.
Agreement concerning mutual logistic support, with annexes.
Signed at Tunis and Stuttgart-Vaihingen March 29 and
April 29, 1994.
Entered into force April 29, 1994.
TIAS 12374
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Tunis November 23, 2007 and
February 13, 2008.
Entered into force February 13, 2008.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Tunis April 25 and May 20, 2008.
Entered into force May 20, 2008.
Basic exchange and cooperation agreement concerning
geospatial information, with annexes.
Signed at Springfield and Tunis March 10 and 25, 2013.
Entered into force March 25, 2013.
Treaty between the United States and France for the
determination of their relations in Tunis.
Signed at Washington March 15, 1904.
Entered into force May 7, 1904.
33 Stat. 2263; TS 434; 7 Bevans 862
Consular convention.
Signed at Tunis May 12, 1988.
Entered into force January 15, 1994.
TIAS 94-115
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Tunis November 18, 1963.
Entered into force November 18, 1963.
TIAS 5499; 14 UST 1881; 494 UNTS 193
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Washington July 27, 1995.
Entered into force July 27, 1995.
TIAS 12678
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington February 17, 2004.
Entered into force April 20, 2005.
TIAS 05-420
Agreement providing for economic, technical and related
Exchange of notes at Tunis March 26, 1957.
Entered into force March 26, 1957.
8 UST 427; TIAS 3794; 283 UNTS 117
Agreement regarding certain assurances by Tunisia
supplementing the economic, technical, and related assistance
agreement of
March 26, 1957.
Exchange of notes at Tunis October 8, 1958.
Entered into force October 8, 1958.
9 UST 1324; TIAS 4122; 336 UNTS 389
Agreement relating to the commitment by the United States to
Tunisia’s three-year plan.
Exchange of notes at Tunis September 28 and October 29, 1962.
Entered into force October 29, 1962.
13 UST 2667; TIAS 5239; 462 UNTS 201
Loan guarantee agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington June 8, 2012.
Entered into force July 10, 2012.
TIAS 12-710.1
Loan guarantee agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington June 3, 2014.
Entered into force July 18, 2014.
TIAS 14-718.1
Loan guarantee agreement, with annex.
Signed at Tunis and Washington June 3 and 6, 2016.
Entered into force August 2, 2016.
TIAS 16-802
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Exchange of notes at Tunis June 5, 2003.
Entered into force December 22, 2003.
TIAS 03-605
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Tunis August 15, 2014.
Entered into force December 9, 2014.
TIAS 14-1209.2
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investment, with protocol.
Signed at Washington May 15, 1990.
Entered into force February 7, 1993.
TIAS 93-207
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Tunis and Washington November 12, 1982 and
January 4, 1983.
Entered into force April 1, 1983.
TIAS 10640; 1935 UNTS 321
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST service, with details of implementation.
Signed at Tunis and Washington December 19, 1989 and
October 3, 1991.
Entered into force February 1, 1993.
TIAS 11903
Agreement relating to the establishment and operation of a
Mediterranean Marine Sorting Center in Tunisia.
Exchange of notes at Tunis September 26, 1966.
Entered into force September 26, 1966.
17 UST 1412; TIAS 6101; 616 UNTS 259
Agreement establishing principles for cooperation between
American institutions conducting basic scientific research in
Tunisia under Smithsonian Institution sponsorship and
appropriate Tunisian institutions, organizations or
governmental agencies.
Exchange of notes at Tunis July 17, 1968.
Entered into force July 17, 1968.
19 UST 5900; TIAS 6543; 707 UNTS 127
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington June 17, 1985.
Entered into force December 26, 1990.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Supplementary protocol to the convention for the avoidance of
double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with
respect to taxes on income of June 17, 1985.
Signed at Tunis October 4, 1989.
Entered into force December 26, 1990.
Agreement relating to the installation and operation of a radio
transmitter by the Embassy of Tunisia.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 28, 1975 and May 13,
Entered into force May 13, 1976.
28 UST 2437; TIAS 8561
Agreement relating to passport visas and visa fees.*
Exchange of notes at Washington June 27, August 8, September
27 and October 11, 1955.
Entered into force October 11, 1955; operative December 1,
7 UST 337; TIAS 3508; 272 UNTS 145
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Turkey.
Exchange of notes at Ankara August 27, 1962.
Entered into force August 27, 1962.
13 UST 2263; TIAS 5193; 461 UNTS 55
Agreement relating to the assurances required by the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Ankara January 7, 1952.
Entered into force January 7, 1952.
3 UST 4660; TIAS 2621; 179 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to implementation of the agreement
between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the
status of their forces of June 19, 1951 (4 UST 1792; TIAS
2846), with two minutes of understanding.
Signed at Ankara June 23, 1954.
Entered into force June 23, 1954.
5 UST 1465; TIAS 3020; 233 UNTS 189
Agreement relating to redistributable and excess equipment
and materials furnished pursuant to the mutual defense
assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Ankara May 26, 1955.
Entered into force May 26, 1955.
6 UST 2071; TIAS 3275; 262 UNTS 97
August 10, 1962 (13 UST 2628; TIAS 5232; 462 UNTS 350)
Agreement relating to a program of offshore procurement,
with memorandum of understanding and model contract
attached, and exchange of notes.
Exchange of notes at Ankara June 29, 1955.
Entered into force June 29, 1955.
6 UST 3729; TIAS 3372
Agreement amending the minute of understanding on
paragraph 7 of the agreement of June 23, 1954.
Exchange of notes at Ankara April 22 and July 21, 1955.
Entered into force July 21, 1955.
6 UST 2917; TIAS 3337; 265 UNTS 418
Agreement of cooperation.
Signed at Ankara March 5, 1959.
Entered into force March 5, 1959.
10 UST 320; TIAS 4191; 327 UNTS 293
Agreement for cooperation on uses of atomic energy for
mutual defense purposes.
Exchange of notes at Ankara May 5, 1959.
Entered into force July 27, 1959.
10 UST 1340; TIAS 4278; 355 UNTS 341
Agreement relating to the introduction of modern weapons
into NATO defense forces in Turkey.
Exchange of notes at Ankara September 18 and October 28,
Entered into force October 28, 1959.
10 UST 1866; TIAS 4350; 360 UNTS 265
Agreement for the establishment of a facility for repairing and
rebuilding M-12 range finders in Turkey.
Exchange of notes at Ankara November 30, 1959.
Entered into force November 30, 1959.
10 UST 2027; TIAS 4372; 361 UNTS 107
Agreement relating to a weapons production program.
Exchange of notes at Ankara March 2, 1960.
Entered into force March 2, 1960.
11 UST 1322; TIAS 4465; 372 UNTS 37
Agreement concerning duty certificates in implementation of
article VII of the agreement between the parties to the North
Atlantic Treaty regarding the status of their forces.
Exchange of notes at Ankara September 24, 1968.
Entered into force September 24, 1968.
19 UST 6317; TIAS 6582; 702 UNTS 235
Agreement concerning payment to the United States of net
proceeds from the sale of defense articles furnished under the
military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Ankara October 9 and 10, 1974.
Entered into force October 10, 1974; effective July 1, 1974.
25 UST 2494; TIAS 7933
Agreement concerning the grant of defense articles and
services under the military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Ankara August 15 and 31, 1979.
Entered into force August 31, 1979.
30 UST 7299; TIAS 9588; 1182 UNTS 93
August 13 and September 24, 1982 (TIAS 10502)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for cooperation on defense and economy in
accordance with articles II and III of the North Atlantic
Treaty, with related note; supplementary agreement number 1
on defense support; supplementary agreement number 2 on
defense industrial cooperation; and supplementary agreement
number 3 on installations, with implementing agreements
Signed at Ankara March 29, 1980.
Entered into force December 18, 1980.
32 UST 3323; TIAS 9901
Memorandum of understanding on co-operative measures for
enhancing air defense capabilities of selected COBs in Turkey.
Signed at Washington and Ankara November 14 and
December 26, 1984.
Entered into force December 26, 1984.
Agreement supplementing and extending the agreement of
March 29, 1980, for cooperation on defense and economy.
Exchange of letters at Washington March 16, 1987.
Entered into force March 16, 1987.
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Ankara and Stuttgart July 26 and August 12, 1996.
Entered into force August 12, 1996.
TIAS 12789
Support and procedures arrangement.
Signed at Ankara December 1, 2000.
Entered into force December 1, 2000.
Memorandum of understanding for a bilateral missile defense
architecture analysis.
Signed at Washington and Ankara May 31 and June 6, 2001.
Entered into force June 6, 2001.
Agreement on end-use, retransfer and security assurances
regarding defense articles, related training and other defense
services by the Government of the United States of America to
the Government of Bulgaria as the Headquarters Host Nation
of the South Eastern European Brigade (SEEBRIG), and
future SEEBRIG Headquarters Host Nations, for the
establishment of a communications information system for use
by all SEEBRIG member states in furtherance of SEEBRIG
Exchange of notes at Ankara October 16, 2002 and June 23,
Entered into force June 23, 2003.
TIAS 03-623.1
Letter of agreement concerning the use of the Turkish NATO
Pipeline System (TNPS), with annexes
Signed December 30 and 31, 2004.
Entered into force December 31, 2004.
September 12, 2005
December 28, 2005
February 20 and 27, 2007
July 11 and 17, 2008
Administrative arrangement concerning accommodation,
facilities, services and assistance made available to personnel
of the Armed Forces of the United States of America at
Headquarters NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Turkey
(NRDC-T), with annex
Signed January 5 and February 10, 2005.
Entered into force February 10, 2005.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles and defense services for
peacekeeping operations.
Exchange of notes at Ankara June 18 and 22, 2007.
Entered into force December 10, 2007.
TIAS 07-1210.1
Agreement for the regularization of relations between the
United States and Turkey.
Exchange of notes at Ankara February 17, 1927.
Entered into force February 17, 1927.
Foreign Relations, 1927, Vol. III, p. 794 ff.; 11 Bevans 1109
Agreement for the establishment of the United States
Educational Commission in Turkey, and exchanges of notes.
Signed at Ankara December 27, 1949.
Entered into force March 21, 1950.
TIAS 2111; 1 UST 603; 98 UNTS 141
January 8, 1957 (TIAS 3737; 8 UST 41; 266 UNTS 404)
February 1, 1960 (TIAS 4458; 11 UST 399; 371 UNTS 282)
April 21 and May 30, 1961 (TIAS 4766; 12 UST 661; 409 UNTS
April 26 and May 2, 1967 ( TIAS 6307; 18 UST 1654; 692 UNTS
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Ankara November 23, 1999.
Entered into force February 3, 2000.
TIAS 13072
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Ankara May 5, 1995.
Entered into force May 5, 1995.
TIAS 12643
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to assurances by the Government of
Turkey with respect to guaranties to investors pursuant to
article III of the economic cooperation agreement, as
Exchange of notes at Ankara November 15, 1951.
Entered into force November 15, 1951.
3 UST 3720; TIAS 2500; 177 UNTS 315
January 15, 1957 (8 UST 202; TIAS 3761; 280 UNTS 79)
November 27, 1964 (15 UST 2197; TIAS 5704; 531 UNTS 322)
Agreement regarding ownership and use of local currency
repayments made by Turkey to the Development Loan Fund.
Exchange of notes at Ankara September 6, 1958.
Entered into force September 6, 1958.
9 UST 1251; TIAS 4111; 336 UNTS 85
Agreements regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Ankara September 21 and
December 5, 1978.
Entered into force December 7, 1978.
30 UST 2723; TIAS 9361; 1171 UNTS 3
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Ankara December 11, 1979.
Entered into force January 14, 1980.
32 UST 1461; TIAS 9783; 1234 UNTS 273
Implementing agreement regarding the consolidation and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to the Agency for
International Development.
Signed at Ankara April 22, 1980.
Entered into force April 22, 1980; effective January 14, 1980.
32 UST 1549; TIAS 9786; 1234 UNTS 293
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with agreed minute and
Signed at Ankara October 24, 1980.
Entered into force November 28, 1980.
32 UST 3674; TIAS 9909; 1267 UNTS 347
Implementing agreement regarding the consolidation and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to the Agency for
International Development.
Signed at Ankara February 7, 1981.
Entered into force February 7, 1981.
33 UST 1057; TIAS 10091; 1280 UNTS 437
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
payments due under P. L. 480 Title I agricultural commodity
agreements, with annexes.
Signed at Ankara March 27, 1981.
Entered into force March 27, 1981.
33 UST 1545; TIAS 10131
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes and agreed
Signed at Ankara September 24, 1981.
Entered into force November 2, 1981.
34 UST 1469; TIAS 10432
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
payments due under P.L. 480 Title I agricultural commodity
agreements, with annexes.
Signed at Ankara November 25, 1981.
Entered into force November 25, 1981.
34 UST 1469; TIAS 10432
Implementing agreement regarding the consolidation and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to the Agency for
International Development.
Signed at Ankara January 22, 1982.
Entered into force January 22, 1982.
34 UST 1469; TIAS 10432
Agreement on aid to Turkey.
Signed at Ankara July 12, 1947.
Entered into force July 12, 1947.
61 Stat. 2953; TIAS 1629; 11 Bevans 1163; 7 UNTS 309
Economic cooperation agreement.
Signed at Ankara July 4, 1948.
Entered into force July 13, 1948.
62 Stat. 2566; TIAS 1794; 11 Bevans 1166; 24 UNTS 67
January 31, 1950 (1 UST 188; TIAS 2037; 76 UNTS 258)
August 16, 1951 (3 UST 54; TIAS 2392; 152 UNTS 276)
December 30, 1952 (3 UST 5348; TIAS 2742; 185 UNTS 330)
Agreement to facilitate interchange of patent rights and
technical information for purposes of defense.
Signed at Ankara May 18, 1956.
Entered into force April 2, 1957.
8 UST 597; TIAS 3809; 283 UNTS 167
Agreement approving the procedures for reciprocal filing of
classified patent applications in the United States and Turkey.
Exchange of notes at Ankara March 17 and September 16,
Entered into force September 16, 1959.
11 UST 388; TIAS 4456; 371 UNTS 314
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Constantinople and Angora February 18
and October 3, 1928.
Entered into force October 3, 1928.
11 Bevans 1117
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty on extradition and mutual assistance in criminal
Signed at Ankara June 7, 1979.
Entered into force January 1, 1981.
32 UST 3111; TIAS 9891
Treaty on the enforcement of penal judgments.
Signed at Ankara June 7, 1979.
Entered into force January 1, 1981.
32 UST 3187; TIAS 9892
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
Signed at Washington March 28, 1996.
Entered into force October 15, 2002.
TIAS 12773
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 9 and 10, 1984.
Entered into force April 10, 1984.
TIAS 11239; 2174 UNTS 187
Agreement concerning the reimbursement of costs arising
from the transit of United States Government employees and
their families.
Signed at Ankara September 13, 1996.
Entered into force September 13, 1996.
Agreement continuing in effect safeguards and guarantee
provisions of the agreement of June 10, 1955, as amended, for
cooperation concerning civil uses of atomic energy (TIAS
3320, 4748, 5828, 6040, 7122).
Exchange of notes at Ankara April 15 and June 9, 1981.
Entered into force June 9, 1981.
TIAS 10560; 1577 UNTS 403
Agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of
nuclear energy, with agreed minute.
Signed at Ankara July 26, 2000.
Entered into force June 2, 2008.
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Vienna September 18, 2017.
Entered into force September 18, 2017.
TIAS 17-918.1
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post, and
regulations of execution.
Signed at Washington and Ankara July 2 and May 25, 1935.
Entered into force August 1, 1935.
49 Stat. 3201; 164 LNTS 125
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Ankara and Washington October 16 and
November 29, 1984.
Entered into force March 21, 1985.
TIAS 11012; 2022 UNTS 87
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the BUREAUFAX service.
Signed at Ankara and Washington February 14 and
March 14, 1990.
Entered into force March 15, 1990.
TIAS 11712
Agreement on the principles applying to aid under the Act of
March 11, 1941, and exchanges of notes.
Signed at Ankara February 23, 1945.
Entered into force February 23, 1945.
59 Stat. 1476; EAS 465; 11 Bevans 1147; 121 UNTS 165
Agreement on lend-lease and claims.
Signed at Ankara May 7, 1946.
Entered into force May 25, 1946.
60 Stat. 1809; TIAS 1541; 11 Bevans 1158; 6 UNTS 293
Agreement concerning the closure of Belbasi installation and
the activation of a new seismic research station.
Signed at Ankara February 8, 2000.
Entered into force March 30, 2004.
TIAS 04-330.1
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Ankara February 7 and April 10, 2002.
Entered into force April 10, 2002.
TIAS 02-410
Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Washington October 20, 2010.
Entered into force July 8, 2013.
TIAS 13-708
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Ankara and Reston January 26 and February 18,
Entered into force February 18, 2011.
TIAS 11-218
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to relief from Turkish taxation on
expenditures made by or on behalf of the United States for
common defense, with annex and minute.
Signed at Ankara June 23, 1954.
Entered into force June 23, 1954.
5 UST 1258; TIAS 2996; 222 UNTS 161
Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income,
with protocol.
Signed at Washington March 28, 1996.
Entered into force December 19, 1997.
TIAS 97-1219.1
Arrangement relating to radio communications between
amateur stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Ankara November 27, 1996.
Entered into force November 27, 1996.
TIAS 12818
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Ankara November 27, 1996.
Entered into force November 27, 1996.
TIAS 12819
Treaty of commerce and navigation.
Signed at Ankara October 1, 1929.
Entered into force April 22, 1930.
46 Stat. 2743; TS 813; 11 Bevans 1122; 114 LNTS 499
Treaty of establishment and sojourn.
Signed at Ankara October 28, 1931.
Entered into force February 15, 1933.
47 Stat. 2432; TS 859; 11 Bevans 1127; 138 LNTS 345
Treaty concerning the reciprocal encouragement and
protection of investments, with protocol.
Signed at Washington December 3, 1985.
Entered into force May 18, 1990.
TIAS 90-518
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at New York May 2, 2000.
Entered into force August 13, 2001.
TIAS 13100
Agreement regarding cooperation to facilitate the provision of
assistance for preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Ankara June 14, 2005.
Entered into force June 9, 2008.
TIAS 08-609
For agreements prior to December 31, 1991, see UNION OF SOVIET
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps of the
United States in Turkmenistan.
Signed at Ashgabat February 26, 1993.
Entered into force February 26, 1993.
TIAS 11467
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Ashgabat November 29, 1993 and
January 3, 1994.
Entered into force January 3, 1994.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training, and other defense services from the United
States of America to the Government of Turkmenistan.
Exchange of notes April 5 and 24, 1999.
Entered into force April 24, 1999.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Ashgabat July 15 and 20, 1999.
Entered into force July 20, 1999.
TIAS 13053
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Ashgabat June 26, 1992.
Entered into force June 26, 1992.
TIAS 12462
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding cooperation to facilitate the provision of
Signed at Ashgabat November 30, 1993.
Entered into force November 30, 1993.
TIAS 12518
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Ashgabat December 25, 2003.
Entered into force January 30, 2004.
TIAS 04-130
Agreement on trade relations, with exchanges of letters.
Signed at Washington March 23, 1993.
Entered into force October 25, 1993.
TIAS 12491
On October 1, 1978, Tuvalu became an independent state. In a note dated
December 19, 1978, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the
Prime Minister of Tuvalu made a statement reading in part as follows:
2 The Government of Tuvalu, conscious of the desirability of maintaining
existing international legal relationships, and conscious of its obligations
under international law to honour its treaty commitments, acknowledges
that many treaty rights and obligations of the Government of the United
Kingdom in respect of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Protectorate, the
Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony and Tuvalu were succeeded to by Tuvalu
upon Independence by virtue of customary international law. Since,
however, it is likely that by virtue of that law certain of such treaties may
be said to have lapsed at the date of Tuvalu’s Independence, it seems
essential that each treaty purporting or deemed to bind Tuvalu before that
date should be subjected to legal examination. The Government of Tuvalu
proposes after such examination has been completed to indicate which, if
any, of the treaties which may be said to have lapsed by virtue of
customary international law it proposes to treat as having lapsed.
3 The Government of Tuvalu desires that it should be presumed that each
treaty purporting or deemed to bind Tuvalu before Independence has been
legally succeeded to by Tuvalu and that action should be based on such
presumption unless and until the Government of Tuvalu decides that any
particular treaty should be treated as having lapsed. Should the
Government of Tuvalu be of opinion that it has legally succeeded to any
treaty, and wish to terminate the operation of such treaty, it will in due
course give notice of termination in the terms thereof.
4 For the avoidance of doubt, the Government of Tuvalu further declares
that it does not regard itself as bound by the terms of any convention
creating an international organisation to the extent that such convention
requires the payment of any sum by any State, by virtue only of the
accession of the Government of the United Kingdom to such convention.”
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Tuvalu.
Exchange of notes at Suva August 25, 1977.
Entered into force August 25, 1977.
29 UST 5428; TIAS 9119
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Treaty of friendship.
Signed at Funafuti February 7, 1979.
Entered into force September 23, 1983.
35 UST 2087; TIAS 10776; 2011 UNTS 79
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Agreement on the surrender of persons to the International
Criminal Court.
Exchange of notes at Suva and Funafuti September 19, 2002
and January 9, 2003.
Entered into force February 3, 2003.
TIAS 03-203
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Kingdom, with protocol of signature and exchange of notes.
Signed at London June 8, 1972.
Entered into force January 21, 1977.
28 UST 227; TIAS 8468
Agreement concerning operational cooperation to suppress
illicit transnational maritime activity.
Signed at Auckland September 9, 2011.
Entered into force September 9, 2011.
TIAS 11-909
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Funafuti August 3 and October 26, 2001.
Entered into force October 26, 2001.
TIAS 13167
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at London November 26, 1965.
Applicable to Tuvalu December 11, 1969.
16 UST 2047; TIAS 5941; 561 UNTS 193
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom extending to certain territories the application of the
agreement of November 26, 1965, relating to the reciprocal
granting of authorizations to permit licensed amateur radio
operators of either country to operate their stations in the other
Exchange of notes at London December 11, 1969.
Entered into force December 11, 1969.
20 UST 4089; TIAS 6800; 732 UNTS 334
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom concerning air services with annexes and exchange
of letters.
Signed at Bermuda July 23, 1977.
Entered into force July 23, 1977.
28 UST 5367; TIAS 8641
April 25, 1978 (29 UST 2680; TIAS 8965)
Agreement relating to treaty obligations assumed by Tuvalu
upon its independence.
Exchange of notes at Suva and Funafuti January 29 and
April 25, 1980.
Entered into force April 25, 1980.
32 UST 1310; TIAS 9770; 1222 UNTS 293
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in the
Republic of Uganda.
Signed at Kampala December 10, 2007.
Entered into force December 10, 2007.
TIAS 07-1210
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Kampala April 6, 1981 and June 15, 1984.
Entered into force June 15, 1984.
TIAS 10984; 2022 UNTS 121
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Uganda.
Exchange of notes at Kampala January 31 and March 25, 1994.
Entered into force March 25, 1994.
TIAS 11476
Agreement regarding the status of U.S. personnel and civilian
employees of the Department of Defense who may be
temporarily present in Uganda in connection with the African
Crisis Response Initiative mobile training team visit and other
activities as may be agreed upon by the two governments.
Exchange of notes at Kampala July 15 and September 1, 1997.
Entered into force September 1, 1997.
TIAS 97-901.1
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Stuttgart and Kampala December 18 and 22, 2014.
Entered into force December 22, 2014.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Entebbe October 17 and December
5, 2016.
Entered into force December 5, 2016.
Agreement concerning the employment on a reciprocal basis
of dependents of official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Kampala August 20 and 21, 2013.
Entered into force October 17, 2013.
TIAS 13-1017
Agreement for cooperation on the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Kampala November 26, 1998.
Entered into force November 26, 1998.
TIAS 13001
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Kampala May 29, 1965.
Entered into force May 29, 1965.
16 UST 827; TIAS 5818; 546 UNTS 209
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kampala May 10, 1982.
Entered into force June 21, 1982.
Agreements regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, or guaranteed by the United States
Government and its agencies, with annexes, and implementing
agreements regarding AID loans and agricultural commodity
Signed at Kampala March 31, 1983.
Entered into force May 23, 1983.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kampala January 13, 1988.
Entered into force February 22, 1988.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Kampala December 19, 1989.
Entered into force January 26, 1990.
Agreement regarding the reduction and reorganization of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its Agency, with annexes.
Signed at Kampala June 22, 1999.
Entered into force August 19, 1999.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its Agency, with annexes.
Signed at Kampala May 28, 2002.
Entered into force August 19, 2002.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to economic, technical and related
Exchange of notes at Kampala December 3 and 11, 1971.
Entered into force December 11, 1971.
22 UST 1848; TIAS 7229
Development objective assistance agreement for improved
health and nutrition status in focus areas and population
Signed September 29, 2011.
Entered into force September 29, 2011.
November 23, 2016 (NP)
February 3, 2017 (NP)
Development objective assistance agreement for economic
growth from agriculture and the natural resource base in
selected areas and population groups.
Signed December 30, 2011.
Entered into force December 30, 2011.
February 3, 2017 (NP)
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington June 12, 2003.
Entered into force October 23, 2003.
TIAS 03-1023
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Kampala and Washington October 4 and
November 3, 1988.
Entered into force December 15, 1988.
TIAS 11628
Memorandum of agreement for the provision of assistance in
developing and modernizing the civil aviation infrastructure of
Signed at Washington and Kampala November 10 and 11, 2003.
Entered into force November 11, 2003.
August 16 and September 5, 2005
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Atlanta October 27, 2009.
Entered into force October 27, 2009.
TIAS 09-1027
The following agreements include those between the United States and
Ukraine, as well as those between the United States and the former Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics that the United States and Ukraine have
agreed remain in force between them. Bilateral arms limitation and related
agreements between the United States and the former Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics remain under review. No conclusion can be drawn
from their absence from the following list.
Declaration between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics on international guarantees (Afghanistan
Settlement Agreement).
Signed at Geneva April 14, 1988.
Entered into force May 15, 1988.
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics relating to the reciprocal issuance of
multiple entry and exit visas to American and Soviet
Exchange of notes at Moscow September 29, 1975.
Entered into force September 29, 1975.
27 UST 4258; TIAS 8448
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps of the
United States in Ukraine.
Signed at Washington May 6, 1992.
Entered into force May 6, 1992.
TIAS 11510
Agreement on the protection and preservation of cultural
Signed at Washington March 4, 1994.
Entered into force March 4, 1994.
TIAS 11480
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics on the prevention of dangerous military
activities, with annexes and agreed statements.
Signed at Moscow June 12, 1989.
Entered into force January 1, 1990.
Memorandum of understanding between the United States and
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on cooperation in the
mapping sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Moscow May 14, 1991.
Entered into force May 14, 1991.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Stuttgart and Kiev November 17 and 19, 1999.
Entered into force November 19, 1999.
Implementing arrangement concerning mutual logistic
support, with annexes.
Signed at Kiev and Stuttgart November 19 and December 7,
Entered into force December 7, 1999.
Agreement concerning exchange of research and development
information in the sphere of military technical cooperation,
with appendix.
Signed at Washington March 31, 2000.
Entered into force July 27, 2001.
TIAS 01-727
Agreement on protection of classified defense information.
Signed at Kiev August 4, 2003.
Entered into force July 14, 2004.
TIAS 04-714
Agreement regarding the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or
successor legislation; the Arms Export Control Act; 10 U.S.C.
Section 2282, 10 U.S.C. Section 333, and other Department of
Defense authorities; and the furnishing on a grant basis of
defense articles, related training, and other defense services
from the United States of America to Ukraine under such
Exchange of notes at Kyiv May 18, 2017 and June 13, 2018.
Entered into force June 13, 2018.
TIAS 18-613
Arrangements between the United States and the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics relating to the establishment of
diplomatic relations, nonintervention, freedom of conscience
and religious liberty, legal protection, and claims.
Exchanges of notes at Washington November 16, 1933.
Entered into force November 16, 1933.
Department of State Publication 528; European and British
Commonwealth Series 2 [new series]; Eastern European Series No.
1 [old series]; 11 Bevans 1248
Consular convention between the United States and the Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Signed at Moscow June 1, 1964.
Entered into force July 13, 1968.
19 UST 5018; TIAS 6503; 655 UNTS 213
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics relating to privileges and immunities of all
members of the Soviet and American embassies and their
families, with agreed minute.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 14, 1978.
Entered into force December 14, 1978; effective
December 29, 1978.
30 UST 2341; TIAS 9340; 1171 UNTS 73
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics relating to immunity of family members of
consular officers and employees from criminal jurisdiction.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 31, 1986.
Entered into force October 31, 1986.
TIAS 11432
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics on expansion of undergraduate exchanges.
Signed at Washington June 1, 1990.
Entered into force June 1, 1990.
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 21, 1994.
Entered into force November 21, 1994.
TIAS 12196
Agreement on cooperation in the field of environmental
Signed at Washington May 7, 1992.
Entered into force May 7, 1992.
TIAS 11466
Agreement concerning a regional environmental center in
Signed at Washington December 8, 1999.
Entered into force December 8, 1999.
TIAS 13074
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington May 6, 1992.
Entered into force May 6, 1992.
TIAS 11475
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agency, with annexes.
Signed at Kiev June 10, 2002.
Entered into force July 19, 2002.
Agreement regarding humanitarian and technical economic
Signed at Washington May 7, 1992.
Entered into force May 7, 1992.
TIAS 11472
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Loan guarantee agreement.
Signed at Washington April 14, 2014.
Entered into force May 13, 2014.
TIAS 14-513
Loan guarantee agreement.
Signed at Kyiv May 18, 2015.
Entered into force May 26, 2015.
TIAS 15-526
Loan guarantee agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Kyiv June 3, 2016.
Entered into force September 27, 2016.
TIAS 16-927.2
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics on cooperation in artificial heart research
and development.
Signed at Moscow June 28, 1974.
Entered into force June 28, 1974.
25 UST 1331; TIAS 7867
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics on emergency medical supplies and related
Signed at Moscow July 30, 1991.
Entered into force July 30, 1991.
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics relating to the procedure to be followed in
the execution of letters rogatory.
Exchange of notes at Moscow November 22, 1935.
Entered into force November 22, 1935.
49 Stat. 3840; EAS 83; 11 Bevans 1262; 167 LNTS 303
Memorandum of understanding between the United States and
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on cooperation to
combat illegal narcotics trafficking.
Signed at Paris January 8, 1989.
Entered into force January 8, 1989.
TIAS 11436
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics on a mutual understanding on cooperation
in the struggle against the illicit traffic in narcotics.
Signed at Washington January 31, 1990.
Entered into force January 31, 1990.
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in the
pursuit of Nazi war criminals.
Signed at Washington August 26, 1993.
Entered into force August 26, 1993.
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
Signed at Kiev July 22, 1998.
Entered into force February 27, 2001.
TIAS 12978
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Kyiv May 23, 2016.
Entered into force December 13, 2016.
TIAS 16-1213
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics on the prevention of incidents on and over
the high seas.
Signed at Moscow May 25, 1972.
Entered into force May 25, 1972.
23 UST 1168; TIAS 7379; 852 UNTS 151
Protocol between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics to the agreement of May 25, 1972 (TIAS
7379) on the prevention of incidents on and over the high seas.
Signed at Washington May 22, 1973.
Entered into force May 22, 1973.
24 UST 1063; TIAS 7624
Memorandum of understanding between the United States and
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics regarding marine
cargo insurance.
Signed at London April 5, 1979.
Entered into force April 5, 1979.
30 UST 2194; TIAS 9326; 1171 UNTS 93
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics concerning the confidentiality of data on
deep seabed areas, with related exchange of letters.
Exchange of notes at Moscow December 5, 1986.
Entered into force December 5, 1986.
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics relating to the agreement of August 14,
1987, on the resolution of practical problems with respect to
deep seabed mining areas.*
Exchange of notes at Moscow August 14, 1987.
Entered into force August 14, 1987.
TIAS 11438
* Parties to the multilateral agreement of August 14, 1987, are
Belgium, Canada, Italy, Netherlands and Union of Soviet Socialist
Agreement concerning development of state systems of
control, accounting and physical protection of nuclear
materials to promote the prevention of nuclear weapons
proliferation from Ukraine.
Signed at Washington December 18, 1993.
Entered into force December 31, 1993.
TIAS 04-323
Amendments and Extensions:
March 21, 1994 (TIAS 04-323)
June 27, 1995 (TIAS 04-323)
July 7, 1999 (TIAS 04-323)
February 18 and March 23, 2004 (TIAS 04-323)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning development of state systems of
control, accounting and physical protection of nuclear
materials to promote the prevention of nuclear weapons
proliferation from Ukraine.
Signed at Kiev June 27, 1995.
Entered into force June 27, 1995.
Agreement on the establishment of a secure communications
link between the Nuclear Risk Reduction Center of the United
States of America and the Military Cooperation and
Verification Center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces
of Ukraine, with annexes.
Signed at Kiev September 20, 2001.
Entered into force September 20, 2001.
TIAS 01-920
Implementing arrangement for cooperation in the area of
prevention of illicit trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive
Signed at Washington and Kiev April 8 and 20, 2005.
Entered into force April 20, 2005.
TIAS 05-420.3
Implementing arrangement concerning cooperation to enhance
the security of Ukraine’s usable sources of ionizing radiation,
with appendix.
Signed at Washington and Kiev June 16 and 23, 2006.
Entered into force June 23, 2006.
TIAS 06-623
Agreement concerning operational safety enhancements, risk
reduction measures and nuclear safety regulation for civilian
nuclear facilities in Ukraine, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Kiev October 25, 1993.
Entered into force October 25, 1993.
TIAS 12513
Amendment and Extensions:
July 22, 1998 (TIAS 98-722)
April 5 and 23, 2004 (TIAS 98-722)
February 6, May 6 and May 8, 2009 (TIAS 98-722)
September 24 and October 24, 2013 (TIAS 13-1024)
Agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of
nuclear energy, with annex and agreed minute.
Signed at Kiev May 6, 1998.
Entered into force May 28, 1999.
TIAS 12950
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Rockville March 13, 2018.
Entered into force March 13, 2018.
TIAS 18-313
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Kiev and Washington June 1 and November 8, 1993.
Entered into force January 1, 1994.
Preliminary agreement between the United States and the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics relating to principles
applying to mutual aid in the prosecution of the war against
aggression, and exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington June 11, 1942.
Entered into force June 11, 1942.
56 Stat. 1500; EAS 253; 11 Bevans 1281; 105 UNTS 285
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics regarding settlement of lend-lease,
reciprocal aid and claims.
Signed at Washington October 18, 1972.
Entered into force October 18, 1972.
23 UST 2910; TIAS 7478; 898 UNTS 297
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics regarding settlement of lend-lease
Exchange of letters at Washington June 1, 1990.
Entered into force June 1, 1990.
Convention relating to the rights of neutrals at sea.*
Signed at Washington July 22, 1854.
Entered into force October 31, 1854.
10 Stat. 1105; TS 300; 11 Bevans 1214
* Declaration of accession by Nicaragua signed at Granada June 9,
1855 (7 Miller 139).
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics relating to prisoners of war and civilians
liberated by forces operating under Soviet command and
forces operating under United States of America command.
Signed at Yalta February 11, 1945.
Entered into force February 11, 1945;
59 Stat. 1874; EAS 505; 11 Bevans 1286; 68 UNTS 175
Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Washington December 4, 2006.
Entered into force May 26, 2009.
TIAS 09-526
April 11, 2016, November 21 and December 6, 2017 (TIAS 17-1206)
Framework agreement for cooperation in the exploration and
use of outer space for peaceful purposes.
Signed at Kiev March 31, 2008.
Entered into force January 22, 2009.
TIAS 09-122
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and capital, with protocol.
Signed at Washington March 4, 1994.
Entered into force June 5, 2000.
TIAS 00-605.1
Agreement concerning the relationship between the taxation
convention of March 4, 1994, and the General Agreement on
Trade in Services with regard to the consultation, most-
favored-nation and national treatment provisions.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 26 and June 6, 1995.
Entered into force June 5, 2000.
TIAS 00-601.1
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.
Signed at Kyiv February 7, 2017.
Entered into force November 18, 2019.
Agreement regulating the position of corporations and other
commercial associations.
Signed at St. Petersburg June 25, 1904.
Entered into force June 25, 1904.
36 Stat. 2163; TS 526; 11 Bevans 1235
Agreement on trade relations, with related exchanges of
Signed at Washington May 6, 1992.
Entered into force June 23, 1992.
TIAS 92-623
Joint statement on expansion of trade and investment.
Signed at Washington November 22, 1994.
Entered into force November 22, 1994.
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annex and exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington March 4, 1994.
Entered into force November 16, 1996.
TIAS 96-1116
Agreement on export duties on ferrous and nonferrous scrap
Exchange of letters at Kiev and Washington February 22, 2006.
Entered into force February 22, 2006.
TIAS 06-222
Agreement on sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures.
Exchange of letters at Kiev and Washington
February 21 and 22, 2006.
Entered into force February 22, 2006.
TIAS 06-222.1
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington July 14, 2015.
Entered into force January 14, 2016.
TIAS 16-114
Agreement concerning the succession of Ukraine to bilateral
treaties between the United States and the former Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics, with annex.
Exchange of notes at Kiev May 10, 1995.
Entered into force May 15, 1995.
Agreement concerning assistance to Ukraine in the elimination
of strategic nuclear arms and the prevention of proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction.
Signed at Kiev October 25, 1993.
Entered into force December 31, 1993.
Amendment and Extensions:
June 30 and July 29, 1999
July 24 and September 18, 2003
July 19, December 8 and 15, 2006
December 24 and 27, 2013
Agreement concerning the provision of material, services and
related training to Ukraine in connection with the elimination
of strategic nuclear arms, with annexes.
Signed at Kiev December 5, 1993.
Entered into force December 31, 1993.
Amendments and Extensions:
December 18, 1993
December 18, 1993
March 21, 1994
April 1, 1995
June 27, 1995
May 1, 1997
June 12, 1998
July 10, 1999
July 24 and 28, 2000
December 1 and 4, 2000
January 24 and 31, 2001
August 30 and September 9, 2002
July 24 and September 18, 2003
December 26, 2006 and January 5, 2007
September 19 and October 27, 2008
June 11 and July 9, 2009
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on the provision of assistance to Ukraine in
establishing an export control system in order to prevent the
proliferation from Ukraine of weapons of mass destruction.
Signed at Kiev October 22, 2001.
Entered into force October 22, 2001; effective December 31,
TIAS 01-1022
March 15 and 26, 2004 (TIAS 01-1022)
June 27, 2005 (TIAS 01-1022)
August 31 and September 12, 2006 (TIAS 01-1022)
July 30 and August 17, 2007 (TIAS 01-1022)
April 4 and 16, 2008 (TIAS 01-1022)
April 9 and 29, 2009 (TIAS 01-1022)
Agreement concerning cooperation in the area of prevention
of proliferation of technology, pathogens and expertise that
could be used in the development of biological weapons.
Signed at Kiev August 29, 2005.
Entered into force August 29, 2005.
TIAS 05-829
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics dissolved December 25, 1991. As
stated in the Alma-Ata Declaration of December 21, 1991, “… The States
participating in the Commonwealth guarantee in accordance with their
constitutional procedures the discharge of the international obligations
deriving from treaties and agreements concluded by the former Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics….”
In addition, the Russian Federation has informed the United States
Government by a note dated January 13, 1992, that it “… continues to
perform the rights and fulfil the obligations following from the
international agreements signed by the Union of the Soviet Socialist
Section 2 of Treaties in Force covers multilateral treaties and agreements.
Where a multilateral treaty action was taken prior to dissolution, “Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics” is retained; where a successor state has taken
action it is listed separately.
The United States is reviewing the continued applicability of the
agreements listed below. Bilateral agreements subsequent to December 31,
1991, are listed under individual country headings.
Basic principles of negotiation on the further limitation of
strategic offensive arms.
Signed at Washington June 21, 1973.
Entered into force June 21, 1973.
24 UST 1472; TIAS 7653; 944 UNTS 41
Treaty on the limitation of underground nuclear weapon tests.
Signed at Moscow July 3, 1974.
Entered into force December 11, 1990.
Treaty on underground nuclear explosions for peaceful
purposes, with agreed minute.
Signed at Washington and Moscow May 28, 1976.
Entered into force December 11, 1990.
TIAS; 1714 UNTS 387
Protocol to the treaty of May 28, 1976, on underground
nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes.
Signed at Washington June 1, 1990.
Entered into force December 11, 1990.
TIAS; 1714 UNTS 440
Protocol to the treaty of July 3, 1974, on the limitation of
underground nuclear weapon tests.
Signed at Washington June 1, 1990.
Entered into force December 11, 1990.
Agreement to abide by terms of maritime boundary agreement
of June 1, 1990, pending entry into force.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 1, 1990.
Entered into force June 1, 1990; effective June 15, 1990.
TIAS 11451
Treaty for the settlement of disputes.
Signed at Washington October 1, 1914.
Entered into force March 22, 1915.
39 Stat. 1622; TS 616; 11 Bevans 1239
Declaration on international guarantees (Afghanistan
Settlement Agreement).
Signed at Geneva April 14, 1988.
Entered into force May 15, 1988.
Agreement relating to the reciprocal waiver of visa fees to
Exchange of notes at Moscow March 26, August 11 and
August 20, 1958.
Entered into force August 20, 1958.
9 UST 1413; TIAS 4134; 336 UNTS 269
Agreement relating to the reciprocal issuance of multiple entry
and exit visas to American and Soviet correspondents.*
Exchange of notes at Moscow September 29, 1975.
Entered into force September 29, 1975.
27 UST 4258; TIAS 8448
Agreement concerning diplomatic and other visas, with agreed
minute and oral understanding.*
Exchange of notes at Moscow July 30, 1984.
Entered into force July 30, 1984.
Agreement modifying the agreement of July 30, 1984,
concerning diplomatic and other visas.*
Exchange of notes at Washington October 31, 1986.
Entered into force October 31, 1986.
* The status of these agreements is under review.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning mutual visits by inhabitants of the
Bering Straits Region.
Signed at Jackson Hole, Wyoming September 23, 1989.
Entered into force July 10, 1991.
TIAS 11455
Agreement on cooperation in the exchange of archival records
regarding the Nazi invasion of the occupied territory of the
Soviet Union during World War II.
Signed at Moscow July 29, 1988.
Entered into force July 29, 1988.
Agreement on the prevention of dangerous military activities,
with annexes and agreed statements.
Signed at Moscow June 12, 1989.
Entered into force January 1, 1990.
TIAS 11485; 1566 UNTS 309
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the mapping
sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Moscow May 14, 1991.
Entered into force May 14, 1991.
Arrangements relating to the establishment of diplomatic
relations, nonintervention, freedom of conscience and
religious liberty, legal protection, and claims.
Exchanges of notes at Washington November 16, 1933.
Entered into force November 16, 1933.
Department of State Publication 528; European and British
Commonwealth Series 2 [new series]; Eastern European Series No.
1 [old series]; 11 Bevans 1248
Consular convention, with protocol.
Signed at Moscow June 1, 1964.
Entered into force July 13, 1968.
19 UST 5018; TIAS 6503; 655 UNTS 213
Agreement relating to privileges and immunities of all
members of the Soviet and American embassies and their
families, with agreed minute.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 14, 1978.
Entered into force December 14, 1978; effective
December 29, 1978.
30 UST 2341; TIAS 9340; 1171 UNTS 73
Agreement relating to immunity of family members of
consular officers and employees from criminal jurisdiction.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 31, 1986.
Entered into force October 31, 1986.
TIAS 11432
Convention concerning the conservation of migratory birds
and their environment.
Signed at Moscow November 19, 1976.
Entered into force October 13, 1978.
29 UST 4647; TIAS 9073; 1134 UNTS 97
Agreement relating to the consideration of claims resulting
from damage to fishing vessels or gear and measures to
prevent fishing conflicts, with annex and protocol.
Signed at Moscow February 21, 1973.
Entered into force February 21, 1973.
24 UST 669; TIAS 7575; 938 UNTS 38
February 26, 1975 (26 UST 167; TIAS 8022)
Protocol to the agreement of February 21, 1973 (TIAS 7575),
relating to the consideration of claims resulting from damage
to fishing vessels or gear and measures to prevent fishing
conflicts, with annex.
Signed at Copenhagen June 21, 1973.
Entered into force June 21, 1973.
24 UST 1588; TIAS 7663; 938 UNTS 49
Agreement on mutual fisheries relations, with annexes.
Signed at Moscow May 31, 1988.
Entered into force October 28, 1988.
TIAS 11442; 2191 UNTS 3
Amendments and Extensions:
March 11 and September 15, 1993
December 22, 1993 and January 5, 1994
July 28 and November 23, 1998
March 3, 2003 and January 30, 2004
June 15, 2005
April 1 and September 19, 2008
July 23 and December 10, 2013, and August 25, 2015 (TIAS 15-825)
Agreement relating to the exchange of medical films.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 17 and September 5,
Entered into force September 5, 1955.
6 UST 3969; TIAS 3409; 256 UNTS 307
Agreement on cooperation in the field of medical science and
public health.
Signed at Moscow May 23, 1972.
Entered into force May 23, 1972.
23 UST 836; TIAS 7344
Agreement on cooperation in artificial heart research and
Signed at Moscow June 28, 1974.
Entered into force June 28, 1974.
25 UST 1331; TIAS 7867
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on emergency medical supplies and related
Signed at Moscow July 30, 1991.
Entered into force July 30, 1991.
TIAS 11468
Agreement relating to the procedure to be followed in the
execution of letters rogatory.
Exchange of notes at Moscow November 22, 1935.
Entered into force November 22, 1935.
49 Stat. 3840; EAS 83; 11 Bevans 1262; 167 LNTS 303
Memorandum of understanding on cooperation to combat
illegal narcotics trafficking.
Signed at Paris January 8, 1989.
Entered into force January 8, 1989.
TIAS 11436; 2191 UNTS 35
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in the
pursuit of Nazi war criminals.
Signed at Moscow October 19, 1989.
Entered into force October 19, 1989.
TIAS 11462
Agreement on a mutual understanding on cooperation in the
struggle against the illicit traffic in narcotics.
Signed at Washington January 31, 1990.
Entered into force January 31, 1990.
Agreement on the prevention of incidents on and over the high
Signed at Moscow May 25, 1972.
Entered into force May 25, 1972.
23 UST 1168; TIAS 7379; 852 UNTS 151
Protocol to the agreement of May 25, 1972 (TIAS 7379) on
the prevention of incidents on and over the high seas.
Signed at Washington May 22, 1973.
Entered into force May 22, 1973.
24 UST 1063; TIAS 7624
Memorandum of understanding regarding marine cargo
Signed at London April 5, 1979.
Entered into force April 5, 1979.
30 UST 2194; TIAS 9326; 1171 UNTS 93
Agreement concerning the confidentiality of data on deep
seabed areas, with related exchange of letters.
Exchange of notes at Moscow December 5, 1986.
Entered into force December 5, 1986.
Agreement relating to the agreement of August 14, 1987, on
the resolution of practical problems with respect to deep
seabed mining areas.*
Exchange of notes at Moscow August 14, 1987.
Entered into force August 14, 1987.
TIAS 11438
* Parties to the multilateral agreement of August 14, 1987, are
Belgium, Canada, Italy, Netherlands and Union of Soviet Socialist
Agreement on maritime search and rescue, with exchange of
Signed at Moscow May 31, 1988.
Entered into force July 3, 1989.
TIAS 11440; 2191 UNTS 115
Agreement on measures to reduce the risk of outbreak of
nuclear war.
Signed at Washington September 30, 1971.
Entered into force September 30, 1971.
22 UST 1590; TIAS 7186; 807 UNTS 57
Agreement on the establishment of nuclear risk reduction
centers, with protocols.
Signed at Washington September 15, 1987.
Entered into force September 15, 1987.
TIAS 13-1007
October 7, 2013 (TIAS 13-1007)
Agreement on the conduct of a joint verification experiment,
with annex.
Signed at Moscow May 31, 1988.
Entered into force May 31, 1988.
Agreement on notifications of launches of intercontinental
ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles.
Signed at Moscow May 31, 1988.
Entered into force May 31, 1988.
Agreement on reciprocal advance notification of major
strategic exercises.
Signed at Jackson Hole, Wyoming, September 23, 1989.
Entered into force January 1, 1990.
TIAS 11458; 2191 UNTS 283
Agreement concerning cooperation in combatting pollution in
the Bering and Chukchi Seas in emergency situations.
Signed at Moscow May 11, 1989.
Entered into force August 17, 1989.
TIAS 11446; 2190 UNTS 179
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Moscow March 31, 1988.
Entered into force May 1, 1988.
TIAS 11439
Memorandum of understanding concerning the operation of
the INTELPOST service, with details of implementation.
Signed at Moscow and Washington February 14 and
March 9, 1989.
Entered into force April 3, 1989.
TIAS 11528
Preliminary agreement relating to principles applying to
mutual aid in the prosecution of the war against aggression,
and exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington June 11, 1942.
Entered into force June 11, 1942.
56 Stat. 1500; EAS 253; 11 Bevans 1281; 105 UNTS 285
Agreement relating to the disposition of lend-lease supplies in
inventory or procurement in the United States.
Signed at Washington October 15, 1945.
Entered into force October 15, 1945.
7 UST 2819; TIAS 3662; 278 UNTS 151 and 315 UNTS 249
Agreement on the reciprocal allocation for use free of charge
of plots of land in Moscow and Washington with annexes and
exchanges of notes.
Signed at Moscow May 16, 1969.
Entered into force May 16, 1969.
20 UST 789; TIAS 6693; 715 UNTS 33
Agreement regarding settlement of lend-lease, reciprocal aid
and claims.
Signed at Washington October 18, 1972.
Entered into force October 18, 1972.
23 UST 2910; TIAS 7478; 898 UNTS 297
Agreement on the conditions of construction of complexes of
buildings of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow and the Russian
Embassy in Washington with attachment.
Signed at Washington December 4, 1972.
Entered into force December 4, 1972.
23 UST 3544; TIAS 7512
Agreement regarding settlement of lend-lease accounts.
Exchange of letters at Washington June 1, 1990.
Entered into force June 1, 1990.
Agreement concerning the Bering Straits Regional
Signed at Jackson Hole, Wyoming September 23, 1989.
Entered into force July 10, 1991.
TIAS 11448
Convention relating to the rights of neutrals at sea.*
Signed at Washington July 22, 1854.
Entered into force October 31, 1854.
10 Stat. 1105; TS 300; 11 Bevans 1214
* Declaration of accession by Nicaragua signed at Granada June 9,
1855 (7 Miller 139).
Agreement relating to prisoners of war and civilians liberated
by forces operating under Soviet command and forces
operating under United States of America command.
Signed at Yalta February 11, 1945.
Entered into force February 11, 1945.
59 Stat. 1874; EAS 505; 11 Bevans 1286; 68 UNTS 175
Agreement on the prevention of nuclear war.
Signed at Washington June 22, 1973.
Entered into force June 22, 1973.
24 UST 1478; TIAS 7654
Implementing agreement concerning cooperation in the space
flight of a Soviet Meteor 3 satellite employing a U.S. Total
Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS).
Signed at Moscow July 25, 1990.
Entered into force August 24, 1990.
Convention on matters of taxation, with related letters.
Signed at Washington June 20, 1973.
Entered into force January 29, 1976; effective January 1, 1976.
27 UST 1; TIAS 8225
Convention ceding Alaska.
Signed at Washington March 30, 1867.
Entered into force June 20, 1867.
15 Stat. 539; TS 301; 11 Bevans 1216
Agreement regulating the position of corporations and other
commercial associations.
Signed at St. Petersburg June 25, 1904.
Entered into force June 25, 1904.
36 Stat. 2163; TS 526; 11 Bevans 1235
Agreement on the establishment of a U.S.-U.S.S.R.
Commercial Commission.
Communique issued at Moscow May 26, 1972.
Entered into force May 26, 1972.
26 UST 1334; TIAS 8116; 1006 UNTS 17
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Protocol relating to the possibility of establishing a U.S.-
U.S.S.R. Chamber of Commerce.
Signed at Washington June 22, 1973.
Entered into force June 22, 1973.
24 UST 1498; TIAS 7656
Protocol relating to expansion and improvement of
commercial facilities in Washington and Moscow.
Signed at Washington June 22, 1973.
Entered into force June 22, 1973.
24 UST 1501; TIAS 7657; 938 UNTS 127
Protocol relating to a Trade Representation of the U.S.S.R. in
Washington and a Commercial Office of the U.S.A. in
Signed at Moscow October 3, 1973.
Entered into force October 3, 1973.
24 UST 2222; TIAS 7738; 938 UNTS 135
May 21 and October 7, 1974 (27 UST 2987; TIAS 8356)
Agreement relating to the status of the Commercial Office of
the United States in Moscow and the Trade Representation of
the Soviet Union in Washington, with annexes.
Exchange of letters at Washington June 1, 1990.
Entered into force June 1, 1990.
Memorandum of cooperation concerning air traffic control,
with annexes.
Signed at Washington February 16, 1990.
Entered into force February 16, 1990.
TIAS 11450
Civil air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington June 1, 1990.
Entered into force June 1, 1990.
TIAS 11461
Agreement relating to the sale of defense articles and services
to the United Arab Emirates.
Exchange of notes at Abu Dhabi June 15 and 21, 1975.
Entered into force June 21, 1975.
26 UST 1789; TIAS 8139; 1006 UNTS 251
General security of military information agreement.
Signed at Abu Dhabi May 23, 1987.
Entered into force May 23, 1987.
TIAS 87-523
Acquisition and cross servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Tampa and Abu Dhabi August 18, 2005 and
January 22, 2006.
Entered into force February 1, 2006.
Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of
United Arab Emirates liaison officers to the Office of the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, with
Signed at Abu Dhabi and Washington April 4 and 9, 2019.
Entered into force April 9, 2019.
Agreement for cooperation in the Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program,
with appendices.
Signed at Abu Dhabi June 6, 1999.
Entered into force June 6, 1999.
TIAS 13040
Agreement on investment guaranties.
Signed at Abu Dhabi September 29, 1991.
Entered into force April 22, 1992.
TIAS 12079
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Exchange of notes at Abu Dhabi January 27 and February 15,
Entered into force February 15, 2004.
TIAS 04-215
Agreement concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy, with
agreed minute.
Signed at Washington May 21, 2009.
Entered into force December 17, 2009.
TIAS 09-1217
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda.
Signed at Vienna September 15, 2015.
Entered into force September 15, 2015.
Memorandum of understanding for the exchange of
international express mail, with details of implementation.
Signed at Dubai and Washington December 31, 1984 and
January 16, 1985.
Entered into force March 21, 1985.
TIAS 11149; 2126 UNTS 181
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Abu Dhabi February 6, 1988.
Entered into force February 6, 1988.
TIAS 11647
June 26, 1993
February 6, 2003
Framework agreement for cooperation in aeronautics and the
exploration and use of airspace and outerspace for peaceful
Signed at Abu Dhabi June 12, 2016.
Entered into force August 15, 2018.
Agreement regarding taxation of income derived from the
international operation of ships or aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Abu Dhabi October 7 and December 1,
Entered into force December 1, 1997; effective January 1, 1994.
TIAS 12906
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Abu Dhabi June 17, 2015.
Entered into force February 19, 2016.
TIAS 16-219
Agreement concerning the development of trade and
investment relations.
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Abu Dhabi March 11, 2002.
Entered into force December 11, 2002.
TIAS 02-1211
Agreement on air transport preclearance, with annex and
related exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington April 15, 2013.
Entered into force December 8, 2013.
TIAS 13-1208
Agreement concerning a hydroacoustic monitoring facility on
Ascension Island.
Signed at London April 3, 2012.
Entered into force April 3, 2012.
TIAS 12-403
Convention respecting fisheries, boundary, and the restoration
of slaves.
Signed at London October 20, 1818.
Entered into force January 30, 1819.
8 Stat. 248; TS 112; 12 Bevans 57
Treaty to settle and define the boundaries between the
territories of the United States and the possessions of Her
Britannic Majesty in North America; for the final suppression
of the African slave trade, and for the giving up of criminals,
fugitive from justice in certain cases (Webster-Ashburton
Signed at Washington August 9, 1842.
Entered into force October 13, 1842.
8 Stat. 572; TS 119; 12 Bevans 82
* Article X terminated June 24, 1935, upon entry into force of
extradition convention signed December 22, 1931 (47 Stat. 2122;
TS 849).
Treaty establishing the boundary in the territory on the
northwest coast of America lying westward of the Rocky
Mountains (Oregon Treaty).
Signed at Washington June 15, 1846.
Entered into force July 17, 1846.
9 Stat. 869; TS 120; 12 Bevans 95
Declaration adopting maps of boundary prepared by the Joint
Commission of the Northwest Boundary for surveying and
marking the boundaries between the United States and British
possessions on the forty-ninth parallel of north latitude, under
the first article of the treaty of June 15, 1846 between the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Signed at Washington February 24, 1870.
Entered into force February 24, 1870.
TS 129; 12 Bevans 157
Protocol of a conference respecting the northwest water
Signed at Washington March 10, 1873.
Entered into force March 10, 1873.
18 Stat. (Pt. 2, Public Treaties) 369; TS 135; 12 Bevans 190
Convention providing for the settlement of questions between
the United States and the United Kingdom with respect to the
boundary line between the territory of Alaska and the British
possessions in North America.*
Signed at Washington January 24, 1903.
Entered into force March 3, 1903.
32 Stat. 1961; TS 419; 12 Bevans 263
* Obsolete except for first paragraph of Article VI.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Acceptance of the report of the commissioners to complete the
award under the convention of January 24, 1903, respecting
the boundary line between Alaska and the British North
American possessions.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 25, 1905.
Entered into force March 25, 1905.
TS 476; 12 Bevans 269
Convention providing for the surveying and marking out upon
the ground of the 141st degree of west longitude where said
meridian forms the boundary line between Alaska and the
British possessions in North America.*
Signed at Washington April 21, 1906.
Entered into force August 16, 1906.
34 Stat. 2948; TS 452; 12 Bevans 276
* Obsolete except for Article II.
Treaty concerning the Canadian international boundary.
Signed at Washington April 11, 1908.
Entered into force June 4, 1908.
35 Stat. 2003; TS 497; 12 Bevans 297
Treaty relating to boundary waters and questions arising along
the boundary between the United States and Canada.*
Signed at Washington January 11, 1909.
Entered into force May 5, 1910.
36 Stat. 2448; TS 548; 12 Bevans 319
* Paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 of Article V terminated October 10, 1950,
upon the entry into force of the treaty relating to uses of waters on
the Niagara River (see under CANADA BOUNDARIES &
Treaty concerning the boundary line in Passamaquoddy Bay.
Signed at Washington May 21, 1910.
Entered into force August 20, 1910.
36 Stat. 2477; TS 551; 12 Bevans 341
Treaty in regard to the boundary between the United States
and Canada.
Signed at Washington February 24, 1925.
Entered into force July 17, 1925.
44 Stat. 2102; TS 720; 6 Bevans 7; 43 LNTS 239
Treaty on the delimitation in the Caribbean of a maritime
boundary relating to Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands and the
British Virgin Islands, with annex.
Signed at London November 5, 1993.
Entered into force June 1, 1995.
TIAS; 1913 UNTS 67
Treaty on the delimitation in the Caribbean of a maritime
boundary relating to the U.S. Virgin Islands and Anguilla.
Signed at London November 5, 1993.
Entered into force June 1, 1995.
1913 UNTS 59
Treaty to facilitate the construction of a ship canal.
Signed at Washington November 18, 1901.
Entered into force February 21, 1902.
32 Stat. 1903; TS 401; 12 Bevans 258
Treaty for the advancement of peace.
Signed at Washington September 15, 1914.
Entered into force November 10, 1914.
38 Stat. 1853; TS 602; 12 Bevans 370
Arrangement for the disposal of certain pecuniary claims
arising out of World War I.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 19, 1927.
Entered into force May 19, 1927.
TS 756; 12 Bevans 462; 64 LNTS 101
Agreement relating to certain problems of marine
transportation and litigation, and exchange of notes.
Signed at London December 4, 1942.
Entered into force December 4, 1942.
56 Stat. 1780; EAS 282; 12 Bevans 631; 205 LNTS 33
March 25 and May 7, 1946 (60 Stat. 1958; TIAS 1558; 12 Bevans
792; 6 UNTS 285)
June 17 and 27, 1947 (61 Stat. 3014; TIAS 1636; 12 Bevans 818; 16
UNTS 360)
Agreement relating to claims for damages resulting from acts
of armed forces personnel.
Exchange of notes at London February 29 and March 28, 1944.
Entered into force March 28, 1944.
61 Stat. 2728; TIAS 1602; 12 Bevans 660; 15 UNTS 413
March 27, 1946 (60 Stat.1525; TIAS 1509; 12 Bevans745; 4 UNTS 2)
Agreement relating to mutual forbearance in claims resulting
from acts of armed forces or civilian personnel.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 23, 1946 and
January 23, 1947.
Entered into force January 23, 1947; operative June 6, 1944.
61 Stat. 2876; TIAS 1622; 12 Bevans 805; 15 UNTS 281
Agreement relating to the interpretation of paragraph 6 of the
agreement on settlement of intergovernmental claims of
March 27, 1946 (60 Stat. 1534; TIAS 1509).
Exchange of notes at Washington February 19 and 28, 1947.
Entered into force February 28, 1947.
61 Stat. 3012; TIAS 1635; 12 Bevans 812; 89 UNTS 368
Agreement relating to indemnities on ammunition shipments
in the United Kingdom or in British ships traveling to or from
the United Kingdom.
Exchange of notes at London October 27, 1966.
Entered into force October 27, 1966.
17 UST 2186; TIAS 6154; 597 UNTS 265
Agreement for the waiver of the visa requirements for United
States citizens traveling to the United Kingdom and for the
granting of gratis passport visas to British subjects entering the
United States as nonimmigrants.*
Exchange of notes at London November 9 and 12, 1948.
Entered into force November 12, 1948.
62 Stat. 3824; TIAS 1926; 12 Bevans 917; 84 UNTS 275
* Applicable to all territories.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for the sharing of visa, immigration and nationality
Signed at Queenstown, NZ April 18, 2013.
Entered into force November 8, 2013.
TIAS 13-1108
September 28 and 29, 2016 (TIAS 16-929)
Agreement for the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Washington July 13 and 30, 1951.
Entered into force July 30, 1951.
2 UST 1745; TIAS 2314; 105 UNTS 81
Agreement relating to the use of land at Madingley, near
Cambridge, as a United States military cemetery.
Exchange of notes at London June 21, 1954.
Entered into force June 21, 1954.
5 UST 1404; TIAS 3011; 209 UNTS 61
Arrangement relating to naval and air bases.*
Exchange of notes at Washington September 2, 1940.
Entered into force September 2, 1940.
54 Stat. 2405; EAS 181; 12 Bevans 551; 203 LNTS 201
* Superseded by agreement of February 10, 1961 (12 UST 408;
TIAS 4734) between the United States and the Federation of the
West Indies, in so far as any provisions relate to any territory in
the Federation. Further, the agreement of February 10, 1961 was
terminated December 31, 1977.
Protocol concerning the defense of Newfoundland.
Signed at London March 27, 1941.
Entered into force March 27, 1941.
55 Stat. 1599; EAS 235; 12 Bevans 560; 204 LNTS 70
Mutual defense assistance agreement.*
Signed at Washington January 27, 1950.
Entered into force January 27, 1950.
1 UST 126; TIAS 2017; 80 UNTS 261
* Article IV is applicable to Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Leeward
Islands, St. Helena and Western Pacific Dependencies.
Agreement relating to the assurances required under the
Mutual Security Act of 1951.*
Exchange of notes at London January 8, 1952.
Entered into force January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4665; TIAS 2622; 126 UNTS 307
* Applicable to Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Leeward Islands, St.
Helena, Western Pacific Islands.
Agreement concerning the extension of the Bahamas Long
Range Proving Ground by the establishment of additional sites
in Ascension Island.
Signed at Washington June 25, 1956.
Entered into force June 25, 1956.
7 UST 1999; TIAS 3603; 249 UNTS 91
July 17, 1967 (18 UST 1657; TIAS 6308; 619 UNTS 330)
Related agreement:
August 24 and 25, 1959 (10 UST 1453; TIAS 4296; 351 UNTS 438)
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
material furnished by the United States under the mutual
defense assistance program and found surplus to the needs of
the armed forces of the United Kingdom.
Exchange of notes at London May 10 and 13, 1957.
Entered into force May 13, 1957.
8 UST 835; TIAS 3843; 291 UNTS 300
December 17 and 30, 1958 (9 UST 1547; TIAS 4156; 340 UNTS 342)
November 7 and 10, 1961 (12 UST 2947; TIAS 4895; 431 UNTS
August 28, 1963 (14 UST 1178; TIAS 5413; 486 UNTS 398)
Agreement for the establishment of oceanographic research
stations in the Bahama Islands.*
Signed at Washington November 1, 1957.
Entered into force November 1, 1957.
8 UST 1741; TIAS 3927; 299 UNTS 167
May 12, 1960 (11 UST 1405; TIAS 4479; 372 UNTS 364)
* See agreement of July 10 and 20, 1973 (TIAS 7688), between the
United States and the Bahamas, under BAHAMAS DEFENSE.
Agreement relating to the supply by the United States to the
United Kingdom of intermediate range ballistic missiles, with
Exchange of notes at Washington February 22, 1958.
Entered into force February 22, 1958.
9 UST 195; TIAS 3990; 307 UNTS 207
Agreement for cooperation on the uses of atomic energy for
mutual defense purposes.
Signed at Washington July 3, 1958.
Entered into force August 4, 1958.
9 UST 1028; TIAS 4078; 326 UNTS 3
May 7, 1959 (10 UST 1274; TIAS 4267; 351 UNTS 458)
September 27, 1968 (20 UST 518; TIAS 6659)
October 16, 1969 (21 UST 1064; TIAS 6861)
July 22, 1974 (26 UST 110; TIAS 8014)
December 5, 1979 (31 UST 5853; TIAS 9688; 1203 UNTS 317)
June 5, 1984 (TIAS 11114)
July 22, 2014 (TIAS 14-1217)
Agreement relating to the establishment and operation of a
ballistic missile early warning station at Fylingdales Moor,
with memorandum.
Exchange of notes at London February 15, 1960.
Entered into force February 15, 1960.
11 UST 156; TIAS 4425; 371 UNTS 45
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to rights of the United Kingdom in
connection with the use of oceanographic research stations
and parts of the Long Range Proving Ground.*
Exchange of notes at Port-of-Spain February 10, 1961.
Entered into force February 10, 1961.
12 UST 442; TIAS 4735; 409 UNTS 129
* This agreement relates to an agreement of the same date between
the United States and the short-lived Federation of the West Indies
(12 UST 408; TIAS 4734).
Agreement relating to the safeguarding of classified
Exchange of notes April 14, 1961.
Entered into force April 14, 1961.
December 19, 1983
Agreement on the setting up of a missile defense alarm system
station in the United Kingdom, with memorandum.
Exchange of notes at London July 18, 1961.
Entered into force July 18, 1961.
12 UST 1058; TIAS 4809; 404 UNTS 227
Agreement relating to a weapons production program.
Exchange of notes at London June 29, 1962.
Entered into force June 29, 1962.
13 UST 1318; TIAS 5087; 449 UNTS 286
Agreement relating to the use of the airfield at Wideawake in
Ascension Island by aircraft of the Royal Air Force.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 29, 1962.
Entered into force August 29, 1962.
13 UST 1917; TIAS 5148; 449 UNTS 177
Polaris sales agreement.
Signed at Washington April 6, 1963.
Entered into force April 6, 1963.
14 UST 321; TIAS 5313; 474 UNTS 49
Agreement concerning the availability of certain Indian Ocean
Islands for the defense purposes of both governments.
Exchange of notes at London December 30, 1966.
Entered into force December 30, 1966.
18 UST 28; TIAS 6196; 603 UNTS 273
June 22 and 25, 1976 (27 UST 3448; TIAS 8376)
November 16, 1987 (1576 UNTS 179)
Understanding relating to the use by Bahamian organizations
of certain land at the United States Navy Base, Georgetown,
Great Exuma Island, with map and schedule.*
Exchange of notes at Nassau June 19, September 12 and
November 2, 1972.
Entered into force November 2, 1972.
23 UST 3688; TIAS 7514
* See agreement of July 10 and 20, 1973 (TIAS 7688), between the
United States and the Bahamas, under BAHAMAS DEFENSE.
Agreement relating to the lease of certain land to the United
States Navy on the Island of Anegada in the British Virgin
Islands for use as a drone launching facility.
Exchange of notes at Washington February 1, 1973.
Entered into force February 1, 1973.
24 UST 482; TIAS 7567
Agreement relating to the expanded use of Ascension Island.
Exchange of notes at London March 30, 1973.
Entered into force March 30, 1973.
24 UST 918; TIAS 7602
Arrangement relating to the status of United States forces
engaged in clearance of the Suez Canal which are using
British Sovereign Base areas in Cyprus.
Exchange of notes at London June 24 and July 4, 1974.
Entered into force July 4, 1974.
25 UST 2399; TIAS 7917
Agreement concerning a United States naval support facility
on Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory, with plan,
related notes, and supplementary arrangement.
Exchange of notes at London February 25, 1976.
Entered into force February 25, 1976.
27 UST 315; TIAS 8230; 1018 UNTS 372
Related Agreement:
December 13, 1982 (TIAS 10616; 2001 UNTS 397)
Memorandum of understanding concerning the transfer of
technical data relating to the JT10D jet engine collaboration
agreement to third countries.
Signed at Washington December 30, 1976.
Entered into force December 30, 1976.
27 UST 4385; TIAS 8459; 1068 UNTS 437
Memorandum of agreement on the exchange of personnel
between the United States Coast Guard and the Royal Navy.
Signed at Washington August 29, 1980.
Entered into force August 29, 1980.
32 UST 2403; TIAS 9849; 1267 UNTS 187
Agreement extending the Polaris sales agreement of April 6,
1963 (TIAS 5313) to cover the sale of Trident I weapon
Exchange of notes at Washington September 30, 1980.
Entered into force September 30, 1980.
TIAS 9879
Memorandum of understanding regarding support to the Royal
Air Force detachment at Hickam Air Force Base.
Signed at Honolulu April 21, 1981.
Entered into force April 21, 1981.
33 UST 998; TIAS 10084; 1285 UNTS 97
Memorandum of understanding concerning the shared use of
communications facilities in the northern Federal Republic of
Germany, with annexes.
Signed May 11 and June 2, 1981.
Entered into force June 2, 1981.
33 UST 2025; TIAS 10165; 1529 UNTS 415
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement extending the Polaris sales agreement of April 6,
1963 (TIAS 5313) to cover the sale of Trident II weapon
Exchange of notes at Washington October 19, 1982.
Entered into force October 19, 1982.
TIAS 10549
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of personnel
between the U.S. Coast Guard and the Royal Air Force.
Signed at Washington November 14 and 16, 1983.
Entered into force November 16, 1983.
35 UST 4110; TIAS 10908; 2014 UNTS 437
Agreement regarding arrangements for continued United
Kingdom access to and use of the Atlantic Undersea Test and
Evaluation Centre (AUTEC) facility in The Bahamas.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 5, 1984.
Entered into force April 5, 1984.
TIAS 11059
Agreement concerning certain communications facilities in the
defense areas in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Exchange of notes at Washington December 18, 1984.
Entered into force December 18, 1984.
TIAS 11139
Agreement relating to sharing facility construction costs on
Ascension Island, with memoranda of agreement.
Exchange of notes at London March 25, 1985.
Entered into force March 25, 1985.
TIAS 12383; 1443 UNTS 25
Memorandum of understanding concerning the exchange of
medical cadets between the British Army Medical Services
and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.
Signed at Washington and London March 25 and June 21,
Entered into force June 21, 1985.
TIAS 11109
Agreement relating to cooperation in mapping, charting and
Signed at Feltham and Washington July 4 and 18, 1985.
Entered into force July 18, 1985.
TIAS 11530
Memorandum of understanding concerning the exchange of
medical cadets between the Royal Navy and the Uniformed
Services University of the Health Sciences.
Signed at Washington and London March 25 and October 7,
Entered into force October 7, 1985.
TIAS 11225
Memorandum of understanding on the status of certain
persons working for United States defense contractors in the
United Kingdom, with annex.
Signed at Washington July 7, 1987.
Entered into force July 7, 1987; effective for tax years
beginning on or after April 6, 1987.
TIAS 11537
Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of sub units.
Signed at Washington October 5, 1988.
Entered into force October 5, 1988.
TIAS 11630
Memorandum of understanding concerning the exchange of
reserve officers.
Signed at Washington September 11, 1989.
Entered into force September 11, 1989.
TIAS 11698; 2207 UNTS 483
Agreement concerning defense cooperation arrangements.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 27, 1993.
Entered into force May 27, 1993.
TIAS 12237; 1792 UNTS 145
March 12 and June 1, 2007 (TIAS 07-601)
Agreement regarding U.S. approval for retransfer of U.S.
defense articles and services to NATO for purposes of
supporting the NATO-led Implementation Force (IFOR).
Exchange of notes at Brussels December 18 and 19, 1995.
Entered into force December 19, 1995.
Agreement concerning the termination of the agreement and
related exchanges of notes of March 27, 1941, between the
Government of the United States of America and the
Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland, as amended and supplemented, relating to
the bases leased to the United States of America, with
Exchange of notes at Washington June 18, 2002.
Entered into force June 18, 2002.
TIAS 02-618; 2207 UNTS 485
Treaty concerning defense trade cooperation.
Signed at Washington and London June 21 and 26, 2007.
Entered into force April 13, 2012.
TIAS 12-413
Agreement concerning the use of Wideawake Airfield on
Ascension Island by civil aircraft (air links and alternate
aerodrome agreement), with attachment and annex.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 6, 2016.
Entered into force June 6, 2016, with effect from September 30,
TIAS 16-606.1
Agreement for the waiver of the visa requirements for United
States citizens traveling to the United Kingdom and for the
granting of gratis passport visas to British subjects entering the
United States as nonimmigrants.*
Exchange of notes at London November 9 and 12, 1948.
Entered into force November 12, 1948.
62 Stat. 3824; TIAS 1926; 12 Bevans 917; 84 UNTS 275
* Applicable to all territories.
The status of this agreement is under review.
Understanding relating to the importation in bulk, free from
customs duties, of certain articles for the use of the diplomatic
staff of United States embassy and consular officers and other
employees on duty in the United Kingdom.
Exchange of notes at Washington February 16, 1949.
Entered into force February 16, 1949.
12 Bevans 928
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Consular convention and protocol of signature.*
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
* Applicable to all territories over which the United States has
jurisdiction or international responsibility and to all British
Agreement for financing certain educational and cultural
exchange programs.*
Signed at London May 10, 1965.
Entered into force May 10, 1965.
16 UST 758; TIAS 5806; 545 UNTS 181
February 16, 1967 (18 UST 297; TIAS 6232; 605 UNTS 394)
June 30, 1971 (22 UST 1629; TIAS 7190)
September 11 and 23, 1992 (1723 UNTS 270)
* Applicable to Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Falkland Islands,
Gibraltar, Montserrat, Anguilla, St. Helena.
Arrangement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 14 and 15, 1981.
Entered into force January 15, 1981.
32 UST 4581; TIAS 9971; 1267 UNTS 209
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in the
field of environmental affairs.
Signed at Washington June 2, 1986.
Entered into force June 2, 1986.
TIAS 11364
See also international fund for Ireland under FINANCE in
multilateral section.
Debt funding agreement.
Signed at Washington June 18, 1923.
Operative December 15, 1922.
Treasury Department print; 12 Bevans 397
Agreement modifying the debt funding agreement of
June 18, 1923.
Signed at Washington June 4, 1932.
Operative July 1, 1931.
Treasury Department print; 12 Bevans 491
Agreement concerning arrangements for the establishment of
revolving loan funds in Uganda protectorate and Tanganyika
with counterpart funds.
Exchange of letters at London June 24, 1953.
Entered into force June 24, 1953.
5 UST 160; TIAS 2909; 224 UNTS 141
Agreement adopting, with certain modifications, the rules and
method of procedure recommended in the award of
September 7, 1910, of the North Atlantic Coast Fisheries
Signed at Washington July 20, 1912.
Entered into force November 15, 1912.
37 Stat. 1634; TS 572; 12 Bevans 357
Reciprocal fisheries agreement, with agreed minute.
Signed at London March 27, 1979.
Entered into force March 10, 1983.
TIAS 10545
Economic cooperation agreement.*
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Entered into force July 6, 1948.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 12 Bevans 874; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 86 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 25, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
June 26 and August 20, 1959 (11 UST 2680; TIAS 4664; 405 UNTS
* Applicable to Channel Islands, Falkland Islands, Western Pacific
High Commission territories, Gibraltar, British Virgin Islands, Isle
of Man, St. Helena and Dependencies. Applicable, with the
exception of Article IV, to Turks and Caicos Islands and Cayman
Islands, Montserrat, and Anguilla.
Agreement for technical cooperation in respect of the
territories for the international relations of which the
Government of the United Kingdom are responsible.*
Signed at London July 13, 1951.
Entered into force July 13, 1951.
2 UST 1307; TIAS 2281; 105 UNTS 71
* Applicable to British Virgin Islands, Montserrat, Anguilla, Turks
and Caicos Islands and Cayman Islands.
Agreement relating to the use of the counterpart aid funds
allotted to the United Kingdom* under Section 115 (k) of the
Economic Cooperation Act, as amended.
Exchange of notes at London February 25, 1953.
Entered into force February 25, 1953.
4 UST 1532; TIAS 2816
* Including Isle of Man.
Agreement relating to the synthesis of penicillin.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 25, 1946.
Entered into force January 25, 1946; operative December 1,
60 Stat. 1485; TIAS 1506; 12 Bevans 713; 3 UNTS 209
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Declaration affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.*
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
* Applicable to all territories.
Agreement to facilitate the interchange of patent and technical
information for defense purposes, and exchange of notes.
Signed at London January 19, 1953.
Entered into force January 19, 1953.
4 UST 150; TIAS 2773; 161 UNTS 3
Agreement concerning the annex on intellectual property
rights, with attachment.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 29, 1995.
Entered into force November 29, 1995.
TIAS 12703; 1945 UNTS 295
Convention for the prevention of smuggling of intoxicating
Signed at Washington January 23, 1924.
Entered into force May 22, 1924.
43 Stat. 1761; TS 685; 12 Bevans 414; 27 LNTS 182
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at London December 23, 1927, January 4,
1928 and January 11, 1928.
Entered into force January 11, 1928.
12 Bevans 467
Treaty concerning the Cayman Islands relating to mutual legal
assistance in criminal matters, with attachments, protocol and
exchange of notes.
Signed at Grand Cayman July 3, 1986.
Entered into force March 19, 1990.
TIAS 90-319; 1648 UNTS 179
September 10, 2004 and February 9, 2005 (TIAS 05-209)
Agreement extending the application of the treaty of July 3,
1986, concerning the Cayman Islands relating to mutual legal
assistance in criminal matters to Anguilla, the British Virgin
Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 9, 1990.
Entered into force November 9, 1990.
TIAS 11765
Agreement extending application of the treaty of July 3, 1986,
concerning the Cayman Islands relating to mutual legal
assistance in criminal matters to Montserrat.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 26, 1991.
Entered into force April 26, 1991.
TIAS 12429; 1670 UNTS 375
Agreement for mutual assistance in administration of justice in
connection with the Bank of Credit and Commerce
Signed at London and Washington November 15 and
December 4, 1991.
Entered into force December 4, 1991.
TIAS 91-1204
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with
appendices and related exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington January 6, 1994.
Entered into force December 2, 1996.
TIAS 96-1202
Agreement concerning the application of the treaty on mutual
legal assistance in criminal matters of January 6, 1994.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 30 and May 1, 2001.
Entered into force May 1, 2001.
TIAS 01-501; 2189 UNTS 468
Extradition treaty, with related exchanges of letters.
Signed at Washington March 31, 2003.
Entered into force April 26, 2007.
TIAS 07-426
Agreement regarding the sharing of forfeited or confiscated
assets or their equivalent funds.
Signed at Washington March 31, 2003.
Entered into force March 31, 2003.
TIAS 03-331.1
Agreement on the application to the Isle of Man of the treaty
on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters of January 6,
Exchange of notes at London June 2 and 5, 2003.
Entered into force June 5, 2003.
TIAS 03-605.1
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on extradition between the United States of America and the
European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to the application of
the extradition treaty of March 31, 2003, with annex and
exchange of notes.
Signed at London December 16, 2004.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.23
Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the agreement
on mutual legal assistance between the United States of
America and the European Union signed June 25, 2003, as to
the application of the treaty on mutual legal assistance in
criminal matters of January 6, 1994, with annex and exchange
of notes.
Signed at London December 16, 2004.
Entered into force February 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-201.49
Agreement relating to jurisdiction over vessels utilizing the
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 14 and 25, 1979.
Entered into force May 25, 1979.
30 UST 5926; TIAS 9525; 1162 UNTS 351
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement to facilitate the interdiction by the United States of
vessels of the United Kingdom suspected of trafficking in
Exchange of notes at London November 13, 1981.
Entered into force November 13, 1981.
33 UST 4224; TIAS 10296; 1285 UNTS 197
Agreement concerning maritime and aerial operations to
suppress illicit trafficking by sea in waters of the Caribbean
and Bermuda.
Signed at Washington July 13, 1998.
Entered into force October 30, 2000.
TIAS 00-1030
Memorandum of understanding concerning the measures to be
taken for the transfer to, and security and safeguarding of MK
IV radar instrumentation system technical information,
software and equipment in the United Kingdom.
Signed at Washington February 6, 1991.
Entered into force February 6, 1991.
TIAS 11834
Articles of agreement governing collaboration between the
authorities of the United States of America and the United
Kingdom in the matter of tube alloys.
Signed at Quebec August 19, 1943.
Entered into force August 19, 1943.
5 UST 1114; TIAS 2993; 214 UNTS 341
Agreement in the field of decommissioning nuclear facilities,
with appendix.
Signed at Washington March 1, 1985.
Entered into force March 1, 1985.
TIAS 11342
February 17 and March 6, 1989
Definitive treaty of peace.*
Signed at Paris September 3, 1783.
Entered into force May 12, 1784.
8 Stat. 80; TS 104; 12 Bevans 8
* Only article 1 is in force.
Treaty of peace and amity.
Signed at Ghent December 24, 1814.
Entered into force February 17, 1815.
8 Stat. 218; TS 109; 12 Bevans 41
Treaty for an amicable settlement of all causes of differences
between the two countries (Treaty of Washington).*
Signed at Washington May 8, 1871.
Entered into force June 17, 1871.
17 Stat. 863; TS 133; 12 Bevans 170
* Articles I XVII and XXXIV XLII have been executed; articles
XVIII, XXV, XXX, and XXXII terminated July 1, 1885; articles
XXVIII and XXIX not considered in force.
Agreement for the direct exchange of parcels by parcel post.
Signed at Washington and London October 1 and October 27,
Operative October 1, 1924.
43 Stat. 1854; Post Office Department print
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at London and Washington November 6 and
December 14, 1978.
Entered into force February 12, 1979; effective January 1,
30 UST 3357; TIAS 9395; 1180 UNTS 3
Convention relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.*
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Entered into force August 7, 1900.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
* Applicable to Puerto Rico, Ascension, Bermuda, Falkland Islands,
Gibraltar, Leeward Islands, St. Helena.
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936, by the United States, the
United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Preliminary agreement regarding principles applying to
mutual aid in the prosecution of the war against aggression.
Signed at Washington February 23, 1942.
Entered into force February 23, 1942.
56 Stat. 1433; EAS 241; 12 Bevans 603
Agreement relating to principles applying to the provision of
aid to the armed forces of the United States.
Exchange of notes at Washington September 3, 1942.
Entered into force September 3, 1942.
56 Stat. 1605; EAS 270; 12 Bevans 617
Joint statement regarding settlement for lend-lease, reciprocal
aid, surplus war property, and claims.
Dated at Washington December 6, 1945.
60 Stat. 1525; TIAS 1509; 12 Bevans 700; 4 UNTS 2
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum pursuant to joint statement of December 6,
1945, regarding settlement for lend-lease, reciprocal aid,
surplus war property, and claims, with supplementary
agreements annexed thereto.
Signed at Washington March 27, 1946.
Entered into force March 27, 1946.
12 Bevans 745
Agreement relating to settlement of the lend-lease interest in
future sales of surplus stores in the Middle East.
Signed at London January 7, 1948.
Entered into force January 7, 1948; operative July 15, 1947.
62 Stat. 1836; TIAS 1698; 12 Bevans 843; 89 UNTS 372
Agreement relating to the settlement of the interests of the
Government of the United States and the Government of the
United Kingdom in joint installations in the Middle East.
Signed at Washington July 12, 1948.
Entered into force July 12, 1948.
62 Stat. 2027; TIAS 1769; 12 Bevans 891; 71 UNTS 199
Agreement relating to settlement of lend-lease and reciprocal
aid accounts and intergovernmental claims.
Signed at Washington July 12, 1948.
Entered into force July 12, 1948.
62 Stat. 2034; TIAS 1770; 12 Bevans 897; 71 UNTS 270
April 24 and 25, 1957 (8 UST 771; TIAS 3834; 284 UNTS 362)
Agreement for the continuation of a cooperative
meteorological program in the Cayman Islands, with
memorandum of arrangement.
Exchange of notes at Washington April 6 and 13, 1976.
Entered into force April 13, 1976.
27 UST 1867; TIAS 8285
Agreement on cooperation in science and technology for
critical infrastructure protection and other homeland/civil
security matters.
Signed at London December 8, 2004.
Entered into force December 8, 2004.
TIAS 04-1208.1
Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Washington September 20, 2017.
Entered into force September 20, 2017.
TIAS 17-920
Agreement on social security.
Signed at London February 13, 1984.
Entered into force January 1, 1985, except for Part III, which
entered into force January 1, 1988.
TIAS 11086
Administrative agreement for implementation of agreement on
social security.
Signed at London February 13, 1984.
Entered into force January 1, 1985.
TIAS 11086
Supplementary agreement amending the agreement on social
security of February 13, 1984 and supplementary
administrative agreement amending the administrative
Signed at London June 6, 1996.
Entered into force September 1, 1997.
TIAS 12776; 1995 UNTS 489
Agreement providing for the establishment of a lunar and
planetary spacecraft tracking facility on Ascension Island.
Exchange of notes at London July 7, 1965.
Entered into force July 7, 1965.
16 UST 1183; TIAS 5864; 551 UNTS 221
Agreement providing for the establishment and operation of
space vehicle tracking and communications stations in the
United Kingdom.
Exchange of notes at London December 28, 1966 and
January 1, 1967.
Entered into force January 1, 1967.
18 UST 129; TIAS 6208; 604 UNTS 3
Agreement concerning the establishment and operation of a
space vehicle tracking and communications station on
Exchange of notes at Washington January 17 and 23, 1967.
Entered into force January 23, 1967.
18 UST 112; TIAS 6207
Agreement confirming a memorandum of understanding
concerning the furnishing of launching and associated services
by NASA for United Kingdom satellites, with annexes.
Exchange of notes at Washington January 17, 1973.
Entered into force January 17, 1973.
24 UST 228; TIAS 7544; 881 UNTS 3
Agreement relating to relief from taxation of United States
Government expenditures in the United Kingdom for the
common defense effort.
Exchange of notes at London March 17 and 18, 1952.
Entered into force March 18, 1952.
3 UST 4158; TIAS 2559; 177 UNTS 33
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on estates of
deceased persons and on gifts.*
Signed at London October 19, 1978.
Entered into force November 11, 1979.
30 UST 7223; TIAS 9580; 1182 UNTS 83
* See article 14 for the circumstances under which the convention
for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal
evasion with respect to taxes on the estates of deceased persons of
April 16, 1945 (60 Stat. 1391; TIAS 1547) would continue to have
effect in the United Kingdom.
Convention (on behalf of the Government of Bermuda)
relating to the taxation of insurance enterprises and mutual
assistance in tax matters, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Washington July 11, 1986.
Entered into force December 2, 1988.
TIAS 11676; 2192 UNTS 139
Agreement (on behalf of the Government of Bermuda) for the
exchange of information with respect to taxes.
Signed at Washington December 2, 1988.
Entered into force December 2, 1988.
TIAS 11986
Agreement (on behalf of the Isle of Man) for the reciprocal
exemption with respect to taxes on income from the
international operation of ships.
Exchange of notes at Washington August 1 and 15, 1989.
Entered into force August 15, 1989.
TIAS 11678
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and on capital gains, with exchange of notes.
Signed at London July 24, 2001.
Entered into force March 31, 2003.
TIAS 13161; 2224 UNTS 247
July 19, 2002 (TIAS 13161)
Agreement for the exchange of information relating to taxes,
for the Cayman Islands.
Signed at Washington November 27, 2001.
Entered into force March 10, 2006.
TIAS 13175
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. With
Signed at London September 12, 2012.
Entered into force August 11, 2014.
TIAS 14-811
June 13 and 14, 2013 (TIAS 14-811.1)
Agreement on distance measuring equipment.
Signed at Washington October 13, 1947.
Entered into force October 13, 1947.
61 Stat. 3131; TIAS 1652; 12 Bevans 824; 66 UNTS 269
Agreement on cooperation in intercontinental testing in
connection with experimental communications satellites.
Exchange of notes at London March 29, 1961.
Entered into force March 29, 1961.
12 UST 246; TIAS 4704; 405 UNTS 107
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.*
Exchange of notes at London November 26, 1965.
Entered into force November 26, 1965.
16 UST 2047; TIAS 5941; 561 UNTS 193
Agreement extending to certain territories the application of
the agreement of November 26, 1965, relating to the
reciprocal granting of authorizations to permit licensed
amateur radio operators of either country to operate their
stations in the other country.*
Exchange of notes at London December 11, 1969.
Entered into force December 11, 1969.
20 UST 4089; TIAS 6800; 732 UNTS 334
* Agreements applicable to all territories, for whose international
relations the United States is responsible and the following British
territories: Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands,
Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, St. Helena, Turks and
Caicos Islands.
Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation (Jay Treaty).*
Signed at London November 19, 1794.
Entered into force October 28, 1795.
8 Stat. 116; TS 105; 12 Bevans 13
* Only articles 9 and 10 appear to remain in force between the
United States and the United Kingdom. Article 3, so far as it
relates to the right of Indians to pass across the border, appears to
remain in force between the United States and Canada. But see
Akins v. U.S., 551 F 2d 1222 (1977).
Convention to regulate commerce.*
Signed at London July 3, 1815.
Entered into force July 3, 1815.
8 Stat. 228; TS 110; 12 Bevans 49
Convention continuing in force indefinitely the convention of
July 3, 1815.
Signed at London August 6, 1827.
Entered into force April 2, 1828.
8 Stat. 361; TS 117; 12 Bevans 76
* Article IV superseded from September 7, 1952, by consular
convention of June 6, 1951 (3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494), including
territories to which consular convention applies.
Declaration exempting commercial travelers’ samples from
customs inspection.
Signed at Washington December 3 and 8, 1910.
Entered into force January 1, 1911.
TS 552; 12 Bevans 348
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement relating to pilot licenses to operate civil
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 5, 1935.
Entered into force May 5, 1935.
49 Stat. 3731; EAS 77; 12 Bevans 513; 162 LNTS 59
* Applicable to American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands of the
U.S., Bermuda, Falkland Islands and Dependencies, Gibraltar,
Turks and Caicos Islands, and the Cayman Islands, Leeward
Islands, St. Helena and Ascension.
Agreement relating to the transfer and maintenance of radio
range and SCS 51 equipment.
Exchange of notes at London May 8 and July 31, 1946.
Entered into force July 31, 1946.
61 Stat. 4008; TIAS 1766; 12 Bevans 795; 42 UNTS 199
Agreement relating to the reciprocal acceptance of
airworthiness certifications.
Exchange of notes at London December 28, 1972.
Entered into force December 28, 1972.
23 UST 4309; TIAS 7537
Agreement concerning air services, with annexes and
exchange of letters. †
Signed at Bermuda July 23, 1977.
Entered into force July 23, 1977.
28 UST 5367; TIAS 8641.
April 25, 1978 (29 UST 2680; TIAS 8965; 1124 UNTS 437)†
December 4, 1980 (33 UST 655; TIAS 10059)†
February 20, 1985 (TIAS 11396)†
May 25, 1989 (TIAS 11674; 1584 UNTS 445)†
March 27, 1997 (TIAS 12846;1986 UNTS 499)†
Agreement relating to North Atlantic air fares.
Exchange of letters at Washington March 17, 1978.
Entered into force March 17, 1978.
29 UST 2676; TIAS 8964
Extension and Amendment:
November 2 and 9, 1978 (30 UST 979; TIAS 9231; 1152 UNTS
These agreements are suspended for the duration of provisional
application of the U.S. E.U. Air Transport Agreement signed
April 25 and 30, 2007 (“Air Trans-port Agreement”) except in
respect of the application of this agreement to those areas that are
not encompassed within the definition of “territory” in Article 1 of
the Air Transport Agreement.
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in the
testing and development of anti-misting kerosene and related
equipment, with appendix.
Signed at Washington and London June 1 and 14, 1978.
Entered into force June 14, 1978.
30 UST 1369; TIAS 9256; 1153 UNTS 49
Agreement concerning reciprocal recognition of airline fitness
and citizenship determinations.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 25, 1989.
Entered into force May 25, 1989.
TIAS 11675
Agreement concerning settlement of the Heathrow Arbitration
and the UK Arbitration and amending the air transport
agreement of July 23, 1977, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 11, 1994.
Entered into force March 11, 1994.
TIAS 12536; 1882 UNTS 413
Agreement concerning the facilitation of air navigation
Signed at London May 11, 1995.
Entered into force May 11, 1995.
TIAS 12645; 1913 UNTS 77
Agreement for the promotion of aviation safety.
Signed at London December 20, 1995.
Entered into force December 20, 1995.
TIAS 12714; 1921 UNTS 321
Agreement for cooperation in research and development of
weapons detection and protection-related technologies, with
Signed at Washington July 3, 2002.
Entered into force July 3, 2002.
TIAS 02-703
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Anguilla.
Exchange of letters at Washington February 19 and June 24,
Entered into force June 24, 1981; effective May 1, 1981.
33 UST 2053; TIAS 10169; 1529 UNTS 429
Convention for the exchange of postal money orders with the
British Colony of Saint Christopher, Nevis and Anguilla.
Signed at Basseterre, St. Kitts and Washington June 27 and
September 14, 1959.
Entered into force February 1, 1960.
11 UST 1433; TIAS 4483
Express mail agreement, with detailed regulations.
Signed at Anguilla and Washington May 28, 1998 and
January 8, 1999.
Entered into force April 15, 1999.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at London and The Valley, Anguilla, January 9 and 15,
Entered into force June 22, 2017.
TIAS 17-622.1
Investment incentive agreement on behalf of Anguilla.
Exchange of notes at London November 9, 1987.
Entered into force November 9, 1987.
TIAS 12045; 1556 UNTS 43
Treaty relating to mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Hamilton January 12, 2009.
Entered into force April 12, 2012.
TIAS 12-412
Agreement concerning assistance to be rendered on a
reimbursable basis by the United States Coast Guard in the
event of major oil spills.
Signed at Hamilton July 13, 1976.
Entered into force July 13, 1976.
27 UST 3788; TIAS 8396
Parcel post agreement.
Signed at Washington and Bermuda December 13, 1906 and
January 15, 1907.
Operative February 1, 1907.
34 Stat. 2983; Post Office Department print
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Hamilton and Washington July 31 and August 13,
Entered into force September 1, 1979.
30 UST 6493; TIAS 9563; 1180 UNTS 47
Agreement for cooperation to facilitate the implementation of
the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with memorandum
of understanding and annexes.
Signed at Hamilton December 19, 2013.
Entered into force August 19, 2014.
TIAS 14-819
Agreement on preclearance for entry into the United States,
with annex.
Signed at Hamilton January 15, 1974.
Entered into force January 15, 1974.
25 UST 288; TIAS 7801
August 28 and 29, 1979 (30 UST 7562; TIAS 9600; 1203 UNTS 365)
Agreement concerning assistance to be rendered during
discharge of oil or other hazardous and noxious substances
into waters of the British Virgin Islands.
Signed at Tortola August 12, 2004.
Entered into force August 12, 2004.
TIAS 04-812.1
Convention for the exchange of postal money orders with the
Colony of British Virgin Islands.
Signed at Road Town, Tortola and Washington February 18
and March 14, 1957.
Entered into force July 1, 1957.
11 UST 1409; TIAS 4480
Agreement for the exchange of information relating to taxes.
Signed at Washington April 3, 2002.
Entered into force March 10, 2006.
TIAS 06-310
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Grand Cayman and Washington August 25 and
September 9, 1986.
Entered into force November 26, 1986.
TIAS 11390
Agreement for the exchange of information relating to taxes.
Signed at London November 29, 2013.
Entered into force April 14, 2014.
TIAS 14-414
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at London November 29, 2013.
Entered into force July 1, 2014.
TIAS 14-701
Agreement for the exchange of parcel post and detailed
regulations for the execution thereof.
Signed at Gibraltar and Washington December 18, 1936 and
January 5, 1937.
Operative January 1, 1937.
50 Stat. 1488; Post Office Department print; 177 LNTS 21
Agreement for the exchange of information relating to taxes.
Signed at London March 31, 2009.
Entered into force December 22, 2009.
TIAS 09-1222.
May 8, 2014 (TIAS 14-629)
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at London May 8, 2014.
Entered into force September 17, 2015.
TIAS 15-917
Agreement regarding the sharing of confiscated or forfeited
assets or their equivalent funds.
Signed at St. Peter Port January 27, 2015.
Entered into force February 24, 2015.
TIAS 15-224
Agreement for the exchange of information relating to taxes.
Signed at Washington September 19, 2002.
Entered into force March 30, 2006.
TIAS 06-330
December 13, 2013 (TIAS 15-826.2)
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
Implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at London December 13, 2013.
Entered into force August 26, 2015.
TIAS 15-826.3
Agreement for the exchange of information relating to taxes.
Signed at Washington October 3, 2002.
Entered into force June 26, 2006.
TIAS 06-626
December 13, 2013 (TIAS 15-826)
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at London December 13, 2013.
Entered into force August 26, 2015.
TIAS 15-826.1
Agreement regarding the sharing of confiscated of forfeited
assets or their equivalent funds.
Signed at Saint Helier January 28, 2015.
Entered into force April 24, 2015.
TIAS 15-424
Agreement for the exchange of information relating to taxes.
Signed at Washington November 4, 2002.
Entered into force June 26, 2006.
TIAS 06-626.1
December 13, 2013 (TIAS 15-1028)
Agreement to improved international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at London December 13, 2013.
Entered into force October 28, 2015.
TIAS 15-1028.1
Parcel post agreement.
Signed at Antigua and Washington May 27 and July 11, 1929.
Operative September 1, 1929.
46 Stat. 2321; Post Office Department print; 98 LNTS 161
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Montserrat.
Exchange of letters at Bridgetown and Plymouth January 13
and February 9, 1981.
Entered into force February 9, 1981.
33 UST 1075; TIAS 10092; 1307 UNTS 415
Convention for the exchange of postal money orders with the
British Colony of Montserrat.
Signed at Montserrat and Washington March 15 and June 10,
Entered into force September 1, 1957.
11 UST 1417; TIAS 4481
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Exchange of letters at Washington April 17 and December 5,
Entered into force December 5, 1980.
32 UST 4235; TIAS 9945; 1267 UNTS 201
Agreement on behalf of the Turks and Caicos Islands relating
to investment guaranties.
Signed at Washington April 20, 1999.
Entered into force April 20, 1999.
TIAS 13031; 2076 UNTS 215
Memorandum of understanding to establish in the Turks and
Caicos Islands a processing facility to determine the refugee
status of boat people from Haiti, with related letter.
Signed at Grand Turk June 18, 1994.
Entered into force June 18, 1994.
July 13, 1994
Memorandum of understanding concerning the establishment
of a portable radar tracking station in the Turks and Caicos
Signed at London July 24, 1987.
Entered into force July 24, 1987.
TIAS 87-724
Agreement regarding the furnishing of defense articles and
defense services by the United States to the United Nations for
purposes of supporting the Rapid Reactor Force established
pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution 998.
Exchange of notes at New York July 28, 1995.
Entered into force July 28, 1995.
TIAS 12680
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, with annexes.
Signed at New York September 25, 2015.
Entered into force September 25, 2015.
Assistance Agreement on HIV/AIDS.
Signed September 29 and October 12, 2011.
Entered into force October 12, 2011.
Postal agreement
Signed March 28, 1951.
Entered into force October 24, 1951.
3 UST 369; TIAS 2399; 108 UNTS 231
November 7 and 17, 1952 (3 UST 5164; TIAS 2711; 149 UNTS 414)
April 15 and 19, 1965 (16 UST 745; TIAS 5803; 531 UNTS 314)
June 20 and August 8, 1994 (1819 UNTS 497)
Agreement relating to a procedure for United States income
tax reimbursement.
Exchange of letters at New York June 30 and July 12, 1978.
Entered into force July 12, 1978.
30 UST 124; TIAS 9183; 1095 UNTS 307
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement to permit the exchange of third-party messages
between amateur stations of the United States and amateur
station 4U1VIC of the Vienna International Amateur Radio
Exchange of letters at Vienna November 21 and December 3,
Entered into force January 2, 1986.
Agreement regarding the headquarters of the United Nations.
Signed at Lake Success June 26, 1947.
Entered into force November 21, 1947.
61 Stat. 3416; TIAS 1676; 12 Bevans 956; 11 UNTS 11
Supplemental agreement regarding the headquarters of the
United Nations.
Signed at New York February 9, 1966.
Entered into force February 9, 1966.
17 UST 74; TIAS 5961; 554 UNTS 308
December 8, 1966 (17 UST 2319; TIAS 6176; 581 UNTS 362)
Second supplemental agreement regarding the headquarters of
the United Nations.
Signed at New York August 28, 1969.
Entered into force August 28, 1969.
20 UST 2810; TIAS 6750; 687 UNTS 408
Third supplemental agreement regarding the headquarters of
the United Nations.
Signed at New York December 10, 1980.
Entered into force December 10, 1980.
32 UST 4414; TIAS 9955
Fourth supplemental agreement regarding the headquarters of
the United Nations, with annex.
Signed at New York June 18, 2009.
Entered into force June 18, 2009.
TIAS 09-618
Agreement concerning the establishment of the International
Centre for Integrated Water Resources Management at the U.
S. Army Corps of Engineers Institute for Water Resources as a
Category 2 Centre under the auspices of UNESCO.
Signed at Alexandria October 29, 2009.
Entered into force February 10, 2016.
TIAS 16-210
Agreement to cooperate on activities and facilities to support
the UNEP division of early warning and assessment in North
Signed at Washington December 21, 2004.
Entered into force December 21, 2004.
TIAS 04-1221
November 21, 2014 (TIAS 14-1121)
Agreement relating to assistance with Cuban refugees.
Signed at Geneva May 16 and 21, 1980.
Entered into force May 21, 1980.
Agreement concerning United States and UNHCR cooperation
in providing assistance to the Cuban boat people.
Exchange of letters at Washington September 29 and
October 5, 1994.
Entered into force October 5, 1994.
Agreement for investment support projects in Kosovo.
Signed at Washington and Pristina May 17 and 30, 2002.
Entered into force May 30, 2002.
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Bern January 12, 1995.
Entered into force January 12, 1995.
TIAS 12598
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arbitration convention.
Signed at Washington January 9, 1909.
Entered into force November 14, 1913.
38 Stat. 1741; TS 583; 12 Bevans 986
Treaty for the advancement of peace.
Signed at Washington July 20, 1914.
Entered into force February 24, 1915.
38 Stat. 1908; TS 611; 12 Bevans 988
Agreement relating to passport visas and fees for
Exchange of notes at Montevideo November 3 and 8, 1949.
Entered into force November 10, 1949.
64 Stat. (3) B122; TIAS 2046; 12 Bevans 1035; 82 UNTS 45
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Uruguay.
Exchange of notes at Montevideo March 19 and July 31, 1963.
Entered into force July 31, 1963.
14 UST 1455; TIAS 5443; 488 UNTS 3
Military assistance agreement.
Signed at Montevideo June 30, 1952.
Entered into force June 11, 1953.
4 UST 197; TIAS 2778; 207 UNTS 139
Agreement providing for disposition of equipment and
materials furnished by the United States under the military
assistance agreement and no longer required by Uruguay.
Exchange of notes at Montevideo June 1 and September 16,
1955, and note of April 20, 1956.
Entered into force September 16, 1955.
7 UST 831; TIAS 3562; 273 UNTS 259
Agreement relating to the deposit by Uruguay of ten percent
of the value of grant military assistance and excess defense
articles furnished by the United States.
Exchange of notes at Montevideo May 2, 1972.
Entered into force May 2, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 653; TIAS 7329
Agreement relating to payment to the United States of net
proceeds from the sale of defense articles furnished under the
military assistance program.
Exchange of notes at Montevideo December 11 and 30, 1974.
Entered into force December 30, 1974; effective July 1, 1974.
25 UST 3181; TIAS 7985; 991 UNTS 407
Cooperative mapping, charting and geodesy agreement.
Signed at Montevideo and Fairfax August 27 and October 25,
Entered into force October 25, 1991.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the inter-American
Naval telecommunications network.
Signed September 13, 2006.
Entered into force September 13, 2006.
TIAS 06-913
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the
furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related
training, including pursuant to the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Montevideo October 29 and
November 9, 2009.
Entered into force November 9, 2009.
Agreement concerning health care for military members and
their dependents.
Signed at Washington October 10 and December 12, 2012.
Entered into force December 12, 2012.
December 7 and December 23, 2015 (NP)
April 12 and May 15, 2019 (NP)
Agreement providing more liberal exemptions from customs
duties and related taxes for diplomatic and consular personnel.
Exchange of notes at Washington October 31 and
November 12, 1952.
Entered into force November 12, 1952.
5 UST 824; TIAS 2971; 231 UNTS 145
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Exchange of notes at Montevideo March 22 and May 17, 1965.
Entered into force May 17, 1965.
16 UST 872; TIAS 5825; 564 UNTS 69
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Washington June 26 and July 14, 2008.
Entered into force July 14, 2008.
TIAS 08-714.1
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Montevideo December 15, 1982.
Entered into force July 21, 1983.
TIAS 12038
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts related to
foreign assistance owed to the Government of the United
States and its agencies, with appendices.
Signed at Washington December 15, 1992.
Entered into force January 14, 1993.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts related to
agriculture owed to the Government of the United States and
its agencies, with appendices (P.L. 480).
Signed at Washington December 15, 1992.
Entered into force January 14, 1993.
General agreement for a program of technical cooperation.
Signed at Montevideo March 23, 1956.
Entered into force March 22, 1960.
11 UST 1489; TIAS 4491; 376 UNTS 311
Agreement concerning the establishment of an Americas Fund
and Administering Commission.
Signed at Montevideo June 25, 1993.
Entered into force June 25, 1993.
TIAS 12503
Treaty on extradition and cooperation in penal matters.
Signed at Washington April 6, 1973.
Entered into force April 11, 1984.
35 UST 3197; TIAS 10850
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Montevideo May 6, 1991.
Entered into force April 15, 1994.
TIAS 94-415
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their customs
Signed at Washington 13, 2014.
Entered into force August 18, 2015.
TIAS 15-818
International express mail agreement with detailed regulations.
Signed at Washington September 22, 1983.
Entered into force February 15, 1984.
35 UST 3080; TIAS 10841; 2014 UNTS 597
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Washington April 29, 2008.
Entered into force October 21, 2010.
TIAS 10-1021
Social security agreement, with administrative arrangement.
Signed at Montevideo January 10, 2017.
Entered into force November 1, 2018.
TIAS 18-1101
Agreement relating to radio communications between radio
amateurs on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Montevideo September 12, 1961.
Entered into force September 26, 1966.
17 UST 1574; TIAS 6115; 607 UNTS 175
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Montevideo May 28, 1971.
Entered into force May 28, 1971.
22 UST 701; TIAS 7129; 797 UNTS 23
Convention facilitating the work of traveling salesmen.
Signed at Washington August 27, 1918.
Entered into force August 2, 1919.
41 Stat. 1663; TS 640; 12 Bevans 991
Treaty concerning the encouragement and reciprocal
protection of investment, with annexes.
Signed at Mar del Plata November 4, 2005.
Entered into force November 1, 2006.
TIAS 06-1101
Trade and investment framework agreement, with annex.
Signed at Montevideo January 25, 2007.
Entered into force January 25, 2007.
TIAS 07-125
Memorandum of agreement relating to provision of Federal
Aviation Administration services to the Government of
Signed at Washington and Montevideo March 19 and 20, 1981.
Entered into force March 20, 1981.
33 UST 1461; TIAS 10122
Memorandum of agreement concerning assistance in
developing and modernizing Uruguay’s civil aviation
Signed at Washington and Montevideo September 25 and 30,
Entered into force September 30, 1997.
Air transport agreement, with annexes and exchange of notes.
Signed at Montevideo October 20, 2004.
Entered into force June 16, 2006.
TIAS 06-616
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
For agreements prior to December 31, 1991, see UNION OF SOVIET
Agreement concerning the activity of the Peace Corps of the
United States in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Signed at Tashkent November 4, 1992.
Entered into force November 4, 1992.
TIAS 12083
Agreement concerning the provision of training under the
United States International Military Education and Training
(IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Tashkent January 25 and February 21,
Entered into force February 21, 1995.
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training, and other defense services to the Government
of Uzbekistan.
Exchange of notes at Tashkent March 18 and May 4, 1999.
Entered into force May 4, 1999.
Agreement on procedure for ground transit of cargo shipped
from the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan through the territory
of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the
participation of the United States of America in efforts to
ensure the security, stabilization, and reconstruction of the
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan with mandatory involvement
of the State Joint Stock Railway Company “Uzbekiston Temir
Yullari”, with annex.
Signed at Tashkent November 17, 2011.
Entered into force December 15, 2011.
TIAS 11-1215
Agreement on procedures for transit through the territory of
the Republic of Uzbekistan of motorized wheeled armored
vehicles (not fitted with weapons) in connection with the
participation of the United States of America in efforts to
ensure the security, stabilization, and reconstruction of the
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
Signed at Tashkent November 17, 2011.
Entered into force December 15, 2011.
TIAS 11-1215.1
Agreement on the air transit of cargo and personnel through
the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with
the participation of the United States of America in efforts for
supporting the security, stabilization, and reconstruction of the
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
Signed at Tashkent March 28, 2012.
Entered into force September 26, 2012.
TIAS 12-926.1
Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement.
Signed at Tampa and Tashkent June 1 and July 7, 2016.
Entered into force July 7, 2016.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Tashkent November 26, 2018 and
January 31, 2019.
Entered into force January 31, 2019.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Tashkent October 28, 1992.
Entered into force October 28, 1992.
TIAS 92-1028
Agreement regarding cooperation to facilitate the provision of
Signed at Tashkent March 1, 1994.
Entered into force March 1, 1994.
TIAS 12534
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to the
International Criminal Court.
Signed at Washington September 18, 2002.
Entered into force January 7, 2003.
TIAS 03-107
Agreement concerning cooperation in the area of prevention
of proliferation of nuclear materials and technologies.
Signed at Washington March 12, 2002.
Entered into force March 12, 2002.
TIAS 02-312
Agreement on science and technology cooperation, with
Signed at Tashkent December 2, 2010.
Entered into force March 17, 2011.
TIAS 11-317.1
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, with
Signed at Tashkent April 3, 2015.
Entered into force July 7, 2017.
TIAS 17-707
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on trade relations, with exchanges of letters.
Signed at Tashkent November 5, 1993.
Entered into force January 13, 1994.
TIAS 12515
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington February 27, 1998.
Entered into force February 27, 1998.
TIAS 12933
Implementing agreement on border security assistance.
Signed at Tashkent June 2, 2000.
Entered into force June 2, 2000.
Amendments and extensions:
February 6 and 27, 2002
September 10 and October 17, 2003
April 11 and May 23, 2005
September 29 and October 11, 2006
December 14, 2006 and January 5, 2007
Agreement concerning cooperation in the area of the
promotion of defense relations and the prevention of
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Signed at Washington June 5, 2001.
Entered into force June 5, 2001.
TIAS 01-605
Amendment and Extension:
October 15, 2007, June 4, 2008 and March 25, 2009 (TIAS 01-605)
August 21, 2014, April 9, 2015 and August 10, 2016 (TIAS 01-605)
Agreement concerning cooperation in the area of
demilitarization of biological weapons associated facilities and
the prevention of proliferation of biological weapons
Signed at Tashkent October 22, 2001.
Entered into force October 22, 2001.
Amendments and Extensions:
June 27 and July 29, 2003
May 6 and 17, 2004
August 14 and September 10, 2004
April 12 and December 19, 2005
September 29 and October 11, 2006
December 14, 2006 and January 5, 2007
February 12 and March 3, 2008
May 19 and July 25, 2008
March 7 and 27, 2009
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
NOTE: Treaties and other agreements previously applicable to the New
Hebrides are under review.
Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in
Signed at Port Vila July 22, 2008.
Entered into force July 22, 2008.
TIAS 08-722
Agreement concerning counter illicit transnational maritime
activity operations.
Signed at Port Villa October 31, 2016.
Entered into force October 31, 2016.
TIAS 16-1031
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Port Vila and Washington May 23 and June 30, 1989.
Entered into force July 31, 1989.
TIAS 11668
Maritime boundary treaty.
Signed at Caracas March 28, 1978.
Entered into force November 24, 1980.
32 UST 3100; TIAS 9890
Treaty for the advancement of peace.
Signed at Caracas March 21, 1914.
Entered into force February 12, 1921.
42 Stat. 1920; TS 652; 12 Bevans 1122
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in Venezuela.
Exchange of notes at Caracas April 14 and May 28, 1962.
Entered into force May 28, 1962.
13 UST 1326; TIAS 5089; 458 UNTS 249
Agreement on the development and facilitation of tourism.
Signed at New York September 27, 1989.
Entered into force September 27, 1989.
TIAS 12402
Agreement for the appointment of United States naval officers
and personnel to constitute a naval mission to Venezuela.
Signed at Washington August 23, 1950.
Entered into force August 23, 1950.
1 UST 573; TIAS 2104; 92 UNTS 341
Extension and Amendment:
March 31 and April 29, 1959 (10 UST 2120; TIAS 4382; 366 UNTS
Agreement for appointment of an Army mission to Venezuela.
Signed at Washington August 10, 1951.
Entered into force August 10, 1951.
2 UST 1570; TIAS 2299; 140 UNTS 345
Extension and Amendment:
March 31 and April 29, 1959 (10 UST 2117; TIAS 4381; 366 UNTS
Agreement relating to an Air Force mission to Venezuela.
Signed at Washington January 16, 1953.
Entered into force January 16, 1953.
4 UST 97; TIAS 2766; 199 UNTS 287
Extension and Amendment:
March 31 and April 29, 1959 (10 UST 2114; TIAS 4380; 361 UNTS
Agreement providing for a joint program of aerial
photography in Venezuela.
Exchange of notes at Caracas August 23 and September 24,
Entered into force September 24, 1957.
8 UST 1614; TIAS 3915; 293 UNTS 307
Agreement relating to the deposit by Venezuela of ten percent
of the value of grant military assistance furnished by the
United States.
Exchange of notes at Caracas July 19, 1972.
Entered into force July 19, 1972; effective February 7, 1972.
23 UST 1312; TIAS 7411
Agreement relating to eligibility for United States military
assistance and training pursuant to the International Security
Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976.
Exchange of notes at Caracas June 16 and 30, 1977.
Entered into force June 30, 1977.
29 UST 1884; TIAS 8907
General security of military information agreement.
Signed at Caracas July 15, 1983.
Entered into force July 15, 1983.
35 UST 1570; TIAS 10747; 2006 UNTS 363
Agreement governing cooperation in mapping, charting and
Signed at Washington and Caracas June 18 and
November 26, 1985.
Entered into force November 26, 1985.
TIAS 11209
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Venezuela.
Exchange of letters at Caracas February 26 and 27, 1996.
Entered into force February 27, 1996.
TIAS 12729; 2473 UNTS 297
Basic exchange and cooperative agreement for topographic
mapping, nautical and aeronautical charting and information,
geodesy and geophysics, digital data and related mapping,
charting and geodesy materials.
Signed at Fairfax March 20, 1996.
Entered into force March 20, 1996.
Agreement relating to duty-free entry privileges for non-
diplomatic personnel.
Exchange of notes at Caracas April 7 and 17, 1959.
Entered into force April 17, 1959.
10 UST 1715; TIAS 4323; 358 UNTS 83
Agreement concerning employment of dependents of official
government employees.
Exchange of notes at Caracas July 18 and 29, 1988.
Entered into force July 29, 1988, except with respect to
dependents of employees of permanent missions to
international organizations.
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Caracas November 26 and 29, 1962.
Entered into force November 29, 1962.
14 UST 374; TIAS 5326; 474 UNTS 107
Swap agreement between the United States Treasury and the
Central Bank of Venezuela/Government of Venezuela, with
related letter.
Signed at Washington and Caracas March 10, 1989.
Entered into force March 10, 1989.
Swap agreement among the United States Treasury and the
Central Bank of Venezuela/Government of Venezuela, with
memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Washington and Caracas March 16, 1990.
Entered into force March 16, 1990.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Washington June 22, 1990.
Entered into force June 22, 1990.
TIAS 12098
Agreement supplementing the investment incentive agreement
of June 22, 1990, relating to the Export-Import Bank.
Signed at Washington April 22, 1992.
Entered into force April 22, 1992.
TIAS 12098
Agreement relating to grants to Venezuelan nationals to
facilitate their training in the United States.
Exchange of notes at Caracas May 23 and June 7, 1951.
Entered into force June 7, 1951.
2 UST 1302; TIAS 2280; 141 UNTS 273
December 20, 1951, January 8 and April 8, 1952 (3 UST 4787; TIAS
2648; 205 UNTS 331)
General agreement on technical cooperation.
Exchange of notes at Caracas September 29, 1952.
Entered into force September 29, 1952.
3 UST 5096; TIAS 2700; 186 UNTS 23
Treaty of extradition, and additional article.
Signed at Caracas January 19 and 21, 1922.
Entered into force April 14, 1923.
43 Stat. 1698; TS 675; 12 Bevans 1128; 49 LNTS 435
Agreement concerning the establishment and operation of a
regional office of the Drug Enforcement Administration in
Exchange of notes at Caracas August 26, 1974.
Entered into force August 26, 1974.
25 UST 2440; TIAS 7925
Agreement on procedures for mutual assistance in connection
with the Boeing Company matter.
Signed at Washington May 31, 1977.
Entered into force May 31, 1977.
28 UST 5219; TIAS 8623
Related Agreement:
December 6 and 8, 1978 (30 UST 2254; TIAS 9333; 1171 UNTS 105)
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in the
narcotics field.
Signed at Caracas March 28, 1978.
Entered into force March 28, 1978.
30 UST 1012; TIAS 9235; 1152 UNTS 203
Agreement regarding cooperation in the prevention and
control of money laundering arising from illicit trafficking in
narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, with attachment.
Signed at Washington November 5, 1990.
Entered into force January 1, 1991.
TIAS 12422
Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Signed at Caracas October 12, 1997.
Entered into force March 1, 2004.
TIAS 12941
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for exemption of merchant vessels from
requirements of admeasurement by port authorities.
Signed at Caracas February 21, 1957.
Entered into force February 21, 1957.
8 UST 289; TIAS 3774; 279 UNTS 199
Agreement to suppress illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and
psychotropic substances by sea.
Signed at Caracas November 9, 1991.
Entered into force November 9, 1991.
TIAS 11827; 2211 UNTS 387
Protocol to the agreement of November 9, 1991 to suppress
illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances by
Signed at Caracas July 23, 1997.
Entered into force July 23, 1997.
TIAS 12876
Agreement continuing in effect safeguards and guarantee
provisions of the agreement of October 8, 1958, as amended
(TIAS 4416, 6945), for cooperation concerning civil uses of
atomic energy.
Exchange of notes at Caracas February 18, 1981.
Entered into force February 18, 1981.
33 UST 1111; TIAS 10097; 1281 UNTS 3
International express mail agreement.
Signed at Washington and Caracas August 10 and 15, 1984.
Entered into force December 1, 1984.
TIAS 11008; 2022 UNTS 89
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth and mapping sciences.
Signed at Caracas January 15, 1992.
Entered into force January 15, 1992.
TIAS 11842
Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation with respect
to shipping and air transport.
Signed at Caracas December 29, 1987.
Entered into force August 10, 1988; effective with respect to
taxable years beginning on or before January 1, 1987.
TIAS 11556; 2185 UNTS 353
Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the
prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
and capital, with protocol.
Signed at Caracas January 25, 1999.
Entered into force December 30, 1999.
TIAS 13020
Arrangement for radio communications between amateur
stations on behalf of third parties.
Exchange of notes at Caracas November 12, 1959.
Entered into force December 12, 1959.
10 UST 3019; TIAS 4394; 367 UNTS 81
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorizations
to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to
operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Caracas September 18, 1967.
Entered into force October 3, 1967.
18 UST 2499; TIAS 6348; 693 UNTS 109
Treaty of peace, friendship, navigation and commerce.*
Signed at Caracas January 20, 1836.
Entered into force May 31, 1836.
8 Stat. 466; TS 366; 12 Bevans 1038
* Articles with respect to commerce and navigation terminated
January 3, 1851.
Convention facilitating the work of traveling salesmen.
Signed at Caracas July 3, 1919.
Entered into force August 18, 1920.
41 Stat. 1719; TS 648; 12 Bevans 1125
Reciprocal trade agreement.*
Signed at Caracas November 6, 1939.
Entered into force provisionally December 16, 1939;
definitively December 14, 1940.
54 Stat. 2375; EAS 180; 12 Bevans 1141; 203 LNTS 273
Supplementary trade agreement.*
Signed at Caracas August 28, 1952.
Entered into force October 11, 1952.
3 UST 4195; TIAS 2565; 178 UNTS 51
Agreement relating to effectiveness of the United States
revised tariff schedules to the trade agreement of November 6,
1939, as supplemented.*
Exchange of notes at Caracas July 15 and 23, 1963.
Entered into force July 23, 1963.
14 UST 1901; TIAS 5502; 505 UNTS 316
* Agreements terminated in part June 30, 1972, by exchange of
notes dated June 26, 1972.
Agreement terminating in part the reciprocal trade agreement
of November 6, 1939, as supplemented.
Exchange of notes at Caracas June 26, 1972.
Entered into force June 26, 1972.
23 UST 1213; TIAS 7387
Agreement concerning a United States-Venezuela Council on
Trade and Investment, with annex.
Signed at Washington April 8, 1991.
Entered into force April 8, 1991.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Air transport agreement, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Caracas August 14, 1953.
Entered into force August 22, 1953.
4 UST 1493; TIAS 2813; 213 UNTS 99
February 11, 1972 (24 UST 271; TIAS 7549)
September 22, 1976 (27 UST 4111; TIAS 8433)
July 19 and October 10, 1990 (TIAS 11751; 2204 UNTS 214)
Memorandum of agreement concerning the provision of
technical assistance to develop and modernize Venezuela’s
civil aviation infrastructure, with annexes.
Signed at Washington and Caracas February 1 and 4, 1977.
Entered into force February 4, 1977.
29 UST 5300; TIAS 9110
NOTE: The agreements listed below were in force between the United
States and the Republic of Viet Nam (South Viet Nam). The status of these
agreements is under review.
Agreement relating to mutual waiver of government claims for
damages to government property and for injury or death of
members of armed services.
Exchange of notes at Saigon February 9, 1965.
Entered into force February 9, 1965.
16 UST 140; TIAS 5773; 542 UNTS 175
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of notes at Saigon April 4, 1961.
Entered into force April 4, 1961.
12 UST 310; TIAS 4717; 405 UNTS 77
Agreement relating to the assurances required by the Mutual
Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at Saigon December 18, 1951, January 3, 16,
and January 19, 1952.
Entered into force January 3, 1952.
3 UST 4672; TIAS 2623; 205 UNTS 127
Agreement relating to the disposition of equipment and
materials furnished by the United States found surplus to the
needs of the Vietnamese armed forces.
Exchange of notes at Saigon March 1 and May 10, 1955.
Entered into force May 10, 1955.
7 UST 837; TIAS 3563; 273 UNTS 157
Agreement relating to the transfer of scrap to Viet Nam as
supplementary military assistance.
Exchange of notes at Saigon November 8 and December 14,
Entered into force December 14, 1972.
23 UST 4263; TIAS 7534
September 3 and October 14, 1974 (25 UST 2906; TIAS 7953)
Agreement relating to investment guaranties under section 413
(b)(4) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 5, 1957.
Entered into force November 5, 1957.
8 UST 1869; TIAS 3932; 300 UNTS 23
August 8, 1963 (14 UST 1210; TIAS 5419; 488 UNTS 270)
Agreement modifying the agreement of November 5, 1957, as
amended, relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Saigon December 16, 1969 and
February 12, 1970.
Entered into force February 12, 1970.
21 UST 1148; TIAS 6869; 745 UNTS 312
Economic cooperation agreement, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Saigon September 7, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1951.
2 UST 2205; TIAS 2346; 174 UNTS 165
June 7, 1962 (13 UST 1279; TIAS 5076; 458 UNTS 300)
Agreement relating to duty-free entry and defrayment of
inland transportation charges on relief supplies and packages.
Exchange of notes at Saigon August 20 and 26, 1954.
Entered into force August 26, 1954.
5 UST 2531; TIAS 3115; 234 UNTS 111
Agreement providing for additional direct economic assistance
pursuant to the economic cooperation agreement of
September 7, 1951.
Exchange of notes at Saigon February 21 and March 7, 1955.
Entered into force March 7, 1955; operative January 1, 1955.
7 UST 2507; TIAS 3640; 277 UNTS 285
Agreement providing for an informational media guaranty
program pursuant to Section 1011 of the United States
Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, as
Exchange of notes at Saigon October 11 and November 3, 1955.
Entered into force November 3, 1955.
6 UST 3940; TIAS 3402; 239 UNTS 195
Declaration respecting the rights of nationals concerning
trademark protection, with related note.
Exchange of notes at Washington November 3, 1953 and
October 25, 1954; related note dated November 22, 1954.
Entered into force October 25, 1954.
5 UST 2400; TIAS 3100; 235 UNTS 11
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding income tax administration.
Exchange of notes at Saigon March 31 and May 3, 1967.
Entered into force May 3, 1967.
18 UST 546; TIAS 6262; 685 UNTS 207
Agreement relating to television broadcasting in Viet Nam.
Exchange of notes at Saigon January 3, 1966.
Entered into force January 3, 1966.
17 UST 44; TIAS 5954; 579 UNTS 99
Treaty of amity and economic relations.
Signed at Saigon April 3, 1961.
Entered into force November 30, 1961.
12 UST 1703; TIAS 4890; 424 UNTS 137
The United States established diplomatic relations with the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam on July 12, 1995.
Agreement concerning the settlement of certain property
Signed at Hanoi January 28, 1995.
Entered into force January 28, 1995.
TIAS 12602
Framework agreement concerning the program of the Peace
Corps in Viet Nam.
Signed at Hanoi May 24, 2016.
Entered into force May 24, 2016.
TIAS 16-524
Agreement concerning the provision of equipment, training
and related services under the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Hanoi June 17, 2005.
Entered into force June 17, 2005.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Hanoi September 25, 2014 and
February 26, 2015.
Entered into force February 26, 2015.
Agreement concerning the opening of a Vietnam Consulate
General in Houston, Texas.
Exchange of notes at Hanoi July 29 and 31, 2009.
Entered into force July 31, 2009.
TIAS 09-731
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and the Agency for International
Development, with annexes.
Signed at Hanoi April 7, 1997.
Entered into force June 23, 1997.
Agreement regarding the operations of the Overseas Private
Investment Corporation in Vietnam.
Signed at Washington and Hanoi March 19 and 26, 1998.
Entered into force March 26, 1998.
TIAS 12936.
Project incentive agreement regarding the operations of the
Export-Import Bank of the United States in Vietnam.
Signed at Hanoi December 9, 1999.
Entered into force December 9, 1999.
TIAS 13076
Agreement for economic and technical cooperation.
Signed at Washington June 22, 2005.
Entered into force July 27, 2005.
TIAS 05-727.1
Agreement on the establishment of copyright relations.
Signed at Hanoi June 27, 1997.
Entered into force December 23, 1998.
TIAS 13015
December 23, 1998 (TIAS 13015)
Agreement on maritime transport.
Signed at Washington March 15, 2007.
Entered into force July 15, 2007.
TIAS 07-715
Agreement on the implementation of the special released
reeducation center detainees resettlement program, with
Exchange of letters at Washington and Hanoi
August 18 and 28, 1989.
Entered into force August 28, 1989.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on the acceptance of the return of Vietnamese
citizens, with annexes.
Signed at Hanoi January 22, 2008.
Entered into force March 22, 2008.
TIAS 08-322
Agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of
nuclear energy, with agreed minute.
Signed at Hanoi May 6, 2014.
Entered into force October 3, 2014.
TIAS 14-1003
Arrangement for the exchange of technical information and
cooperation in nuclear safety matters, with addenda and
Signed at Rockville and Ha Noi May 9 and 29, 2018.
Entered into force May 29, 2018.
TIAS 18-529
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Seoul September 13, 1994.
Entered into force December 1, 1994.
Agreement concerning the transfer of diplomatic properties,
with appendices and amendment.
Signed at Hanoi January 28, 1995.
Entered into force January 28, 1995.
Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation, with
Signed at Hanoi November 17, 2000.
Entered into force March 26, 2001.
TIAS 13128
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in earth sciences and effective
management of natural resources in the context of climate
Signed at Hanoi December 10, 2010.
Entered into force December 10, 2010.
TIAS 10-1210
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences.
Signed at Reston and Vietnam November 10 and December 30,
Entered into force December 30, 2014.
TIAS 14-1230
Agreement to improve international tax compliance and to
implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.
Signed at Hanoi April 1, 2016.
Entered into force July 7, 2016.
TIAS 16-707
Agreement on trade relations, with annexes, schedules and
exchange of letters.
Signed at Washington July 13, 2000.
Entered into force December 10, 2001.
Trade and investment framework agreement, with annex.
Signed at Washington June 21, 2007.
Entered into force June 21, 2007.
Air Transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Washington December 4, 2003.
Entered into force January 14, 2004.
TIAS 04-114
May 18, 2010 (TIAS 04-114)
December 13, 2012 (TIAS 04-114)
Memorandum of agreement concerning technical assistance in
developing, modernizing, operating, or maintaining Vietnam’s
civil aviation infrastructure.
Signed at Washington and Hanoi May 25 and July 19, 2011.
Entered into force July 19, 2011.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Brussels January 26, 1990.
Entered into force January 26, 1990.
TIAS 11711; 2208 UNTS 3
Agreement relating to the transfer of agricultural commodities
to the World Food Program for its relief efforts in Ethiopia.
Signed May 9, 2011.
Entered into force May 9, 2011.
Agreement relating to the transfer of agricultural commodities
to the World Food Program for its relief efforts in Chad.
Signed August 11, 2011.
Entered into force August 11, 2011.
Agreement to provide support for an emergency food security
program in Afghanistan.
Signed September 30, 2011.
Entered into force September 30, 2011.
Transfer authorization, World Food Program: Emergency
Operation in Sudan, with attachment.
Signed September 9, 2014.
Entered into force September 9, 2014.
March 11 and 12, 2015
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Geneva December 5, 1988.
Entered into force December 5, 1988.
TIAS 11625; 2191 UNTS 159
Agreement relating to a procedure for United States income
tax reimbursement, with annex.
Signed at Geneva January 23, 1987.
Entered into force January 23, 1987.
TIAS 11293; 2174 UNTS 207
Tax reimbursement agreement, with annex.
Signed at Geneva December 22, 2000.
Entered into force December 22, 2000.
TIAS 13133
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
The People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen and the Yemen Arab
Republic merged into a single sovereign State on May 22, 1990, called the
Republic of Yemen. In a note dated May 19, 1990, to the Secretary-
General of the United Nations, it was stated that
“All treaties and agreements concluded between either the Yemen Arab
Republic or the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen and other States
and international organizations in accordance with international law which
are in force on May 22, 1990 will remain in effect, and international
relations existing on May 22, 1990 between the People’s Democratic
Republic of Yemen and the Yemen Arab Republic and other States will
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps
program in the Yemen Arab Republic.
Exchange of notes at Sanaa September 30, 1972 and
January 29, 1973.
Entered into force January 29, 1973.
24 UST 853; TIAS 7588
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Sanaa September 9, 1986 and May 19,
Entered into force May 19, 1987.
TIAS 12015
Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended, and the furnishing of defense articles,
related training and other defense services from the United
States to Yemen.
Exchange of notes at Sanaa June 5 and July 20, 1999.
Entered into force July 20, 1999.
Agreement relating to investment guaranties.
Exchange of notes at Sanaa October 22 and December 4, 1972.
Entered into force December 4, 1972.
24 UST 845; TIAS 7586
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Sanaa April 8, 1997.
Entered into force May 22, 1997.
Agreement regarding consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agency, with annexes.
Signed at Sanaa May 19, 1998.
Entered into force August 10, 1998.
Agreement regarding the reduction and reorganization of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government, with annexes.
Signed at Sanaa July 31, 2002.
Entered into force October 8, 2002.
Economic, technical, and related assistance agreement, with
related letter.
Signed at Sanaa April 20, 1974.
Entered into force April 20, 1974.
25 UST 715; TIAS 7820
Assistance agreement, with attachment.
Signed September 16, 2009.
Entered into force September 16, 2009.
September 15, 2010 (NP)
April 12, 2012 (NP)
September 30, 2012 (NP)
September 23, 2014 (NP)
Arrangement regarding the surrender of persons to
international tribunals.
Exchange of notes at Washington and Sanaa December 10
and 17, 2003.
Entered into force December 17, 2003.
TIAS 03-1217.1
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Sanaa and Washington June 17 and July 23, 1992.
Entered into force September 21, 1992.
TIAS 11873
Agreement relating to friendship and commerce.
Exchange of notes at Sanaa May 4, 1946.
Entered into force May 4, 1946.
60 Stat. 1782; TIAS 1535; 12 Bevans 1223; 4 UNTS 165
Agreement concerning the development of trade and
investment relations.
Signed at Washington February 6, 2004.
Entered into force February 6, 2004.
TIAS 04-206
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Yugoslavia has dissolved. For agreements prior to dissolution, see below.
Subsequent agreements are listed under individual country headings.
Section 2 of Treaties in Force covers multi-lateral treaties and agreements.
Where a multilateral treaty action was taken prior to dissolution,
“Yugoslavia” is retained; where a successor state has taken action it is
listed separately.
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington January 21, 1929.
Entered into force June 22, 1929.
46 Stat. 2293; TS 790; 12 Bevans 1253; 93 LNTS 307
Treaty of conciliation.
Signed at Washington January 21, 1929.
Entered into force June 22, 1929.
46 Stat. 2297; TS 791; 12 Bevans 1256; 93 LNTS 301
Agreement relating to the settlement of pecuniary claims
against Yugoslavia, and accompanying aide memoire and
Signed at Washington July 19, 1948.
Entered into force July 19, 1948.
62 Stat. 2658; TIAS 1803; 12 Bevans 1277; 89 UNTS 43
Agreement relating to the reduction of passport visa fees for
Exchange of notes at Belgrade December 24 and 29, 1925.
Operative February 1, 1926.
12 Bevans 1243
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Understanding relating to entry and exit visas for American
citizens visiting Yugoslavia.
Exchange of notes at Belgrade March 23 and 25, 1950.
Entered into force March 25, 1950; operative April 1, 1950.
1 UST 471; TIAS 2087; 98 UNTS 195
Agreement for the abolition of all nonimmigrant visa fees.*
Exchange of notes at Belgrade December 30, 1963, March 27
and April 4, 1964.
Entered into force April 15, 1964.
15 UST 355; TIAS 5564; 526 UNTS 47
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement relating to the exchange of official publications.
Exchange of letters at Belgrade October 4 and 9, 1950.
Entered into force October 9, 1950.
TIAS 2208; 2 UST 573; 133 UNTS 25
Memorandum of understanding relating to the establishment,
maintenance, and operation of American reading rooms in
Signed at Belgrade June 14, 1961.
Entered into force provisionally June 14, 1961; definitively
December 28, 1961.
20 UST 2826; TIAS 6753; 723 UNTS 133
Implementing Agreements:
Ljubljana: June 5, 1970 (22 UST 398; TIAS 7073; 791 UNTS 293)
Skopje: April 13, 1972 (24 UST 457; TIAS 7564)
Sarajevo: July 18, 1973 (24 UST 2316; TIAS 7757)
Titograd: June 25, 1979 (31 UST 301; TIAS 9612; 1202 UNTS 173)
Agreement on cooperation in the field of tourism.
Signed at Washington February 2, 1984.
Entered into force June 18, 1984.
35 UST 4517; TIAS 10954; 2019 UNTS 517
Memorandum of understanding relating to offshore
procurement with standard contract and related notes.
Signed at Belgrade October 18, 1954.
Entered into force October 18, 1954.
7 UST 849; TIAS 3567; 273 UNTS 163
Agreement relating to the termination of military assistance
furnished on a grant basis by the United States to Yugoslavia
and amending the memorandum of understanding of October
18, 1954 relating to offshore procurement.
Exchange of notes at Belgrade August 25, 1959.
Entered into force August 25, 1959.
10 UST 1468; TIAS 4300; 357 UNTS 77
Agreement relating to the purchase by Yugoslavia of military
equipment, materials, and services.
Exchange of notes at Belgrade August 25, 1959.
Entered into force August 25, 1959.
10 UST 1474; TIAS 4301; 357 UNTS 87
Consular convention.
Signed at Belgrade October 2 and 14, 1881.
Entered into force November 15, 1882.
22 Stat. 968; TS 320; 12 Bevans 1233
Arrangement providing for the taking of testimony by
consular officers.
Exchange of notes at Belgrade October 17 and 24, 1938.
Entered into force October 24, 1938.
12 Bevans 1261
Agreement relating to reciprocal customs privileges for
consular officers.
Exchange of notes at Washington May 21, 1956.
Entered into force July 30, 1956.
7 UST 2234; TIAS 3622; 281 UNTS 93
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for financing certain educational exchange
Signed at Belgrade November 9, 1964.
Entered into force November 9, 1964.
15 UST 2081; TIAS 5689; 533 UNTS 39
January 20, 1984 (TIAS 10980)
Agreement relating to the funding of the indebtedness of
Yugoslavia to the United States.
Signed at Washington May 3, 1926.
Operative June 15, 1925.
12 Bevans 1246; Treasury Department print
Counterpart release agreement, with annex.
Signed at Belgrade April 16, 1954.
Entered into force April 16, 1954.
5 UST 2853; TIAS 3142; 237 UNTS 77
Agreement providing for certain economic assistance on a
loan basis pursuant to section 402 of the Mutual Security Act
of 1954.
Exchange of notes at Belgrade January 19, 1956.
Entered into force January 19, 1956.
7 UST 149; TIAS 3487; 240 UNTS 121
Swap agreement between the U.S. Treasury and the Central
Bank of the Federated Republics of Yugoslavia, with related
Signed at Washington and Belgrade June 10, 1988.
Entered into force June 10, 1988.
Agreement governing the furnishing of assistance under the
Yugoslav Emergency Relief Assistance Act of 1950.
Signed at Belgrade January 6, 1951.
Entered into force January 6, 1951.
2 UST 13; TIAS 2174; 122 UNTS 137
Economic cooperation agreement.
Signed at Belgrade January 8, 1952.
Entered into force January 8, 1952.
3 UST 1; TIAS 2384; 152 UNTS 61
February 25 and March 10, 1953 (4 UST 439; TIAS 2791; 207 UNTS
Agreement for duty-free entry and defrayment of inland
transportation and related costs of relief supplies and
packages, and note of December 3, 1952.
Signed at Belgrade December 3, 1952.
Entered into force December 3, 1952.
3 UST 5318; TIAS 2735; 185 UNTS 183
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Belgrade October 25, 1901.
Entered into force June 12, 1902.
32 Stat. 1890; TS 406; 12 Bevans 1238
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchange of notes at Belgrade February 17, 1928 and
May 8, 1930.
Entered into force May 8, 1930.
12 Bevans 1259
Agreement regarding mutual assistance between customs
Signed at Belgrade April 11, 1990.
Entered into force November 18, 1990.
TIAS 12074
Agreement concerning the reciprocal recognition of tonnage
Exchange of notes at Washington June 12 and 16, 1958.
Entered into force June 16, 1958.
9 UST 709; TIAS 4047; 317 UNTS 31
Agreement providing for a grant to assist in the acquisition of
certain nuclear research and training equipment and materials.
Exchange of notes at Belgrade April 19, 1961.
Entered into force April 19, 1961.
12 UST 398; TIAS 4731; 409 UNTS 163
Agreement concerning the exchange of parcel post and
regulations of execution.
Signed at Belgrade and Washington August 14 and
September 1, 1950.
Entered into force January 1, 1950.
2 UST 2079; TIAS 2336; 137 UNTS 131
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Belgrade and Washington January 22 and March 1,
Entered into force March 30, 1990.
TIAS 11713
Preliminary agreement regarding principles applying to
mutual aid in the prosecution of the war against aggression.
Signed at Washington July 24, 1942.
Entered into force July 24, 1942.
56 Stat. 1570; EAS 263; 12 Bevans 1263; 34 UNTS 361
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding settlement for lend-lease, military relief,
and claims.
Signed at Washington July 19, 1948.
Entered into force July 19, 1948.
62 Stat. 2133; TIAS 1779; 12 Bevans 1273; 34 UNTS 195
Agreement relating to relief from taxation of United States
Government expenditures in Yugoslavia for facilities,
equipment, materials, or services.
Exchange of letters at Belgrade July 23, 1953.
Entered into force July 23, 1953.
4 UST 2208; TIAS 2871; 221 UNTS 365
Agreement relating to the reciprocal granting of authorization
to permit licensed amateur radio operators who are citizens of
either country to operate their stations in the other country.
Exchange of notes at Belgrade October 31 and November 11,
Entered into force November 11, 1980.
32 UST 4173; TIAS 9936; 1267 UNTS 377
Treaty of commerce.
Signed at Belgrade October 2 and 14, 1881.
Entered into force November 15, 1882.
22 Stat. 963; TS 319; 12 Bevans 1227
Nonscheduled air services agreement. With annexes, and
Signed at Belgrade September 27, 1973.
Entered into force April 16, 1974
TIAS 7819
May 14, 1976 (TIAS 8305)
December 15, 1977 (TIAS 9460)
Air transport agreement. With memorandum of understating .
Signed at Washington December 15,1977.
Entered into force May 15, 1979.
TIAS 9364
Nonscheduled air services agreement. With annexes, and
Exchange of notes at Washington May 17, 1976 and June 30,
Entered into force June 30,1977
TIAS 8972
Agreement amending the nonscheduled air services agreement
of September 27, 1973, as amended, the air transport
agreement of December 15, 1977 and extending the
memoranda of understanding (March 17 and May 19, 1982),
as amended and extended.
Exchange of notes at Belgrade January 15 and July 6, 1987.
Entered into force provisionally July 6, 1987.
Entered into force definitively January 11, 1988.
TIAS 11547
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On October 24, 1964, Zambia (former Northern Rhodesia) became an
independent state. In a note dated September 1, 1965, to the Secretary
General of the United Nations, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Zambia
made a Declaration reading in part as follows:
I have the honour to inform you that the Government of Zambia, conscious
of the desirability of maintaining existing legal relationships, and
conscious of its obligations under international law to honour its treaty
commitments acknowledges that many treaty rights and obligations of the
Government of the United Kingdom in respect of Northern Rhodesia were
succeeded to by Zambia upon independence by virtue of customary
international law.
Since, however, it is likely that in virtue of customary international law
certain treaties may have lapsed at the date of independence of Zambia, it
seems essential that each treaty should be subjected to legal examination.
It is proposed after this examination has been completed, to indicate
which, if any, of the treaties which may have lapsed by customary
international law the Government of Zambia wishes to treat as having
The question of Zambia’s succession to treaties is complicated by legal
questions arising from the entrustment of external affairs powers to the
former Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Until these questions have
been resolved it will remain unclear to what extent Zambia remains
affected by the treaties contracted by the former Federation.
It is desired that it be presumed that each treaty has been legally succeeded
to by Zambia and that action be based on this presumption until a decision
is reached that it should be regarded as having lapsed. Should the
Government of Zambia be of the opinion that it has legally succeeded to a
treaty, and wishes to terminate the operation of the treaty, it will in due
course give notice of termination in the terms thereof.
Agreement relating to the assurances required under the
Mutual Security Act of 1951.
Exchange of notes at London January 8, 1952.
Entered into force January 8, 1952.
3 UST 4665; TIAS 2622; 126 UNTS 307
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military,
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Lusaka March 9, 1992.
Entered into force March 9, 1992.
Agreement concerning the provision of equipment, training
and related services under the United States International
Military Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Lusaka February 19, 2004 and
February 15, 2005.
Entered into force February 15, 2005.
Aviation Leadership Program agreement.
Signed at Washington and Lusaka December 12, 2013 and
February 7, 2014.
Entered into force February 7, 2014.
Agreement concerning the provision of defense articles,
related training and other defense services pursuant to the
International Military Education and Training (IMET)
Program, the Africa Military Education Program (AMEP), and
Peacekeeping Operations Under Section 551 of the Foreign
Assistance Act.
Exchange of notes at Lusaka August 25, 2014 and February 11,
Entered into force February 11, 2015.
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Lusaka June 26, 1989 and January 4,
Entered into force January 4, 1990.
TIAS 90-104
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, or guaranteed by the United States
Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Lusaka December 19, 1983.
Entered into force February 10, 1984.
35 UST 4387; TIAS 10941
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes and
implementing agreement.
Signed at Lusaka December 15, 1984.
Entered into force January 22, 1985.
TIAS 11002; 2022 UNTS 75
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies.
Signed at Lusaka July 25, 1986.
Entered into force August 28, 1986.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Lusaka September 14, 1990.
Entered into force November 5, 1990.
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the consolidation and rescheduling or
refinancing of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by or insured
by the U.S. Government and its agencies, with annexes and
Signed at Lusaka March 23, 1993.
Entered into force August 11, 1993.
Agreement regarding the consolidation, reduction, and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its agency, with
Signed at Lusaka September 26, 1997.
Entered into force December 3, 1997.
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Lusaka June 23, 1999.
Entered into force July 2, 1999.
TIAS 13050
Agreement regarding the reduction, consolidation, and
rescheduling of certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or
insured by the United States Government and its Agency, with
Signed at Lusaka November 19, 1999.
Entered into force February 23, 2000.
Agreement regarding the consolidation and reduction of
certain debts owed to, guaranteed by, or insured by the United
States Government and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Lusaka November 3, 2003.
Entered into force December 17, 2003.
Agreement regarding the reduction of certain debts owed to,
guaranteed by, or insured by the United States Government
and its agencies, with annexes.
Signed at Lusaka December 30, 2005.
Entered into force February 6, 2006.
Economic cooperation agreement between the United States
and the United Kingdom.
Signed at London July 6, 1948.
Applicable to Zambia July 20, 1948.
62 Stat. 2596; TIAS 1795; 12 Bevans 874; 22 UNTS 263
January 3, 1950 (1 UST 184; TIAS 2036; 86 UNTS 304)
May 25, 1951 (2 UST 1292; TIAS 2277; 99 UNTS 308)
February 25, 1953 (4 UST 1528; TIAS 2815; 172 UNTS 332)
Agreement for technical cooperation in respect of the
territories for the international relations of which the
Government of the United Kingdom are responsible.
Signed at London July 13, 1951.
Applicable to Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland April 8,
2 UST 1307; TIAS 2281; 105 UNTS 71
Development Cooperation Agreement.
Signed September 27, 2011.
Entered into force September 27, 2011.
Implementing Letter amending the Development Cooperation
Agreement of September 27,2011.
Signed September 25, 2012.
Entered into force September 25, 2012.
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Extradition treaty between the United States and the United
Signed at London December 22, 1931.
Entered into force June 24, 1935.
47 Stat. 2122; TS 849; 12 Bevans 482; 163 LNTS 59
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Ndola and Washington April 25 and May 16, 1988.
Entered into force June 15, 1988.
TIAS 11589
Convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Zambia May 29, 1947.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
of real and personal property of March 2, 1899.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and
technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes.
Signed at Reston and Lusaka September 9 and 23, 2002.
Entered into force September 23, 2002.
TIAS 02-923
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Arrangement between the United States and the United
Kingdom relating to pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft.
Exchange of notes at Washington March 28 and April 5, 1935.
Entered into force May 5, 1935.
49 Stat. 3731; EAS 77; 12 Bevans 513; 162 UNTS 59
Agreement on civil aviation security.
Exchange of notes at Lusaka February 16 and March 28, 1988.
Entered into force March 28, 1988.
TIAS 11573; 2185 UNTS 299
Air transport agreement, with annexes.
Signed at Lusaka March 16, 2010.
Entered into force March 16, 2010.
TIAS 10-316.1
Agreement regarding the surrender of persons to international
Signed at Lusaka July 1, 2003.
Entered into force July 2, 2003.
TIAS 03-702
On April 18, 1980, Zimbabwe became an independent state. In a note
dated February 24, 1981, to the Secretary General of the United Nations,
the Prime Minister made a statement reading in part as follows:
My Government will continue to apply within its territory, on the basis of
the principles of reciprocity and mutual respect for sovereign
independence, all
bilateral treaties validly concluded or recognised by the United Kingdom
Government in respect of Southern Rhodesia for a period of three years
from the date of independence, i.e. 18th April, 1980, unless such treaties
are terminated or modified earlier by mutual consent. It is the intention of
my Government during such period to subject all bilateral treaties to full
examination for the purpose of determining whether such treaties require
termination, revision or renegotiation in the light of Zimbabwe’s sovereign
status. It is the earnest hope of my Government that during the
aforementioned period the normal processes of diplomatic negotiation will
enable it to reach satisfactory accord with the States concerned upon the
possibility of the continuance, modification or termination of such treaties.
At the end of the three year period referred to above my Government will
regard such treaties whose continuance or modification have not been
agreed as having terminated.
As regards multilateral treaties validly concluded or recognised by the
United Kingdom Government in respect of Southern Rhodesia, my
Government pro-poses to review at least some of those treaties during a
period of six years from the date of independence, i.e. 18th April, 1980. It
will indicate to the depositaries in each case of review whether the
Republic of Zimbabwe will confirm, seek to modify or terminate its
obligations under the treaty concerned. During such period of review any
party to a multilateral treaty which was validly applied or extended to
Southern Rhodesia may, on the basis of reciprocity and respect for national
independence, rely on the terms of such treaty until it is modified or
terminated. At the expiration of the period of review treaties as modified,
or which have not been terminated, shall continue fully in force as if they
had been concluded by the Republic of Zimbabwe.
By note of April 14, 1983, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations,
the Government of Zimbabwe extended the period of review of bilateral
treaties to April 18, 1984. This period of review was further extended by a
note dated April 11, 1984, in which the Prime Minister notified the
Secretary-General that “… my Government will continue to apply within
its territory all such bilateral treaties until the 18th April 1985, unless
terminated earlier or modified by mutual consent. Thereafter my
Government will regard those treaties whose continuance or modification
has not been agreed upon as having terminated.”
In a further letter to the Secretary-General, received February 20, 1985, the
Prime Minister stated in part:
During the past four years my Government has re-viewed all such bilateral
treaties as were available to it or were brought to its attention and has also
concluded a number of bilateral treaties with other governments with the
effect that these instruments have superseded some of the earlier ones. It
has become evident to my Government that many contracting parties
prefer to enter into new arrangements with my Government rather than
revive those treaties whose operations might have been suspended or
terminated between 1965 and 1979 or which are now considered to be
obsolete in the conduct of present-day international relations.
Whilst it has not been practicable for my Government to re-negotiate and
finalise all such agreements on which a willingness to keep and maintain
them in force was mutually indicated by my Government and other
contracting parties, my Government has reached the stage at which it
considers that legal continuity between itself and Other Contracting States
has been achieved with an understanding either to revive, modify,
renegotiate, terminate or adopt such bilateral treaties and, accordingly, my
Government now wishes to inform Your Excellency, and through you all
Member States of the United Nations Organisation as follows:
All bilateral treaties that were validly concluded or recognised by the
United Kingdom Government in respect of Southern Rhodesia and
continued to be applied and respected by my Government pursuant to the
declaration aforementioned will now expire on 18 April 1985, UNLESS:
(i) Either my Government has already communicated to the other
contracting party its intention to maintain the continuance in force of the
treaty or the process of re-negotiating its terms and provisions has been
agreed upon; or
(ii) The other contracting party notifies my Government before 18 April
1985 through normal diplomatic channels of its intention either to keep
and maintain the continuance in force of the treaty concerned or to
renegotiate its terms and provisions, in which case, my Government will
consider itself bound by that Treaty.
The United States presented Zimbabwe by diplomatic note of April 17,
1985, a list of international agreements which the Government of the
United States intended to maintain in force.
Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps in
Signed at Harare March 18, 1991.
Entered into force March 18, 1991.
TIAS 12114
Agreement concerning the provision of training related to
defense articles under the United States International Military
Education and Training (IMET) Program.
Exchange of notes at Harare September 2 and 17, 1981.
Entered into force September 17, 1981.
35 UST 2319; TIAS 10791
Consular convention between the United States and the United
Signed at Washington June 6, 1951.
Entered into force September 7, 1952.
3 UST 3426; TIAS 2494; 165 UNTS 121
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the employment of dependents of
official government employees.
Exchange of notes at Harare February 7, 1991 and March 7,
Entered into force March 7, 1992.
TIAS 11857
Investment incentive agreement.
Signed at Harare June 20, 1990.
Entered into force June 20, 1990.
TIAS 12097
General agreement for economic, technical, and related
Exchange of notes at Salisbury February 10 and March 22,
Entered into force March 22, 1982.
34 UST 194; TIAS 10348; 1557 UNTS 51
Declaration by the United States and the United Kingdom
affording reciprocal protection to trade-marks.
Signed at London October 24, 1877.
Entered into force October 24, 1877.
20 Stat. 703; TS 138; 12 Bevans 198
Extradition treaty.
Signed at Harare July 25, 1997.
Entered into force April 26, 2000.
TIAS 00-426
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Harare and Washington February 15 and March 9,
Entered into force April 1, 1988.
TIAS 11569
Convention relating to tenure and disposition of real and
personal property.
Signed at Washington March 2, 1899.
Applicable to Southern Rhodesia July 27, 1901.
31 Stat. 1939; TS 146; 12 Bevans 246
Supplementary convention relating to the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property.
Signed at Washington May 27, 1936.
Entered into force March 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1101; TS 964; 5 Bevans 140; 203 LNTS 367
Agreement for scientific and technical cooperation.
Signed at Salisbury September 25, 1980.
Entered into force September 25, 1980.
32 UST 4543; TIAS 9967; 1267 UNTS 243
Agreement between the United States and the United
Kingdom concerning air services, with annexes and exchange
of letters.
Signed at Bermuda July 23, 1977.
Entered into force July 23, 1977.
28 UST 5367; TIAS 8641
April 25, 1978 (29 UST 2680; TIAS 8965)
December 27, 1979 (32 UST 524; TIAS 9722)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
On January 1, 1979, the United States recognized the Government of the
People’s Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China. Within
this context, the people of the United States maintain cultural, commercial
and other unofficial relations with the people on Taiwan. The United
States acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and
Taiwan is part of China. The United States does not recognize the
“Republic of China” as a state or government.
Pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act and Executive Order 12143, 78 F.R.
13906, agreements concluded after January 1, 1979, by the American
Institute in Taiwan, 1700 North Moore Street, Rosslyn, Virginia 22209,
with its nongovernmental Taiwan counterpart, the Taipei Economic and
Cultural Representative Office, are reported to the Congress as in effect
under the law of the United States. A list of such agreements appears at 65
F.R. 81898.
Pursuant to Section 6 of the Taiwan Relations Act, (P.L. 96-8, 93 Stat. 14,
22 U.S.C. 3305) and Executive Order 12143, 78 F.R. 13906, the following
agreements concluded with the Taiwan authorities prior to January 1,
1979, and any multilateral treaty or agreement relationship listed in
Section 2 of this volume, are administered on a nongovernmental basis by
the American Institute in Taiwan, a nonprofit District of Columbia
corporation, and constitute neither recognition of the Taiwan authorities
nor the continuation of any official relationship with Taiwan. The
following bilateral agreements are on record as of January 1, 2017:
Treaty of arbitration.
Signed at Washington June 27, 1930.
Entered into force December 15, 1932.
47 Stat. 2213; TS 857; 6 Bevans 724; 140 LNTS 183
Agreement prescribing nonimmigrant visa fees and validity of
nonimmigrant visas.*
Exchange of notes at Taipei December 20, 1955 and
February 20, 1956.
Entered into force February 20, 1956; operative April 1, 1956.
7 UST 585; TIAS 3539; 275 UNTS 73
July 11, October 17 and December 7, 1956 (18 UST 3167; TIAS
6410; 697 UNTS 256)
May 8, June 9 and 15, 1970 (21 UST 2213; TIAS 6972; 776 UNTS
* The status of this agreement is under review.
Agreement for financing certain educational and cultural
exchange programs.
Signed at Taipei April 23, 1964.
Entered into force April 23, 1964.
15 UST 408; TIAS 5572; 524 UNTS 141
Agreement relating to guaranties for projects in Taiwan
proposed by nationals of the United States.
Exchange of notes at Taipei June 25, 1952.
Entered into force June 25, 1952.
3 UST 4846; TIAS 2657; 136 UNTS 229
December 30, 1963 (14 UST 2222; TIAS 5509; 505 UNTS 308)
Agreement regarding the ownership and use of local currency
repayments made by China to the Development Loan Fund.
Exchange of notes at Taipei December 24, 1958.
Entered into force December 24, 1958.
10 UST 16; TIAS 4162; 340 UNTS 251
Agreement relating to duty-free entry of relief goods and relief
packages and to the defrayment of transportation charges on
such shipments.
Exchange of notes at Nanking November 5 and 18, 1948.
Entered into force November 18, 1948.
3 UST 5462; TIAS 2749; 198 UNTS 287
October 20 and December 12, 1952 (3 UST 5462; TIAS 2749; 198
UNTS 294)
July 12 and October 26, 1954 (5 UST 2930; TIAS 3151; 237 UNTS
Agreement on technological advancement in connection with
water resources, land utilization and various fields of irrigated
Signed at Taipei May 12, 1972.
Entered into force May 12, 1972.
23 UST 1135; TIAS 7374
Arrangement for the direct exchange of certain information
regarding the traffic in narcotic drugs.
Exchanges of notes at Nanking March 12, June 21, July 28 and
August 30, 1947.
Entered into force August 30, 1947.
6 Bevans 797
Agreement relating to the loan of small naval craft to China.
Exchange of notes at Taipei May 14, 1954.
Entered into force May 14, 1954.
5 UST 892; TIAS 2979; 231 UNTS 165
Extensions and Amendments:
March 22 and 31, 1955 (6 UST 750; TIAS 3215; 251 UNTS 399)
June 18, 1955 (6 UST 2973; TIAS 3346; 265 UNTS 406)
May 16, 1957 (8 UST 787; TIAS 3837; 284 UNTS 380)
October 12, 1960 (11 UST 2233; TIAS 4597; 393 UNTS 320)
August 15, 1962 (13 UST 1924; TIAS 5150; 460 UNTS 237)
February 23, 1965 (16 UST 126; TIAS 5771; 542 UNTS 361)
December 16, 1970 and January 14, 1971 (22 UST 12; TIAS 7037;
776 UNTS 334)
Bilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Parcel post convention.
Signed at Peking and Washington May 29, 1916 and July 11,
Entered into force August 1, 1916.
39 Stat. 1665; Post Office Department print
Agreement for exchange of insured parcel post and regulations
of execution.
Signed at Taipei and Washington July 30 and August 19, 1957.
Entered into force November 1, 1957.
8 UST 2031; TIAS 3941; 300 UNTS 61
International express mail agreement, with detailed
Signed at Taipei and Washington September 11 and
November 10, 1978.
Entered into force December 30, 1978; effective
December 27, 1978.
30 UST 3277; TIAS 9392; 1179 UNTS 291
Preliminary agreement regarding principles applying to
mutual aid in the prosecution of the war against aggression.
Signed at Washington June 2, 1942.
Entered into force June 2, 1942.
56 Stat. 1494; EAS 251; 6 Bevans 735; 14 UNTS 343
Agreement on the disposition of lend-lease supplies in
inventory or procurement in the United States.
Signed at Washington June 14, 1946.
Operative September 2, 1945.
60 Stat. 1760; TIAS 1533; 6 Bevans 753; 4 UNTS 253
Agreement under section 3 (c) of the Lend-Lease Act.
Signed at Washington June 28, 1946.
Entered into force June 28, 1946.
61 Stat. 3895; TIAS 1746; 6 Bevans 758; 34 UNTS 121
Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation with
accompanying protocol.
Signed at Nanking November 4, 1946.
Entered into force November 30, 1948.
63 Stat. 1299; TIAS 1871; 6 Bevans 761; 25 UNTS 69
Agreement relating to trade in textiles with letter dated April
10, 1974.*
Exchange of letters at Washington April 11, 1974.
Entered into force April 11, 1974.
25 UST 720; TIAS 7821
* Exchange of letters of April 11, 1974 terminated January 1, 1975.
April 10, 1974 letter remain in force.
Agreement on trade matters, with annexes.
Exchange of letters at Washington December 29, 1978.
Entered into force December 29, 1978.
30 UST 6439; TIAS 9561; 1179 UNTS 313
Memorandum of agreement relating to the provision of flight
inspection services.
Signed at Washington and Taipei August 21 and October 1,
Entered into force October 1, 1978.
30 UST 273; TIAS 9197; 1150 UNTS 271
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
This page intentionally left blank.
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
AGRICULTURE ...................................................................... 1
ANTARCTICA & ARCTIC ..................................................... 1
ARMS CONTROL ................................................................... 1
BOUNDARY & BOUNDARY WATERS ............................... 2
CANALS.................................................................................. 3
CLAIMS & DISPUTE RESOLUTION .................................... 3
COMMODITIES ...................................................................... 4
CONSULAR AFFAIRS ........................................................... 5
COOPERATION ............................................................. 5
DEFENSE ................................................................................ 6
DIPLOMATIC & CONSULAR RELATIONS ...................... 11
ENERGY ............................................................................... 12
ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION ............................... 14
FINANCE .............................................................................. 15
FISHERIES ............................................................................ 18
FOREIGN ASSISTANCE...................................................... 19
HEALTH & MEDICAL COOPERATION ............................ 20
HUMAN RIGHTS ................................................................. 21
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ............................................. 22
LABOR .................................................................................. 24
LAW ENFORCEMENT ........................................................ 25
MARITIME MATTERS ........................................................ 27
MIGRATION & REFUGEES ................................................ 30
NONPROLIFERATION ........................................................ 31
NUCLEAR ENERGY ............................................................ 31
OCCUPATION & PEACEKEEPING .................................... 35
PEACE ................................................................................... 36
POLLUTION ......................................................................... 40
POSTAL MATTERS ............................................................. 42
PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW .................................... 43
REGIONAL ISSUES ............................................................. 44
RULES OF WAR ................................................................... 45
SPACE ................................................................................... 47
TAXATION ........................................................................... 48
TELECOMMUNICATION ................................................... 48
TERRITORIAL ISSUES ....................................................... 51
TRADE & INVESTMENT .................................................... 52
TRANSPORTATION ............................................................ 55
UN & RELATED ORGANIZATIONS .................................. 58
WEAPONS ............................................................................ 58
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Depositary Websites
The multilateral section of this volume lists the parties only for those treaties which have no designated depositary. For
treaties with a designated depositary, the most reliable party information can be obtained by consulting the depositary
website, or contacting the depositary country or organization directly. Below is a list of several of these depositary
Council of Europe
European Union
Food and Agriculture Organization
France (French only)
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Italy (Italian only)
http://www.esteri.it/mae/en (search Legal Affairs)
New Zealand
Organization of the American States
United Kingdom
United Nations
Universal Postal Union
United States
World Bank
World Customs Organization
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
World Trade Organization
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
See also Foreign Assistance
International agreement for the creation at Paris of an
international office for epizootics, with annex.
Done at Paris January 25, 1924.
Entered into force January 17, 1925;
for the United States July 29, 1975.
26 UST 1840; TIAS 8141; 57 LNTS 135
Depositary: France
Convention placing the International Poplar Commission
within the framework of the Food and Agricultural
Approved at the 10th Session of the Conference of the Food
and Agricultural Organization, Rome, November 19, 1959.
Entered into force September 26, 1961;
for the United States August 13, 1970.
UST 2060; TIAS 6952; 410 UNTS 155
October 30, 1967 (21 UST 2060; TIAS 6952; 634 UNTS 433)
November 15, 1977 (29 UST 5579; TIAS 9130)
Depositary: Food and Agriculture Organization
Amended constitution of the International Rice
Approved at the 11th Session of the Conference of the Food
and Agriculture Organization, Rome, November 23, 1961.
Entered into force November 23, 1961.
13 UST 2403; TIAS 5204; 418 UNTS 334
Depositary: Food and Agriculture Organization
North American plant protection agreement.
Signed at Yosemite October 13, 1976.
Entered into force October 13, 1976.
28 UST 6223; TIAS 8680
United States
Convention on the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation
on Agriculture.*
Done at Washington March 6, 1979.
Entered into force December 8, 1979; for the United States
December 8, 1980.
32 UST 3779; TIAS 9919
Depositary: Organization of American States
* Replaces as between contracting parties the convention on the
Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences of January
15, 1944 (58 Stat. 1169; TS 987; 3 Bevans 881; 161 UNTS
281). Cuba is a party to the 1944 convention only.
Cooperative agreement supplementary to the North
American plant protection agreement of October 13, 1976.
Signed at Alexandria October 20, 1991.
Entered into force October 20, 1991.
United States
Revised text of the international plant protection
convention, with annex.
Done at Rome November 17, 1997.
Entered into force October 2, 2005.
TIAS 05-1002
Depositary: Food and Agriculture Organization
Cooperative agreement for the prevention, detection,
suppression and eradication of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly
and other economically important fruit flies.
Signed at Washington and Mexico City May 13 and May 19,
Entered into force February 11, 2015.
TIAS 15-211
United States
International treaty on plant genetic resources for food and
agriculture, with annexes.
Signed at Rome November 3, 2001.
Signed by the US on November 1, 2002.
Entered into force March 13, 2017.
TIAS 17-313
Depositary: Food and Agriculture Organization
Antarctic treaty.
Signed at Washington December 1, 1959.
Entered into force June 23, 1961.
12 UST 794; TIAS 4780; 402 UNTS 71
Depositary: United States
Protocol on environmental protection to the Antarctic
treaty, with schedule and annexes I - IV.
Signed at Madrid October 4, 1991.
Entered into force January 14, 1998.
TIAS 98-114
Depositary: United States
Annex V to the Protocol on environmental protection to the
Antarctic Treaty.
Adopted at Bonn October 17, 1991.
Entered into force January 14, 1998;for the United States
May 24, 2002.
TIAS 98-114
Depositary: United States
(See also Nonproliferation, Rules of War)
Protocol for the prohibition of the use in war of
asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and of
bacteriological methods of warfare.
Done at Geneva June 17, 1925.
Entered into force February 8, 1928; for the United States
April 10, 1975.
26 UST 571; TIAS 8061; 94 LNTS 65
Depositary: France
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty banning nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, in
outer space and under water.
Done at Moscow August 5, 1963.
Entered into force October 10, 1963.
14 UST 1313; TIAS 5433; 480 UNTS 43
Depositary: Russia, United Kingdom, United States
Treaty on the prohibition of the emplacement of nuclear
weapons and other weapons of mass destruction on the
seabed and the ocean floor and in the subsoil thereof.
Done at Washington, London and Moscow February 11,
Entered into force May 18, 1972.
23 UST 701; TIAS 7337; 955 UNTS 115
Depositary: Russia, United Kingdom, United States
Convention on the prohibition of the development,
production and stockpiling of bacteriological (biological)
and toxin weapons and on their destruction.
Done at Washington, London, and Moscow April 10, 1972.
Entered into force March 26, 1975.
26 UST 583; TIAS 8062; 1015 UNTS 163
Depositary: Russia, United Kingdom, United States
Convention on prohibitions or restrictions on the use of
certain conventional weapons which may be deemed to be
excessively injurious or to have indiscriminate effects.
Adopted at Geneva October 10, 1980.
Entered into force December 2, 1983; for the United States
September 24, 1995.
December 21, 2001
Depositary: United Nations
Protocol on non-detectable fragments (Protocol I).
Adopted at Geneva October 10, 1980.
Entered into force December 2, 1983; for the United States
September 24, 1995.
Depositary: United Nations
Protocol on restrictions on the use of mines, booby-traps
and other devices (Protocol II).
Adopted at Geneva October 10, 1980.
Entered into force December 2, 1983; for the United States
September 24, 1995.
May 3, 1996
Depositary: United Nations
Protocol on prohibitions or restrictions on the use of
incendiary weapons (Protocol III).
Adopted at Geneva October 10, 1980.
Entered into force December 2, 1983; for the United States
July 21, 2009.
TIAS 09-721.1
Depositary: United Nations
Treaty on conventional armed forces in Europe, with
protocols and annexes.
Done at Paris November 19, 1990.
Entered into force November 9, 1992.
Depositary: Netherlands
Treaty on open skies, with annexes.
Done at Helsinki March 24, 1992.
Entered into force January 1, 2002.
Depositary: Canada
Convention on the prohibition of the development,
production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and
on their destruction, with annexes.
Done at Geneva September 3, 1992.
Entered into force April 29, 1997; for the United States May
25, 1997.
TIAS 97-525
Depositary: United Nations
Proces-verbal of rectification of the Spanish original text of
the September 3, 1992 convention on the prohibition of the
development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical
weapons and on their destruction.
Done at New York January 10, 1994.
Entered into force January 10, 1994.
Protocol on blinding laser weapons (Protocol IV).
Adopted at Vienna October 13, 1995.
Entered into force July 30, 1998; for the United States
July 21, 2009.
TIAS 09-721.2
Depositary: United Nations
Document agreed among the States Parties to the Treaty on
Conventional Armed Forces in Europe of November 19,
1990 (“the flank agreement”), with understanding.
Adopted at Vienna May 31, 1996.
Entered into force May 15, 1997.
Depositary: Netherlands
Protocol on explosive remnants of war (Protocol V).
Adopted at Geneva November 28, 2003.
Entered into force November 12, 2006; for the United States
July 21, 2009.
TIAS 09-721.3
Depositary: United Nations
Convention on the continental shelf.
Done at Geneva April 29, 1958.
Entered into force June 10, 1964.
15 UST 471; TIAS 5578; 499 UNTS 311
Depositary: United Nations
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
(see Panama in the Bilaterals section)
Act of Habana concerning the provisional administration of
European colonies and possessions in the Americas
contained in the Final Act of the Second Meeting of
Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics.
Signed at Havana July 30, 1940.
Entered into force July 30, 1940.
54 Stat.2491; 3 Bevans 619
Depositary: Cuba, Organization of American States
Convention on the provisional administration of European
colonies and possessions in the Americas.
Signed at Havana July 30, 1940.
Entered into force January 8, 1942.
TS 977; 3 Bevans 623; 161 UNTS 253
Depositary: Cuba, Organization of American States
Convention for the pacific settlement of international
Signed at The Hague July 29, 1899.
Entered into force September 4, 1900.
32 Stat. 1779; TS 392; 1 Bevans 230
Depositary: Netherlands
* Replaced by convention of October 18, 1907, as between
contracting parties to the later convention. The parties to the
1899 and/or 1907 conventions comprise the members of the
Permanent Court of Arbitration.
Convention for the pacific settlement of international
Signed at The Hague October 18, 1907.
Entered into force January 26, 1910.
36 Stat. 2199; TS 536; 1 Bevans 577
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention for the establishment of International
Commissions of Inquiry.
Signed at Washington February 7, 1923.
Entered into force June 13, 1925.
44 Stat. 2070; TS 717; 2 Bevans 387
Depositary: United States
Convention for the arbitration of pecuniary claims.
Signed at Buenos Aires August 11, 1910.
Entered into force January 1, 1913.
38 Stat. 1799; TS 594; 1 Bevans 763
Depositary: Argentina
General treaty of inter-American arbitration and protocol of
progressive arbitration.
Signed at Washington January 5, 1929.
Entered into force October 28, 1929; for the United States
April 16, 1935.
49 Stat. 3153; TS 886; 2 Bevans 737; 130 LNTS 135
Depositary: United States
General convention of inter-American conciliation.
Signed at Washington January 5, 1929.
Entered into force November 15, 1929.
46 Stat. 2209; TS 780; 2 Bevans 745; 100 LNTS 401
Depositary: Chile
Anti-war treaty of nonaggression and conciliation.*
Signed at Rio de Janeiro October 10, 1933.
Entered into force November 13, 1935.
49 Stat. 3363; TS 906; 3 Bevans 135; 163 LNTS 395
Depositary: Argentina
* The treaty was “open to the adherence of all states.”
Additional protocol to the general convention of inter-
American conciliation.
Signed at Montevideo December 26, 1933.
Entered into force March 10, 1935.
49 Stat. 3185; TS 887; 3 Bevans 161
Depositary: Chile
Inter-American treaty on good offices and mediation.
Signed at Buenos Aires December 23, 1936.
Entered into force July 29, 1937.
51 Stat. 90; TS 925; 3 Bevans 362; 188 LNTS 75
Depositaries: Argentina, Organization of American States
Inter-American convention on international commercial
Done at Panama January 30, 1975.
Entered into force June 16, 1976;for the United States
October 27, 1990.
TIAS 90-1027
Depositary: Organization of American States
Protocol on the talks between the Heads of the three
governments at the Crimea Conference on the question of
the German reparation in kind.
Signed at Yalta February 11, 1945.
Entered into force February 11, 1945.
Foreign Relations of the United States: “The Conferences at
Malta and Yalta, 1945,” pp. 968-975. 3 Bevans 1020
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement on reparation from Germany, on the
establishment of an inter-Allied reparation agency and on
the restitution of monetary gold.
Concluded at Paris January 14, 1946.
Entered into force January 24, 1946.
61 Stat. 3157; TIAS 1655; 4 Bevans 5; 555 UNTS 69
Depositary: France
Agreement on a plan for allocation of a reparation share to
nonrepatriable victims of German action, with annex.
Signed at Paris June 14, 1946.
Entered into force June 14, 1946.
61 Stat. 2649; TIAS 1594; 4 Bevans 75
Depositary: France
Protocol relating to Austrian participation in the restitution
of monetary gold looted by Germany, as provided in the
reparation agreement of January 14, 1946.
Signed at London November 4, 1947.
Entered into force November 4, 1947.
61 Stat. 3571; TIAS 1683; 4 Bevans 689; 93 UNTS 61
Depositary: United Kingdom
Protocol relating to participation by Italy in the restitution
of monetary gold looted by Germany, as provided in the
reparation agreement of January 14, 1946.
Signed at London December 16, 1947; effective
September 15, 1947.
61 Stat. 3729; TIAS 1707; 4 Bevans 692; 82 UNTS 237
Depositary: United Kingdom
Agreement relating to the restitution of gold looted by
Germany and transferred to the Bank for International
Effected by exchanges of letters at Washington May 13,
1948, between the Chairman of the Bank for International
Settlements and representatives of the United States,
United Kingdom, and France.
Entered into force May 13, 1948.
62 Stat. 2672; TIAS 1805; 4 Bevans 754; 140 UNTS 187
Agreement for the submission to an arbitrator of certain
claims with respect to gold looted by the Germans from
Rome in 1943.
Signed at Washington April 25, 1951.
Entered into force April 25, 1951.
2 UST 991; TIAS 2252; 91 UNTS 21; 100 UNTS 304
United Kingdom
United States
Agreement relating to certain Marechal Joffre claims, with
memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Washington October 19, 1948.
Entered into force October 19, 1948.
62 Stat. 2841; TIAS 1816; 4 Bevans 783; 84 UNTS 201
United States
Protocol relating to participation by Poland in the
restitution of monetary gold looted by Germany, as
provided in the reparation agreement signed at Paris
January 14, 1946.
Signed at London July 6, 1949.
Entered into force July 6, 1949.
63 Stat. 2677; TIAS 1970; 4 Bevans 850
Depositary: United Kingdom
Administrative agreement concerning the Arbitration
Tribunal and the Arbitral Commission on property, rights,
and interests in Germany.
Signed at Bonn July 13, 1956.
Entered into force July 13, 1956; operative from May 5,
7 UST 2129; TIAS 3615; 281 UNTS 3
Germany, Federal Republic of
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Agreement relating to the waiver of immunity from legal
process of members of the Arbitration Tribunal and the
Arbitral Commission on property, rights and interests in
Germany under the administrative agreement of July 13,
Exchange of notes between the United States and the
Federal Republic of Germany at Bonn July 24 and 27,
Entered into force July 27, 1956.
7 UST 2773; TIAS 3657; 278 UNTS 3
* Notes were exchanged mutatis mutandis between the Federal
Republic of Germany and France and the United Kingdom.
Terms of reference of the International Copper Study
Done at Geneva February 24, 1989.
Entered into force January 23, 1992.
June 26, 1992
Depositary: United Nations
International tropical timber agreement, 2006, with
Done at Geneva January 27, 2006.
Entered into force December 7, 2011.
Depositary: United Nations
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Protocol relating to military obligations in certain cases of
double nationality
Concluded at The Hague April 12, 1930.
Entered into force May 25, 1937.
50 Stat. 1317; TS 913; 2 Bevans 1049; 178 LNTS 227
Depositary: United Nations
Convention on the nationality of women.
Signed at Montevideo December 26, 1933.
Entered into force August 29, 1934.
49 Stat. 2957; TS 875; 3 Bevans 141
Depositary: Organization of American States
, Uruguay
Convention on protection of children and cooperation in
respect of intercountry adoption.
Done at The Hague May 29, 1993.
Entered into force May 1, 1995; for the United States April
1, 2008.
TIAS 08-401
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention for the international exchange of official
documents, scientific and literary publications.
Concluded at Brussels March 15, 1886.
Entered into force January 14, 1889.
25 Stat. 1465; TS 381; 1 Bevans 107
Depositary: Belgium
Convention for the immediate exchange of the official
journals, parliamentary annals, and documents
Concluded at Brussels March 15, 1886.
Entered into force January 14, 1889.
25 Stat. 1469; TS 382; 1 Bevans 110
Depositary: Belgium
Convention relating to the exchange of official, scientific,
literary and industrial publications.
Signed at Mexico January 27, 1902.
Entered into force July 16, 1902.
TS 491-A; 1 Bevans 335
Depositary: Mexico
Agreement for the repression of the circulation of obscene
Signed at Paris May 4, 1910.
Entered into force September 15, 1911.
37 Stat. 1511; TS 559; 1 Bevans 748
Depositary: France
Treaty on the protection of artistic and scientific institutions
and historic monuments.
Signed at Washington April 15, 1935.
Entered into force August 26, 1935.
49 Stat. 3267; TS 899; 3 Bevans 254; 167 LNTS 289
Depositaries: Organization of American States
Convention concerning artistic exhibitions.
Signed at Buenos Aires December 23, 1936.
Entered into force December 7, 1937.
51 Stat. 206; TS 929; 3 Bevans 383; 188 LNTS 151
Depositary: Organization of American States
Convention on interchange of publications.
Signed at Buenos Aires December 23, 1936.
Entered into force April 1, 1938; for the United States
October 23, 1939.
54 Stat. 1715; TS 954; 3 Bevans 378; 201 LNTS 295
Depositary: Organization of American States
Protocol amending the agreement for the suppression of the
circulation of obscene publications signed at Paris May 4,
1910, with annex.
Done at Lake Success May 4, 1949.
Entered into force May 4, 1949; for the United States
August 14, 1950.
1 UST 849; TIAS 2164; 30 UNTS 3
Depositary: United Nations
Agreement for facilitating the international circulation of
visual and auditory materials of an educational, scientific
and cultural character, with protocol. (Beirut agreement)
Done at Lake Success July 15, 1949.
Entered into force August 12, 1954; for the United States
January 12, 1967.
17 UST 1578; TIAS 6116; 197 UNTS 3
Depositary: United Nations
Agreement on the importation of educational, scientific and
cultural materials, with protocol.
Done at Lake Success November 22, 1950.
Entered into force May 21, 1952; for the United States
November 2, 1966.
17 UST 1835; TIAS 6129; 131 UNTS 25
Depositary: United Nations
Convention for the promotion of inter-American cultural
Signed at Caracas March 28, 1954.
Entered into force February 18, 1955; for the United States
October 3, 1957.
8 UST 1903; TIAS 3936
Depositary: Organization of American States
* Replaces as between contracting parties the convention of
December 23, 1936 (51 Stat. 178; TS 928; 3 Bevans 372; 188
LNTS 125). Parties to the 1936 convention not party to the
1954 convention are: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba,
Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico,
Nicaragua and Peru.
Convention for the protection of cultural property in the
event of armed conflict, with regulations for the execution
of the convention.
Done at The Hague May 14, 1954.
Entered into force August 7, 1956; for the United States
March 13, 2009.
TIAS 09-313.1
Depositary: UNESCO
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Statutes of the International Centre for the Study of the
Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property.
Done at New Delhi NovemberDecember 1956; revised
April 24, 1963, and April 1417, 1969.
Entered into force May 10, 1958; for the United States
January 20, 1971.
22 UST 19; TIAS 7038
Depositary: International Centre for the Study of the
Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
Convention concerning the international exchange of
Adopted at Paris December 3, 1958.
Entered into force November 23, 1961; for the United States
June 9, 1968.
19 UST 4449; TIAS 6438; 416 UNTS 51
Depositary: UNESCO
Convention concerning the exchange of official
publications and government documents between States.
Adopted at Paris December 3, 1958.
Entered into force May 30, 1961; for the United States June
9, 1968.
19 UST 4467; TIAS 6439; 398 UNTS 9
Depositary: UNESCO
Proces-verbal relating to the convention concerning the
exchange of official publications and government
documents between States.
Signed at Paris October 18, 1960.
19 UST 4485; TIAS 6439
Depositary: UNESCO
Convention on the means of prohibiting and preventing the
illicit import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural
Done at Paris November 14, 1970.
Entered into force April 24, 1972; for the United States
December 2, 1983.
TIAS 83-1202; 823 UNTS 231
Depositary: UNESCO
Convention concerning the protection of the world cultural
and natural heritage.
Done at Paris November 23, 1972.
Entered into force December 17, 1975.
27 UST 37; TIAS 8226
Depositary: UNESCO
Statutes of the International Center for the Registration of
Serial Publications.
Done at Paris November 14, 1974
Entered into force January 21, 1976;
provisionally for the United States March 31, 1978.
October 11 and 12, 1976
Depositary: UNESCO
Protocol to the agreement on the importation of
educational, scientific and cultural materials of November
22, 1950.
Done at Nairobi November 26, 1976.
Entered into force January 2, 1982; for the United States
November 15, 1989.
Depositary: United Nations
International convention against doping in sport, with
annexes and appendices. With prohibited list and
therapeutic use exemptions.
Adopted at Paris October 19, 2005.
Entered into force February 1, 2007; for the United States
October 1, 2008.
TIAS 08-1001.2
Depositary: UNESCO
Convention relating to international exhibitions.
Signed at Paris November 22, 1928, and supplemented by
the Protocols of May 10, 1948, November 16, 1966,
November 30, 1972, and the amendments of June 24, 1982
and May 31, 1988.
Entered into force January 17, 1931.
Entered into force for the United States on May 10, 2017.
TIAS 17-510
Depositary: France
Inter-American treaty of reciprocal assistance (Rio Treaty).
Done at Rio de Janeiro September 2, 1947.
Entered into force December 3, 1948.
62 Stat. 1681; TIAS 1838; 4 Bevans 559; 21 UNTS 77
Depositary: Organization of American States
Agreement for mutual defense assistance in Indochina, with
three annexes.
Signed at Saigon December 23, 1950.
Entered into force December 23, 1950.
3 UST 2756; TIAS 2447; 185 UNTS 3
United States
1 The listing for Vietnam, the Republic of Vietnam (South
Vietnam), the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North
Vietnam), the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the
Republic of South Vietnam, and the Socialist Republic of
Vietnam are based on the last notice received by the United
States Government from the depositary for the treaty or
agreement in question. The United States has been informed
by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam that “. . . in principle, the
Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is not bound
by the treaties, agreements signed by the former Saigon
administration. However. . . the Government of the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam will consider the agreements, on an
individual basis, and will examine adherence to those
agreements, treaties which are in the interests of the
Vietnamese people . . .
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Security treaty (ANZUS Pact).
Signed at San Francisco September 1, 1951.
Entered into force April 29, 1952.*
3 UST 3420; TIAS 2493; 131 UNTS 83
Depositary: Australia
* As of September 17, 1986, the United States suspended
obligations under the treaty as between the United States and
New Zealand.
Southeast Asia collective defense treaty, with protocol
Signed at Manila September 8, 1954.
Entered into force February 19, 1955.
6 UST 81; TIAS 3170; 209 UNTS 28
Depositary: Philippines
* By decision of the SEATO Council of September 24, 1975, the
Organization ceased to exist as of June 30, 1977. The
collective defense treaty remains in force.
Memorandum of understanding for the cooperative support
of the 76/62 OTO Melara Compact Gun (OMCG), with
Done at Rome October 24, 1978.
Entered into force October 24, 1978; for the United States
July 17, 1979.
June 13, August 23, December 3, 1985 and June 5, 1986
May 30, June 22, August 24 and November 8, 1990
June 14, July 5, October 9, December 3, 1991, and February 5,
May 11, 25, & 29 and June 2 & 8, November 9, 2004 and
September 2, 2005
United States
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperative
full-scale engineering development of an advanced surface-
to-air missile system, with annexes.
Signed April 24, May 9, 18 and July 6, 1979.
Entered into force July 6, 1979.
TIAS 12256
December 23, 1999
Germany, Federal Republic of
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1
Agreement regarding the status of foreign forces in the
former territory of the German Democratic Republic.
Exchange of notes at Bonn September 25, 1990.
Entered into force October 3, 1990.
Memorandum of understanding for the production of
STANDARD missile, with annexes.
Signed at Koblenz, The Hague, and Washington October 20,
October 21, and December 3, 2004.
Entered into force December 3, 2004.
TIAS 04-1203.1
United States
Memorandum of understanding concerning the
establishment, administration, and operation of the
combined joint operations from the sea center of
excellence, with annexes.
Signed at Norfolk May 31, 2006.
Entered into force May 31, 2006.
TIAS 06-531.1
United Kingdom
United States
1 With reservation.
Memorandum of understanding concerning strategic airlift
capability, with annexes.
Signed at Stockholm, Budapest, Sofia, Vilnius, Washington,
Ljubljana, Brussels, Helsinki, Oslo, Tallinn, Warsaw, and
Bucharest March 11, March 31, May 7, May 30, June 11,
June 12, June 19, June 20, June 27, July 15 and July 30,
Entered into force September 23, 2008.
United States
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning exchange of secured software-
defined radio (SSDR) research and development
Signed at Washington, Warsaw, Bagneux, Rome, Stockholm,
Madrid, and Helsinki August 17, 20 and 23, September 8,
15 and 16 and October 1, 2010.
Entered into force October 1, 2010.
TIAS 10-1001
United States
Memorandum of understanding concerning multinational
Test and Evaluation Program (TEP) cooperation, with
Signed at Washington, Australia Capital Territory (ACT),
London, Wellington, and Ottawa April 17, April 22, May
11, June 5 and August 19, 2015.
Entered into force April 22, 2015.
TIAS 15-422
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
Note: The depositary for the North American Treaty
Organization is the United States
, unless otherwise noted. If
the parties are explicitly listed, the agreement does not
provide for a depositary.
North Atlantic Treaty.
Signed at Washington April 4, 1949.
Entered into force August 24, 1949.
63 Stat 2241; TIAS 1964; 4 Bevans 828; 34 UNTS 243
Agreement between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty
regarding the status of their forces.
Signed at London June 19, 1951.
Entered into force August 23, 1953.
4 UST 1792; TIAS 2846; 199 UNTS 67
Agreement on the status of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, national representatives, and international
Done at Ottawa September 20, 1951.
Entered into force May 18, 1954.
5 UST 1087; TIAS 2992; 200 UNTS 3
Section 1.
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
Greece and Turkey.
Done at London October 17, 1951.
Entered into force February 15, 1952.
3 UST 43; TIAS 2390; 126 UNTS 350
Protocol on the status of international military headquarters
set up pursuant to the North Atlantic Treaty.
Signed at Paris August 28, 1952.
Entered into force April 10, 1954.
TIAS 2978; 5 UST 870; 200 UNTS 340
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
the Federal Republic of Germany.
Signed at Paris October 23, 1954.
Entered into force May 5, 1955.
6 UST 5707; TIAS 3428; 243 UNTS 308
Agreement to supplement the agreement of June 19, 1951
between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding
the status of their forces with respect to foreign forces
stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany, with
protocol of signature.*
Signed at Bonn August 3, 1959.
Entered into force July 1, 1963.
14 UST 531; TIAS 5351; 481 UNTS 262
October 21, 1971 (24 UST 2355; TIAS 7759)
May 18, 1981 (34 UST 405; TIAS 10367)†
March 18, 1993
March 18, 1993
May 16, 1994
* For the agreement implementing paragraph 5 of article 45, see
14 UST 670; TIAS 5351; 481 UNTS 551. For administrative
agreement to implement article 60, see 14 UST 677; TIAS
5351; 481 UNTS 565. See also TIAS 5352 under GERMANY
DEFENSE in Section 1.
Effective April 1, 1974.
Agreement between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty
for cooperation regarding atomic information.
Done at Paris June 18, 1964.
Entered into force March 12, 1965.
16 UST 109; TIAS 5768; 542 UNTS 145
Agreement on the special conditions applicable to the
establishment and operation of the International Military
Headquarters in the Federal Republic of Germany, with
protocol and exchange of notes.
Signed at Paris March 13, 1967, by the Federal Republic of
Germany and the Chairman of the Delegation of the
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe.
Entered into force December 21, 1969.
29 UST 879; TIAS 8854
Depositary: Germany
Agreement regarding making available by the armed forces
of the United States and the United Kingdom of
accommodation to International Military Headquarters of
North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the Federal Republic
of Germany.
Done at Bonn February 7, 1969.
Entered into force December 21, 1969.
20 UST 4050; TIAS 6791; 737 UNTS 175
Depositary: Germany
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement regarding the status of personnel of sending
states attached to an International Military Headquarters of
North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the Federal Republic
of Germany.
Done at Bonn February 7, 1969.
Entered into force December 21, 1969.
20 UST 4055; TIAS 6792; 737 UNTS 161
Depositary: Germany
North Atlantic Treaty Organization agreement on the
communication of technical information for defense
Done at Brussels October 19, 1970.
Entered into force February 7, 1971.
22 UST 347; TIAS 7064; 800 UNTS 5
Memorandum of understanding for the international
development of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization sea
gnat system, with annexes
Dated December 8, 1976.
Entered into force January 10, 1977.
28 UST 8897; TIAS 8776
Germany, Federal Republic of
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Memorandum of understanding for the cooperative support
of the NATO seasparrow surface missile system, with
addendum and exhibit.
Done May 20, 1977.
Entered into force May 31, 1977.
29 UST 1103; TIAS 8870
December 23, 1999
Germany, Federal Republic of
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1
Agreement concerning helicopter pilot training in the
United States under the scope of EURO/NATO training,
with annexes.
Signed at Washington July 14, Bonn August 10, The Hague
September 1, Copenhagen September 27 and Oslo
October 10, 1977.
Entered into force October 10, 1977.
29 UST 5555; TIAS 9128
Germany, Federal Republic of
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Memorandum of understanding for international
collaboration on the NATO explosion resistant multi-
influence sweep system (ERMISS).
Done April 5, 1978.
Entered into force April 25, 1978; for the United States
August 24, 1978.
30 UST 1170; TIAS 9244
Germany, Federal Republic of
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Memorandum of understanding concerning the EURO-
NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training (ENJJPT) Program.
Signed at Brussels December 9, 1980.
Entered into force December 9, 1980.
32 UST 4259; TIAS 9947
December 6, 1991
January 31, March 20, April 9, May 5, July 17, August 14,
September 9, October 19, November 3, 1992, January 15,
March 16 and
April 15, 1993
November 3, 1993, January 11, February 4 & 16, April 1 & 28,
May 11 & 25, June 6 & 28, July 20 and October 4, 1994
March 17, March 29, March 30, April 27, June 16, June 30, July
27, and September 19, 1995 (TIAS 12692)
Germany, Federal Republic of
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
Signed at Brussels December 10, 1981.
Entered into force May 29, 1982.
TIAS 10564
Memorandum of understanding for the project definition
phase of a NATO frigate replacement for the 1990s (NFR
Signed October 20, 1987, January 23 and 25, 1988.
Entered into force January 25, 1988.
Germany, Federal Republic of
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
International support agreement concerning primary
logistical and administrative support for NATO units at
Ramstein, Kindsbach, and Bann, with annexes.
Signed at Ramstein May 18, 1988.
Entered into force May 18, 1988.
Allied Air Forces Central Europe
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe
United States
Agreement to provide for the accession of Spain to the
memorandum of understanding of May 20, 1977, for the
cooperative support of the NATO seasparrow surface
missile system.
Signed at Hamburg October 4, 8, and 14, 1991.
Entered into force October 14, 1991.
United States
Administrative agreement to implement article 60 of the
agreement of August 3, 1959, as amended, to supplement
the agreement between the parties to the North Atlantic
Treaty regarding the status of their forces with respect to
foreign forces stationed in the Federal Republic of
Done at Bonn March 18, 1993.
Entered into force March 29, 1998.
Agreement on the status of missions and representatives of
third states to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Done at Brussels September 14, 1994.
Entered into force March 28, 1997.
Depositary: Belgium
Memorandum of understanding concerning the
establishment, mission, financing, administration and status
of Headquarters 5 Allied Tactical Air Force (HQ 5 ATAF),
with annexes.
Signed at Casteau September 25, 26, and 29 and October 2,
Entered into force October 2, 1995; effective January 1,
TIAS 12694
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe
United States
Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic
Treaty and other States participating in the Partnership for
Peace regarding the status of their forces.
Done at Brussels June 19, 1995.
Entered into force January 13, 1996.
TIAS 12666
Agreement between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty
for the security of information, with annexes.
Done at Brussels March 6, 1997.
Entered into force August 16, 1998.
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
the Czech Republic.
Signed at Brussels December 16, 1997.
Entered into force December 4, 1998.
TIAS 98-1204
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
Signed at Brussels December 16, 1997.
Entered into force December 4, 1998.
TIAS 98-1204.1
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
Signed at Brussels December 16, 1997.
Entered into force December 4, 1998.
TIAS 98-1204.2
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding concerning the manning,
funding and support of NATO Southern Regional Maritime
Special Entities, with annexes and appendices.
Signed at Mons November 30, 1999.
Entered into force September 1, 1999.
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe
United Kingdom
United States
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
the Republic of Bulgaria.
Signed at Brussels March 26, 2003.
Entered into force February 27, 2004.
TIAS 04-227
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
the Republic of Estonia.
Signed at Brussels March 26, 2003.
Entered into force February 27, 2004.
TIAS 04-227.1
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
the Republic of Latvia.
Signed at Brussels March 26, 2003.
Entered into force February 27, 2004.
TIAS 04-227.2
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
the Republic of Lithuania.
Signed at Brussels March 26, 2003.
Entered into force February 27, 2004.
TIAS 04-227.3
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
Signed at Brussels March 26, 2003.
Entered into force February 27, 2004.
TIAS 04-227.4
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
the Slovak Republic.
Signed at Brussels March 26, 2003.
Entered into force February 27, 2004.
TIAS 04-227.5
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
the Republic of Slovenia.
Signed at Brussels March 26, 2003.
Entered into force February 27, 2004.
TIAS 04-227.6
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
the Republic of Albania.
Signed at Brussels July 9, 2008.
Entered into force March 27, 2009.
TIAS 09-327
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
the Republic of Croatia.
Signed at Brussels July 9, 2008.
Entered into force March 30, 2009.
TIAS 09-330
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of
the Republic of Montenegro.
Signed at Brussels May 19, 2016.
Entered into force June 1, 2016.
TIAS 17-601
Convention for the establishment of the right of protection
in Morocco.*
Signed at Madrid July 3, 1880.
Entered into force May 1, 1881; for the United States
March 9, 1882; effective July 3, 1880.
22 Stat. 817; TS 246; 1 Bevans 71
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
* Extraterritorial jurisdiction in Morocco relinquished by the
United States October 6, 1956. Article 15 relating to Moroccan
nationality is obsolete and without effect.
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
Convention relating to the duties, rights, prerogatives, and
immunities of consular agents.
Signed at Habana February 20, 1928.
Entered into force September 3, 1929; for the United States
February 8, 1932.
47 Stat. 1976; TS 843; 2 Bevans 714; 155 LNTS 291
Depositaries: Cuba, Organization of American States
Vienna convention on diplomatic relations.
Done at Vienna April 18, 1961.
Entered into force April 24, 1964; for the United States
December 13, 1972.
23 UST 3227; TIAS 7502; 500 UNTS 95
Depositary: United Nations
Convention on consular relations.
Done at Vienna April 24, 1963.
Entered into force March 19, 1967; for the United States
December 24, 1969.
21 UST 77; TIAS 6820; 596 UNTS 261
Depositary: United Nations
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty of amity and cooperation in Southeast Asia.
Done at Denpasar February 24, 1976.
Entered into force July 15, 1976; for the United States
July 22, 2009.
December 15, 1987
July 25, 1998
Depositaries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,
Agreement concerning the establishment of a coordinating
group to direct and coordinate development of international
cooperation in the field of energy, and related matters.
Communiqué issued at Washington February 13, 1974.
Entered into force February 13, 1974.
25 UST 223; TIAS 7791
European Community
France 1
Germany, Federal Republic of
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
United Kingdom
United States
1 France does not accept point 9 and first three paragraphs of
point 10.
2 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperative
information exchange relating to the development of solar
heating and cooling systems in buildings.
Formulated at Odeillo, France October 1-4, 1974.
Entered into force July 1, 1975.
26 UST 2932; TIAS 8202
Germany, Federal Republic of
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Agreement on an international energy program, including
establishment of the International Energy Agency.
Done at Paris November 18, 1974.
Entered into force provisionally November 18, 1974;
definitively January 19, 1976.
27 UST 1685; TIAS 8278; 1040 UNTS 271
February 5, 1975 (27 UST 1817; TIAS 8278)
Depositary: Belgium
Long-term cooperation program in the field of energy.
Done at Paris January 30, 1976.
Entered into force March 8, 1976.
27 UST 231; TIAS 8229
Germany, Federal Republic of
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Agreement for cooperation in energy science and
technology, with annexes.
Signed at Victoria July 23, 2007.
Entered into force July 24, 2008.
TIAS 08-724
United States
Agreement on International Renewable Energy Agency
Signed at Bonn June 29, 2009
Entered into force April 3, 2011.
Depositary: Germany
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
The following agreements implement the Agreement on an
international energy program, including the establishment of the
International Energy Agency, signed November 18, 1974 (27 UST
1685; TIAS 8278; 1040 UNTS 271).
Implementing agreement for the establishment of a project
on the fluidised combustion of coal, with annexes.
Done at Paris November 20, 1975.
Entered into force November 20, 1975.
33 UST 2131; TIAS 10177
Implementing agreement for the establishment of the
economic assessment service for coal, with annex.
Done at Paris November 20, 1975.
Entered into force November 20, 1975.
32 UST 1337; TIAS 9775
Implementing agreement for a program of research and
development on energy conservation in buildings and
community systems, with annexes.
Done at Paris March 16, 1977.
Entered into force March 16, 1977.
TIAS 10553
Implementing agreement for a program of research and
development on energy conservation in heat transfer and
heat exchangers, with annexes.
Done at Paris June 28, 1977.
Entered into force June 28, 1977.
Implementing agreement for a program of research and
development on wind energy conversion systems, with
Done at Paris October 6, 1977.
Entered into force October 6, 1977.
Implementing agreement for cooperation in the
development of large scale wind energy conversion
Done at Paris October 6, 1977.
Entered into force October 6, 1977.
Implementing agreement for a program of research and
development on man-made geothermal energy systems,
with annex.
Done at Paris October 6, 1977.
Entered into force October 6, 1977.
33 UST 2157; TIAS 10178
Implementing agreement for a program of research and
development on the production of hydrogen from water,
with annexes.
Done at Paris October 6, 1977.
Entered into force October 6, 1977.
Implementing agreement for the establishment of a project
on the treatment of coal gasifier effluent liquors, with
Done at Paris October 17, 1977.
Entered into force October 17, 1977, effective October 1,
33 UST 2229; TIAS 10181
Implementing agreement for a program of research and
development on wave power, with annex.
Done at Tokyo April 13, 1978.
Entered into force April 13, 1978.
33 UST 2253; TIAS 10182
Implementing agreement for a program of research,
development and demonstration on forestry energy, with
Done at Tokyo April 13, 1978.
Entered into force April 13, 1978.
Implementing agreement for the establishment of the
biomass conversion technical information service.
Done at Paris May 24, 1978.
Entered into force May 24, 1978.
Implementing agreement for a program of research and
development on advanced heat pump systems, with annex.
Done at Paris July 27, 1978.
Entered into force July 27, 1978.
33 UST 2279; TIAS 10183
Implementing agreement for a program of research and
development for energy conservation in cement
manufacture, with annex.
Done at Paris July 27, 1978.
Entered into force July 27, 1978.
33 UST 2305; TIAS 10184
Implementing agreement for a program of research and
development on energy conservation through energy
storage, with annex.
Done at Paris September 22, 1978.
Entered into force September 22, 1978; for the United States
February 21, 1979.
33 UST 2325; TIAS 10185
Implementing agreement for a program of research and
development on high temperature materials for automotive
engines, with annex.
Done at Paris May 22, 1979.
Entered into force May 22, 1979.
33 UST 2383; TIAS 10187
Implementing agreement for a program of research,
development and demonstration on geothermal equipment.
Done at Paris May 22, 1979.
Entered into force May 22, 1979.
33 UST 2359; TIAS 10186
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Implementing agreement for a program of research,
development and demonstration on enhanced recovery of
oil, with annex.
Done at Paris May 22, 1979.
Entered into force May 22, 1979.
Implementing agreement for a program of energy
technology systems analysis, with annex.
Done at Paris November 13, 1980.
Entered into force November 13, 1980.
Implementing agreement for a program of research and
development and demonstration on energy conservation in
the pulp and paper industry, with annexes.
Done at Paris February 18, 1981.
Entered into force February 18, 1981.
TIAS 10525
Implementing agreement for a program of research,
development and demonstration on coal/oil mixtures, with
Done at Paris March 23, 1981.
Entered into force March 23, 1981.
Convention on nature protection and wildlife preservation
in the Western Hemisphere, with annex.
Done at the Pan American Union, Washington, October 12,
Entered into force April 30, 1942.
56 Stat. 1354; TS 981; 3 Bevans 630; 161 UNTS 193
Depositary: Organization of American States
Convention on wetlands of international importance,
especially as waterfowl habitat.
Done at Ramsar February 2, 1971.
Entered into force December 21, 1975; for the United States
December 18, 1986.
TIAS 11084; 996 UNTS 245
December 3, 1982 (TIAS 11084)
Depositary: UNESCO
Convention for the conservation of Antarctic seals, with
Done at London June 1, 1972.
Entered into force March 11, 1978.
29 UST 441; TIAS 8826
September 1216, 1988
Depositary: United Kingdom
Agreement on the conservation of polar bears.
Done at Oslo November 15, 1973.
Entered into force May 26, 1976; for the United States
November 1, 1976.
27 UST 3918; TIAS 8409
Depositary: Norway
Convention on international trade in endangered species of
wild fauna and flora, with appendices.
Done at Washington March 3, 1973.
Entered into force July 1, 1975.
27 UST 1087; TIAS 8249; 993 UNTS 243
June 22, 1979 (TIAS 11079)
Depositary: Switzerland
Convention on the conservation of Antarctic marine living
resources, with annex for an arbitral tribunal.
Done at Canberra May 20, 1980.
Entered into force April 7, 1982.
33 UST 3476; TIAS 10240
Depositary: Australia
United Nations framework convention on climate change,
with annexes.
Done at New York May 9, 1992.
Entered into force March 21, 1994.
December 11, 1997
Depositary: United Nations
Establishment agreement for the Center for International
Forestry Research (CIFOR), with constitution.
Done at Canberra March 5, 1993.
Entered into force March 5, 1993; for the United States
May 3, 1993.
TIAS 11960
Depositary: Australia
North American agreement on environmental cooperation,
with annexes.
Signed at Mexico, Washington and Ottawa
September 8, 9, 12 and 14, 1993.
Entered into force January 1, 1994.
United States
United Nations convention to combat desertification in
those countries experiencing serious drought and/or
desertification, particularly in Africa, with annexes.
Done at Paris June 17, 1994.
Entered into force December 26, 1996; for the United States
February 15, 2001.
TIAS 01-215
Depositary: United Nations
Inter-American convention for the protection and
conservation of sea turtles, with annexes.
Signed at Caracas December 1, 1996.
Entered into force May 2, 2001.
TIAS 01-502; 2164 UNTS 29
Depositary: Venezuela
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Memorandum of understanding regarding a secretariat for
submissions on environmental enforcement matters under
the United States-Peru Trade promotion agreement.
Signed at Lima June 9, 2015.
Entered into force March 23, 2016.
United States
The Paris agreement regarding the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Adopted at Paris December 12, 2015.
Signed by the United States April 22, 2016.
Entered into force November 4, 2016.
TIAS 16-1104
Depositary: United Nations
Minamata convention on mercury.
Adopted October 10, 2013.
Signed by the U.S. on November 6, 2013.
Entered into force August 16, 2017.
TIAS 17-816
Depositary: United Nations
Articles of agreement of the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, formulated at the Bretton
Woods Conference July 122, 1944. *
Opened for signature at Washington December 27, 1945.
Entered into force December 27, 1945.
60 Stat. 1440; TIAS 1502; 3 Bevans 1390; 2 UNTS 134
August 25, 1965 (16 UST 1942; TIAS 5929)
Depositary: United States
* Applicable to all territories
Articles of agreement of the International Monetary Fund,
formulated at the Bretton Woods Conference July 122,
Opened for signature at Washington December 27, 1945.*
Entered into force December 27, 1945.
60 Stat. 1401; TIAS 1501; 3 Bevans 1351; 2 UNTS 39
May 31, 1968 (20 UST 2775; TIAS 6748)
April 30, 1976 (29 UST 2203; TIAS 8937)
June 28, 1990 (TIAS 11898)
Depositary: United States
* Applicable to all territories.
Convention on the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development, with supplementary protocols Nos. 1
and 2 and memorandum of understanding on the
application of Article 15.
Signed at Paris December 14, 1960.
Entered into force September 30, 1961.
TIAS 4891; 12 UST 1728; 888 UNTS 179
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Convention on international interests in mobile equipment.
Done at Cape Town November 16, 2001.
Entered into force April 1, 2004; for the United States
February 1, 2005.
TIAS 06-301.2
Depositary: UNIDROIT
Protocol to the convention on international interests in
mobile equipment on matters specific to aircraft equipment.
Done at Cape Town November 16, 2001.
Entered into force March 1, 2006.
TIAS 06-301.3
Depositary: UNIDROIT
Convention on the law applicable to certain rights in
respect of securities held with an intermediary.
Done at The Hague July 5, 2006.
Entered into force April 1, 2017.
TIAS 17-401
Depositary: Hague Conference on Private International
Accord relating to the liquidation of German property in
Exchange of notes at Washington May 25, 1946.
Entered into force June 27, 1946.
13 UST 1118; TIAS 5058
United Kingdom
United States
Agreement relating to German assets in Sweden.
Exchanges of letters at Washington July 18, 1946.
Entered into force March 28, 1947.
61 Stat. 3191; TIAS 1657; 4 Bevans 88; 125 UNTS 119
United Kingdom
United States
Memorandum of understanding regarding German assets in
Signed at Washington August 14, 1947.
Entered into force August 14, 1947.
61 Stat. 3292; TIAS 1664; 4 Bevans 552; 138 UNTS 111
United Kingdom
United States
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement relating to the resolution of conflicting claims
to German enemy assets.
Done at Brussels December 5, 1947.
Entered into force for the United States January 24, 1951.
2 UST 729; TIAS 2230
Amendments and Extensions:
February 3, 1949 (2 UST 785; TIAS 2230)
May 10, 1950 (2 UST 791; TIAS 2230)
January 24, 1951 (2 UST 795; TIAS 2230)
April 30, 1952 (3 UST 4254; TIAS 2569)
United States
1 With reservation.
Agreement relating to prewar external debts of the German
Reich and the debt arising out of economic assistance
furnished since May 8, 1945.
Exchange of letters at Bonn March 6, 1951.
Entered into force March 6, 1951.
2 UST 1249; TIAS 2274; 106 UNTS 141
Germany, Federal Republic of
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Agreement concerning German property in Switzerland,
with related notes.
Signed at Bern August 28, 1952.
Entered into force March 19, 1953.
13 UST 1131; TIAS 5059; 175 UNTS 69
United Kingdom
United States
Agreement on German external debts.
Signed at London February 27, 1953.
Entered into force September 16, 1953.
4 UST 443; TIAS 2792; 333 UNTS 3
Depositary: United Kingdom
Letter-agreement relating to restitution and liquidation of
confiscated property recovered in Italy from German forces
(“Rome Treasure”).
Letter of April 27, 1954, from Administrator, Paris
Reparation Refugee Fund, to the American Ambassador,
Rome, accepted by the United States, the United Kingdom,
and Italy on July 23, 1954.
Entered into force July 23, 1954.
5 UST 2170; TIAS 3080
Memorandum agreement relating to the disposition of
certain German assets in Thailand.
Signed at Bangkok January 31, 1957.
Entered into force January 31, 1957.
8 UST 129; TIAS 3747; 278 UNTS 105
United Kingdom
United States
Memorandum of understanding regarding German assets in
Italy, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Rome March 29, 1957.
Entered into force March 29, 1957.
8 UST 445; TIAS 3797; 283 UNTS 137
United Kingdom
United States
Protocol terminating obligations arising from the accord of
May 10, 1948 (62 Stat. 2061; TIAS 1773) regarding
German assets in Spain, with exchange of notes.
Signed at Madrid August 9, 1958.
Entered into force July 2, 1959.
11 UST 2274; TIAS 4606; 351 UNTS 398
United Kingdom
United States
Agreement relating to German assets in Portugal and to
certain claims regarding monetary gold.
Signed at Lisbon October 27, 1958.
Entered into force October 24, 1959.
351 UNTS 303
United Kingdom
United States
Articles of agreement of the International Finance
Done at Washington May 25, 1955.
Entered into force July 20, 1956.
7 UST 2197; TIAS 3620; 264 UNTS 117
September 1, 1961 (12 UST 2945; TIAS 4894; 439 UNTS 318)
August 25, 1965 (24 UST 1760; TIAS 7683)
Depositary: World Bank
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement establishing the Inter-American Development
Bank, with annexes.
Done at Washington April 8, 1959.
Entered into force December 30, 1959.
10 UST 3029; TIAS 4397; 389 UNTS 69
January 28, 1964 (21 UST 1570; TIAS 6920)
March 31, 1968 (19 UST 7381; TIAS 6591)
March 23, 1972 (23 UST 2455; TIAS 7437; 851 UNTS 283)
June 1, 1976 (27 UST 3547; TIAS 8383)
January 27, 1977 (35 UST 3645; TIAS 10875)
Depositary: Organization of American States
Indus Basin Development Fund agreement, with annexes.
Done at Karachi September 19, 1960.
Entered into force January 12, 1961; effective from April 1,
12 UST 19; TIAS 4671; 444 UNTS 259
Depositary: Int’l Bank for Reconstruction and
Indus Basin development fund (supplemental), 1964.
Done at Washington March 31, 1964.
Entered into force April 6, 1964.
15 UST 396; TIAS 5570; 503 UNTS 388
Depositary: Int’l Bank for Reconstruction and
Articles of agreement establishing the Asian Development
Bank, with annexes.
Done at Manila December 4, 1965.
Entered into force August 22, 1966.
17 UST 1418; TIAS 6103; 571 UNTS 123
Depositary: United Nations
Proces-verbal of rectification of the agreement establishing
the Asian Development Bank.
Signed at New York November 2, 1967.
18 UST 2935; TIAS 6387; 608 UNTS 380
Depositary: United Nations
Tarbela Development Fund agreement.
Done at Washington May 2, 1968.
Entered into force May 2, 1968.
19 UST 4866; TIAS 6492; 637 UNTS 4
Depositary: Int’l Bank for Reconstruction and
Agreement establishing the African Development Fund,
with schedules.
Done at Abidjan November 29, 1972.
Entered into force June 30, 1973; for the United States
November 18, 1976.
28 UST 4547; TIAS 8605
Depositary: African Development Bank
Tarbela Fund (Supplemental) agreement, 1975.
Done at Washington August 15, 1975.
Entered into force August 15, 1975.
26 UST 2751; TIAS 8193
Depositary: Int’l Bank for Reconstruction and
Agreement establishing the International Fund for
Agricultural Development.
Done at Rome June 13, 1976.
Entered into force November 30, 1977.
28 UST 8435; TIAS 8765
December 11, 1986 (TIAS 12068)
Depositary: United Nations
Agreement establishing the African Development Bank*,
with annexes.
Adopted by the Board of Governors at Abidjan May 17,
Entered into force May 7, 1982; for the United States
January 31, 1983.
Depositary: United Nations
* The agreement establishing the African Development Bank,
done at Khartoum, August 4, 1963, entered into force
September 10, 1964 (510 UNTS 3 and 569 UNTS 353 (corr.)).
Ψ The amendments to the agreement, which provide for non-
regional membership, were adopted at Abidjan by resolution
05-09 of May 17, 1979, of the Board of Governors and
concluded at Lusaka on May 7, 1982.
Agreement establishing the Inter-American Investment
Corporation, with annex.
Done at Washington November 19, 1984.
Entered into force March 23, 1986.
TIAS 12087
Depositary: Inter-American Development Bank
Convention establishing the Multilateral Investment
Guarantee Agency (MIGA) with annexes and schedules.
Done at Seoul October 11, 1985.
Entered into force April 12, 1988.
TIAS 12089
Depositary: World Bank
Agreement concerning the international fund for Ireland,
with annexes.
Done at Washington September 26, 1986.
Entered into force September 26, 1986.
TIAS 11401
United Kingdom
United States
Agreement establishing the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, with annexes.
Done at Paris May 29, 1990.
Entered into force March 28, 1991.
Depositary: France
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention for the regulation of whaling
Concluded at Geneva September 24, 1931.
Entered into force January 16, 1935.
49 Stat. 3079; TS 880; 3 Bevans 26; 155 LNTS 349
Depositary: United Nations
International convention for the regulation of whaling with
schedule of whaling regulations.
Signed at Washington December 2, 1946.
Entered into force November 10, 1948.
62 Stat. 1716; TIAS 1849; 4 Bevans 248; 161 UNTS 72
Depositary: United States
Convention for the establishment of an Inter-American
Tropical Tuna Commission, with exchange of notes of
March 3, 1950.
Signed at Washington May 31, 1949.
Entered into force March 3, 1950.
1 UST 230; TIAS 2044; 80 UNTS 3
Depositary: United States
Protocol to the international convention for the regulation
of whaling.
Done at Washington November 19, 1956.
Entered into force May 4, 1959.
10 UST 952; TIAS 4228; 338 UNTS 366
2018 Schedule
Depositary: United States
Convention on fishing and conservation of the living
resources of the high seas.
Done at Geneva April 29, 1958.
Entered into force March 20, 1966.
17 UST 138; TIAS 5969; 559 UNTS 285
Depositary: United Nations
Amended agreement for the establishment of the Asia-
Pacific Fishery Commission.*
Approved at the 11th Session of the Conference of the Food
and Agriculture Organization, Rome, November 23, 1961.
Entered into force November 23, 1961.
13 UST 2511; TIAS 5218; 418 UNTS 348
Depositary: Food and Agriculture Organization
* Formerly the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council.
International convention for the conservation of Atlantic
Done at Rio de Janeiro May 14, 1966.
Entered into force March 21, 1969.
20 UST 2887; TIAS 6767; 673 UNTS 63
July 10, 1984 (97-1214)
June 5, 1992 (05-310.1)
Depositary: Food and Agriculture Organization
Convention on future multilateral cooperation in the
northwest Atlantic fisheries.
Done at Ottawa October 24, 1978.
Entered into force January 1, 1979; for the United States
November 29, 1995.
TIAS 95-1129
September 28, 2007 (TIAS 17-518)
Depositary: Canada
Convention for the conservation of salmon in the North
Done at Reykjavik March 2, 1982.
Entered into force October 1, 1983.
35 UST 2284; TIAS 10789
Depositary: Council of the European Union
Memoranda of understanding concerning salmonid
research and enforcement of the international convention
for the high seas fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean.
Signed at Vancouver April 9, 1986.
Entered into force April 9, 1986.
United States
Treaty on fisheries with certain Pacific Islands States, with
annexes and agreed statement.
Done at Port Moresby April 2, 1987.
Entered into force June 15, 1988.
TIAS 11100
May 14, 1992
Depositary: Papua New Guinea
Convention for the prohibition of fishing with long driftnets
in the South Pacific, with protocol.
Done at Wellington November 24, 1989.
Entered into force May 17, 1991; for the United States
February 28, 1992.
TIAS 92-228
Depositary: New Zealand
Convention for the conservation of anadromous stocks in
the North Pacific Ocean, with annex.
Done at Moscow February 11, 1992.
Entered into force February 16, 1993.
TIAS 11465
Depositary: Russia
Convention on the conservation and management of
pollock resources in the central Bering Sea, with annex.
Done at Washington June 16, 1994.
Entered into force December 8, 1995.
Depositary: United States
Agreement on the international dolphin conservation
program, with annexes.
Done at Washington May 21, 1998.
Entered into force February 15, 1999.
TIAS 12956
Depositary: United States
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement for the implementation of the provisions of the
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of
December 10, 1982, relating to the conservation and
management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory
fish stocks, with annexes.
Done at New York August 4, 1995.
Entered into force December 11, 2001.
TIAS 01-1211
Depositary: United Nations
Agreement to promote compliance with international
conservation and management measures by fishing vessels
on the high seas.
Done at Rome November 24, 1993.
Entered into force April 24, 2003.
TIAS 03-424.1
Depositary: Food and Agriculture Organization
Convention for the conservation and management of highly
migratory fish stocks in the Western and Central Pacific
Ocean, with annexes.
Done at Honolulu September 5, 2000.
Entered into force June 19, 2004; for the United States
July 27, 2007.
TIAS 13115
Depositary: New Zealand
Convention for the strengthening of the Inter-American
Tropical Tuna Commission established by the 1949
Convention between the United States of America and the
Republic of Costa Rica.
Done at Washington November 14, 2003.
Entered into force August 27, 2010; for the United States
March 25, 2016.
TIAS 16-325-1
Depositary: United States
Agreement on port state measures to prevent, deter, and
eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.
Done at Rome November 22, 2009.
Entered into force June 5, 2016.
TIAS 16-605
Depositary: Food and Agriculture Organization
Convention on the conservation and management of the
high seas fisheries resources in the North Pacific Ocean.
Signed at Tokyo February 24, 2012.
Entered into force January 19, 2015, for the United States
February 18, 2017.
TIAS 17.218.1
Depositary: Korea ROK
Constitution of the United Nations Food and Agriculture
Signed at Quebec October 16, 1945.
Entered into force October 16, 1945.
12 UST 980; TIAS 4803 (Composite Text, as amended to 1957)
October 30November 24, 1961 (13 UST 2616; TIAS 5229)
November 16December 5, 1963 (14 UST 2203; TIAS 5506)
November 20December 9, 1965 (17 UST 457; TIAS 5987)
November 423, 1967 (18 UST 3273; TIAS 6421)
October 30November 27, 1969 (21 UST 1464; TIAS 6902)
November 625, 1971 (23 UST 74; TIAS 7274)
November 1626, 1973 (25 UST 928; TIAS 7836)
November 26, 1975 (27 UST 2381; TIAS 8318)
November 29, 1977 (29 UST 2868; TIAS 8982)
November 18, 1991 (TIAS 12134)
Depositary: Food and Agriculture Organization
Agreement relating to the assumption by Indonesia of all
responsibilities and obligations of the Netherlands incurred
under the economic cooperation agreements of July 2,
1948, as amended, and April 26, 1949, as amended, and the
loan agreements of October 28, 1948 and December 22,
1949; and memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Washington February 11, 1952.
Entered into force February 11, 1952.
3 UST 2989; TIAS 2484; 165 UNTS 77
United States
Articles of agreement of the International Development
Done at Washington January 26, 1960.
Entered into force September 24, 1960.
11 UST 2284; TIAS 4607; 439 UNTS 249
Depositary: World Bank
* Applicable to all territories
Agreement for economic and technical assistance to the
programs of Central American Integration.
Signed at Guatemala October 30, 1965.
Entered into force September 28, 1967.
18 UST 2770; TIAS 6362
Costa Rica
El Salvador
United States
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agricultural commodities agreement for the sale of wheat,
with memorandum of understanding.
Signed at Dar-es-Salaam February 18, and at Nairobi
February 19, February 22, and March 4, 1966.
Entered into force March 4, 1966.
17 UST 628; TIAS 6010; 578 UNTS 57
East African Common Services Organization
United States
Agreement for the establishment of the International
Development Law Organization.
Signed at Rome February 5, 1988.
Entered into force April 28, 1989.
June 30, 2002;
November 30, 2002
Depositary: Italy
Agreement establishing the Inter-American Institute for
Global Change Research.
Done at Montevideo May 13, 1992.
Entered into force March 12, 1994.
Depositary: Organization of American States
The Pan American sanitary code.*
Signed at Habana November 14, 1924.
Entered into force June 26, 1925.
44 Stat. 2031; TS 714; 2 Bevans 483; 86 LNTS 43
Depositary: Cuba
* Articles 2, 9, 10, 11, 16 to 53 inclusive, 61 and 62 replaced by
the international health regulations, adopted at Boston, July 25,
1969 (TIAS 7026).
Additional protocol amending the Pan American sanitary
code of November 14, 1924.
Signed at Lima October 19, 1927.
Entered into force July 3, 1928.
45 Stat. 2613; TS 763; 2 Bevans 648; 87 LNTS 453
Depositary: Cuba
Constitution of the World Health Organization.
Done at New York July 22, 1946.
Entered into force April 7, 1948; for the United States
June 21, 1948.
62 Stat. 2679; TIAS 1808; 4 Bevans 119; 14 UNTS 185
May 29, 1959 (TIAS 4643)
May 23, 1967 (26 UST 990; TIAS 8086)
May 22, 1973 (28 UST 2088; TIAS 8534)
May 17, 1976 (35 UST 4280; TIAS 10930)
May 12, 1986 (TIAS 12049)
May 16, 1998 (TIAS 12953)
Depositary: United Nations
Protocol for the termination of the Brussels agreement for
the unification of pharmacopoeial formulas for potent
Done at Geneva May 20, 1952.
Entered into force May 20, 1952.
3 UST 5067; TIAS 2692; 219 UNTS 55
Depositary: Belgium
Statute of International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Done at Geneva May 20, 1965.
Entered into force September 15, 1965.
16 UST 1239; TIAS 5873
May 19, 1970 (21 UST 1567; TIAS 6919)
Depositary: World Health Organization
World Health Organization nomenclature regulations,
Adopted at Geneva May 22, 1967.
Entered into force January 1, 1968.
18 UST 3003; TIAS 6393
Depositary: World Health Organization
International health regulations, with annexes and
Adopted at Geneva May 16-25, 2005.
Entered into force June 15, 2007; for the United States July
18, 2007.
Depositary: World Health Organization
* Replaces as between States bound by these regulations the
international sanitary conventions, 1951 and the international
health regulations, 1969, and any subsequent amendments to
those conventions.
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
General Act for the repression of the African slave trade.*
Signed at Brussels July 2, 1890.
Entered into force August 31, 1891; for the United States
April 2, 1892.
TS 383; 27 Stat. 886; 1 Bevans 134
Depositary: Belgium
* Replaced, as between contracting parties to the later
conventions, by the convention of September 10, 1919 (49
Stat. 3027; TS 877), except for the stipulations contained in
article I of the 1919 Convention, and by the convention of the
same date on the subject of the liquor traffic in Africa (46 Stat.
2199; TS 779).
Agreement for the suppression of the white slave traffic.
Signed at Paris May 18, 1904.
Entered into force July 18, 1905; for the United States June
6, 1908.
35 Stat. 1979; TS 496; 1 Bevans 424; 1 LNTS 83
May 4, 1949
Depositary: United Nations
Convention to suppress the slave trade and slavery
Concluded at Geneva September 25, 1926.
Entered into force March 9, 1927; for the United States
March 21, 1929.
46 Stat. 2183; TS 778; 2 Bevans 607; 60 LNTS 253
Depositary: United Nations
Inter-American convention on the granting of political
rights to women.
Done at Bogota May 2, 1948.
Entered into force December 29, 1954; for the United States
May 24, 1976.
27 UST 3301; TIAS 8365
Depositary: Organization of American States
Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime
of genocide.
Done at Paris December 9, 1948.
Entered into force January 12, 1951; for the United States
February 23, 1989.
Depositary: United Nations
Protocol amending the international agreement for the
suppression of the white slave traffic, signed at Paris May
18, 1904, and the international convention for the
suppression of the white slave traffic, signed at Paris May
4, 1910.
Done at Lake Success May 4, 1949.
Entered into force May 4, 1949; for the United States, a
party only to the 1904 agreement, August 14, 1950; annex
amending 1904 agreement entered into force June 21,
2 UST 1997; TIAS 2332; 92 UNTS 19
Depositary: United Nations
Convention on the political rights of women.
Done at New York March 31, 1953.
Entered into force July 7, 1954; for the United States July 7,
27 UST 1909; TIAS 8289; 193 UNTS 135
Depositary: United Nations
Protocol amending the slavery convention signed at
Geneva on September 25, 1926, with annex.
Done at New York December 7, 1953.
Entered into force December 7, 1953; for the United States
March 7, 1956.
7 UST 479; TIAS 3532; 182 UNTS 51
Depositary: United Nations
Supplementary convention on the abolition of slavery, the
slave trade and institutions and practices similar to slavery.
Done at Geneva September 7, 1956.
Entered into force April 30, 1957; for the United States
December 6, 1967.
18 UST 3201; TIAS 6418; 266 UNTS 3
Depositary: United Nations
International convention on the elimination of all forms of
racial discrimination.
Done at New York December 21, 1965.
Entered into force January 4, 1969; for the United States
November 20, 1994.
TIAS 94-1120; 660 UNTS 195
Depositary: United Nations
International covenant on civil and political rights.
Done at New York December 16, 1966.
Entered into force March 23, 1976; for the United States
September 8, 1992.
TIAS 92-908
Depositary: United Nations
Convention on the civil aspects of international child
Done at The Hague October 25, 1980.
Entered into force December 1, 1983;
for the United States July 1, 1988.
TIAS 11670
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment.
Done at New York December 10, 1984.
Entered into force June 26, 1987; for the United States
November 20, 1994.
TIAS 94-1120.1
Depositary: United Nations
Optional protocol to the convention on the rights of the
child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child
Done at New York May 25, 2000.
Entered into force January 18, 2002; for the United States
January 23, 2003.
TIAS 13095
Depositary: United Nations
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Optional protocol to the convention on the rights of the
child on the involvement of children in armed conflict.
Done at New York May 25, 2000.
Entered into force February 12, 2002; for the United States
January 23, 2003.
TIAS 13094
Depositary: United Nations
Convention for the protection of inventions, patents,
and industrial models.
Signed at Buenos Aires August 20, 1910.
Entered into force July 31, 1912.
38 Stat. 1811; TS 595; 1 Bevans 767; 155 LNTS 179
Depositary: Argentina
Convention on literary and artistic copyrights.*
Signed at Buenos Aires August 11, 1910.
Entered into force October 31, 1912.
38 Stat. 1785; TS 593; 1 Bevans 758
Depositary: Argentina
* Replaces the convention of January 27, 1902 (35 Stat. 1934; TS
491; 1 Bevans 339), which remains in force as between the
contracting parties and El Salvador.
General inter-American convention for trademark and
commercial protection.*
Signed at Washington February 20, 1929.
Entered into force April 2, 1930; for the United States
February 17, 1931.
46 Stat. 2907; TS 833; 2 Bevans 751; 124 LNTS 357.
Depositary: Organization of American States
* Replaces as between contracting parties the convention of
August 20, 1910 (39 Stat. 1675; TS 626; 1 Bevans 772) and
the convention of April 28, 1923 (44 Stat. 2494; TS 751; 2
Bevans 395).
Parties to the 1923 convention not party to the 1929
convention are: Brazil, Dominican Republic and Uruguay.
Parties to the 1910 convention not party to the subsequent
conventions are: Bolivia and Ecuador.
Accord relating to the treatment of German-owned patents.
Done at London July 27, 1946.
Entered into force November 30, 1946.
3 UST 552; TIAS 2415; 90 UNTS 229.
Depositary: United Kingdom
Protocol amending the Accord relating to the treatment of
German-owned patents of July 27, 1946.
Done at London July 17, 1947.
Entered into force July 17, 1947.
3 UST 560; TIAS 2415; 90 UNTS 246
Depositary: United Kingdom
Agreement relating to German-owned patents in Italy.
Signed at Rome November 29, 1950.
Entered into force November 29, 1950.
2 UST 553; TIAS 2204; 88 UNTS 221
United Kingdom
United States
Universal copyright convention with three protocols
annexed thereto.
Done at Geneva September 6, 1952.
Entered into force September 16, 1955.
6 UST 2731; TIAS 3324; 216 UNTS 132
Depositary: UNESCO
Agreement among parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for
the mutual safeguarding of secrecy of inventions relating to
defense and for which applications for patents have been
Done at Paris September 21, 1960.
Entered into force January 12, 1961.
12 UST 43; TIAS 4672; 394 UNTS 3
Depositary: United States
First revision of implementing procedures to the North
Atlantic Treaty for the mutual safeguarding of secrecy of
inventions relating to defense and for which applications
for patents have been made.
Done at Paris March 15, 1967.
Entered into force March 15, 1967; for the United States
September 3, 1969.
20 UST 3062; TIAS 6786
Depositary: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Convention revising the Paris convention of March 20,
1883, as revised, for the protection of industrial property.*
Done at Stockholm July 14, 1967.
Articles 112 entered into force May 19, 1970; for the
United States August 25, 1973.
Articles 1330 entered into force April 26, 1970; for the
United States September 5, 1970.
21 UST 1583; 24 UST 2140; TIAS 6923
October 2, 1979
Depositary: World Intellectual Property Organization
* Originally called the Convention of the Union of Paris.
Replaces as between contracting parties the (Lisbon)
convention of October 31, 1958 (13 UST 1; TIAS 4931; 828
UNTS 107) and the (London) convention of June 2, 1934 (53
Stat. 1748; TS 941; 3 Bevans 223) which in turn replaced the
(Hague) convention of November 6, 1925 (47 Stat. 1789; TS
834; 2 Bevans 524) and the (Washington) convention of June
2, 1911 (38 Stat. 1645; TS579; 1 Bevans 791).
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property
Done at Stockholm July 14, 1967.
Entered into force April 26, 1970; for the United States
August 25, 1970.
21 UST 1749; TIAS 6932; 828 UNTS 3
October 2, 1979
Depositary: World Intellectual Property Organization
Patent cooperation treaty, with regulations.
Done at Washington June 19, 1970.
Entered into force January 24, 1978.
28 UST 7645; TIAS 8733
October 2, 1979
Depositary: World Intellectual Property Organization
Strasbourg agreement concerning the international patent
Done at Strasbourg March 24, 1971.
Entered into force October 7, 1975.
26 UST 1793; TIAS 8140
October 2, 1979
Depositary: World Intellectual Property Organization
Universal copyright convention, as revised, with two
protocols annexed thereto.
Done at Paris July 24, 1971.
Entered into force July 10, 1974.
25 UST 1341; TIAS 7868
Depositary: UNESCO
Berne convention (with appendix) for the protection of
literary and artistic works of September 9, 1886, completed
at Paris
May 4, 1896, revised at Berlin November 13, 1908,
completed at Berne March 20, 1914, revised at Rome June
2, 1928, at Brussels
June 26, 1948, at Stockholm July 14, 1967, and at Paris
July 24, 1971, amended in 1979.
Done at Paris July 24, 1971.
Entered into force for the United States March 1, 1989.
Depositary: World Intellectual Property Organization
Convention for the protection of producers of phonograms
against unauthorized duplication of their phonograms.
Done at Geneva October 29, 1971.
Entered into force April 18, 1973; for the United States
March 10, 1974.
25 UST 309; TIAS 7808; 866 UNTS 67
Depositary: UNESCO
Second revision of implementing procedures to the North
Atlantic Treaty for the mutual safeguarding of secrecy of
inventions relating to defense and for which applications
for patents have been made.
Done at Brussels September 5, 1973.
Entered into force September 5, 1973.
25 UST 1203; TIAS 7853
Depositary: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Budapest treaty on the international recognition of the
deposit of microorganisms for the purposes of patent
procedure, with regulations.
Done at Budapest April 28, 1977.
Entered into force August 19, 1980.
32 UST 1241; TIAS 9768
September 26, 1980
January 20, 1981 (33 UST 955; TIAS 10078)
Depositary: World Intellectual Property Organization
Nice agreement, as revised, concerning the international
classification of goods and services for the purposes of the
registration of marks.*
Done at Geneva May 13, 1977.
Entered into force February 6, 1979; for the United States
February 29, 1984.
TIAS 84-229
October 2, 1979
Depositary: World Intellectual Property Organization
* The 1977 agreement replaces as between contracting parties the
agreement concerning the international classification of goods
and services to which trademarks apply done at Nice June 15,
1957 (23 UST 1336; TIAS 7418; 550 UNTS 45), as revised at
Stockholm July 14, 1967 (23 UST 1353; TIAS 7419; 828
UNTS 191).
Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement concerning the
international registration of marks.
Done at Madrid June 27, 1989.
Entered into force December 1, 1995; for the United States
November 2, 2003.
TIAS 03-1102
Depositary: World Intellectual Property Organization
International convention for the protection of new varieties
of plants of December 2, 1961, as revised.
Done at Geneva March 19, 1991.
Entered into force April 24, 1998; for the United States
February 22, 1999.
TIAS 99-222
International Union for the Protection of New
Varieties of Plants
Trademark law treaty and regulations.
Done at Geneva October 27, 1994.
Entered into force August 1, 1996; for the United States
August 12, 2000.
TIAS; 2037 UNTS 35
Depositary: World Intellectual Property Organization
WIPO copyright treaty.
Adopted at Geneva December 20, 1996.
Entered into force March 6, 2002.
TIAS 02-306.1
Depositary: World Intellectual Property Organization
WIPO performances and phonograms treaty.
Adopted at Geneva December 20, 1996.
Entered into force May 20, 2002.
Depositary: World Intellectual Property Organization
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Singapore treaty on the law of trademarks, with regulations
and attachments.
Signed at Singapore March 28, 2006.
Entered into force March 16, 2009.
TIAS 09-316.1
Depositary: World Intellectual Property Organization
Patent law treaty.
Signed at Geneva June 1, 2000.
Entered into force April 28, 2005; for the United States
December 18, 2013.
TIAS 13-1218.1
May 15, 2008 (TIAS 13-1218.1)
Depositary: World Intellectual Property Organization
Note: The depositary for agreements in this section is the International
Labour Organization, unless otherwise noted. For agreements where
parties are listed, no depositary was designated in the agreement.
Convention (ILO No. 53) concerning the minimum
requirement of professional capacity for masters and
officers on board merchant ships.
Adopted at the 21st session of the General Conference of the
International Labor Organization, Geneva, October 24,
Entered into force March 29, 1939; for the United States
October 29, 1939.
54 Stat. 1683; TS 950; 3 Bevans 281; 40 UNTS 153
Convention (ILO No. 55) concerning the liability of the
shipowner in case of sickness, injury or death of seamen.
Adopted at the 21st session of the General Conference of the
International Labor Organization, Geneva, October 24,
Entered into force October 29, 1939.
54 Stat. 1693; TS 951; 3 Bevans 287; 40 UNTS 169
Convention (ILO No. 58) fixing the minimum age for the
admission of children to employment at sea (revised 1936).
Adopted at the 22nd session of the General Conference of
the International Labor Organization, Geneva, October
24, 1936.
Entered into force April 11, 1939; for the United States
October 29, 1939.
54 Stat. 1705; TS 952; 3 Bevans 294; 40 UNTS 205
Convention (ILO No. 74) concerning the certification of
able seamen.
Adopted at the 28th session of the General Conference of the
International Labor Organization, Seattle, June 29, 1946.
Entered into force July 14, 1951; for the United States
April 9, 1954.
5 UST 605; TIAS 2949; 94 UNTS 11
Instrument for the amendment of the Constitution of the
International Labor Organization
Dated at Montreal October 9, 1946.
Entered into force April 20, 1948; reentered into force for
the United States February 18, 1980.*
62 Stat. 3485; TIAS 1868; 4 Bevans 188; 15 UNTS 35
June 25, 1953 (7 UST 245; TIAS 3500; 191 UNTS 143)
June 22, 1962 (14 UST 1039; TIAS 5401; 466 UNTS 323)
June 22, 1972 (25 UST 3253; TIAS 7987)
* The Instrument for the amendment of the Constitution of the
International Labor Organization, 1946, entered into force for
the United States April 20, 1948. By letter dated November 5,
1975, the United States informed the ILO Director-General of
its intention to withdraw from the Organization. The
withdrawal became effective November 6, 1977. By letter
dated February 15, 1980, the United States informed the
Director-General of its decision to resume membership in the
organization and accordingly accepted the obligations of the
ILO Constitution; which became effective February 18, 1980.
Convention (ILO No. 80) for the partial revision of the
conventions adopted by the General Conference of the
International Labor Organization at its first twenty-eight
sessions (Final articles revision convention, 1946).
Adopted at the 29th session of the General Conference of the
International Labor Organization, Montreal, October 9,
Entered into force May 28, 1947; for the United States
June 24, 1948.
62 Stat. 1672; TIAS 1810; 4 Bevans 183; 38 UNTS 3
Convention (ILO No. 105) concerning the abolition of
forced labor.
Adopted at the 40th session of the General Conference of the
International Labor Organization, Geneva, June 25, 1957.
Entered into force January 17, 1959; for the United States
September 25, 1992.
TIAS; 320 UNTS 291
Convention (ILO No. 144) concerning tripartite
consultations to promote the implementation of
international labor standards.
Adopted at the 61st session of the General Conference of the
International Labor Organization, Geneva, June 21, 1976.
Entered into force May 16, 1978.
Convention (ILO No. 147) concerning minimum standards
in merchant ships.
Adopted at the 62nd session of the General Conference of
the International Labor Organization, Geneva, October
29, 1976.
Entered into force November 28, 1981.
Convention (ILO No. 150) concerning labor
administration: role, functions and organization.
Adopted at the 64th session of the General Conference of the
International Labor Organization, Geneva, June 26, 1978.
Entered into force October 11, 1980; for the United States
March 3, 1996.
TIAS 96-303
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention (ILO No. 160) concerning labor statistics.
Adopted at the 71st session of the General Conference of the
International Labor Organization, Geneva, June 25, 1985.
Entered into force April 24, 1988; for the United States
June 11, 1991.
North American agreement on labor cooperation, with
Signed at Mexico, Washington and Ottawa September 8, 9,
12 and 14, 1993.
Entered into force January 1, 1994.
United States
Convention (ILO No. 176) concerning safety and health in
Adopted at the 82nd session of the General Conference of
the International Labor Organization, Geneva, June 22,
Entered into force June 5, 1998; for the United States
February 9, 2002.
TIAS 02-209
Convention (ILO No. 182) concerning the prohibition and
immediate action for the elimination of the worst forms of
child labor.
Adopted at the 87th session of the General Conference of the
International Labor Organization, Geneva, June 17, 1999.
Entered into force November 19, 2000; for the United States
December 2, 2000.
TIAS 13045
Agreement on the appointment of the International Mines
Rescue Body (IMRB), with attachment.
Signed at Bytom, Poland May 29, 2001.
Entered into force May 29, 2001.
TIAS 13150
Czech Republic
Slovak Republic
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States
Convention for the establishment of an International
Commission of Jurists.
Signed at Rio de Janeiro August 23, 1906.
Entered into force August 26, 1907; for the United States
March 9, 1908.
37 Stat. 1554; TS 565; 1 Bevans 547.
Depositary: Brazil
Convention on extradition.*
Signed at Montevideo December 26, 1933.
Entered into force January 25, 1935.
49 Stat. 3111; TS 882; 3 Bevans 152; 165 LNTS 45
Depositary: Organization of American States
, Uruguay
* Article 21 provides that the convention “does not abrogate or
modify the bilateral or collective treaties, which at the present
date are in force between the signatory States. Nevertheless, if
any of said treaties lapse, the present Convention will take
effect and become applicable immediately among the
respective States . . .” The United States has bilateral
extradition treaties with each of the other parties which
antedate the convention, except for those with Argentina,
Colombia and Mexico.
Protocol on uniformity of powers of attorney which are to
be utilized abroad.
Done at the Pan American Union, Washington, February 17,
Entered into force for the United States April 16, 1942.
56 Stat. 1376; TS 982; 3 Bevans 612; 161 UNTS 229
Depositary: Netherlands, Organization of American States
Single convention on narcotic drugs, 1961.*
Done at New York March 30, 1961.
Entered into force December 13, 1964; for the United States
June 24, 1967.
18 UST 1407; TIAS 6298; 520 UNTS 204
Depositary: United Nations
* The single convention on narcotic drugs replaced as between the
contracting parties the following conventions to which the
United States is a party: (a) Convention of January 23, 1912,
relating to the suppression of the abuse of opium and other
drugs (38 Stat. 1912; TS 612; 1 Bevans 855; 8 LNTS 187), as
amended by the protocol of December 11, 1946 (61 Stat. 2230,
62 Stat. 1796; TIAS 1671, 1859; 4 Bevans 267;
12 UNTS 179).
(b) Convention of July 13, 1931, for limiting the manufacture
and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs (48 Stat. 1543;
TS 863; 3 Bevans 1; 139 LNTS 301), as amended by the
protocol of December 11, 1946 (61 Stat. 2230, 62 Stat. 1796;
TIAS 1671, 1859; 4 Bevans 267; 12 UNTS 179).
(c) Protocol bringing under international control drugs outside
the scope of the convention of July 13, 1931, as amended (see
above) (2 UST 1629; TIAS 2308; 44 UNTS 277).
(d) Protocol for limiting and regulating the cultivation of the
poppy plant, the production of, international and wholesale
trade in, and use of opium (14 UST 10; TIAS 5273;
456 UNTS 3).
Parties to (or otherwise obligated under) the above
conventions and protocols which are not parties to the single
convention of 1961 include:
Albania (1912, 1931, 1948); Central African Republic (1912,
1931, 1948, 1953); Estonia (1912, 1931); Tanzania (1931,
1948); Samoa (1948, 1953).
Convention on the taking of evidence abroad in civil or
commercial matters.
Done at The Hague March 18, 1970.
Entered into force October 7, 1972.
23 UST 2555; TIAS 7444; 847 UNTS 231
Depositary: Netherlands
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention to prevent and punish the acts of terrorism
taking the form of crimes against persons and related
extortion that are of international significance.
Done at Washington February 2, 1971.
Entered into force October 16, 1973, for the United States
October 20, 1976.
27 UST 3949; TIAS 8413
Depositary: Organization of American States
Convention on psychotropic substances.
Done at Vienna February 21, 1971.
Entered into force August 16, 1976; for the United States
July 15, 1980.
32 UST 543; TIAS 9725; 1019 UNTS 175
Depositary: United Nations
Protocol amending the single convention on narcotic drugs,
Done at Geneva March 25, 1972.
Entered into force August 8, 1975.
26 UST 1439; TIAS 8118; 976 UNTS 3
Depositary: United Nations
Convention on the prevention and punishment of crimes
against internationally protected persons, including
diplomatic agents.
Done at New York December 14, 1973.
Entered into force February 20, 1977.
28 UST 1975; TIAS 8532; 1035 UNTS 167
Depositary: United Nations
Inter-American convention on letters rogatory.
Done at Panama January 30, 1975.
Entered into force January 16, 1976; for the United States
August 27, 1988.
Depositary: Organization of American States
Additional protocol to the Inter-American convention on
letters rogatory, with annex.
Done at Montevideo May 8, 1979.
Entered into force June 14, 1980; for the United States
August 27, 1988.
Depositary: Organization of American States
International convention against the taking of hostages.
Done at New York December 17, 1979.
Entered into force June 3, 1983; for the United States
January 6, 1985.
TIAS 11081
Depositary: United Nations
United Nations convention against illicit traffic in narcotic
drugs and psychotropic substances, with annex and final
Done at Vienna December 20, 1988.
Entered into force November 11, 1990.
Depositary: United Nations
Declaration of Cartagena concerning the production of,
trafficking in and demand for illicit drugs.
Signed at Cartagena February 15, 1990.
Entered into force February 15, 1990.
TIAS 12411
United States
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in
the fight against illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs through
the use of equipment and personnel based at Great Inagua
and such other bases as may be established in the Turks and
Caicos Islands, with annexes.
Signed at Washington July 12, 1990.
Entered into force July 12, 1990.
Turks and Caicos Islands
United States
Inter-American convention on mutual assistance in criminal
Done at Nassau May 23, 1992.
Entered into force April 14, 1996; for the United States
June 24, 2001.
TIAS 01-624
June 11, 1993 (TIAS 02-407)
Depositary: Organization of American States
Inter-American convention on serving criminal sentences
Done at Managua June 9, 1993.
Entered into force April 12, 1996; for the United States
June 24, 2001.
TIAS 01-624.1
Depositary: Organization of American States
Inter-American convention against corruption.
Done at Caracas March 29, 1996.
Entered into force March 6, 1997; for the United States
October 29, 2000.
Depositary: Organization of American States
International convention for the suppression of terrorist
Adopted at New York December 15, 1997.
Entered into force May 23, 2001; for the United States
July 26, 2002.
TIAS 02-726
Depositary: United Nations
Convention on combating bribery of foreign public
officials in international business transactions, with annex.
Done at Paris December 17, 1997.
Entered into force February 15, 1999.
TIAS 99-215
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement establishing the Group of States against
Corruption (GRECO), with appendix.
Done at Strasbourg May 1, 1999.
Entered into force May 1, 1999; for the United States
September 20, 2000.
Depositary: Council of Europe
International convention for the suppression of the
financing of terrorism, with annex.
Done at New York December 9, 1999.
Entered into force April 10, 2002; for the United States
July 26, 2002.
TIAS 13075
Depositary: United Nations
United Nations convention against transnational organized
Done at New York November 15, 2000.
Entered into force September 29, 2003; for the United States
December 3, 2005.
TIAS 13127
Depositary: United Nations
Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in
persons, especially women and children, supplementing the
United Nations convention against transnational organized
Done at New York November 15, 2000.
Entered into force September 29, 2003; for the United States
December 3, 2005.
TIAS 13127
Depositary: United Nations
Protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and
air, supplementing the United Nations convention against
transnational organized crime.
Done at New York November 15, 2000.
Entered into force September 29, 2003; for the United States
December 3, 2005.
TIAS 13127
Depositary: United Nations
Convention on cybercrime.
Done at Budapest November 23, 2001.
Entered into force July 1, 2004; for the United States
January 1, 2007.
TIAS 13174
Depositary: Council of Europe
Inter-American convention against terrorism.
Done at Bridgetown June 3, 2002.
Entered into force July 10, 2003; for the United States
December 15, 2005.
TIAS 05-1215
Depositary: Organization of American States
United Nations convention against corruption.
Signed at Merida December 9, 2003.
Entered into force December 14, 2005; for the United States
November 29, 2006.
Depositary: United Nations
International convention for the suppression of acts of
nuclear terrorism.
Done at New York April 13, 2005.
Entered into force July 7, 2007; for the United States
October 30, 2015.
TIAS 15-1030
Depositary: United Nations
Convention for the unification of certain rules of law with
respect to assistance and salvage at sea.
Signed at Brussels September 23, 1910.
Entered into force March 1, 1913.
37 Stat. 1658; TS 576; 1 Bevans 780
Depositary: Belgium
International convention for the unification of certain rules
relating to bills of lading for the carriage of goods by sea,
with protocol of signature.
Done at Brussels August 25, 1924.
Entered into force June 2, 1931; for the United States
December 29, 1937.
51 Stat. 233; TS 931; 2 Bevans 430; 120 LNTS 155
Depositary: Belgium
Convention on the Intergovernmental Maritime
Consultative Organization.*
Signed at Geneva March 6, 1948.
Entered into force March 17, 1958.
9 UST 621; TIAS 4044; 289 UNTS 48
September 15, 1964 (18 UST 1299; TIAS 6285; 607 UNTS 276)
September 28, 1965 (19 UST 4855; TIAS 6490; 649 UNTS 334)
October 17, 1974 (28 UST 4607; TIAS 8606)
November 14, 1975 (34 UST 497; TIAS 10374)
November 17, 1977 (TIAS 11094; 1380 UNTS 268)
November 15, 1979 (TIAS 11094; 1380 UNTS 288)
November 7, 1991 (TIAS 08-1207; 2557 UNTS 190)
November 4, 1993 (TIAS 02-1107.1; 2199 UNTS 113)
Depositary: United Nations
* The title of the Convention was changed to the Convention on
the International Maritime Organization by amendment
adopted by the Organization November 14, 1975, effective
May 22, 1982.
Convention on the high seas.
Done at Geneva April 29, 1958.
Entered into force September 30, 1962.
13 UST 2312; TIAS 5200; 450 UNTS 82
Depositary: United Nations
Convention on the territorial sea and the contiguous zone.
Done at Geneva April 29, 1958.
Entered into force September 10, 1964.
15 UST 1606; TIAS 5639; 516 UNTS 205
Depositary: United Nations
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Inter-American convention on facilitation of international
waterborne transportation, with annex.
Signed at Mar del Plata June 7, 1963.
Entered into force January 11, 1981.
TIAS 12064
Depositary: Organization of American States
Convention for the International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea.
Done at Copenhagen September 12, 1964.
Entered into force July 22, 1968; for the United States
April 18, 1973.
24 UST 1080; TIAS 7628; 652 UNTS 237
August 13, 1970 (27 UST 1022; TIAS 8238)
Depositary: Denmark
Convention on facilitation of international maritime traffic,
with annex.
Done at London April 9, 1965.
Entered into force March 5, 1967; for the United States
May 16, 1967.
18 UST 411; TIAS 6251; 591 UNTS 265
November 19, 1973 (TIAS 11092)
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
International convention on load lines, 1966.
Done at London April 5, 1966.
Entered into force July 21, 1968.
18 UST 1857; TIAS 6331; 640 UNTS 133
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Proces-verbal of rectification of the international
convention on load lines, 1966.
Signed at London January 30, 1969.
20 UST 17; TIAS 6629
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Proces-verbal of rectification of the international
convention on load lines, 1966.
Signed at London May 5, 1969.
20 UST 2577; TIAS 6720
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
International convention on tonnage measurement of ships,
1969, with annexes.
Done at London June 23, 1969.
Entered into force July 18, 1982; for the United States
February 10, 1983.
TIAS 10490
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Convention on the international regulations for preventing
collisions at sea, 1972.*
Done at London October 20, 1972.
Entered into force July 15, 1977.
28 UST 3459; TIAS 8587
November 19, 1981 (TIAS 10672)
November 19, 1987
October 19, 1989
November 4, 1993
November 29, 2001
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
* The 1972 convention replaces and abrogates the international
regulations for preventing collisions at sea, 1960 (16 UST 794;
TIAS 5813).
Parties to the 1960 regulations not parties to the 1972
convention are: Lebanon, Libya, Madagascar, Paraguay,
Philippines, and Suriname.
International convention for safe containers (CSC), with
Done at Geneva December 2, 1972.
Entered into force September 6, 1977; for the United States
January 3, 1979.
29 UST 3707; TIAS 9037; 1064 UNTS 3
Amendments to annexes:
April 2, 1981 (33 UST 3238; TIAS 10220)
June 13, 1983 (35 UST 4156; TIAS 10914)
May 17, 1991
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
* The 1972 convention replaces as between contracting parties the
customs convention on containers, 1956 (20 UST 301; TIAS
6634; 338 UNTS 103).
International convention for the safety of life at sea, 1974,
with annex.*
Done at London November 1, 1974.
Entered into force May 25, 1980.
32 UST 47; TIAS 9700
November 20, 1981
June 17, 1983
April 21, 1988
October 28, 1988
November 9, 1988
April 11, 1989
May 25, 1990
May 23, 1991
April 10, 1992
December 11, 1992
May 23, 1994
May 24, 1994
December 9, 1994
May 16, 1995
June 4, 1996
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
* Replaces the convention of 1960 as between contracting parties.
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Protocol of 1978 relating to the international convention for
the safety of life at sea, 1974.
Done at London February 17, 1978.
Entered into force May 1, 1981.
32 UST 5577; TIAS 10009
November 20, 1981
November 10, 1988
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
International convention on standards of training,
certification and watchkeeping for seafarers, 1978.
Done at London July 7, 1978.
Entered into force April 28, 1984; for the United States
October 1, 1991.
May 22, 1991
May 23, 1994
July 7, 1995
June 4, 1997
December 9, 1998
May 20, 2004
December 9, 2004
May 18, 2006
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
International convention on maritime search and rescue,
1979, with annex.
Done at Hamburg April 27, 1979.
Entered into force June 22, 1985.
TIAS 11093
May 18, 1998
May 20, 2004
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Agreement concerning interim arrangements relating to
polymetallic nodules of the deep sea bed.
Done at Washington September 2, 1982.
Entered into force September 2, 1982.
TIAS 10562; 1871 UNTS 275
Germany, Federal Republic of
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Proces-verbal of rectification to the international
convention for the safety of life at sea, 1974.
Done at London December 22, 1982.
TIAS 10626
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Provisional understanding regarding deep seabed matters,
with memorandum of implementation, joint record, and
related exchanges of notes.
Signed at Geneva August 3, 1984.
Entered into force September 2, 1984.
TIAS 11066
Germany, Federal Republic of
1 3
United Kingdom
United States
1 With declaration.
2 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
3 For the Kingdom in Europe only.
Convention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the
safety of maritime navigation.
Done at Rome March 10, 1988.
Entered into force March 1, 1992; for the United States
March 6, 1995.
TIAS 95-306
October 14, 2005 (TIAS 15-1126)
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Protocol for the suppression of unlawful acts against the
safety of fixed platforms located on the continental shelf.
Done at Rome March 10, 1988.
Entered into force March 1, 1992; for the United States
March 6, 1995.
TIAS 95-306
October 14, 2005 (TIAS 15-1126)
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Protocol of 1988 relating to the international convention on
load lines, 1966, with annexes.
Done at London November 11, 1988.
Entered into force February 3, 2000.
TIAS 00-203
May 26, 2000
December 2, 2000
May 24, 2002
December 9, 2004
December 8, 2006
October 12, 2007
May 16, 2008
December 4, 2008
June 5, 2009
December 10, 2010
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Protocol of 1988 relating to the international convention for
the safety of life at sea, 1974, with annex.
Done at London November 11, 1988.
Entered into force February 3, 2000.
TIAS 00-203.1
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
International convention on salvage, 1989.
Done at London April 28, 1989.
Entered into force July 14, 1996.
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Convention for a North Pacific Marine Science
Organization (PICES).
Signed at Ottawa December 12, 1990.
Entered into force March 24, 1992.
Depositary: Canada
Memorandum of understanding on the avoidance of
overlaps and conflicts relating to deep seabed areas, with
Signed at New York February 22, 1991.
Entered into force February 22, 1991.
United Kingdom
United States
Memorandum of understanding on the avoidance of
overlaps and conflicts relating to deep sea-bed areas, with
Done at New York August 20, 1991.
Entered into force August 28, 1991; effective August 20,
TIAS 11825
Czech Republic
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
Agreement concerning cooperation in suppressing illicit
maritime and air trafficking in narcotic drugs and
psychotropic substances in the Caribbean area.
Signed at San Jose April 10, 2003.
Entered into force September 18, 2008.
Depositary: Costa Rica
Agreement on cooperation on aeronautical and maritime
search and rescue in the Arctic.
Signed at Nuuk May 12, 2011.
Entered into force January 19, 2013.
TIAS 13-119
United States
Agreement concerning the shipwrecked vessel RMS
Signed at London November 6, 2003.
Entered into force November 18, 2019.
TIAS 19-1118
Convention between the American Republics regarding the
status of aliens in their respective territories.
Signed at Habana February 20, 1928.
Entered into force August 29, 1929; for the United States
May 21, 1930.
46 Stat. 2753; TS 815; 2 Bevans 710; 132 LNTS 301
Depositary: Organization of American States
Constitution of the International Organization for
Adopted at Venice October 19, 1953.
Entered into force November 30, 1954.
6 UST 603; TIAS 3197; 207 UNTS 189
May 20, 1987
Depositary: International Organization for Migration
Protocol relating to the status of refugees.*
Done at New York January 31, 1967.
Entered into force October 4, 1967; for the United States
November 1, 1968.
19 UST 6223; TIAS 6577; 606 UNTS 267
Depositary: United Nations
* Protocol incorporates articles 2 through 34 of the convention
relating to the status of refugees of July 28, 1951. (189 UNTS
150). States parties to the convention but not parties to the
protocol are: Madagascar and Monaco. The United Kingdom
also extended application of the convention to various
territories for the international relations of which it was
Agreement on the International Tracing Service, with
partnership agreement.
Signed at Berlin December 9, 2011.
Entered into force April 1, 2016.
TIAS 16-401.2
Depositary: Germany
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
(See also Arms Control)
Additional protocol I to the treaty of February 14, 1967, for
the prohibition of nuclear weapons in Latin America.*
Done at Mexico February 14, 1967.
Entered into force December 11, 1969; for the United States
November 23, 1981.
33 UST 1792; TIAS 10147; 634 UNTS 362
Depositary: Mexico
Additional protocol II to the treaty of February 14, 1967 for
the prohibition of nuclear weapons in Latin America.*
Done at Mexico February 14, 1967.
Entered into force December 11, 1969; for the United States
May 12, 1971.
22 UST 754; TIAS 7137; 634 UNTS 364
Depositary: Mexico
* The United States is not a party to the treaty for the prohibition
of nuclear weapons in Latin America (the Treaty of
Tlatelolco). For the English text of the treaty, see 22 UST 762;
TIAS 7137; for the text in other languages, see 634 UNTS 281.
Treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Done at Washington, London, and Moscow July 1, 1968.
Entered into force March 5, 1970.
21 UST 483; TIAS 6839; 729 UNTS 161
Depositary: Russia, United Kingdom, United States
Convention on the physical protection of nuclear material,
with annexes.
Adopted at Vienna October 26, 1979.
Entered into force February 8, 1987
TIAS 11080
July 8, 2005 (TIAS 16-508)
Depositary: International Atomic Energy Agency
Protocol on the provisional application of the agreement of
November 27, 1992 establishing an international science
and technology center.
Signed at Moscow December 27, 1993.
Entered into force March 2, 1994.
Depositary: International Science and Technology Center
Agreement to establish a science and technology center in
Done at Kiev October 25, 1993.
Entered into force July 16, 1994.
TIAS 17-124.1
July 7, 1997 (TIAS 17-124.1)
United States
Agreement on technological safeguards associated with the
launch of the INMARSAT3 satellite.
Signed at Washington February 14, 1994.
Entered into force August 19, 1994.
Russian Federation
United States
Agreement continuing the International Science and
Technology Center (ISTC).
Signed at Astana December 9, 2015.
Entered into force December 14, 2017.
TIAS 17-1214
Depositary: ISTC Center Secretariat
Agreed declaration on atomic energy by the President of
the United States, the Prime Minister of the United
Kingdom, and the Prime Minister of Canada.
Signed at Washington November 15, 1945.
Entered into force November 15, 1945.
60 Stat. 1479; TIAS 1504; 3 Bevans 1304; 3 UNTS 123
Agreement as to disposition of rights in atomic energy
Signed at Washington September 24, 1956.
Entered into force September 24, 1956.
7 UST 2526; TIAS 3644; 253 UNTS 171
United Kingdom
United States
Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Done at New York October 26, 1956.
Entered into force July 29, 1957.
8 UST 1093; TIAS 3873; 276 UNTS 3
October 4, 1961 (14 UST 135; TIAS 5284; 471 UNTS 334)
September 28, 1970 (24 UST 1637; TIAS 7668)
September 27, 1984
Depositary: United States
Trilateral agreements signed at Vienna between the International
Atomic Energy Agency, the United States, and other countries for the
application of safeguards by the International Atomic Energy Agency
to equipment, devices and materials supplied under the bilateral
agreements for cooperation concerning civil uses of atomic energy
between the United States and the following countries
June 13, 1969; entered into force July 25, 1969.
20 UST 2629; TIAS 6722; 694 UNTS 233
August 20, 1969; entered into force January 24, 1970.
21 UST 56; TIAS 6816; 798 UNTS 77
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
March 10, 1967; entered into force October 31, 1968.
19 UST 6322; TIAS 6583; 670 UNTS 109
July 27, 1972 (23 UST 2526; TIAS 7440)
December 6, 1971; entered into force December 6, 1971.
22 UST 1837; TIAS 7228
December 9, 1970; entered into force December 9, 1970.
21 UST 2677; TIAS 7010; 795 UNTS 93
March 28, 1977 (28 UST 2404; TIAS 8556)
March 4, 1969; entered into force August 20, 1969.
20 UST 2748; TIAS 6741; 694 UNTS 163
April 4, 1975; entered into force April 4, 1975.
26 UST 483; TIAS 8051
April 7, 1977 (28 UST 2397; TIAS 8554)
January 5, 1968; entered into force January 5, 1968.
19 UST 4404; TIAS 6435; 637 UNTS 123
November 30, 1972 (24 UST 829; TIAS 7584)
July 15, 1968; entered into force July 19, 1968.
19 UST 5426; TIAS 6524; 650 UNTS 287
July 11, 1969; entered into force July 19, 1969.
20 UST 2564; TIAS 6718; 694 UNTS 315.
July 26, 1967; entered into force July 26, 1967.
18 UST 1643; TIAS 6306
June 20, 1974 (25 UST 1175; TIAS 7848)
December 9, 1966; entered into force December 9, 1966.
17 UST 2351; TIAS 6182; 589 UNTS 55
June 28, 1974 (25 UST 1261; TIAS 7856)
March 1, 1972; entered into force March 1, 1972.
23 UST 195; TIAS 7295
February 28, 1972; entered into force February 28, 1972.
23 UST 184; TIAS 7294
September 30, 1968; entered into force June 5, 1969.
20 UST 780; TIAS 6692; 694 UNTS 139
June 30, 1981 (33 UST 2782; TIAS 10201; 1271 UNTS 360)
March 27, 1968; entered into force March 27, 1968.
19 UST 4385; TIAS 6433; 650 UNTS 195.
February 18, 1981 (33 UST 1106; TIAS 10096)
1 Suspended by agreement signed September 21, 1971.
2 See note under CHINA (TAIWAN) in Section 1.
3 Suspended by agreement signed June 19, 1973.
4 Suspended by agreement signed February 21, 1973.
5 Suspended by agreement signed September 23, 1980.
6 Suspended by agreement signed March 23, 1993.
7 Suspended by agreement signed April 14, 1975.
8 Suspended by agreement signed January 15, 1985.
9 Suspended by agreement signed September 27, 1983.
Trilateral agreements signed at Vienna between the International
Atomic Energy Agency, the United States, and other countries for the
application of safeguards pursuant to the non-proliferation treaty of
July 1, 1968 (21 UST 483; TIAS 6839; 729 UNTS 161) have been
concluded with the following countries:
July 10, 1974; entered into force July 10, 1974.
25 UST 1325; TIAS 7865
September 21, 1971; entered into force July 23, 1972.
23 UST 1308; TIAS 7409
March 1, 1972; entered into force March 1, 1972.
23 UST 167; TIAS 7289; 873 UNTS 155
March 1, 1972; entered into force March 1, 1972.
23 UST 169; TIAS 7290
June 19, 1973; entered into force May 15, 1974.
25 UST 853; TIAS 7829
September 25, 1973; entered into force July 25, 1973.
24 UST 2046; TIAS 7721
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
February 21, 1973; entered into force October 16, 1974.
25 UST 2967; TIAS 7957
September 23, 1980; entered into force September 23, 1980.
32 UST 3311; TIAS 9899; 1266 UNTS 382
March 23, 1993; entered into force October 13, 1993.
April 14, 1975; entered into force May 6, 1975.
26 UST 478; TIAS 8049
September 23, 1980; entered into force September 23, 1980.
32 UST 3317; TIAS 9900
June 27, 1974; entered into force June 27, 1974.
25 UST 1178; TIAS 7849
January 15, 1985; entered into force January 15, 1985.
1, 2
TIAS 11932
September 27, 1983; entered into force September 27,
1, 2, 3
35 UST 2329; TIAS 10793
1 For suspension of previous agreements on safeguards, see
entry above.
2 Also pursuant to the United StatesIAEA agreement of
November 18, 1977, for the application of safeguards in the
United States (32 UST 3059; TIAS 9889).
3 Also pursuant to the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear
weapons in Latin America (22 UST 762; TIAS 7137).
Agreements between the International Atomic Energy Agency, the
United States, and other countries for the supply of nuclear material or
equipment have been concluded with the following countries:
Vienna, May 9, 1978; entered into force May 9, 1978, with
an exchange of notes signed at Buenos Aires and
Washington March 31, April 7, May 10 and 22, 1978.
30 UST 1539; TIAS 9263; 1161 UNTS 305
Vienna, January 25, 1984; entered into force January 25,
35 UST 4309; TIAS 10933
Vienna and Bogota, May 30, June 7 and 17, 1994; entered
into force June 17, 1994.
TIAS; 1857 UNTS 105
New Delhi, December 7, 1979; entered into force
December 7, 1979.
32 UST 361; TIAS 9705
Vienna May 2 and December 16, and Geneva
November 25, 2013; entered into force December 16,
TIAS 13-1216
Vienna, September 22, 1980; entered into force September
22, 1980.
32 UST 2610; TIAS 9863
June 12 and July 22, 1981 (33 UST 2785; TIAS 10202)
Vienna, December 18, 1963; entered into force December
18, 1963.
32 UST 3607; TIAS 9906; 490 UNTS 383
Vienna, February 12, 1974; entered into force February 12,
TIAS 10705
Vienna, June 14, 1974; entered into force June 14, 1974.
TIAS 10705
Vienna, March 6, 1980; entered into force March 6, 1980.
32 UST 3628; TIAS 9906; 1267 UNTS 51
Vienna July 13, 29 and August 1, 2011; entered into force
August 1, 2011.
TIAS 11-801
Vienna, December 2, 1983; entered into force December 2,
35 UST 3531; TIAS 10866
Warsaw and Vienna January 8, 12, and 16, 2007; entered
into force January 16, 2007.
TIAS 07-116
Vienna, September 30, 1986; entered into force September
30, 1986.
Vienna, June 14, 1974; entered into force June 14, 1974.
32 UST 773; TIAS 9728
Vienna, January 16, 1980; entered into force July 14, 1980.
32 UST 1228; TIAS 9767; 1266 UNTS 364
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Belgrade and Vienna, February 26, 1980; entered into force
February 26, 1980.
32 UST 773; TIAS 9728
Vienna, December 14, 15 and 20, 1982; entered into force
December 20, 1982.
TIAS 10621
Vienna, February 23, 1983; entered into force February 23,
TIAS 10664
1 Similar supply agreements, which have not been printed in the
United States treaty series but are on file in the Office of
Treaty Affairs, were concluded during the 1960’s and early
1970’s with the following countries: Argentina, Chile, Finland,
Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines,
Romania, Spain, Turkey, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, and Zaire.
2 See note under YUGOSLAVIA in Section 1.
Agreement concerning a joint project for planning, design,
experiment preparation, performance and reporting of
reactor safety experiments concerning containment
response, with appendices
Dated January 24, 1975.
Entered into force for the United States February 20, 1975.
28 UST 629; TIAS 8479
Germany, Federal Republic of
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
2 Subject to approval of funds.
Agreement concerning a joint project for planning, design,
experiment preparation, performance and reporting of
reactor safety experiments concerning critical flow, with
Dated April 14, 1977.
Entered into force June 17, 1977.
30 UST 129; TIAS 9184
United States
Implementing agreement for a program of research and
development on superconducting magnets for fusion
power, with annex.
Done at Paris October 6, 1977.
Entered into force October 6, 1977.
33 UST 2201; TIAS 10180
Depositary: International Energy Agency
Agreement on research participation and technical
exchange in the in-pile CABRI and Annular Core Pulsed
Reactor (ACPR) research programs related to fast reactor
safety, with memorandum of understanding and appendices
Signed May 2, June 7 and 22, 1978.
Entered into force June 22, 1978.
30 UST 7545; TIAS 9603
Germany, Federal Republic of
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Implementing agreement for a program of research and
development on radiation damage in fusion materials, with
Done at Paris October 21, 1980.
Entered into force October 21, 1980.
European Atomic Energy Community
United States
Depositary: International Energy Agency
Agreement regarding protection of information transferred
into the United States in connection with the initial phase of
a project for the establishment of a uranium enrichment
installation in the United States based upon the gas
centrifuge process developed within the three European
Signed at Washington April 11, 1990.
Entered into force April 11, 1990.
TIAS; 1640 UNTS 369
April 5 and 9, 1991
Germany, Federal Republic of
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Agreement regarding the establishment, construction and
operation of a uranium enrichment installation in the
United States, with annex and agreed minute.
Signed at Washington July 24, 1992.
Entered into force February 1, 1995.
United Kingdom
United States
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention on nuclear safety.
Signed at Vienna September 20, 1994.
Entered into force October 24, 1996. for the United States
July 10, 1999.
TIAS 99-710
Depositary: International Atomic Energy Agency
Agreement on the establishment of the Korean Peninsula
Energy Development Organization.
Done at New York March 9, 1995.
Entered into force March 9, 1995.
September 19, 1997 (2035 UNTS 280)
European Atomic Energy Community
United States
Joint convention on the safety of spent fuel management
and on the safety of radioactive waste management.
Done at Vienna September 5, 1997.
Entered into force June 18, 2001; for the United States
July 14, 2003.
TIAS 03-714
Depositary: International Atomic Energy Agency
Agreement on cooperation among the original members of
the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization.
Signed at Washington September 19, 1997.
Entered into force September 19, 1997.
TIAS; 2032 UNTS 235
United States
Agreement concerning cooperation on the application of
non-proliferation assurances to low enriched uranium
transferred to the United States for fabrication into fuel and
retransfer to Taiwan, with annex and related side letter.
Exchanges of notes at Washington July 21, 1999.
Entered into force May 1, 2000.
TIAS 13054
United Kingdom
United States
Framework agreement on a multilateral nuclear
environmental programme in the Russian Federation.
Signed at Stockholm May 21, 2003.
Entered into force April 14, 2004; for the United States
June 14, 2013.
TIAS 13-614
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development, Russian Federation
Framework agreement for international collaboration on
research and development of generation IV nuclear energy
Signed at Washington February 28, 2005.
Entered into force February 28, 2005.
TIAS 05-228
United Kingdom
United States
Agreement on the establishment of the ITER International
Fusion Energy Organization for the Joint Implementation
of the ITER project, with annexes.
Signed at Paris November 21, 2006.
Entered into force October 24, 2007.
TIAS 07-1024
Depositary: International Atomic Energy Agency
Agreement regarding the establishment, construction and
operation of uranium enrichment installations using gas
centrifuge technology in the United States of America, with
agreed minute.
Signed at Paris February 24, 2011.
Entered into force January 31, 2012.
TIAS 12-131
United Kingdom
United States
Convention on supplementary compensation for nuclear
damage, with annex.
Done at Vienna September 12, 1997.
Entered into force April 15, 2015.
TIAS 15-415
Depositary: International Atomic Energy Agency
Convention on the settlement of matters arising out of the
war and the occupation, with annex.
Signed at Bonn May 26, 1952.
Entered into force May 5, 1955.
332 UNTS 219; 6 UST 4411
United Kingdom
United States
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Protocol on the termination of the occupation regime in the
Federal Republic of Germany, with five schedules and
related letters.*
Signed at Paris October 23, 1954.
Entered into force May 5, 1955.
6 UST 4117; TIAS 3425; 331 UNTS 253
Depositary: Germany
* Schedules II, III, and V terminated July 1, 1963, by the
agreement of August 3, 1959 (TIAS 5351, p. 156). Schedule I
as it relates to postal matters and telecommunications
terminated November 1, 1968.
See also agreements of May 26, 1952 (TIAS 3425).
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Agreement concerning United States participation in the
Multinational Force and Observers established by Egypt
and Israel.
Exchanges of letters at Washington August 3, 1981.
Entered into force August 3, 1981.
TIAS 10556
United States
Agreement concerning the convention of October 23, 1954,
on the presence of foreign forces in the Federal Republic of
Exchange of notes at Bonn September 25, 1990.
Entered into force September 25, 1990.
September 12, 1994
Germany, Federal Republic of
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Agreement concerning the convention of May 26, 1952, as
amended, on relations between the Three Powers and the
Federal Republic of Germany and the convention of May
26, 1952, as amended, on settlement of matters arising out
of the war and the occupation.
Exchange of notes at Bonn September 27 and 28, 1990.
Entered into force September 28, 1990.
TIAS; 1656 UNTS 29
Germany, Federal Republic of
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Joint Declaration, known as the Atlantic Charter, by the
President of the United States and the Prime Minister of the
United Kingdom, made on August 14, 1941.
55 Stat. 1600; EAS 236; 3 Bevans 686
States which have signified their acceptance of the
purposes and principles embodied in the Charter:
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia
Slovak Republic
South Africa
Syrian Arab Republic
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
1 Pre-1949 agreement, applicable only to Taiwan.
2 See note under CZECHOSLOVAKIA in Section 1.
3 See note under ETHIOPIA in Section 1.
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
5 See note under YUGOSLAVIA in Section 1.
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Agreement concerning an armistice with Romania, with
annex and protocol.
Signed at Moscow September 12, 1944.
Entered into force September 12, 1944.
59 Stat. 1712; EAS 490; 3 Bevans 901
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
Armistice agreement with Bulgaria, with protocol.
Signed at Moscow October 28, 1944.
Entered into force October 28, 1944.
58 Stat. 1498; EAS 437; 3 Bevans 909; 123 UNTS 223
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
Armistice agreement with Hungary, with annex and
Signed at Moscow January 20, 1945.
Entered into force January 20, 1945.
59 Stat. 1321; EAS 456; 3 Bevans 995; 140 UNTS 397
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
Agreement regarding Japan.
Signed at Yalta February 11, 1945.
Entered into force February 11, 1945.
59 Stat. 1823; EAS 498; 3 Bevans 1022
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
Protocol of the proceedings of the Crimea conference.
Signed at Yalta February 11, 1945.
Entered into force February 11, 1945.
3 Bevans 1013; Foreign Relations: The Conferences at Malta
and Yalta, 1945, p. 975ff
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
Act of military surrender. Terms between the United States
and other Allied Powers and Germany.
Signed at Rheims May 7 and at Berlin May 8, 1945.
Effective May 8, 1945.
59 Stat. 1857; EAS 502; 3 Bevans 1123
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
Protocol of the proceedings of the Berlin conference.
Signed at Berlin August 2, 1945.
Entered into force August 2, 1945.
3 Bevans 1207; Foreign Relations: Conference of Berlin
(Potsdam) 1945, Vol. II, p. 1478ff
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
Communiqué on the Moscow conference of Foreign
Signed at Moscow December 27, 1945.
Entered into force December 27, 1945.
60 Stat. 1899; TIAS 1555; 3 Bevans 1341; 20 UNTS 259
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
Treaty of peace with Italy.*
Signed at Paris February 10, 1947.
Entered into force September 15, 1947.
61 Stat. 1245; TIAS 1648; 4 Bevans 311; 49 and 50 UNTS
Depositary: France
* For agreements between the United States and Italy regarding
implementation of the peace treaty and release of Italy from
certain of its obligations thereunder, see under ITALY, PEACE
TREATIES in Section 1.
Treaty of peace with Romania.
Signed at Paris February 10, 1947.
Entered into force September 15, 1947.
61 Stat. 1757; TIAS 1649; 4 Bevans 403; 42 UNTS 3
Depositary: Russian Federation
Treaty of peace with Bulgaria.
Signed at Paris February 10, 1947.
Entered into force September 15, 1947.
61 Stat. 1915; TIAS 1650; 4 Bevans 429; 41 UNTS 21
Depositary: Russian Federation
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty of peace with Hungary.
Signed at Paris February 10, 1947.
Entered into force September 15, 1947.
61 Stat. 2065; TIAS 1651; 4 Bevans 453; 41 UNTS 135
Depositary: Russian Federation
Protocol of agreements reached between the Allied High
Commissioners and the Chancellor of the German Federal
Signed at Bonn November 22, 1949.
Entered into force November 22, 1949.
3 UST 2714; TIAS 2439; 185 UNTS 307
Depositary: Germany
Treaty of peace with Japan.
Signed at San Francisco September 8, 1951.
Entered into force April 28, 1952.
3 UST 3169; TIAS 2490; 136 UNTS 45
Depositary: United States
Declaration by Japan with respect to the treaty of peace.
Signed at San Francisco September 8, 1951.
3 UST 3306; TIAS 2490; 136 UNTS 146, 160
Agreement for the settlement of disputes arising under
article 15(a) of the treaty of peace with Japan.
Done at Washington June 12, 1952.
Entered into force June 12, 1952; for the United States
June 19, 1952.
3 UST 4054; TIAS 2550; 138 UNTS 183
Depositary: United States
Agreement concerning a military armistice in Korea, with
Signed at Panmunjom July 27, 1953, by the Commander-in-
Chief, United Nations Command; the Supreme
Commander of the Korean People’s Army; and the
Commander of the Chinese People’s Volunteers.
Entered into force July 27, 1953.
4 UST 234; TIAS 2782
Agreement relating to certain German libraries and
properties in Italy.
Signed at Rome April 30, 1953.
Entered into force May 1, 1953.
4 UST 376; TIAS 2785; 175 UNTS 89
Germany, Federal Republic of
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
The Pacific Charter.
Signed at Manila September 8, 1954.
Entered into force September 8, 1954.
6 UST 91; TIAS 3171; 209 UNTS 23
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
Agreement concerning storage of, access to and release of
information from the archives of the Allied High
Commission and connected tripartite agencies.
Signed at Bonn June 30, 1954.
Entered into force June 30, 1954.
5 UST 1598; TIAS 3036; 204 UNTS 99
United Kingdom
United States
Memorandum of understanding regarding the free territory
of Trieste, with two annexes.
Initialed at London October 5, 1954.
Entered into force October 5, 1954.
5 UST 2386; TIAS 3099; 235 UNTS 99
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under YUGOSLAVIA in Section 1.
Convention on the presence of foreign forces in the Federal
Republic of Germany.
Signed at Paris October 23, 1954.
Entered into force May 6, 1955.
6 UST 5689; TIAS 3426; 334 UNTS 3
Depositary: Germany
Memorandum concerning understandings supplementing
the protection afforded by the provisions of the Austrian
State Treaty with respect to United States and British
owned property in Austria.
Done at Vienna May 10, 1955.
Entered into force May 10, 1955.
7 UST 803; TIAS 3560; 273 UNTS 121
United Kingdom
United States
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
State treaty for the reestablishment of an independent and
democratic Austria.
Signed at Vienna May 15, 1955.
Entered into force July 27, 1955.
6 UST 2369; TIAS 3298; 217 UNTS 223
New Zealand
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under CZECHOSLOVAKIA in Section 1.
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
3 See note under YUGOSLAVIA in Section 1.
Penal administrative agreement with exchanges of notes
dated November 1 and December 20, 1955, and notes of
the German Chancellor dated October 14 and November 7,
Done at Bonn September 29, 1955.
Entered into force May 5, 1955.
7 UST 663; TIAS 3549
Germany, Federal Republic of
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Memorandum of understanding regarding German
trademarks in Italy.
Signed at Rome July 5, 1956.
Entered into force July 5, 1956.
7 UST 1989; TIAS 3601; 258 UNTS 371
United Kingdom
United States
Declaration and protocol on the neutrality of Laos.
Signed at Geneva July 23, 1962.
Entered into force July 23, 1962.
14 UST 1104; TIAS 5410; 456 UNTS 301
China, People’s Republic of
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
Viet-Nam, Democratic Republic of
Viet Nam, Republic of
1 Party to protocol only.
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
3 See Vietnam footnote under DEFENSE: agreement of
December 23, 1950 (3 UST 2756; TIAS 2447; 185 UNTS 3).
Agreement concerning the administration of the archives of
the Arbitral Commission on property, rights and interests in
Exchange of notes at Bonn and Bad Godesberg
August 12 and 26, 1971.
Entered into force December 31, 1971.
23 UST 590; TIAS 7317
Germany, Federal Republic of
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
Act of the International Conference on Viet-Nam.
Done at Paris March 2, 1973.
Entered into force March 2, 1973.
24 UST 485; TIAS 7568; 935 UNTS 405
China, People’s Rep.
Provisional Revolutionary Government of Republic of South Viet-
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
Viet-Nam, Democratic Republic of
Viet-Nam, Republic of
1 See Vietnam footnote under DEFENSE: agreement of
December 23, 1950 (3 UST 2756; TIAS 2447; 185 UNTS 3).
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty on the final settlement with respect to Germany,
with agreed minute and related letters.
Done at Moscow September 12, 1990.
Entered into force March 15, 1991.
1696 UNTS 115
Germany, Federal Republic of
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
1 See note under GERMANY in Section 1.
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
Declaration suspending the operation of quadripartite rights
and responsibilities.
Signed at New York October 1, 1990.
Entered into force October 3, 1990.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
REPUBLICS in Section 1
Agreement on a comprehensive political settlement of the
Cambodia conflict, with annexes.
Done at Paris October 23, 1991.
Entered into force October 23, 1991.
Depositary: Indonesia; France
Agreement concerning the sovereignty, independence,
territorial integrity and inviolability, neutrality and national
unity of Cambodia.
Done at Paris October 31, 1991.
Entered into force October 31, 1991.
Depositary: Indonesia; France
International convention relating to intervention on the high
seas in cases of oil pollution casualties, with annex.
Done at Brussels November 29, 1969.
Entered into force May 6, 1975.
26 UST 765; TIAS 8068
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Convention on the prevention of marine pollution by
dumping of wastes and other matter, with annexes.
Done at Washington, London, Mexico City, and Moscow
December 29, 1972.
Entered into force August 30, 1975.
26 UST 2403; TIAS 8165; 1046 UNTS 120
October 12, 1978 (incineration)
November 12, 1993
Depositaries: Mexico, Russia, United Kingdom, United
Protocol relating to intervention on the high seas in cases of
pollution by substances other than oil.
Done at London November 2, 1973.
Entered into force March 30, 1983.
TIAS 10561
July 10, 1996
October, 2002
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Protocol of 1978 relating to the international convention for
the prevention of pollution from ships, 1973, with annexes
and protocols.*
Done at London February 17, 1978.
Entered into force October 2, 1983.
September 7, 1984
December 5, 1985
December 1, 1987
October 17, 1989
November 16, 1990
July 4, 1991
March 6, 1992
October 30, 1992
September 14, 1995
July 10, 1996
September 25, 1997
April 27, 2001
April 1, 2004
October 15, 2004
July 22, 2005
March 24, 2006
October 13, 2006
July 13, 2007
July 17, 2009
March 26, 2010
July 15, 2011
March 2, 2012
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
* The 1978 protocol supersedes the international convention for
the prevention of pollution of the sea by oil of May 12, 1954
(TIAS 4900) as between contracting parties to the 1978
* The 1978 protocol incorporates with modifications the
provisions of the international convention for the prevention of
pollution from ships, including its annexes and protocol,
signed at London
November 2, 1973. The 1973 convention is not intended to
enter into force and be applied on its own. Accordingly, as of
October 2, 1983, the regime to be applied by the states parties
to the 1978 protocol will be the regime contained in the 1973
convention as modified by the 1978 protocol.
Annex III entered into force July 1, 1992.
Annex IV entered into force September 27, 2003.
Annex V entered into force December 31, 1988
Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution.
Done at Geneva November 13, 1979.
Entered into force March 16, 1983.
TIAS 10541
Depositary: United Nations
Convention for the protection and development of the
marine environment of the wider Caribbean region, with
Done at Cartagena March 24, 1983.
Entered into force October 11, 1986.
TIAS 11085
Depositary: Colombia
Protocol concerning cooperation in combating oil spills in
the wider Caribbean region, with annex.
Done at Cartagena March 24, 1983.
Entered into force October 11, 1986.
TIAS 11085
Depositary: Colombia
Protocol on long-term financing of the co-operative
programme for monitoring and evaluation of the long-range
transmission of air pollutants in Europe (EMEP).
Done at Geneva September 28, 1984.
Entered into force January 28, 1988.
TIAS 12086
Depositary: United Nations
Convention for the protection of the ozone layer, with
Done at Vienna March 22, 1985.
Entered into force September 22, 1988.
TIAS 11097
Depositary: United Nations
Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone
layer, with annexes.
Done at Montreal September 16, 1987.
Entered into force January 1, 1989.
TIAS 89-101
Amendments and Adjustments:
June 29, 1990
June 19-21, 1991
November 2325, 1992
December 7, 1995
September 15-17, 1997
December 3, 1999
Depositary: United Nations
Convention for the protection of the natural resources and
environment of the South Pacific Region, with annex.
Done at Noumea November 24, 1986.
Entered into force August 22, 1990; for the United States
July 10, 1991.
TIAS 91-710
Depositary: Pacific Island Forum Secretariat
Protocol for the prevention of pollution of the South Pacific
Region by dumping, with annexes.
Done at Noumea November 24, 1986.
Entered into force August 22, 1990; for the United States
July 10, 1991.
TIAS 91-710
Depositary: Pacific Island Forum Secretariat
Protocol concerning cooperation in combatting pollution
emergencies in the South Pacific Region.
Done at Noumea November 24, 1986.
Entered into force August 22, 1990; for the United States
July 10, 1991.
TIAS 91-710
Depositary: Pacific Island Forum Secretariat
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Protocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range
transboundary air pollution concerning the control of
emissions of nitrogen oxides or their transboundary fluxes,
with annex.
Done at Sofia October 31, 1988.
Entered into force February 14, 1991.
TIAS 12086
Depositary: United Nations
Protocol concerning specially protected areas and wildlife
to the convention for the protection and development of the
marine environment of the wider Caribbean region.
Done at Kingston January 18, 1990.
Entered into force June 18, 2000; for the United States
April 16, 2003.
TIAS 03-416
Depositary: Colombia
International convention on oil pollution preparedness,
response and co-operation, 1990.
Done at London November 30, 1990.
Entered into force May 13, 1995.
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
OECD Council decision on the control of transfrontier
movements of wastes destined for recovery operations.
Adopted at Paris March 30, 1992.
Entered into force March 30, 1992.
TIAS 11880
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
Protocol to amend the international convention for the
prevention of pollution from ships, 1973, as modified by
the protocol of 1978 relating thereto.
Done at London September 26, 1997.
Entered into force May 19, 2005; for the United States
January 8, 2009.
TIAS 09-108
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Protocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range
transboundary air pollution on heavy metals, with annexes.
Done at Aarhus June 24, 1998.
Entered into force December 29, 2003.
TIAS 12966
Depositary: United Nations
Protocol concerning pollution from land-based sources and
activities to the convention for the protection and
development of the marine environment of the wider
Caribbean region.
Done at Oranjestad, Aruba on October 6, 1999.
Entered into force August 13, 2010; for the United States
August 13, 2010.
TIAS 10-813
Depositaries: Colombia
Protocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range
transboundary air pollution to abate acidification,
eutrophication and ground-level ozone.
Done at Gothenburg November 30, 1999.
Entered into force May 17, 2005.
TIAS 13073
May 4, 2012 (TIAS 19-1007)
Depositary: United Nations
International Convention on the control of harmful anti-
fouling systems on ships, 2001.
Done at London October 5, 2001.
Entered into force September 17, 2008; for the United States
November 21, 2012.
TIAS 12-1121
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Agreement on cooperation on marine oil pollution
preparedness and response in the Artic.
Done at Kiruna May 15, 2013.
Entered into force March 25, 2016.
TIAS 16-325
Depositary: Norway
Note: The depositary for agreements in this section is the
Universal Postal Union
Constitution of the Universal Postal Union, with Final
Done at Vienna July 10, 1964.
Entered into force January 1, 1966.
16 UST 1291; TIAS 5881; 611 UNTS 7
Additional protocol to the constitution of the Universal
Postal Union of July 10, 1964.
Done at Tokyo November 14, 1969.
Entered into force (except Article V) July 1, 1971; Article V
entered into force January 1, 1971.
22 UST 1056; TIAS 7150; 810 UNTS 7
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Second additional protocol to the constitution of the
Universal Postal Union of July 10, 1964.
Done at Lausanne July 5, 1974.
Entered into force January 1, 1976;
definitively for the United States April 14, 1976.
27 UST 345; TIAS 8231; 1005 UNTS 9
Third additional protocol to the constitution of the
Universal Postal Union of July 10, 1964, general
regulations with annex, and the universal postal convention
with final protocol and detailed regulations.
Done at Hamburg July 27, 1984.
Entered into force January 1, 1986; definitively for the
United States June 6, 1986.
Fourth additional protocol to the constitution of the
Universal Postal Union of July 10, 1964, general
regulations and the universal postal convention with final
Done at Washington December 14, 1989.
Entered into force January 1, 1991.
Fifth additional protocol to the constitution of the Universal
Postal Union of July 10, 1964, with general regulations and
the universal postal convention with final protocol.
Done at Seoul September 14, 1994.
Entered into force January 1, 1996;
definitively for the United States May 20, 1998.
Sixth additional protocol to the constitution of the
Universal Postal Union of July 10, 1964, with general
regulations and the universal postal convention with final
Done at Beijing September 15, 1999.
Entered into force January 1, 2001; definitively for the
United States April 10, 2001.
Seventh additional protocol to the constitution of the
Universal Postal Union of July 10, 1964, with general
regulations and the universal postal convention with final
Done at Bucharest October 5, 2004.
Entered into force January 1, 2006; definitively for the
United States June 20, 2006.
Eighth additional protocol to the constitution of the
Universal Postal Union of July 10, 1964, with general
regulations and the universal postal convention with final
Done at Geneva August 12, 2008.
Entered into force January 1, 2010; definitively for the
United States July 28, 2010.
* Unless otherwise indicated by the depositary, all states parties to
the constitution of the Universal Postal Union signed the final
act of the Universal Postal Congress, Geneva, 2008. The
General Regulations and Universal Postal Convention adopted
at Geneva replaced those adopted at Bucharest October 5,
2004, which in turn replaced those adopted at previous postal
Postal payment services agreement.
Done at Geneva August 12, 2008.
Entered into force January 1, 2010; definitively for the
United States July 28, 2010.
Note: The depositary for agreements in this section is
Constitution of the Postal Union of the Americas and
Spain, with final protocol.
Done at Santiago November 26, 1971.
Entered into force July 1, 1972.
23 UST 2924; TIAS 7480
Additional protocol to the constitution of the Postal Union
of the Americas and Spain.
Done at Lima March 18, 1976.
Entered into force October 1, 1976.
30 UST 337; TIAS 9206
Second additional protocol to the constitution of the Postal
Union of the Americas and Spain, with general regulations.
Done at Managua August 28, 1981.
Entered into force January 1, 1982.*
* While the United States has acceded to the second additional
protocol most of the other parties have not yet done so. Even
though not formally ratified, these agreements are customarily
applied administratively.
Protocol embodying a declaration on the juridical
personality of foreign companies.
Done at the Pan American Union, Washington, June 25,
Entered into force for the United States July 10, 1941.
55 Stat. 1201; TS 973; 3 Bevans 274; 161 UNTS 217
Depositary: Organization of American States
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Statute of the International Institute for the Unification of
Private Law.
Done at Rome March 15, 1940.
Entered into force July 15, 1955; for the United States
March 13, 1964.
15 UST 2494; TIAS 5743
June 15-16, 1965 (19 UST 7802; TIAS 6611)
December 18, 1967 (20 UST 2529; TIAS 6716)
February 18, 1969, for articles 5, 11 and 16 (30 UST 5663; TIAS
November 9, 1984, for article 16
Depositary: Italy
Statute of The Hague Conference on Private International
Done at the 7th session of the Conference at The Hague
October 931, 1951.
Entered into force July 15, 1955; for the United States
October 15, 1964.
15 UST 2228; TIAS 5710; 220 UNTS 121
June 30, 2005
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for
foreign public documents, with annex.
Done at The Hague October 5, 1961.
Entered into force January 24, 1965; for the United States
October 15, 1981.
33 UST 883; TIAS 10072; 527 UNTS 189
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention on the service abroad of judicial and
extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters.
Done at The Hague November 15, 1965.
Entered into force February 10, 1969.
20 UST 361; TIAS 6638; 658 UNTS 163
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention on the international recovery of child support
and other forms of family maintenance.
Done at The Hague November 23, 2007.
Entered into force January 1, 2013; for the United States
January 1, 2017.
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention providing for creation of the Inter-American
Indian Institute.
Done at Mexico City November 29, 1940.
Entered into force December 13, 1941.
56 Stat. 1303; TS 978; 3 Bevans 661
Depositary: Mexico
Agreement establishing the South Pacific Commission.
Signed at Canberra February 6, 1947.
Entered into force July 29, 1948.
2 UST 1787; TIAS 2317; 97 UNTS 227
November 7, 1951 (3 UST 2851; TIAS 2458; 124 UNTS 320)
April 5, 1954 (5 UST 639; TIAS 2952; 201 UNTS 374)
October 6, 1964 (16 UST 1055; TIAS 5845; 542 UNTS 350)
October 2, 1974 (26 UST 1606; TIAS 8120)
October 20, 1976 (33 UST 585; TIAS 10051)
October 712, 1978 (33 UST 590; TIAS 10052)
Depositary: Australia
Charter of the Organization of American States.
Signed at Bogota April 30, 1948.
Entered into force December 13, 1951.
2 UST 2394; TIAS 2361; 119 UNTS 3
February 27, 1967 (21 UST 607; TIAS 6847)
December 14, 1992
June 10, 1993 (TIAS 96-129)
Depositary: Organization of American States
Convention concerning the creation of an international
office of weights and measures, regulations and transient
Signed at Paris May 20, 1875.
Entered into force January 1, 1876; for the United States
August 2, 1878.
20 Stat. 709; TS 378; 1 Bevans 39
Depositary: France
Convention amending the convention relating to weights
and measures
Dated at Sevres October 6, 1921.
Entered into force June 23, 1922; for the United States
October 24, 1923.
43 Stat. 1686; TS 673; 2 Bevans 323; 17 LNTS 45
Depositary: France
Convention establishing an International Organization of
Legal Metrology.
Done at Paris October 12, 1955.
Entered into force May 28, 1958; for the United States (as
amended) October 22, 1972.
23 UST 4233; TIAS 7533; 560 UNTS 3
January 18, 1968
Depositary: France
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention regarding the rights of neutrals at sea.
Signed at Washington July 22, 1854.
Entered into force October 31, 1854.
10 Stat. 1105; TS 300; 11 Bevans 1214
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United States
1 Declaration of accession by Nicaragua signed at Granada June
9, 1855 (7 Miller 139).
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
Convention with respect to the laws and customs of war on
land, with annex of regulations.*
Signed at The Hague July 29, 1899.
Entered into force September 4, 1900; for the United States
April 9, 1902.
32 Stat. 1803; TS 403; 1 Bevans 247
Depositary: Netherlands
* Replaced by convention of October 18, 1907 (TS 539; 36
Stat.2277), as between contracting parties to the later
convention. Sections II and III of the regulations are
supplemented by convention of August 12, 1949 (TIAS 3365;
6 UST 3516), relative to protection of civilians in time of war,
as between contracting parties to both conventions; chapter II
of the regulations is complemented by convention of August
12, 1949 (TIAS 3364; 6 UST 3316), relative to the treatment of
prisoners of war, as between contracting parties to both
Convention for the exemption of hospital ships, in time of
war, from the payment of all dues and taxes imposed for
the benefit of the state.
Done at The Hague December 21, 1904.
Entered into force March 26, 1907.
35 Stat. 1854; TS 459; 1 Bevans 430
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention respecting the limitation of the employment of
force for the recovery of contract debts.
Signed at The Hague October 18, 1907.
Entered into force January 26, 1910.
36 Stat. 2241; TS 537; 1 Bevans 607
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention relative to the opening of hostilities.
Signed at The Hague October 18, 1907.
Entered into force January 26, 1910.
36 Stat. 2259; TS 538; 1 Bevans 619
Depositary: Netherlands
Declaration prohibiting the discharge of projectiles and
explosives from balloons.
Signed at The Hague October 18, 1907.
Entered into force November 27, 1909.
36 Stat. 2439; TS 546; 1 Bevans 739
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention respecting the rights and duties of neutral
powers and persons in case of war on land.
Signed at The Hague October 18, 1907.
Entered into force January 26, 1910.
36 Stat. 2310; TS 540; 1 Bevans 654
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention concerning bombardment by naval forces in
time of war.
Signed at The Hague October 18, 1907.
Entered into force January 26, 1910.
36 Stat. 2351; TS 542; 1 Bevans 681
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention relative to the laying of automatic submarine
contact mines.
Signed at The Hague October 18, 1907.
Entered into force January 26, 1910.
36 Stat. 2332; TS 541; 1 Bevans 669
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention relative to certain restrictions with regard to the
exercise of the right of capture in naval war.
Signed at The Hague October 18, 1907.
Entered into force January 26, 1910.
36 Stat. 2396; TS 544; 1 Bevans 711
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention concerning the rights and duties of neutral
powers in naval war.
Signed at The Hague October 18, 1907.
Entered into force January 26, 1910; for the United States
February 1, 1910.
36 Stat. 2415; TS 545; 1 Bevans 723
Depositary: Netherlands
Convention respecting the laws and customs of war on
land, with annex of regulations.*
Signed at The Hague October 18, 1907.
Entered into force January 26, 1910.
36 Stat. 2277; TS 539; 1 Bevans 631
Depositary: Netherlands
* Sections II and III of the regulations are supplemented by
convention of August 12, 1949 (6 UST 3516; TIAS 3365),
relative to protection of civilians in time of war, as between
contracting parties to both conventions; chapter II of the
regulations is complemented by convention of August 12, 1949
(6 UST 3316; TIAS 3364), relative to treatment of prisoners of
war, as between contracting parties to both conventions.
Convention for the adaptation to maritime warfare of the
principles of the Geneva Convention.*
Signed at The Hague October 18, 1907.
Entered into force January 26, 1910.
TS 543; 1 Bevans 694
Depositary: Netherlands
* Replaces as between contracting parties the 1899 convention.
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Treaty to avoid or prevent conflicts between the American
Signed at Santiago May 3, 1923.
Entered into force October 8, 1924.
44 Stat. 2527; TS 752; 2 Bevans 413; 33 LNTS 25
Depositary: Chile
Convention on the rights and duties of states in the event of
civil strife.
Done at Habana February 20, 1928.
Entered into force May 21, 1929; for the United States
May 21, 1930.
46 Stat. 2749; TS 814; 2 Bevans 694; 134 LNTS 45
Depositary: Organization of American States
Convention on maritime neutrality.
Signed at Habana February 20, 1928.
Entered into force January 12, 1931; for the United States
March 22, 1932.
47 Stat. 1989; TS 845; 2 Bevans 721; 135 LNTS 187
Depositary: Organization of American States
Treaty providing for the renunciation of war as an
instrument of national policy.
Signed at Paris August 27, 1928.
Entered into force July 24, 1929.
46 Stat. 2343; TS 796; 2 Bevans 732; 94 LNTS 57
Depositary: United States
* All provisions of this treaty with the exception of Part IV, which
relates to rules of international law in regard to the operations
of submarines or other war vessels with respect to merchant
vessels, expired on December 31, 1936. Under the terms of
article 23, Part IV “shall remain in force without limit of time”.
Convention on rights and duties of states.
Done at Montevideo December 26, 1933.
Entered into force December 26, 1934.
49 Stat. 3097; TS 881; 3 Bevans 145; 165 LNTS 19
Depositary: Organization of American States
Convention for the maintenance, preservation, and
reestablishment of peace.
Signed at Buenos Aires December 23, 1936.
Entered into force August 25, 1937.
51 Stat. 15; TS 922; 3 Bevans 338; 188 LNTS 9
Depositary: Argentina
Additional protocol relative to non-intervention.
Signed at Buenos Aires December 23, 1936.
Entered into force August 25, 1937.
51 Stat. 41; TS 923; 3 Bevans 343; 188 LNTS 31
Depositary: Argentina
Treaty on the prevention of controversies.
Signed at Buenos Aires December 23, 1936.
Entered into force July 29, 1937.
51 Stat. 65; TS 924; 3 Bevans 357; 188 LNTS 53
Depositaries: Argentina, Organization of American States
Convention to coordinate, extend and assure the fulfillment
of the existing treaties between the American States.
Signed at Buenos Aires December 23, 1936.
Entered into force November 24, 1938.
51 Stat. 116; TS 926; 3 Bevans 348; 195 LNTS 229
Depositary: Argentina
Agreement for the prosecution and punishment of the major
war criminals of the European Axis.
Signed at London August 8, 1945.
Entered into force August 8, 1945.
59 Stat. 1544; EAS 472; 3 Bevans 1238; 82 UNTS 279
Depositary: United Kingdom
Charter of the International Military Tribunal for the Far
Dated at Tokyo January 19, 1946, amended April 26, 1946.
TIAS 1589; 4 Bevans 20
Convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war.*
Dated at Geneva August 12, 1949.
Entered into force October 21, 1950; for the United States
February 2, 1956.
6 UST 3316; TIAS 3364; 75 UNTS 135
Depositary: Switzerland
* The 1949 conventions on the amelioration of the condition of the
armed forces on the field and on prisoners of war replaced the
conventions of July 27, 1929 (47 Stat 2021 and 2074; TS 846
and 847) as between contracting parties.
Convention for the amelioration of the condition of the
wounded and sick in armed forces in the field.*
Dated at Geneva August 12, 1949.
Entered into force October 21, 1950; for the United States
February 2, 1956.
6 UST 3114; TIAS 3362; 75 UNTS 31
Depositary: Switzerland
* The 1949 conventions on the amelioration of the condition of the
armed forces on the field and on prisoners of war replaced the
conventions of July 27, 1929 (47 Stat 2021 and 2074; TS 846
and 847) as between contracting parties.
Convention for the amelioration of the condition of the
wounded, sick, and shipwrecked members of armed forces
at sea.
Dated at Geneva August 12, 1949.
Entered into force October 21, 1950; for the United States
February 2, 1956.
6 UST 3217; TIAS 3363; 75 UNTS 85
Depositary: Switzerland
Convention relative to the protection of civilian persons in
time of war.
Dated at Geneva August 12, 1949.
Entered into force October 21, 1950; for the United States
February 2, 1956.
6 UST 3516; TIAS 3365; 75 UNTS 287
Depositary: Switzerland
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention on the prohibition of military or any other
hostile use of environmental modification techniques, with
Done at Geneva May 18, 1977.
Entered into force October 5, 1978; for the United States
January 17, 1980.
31 UST 333; TIAS 9614
Depositary: United Nations
Convention on the transfer of sentenced persons.
Done at Strasbourg March 21, 1983.
Entered into force July 1, 1985.
35 UST 2867; TIAS 10824
Depositary: Council of Europe
Additional Protocol III to the Geneva Conventions of
August 12, 1949, relating to the adoption of an additional
distinctive emblem, with annex.
Signed at Geneva December 8, 2005.
Entered into force January 14, 2007; for the United States
September 8, 2007.
TIAS 07-908
Depositary: Switzerland
Convention of the World Meteorological Organization,
with related protocol.
Done at Washington October 11, 1947.
Entered into force March 23, 1950.
1 UST 281; TIAS 2052; 77 UNTS 143
April 11, 1963 (16 UST 2069; TIAS 5947)
April 27, 1963 (16 UST 2073; TIAS 5947)
April 11 and 26, 1967 (18 UST 2795; TIAS 6364)
April 26, 1967 (18 UST 2800; TIAS 6364)
April 28May 25, 1975 (26 UST 2580; TIAS 8175)
May 24, 2007 (TIAS)
Depositary: United States
Convention on the International Hydrographic
Organization, with annexes.
Done at Monaco May 3, 1967.
Entered into force September 22, 1970.
21 UST 1857; TIAS 6933; 751 UNTS 41
Depositary: International Hydrographic Organization,
Agreement establishing the Middle East Desalination
Research Center.
Signed at Muscat December 22, 1996.
Entered into force December 22, 1996.
United States
Agreement on enhancing scientific cooperation in the
Done at Fairbanks May 11, 2017.
Entered into force May 23, 2018.
TIAS 18-523
Depositary: Denmark
Treaty on principles governing the activities of states in the
exploration and use of outer space, including the moon and
other celestial bodies.
Done at Washington, London, and Moscow January 27,
Entered into force October 10, 1967.
18 UST 2410; TIAS 6347; 610 UNTS 205
Depositary: Russia, United Kingdom, United States
Agreement on the rescue of astronauts, the return of
astronauts, and the return of objects launched into outer
Done at Washington, London, and Moscow April 22, 1968.
Entered into force December 3, 1968.
19 UST 7570; TIAS 6599; 672 UNTS 119
Depositary: Russia, United Kingdom, United States
Convention on international liability for damage caused by
space objects.
Done at Washington, London, and Moscow March 29, 1972.
Entered into force September 1, 1972; for the United States
October 9, 1973.
24 UST 2389; TIAS 7762; 961 UNTS 187
Depositary: United States
Convention on registration of objects launched into outer
Done at New York January 14, 1975.
Entered into force September 15, 1976.
28 UST 695; TIAS 8480; 1023 UNTS 15
Depositary: United Nations
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in
an experimental satellite-aided search and rescue system,
with annex.
Signed at Washington, Ottawa and Paris July 16, 19 and
August 27, 1979.
Entered into force August 27, 1979.
United States
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Understanding concerning in a joint experimental satellite-
aided search and rescue project.
Signed at Leningrad November 23, 1979.
Entered into force August 13, 1980.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United States
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
Understanding concerning participation by Norway in an
investigation of the demonstration and evaluation of an
experimental satellite-aided search and rescue system.
Signed at Ottawa, Paris, Washington, and Oslo September
25, September 30, October 19 and November 13, 1981.
Entered into force November 13, 1981.
TIAS 12378
United States
Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in
a search and rescue satellite system, with annex.
Signed at London September 27, 1984.
Entered into force February 20, 1985.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United States
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
International COSPAS–SARSAT program agreement.
Done at Paris July 1, 1988.
Entered into force August 30, 1988.
TIAS; 1518 UNTS 209
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United States
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
Memorandum of agreement concerning the SARSAT
Space Segment.
Done at Washington September 11, 1995.
Entered into force November 10, 1995.
TIAS 12690; 2026 UNTS 187
United States
Agreement concerning cooperation on the civil
international space station, with annex.
Signed at Washington January 29, 1998.
Entered into force March 27, 2001.
TIAS 12927
Depositary: United States
Arrangement concerning application of the space station
intergovernmental agreement pending its entry into force.
Signed at Washington January 29, 1998.
Entered into force January 29, 1998.
TIAS 12927
Depositary: United States
Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the
ocean surface topography mission.
Signed at Washington, Darmstadt and Paris March 21,
March 24, March 30 and April 7, 2006.
Entered into force April 7, 2006.
TIAS 06-407
United States
Convention on mutual administrative assistance in tax
Signed at Strasbourg January 25, 1988.
Entered into force April 1, 1995.
TIAS 95-401
Depositary: Council of Europe
Agreement on state and local taxation of foreign employees
of public international organizations.
Done at Washington April 21, 1992.
Entered into force May 24, 1994.
TIAS 12135
Depositary: United States
Convention for protection of submarine cables, signed at
Paris March 14, 1884, with declaration respecting the
interpretation of articles II and IV.*
Signed at Paris December 1, 1886.
Entered into force May 1, 1888.
24 Stat. 989; 25 Stat. 1424; TS 380; TS 380 1; TS 380 2; TS
380 3; 1 Bevans 89; 1 Bevans 112; 1 Bevans 114
Depositary: France
* Applicable to all territories
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Final Protocol of agreement fixing May 1, 1888 as the date
of effect of the Convention concluded March 14, 1884, for
the protection of submarine cables.
Signed at Paris July 7, 1887.
Entered into force May 1, 1888.
24 Stat. 989; 25 Stat. 1424; TS 380; TS 380 1; TS 380 2; TS
380 3;
1 Bevans 89; 1 Bevans 112; 1 Bevans 114
Depositary: France
Inter-American radio communications convention, with
Signed at Habana December 13, 1937.
Entered into force July 1, 1938; for the United States: July
21, 1938 (Parts One, Three, and Four); April 17, 1939
(Part Two).
53 Stat. 1576; TS 938; 3 Bevans 462
Depositary: Cuba
* Part 2 of the convention (Inter-American Radio Office)
terminated for all parties December 20, 1958.
Regional radio convention for Central America, Panama,
and the Canal Zone.
Signed at Guatemala December 8, 1938.
Entered into force October 8, 1939.
54 Stat. 1675; TS 949; 3 Bevans 529; 202 LNTS 49
Depositary: Guatemala
Inter-American radio agreement, with annex, appendices,
declaration, resolutions, and recommendations.*
Done at Washington July 9, 1949.
Entered into force April 13, 1952.
3 UST 3064; TIAS 2489; 168 UNTS 143
Depositary: United States
* The 1949 agreement replaces the agreement of January 26, 1940
(EAS 231; 55 Stat. 1482; 3 Bevans 611) which in turn replaced
the arrangement of December 13, 1937 (54 Stat. 2514; EAS
200; 3 Bevans 480). The 1940 agreement remains in force as
between the contracting parties (including the United States)
and Brazil, Canada (with reservation), Chile, and Venezuela.
The 1937 arrangement remains in force as between the
contracting parties and Peru and Panama.
Agreement revising the telecommunications agreement
signed at Bermuda December 4, 1945.*
Annexed to the Final Act of the United States
Commonwealth telecommunications meeting signed at
London August 12, 1949.
Entered into force February 24, 1950.
3 UST 2686; TIAS 2435; 87 UNTS 131
October 1, 1952 (3 UST 5140; TIAS 2705; 151 UNTS 378)
Depositary: United Kingdom
* Applicable to all territories
Multilateral declaration to denounce Part Two (Inter-
American Radio Office) of the inter-American radio
communications convention of December 13, 1937.*
Signed at Washington December 20, 1957.
Entered into force December 20, 1957.
9 UST 1037; TIAS 4079
Depositary: Cuba
* A contract on the exchange of notifications of radio broadcasting
frequencies between the Pan American Union and the
Governments of Canada, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti,
Jamaica, Mexico and the United States was signed at
Washington on December 20, 1957, effective January 1, 1958.
(For text see 9 UST 1050; TIAS 4079.)
Agreement on cooperation in intercontinental testing in
connection with experimental communications satellites.
Exchanges of notes at Stockholm July 5 and 25, 1963, at
July 8 and September 11, 1963 and at Copenhagen July 2
and September 14, 1963.
Entered into force September 14, 1963.
14 UST 1278; TIAS 5431; 488 UNTS 121
United States
Agreement relating to the International
Telecommunications Satellite Organization, with annexes.
Done at Washington August 20, 1971.
Entered into force February 12, 1973.
23 UST 3813; TIAS 7532
August 31, 1995
November 10, 2000
November 17, 2000
Depositary: United States
Convention on the international maritime satellite
organization (INMARSAT), with annex.
Done at London September 3, 1976.
Entered into force July 16, 1979.
October 16, 1985
January 19, 1989
April 24, 1998
Depositary: International Maritime Organization
Convention relating to the distribution of programmer-
carrying signals transmitted by satellite.
Done at Brussels May 21, 1974.
Entered into force August 25, 1979; for the United States
March 7, 1985.
TIAS 11078
Depositary: United Nations
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Radio regulations, with appendices and final protocol
Done at Geneva December 6, 1979.
Entered into force January 1, 1982; definitively for the
United States October 27, 1983.*
Depositary: International Telecommunication Union
* The 1979 Radio Regulations abrogate and replace the Radio
Regulations adopted at Geneva December 21, 1959 (12 UST
2377; TIAS 4893) and partial revisions thereto: November 8,
1963 (15 UST 887; TIAS 5603); April 23, 1966 (18 UST
2091; TIAS 6332); November 3, 1967 (19 UST 6717; TIAS
6590); July 17, 1971 (23 UST 1527; TIAS 7435); June 8, 1974
(28 UST 3909) and March 5, 1978 (32 UST 3821; TIAS 9920),
as between parties to the later Regulations. The 1959 radio
Regulations were considered as annexed to the international
telecommunication conventions of 1965 (Montreux) and 1973
(Malaga-Torremolinos) and as such binding upon parties to
those conventions (see Notes to the international
telecommunication convention 1982 (Nairobi)). The Taiwan
authorities also adhered to the 1959 Radio Regulations and the
1963, 1966 and 1967 revisions thereto (see note under CHINA
(TAIWAN) in Section 1).
Regional agreement for the medium frequency
broadcasting service in Region 2, with annexes and final
Done at Rio de Janeiro December 19, 1981.
Entered into force July 1, 1983; for the United States April
6, 1993.
United States
1 With statement(s).
International telecommunication convention, with annexes
and protocols.*
Done at Nairobi November 6, 1982.
Entered into force January 1, 1984; definitively for the
United States January 10, 1986.
Depositary: International Telecommunication Union
* The 1982 convention has been abrogated and replaced in
relations between contracting parties by the Constitution and
Convention of the International Telecommunication Union
adopted at Geneva December 22, 1992 (see below). Only
those states parties to the 1982 convention that are not parties
to the 1992 Constitution and Convention are bound. The 1982
international telecommunication convention replaced the
Malaga-Torremolinos convention of October 25, 1973 (28
UST 2495; TIAS 8572), as between contracting parties to the
later convention. Costa Rica, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Nauru,
and Yugoslavia (see note under YUGOSLAVIA in Section 1)
are parties to the 1973 convention but not parties to the later
conventions. The Dominican Republic is a party to the
Montreux convention of November 12, 1965 (18 UST 545;
TIAS 6267) but not a party to the later conventions.
Partial revisions of Radio Regulations (Geneva, 1979):
Relating to mobile services (MOB-83).
Done at Geneva March 18, 1983.
Entered into force January 15, 1985; for the United States
April 6, 1993.
Depositary: International Telecommunication Union
On the use of the geostationary-satellite orbit and on the
planning of space services utilizing it (WARC ORB-85).
Done at Geneva September 15, 1985.
Entered into force October 30, 1986; for the United States
April 6, 1993.
Depositary: International Telecommunications Union
Inter-American convention on amateur radio service.
Done at Lima August 14, 1987.
Entered into force February 21, 1990; for the United States
March 20, 1991.
Depositary: Organization of American States
1987 partial revision of the radio regulations (Geneva,
1979), Relating to mobile services (MOB-87).
Done at Geneva October 17, 1987.
Entered into force October 3, 1989; for the United States
April 6, 1993.
Depositary: International Telecommunications Union
On the use of the geostationary-satellite orbit and on the
planning of space services utilizing it (WARC ORB-88).
Done at Geneva October 6, 1988.
Entered into force March 16, 1990; for the United States
April 6, 1993.
Depositary: International Telecommunications Union
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Regional agreement for the use of the band 16051705 kHz
in Region 2, with annexes and final protocol.
Done at Rio de Janeiro June 8, 1988.
Entered into force July 1, 1990; for the United States April
6, 1993.
United States
1 With declarations.
International telecommunications regulations [telegraph
and telephone], with appendices and final protocol
Done at Melbourne December 9, 1988.
Entered into force July 1, 1990; definitively for the United
States April 6, 1993.*
Depositary: International Telecommunications Union
* Ratification of or accession to the Constitution and Convention
of the International Telecommunication Union adopted at
December 22, 1992 (see article 54 of the Constitution) and
predecessor international telecommunication conventions
(Nairobi, 1982; Malaga-Torremolinos, 1973) typically involves
acceptance of the telegraph and telephone regulations which
are considered annexed thereto. The 1988 regulations replace
the 1973 regulations (28 UST 3293; TIAS 8586) as between
the contracting parties. The 1958 regulations (10 UST 2423;
TIAS 4390) remain in force as between the contracting parties
and the Dominican Republic. The Taiwan authorities have also
adhered to the 1958 regulations (see note under CHINA
(TAIWAN) in Section 1).
Constitution and Convention of the International
Telecommunication Union, with annexes.*
Done at Geneva December 22, 1992.
Entered into force July 1, 1994; definitively for the United
States October 26, 1997.
TIAS 97-1026
October 14, 1994 (TIAS 97-1026.1)
November 6, 1998 (TIAS 09-116)
October 18, 2002 (TIAS 09-116.1)
November 24, 2006
Depositary: International Telecommunication Union
* The 1992 Constitution and Convention replaced the international
telecommunication convention adopted at Nairobi November
6, 1982, as between the contracting parties to the Constitution
and Convention. For the position of states which have signed
but not ratified the Constitution and Convention, see article 52
of the Constitution.
Convention to adjust amicably questions between the
United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom in
respect of the Samoan group of islands.*
Signed at Washington December 2, 1899.
Entered into force February 16, 1900.
31 Stat. 1878; TS 314; 1 Bevans 276
United Kingdom
United States
* The German Samoan islands became a mandate of New
Zealand on May 7, 1919, Germany having renounced rights
and titles to them; effective August 4, 1919 (articles 22, 119,
and 288, Treaty of Peace with Germany signed at Versailles
June 28, 1919). Subsequently these islands were administered
by New Zealand, first under a League of Nations mandate, then
as a United Nations Trust Territory. On January 1, 1962,
Western Samoa acquired the status of an independent state. In
July 1997, the name became Samoa.
Treaty relating to Spitsbergen (Svalbard), with annex.
Done at Paris February 9, 1920.
Entered into force August 14, 1925.
43 Stat. 1892; TS 686; 2 Bevans 269; 2 LNTS 7
Depositary: France
Treaty relating to insular possessions and insular dominions
in the region of the Pacific Ocean, with declaration.
Signed at Washington December 13, 1921.
Entered into force August 17, 1923.
43 Stat. 1646; TS 669; 2 Bevans 332; 25 LNTS 184
United Kingdom
United States
1 With reservation.
Agreement supplementary to the treaty relating to insular
possessions and insular dominions in the region of the
Pacific Ocean.
Signed at Washington February 6, 1922.
Entered into force August 17, 1923.
43 Stat. 1652; TS 670; 2 Bevans 372; 25 LNTS 196
United Kingdom
United States
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Declaration and protocol of the conference on the status of
Signed at Tangier October 29, 1956.
Entered into force October 29, 1956.
7 UST 3035; TIAS 3680; 263 UNTS 165
United Kingdom
United States
Convention concerning the formation of an International
Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs, regulations
of execution, and final declarations.
Signed at Brussels July 5, 1890.
Entered into force April 1, 1891.
26 Stat. 1518; TS 384; 1 Bevans 172
Depositary: Belgium
General act of the international conference at Algeciras,
with an additional protocol.*
Signed at Algeciras (Spain) April 7, 1906.
Entered into force December 31, 1906.
34 Stat. 2905; TS 45 6; 1 Bevans 464
Depositary: Spain
* Extraterritorial jurisdiction in Morocco relinquished by the
United States October 6, 1956.
* With reservation and understanding.
Convention revising the duties imposed by the Brussels
convention of June 8, 1899 on spirituous liquors imported
into certain regions of Africa.*
Signed at Brussels November 3, 1906.
Entered into force December 2, 1907.
35 Stat. 1912; TS 467; 1 Bevans 551
Depositary: Belgium
* Replaced by convention of September 10, 1919 (46 Stat. 2199;
TS 779), as between contracting parties to the later convention.
Revision of the General Act of Berlin of February 26, 1885,
and the General Act and Declaration of Brussels of July 2,
Signed at St. Germain-en-Laye September 10, 1919.
Entered into force July 31, 1920; for the United States
October 29, 1934.
49 Stat. 3027; TS 877; 2 Bevans 261; 8 LNTS 27
Depositary: France
Convention relating to the liquor traffic in Africa.
Signed at St. GermainenLaye September 10, 1919.
Entered into force July 31, 1920;
for the United States March 22, 1929.
46 Stat. 2199; TS 779; 2 Bevans 255; 8 LNTS 11
Depositary: France
Treaty relating to the principles and policies to be followed
in matters concerning China.*
Signed at Washington February 6, 1922.
Entered into force August 5, 1925.
44 Stat. 2113; TS 723; 2 Bevans 375; 38 LNTS 278
Depositary: United States
* Pre-1949 treaties, applicable only to Taiwan.
Treaty relating to the Chinese customs tariff.*
Signed at Washington February 6, 1922.
Entered into force August 5, 1925.
44 Stat. 2122; TS 724; 2 Bevans 381; 38 LNTS 268
Depositary: United States
* Pre-1949 treaties, applicable only to Taiwan.
Convention on publicity of customs documents.
Signed at Santiago May 3, 1923.
Entered into force July 10, 1925.
44 Stat. 2547; TS 753; 2 Bevans 420; 33 LNTS 11
Depositary: Chile
Agreement to refrain from invoking the obligations of
most-favored-nation clause in respect of certain multilateral
economic conventions.
Done at the Pan American Union, Washington, July 15,
Entered into force September 12, 1935.
49 Stat. 3260; TS 898; 3 Bevans 252; 165 LNTS 9
United States
Protocol modifying the convention of July 5, 1890 relating
to the creation of an International Union for the Publication
of Customs Tariffs.
Done at Brussels December 16, 1949.
Entered into force May 5, 1950; for the United States
September 15, 1957.
8 UST 1669; TIAS 3922; 72 UNTS 3
Depositary: Belgium
Convention establishing a Customs Cooperation Council,
with annex and protocol.
Done at Brussels December 15, 1950.
Entered into force November 4, 1952; for the United States
November 5, 1970.
22 UST 320; TIAS 7063; 157 UNTS 129; 160 UNTS 267
Depositary: Belgium
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
International convention to facilitate the importation of
commercial samples and advertising material.*
Done at Geneva November 7, 1952.
Entered into force November 20, 1955; for the United States
October 17, 1957.
8 UST 1636; TIAS 3920; 221 UNTS 255
Depositary: United Nations
* Pursuant to articles 3(2) and 23 of the A.T.A. carnet convention
of December 6, 1961 (TIAS 6631) the United States gave
notice on May 19, 1969, of acceptance of A.T.A carnets for
goods temporarily imported under the 1952 samples
Convention on the recognition and enforcement of foreign
arbitral awards.
Done at New York June 10, 1958.
Entered into force June 7, 1959; for the United States
December 29, 1970.
21 UST 2517; TIAS 6997; 330 UNTS 3
Depositary: United Nations
Customs convention on the temporary importation of
professional equipment, with annexes.
Done at Brussels June 8, 1961.
Entered into force July 1, 1962; for the United States
March 3, 1969.
20 UST 33; TIAS 6630; 473 UNTS 153
Depositary: World Customs Organization
Customs convention on the A.T.A. carnet for temporary
admission of goods, with annex.
Done at Brussels December 6, 1961.
Entered into force July 30, 1963; for the United States
March 3, 1969.
20 UST 58; TIAS 6631; 473 UNTS 219
Depositary: World Customs Organization
Convention on the settlement of investment disputes
between states and nationals of other states.*
Done at Washington March 18, 1965.
Entered into force October 14, 1966.
17 UST 1270; TIAS 6090; 575 UNTS 159
Depositary: World Bank
* The convention is applicable to all territories for whose
international relations a Contracting State is responsible,
except those which are excluded by such State by written
notice to the depositary . . .”
(Article 70).
Convention on transit trade of land-locked states.
Done at New York July 8, 1965.
Entered into force June 9, 1967; for the United States
November 28, 1968.
19 UST 7383; TIAS 6592; 597 UNTS 42
Depositary: United Nations
Agreement on the international carriage of perishable
foodstuffs and on the special equipment to be used for such
carriage (ATP), with annexes.
Done at Geneva September 1, 1970.
Entered into force November 21, 1976; for the United States
January 20, 1984.
TIAS; 1028 UNTS 121
Depositary: United Nations
Customs convention on containers, 1972, with annexes and
Done at Geneva December 2, 1972.
Entered into force December 6, 1975; for the United States
May 12, 1985.
TIAS 12085; 988 UNTS 43
Depositary: United Nations
* Replaces as between the contracting parties the convention of
May 18, 1956 (20 UST 301; TIAS 6634; 338 UNTS 103).
International convention on the simplification and
harmonization of customs procedures, with annexes, as
Done at Kyoto May 18, 1973.
Entered into force September 25, 1974; for the United States
January 28, 1984.
June 26, 1999
Depositary: World Customs Organization
* The convention has thirty-one annexes, not all of which have
entered into force and many of which are in force only for
certain parties.
Convention on the limitation period in the international sale
of goods.
Done at New York June 14, 1974.
Entered into force August 1, 1988; for the United States
December 1, 1994.
TIAS 94-1201
April 11, 1980 (TIAS 94-1201)
Depositary: United Nations
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Customs convention on the international transport of goods
under cover of TIR carnets, with annexes.*
Done at Geneva November 14, 1975.
Entered into force March 20, 1978; for the United States
March 18, 1982.
TIAS; 1079 UNTS 89
Amendments to annexes:
October 20, 1978
October 18, 1979
July 3, 1980
October 23, 1981
October 28, 1983
October 12, 1984
Depositary: United Nations
* Replaces as between parties to the convention the customs
of January 15, 1959 (20 UST 184; TIAS 6633). Japan is a
party to the 1959 convention (with reservations) but not a party
to the 1975 convention.
Agreement on trade in civil aircraft.
Done at Geneva April 12, 1979.
Entered into force January 1, 1980.
31 UST 619; TIAS 9620; 1186 UNTS 170
Amendments (Annex):
January 17, 1983 (TIAS 10673)
January 27, 1984 (TIAS 11531)
January 1, 1985 (TIAS 11531)
December 2, 1986
Depositary: World Trade Organization
United Nations convention on contracts for the
international sale of goods.
Done at Vienna April 11, 1980.
Entered into force January 1, 1988.
TIAS; 1489 UNTS 3
Depositary: United Nations
International convention on the harmonized commodity
description and coding system.
Done at Brussels June 14, 1983.
Entered into force January 1, 1988; for the United States
January 1, 1989.
June 24, 1986
Depositary: World Customs Organization
North American free trade agreement, with notes and
Signed at Washington, Ottawa and Mexico December 8, 11,
14 and 17, 1992.
Entered into force January 1, 1994.
United States
The following agreements comprise the 1986 1994 Uruguay Round
negotiations of the GATT/World Trade Organization. These
agreements were signed at the Marrakesh ministerial meetings in April
of 1994, and entered into force January 1, 1995.
Depositary: World Trade Organization
Marrakesh agreement establishing the World Trade
Organization (WTO).
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 1994.
Agreement on agriculture.
Agreement on the application of sanitary and
phytosanitary measures.
Agreement on textiles and clothing.
Agreement on technical barriers to trade.
Agreement on trade-related investment measures.
Agreement on implementation of Article VI (Anti-
Dumping) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade 1994.
Agreement on implementation of Article VII
(Customs Valuation) of the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade 1994.
Agreement on preshipment inspection.
Agreement on government procurement.
Agreement on rules of origin.
Agreement on import licensing procedures.
Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures.
Agreement on safeguards.
General agreement on trade in services and annexes,
with protocols.
Agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual
property rights.
Understanding on rules and procedures governing the
settlement of disputes.
Trade policy review mechanism.
International bovine meat agreement
Grains trade convention (part of international grains
agreement), 1995.
Done at London December 7, 1994.
Entered into force July 1, 1995; for the United States May
21, 1999.
Depositary: United Nations
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Fourth protocol to the general agreement on trade in
Signed at Geneva April 15, 1997.
Entered into force February 5, 1998.
Depositary: World Trade Organization
* The United States is not a party to the first three protocols of the
general agreement on trade in services.
Agreement concerning a Central American-United States
Regional Trade and Investment Council.
Signed at San Jose March 20, 1998.
Entered into force March 20, 1998.
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Fifth protocol to the general agreement on trade in services.
Signed at Geneva December 1, 1998.
Entered into force March 1, 1999.
Depositary: World Trade Organization
Agreement on mutual acceptance of oenological practices,
with annex.
Done at Toronto December 18, 2001.
Entered into force December 1, 2002.
TIAS 13179.
Depositary: United States
Trade and investment framework agreement.
Signed at Washington June 1, 2004.
Entered into force June 1, 2004.
The Dominican Republic-Central America-United States
free trade agreement.
Signed at Washington August 5, 2004.
Entered into force March 1, 2006.
December 1, 2006
August 6, 2007
Depositary: Organization of American States
Agreement on duty-free treatment of multi-chip integrated
circuits (MCPs).
Done at Brussels November 28, 2005.
Entered into force January 4, 2006.
TIAS 06-401
Depositary: European Union
Trade and investment framework arrangement.
Signed at Kuala Lumpur August 25, 2006.
Entered into force August 25, 2006.
TIAS 06-825.1
United States
Cooperative agreement to foster trade, investment and
Signed at Washington July 16, 2008.
Entered into force July 16, 2008.
TIAS 08-716.2
South Africa
United States
Food Assistance Convention.
Signed at London April 25, 2012.
Entered into force January 1, 2013.
TIAS 13-101
Depositary: United Nations
Convention for the unification of certain rules relating to
international transportation by air, with additional protocol
Concluded at Warsaw October 12, 1929.
Entered into force February 13, 1933; for the United States
October 29, 1934.
49 Stat. 3000; TS 876; 2 Bevans 983; 137 LNTS 11
Depositary: Poland
Convention on the Pan American highway.
Signed at Buenos Aires December 23, 1936.
Entered into force July 29, 1937.
51 Stat. 152; TS 927; 3 Bevans 367; 188 LNTS 99
Depositary: Organization of American States
Convention on the regulation of inter-American automotive
traffic, with annex.
Open for signature at the Pan American Union, Washington,
December 15, 1943.*
Entered into force July 25, 1944; for the United States
October 29, 1946.
61 Stat. 1129; TIAS 1567; 3 Bevans 865
Depositary: Organization of American States
* Replaced by convention of September 19, 1949, on road traffic
(3 UST 3008; TIAS 2487), as between contracting parties to
the later convention.
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Convention on international civil aviation.*
Done at Chicago December 7, 1944.
Entered into force April 4, 1947.
61 Stat. 1180; TIAS 1591; 3 Bevans 944; 15 UNTS 295
June 14, 1954 (8 UST 179; TIAS 3756; 320 UNTS 21)
September 15, 1962 (26 UST 2374; TIAS 8162; 1008 UNTS 213)
July 7, 1971 (26 UST 1061; TIAS 8092)
October 16, 1974 (32 UST 322; TIAS 9702)
September 30, 1977
September 30, 1977
October 6, 1989
Depositary: United States
* Applicable to all territories. Protocols of amendment to the
Convention are legally binding only on those states which
ratify or otherwise accept them; however, the above
amendments are all of an organizational character and thus in
effect for all ICAO members. The United States is not a party
to the protocols of May 26, 1947 (418 UNTS 161) and June
14, 1954 (320 UNTS 209).
Ψ This amendment increased the size of the ICAO council and
supersedes the protocols of June 21, 1961(13 UST 2105; TIAS
5170; 514 UNTS 209) and March 12, 1971(24 UST 1019;
TIAS 7616).
International air services transit agreement.*
Signed at Chicago, December 7, 1944;
Entered into force January 30, 1945; for the United States
February 8, 1945.
59 Stat. 1693; EAS 487; 3 Bevans 916; 84 UNTS 389
Depositary: United States
* Applicable to all territories.
Convention on the international recognition of rights in
Done at Geneva June 19, 1948.
Entered into force September 17, 1953.
4 UST 1830; TIAS 2847; 310 UNTS 151
Depositary: International Civil Aviation Organization
Convention on road traffic, with annexes and protocol.
Done at Geneva September 19, 1949.
Entered into force March 26, 1952.
3 UST 3008; TIAS 2487; 125 UNTS 22
Depositary: United Nations
Convention concerning customs facilities for touring.
Done at New York June 4, 1954.
Entered into force September 11, 1957.
8 UST 1293; TIAS 3879; 276 UNTS 230
June 6, 1967 (19 UST 4684; TIAS 6461; 596 UNTS 542)
Depositary: United Nations
Customs convention on the temporary importation of
road vehicles.
Done at New York June 4, 1954.
Entered into force December 15, 1957.
8 UST 2097; TIAS 3943; 282 UNTS 249
July 2, 1984 (TIAS 11936)
Depositary: United Nations
Protocol to amend the Convention for the unification of
certain rules relating to international carriage by air signed
at Warsaw on October 12, 1929.
Done at The Hague September 28, 1955.
Entered into force August 1, 1963; for the United States
December 14, 2003.
Depositary: Poland
Agreement on the joint financing of certain air navigation
services in Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
Done at Geneva September 25, 1956.
Entered into force June 6, 1958.
9 UST 795; TIAS 4049; 334 UNTS 89
June 4, 1963 (14 UST 874; TIAS 5369)
June 14, 1976 (27 UST 4013; TIAS 8421)
April 6, 1977 (29 UST 1188; TIAS 8872)
June 8, 1977 (29 UST 1188; TIAS 8872)
September 27, 1979 (31 UST 5570; TIAS 9673)
November 3, 1982 (TIAS 11533)
Depositary: International Civil Aviation Organization
Agreement on the joint financing of certain air navigation
services in Iceland.
Done at Geneva September 25, 1956.
Entered into force June 6, 1958.
9 UST 711; TIAS 4048; 334 UNTS 13
March 27, 1975 (26 UST 1630; TIAS 8122)
September 27, 1979 (31 UST 5570; TIAS 9673)
November 3, 1982 (TIAS 11534)
Depositary: International Civil Aviation Organization
Convention on offenses and certain other acts committed
on board aircraft.
Done at Tokyo September 14, 1963.
Entered into force December 4, 1969.
20 UST 2941; TIAS 6768; 704 UNTS 219
Depositary: International Civil Aviation Organization
Protocol on the authentic trilingual text of the convention
on international civil aviation with annex.*
Done at Buenos Aires September 24, 1968.
Entered into force October 24, 1968.
19 UST 7693; TIAS 6605; 740 UNTS 21
Depositary: United States
* States becoming parties to the convention after the entry into
force of the protocol are deemed parties to the protocol.
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Proces-verbal of rectification to the protocol of September
24, 1968 on the authentic trilingual text of the convention
on international civil aviation.
Done at Washington April 8, 1969.
Entered into force April 8, 1969.
20 UST 718; TIAS 6681
Depositary: International Civil Aviation Organization
Convention for the suppression of unlawful seizure of
aircraft. (Hijacking)
Done at The Hague December 16, 1970.
Entered into force October 14, 1971.
22 UST 1641; TIAS 7192; 860 UNTS 105
Depositary: Russia, United Kingdom, United States
Convention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the
safety of civil aviation. (Sabotage)
Done at Montreal September 23, 1971.
Entered into force January 26, 1973.
24 UST 564; TIAS 7570; 860 UNTS 105
Depositary: Russia, United Kingdom, United States
Montreal Protocol No. 4 to amend the Convention for the
unification of certain rules relating to international carriage
by air, signed at Warsaw on October 12, 1929, as amended
by the Protocol, done at The Hague on September 28, 1955.
Done at Montreal September 25, 1975.
Entered into force June 14, 1998; for the United States
March 4, 1999.
Depositary: Poland
Protocol on the authentic quadrilingual text of the
convention on international civil aviation, with annex.*
Done at Montreal September 30, 1977.
Entered into force September 16, 1999.
Depositary: United States
* States becoming parties to the convention after the entry into
force of the protocol are deemed parties to the protocol.
Protocol for the suppression of unlawful acts of violence at
airports serving international civil aviation, supplementary
to the convention of September 23, 1971.
Done at Montreal February 24, 1988.
Entered into force August 6, 1989; for the United States
November 18, 1994.
TIAS; 1589 UNTS 474
Depositaries: International Civil Aviation Organization
Russia, United Kingdom, United States
Convention on the marking of plastic explosives for the
purpose of detection, with technical annex.
Done at Montreal March 1, 1991.
Entered into force June 21, 1998.
TIAS 98-621
Depositary: International Civil Aviation Organization
Agreement to ban smoking on international passenger
Done at Chicago November 1, 1994.
Entered into force March 1, 1995.
TIAS 12578
New Zealand
United States
Arrangement on the joint financing of a North Atlantic
Height Monitoring System.
Signed at Montreal July 31, August 11, 18 and 23,
September 28, October 25 and December 12, 1995.
Entered into force December 12, 1995.
International Civil Aviation Organization
United Kingdom
United States
Agreement concerning the establishing of global technical
regulations for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts
which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles,
with annexes.
Done at Geneva June 25, 1998.
Entered into force August 25, 2000.
TIAS 12967
Depositary: United Nations
Convention for the unification of certain rules for
international carriage by air.
Done at Montreal May 28, 1999.
Entered into force November 4, 2003.
TIAS 13038
Depositary: International Civil Aviation Organization
Multilateral agreement on the liberalization of international
air transportation, with annex and appendix.
Done at Washington May 1, 2001.
Entered into force December 21, 2001.
TIAS 13148
Depositary: New Zealand
Multilateral Treaties in Force as of January 1, 2020
Declaration by United Nations.
Signed at Washington January 1, 1942.
Entered into force January 1, 1942.
55 Stat. 1600; EAS 236; 3 Bevans 697
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia
Slovak Republic
South Africa
Syrian Arab Republic
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom
United States
1 Pre-1949 agreement, applicable only to Taiwan.
2 See note under CZECHOSLOVAKIA in Section 1.
3 See note under ETHIOPIA in Section 1.
REPUBLICS in Section 1.
5 See note under YUGOSLAVIA in Section 1.
Charter of the United Nations with the Statute of the
International Court of Justice annexed thereto.
Signed at San Francisco June 26, 1945.
Entered into force October 24, 1945.
59 Stat. 1031; TS 993; 3 Bevans 1153
December 17, 1963 (16 UST 1134; TIAS 5857; 557 UNTS 143)
December 20, 1965 (19 UST 5450; TIAS 6529)
December 20, 1971 (24 UST 2225; TIAS 7739)
Depositary: United States
Convention on the privileges and immunities of the United
Done at New York February 13, 1946.
Entered into force September 17, 1946; for the United States
April 29, 1970.
21 UST 1418; TIAS 6900; 1 UNTS 16
Depositary: United Nations
Convention on assistance in the case of a nuclear accident
or radiological emergency.
Done at Vienna September 26, 1986.
Entered into force February 26, 1987; for the United States
October 20, 1988.
TIAS 88-1020
Depositary: International Atomic Energy Agency
Convention on early notification of a nuclear accident.
Done at Vienna September 26, 1986.
Entered into force October 27, 1986; for the United States
October 20, 1988.
TIAS 88-1020
Depositary: International Atomic Energy Agency